Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model EMB-135 and EMB-145, -145ER, -145MR, -145LR, -145XR, -145MP, and -145EP Airplanes, 26890-26891 [E6-7015]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 9, 2006 / Proposed Rules
‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that
section, Congress charges the FAA with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in
air commerce by prescribing regulations
for practices, methods, and procedures
the Administrator finds necessary for
safety in air commerce. This regulation
is within the scope of that authority
because it addresses an unsafe condition
that is likely to exist or develop on
products identified in this rulemaking
Regulatory Findings
We have determined that this
proposed AD would not have federalism
implications under Executive Order
13132. This proposed AD would not
have a substantial direct effect on the
States, on the relationship between the
national Government and the States, or
on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
For the reasons discussed above, I
certify that the proposed regulation:
1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ under Executive Order 12866;
2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the
DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
(44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
3. Will not have a significant
economic impact, positive or negative,
on a substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
We prepared a regulatory evaluation
of the estimated costs to comply with
this proposed AD and placed it in the
AD docket. See the ADDRESSES section
for a location to examine the regulatory
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
safety, Safety.
The Proposed Amendment
Accordingly, under the authority
delegated to me by the Administrator,
the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part
39 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39
continues to read as follows:
mstockstill on PROD1PC68 with PROPOSALS
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
§ 39.13
2. The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) amends § 39.13
by adding the following new
airworthiness directive (AD):
Boeing: Docket No. FAA–2006–24695;
Directorate Identifier 2006–NM–035–AD.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:37 May 08, 2006
Jkt 208001
Comments Due Date
(a) The FAA must receive comments on
this AD action by June 23, 2006.
Affected ADs
(b) None.
(c) This AD applies to Boeing Model 747–
200B, 747–200C, 747–200F, 747–300, and
747SR series airplanes, certificated in any
category; as identified in Boeing Special
Attention Service Bulletin 747–54–2223,
dated January 26, 2006.
using a method approved in accordance with
the procedures specified in paragraph (j) of
this AD.
(i) If any cracking is found during any
detailed inspection required by paragraph (g)
of this AD, before further flight, repair the
cracking using a method approved in
accordance with the procedures specified in
paragraph (j) of this AD.
(e) You are responsible for having the
actions required by this AD performed within
the compliance times specified, unless the
actions have already been done.
Alternative Methods of Compliance
(j)(1) The Manager, Seattle Aircraft
Certification Office (ACO), FAA, has the
authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if
requested in accordance with the procedures
found in 14 CFR 39.19.
(2) Before using any AMOC approved in
accordance with § 39.19 on any airplane to
which the AMOC applies, notify the
appropriate principal inspector in the FAA
Flight Standards Certificate Holding District
(3) An AMOC that provides an acceptable
level of safety may be used for any repair
required by this AD, if it is approved by an
Authorized Representative for the Boeing
Commercial Airplanes Delegation Option
Authorization Organization who has been
authorized by the Manager, Seattle ACO, to
make those findings. For a repair method to
be approved, the repair must meet the
certification basis of the airplane, and the
approval must specifically refer to this AD.
Service Bulletin
(f) The term ‘‘service bulletin,’’ as used in
this AD, means the Accomplishment
Instructions of Boeing Special Attention
Service Bulletin 747–54–2223, dated January
26, 2006.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on April 28,
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. E6–7016 Filed 5–8–06; 8:45 am]
Repetitive Detailed Inspections
(g) Within 18 months after the effective
date of this AD, do a detailed inspection of
engine struts 1 through 4, as applicable, for
heat discoloration, cracking, buckling, or
wrinkling, in accordance with the service
bulletin. Repeat the detailed inspection
thereafter at intervals not to exceed 18
Unsafe Condition
(d) This AD results from reports of heat
damage and cracking of the skin and internal
structure adjacent to and aft of the precooler
exhaust vent on several engine struts on inservice airplanes. We are issuing this AD to
detect and correct cracking, buckling,
wrinkling, or heat damage of the skin and
internal structure of the engine struts, which
could result in extensive damage to the
engine struts and consequent possible
separation of an engine from the airplane
during flight.
Corrective Actions
(h) If any heat discoloration, buckling, or
wrinkling is found during any detailed
inspection required by paragraph (g) of this
AD, before further flight, do a conductivity
test to detect the extent of the heat damage
and a penetrant inspection or high frequency
eddy current inspection to detect cracking of
the heat-discolored, buckled, or wrinkled
area, in accordance with the service bulletin.
(1) If the conductivity test results are
within the limits specified in the service
bulletin and no cracking is detected, before
further flight, repair any buckled or wrinkled
area using a method approved in accordance
with the procedures specified in paragraph (j)
of this AD. Heat discoloration does not need
to be repaired if the conductivity test results
of the heat-discolored area are within the
specified limits in the service bulletin.
(2) If the conductivity test results are
outside the limits specified in the service
bulletin or if any cracking is detected, before
further flight, repair any cracking, heat
discoloration, or buckled or wrinkled area
PO 00000
Frm 00018
Fmt 4702
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Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2006–23673; Directorate
Identifier 2005–NM–233–AD]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Empresa
Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.
(EMBRAER) Model EMB–135 and
EMB–145, –145ER, –145MR, –145LR,
–145XR, –145MP, and –145EP
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Proposed rule; withdrawal.
SUMMARY: The FAA withdraws a notice
of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that
proposed a new airworthiness directive
(AD) for all EMBRAER Model EMB–135
and EMB–145, –145ER, –145MR,
–145LR, –145XR, –145MP, and –145EP
airplanes. The proposed AD would have
required inspecting to determine the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 9, 2006 / Proposed Rules
part number of the ailerons. For
airplanes with affected aileron part
numbers, the proposed AD would have
required reworking the aileron damper
fitting, and for certain airplanes,
replacing the rod end of the aileron
damper assembly with an improved rod
end. Since the proposed AD was issued,
we have received new data indicating
that there is no unsafe condition
associated with structural failure of the
rod end of the aileron damper.
Accordingly, the proposed AD is
You may examine the AD
docket on the Internet at https://, or in person at the Docket
Management Facility office between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays. The
Docket Management Facility office
(telephone (800) 647–5227) is located on
the plaza level of the Nassif Building at
the U.S. Department of Transportation,
400 Seventh Street, SW., Room PL–401,
Washington, DC. This docket number is
FAA–2006–23673; the directorate
identifier for this docket is 2005–NM–
Todd Thompson, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM–116, FAA,
Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601
Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington
98055–4056; telephone (425) 227–1175;
fax (425) 227–1149.
mstockstill on PROD1PC68 with PROPOSALS
We proposed to amend part 39 of the
Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR
part 39) with a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) for a new AD for all
EMBRAER Model EMB–135 and EMB–
145, –145ER, –145MR, –145LR, –145XR,
–145MP, and –145EP airplanes. That
NPRM was published in the Federal
Register on January 25, 2006 (71 FR
4067). The NPRM would have required
inspecting to determine the part number
of the ailerons. For airplanes with
affected aileron part numbers, the
NPRM would have required reworking
the aileron damper fitting. Also, for
certain airplanes, the NPRM would have
required replacing the rod end of the
aileron damper assembly with an
improved rod end. The NPRM resulted
from reports of structural failure of the
rod end of the aileron damper, which
was caused by insufficient clearance
between the lugs of the aileron damper
fitting and the rod end of the aileron
damper. The proposed actions were
intended to prevent failure of the
aileron damper, which could result in
failure of the aileron actuator and
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:37 May 08, 2006
Jkt 208001
consequent reduced controllability of
the airplane.
EMBRAER requests that we withdraw
the NPRM. EMBRAER points out that
the unsafe condition stated in the NPRM
(failure of the aileron damper, which
could result in failure of the aileron
actuator and consequent reduced
controllability of the airplane) is
incorrect. While the NPRM was
intended to address reports of structural
failure of the rod end of the aileron
damper, there is no unsafe condition
caused by such a failure. The aileron
damper was introduced to improve
safety by increasing redundancy: the
aileron damper prevents vibration of the
aileron surface in the event of failure of
both rods of the aileron power control
actuator (PCA). Failure of the rod end of
the aileron damper and subsequent
failure of the aileron damper will not
cause vibration of the aileron surface.
Further, while failure of the rod ends
of the aileron PCA could result in
reduced controllability of the airplane,
this unsafe condition is already
addressed by another action. EMBRAER
notes that the FAA has previously
issued AD 99–05–04 (64 FR 13894,
March 23, 1999). That AD requires
inspections to detect and correct
cracking or failure of the rod ends of the
aileron PCA on all EMBRAER Model
EMB–145 series airplanes.
EMBRAER further states that
repetitive inspections of the aileron
damper rod ends and fitting lugs for
integrity and general condition are
specified as a Certification Maintenance
Requirement (for Model EMB–135
airplanes) and a System Inspection
Requirement (for Model EMB–145
airplanes). The failures of the aileron
damper rod ends that prompted the
NRPM were discovered during
inspections performed under these
We agree with the commenter’s
request to withdraw the NPRM.
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–27–
0108, Revision 01, dated April 28, 2005,
which the NPRM references as the
appropriate source of service
information for the required actions,
was issued to correct insufficient
clearance between the lugs of the
aileron damper fitting and the rod end
of the aileron damper. We have
coordinated with EMBRAER and have
determined that the actions in that
service bulletin are not intended to
address an unsafe condition. Doing
those actions may provide an economic
benefit to operators by preventing the
need for an expensive repair in the
event that damage is detected during
PO 00000
Frm 00019
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
routine inspections. Since there is no
unsafe condition, the proposed AD is
FAA’s Conclusions
Upon further consideration, we have
determined that there is no unsafe
condition associated with structural
failure of the rod end of the aileron
damper. Accordingly, the NPRM is
Withdrawal of the NPRM does not
preclude the FAA from issuing another
related action or commit the FAA to any
course of action in the future.
Regulatory Impact
Since this action only withdraws an
NPRM, it is neither a proposed nor a
final rule and therefore is not covered
under Executive Order 12866, the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, or DOT
Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44
FR 11034, February 26, 1979).
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
safety, Safety.
The Withdrawal
Accordingly, we withdraw the NPRM,
Docket No. FAA–2006–23673,
Directorate Identifier 2005–NM–233–
AD, which was published in the Federal
Register on January 25, 2006 (71 FR
Issued in Renton, Washington, on April 28,
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. E6–7015 Filed 5–8–06; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2006–24092; Directorate
Identifier 2006–CE–18–AD]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Pilatus
Aircraft Ltd. Models PC–6, PC–6–H1,
PC–6–H2, PC–6/350, PC–6/350–H1, PC–
6/350–H2, PC–6/A, PC–6/A–H1, PC–6/
A–H2, PC–6/B–H2, PC–6/B1–H2, PC–6/
B2–H2, PC–6/B2–H4, PC–6/C–H2, and
PC–6/C1–H2 Airplanes
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 89 (Tuesday, May 9, 2006)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 26890-26891]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-7015]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA-2006-23673; Directorate Identifier 2005-NM-233-AD]
RIN 2120-AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.
(EMBRAER) Model EMB-135 and EMB-145, -145ER, -145MR, -145LR, -145XR, -
145MP, and -145EP Airplanes
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Proposed rule; withdrawal.
SUMMARY: The FAA withdraws a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that
proposed a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all EMBRAER Model EMB-
135 and EMB-145, -145ER, -145MR, -145LR, -145XR, -145MP, and -145EP
airplanes. The proposed AD would have required inspecting to determine
[[Page 26891]]
part number of the ailerons. For airplanes with affected aileron part
numbers, the proposed AD would have required reworking the aileron
damper fitting, and for certain airplanes, replacing the rod end of the
aileron damper assembly with an improved rod end. Since the proposed AD
was issued, we have received new data indicating that there is no
unsafe condition associated with structural failure of the rod end of
the aileron damper. Accordingly, the proposed AD is withdrawn.
ADDRESSES: You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at https://, or in person at the Docket Management Facility office
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal
holidays. The Docket Management Facility office (telephone (800) 647-
5227) is located on the plaza level of the Nassif Building at the U.S.
Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Room PL-401,
Washington, DC. This docket number is FAA-2006-23673; the directorate
identifier for this docket is 2005-NM-233-AD.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Todd Thompson, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM-116, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate,
1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington 98055-4056; telephone (425)
227-1175; fax (425) 227-1149.
We proposed to amend part 39 of the Federal Aviation Regulations
(14 CFR part 39) with a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for a new
AD for all EMBRAER Model EMB-135 and EMB-145, -145ER, -145MR, -145LR, -
145XR, -145MP, and -145EP airplanes. That NPRM was published in the
Federal Register on January 25, 2006 (71 FR 4067). The NPRM would have
required inspecting to determine the part number of the ailerons. For
airplanes with affected aileron part numbers, the NPRM would have
required reworking the aileron damper fitting. Also, for certain
airplanes, the NPRM would have required replacing the rod end of the
aileron damper assembly with an improved rod end. The NPRM resulted
from reports of structural failure of the rod end of the aileron
damper, which was caused by insufficient clearance between the lugs of
the aileron damper fitting and the rod end of the aileron damper. The
proposed actions were intended to prevent failure of the aileron
damper, which could result in failure of the aileron actuator and
consequent reduced controllability of the airplane.
EMBRAER requests that we withdraw the NPRM. EMBRAER points out that
the unsafe condition stated in the NPRM (failure of the aileron damper,
which could result in failure of the aileron actuator and consequent
reduced controllability of the airplane) is incorrect. While the NPRM
was intended to address reports of structural failure of the rod end of
the aileron damper, there is no unsafe condition caused by such a
failure. The aileron damper was introduced to improve safety by
increasing redundancy: the aileron damper prevents vibration of the
aileron surface in the event of failure of both rods of the aileron
power control actuator (PCA). Failure of the rod end of the aileron
damper and subsequent failure of the aileron damper will not cause
vibration of the aileron surface.
Further, while failure of the rod ends of the aileron PCA could
result in reduced controllability of the airplane, this unsafe
condition is already addressed by another action. EMBRAER notes that
the FAA has previously issued AD 99-05-04 (64 FR 13894, March 23,
1999). That AD requires inspections to detect and correct cracking or
failure of the rod ends of the aileron PCA on all EMBRAER Model EMB-145
series airplanes.
EMBRAER further states that repetitive inspections of the aileron
damper rod ends and fitting lugs for integrity and general condition
are specified as a Certification Maintenance Requirement (for Model
EMB-135 airplanes) and a System Inspection Requirement (for Model EMB-
145 airplanes). The failures of the aileron damper rod ends that
prompted the NRPM were discovered during inspections performed under
these requirements.
We agree with the commenter's request to withdraw the NPRM. EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145-27-0108, Revision 01, dated April 28, 2005, which
the NPRM references as the appropriate source of service information
for the required actions, was issued to correct insufficient clearance
between the lugs of the aileron damper fitting and the rod end of the
aileron damper. We have coordinated with EMBRAER and have determined
that the actions in that service bulletin are not intended to address
an unsafe condition. Doing those actions may provide an economic
benefit to operators by preventing the need for an expensive repair in
the event that damage is detected during routine inspections. Since
there is no unsafe condition, the proposed AD is unnecessary.
FAA's Conclusions
Upon further consideration, we have determined that there is no
unsafe condition associated with structural failure of the rod end of
the aileron damper. Accordingly, the NPRM is withdrawn.
Withdrawal of the NPRM does not preclude the FAA from issuing
another related action or commit the FAA to any course of action in the
Regulatory Impact
Since this action only withdraws an NPRM, it is neither a proposed
nor a final rule and therefore is not covered under Executive Order
12866, the Regulatory Flexibility Act, or DOT Regulatory Policies and
Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979).
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety.
The Withdrawal
Accordingly, we withdraw the NPRM, Docket No. FAA-2006-23673,
Directorate Identifier 2005-NM-233-AD, which was published in the
Federal Register on January 25, 2006 (71 FR 4067).
Issued in Renton, Washington, on April 28, 2006.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification
[FR Doc. E6-7015 Filed 5-8-06; 8:45 am]