Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Finding on a Petition to List the Hermes Copper Butterfly as Endangered, 44966-44976 [E6-12744]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
viable population size for Casey’s June
beetle, nor is there any substantial
information concerning the population
dynamics of the species. No information
was provided in the petition, and we are
not aware of any information regarding
any genetic analyses of the species to
determine the presence of skewed sex
ratios or inbreeding. Therefore, we find
the petition, supporting information,
and information readily available to the
Service does not present substantial
information for this factor indicating
that the petitioned action may be
The petition focused on three of the
five listing factors: (A) The Present or
Threatened Destruction, Modification,
or Curtailment of the Species’ Habitat or
Range; (B) the Inadequacy of Existing
Regulatory Mechanisms; and (C) Other
Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting
the Species’ Continued Existence.
Specifically, under Factor A, the
petition indicates the range of the
Casey’s June beetle has been greatly
reduced and is threatened by habitat
removal from continued urban
development. This is corroborated by
information in the Service’s files. The
petition also presents information under
Factor D suggesting that the existing
regulatory mechanisms, such as CEQA
and NEPA, are inadequate to protect the
Casey’s June beetle and its habitat.
Additionally, while the Casey’s June
beetle was initially a covered species
under the Coachella Valley MSHCP, the
finalized version of that plan does not
cover the species. The petition also
presents information regarding
additional threats under Factor E, such
as drowning in lighted swimming pools,
direct mortality by vehicles, and
reduced genetic exchange due to a
reduced population size. We are not
aware, however, of any substantial
information to suggest that any of the
threats described under Factor E would
threaten the existence of the Casey’s
June beetle.
According to the petition, five
‘‘imminent’’ projects would destroy over
11 percent of Casey’s June beetle habitat
in Palm Springs. As cited in the
petition, two of the five projects (Monte
Sereno and El Portal) considered
imminent had been approved by the
City Council at the time we received the
petition in 2004.
After this review and evaluation, we
find the petition presents substantial
scientific or commercial information
indicating that listing of Casey’s June
beetle may be warranted. Therefore, we
are initiating a status review to
determine if listing is warranted. To
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ensure the status review is
comprehensive, we are soliciting
scientific and commercial information
regarding this species. Under the terms
of a settlement agreement, we are
required to make a 12-month finding
determining whether listing the Casey’s
June beetle is warranted on or before
June 30, 2007.
The petitioners also requested critical
habitat be designated for this species.
We consider the need for critical habitat
designation when listing species. If we
determine in our 12-month finding that
listing of Casey’s June beetle is
warranted, we will address the
designation of critical habitat in a
subsequent proposed rule.
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited
herein is available, upon request, from
the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office
The primary author of this document
is the staff of the Carlsbad Fish and
Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES).
The authority for this action is the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
Dated: July 28, 2006.
Kenneth Stansell,
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
[FR Doc. E6–12579 Filed 8–7–06; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; 90-Day Finding on a
Petition to List the Hermes Copper
Butterfly as Endangered
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of 90-day petition
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce a
90-day finding on a petition to list the
Hermes copper butterfly (Hermelycaena
[Lycaena] hermes) as an endangered
species under the Endangered Species
Act of 1973, as amended. We find the
petition does not present substantial
scientific or commercial information
indicating that listing the Hermes
copper butterfly may be warranted.
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Therefore, are not initiating a status
review in response to this petition. We
ask the public to submit to us any new
information that becomes available
concerning the status of the species or
threats to it.
DATES: The finding announced in this
document was made on August 8, 2006.
ADDRESSES: The complete file for this
finding is available for public
inspection, by appointment, during
normal business hours at the Carlsbad
Fish and Wildlife Office, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 6010 Hidden Valley
Road, Carlsbad, CA 92011. New
information, materials, comments, or
questions concerning this species may
be submitted to us at any time at the
above address.
Bartel, Field Supervisor, Carlsbad Fish
and Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES
section above), by telephone at 760–
431–9440, or by facsimile to 760–431–
9624. Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 800–877–8339,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act)
(16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) requires that we
make a finding on whether a petition to
list, delist, or reclassify a species
presents substantial information to
indicate that the petitioned action may
be warranted. To the maximum extent
practicable, this finding is to be made
within 90 days of receipt of the petition,
and the finding is to be published in the
Federal Register.
This finding summarizes information
included in the petition and information
available to us at the time of the petition
review. A 90-day finding under section
4(b)(3)(A) of the Act and § 424.14(b) of
our regulations is limited to a
determination of whether the
information in the petition meets the
‘‘substantial information’’ threshold.
Substantial information is ‘‘that amount
of information that would lead a
reasonable person to believe that the
measure proposed in the petition may
be warranted’’ (50 CFR 424.14(b)).
Previous Federal Action
The Hermes copper butterfly was
included as a Category 2 candidate
species in our November 21, 1991 (56
FR 58804), and November 15, 1994 (59
FR 58982), Candidate Notices of Review
(CNOR). Category 2 included taxa for
which information in the Service’s
possession indicated that a proposed
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules
listing rule was possibly appropriate,
but for which sufficient data on
biological vulnerability and threats were
not available to support a proposed rule.
In the CNOR published on February 28,
1996 (61 FR 7595), the Service
announced a revised list of plant and
animal taxa that were regarded as
candidates for possible addition to the
Lists of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife and Plants. The revised
candidate list included only former
Category 1 species. All former Category
2 species were dropped from the list in
order to reduce confusion about the
conservation status of these species, and
to clarify that the Service no longer
regarded these species as candidates for
listing. Since the Hermes copper
butterfly was a Category 2 species, it
was no longer recognized as a candidate
species as of the February 28, 1996,
On June 4, 1991, the Service received
a petition dated May 27, 1991, from
David Hogan of the San Diego
Biodiversity Project to list the Hermes
copper butterfly, Laguna Mountains
skipper (Pyrgus ruralis lagunae),
Harbison’s dun skipper (Euphyes
vestries harbinsoni), and Thorne’s
hairstreak butterfly (Callophrys
[Mitoura] grynea thornei) as endangered
under the Act. In a Federal Register
notice dated July 19, 1993 (58 FR
38549), the Service announced its
finding on the petition. We found that
the petition presented substantial
information for the Laguna Mountains
skipper, but not for the other three
butterflies. However, the finding also
concluded that other substantial
information existed to support a
decision that listing may be warranted
for Hermes copper butterfly, Harbison’s
dun skipper, and Thorne’s hairstreak
butterfly, and we announced our
intention to continue a formal status
review of these three species. In a
proposed rule for the Laguna Mountain
skipper and Quino checkerspot
butterflies published on August 4, 1994
(59 FR 39868), we clarified that the
negative 90-day finding on the Hermes
copper butterfly and the other two
butterflies ‘‘was made because sufficient
information was not available regarding
the threats to and biological
vulnerability of these’’ butterflies (59 FR
39869). Though we have continued, and
will continue, to collect available data
on the Hermes copper butterfly and the
other two butterflies, we did not
complete a formal status review of
Hermes copper butterfly under section
4(b)(3)(A) of the Act.
On October 25, 2004, the Service
received an updated petition to list the
Hermes copper and Thorne’s hairstreak
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butterflies as endangered from David
Hogan of the Center for Biological
Diversity. The petitioner also sought
emergency listing protection for
Thorne’s hairstreak and designation of
critical habitat for both butterfly species
concurrent with listing, if warranted.
Included in the petition was
information regarding the species’
taxonomy, biology, ecology, historical
and current distribution, present status,
and potential causes of decline and
imminent threats. In a letter dated May
9, 2005, the Service determined that
despite apparent threats to the Thorne’s
hairstreak butterfly, such threats did not
appear to be of a magnitude and severity
to warrant emergency listing. In our
response, we also advised the petitioner
that we had insufficient funds to
respond to the petition at that time. On
March 15, 2005, we received a 60-day
notice of intent to sue filed by the
Center for Biological Diversity for lack
of response to the Hermes copper and
Thorne’s hairstreak butterfly petition.
On October 18, 2005, the Center for
Biological Diversity filed a complaint
for declaratory and injunctive relief
challenging our failure to make the
required 90-day findings for these two
taxa. The Service agreed to submit 90day petition findings for Hermes copper
and Thorne’s hairstreak butterflies to
the Federal Register by August 1, 2006,
and if the 90-day findings was
substantial, to submit 12-month findings
to the Federal Register by June 1, 2007.
This notice constitutes our 90-day
finding on the petition to list the
Hermes copper butterfly; the 90-day
finding on the petition to list the
Thorne’s hairstreak butterfly will be
published separately in the Federal
In completing this 90-day finding, the
Service has reviewed not only the
information submitted in the petition
but also information in our files. This
includes all of the data we had obtained
prior to the July 19, 1993, not
substantial finding that would have
been considered in an internal status
review (had one been completed), as
well as all of the information we have
collected on this species to date.
Further, based on all new information
and our analysis below, we have
determined that the petition does not
present substantial information
indicating that listing the Hermes
copper butterfly may be warranted or
that a status review should be
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Species Information
The Hermes copper butterfly was first
described as Chrysophanus hermes by
Edwards in 1870 (cited in Thorne 1963).
Comstock placed the species in the
genus Tharsalea in 1927 (cited in
Thorne 1963). According to Faulkner
and Klein (2005), Hoffman moved it to
the genus Lycaena in 1940. In a
subsequent study of American copper
butterflies, Miller and Brown (1979)
placed the species in the monotypic
genus Hermelycaena on the basis of
anatomical features that resemble two
butterfly genera and other unique
morphological characters. The authors
concluded the Hermes copper butterfly
was ‘‘perhaps * * * our most evolved
Copper.’’ In an allozyme phylogenetic
study of North American copper
butterflies, Pratt and Wright (2002)
suggested that the Hermes copper
butterfly ‘‘could belong to a separate
genus or subgenus.’’ Lycaena hermes is
the name predominantly used in recent
literature (North American Butterfly
Association 2001; Opler and Warren
2003; Faulkner and Klein 2005), and we
recognize it as such for the purposes of
this finding.
The Hermes copper butterfly is a
small, brightly-colored butterfly
approximately 1 to 1.25 inches (2.5 to
3.2 centimeters) in length, with one tail
on the hindwing. On the upperside, the
forewing is brown with a yellow or
orange area enclosing several black
spots, and the hindwing has orange
spots that may be merged into a band
along the margin. On the underside, the
forewing is yellow with 4 to 6 black
spots, and the hindwing is bright yellow
with 3 to 6 black spots (USGS 2006).
Emmel and Emmel (1973) provide a
description of the early stages of the
species (eggs, larvae, and pupae).
The Hermes copper butterfly has a
single flight period per year
(univoltine), and spends about two
thirds of its life in the egg stage (Thorne
1963). The adult flight period is from
mid-May through early July, depending
on elevation. Its peak flight period is
typically around June 10 for males and
June 20 for females. Recent observations
indicate that some diapausing (low
metabolic rate resting stage) Hermes
copper butterfly eggs may remain in that
state for multiple years as a drought
adaptation (Faulkner and Klein 2005).
Eggs are laid singly on stems of its larval
host plant, spiny redberry (Rhamnus
crocea) (Faulkner and Klein 2005).
Pupation also occurs on spiny redberry.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Males are territorial and perch on
plants along the edge of trails (Thorne
1963). Hermes copper butterflies are
rarely seen far from their host or nectar
plants, and form geographically small
but locally abundant ‘‘colonies’’ that
probably number in the hundreds.
These ‘‘colonies’’ are hypothesized to be
relatively independent from each other,
even when in close proximity; intercolony dispersal, which helps maintain
the gene pool, may be limited to
occasional males (Thorne 1963;
Faulkner and Klein 2005). Mark-releaserecapture data recorded a maximum
movement of 92 yards (84 meters)
(Marschalek 2004).
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The Hermes copper butterfly is
restricted to areas that contain its larval
host plant, spiny redberry (Thorne 1963;
Emmel and Emmel 1973). This plant is
a low-growing, spreading shrub with a
widespread range that includes the
coastal ranges of northern California,
along the foothills of the Sierra Nevada,
on the Channel Islands (including the
Mexican islands), the Mojave Desert in
southwestern Arizona, and south into
Baja California Norte and Sonora,
Mexico (Thorne 1963; Sawyer 1993;
Flesch and Hahn 2005; Christie et al.
2006). Spiny redberry commonly grows
in coastal-sage scrub, chaparral, and
woodlands in California (Sawyer 1993).
Faulkner and Brown (1993) described
the habitat of the Hermes copper
butterfly’s habitat as coastal sage scrub
and open southern mixed chaparral
communities in which spiny redberry
‘‘is a common component.’’ The authors
further noted that ‘‘these habitat types
range from near sea level along the coast
to 1250 m [4,100 feet] at the western
edge of the Laguna Mountains.’’ Habitat
consists of continuous stands of mixed
chaparral/sage scrub in well-drained
soil, usually found in canyon bottoms or
on hillsides with a northern exposure.
Host and nectar plants need to be in
close proximity to one another
(Faulkner and Klein 2005). Adult
butterflies are typically observed
feeding on nectar from flat-topped
buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum)
(Marschalek 2004), but have also been
observed nectaring on chamise
(Adenostoma fasciculatum), golden
yarrow (Eriophyllum confertiflorum),
slender sunflower (Helianthus
gracilentus), other species in the
sunflower family (Asteraceae), and
short-podded mustard (Hirshfeldia
incana) (Faulkner and Klein 2005).
Klein and Faulkner (2003) hypothesized
host plants must be mature to support
Hermes copper butterflies, although the
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petitioner acknowledged such evidence
is anecdotal.
Historical Range/Distribution
Faulkner and Brown (1993) described
the known range of the Hermes copper
butterfly as from near Fallbrook in San
Diego County, California, to 18 miles
(mi) (29 kilometer (km)) south of Santo
Tomas in Baja California Norte, Mexico
(a north-south distance of
approximately 155 mi (250 km)), and
from near the immediate coast inland to
Pine Valley in San Diego County (an
east-west distance of about 40 mi (65
km)). Thorne’s (1963) map had 33
unnamed ‘‘known’’ colony locations, all
within San Diego County in the United
According to the petition, Hermes
copper butterflies have been reported
approximately 100 mi (160 km) south of
the U.S.-Mexico border, yet only three
populations have been identified
(Brown et al. 1992). The petitioner
asserts the lack of Baja California
populations may reflect both a dearth of
suitable habitat and survey efforts and
cites surveys conducted east of Tecate
that yielded negative results despite
extensive stands of high quality habitat
(D. Faulkner, pers. comm.) [document
not submitted with petition].
Current Range/Distribution
According to the petition, the current
species’ distribution has been reduced
to approximately 18 known populations
following years of continuing urban
development and the huge wildfires of
2003. The petition included ‘‘Table 1:
Hermes Copper Populations and
Status,’’ which outlines the site
location, estimated population at each
site, current land manager, and years the
species has been observed at each site.
According to information in Table 1,
Hermes copper butterflies have been
observed, or specimens collected from,
48 sites in San Diego County and 4 sites
in Baja, Mexico, since the early 1900s.
This table also highlights 22 sites
‘‘presumed lost to fire,’’ 6 sites
‘‘presumed lost to urban development,’’
2 sites that have ‘‘unknown specific
locations and unknown status,’’ and 8
sites ‘‘identified during environmental
review of development projects,’’
leaving the 18 sites with known
populations referred to above. The
petitioner also stated that, while the
status of the Baja populations is
unknown, they are presumed to be
extant for the purposes of the petition.
Based on information available to us,
Hermes copper butterfly has been
recorded from at least 29 different sites
in San Diego County (Engelhard 2004a,
2004b). Of these, 2 sites or areas have
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not been resurveyed since the 1930s
(Fallbrook and Pala), 3 sites have
incomplete survey information
(surveyor name and/or date) (Scripps
Gateway, East Elliott Ranch, Flinn
Springs County Park), 3 sites were
proposed for residential development or
have been developed (the Crosby
property, Scripps Gateway, Presky/
Gonya property), and 5 sites were
burned in the 2003 fires (Mission Trails
Regional Park, Crestridge Ecological
Reserve, Sycamore Canyon Open Space
Preserve, Rancho Jamul Ecological
Reserve, and portions of Miramar
[Marine Corp Air Station]). However, as
indicated in Engelhard’s (2004a, 2004b)
assessment, much of the information
about the status of the site relative to
development, extent of development
(e.g., area impacted), and fire was not
determined at that time. Therefore, this
assessment did not constitute a
complete review of the species’ status at
that time.
Some of the sites identified as being
historically or currently occupied in the
petition are likely the same sites
identified by Engelhard (2004a, 2004b),
and both references likely utilized the
same sources of information. However,
information used to create Table 1 in the
petition was not provided by the
petitioner; therefore it was not possible
for us to compare location information
available to us to that provided in the
petition. Therefore, it appears that
between 18 (according to the petition)
and 21 (Engelhard 2004a, 2004b) sites
were considered occupied by Hermes
copper butterflies in 2004.
Population Estimates/Status
According to the petition, the
Crestridge Ecological Reserve supports
the largest known population of the
species, and field surveys of the reserve
between 1999 and 2001 revealed
population fluctuations ranging from
1,000 butterflies in 2001, to one single
butterfly in 2002 (M. Klein pers. comm.)
[document not submitted with petition],
to 400 butterflies in 2003. The petitioner
asserted these fluctuations may be due
to variations in rainfall in San Diego
County. Other occupied sites have not
been systematically surveyed, as
illustrated in Table 1 in the petition and
in Engelhard (2004a, 2004b). Therefore,
no quantitative data exist on the total
population size of Hermes copper
Threats Analysis
Section 4 of the Act and its
implementing regulations (50 CFR 424)
set forth the procedures for adding
species to the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules
and Plants. A species may be
determined to be an endangered or
threatened species due to one or more
of the five factors described in section
4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The present or
threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)
the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; and (E) other natural or
manmade factors affecting its continued
existence. In making this finding, we
evaluated whether threats to the Hermes
copper butterfly presented in the
petition and other information readily
available to us may pose a concern with
respect to the species’ survival such that
listing under the Act may be warranted.
Our evaluation of these threats is
presented below.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
A. The Present or Threatened
Destruction, Modification, or
Curtailment of Habitat or Range
The petition, its appendices, and
referenced documents discuss the
following threats that we have grouped
under Factor A: Urban development,
wildfire, and prescribed fire.
Urban Development
Information provided by the
petitioner. The petitioner asserts the
‘‘Hermes copper [butterfly] is highly
vulnerable to extinction due to loss of
populations and dispersal habitat to
expanding urban development in San
Diego County and northern Baja
California,’’ and ‘‘the threat of urban
development is compounded by the
additional threat of wildfire.’’ The
petitioner cited two publications
(Comstock 1927; Wright 1930) that
predict probable extinction if rapid
expansion of development were to
continue within San Diego County. The
petitioner cited Brown (1991),
‘‘[b]ecause continued development in
the San Diego County threatens to
eliminate additional colonies of this
insect [Hermes copper butterfly], it is
considered highly sensitive and
vulnerable to extirpation.’’
The petitioner stated many
populations recorded from El Cajon,
Fairmont Canyon, Kearny Mesa, Scripps
Gateway, and numerous sites near the
urban core of the city of San Diego have
been lost to urban development and
cites Murphy (1991) [document not
submitted with petition] as stating,
‘‘[Hermes copper butterfly] has been
virtually extirpated in nearly all of its
best known historical localities around
[the] City of San Diego.’’ The petitioner
also stated that loss of populations and
dispersal habitat to urban development
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is a significant threat to the species in
the unincorporated portion of the San
Diego County foothills west of the
Cleveland National Forest, especially
unburned areas near Jamul and northern
portions of San Diego County. The
petitioner further stated that ongoing
urban development in Harbison Canyon,
Marine Air Corps Station Miramar, San
Marcos Creek, and Santee reduces
likelihood of recolonization by the
species. The petition also stated that
Hermes copper butterfly populations
identified in several locations by recent
development project biological surveys
may not persist following construction,
especially considering resulting habitat
fragmentation and increased risk of fire
with an expanded, proximate human
Analysis of information provided in
the petition. Rapid urban development
is occurring within the current known
range of the Hermes copper butterfly.
Coastal and interior San Diego County is
projected to grow about 44 percent by
the year 2020 (San Diego Association of
Governments 1999). While we
acknowledge development has likely
reduced the amount of occupied habitat
for Hermes copper butterfly, the extent
to which the reduction of habitat has
impacted the species has not been
quantitatively estimated.
The petition stated many populations
recorded from El Cajon, Fairmont
Canyon, Kearny Mesa, Scripps Gateway,
and numerous sites near the urban core
of the city of San Diego have been lost
to urban development. While not
explicitly stated in the petition, we
assumed for the purposes of our review
that the above statements were based on
information in Table 1 in the petition.
According to Table 1, six sites/areas
appear to correspond to these areas and
are referred to as ‘‘presumed lost to
urban development’’: El Cajon (‘‘3 miles
south of El Cajon’’ and ‘‘El Cajon’’),
Fairmont Canyon (‘‘Fairmont Canyon’’),
Kerny Mesa (‘‘Kerny Mesa’’), Scripps
Gateway (‘‘Scripps Gateway’’), and
numerous sites in San Diego
(collectively referred to as ‘‘San Diego’’).
However, no information was provided
with the petition documenting site
development, site location, the extent of
the development (e.g., area developed),
or the extent of habitat loss due to
The petition also stated several
populations have been identified during
recent development project biological
surveys and asserts these populations
may not persist following construction.
Table 1 identifies eight such sites.
However, no information was provided
documenting proposed or ongoing
development at these sites, site location,
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the extent of development (e.g., area
developed), or extent of habitat loss due
to development.
The status of Hermes copper butterfly
distribution compiled by Engelhard
(2004a, 2004b) lists 21 occupied
locations known as of 2004; Table 1 in
the petition lists 18 sites. As discussed
above, information used to create Table
1 in the petition was not provided;
therefore it was not possible for us to
compare location information available
to us (i.e., in Engelhard (2004a, 2004b))
to information provided in the petition.
While Engelhard’s (2004a, 2004b)
assessment included total area and
development status for some sites, such
information for most sites was not
determined at that time. Without
complete and specific information about
butterfly locations or past and proposed
development projects and their
associated impacts to habitat, we were
unable to determine the extent to which
urban development has reduced the
known range of the Hermes copper
butterfly. Further, according to Thorne
(1963), urbanization is not as great a
threat as commonly assumed:
‘‘There is rather general belief that [the
Hermes copper butterfly] is in a last ditch
struggle for survival in San Diego County.
This isn’t true! Colonies have survived in
areas that have been overrun with houses for
many years; in areas being grazed by
livestock; in areas being farmed (avocado
orchards); and in areas that have been burned
over with some frequency. The map * * *
shows the wide distribution of known
colonies which should ensure survival for
the foreseeable future.’’
Thorne’s (1963) map had 33 unnamed
‘‘known’’ colony locations, all within
San Diego County in the United States.
Although some colonies near urban
centers referred to by Thorne (1963)
have been destroyed by development,
many recent discoveries (i.e., post-1993)
of extant colonies within the known
species’ range have also been reported,
and the range of the species remains
relatively widely distributed. Examples
of colonies that have been reported
since 1993 include Black Mountain, and
multiple colonies on both the California
Department of Fish and Game (CDFG)
Crestridge Ecological Reserve and San
Diego National Wildlife Refuge
(Engelhard 2004b). In addition, the
biology of the species has not changed;
therefore Thorne’s (1963) assessment of
individual colony resilience with regard
to development and fire should still be
considered valid.
In addition, much uncertainty exists
regarding the distribution of the species
because the range of its host plant, spiny
redberry, extends well beyond the
known range of the butterfly, and
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surveys have not been conducted
throughout the host plant’s range
(especially inland San Diego County
and northwestern Baja California Norte).
Even the survey information for sites
historically or currently occupied by the
species is limited. The information in
Table 1 of the petition and in Engelhard
(2004a, 2004b) illustrates the fact that
most occupied sites have only been
surveyed on one or two occasions and
many have not been surveyed since the
1950s or 1960s. Therefore, it is difficult
to assess the species’ current status in
the absence of more current
In conclusion, we agree with the
petitioner that urban development has
likely reduced and fragmented habitat
for Hermes copper butterfly in San
Diego County. However, the habitat loss
and fragmentation has not been
quantitatively estimated, and the
species remains relatively widely
distributed. Therefore, we have
determined that information in the
petition and available to us does not
substantiate the claim that urban
development has significantly reduced
the amount of available Hermes copper
butterfly habitat to the point at which
the butterfly may become threatened or
endangered in the foreseeable future.
Information provided by the
petitioner. The petitioner asserted
Hermes copper butterfly is highly
vulnerable to extinction due to the
threat of fire as a result of direct
mortality of individuals and indirect
mortality due to loss of the species’
larval host plant, spiny redberry. The
petitioner further asserts, ‘‘Excessive,
human induced fire poses a significant
threat to the survival of the species,
even on lands otherwise protected from
development.’’ The threat of fire as it
relates to direct mortality of individual
butterflies is also discussed here.
Table 1 of the petition identifies areas
‘‘presumed to be burned’’ during the
October 2003 fires in San Diego County,
which are estimated to have burned 39
percent of Hermes copper butterfly
habitat (Betzler et al. 2003). According
to the petition, the largest concentration
of the species ever documented was lost
when the 2003 fire burned nearly all of
the California Department of Fish and
Game’s Crestridge Ecological Reserve.
The petition further stated 2001 surveys
at Crestridge identified approximately
52 Hermes copper butterfly colonies
with a total estimated population of
1,000 butterflies (CDFG 2001), of which
all appear to have been destroyed by the
2003 fires (M. Klein pers. comm.)
[document not submitted with petition].
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The petition stated that fires in 2003
also impacted the second largest
concentration of Hermes copper
butterfly when they burned through 4
populations in the City of San Diego’s
Mission Trails Regional Park (Mission
Grove, Mission Dam, Oak Creek, and
Spring Canyon) and at least 15
populations (although only 14 were
listed) throughout San Diego County: (1)
Anderson Road (Viejas Mountain), (2)
Boulder Creek Road, (3) Descanso, (4) El
Monte County Park, (5) Flinn Springs,
(6) Gooden Ranch reserve, (7) Harbison
Canyon, (8) Little Cedar Canyon, (9)
Miramar, (10) Old Viejas Grade Road,
(11) Otay-Foothill area, (12) Rancho
Jamul, (13) Santee (Fanita Ranch area),
and (14) Sycamore Canyon reserve. The
petition also stated at least three Hermes
copper butterfly populations were likely
lost to past fires on Bernardo Mountain
near Escondido, Dictionary Hill in
Spring Valley, and San Marcos Creek.
According to the petition, increased
human population density and
utilization of wildlands correlates with
increased southern California wildfire
frequency (Keeley et al. 1999; Keeley
2001 [document not submitted with
petition]; Keeley and Fotheringham
2003; Wells et al. 2004). The petitioner
asserted close proximity to large human
populations increases vulnerability of
the Hermes copper butterfly and its host
plant, the spiny redberry populations to
‘‘excessive’’ fire.
The petitioner cited two references,
Brooks et al. (2002 [correct citation
2004]) and Keeley and Fotheringham
(2003), that provide examples of
excessive fire harming chaparral
ecosystems and dependent species in a
number of ways. The petition quoted
Keeley and Fotheringham (2003),
‘‘* * * ecosystem health of shrublands
is threatened not by lack of fire but by
high fire frequencies that exceed the
resilience of many species.’’
The petitioner stated excessive fire
may prevent chaparral and coastal sage
scrub plant species, like spiny redberry,
from reaching maturity, thereby
reducing or eliminating reproduction
and recruitment of replacement
chaparral plants. An example cited by
the petitioner of an exotic species type
conversion within an area occupied by
Hermes copper butterflies was Bernardo
Mountain. The petition stated that in
2002, Michael Klein visited the known
occupied area burned in 1986, and
found it dominated by weedy exotic
forbs and grasses, with no spiny
redberry plants or Hermes copper
butterflies (M. Klein pers. comm.)
[document not submitted with petition].
According to a supplemental letter
and map provided by the petitioner, 44
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fires had burned through known Hermes
copper butterfly habitat, and 788 fires
have burned through ‘‘modeled’’ habitat
between 1900 and 2003 (CBD 2005). The
letter stated, ‘‘This rate of fire return
appears to exceed natural fire frequency
in coastal sage scrub and chaparral
ecosystems.’’ The letter further stated
that the combined effects of limited
dispersal behavior, urban development,
and excessive fires have reduced
available habitat, limited recolonization, and increased
vulnerability of remaining Hermes
copper butterfly populations, greatly
increasing likelihood of the species’
According to the petition, Hermes
copper butterfly biology appears to
reduce the likelihood of escape from
fire, because adults, eggs, larvae, and
pupae are likely killed when fire burns
spiny redberry plants and other coastal
sage scrub or chaparral vegetation. Also,
excessive fires over the last several
decades have reduced patches of mature
spiny redberry used by Hermes copper
butterfly, thereby reducing butterfly
populations and disrupting
metapopulation dynamics and stability.
Due to the amount of past and potential
future fires, any butterfly that escapes a
fire is unlikely to locate other suitable
Also according to the petition,
Hermes copper butterfly recovery
following a fire is confounded by very
slow recovery of it host plant (Zedler et
al. 1983) and very slow recolonization
by the butterfly. The petition cited
Brown (1991): ‘‘Even after recovery of
the host, the sedentary behavior of the
butterfly may make natural colonization
a very slow process, especially where
sources of potential colonists previously
have been extirpated.’’
Analysis of information provided in
the petition. The petition claimed
Hermes copper butterfly is highly
vulnerable due to the threat of fire,
citing a 39 percent loss of the species’
habitat burned in the 2003 fires. The
petitioner also claimed that the 2003
fires destroyed or impacted two of the
largest concentrations of the species and
at least 15 other populations throughout
San Diego County.
As cited in the petition, 39 percent of
Hermes copper butterfly habitat is
believed to have burned during the 2003
fires, a reduction from 317,451 ac
(128,468 ha) to 192,924 ac (78,074 ha)
(Betzler et al. 2003). However, this 39
percent reduction is an estimate based
on vegetation mortality for areas
occupied by the species (Betzler et al
2003). Since this estimate is not based
on actual post-fire surveys, it is not
possible to determine the actual amount
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules
of occupied Hermes copper habitat that
burned in the 2003 fire.
Table 1 of the petition highlights 22
sites that were ‘‘presumed lost to fire.’’
However, neither the petition nor the
supplemental map provided by the
petitioners had information on location
of sites ‘‘presumed lost to fire’’ or extent
of habitat lost due to fire (i.e., area
burned). While Engelhard (2004a,
2004b) attempted to compile
information on specific sites known to
be occupied by the species, the total
acres of the site and the fire status (i.e.,
burned in 2003 fires) for most of the
sites was not determined at that time
and is still unknown. Regardless, as
discussed above, extant colonies
continue to be discovered, and the
species appears to have maintained a
relatively wide range.
The petitioner also claimed the largest
known concentration of the species ever
documented was lost in the 2003 fire
that burned nearly all of the Crestridge
Ecological Reserve, further asserting a
total estimated population of 1,000
butterflies (per 2001 surveys) was lost.
However, as discussed in the
‘‘Population Estimate/Status’’ section of
this finding, the petitioner stated that
surveys conducted between 1999 and
2001 documented fluctuations in
individual abundance ranging from
1,000 butterflies in 2001, to a single
butterfly in 2002 (M. Klein pers. comm.)
[document not submitted with petition]
to 400 butterflies in 2003 (pre-fire). The
petition asserted that these fluctuations
may be due to variations in rainfall in
San Diego County. It is also not clear
how good an index survey counts are of
population size. While it is clear that
the 2003 fire impacted the Hermes
copper butterfly habitat at Crestridge,
and presumably the butterfly itself, it is
unclear how resilient this population is
since wide fluctuations in the species’
abundance had been documented prior
to the fire. Also, while a few historically
occupied territories burned in the 2003
fires were visited in 2004 (Faulkner and
Klein 2005), we are unaware of any
systematic post-fire monitoring
conducted to document the extent of the
impact of the fires on Hermes copper
The petitioner also claimed that the
2003 fires impacted a large
concentration of Hermes copper
butterflies at Mission Trails Regional
Park and at least 15 other populations
throughout San Diego County. However,
the petitioner did not provide any
information on the extent of the area
impacted by fire (e.g., area burned) or on
post-fire surveys done at these sites;
additional monitoring is needed at these
sites to determine their status,
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particularly as it relates to the impact of
fire on butterfly populations and
While it is unlikely that immature
Hermes copper butterflies (larvae,
pupae, and adults) can survive the
burning of occupied habitat, it appears
that adult butterflies will recolonize
burned habitat over time. In an example
of fire recovery, Brown (1991) noted that
a 1982 fire apparently eliminated large
stands of spiny redberry and a colony of
Hermes copper butterfly in Mission
Gorge (in Mission Trails Regional Park).
Although the species was not observed
again during annual surveys following
the fire until 2000 (Klein and Faulkner
2003), the host plant and butterfly did
eventually return 18 years later. During
limited post-fire monitoring at
Crestridge, one adult male Hermes
copper was observed in 2005 on three
different dates by two observers (Klein
2006), indicating that the population
had not been extirpated as hypothesized
in Klein and Williams (2003). We are
not aware of any additional surveys
conducted at Crestridge in 2005. While
Faulkner and Klein (2005) state that no
butterflies were observed during 2004
visits to only a few of the historically
occupied territories burned in the 2003
fires, we are unaware of any systematic
post-fire monitoring conducted to
document the extent of the impact of the
fires to Hermes copper butterfly and its
habitat or to document recolonization
rates. Additional monitoring is needed
to determine the survival and
recolonization rate of immature and
adult butterflies following a fire.
The petition claimed increased
human populations and utilization of
wildlands correlates with increased
southern California wildfire frequency.
The petition also asserted that, between
1900 and 2003, from 44 to 788 fires had
burned through known and ‘‘modeled’’
habitat, respectively, and this rate of fire
return appears to exceed natural fire
frequency in coastal sage scrub and
chaparral ecosystems.
In a GIS modeling study, Wells et al.
(2004) largely concurred with Keeley et
al. (1999) (cited in the petition) that
increasing human population
(especially at lower elevations) has
resulted in a greater number of fires and
an increase in area burned overall in
southern California. However, looking at
fire frequency for coastal sage scrub and
chaparral in San Diego County
specifically, Wells et al. (2004)
concluded that for ‘‘coastal sage scrub
habitats, there has been an increase in
burning over the course of the past
century’’ but that the ‘‘trend in burning
in chaparral is virtually flat over the
past century, and if the years following
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1950 are considered, there has been a
marked decrease in area burned since
then.’’ Contrary to the interpretation of
the petitioner, Keeley et al. (1999)
actually reported that fire rotation
intervals (i.e., the time needed to burn
an equivalent area of shrubland)
actually increased in San Diego County
after 1950.
The supplemental letter and map
provided by the petitioner (stating that
between 1900 and 2003, 44 fires had
burned through known Hermes copper
butterfly habitat, and 788 fires have
burned through ‘‘modeled’’ habitat)
does not provide sufficient information
to allow us to verify the extent of the
impact caused by these historic and
more recent fires. In an attempt to
outline fire frequency in Hermes copper
butterfly habitat, the map overlays
‘‘approximate location of past and
current Hermes copper colonies’’ and
‘‘modeled’’ Hermes copper habitat with
a data layer indicating areas where from
one to nine fires had occurred.
‘‘Modeled’’ habitat is defined on the
map as being ‘‘based on very broad
vegetation, soil, elevation and other
categories and therefore includ[ing]
many unsuitable habitat areas.’’ No
information about the Hermes copper
butterfly location data or the data on
which the fire layer is based were
provided by the petitioner. The
petitioner did not explain how
information on the map was used to
determine that 44 fires had burned
through known Hermes copper butterfly
habitat or 788 fires have burned through
‘‘modeled’’ habitat. Also, the petitioner
did not indicate where fires that burned
between 1900 and 2003 overlapped or
calculate a fire frequency/rate of return
for any particular geographic area.
Therefore, it is not clear how the
petitioner determined that ‘‘This rate of
fire return appears to exceed natural fire
frequency in coastal sage scrub and
chaparral ecosystems.’’ Without specific
information on the extent of the impact
caused by historic and current fires,
including the 2003 fires, it does not
appear the Hermes copper butterfly is
currently threatened with extinction
due to fire.
The petition also stated ‘‘excessive’’
fires prevent chaparral and coastal sage
scrub species (like spiny redberry, the
Hermes copper butterfly’s host plant)
from reaching maturity, thereby
reducing or eliminating reproduction
and recruitment of replacement
chaparral, and allowing for the invasion
of nonnative species.
Spiny redberry plants, like other
large-seeded shrubs, are ‘‘obligate
resprouters’’ after fires (Keeley 1998).
Because such taxa resprout from a deep
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules
root system or lignotuber and establish
few seedlings immediately following
fire, obligate resprouters ‘‘successfully
recruit in the long-term absence of fire’’
(Keeley 1998). Post-fire seedling
establishment of obligate resprouters is
always quite limited, although seedling
recruitment has been reported as
‘‘abundant’’ in older unburned
chaparral stands (Keeley 1992a and
1992b). In the absence of fire, ‘‘obligate
resprouting species often gain
dominance over obligate seeding
species,’’ but Rhamnus species and
other obligate resprouters are also ‘‘quite
resilient to frequent burning’’ (Keeley
1986). Moreover, Keeley (1986) stated
obligate resprouters ‘‘have a marked
competitive advantage during the first
decade after fire,’’ which is within the
current regrowth timeframe of butterflyoccupied spiny redberry stands burned
in 2003. In a post-fire recovery and
succession study of chaparral and sage
scrub in southern California, Keeley et
al. (2005) ‘‘showed that all vegetation
types exhibited a high proportion of
structural similarity between pre- and
postfire communities’’ after 5 years.
Though Keeley and Fotheringham
(2003) concluded that, with continued
disturbance like fire, nonnative
invasives may replace an entire
ecosystem and type convert shrublands
to alien grasslands, Keeley (2004) noted
that invasive alien plants typically will
not displace obligate resprouting species
in mesic shrublands that burn once a
decade ‘‘because rapid resprout growth
recaptures the site and replenishes
vitality of roots and lignotubers.’’
Therefore, based on the species’ biology,
it appears that spiny redberry should
recover in these burned areas.
Though recent fires may have
temporarily reduced the extent of
Hermes copper butterfly habitat (i.e.,
spiny redberry and associated
chaparral/coastal sage scrub plants),
information in the petition and available
to us does not substantiate a permanent
loss of or a downward trend in the
extent of the species’ habitat as a result
of increased fire frequency and
associated alien plant invasion.
The petitioner did not provide
information or data to substantiate the
claim that excessive fires over the last
several decades have reduced Hermes
copper butterfly population numbers
and disrupted metapopulation
dynamics and stability. As stated in the
‘‘Population Estimates/Status’’ section
of this finding, no quantitative data on
population size exists nor do we have
any information on the dispersal or
movement behavior of this species.
Without this information, it is not
possible to determine the species’
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population structure (e.g.,
metapopulation or panmictic) and,
subsequently, the impact of fire on
population numbers and structure.
Prescribed Fire
Information provided by the petition.
The petitioner, citing Schlicht and
Orwig (1999) [document not submitted
with petition], claimed prescribed fire is
likely to harm vulnerable Hermes
copper butterfly populations by further
contributing to excessive fire, and
controlled burns often differ from
natural fires in frequency, intensity,
timing, and patchiness. These
aforementioned factors could reduce the
likelihood of the butterfly’s survival
through prescribed fire. The petitioners
also maintained that the Cleveland
National Forest has aggressively
prescribed fire as a vegetation
management tool in an attempt to
benefit native wildlife. In addition, they
asserted the County of San Diego ‘‘has
generally rejected effective fire safety
techniques of limiting poorly planned
rural [development] and retrofitting
existing structures with fire resistant
materials. The County has instead
focused on * * * excessive brush
clearing around homes and
communities, and has pushed for
expanded prescribed fire on both
National Forest and private land.’’
Analysis of information provided in
the petition. The petitioner asserted that
a number of Hermes copper butterfly
populations located under the
jurisdiction of the Cleveland National
Forest and San Diego County are being
impacted by prescribed burning
practices and policies undertaken by
these entities. However, the petition
does not provide documentation of
instances where prescribed burning is
being conducted in occupied Hermes
copper butterfly habitat.
Review of San Diego County fire
management regulations and
recommendations (San Diego County
2004, 2006a; California Fire Safety
Council 2006) contradicts the
petitioner’s claim that San Diego County
rejected effective fire safety techniques
and has pushed for expanded prescribed
fire. San Diego County does recommend
clearing within 100 feet (30.5 m) of
structures (Sand Diego County 2006),
and places emphasis on replacement of
flammable roofing material with fireresistant shingles, planting of fireresistant landscape vegetation, use of
fire-resistant native plant species,
avoidance of invasive exotic species in
landscaping, and other effective
conservation-oriented fire management
techniques (San Diego County 2006;
California Fire Safety Council 2006). No
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readily available documents support a
rejection of conservation-oriented rural
planning in favor of fire-safe planning,
or a recent push for prescribed fire.
Koelander and Bowman (2004), in a
report designed to identify how San
Diego County (and the City of San
Diego) could better prepare and respond
to fire hazards, concluded, ‘‘Adoption of
new building codes will only resolve
the problem for the new structures
* * * For existing structures, the
removal of highly flammable vegetation
within 100-feet of structures and the
replacement of combustible roofing will
provide a heightened level of wildland
fire protection.’’
Regarding the U.S. Forest Service, of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the
agency stated in its final environmental
impact statement (Volume 1) that the
Hermes copper butterfly ‘‘[c]ould be
affected by prescribed fire or fuel
reduction projects in habitat that affect
[its] host plant, Rhamnus crocea,’’ but
that Vegetation Management Standard
37 addressed this threat (USDA Forest
Service 2005a). However, according to
the Forest Service’s Land Management
Plan (2005b), Standard 37 requires the
Forest Service when implementing fire
management activities to ‘‘[d]esign and
manage fuel treatments to minimize the
risk that treated areas will be used by
unauthorized motorized and
mechanized vehicles [and to m]itigate
impacts where such use does occur.’’ It
is not clear how Standard 37 (USDA
Forest Service 2005a) addresses the
threat of prescribed fire to the species.
In the Cleveland National Forest’s Land
Management Plan (USDA Forest Service
2005c), the Forest Service’s primary
strategy for threatened, endangered,
proposed, candidate, and sensitive
species management is to ‘‘[m]anage
habitat to move listed species toward
recovery and delisting’’ and ‘‘[p]revent
listing of proposed and sensitive
species’’ by implementing the priority
conservation strategies in Table 529.
According to this table (USDA Forest
Service 2005c), a priority conservation
strategy task over the next 3 to 5 years
is to protect Hermes copper butterfly
habitat by preventing and suppressing
Though the above guidance is general
in nature, we could find no support for
the claim that the Cleveland National
Forest has aggressively prescribed fire as
a vegetation management tool in an
attempt to benefit other native wildlife
at the expense of the Hermes copper
butterfly. Based on the above
discussion, we have determined that the
petition does not substantiate the claim
that prescribed burning impacts
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules
occupied Hermes copper butterfly
We have determined that information
in the petition does not substantiate the
claim that urban development, wildfire,
and prescribed fire has significantly
reduced the amount of available Hermes
copper butterfly habitat. While we
acknowledge that urban development
and fire has likely reduced and
fragmented habitat for Hermes copper
butterfly in San Diego County, the
extent of impact to the species and its
habitat has not been quantitatively
estimated, and the species appears to
have multiple colonies within a
relatively wide geographic range. Thus,
we do not believe the petition has
presented substantial information to
suggest the butterfly is likely to become
endangered in the foreseeable future.
B. Overutilization for Commercial,
Recreational, Scientific or Educational
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Commercial Harvest
Information provided in the petition.
The petitioner stated the Hermes copper
butterfly may be endangered by
overutilization for commercial purposes
and identifies one commercial
enterprise that may contribute to the
imperiled status of the butterfly. A
company, ‘‘Morningstar Flower and
Vibrational Essences,’’ markets a
‘‘Hermes copper butterfly essence’’ over
the Internet. These essences are
available in 2-ounce and 4-ounce sizes
by special order.
The petitioner claimed that overcollection is another potential threat to
the Hermes copper butterfly because of
their value to butterfly collectors. They
cite an example, in 1986, where a
female Hermes copper butterfly was
worth $20.00.
Analysis of information provided in
the petition. No evidence exists to
support the use of Hermes copper
butterfly in developing butterfly
essences. According to Morning Star
Essences (2006), no butterfly parts are
used in ‘‘essences’’ production. While
there are a number of other businesses
that advertise sale of ‘‘butterfly
essences,’’ no information exists to
support the claim that this activity
threatens the species.
Some collection of Hermes copper
butterflies may occur given their value
to collectors. As the number of colonies
is reduced, lepidopterists may
increasingly collect individuals to
include rare species in their collections,
or obtain surplus specimens for
exchange or sale. On June, 26, 2004, two
different advertisements on the Internet
offered specimens of Lycaena hermes
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for sale. Both were priced at 125 Euros
(= approximately $152.00) (Martin
2004b). Nonetheless, no substantial data
exist to substantiate such trade still
exists or, if any trade continues, the
extent to which it impacts the Hermes
copper butterfly population. As a result,
we conclude trade or collection
probably does not pose a significant
threat to the species at this time.
C. Disease or Predation
The petitioner did not provide any
information with respect to disease on
Hermes copper butterfly.
Information provided by the petition.
The petitioner stated the Hermes copper
butterfly may be endangered by
predation. The petition claimed experts
suspect birds, predatory insects,
parasitic insects, and spiders prey upon
Hermes copper butterfly, and that the
harmful effects of otherwise normal
predation or parasitism might be
exacerbated by population reduction
from urban development and excessive
Analysis of information provided in
the petition. The petitioner did not
provide specific information validating
the claim that the Hermes copper
butterfly may be endangered by
predation. We are not aware of any
documentation that suggests that
predation poses a significant threat to
the species, and, therefore, we are
unable to validate whether predation
may endanger the Hermes copper
D. The Inadequacy of Existing
Regulatory Mechanisms
Information provided by the petition.
The petition, its appendices, and
referenced documents discuss five
regulatory mechanisms that provide
some potential for Hermes copper
butterfly conservation, but the petition
claimed none of these mechanisms have
proven effective in reducing the primary
threats to the butterfly from urban
development, fire, and related habitat
degradation. The five regulatory
mechanisms include: (1) California
Environmental Quality Act; (2) National
Environmental Policy Act; (3) Forest
Service Management; (4) San Diego
Multiple Species Conservation Plan or
‘‘San Diego MSCP’’; and (5) County of
San Diego Resource Protection
California Environmental Quality and
National Environmental Policy Act
The petitioner claimed the Service
has previously provided extensive
discussion of the inadequacy of the
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California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) to protect imperiled species,
identifying several listings in the
Federal Register (62 FR 2318, January
16, 1997; 62 FR 4935, February 3, 1997;
61 FR 25829, May 23, 1996; 69 FR
47236, August 4, 2004). The petitioner
implies the Service’s previous
conclusions are fully applicable in
consideration of protections under
CEQA for the Hermes copper butterfly.
Analysis of information provided in
the petition. California Department of
Fish and Game can only designate
‘‘native species or subspecies of a bird,
mammal, fish, amphibian, or plant’’ as
either endangered or threatened under
the California Endangered Species Act
(Fish and Game Code, Sections 2062
and 2067). However, the California
Environmental Quality Act or CEQA
(Public Resources Code, Sections
21000–21178, and Title 14 CCR, Section
753, and Sections 15000–15387) has and
should continue to require proposed
project effects to Hermes copper
butterflies be evaluated under the
provisions of this State environmental
statute, although CEQA does not require
any species to be protected. CEQA
requires public agencies to disclose
environmental impacts of a project on
native species and natural communities
during the land use planning process
and to identify mitigation measures and
project alternatives. This allows public
comments to influence the planning
process. The National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321–
4347) requires the Federal Government
to disclose adverse impacts of a
proposed action that cannot be avoided,
but NEPA does not require any species
to be protected. Although these statutes
provide limited protection for the
Hermes copper butterfly, we are not
aware of any documentation that
suggests that implementation of these
laws, especially land use development
projects under CEQA, pose a significant
threat to the species. Also, as discussed
under Factor A above, information in
the petition and available to us does not
substantiate the claim that urban
development subject to these laws has
significantly reduced the amount of
available Hermes copper butterfly
Forest Service Management
Information provided in the petition.
The petitioner claimed Forest Service
regulations and management activities
appear to provide few protections to the
Hermes copper butterfly. The petitioner
states that aside from monitoring survey
results by others, there is no indication
that the Cleveland National Forest is
engaged in the conservation of the
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Hermes copper butterfly. In addition,
the petitioner states the Hermes copper
butterfly is not formally recognized as a
‘‘sensitive species’’ by the Forest
Service, and recognition of Hermes
copper butterfly as a sensitive species
would still be unlikely to generate any
important, pro-active conservation
activities necessary to improve the
status of the species.
Analysis of information provided in
the petition. The Hermes copper
butterfly was included in the table of
‘‘Animal Species Evaluated for Viability
Concerns (Species of Concern)’’ by the
Forest Service (USDA 2005a); therefore,
the petitioners claim the Hermes copper
butterfly is not formally recognized as a
‘‘sensitive species’’ by the Forest Service
is not currently accurate.
In describing proposed management
standards to address threats facing
designated ‘‘Animal Species-At-Risk,’’
the Forest Service stated the Hermes
copper butterfly ‘‘[c]ould be affected by
prescribed fire or fuel reduction projects
in habitat that affect [its] host plant,
Rhamnus crocea; wildfire risk’’ and that
Vegetation Management Standard 37
addressed this threat (USDA 2005a). As
discussed above, Standard 37 of the
Forest Service’s Land Management Plan
(USDA 2005b), requires the Forest
Service to ‘‘[d]esign and manage fuel
treatments to minimize the risk that
treated areas will be used by
unauthorized motorized and
mechanized vehicles [and to m]itigate
impacts where such use does occur.’’
However, it is not clear how this
standard protects the butterfly from
prescribed fire, nor is any other
protection apparently provided by this
standard because vehicle impacts are
not considered a threat to the species.
In the Cleveland National Forest’s
(USDA 2005c) Land Management Plan,
the Forest Service’s primary strategy for
threatened, endangered, proposed,
candidate, and sensitive species
management is to ‘‘[m]anage habitat to
move listed species toward recovery and
delisting’’ and ‘‘[p]revent listing of
proposed and sensitive species’’ by
implementing the priority conservation
strategies in Table 529. According to
this table (USDA 2005c), the priority
tasks for the next 3 to 5 years in
conservation strategy emphasis are to
monitor/study ‘‘[s]pecies recovery after
wildfire (burned area monitoring)’’ and
protect its habitat by preventing and
suppressing fires. Although the above
guidance is general in nature, the
Cleveland National Forest should be
engaged to some degree in the
conservation of the Hermes copper
butterfly; however, no documentation of
conservation activities was available.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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We acknowledge that Forest Service
regulations provide limited protection
of the Hermes copper butterfly.
However, as discussed in Factor A and
Factor E, information in the petition
does not substantiate the claim that
wildfire or prescribed fire pose a threat
to the species or that there is a need to
improve the species’ status.
San Diego Multiple Species
Conservation Plan
Information provided in the petition.
The petition stated: (1) The Hermes
copper butterfly is not recognized as a
‘‘covered species’’ under the San Diego
Multiple Species Conservation Plan
(MSCP) (MSCP 1998); (2) the MSCP
cannot provide the necessary
management to benefit the species
because none is planned, described, or
required by the Plan; and (3) the MSCP
can benefit the Hermes copper butterfly
only in the event of collaterally
beneficial conservation activities for
other species and habitats. The
petitioner claimed the informal
treatment of Hermes copper butterfly by
the MSCP provides few conservation
benefits. The petitioner also stated the
MSCP identifies only three sites where
the butterfly occurs in one area, the
Metro-Lakeside-Jamul Segment, despite
the additional occupied sites at the time
of Plan approval in the Metro-LakesideJamul and South County segments.
Analysis of information provided in
the petition. It is true this species is not
specifically covered under the San
Diego Multiple Species Conservation
Plan; however, the San Diego MSCP
appears to have already benefited the
Hermes copper butterfly where it
overlaps with conservation activities for
other species (e.g., management of
Crestridge Ecological Reserve and the
San Diego National Wildlife Refuge).
Also, not all potential habitat within the
planned MSCP preserve has been fully
surveyed yet, and the full distribution of
the species within areas protected or
managed by the MSCP is unknown.
Land use restrictions within the
MSCP County of San Diego Subarea
plan will be implemented through the
Biological Mitigation Ordinance (BMO).
The BMO implements preserve design
criteria for urban development and
conservation of remaining private land,
based on preserve design criteria that
establish mitigation ratios and
conditions. Mitigation may be required
for the species recognized as ‘‘sensitive
species’’ as defined by CEQA on land
identified as Biological Resource Core
Area, and therefore should provide
some protection for the species.
However, Hermes copper butterfly
populations, habitat, and dispersal
PO 00000
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corridors will not be protected outside
of the Biological Resource Core Area.
The BMO within the Biological Core
Area requires the County to impose
design criteria that could minimize
additional losses of populations and
habitat, but would not require
avoidance of Hermes copper butterfly
populations, habitat, or dispersal
City of San Diego and County Open
Space Parks
Information provided in the petition.
The petition stated that remaining
Hermes copper butterfly populations are
not necessarily protected by nature of
their location on the following open
space park lands managed by the City or
County of San Diego: Black Mountain,
McGinty Mountain, and Mission Trails
Regional Park. Lacking formal coverage,
the Hermes copper butterfly cannot
directly benefit from these open spaces.
Analysis of the information provided
in the petition. The Hermes copper
butterfly is now known to occur on
approximately 25 different properties in
San Diego County, California. Of these,
seven properties are under City or
County of San Diego ownership. Many
of these lands are ‘‘designed’’ open
space areas and County parks, which
include various types of trails, ball
fields, picnic areas, restroom facilities
and/or parking lots. Although the
impact of recreation on the butterfly is
unknown, it is unlikely that limited
recreational development and foot and
bicycle traffic will destroy significant
numbers of host plant shrubs in existing
designated open space parklands.
County of San Diego Resource
Protection Ordinance
Information provided in the petition.
The petition claimed the County of San
Diego’s Resource Protection Ordinance
(RPO) (County of San Diego 1991)
imposes control on development of
wetlands, floodplains, steep slopes,
sensitive biological habitats, and
prehistoric and historic sites. The
petition stated RPO provisions address
biological resources outside of the
boundaries of the County’s Subarea Plan
under the San Diego MSCP. The RPO
does not directly protect species or
impose any species-specific
management efforts, but rather attempts
to minimize the impacts of urban
development on habitat. The petition
stated that the Hermes copper butterfly
would be only inadvertently protected
by the County RPO through the land
protection ordinance, which would not
require measures necessary to prevent
extinction of the species, such as a
requirement that new urban
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules
development avoid remaining Hermes
copper butterfly populations and
dispersal corridors. The petition also
stated the RPO does not provide
measures that could improve the status
of the species, such as special
conservation management of the Hermes
copper butterfly populations, habitat,
and dispersal corridors.
Analysis of the information provided
in the petition. The RPO (County of San
Diego 1991) imposes controls on
development of wetlands, floodplains,
steep slopes, sensitive biological habitat,
and prehistoric and historic sites. The
RPO requires the Resource Protection
Study for certain discretionary projects
in order to identify a number of
objectives, including identification of
environmentally sensitive lands. The
County may require conditions to
protect sensitive lands including
habitats that may protect the Hermes
copper butterfly.
Based on the information and analysis
provided above, we find that the
petition does not present substantial
information that the species is
threatened at this time by the
inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms across all or a significant
portion of its range.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors
Affecting Continued Existence
The petition, its appendices, and
referenced documents discuss the
following threats that we have grouped
under Factor E: Vulnerability of small
and isolated populations, and global
climate change.
Vulnerability of Small and Isolated
Information provided in the petition.
The petitioner asserts that endemic
species, such as the Hermes copper
butterfly, are generally considered more
prone to extinction than widespread
species due to their restricted
geographic range. The petitioner claims
that the common factors that increase
the vulnerability of a small and isolated
population to extinction are
demographic fluctuations,
environmental stochasticity, and
reduced genetic diversity.
Analysis of the information provided
in the petition. Although annual
observations of the largest known prefire population (Crestridge Ecological
Reserve) suggest that numbers of adult
butterflies may fluctuate approximately
two orders of magnitude from one year
to the next, and may be correlated with
rainfall (Klein and Faulkner 2003), it is
not clear how these observations
correlate with population densities of
all individuals including immature
VerDate Aug<31>2005
18:27 Aug 07, 2006
Jkt 208001
diapausing (quiescent) stages. Also,
much uncertainty exists regarding the
distribution of the species because the
range of its host plant, spiny redberry,
extends well beyond the known range of
the butterfly, and surveys have not been
conducted throughout the host plant
range (especially inland San Diego
County and northwestern Baja
California Norte). While it is possible
that ‘‘small’’ populations and isolation
could subject the butterfly to genetic
drift and restricted gene flow that may
decrease genetic variability over time
and could adversely affect the species’
viability, we do not have sufficient
information about the species’
distribution or population structure to
determine that isolation and small
population size pose a threat to the
Global Climate Change
Information provided in the petition.
The petitioner asserted butterflies are
particularly sensitive to small changes
in microclimates, such as fluctuations in
moisture, temperature, or sunlight.
Studies of Edith’s checkerspot
(Euphydryas chalceona edithi) have
documented that whole ecosystems may
move northward or upward in elevation
as the Earth’s climate warms.
Analysis of the information provided
in the petition. The petitioner did not
provide specific information validating
the claim that the Hermes copper
butterfly may be endangered by global
climate change. We recognize recent
evaluations (e.g., Parmesan and
Galbraith 2004) that whole ecosystems
are seemingly being shifted northward.
We are not aware of any documentation
available or provided by the petitioner
directly linking global warming as a
threat to the Hermes copper butterfly, or
explaining how global warming
specifically affects this species.
We do not have sufficient information
about the species’ distribution or
population structure to determine that
isolation and small population size pose
a threat to the species or that global
warming poses a threat to the Hermes
copper butterfly. Therefore, we have
determined that information in the
petition and available to us does not
substantiate the claim that vulnerability
of small and isolated populations and
global climate change have significantly
impacted Hermes copper butterfly.
We evaluated each of the five listing
factors individually, and because the
threats to Hermes butterfly are not
mutually exclusive, we also evaluated
the collective effect of these threats. The
petition focused primarily on three
PO 00000
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listing factors: Factor A (the Present or
Threatened Destruction, Modification,
or Curtailment of the Species’ Habitat or
Range), Factor D (Inadequacy of Existing
Regulatory Mechanisms), and Factor E
(Other Natural or Manmade Factors
Affecting Its Continued Existence). More
specifically, information in the petition
suggests that urban development and
fire pose the primary threats to Hermes
copper butterfly habitat and populations
because the species’ range occurs on
lands susceptible to both types of
While it is likely that recent fires have
temporarily reduced the extent of
Hermes copper butterfly habitat (i.e.,
spiny redberry and associated
chaparral/coastal sage scrub plants),
information in the petition and available
to us does not substantiate a permanent
loss of, or a downward trend in, the
extent of the species’ habitat as a result
of increased fire frequency. Also, within
areas that have burned, the species
appears able to re-colonize over time.
We also acknowledge that
urbanization and fire have further
fragmented the species’ habitat, but
current information indicates
development does not currently
threaten the species with extinction.
Also, much uncertainty exists regarding
the distribution of the species because
the range of its host plant, spiny
redberry, extends well beyond the
known range of the butterfly, and
surveys have not been conducted
throughout the host plant’s range.
We have determined that the petition
and other information in our files does
not present substantial information that
the species is threatened at this time by
the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms across all or a significant
portion of the species’ range and that
Federal listing would not necessarily
provide additional benefits to the
species. We will continue to work with
the appropriate Federal, State, and local
entities to avoid and minimize impacts
to this species on their lands.
We have reviewed the petition and
literature cited in the petition and
evaluated that information in relation to
information available to us. After this
review and evaluation, we find the
petition does not present substantial
scientific or commercial information to
indicate listing the Hermes copper
butterfly may be warranted at this time.
Although we are not commencing a
status review in response to this
petition, we will continue to monitor
potential threats and ongoing
management actions that might be
important with regard to the
conservation of the Hermes copper
butterfly across its range. We encourage
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 152 / Tuesday, August 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules
interested parties to continue to gather
data that will assist with the
conservation of the species. Information
regarding the Hermes copper butterfly
may be submitted to the Field
Supervisor, Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife
Office (see ADDRESSES section above) at
any time.
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited
herein is available, upon request, from
the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office
(see ADDRESSES section above).
The primary authors of this notice are
staff of the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife
Office (see ADDRESSES section above).
The authority for this action is the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
Dated: August 1, 2006.
H. Dale Hall,
Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. E6–12744 Filed 8–7–06; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
RIN 1018–AU46
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Revised Designation of
Critical Habitat for the Endangered
Alabama Beach Mouse
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Revised proposed rule;
reopening of comment period, notice of
availability of draft economic analysis,
acreage corrections, and notice of public
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, announce the
reopening of the public comment
period, a public hearing on the
proposed revision of critical habitat for
the Alabama beach mouse (Peromyscus
polionotus ammobates) (ABM), and the
availability of the draft economic
analysis of the proposed designation of
critical habitat under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act).
We are also using this comment period
to correct minor acreage calculation
errors in the February 1, 2006, proposed
rule (71 FR 5516), announce the
inclusion of an additional 6 acres
(distributed among proposed critical
habitat units 1, 2, and 3), and solicit
18:27 Aug 07, 2006
Jkt 208001
We will accept public comments
until September 7, 2006. See Public
Hearings, under SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION, for further details.
ADDRESSES: If you wish to comment,
you may submit your comments and
information concerning this proposal,
identified by ‘‘Attn: Alabama Beach
Mouse Critical Habitat,’’ by any one of
several methods:
(1) Mail or hand-deliver to: Field
Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Daphne Fish and Wildlife
Office, 1208–B Main Street, Daphne,
Alabama 36526.
(2) Send by electronic mail (e-mail) to
abmcriticalhabitat@fws.gov. Please see
the Public Comments Solicited section
below for file format and other
information about electronic filing.
(3) Provide oral or written comments
at the public hearing.
(4) Fax your comments to: 251–441–
5. Submit comments on Federal
eRulemaking portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
further comments on the proposed rule.
The draft economic analysis forecasts
that costs associated with conservation
activities for the ABM would range from
$18.3 million to $51.8 million in
undiscounted dollars over the next 20
years. Adjusted for possible inflation,
the costs would range from $16.1
million to $46.8 million over 20 years,
or $1.1 million to $3.1 million annually
using a 3 percent discount; or $14.2
million to $41.7 million over 20 years,
or $1.3 million to $3.9 million annually
using a 7 percent discount. We are
reopening the public comment period to
allow all interested parties an
opportunity to comment simultaneously
on the proposed rule and the associated
draft economic analysis. Comments
previously submitted need not be
resubmitted as they will be incorporated
into the public record and fully
considered in preparation of the final
Public Hearings
We have scheduled a public hearing
on the proposed critical habitat revision
and the draft economic analysis. The
hearing will take place from 7 to 9 p.m.
on August 24, 2006, at the Adult
Activity Center located at 260
Clubhouse Drive, Gulf Shores, Alabama
36542. This will be preceded by a
public information session from 6 to 7
p.m. at the same location. Maps of the
proposal and other materials will be
available for public review.
Comments and materials received, as
well as supporting documentation used
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4702
in the preparation of this proposed rule,
will be available for public inspection
by appointment during normal business
hours at the Daphne Fish and Wildlife
Field Office at the above address.
Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Daphne, Alabama (telephone
251–441–5181; facsimile 251–441–
Public Comments Solicited
We intend that any final action
resulting from this proposal will be as
accurate and as effective as possible.
Therefore, comments or suggestions
from the public, other concerned
governmental agencies, the scientific
community, industry, or any other
interested party concerning this
proposed rule are hereby solicited.
Comments particularly are sought
(1) The reasons any habitat should or
should not be determined to be critical
habitat as provided by section 4 of the
Act, including whether the benefit of
designation will outweigh any adverse
impacts to the species due to
(2) Specific information on the
presence of Alabama beach mouse
habitat, particularly what areas should
be included in the designations that
were occupied at the time of listing that
contain features that are essential for the
conservation of the species and why;
and what areas that were not occupied
at listing are essential to the
conservation of the species and why;
(3) Land use designations and current
or planned activities in the subject areas
and their possible impacts on proposed
critical habitat;
(4) Any foreseeable economic,
national security, or other potential
impacts resulting from the proposed
designation and, in particular, any
impacts on small entities;
(5) Whether the draft economic
analysis identifies all State and local
costs attributable to the proposed
critical habitat designation, and
information on any costs that have been
inadvertently overlooked;
(6) Whether the draft economic
analysis makes appropriate assumptions
regarding current practices and likely
regulatory changes imposed as a result
of the designation of critical habitat;
(7) Whether the draft economic
analysis correctly assesses the effect on
regional costs associated with any land
use controls that may derive from the
designation of critical habitat;
(8) Whether the draft economic
analysis appropriately identifies all
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 152 (Tuesday, August 8, 2006)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 44966-44976]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E6-12744]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Finding on
a Petition to List the Hermes Copper Butterfly as Endangered
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of 90-day petition finding.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce a
90-day finding on a petition to list the Hermes copper butterfly
(Hermelycaena [Lycaena] hermes) as an endangered species under the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. We find the petition does
not present substantial scientific or commercial information indicating
that listing the Hermes copper butterfly may be warranted. Therefore,
are not initiating a status review in response to this petition. We ask
the public to submit to us any new information that becomes available
concerning the status of the species or threats to it.
DATES: The finding announced in this document was made on August 8,
ADDRESSES: The complete file for this finding is available for public
inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours at the
Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 6010
Hidden Valley Road, Carlsbad, CA 92011. New information, materials,
comments, or questions concerning this species may be submitted to us
at any time at the above address.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jim Bartel, Field Supervisor, Carlsbad
Fish and Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES section above), by telephone at
760-431-9440, or by facsimile to 760-431-9624. Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800-877-8339, 24 hours a day, 7
days a week.
Section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (Act) (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) requires that we make a finding
on whether a petition to list, delist, or reclassify a species presents
substantial information to indicate that the petitioned action may be
warranted. To the maximum extent practicable, this finding is to be
made within 90 days of receipt of the petition, and the finding is to
be published in the Federal Register.
This finding summarizes information included in the petition and
information available to us at the time of the petition review. A 90-
day finding under section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Act and Sec. 424.14(b) of
our regulations is limited to a determination of whether the
information in the petition meets the ``substantial information''
threshold. Substantial information is ``that amount of information that
would lead a reasonable person to believe that the measure proposed in
the petition may be warranted'' (50 CFR 424.14(b)).
Previous Federal Action
The Hermes copper butterfly was included as a Category 2 candidate
species in our November 21, 1991 (56 FR 58804), and November 15, 1994
(59 FR 58982), Candidate Notices of Review (CNOR). Category 2 included
taxa for which information in the Service's possession indicated that a
[[Page 44967]]
listing rule was possibly appropriate, but for which sufficient data on
biological vulnerability and threats were not available to support a
proposed rule. In the CNOR published on February 28, 1996 (61 FR 7595),
the Service announced a revised list of plant and animal taxa that were
regarded as candidates for possible addition to the Lists of Endangered
and Threatened Wildlife and Plants. The revised candidate list included
only former Category 1 species. All former Category 2 species were
dropped from the list in order to reduce confusion about the
conservation status of these species, and to clarify that the Service
no longer regarded these species as candidates for listing. Since the
Hermes copper butterfly was a Category 2 species, it was no longer
recognized as a candidate species as of the February 28, 1996, CNOR.
On June 4, 1991, the Service received a petition dated May 27,
1991, from David Hogan of the San Diego Biodiversity Project to list
the Hermes copper butterfly, Laguna Mountains skipper (Pyrgus ruralis
lagunae), Harbison's dun skipper (Euphyes vestries harbinsoni), and
Thorne's hairstreak butterfly (Callophrys [Mitoura] grynea thornei) as
endangered under the Act. In a Federal Register notice dated July 19,
1993 (58 FR 38549), the Service announced its finding on the petition.
We found that the petition presented substantial information for the
Laguna Mountains skipper, but not for the other three butterflies.
However, the finding also concluded that other substantial information
existed to support a decision that listing may be warranted for Hermes
copper butterfly, Harbison's dun skipper, and Thorne's hairstreak
butterfly, and we announced our intention to continue a formal status
review of these three species. In a proposed rule for the Laguna
Mountain skipper and Quino checkerspot butterflies published on August
4, 1994 (59 FR 39868), we clarified that the negative 90-day finding on
the Hermes copper butterfly and the other two butterflies ``was made
because sufficient information was not available regarding the threats
to and biological vulnerability of these'' butterflies (59 FR 39869).
Though we have continued, and will continue, to collect available data
on the Hermes copper butterfly and the other two butterflies, we did
not complete a formal status review of Hermes copper butterfly under
section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Act.
On October 25, 2004, the Service received an updated petition to
list the Hermes copper and Thorne's hairstreak butterflies as
endangered from David Hogan of the Center for Biological Diversity. The
petitioner also sought emergency listing protection for Thorne's
hairstreak and designation of critical habitat for both butterfly
species concurrent with listing, if warranted. Included in the petition
was information regarding the species' taxonomy, biology, ecology,
historical and current distribution, present status, and potential
causes of decline and imminent threats. In a letter dated May 9, 2005,
the Service determined that despite apparent threats to the Thorne's
hairstreak butterfly, such threats did not appear to be of a magnitude
and severity to warrant emergency listing. In our response, we also
advised the petitioner that we had insufficient funds to respond to the
petition at that time. On March 15, 2005, we received a 60-day notice
of intent to sue filed by the Center for Biological Diversity for lack
of response to the Hermes copper and Thorne's hairstreak butterfly
petition. On October 18, 2005, the Center for Biological Diversity
filed a complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief challenging our
failure to make the required 90-day findings for these two taxa. The
Service agreed to submit 90-day petition findings for Hermes copper and
Thorne's hairstreak butterflies to the Federal Register by August 1,
2006, and if the 90-day findings was substantial, to submit 12-month
findings to the Federal Register by June 1, 2007. This notice
constitutes our 90-day finding on the petition to list the Hermes
copper butterfly; the 90-day finding on the petition to list the
Thorne's hairstreak butterfly will be published separately in the
Federal Register.
In completing this 90-day finding, the Service has reviewed not
only the information submitted in the petition but also information in
our files. This includes all of the data we had obtained prior to the
July 19, 1993, not substantial finding that would have been considered
in an internal status review (had one been completed), as well as all
of the information we have collected on this species to date. Further,
based on all new information and our analysis below, we have determined
that the petition does not present substantial information indicating
that listing the Hermes copper butterfly may be warranted or that a
status review should be conducted.
Species Information
The Hermes copper butterfly was first described as Chrysophanus
hermes by Edwards in 1870 (cited in Thorne 1963). Comstock placed the
species in the genus Tharsalea in 1927 (cited in Thorne 1963).
According to Faulkner and Klein (2005), Hoffman moved it to the genus
Lycaena in 1940. In a subsequent study of American copper butterflies,
Miller and Brown (1979) placed the species in the monotypic genus
Hermelycaena on the basis of anatomical features that resemble two
butterfly genera and other unique morphological characters. The authors
concluded the Hermes copper butterfly was ``perhaps * * * our most
evolved Copper.'' In an allozyme phylogenetic study of North American
copper butterflies, Pratt and Wright (2002) suggested that the Hermes
copper butterfly ``could belong to a separate genus or subgenus.''
Lycaena hermes is the name predominantly used in recent literature
(North American Butterfly Association 2001; Opler and Warren 2003;
Faulkner and Klein 2005), and we recognize it as such for the purposes
of this finding.
The Hermes copper butterfly is a small, brightly-colored butterfly
approximately 1 to 1.25 inches (2.5 to 3.2 centimeters) in length, with
one tail on the hindwing. On the upperside, the forewing is brown with
a yellow or orange area enclosing several black spots, and the hindwing
has orange spots that may be merged into a band along the margin. On
the underside, the forewing is yellow with 4 to 6 black spots, and the
hindwing is bright yellow with 3 to 6 black spots (USGS 2006). Emmel
and Emmel (1973) provide a description of the early stages of the
species (eggs, larvae, and pupae).
The Hermes copper butterfly has a single flight period per year
(univoltine), and spends about two thirds of its life in the egg stage
(Thorne 1963). The adult flight period is from mid-May through early
July, depending on elevation. Its peak flight period is typically
around June 10 for males and June 20 for females. Recent observations
indicate that some diapausing (low metabolic rate resting stage) Hermes
copper butterfly eggs may remain in that state for multiple years as a
drought adaptation (Faulkner and Klein 2005). Eggs are laid singly on
stems of its larval host plant, spiny redberry (Rhamnus crocea)
(Faulkner and Klein 2005). Pupation also occurs on spiny redberry.
[[Page 44968]]
Males are territorial and perch on plants along the edge of trails
(Thorne 1963). Hermes copper butterflies are rarely seen far from their
host or nectar plants, and form geographically small but locally
abundant ``colonies'' that probably number in the hundreds. These
``colonies'' are hypothesized to be relatively independent from each
other, even when in close proximity; inter-colony dispersal, which
helps maintain the gene pool, may be limited to occasional males
(Thorne 1963; Faulkner and Klein 2005). Mark-release-recapture data
recorded a maximum movement of 92 yards (84 meters) (Marschalek 2004).
The Hermes copper butterfly is restricted to areas that contain its
larval host plant, spiny redberry (Thorne 1963; Emmel and Emmel 1973).
This plant is a low-growing, spreading shrub with a widespread range
that includes the coastal ranges of northern California, along the
foothills of the Sierra Nevada, on the Channel Islands (including the
Mexican islands), the Mojave Desert in southwestern Arizona, and south
into Baja California Norte and Sonora, Mexico (Thorne 1963; Sawyer
1993; Flesch and Hahn 2005; Christie et al. 2006). Spiny redberry
commonly grows in coastal-sage scrub, chaparral, and woodlands in
California (Sawyer 1993).
Faulkner and Brown (1993) described the habitat of the Hermes
copper butterfly's habitat as coastal sage scrub and open southern
mixed chaparral communities in which spiny redberry ``is a common
component.'' The authors further noted that ``these habitat types range
from near sea level along the coast to 1250 m [4,100 feet] at the
western edge of the Laguna Mountains.'' Habitat consists of continuous
stands of mixed chaparral/sage scrub in well-drained soil, usually
found in canyon bottoms or on hillsides with a northern exposure. Host
and nectar plants need to be in close proximity to one another
(Faulkner and Klein 2005). Adult butterflies are typically observed
feeding on nectar from flat-topped buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum)
(Marschalek 2004), but have also been observed nectaring on chamise
(Adenostoma fasciculatum), golden yarrow (Eriophyllum confertiflorum),
slender sunflower (Helianthus gracilentus), other species in the
sunflower family (Asteraceae), and short-podded mustard (Hirshfeldia
incana) (Faulkner and Klein 2005). Klein and Faulkner (2003)
hypothesized host plants must be mature to support Hermes copper
butterflies, although the petitioner acknowledged such evidence is
Historical Range/Distribution
Faulkner and Brown (1993) described the known range of the Hermes
copper butterfly as from near Fallbrook in San Diego County,
California, to 18 miles (mi) (29 kilometer (km)) south of Santo Tomas
in Baja California Norte, Mexico (a north-south distance of
approximately 155 mi (250 km)), and from near the immediate coast
inland to Pine Valley in San Diego County (an east-west distance of
about 40 mi (65 km)). Thorne's (1963) map had 33 unnamed ``known''
colony locations, all within San Diego County in the United States.
According to the petition, Hermes copper butterflies have been
reported approximately 100 mi (160 km) south of the U.S.-Mexico border,
yet only three populations have been identified (Brown et al. 1992).
The petitioner asserts the lack of Baja California populations may
reflect both a dearth of suitable habitat and survey efforts and cites
surveys conducted east of Tecate that yielded negative results despite
extensive stands of high quality habitat (D. Faulkner, pers. comm.)
[document not submitted with petition].
Current Range/Distribution
According to the petition, the current species' distribution has
been reduced to approximately 18 known populations following years of
continuing urban development and the huge wildfires of 2003. The
petition included ``Table 1: Hermes Copper Populations and Status,''
which outlines the site location, estimated population at each site,
current land manager, and years the species has been observed at each
site. According to information in Table 1, Hermes copper butterflies
have been observed, or specimens collected from, 48 sites in San Diego
County and 4 sites in Baja, Mexico, since the early 1900s. This table
also highlights 22 sites ``presumed lost to fire,'' 6 sites ``presumed
lost to urban development,'' 2 sites that have ``unknown specific
locations and unknown status,'' and 8 sites ``identified during
environmental review of development projects,'' leaving the 18 sites
with known populations referred to above. The petitioner also stated
that, while the status of the Baja populations is unknown, they are
presumed to be extant for the purposes of the petition.
Based on information available to us, Hermes copper butterfly has
been recorded from at least 29 different sites in San Diego County
(Engelhard 2004a, 2004b). Of these, 2 sites or areas have not been
resurveyed since the 1930s (Fallbrook and Pala), 3 sites have
incomplete survey information (surveyor name and/or date) (Scripps
Gateway, East Elliott Ranch, Flinn Springs County Park), 3 sites were
proposed for residential development or have been developed (the Crosby
property, Scripps Gateway, Presky/Gonya property), and 5 sites were
burned in the 2003 fires (Mission Trails Regional Park, Crestridge
Ecological Reserve, Sycamore Canyon Open Space Preserve, Rancho Jamul
Ecological Reserve, and portions of Miramar [Marine Corp Air Station]).
However, as indicated in Engelhard's (2004a, 2004b) assessment, much of
the information about the status of the site relative to development,
extent of development (e.g., area impacted), and fire was not
determined at that time. Therefore, this assessment did not constitute
a complete review of the species' status at that time.
Some of the sites identified as being historically or currently
occupied in the petition are likely the same sites identified by
Engelhard (2004a, 2004b), and both references likely utilized the same
sources of information. However, information used to create Table 1 in
the petition was not provided by the petitioner; therefore it was not
possible for us to compare location information available to us to that
provided in the petition. Therefore, it appears that between 18
(according to the petition) and 21 (Engelhard 2004a, 2004b) sites were
considered occupied by Hermes copper butterflies in 2004.
Population Estimates/Status
According to the petition, the Crestridge Ecological Reserve
supports the largest known population of the species, and field surveys
of the reserve between 1999 and 2001 revealed population fluctuations
ranging from 1,000 butterflies in 2001, to one single butterfly in 2002
(M. Klein pers. comm.) [document not submitted with petition], to 400
butterflies in 2003. The petitioner asserted these fluctuations may be
due to variations in rainfall in San Diego County. Other occupied sites
have not been systematically surveyed, as illustrated in Table 1 in the
petition and in Engelhard (2004a, 2004b). Therefore, no quantitative
data exist on the total population size of Hermes copper butterfly.
Threats Analysis
Section 4 of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR 424)
set forth the procedures for adding species to the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
[[Page 44969]]
and Plants. A species may be determined to be an endangered or
threatened species due to one or more of the five factors described in
section 4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; and (E) other natural or manmade
factors affecting its continued existence. In making this finding, we
evaluated whether threats to the Hermes copper butterfly presented in
the petition and other information readily available to us may pose a
concern with respect to the species' survival such that listing under
the Act may be warranted. Our evaluation of these threats is presented
A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment
of Habitat or Range
The petition, its appendices, and referenced documents discuss the
following threats that we have grouped under Factor A: Urban
development, wildfire, and prescribed fire.
Urban Development
Information provided by the petitioner. The petitioner asserts the
``Hermes copper [butterfly] is highly vulnerable to extinction due to
loss of populations and dispersal habitat to expanding urban
development in San Diego County and northern Baja California,'' and
``the threat of urban development is compounded by the additional
threat of wildfire.'' The petitioner cited two publications (Comstock
1927; Wright 1930) that predict probable extinction if rapid expansion
of development were to continue within San Diego County. The petitioner
cited Brown (1991), ``[b]ecause continued development in the San Diego
County threatens to eliminate additional colonies of this insect
[Hermes copper butterfly], it is considered highly sensitive and
vulnerable to extirpation.''
The petitioner stated many populations recorded from El Cajon,
Fairmont Canyon, Kearny Mesa, Scripps Gateway, and numerous sites near
the urban core of the city of San Diego have been lost to urban
development and cites Murphy (1991) [document not submitted with
petition] as stating, ``[Hermes copper butterfly] has been virtually
extirpated in nearly all of its best known historical localities around
[the] City of San Diego.'' The petitioner also stated that loss of
populations and dispersal habitat to urban development is a significant
threat to the species in the unincorporated portion of the San Diego
County foothills west of the Cleveland National Forest, especially
unburned areas near Jamul and northern portions of San Diego County.
The petitioner further stated that ongoing urban development in
Harbison Canyon, Marine Air Corps Station Miramar, San Marcos Creek,
and Santee reduces likelihood of recolonization by the species. The
petition also stated that Hermes copper butterfly populations
identified in several locations by recent development project
biological surveys may not persist following construction, especially
considering resulting habitat fragmentation and increased risk of fire
with an expanded, proximate human population.
Analysis of information provided in the petition. Rapid urban
development is occurring within the current known range of the Hermes
copper butterfly. Coastal and interior San Diego County is projected to
grow about 44 percent by the year 2020 (San Diego Association of
Governments 1999). While we acknowledge development has likely reduced
the amount of occupied habitat for Hermes copper butterfly, the extent
to which the reduction of habitat has impacted the species has not been
quantitatively estimated.
The petition stated many populations recorded from El Cajon,
Fairmont Canyon, Kearny Mesa, Scripps Gateway, and numerous sites near
the urban core of the city of San Diego have been lost to urban
development. While not explicitly stated in the petition, we assumed
for the purposes of our review that the above statements were based on
information in Table 1 in the petition. According to Table 1, six
sites/areas appear to correspond to these areas and are referred to as
``presumed lost to urban development'': El Cajon (``3 miles south of El
Cajon'' and ``El Cajon''), Fairmont Canyon (``Fairmont Canyon''), Kerny
Mesa (``Kerny Mesa''), Scripps Gateway (``Scripps Gateway''), and
numerous sites in San Diego (collectively referred to as ``San
Diego''). However, no information was provided with the petition
documenting site development, site location, the extent of the
development (e.g., area developed), or the extent of habitat loss due
to development.
The petition also stated several populations have been identified
during recent development project biological surveys and asserts these
populations may not persist following construction. Table 1 identifies
eight such sites. However, no information was provided documenting
proposed or ongoing development at these sites, site location, the
extent of development (e.g., area developed), or extent of habitat loss
due to development.
The status of Hermes copper butterfly distribution compiled by
Engelhard (2004a, 2004b) lists 21 occupied locations known as of 2004;
Table 1 in the petition lists 18 sites. As discussed above, information
used to create Table 1 in the petition was not provided; therefore it
was not possible for us to compare location information available to us
(i.e., in Engelhard (2004a, 2004b)) to information provided in the
petition. While Engelhard's (2004a, 2004b) assessment included total
area and development status for some sites, such information for most
sites was not determined at that time. Without complete and specific
information about butterfly locations or past and proposed development
projects and their associated impacts to habitat, we were unable to
determine the extent to which urban development has reduced the known
range of the Hermes copper butterfly. Further, according to Thorne
(1963), urbanization is not as great a threat as commonly assumed:
``There is rather general belief that [the Hermes copper
butterfly] is in a last ditch struggle for survival in San Diego
County. This isn't true! Colonies have survived in areas that have
been overrun with houses for many years; in areas being grazed by
livestock; in areas being farmed (avocado orchards); and in areas
that have been burned over with some frequency. The map * * * shows
the wide distribution of known colonies which should ensure survival
for the foreseeable future.''
Thorne's (1963) map had 33 unnamed ``known'' colony locations, all
within San Diego County in the United States. Although some colonies
near urban centers referred to by Thorne (1963) have been destroyed by
development, many recent discoveries (i.e., post-1993) of extant
colonies within the known species' range have also been reported, and
the range of the species remains relatively widely distributed.
Examples of colonies that have been reported since 1993 include Black
Mountain, and multiple colonies on both the California Department of
Fish and Game (CDFG) Crestridge Ecological Reserve and San Diego
National Wildlife Refuge (Engelhard 2004b). In addition, the biology of
the species has not changed; therefore Thorne's (1963) assessment of
individual colony resilience with regard to development and fire should
still be considered valid.
In addition, much uncertainty exists regarding the distribution of
the species because the range of its host plant, spiny redberry,
extends well beyond the known range of the butterfly, and
[[Page 44970]]
surveys have not been conducted throughout the host plant's range
(especially inland San Diego County and northwestern Baja California
Norte). Even the survey information for sites historically or currently
occupied by the species is limited. The information in Table 1 of the
petition and in Engelhard (2004a, 2004b) illustrates the fact that most
occupied sites have only been surveyed on one or two occasions and many
have not been surveyed since the 1950s or 1960s. Therefore, it is
difficult to assess the species' current status in the absence of more
current information.
In conclusion, we agree with the petitioner that urban development
has likely reduced and fragmented habitat for Hermes copper butterfly
in San Diego County. However, the habitat loss and fragmentation has
not been quantitatively estimated, and the species remains relatively
widely distributed. Therefore, we have determined that information in
the petition and available to us does not substantiate the claim that
urban development has significantly reduced the amount of available
Hermes copper butterfly habitat to the point at which the butterfly may
become threatened or endangered in the foreseeable future.
Information provided by the petitioner. The petitioner asserted
Hermes copper butterfly is highly vulnerable to extinction due to the
threat of fire as a result of direct mortality of individuals and
indirect mortality due to loss of the species' larval host plant, spiny
redberry. The petitioner further asserts, ``Excessive, human induced
fire poses a significant threat to the survival of the species, even on
lands otherwise protected from development.'' The threat of fire as it
relates to direct mortality of individual butterflies is also discussed
Table 1 of the petition identifies areas ``presumed to be burned''
during the October 2003 fires in San Diego County, which are estimated
to have burned 39 percent of Hermes copper butterfly habitat (Betzler
et al. 2003). According to the petition, the largest concentration of
the species ever documented was lost when the 2003 fire burned nearly
all of the California Department of Fish and Game's Crestridge
Ecological Reserve. The petition further stated 2001 surveys at
Crestridge identified approximately 52 Hermes copper butterfly colonies
with a total estimated population of 1,000 butterflies (CDFG 2001), of
which all appear to have been destroyed by the 2003 fires (M. Klein
pers. comm.) [document not submitted with petition].
The petition stated that fires in 2003 also impacted the second
largest concentration of Hermes copper butterfly when they burned
through 4 populations in the City of San Diego's Mission Trails
Regional Park (Mission Grove, Mission Dam, Oak Creek, and Spring
Canyon) and at least 15 populations (although only 14 were listed)
throughout San Diego County: (1) Anderson Road (Viejas Mountain), (2)
Boulder Creek Road, (3) Descanso, (4) El Monte County Park, (5) Flinn
Springs, (6) Gooden Ranch reserve, (7) Harbison Canyon, (8) Little
Cedar Canyon, (9) Miramar, (10) Old Viejas Grade Road, (11) Otay-
Foothill area, (12) Rancho Jamul, (13) Santee (Fanita Ranch area), and
(14) Sycamore Canyon reserve. The petition also stated at least three
Hermes copper butterfly populations were likely lost to past fires on
Bernardo Mountain near Escondido, Dictionary Hill in Spring Valley, and
San Marcos Creek.
According to the petition, increased human population density and
utilization of wildlands correlates with increased southern California
wildfire frequency (Keeley et al. 1999; Keeley 2001 [document not
submitted with petition]; Keeley and Fotheringham 2003; Wells et al.
2004). The petitioner asserted close proximity to large human
populations increases vulnerability of the Hermes copper butterfly and
its host plant, the spiny redberry populations to ``excessive'' fire.
The petitioner cited two references, Brooks et al. (2002 [correct
citation 2004]) and Keeley and Fotheringham (2003), that provide
examples of excessive fire harming chaparral ecosystems and dependent
species in a number of ways. The petition quoted Keeley and
Fotheringham (2003), ``* * * ecosystem health of shrublands is
threatened not by lack of fire but by high fire frequencies that exceed
the resilience of many species.''
The petitioner stated excessive fire may prevent chaparral and
coastal sage scrub plant species, like spiny redberry, from reaching
maturity, thereby reducing or eliminating reproduction and recruitment
of replacement chaparral plants. An example cited by the petitioner of
an exotic species type conversion within an area occupied by Hermes
copper butterflies was Bernardo Mountain. The petition stated that in
2002, Michael Klein visited the known occupied area burned in 1986, and
found it dominated by weedy exotic forbs and grasses, with no spiny
redberry plants or Hermes copper butterflies (M. Klein pers. comm.)
[document not submitted with petition].
According to a supplemental letter and map provided by the
petitioner, 44 fires had burned through known Hermes copper butterfly
habitat, and 788 fires have burned through ``modeled'' habitat between
1900 and 2003 (CBD 2005). The letter stated, ``This rate of fire return
appears to exceed natural fire frequency in coastal sage scrub and
chaparral ecosystems.'' The letter further stated that the combined
effects of limited dispersal behavior, urban development, and excessive
fires have reduced available habitat, limited re-colonization, and
increased vulnerability of remaining Hermes copper butterfly
populations, greatly increasing likelihood of the species' extinction.
According to the petition, Hermes copper butterfly biology appears
to reduce the likelihood of escape from fire, because adults, eggs,
larvae, and pupae are likely killed when fire burns spiny redberry
plants and other coastal sage scrub or chaparral vegetation. Also,
excessive fires over the last several decades have reduced patches of
mature spiny redberry used by Hermes copper butterfly, thereby reducing
butterfly populations and disrupting metapopulation dynamics and
stability. Due to the amount of past and potential future fires, any
butterfly that escapes a fire is unlikely to locate other suitable
Also according to the petition, Hermes copper butterfly recovery
following a fire is confounded by very slow recovery of it host plant
(Zedler et al. 1983) and very slow recolonization by the butterfly. The
petition cited Brown (1991): ``Even after recovery of the host, the
sedentary behavior of the butterfly may make natural colonization a
very slow process, especially where sources of potential colonists
previously have been extirpated.''
Analysis of information provided in the petition. The petition
claimed Hermes copper butterfly is highly vulnerable due to the threat
of fire, citing a 39 percent loss of the species' habitat burned in the
2003 fires. The petitioner also claimed that the 2003 fires destroyed
or impacted two of the largest concentrations of the species and at
least 15 other populations throughout San Diego County.
As cited in the petition, 39 percent of Hermes copper butterfly
habitat is believed to have burned during the 2003 fires, a reduction
from 317,451 ac (128,468 ha) to 192,924 ac (78,074 ha) (Betzler et al.
2003). However, this 39 percent reduction is an estimate based on
vegetation mortality for areas occupied by the species (Betzler et al
2003). Since this estimate is not based on actual post-fire surveys, it
is not possible to determine the actual amount
[[Page 44971]]
of occupied Hermes copper habitat that burned in the 2003 fire.
Table 1 of the petition highlights 22 sites that were ``presumed
lost to fire.'' However, neither the petition nor the supplemental map
provided by the petitioners had information on location of sites
``presumed lost to fire'' or extent of habitat lost due to fire (i.e.,
area burned). While Engelhard (2004a, 2004b) attempted to compile
information on specific sites known to be occupied by the species, the
total acres of the site and the fire status (i.e., burned in 2003
fires) for most of the sites was not determined at that time and is
still unknown. Regardless, as discussed above, extant colonies continue
to be discovered, and the species appears to have maintained a
relatively wide range.
The petitioner also claimed the largest known concentration of the
species ever documented was lost in the 2003 fire that burned nearly
all of the Crestridge Ecological Reserve, further asserting a total
estimated population of 1,000 butterflies (per 2001 surveys) was lost.
However, as discussed in the ``Population Estimate/Status'' section of
this finding, the petitioner stated that surveys conducted between 1999
and 2001 documented fluctuations in individual abundance ranging from
1,000 butterflies in 2001, to a single butterfly in 2002 (M. Klein
pers. comm.) [document not submitted with petition] to 400 butterflies
in 2003 (pre-fire). The petition asserted that these fluctuations may
be due to variations in rainfall in San Diego County. It is also not
clear how good an index survey counts are of population size. While it
is clear that the 2003 fire impacted the Hermes copper butterfly
habitat at Crestridge, and presumably the butterfly itself, it is
unclear how resilient this population is since wide fluctuations in the
species' abundance had been documented prior to the fire. Also, while a
few historically occupied territories burned in the 2003 fires were
visited in 2004 (Faulkner and Klein 2005), we are unaware of any
systematic post-fire monitoring conducted to document the extent of the
impact of the fires on Hermes copper butterfly.
The petitioner also claimed that the 2003 fires impacted a large
concentration of Hermes copper butterflies at Mission Trails Regional
Park and at least 15 other populations throughout San Diego County.
However, the petitioner did not provide any information on the extent
of the area impacted by fire (e.g., area burned) or on post-fire
surveys done at these sites; additional monitoring is needed at these
sites to determine their status, particularly as it relates to the
impact of fire on butterfly populations and habitat.
While it is unlikely that immature Hermes copper butterflies
(larvae, pupae, and adults) can survive the burning of occupied
habitat, it appears that adult butterflies will recolonize burned
habitat over time. In an example of fire recovery, Brown (1991) noted
that a 1982 fire apparently eliminated large stands of spiny redberry
and a colony of Hermes copper butterfly in Mission Gorge (in Mission
Trails Regional Park). Although the species was not observed again
during annual surveys following the fire until 2000 (Klein and Faulkner
2003), the host plant and butterfly did eventually return 18 years
later. During limited post-fire monitoring at Crestridge, one adult
male Hermes copper was observed in 2005 on three different dates by two
observers (Klein 2006), indicating that the population had not been
extirpated as hypothesized in Klein and Williams (2003). We are not
aware of any additional surveys conducted at Crestridge in 2005. While
Faulkner and Klein (2005) state that no butterflies were observed
during 2004 visits to only a few of the historically occupied
territories burned in the 2003 fires, we are unaware of any systematic
post-fire monitoring conducted to document the extent of the impact of
the fires to Hermes copper butterfly and its habitat or to document
recolonization rates. Additional monitoring is needed to determine the
survival and recolonization rate of immature and adult butterflies
following a fire.
The petition claimed increased human populations and utilization of
wildlands correlates with increased southern California wildfire
frequency. The petition also asserted that, between 1900 and 2003, from
44 to 788 fires had burned through known and ``modeled'' habitat,
respectively, and this rate of fire return appears to exceed natural
fire frequency in coastal sage scrub and chaparral ecosystems.
In a GIS modeling study, Wells et al. (2004) largely concurred with
Keeley et al. (1999) (cited in the petition) that increasing human
population (especially at lower elevations) has resulted in a greater
number of fires and an increase in area burned overall in southern
California. However, looking at fire frequency for coastal sage scrub
and chaparral in San Diego County specifically, Wells et al. (2004)
concluded that for ``coastal sage scrub habitats, there has been an
increase in burning over the course of the past century'' but that the
``trend in burning in chaparral is virtually flat over the past
century, and if the years following 1950 are considered, there has been
a marked decrease in area burned since then.'' Contrary to the
interpretation of the petitioner, Keeley et al. (1999) actually
reported that fire rotation intervals (i.e., the time needed to burn an
equivalent area of shrubland) actually increased in San Diego County
after 1950.
The supplemental letter and map provided by the petitioner (stating
that between 1900 and 2003, 44 fires had burned through known Hermes
copper butterfly habitat, and 788 fires have burned through ``modeled''
habitat) does not provide sufficient information to allow us to verify
the extent of the impact caused by these historic and more recent
fires. In an attempt to outline fire frequency in Hermes copper
butterfly habitat, the map overlays ``approximate location of past and
current Hermes copper colonies'' and ``modeled'' Hermes copper habitat
with a data layer indicating areas where from one to nine fires had
occurred. ``Modeled'' habitat is defined on the map as being ``based on
very broad vegetation, soil, elevation and other categories and
therefore includ[ing] many unsuitable habitat areas.'' No information
about the Hermes copper butterfly location data or the data on which
the fire layer is based were provided by the petitioner. The petitioner
did not explain how information on the map was used to determine that
44 fires had burned through known Hermes copper butterfly habitat or
788 fires have burned through ``modeled'' habitat. Also, the petitioner
did not indicate where fires that burned between 1900 and 2003
overlapped or calculate a fire frequency/rate of return for any
particular geographic area. Therefore, it is not clear how the
petitioner determined that ``This rate of fire return appears to exceed
natural fire frequency in coastal sage scrub and chaparral
ecosystems.'' Without specific information on the extent of the impact
caused by historic and current fires, including the 2003 fires, it does
not appear the Hermes copper butterfly is currently threatened with
extinction due to fire.
The petition also stated ``excessive'' fires prevent chaparral and
coastal sage scrub species (like spiny redberry, the Hermes copper
butterfly's host plant) from reaching maturity, thereby reducing or
eliminating reproduction and recruitment of replacement chaparral, and
allowing for the invasion of nonnative species.
Spiny redberry plants, like other large-seeded shrubs, are
``obligate resprouters'' after fires (Keeley 1998). Because such taxa
resprout from a deep
[[Page 44972]]
root system or lignotuber and establish few seedlings immediately
following fire, obligate resprouters ``successfully recruit in the
long-term absence of fire'' (Keeley 1998). Post-fire seedling
establishment of obligate resprouters is always quite limited, although
seedling recruitment has been reported as ``abundant'' in older
unburned chaparral stands (Keeley 1992a and 1992b). In the absence of
fire, ``obligate resprouting species often gain dominance over obligate
seeding species,'' but Rhamnus species and other obligate resprouters
are also ``quite resilient to frequent burning'' (Keeley 1986).
Moreover, Keeley (1986) stated obligate resprouters ``have a marked
competitive advantage during the first decade after fire,'' which is
within the current regrowth timeframe of butterfly-occupied spiny
redberry stands burned in 2003. In a post-fire recovery and succession
study of chaparral and sage scrub in southern California, Keeley et al.
(2005) ``showed that all vegetation types exhibited a high proportion
of structural similarity between pre- and postfire communities'' after
5 years. Though Keeley and Fotheringham (2003) concluded that, with
continued disturbance like fire, nonnative invasives may replace an
entire ecosystem and type convert shrublands to alien grasslands,
Keeley (2004) noted that invasive alien plants typically will not
displace obligate resprouting species in mesic shrublands that burn
once a decade ``because rapid resprout growth recaptures the site and
replenishes vitality of roots and lignotubers.'' Therefore, based on
the species' biology, it appears that spiny redberry should recover in
these burned areas.
Though recent fires may have temporarily reduced the extent of
Hermes copper butterfly habitat (i.e., spiny redberry and associated
chaparral/coastal sage scrub plants), information in the petition and
available to us does not substantiate a permanent loss of or a downward
trend in the extent of the species' habitat as a result of increased
fire frequency and associated alien plant invasion.
The petitioner did not provide information or data to substantiate
the claim that excessive fires over the last several decades have
reduced Hermes copper butterfly population numbers and disrupted
metapopulation dynamics and stability. As stated in the ``Population
Estimates/Status'' section of this finding, no quantitative data on
population size exists nor do we have any information on the dispersal
or movement behavior of this species. Without this information, it is
not possible to determine the species' population structure (e.g.,
metapopulation or panmictic) and, subsequently, the impact of fire on
population numbers and structure.
Prescribed Fire
Information provided by the petition. The petitioner, citing
Schlicht and Orwig (1999) [document not submitted with petition],
claimed prescribed fire is likely to harm vulnerable Hermes copper
butterfly populations by further contributing to excessive fire, and
controlled burns often differ from natural fires in frequency,
intensity, timing, and patchiness. These aforementioned factors could
reduce the likelihood of the butterfly's survival through prescribed
fire. The petitioners also maintained that the Cleveland National
Forest has aggressively prescribed fire as a vegetation management tool
in an attempt to benefit native wildlife. In addition, they asserted
the County of San Diego ``has generally rejected effective fire safety
techniques of limiting poorly planned rural [development] and
retrofitting existing structures with fire resistant materials. The
County has instead focused on * * * excessive brush clearing around
homes and communities, and has pushed for expanded prescribed fire on
both National Forest and private land.''
Analysis of information provided in the petition. The petitioner
asserted that a number of Hermes copper butterfly populations located
under the jurisdiction of the Cleveland National Forest and San Diego
County are being impacted by prescribed burning practices and policies
undertaken by these entities. However, the petition does not provide
documentation of instances where prescribed burning is being conducted
in occupied Hermes copper butterfly habitat.
Review of San Diego County fire management regulations and
recommendations (San Diego County 2004, 2006a; California Fire Safety
Council 2006) contradicts the petitioner's claim that San Diego County
rejected effective fire safety techniques and has pushed for expanded
prescribed fire. San Diego County does recommend clearing within 100
feet (30.5 m) of structures (Sand Diego County 2006), and places
emphasis on replacement of flammable roofing material with fire-
resistant shingles, planting of fire-resistant landscape vegetation,
use of fire-resistant native plant species, avoidance of invasive
exotic species in landscaping, and other effective conservation-
oriented fire management techniques (San Diego County 2006; California
Fire Safety Council 2006). No readily available documents support a
rejection of conservation-oriented rural planning in favor of fire-safe
planning, or a recent push for prescribed fire. Koelander and Bowman
(2004), in a report designed to identify how San Diego County (and the
City of San Diego) could better prepare and respond to fire hazards,
concluded, ``Adoption of new building codes will only resolve the
problem for the new structures * * * For existing structures, the
removal of highly flammable vegetation within 100-feet of structures
and the replacement of combustible roofing will provide a heightened
level of wildland fire protection.''
Regarding the U.S. Forest Service, of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, the agency stated in its final environmental impact
statement (Volume 1) that the Hermes copper butterfly ``[c]ould be
affected by prescribed fire or fuel reduction projects in habitat that
affect [its] host plant, Rhamnus crocea,'' but that Vegetation
Management Standard 37 addressed this threat (USDA Forest Service
2005a). However, according to the Forest Service's Land Management Plan
(2005b), Standard 37 requires the Forest Service when implementing fire
management activities to ``[d]esign and manage fuel treatments to
minimize the risk that treated areas will be used by unauthorized
motorized and mechanized vehicles [and to m]itigate impacts where such
use does occur.'' It is not clear how Standard 37 (USDA Forest Service
2005a) addresses the threat of prescribed fire to the species. In the
Cleveland National Forest's Land Management Plan (USDA Forest Service
2005c), the Forest Service's primary strategy for threatened,
endangered, proposed, candidate, and sensitive species management is to
``[m]anage habitat to move listed species toward recovery and
delisting'' and ``[p]revent listing of proposed and sensitive species''
by implementing the priority conservation strategies in Table 529.
According to this table (USDA Forest Service 2005c), a priority
conservation strategy task over the next 3 to 5 years is to protect
Hermes copper butterfly habitat by preventing and suppressing fires.
Though the above guidance is general in nature, we could find no
support for the claim that the Cleveland National Forest has
aggressively prescribed fire as a vegetation management tool in an
attempt to benefit other native wildlife at the expense of the Hermes
copper butterfly. Based on the above discussion, we have determined
that the petition does not substantiate the claim that prescribed
burning impacts
[[Page 44973]]
occupied Hermes copper butterfly habitat.
We have determined that information in the petition does not
substantiate the claim that urban development, wildfire, and prescribed
fire has significantly reduced the amount of available Hermes copper
butterfly habitat. While we acknowledge that urban development and fire
has likely reduced and fragmented habitat for Hermes copper butterfly
in San Diego County, the extent of impact to the species and its
habitat has not been quantitatively estimated, and the species appears
to have multiple colonies within a relatively wide geographic range.
Thus, we do not believe the petition has presented substantial
information to suggest the butterfly is likely to become endangered in
the foreseeable future.
B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific or
Educational Purposes
Commercial Harvest
Information provided in the petition. The petitioner stated the
Hermes copper butterfly may be endangered by overutilization for
commercial purposes and identifies one commercial enterprise that may
contribute to the imperiled status of the butterfly. A company,
``Morningstar Flower and Vibrational Essences,'' markets a ``Hermes
copper butterfly essence'' over the Internet. These essences are
available in 2-ounce and 4-ounce sizes by special order.
The petitioner claimed that over-collection is another potential
threat to the Hermes copper butterfly because of their value to
butterfly collectors. They cite an example, in 1986, where a female
Hermes copper butterfly was worth $20.00.
Analysis of information provided in the petition. No evidence
exists to support the use of Hermes copper butterfly in developing
butterfly essences. According to Morning Star Essences (2006), no
butterfly parts are used in ``essences'' production. While there are a
number of other businesses that advertise sale of ``butterfly
essences,'' no information exists to support the claim that this
activity threatens the species.
Some collection of Hermes copper butterflies may occur given their
value to collectors. As the number of colonies is reduced,
lepidopterists may increasingly collect individuals to include rare
species in their collections, or obtain surplus specimens for exchange
or sale. On June, 26, 2004, two different advertisements on the
Internet offered specimens of Lycaena hermes for sale. Both were priced
at 125 Euros (= approximately $152.00) (Martin 2004b). Nonetheless, no
substantial data exist to substantiate such trade still exists or, if
any trade continues, the extent to which it impacts the Hermes copper
butterfly population. As a result, we conclude trade or collection
probably does not pose a significant threat to the species at this
C. Disease or Predation
The petitioner did not provide any information with respect to
disease on Hermes copper butterfly.
Information provided by the petition. The petitioner stated the
Hermes copper butterfly may be endangered by predation. The petition
claimed experts suspect birds, predatory insects, parasitic insects,
and spiders prey upon Hermes copper butterfly, and that the harmful
effects of otherwise normal predation or parasitism might be
exacerbated by population reduction from urban development and
excessive fires.
Analysis of information provided in the petition. The petitioner
did not provide specific information validating the claim that the
Hermes copper butterfly may be endangered by predation. We are not
aware of any documentation that suggests that predation poses a
significant threat to the species, and, therefore, we are unable to
validate whether predation may endanger the Hermes copper butterfly.
D. The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
Information provided by the petition. The petition, its appendices,
and referenced documents discuss five regulatory mechanisms that
provide some potential for Hermes copper butterfly conservation, but
the petition claimed none of these mechanisms have proven effective in
reducing the primary threats to the butterfly from urban development,
fire, and related habitat degradation. The five regulatory mechanisms
include: (1) California Environmental Quality Act; (2) National
Environmental Policy Act; (3) Forest Service Management; (4) San Diego
Multiple Species Conservation Plan or ``San Diego MSCP''; and (5)
County of San Diego Resource Protection Ordinance.
California Environmental Quality and National Environmental Policy Act
The petitioner claimed the Service has previously provided
extensive discussion of the inadequacy of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) to protect imperiled species, identifying several
listings in the Federal Register (62 FR 2318, January 16, 1997; 62 FR
4935, February 3, 1997; 61 FR 25829, May 23, 1996; 69 FR 47236, August
4, 2004). The petitioner implies the Service's previous conclusions are
fully applicable in consideration of protections under CEQA for the
Hermes copper butterfly.
Analysis of information provided in the petition. California
Department of Fish and Game can only designate ``native species or
subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, or plant'' as either
endangered or threatened under the California Endangered Species Act
(Fish and Game Code, Sections 2062 and 2067). However, the California
Environmental Quality Act or CEQA (Public Resources Code, Sections
21000-21178, and Title 14 CCR, Section 753, and Sections 15000-15387)
has and should continue to require proposed project effects to Hermes
copper butterflies be evaluated under the provisions of this State
environmental statute, although CEQA does not require any species to be
protected. CEQA requires public agencies to disclose environmental
impacts of a project on native species and natural communities during
the land use planning process and to identify mitigation measures and
project alternatives. This allows public comments to influence the
planning process. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (42
U.S.C. 4321-4347) requires the Federal Government to disclose adverse
impacts of a proposed action that cannot be avoided, but NEPA does not
require any species to be protected. Although these statutes provide
limited protection for the Hermes copper butterfly, we are not aware of
any documentation that suggests that implementation of these laws,
especially land use development projects under CEQA, pose a significant
threat to the species. Also, as discussed under Factor A above,
information in the petition and available to us does not substantiate
the claim that urban development subject to these laws has
significantly reduced the amount of available Hermes copper butterfly
Forest Service Management
Information provided in the petition. The petitioner claimed Forest
Service regulations and management activities appear to provide few
protections to the Hermes copper butterfly. The petitioner states that
aside from monitoring survey results by others, there is no indication
that the Cleveland National Forest is engaged in the conservation of
[[Page 44974]]
Hermes copper butterfly. In addition, the petitioner states the Hermes
copper butterfly is not formally recognized as a ``sensitive species''
by the Forest Service, and recognition of Hermes copper butterfly as a
sensitive species would still be unlikely to generate any important,
pro-active conservation activities necessary to improve the status of
the species.
Analysis of information provided in the petition. The Hermes copper
butterfly was included in the table of ``Animal Species Evaluated for
Viability Concerns (Species of Concern)'' by the Forest Service (USDA
2005a); therefore, the petitioners claim the Hermes copper butterfly is
not formally recognized as a ``sensitive species'' by the Forest
Service is not currently accurate.
In describing proposed management standards to address threats
facing designated ``Animal Species-At-Risk,'' the Forest Service stated
the Hermes copper butterfly ``[c]ould be affected by prescribed fire or
fuel reduction projects in habitat that affect [its] host plant,
Rhamnus crocea; wildfire risk'' and that Vegetation Management Standard
37 addressed this threat (USDA 2005a). As discussed above, Standard 37
of the Forest Service's Land Management Plan (USDA 2005b), requires the
Forest Service to ``[d]esign and manage fuel treatments to minimize the
risk that treated areas will be used by unauthorized motorized and
mechanized vehicles [and to m]itigate impacts where such use does
occur.'' However, it is not clear how this standard protects the
butterfly from prescribed fire, nor is any other protection apparently
provided by this standard because vehicle impacts are not considered a
threat to the species.
In the Cleveland National Forest's (USDA 2005c) Land Management
Plan, the Forest Service's primary strategy for threatened, endangered,
proposed, candidate, and sensitive species management is to ``[m]anage
habitat to move listed species toward recovery and delisting'' and
``[p]revent listing of proposed and sensitive species'' by implementing
the priority conservation strategies in Table 529. According to this
table (USDA 2005c), the priority tasks for the next 3 to 5 years in
conservation strategy emphasis are to monitor/study ``[s]pecies
recovery after wildfire (burned area monitoring)'' and protect its
habitat by preventing and suppressing fires. Although the above
guidance is general in nature, the Cleveland National Forest should be
engaged to some degree in the conservation of the Hermes copper
butterfly; however, no documentation of conservation activities was
We acknowledge that Forest Service regulations provide limited
protection of the Hermes copper butterfly. However, as discussed in
Factor A and Factor E, information in the petition does not
substantiate the claim that wildfire or prescribed fire pose a threat
to the species or that there is a need to improve the species' status.
San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Plan
Information provided in the petition. The petition stated: (1) The
Hermes copper butterfly is not recognized as a ``covered species''
under the San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Plan (MSCP) (MSCP
1998); (2) the MSCP cannot provide the necessary management to benefit
the species because none is planned, described, or required by the
Plan; and (3) the MSCP can benefit the Hermes copper butterfly only in
the event of collaterally beneficial conservation activities for other
species and habitats. The petitioner claimed the informal treatment of
Hermes copper butterfly by the MSCP provides few conservation benefits.
The petitioner also stated the MSCP identifies only three sites where
the butterfly occurs in one area, the Metro-Lakeside-Jamul Segment,
despite the additional occupied sites at the time of Plan approval in
the Metro-Lakeside-Jamul and South County segments.
Analysis of information provided in the petition. It is true this
species is not specifically covered under the San Diego Multiple
Species Conservation Plan; however, the San Diego MSCP appears to have
already benefited the Hermes copper butterfly where it overlaps with
conservation activities for other species (e.g., management of
Crestridge Ecological Reserve and the San Diego National Wildlife
Refuge). Also, not all potential habitat within the planned MSCP
preserve has been fully surveyed yet, and the full distribution of the
species within areas protected or managed by the MSCP is unknown.
Land use restrictions within the MSCP County of San Diego Subarea
plan will be implemented through the Biological Mitigation Ordinance
(BMO). The BMO implements preserve design criteria for urban
development and conservation of remaining private land, based on
preserve design criteria that establish mitigation ratios and
conditions. Mitigation may be required for the species recognized as
``sensitive species'' as defined by CEQA on land identified as
Biological Resource Core Area, and therefore should provide some
protection for the species. However, Hermes copper butterfly
populations, habitat, and dispersal corridors will not be protected
outside of the Biological Resource Core Area. The BMO within the
Biological Core Area requires the County to impose design criteria that
could minimize additional losses of populations and habitat, but would
not require avoidance of Hermes copper butterfly populations, habitat,
or dispersal corridors.
City of San Diego and County Open Space Parks
Information provided in the petition. The petition stated that
remaining Hermes copper butterfly populations are not necessarily
protected by nature of their location on the following open space park
lands managed by the City or County of San Diego: Black Mountain,
McGinty Mountain, and Mission Trails Regional Park. Lacking formal
coverage, the Hermes copper butterfly cannot directly benefit from
these open spaces.
Analysis of the information provided in the petition. The Hermes
copper butterfly is now known to occur on approximately 25 different
properties in San Diego County, California. Of these, seven properties
are under City or County of San Diego ownership. Many of these lands
are ``designed'' open space areas and County parks, which include
various types of trails, ball fields, picnic areas, restroom facilities
and/or parking lots. Although the impact of recreation on the butterfly
is unknown, it is unlikely that limited recreational development and
foot and bicycle traffic will destroy significant numbers of host plant
shrubs in existing designated open space parklands.
County of San Diego Resource Protection Ordinance
Information provided in the petition. The petition claimed the
County of San Diego's Resource Protection Ordinance (RPO) (County of
San Diego 1991) imposes control on development of wetlands,
floodplains, steep slopes, sensitive biological habitats, and
prehistoric and historic sites. The petition stated RPO provisions
address biological resources outside of the boundaries of the County's
Subarea Plan under the San Diego MSCP. The RPO does not directly
protect species or impose any species-specific management efforts, but
rather attempts to minimize the impacts of urban development on
habitat. The petition stated that the Hermes copper butterfly would be
only inadvertently protected by the County RPO through the land
protection ordinance, which would not require measures necessary to
prevent extinction of the species, such as a requirement that new urban
[[Page 44975]]
development avoid remaining Hermes copper butterfly populations and
dispersal corridors. The petition also stated the RPO does not provide
measures that could improve the status of the species, such as special
conservation management of the Hermes copper butterfly populations,
habitat, and dispersal corridors.
Analysis of the information provided in the petition. The RPO
(County of San Diego 1991) imposes controls on development of wetlands,
floodplains, steep slopes, sensitive biological habitat, and
prehistoric and historic sites. The RPO requires the Resource
Protection Study for certain discretionary projects in order to
identify a number of objectives, including identification of
environmentally sensitive lands. The County may require conditions to
protect sensitive lands including habitats that may protect the Hermes
copper butterfly.
Based on the information and analysis provided above, we find that
the petition does not present substantial information that the species
is threatened at this time by the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms across all or a significant portion of its range.
E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting Continued Existence
The petition, its appendices, and referenced documents discuss the
following threats that we have grouped under Factor E: Vulnerability of
small and isolated populations, and global c