D & S Sales, Revocation of Registration; Introduction and Procedural History, 37607-37612 [E6-9705]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 126 / Friday, June 30, 2006 / Notices
Office of Community Oriented Policing
Services; Agency Information
Collection Activities: Proposed
Collection; Comments Requested
60-Day Notice of Information
Collection Under Review: Monitoring
Information Collections.
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The Department of Justice (DOJ)
Office of Community Oriented Policing
Services (COPS), has submitted the
following information collection request
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. The proposed
information collection is published to
obtain comments from the public and
affected agencies.
The purpose of this notice is to allow
for 60 days for public comment until
August 29, 2006. This process is
conducted in accordance with 5 CFR
If you have comments especially on
the estimated public burden or
associated response time, suggestions,
or need a copy of the proposed
information collection instrument with
instructions or additional information,
please contact Rebekah Dorr,
Department of Justice Office of
Community Oriented Policing Services,
1100 Vermont Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20530.
Written comments and suggestions
from the public and affected agencies
concerning the proposed collection of
information are encouraged. Your
comments should address one or more
of the following four points:
—Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
—Evaluate the accuracy of the agency’s
estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
—Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
—Minimize the burden of the collection
of information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms
of information technology, e.g.,
permitting electronic submission of
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Overview of This Information
(1) Type of Information Collection:
Proposed collection; comments
(2) Title of the Form/Collection:
Monitoring Information Collections.
(3) Agency form number, if any, and
the applicable component of the
Department sponsoring the collection:
None. U.S. Department of Justice Office
of Community Oriented Policing
Affected public who will be asked or
required to respond, as well as a brief
Primary: COPS Office hiring grantees
that are selected for in-depth monitoring
of their grant implementation and
equipment grantees that report using
COPS funds to implement a criminal
intelligence system will be required to
respond. The Monitoring Information
Collections include two types of
information collections: the Monitoring
Request for Documentation and the 28
CFR part 23 Monitoring Kit.
(5) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
respond/reply: It is estimated that 140
respondents annually will complete the
collections: 40 respondents to the
Monitoring Request for Documentation
at 3 hours per respondent; 100
respondents to the 28 CFR part 23
Monitoring Kit at 2 hours per response.
(6) An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: There are an estimated 320
total annual burden hours associated
with this collection.
If additional information is required
contact: Lynn Bryant, Department
Clearance Officer, United States
Department of Justice, Justice
Management Division, Policy and
Planning Staff, Patrick Henry Building,
Suite 1600, 601 D Street NW.,
Washington, DC 20530.
Dated: June 26, 2006.
Lynn Bryant,
Department Clearance Officer, PRA,
Department of Justice.
[FR Doc. E6–10279 Filed 6–29–06; 8:45 am]
Drug Enforcement Administration
[Docket No. 03–39]
D & S Sales, Revocation of
Registration; Introduction and
Procedural History
On June 30, 2003, the Deputy
Assistant Administrator, Office of
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Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA), issued an Order
to Show Cause proposing to revoke
Respondent D & S Sales’ DEA
Certification of Registration,
003884DSY, as a distributor of List I
chemicals, and to deny any pending
applications for renewal or modification
of that registration under 21 U.S.C.
824(a) (4) and 823(h). The Show Cause
Order alleged that the continuation of
Respondent’s registration would be
inconsistent with the public interest as
that term is defined in 21 U.S.C. 823(h).
Specifically, the Show Cause Order
alleged that Respondent’s ‘‘product mix
and sales of combination ephedrine
products are inconsistent with the
known legitimate market and known
end user demand for products of this
type,’’ that D & S’s owner, Mr. Dean
Call, knew ‘‘that his ephedrine sales are
not for legitimate uses,’’ ALJ Exh. 1, at
6, and that the ephedrine products he
distributed were being purchased for
use in the illicit manufacture of
Respondent requested a hearing. The
matter was assigned to Administrative
Law Judge Gail Randall, who conducted
a hearing in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on
June 15, 2004. Following the hearing,
the Government filed Proposed Findings
of Fact, Conclusions of Law and
Argument, and Respondent filed its
Proposed Findings of Fact and
Conclusions of Law.
On February 11, 2005, the ALJ
submitted her decision. The ALJ
concluded that the Government had
proved that the continuation of
Respondent’s registration would be
inconsistent with the public interest.
See ALJ at 35. The ALJ further
recommended that Respondent’s
registration be revoked and that its
pending application for renewal of its
registration be denied. See id. at 36.
Thereafter, the Government filed
exceptions on the ground that the ALJ
had erred in holding that the statistical
evidence it introduced through its
expert witness did not provide
‘‘conclusive evidence of diversion or
fault on the part of Respondent.’’
Government’s Exceptions to the
Recommended Findings of Fact,
Conclusions of Law, and Decision of the
ALJ, at 2 (quoting ALJ Dec. at 33).
Having considered the record as a
whole, I hereby issue this decision and
final order adopting the ALJ’s findings
of fact and conclusions of law except as
expressly rejected herein. I further grant
the Government’s exception and hold
that the Government has established by
a preponderance of the evidence that
diversion occurred. For the reasons set
forth below, I concur with the ALJ’s
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conclusion that Respondent’s continued
registration would be inconsistent with
the public interest and concur with the
ALJ’s recommendation that
Respondent’s registration be revoked
and that its pending application for
renewal be denied.
Findings of Fact
Respondent D & S Sales, a sole
proprietorship owned by Mr. Call, holds
DEA Certificate of Registration,
003884DSY, which authorizes it to
distribute the List 1 chemicals of
ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. While
Respondent’s registration expired on
June 30, 2003, its registration has
remained effective during the course of
these proceedings. Mr. Call has also
submitted an application to renew
Respondent’s registration.
While ephedrine and
pseudoephedrine have therapeutic uses,
they are also precursor chemicals that
are regulated by the Controlled
Substances Act. See 21 U.S.C. 802(34).
These chemicals are easily extracted
from legal over-the-counter products
and used to make methamphetamine.
Methamphetamine is ‘‘a powerful and
addictive central nervous system
stimulant,’’ Tr. at 28, and is a schedule
II controlled substance. 21 CFR
1308.12(d). The illegal manufacture and
abuse of methamphetamine pose a grave
threat to this country.
Methamphetamine abuse has destroyed
lives and families, ravaged
communities, and created serious
environmental harms. The State of
Indiana, which is where Respondent
engages in business, has experienced a
dramatic increase in the number of
illegal meth labs, with the number of
seizures increasing from forty-three in
1998 to 1260 in 2003. Tr. 26.
In June 2002, Madeline Kuzma, a
Diversion Investigator (DI) assigned to
DEA’s Indianapolis, Indiana District
Office, initiated a periodic investigation
of Respondent. DI Kuzma met with Mr.
Call at his home, which also serves as
Respondent’s registered location. While
interviewing Mr. Call, DI Kuzma
determined that Respondent distributes
List 1 chemical products, novelty items,
sunglasses, lighters and gloves to
convenience stores and gas stations in
North-Central and North-Eastern
Indiana. The List 1 chemical products
included Two-Way Action, a product
manufactured by Body Dynamics, Inc.
(BDI), which contains 25 milligrams of
ephedrine and 200 mg of guaifenesin
per tablet in both 60 count bottles and
6 tablet packets. Respondent also sold
ProActive Laboratories ephedrine multiaction tablets in both 60 count bottles
and 6 tablet packets. DEA has issued
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multiple warning letters to both BDI and
ProActive Labs advising them that their
products have been found in illegal
meth labs.
During the interview, DI Kuzma also
learned that Mr. Call derived substantial
profits from his business, while working
only four full days and a few partial
days per month. Most of D & S’s profits
were derived, however, from ephedrine
products. Mr. Call told DI Kuzma that
his business sold an average of 17 to 20
cases of ephedrine products per month,
with each case containing 144 bottles of
60 tablets.
DI Kuzma then provided Mr. Call
with a DEA ‘‘red notice.’’ The red notice
advised of the illegal and illegitimate
use of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine
in the illicit manufucturing of
methamphetamine and further informed
Mr. Call of the potential civil and
criminal penalties for illegal possession
or distribution of these List 1 Chemicals.
During DI Kuzma’s discussion with
Mr. Call regarding the illegal use of
ephedrine, Mr. Call indicated that he
knew of meth. labs in the area and that
ephedrine could be used in the illegal
manufacturing of the drug. Mr. Call told
DI Kuzma that ephedrine ‘‘was stupid
and people that used it were stupid[,] as
well as people that would ingest
methamphetamine.’’ Tr. 128. According
to DI Kuzma’s testimony, Mr. Call
‘‘indicated that probably not one bottle
of the product he distributed was
actually ultimately used or purchased
for the purpose for which it was
medically approved by FDA.’’ Tr. 129.
DI Kuzma then asked Mr. Call to
voluntarily surrender respondent’s DEA
registration. Mr. Call refused, indicating
‘‘that as long as [ephedrine] was legal
and there were going to be firms
registered to handle the product, * * *
he was not going to be shut out from
selling the product because someone
else would step in and take over his
accounts, and he’d lose money.’’ Tr.
Before concluding her visit with Mr.
Call, DI Kuzma obtained a copy of
Respondent’s customer list. All of
Respondent’s customers were nontraditional retailers of over-the-counter
medications such as convenience stores,
gas stations, or liquor stores. DI Kuzma
also obtained a sampling of
Respondent’s sales records for the
period between early January 2002, and
June 12, 2002, the date of the
Thereafter, DI Kuzma visited six of
Respondent’s customers to conduct
verification visits. For these visits, DI
Kuzma selected stores that were
purchasing at least one case of
ephedrine per month. The purpose of
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the visits was to verify the customers’
purchases of ephedrine from
Respondent and to determine the
identity of the store’s retail customers.
The stores were typically located in
rural areas.
At one store, DI Kuzma was informed
that two customers purchased bottle
quantities of ephedrine on a daily basis.
At another store, DI Kuzma was
informed by the cashier that some
customers were purchasing ten to
twelve 60-count bottles at a time, and
another customer was purchasing a
dozen bottles approximately every two
weeks. At another store, DI Kuzma was
told of a person who bought two bottles
every afternoon and fit the description
of a methamphetamine addict. At other
stores supplied by Respondent,
ephedrine was being purchased by
factory workers who used it to stay
awake. At one of these stores, DI Kuzma
was informed that most of its ephedrine
customers drove vehicles with Ohio
license plates. The State of Ohio,
however, prohibits ephedrine sales.
At the hearing, the DI testified that
based on the quantity of ephedrine sold
by Respondent and the nature of its
customers, she believed that many of
Respondent’s ephedrine sales were
suspicious and subject to reporting to
DEA. It is DEA policy to send a
suspicious order list to a registrant at
the time of its initial registration by
certified mail and to retain the certified
mail receipt in the registrant’s file.
There was, however, no evidence in the
record establishing that Respondent had
received a suspicious order list at the
time of its initial registration.
Respondent has not reported any
suspicious transactions to DEA. Indeed,
when DI Kuzma testified as to the
information she had received at one
store regarding the physical appearance
of a purchaser who had the appearance
of a methamphetamine addict, Mr. Call
objected to the testimony stating, ‘‘I
could care less about who buys them or
who, you know, I have no control over
the retail end of those sales. I drop them
off to the store and I’m done.’’ Tr. 137.
At the hearing, the Government
introduced the expert testimony of Mr.
Jonathan Robbin, Founder and President
of Ricecar, Inc., of Bethesda, MD. Mr.
Robbin’s firm ‘‘specializes in the
statistical analysis of demographic,
economic, geographic, survey and sales
data for the purpose of locating, sizing
and segmenting markets for a wide
variety of consumer goods sold at
retail.’’ ALJ at 19. Based on data from
the latest available United States
Economic Census of retail trade, Mr.
Robbin has determined that ‘‘over 97%
of all sales of non-prescription drug
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products occur in drug stores and
pharmacies, supermarkets, large
discount merchandisers and electronic
shopping and mail order houses.’’ Govt.
Exh. 17, at 4. According to Mr. Robbin,
‘‘[t]hese four retail industries * * * are
where the vast majority of American
consumers satisfy their needs for
nonprescription remedies for coughs,
colds, nasal congestion or asthmatic
conditions,’’ and ‘‘constitute the
traditional marketplace where such
goods are purchased by ordinary
consumers.’’ Id.
Convenience stores are not classified
in any of the categories described above.
Based on the Census Data, Mr. Robbin
determined that sales of nonprescription drugs by convenience
stores ‘‘account for only 2.2% of the
overall sales of all convenience stores
that handle the line and only 0.7% of
the total sales of all convenience
stores.’’ Id.
Using Census Data, commercially
available point of sale transaction data,
and information from surveys
conducted by the National Association
of Convenience Stores, Mr. Robbin
created a model of the traditional
market for pseudoephedrine in the retail
sector. According to Mr. Robbin, ‘‘a very
small percentage of the sales of such
goods occur in convenience stores—
only about 2.6% of the [Health and
Beauty Care] category of merchandise or
0.05% of total in-store (non-gasoline)
sales.’’ Id. Mr. Robbin thus concluded
that convenience stores are a nontraditional (or gray) market for over-thecounter pseudoephedrine products and
that ephedrine containing products
‘‘have about half the over the counter
sales volumes of pseudoephedrine’’
tablets. Id.
Based on his analysis of both general
retail sales data and data measuring
retail sales from the supply side,
including that obtained in the U.S.
Census Bureau’s 1997 Economic
Census, Mr. Robbin determined ‘‘that
the normal expected retail sale of
pseudoephedrine * * * tablets in a
convenience store may range between
$0 and $40 per month, with an average
of $20.60 per month.’’ Id. at 7. Mr.
Robbin further concluded that ‘‘the
expected sale of ephedrine * * * tablets
in a convenience store ranges between
$0 and $25, with an average of $ 12.58.’’
Id. Moreover, a monthly retail sale of
$40 of ephedrine ‘‘would be expected to
occur less than one in 1,000 times in
random sampling.’’ Id.
DEA provided Mr. Robbin with the
sales data it obtained during its
investigation of Respondent. The data
included a list of 413 transactions
between Respondent and the 37 stores
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it supplied during the 178 day period
between January 2, 2002, and June 28,
2002. The data revealed that
Respondent had sold 17,062 sixty-count
bottles and 17,868 six-tablet packs of
ephedrine products. The bottles
contained 1,023,720 tablets and sold for
a wholesale price of $52,713.70. The six
tablet packs contained a total of 107,208
tablets and sold for a wholesale price of
Mr. Robbin prepared a table, which
ranked Respondent’s 37 customers
based on their ephedrine purchases.
Only one store had made purchases of
ephedrine products that were within the
expected sales range. The next two
stores had made purchases that were 4.9
and 5.2 times the expected sales range.
The three stores with the greatest
sales sold over 100 times the expected
sales range, and the top twelve stores all
sold over 50 times expectation.
Moreover, the top twenty-seven stores
all sold more than 25 times the expected
range. In Mr. Robbin’s expert opinion,
Respondent’s sales ‘‘are not possible in
the normal commerce of these goods at
ordinary convenience stores.’’ Id. at 13.
Mr. Robbin thus concluded that
Respondent ‘‘frequently sells * * *
combination ephedrine (Hcl) products
in extraordinary excess of normal or
traditional demand.’’ Id.
Mr. Call testified on behalf of
Respondent. The ALJ found that ‘‘Mr.
Call credibly testified that he tries to
conduct an honest and straight forward
business, without knowingly violating
any laws.’’ ALJ at 22. The ALJ further
found that Call ‘‘credibly stated that if
he had violated any laws, if the DEA
would have called such violations to his
attention, ‘I’d have been more than glad
to change directions.’ ’’ Id. (quoting Tr.
219). Yet on cross-examination, Mr. Call
twice denied having stated that he
would change directions and then
claimed that ‘‘I don’t remember saying
it.’’ Id. at 223.
Later in the cross-examination, Mr.
Call was asked whether, after the DI’s
visit, ‘‘you continued to sell Ephedrine
as you did before, didn’t you?’’ Mr. Call
answered, ‘‘Why wouldn’t I?’’ and then
asserted he did so ‘‘with the blessing of
the DEA.’’ Tr. 224. After once again
stating that ‘‘I never said I was going to
change direction I know of,’’ the
Government asked Mr. Call: ‘‘And you
never did, did you?’’ Mr. Call then
stated ‘‘And I haven’t yet. I sold it, I sold
it yesterday morning.’’ Id.
I decline to accept the ALJ’s finding
crediting Mr. Call’s testimony that ‘‘ ‘I’d
have been more than glad to change
directions.’ ’’ In doing so, I am mindful
of the Supreme Court’s holding in
Universal Camera Corp. v. NLRB, 340
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U.S. 474, 496 (1951), ‘‘that evidence
supporting a conclusion may be less
substantial when an impartial,
experienced [ALJ] who has observed the
witness and lived with the case has
drawn conclusions different from the
[ultimate factfinder’s] than when the
[ALJ] has reached the same conclusion.’’
See also Morall v. DEA, 412 F.3d 165,
179 (D.C. Cir. 2005). ‘‘The findings of
the [ALJ] are to be considered along
with the consistency and inherent
probability of the testimony.’’ Universal
Camera, 340 U.S. at 496.
But just as the ultimate factfinder
must consider contrary evidence, see
Morall, 412 F.3d at 179, so too must the
ALJ. Here, the ALJ’s decision does not
acknowledge the apparent contradiction
between Mr. Call’s testimony on direct
and his testimony on cross-examination,
let alone explain why she made the
finding that Mr. Call would change
directions. Thus, the finding is not
entitled to deference and I do not accept
The ALJ also found that Mr. Call
‘‘hates the fact that ephedrine can be
used to manufacture
methamphetamine,’’ but because
‘‘ephedrine is a legal product for
distributors and retailers to sell, * * *
he has to carry those products.’’ ALJ at
23. The ALJ further found that Call
testified credibly that ‘‘if I sold the
ephedrine product and I knew a person
bought that to manufacture
methamphetamine, I would be the first
one to turn him in or anybody else.’’ Id.
(quoting Tr. 223). While I acknowledge
these findings, I conclude that they are
immaterial. I do accept the ALJ’s finding
that Mr. Call cooperated with DEA in
the investigation.
21 U.S.C. 824(a) provides that a
registration to distribute List 1
chemicals may be suspended or revoked
‘‘upon a finding that the registrant
* * * has committed such as acts as
would render [its] registration under
section 823 of this title inconsistent
with the public interest as determined
under that section.’’ Id. section
824(a)(4). In making the public interest
determination, the Controlled Substance
Act requires the consideration of the
following factors:
(1) Maintenance by the [registrant]
* * * of effective controls against
diversion of listed chemicals into other
than legitimate channels;
(2) Compliance by the [registrant]
with applicable Federal, State, and local
(3) Any prior conviction record of the
[registrant] under Federal or State laws
relating to controlled substances or to
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chemicals controlled under Federal or
State law;
(4) Any past experience of the
[registrant] in the manufacture and
distribution of chemicals; and
(5) Such other factors as are relevant
to and consistent with the public health
and safety. Id. section 823(h).
‘‘[T]these factors are considered in the
disjunctive.’’ Joy’s Ideas, 70 FR 33195,
33197 (2005). I ‘‘may rely on any one or
combination of factors, and may give
each factor the weight [I] deem[]
appropriate in determining whether a
registration should be revoked or an
application for a registration be denied.’’
Id. See also Energy Outlet, 64 FR 14,269
(1999); Henry J. Schwartz, Jr., M.D., 54
FR 16,422 (1989). In this case, I have
concluded that factors one, four and five
are dispositive and support the
revocation of Respondent’s registration.
Factor One—Maintenance of Effective
Controls Against Diversion
It is undisputed that Respondent
maintains effective controls against
diversion while listed chemical
products are in its possession. But as the
ALJ correctly noted, the inquiry into the
effectiveness of Respondent’s controls
‘‘does not end when products leave
[their] physical location.’’ ALJ at 28.
‘‘[P]rior agency rulings have applied a
more expansive view of factor one than
mere physical security.’’ OTC
Distribution Co., 68 FR 70538, 70542
(2003). In OTC Distribution, I held that
a registrant’s ‘‘unwillingness to fully
comply with its record keeping and
report obligations’’ under a
Memorandum of Agreement was a
relevant consideration under Factor
One. Id. at 70542. This principle applies
to a registrant’s failure to report
suspicious transactions as required by
21 CFR 1310.05. The regulation
specifically provides that a registrant
‘‘shall report * * * [a]ny regulated
transaction involving an extraordinary
quantity of a listed chemical * * * or
any other circumstance that the
regulated person believes may indicate
that the listed chemical will be used in
violation of this part.’’ Id. § 1310.05(a) &
I agree with the ALJ’s finding that
Respondent was required ‘‘to exercise a
high degree of care in monitoring its
customers’ purchases,’’ ALJ at 29, and
that Respondent failed to do so. Indeed,
the record demonstrates that Mr. Call
was not simply negligent but
deliberately indifferent to the diversion
of Respondent’s products. The record
clearly establishes that Mr. Call was
aware that the ephedrine products he
sold were being used in the illicit
manufacturing of methamphetamine.
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The testimony indicates that Mr. Call
knew of the existence of
methamphetamine labs in the area and
that ephedrine could be used to make
the drug. Moreover, Mr. Call
acknowledged to DI Kuzma ‘‘that
probably not one bottle of the product
he distributed was actually ultimately
used or purchased for the purpose for
which it was medically approved.’’ Tr.
129. Notwithstanding Mr. Call’s evident
knowledge that Respondent’s products
were being diverted, he failed to report
any suspicious transactions to DEA.
I am especially appalled by Mr. Call’s
statement during the hearing that ‘‘I
could care less about who buys [my
products] or who, you know, I have no
control over the retail end of those sales.
I drop them off to the store and I’m
done.’’ Id. at 137. This attitude is
fundamentally inconsistent with the
obligations of a registrant. It is highly
relevant in assessing the adequacy of a
registrant’s systems for monitoring the
disposition of List I chemicals. See 21
CFR 1309.71(b)(8). I thus conclude that
Respondent has failed to maintain
effective controls against diversion. This
factor strongly weighs in favor of the
revocation of Respondent’s registration.
Indeed, I conclude that this factor alone
supports the revocation of Respondent’s
Factor Two—Compliance With
Applicable Federal, State and Local Law
The ALJ concluded that beyond the
violations described above, ‘‘the record
contains no additional evidence of
conduct that violated any applicable
law by the Respondent, or its owner.’’
ALJ at 31. I note, however, that the
Eighth Circuit has upheld a criminal
conviction for distribution of
pseudoephedrine, having reason to
believe that the chemical would be used
to manufacture methamphetamine in
violation of 21 U.S.C. 841(c)(2), based
on a ‘‘deliberate ignorance’’ instruction.
United States v. Sdoulam, 398 F.3d 981,
993–94 (8th Cir. 2005). Beyond the
testimony that Mr. Call was aware ‘‘that
not one bottle of the product he
distributed was actually used or
purchased for the purpose for which it
was medically approved,’’ Tr. 129, I also
note Mr. Call’s admission on crossexamination to the effect that he had
continued to sell ephedrine even after
the visit of DI Kuzma, during which he
had been advised of the illicit use of
ephedrine in manufacturing
methamphetamine. Tr. 224. The
Government did not, however, elicit the
amount of product Mr. Call had sold
following the DI’s visit. Ultimately, it is
not necessary to determine whether the
evidence in this case is sufficient to
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establish a criminal violation on the part
of Respondent’s owner because the
record supports several alternative
grounds for revoking Respondent’s
registration. Thus, while I do not accept
the ALJ’s finding, I do not make a
finding on Factor Two.
Factor Three—Any Prior Conviction
Record Relating to Distribution of
Controlled Substances or Listed
I agree with the ALJ that there is no
record evidence establishing that either
Respondent or Mr. Call have been
convicted of any crime relating to the
distribution of either a controlled
substance or listed chemical.
Factor Four—Any Past Experience in
the Distribution of Listed Chemicals
I acknowledge that Respondent has
several years of experience in
distributing List 1 chemicals, that
Respondent has never received a
warning letter, and that DI Kuzma
testified that Respondent has cooperated
with DEA. But, as explained above, Mr.
Call has conducted Respondent’s
business with deliberate indifference to
the diversion of its products. I thus
conclude that this factor weighs in favor
of revocation.
Factor Five—Such Other Factors as Are
Relevant to and Consistent With the
Public Health and Safety
The Government contends that the
evidence it produced of Respondent’s
excessive sales of ephedrine into the
gray market is conclusive evidence of
diversion and justifies revocation. The
ALJ acknowledged that the
Government’s ‘‘substantial statistical
evidence * * * establish[ed] that the
Respondent’s customers sell more list
one chemicals than most convenience
stores.’’ ALJ at 33. The ALJ concluded,
however, that the evidence was not
conclusive ‘‘of diversion or fault on the
part of Respondent.’’ Id.
According to the ALJ,‘‘[i]n any
specific case, there may be a number of
reasons why a distributor’s customers
have sales in excess of the national
average.’’ Id. Because Respondent’s
customers are largely located in rural
areas ‘‘where traditional retailers are not
found,’’ the ALJ reasoned that ‘‘[o]ne
could argue that their high volume sales
of list one chemical products are
attributable to the necessity, ease, and/
or convenience of local shopping, not
diversion.’’ Id. While acknowledging
that ‘‘this is only a possible
explanation,’’ the ALJ held ‘‘that
evidence of sales in excess of the
national average is not, without more,
enough to justify the revocation of a
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES_1
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 126 / Friday, June 30, 2006 / Notices
DEA registrant’s registration.’’ Id. at 33–
34. Following her canvassing of the case
law, the ALJ concluded that ‘‘precedent
and due process considerations obligate
me to consider the behavior of each
individual Respondent, not merely the
purchases of its customers.’’ Id. at 35.
I grant the Government’s exception
and conclude that it has proved by a
preponderance of the evidence that
diversion occurred. The preponderance
standard requires only that the ultimate
factfinder ‘‘believe the existence of a
fact is more probable than its
nonexistence before * * * find[ing] in
favor of the party who has the burden
to persuade the [factfinder] of the fact’s
existence.’’ Metropolitan Stevedore Co.
v. Rambo, 521 U.S. 121, 137 n.9 (1997)
(other citation omitted). In short, the
standard only requires proof that
diversion was more likely than not to
have occurred.
In this case, the Government
submitted the expert testimony of
Jonathan Robbin, who analyzed nearly
six months of Respondent’s sales
records. Mr. Robbin testified at length as
to the methodology he employed, his
data sources, and the model he created
for the traditional market in
pseudoephedrine and ephedrine. Mr.
Robbin laid an adequate foundation for
his testimony, which included his
findings that Respondent’s twelve
largest customers had bought quantities
of ephedrine that were more than 50
times the expectation of legitimate
demand and the three greatest
customers had purchased quantities that
were more than 100 times the
expectation. Moreover, twenty-seven
stores bought more than 20 times the
expectation of legitimate demand. Mr.
Robbin further testified that the
probability that the purchases of these
twenty-seven stores were to meet
legitimate demand ‘‘is so small as to be
near impossibility.’’ Govt. Exh. 17, at 13.
Given the near impossibility that these
sales were the result of legitimate
demand, I conclude the Government has
proved that it is more likely than not
that diversion occurred. Indeed, courts
have relied on statistical evidence far
less compelling than this. See, e.g.,
United States v. Kandiel, 865 F.2d 967,
971 (8th Cir. 1989) (prosecution for
making false representation of
citizenship; upholding use of expert
testimony that genetic tests established
‘‘only a ‘one in 1,000’ chance that
defendant was the child of a Native
American’’). Cf. United States v. Veysey,
334 F.3d 600, 605 (7th Cir. 2003) (‘‘All
evidence is probabilistic-statistical
evidence merely explicity so * * *
Statistical evidence is merely
probabilistic evidence coded in
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:30 Jun 29, 2006
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numbers rather than words.’’) (internal
quotations and citations omitted).
I find unpersuasive the ALJ’s
hypothesis that Respondent’s excessive
sales could be attributable to the fact
that its customers are located in rural
areas where traditional retailers are not
found. The record simply does not
establish ‘‘that most of the Respondent’s
customers are located in rural areas
where traditional retailers are not
found.’’ ALJ at 33 (emphasis added). At
most, it establishes that some of the six
stores visited by DI Kuzma in
conducting the verifications were
‘‘stand-alone facilit[ies].’’ Tr. 202. The
record lacks substantial evidence
regarding the density of, or lack of,
traditional retailers within the area of
Respondent’s customers.
DI Kuzma also testified that there was
a Target or Walmart in Decatur, Indiana,
which was also the location of one of
Respondent’s customers, the Fairway
Deli. Notwithstanding its proximity to
traditional retailers, the Fairway Deli’s
sales were more than 38 times the
expected amounted. Govt. Exh. 17 Table
Respondent could have produced
evidence of its own establishing an
expected sales range for non-traditional
retailers in rural areas. It did not.
Respondent could have also challenged
the validity of Mr. Robbin’s
methodology. It did not.
I further note that the Eighth Circuit
has rejected a challenge to similar
testimony of Mr. Robbin in a criminal
case involving a Kansas based chemical
distributor. See Sdoulam, 398 F.3d at
989–91. In Sdoulam, Mr. Robbin
testified that the defendant’s
convenience store was selling
pseudoephedrine in an amount 123
times the expected range. Id. at 989. The
Eighth Circuit upheld the admission of
this testimony, observing that ‘‘Robbin
laid adequate foundational support for
his conclusions by explaining their
bases’’ in national census population
and marketing data and business
records. Id. at 990. So too here. I thus
conclude that the Government has
proved that a substantial portion of
Respondent’s products were diverted.
Nonetheless, I decline to announce a
rule that renders diversion by itself
adequate grounds to revoke a
registration. I acknowledge the ALJ’s
concern that each case cited by the
Government required not only excessive
sales into the gray market but also a
showing that the Respondent
‘‘committed or proposed to commit
other acts inconsistent with the public
interest.’’ ALJ at 34. Most of the cited
cases, however, involved denials of
applications. The cases did not go so far
PO 00000
Frm 00085
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
as to establish a requirement that the
Government must show fault on the part
of a Respondent to sustain a public
interest revocation. Indeed, fault is
typically a concept that is associated
with past conduct and not proposed
future activity. Thus, while these cases
suggest that more than excessive sales
are required to deny an application,
they are not controlling in a revocation
I further note that dicta in Mediplas
Innovations, 67 FR 41256, 41261 (2002),
a suspension of shipments case,
observed that a revocation of a
registration ‘‘require[s] a finding of
culpability.’’ The Mediplas decision
further declared that ‘‘[o]nly upon a
finding of culpability can a DEA
registrant permanently be deprived of
controlled substances or List I
chemicals.’’ Id. at 41261.
In support of these assertions,
Mediplas cited sections 823 and 824.
The case did not, however, analyze the
statutory text of either provision and
neither section 824(a)(4) nor section
823(h) appears to impose on the
Government the burden of proving
culpability in order to sustain a public
interest revocation. The statute is silent
on the question, see Chevron, U.S.A.
Inc., v. NRDC, 467 U.S. 837, 843 (1984),
and a reconsideration of the issue might
be warranted in light of the unique
difficulties posed in combating the use
of OTC products in the illicit
manufacture of methamphetamine. Cf.
Rust v. Sullivan, 500 U.S. 173, 186–87
(1991) (an agency ‘‘must be given ample
latitude to adapt [its] rules and policies
to the demands of changing
circumstances’’) (internal quotations
and citations omitted).
Holding registrants strictly liable for
excessive sales of listed chemicals might
well be the appropriate approach for
effectuating Congress’ intent to protect
the public interest. See 21 U.S.C. 824(f).
Given that the Supreme Court has
endorsed the propriety of strict liability
for regulatory criminal offenses, see
Morisette v. United States, 342 U.S. 246,
255–60 (1952), the imposition of strict
liability in a purely regulatory scheme
should not raise any serious
constitutional objection.
I need not decide this question,
however, because the Government
alleged that Mr. Call knew that
Respondent’s ‘‘ephedrine sales [were]
not for legitimate uses,’’ see ALJ Exh.1,
at 6, and there is ample evidence of
Respondent’s fault. As explained above,
Mr. Call’s admissions to DI Kuzma and
his statements and testimony during the
hearing establish that he was—as
Respondent’s owner—deliberately
indifferent to the diversion of its
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 126 / Friday, June 30, 2006 / Notices
products for use in the illicit
manufacture of methamphetamine.
Burying one’s head in the sand while
his firm’s products are being diverted
may allow one to maximize profits. But
it is manifestly inconsistent with public
health safety and justifies the revocation
of Respondent’s registration.
In sum, factors one, four and five each
independently support revocation. I
have considered the mitigating evidence
offered by Respondent including his
cooperation with the investigation. I
nonetheless conclude that revocation is
necessary to adequately protect the
public interest.
Accordingly, pursuant to the
authority vested in me by 21 U.S.C. 823
& 824, and 28 CFR 0.100(b) & 0.104, I
hereby order that DEA Certificate of
Registration, 003884DSY, issued to D &
S Sales, be, and it hereby is, revoked. I
further order that any pending
applications for renewal or modification
of such registration be, and they hereby
are, denied. This order is effective July
31, 2006.
Dated: June 12, 2006.
Michele M. Leonhart,
Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. E6–9705 Filed 6–29–06; 8:45 am]
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention; Agency
Information Collection Activities:
Extension of a Currently Approved
Collection; Comment Request
Overview of This Information
30-Day Notice of Information
Collection Under Review: National
Youth Gang Survey.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES_1
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ),
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) has
submitted the following information
collection request to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval in accordance with
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
The proposed information collection is
published to obtain comments from the
public and affected agencies. This
proposed information collection was
previously published in the Federal
Register, Volume 71, Number 23, page
5881, on February 3, 2006 allowing for
a 60-day comment period.
The purpose of this notice is to allow
for an additional 30 days for public
comment until July 31, 2006. This
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:30 Jun 29, 2006
Jkt 208001
process is conducted in accordance with
5 CFR 1320.10.
Written comments and/or suggestions
regarding the items contained in this
notice, especially the estimated public
burden and associated response time,
should be directed to the Office of
Management and Budget, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Attention: Department of Justice Desk
Officer, Washington, DC 20503.
Additionally, comments may be
submitted to OMB via facsimile to (202)
395–5806. Written comments and
suggestions from the public and affected
agencies concerning the proposed
collection of information are
encouraged. Your comments should
address one or more of the following
four points:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
• Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology;
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
(1) Type of Information Collection:
Reinstatement, with change, of a
previously approved collection for
which approval has expired.
(2) Title of the Form/Collection:
National Youth Gang Survey.
(3) Agency form number, if any, and
the applicable component of the
Department sponsoring the collection:
The Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, Office of
Justice Programs, United States
Department of Justice, is sponsoring the
Affected public who will be asked or
required to respond, as well as a brief
abstract: Primary: State, local, or tribal
law enforcement agencies. Other: None.
This collection will gather information
related to youth gangs and their
activities for research and assessment
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
(5) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
respond/reply: It is estimated that it will
take 2,300 respondents approximately
ten minutes each to complete the
(6) An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: The total estimated annual
burden hours to complete the
certification form is less than 427 hours.
If additional information is required,
contact Robert B. Briggs, Department
Clearance Officer, United States
Department of Justice, Justice
Management Division, Policy and
Planning Staff, Patrick Henry Building,
Suite 1600, 601 D Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20530.
Dated: June 23, 2006.
Robert B. Briggs,
Department Clearance Officer, U.S.
Department of Justice.
[FR Doc. 06–5926 Filed 6–29–06; 8:45 am]
[Notice (06–042)]
NASA International Space Station
Independent Safety Task Force;
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA).
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public
Law 92–463, as amended, the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration
announces a forthcoming meeting of the
International Space Station Independent
Safety Task Force (IISTF).
DATES: Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 8 a.m. to
5 p.m.; Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m.; and Thursday, July 27, 2006,
8 a.m. to 12 Noon, Central Daylight
ADDRESSES: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson
Space Center, 2101 NASA Parkway,
Bldg. 1, Room 966, Houston, TX 77058.
Melissa Y. Gard, IISTF Executive
Director, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, Lyndon B.
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
77058, telephone (281) 244–7980, e-mail
meeting will be open to the public up
to the seating capacity of the room (20).
Seating will be on a first-come basis.
The agenda for the meeting includes the
following topics:
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 126 (Friday, June 30, 2006)]
[Pages 37607-37612]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E6-9705]
Drug Enforcement Administration
[Docket No. 03-39]
D & S Sales, Revocation of Registration; Introduction and
Procedural History
On June 30, 2003, the Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of
Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), issued an
Order to Show Cause proposing to revoke Respondent D & S Sales' DEA
Certification of Registration, 003884DSY, as a distributor of List I
chemicals, and to deny any pending applications for renewal or
modification of that registration under 21 U.S.C. 824(a) (4) and
823(h). The Show Cause Order alleged that the continuation of
Respondent's registration would be inconsistent with the public
interest as that term is defined in 21 U.S.C. 823(h). Specifically, the
Show Cause Order alleged that Respondent's ``product mix and sales of
combination ephedrine products are inconsistent with the known
legitimate market and known end user demand for products of this
type,'' that D & S's owner, Mr. Dean Call, knew ``that his ephedrine
sales are not for legitimate uses,'' ALJ Exh. 1, at 6, and that the
ephedrine products he distributed were being purchased for use in the
illicit manufacture of methamphetamine.
Respondent requested a hearing. The matter was assigned to
Administrative Law Judge Gail Randall, who conducted a hearing in Fort
Wayne, Indiana, on June 15, 2004. Following the hearing, the Government
filed Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Argument, and
Respondent filed its Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law.
On February 11, 2005, the ALJ submitted her decision. The ALJ
concluded that the Government had proved that the continuation of
Respondent's registration would be inconsistent with the public
interest. See ALJ at 35. The ALJ further recommended that Respondent's
registration be revoked and that its pending application for renewal of
its registration be denied. See id. at 36. Thereafter, the Government
filed exceptions on the ground that the ALJ had erred in holding that
the statistical evidence it introduced through its expert witness did
not provide ``conclusive evidence of diversion or fault on the part of
Respondent.'' Government's Exceptions to the Recommended Findings of
Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision of the ALJ, at 2 (quoting ALJ
Dec. at 33).
Having considered the record as a whole, I hereby issue this
decision and final order adopting the ALJ's findings of fact and
conclusions of law except as expressly rejected herein. I further grant
the Government's exception and hold that the Government has established
by a preponderance of the evidence that diversion occurred. For the
reasons set forth below, I concur with the ALJ's
[[Page 37608]]
conclusion that Respondent's continued registration would be
inconsistent with the public interest and concur with the ALJ's
recommendation that Respondent's registration be revoked and that its
pending application for renewal be denied.
Findings of Fact
Respondent D & S Sales, a sole proprietorship owned by Mr. Call,
holds DEA Certificate of Registration, 003884DSY, which authorizes it
to distribute the List 1 chemicals of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine.
While Respondent's registration expired on June 30, 2003, its
registration has remained effective during the course of these
proceedings. Mr. Call has also submitted an application to renew
Respondent's registration.
While ephedrine and pseudoephedrine have therapeutic uses, they are
also precursor chemicals that are regulated by the Controlled
Substances Act. See 21 U.S.C. 802(34). These chemicals are easily
extracted from legal over-the-counter products and used to make
methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is ``a powerful and addictive central
nervous system stimulant,'' Tr. at 28, and is a schedule II controlled
substance. 21 CFR 1308.12(d). The illegal manufacture and abuse of
methamphetamine pose a grave threat to this country. Methamphetamine
abuse has destroyed lives and families, ravaged communities, and
created serious environmental harms. The State of Indiana, which is
where Respondent engages in business, has experienced a dramatic
increase in the number of illegal meth labs, with the number of
seizures increasing from forty-three in 1998 to 1260 in 2003. Tr. 26.
In June 2002, Madeline Kuzma, a Diversion Investigator (DI)
assigned to DEA's Indianapolis, Indiana District Office, initiated a
periodic investigation of Respondent. DI Kuzma met with Mr. Call at his
home, which also serves as Respondent's registered location. While
interviewing Mr. Call, DI Kuzma determined that Respondent distributes
List 1 chemical products, novelty items, sunglasses, lighters and
gloves to convenience stores and gas stations in North-Central and
North-Eastern Indiana. The List 1 chemical products included Two-Way
Action, a product manufactured by Body Dynamics, Inc. (BDI), which
contains 25 milligrams of ephedrine and 200 mg of guaifenesin per
tablet in both 60 count bottles and 6 tablet packets. Respondent also
sold ProActive Laboratories ephedrine multi-action tablets in both 60
count bottles and 6 tablet packets. DEA has issued multiple warning
letters to both BDI and ProActive Labs advising them that their
products have been found in illegal meth labs.
During the interview, DI Kuzma also learned that Mr. Call derived
substantial profits from his business, while working only four full
days and a few partial days per month. Most of D & S's profits were
derived, however, from ephedrine products. Mr. Call told DI Kuzma that
his business sold an average of 17 to 20 cases of ephedrine products
per month, with each case containing 144 bottles of 60 tablets.
DI Kuzma then provided Mr. Call with a DEA ``red notice.'' The red
notice advised of the illegal and illegitimate use of ephedrine and
pseudoephedrine in the illicit manufucturing of methamphetamine and
further informed Mr. Call of the potential civil and criminal penalties
for illegal possession or distribution of these List 1 Chemicals.
During DI Kuzma's discussion with Mr. Call regarding the illegal
use of ephedrine, Mr. Call indicated that he knew of meth. labs in the
area and that ephedrine could be used in the illegal manufacturing of
the drug. Mr. Call told DI Kuzma that ephedrine ``was stupid and people
that used it were stupid[,] as well as people that would ingest
methamphetamine.'' Tr. 128. According to DI Kuzma's testimony, Mr. Call
``indicated that probably not one bottle of the product he distributed
was actually ultimately used or purchased for the purpose for which it
was medically approved by FDA.'' Tr. 129.
DI Kuzma then asked Mr. Call to voluntarily surrender respondent's
DEA registration. Mr. Call refused, indicating ``that as long as
[ephedrine] was legal and there were going to be firms registered to
handle the product, * * * he was not going to be shut out from selling
the product because someone else would step in and take over his
accounts, and he'd lose money.'' Tr. 130.
Before concluding her visit with Mr. Call, DI Kuzma obtained a copy
of Respondent's customer list. All of Respondent's customers were non-
traditional retailers of over-the-counter medications such as
convenience stores, gas stations, or liquor stores. DI Kuzma also
obtained a sampling of Respondent's sales records for the period
between early January 2002, and June 12, 2002, the date of the
Thereafter, DI Kuzma visited six of Respondent's customers to
conduct verification visits. For these visits, DI Kuzma selected stores
that were purchasing at least one case of ephedrine per month. The
purpose of the visits was to verify the customers' purchases of
ephedrine from Respondent and to determine the identity of the store's
retail customers. The stores were typically located in rural areas.
At one store, DI Kuzma was informed that two customers purchased
bottle quantities of ephedrine on a daily basis. At another store, DI
Kuzma was informed by the cashier that some customers were purchasing
ten to twelve 60-count bottles at a time, and another customer was
purchasing a dozen bottles approximately every two weeks. At another
store, DI Kuzma was told of a person who bought two bottles every
afternoon and fit the description of a methamphetamine addict. At other
stores supplied by Respondent, ephedrine was being purchased by factory
workers who used it to stay awake. At one of these stores, DI Kuzma was
informed that most of its ephedrine customers drove vehicles with Ohio
license plates. The State of Ohio, however, prohibits ephedrine sales.
At the hearing, the DI testified that based on the quantity of
ephedrine sold by Respondent and the nature of its customers, she
believed that many of Respondent's ephedrine sales were suspicious and
subject to reporting to DEA. It is DEA policy to send a suspicious
order list to a registrant at the time of its initial registration by
certified mail and to retain the certified mail receipt in the
registrant's file. There was, however, no evidence in the record
establishing that Respondent had received a suspicious order list at
the time of its initial registration.
Respondent has not reported any suspicious transactions to DEA.
Indeed, when DI Kuzma testified as to the information she had received
at one store regarding the physical appearance of a purchaser who had
the appearance of a methamphetamine addict, Mr. Call objected to the
testimony stating, ``I could care less about who buys them or who, you
know, I have no control over the retail end of those sales. I drop them
off to the store and I'm done.'' Tr. 137.
At the hearing, the Government introduced the expert testimony of
Mr. Jonathan Robbin, Founder and President of Ricecar, Inc., of
Bethesda, MD. Mr. Robbin's firm ``specializes in the statistical
analysis of demographic, economic, geographic, survey and sales data
for the purpose of locating, sizing and segmenting markets for a wide
variety of consumer goods sold at retail.'' ALJ at 19. Based on data
from the latest available United States Economic Census of retail
trade, Mr. Robbin has determined that ``over 97% of all sales of non-
prescription drug
[[Page 37609]]
products occur in drug stores and pharmacies, supermarkets, large
discount merchandisers and electronic shopping and mail order houses.''
Govt. Exh. 17, at 4. According to Mr. Robbin, ``[t]hese four retail
industries * * * are where the vast majority of American consumers
satisfy their needs for nonprescription remedies for coughs, colds,
nasal congestion or asthmatic conditions,'' and ``constitute the
traditional marketplace where such goods are purchased by ordinary
consumers.'' Id.
Convenience stores are not classified in any of the categories
described above. Based on the Census Data, Mr. Robbin determined that
sales of non-prescription drugs by convenience stores ``account for
only 2.2% of the overall sales of all convenience stores that handle
the line and only 0.7% of the total sales of all convenience stores.''
Using Census Data, commercially available point of sale transaction
data, and information from surveys conducted by the National
Association of Convenience Stores, Mr. Robbin created a model of the
traditional market for pseudoephedrine in the retail sector. According
to Mr. Robbin, ``a very small percentage of the sales of such goods
occur in convenience stores--only about 2.6% of the [Health and Beauty
Care] category of merchandise or 0.05% of total in-store (non-gasoline)
sales.'' Id. Mr. Robbin thus concluded that convenience stores are a
non-traditional (or gray) market for over-the-counter pseudoephedrine
products and that ephedrine containing products ``have about half the
over the counter sales volumes of pseudoephedrine'' tablets. Id.
Based on his analysis of both general retail sales data and data
measuring retail sales from the supply side, including that obtained in
the U.S. Census Bureau's 1997 Economic Census, Mr. Robbin determined
``that the normal expected retail sale of pseudoephedrine * * * tablets
in a convenience store may range between $0 and $40 per month, with an
average of $20.60 per month.'' Id. at 7. Mr. Robbin further concluded
that ``the expected sale of ephedrine * * * tablets in a convenience
store ranges between $0 and $25, with an average of $ 12.58.'' Id.
Moreover, a monthly retail sale of $40 of ephedrine ``would be expected
to occur less than one in 1,000 times in random sampling.'' Id.
DEA provided Mr. Robbin with the sales data it obtained during its
investigation of Respondent. The data included a list of 413
transactions between Respondent and the 37 stores it supplied during
the 178 day period between January 2, 2002, and June 28, 2002. The data
revealed that Respondent had sold 17,062 sixty-count bottles and 17,868
six-tablet packs of ephedrine products. The bottles contained 1,023,720
tablets and sold for a wholesale price of $52,713.70. The six tablet
packs contained a total of 107,208 tablets and sold for a wholesale
price of $9,150.60.
Mr. Robbin prepared a table, which ranked Respondent's 37 customers
based on their ephedrine purchases. Only one store had made purchases
of ephedrine products that were within the expected sales range. The
next two stores had made purchases that were 4.9 and 5.2 times the
expected sales range.
The three stores with the greatest sales sold over 100 times the
expected sales range, and the top twelve stores all sold over 50 times
expectation. Moreover, the top twenty-seven stores all sold more than
25 times the expected range. In Mr. Robbin's expert opinion,
Respondent's sales ``are not possible in the normal commerce of these
goods at ordinary convenience stores.'' Id. at 13. Mr. Robbin thus
concluded that Respondent ``frequently sells * * * combination
ephedrine (Hcl) products in extraordinary excess of normal or
traditional demand.'' Id.
Mr. Call testified on behalf of Respondent. The ALJ found that
``Mr. Call credibly testified that he tries to conduct an honest and
straight forward business, without knowingly violating any laws.'' ALJ
at 22. The ALJ further found that Call ``credibly stated that if he had
violated any laws, if the DEA would have called such violations to his
attention, `I'd have been more than glad to change directions.' '' Id.
(quoting Tr. 219). Yet on cross-examination, Mr. Call twice denied
having stated that he would change directions and then claimed that ``I
don't remember saying it.'' Id. at 223.
Later in the cross-examination, Mr. Call was asked whether, after
the DI's visit, ``you continued to sell Ephedrine as you did before,
didn't you?'' Mr. Call answered, ``Why wouldn't I?'' and then asserted
he did so ``with the blessing of the DEA.'' Tr. 224. After once again
stating that ``I never said I was going to change direction I know
of,'' the Government asked Mr. Call: ``And you never did, did you?''
Mr. Call then stated ``And I haven't yet. I sold it, I sold it
yesterday morning.'' Id.
I decline to accept the ALJ's finding crediting Mr. Call's
testimony that `` `I'd have been more than glad to change directions.'
'' In doing so, I am mindful of the Supreme Court's holding in
Universal Camera Corp. v. NLRB, 340 U.S. 474, 496 (1951), ``that
evidence supporting a conclusion may be less substantial when an
impartial, experienced [ALJ] who has observed the witness and lived
with the case has drawn conclusions different from the [ultimate
factfinder's] than when the [ALJ] has reached the same conclusion.''
See also Morall v. DEA, 412 F.3d 165, 179 (D.C. Cir. 2005). ``The
findings of the [ALJ] are to be considered along with the consistency
and inherent probability of the testimony.'' Universal Camera, 340 U.S.
at 496.
But just as the ultimate factfinder must consider contrary
evidence, see Morall, 412 F.3d at 179, so too must the ALJ. Here, the
ALJ's decision does not acknowledge the apparent contradiction between
Mr. Call's testimony on direct and his testimony on cross-examination,
let alone explain why she made the finding that Mr. Call would change
directions. Thus, the finding is not entitled to deference and I do not
accept it.
The ALJ also found that Mr. Call ``hates the fact that ephedrine
can be used to manufacture methamphetamine,'' but because ``ephedrine
is a legal product for distributors and retailers to sell, * * * he has
to carry those products.'' ALJ at 23. The ALJ further found that Call
testified credibly that ``if I sold the ephedrine product and I knew a
person bought that to manufacture methamphetamine, I would be the first
one to turn him in or anybody else.'' Id. (quoting Tr. 223). While I
acknowledge these findings, I conclude that they are immaterial. I do
accept the ALJ's finding that Mr. Call cooperated with DEA in the
21 U.S.C. 824(a) provides that a registration to distribute List 1
chemicals may be suspended or revoked ``upon a finding that the
registrant * * * has committed such as acts as would render [its]
registration under section 823 of this title inconsistent with the
public interest as determined under that section.'' Id. section
824(a)(4). In making the public interest determination, the Controlled
Substance Act requires the consideration of the following factors:
(1) Maintenance by the [registrant] * * * of effective controls
against diversion of listed chemicals into other than legitimate
(2) Compliance by the [registrant] with applicable Federal, State,
and local law;
(3) Any prior conviction record of the [registrant] under Federal
or State laws relating to controlled substances or to
[[Page 37610]]
chemicals controlled under Federal or State law;
(4) Any past experience of the [registrant] in the manufacture and
distribution of chemicals; and
(5) Such other factors as are relevant to and consistent with the
public health and safety. Id. section 823(h).
``[T]these factors are considered in the disjunctive.'' Joy's
Ideas, 70 FR 33195, 33197 (2005). I ``may rely on any one or
combination of factors, and may give each factor the weight [I] deem[]
appropriate in determining whether a registration should be revoked or
an application for a registration be denied.'' Id. See also Energy
Outlet, 64 FR 14,269 (1999); Henry J. Schwartz, Jr., M.D., 54 FR 16,422
(1989). In this case, I have concluded that factors one, four and five
are dispositive and support the revocation of Respondent's
Factor One--Maintenance of Effective Controls Against Diversion
It is undisputed that Respondent maintains effective controls
against diversion while listed chemical products are in its possession.
But as the ALJ correctly noted, the inquiry into the effectiveness of
Respondent's controls ``does not end when products leave [their]
physical location.'' ALJ at 28.
``[P]rior agency rulings have applied a more expansive view of
factor one than mere physical security.'' OTC Distribution Co., 68 FR
70538, 70542 (2003). In OTC Distribution, I held that a registrant's
``unwillingness to fully comply with its record keeping and report
obligations'' under a Memorandum of Agreement was a relevant
consideration under Factor One. Id. at 70542. This principle applies to
a registrant's failure to report suspicious transactions as required by
21 CFR 1310.05. The regulation specifically provides that a registrant
``shall report * * * [a]ny regulated transaction involving an
extraordinary quantity of a listed chemical * * * or any other
circumstance that the regulated person believes may indicate that the
listed chemical will be used in violation of this part.'' Id. Sec.
1310.05(a) & (a)(1).
I agree with the ALJ's finding that Respondent was required ``to
exercise a high degree of care in monitoring its customers'
purchases,'' ALJ at 29, and that Respondent failed to do so. Indeed,
the record demonstrates that Mr. Call was not simply negligent but
deliberately indifferent to the diversion of Respondent's products. The
record clearly establishes that Mr. Call was aware that the ephedrine
products he sold were being used in the illicit manufacturing of
methamphetamine. The testimony indicates that Mr. Call knew of the
existence of methamphetamine labs in the area and that ephedrine could
be used to make the drug. Moreover, Mr. Call acknowledged to DI Kuzma
``that probably not one bottle of the product he distributed was
actually ultimately used or purchased for the purpose for which it was
medically approved.'' Tr. 129. Notwithstanding Mr. Call's evident
knowledge that Respondent's products were being diverted, he failed to
report any suspicious transactions to DEA.
I am especially appalled by Mr. Call's statement during the hearing
that ``I could care less about who buys [my products] or who, you know,
I have no control over the retail end of those sales. I drop them off
to the store and I'm done.'' Id. at 137. This attitude is fundamentally
inconsistent with the obligations of a registrant. It is highly
relevant in assessing the adequacy of a registrant's systems for
monitoring the disposition of List I chemicals. See 21 CFR
1309.71(b)(8). I thus conclude that Respondent has failed to maintain
effective controls against diversion. This factor strongly weighs in
favor of the revocation of Respondent's registration. Indeed, I
conclude that this factor alone supports the revocation of Respondent's
Factor Two--Compliance With Applicable Federal, State and Local Law
The ALJ concluded that beyond the violations described above, ``the
record contains no additional evidence of conduct that violated any
applicable law by the Respondent, or its owner.'' ALJ at 31. I note,
however, that the Eighth Circuit has upheld a criminal conviction for
distribution of pseudoephedrine, having reason to believe that the
chemical would be used to manufacture methamphetamine in violation of
21 U.S.C. 841(c)(2), based on a ``deliberate ignorance'' instruction.
United States v. Sdoulam, 398 F.3d 981, 993-94 (8th Cir. 2005). Beyond
the testimony that Mr. Call was aware ``that not one bottle of the
product he distributed was actually used or purchased for the purpose
for which it was medically approved,'' Tr. 129, I also note Mr. Call's
admission on cross-examination to the effect that he had continued to
sell ephedrine even after the visit of DI Kuzma, during which he had
been advised of the illicit use of ephedrine in manufacturing
methamphetamine. Tr. 224. The Government did not, however, elicit the
amount of product Mr. Call had sold following the DI's visit.
Ultimately, it is not necessary to determine whether the evidence in
this case is sufficient to establish a criminal violation on the part
of Respondent's owner because the record supports several alternative
grounds for revoking Respondent's registration. Thus, while I do not
accept the ALJ's finding, I do not make a finding on Factor Two.
Factor Three--Any Prior Conviction Record Relating to Distribution of
Controlled Substances or Listed Chemicals
I agree with the ALJ that there is no record evidence establishing
that either Respondent or Mr. Call have been convicted of any crime
relating to the distribution of either a controlled substance or listed
Factor Four--Any Past Experience in the Distribution of Listed
I acknowledge that Respondent has several years of experience in
distributing List 1 chemicals, that Respondent has never received a
warning letter, and that DI Kuzma testified that Respondent has
cooperated with DEA. But, as explained above, Mr. Call has conducted
Respondent's business with deliberate indifference to the diversion of
its products. I thus conclude that this factor weighs in favor of
Factor Five--Such Other Factors as Are Relevant to and Consistent With
the Public Health and Safety
The Government contends that the evidence it produced of
Respondent's excessive sales of ephedrine into the gray market is
conclusive evidence of diversion and justifies revocation. The ALJ
acknowledged that the Government's ``substantial statistical evidence *
* * establish[ed] that the Respondent's customers sell more list one
chemicals than most convenience stores.'' ALJ at 33. The ALJ concluded,
however, that the evidence was not conclusive ``of diversion or fault
on the part of Respondent.'' Id.
According to the ALJ,``[i]n any specific case, there may be a
number of reasons why a distributor's customers have sales in excess of
the national average.'' Id. Because Respondent's customers are largely
located in rural areas ``where traditional retailers are not found,''
the ALJ reasoned that ``[o]ne could argue that their high volume sales
of list one chemical products are attributable to the necessity, ease,
and/or convenience of local shopping, not diversion.'' Id. While
acknowledging that ``this is only a possible explanation,'' the ALJ
held ``that evidence of sales in excess of the national average is not,
without more, enough to justify the revocation of a
[[Page 37611]]
DEA registrant's registration.'' Id. at 33-34. Following her canvassing
of the case law, the ALJ concluded that ``precedent and due process
considerations obligate me to consider the behavior of each individual
Respondent, not merely the purchases of its customers.'' Id. at 35.
I grant the Government's exception and conclude that it has proved
by a preponderance of the evidence that diversion occurred. The
preponderance standard requires only that the ultimate factfinder
``believe the existence of a fact is more probable than its
nonexistence before * * * find[ing] in favor of the party who has the
burden to persuade the [factfinder] of the fact's existence.''
Metropolitan Stevedore Co. v. Rambo, 521 U.S. 121, 137 n.9 (1997)
(other citation omitted). In short, the standard only requires proof
that diversion was more likely than not to have occurred.
In this case, the Government submitted the expert testimony of
Jonathan Robbin, who analyzed nearly six months of Respondent's sales
records. Mr. Robbin testified at length as to the methodology he
employed, his data sources, and the model he created for the
traditional market in pseudoephedrine and ephedrine. Mr. Robbin laid an
adequate foundation for his testimony, which included his findings that
Respondent's twelve largest customers had bought quantities of
ephedrine that were more than 50 times the expectation of legitimate
demand and the three greatest customers had purchased quantities that
were more than 100 times the expectation. Moreover, twenty-seven stores
bought more than 20 times the expectation of legitimate demand. Mr.
Robbin further testified that the probability that the purchases of
these twenty-seven stores were to meet legitimate demand ``is so small
as to be near impossibility.'' Govt. Exh. 17, at 13. Given the near
impossibility that these sales were the result of legitimate demand, I
conclude the Government has proved that it is more likely than not that
diversion occurred. Indeed, courts have relied on statistical evidence
far less compelling than this. See, e.g., United States v. Kandiel, 865
F.2d 967, 971 (8th Cir. 1989) (prosecution for making false
representation of citizenship; upholding use of expert testimony that
genetic tests established ``only a `one in 1,000' chance that defendant
was the child of a Native American''). Cf. United States v. Veysey, 334
F.3d 600, 605 (7th Cir. 2003) (``All evidence is probabilistic-
statistical evidence merely explicity so * * * Statistical evidence is
merely probabilistic evidence coded in numbers rather than words.'')
(internal quotations and citations omitted).
I find unpersuasive the ALJ's hypothesis that Respondent's
excessive sales could be attributable to the fact that its customers
are located in rural areas where traditional retailers are not found.
The record simply does not establish ``that most of the Respondent's
customers are located in rural areas where traditional retailers are
not found.'' ALJ at 33 (emphasis added). At most, it establishes that
some of the six stores visited by DI Kuzma in conducting the
verifications were ``stand-alone facilit[ies].'' Tr. 202. The record
lacks substantial evidence regarding the density of, or lack of,
traditional retailers within the area of Respondent's customers.
DI Kuzma also testified that there was a Target or Walmart in
Decatur, Indiana, which was also the location of one of Respondent's
customers, the Fairway Deli. Notwithstanding its proximity to
traditional retailers, the Fairway Deli's sales were more than 38 times
the expected amounted. Govt. Exh. 17 Table 2.
Respondent could have produced evidence of its own establishing an
expected sales range for non-traditional retailers in rural areas. It
did not. Respondent could have also challenged the validity of Mr.
Robbin's methodology. It did not.
I further note that the Eighth Circuit has rejected a challenge to
similar testimony of Mr. Robbin in a criminal case involving a Kansas
based chemical distributor. See Sdoulam, 398 F.3d at 989-91. In
Sdoulam, Mr. Robbin testified that the defendant's convenience store
was selling pseudoephedrine in an amount 123 times the expected range.
Id. at 989. The Eighth Circuit upheld the admission of this testimony,
observing that ``Robbin laid adequate foundational support for his
conclusions by explaining their bases'' in national census population
and marketing data and business records. Id. at 990. So too here. I
thus conclude that the Government has proved that a substantial portion
of Respondent's products were diverted.
Nonetheless, I decline to announce a rule that renders diversion by
itself adequate grounds to revoke a registration. I acknowledge the
ALJ's concern that each case cited by the Government required not only
excessive sales into the gray market but also a showing that the
Respondent ``committed or proposed to commit other acts inconsistent
with the public interest.'' ALJ at 34. Most of the cited cases,
however, involved denials of applications. The cases did not go so far
as to establish a requirement that the Government must show fault on
the part of a Respondent to sustain a public interest revocation.
Indeed, fault is typically a concept that is associated with past
conduct and not proposed future activity. Thus, while these cases
suggest that more than excessive sales are required to deny an
application, they are not controlling in a revocation action.
I further note that dicta in Mediplas Innovations, 67 FR 41256,
41261 (2002), a suspension of shipments case, observed that a
revocation of a registration ``require[s] a finding of culpability.''
The Mediplas decision further declared that ``[o]nly upon a finding of
culpability can a DEA registrant permanently be deprived of controlled
substances or List I chemicals.'' Id. at 41261.
In support of these assertions, Mediplas cited sections 823 and
824. The case did not, however, analyze the statutory text of either
provision and neither section 824(a)(4) nor section 823(h) appears to
impose on the Government the burden of proving culpability in order to
sustain a public interest revocation. The statute is silent on the
question, see Chevron, U.S.A. Inc., v. NRDC, 467 U.S. 837, 843 (1984),
and a reconsideration of the issue might be warranted in light of the
unique difficulties posed in combating the use of OTC products in the
illicit manufacture of methamphetamine. Cf. Rust v. Sullivan, 500 U.S.
173, 186-87 (1991) (an agency ``must be given ample latitude to adapt
[its] rules and policies to the demands of changing circumstances'')
(internal quotations and citations omitted).
Holding registrants strictly liable for excessive sales of listed
chemicals might well be the appropriate approach for effectuating
Congress' intent to protect the public interest. See 21 U.S.C. 824(f).
Given that the Supreme Court has endorsed the propriety of strict
liability for regulatory criminal offenses, see Morisette v. United
States, 342 U.S. 246, 255-60 (1952), the imposition of strict liability
in a purely regulatory scheme should not raise any serious
constitutional objection.
I need not decide this question, however, because the Government
alleged that Mr. Call knew that Respondent's ``ephedrine sales [were]
not for legitimate uses,'' see ALJ Exh.1, at 6, and there is ample
evidence of Respondent's fault. As explained above, Mr. Call's
admissions to DI Kuzma and his statements and testimony during the
hearing establish that he was--as Respondent's owner--deliberately
indifferent to the diversion of its
[[Page 37612]]
products for use in the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine. Burying
one's head in the sand while his firm's products are being diverted may
allow one to maximize profits. But it is manifestly inconsistent with
public health safety and justifies the revocation of Respondent's
In sum, factors one, four and five each independently support
revocation. I have considered the mitigating evidence offered by
Respondent including his cooperation with the investigation. I
nonetheless conclude that revocation is necessary to adequately protect
the public interest.
Accordingly, pursuant to the authority vested in me by 21 U.S.C.
823 & 824, and 28 CFR 0.100(b) & 0.104, I hereby order that DEA
Certificate of Registration, 003884DSY, issued to D & S Sales, be, and
it hereby is, revoked. I further order that any pending applications
for renewal or modification of such registration be, and they hereby
are, denied. This order is effective July 31, 2006.
Dated: June 12, 2006.
Michele M. Leonhart,
Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. E6-9705 Filed 6-29-06; 8:45 am]