Medicare Program; Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier Accreditation Applications From Independent Accrediting Bodies, 47230-47232 [06-6933]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 158 / Wednesday, August 16, 2006 / Notices
Security Number is voluntary, but it
may make searching for a record easier
and prevent delay), (c) parking space
number (if appropriate); (d) vehicle
license number (if appropriate) and (e)
for the PSC Transhare Program, the
requester must provide the commuter
card number and the dates of
participation in the Program. The
requester must also understand that the
knowing and willful request for
acquisition of a record pertaining to an
individual under false pretenses is a
criminal offense subject to a fine. An
individual who is the subject of records
maintained in this records system may
also request an accounting of
disclosures that have been made of his
or her records.
Since positive identification of the
caller cannot be established, telephone
requests are not honored.
Contact the System Manager specified
above and reasonably identify the
record, specify the information to be
contested, the corrective action sought,
and your reasons for requesting the
correction, along with supporting
information to show how the record is
inaccurate, incomplete, untimely or
Records are developed from
information supplied by applicants and,
for handicapped parking assignments,
by physicians and supervisors.
[FR Doc. E6–13389 Filed 8–15–06; 8:45 am]
Place: Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Tom Harkin Global
Communications Center (Building 19),
1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30333.
Status: Open to the public, limited
only by the space available. The meeting
room accommodates approximately 75
Purpose: The Ethics Subcommittee
will provide counsel to the ACD, CDC,
regarding a broad range of public health
ethics questions and issues arising from
programs, scientists and practitioners.
Matters to Be Discussed: Agenda
items will include discussions in Public
Health Ethics of Emergency Response;
Ethical Considerations in Pandemic
Influenza Preparedness; and Future
Direction of the Ethics Subcommittee.
Agenda items are subject to change as
priorities dictate.
security reasons, please contact Drue
Barrett, Ph.D., Designated Federal
Official, Ethics Subcommittee, CDC,
1600 Clifton Road, NE., M/S D–50,
Atlanta, Georgia 30333. Telephone 404/
639–4690. E-mail:
The deadline for notification of
attendance is September 7, 2006.
The Director, Management Analysis
and Services Office, has been delegated
the authority to sign Federal Register
notices pertaining to announcements of
meetings and other committee
management activities, for both the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention and the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry.
Dated: August 9, 2006.
Alvin Hall,
Director, Management Analysis and Services
Office, Centers for Disease Control and
[FR Doc. E6–13452 Filed 8–15–06; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Ethics Subcommittee, Advisory
Committee to the Director, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC);
In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Pub. L. 92–463), the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention announces the
following Subcommittee meeting.
Name: Ethics Subcommittee,
Advisory Committee to the Director
Times and Dates: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.,
September 14, 2006; 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m.,
September 15, 2006.
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20:24 Aug 15, 2006
Jkt 208001
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Medicare Program; Durable Medical
Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and
Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier
Accreditation Applications From
Independent Accrediting Bodies
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice informs
independent accreditation organizations
of an opportunity to submit an
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application to participate in the durable
medical equipment, prosthetics,
orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS)
accreditation program. DMEPOS
accreditation is required for DMEPOS
suppliers. This notice contains
information on how to apply for CMS
DATES: Applications will be considered
if received at the appropriate address,
provided in the ADDRESSES section, no
later than 5 p.m. d.s.t, on October 2,
ADDRESSES: Applications should be sent
to: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21244. Mail stop
C3–02–16, Attention: Sandra Bastinelli.
Sandra Bastinelli, (410) 786–3630.
I. Background
Section 302(a)(1) of the Medicare
Prescription Drug, Improvement and
Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) (Pub.
L. 108–173) added section 1834(a)(20) of
the Social Security Act (the Act) and
requires the Secretary to establish and
implement quality standards for
suppliers of certain items, including
consumer service standards, to be
applied by recognized independent
accreditation organizations. Suppliers of
DMEPOS must comply with the quality
standards to furnish any item for which
payment is made under Medicare Part
B, and to receive and retain a provider
or supplier billing number used to
submit claims for reimbursement for
any such item for which payment may
be made under Medicare. Section
1834(a)(20)(D) of the Act requires us to
apply these quality standards to
suppliers of the following items for
which we deem the standards to be
• Covered items, as defined in section
1834(a)(13) of the Act, for which
payment may be made under section
1834(a) of the Act.
• Prosthetic devices, orthotics, and
prosthetics described in section
1834(h)(4) of the Act.
• Items described in section
1842(s)(2) of the Act, which include
medical supplies; home dialysis
supplies and equipment; therapeutic
shoes; parenteral and enteral nutrients,
equipment, and supplies;
electromyogram devices; salivation
devices; blood products; and transfusion
Section 1834(a)(20)(E) of the Act
explicitly authorizes the Secretary to
establish the quality standards by
program instruction to ensure that
suppliers that wish to participate in
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 158 / Wednesday, August 16, 2006 / Notices
competitive bidding will know what
standards they must meet to be awarded
a contract. The standards will be
applied prospectively and will be
published on our Web site. Section
1847(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Act requires a
DMEPOS supplier to meet the quality
standards specified by the Secretary
under section 1834(a)(20) of the Act
before being awarded a contract under
the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive
Bidding Program.
Section 1834(a)(20)(B) of the Act
requires the Secretary, notwithstanding
section 1865(b) of the Act, to designate
and approve one or more independent
accreditation organizations to apply the
quality standards to suppliers of
DMEPOS and other items. For most
providers and suppliers, the Medicare
program currently contracts with State
Agencies to perform survey and review
functions for such providers and
suppliers to approve their participation
in or coverage under the Medicare
program. Additionally, section 1865(b)
of the Act sets forth the general
procedures for CMS to approve nonDMEPOS national accreditation
organizations. CMS deems providers or
suppliers to have met Medicare
conditions of participation or coverage
if they are accredited by a national
accreditation organization approved by
We are responsible for the oversight
and monitoring of the State Agencies
and the approved accreditation
organizations. The procedures
implemented by the Secretary for
designating private and national
accreditation organizations for nonDMEPOS national accreditation
organizations and the Federal review
process for such accreditation
organizations are located at 42 CFR part
422 (for Medicare Advantage
organizations) and part 488 (for most
providers and suppliers).
II. Provisions of the Notice
This notice solicits applications from
any independent accreditation
organization that has the ability to
accredit at least one of the supplier
categories identified by the National
Supplier Clearinghouse.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
A. Eligible Organizations
Any independent accreditation
organization that can show evidence of
the ability to accredit at least one
supplier category, as identified by the
National Supplier Clearinghouse, and
within the time frames set forth by CMS,
is eligible to apply. Information on the
National Supplier Clearinghouse can be
found at
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Jkt 208001
B. Application Requirements
To be considered for approval of
deeming authority for Medicare
requirements under § 424.58, an
independent accreditation organization
must furnish to CMS all of the following
(1) A list of the types of DMEPOS
suppliers, and a list of products and
services for which the organization is
requesting approval.
(2) A description of the duration of
(3) A detailed comparison of the
organization’s accreditation
requirements and standards with the
applicable Medicare DMEPOS quality
standard requirements such as a
(4) A detailed description of the
organization’s survey process,
• Frequency of the surveys
• Procedures for performing
unannounced surveys.
• Copies of the organization’s survey
forms, guidelines and instructions to
• A description of the accreditation
survey review process and the
accreditation status decision-making
process, including the process for
addressing deficiencies identified with
the accreditation requirements, and the
procedures used to monitor the
correction of deficiencies found during
an accreditation survey.
• Policies and procedures used when
an organization has a dispute regarding
survey findings or an adverse decision.
• Procedures for coordinating surveys
with another accrediting organization if
the organization does not accredit all
products the supplier provides.
(5) Detailed information about the
individuals who perform surveys for the
accreditation organization including—
• The size and composition of
accreditation teams for each type of
provider and supplier accredited.
• The education and experience
requirements surveyors must meet.
• The content and frequency of the
in-service training provided to survey
• The evaluation systems used to
monitor the performance of individual
surveyors and survey teams.
• Policies and procedures regarding
an individual’s participation in the
survey or accreditation decision process
of any organization with which the
individual is professionally or
financially affiliated.
(6) A description of the organization’s
data management and analysis system
for its surveys and accreditation
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decisions, including the kinds of
reports, tables, and other displays
generated by that system.
(7) The organization’s procedures for
responding to and for the investigation
of complaints against accredited
facilities, including policies and
procedures regarding coordination of
these activities with appropriate
licensing bodies (that is, National
Supplier Clearinghouse, CMS, and
ombudsman programs).
(8) The organization’s policies and
procedures for the withholding or
removal of accreditation status for
facilities that fail to meet the
accreditation organization’s standards or
requirements, and other actions taken
by the organization in response to
noncompliance with its standards and
requirements. These policies and
procedures must include notifying CMS
of facilities that fail to meet the
requirements of the accrediting
(9) A description of all types and
categories of accreditation offered by the
organization, the duration of each type
and category of accreditation, and a
statement specifying the types and
categories of accreditation for which
approval of deeming authority is sought.
(10) A list of all currently accredited
suppliers, the type and category of
accreditation currently held by each
supplier, and the expiration date of each
supplier’s current accreditation.
(11) A list of all accreditation surveys
scheduled to be performed by the
(12) A plan for reducing the burden
and cost of accreditation to small
The accreditation organization must
also submit the following supporting
(1) A written presentation that
demonstrates the organization’s ability
to furnish CMS with electronic data in
ASCII comparable code.
(2) A resource analysis that
demonstrates that the organization’s
staffing, funding, and other resources
are adequate to perform the required
surveys and related activities.
(3) A statement acknowledging that,
as a condition for approval of deeming
authority, the organization will agree
• Prioritize surveys for those
suppliers in the 10 Metropolitan
Statistical Areas (MSAs) that need to bid
in late 2007.
• Prioritize surveys for those
suppliers in the 80 MSAs that need to
bid in early 2008.
• Consider any previous
accreditation, certification, and/or
licensure findings that indicate that
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 158 / Wednesday, August 16, 2006 / Notices
DMPOS quality standards are being met
at the time the accreditation
organization surveys the supplier.
• Use a streamlined process that
considers only compliance with CMS’
DME quality standards.
• Notify CMS, in writing, of any
supplier that had its accreditation
revoked, withdrawn, revised, or any
other remedial or adverse action taken
against it by the accreditation
organization within 30 calendar days of
any such action taken.
• Notify all accredited suppliers
within 10 calendar days of CMS’
withdrawal of the organization’s
approval of deeming authority.
• Notify CMS, in writing, at least 30
calendar days in advance of the effective
date of any proposed changes in
accreditation requirements.
• Submit to CMS, within 30 calendar
days of a change in CMS requirements,
an acknowledgement of CMS’
notification of the change, as well as a
revised crosswalk reflecting the new
requirements, and inform CMS about
how the organization plans to alter its
requirements to conform to CMS’ new
• Permit its surveyors to serve as
witnesses if CMS takes an adverse
action based on accreditation findings.
• Notify CMS, in writing, within 2
calendar days of a deficiency identified
in any accreditation entity where the
deficiency poses an immediate jeopardy
to the entity’s beneficiaries or a hazard
to the general public.
• Provide, on an annual basis,
summary data specified by CMS that
relates to the past years’ accreditations
and trends.
• Attest that the organization will not
perform any DMEPOS accreditation
surveys of Medicare participating
suppliers with which it has a financial
relationship with or interest.
• Conform accreditation requirements
to changes in Medicare requirements.
If CMS determines that additional
information is necessary to make a
determination for approval or denial of
the accreditation organization’s
application for deeming authority, the
organization will be notified and
afforded an opportunity to provide the
additional information. CMS may visit
the organization’s offices to verify
representations made by the
organization in its application,
including, but not limited to, review of
documents and interviews with the
organization’s staff. The accreditation
organization will receive a formal notice
from CMS stating whether the request
for deeming authority has been
approved or denied, the rationale for
any denial and reconsideration, and
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Jkt 208001
reapplication procedures. CMS will
make every effort to issue a final
decision no more than 30 days from the
time the completed application is
received by CMS.
An accreditation organization may
withdraw its application for approval of
deeming authority at any time before the
formal notice of approval is received.
An accreditation organization that has
been notified that its request for
deeming authority has been denied may
request reconsideration in accordance
with § 488.201 through § 488.211 in
Subpart D. Any accreditation
organization whose request for approval
of deeming authority has been denied
may resubmit its application if the
organization: (1) Revises its
accreditation program to address the
rationale for denial of its previous
request; (2) provides reasonable
assurance that its accredited companies
meet applicable Medicare requirements;
and (3) resubmits the application in its
entirety. If an accreditation organization
has requested a reconsideration of
CMS’s determination that its request for
deeming approval is denied, it may not
submit a new application for deeming
authority for the type of provider or
supplier that is at issue in the
reconsideration until the
reconsideration is final.
C. Evaluation of Proposals
A panel consisting of subject matter
experts will evaluate the proposals
using criteria already established by
CMS in the survey and certification
process. The deadline for the
submission of proposals is October 2,
III. Collection of Information
The preamble of this notice discusses
the information collection requirements
associated with DMEPOS supplier
accreditation from independent
accrediting bodies. An independent
accreditation organization must furnish
to CMS all of information in the 12
items listed in section II.B. of this
notice. In addition, each organization
must also submit all of the necessary
supporting documentation. This
information is necessary to give the
independent accreditation organizations
the opportunity to submit proposals to
implement and operate the DMEPOS
accreditation programs. DMEPOS
accreditation is required for DMEPOS
suppliers that wish to bill Part B. The
information supplied by the
independent accreditation organizations
will be used to evaluate the
accreditation organizations ability to
meet CMS’ regulations.
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The burden associated with this
information collection requirement is
the time and effort required to
document, compile, and submit the
necessary application information to
CMS. We estimate that 10 entities will
submit the application information to
CMS in order to be deemed independent
accrediting bodies. We also estimate
that it will take each of the entities
approximately 20 hours to comply with
this requirement for an annual total of
200 burden hours.
The aforementioned information
collection requirements have been
submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for emergency
approval with a 10-day public comment
period. In the August 4, 2006 Federal
Register (71 FR 44300), we published a
notice announcing the request for
emergency approval of the information
collection requirements. These
requirements are not effective until they
have been approved by OMB.
Authority: Section 1834(a)(20) of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395m(a)(20)).
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program No. 93.773 Medicare—Hospital
Insurance Program; and Program No. 93.774,
Medicare—Supplementary Medical
Insurance Program)
Dated: July 25, 2006.
Mark B. McClellan,
Administrator, Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 06–6933 Filed 8–10–06; 4:01 pm]
Health Resources and Services
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection:
Comment Request
In compliance with the requirement
for opportunity for public comment on
proposed data collection projects
(section 3506(c)(2)(A) of Title 44, United
States Code, as amended by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub.
L. 104–13), the Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA)
publishes periodic summaries of
proposed projects being developed for
submission to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. To request more
information on the proposed project or
to obtain a copy of the data collection
plans and draft instruments, call the
HRSA Reports Clearance Officer on
(301) 443–1129.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 158 (Wednesday, August 16, 2006)]
[Pages 47230-47232]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-6933]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Medicare Program; Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics,
Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier Accreditation Applications
From Independent Accrediting Bodies
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice informs independent accreditation organizations of
an opportunity to submit an application to participate in the durable
medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS)
accreditation program. DMEPOS accreditation is required for DMEPOS
suppliers. This notice contains information on how to apply for CMS
DATES: Applications will be considered if received at the appropriate
address, provided in the ADDRESSES section, no later than 5 p.m. d.s.t,
on October 2, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Applications should be sent to: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21244.
Mail stop C3-02-16, Attention: Sandra Bastinelli.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sandra Bastinelli, (410) 786-3630.
I. Background
Section 302(a)(1) of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement
and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) (Pub. L. 108-173) added section
1834(a)(20) of the Social Security Act (the Act) and requires the
Secretary to establish and implement quality standards for suppliers of
certain items, including consumer service standards, to be applied by
recognized independent accreditation organizations. Suppliers of DMEPOS
must comply with the quality standards to furnish any item for which
payment is made under Medicare Part B, and to receive and retain a
provider or supplier billing number used to submit claims for
reimbursement for any such item for which payment may be made under
Medicare. Section 1834(a)(20)(D) of the Act requires us to apply these
quality standards to suppliers of the following items for which we deem
the standards to be appropriate:
Covered items, as defined in section 1834(a)(13) of the
Act, for which payment may be made under section 1834(a) of the Act.
Prosthetic devices, orthotics, and prosthetics described
in section 1834(h)(4) of the Act.
Items described in section 1842(s)(2) of the Act, which
include medical supplies; home dialysis supplies and equipment;
therapeutic shoes; parenteral and enteral nutrients, equipment, and
supplies; electromyogram devices; salivation devices; blood products;
and transfusion medicine.
Section 1834(a)(20)(E) of the Act explicitly authorizes the
Secretary to establish the quality standards by program instruction to
ensure that suppliers that wish to participate in
[[Page 47231]]
competitive bidding will know what standards they must meet to be
awarded a contract. The standards will be applied prospectively and
will be published on our Web site. Section 1847(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Act
requires a DMEPOS supplier to meet the quality standards specified by
the Secretary under section 1834(a)(20) of the Act before being awarded
a contract under the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program.
Section 1834(a)(20)(B) of the Act requires the Secretary,
notwithstanding section 1865(b) of the Act, to designate and approve
one or more independent accreditation organizations to apply the
quality standards to suppliers of DMEPOS and other items. For most
providers and suppliers, the Medicare program currently contracts with
State Agencies to perform survey and review functions for such
providers and suppliers to approve their participation in or coverage
under the Medicare program. Additionally, section 1865(b) of the Act
sets forth the general procedures for CMS to approve non-DMEPOS
national accreditation organizations. CMS deems providers or suppliers
to have met Medicare conditions of participation or coverage if they
are accredited by a national accreditation organization approved by
We are responsible for the oversight and monitoring of the State
Agencies and the approved accreditation organizations. The procedures
implemented by the Secretary for designating private and national
accreditation organizations for non-DMEPOS national accreditation
organizations and the Federal review process for such accreditation
organizations are located at 42 CFR part 422 (for Medicare Advantage
organizations) and part 488 (for most providers and suppliers).
II. Provisions of the Notice
This notice solicits applications from any independent
accreditation organization that has the ability to accredit at least
one of the supplier categories identified by the National Supplier
A. Eligible Organizations
Any independent accreditation organization that can show evidence
of the ability to accredit at least one supplier category, as
identified by the National Supplier Clearinghouse, and within the time
frames set forth by CMS, is eligible to apply. Information on the
National Supplier Clearinghouse can be found at https://
B. Application Requirements
To be considered for approval of deeming authority for Medicare
requirements under Sec. 424.58, an independent accreditation
organization must furnish to CMS all of the following information:
(1) A list of the types of DMEPOS suppliers, and a list of products
and services for which the organization is requesting approval.
(2) A description of the duration of accreditation.
(3) A detailed comparison of the organization's accreditation
requirements and standards with the applicable Medicare DMEPOS quality
standard requirements such as a crosswalk.
(4) A detailed description of the organization's survey process,
Frequency of the surveys performed.
Procedures for performing unannounced surveys.
Copies of the organization's survey forms, guidelines and
instructions to surveyors.
A description of the accreditation survey review process
and the accreditation status decision-making process, including the
process for addressing deficiencies identified with the accreditation
requirements, and the procedures used to monitor the correction of
deficiencies found during an accreditation survey.
Policies and procedures used when an organization has a
dispute regarding survey findings or an adverse decision.
Procedures for coordinating surveys with another
accrediting organization if the organization does not accredit all
products the supplier provides.
(5) Detailed information about the individuals who perform surveys
for the accreditation organization including--
The size and composition of accreditation teams for each
type of provider and supplier accredited.
The education and experience requirements surveyors must
The content and frequency of the in-service training
provided to survey personnel.
The evaluation systems used to monitor the performance of
individual surveyors and survey teams.
Policies and procedures regarding an individual's
participation in the survey or accreditation decision process of any
organization with which the individual is professionally or financially
(6) A description of the organization's data management and
analysis system for its surveys and accreditation decisions, including
the kinds of reports, tables, and other displays generated by that
(7) The organization's procedures for responding to and for the
investigation of complaints against accredited facilities, including
policies and procedures regarding coordination of these activities with
appropriate licensing bodies (that is, National Supplier Clearinghouse,
CMS, and ombudsman programs).
(8) The organization's policies and procedures for the withholding
or removal of accreditation status for facilities that fail to meet the
accreditation organization's standards or requirements, and other
actions taken by the organization in response to noncompliance with its
standards and requirements. These policies and procedures must include
notifying CMS of facilities that fail to meet the requirements of the
accrediting organization.
(9) A description of all types and categories of accreditation
offered by the organization, the duration of each type and category of
accreditation, and a statement specifying the types and categories of
accreditation for which approval of deeming authority is sought.
(10) A list of all currently accredited suppliers, the type and
category of accreditation currently held by each supplier, and the
expiration date of each supplier's current accreditation.
(11) A list of all accreditation surveys scheduled to be performed
by the organization.
(12) A plan for reducing the burden and cost of accreditation to
small suppliers.
The accreditation organization must also submit the following
supporting documentation:
(1) A written presentation that demonstrates the organization's
ability to furnish CMS with electronic data in ASCII comparable code.
(2) A resource analysis that demonstrates that the organization's
staffing, funding, and other resources are adequate to perform the
required surveys and related activities.
(3) A statement acknowledging that, as a condition for approval of
deeming authority, the organization will agree to--
Prioritize surveys for those suppliers in the 10
Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) that need to bid in late 2007.
Prioritize surveys for those suppliers in the 80 MSAs that
need to bid in early 2008.
Consider any previous accreditation, certification, and/or
licensure findings that indicate that
[[Page 47232]]
DMPOS quality standards are being met at the time the accreditation
organization surveys the supplier.
Use a streamlined process that considers only compliance
with CMS' DME quality standards.
Notify CMS, in writing, of any supplier that had its
accreditation revoked, withdrawn, revised, or any other remedial or
adverse action taken against it by the accreditation organization
within 30 calendar days of any such action taken.
Notify all accredited suppliers within 10 calendar days of
CMS' withdrawal of the organization's approval of deeming authority.
Notify CMS, in writing, at least 30 calendar days in
advance of the effective date of any proposed changes in accreditation
Submit to CMS, within 30 calendar days of a change in CMS
requirements, an acknowledgement of CMS' notification of the change, as
well as a revised crosswalk reflecting the new requirements, and inform
CMS about how the organization plans to alter its requirements to
conform to CMS' new requirements.
Permit its surveyors to serve as witnesses if CMS takes an
adverse action based on accreditation findings.
Notify CMS, in writing, within 2 calendar days of a
deficiency identified in any accreditation entity where the deficiency
poses an immediate jeopardy to the entity's beneficiaries or a hazard
to the general public.
Provide, on an annual basis, summary data specified by CMS
that relates to the past years' accreditations and trends.
Attest that the organization will not perform any DMEPOS
accreditation surveys of Medicare participating suppliers with which it
has a financial relationship with or interest.
Conform accreditation requirements to changes in Medicare
If CMS determines that additional information is necessary to make
a determination for approval or denial of the accreditation
organization's application for deeming authority, the organization will
be notified and afforded an opportunity to provide the additional
information. CMS may visit the organization's offices to verify
representations made by the organization in its application, including,
but not limited to, review of documents and interviews with the
organization's staff. The accreditation organization will receive a
formal notice from CMS stating whether the request for deeming
authority has been approved or denied, the rationale for any denial and
reconsideration, and reapplication procedures. CMS will make every
effort to issue a final decision no more than 30 days from the time the
completed application is received by CMS.
An accreditation organization may withdraw its application for
approval of deeming authority at any time before the formal notice of
approval is received. An accreditation organization that has been
notified that its request for deeming authority has been denied may
request reconsideration in accordance with Sec. 488.201 through Sec.
488.211 in Subpart D. Any accreditation organization whose request for
approval of deeming authority has been denied may resubmit its
application if the organization: (1) Revises its accreditation program
to address the rationale for denial of its previous request; (2)
provides reasonable assurance that its accredited companies meet
applicable Medicare requirements; and (3) resubmits the application in
its entirety. If an accreditation organization has requested a
reconsideration of CMS's determination that its request for deeming
approval is denied, it may not submit a new application for deeming
authority for the type of provider or supplier that is at issue in the
reconsideration until the reconsideration is final.
C. Evaluation of Proposals
A panel consisting of subject matter experts will evaluate the
proposals using criteria already established by CMS in the survey and
certification process. The deadline for the submission of proposals is
October 2, 2006.
III. Collection of Information Requirements
The preamble of this notice discusses the information collection
requirements associated with DMEPOS supplier accreditation from
independent accrediting bodies. An independent accreditation
organization must furnish to CMS all of information in the 12 items
listed in section II.B. of this notice. In addition, each organization
must also submit all of the necessary supporting documentation. This
information is necessary to give the independent accreditation
organizations the opportunity to submit proposals to implement and
operate the DMEPOS accreditation programs. DMEPOS accreditation is
required for DMEPOS suppliers that wish to bill Part B. The information
supplied by the independent accreditation organizations will be used to
evaluate the accreditation organizations ability to meet CMS'
The burden associated with this information collection requirement
is the time and effort required to document, compile, and submit the
necessary application information to CMS. We estimate that 10 entities
will submit the application information to CMS in order to be deemed
independent accrediting bodies. We also estimate that it will take each
of the entities approximately 20 hours to comply with this requirement
for an annual total of 200 burden hours.
The aforementioned information collection requirements have been
submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for emergency
approval with a 10-day public comment period. In the August 4, 2006
Federal Register (71 FR 44300), we published a notice announcing the
request for emergency approval of the information collection
requirements. These requirements are not effective until they have been
approved by OMB.
Authority: Section 1834(a)(20) of the Social Security Act (42
U.S.C. 1395m(a)(20)).
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.773
Medicare--Hospital Insurance Program; and Program No. 93.774,
Medicare--Supplementary Medical Insurance Program)
Dated: July 25, 2006.
Mark B. McClellan,
Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 06-6933 Filed 8-10-06; 4:01 pm]