Departmental Offices; Debt Management Advisory Committee Meeting, 39701-39702 [06-6172]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 134 / Thursday, July 13, 2006 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board [STB Finance Docket No. 34891] By the Board, David M. Konschnik, Director, Office of Proceedings. Vernon A. Williams, Secretary. [FR Doc. E6–10942 Filed 7–12–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4915–01–P Lackawaxen-Honesdale Shippers Association, Inc.—Acquisition Exemption—Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Lackawaxen-Honesdale Shippers Association, Inc. (LHSA), has filed a verified notice of exemption under 49 CFR 1150.31 for the acquisition of approximately 24.74 miles of rail line from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), in Wayne and Pike Counties, PA. The line, known as the Honesdale Branch, extends from milepost 110.26, in Lackawaxen, PA, to milepost 135.00, in Honesdale, PA. The Honesdale Branch was conveyed by PennDOT to LHSA on January 31, 2003.1 Due to lack of familiarity with the Board’s regulatory requirements, LHSA failed to obtain acquisition authority on an exemption for the transaction. Accordingly, to rectify that omission, LHSA files this notice of exemption from the prior approval requirements of 49 U.S.C. 10901. LHSA certifies that its projected revenues as a result of the transaction will not result in LHSA becoming a Class II or Class I rail carrier. The exemption became effective on June 21, 2006 (7 days after the exemption was filed). If the notice contains false or misleading information, the exemption is void ab initio. Petitions to revoke the exemption under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d) may be filed at any time. The filing of a petition to revoke will not automatically stay the transaction. An original and 10 copies of all pleadings, referring to STB Finance Docket No. 34891, must be filed with the Surface Transportation Board, 1925 K Street, NW., Washington, DC 20423– 0001. In addition, one copy of each pleading must be served on Richard R. Wilson, Esq., 127 Lexington Avenue, Ste. 100, Altoona, PA 16601. Board decisions and notices are available on our Web site at https:// sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES Decided: July 5, 2006. 1 The Stourbridge Railroad Company, Inc., obtained operating authority for this rail line in Stourbridge Railroad Company, Inc.—Operation Exemption—in Wayne and Pike Counties, PA, Finance Docket No. 31508 (ICC served January 25, 1990). VerDate Aug<31>2005 18:36 Jul 12, 2006 Jkt 208001 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board [STB Docket No. AB–994X] Kettle Falls International Railway, LLC—Abandonment Exemption—in Ferry County, WA On June 23, 2006, Kettle Falls International Railway, LLC (KFR), filed with the Board a petition under 49 U.S.C. 10502 for exemption from the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 10903 to abandon an approximately 28.361-mile line of railroad, extending from milepost 48.779, near Danville, to milepost 77.14, at San Poil, in Perry County, WA. The line traverses United States Postal Service Zip Codes 99118, 99121 and 99150. The line does not contain federally granted rights-of-way. Any documentation in KFR’s possession will be made available promptly to those requesting it. The interest of railroad employees will be protected by the conditions set forth in Oregon Short Line R. Co.— Abandonment—Goshen, 360 I.C.C. 91 (1979). By issuing this notice, the Board is instituting an exemption proceeding pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 10502(b). A final decision will be issued by October 11, 2006. Any offer of financial assistance (OFA) under 49 CFR 1152.27(b)(2) will be due no later than 10 days after service of a decision granting the petition for exemption. Each OFA must be accompanied by a $1,300 filing fee. See 49 CFR 1002.2(f)(25). All interested persons should be aware that, following abandonment of rail service and salvage of the line, the line may be suitable for other public use, including interim trail use. Any request for a public use condition under 49 CFR 1152.28 or for trail use/rail banking under 49 CFR 1152.29 will be due no later than August 2, 2006. Each trail use request must be accompanied by a $200 filing fee. See 49 CFR 1002.2(f)(27). All filings in response to this notice must refer to STB Docket No. AB–994X, and must be sent to: (1) Surface Transportation Board, 1925 K Street, NW., Washington, DC 20423–0001; and (2) Karl Morell, Ball Janik LLP, 1455 F PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 39701 Street, NW., Suite 225, Washington, DC 20005. Replies to the petition are due on or before August 2, 2006. Persons seeking further information concerning abandonment procedures may contact the Board’s Office of Public Services at (202) 565–1592 or refer to the full abandonment or discontinuance regulations at 49 CFR part 1152. Questions concerning environmental issues may be directed to the Board’s Section of Environmental Analysis (SEA) at (202) 565–1539. [Assistance for the hearing impaired is available through the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339.] An environmental assessment (EA) (or environmental impact statement (EIS), if necessary), prepared by SEA, will be served upon all parties of record and upon any agencies or other persons who commented during its preparation. Other interested persons may contact SEA to obtain a copy of the EA (or EIS). EAs in these abandonment proceedings normally will be made available within 60 days of the filing of the petition. The deadline for submission of comments on the EA will generally be within 30 days of its service. Board decisions and notices are available on our Web site at https:// Decided: July 6, 2006. By the Board, David M. Konschnik, Director, Office of Proceedings. Vernon A. Williams, Secretary. [FR Doc. E6–10943 Filed 7–12–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4915–01–P DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Departmental Offices; Debt Management Advisory Committee Meeting Notice is hereby given, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. App. 2, § 10(a)(2), that a meeting will be held at the Hay-Adams Hotel, 16th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC, on August 1, 2006 at 11:30 a.m. of the following debt management advisory committee: Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee of The Bond Market Association (‘‘Committee’’). The agenda for the meeting provides for a charge by the Secretary of the Treasury or his designate that the Committee discuss particular issues, and a working session. Following the working session, the Committee will present a written report of its recommendations. The meeting will be closed to the public, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. App. 2, § 10(d) and Public law E:\FR\FM\13JYN1.SGM 13JYN1 sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES 39702 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 134 / Thursday, July 13, 2006 / Notices 103–202, § 202(c)(1)(B) (31 U.S.C. 3121 note). This notice shall constitute my determination, pursuant to the authority placed in heads of agencies by 5 U.S.C. App. 2 § 10(d) and vested in me by Treasury Department Order No. 101–05, that the meeting will consist of discussions and debates of the issues presented to the Committee by the Secretary of the Treasury and the making of recommendations of the Committee to the Secretary, pursuant to Public Law 103–202, § 202(c)(1)(B). Thus, this information is exempt from disclosure under that provision and 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(3)(B). In addition, the meeting is concerned with information that is exempt from disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(9)(A). The public interest requires that such meetings be closed to the public because the Treasury Department requires frank and full advice from representatives of the financial community prior to making its final decisions on major financing operations. Historically, this advice has been offered by debt management advisory committees established by the several major segments of the financial community. When so utilized, such a committee is recognized to be an advisory committee under 5 U.S.C. App. 2, § 3. Although the Treasury’s final announcement of financing plans may not reflect the recommendations provided in reports of the Committee, premature disclosure of the Committee’s deliberations and reports would be likely to lead to significant financial speculation in the securities market. Thus, this meeting falls within the exemption covered by 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(9)(A). Treasury staff will provide a technical briefing to the press on the day before the Committee meeting, following the release of a statement of economic conditions, financing estimates and technical charts. This briefing will give the press an opportunity to ask questions about financing projections and technical charts. The day after the Committee meeting, Treasury will release the minutes of the meeting, any charts that were discussed at the meeting, and the Committee’s report to the Secretary. The Office of Debt Management is responsible for maintaining records of debt management advisory committee meetings and for providing annual reports setting forth a summary of Committee activities and such other matters as may be informative to the public consistent with the policy of 5 U.S.C. 552(b). The Designated Federal Officer or other responsible agency VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:46 Jul 12, 2006 Jkt 208001 official who may be contacted for additional information is Jeff Huther, Director, Office of Debt Management, at (202) 622–1868. Dated: July 6, 2006. Emil W. Henry, Jr., Assistant Secretary, Financial Institutions. [FR Doc. 06–6172 Filed 7–12–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4810–25–M DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Internal Revenue Service Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Area 6 committee of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel will be conducted in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) is soliciting public comments, ideas, and suggestions on improving customer service at the Internal Revenue Service. The TAP will use citizen input to make recommendations to the Internal Revenue Service. DATES: The meeting will be held Thursday, August 3, 2006, Friday, August 4, 2006 and Saturday, August 5, 2006. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dave Coffman at 1–888–912–1227, or 206–220–6096. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App. (1988) that an open meeting of the Area 6 Taxpayer Advocacy Panel will be held Thursday, August 3, 2006 from 1 p.m. Mountain Time to 4:30 p.m. Mountain Time and Friday, August 4, 2006 from 8:30 a.m. Mountain Time to 4:30 p.m. Mountain Time at 5338 Montgomery Blvd., NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico; and Saturday, August 5, 2006 from 8:30 a.m. Mountain Time to 11 a.m. Mountain Time at 2600 Louisiana Boulevard, NE., Albuquerque, New Mexico. The public is invited to make oral comments. Individual comments will be limited to 5 minutes. If you would like to have the TAP consider a written statement, please call 1–888– 912–1227 or 206–220–6096, or write to Dave Coffman, TAP Office, 915 2nd Avenue, MS W–406, Seattle, WA 98174 Frm 00048 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Dated: July 7, 2006. John Fay, Acting Director, Taxpayer Advocacy Panel. [FR Doc. E6–10994 Filed 7–12–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4830–01–P Open Meeting of the Area 6 Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (Including the States of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming) PO 00000 or you can contact us at https:// Due to limited space, notification of intent to participate in the meeting must be made with Dave Coffman. Mr. Coffman can be reached at 1–888–912–1227 or 206– 220–6096. The agenda will include the following: Various IRS issues. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Internal Revenue Service Open Meeting of the Joint Committee of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Joint Committee of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel will be conducted via teleconference. The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel is soliciting public comment, ideas, and suggestions on improving customer service at the Internal Revenue Service. DATES: The meeting will be held Wednesday, August 2, 2006, at 1 p.m., Eastern Time. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Barbara Toy at 1–888–912–1227, or (414) 231–2360. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App. (1988) that an open meeting of the Joint Committee of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) will be held Wednesday, August 2, 2006, at 1 p.m. Eastern Time via a telephone conference call. If you would like to have the Joint Committee of TAP consider a written statement, please call 1–888–912–1227 or (414) 231–2360, or write Barbara Toy, TAP Office, MS–1006–MIL, 211 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203–2221, or FAX to (414) 231–2363, or you can contact us at https:// Due to limited conference lines, notification of intent to participate in the telephone conference call meeting must be made with Barbara Toy. Ms. Toy can be reached at 1–888–912–1227, or (414) 231–2364, or by FAX at (414) 231–2363. The agenda will include the following: Monthly committee summary report, discussion of issues brought to E:\FR\FM\13JYN1.SGM 13JYN1


[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 134 (Thursday, July 13, 2006)]
[Pages 39701-39702]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-6172]



Departmental Offices; Debt Management Advisory Committee Meeting

    Notice is hereby given, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. App. 2, Sec.  
10(a)(2), that a meeting will be held at the Hay-Adams Hotel, 16th 
Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC, on August 1, 2006 
at 11:30 a.m. of the following debt management advisory committee:

Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee of The Bond Market Association 

    The agenda for the meeting provides for a charge by the Secretary 
of the Treasury or his designate that the Committee discuss particular 
issues, and a working session. Following the working session, the 
Committee will present a written report of its recommendations. The 
meeting will be closed to the public, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. App. 2, 
Sec.  10(d) and Public law

[[Page 39702]]

103-202, Sec.  202(c)(1)(B) (31 U.S.C. 3121 note).
    This notice shall constitute my determination, pursuant to the 
authority placed in heads of agencies by 5 U.S.C. App. 2 Sec.  10(d) 
and vested in me by Treasury Department Order No. 101-05, that the 
meeting will consist of discussions and debates of the issues presented 
to the Committee by the Secretary of the Treasury and the making of 
recommendations of the Committee to the Secretary, pursuant to Public 
Law 103-202, Sec.  202(c)(1)(B). Thus, this information is exempt from 
disclosure under that provision and 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(3)(B). In 
addition, the meeting is concerned with information that is exempt from 
disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(9)(A). The public interest requires 
that such meetings be closed to the public because the Treasury 
Department requires frank and full advice from representatives of the 
financial community prior to making its final decisions on major 
financing operations. Historically, this advice has been offered by 
debt management advisory committees established by the several major 
segments of the financial community. When so utilized, such a committee 
is recognized to be an advisory committee under 5 U.S.C. App. 2, Sec.  
    Although the Treasury's final announcement of financing plans may 
not reflect the recommendations provided in reports of the Committee, 
premature disclosure of the Committee's deliberations and reports would 
be likely to lead to significant financial speculation in the 
securities market. Thus, this meeting falls within the exemption 
covered by 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(9)(A).
    Treasury staff will provide a technical briefing to the press on 
the day before the Committee meeting, following the release of a 
statement of economic conditions, financing estimates and technical 
charts. This briefing will give the press an opportunity to ask 
questions about financing projections and technical charts. The day 
after the Committee meeting, Treasury will release the minutes of the 
meeting, any charts that were discussed at the meeting, and the 
Committee's report to the Secretary.
    The Office of Debt Management is responsible for maintaining 
records of debt management advisory committee meetings and for 
providing annual reports setting forth a summary of Committee 
activities and such other matters as may be informative to the public 
consistent with the policy of 5 U.S.C. 552(b). The Designated Federal 
Officer or other responsible agency official who may be contacted for 
additional information is Jeff Huther, Director, Office of Debt 
Management, at (202) 622-1868.

    Dated: July 6, 2006.
Emil W. Henry, Jr.,
Assistant Secretary, Financial Institutions.
[FR Doc. 06-6172 Filed 7-12-06; 8:45 am]
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