Approval of Noise Compatibility Program; Southwest Florida International Airport, Fort Myers, FL, 36161-36163 [06-5634]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 121 / Friday, June 23, 2006 / Notices
(4) Funds shall not be made available
as cash payments to individuals and are
available only for activities under the
following categories: Verification,
reintegration (including training and
education), vetting, recovery of assets
for reparations for victims, and
investigations and prosecutions.
This Determination shall be published
in the Federal Register and copies shall
be transmitted to the appropriate
committees of Congress.
Dated: June 15, 2006.
Condoleezza Rice,
Secretary of State, Department of State.
[FR Doc. E6–9963 Filed 6–22–06; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Renee V. Wright,
Program Manager, Docket Operations,
Federal Register Liaison.
[FR Doc. E6–9955 Filed 6–22–06; 8:45 am]
Aviation Proceedings, Agreements
Filed the Week Ending June 2, 2006
The following Agreements were filed
with the Department of Transportation
under the sections 412 and 414 of the
Federal Aviation Act, as amended (49
U.S.C. 1382 and 1384) and procedures
governing proceedings to enforce these
provisions. Answers may be filed within
21 days after the filing of the
Docket Number: OST–2006–24991.
Date Filed: June 2, 2006.
Parties: Members of the International
Air Transport Association.
CSC/28/Meet/005/06 dated June 1,
Finally Adopted Resolutions: 621/622.
Intended effective date: October 1, 2006.
Renee V. Wright,
Program Manager, Docket Operations,
Federal Register Liaison.
[FR Doc. E6–9954 Filed 6–22–06; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Notice of Applications for Certificates
of Public Convenience and Necessity
and Foreign Air Carrier Permits Filed
Under Subpart B (Formerly Subpart Q)
During the Week Ending June 2, 2006
The following Applications for
Certificates of Public Convenience and
Necessity and Foreign Air Carrier
Permits were filed under subpart B
(formerly subpart Q) of the Department
of Transportation’s Procedural
Regulations (See 14 CFR 301.201 et.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:22 Jun 22, 2006
Jkt 208001
The due date for Answers,
Conforming Applications, or Motions to
Modify Scope are set forth below for
each application. Following the answer
period DOT may process the application
by expedited procedures. Such
procedures may consist of the adoption
of a show-cause order, a tentative order,
or in appropriate cases a final order
without further proceedings.
Docket Number: OST–1996–1393.
Date Filed: June 1, 2006.
Due Date for Answers, Conforming
Applications, or Motion To Modify
Scope: June 22, 2006.
Description: Application of American
Airlines, Inc. requesting renewal of its
certificate for Route 517, authorizing
scheduled foreign air transportation of
persons, property and mail between
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX and Tokyo, Japan.
Federal Aviation Administration
Approval of Noise Compatibility
Program; Southwest Florida
International Airport, Fort Myers, FL
Federal Aviation
Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) announces its
findings on the noise compatibility
program submitted by the Lee County
Port Authority under the provisions of
49 U.S.C. (the Aviation Safety and Noise
Abatement Act, hereinafter referred to
as ‘‘the Act’’) and 14 CFR part 150.
These findings are made in recognition
of the description of Federal and
nonfederal responsibilities in Senate
Report No. 96–52 (1980). On February
11, 2005, the FAA determined that the
noise exposure maps submitted by the
Lee County Port Authority under Part
150 were in compliance with applicable
requirements. On May 30, 2006, the
FAA approved the Southwest Florida
International Airport Noise
Compatibility Program. Most of the
recommendations of the program were
Effective Date: The effective date
of the FAA’s approval of the Southwest
Florida International Airport noise
compatibility program is May 30, 2006.
Lindy McDowell, Federal Aviation
PO 00000
Frm 00109
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Administration, Orlando Airports
District Office, 5950 Hazeltine National
Dr., Suite 400, Orlando, Florida 32822,
(407) 812–6331, Extension 130.
Documents reflecting this FAA action
may be reviewed at this same location.
notice announces that the FAA has
given its overall approval to the noise
compatibility program for Southwest
Florida International Airport, effective
May 30, 2006.
Under section 47504 of the Act, an
airport operator who has previously
submitted a noise exposure map may
submit to the FAA a noise compatibility
program which sets forth the measures
taken or proposed by the airport
operator for the reduction of existing
noncompatible land uses and
prevention of additional non-compatible
land uses within the area covered by the
noise exposure maps. The Act requires
such programs to be developed in
consultation with interested and
affected parties including local
communities, government agencies,
airport users, and FAA personnel.
Each airport noise compatibility
program developed in accordance with
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part
150 is a local program, not a Federal
Program. The FAA does not substitute
its judgment for that of the airport
proprietor with respect to which
measure should be recommended for
action. The FAA’s approval or
disapproval of FAR Part 150 program
recommendations is measured
according to the standards expressed in
Part 150 and the Act, and is limited to
the following determinations:
a. The noise compatibility program
was developed in accordance with the
provisions and procedures of FAR Part
b. Program measures are reasonably
consistent with achieving the goals of
reducing existing non-compatible land
uses around the airport and preventing
the introduction of additional noncompatible land uses;
c. Program measures would not create
an undue burden on interstate or foreign
commerce, unjustly discriminate against
types or classes of aeronautical uses,
violate the terms of airport grant
agreements, or intrude into areas
preempted by the Federal government;
d. Program measures relating to the
use of flight procedures can be
implemented within the period covered
by the program without derogating
safety, adversely affecting the efficient
use and management of the navigable
airspace and air traffic control systems,
or adversely affecting other powers and
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 121 / Friday, June 23, 2006 / Notices
responsibilities of the Administrator
prescribed by law.
Specific limitations with respect to
FAA’s approval of an airport noise
compatibility program are delineated in
FAR Part 150, Section 150.5. Approval
is not a determination concerning the
acceptability of land uses under Federal,
state, or local law. Approval does not by
itself constitute an FAA implementing
action. A request for Federal action or
approval to implement specific noise
compatibility measures may be
required, and an FAA decision on the
request may require an environmental
assessment of the proposed action.
Approval does not constitute a
commitment by the FAA to financially
assist in the implementation of the
program nor a determination that all
measures covered by the program are
eligible for grant-in-aid funding from the
FAA. Where Federal funding is sought,
requests for project grants must be
submitted to the FAA Airports District
Office in Orlando, Florida.
Lee County Port Authority submitted
to the FAA on February 8, 2005, the
noise exposure maps, descriptions, and
other documentation produced during
the noise compatibility planning study
conducted from October 2002, through
May 26, 2006. The Southwest Florida
International Airport noise exposure
maps were determined by FAA to be in
compliance with applicable
requirements on February 11, 2005.
Notice of this determination was
published in the Federal Register on
February 11, 2005.
The Southwest Florida International
Airport study contains a proposed noise
compatibility program comprised of
actions designed for phased
implementation by airport management
and adjacent jurisdictions from May 26,
2006 to the year 2011. It was requested
that FAA evaluate and approve this
material as a noise compatibility
program as described in section 47504
of the Act. The FAA began its review of
the program on December 1, 2005, and
was required by a provisions of the Act
to approve or disapprove the program
within 180-days (other than the use of
new or modified flight procedures for
noise control). Failure to approve or
disapprove such program within the
180-day period shall be deemed to be an
approval of such program.
The submitted program contained five
(5) proposed actions for noise mitigation
on and off the airport. The FAA
completed its review and determined
that the procedural and substantive
requirements of the Act and FAR Part
150 have been satisfied. The overall
program, therefore, was approved by the
FAA effective May 30, 2006.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:58 Jun 22, 2006
Jkt 208001
Outright approval was granted for
four of the specific program elements.
The measure to modify the existing
noise mitigation procedure #6, Runway
6 Departure Procedure was partially
disapproved for purposes of FAR Part
150, pending submission of additional
information to demonstrate noise
benefits. The following describes the
approved actions on and off airport:
Operational Measures
1. Continue Existing Operational Noise
Mitigation Procedures
This measure is to continue nine of
ten existing voluntary operational Noise
Mitigation Procedures in place. Benefits
of these existing measures are
summarized at Table 11–3;
1. Preferential Runway Use Program—
Runway 6 is the preferred runway when
the wind, weather, and activity permit.
2. Visual Approaches—Turbojet
aircraft will normally be vectored to
intercept the extended runway
centerline seven miles or more from the
end of the runway (as activity levels
permit). Aircraft on the right downwind
leg to Runway 6 or left downwind to
Runway 24 will normally be kept above
5000 feet until they are abeam the
Airport. Aircraft arriving to Runway 6
and intercepting the extended centerline
over the Gulf of Mexico west of Fort
Myers Beach should remain above 3,000
feet, if able, to reduce the noise over
Fort Myers Beach.
3. ‘‘Keep ’em High’’—The Airport
participates in the ‘‘Keep ’em High;’’
program, and turbojet aircraft are
encouraged to keep as high as possible.
4. Properly equipped turbojet aircraft
departing Runway 24 are encouraged to
use the MAPUL–1 Standard Instrument
Departure (SID) that is pending
implementation by the FAA.
5. Runway 24 turbojet departures that
are not properly equipped to follow the
MAPUL–1 SID should request the Alico
Three Departure SID.
6. Propeller aircraft should reference
AOPA’s recommended noise abatement
7. Turbojet business aircraft should
use either the aircraft manufacturer’s
recommended noise Abatement
Procedures, the NBAA’s Approach and
Landing Procedure (VFR and IFR), or
Standard Departure Procedure.
8. Commercial aircraft should follow
the Distant Noise Abatement Departure
Profile as defined by FAA Advisory
Circular AC91–53A.
9. At no time shall engines by run up
for test or maintenance purposes
between 2300 hours (11 p.m.) and 0600
hours (6 a.m.) without prior approval
from the Executive Director or his/her
PO 00000
Frm 00110
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
(NCP, pages 11–2 through 11–3;
Exhibits 11–1; and Table 11–3)
FAA Action: Approved as a
continuation of the voluntary measures
in place, subject to traffic, weather, and
airspace safety and efficiency. The FAA
approved these measures submitted in
previous Part 150 studies (1990, 1995)
as demonstrating noise mitigating
benefits at the airport. They place
aircraft over less noise-sensitive
corridors and keep aircraft at higher
altitudes over noise-sensitive sites.
2. Modify Existing Noise Mitigation
Procedure #6; Runway 6 Departure
This measure is to modify Existing
Operational Noise Mitigation Procedure
Number 6 (Runway 6 Departure
Procedure). The existing measure 6
states ‘‘Runway 6 departures will be
held on tower frequency until crossing
departure end of runway and will be
turned no further west than 350 degrees
until they are five miles from the
airport.’’ The NCP recommends that the
noise abatement procedure be modified
to use RSW 2.7 DME to demarcate the
turn for northbound turbojet aircraft
departing on Runway 6. The procedure
would provide ‘‘For turbojet aircraft, no
turns before RSW 2.7 DME unless
directed by air traffic control’’. A lighted
sign would also be added to the Runway
6 departure end once FAA determines
where the turning point is located. The
modified procedure should be included
in an updated pilot briefing handout.
(NCP, pages 11–2 through 11–3).
FAA Action: Continuation of the
voluntary measure in place is approved.
Modifications to the procedure are
disapproved for purposes of part 150,
pending submission of additional
information to demonstrate noise
benefits. The existing measure,
approved by the FAA in earlier Part 150
studies, is intended to move overflights
from the school.
3. Purchase and Install Flight Tracking
In is recommended that a radar flight
tracking system be implemented at the
Airport to assist the Lee County Port
Authority in monitoring the voluntary
noise mitigation procedures and to
assist in the development of
modifications to these procedures that
will benefit the citizens living in
proximity to the Airport. The system
will not be used for mandatory
enforcement of the voluntary
procedures. It is recommended that the
flight tracking system output be used to
review all recommended operational
procedures during the next part 150
update (NCP, pages 11–8; and Tables
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 121 / Friday, June 23, 2006 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
11–1, 11–2, 11–3, and 13–1 through 13–
FAA Action: Approved. The flight
tracking system must technically be able
to interface with the FAA equipment
and operations, and be done in
compliance with FAA data download
requirements. Eligibility for Federal
funding and scope of the proposed
project will be determined at the time of
application. For purposes of aviation
safety, this approval does not extend to
the use of monitoring equipment for
enforcement purposes by in-situ
measurement of any pre-set noise
thresholds and shall not be used for
mandatory enforcement of any
voluntary measure.
4. Support the Implementation/Funding
for the Implementation of RNAV
While Table 13–1, Summary of
Recommended Measures, describes this
as a single measure, the NCP describes
this support in two ways. (NCP, pages
11–5 through 11–6; 11–8 and 11–9;
Tables 11–1, 11–2, 11–3 and 13–1).
(a) Pages 11–5 and 11–6 suggest a
curved RNAV approach to Runway 6,
the ‘‘MAPUL 1 Instrument Departure
Procedure (IDP) in reverse’’ might be
feasible in the future. The NCP states
‘‘This approach would also likely
provide the most benefit if implemented
primarily during nighttime hours. The
NCP recommendation is to ‘‘continue to
monitor the potential for this type of
approach and further evaluate it when
the technology is more readily
available.’’ The airport sponsor
recommends the FAA study advance
technology navigational procedures to
determine if they can be used for noise
mitigation at RSW.
FAA Action: Approved as to sponsor
efforts to monitor and evaluate this
RNAV approach.
(b) At pages 11–8 and 11–9, the NCP
evaluates ‘‘Other actions or
combinations of actions which would
have a beneficial noise control or
abatement impact on the public.’’ The
NCP states in relevant part ‘‘* * * The
MAPUL–1 RNAV procedures is
currently pending publication and
implementation. This procedure will
help reduce the potential for drift as
aircraft depart Runway 24 and climb out
through the Alico corridor. The
MAPUL–1 RNAV procedure will allow
properly equipped aircraft to make
adjustments to their course as may be
required to * * * minimize the impacts
on the surrounding residential
communities.’’ In the NCP, it is
recommended that the FAA continue
with the planned implementation of the
MAPUL–1 RNAV procedure and
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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maintain support for the expansion of
the RNAV program.
FAA Action: No Action Required.
Land Use Measures
The analysis of recommendations in
Chapter 11 refers to a single land use
measure described in Chapter 12 of the
NCP (page 11–6, Options Required for
Consideration by FAR Part 150). That
recommendation is to update overlay
zones and the requirements therein for
Lee County.
5. Update Noise Overlay Zones
During the Noise Overlay Zone Land
Development Code approval process
(completed in 2000), the Lee County
Commission directed the Lee County
Port Authority to reevaluate the overlay
zone in an Update to the FAR Part 150
study to be completed by 2006. The
Commission recognized that quieter
aircraft were being added to the air
carrier and cargo fleet mix and felt that
the update should occur to determine
whether the extent of the overlay zone
limits and associated controls should be
maintained or modified
Proposed overlay zones are shown on
Exhibit 12–2 and are for the year 2020.
This is to address potential long range
noise impacts and expected growth in
airport operations (page 12–6). A
summary of the land uses of the land
uses for the four zones depicted on
Exhibit 12–2 is on page 12–4. Zone B
encompasses the DNL 60 dB noise
contour. No new noise-sensitive land
uses would be allowed. Overflights and
notice of potential noise associated with
the airport would apply to all
development, new and existing. Land
uses in Zone B compare to previous
Zone 3, with the addition of public
Due to the reduction in noise
exposure since the last Part 150 study
(approved in 1995), the zones and
controls have been modified. Zones C
and D (encompassing areas larger than
Zone B), would include notification of
potential noise and overflights.
Notification will include reference to
factual information about flight
corridors, proposed long range airport
development, and anticipated growth in
operations at the airport for the 2020
timeframe (Zone C). Flight training
notice would be provided for Zone D
(page 12–9).
The LCPA will be proactive about
publishing notification and preparing a
noise notification brochure for
distribution as described on page 12–10.
It will provide facts about corridors and
discourage noise sensitive development
in the corridors (page 12–11, Exhibit
12–10). Also, LCPA will have a record
PO 00000
Frm 00111
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
of flight corridors used, via passive
radar (Measure 3 in this ROA). LCPA
proposes to update forecasts in five
years per Lee Plan Policy 1.7.1 or sooner
if events occur to significantly alter the
contours (pages 12–12 and 12–13).
(NCP, pages 12–1 through 12–13;
Exhibits 12–1, 12–2, 12–3, 12–4, 12–5,
12–6, 12–7, 12–8, 12–9, and 12–10; and
Tables 12–1, 12–2, and 13–1)
FAA Action: Approved. This is
within the authority of the local land
use jurisdictions; the Federal
government does not control local land
use. Outside the DNL 65 dB noise
contour, FAA as a matter of policy
encourages local efforts to prevent new
noncompatible development
immediately abutting the DNL 65 dB
contour and to provide a buffer for
possible growth in noise contours
beyond the forecast period.
These determinations are set forth in
detail in a Record of Approval signed by
the FAA on May 30, 2006. The Record
of Approval, as well as other evaluation
materials and the documents
comprising the submittal, are available
for review at the FAA office listed above
and at the administrative office of the
Lee County Port Authority. The Record
of Approval also will be available online at http:/
Issued in Orlando, Florida on June 15,
Bart Vernace,
Acting Manager, Orlando, Airports District
[FR Doc. 06–5634 Filed 6–22–06; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
RTCA Special Committee 202: Portable
Electronic Devices
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of RTCA Special
Committee 202 Meeting: Portable
Electronic Devices.
SUMMARY: The FAA is issuing this notice
to advise the public of a meeting of
FTCA Special Committee 202: Portable
Electronic Devices.
DATES: The meeting will be held on July
1–14, 2006, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
Conference Rooms, 1828 L Street, NW.,
Suite 805, Washington, DC.
RTCA Secretariat, 1828 L Street, NW.,
Suite 805, Washington, DC 20036–5133;
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 121 (Friday, June 23, 2006)]
[Pages 36161-36163]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-5634]
Federal Aviation Administration
Approval of Noise Compatibility Program; Southwest Florida
International Airport, Fort Myers, FL
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announces its
findings on the noise compatibility program submitted by the Lee County
Port Authority under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. (the Aviation Safety
and Noise Abatement Act, hereinafter referred to as ``the Act'') and 14
CFR part 150. These findings are made in recognition of the description
of Federal and nonfederal responsibilities in Senate Report No. 96-52
(1980). On February 11, 2005, the FAA determined that the noise
exposure maps submitted by the Lee County Port Authority under Part 150
were in compliance with applicable requirements. On May 30, 2006, the
FAA approved the Southwest Florida International Airport Noise
Compatibility Program. Most of the recommendations of the program were
DATES: Effective Date: The effective date of the FAA's approval of the
Southwest Florida International Airport noise compatibility program is
May 30, 2006.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Lindy McDowell, Federal Aviation
Administration, Orlando Airports District Office, 5950 Hazeltine
National Dr., Suite 400, Orlando, Florida 32822, (407) 812-6331,
Extension 130. Documents reflecting this FAA action may be reviewed at
this same location.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice announces that the FAA has given
its overall approval to the noise compatibility program for Southwest
Florida International Airport, effective May 30, 2006.
Under section 47504 of the Act, an airport operator who has
previously submitted a noise exposure map may submit to the FAA a noise
compatibility program which sets forth the measures taken or proposed
by the airport operator for the reduction of existing noncompatible
land uses and prevention of additional non-compatible land uses within
the area covered by the noise exposure maps. The Act requires such
programs to be developed in consultation with interested and affected
parties including local communities, government agencies, airport
users, and FAA personnel.
Each airport noise compatibility program developed in accordance
with Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 150 is a local program,
not a Federal Program. The FAA does not substitute its judgment for
that of the airport proprietor with respect to which measure should be
recommended for action. The FAA's approval or disapproval of FAR Part
150 program recommendations is measured according to the standards
expressed in Part 150 and the Act, and is limited to the following
a. The noise compatibility program was developed in accordance with
the provisions and procedures of FAR Part 150;
b. Program measures are reasonably consistent with achieving the
goals of reducing existing non-compatible land uses around the airport
and preventing the introduction of additional non-compatible land uses;
c. Program measures would not create an undue burden on interstate
or foreign commerce, unjustly discriminate against types or classes of
aeronautical uses, violate the terms of airport grant agreements, or
intrude into areas preempted by the Federal government; and
d. Program measures relating to the use of flight procedures can be
implemented within the period covered by the program without derogating
safety, adversely affecting the efficient use and management of the
navigable airspace and air traffic control systems, or adversely
affecting other powers and
[[Page 36162]]
responsibilities of the Administrator prescribed by law.
Specific limitations with respect to FAA's approval of an airport
noise compatibility program are delineated in FAR Part 150, Section
150.5. Approval is not a determination concerning the acceptability of
land uses under Federal, state, or local law. Approval does not by
itself constitute an FAA implementing action. A request for Federal
action or approval to implement specific noise compatibility measures
may be required, and an FAA decision on the request may require an
environmental assessment of the proposed action. Approval does not
constitute a commitment by the FAA to financially assist in the
implementation of the program nor a determination that all measures
covered by the program are eligible for grant-in-aid funding from the
FAA. Where Federal funding is sought, requests for project grants must
be submitted to the FAA Airports District Office in Orlando, Florida.
Lee County Port Authority submitted to the FAA on February 8, 2005,
the noise exposure maps, descriptions, and other documentation produced
during the noise compatibility planning study conducted from October
2002, through May 26, 2006. The Southwest Florida International Airport
noise exposure maps were determined by FAA to be in compliance with
applicable requirements on February 11, 2005. Notice of this
determination was published in the Federal Register on February 11,
The Southwest Florida International Airport study contains a
proposed noise compatibility program comprised of actions designed for
phased implementation by airport management and adjacent jurisdictions
from May 26, 2006 to the year 2011. It was requested that FAA evaluate
and approve this material as a noise compatibility program as described
in section 47504 of the Act. The FAA began its review of the program on
December 1, 2005, and was required by a provisions of the Act to
approve or disapprove the program within 180-days (other than the use
of new or modified flight procedures for noise control). Failure to
approve or disapprove such program within the 180-day period shall be
deemed to be an approval of such program.
The submitted program contained five (5) proposed actions for noise
mitigation on and off the airport. The FAA completed its review and
determined that the procedural and substantive requirements of the Act
and FAR Part 150 have been satisfied. The overall program, therefore,
was approved by the FAA effective May 30, 2006.
Outright approval was granted for four of the specific program
elements. The measure to modify the existing noise mitigation procedure
6, Runway 6 Departure Procedure was partially disapproved for
purposes of FAR Part 150, pending submission of additional information
to demonstrate noise benefits. The following describes the approved
actions on and off airport:
Operational Measures
1. Continue Existing Operational Noise Mitigation Procedures
This measure is to continue nine of ten existing voluntary
operational Noise Mitigation Procedures in place. Benefits of these
existing measures are summarized at Table 11-3;
1. Preferential Runway Use Program--Runway 6 is the preferred
runway when the wind, weather, and activity permit.
2. Visual Approaches--Turbojet aircraft will normally be vectored
to intercept the extended runway centerline seven miles or more from
the end of the runway (as activity levels permit). Aircraft on the
right downwind leg to Runway 6 or left downwind to Runway 24 will
normally be kept above 5000 feet until they are abeam the Airport.
Aircraft arriving to Runway 6 and intercepting the extended centerline
over the Gulf of Mexico west of Fort Myers Beach should remain above
3,000 feet, if able, to reduce the noise over Fort Myers Beach.
3. ``Keep 'em High''--The Airport participates in the ``Keep 'em
High;'' program, and turbojet aircraft are encouraged to keep as high
as possible.
4. Properly equipped turbojet aircraft departing Runway 24 are
encouraged to use the MAPUL-1 Standard Instrument Departure (SID) that
is pending implementation by the FAA.
5. Runway 24 turbojet departures that are not properly equipped to
follow the MAPUL-1 SID should request the Alico Three Departure SID.
6. Propeller aircraft should reference AOPA's recommended noise
abatement procedures.
7. Turbojet business aircraft should use either the aircraft
manufacturer's recommended noise Abatement Procedures, the NBAA's
Approach and Landing Procedure (VFR and IFR), or Standard Departure
8. Commercial aircraft should follow the Distant Noise Abatement
Departure Profile as defined by FAA Advisory Circular AC91-53A.
9. At no time shall engines by run up for test or maintenance
purposes between 2300 hours (11 p.m.) and 0600 hours (6 a.m.) without
prior approval from the Executive Director or his/her representative.
(NCP, pages 11-2 through 11-3; Exhibits 11-1; and Table 11-3)
FAA Action: Approved as a continuation of the voluntary measures in
place, subject to traffic, weather, and airspace safety and efficiency.
The FAA approved these measures submitted in previous Part 150 studies
(1990, 1995) as demonstrating noise mitigating benefits at the airport.
They place aircraft over less noise-sensitive corridors and keep
aircraft at higher altitudes over noise-sensitive sites.
2. Modify Existing Noise Mitigation Procedure 6; Runway 6
Departure Procedure
This measure is to modify Existing Operational Noise Mitigation
Procedure Number 6 (Runway 6 Departure Procedure). The existing measure
6 states ``Runway 6 departures will be held on tower frequency until
crossing departure end of runway and will be turned no further west
than 350 degrees until they are five miles from the airport.'' The NCP
recommends that the noise abatement procedure be modified to use RSW
2.7 DME to demarcate the turn for northbound turbojet aircraft
departing on Runway 6. The procedure would provide ``For turbojet
aircraft, no turns before RSW 2.7 DME unless directed by air traffic
control''. A lighted sign would also be added to the Runway 6 departure
end once FAA determines where the turning point is located. The
modified procedure should be included in an updated pilot briefing
handout. (NCP, pages 11-2 through 11-3).
FAA Action: Continuation of the voluntary measure in place is
approved. Modifications to the procedure are disapproved for purposes
of part 150, pending submission of additional information to
demonstrate noise benefits. The existing measure, approved by the FAA
in earlier Part 150 studies, is intended to move overflights from the
3. Purchase and Install Flight Tracking Equipment
In is recommended that a radar flight tracking system be
implemented at the Airport to assist the Lee County Port Authority in
monitoring the voluntary noise mitigation procedures and to assist in
the development of modifications to these procedures that will benefit
the citizens living in proximity to the Airport. The system will not be
used for mandatory enforcement of the voluntary procedures. It is
recommended that the flight tracking system output be used to review
all recommended operational procedures during the next part 150 update
(NCP, pages 11-8; and Tables
[[Page 36163]]
11-1, 11-2, 11-3, and 13-1 through 13-3).
FAA Action: Approved. The flight tracking system must technically
be able to interface with the FAA equipment and operations, and be done
in compliance with FAA data download requirements. Eligibility for
Federal funding and scope of the proposed project will be determined at
the time of application. For purposes of aviation safety, this approval
does not extend to the use of monitoring equipment for enforcement
purposes by in-situ measurement of any pre-set noise thresholds and
shall not be used for mandatory enforcement of any voluntary measure.
4. Support the Implementation/Funding for the Implementation of RNAV
While Table 13-1, Summary of Recommended Measures, describes this
as a single measure, the NCP describes this support in two ways. (NCP,
pages 11-5 through 11-6; 11-8 and 11-9; Tables 11-1, 11-2, 11-3 and 13-
(a) Pages 11-5 and 11-6 suggest a curved RNAV approach to Runway 6,
the ``MAPUL 1 Instrument Departure Procedure (IDP) in reverse'' might
be feasible in the future. The NCP states ``This approach would also
likely provide the most benefit if implemented primarily during
nighttime hours. The NCP recommendation is to ``continue to monitor the
potential for this type of approach and further evaluate it when the
technology is more readily available.'' The airport sponsor recommends
the FAA study advance technology navigational procedures to determine
if they can be used for noise mitigation at RSW.
FAA Action: Approved as to sponsor efforts to monitor and evaluate
this RNAV approach.
(b) At pages 11-8 and 11-9, the NCP evaluates ``Other actions or
combinations of actions which would have a beneficial noise control or
abatement impact on the public.'' The NCP states in relevant part ``* *
* The MAPUL-1 RNAV procedures is currently pending publication and
implementation. This procedure will help reduce the potential for drift
as aircraft depart Runway 24 and climb out through the Alico corridor.
The MAPUL-1 RNAV procedure will allow properly equipped aircraft to
make adjustments to their course as may be required to * * * minimize
the impacts on the surrounding residential communities.'' In the NCP,
it is recommended that the FAA continue with the planned implementation
of the MAPUL-1 RNAV procedure and maintain support for the expansion of
the RNAV program.
FAA Action: No Action Required.
Land Use Measures
The analysis of recommendations in Chapter 11 refers to a single
land use measure described in Chapter 12 of the NCP (page 11-6, Options
Required for Consideration by FAR Part 150). That recommendation is to
update overlay zones and the requirements therein for Lee County.
5. Update Noise Overlay Zones
During the Noise Overlay Zone Land Development Code approval
process (completed in 2000), the Lee County Commission directed the Lee
County Port Authority to reevaluate the overlay zone in an Update to
the FAR Part 150 study to be completed by 2006. The Commission
recognized that quieter aircraft were being added to the air carrier
and cargo fleet mix and felt that the update should occur to determine
whether the extent of the overlay zone limits and associated controls
should be maintained or modified
Proposed overlay zones are shown on Exhibit 12-2 and are for the
year 2020. This is to address potential long range noise impacts and
expected growth in airport operations (page 12-6). A summary of the
land uses of the land uses for the four zones depicted on Exhibit 12-2
is on page 12-4. Zone B encompasses the DNL 60 dB noise contour. No new
noise-sensitive land uses would be allowed. Overflights and notice of
potential noise associated with the airport would apply to all
development, new and existing. Land uses in Zone B compare to previous
Zone 3, with the addition of public notification.
Due to the reduction in noise exposure since the last Part 150
study (approved in 1995), the zones and controls have been modified.
Zones C and D (encompassing areas larger than Zone B), would include
notification of potential noise and overflights. Notification will
include reference to factual information about flight corridors,
proposed long range airport development, and anticipated growth in
operations at the airport for the 2020 timeframe (Zone C). Flight
training notice would be provided for Zone D (page 12-9).
The LCPA will be proactive about publishing notification and
preparing a noise notification brochure for distribution as described
on page 12-10. It will provide facts about corridors and discourage
noise sensitive development in the corridors (page 12-11, Exhibit 12-
10). Also, LCPA will have a record of flight corridors used, via
passive radar (Measure 3 in this ROA). LCPA proposes to update
forecasts in five years per Lee Plan Policy 1.7.1 or sooner if events
occur to significantly alter the contours (pages 12-12 and 12-13).
(NCP, pages 12-1 through 12-13; Exhibits 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4,
12-5, 12-6, 12-7, 12-8, 12-9, and 12-10; and Tables 12-1, 12-2, and 13-
FAA Action: Approved. This is within the authority of the local
land use jurisdictions; the Federal government does not control local
land use. Outside the DNL 65 dB noise contour, FAA as a matter of
policy encourages local efforts to prevent new noncompatible
development immediately abutting the DNL 65 dB contour and to provide a
buffer for possible growth in noise contours beyond the forecast
These determinations are set forth in detail in a Record of
Approval signed by the FAA on May 30, 2006. The Record of Approval, as
well as other evaluation materials and the documents comprising the
submittal, are available for review at the FAA office listed above and
at the administrative office of the Lee County Port Authority. The
Record of Approval also will be available on-line at http:/
Issued in Orlando, Florida on June 15, 2006.
Bart Vernace,
Acting Manager, Orlando, Airports District Office.
[FR Doc. 06-5634 Filed 6-22-06; 8:45 am]