RTCA Special Committee 202: Portable Electronic Devices, 36163-36164 [06-5635]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 121 / Friday, June 23, 2006 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
11–1, 11–2, 11–3, and 13–1 through 13–
FAA Action: Approved. The flight
tracking system must technically be able
to interface with the FAA equipment
and operations, and be done in
compliance with FAA data download
requirements. Eligibility for Federal
funding and scope of the proposed
project will be determined at the time of
application. For purposes of aviation
safety, this approval does not extend to
the use of monitoring equipment for
enforcement purposes by in-situ
measurement of any pre-set noise
thresholds and shall not be used for
mandatory enforcement of any
voluntary measure.
4. Support the Implementation/Funding
for the Implementation of RNAV
While Table 13–1, Summary of
Recommended Measures, describes this
as a single measure, the NCP describes
this support in two ways. (NCP, pages
11–5 through 11–6; 11–8 and 11–9;
Tables 11–1, 11–2, 11–3 and 13–1).
(a) Pages 11–5 and 11–6 suggest a
curved RNAV approach to Runway 6,
the ‘‘MAPUL 1 Instrument Departure
Procedure (IDP) in reverse’’ might be
feasible in the future. The NCP states
‘‘This approach would also likely
provide the most benefit if implemented
primarily during nighttime hours. The
NCP recommendation is to ‘‘continue to
monitor the potential for this type of
approach and further evaluate it when
the technology is more readily
available.’’ The airport sponsor
recommends the FAA study advance
technology navigational procedures to
determine if they can be used for noise
mitigation at RSW.
FAA Action: Approved as to sponsor
efforts to monitor and evaluate this
RNAV approach.
(b) At pages 11–8 and 11–9, the NCP
evaluates ‘‘Other actions or
combinations of actions which would
have a beneficial noise control or
abatement impact on the public.’’ The
NCP states in relevant part ‘‘* * * The
MAPUL–1 RNAV procedures is
currently pending publication and
implementation. This procedure will
help reduce the potential for drift as
aircraft depart Runway 24 and climb out
through the Alico corridor. The
MAPUL–1 RNAV procedure will allow
properly equipped aircraft to make
adjustments to their course as may be
required to * * * minimize the impacts
on the surrounding residential
communities.’’ In the NCP, it is
recommended that the FAA continue
with the planned implementation of the
MAPUL–1 RNAV procedure and
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maintain support for the expansion of
the RNAV program.
FAA Action: No Action Required.
Land Use Measures
The analysis of recommendations in
Chapter 11 refers to a single land use
measure described in Chapter 12 of the
NCP (page 11–6, Options Required for
Consideration by FAR Part 150). That
recommendation is to update overlay
zones and the requirements therein for
Lee County.
5. Update Noise Overlay Zones
During the Noise Overlay Zone Land
Development Code approval process
(completed in 2000), the Lee County
Commission directed the Lee County
Port Authority to reevaluate the overlay
zone in an Update to the FAR Part 150
study to be completed by 2006. The
Commission recognized that quieter
aircraft were being added to the air
carrier and cargo fleet mix and felt that
the update should occur to determine
whether the extent of the overlay zone
limits and associated controls should be
maintained or modified
Proposed overlay zones are shown on
Exhibit 12–2 and are for the year 2020.
This is to address potential long range
noise impacts and expected growth in
airport operations (page 12–6). A
summary of the land uses of the land
uses for the four zones depicted on
Exhibit 12–2 is on page 12–4. Zone B
encompasses the DNL 60 dB noise
contour. No new noise-sensitive land
uses would be allowed. Overflights and
notice of potential noise associated with
the airport would apply to all
development, new and existing. Land
uses in Zone B compare to previous
Zone 3, with the addition of public
Due to the reduction in noise
exposure since the last Part 150 study
(approved in 1995), the zones and
controls have been modified. Zones C
and D (encompassing areas larger than
Zone B), would include notification of
potential noise and overflights.
Notification will include reference to
factual information about flight
corridors, proposed long range airport
development, and anticipated growth in
operations at the airport for the 2020
timeframe (Zone C). Flight training
notice would be provided for Zone D
(page 12–9).
The LCPA will be proactive about
publishing notification and preparing a
noise notification brochure for
distribution as described on page 12–10.
It will provide facts about corridors and
discourage noise sensitive development
in the corridors (page 12–11, Exhibit
12–10). Also, LCPA will have a record
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of flight corridors used, via passive
radar (Measure 3 in this ROA). LCPA
proposes to update forecasts in five
years per Lee Plan Policy 1.7.1 or sooner
if events occur to significantly alter the
contours (pages 12–12 and 12–13).
(NCP, pages 12–1 through 12–13;
Exhibits 12–1, 12–2, 12–3, 12–4, 12–5,
12–6, 12–7, 12–8, 12–9, and 12–10; and
Tables 12–1, 12–2, and 13–1)
FAA Action: Approved. This is
within the authority of the local land
use jurisdictions; the Federal
government does not control local land
use. Outside the DNL 65 dB noise
contour, FAA as a matter of policy
encourages local efforts to prevent new
noncompatible development
immediately abutting the DNL 65 dB
contour and to provide a buffer for
possible growth in noise contours
beyond the forecast period.
These determinations are set forth in
detail in a Record of Approval signed by
the FAA on May 30, 2006. The Record
of Approval, as well as other evaluation
materials and the documents
comprising the submittal, are available
for review at the FAA office listed above
and at the administrative office of the
Lee County Port Authority. The Record
of Approval also will be available online at http:/www.faa.gov/arp/
Issued in Orlando, Florida on June 15,
Bart Vernace,
Acting Manager, Orlando, Airports District
[FR Doc. 06–5634 Filed 6–22–06; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
RTCA Special Committee 202: Portable
Electronic Devices
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of RTCA Special
Committee 202 Meeting: Portable
Electronic Devices.
SUMMARY: The FAA is issuing this notice
to advise the public of a meeting of
FTCA Special Committee 202: Portable
Electronic Devices.
DATES: The meeting will be held on July
1–14, 2006, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
Conference Rooms, 1828 L Street, NW.,
Suite 805, Washington, DC.
RTCA Secretariat, 1828 L Street, NW.,
Suite 805, Washington, DC 20036–5133;
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 121 / Friday, June 23, 2006 / Notices
• Update on CTIA Task Force on cell
Telephone (202) 833–9339; Web site
phones on airborne aircraft by Paul
Guckian of QUALCOMM.
• Presentation on Active RFID
to section 10(a)(2) of the Federal
Transponder NASA test results
Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–
analysis by Chuck LaBerge of
463, 5 U.S.C., Appendix 2), notice is
hereby given for a Special Committee
• Presentations on Operational Ultra202 Portable Electronic Devices
WideBand (UWB) Technologies
meeting. The agenda will include:
(two separate presentations are
• July 10:
planned to describe the underlying
• Co-chair’s Strategy Sessions with
Working Group Leaders.
• Break-out sessions for Working
• Working Group Progress and Status
Groups and Focus Groups on Phase
Update/Plan for Terms of Reference
2 document draft update
(TOR) Compliance review.
• Overall Review of Plan and
• Working Groups (WG) 1 through 5
Schedule for Phase 2.
• Plan for Recommendation on
• WG–1, PED Characterization.
Scoping of Picocell Assessment and
• WG–2, Aircraft Path Loss and Test,
with WG–3, Aircraft Susceptibility.
• WG1, WG2, and WG3 to develop
• WG–4, Risk Assessment, Mitigation,
recommendations to SC–202
and process.
plenary on Mask-Like Object,
• WG–5, Airplane Design and
recommendations to FCC on
Certification Guidance.
emissions, and susceptibility limits
• FCC Recommendations Focus
required from the aircraft systems
• Picocell Focus Group.
• Working Groups Coordination.
• Plan for Access to Material and
• Time for all working Groups to
Organization of Data in Appendix
meet together if required.
CD for Phase 2 Document.
• Working Groups (WF) 1 through 5
• Committee Consensus on
Remaining Phase 2 Work Plan. TOR
• WG–1, PED Characterization,
Compliance Plan, and Schedule for
Garmin Room.
• WG–2, Aircraft Path Loss and Test,
• July 12:
with WG–3, Aircraft Susceptibility,
• Co-chairs’ Strategy Session with
Working Group Leaders.
• WG Progress and Status Update/
• WG–4, Risk Assessment, Mitigation,
Plan for (TOR) Compliance Review.
and process, Colson Board Room.
• Overall Review of Plan and
• WG–5, airplane Design and
Schedule for Phase 2.
Certification Guidance, ARINC
• Working Groups Coordination.
Conference Room.
• Time for all Working Groups to
• Chairmen’s Strategy session with
meet, if required.
working Group Leaders;
• Working Groups Sessions.
• Coordinate Recommendations to
• WG–1, PEDs Characterization.
Plenary: Phase 2 work plan, TOR
• WG–2, Aircraft Path Loss and Test
compliance verification, and
with WG–3, Aircraft Susceptibility.
• WG–4, Risk Assessment, Mitigation,
• July 11 & 13:
and Process.
• Opening Plenary Session (Welcome
• WG–5, Airplane Design and
and Introductory Remarks, Review
Certification Guidance.
Agenda, Review/Approve previous
• Focus Groups Sessions.
Common Plenary Summary, Review
• FCC Recommendations Focus
Open Action Items).
• Results of RTCA PMC meeting June
• Picocell Focus Group.
27 on revisions to SC–202 Terms of
• Chairmen’s Strategy Session with
Reference (TOR).
Working Group Leaders.
• Update from Regulatory Agencies
• Phase 2 Goals, Schedule, and Work
(FAA, UK–CAA, Canadian TSB,
FCC, or other).
• July 13:
• Update on Work of EUROCAE
• Chairmen’s Day 2 Opening Remarks
Working Group WG58 by Michel
and Process Check.
Crokaert of Airbus, WG58
• Working Groups report out.
Æ Each Working Group will cover the
• CEA PEDs Working Group Report
and plans for ANSI accredited
• TOR Compliance Assessment.
standard by Doug Johnson of CEA.
• Recommendations for Plenary
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Consensus on FRAC Draft.
• Phase 2 Work Remaining: work
plan and schedule for completion
• Working Group 1 (PEDs
Characterization, Test and
• FCC Recommendations Focus
• Working Group 2 (Aircraft Test and
• Working Group 3 (Aircraft Systems
• Picocell Focus Group.
• Working Group 4 (Risk Assessment,
Practical Application, and Final
• Working Group 5 (Recommended
Guidance for Airplane Design and
• Plenary Consensus on Final Draft
DO–294 Update to Final Review
And Comment (FRAC):
• Working Groups’ teleconference
and meeting schedule, plan for
Phase 2 work completion.
• Closing Session (Other Business,
Date and Place of Upcoming
Meetings (October 16–20, 2006,
Sixteenth Plenary at RTCA;
December 5–7, 2006 Seventeenth
Plenary at RTCA, Closing Remarks,
• Break-out sessions for Working
Groups Phase 2 work if required
and time permits.
• July 14:
• Working Groups and Focus Groups
complete action items and prepare
and format document for Final
Review And Comment (FRAC), as
Attendance is open to the interested
public but limited to space availability.
With the approval of the chairmen,
members of the public may present oral
statements at the meeting. Persons
wishing to present statements or obtain
information should contact the person
CONTACT section. Members of the public
may present a written statement to the
committee at any time.
Issued in Washington, DC, on June 7, 2006.
Francisco Estrada C.,
RTCA Advisory Committee.
[FR Doc. 06–5635 Filed 6–22–06; 8:45am]
Federal Highway Administration
Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions
on Proposed Highway in Maryland
Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), DOT.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 121 (Friday, June 23, 2006)]
[Pages 36163-36164]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 06-5635]
Federal Aviation Administration
RTCA Special Committee 202: Portable Electronic Devices
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of RTCA Special Committee 202 Meeting: Portable
Electronic Devices.
SUMMARY: The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of a
meeting of FTCA Special Committee 202: Portable Electronic Devices.
DATES: The meeting will be held on July 1-14, 2006, from 9 a.m. to 4:30
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at Conference Rooms, 1828 L Street,
NW., Suite 805, Washington, DC.
Suite 805, Washington, DC 20036-5133;
[[Page 36164]]
Telephone (202) 833-9339; Web site https://www.rtca.org.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to section 10(a)(2) of the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 5 U.S.C., Appendix 2), notice
is hereby given for a Special Committee 202 Portable Electronic Devices
meeting. The agenda will include:
July 10:
Co-chair's Strategy Sessions with Working Group Leaders.
Working Group Progress and Status Update/Plan for Terms of
Reference (TOR) Compliance review.
Overall Review of Plan and Schedule for Phase 2.
Plan for Recommendation on Scoping of Picocell Assessment
and Guidelines.
WG1, WG2, and WG3 to develop recommendations to SC-202
plenary on Mask-Like Object, recommendations to FCC on emissions, and
susceptibility limits required from the aircraft systems side.
Working Groups Coordination.
Time for all working Groups to meet together if required.
Working Groups (WF) 1 through 5 meet.
WG-1, PED Characterization, Garmin Room.
WG-2, Aircraft Path Loss and Test, with WG-3, Aircraft
Susceptibility, MacIntosh-NBAA-Hilton/ATA Room.
WG-4, Risk Assessment, Mitigation, and process, Colson
Board Room.
WG-5, airplane Design and Certification Guidance, ARINC
Conference Room.
Chairmen's Strategy session with working Group Leaders;
Coordinate Recommendations to Plenary: Phase 2 work plan,
TOR compliance verification, and schedule.
July 11 & 13:
Opening Plenary Session (Welcome and Introductory Remarks,
Review Agenda, Review/Approve previous Common Plenary Summary, Review
Open Action Items).
Results of RTCA PMC meeting June 27 on revisions to SC-202
Terms of Reference (TOR).
Update from Regulatory Agencies (FAA, UK-CAA, Canadian
TSB, FCC, or other).
Update on Work of EUROCAE Working Group WG58 by Michel
Crokaert of Airbus, WG58 Chairman.
CEA PEDs Working Group Report and plans for ANSI
accredited standard by Doug Johnson of CEA.
Update on CTIA Task Force on cell phones on airborne
aircraft by Paul Guckian of QUALCOMM.
Presentation on Active RFID Transponder NASA test results
analysis by Chuck LaBerge of Honeywell.
Presentations on Operational Ultra-WideBand (UWB)
Technologies (two separate presentations are planned to describe the
underlying technologies).
Break-out sessions for Working Groups and Focus Groups on
Phase 2 document draft update recommendations:
Working Groups (WG) 1 through 5 meet.
WG-1, PED Characterization.
WG-2, Aircraft Path Loss and Test, with WG-3, Aircraft
WG-4, Risk Assessment, Mitigation, and process.
WG-5, Airplane Design and Certification Guidance.
FCC Recommendations Focus Group.
Picocell Focus Group.
Plan for Access to Material and Organization of Data in
Appendix CD for Phase 2 Document.
Committee Consensus on Remaining Phase 2 Work Plan. TOR
Compliance Plan, and Schedule for Completion.
July 12:
Co-chairs' Strategy Session with Working Group Leaders.
WG Progress and Status Update/Plan for (TOR) Compliance
Overall Review of Plan and Schedule for Phase 2.
Working Groups Coordination.
Time for all Working Groups to meet, if required.
Working Groups Sessions.
WG-1, PEDs Characterization.
WG-2, Aircraft Path Loss and Test with WG-3, Aircraft
WG-4, Risk Assessment, Mitigation, and Process.
WG-5, Airplane Design and Certification Guidance.
Focus Groups Sessions.
FCC Recommendations Focus Group.
Picocell Focus Group.
Chairmen's Strategy Session with Working Group Leaders.
Phase 2 Goals, Schedule, and Work Plan.
July 13:
Chairmen's Day 2 Opening Remarks and Process Check.
Working Groups report out.
[cir] Each Working Group will cover the following:
TOR Compliance Assessment.
Recommendations for Plenary Consensus on FRAC Draft.
Phase 2 Work Remaining: work plan and schedule for
Working Group 1 (PEDs Characterization, Test and
FCC Recommendations Focus Group.
Working Group 2 (Aircraft Test and Analysis).
Working Group 3 (Aircraft Systems Susceptibility).
Picocell Focus Group.
Working Group 4 (Risk Assessment, Practical Application,
and Final Documentation).
Working Group 5 (Recommended Guidance for Airplane Design
and Certification).
Plenary Consensus on Final Draft DO-294 Update to Final
Review And Comment (FRAC):
Working Groups' teleconference and meeting schedule, plan
for Phase 2 work completion.
Closing Session (Other Business, Date and Place of
Upcoming Meetings (October 16-20, 2006, Sixteenth Plenary at RTCA;
December 5-7, 2006 Seventeenth Plenary at RTCA, Closing Remarks,
Break-out sessions for Working Groups Phase 2 work if
required and time permits.
July 14:
Working Groups and Focus Groups complete action items and
prepare and format document for Final Review And Comment (FRAC), as
Attendance is open to the interested public but limited to space
availability. With the approval of the chairmen, members of the public
may present oral statements at the meeting. Persons wishing to present
statements or obtain information should contact the person listed at
the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section. Members of the public may
present a written statement to the committee at any time.
Issued in Washington, DC, on June 7, 2006.
Francisco Estrada C.,
RTCA Advisory Committee.
[FR Doc. 06-5635 Filed 6-22-06; 8:45am]