Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comments Requested, 30962-30963 [E6-8360]
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jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 104 / Wednesday, May 31, 2006 / Notices
name to MTC Touch, Beirut, Lebanon;
MTN RSA has changed its name to MTN
Group, Sandton, Johannesburg, South
Africa; MTN South Africa has changed
its name to MTN Group, Sandton,
Johannesburg, South Africa; NSS has
changed its name to Network Support
Services (NSS), Rivonia, Gauteng, South
Africa; Nortel Networks has changed its
name to Nortel, Brampton, Ontario,
Canada; Teleca OSS AB has changed its
name to Teleca Sweden South,
Stockholm, Sweden; Telekom Malaysia
Berhad (Co. Registration: 128740-P) has
changed its name to Telekom Malaysia
Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
Telecom Serbia has changed its name to
Telekom Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia;
Popkin Software & Systems has changed
its name to Telelogic, Oxford, United
Kingdom; and 4DH Software Inc. has
changed its name to Tigerstripe, Inc.,
Seattle, WA.
The following members have changed
their addresses: BearingPoint has
changed its address to
Unterpremstatten, Austria; Comarch
S.A. has changed its address to Krakow,
Poland; DiGi Telecommunications Sdn
Bhd has changed its address to Shah
Alam, Selangor, Malaysia; Digital
Fairway Corporation has changed its
address to Toronto, Ontario, Canada;
E*Tezeract, Inc., has changed its
address to Murrieta, CA; Evolving
Systems has changed its address to
Englewood, CO; GlobeTom has changed
its address to Highveld, Centurion,
South Africa; InterAcct Solutions has
changed its address to Sydney, New
South Wales, Australia; Max Process has
changed its address to Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil; MEGA International has changed
its address to Paris, France; MTC Touch
has changed its address to Beirut,
Lebanon; NEC Corporation has changed
its address to Tokyo, Japan; PSI AG has
changed its address to Dusseldorf,
Germany; Qwest Communications
International Inc. has changed its
address to Denver, CO; Smartrek has
changed its address to Wabern,
Switzerland; SMI Telco Ltd. has
changed its address to Fareham,
Hampshire, United Kingdom; TDC has
changed its address to Tranbjerg J.,
Denmark; TierOne OSS Technologies
Inc. has changed its address to
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada; and
Visionael Corporation has changed its
address to Palo Alto, CA.
No other changes have been made in
either the membership or planned
activity of the group research project.
Membership in this group research
project remains open, and the Forum
intends to file additional written
notifications disclosing all changes in
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On October 31, 1998, the Forum filed
its original notification pursuant to
Section 6(a) of the Act. The Department
of Justice published a notice in the
Federal Register pursuant to Section
6(b) of the Act on December 8, 1988 (53
FR 49615).
The last notification was filed with
the Department on Septemer 8, 2005. A
notice was published in the Federal
Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the
Act on October 17, 2005 (70 FR 60370).
Dorothy B. Fountain,
Deputy Director of Operations, Antitrust
[FR Doc. 06–4946 Filed 5–30–06; 8:45 am]
Office of Justice Programs
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comments Requested
60-day notice of information
collection under review—extension of
currently approved collection.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Application Form: Southwest Border
Prosecution Initiative
The Department of Justice (DOJ),
Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of
Justice Assistance, has submitted the
following information collection request
for review and clearance in accordance
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995. This proposed information
collection is published to obtain
comments from the public and affected
agencies. Comments are encouraged and
will be accepted for ‘‘sixty days’’ until
July 31, 2006. If you have additional
comments, suggestions, or need a copy
of the proposed information collection
instrument with instructions or
additional information, please contact
M. Pressley at 202–353–8643 or 1–866–
859–2687, Bureau of Justice Assistance,
Office of Justice Programs, U.S.
Department of Justice, 810 7th Street,
NW., Washington, DC, 20531.
Written comments and suggestions
from the public and affected agencies
concerning the proposed collection of
information should address one or more
of the following four points:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
function of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
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proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Overview of This Information
(1) Type of information collection:
Extension of currently approved
(2) The title of the form/collection:
Southwest Border Prosecution Initiative.
(3) The agency form number, if any,
and the applicable component of the
Department sponsoring the collection:
Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of
Justice Programs, United States
Department of Justice.
(4) Affected public who will be asked
or required to respond, as well as a brief
abstract: Primary: United States Border
State, Local, and Tribal governments.
Other: None.
Abstract: The Southwest Border
Prosecutor Initiative was enacted in FY
2002 to reimburse state, county, parish,
or municipal governments for the costs
associated with the prosecution of
criminal cases declined by local U.S.
Attorneys. Each year, hundreds of
criminal cases resulting from federal
arrests are referred to local prosecutors
to handle when the cases fall below
certain monetary, quantity, or severity
thresholds. This places additional
burdens on local government resources
that are already stretched by the
demands of prosecuting violations of
local and state laws. This program
provides funds to eligible jurisdictions
in the four southwest border states,
using a uniform payment-per-case basis
for qualifying federally initiated and
declined-referred criminal cases that
were disposed of after October 1, 2001.
Up to 220 eligible jurisdictions may
apply. This includes county
governments and the four state
governments in Arizona, California,
New Mexico, and Texas.
(5) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
respond/reply: It is estimated that no
more than 220 respondents will apply.
Each application takes approximately 60
minutes to complete and is submitted 4
times per year (quarterly).
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 104 / Wednesday, May 31, 2006 / Notices
(6) An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: The total hour burden to
complete the applications is 880 hours
(880 applications (220 × 4 times a year)
× 60 minutes = 52,800/60 minutes per
hour = 880 burden hours).
If additional information is required,
contact: Lynn Bryant, Deputy Clearance
Officer, U.S. Department of Justice,
Information Management and Security
Staff, Justice Management Division, 601
D Street, NW., Suite 1600, Washington,
DC., 20530, or via facsimile at (202)
Center at Dome Industrial Park on 5th
Avenue and 22nd Street in St.
Petersburg, Florida. The preliminary
FONSI and the EA are adopted in final
with no change.
DATES: Effective Date: These findings are
effective as of May 31, 2006.
Michael F. O’Malley, Architect, Unit
Chief of Facilities, U.S. Department of
Labor, Office of the Secretary (OSEC),
200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Room
N–4460, Washington, DC 20210, (202)
693–3108 (this is not a toll-free
Dated: May 24, 2006.
Lynn Bryant,
Deputy Clearance Officer, Justice
Management Division, PRA, United States
Department of Justice.
[FR Doc. E6–8360 Filed 5–30–06; 8:45 am]
Dated this 24th day of May, 2006.
Esther R. Johnson,
National Director of Job Corps.
[FR Doc. E6–8369 Filed 5–30–06; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Job Corps: Final Finding of No
Significant Impact (FONSI) for the
Proposed Job Corps Center To Be
Located at the Dome Industrial Park on
5th Avenue and 22nd Street in St.
Petersburg, FL
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
Review; Comment Request
Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC).
ACTION: Notice of the OMB review of
information collection and solicitation
of public comment.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Council on
Environmental Quality Regulations (40
CFR part 1500–08) implementing
procedural provisions of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the
Department of Labor, Office of the
Secretary (OSEC), in accordance with 29
CFR 11.11(d), gives final notice of the
proposed construction of a new Job
Corps Center at Dome Industrial Park on
5th Avenue and 22nd Street in St.
Petersburg, Florida, and that this
construction will not have a significant
adverse impact on the environment. In
accordance with 29 CFR 11.11(d) and 40
CFR 1501.4(e)(2), a preliminary FONSI
for the new Job Corps Center was
published in the April 7, 2006 Federal
Register (71 FR 17916–17917). No
comments were received regarding the
preliminary FONSI. ETA has reviewed
the conclusion of the environmental
assessment (EA), and agrees with the
finding of no significant impact. This
notice serves as the Final Finding of No
Significant Impact for the new Job Corps
SUMMARY: The NRC has recently
submitted to OMB for review the
following proposal for the collection of
information under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. chapter 35). The NRC hereby
informs potential respondents that an
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
that a person is not required to respond
to, a collection of information unless it
displays a current valid OMB control
1. Type of submission, new, revision,
or extension: Extension.
2. The title of the information
collection: 10 CFR Part 62—‘‘Criteria
and Procedures for Emergency Access to
Non-Federal and Regional Low-Level
Waste Disposal Facilities.’’
3. The form number if applicable: Not
4. How often the collection is
required: The collection would only be
required upon application for an
exemption or when access to a nonFederal low-level waste disposal facility
is denied, which results in a public
health and safety and/or common
defense and security concern.
5. Who will be required or asked to
report: Generators of low-level waste
who are denied access to a non-Federal
low-level waste facility.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Office of the Secretary (OSEC),
Department of Labor.
ACTION: Final Finding of No Significant
Impact (FONSI) for the proposed Job
Corps Center to be located at the Dome
Industrial Park on 5th Avenue and 22nd
Street in St. Petersburg, Florida.
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6. An estimate of the number of
responses: 1.
7. The estimated number of annual
respondents: 1.
8. An estimate of the number of hours
needed annually to complete the
requirement or request: 227.
9. An indication of whether Section
3507(d), Public Law 104–13 applies: Not
10. Abstract: 10 CFR part 62 sets out
the information which must be provided
to the NRC by any low-level waste
generator seeking emergency access to
an operating low-level waste disposal
facility. The information is required to
allow NRC to determine if denial of
disposal constitutes a serious and
immediate threat to public health and
safety or common defense and security.
10 CFR part 62 also provides that the
Commission may grant an exemption
from the requirements in this part upon
application of an interested person or
upon its own initiative.
A copy of the final supporting
statement may be viewed free of charge
at the NRC Public Document Room, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike, Room O–1 F23, Rockville, MD
20852. OMB clearance requests are
available at the NRC World Wide Web
doc-comment/omb/. The
document will be available on the NRC
home page site for 60 days after the
signature date of this notice.
Comments and questions should be
directed to the OMB reviewer listed
below by June 30, 2006. Comments
received after this date will be
considered if it is practical to do so, but
assurance of consideration cannot be
given to comments received after this
John Asalone, Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs (3150–0143),
NEOB–10202, Office of Management
and Budget, Washington, DC 20503.
Comments can also be e-mailed to or
submitted by telephone at (202) 395–
The NRC Clearance Officer is Brenda
Jo. Shelton, 301–415–7233.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 24th day
of May, 2006.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Brenda Jo. Shelton,
NRC Clearance Officer, Office of Information
[FR Doc. E6–8348 Filed 5–30–06; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 104 (Wednesday, May 31, 2006)]
[Pages 30962-30963]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-8360]
Office of Justice Programs
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comments Requested
ACTION: 60-day notice of information collection under review--extension
of currently approved collection.
Bureau of Justice Assistance Application Form: Southwest Border
Prosecution Initiative
The Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs, Bureau
of Justice Assistance, has submitted the following information
collection request for review and clearance in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This proposed information collection
is published to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies.
Comments are encouraged and will be accepted for ``sixty days'' until
July 31, 2006. If you have additional comments, suggestions, or need a
copy of the proposed information collection instrument with
instructions or additional information, please contact M. Pressley at
202-353-8643 or 1-866-859-2687, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of
Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, 810 7th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC, 20531.
Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected
agencies concerning the proposed collection of information should
address one or more of the following four points:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of the function of the agency,
including whether the information will have practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of
the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic
submission of responses.
Overview of This Information
(1) Type of information collection: Extension of currently approved
(2) The title of the form/collection: Southwest Border Prosecution
(3) The agency form number, if any, and the applicable component of
the Department sponsoring the collection: Bureau of Justice Assistance,
Office of Justice Programs, United States Department of Justice.
(4) Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as
well as a brief abstract: Primary: United States Border State, Local,
and Tribal governments.
Other: None.
Abstract: The Southwest Border Prosecutor Initiative was enacted in
FY 2002 to reimburse state, county, parish, or municipal governments
for the costs associated with the prosecution of criminal cases
declined by local U.S. Attorneys. Each year, hundreds of criminal cases
resulting from federal arrests are referred to local prosecutors to
handle when the cases fall below certain monetary, quantity, or
severity thresholds. This places additional burdens on local government
resources that are already stretched by the demands of prosecuting
violations of local and state laws. This program provides funds to
eligible jurisdictions in the four southwest border states, using a
uniform payment-per-case basis for qualifying federally initiated and
declined-referred criminal cases that were disposed of after October 1,
2001. Up to 220 eligible jurisdictions may apply. This includes county
governments and the four state governments in Arizona, California, New
Mexico, and Texas.
(5) An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount
of time estimated for an average respondent to respond/reply: It is
estimated that no more than 220 respondents will apply. Each
application takes approximately 60 minutes to complete and is submitted
4 times per year (quarterly).
[[Page 30963]]
(6) An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated
with the collection: The total hour burden to complete the applications
is 880 hours (880 applications (220 x 4 times a year) x 60 minutes =
52,800/60 minutes per hour = 880 burden hours).
If additional information is required, contact: Lynn Bryant, Deputy
Clearance Officer, U.S. Department of Justice, Information Management
and Security Staff, Justice Management Division, 601 D Street, NW.,
Suite 1600, Washington, DC., 20530, or via facsimile at (202) 514-1590.
Dated: May 24, 2006.
Lynn Bryant,
Deputy Clearance Officer, Justice Management Division, PRA, United
States Department of Justice.
[FR Doc. E6-8360 Filed 5-30-06; 8:45 am]