Carolina Power & Light Company; Notice of Partial Withdrawal of Application for Amendment to Facility Operating License, 45583-45584 [E6-12913]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 153 / Wednesday, August 9, 2006 / Notices
[Docket Nos. 50–317, 50–318, and 72–8;
Renewed License Nos. DPR–53 and DPR–
69, and Materials License No. SNM–2505]
In the Matter of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear
Power Plant, Inc. (Calvert Cliffs
Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and
2, and Calvert Cliffs Independent Spent
Fuel Storage Installation); Order
Approving Application Regarding
Proposed Corporate Merger
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant,
Inc. (CCNPP Inc. or the licensee) is the
holder of Renewed Facility Operating
Licenses Nos. DPR–53 and DPR–69,
which authorize the possession, use,
and operation of the Calvert Cliffs
Nuclear Power Plant (the facility or
CCNPP), and Materials License No.
SNM–2505, which authorizes the
possession, use, and operation of the
Calvert Cliffs Independent Spent Fuel
Storage Installation (CCISFSI). CCNPP
Inc. is licensed by the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC or
Commission) to operate CCNPP and
CCISFSI. The facility is located at the
licensee’s site in Calvert County,
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
By application dated January 23,
2006, as supplemented by letters dated
April 25 and May 25, 2006 (collectively
referred to herein as the application),
Constellation Generation Group, LLC
(CGG LLC), acting on behalf of CCNPP
Inc., requested that the NRC, pursuant
to 10 CFR 50.80 and 10 CFR 72.50,
consent to the proposed indirect transfer
of control of the licenses.
According to the application filed by
CGG LLC, on behalf of CCNPP Inc.,
CCNPP and CCISFSI are wholly owned
by CCNPP Inc. CCNPP Inc. is wholly
owned by Constellation Nuclear Power
Plants, Inc.
As stated in the application, in
connection with the merger of CGG
LLC’s parent company, Constellation
Energy Group, Inc. (CEG, Inc.), and FPL
Group, Inc. (FPL Group), FPL Group
will become a wholly owned subsidiary
of CEG, Inc. At the closing of the
merger, the former shareholders of FPL
Group will own approximately 60% of
the outstanding stock of CEG, Inc., and
the pre-merger shareholders of CEG,
Inc., will own the remaining
approximately 40%. In addition, the
CEG, Inc., board of directors will be
composed of fifteen members, nine of
whom will be named by FPL Group, and
six of whom will be named by the
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current CEG, Inc. CCNPP Inc. will
continue to own and operate the facility
and the ISFSI and hold the licenses.
Approval of the indirect transfer of
the facility operating licenses and
material license was requested by CGG
LLC pursuant to 10 CFR 50.80 and 10
CFR 72.50. Notice of the request for
approval and an opportunity for a
hearing was published in the Federal
Register on February 22, 2006 (71 FR
9168). Comments and a petition to
intervene were received from the
Maryland Office of the People’s
Counsel. However, the petition to
intervene was dismissed by the
Secretary of the Commission by order
dated March 17, 2006.
Under 10 CFR 50.80 and 10 CFR
72.50, no license, or any right
thereunder, shall be transferred, directly
or indirectly, through transfer of control
of the license, unless the Commission
shall give its consent in writing. Upon
review of the information in the
application by CGG LLC and other
information before the Commission, the
NRC staff concludes that the proposed
merger and resulting indirect transfer of
control of the licenses will not affect the
qualifications of CCNPP Inc. as a holder
of the CCNPP and CCISFSI licenses, and
that the indirect transfer of control of
the licenses as held by CCNPP Inc., is
otherwise consistent with the applicable
provisions of law, regulations, and
orders issued by the Commission
pursuant thereto.
The findings set forth above are
supported by a safety evaluation dated
August 3, 2006.
Accordingly, pursuant to Sections
161b, 161i, and 184 of the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the
Act), 42 U.S.C. 2201(b), 2201(i), and
2234; and 10 CFR 50.80 and 10 CFR
72.50, it is hereby ordered that the
application regarding the proposed
merger and indirect license transfer is
approved, subject to the following
Should the proposed merger not be
completed within one year from the date of
issuance, this Order shall become null and
void, provided, however, upon written
application and good cause shown, such date
may in writing be extended.
This Order is effective upon issuance.
For further details with respect to this
Order, see the initial application dated
January 23, 2006, as supplemented by
letters dated April 25 and May 25, 2006,
and the safety evaluation dated August
3, 2006, which are available for public
inspection at the Commission’s Public
Document Room (PDR), located at One
White Flint North, Public File Area 01
PO 00000
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F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor),
Rockville, Maryland and accessible
electronically from the Agencywide
Documents Access and Management
System (ADAMS) Public Electronic
Reading Room on the Internet at the
NRC Web site,
reading-rm/adams.html. Persons who
do not have access to ADAMS or who
encounter problems in accessing the
documents located in ADAMS, should
contact the NRC PDR Reference staff by
telephone at 1–800–397–4209, 301–
415–4737, or by e-mail to
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 3rd day
of August 2006.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Catherine Haney,
Director, Division of Operating Reactor
Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor
[FR Doc. E6–12924 Filed 8–8–06; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 50–400]
Carolina Power & Light Company;
Notice of Partial Withdrawal of
Application for Amendment to Facility
Operating License
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (the Commission) has
granted the request of Carolina Power &
Light Company (the licensee) to
partially withdraw its August 18, 2005,
application for proposed amendment to
Facility Operating License No. NPF–63
for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant,
Unit No. 1 (HNP), located in Wake and
Chatham Counties, North Carolina.
The proposed amendment would
have allowed the use of fire-resistive
electrical cable at HNP for protection of
safe shutdown electrical cables. On May
1, 2006, the NRC staff issued
Amendment No. 123 to the HNP Facility
Operating License authorizing the use of
fire-resistive electrical cable for the
specific application of the volume
control tank outlet valves, 1CS–165 and
1CS–166, in certain fire areas. In
addition, the NRC staff stated that it
would continue to review the proposed
changes in the final safety analysis
report to reflect the use of the fireresistive electrical cable in other
applications. The licensee requested to
discontinue the review of the proposed
changes to reflect the use of the fireresistive electrical cable in other
The Commission had previously
issued a Notice of Consideration of
Issuance of Amendment published in
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 153 / Wednesday, August 9, 2006 / Notices
the Federal Register on November 8,
2005 (70 FR 67745). However, by letter
dated June 5, 2006, the licensee partially
withdrew the proposed change.
For further details with respect to this
action, see the application for
amendment dated August 18, 2005, as
supplemented by letter dated February
15, 2006, and the licensee’s letter dated
June 5, 2006, which withdrew the
application for license amendment.
Documents may be examined, and/or
copied for a fee, at the NRC’s Public
Document Room (PDR), located at One
White Flint North, Public File Area O1
F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor),
Rockville, Maryland. Publicly available
records will be accessible electronically
from the Agencywide Documents
Access and Management Systems
(ADAMS) Public Electronic Reading
Room on the Internet at the NRC Web
site, Persons who do not have
access to ADAMS or who encounter
problems in accessing the documents
located in ADAMS should contact the
NRC PDR Reference staff by telephone
at 1–800–397–4209, or 301–415–4737 or
by e-mail to
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 31st day
of July, 2006.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
L. Raghavan,
Chief, Plant Licensing Branch II–2, Division
of Operating Reactor Licensing, Office of
Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. E6–12913 Filed 8–8–06; 8:45 am]
[Docket Nos. 50–220 and 50–410; License
Nos. DPR–63 and NPF–69]
In the Matter of Nine Mile Point Nuclear
Station, LLC (Nine Mile Point Nuclear
Station, Units Nos. 1 and 2); Order
Approving Application Regarding
Proposed Corporate Merger
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC
(NMP LLC or the licensee) holds
Facility Operating License No. DPR–63
and co-holds Facility Operating License
No. NPF–69, which authorize the
possession, use, and operation of the
Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station (the
facility or NMP). NMP LLC is licensed
by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC or Commission) to
operate NMP. The facility is located at
the licensee’s site in Oswego County,
New York.
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By application dated January 23,
2006, as supplemented by letters dated
April 25 and May 25, 2006 (collectively
referred to herein as the application),
Constellation Generation Group, LLC
(CGG LLC), acting on behalf of NMP
LLC, requested that the NRC, pursuant
to 10 CFR 50.80, consent to the
proposed indirect transfer of control of
the licenses to the extent currently held
by NMP LLC. Long Island Power
Authority holds a 18-percent ownership
interest in NMP Unit 2, but is not
involved in this action.
According to the application filed by
CGG LLC, NMP Unit 1 is wholly owned
by NMP LLC, and NMP Unit 2 is 82%
owned by NMP LLC. NMP LLC is
wholly owned by Constellation Nuclear
Power Plants, Inc., which is whollyowned by CGG LLC.
As stated in the application, in
connection with the merger of CGG
LLC’s parent company, Constellation
Energy Group, Inc. (CEG, Inc.), and FPL
Group, Inc. (FPL Group), FPL Group
will become a wholly owned subsidiary
of CEG, Inc. At the closing of the
merger, the former shareholders of FPL
Group will own approximately 60% of
the outstanding stock of CEG, Inc., and
the pre-merger shareholders of CEG,
Inc., will own the remaining
approximately 40%. In addition, the
CEG, Inc., board of directors will be
composed of fifteen members, nine of
whom will be named by FPL Group, and
six of whom will be named by the
current CEG, Inc. NMP LLC will
continue to own its current interests in
and operate the facility and hold the
Approval of the indirect transfer of
the facility operating licenses was
requested by CGG LLC pursuant to 10
CFR 50.80. Notice of the request for
approval and an opportunity for a
hearing was published in the Federal
Register on February 22, 2006 (71 FR
9175). Comments and a petition to
intervene were received from the
Maryland Office of the People’s
Counsel. However, the petition to
intervene was dismissed by the
Secretary of the Commission by order
dated March 17, 2006.
Under 10 CFR 50.80, no license, or
any right thereunder, shall be
transferred, directly or indirectly,
through transfer of control of the
license, unless the Commission shall
give its consent in writing. Upon review
of the information in the application by
CGG LLC and other information before
the Commission, the NRC staff
concludes that the proposed merger and
resulting indirect transfer of control of
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the licenses will not affect the
qualifications of NMP LLC as holder of
the NMP licenses, and that the indirect
transfer of control of the licenses as held
by NMP LLC, is otherwise consistent
with the applicable provisions of law,
regulations, and orders issued by the
Commission pursuant thereto.
The findings set forth above are
supported by a safety evaluation dated
August 3, 2006.
Accordingly, pursuant to Sections
161b, 161i, and 184 of the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the
Act), 42 U.S.C. 2201(b), 2201(i), and
2234; and 10 CFR 50.80, it is hereby
ordered that the application regarding
the proposed merger and indirect
license transfers is approved, subject to
the following condition:
Should the proposed merger not be
completed within one year from the date of
issuance, this Order shall become null and
void, provided, however, upon written
application and good cause shown, such date
may in writing be extended.
This Order is effective upon issuance.
For further details with respect to this
Order, see the initial application dated
January 23, 2006, as supplemented by
letter dated April 25 and May 25, 2006,
and the safety evaluation dated August
3, 2006, which are available for public
inspection at the Commission’s Public
Document Room (PDR), located at One
White Flint North, Public File Area 01
F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor),
Rockville, Maryland and accessible
electronically from the Agencywide
Documents Access and Management
System (ADAMS) Public Electronic
Reading Room on the Internet at the
NRC Web site,
reading-rm/adams.html. Persons who
do not have access to ADAMS or who
encounter problems in accessing the
documents located in ADAMS, should
contact the NRC PDR Reference staff by
telephone at 1–800–397–4209, 301–
415–4737, or by e-mail to
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 3rd day
of August 2006.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Catherine Haney,
Director, Division of Operating Reactor
Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor
[FR Doc. E6–12923 Filed 8–8–06; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 153 (Wednesday, August 9, 2006)]
[Pages 45583-45584]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-12913]
[Docket No. 50-400]
Carolina Power & Light Company; Notice of Partial Withdrawal of
Application for Amendment to Facility Operating License
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has granted
the request of Carolina Power & Light Company (the licensee) to
partially withdraw its August 18, 2005, application for proposed
amendment to Facility Operating License No. NPF-63 for Shearon Harris
Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 1 (HNP), located in Wake and Chatham
Counties, North Carolina.
The proposed amendment would have allowed the use of fire-resistive
electrical cable at HNP for protection of safe shutdown electrical
cables. On May 1, 2006, the NRC staff issued Amendment No. 123 to the
HNP Facility Operating License authorizing the use of fire-resistive
electrical cable for the specific application of the volume control
tank outlet valves, 1CS-165 and 1CS-166, in certain fire areas. In
addition, the NRC staff stated that it would continue to review the
proposed changes in the final safety analysis report to reflect the use
of the fire-resistive electrical cable in other applications. The
licensee requested to discontinue the review of the proposed changes to
reflect the use of the fire-resistive electrical cable in other
The Commission had previously issued a Notice of Consideration of
Issuance of Amendment published in
[[Page 45584]]
the Federal Register on November 8, 2005 (70 FR 67745). However, by
letter dated June 5, 2006, the licensee partially withdrew the proposed
For further details with respect to this action, see the
application for amendment dated August 18, 2005, as supplemented by
letter dated February 15, 2006, and the licensee's letter dated June 5,
2006, which withdrew the application for license amendment. Documents
may be examined, and/or copied for a fee, at the NRC's Public Document
Room (PDR), located at One White Flint North, Public File Area O1 F21,
11555 Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville, Maryland. Publicly
available records will be accessible electronically from the Agencywide
Documents Access and Management Systems (ADAMS) Public Electronic
Reading Room on the Internet at the NRC Web site,
reading-rm.html. Persons who do not have access to ADAMS or who
encounter problems in accessing the documents located in ADAMS should
contact the NRC PDR Reference staff by telephone at 1-800-397-4209, or
301-415-4737 or by e-mail to
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 31st day of July, 2006.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
L. Raghavan,
Chief, Plant Licensing Branch II-2, Division of Operating Reactor
Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. E6-12913 Filed 8-8-06; 8:45 am]