Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement and Receipt of an Application for an Incidental Take Permit for the Orange County Southern Subregion Habitat Conservation Plan, Orange County, CA, 40145-40147 [E6-10917]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 135 / Friday, July 14, 2006 / Notices
terminated branch; however, they may
be transferred for completion of
processing and underwriting to another
mortgagee or branch authorized to
originate FHA insured mortgages in that
area. Mortgagees are obligated to
continue to pay existing insurance
premiums and meet all other obligations
associated with insured mortgages.
A terminated mortgagee may apply for
a new Origination Approval Agreement
if the mortgagee continues to be an
approved mortgagee meeting the
requirements of 24 CFR 202.5, 202.6,
202.7, 202.8 or 202.10 and 202.12, if
there has been no Origination Approval
Agreement for at least six months, and
if the Secretary determines that the
underlying causes for termination have
been remedied. To enable the Secretary
to ascertain whether the underlying
causes for termination have been
remedied, a mortgagee applying for a
new Origination Approval Agreement
must obtain an independent review of
the terminated office’s operations as
well as its mortgage production,
specifically including the FHA-insured
mortgages cited in its termination
notice. This independent analysis shall
identify the underlying cause for the
mortgagee’s high default and claim rate.
The review must be conducted and
issued by an independent Certified
Public Accountant (CPA) qualified to
perform audits under Government
Auditing Standards as provided by the
General Accounting Office. The
mortgagee must also submit a written
corrective action plan to address each of
the issues identified in the CPA’s report,
along with evidence that the plan has
been implemented. The application for
a new Agreement should be in the form
of a letter, accompanied by the CPA’s
report and corrective action plan. The
request should be sent to the Director,
Office of Lender Activities and Program
Compliance, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room B133–P3214, Washington, DC
20410–8000 or by courier to 490
L’Enfant Plaza, East, SW., Suite 3214,
Washington, DC 20024–8000.
Action: The following mortgagees
have had their Agreements terminated
by HUD:
Mortgagee name
Mortgagee branch
HUD office jurisdictions
Lifetime Financial Services .............
613 N W Loop 410, STE 650, San
Antonio, TX 78216.
Murfreesboro, TN 37129.
Woodbridge, VA 22192.
San Antonio, TX .............................
Nashville, TN ..................................
Richmond, VA ................................
Peoples Home Equity .....................
Weststar Mortgage Corp. Inc ..........
Dated: July 5, 2006.
Brian D. Montgomery,
Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal
Housing Commissioner.
[FR Doc. E6–11118 Filed 7–13–06; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Notice of Availability of a Draft
Environmental Impact Report/
Environmental Impact Statement and
Receipt of an Application for an
Incidental Take Permit for the Orange
County Southern Subregion Habitat
Conservation Plan, Orange County, CA
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability and
receipt of application.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The County of Orange,
Rancho Mission Viejo, and Santa
Margarita Water District (Applicants)
have applied to the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service) for an
incidental take permit pursuant to
section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act).
The Service is requesting public
comment on the Draft Orange County
Southern Subregion Habitat
Conservation Plan (HCP), Draft
Implementing Agreement, and Draft
Environmental Impact Report/
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/
EIS). The Applicants seek a permit to
incidentally take 25 animal species and
assurances for 7 plant species, including
25 unlisted species should any of them
become listed under the Act during the
term of the proposed 75-year permit.
The permit is needed to authorize take
of listed animal species (including harm
and injury) for Covered Activities,
including development and associated
infrastructure in Rancho Mission Viejo,
expansion of the Prima Deshecha
Landfill, and the extension of La Pata
Road in the approximately 132,000-acre
Plan Area in southern Orange County,
A Draft Environmental Impact
Statement, which is the Federal portion
of the Draft EIR/EIS, has been prepared
jointly by the Service and the County of
Orange to analyze the impacts of the
HCP and is also available for public
review. The analyses provided in the
Draft EIR/EIS are intended to inform the
public of the proposed action,
alternatives, and associated impacts;
address public comments received
during the scoping period for the Draft
EIR/EIS; disclose the direct, indirect,
and cumulative environmental effects of
the proposed action and each of the
alternatives; and indicate any
irreversible commitment of resources
that would result from implementation
of the proposed action.
PO 00000
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effective date
Homeownership centers
Written comments should be
received on or before September 12,
ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to
Mr. Jim Bartel, Field Supervisor, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Fish
and Wildlife Office, 6010 Hidden Valley
Road, Carlsbad, California 92011. You
may also submit comments by facsimile
to 760–918–0638.
Information, comments, and/or
questions related to the EIR and the
California Environmental Quality Act
should be submitted to Mr. Tim Neely
at the County of Orange, 300 North
Flower Street, Santa Ana, California
92702; telephone 714–834–2552;
facsimile 714–834–2771.
To get copies of the documents, see
‘‘Availability of Documents’’ under
Karen Goebel, Assistant Field
Supervisor, at the Carlsbad Fish and
Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES);
telephone 760–431–9440.
Availability of Documents
Documents available for public
review include the permit applications,
the Public Review Draft HCP and
Appendixes A–E, the Map Book (bound
separately), the accompanying Draft
Implementing Agreement, and the Draft
Individuals wishing copies of the
documents should contact the Service
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 135 / Friday, July 14, 2006 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
by telephone at 760–431–9440, or by
letter to the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife
Office. Copies of the HCP, Draft EIR/EIS,
and Draft Implementing Agreement also
are available for public review, by
appointment, during regular business
hours, at the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife
Office (see ADDRESSES). Copies are also
available for viewing in select local
southern Orange County public libraries
(listed below), the Orange County
Planning Department, and at the
following Web site: https://
1. Dana Point Library—Reference
Desk, 33841 Niguel Road, Laguna
Niguel, California 92629;
2. Laguna Hills Library—Reference
Desk, 25555 Alicia Parkway, Laguna
Hills, California 92653;
3. Laguna Niguel Library—Reference
Desk, 30341 Crown Valley Parkway,
Laguna Niguel, California 92677;
4. Mission Viejo Library—Reference
Desk, 100 Civic Center, Mission Viejo,
California 92691;
5. Rancho Santa Margarita Library—
Reference Desk, 30902 La Promesa,
Rancho Santa Margarita, California
6. San Clemente Library—Reference
Desk, 242 Avenida Del Mar, San
Clemente, California 92672;
7. San Juan Capistrano Library—
Reference Desk, 31495 El Camino Real,
San Juan Capistrano, California 92675;
8. Orange County Resources &
Development Management
Department.—Tim Neely, 300 North
Flower Street, Santa Ana, California
Background Information
Section 9 of the Act and its
implementing Federal regulations
prohibit the ‘‘take’’ of fish and wildlife
species federally listed as endangered or
threatened. Take of federally listed fish
or wildlife is defined under the Act to
include to kill, harm, or harass. ‘‘Harm’’
includes significant habitat modification
or degradation that actually kills or
injures listed wildlife by significantly
impairing essential behavioral patterns,
including breeding, feeding, and
sheltering (50 CFR 17.3(c)). Under
limited circumstances, the Service may
issue permits to authorize incidental
take; i.e., take that is incidental to, and
not the purpose of, otherwise lawful
activity. Although take of plant species
is not prohibited under the Act, and
therefore cannot be authorized under an
incidental take permit, plant species are
proposed to be included on the permit
in recognition of the conservation
benefits provided to them under the
HCP. All species included on an
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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incidental take permit would receive
assurances under the Service’s, ‘‘No
Surprises’’ regulation [50 CFR
17.22(b)(5) and 17.32(b)(5)].
The Applicants seek an incidental
take permit and assurances for 25
animal species and assurances for 7
plant species. Collectively, the 32 listed
and unlisted species are referred to as
‘‘Covered Species’’ by the HCP, and
include 7 plant species (1 threatened
[Thread-leaved Brodiaea (Brodiaea
filifolia] and 6 unlisted [California Scrub
Oak (Quercus berberidifolia), Chaparral
Beargrass (Nolina cismontana), Coast
Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia), Coulter’s
Saltbush (Atriplex coulteri), Manystemmed Dudleya (Dudleya
multicaulis), and Southern Tarplant
(Centromadia parryi var. australis)]); 2
invertebrate species (both endangered
[Riverside Fairy Shrimp
(Streptocephalus woottoni) and San
Diego Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta
sandiegonensis)]); 2 fish species
(unlisted [Arroyo Chub (Gila orcutti)
and Partially-armored Threespine
Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus
microcephalus)]); 2 amphibian species
(1 endangered [Arroyo Toad (Bufo
californicus)] and 1 unlisted [Western
Spadefoot Toad (Spea hammondii)]); 7
reptile species (unlisted [California
Glossy Snake (Arizona elegans
occidentalis), Coast Patch-nosed Snake
(Salvadora hexalepis virgultea),
Northern Red-diamond Rattlesnake
(Crotalus ruber ruber), Orange-throated
Whiptail (Aspidoscelis hyperythra), Red
Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum
piceus), San Diego ‘‘Coast’’ Horned
Lizard (Phrynosoma coronatum), and
Southwestern Pond Turtle (Emys
[=Clemmys] marmorata pallida)]); and
12 bird species (2 endangered [Least
Bell’s Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) and
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher
(Empidonax traillii extimus)], 1
threatened [Coastal California
Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica
californica)], and 9 unlisted [Burrowing
Owl (Athene cunicularia), Coastal
Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus
brunneicapillus couesi), Cooper’s Hawk
(Accipiter cooperii), Grasshopper
Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum),
Long-eared Owl (Asio otus), Tricolored
Blackbird (Agelaius tricolor), Whitetailed Kite (Elanus leucurus), Yellowbreasted Chat (Icteria virens), and
Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia)]).
The permit would provide take
authorization for animal species
identified by the HCP as ‘‘Covered
Species.’’ Take authorized for listed
covered animal species would be
effective upon permit issuance. For
currently unlisted covered animal
PO 00000
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species, take authorization would
become effective concurrent with
listing, should the species be listed
under the Act during the permit term.
The HCP is intended to protect and
sustain viable populations of native
plant and animal species and their
habitats in perpetuity through the
creation of a reserve system, while
accommodating continued economic
development and quality of life for
residents of southern Orange County.
The HCP plan area encompasses
approximately 132,000 acres in
southern Orange County and includes
the County of Orange and Rancho
Mission Viejo(RMV). It is one of two
large, multiple-jurisdiction habitat
planning efforts in Orange County, each
of which constitutes a ‘‘subregional’’
plan under the State of California’s
Natural Community Conservation
Planning Act, as amended.
As described in the Draft HCP and the
Draft EIR/EIS, the proposed HCP would
provide for the creation of a reserve
system that protects and manages
approximately 20,868 acres of habitat
for the Covered Species, in addition to
approximately 11,950 acres of existing
County Wilderness Parkland, the 4,000acre Audubon Starr Ranch, and
approximately 7,000 acres of existing
conservation elsewhere in the Southern
Subregion of Orange County outside of
the Cleveland National Forest. The HCP
identifies the proposed reserve system
that will be established as part of a
Phased Dedication Program linked to
phased development on RMV lands.
When completed, the reserve system
will include large habitat blocks for
Covered Species, essential ecological
processes, and biological corridors and
linkages to provide for the conservation
of the proposed Covered Species.
The HCP includes measures to avoid
and minimize incidental take of the
Covered Species, emphasizing project
design modifications to protect both
habitats and covered species. A
monitoring and reporting plan would
gauge the Plan’s success based on
achievement of biological goals and
objectives and would ensure that
conservation keeps pace with
development. The HCP also includes a
management program, including
adaptive management, which allows for
changes in the conservation program if
the biological species objectives are not
met or new information becomes
available to improve the efficacy of the
HCP’s conservation strategy.
Covered Activities would include
development and all associated
infrastructure on RMV, Santa Margarita
Water District projects off of RMV but
within the plan area, Prima Deshecha
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 135 / Friday, July 14, 2006 / Notices
Landfill expansion, the La Pata Road
improvements and extension, and
grazing on portions of the Habitat
Reserve. The HCP makes a provision for
the inclusion of lot owners in Coto de
The Draft EIR/EIS analyzes 4 other
alternatives in addition to the proposed
HCP Preferred Project Alternative
described above, including: An
expanded conservation alternative; an
alternative formulated by the County
during the County zoning process; a
‘‘no-take/no-streambed alteration’’
alternative; and a no-project alternative.
Regulatory Act of 1988 (IGRA), Public
Law 100–497, 25 U.S.C. 2710, the
Secretary of the Interior shall publish in
the Federal Register notice of approved
Tribal-State compacts for the purpose of
engaging in Class III gaming activities
on Indian lands. This amendment
allows for the expansion of the tribe’s
Video Lottery Terminals, table games as
well as clarification of notice to the
Oregon State Police, extension of credit,
and contributions to the community
fund. A section on transportation is
Public Comments
The Service and County of Orange
invite the public to comment on the
Draft HCP, Draft Implementing
Agreement, and Draft EIR/EIS [See
DATES]. All comments received,
including names and addresses, will
become part of the official
administrative record and may be made
available to the public. This notice is
provided pursuant to section 10(a) of
the Act and Service regulations for
implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (40
CFR 1506.6). The Service will evaluate
the application, associated documents,
and comments submitted thereon to
prepare a Final Environmental Impact
Dated: June 30, 2006.
Michael D. Olsen,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—Indian
[FR Doc. E6–11139 Filed 7–13–06; 8:45 am]
Dated: July 6, 2006.
Ken McDermond,
Deputy Manager, California/Nevada
Operations Office, Sacramento, California.
[FR Doc. E6–10917 Filed 7–13–06; 8:45 am]
SUMMARY: This notice publishes
approval of the gaming compact
between the Eastern Shoshone Tribe of
the Wind River Reservation and the
State of Wyoming.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Indian Gaming
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Notice of Approved Tribal-State
Class III Gaming Compact.
Effective Date: July 14, 2006.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Indian Gaming
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice of Approved Tribal-State
Class III Gaming Amendment.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: This notice publishes an
approval of the amended and restated
Tribal-State Compact for regulation of
Class III Gaming between the
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
and the State of Oregon.
DATES: Effective Date: July 14, 2006.
George T. Skibine, Director, Office of
Indian Gaming Management, Office of
the Deputy Assistant Secretary—Policy
and Economic Development,
Washington, DC 20240, (202) 219–4066.
Section 11 of the Indian Gaming
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:44 Jul 13, 2006
Jkt 208001
George T. Skibine, Director, Office of
Indian Gaming Management, Office of
the Deputy Assistant Secretary—Policy
and Economic Development,
Washington, DC 20240, (202) 219–4066.
Section 11 of the Indian Gaming
Regulatory Act of 1988 (IGRA), Public
Law 100–497, 25 U.S.C. 2710, the
Secretary of the Interior shall publish in
the Federal Register notice of approved
Tribal-State compacts for the purpose of
engaging in Class III gaming activities
on Indian lands. This compact allows
the tribe to operate a Class III gaming
Dated: June 30, 2006.
Michael D. Olsen,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—Indian
[FR Doc. E6–11138 Filed 7–13–06; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Bureau of Land Management
[WO–350–1430–FR–24 1A; OMB Control
Number 1004–0004]
Information Collection Submitted to
the Office of Management and Budget
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
The Bureau of Land Management
(BLM) has sent a request to extend the
current information collection to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq.). On April 6, 2004, the BLM
published a notice in the Federal
Register (70 FR 17461) requesting
comment on this information collection.
The comment period ended on June 6,
2005. The BLM did not receive any
comments. You may obtain copies of the
collection of information and related
forms and explanatory material by
contacting the BLM Information
Collection Clearance Officer at the
telephone number listed below.
The OMB must respond to this
request within 60 days but may request
after 30 days. For maximum
consideration your comments and
suggestions on the requirement should
be directed within 30 days to the Office
of Management and Budget, Interior
Department Desk Officer (1004–0004), at
OMB–OIRA via facsimile to (202) 395–
6566 or e-mail to Please
provide a copy of your comments to the
Bureau Information Collection
Clearance Officer (WO–630), Bureau of
Land Management, Eastern States
Office, 7450 Boston Blvd., Springfield,
Virginia 22153.
Nature of Comments: We specifically
request your comments on the
1. Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
functioning of the BLM, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
2. The accuracy of our estimate of the
information collection burden,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions we use;
3. Ways to enhance the quality, utility
and clarity of the information we
collect; and
4. Ways to minimize the information
collection burden on those who are to
respond, including the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other forms of
information technology.
Title: Desert Land Entry Application
(43 CFR Part 2520).
OMB Control Number: 1004–0004.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 135 (Friday, July 14, 2006)]
[Pages 40145-40147]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-10917]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report/
Environmental Impact Statement and Receipt of an Application for an
Incidental Take Permit for the Orange County Southern Subregion Habitat
Conservation Plan, Orange County, CA
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability and receipt of application.
SUMMARY: The County of Orange, Rancho Mission Viejo, and Santa
Margarita Water District (Applicants) have applied to the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service) for an incidental take permit pursuant to
section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended
(Act). The Service is requesting public comment on the Draft Orange
County Southern Subregion Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), Draft
Implementing Agreement, and Draft Environmental Impact Report/
Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS). The Applicants seek a permit
to incidentally take 25 animal species and assurances for 7 plant
species, including 25 unlisted species should any of them become listed
under the Act during the term of the proposed 75-year permit. The
permit is needed to authorize take of listed animal species (including
harm and injury) for Covered Activities, including development and
associated infrastructure in Rancho Mission Viejo, expansion of the
Prima Deshecha Landfill, and the extension of La Pata Road in the
approximately 132,000-acre Plan Area in southern Orange County,
A Draft Environmental Impact Statement, which is the Federal
portion of the Draft EIR/EIS, has been prepared jointly by the Service
and the County of Orange to analyze the impacts of the HCP and is also
available for public review. The analyses provided in the Draft EIR/EIS
are intended to inform the public of the proposed action, alternatives,
and associated impacts; address public comments received during the
scoping period for the Draft EIR/EIS; disclose the direct, indirect,
and cumulative environmental effects of the proposed action and each of
the alternatives; and indicate any irreversible commitment of resources
that would result from implementation of the proposed action.
DATES: Written comments should be received on or before September 12,
ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to Mr. Jim Bartel, Field Supervisor,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office, 6010
Hidden Valley Road, Carlsbad, California 92011. You may also submit
comments by facsimile to 760-918-0638.
Information, comments, and/or questions related to the EIR and the
California Environmental Quality Act should be submitted to Mr. Tim
Neely at the County of Orange, 300 North Flower Street, Santa Ana,
California 92702; telephone 714-834-2552; facsimile 714-834-2771.
To get copies of the documents, see ``Availability of Documents''
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Karen Goebel, Assistant Field
Supervisor, at the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES);
telephone 760-431-9440.
Availability of Documents
Documents available for public review include the permit
applications, the Public Review Draft HCP and Appendixes A-E, the Map
Book (bound separately), the accompanying Draft Implementing Agreement,
and the Draft EIR/EIS.
Individuals wishing copies of the documents should contact the
[[Page 40146]]
by telephone at 760-431-9440, or by letter to the Carlsbad Fish and
Wildlife Office. Copies of the HCP, Draft EIR/EIS, and Draft
Implementing Agreement also are available for public review, by
appointment, during regular business hours, at the Carlsbad Fish and
Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES). Copies are also available for viewing
in select local southern Orange County public libraries (listed below),
the Orange County Planning Department, and at the following Web site:
1. Dana Point Library--Reference Desk, 33841 Niguel Road, Laguna
Niguel, California 92629;
2. Laguna Hills Library--Reference Desk, 25555 Alicia Parkway,
Laguna Hills, California 92653;
3. Laguna Niguel Library--Reference Desk, 30341 Crown Valley
Parkway, Laguna Niguel, California 92677;
4. Mission Viejo Library--Reference Desk, 100 Civic Center, Mission
Viejo, California 92691;
5. Rancho Santa Margarita Library--Reference Desk, 30902 La
Promesa, Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688;
6. San Clemente Library--Reference Desk, 242 Avenida Del Mar, San
Clemente, California 92672;
7. San Juan Capistrano Library--Reference Desk, 31495 El Camino
Real, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675; and
8. Orange County Resources & Development Management Department.--
Tim Neely, 300 North Flower Street, Santa Ana, California 92702.
Background Information
Section 9 of the Act and its implementing Federal regulations
prohibit the ``take'' of fish and wildlife species federally listed as
endangered or threatened. Take of federally listed fish or wildlife is
defined under the Act to include to kill, harm, or harass. ``Harm''
includes significant habitat modification or degradation that actually
kills or injures listed wildlife by significantly impairing essential
behavioral patterns, including breeding, feeding, and sheltering (50
CFR 17.3(c)). Under limited circumstances, the Service may issue
permits to authorize incidental take; i.e., take that is incidental to,
and not the purpose of, otherwise lawful activity. Although take of
plant species is not prohibited under the Act, and therefore cannot be
authorized under an incidental take permit, plant species are proposed
to be included on the permit in recognition of the conservation
benefits provided to them under the HCP. All species included on an
incidental take permit would receive assurances under the Service's,
``No Surprises'' regulation [50 CFR 17.22(b)(5) and 17.32(b)(5)].
The Applicants seek an incidental take permit and assurances for 25
animal species and assurances for 7 plant species. Collectively, the 32
listed and unlisted species are referred to as ``Covered Species'' by
the HCP, and include 7 plant species (1 threatened [Thread-leaved
Brodiaea (Brodiaea filifolia] and 6 unlisted [California Scrub Oak
(Quercus berberidifolia), Chaparral Beargrass (Nolina cismontana),
Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia), Coulter's Saltbush (Atriplex
coulteri), Many-stemmed Dudleya (Dudleya multicaulis), and Southern
Tarplant (Centromadia parryi var. australis)]); 2 invertebrate species
(both endangered [Riverside Fairy Shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni) and
San Diego Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta sandiegonensis)]); 2 fish species
(unlisted [Arroyo Chub (Gila orcutti) and Partially-armored Threespine
Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus microcephalus)]); 2 amphibian
species (1 endangered [Arroyo Toad (Bufo californicus)] and 1 unlisted
[Western Spadefoot Toad (Spea hammondii)]); 7 reptile species (unlisted
[California Glossy Snake (Arizona elegans occidentalis), Coast Patch-
nosed Snake (Salvadora hexalepis virgultea), Northern Red-diamond
Rattlesnake (Crotalus ruber ruber), Orange-throated Whiptail
(Aspidoscelis hyperythra), Red Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum
piceus), San Diego ``Coast'' Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma coronatum), and
Southwestern Pond Turtle (Emys [=Clemmys] marmorata pallida)]); and 12
bird species (2 endangered [Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus)
and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus)], 1
threatened [Coastal California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica
californica)], and 9 unlisted [Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia),
Coastal Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus couesi), Cooper's
Hawk (Accipiter cooperii), Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum),
Long-eared Owl (Asio otus), Tricolored Blackbird (Agelaius tricolor),
White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus), Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria
virens), and Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia)]). The permit would
provide take authorization for animal species identified by the HCP as
``Covered Species.'' Take authorized for listed covered animal species
would be effective upon permit issuance. For currently unlisted covered
animal species, take authorization would become effective concurrent
with listing, should the species be listed under the Act during the
permit term.
The HCP is intended to protect and sustain viable populations of
native plant and animal species and their habitats in perpetuity
through the creation of a reserve system, while accommodating continued
economic development and quality of life for residents of southern
Orange County.
The HCP plan area encompasses approximately 132,000 acres in
southern Orange County and includes the County of Orange and Rancho
Mission Viejo(RMV). It is one of two large, multiple-jurisdiction
habitat planning efforts in Orange County, each of which constitutes a
``subregional'' plan under the State of California's Natural Community
Conservation Planning Act, as amended.
As described in the Draft HCP and the Draft EIR/EIS, the proposed
HCP would provide for the creation of a reserve system that protects
and manages approximately 20,868 acres of habitat for the Covered
Species, in addition to approximately 11,950 acres of existing County
Wilderness Parkland, the 4,000-acre Audubon Starr Ranch, and
approximately 7,000 acres of existing conservation elsewhere in the
Southern Subregion of Orange County outside of the Cleveland National
Forest. The HCP identifies the proposed reserve system that will be
established as part of a Phased Dedication Program linked to phased
development on RMV lands. When completed, the reserve system will
include large habitat blocks for Covered Species, essential ecological
processes, and biological corridors and linkages to provide for the
conservation of the proposed Covered Species.
The HCP includes measures to avoid and minimize incidental take of
the Covered Species, emphasizing project design modifications to
protect both habitats and covered species. A monitoring and reporting
plan would gauge the Plan's success based on achievement of biological
goals and objectives and would ensure that conservation keeps pace with
development. The HCP also includes a management program, including
adaptive management, which allows for changes in the conservation
program if the biological species objectives are not met or new
information becomes available to improve the efficacy of the HCP's
conservation strategy.
Covered Activities would include development and all associated
infrastructure on RMV, Santa Margarita Water District projects off of
RMV but within the plan area, Prima Deshecha
[[Page 40147]]
Landfill expansion, the La Pata Road improvements and extension, and
grazing on portions of the Habitat Reserve. The HCP makes a provision
for the inclusion of lot owners in Coto de Caza.
The Draft EIR/EIS analyzes 4 other alternatives in addition to the
proposed HCP Preferred Project Alternative described above, including:
An expanded conservation alternative; an alternative formulated by the
County during the County zoning process; a ``no-take/no-streambed
alteration'' alternative; and a no-project alternative.
Public Comments
The Service and County of Orange invite the public to comment on
the Draft HCP, Draft Implementing Agreement, and Draft EIR/EIS [See
DATES]. All comments received, including names and addresses, will
become part of the official administrative record and may be made
available to the public. This notice is provided pursuant to section
10(a) of the Act and Service regulations for implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (40 CFR 1506.6). The Service will
evaluate the application, associated documents, and comments submitted
thereon to prepare a Final Environmental Impact Statement.
Dated: July 6, 2006.
Ken McDermond,
Deputy Manager, California/Nevada Operations Office, Sacramento,
[FR Doc. E6-10917 Filed 7-13-06; 8:45 am]