Financial Crimes Enforcement Network; Amendment to the Bank Secrecy Act Regulations-Requirement That Mutual Funds Report Suspicious Transactions, 26213-26220 [06-4177]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 86 / Thursday, May 4, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
(1) Business Practices for Open
Access Same-Time Information Systems
(OASIS) (WEQ–001, Version 000,
January 15, 2005, with minor
corrections applied March 25, 2005, and
additional numbering added October 3,
2005) with the exception of Standards
001–0.1, 001–0.9 through 001–0.13,
001–1.0 through 001–1.8, and 001–9.7.
(2) Business Practices for Open
Access Same-Time Information Systems
(OASIS) Standards & Communication
Protocols (WEQ–002, Version 000,
January 15, 2005, with minor
corrections applied March 25, 2005, and
additional numbering added October 3,
(3) Open Access Same-Time
Information Systems (OASIS) Data
Dictionary (WEQ–003, Version 000,
January 15, 2005, with minor
corrections applied March 25, 2005, and
additional numbering added October 3,
(4) Coordinate Interchange (WEQ–
004, Version 000, January 15, 2005, with
minor corrections applied March 25,
2005, and additional numbering added
October 3, 2005);
(5) Area Control Error (ACE) Equation
Special Cases (WEQ–005, Version 000,
January 15, 2005, with minor
corrections applied March 25, 2005, and
additional numbering added October 3,
(6) Manual Time Error Correction
(WEQ–006, Version 000, January 15,
2005, with minor corrections applied
March 25, 2005, and additional
numbering added October 3, 2005); and
(7) Inadvertent Interchange Payback
(WEQ–007, Version 000, January 15,
2005, with minor corrections applied
March 25, 2005, and additional
numbering added October 3, 2005).
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was approved by the Director of the
Federal Register in accordance with 5
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Regulatory Commission, Public
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Editorial Note: The following appendix
will not appear in the Code of Federal
APPA ........................................................................................................................
Bonneville .................................................................................................................
CAISO .......................................................................................................................
Cinergy ......................................................................................................................
EEI ............................................................................................................................
Exelon .......................................................................................................................
FirstEnergy Companies ............................................................................................
GCEC ........................................................................................................................
IRH ............................................................................................................................
ISO/RTO Council ......................................................................................................
LADWP .....................................................................................................................
Lockhart ....................................................................................................................
Midwest ISO .............................................................................................................
NAESB ......................................................................................................................
NEPOOL ...................................................................................................................
NERC ........................................................................................................................
NRECA .....................................................................................................................
NY Transmission Owners .........................................................................................
SCE ...........................................................................................................................
Southern Companies ................................................................................................
TAPS .........................................................................................................................
UI ..............................................................................................................................
Unitil Companies .......................................................................................................
[FR Doc. 06–4072 Filed 5–3–06; 8:45 am]
American Public Power Association.
Bonneville Power Administration.
California Independent System Operator Corporation.
Cinergy Services, Inc., et al.
Edison Electric Institute and Alliance of Energy Suppliers.
Exelon Corporation.
FirstEnergy Companies.
Graham County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Interconnection Rights Holders Management Committee.
ISO/RTO Council.
City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
Lockhart Power Company.
Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.
North American Energy Standards Board.
New England Power Pool Participants Committee.
North American Electric Reliability Council.
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.
Indicated New York Transmission Owners.
Southern California Edison Company. 92
Southern Company Services, Inc., et al.
Transmission Access Policy Study Group.
United Illuminating Company.
Unitil Energy Systems, Inc., et al.
31 CFR Part 103
RIN 1506–AA37
mstockstill on PROD1PC68 with RULES
Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network; Amendment to the Bank
Secrecy Act Regulations—
Requirement That Mutual Funds
Report Suspicious Transactions
Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network, Department of the Treasury.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This document amends the
regulations implementing the statute
generally known as the Bank Secrecy
Act to require mutual funds to report
suspicious transactions to the Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network. The
amendment constitutes a further step in
the enhancement of the comprehensive
system for the reporting of suspicious
transactions by major categories of
financial institutions operating in the
United States, as a part of the
Department of the Treasury’s countermoney laundering program.
92 SCE filed a motion to intervene, but no
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 86 / Thursday, May 4, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
Effective Date: This final rule is
effective June 5, 2006.
Applicability Date: The requirements
in this final rule apply to transactions
occurring after October 31, 2006. See 31
CFR 103.15(g) of the final rule contained
in this document.
Regulatory Policy and Programs
Division, Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network, (800) 949–2732.
I. Background
A. Statutory Provisions
The Bank Secrecy Act 1 authorizes the
Secretary of the Treasury (Secretary) to
issue regulations requiring financial
institutions to keep records and file
reports that are determined to have a
high degree of usefulness in criminal,
tax, and regulatory matters, or in the
conduct of intelligence or counterintelligence activities, to protect against
international terrorism, and to
implement counter-money laundering
programs and compliance procedures.2
The Secretary’s authority to administer
the Bank Secrecy Act has been
delegated to the Director of the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
Our regulations implementing the Bank
Secrecy Act are codified at 31 CFR part
With the enactment of 31 U.S.C.
5318(g) in 1992,3 Congress authorized
the Secretary to require financial
institutions to report suspicious
transactions. As amended by the USA
PATRIOT Act, subsection 5318(g)(1)
states that:
The Secretary may require any financial
institution, and any director, officer,
employee, or agent of any financial
institution, to report any suspicious
transaction relevant to a possible violation of
law or regulation.
Subsection (g)(2)(A) provides further:
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1 Public Law 91–508, as amended, codified at 12
U.S.C. 1829b, 12 U.S.C. 1951–1959, and 31 U.S.C.
5311–5314; 5316–5332.
2 Language expanding the scope of the Bank
Secrecy Act to intelligence or counter-intelligence
activities to protect against international terrorism
was added by section 358 of the Uniting and
Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate
Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism
(USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001 (the USA PATRIOT
Act), Public Law 107–56.
3 31 U.S.C. 5318(g) was added to the Bank
Secrecy Act by section 1517 of the Annunzio-Wylie
Anti-Money Laundering Act, Title XV of the
Housing and Community Development Act of 1992,
Public Law 102–550; it was expanded by section
403 of the Money Laundering Suppression Act of
Title IV of the Riegle Community Development and
Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994, Public Law
103–325, to require designation of a single
government recipient for reports of suspicious
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If a financial institution or any director,
officer, employee, or agent of any financial
institution, voluntarily or pursuant to this
section or any other authority, reports a
suspicious transaction to a government
(i) The financial institution, director,
officer, employee, or agent may not notify
any person involved in the transaction that
the transaction has been reported; and
(ii) No officer or employee of the Federal
Government or of any State, local, tribal, or
territorial government within the United
States, who has any knowledge that such
report was made may disclose to any person
involved in the transaction that the
transaction has been reported, other than as
necessary to fulfill the official duties of such
officer or employee.
Subsection (g)(3)(A) provides that
neither a financial institution, nor any
director, officer, employee, or agent of
any financial institution
That makes a voluntary disclosure of any
possible violation of law or regulation to a
government agency or makes a disclosure
pursuant to this subsection or any other
authority * * * shall * * * be liable to any
person under any law or regulation of the
United States or any constitution, law or
regulation of any State or political
subdivision of any State, or under any
contract or other legally enforceable
agreement (including any arbitration
agreement), for such disclosure or for any
failure to provide notice of such disclosure
to the person who is the subject of such
disclosure or any other person identified in
the disclosure.
Finally, subsection (g)(4) requires the
Secretary, ‘‘to the extent practicable and
appropriate,’’ to designate ‘‘a single
officer or agency of the United States to
whom such reports shall be made.’’ 4
The designated agency is in turn
responsible for referring any report of a
suspicious transaction to ‘‘any
appropriate law enforcement,
supervisory agency, or U.S. intelligence
agency for use in the conduct of
intelligence or counterintelligence
activities, including analysis, to protect
against international terrorism.’’ 5
B. Mutual Fund Regulation and Money
This final rule applies to investment
companies that are ‘‘mutual funds,’’
which are open-end management
investment companies as described in
the Investment Company Act of 1940
(15 U.S.C. 80a). Mutual funds are the
predominant type of investment
companies. As of September 2005,
4 This designation does not preclude the authority
of supervisory agencies to require financial
institutions to submit other reports to the same
agency or another agency ‘‘pursuant to any other
applicable provision of law.’’ See 31 U.S.C.
5 See 31 U.S.C. 5318(g)(4)(B).
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investors held approximately $8.6
trillion in U.S. mutual fund shares,
representing more than 95 percent of the
assets held by investment companies
regulated by the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission (Commission).6
Currently, more than 2,400 active
mutual funds are registered with the
This final rule is part of a series of
steps that we are taking to address
comprehensively the risk of money
laundering through mutual funds. In
April 2002, we issued an interim final
rule to implement section 352 of the
USA PATRIOT Act. The interim final
rule required mutual funds to develop
and implement anti-money laundering
programs designed to prevent them from
being used to launder money or finance
terrorist activities, which includes
achieving and monitoring compliance
with the applicable requirements of the
Bank Secrecy Act and its implementing
regulations.8 In May 2003, we issued,
jointly with the Commission, a final rule
to implement section 326 of the USA
PATRIOT Act, requiring mutual funds
to implement reasonable procedures to:
(1) Verify the identity of any person
seeking to open an account, to the
extent reasonable and practicable; (2)
maintain records of the information
used to verify the person’s identity; and
(3) determine whether the person
appears on any lists of known or
suspected terrorists or terrorist
organizations provided to investment
companies by any federal government
agency and designated as such by the
Department of the Treasury in
consultation with federal functional
6 The staff of the Commission estimates, based on
filings, that as of September 2005, approximately
$8.6 trillion was invested in U.S. mutual funds
(including $1 trillion invested in open-end
management companies that fund variable life
insurance and variable annuity contracts, and $259
billion invested in open-end management
companies that are exchange-traded funds).
7 Approximately 1,219 of these funds are ‘‘series
companies’’ with an aggregate of 8,425 portfolios.
A ‘‘series company’’ is a registered investment
company that issues two or more classes or series
of preferred or special stock, each of which is
preferred over all other classes or series with
respect to assets specifically allocated to that class
or series. 17 CFR 270.18f–2. The assets allocated to
such a class or series are commonly known as a
‘‘portfolio.’’ The series or portfolios of a series
company operate, for many purposes, as separate
investment companies.
8 See 67 FR 21117 (Apr. 29, 2002).
9 See 68 FR 25131 (May 9, 2003) text
accompanying notes 116–117. Under the final rule,
a mutual fund may contractually delegate the
implementation and operation of its customer
identification program to a service provider such as
a transfer agent, although the mutual fund would
continue to be responsible for compliance with
applicable requirements.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 86 / Thursday, May 4, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on PROD1PC68 with RULES
This final rule follows other recent
actions that expand the application of
requirements that financial institutions
report suspicious activity. Since April
1996, we have issued rules under the
authority of 31 U.S.C. 5318(g) requiring
banks, thrifts, and other banking
organizations to report suspicious
activity.10 In collaboration with us, the
federal bank supervisory agencies
concurrently issued suspicious activity
reporting rules under their own
authority, applying to banks, bank
holding companies, and non-depository
institution affiliates and subsidiaries of
banks and bank holding companies.11
Since the beginning of 2002, we have
required certain money services
businesses to report suspicious
activity.12 We adopted final rules for the
reporting of suspicious activity
applicable to brokers or dealers in
securities in July 2002,13 to casinos and
card clubs in September 2002,14 to
currency dealers and exchangers in
February 2003,15 to futures commission
merchants and introducing brokers in
commodities in November 2003,16 and
to insurance companies in November
2005.17 This final rule extends
suspicious activity reporting to mutual
funds. Suspicious activity reporting by
mutual funds is expected to provide
highly useful information in law
enforcement and regulatory
investigations and proceedings, as well
as in the conduct of intelligence
activities to protect against international
10 See 31 CFR 103.18 (requiring banks, thrifts, and
other banking organizations to report suspicious
11 See 12 CFR 21.11 (issued by the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency); 12 CFR 208.62
(issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System); 12 CFR 353.3 (issued by the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation); 12 CFR
563.180 (issued by the Office of Thrift Supervision);
12 CFR 748.1 (issued by the National Credit Union
12 See 31 CFR 103.20 (requiring money
transmitters and issuers, sellers, and redeemers of
money orders and traveler’s checks to report
suspicious transactions).
13 See 67 FR 44048 (July 1, 2002). In 2003, brokerdealers filed 4,267 Suspicious Activity Reports,
5.7% of which (242 reports) involved money market
funds and 6.3% of which (268 reports) involved
other mutual funds. In the first six months of 2004,
of 2,612 reports filed by broker-dealers, 5.3% (139
reports) involved money market funds and 6.2%
(162 reports) involved other mutual funds.
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, The SAR
Activity Review—By the Numbers (Issue 3,
December 2004).
14 See 67 FR 60722 (September 26, 2002).
15 See 68 FR 6613 (February 10, 2003).
16 See 68 FR 65392 (November 20, 2003).
17 See 70 FR 66761 (November 3, 2005).
18 See 31 U.S.C. 5311 (stating purpose of the
reporting authority under the Bank Secrecy Act).
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II. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
On January 21, 2003, we published a
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(Proposed Rule), proposing an
amendment to the regulations
implementing the Bank Secrecy Act that
would extend the requirement to report
suspicious activity to mutual funds.19
The comment period for the Proposed
Rule ended on March 24, 2003. We
received five comment letters: Three
from trade associations, and one each
from a regulatory advocacy group and
an academic society at a university.
These comments are discussed below in
the Section-by-Section Analysis.
III. Section-by-Section Analysis
A. Section 103.15(a)—Reports by
Mutual Funds of Suspicious
Section 103.15(a) sets forth the
obligation of mutual funds to report
suspicious transactions that are
conducted or attempted by, at, or
through a mutual fund and that involve
or aggregate at least $5,000 in funds or
other assets.20 The obligation to report
19 See
68 FR 2716 (January 21, 2003).
mutual fund is already obligated to report the
receipt of cash (and certain cash-related
instruments) totaling more than $10,000 in one
transaction or two or more related transactions. See
67 FR at 21119. 26 U.S.C. 6050I requires a person
to report information about such transactions to the
Internal Revenue Service; 31 U.S.C. 5331 requires
a person to report information about similar
transactions to us. One commenter expressed
concern over some mutual funds or their transfer
agents being required to file both a report under this
final rule and a report under 26 U.S.C. 6050I
(‘‘Form 8300’’) because they are considered to be
‘‘nonfinancial trades or businesses.’’ The
commenter expressed concern about both
duplication of reporting and conflicting disclosure
provisions, because 26 CFR 1.6050I–1(f) requires
notifying the subject of a report that the amount of
cash in the transaction(s) is being reported to the
Internal Revenue Service, whereas section 103.15(d)
of this final rule prohibits notifying the subject of
a Suspicious Activity Report that the transaction
has been reported. With regard to the concern over
duplication of reporting, we note that the forms
serve different purposes and are required under
different circumstances. Form 8300 is designed to
provide information about large cash (and certain
non-cash instrument) transactions received by a
business. The triggering factors are entirely
objective. On the other hand, the Suspicious
Activity Report is designed to provide information
about transactions and activity that the reporting
entity knows, suspects, or has reason to suspect
may be a violation of law or regulation. The
triggering factors for the Suspicious Activity Report
are largely subjective. While it is possible that a
particular transaction may trigger the filing of both
forms, and while some of the information provided
may overlap, the purposes for the filings and the
ways in which the information will be used by law
enforcement differ greatly. Furthermore, the filing
of a Form 8300 does not presume the filing of a
Suspicious Activity Report, and vice versa.
Moreover, with regard to the concern over
conflicting disclosure requirements, we note that
there is nothing in the requirement for disclosure
of the filing of a report under 26 U.S.C. 6050I that
20 A
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a transaction under this rule and 31
U.S.C. 5318(g) applies whether or not
the transaction involves currency.21 We
are aware that the use of currency in
mutual funds transactions is rare.
The obligation extends to transactions
conducted or attempted by, at, or
through, the mutual fund. However,
section 103.15(a) also contains language
designed to encourage the reporting of
transactions that appear relevant to
violations of law or regulation, even in
cases in which the rule does not
explicitly so require (for example, in the
case of a transaction falling below the
$5,000 threshold in the rule).
Section 103.15(a) contains the general
statement regarding a mutual fund’s
obligation to file reports of suspicious
transactions with us. To clarify that the
final rule creates a reporting
requirement that is uniform with that
for other financial institutions, section
103.15(a)(1), which is unchanged from
the proposed rule, incorporates
language from the suspicious activity
reporting rules applicable to other
financial institutions, such as banks,
broker-dealers, casinos, and money
services businesses, requiring the
reporting of ‘‘any suspicious transaction
relevant to a possible violation of law or
regulation.’’ Further, a mutual fund may
also report ‘‘any suspicious transaction
that it believes is relevant to a possible
violation of any law or regulation but
whose reporting is not required’’ by the
final rule. For example, a mutual fund
may report a suspected violation of law
that involves less than $5,000. Such
voluntary reporting would be subject to
the same protection from liability as
mandatory reporting pursuant to 31
U.S.C. 5318(g)(3).
The final rule requires reporting by
mutual funds, but not by affiliated
persons of mutual funds. This approach
is consistent with our other rules
requiring the reporting of suspicious
Mutual funds typically conduct many
operations through separate entities,
which may or may not be affiliated
would require disclosure of the filing of a
Suspicious Activity Report. In fact, a mutual fund
is prohibited from intentionally or unintentionally
disclosing the filing of a Suspicious Activity Report
when it discloses the filing of a report of the receipt
of cash or certain non-cash instruments, as required
by 26 CFR 1.6050I–1(f).
21 Many currency transactions are not indicative
of money laundering or other violations of law, a
fact recognized both by Congress, in authorizing
reform of the currency transaction reporting system,
and by us, in issuing rules to implement that system
(see 31 U.S.C. 5313(d) and 31 CFR 103.22(d), 63 FR
50147 (September 21, 1998)). Many non-currency
transactions (for example, transmittals of funds) can
indicate illicit activity, especially in light of the
breadth of the statutes that make money laundering
a crime. See 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 86 / Thursday, May 4, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on PROD1PC68 with RULES
persons of the mutual fund. These
separate entities include investment
advisers, principal underwriters,
administrators, custodians, transfer
agents, and other service providers.
Personnel of these separate entities may
be in the best position to perform the
reporting obligation, and a mutual fund
may contract with an affiliated or
unaffiliated service provider to perform
the reporting obligation as the fund’s
agent. In such cases, however, the
mutual fund remains responsible for
assuring compliance with the rule, and
therefore must actively monitor the
performance of its reporting
obligations.22 The fund should take
steps to assure that the service provider
has implemented effective compliance
policies and procedures administered
by competent personnel, and should
maintain an active working relationship
with the service provider’s compliance
Section 103.15(a)(2), which is also
unchanged from the Proposed Rule,
requires the reporting of suspicious
activity that involves or aggregates at
least $5,000 in funds or other assets.
The suspicious activity reporting rules,
however, are not intended to operate
(and indeed cannot properly operate) in
a mechanical fashion. Rather, such
requirements are intended to function in
such a way as to have financial
institutions evaluate customer activity
and relationships for money laundering
Section 103.15(a)(2) specifies four
categories of transactions that require
reporting if the mutual fund knows,
suspects, or has reason to suspect that
any such category applies to a
transaction, or a pattern of transactions
of which the transaction is a part. The
‘‘knows, suspects, or has reason to
suspect’’ standard incorporates a
concept of due diligence into the
reporting requirement.
The first category, described in
section 103.15(a)(2)(i), includes
transactions involving funds derived
22 Under 17 CFR 270.38a–1, each mutual fund
must appoint a chief compliance officer, reporting
directly to the mutual fund’s board of directors, to
administer its compliance policies and procedures.
See 68 FR 74714 (December 24, 2003).
23 For a discussion of the oversight
responsibilities of mutual funds over their service
providers, see Compliance Programs of Investment
Companies and Investment Advisers, supra note 22,
nn.91–92 and accompanying text.
24 For example, transactions involving
investments by the pension fund of a publicly
traded corporation, even though involving a large
dollar amount, would likely require more limited
scrutiny than less typical transactions, such as
those involving customers who wish to use
currency or money orders to purchase mutual fund
shares, even though the dollar amounts in those
latter cases may be relatively small.
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from illegal activity, or intended or
conducted in order to hide or disguise
funds derived from such illegal activity
as part of a plan to violate or evade any
federal law or regulation or to avoid any
transaction reporting requirement under
federal law or regulation. The second
category, described in section
103.15(a)(2)(ii), includes transactions
designed, whether through structuring
or other means, to evade the
requirements of the Bank Secrecy Act.
The third category, described in section
103.15(a)(2)(iii), includes transactions
that appear to serve no business or
apparent lawful purposes, and for
which the mutual fund knows of no
reasonable explanation after examining
the available facts relating to the
transaction and the parties. The fourth
category, described in section
103.15(a)(2)(iv), includes any other
transactions that involve the use of the
mutual fund to facilitate criminal
In determining whether to file a
Suspicious Activity Report, a mutual
fund must base the determination on all
of the facts and circumstances relating
to the transaction and the customer in
question.26 Different fact patterns will
require different types of judgments. In
some cases, the facts of the transaction
may indicate the need to file a
Suspicious Activity Report. For
example, if a mutual fund closes the
account and redeems the shares of a
customer whose identity the fund is
unable to verify under its customer
identification program,27 the fund
should consider whether the
25 The fourth reporting category has been added
to the suspicious activity reporting rules
promulgated since the passage of the USA
PATRIOT Act to make it clear that the requirement
to report suspicious activity encompasses the
reporting of transactions in which legally derived
funds are used for criminal activity, such as the
financing of terrorism.
26 In the case of a transaction conducted through
an omnibus account maintained by an
intermediary, a mutual fund may not know,
suspect, or have reason to suspect that the
transaction is one for which reporting would be
required, because a fund typically has little or no
information about individual customers of the
intermediary. An omnibus account is usually
maintained by another financial institution, such as
a broker-dealer, that has a reporting obligation with
regard to its customers. The omnibus account
holder (i.e., the financial institution intermediary)
is a customer of the mutual fund for purposes of
the final rule. An omnibus account maintained for
a foreign financial institution would be considered
a correspondent account under section 312 of the
USA PATRIOT Act, and as such, is subject to due
diligence and possibly enhanced due diligence
requirements under that section of the Act and
implementing regulations. See Anti-Money
Laundering Programs; Special Due Diligence for
Certain Foreign Accounts, 71 FR 496 (Final Rule)
and 71 FR 516 (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking)
(January 4, 2006).
27 See supra note 9 and accompanying text.
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circumstances surrounding its failure to
verify would warrant the filing of a
Suspicious Activity Report. In these and
other situations, the fact that a customer
refuses to provide information necessary
for the mutual fund to verify the
customer’s identity, make reports, or
keep records required by this part or
other regulations, provides information
that the mutual fund determines to be
false, or seeks to change or cancel a
transaction after such person is
informed of information verification or
recordkeeping requirements relevant to
the transactions, would indicate the
probability that a Suspicious Activity
Report should be filed.28 In other
situations, determining whether a
transaction is suspicious within the
meaning of the rule may require more
involved judgment. Transactions that
raise the need for such judgment may
include, for example: (1) Transmission
or receipt of funds transfers without
normal identifying information, or in a
manner that may indicate an attempt to
disguise or hide the country of origin or
destination, or the identity of the
customer sending the funds, or the
beneficiary to which the funds are sent;
or (2) repeated use of a mutual fund as
a temporary resting place for funds from
multiple sources without a clear
business (including investment)
purpose. The judgments involved will
also extend to whether the facts and
circumstances and the institution’s
knowledge of its customer provide a
reasonable explanation for the
transaction that removes it from the
suspicious category.29
The means of commerce and the
techniques of money launderers are
continually evolving, and it is not
possible to provide an exhaustive list of
suspicious transactions. We intend to
continue our dialogue with the mutual
fund industry about the manner in
which a combination of government
guidance, training programs, and
government-industry information
exchange can facilitate operation of the
new suspicious activity reporting
system in as flexible and cost-efficient a
way as possible.
28 As section 103.15(d) of the final rule makes
clear, the mutual fund must not notify the customer
that it intends to file or has filed a Suspicious
Activity Report with respect to the customer’s
29 One commenter expressed concern that a
mutual fund would be expected to obtain additional
information that it does not already have to meet
the ‘‘knows, suspects, or has reason to suspect’’
standard of section 103.15(a)(2). We expect funds to
determine whether to file a Suspicious Activity
Report based on the information obtained in the
account opening process or subsequently in the
course of processing transactions.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 86 / Thursday, May 4, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on PROD1PC68 with RULES
Individual mutual funds are
frequently part of a complex of related
funds, and it is possible that more than
one mutual fund would be obligated to
report the same transaction or
transactions. In order to clarify the
permissibility of joint reports, section
103.15(a)(3) of the final rule has been
revised to permit all of the mutual funds
involved in a particular transaction to
file a single joint report. Because the
Suspicious Activity Report by Securities
and Futures Industries (‘‘Form SAR–
SF’’) accommodates the name of only
one filer, only one of the filing
institutions should be identified as the
‘‘filer’’ in the filer identification section
of the form.30 The narrative section of
the Form SAR–SF must include the
words ‘‘joint filing’’ and identify the
other mutual funds on whose behalf the
report is being filed. The joint report
must contain all relevant facts, and each
mutual fund must maintain a copy of
the joint report, along with any
supporting documentation.31 A service
provider who performs reporting
obligations under contract with multiple
mutual funds may file a single joint
report on behalf of all of the funds
involved in a transaction or series of
Further, section 103.15(a)(3) of the
final rule has been revised to also
recognize that other financial
institutions, such as broker-dealers in
securities, may have separate
obligations to report the same
suspicious activity under other Bank
Secrecy Act regulations.33 In those
instances, it is permissible for either a
mutual fund or the other financial
institution to file a single joint report on
behalf of all of the mutual fund(s) and
other financial institution(s) involved in
the transaction. As with a joint report
filed by a mutual fund on behalf of other
mutual funds, the joint report filed must
contain all relevant facts, and the
narrative of the Form SAR–SF must
include the words ‘‘joint filing’’ and
must identify the other financial
institutions on whose behalf the report
is being filed.
One commenter requested that this
final rule clarify that it will not impose
a duplicative reporting requirement on
insurance companies, because a single
30 The term ‘‘SF’’ is an abbreviation for
‘‘Securities and Futures Industries,’’ the form that
is used for reporting by members of the securities
and futures industries. See 67 FR 50751 (August 5,
2002). The form became final on December 26,
2002, and is available on our Web site at https://
31 The filer should not submit supporting
documentation with the Form SAR–SF. See infra
note 38 and accompanying text.
32 See supra note 22 and accompanying text.
33 See 31 CFR 103.19.
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transaction may create a reporting
requirement for both an insurance
company, under the rule applicable to
insurance companies,34 and for a
separate account of the insurance
company that issues variable insurance
products, under this rule. Because this
rule applies only to open-end
management investment companies, it
does not apply to separate accounts that
are organized as unit investment trusts,
which comprise a majority of the
separate accounts that issue variable
insurance products. Accordingly, the
rule applies only to a separate account
that is organized as a managed separate
account. To avoid the possibility of
duplicative suspicious activity
reporting, we are contemporaneously
amending the rule applicable to
insurance companies to require an
insurance company that issues variable
insurance products funded by separate
accounts that meet the definition of a
mutual fund to report suspicious
activity pursuant to this final rule.35 In
addition, a registered broker-dealer
involved in a suspicious transaction
may file a joint report on behalf of any
separate account under section
When a mutual fund or other
financial institution files or considers
filing a joint report on behalf of other
mutual funds, it typically will exchange
information with the other entities to
determine whether the transaction must
be reported under this section, and, if
so, to determine which party should file
the report, provide the filer with
comprehensive information and
supporting documentation, and provide
confirmation of the filing to each mutual
fund (and other financial institution)
involved in the transaction. Prior to
filing a joint report, a mutual fund may
share information pertaining to a
suspicious transaction with any other
financial institution or service provider
involved in the transaction, provided
that such financial institution or service
provider will not be the subject of the
report. Such sharing of information does
not violate the non-disclosure
provisions of section 103.15(d ).36 If a
service provider is performing the
reporting obligations of one or more
mutual funds under contract with the
fund(s), the service provider may
similarly share the information as an
agent of the mutual fund(s).37 However,
after the report is filed, further
34 See
31 CFR 103.16.
31 CFR 103.16(b)(3)(iii).
36 See Section III.D. infra.
37 For a discussion of the types of service
providers that may perform reporting obligations
under contract with mutual funds, see supra note
22 and accompanying text.
35 See
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disclosure of the fact that a suspicious
activity report was filed is prohibited,
except as permitted by section
103.15(d). The cross-reference in section
103.15(d) to section 103.15(a)(3) in the
Proposed Rule remains in the final rule.
B. Section 103.15(b)—Filing Procedures
Section 103.15(b), unchanged from
the proposed rule except as noted in
footnote 39 below, directs mutual funds
to report suspicious activities by
completing a Form SAR–SF, and sets
forth the filing procedures to be
followed by mutual funds making
reports of suspicious activity. Within 30
days after initial detection of a
suspicious activity by a mutual fund,
the fund must report the transaction by
completing a Form SAR–SF, collecting
and maintaining supporting
documentation, and filing the form as
indicated in the instructions to the form.
The filer should not submit the
supporting documentation with the
Form SAR–SF. Form SAR–SF is the
same form used by broker-dealers,
futures commission merchants, and
introducing brokers in commodities.38 If
a separate entity that is not a financial
institution files a Form SAR–SF as agent
for a mutual fund, that entity should
designate the mutual fund as the
reporting financial institution on the
Form SAR–SF.
If the mutual fund does not identify
a suspect on the date of the initial
detection, it may delay filing a Form
SAR–SF for 30 days, but may not delay
filing more than 60 days after the date
of such initial detection. In situations
involving violations that require
immediate attention, such as suspected
terrorist financing or ongoing money
laundering schemes, a mutual fund
must notify an appropriate law
enforcement authority by telephone in
addition to filing a Form SAR–SF.39 A
mutual fund may also, but is not
required to, contact the Commission in
such situations. A mutual fund that
chooses to contact the Commission
should contact its Office of Compliance
Inspections and Examinations. In
addition, we wish to remind mutual
funds of our Financial Institutions
Hotline (1–866–556–3974), which
financial institutions may use to
voluntarily report suspicious activity
that may relate to terrorist financing.
Mutual funds that report suspicious
activity by calling the Financial
38 See 67 FR 70808 (November 26, 2002) (effective
January 1, 2003).
39 The final rule has been revised to make such
notification mandatory, to be consistent with the
reporting rules for other financial institutions. See,
e.g., 31 CFR 103.18(b)(3), 103.19(b)(3), and
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 86 / Thursday, May 4, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
Institutions Hotline must also file a
timely Form SAR–SF to the extent
required by this final rule.
mstockstill on PROD1PC68 with RULES
C. Section 103.15(c)—Retention of
Section 103.15(c) requires that a
mutual fund maintain copies of
Suspicious Activity Reports that it files
or that are filed on its behalf (including
joint reports), and the original (or
business record equivalent) and copies
of related documentation, for a period of
five years from the date of filing. The
final rule has been modified to include
references to reports filed on behalf of
the fund (e.g., by a service provider) and
joint reports (whether filed by the fund
or by another financial institution
naming the fund). The Suspicious
Activity Report and the supporting
documentation are to be made available
to the Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network, the Commission, and other
appropriate law enforcement and
regulatory authorities. The final rule
also has been modified to add a selfregulatory organization registered with
the Commission in those cases where a
mutual fund maintains supporting
documentation concerning a joint
Suspicious Activity Report involving a
broker-dealer being examined pursuant
to 31 CFR 103.19(g).
D. Section 103.15(d)—Confidentiality of
Section 103.15(d) reflects the
statutory prohibition against the
disclosure of information filed in, or the
fact of filing, a Suspicious Activity
Report, except to the extent permitted
by paragraph (a)(3). The final rule has
been revised to clarify that the
prohibition applies whether the report
is required by the final rule or is filed
voluntarily. See 31 U.S.C. 5318(g)(2).
Section 103.15(d) extends the
prohibition to any mutual fund
subpoenaed or otherwise required to
disclose a Suspicious Activity Report or
information contained in a Form SAR–
SF. Thus, section 103.15(d) specifically
prohibits persons filing Suspicious
Activity Reports (including persons on
whose behalf a report has been filed)
from disclosing, except to the Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network, the
Commission, or another appropriate law
enforcement or regulatory agency, or a
self-regulatory organization registered
with the Securities and Exchange
Commission conducting an examination
of a broker-dealer pursuant to 31 CFR
103.19(g), that a Suspicious Activity
Report has been filed or from providing
any information that would disclose
that a report has been prepared or filed.
The final rule has been modified to note
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that the prohibition also applies to joint
Section 103.15(d) does not prohibit a
mutual fund from engaging in
discussions with any other financial
institution or service provider involved
in the transaction, other than the person
who is or is expected to be the subject
of the report, to determine whether the
transaction must be reported under this
section; to determine which party will
file the report, provide the filer with
comprehensive information and
supporting documentation; and to
provide confirmation of the filing to
each mutual fund involved in the
transaction.40 Similarly, this provision
does not prohibit a service provider who
performs reporting obligations under
contract with one or more mutual funds
from sharing information as an agent of
the mutual fund(s). In addition, we have
issued regulations under section 314(b)
of the USA PATRIOT Act to permit
certain financial institutions, after
providing notice to us, to share
information with one another solely for
the purpose of identifying and reporting
to the federal government activities that
may involve money laundering or
terrorist activity.41 Neither section
314(b) nor its implementing regulations,
however, apply to the sharing of a
Suspicious Activity Report with another
financial institution. However, as
described in Sections III.A. and III.C., a
Suspicious Activity Report may be
shared between financial institutions for
the purposes of jointly filing and
maintaining a record of such a report.
E. Section 103.15(e)—Limitation of
Section 103.15(e) restates the broad
statutory protection from liability for
making reports of suspicious activity
and for failure to disclose the fact of
such reporting, whether the report is
required by the final rule or is filed
voluntarily. As amended by section 351
of the USA PATRIOT Act, 31 U.S.C.
5318(g)(3) provides a safe harbor from
liability to any financial institution that
makes a voluntary disclosure of any
possible violation of law or regulation to
a government agency, and to any
financial institution that reports
suspicious activity pursuant to section
5318(g) or pursuant to any other
authority. Section 5318(g)(3) provides
further protection from liability for the
non-disclosure of the fact of such
reporting. We note that the safe harbor
extends to agents of the mutual fund
filing reports, including transfer agents
and other service providers. The final
40 See
31 CFR 103.15(a)(3).
41 See 31 CFR 103.110.
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rule was modified to state the safe
harbor in terms of a protection from
liability and to include joint reports
within the safe harbor.
F. Section 103.15(f)—Examinations and
Section 103.15(f), which is unchanged
from the proposed rule, provides that
the Department of the Treasury, through
the Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network or its delegatees, will examine
compliance with the obligation to report
suspicious activity, and that failure to
comply with the rule may constitute a
violation of the Bank Secrecy Act and
the Bank Secrecy Act regulations. The
Department of the Treasury has
delegated to the Commission its
authority to examine mutual funds for
compliance.42 In reviewing any
particular failure to report a transaction
as required by this section, the Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network and the
Commission may take into account the
relationship between the particular
failure to report and the adequacy of the
implementation and operation of a
mutual fund’s compliance procedures.
G. Section 103.15(g)—Effective Date
Section 103.15(g) provides that the
rule applies to transactions occurring
after October 31, 2006.
IV. Regulatory Flexibility Act
It is hereby certified that this final
regulation will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Registered
investment companies, regardless of
their size, are currently subject to the
Bank Secrecy Act. Procedures currently
in place at mutual funds to comply with
existing Bank Secrecy Act rules should
help mutual funds to identify
suspicious activity and small mutual
funds may have an established and
limited customer base whose
transactions are well known to the fund.
Moreover, as indicated below in Section
VI, the estimated burden associated
with reporting suspicious transactions is
V. Executive Order 12866
The Department of the Treasury has
determined that this final regulation is
not a significant regulatory action under
Executive Order 12866.
VI. Paperwork Reduction Act
The collection of information
contained in this final regulation has
been approved by the Office of
Management and Budget in accordance
42 See 31 CFR 103.56(b)(6) (delegating authority
to examine investment companies to the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 86 / Thursday, May 4, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) under control
number 1506–0019. The estimated
average burden associated with the
collection of information in this final
rule is four hours per respondent. We
received no comment on its
recordkeeping burden estimate.
Comments concerning the accuracy of
this burden estimate and suggestions for
reducing this burden should be directed
to Desk Officer for the Department of the
Treasury, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, Washington,
DC 20503 (or by the electronic mail to
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a valid control
number assigned by the Office of
Management and Budget.
List of Subjects in 31 CFR Part 103
Administrative practice and
procedure, Authority delegations
(Government agencies), Securities,
Currency, Investigations, Law
enforcement, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Amendments to the Regulations
For the reasons set forth above in the
preamble, 31 CFR part 103 is amended
as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 103
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1829b and 1951–1959;
31 U.S.C. 5311–5314 and 5316–5332; title III,
sec. 314 Pub. L. 107–56, 115 Stat. 307.
Subpart B—[Amended]
2. In subpart B, § 103.15 is
redesignated as § 103.12.
I 3. In subpart B, a new § 103.15 is
added to read as follows:
mstockstill on PROD1PC68 with RULES
§ 103.15 Reports by mutual funds of
suspicious transactions.
(a) General. (1) Every investment
company (as defined in section 3 of the
Investment Company Act of 1940 (15
U.S.C. 80a–3) (‘‘Investment Company
Act’’) that is an open-end company (as
defined in section 5 of the Investment
Company Act (15 U.S.C. 80a–5)) and
that is registered, or is required to
register, with the Securities and
Exchange Commission pursuant to that
Act (for purposes of this section, a
‘‘mutual fund’’), shall file with the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network,
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to the extent and in the manner required
by this section, a report of any
suspicious transaction relevant to a
possible violation of law or regulation.
A mutual fund may also file with the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
a report of any suspicious transaction
that it believes is relevant to the
possible violation of any law or
regulation, but whose reporting is not
required by this section. Filing a report
of a suspicious transaction does not
relieve a mutual fund from the
responsibility of complying with any
other reporting requirements imposed
by the Securities and Exchange
(2) A transaction requires reporting
under this section if it is conducted or
attempted by, at, or through a mutual
fund, it involves or aggregates funds or
other assets of at least $5,000, and the
mutual fund knows, suspects, or has
reason to suspect that the transaction (or
a pattern of transactions of which the
transaction is a part):
(i) Involves funds derived from illegal
activity or is intended or conducted in
order to hide or disguise funds or assets
derived from illegal activity (including,
without limitation, the ownership,
nature, source, location, or control of
such funds or assets) as part of a plan
to violate or evade any Federal law or
regulation or to avoid any transaction
reporting requirement under Federal
law or regulation;
(ii) Is designed, whether through
structuring or other means, to evade any
requirements of this part or any other
regulations promulgated under the Bank
Secrecy Act, Public Law 91–508, as
amended, codified at 12 U.S.C. 1829b,
12 U.S.C. 1951–1959, and 31 U.S.C.
5311–5314, 5316–5332;
(iii) Has no business or apparent
lawful purpose or is not the sort in
which the particular customer would
normally be expected to engage, and the
mutual fund knows of no reasonable
explanation for the transaction after
examining the available facts, including
the background and possible purpose of
the transaction; or
(iv) Involves use of the mutual fund
to facilitate criminal activity.
(3) More than one mutual fund may
have an obligation to report the same
transaction under this section, and other
financial institutions may have separate
obligations to report suspicious activity
with respect to the same transaction
pursuant to other provisions of this part.
In those instances, no more than one
report is required to be filed by the
mutual fund(s) and other financial
institution(s) involved in the
transaction, provided that the report
filed contains all relevant facts,
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including the name of each financial
institution and the words ‘‘joint filing’’
in the narrative section, and each
institution maintains a copy of the
report filed, along with any supporting
(b) Filing and notification
procedures—(1) What to file. A
suspicious transaction shall be reported
by completing a Suspicious Activity
Report by Securities and Futures
Industries (‘‘SAR–SF’’), and collecting
and maintaining supporting
documentation as required by paragraph
(c) of this section.
(2) Where to file. Form SAR–SF shall
be filed with the Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network in accordance
with the instructions to the Form SAR–
(3) When to file. A Form SAR–SF
shall be filed no later than 30 calendar
days after the date of the initial
detection by the reporting mutual fund
of facts that may constitute a basis for
filing a Form SAR–SF under this
section. If no suspect is identified on the
date of such initial detection, a mutual
fund may delay filing a Form SAR–SF
for an additional 30 calendar days to
identify a suspect, but in no case shall
reporting be delayed more than 60
calendar days after the date of such
initial detection.
(4) Mandatory notification to law
enforcement. In situations involving
violations that require immediate
attention, such as suspected terrorist
financing or ongoing money laundering
schemes, a mutual fund shall
immediately notify by telephone an
appropriate law enforcement authority
in addition to filing timely a Form SAR–
(5) Voluntary notification to the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
or the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Mutual funds wishing
voluntarily to report suspicious
transactions that may relate to terrorist
activity may call the Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network’s Financial
Institutions Hotline at 1–866–556–3974
in addition to filing timely a Form SAR–
SF if required by this section. The
mutual fund may also, but is not
required to, contact the Securities and
Exchange Commission to report in such
(c) Retention of records. A mutual
fund shall maintain a copy of any Form
SAR–SF filed by the fund or on its
behalf (including joint reports), and the
original (or business record equivalent)
of any supporting documentation
concerning any Form SAR–SF that it
files (or is filed on its behalf), for a
period of five years from the date of
filing the Form SAR–SF. Supporting
mstockstill on PROD1PC68 with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 86 / Thursday, May 4, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
documentation shall be identified as
such and maintained by the mutual
fund, and shall be deemed to have been
filed with the Form SAR–SF. The
mutual fund shall make all supporting
documentation available to the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network,
any other appropriate law enforcement
agencies or federal or state securities
regulators, and for purposes of an
examination of a broker-dealer pursuant
to § 103.19(g) regarding a joint report, to
a self-regulatory organization (as
defined in section 3(a)(26) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15
U.S.C. 78c(a)(26)) registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission,
upon request.
(d) Confidentiality of reports. No
mutual fund, and no director, officer,
employee, or agent of any mutual fund,
who reports a suspicious transaction
under this part (whether such a report
is required by this section or made
voluntarily), may notify any person
involved in the transaction that the
transaction has been reported, except to
the extent permitted by paragraph (a)(3)
of this section. Any person subpoenaed
or otherwise required to disclose a Form
SAR–SF or the information contained in
a Form SAR–SF, including a Form
SAR–SF filed jointly with another
financial institution involved in the
same transaction (except where such
disclosure is requested by the Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network, the
Securities and Exchange Commission,
another appropriate law enforcement or
regulatory agency, or, in the case of a
joint report involving a broker-dealer, a
self-regulatory organization registered
with the Securities and Exchange
Commission conducting an examination
of such broker-dealer pursuant to
§ 103.19(g)), shall decline to produce
Form SAR–SF or to provide any
information that would disclose that a
Form SAR–SF has been prepared or
filed, citing this paragraph (d) and 31
U.S.C. 5318(g)(2), and shall notify the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
of any such request and its response
(e) Limitation of liability. A mutual
fund, and any director, officer,
employee, or agent of such mutual fund,
that makes a report of any possible
violation of law or regulation pursuant
to this section, including a joint report
(whether such report is required by this
section or made voluntarily) shall be
protected from liability for any
disclosure contained in, or for failure to
disclose the fact of, such report, or both,
to the extent provided in 31 U.S.C.
(f) Examinations and enforcement.
Compliance with this section shall be
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examined by the Department of the
Treasury, through the Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network or its delegees,
under the terms of the Bank Secrecy
Act. Failure to satisfy the requirements
of this section may constitute a violation
of the reporting rules of the Bank
Secrecy Act and of this part.
(g) Effective date. This section applies
to transactions occurring after October
31, 2006.
4. Add § 103.16(b)(3)(iii) to read as
§ 103.16 Reports by insurance companies
of suspicious transactions.
(b) * * *
(3) * * *
(iii) An insurance company that
issues variable insurance products
funded by separate accounts that meet
the definition of a mutual fund in
§ 103.15(a)(1) shall file reports of
suspicious transactions pursuant to
§ 103.15.
Dated: April 27, 2006.
Robert W. Werner,
Director, Financial Crimes Enforcement
[FR Doc. 06–4177 Filed 5–3–06; 8:45 am]
received. The only change made to this
final rule was to move portions of the
information into appendices.
Executive Order 12866, ‘‘Regulatory
Planning and Review’’
It has been determined that 32 CFR
part 275 is not a significant regulatory
action. The rule does not (1) Have an
annual effect to the economy of $100
million or more or adversely affect in a
material way the economy; a section of
the economy; productivity; competition;
jobs; the environment; public health or
safety; or State, local, or tribal
governments or communities; (2) Create
a serious inconsistency or otherwise
interfere with an action taken or
planned by another Agency; (3)
Materially alter the budgetary impact of
entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan
programs, or the rights and obligations
of recipients thereof; or (4) Raise novel
legal or policy issues arising out of legal
mandates, the President’s priorities, or
the principles set forth in this Executive
Public Law 96–354, ‘‘Regulatory
Flexibility Act’’ (5 U.S.C. 601)
Office of the Secretary
It has been certified that this rule is
not subject to the Regulatory Flexibility
Act (5 U.S.C. 601) because it would not,
if promulgated, have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities because it is
only concerned with accessing financial
records as prescribed by Federal law.
32 CFR Part 275
Public Law 96–511, ‘‘Paperwork
Reduction Act’’ (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35)
RIN 0790–AH84
Obtaining Information From Financial
Department of Defense.
ACTION: Final rule.
The Department of Defense is
revising its current policies concerning
obtaining information from financial
institutions under the Right to Financial
Privacy Act of 1978, as amended (12
U.S.C. chapter 35). This part prescribes
practices and procedures for the
Department of Defense to obtain from a
financial institution the financial
records of its customers.
EFFECTIVE DATES: February 2, 2006.
Vahan Moushegian, Jr., at (703) 607–
proposed rule was published in the
Federal Register on February 2, 2006, at
71 FR 5631. No public comments were
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It has been certified that this rule does
not impose reporting or recordkeeping
requirements under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (Sec.
202, Pub. L. 104–4)
It has been certified that this rule does
not contain a Federal mandate that may
result in the expenditure by State, local,
and tribal governments, in the aggregate,
or by the private sector, of $100 million
or more in any one year.
Executive Order 13132, ‘‘Federalism’’
It has been certified that this rule does
not have federalism implications, as set
forth in Executive Order 13132. This
rule does not have substantial direct
effects on the States, the relationship
between the National Government and
the States, or the distribution of power
and responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 275
Banks, banking, Credit, Privacy.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 86 (Thursday, May 4, 2006)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 26213-26220]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-4177]
31 CFR Part 103
RIN 1506-AA37
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network; Amendment to the Bank
Secrecy Act Regulations--Requirement That Mutual Funds Report
Suspicious Transactions
AGENCY: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Department of the
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This document amends the regulations implementing the statute
generally known as the Bank Secrecy Act to require mutual funds to
report suspicious transactions to the Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network. The amendment constitutes a further step in the enhancement of
the comprehensive system for the reporting of suspicious transactions
by major categories of financial institutions operating in the United
States, as a part of the Department of the Treasury's counter-money
laundering program.
[[Page 26214]]
DATES: Effective Date: This final rule is effective June 5, 2006.
Applicability Date: The requirements in this final rule apply to
transactions occurring after October 31, 2006. See 31 CFR 103.15(g) of
the final rule contained in this document.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Regulatory Policy and Programs
Division, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, (800) 949-2732.
I. Background
A. Statutory Provisions
The Bank Secrecy Act \1\ authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury
(Secretary) to issue regulations requiring financial institutions to
keep records and file reports that are determined to have a high degree
of usefulness in criminal, tax, and regulatory matters, or in the
conduct of intelligence or counter-intelligence activities, to protect
against international terrorism, and to implement counter-money
laundering programs and compliance procedures.\2\ The Secretary's
authority to administer the Bank Secrecy Act has been delegated to the
Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Our regulations
implementing the Bank Secrecy Act are codified at 31 CFR part 103.
\1\ Public Law 91-508, as amended, codified at 12 U.S.C. 1829b,
12 U.S.C. 1951-1959, and 31 U.S.C. 5311-5314; 5316-5332.
\2\ Language expanding the scope of the Bank Secrecy Act to
intelligence or counter-intelligence activities to protect against
international terrorism was added by section 358 of the Uniting and
Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to
Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001 (the USA
PATRIOT Act), Public Law 107-56.
With the enactment of 31 U.S.C. 5318(g) in 1992,\3\ Congress
authorized the Secretary to require financial institutions to report
suspicious transactions. As amended by the USA PATRIOT Act, subsection
5318(g)(1) states that:
\3\ 31 U.S.C. 5318(g) was added to the Bank Secrecy Act by
section 1517 of the Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act, Title
XV of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, Public Law
102-550; it was expanded by section 403 of the Money Laundering
Suppression Act of Title IV of the Riegle Community Development and
Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994, Public Law 103-325, to require
designation of a single government recipient for reports of
suspicious transactions.
The Secretary may require any financial institution, and any
director, officer, employee, or agent of any financial institution,
to report any suspicious transaction relevant to a possible
violation of law or regulation.
Subsection (g)(2)(A) provides further:
If a financial institution or any director, officer, employee,
or agent of any financial institution, voluntarily or pursuant to
this section or any other authority, reports a suspicious
transaction to a government agency--
(i) The financial institution, director, officer, employee, or
agent may not notify any person involved in the transaction that the
transaction has been reported; and
(ii) No officer or employee of the Federal Government or of any
State, local, tribal, or territorial government within the United
States, who has any knowledge that such report was made may disclose
to any person involved in the transaction that the transaction has
been reported, other than as necessary to fulfill the official
duties of such officer or employee.
Subsection (g)(3)(A) provides that neither a financial institution,
nor any director, officer, employee, or agent of any financial
That makes a voluntary disclosure of any possible violation of
law or regulation to a government agency or makes a disclosure
pursuant to this subsection or any other authority * * * shall * * *
be liable to any person under any law or regulation of the United
States or any constitution, law or regulation of any State or
political subdivision of any State, or under any contract or other
legally enforceable agreement (including any arbitration agreement),
for such disclosure or for any failure to provide notice of such
disclosure to the person who is the subject of such disclosure or
any other person identified in the disclosure.
Finally, subsection (g)(4) requires the Secretary, ``to the extent
practicable and appropriate,'' to designate ``a single officer or
agency of the United States to whom such reports shall be made.'' \4\
The designated agency is in turn responsible for referring any report
of a suspicious transaction to ``any appropriate law enforcement,
supervisory agency, or U.S. intelligence agency for use in the conduct
of intelligence or counterintelligence activities, including analysis,
to protect against international terrorism.'' \5\
\4\ This designation does not preclude the authority of
supervisory agencies to require financial institutions to submit
other reports to the same agency or another agency ``pursuant to any
other applicable provision of law.'' See 31 U.S.C. 5318(g)(4)(C).
\5\ See 31 U.S.C. 5318(g)(4)(B).
B. Mutual Fund Regulation and Money Laundering
This final rule applies to investment companies that are ``mutual
funds,'' which are open-end management investment companies as
described in the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a). Mutual
funds are the predominant type of investment companies. As of September
2005, investors held approximately $8.6 trillion in U.S. mutual fund
shares, representing more than 95 percent of the assets held by
investment companies regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission (Commission).\6\ Currently, more than 2,400 active mutual
funds are registered with the Commission.\7\
\6\ The staff of the Commission estimates, based on filings,
that as of September 2005, approximately $8.6 trillion was invested
in U.S. mutual funds (including $1 trillion invested in open-end
management companies that fund variable life insurance and variable
annuity contracts, and $259 billion invested in open-end management
companies that are exchange-traded funds).
\7\ Approximately 1,219 of these funds are ``series companies''
with an aggregate of 8,425 portfolios. A ``series company'' is a
registered investment company that issues two or more classes or
series of preferred or special stock, each of which is preferred
over all other classes or series with respect to assets specifically
allocated to that class or series. 17 CFR 270.18f-2. The assets
allocated to such a class or series are commonly known as a
``portfolio.'' The series or portfolios of a series company operate,
for many purposes, as separate investment companies.
This final rule is part of a series of steps that we are taking to
address comprehensively the risk of money laundering through mutual
funds. In April 2002, we issued an interim final rule to implement
section 352 of the USA PATRIOT Act. The interim final rule required
mutual funds to develop and implement anti-money laundering programs
designed to prevent them from being used to launder money or finance
terrorist activities, which includes achieving and monitoring
compliance with the applicable requirements of the Bank Secrecy Act and
its implementing regulations.\8\ In May 2003, we issued, jointly with
the Commission, a final rule to implement section 326 of the USA
PATRIOT Act, requiring mutual funds to implement reasonable procedures
to: (1) Verify the identity of any person seeking to open an account,
to the extent reasonable and practicable; (2) maintain records of the
information used to verify the person's identity; and (3) determine
whether the person appears on any lists of known or suspected
terrorists or terrorist organizations provided to investment companies
by any federal government agency and designated as such by the
Department of the Treasury in consultation with federal functional
\8\ See 67 FR 21117 (Apr. 29, 2002).
\9\ See 68 FR 25131 (May 9, 2003) text accompanying notes 116-
117. Under the final rule, a mutual fund may contractually delegate
the implementation and operation of its customer identification
program to a service provider such as a transfer agent, although the
mutual fund would continue to be responsible for compliance with
applicable requirements.
[[Page 26215]]
This final rule follows other recent actions that expand the
application of requirements that financial institutions report
suspicious activity. Since April 1996, we have issued rules under the
authority of 31 U.S.C. 5318(g) requiring banks, thrifts, and other
banking organizations to report suspicious activity.\10\ In
collaboration with us, the federal bank supervisory agencies
concurrently issued suspicious activity reporting rules under their own
authority, applying to banks, bank holding companies, and non-
depository institution affiliates and subsidiaries of banks and bank
holding companies.\11\ Since the beginning of 2002, we have required
certain money services businesses to report suspicious activity.\12\ We
adopted final rules for the reporting of suspicious activity applicable
to brokers or dealers in securities in July 2002,\13\ to casinos and
card clubs in September 2002,\14\ to currency dealers and exchangers in
February 2003,\15\ to futures commission merchants and introducing
brokers in commodities in November 2003,\16\ and to insurance companies
in November 2005.\17\ This final rule extends suspicious activity
reporting to mutual funds. Suspicious activity reporting by mutual
funds is expected to provide highly useful information in law
enforcement and regulatory investigations and proceedings, as well as
in the conduct of intelligence activities to protect against
international terrorism.\18\
\10\ See 31 CFR 103.18 (requiring banks, thrifts, and other
banking organizations to report suspicious transactions).
\11\ See 12 CFR 21.11 (issued by the Office of the Comptroller
of the Currency); 12 CFR 208.62 (issued by the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System); 12 CFR 353.3 (issued by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation); 12 CFR 563.180 (issued by the Office
of Thrift Supervision); 12 CFR 748.1 (issued by the National Credit
Union Administration).
\12\ See 31 CFR 103.20 (requiring money transmitters and
issuers, sellers, and redeemers of money orders and traveler's
checks to report suspicious transactions).
\13\ See 67 FR 44048 (July 1, 2002). In 2003, broker-dealers
filed 4,267 Suspicious Activity Reports, 5.7% of which (242 reports)
involved money market funds and 6.3% of which (268 reports) involved
other mutual funds. In the first six months of 2004, of 2,612
reports filed by broker-dealers, 5.3% (139 reports) involved money
market funds and 6.2% (162 reports) involved other mutual funds.
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, The SAR Activity Review--By
the Numbers (Issue 3, December 2004).
\14\ See 67 FR 60722 (September 26, 2002).
\15\ See 68 FR 6613 (February 10, 2003).
\16\ See 68 FR 65392 (November 20, 2003).
\17\ See 70 FR 66761 (November 3, 2005).
\18\ See 31 U.S.C. 5311 (stating purpose of the reporting
authority under the Bank Secrecy Act).
II. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
On January 21, 2003, we published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(Proposed Rule), proposing an amendment to the regulations implementing
the Bank Secrecy Act that would extend the requirement to report
suspicious activity to mutual funds.\19\ The comment period for the
Proposed Rule ended on March 24, 2003. We received five comment
letters: Three from trade associations, and one each from a regulatory
advocacy group and an academic society at a university. These comments
are discussed below in the Section-by-Section Analysis.
\19\ See 68 FR 2716 (January 21, 2003).
III. Section-by-Section Analysis
A. Section 103.15(a)--Reports by Mutual Funds of Suspicious
Section 103.15(a) sets forth the obligation of mutual funds to
report suspicious transactions that are conducted or attempted by, at,
or through a mutual fund and that involve or aggregate at least $5,000
in funds or other assets.\20\ The obligation to report a transaction
under this rule and 31 U.S.C. 5318(g) applies whether or not the
transaction involves currency.\21\ We are aware that the use of
currency in mutual funds transactions is rare.
\20\ A mutual fund is already obligated to report the receipt of
cash (and certain cash-related instruments) totaling more than
$10,000 in one transaction or two or more related transactions. See
67 FR at 21119. 26 U.S.C. 6050I requires a person to report
information about such transactions to the Internal Revenue Service;
31 U.S.C. 5331 requires a person to report information about similar
transactions to us. One commenter expressed concern over some mutual
funds or their transfer agents being required to file both a report
under this final rule and a report under 26 U.S.C. 6050I (``Form
8300'') because they are considered to be ``nonfinancial trades or
businesses.'' The commenter expressed concern about both duplication
of reporting and conflicting disclosure provisions, because 26 CFR
1.6050I-1(f) requires notifying the subject of a report that the
amount of cash in the transaction(s) is being reported to the
Internal Revenue Service, whereas section 103.15(d) of this final
rule prohibits notifying the subject of a Suspicious Activity Report
that the transaction has been reported. With regard to the concern
over duplication of reporting, we note that the forms serve
different purposes and are required under different circumstances.
Form 8300 is designed to provide information about large cash (and
certain non-cash instrument) transactions received by a business.
The triggering factors are entirely objective. On the other hand,
the Suspicious Activity Report is designed to provide information
about transactions and activity that the reporting entity knows,
suspects, or has reason to suspect may be a violation of law or
regulation. The triggering factors for the Suspicious Activity
Report are largely subjective. While it is possible that a
particular transaction may trigger the filing of both forms, and
while some of the information provided may overlap, the purposes for
the filings and the ways in which the information will be used by
law enforcement differ greatly. Furthermore, the filing of a Form
8300 does not presume the filing of a Suspicious Activity Report,
and vice versa. Moreover, with regard to the concern over
conflicting disclosure requirements, we note that there is nothing
in the requirement for disclosure of the filing of a report under 26
U.S.C. 6050I that would require disclosure of the filing of a
Suspicious Activity Report. In fact, a mutual fund is prohibited
from intentionally or unintentionally disclosing the filing of a
Suspicious Activity Report when it discloses the filing of a report
of the receipt of cash or certain non-cash instruments, as required
by 26 CFR 1.6050I-1(f).
\21\ Many currency transactions are not indicative of money
laundering or other violations of law, a fact recognized both by
Congress, in authorizing reform of the currency transaction
reporting system, and by us, in issuing rules to implement that
system (see 31 U.S.C. 5313(d) and 31 CFR 103.22(d), 63 FR 50147
(September 21, 1998)). Many non-currency transactions (for example,
transmittals of funds) can indicate illicit activity, especially in
light of the breadth of the statutes that make money laundering a
crime. See 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957.
The obligation extends to transactions conducted or attempted by,
at, or through, the mutual fund. However, section 103.15(a) also
contains language designed to encourage the reporting of transactions
that appear relevant to violations of law or regulation, even in cases
in which the rule does not explicitly so require (for example, in the
case of a transaction falling below the $5,000 threshold in the rule).
Section 103.15(a) contains the general statement regarding a mutual
fund's obligation to file reports of suspicious transactions with us.
To clarify that the final rule creates a reporting requirement that is
uniform with that for other financial institutions, section
103.15(a)(1), which is unchanged from the proposed rule, incorporates
language from the suspicious activity reporting rules applicable to
other financial institutions, such as banks, broker-dealers, casinos,
and money services businesses, requiring the reporting of ``any
suspicious transaction relevant to a possible violation of law or
regulation.'' Further, a mutual fund may also report ``any suspicious
transaction that it believes is relevant to a possible violation of any
law or regulation but whose reporting is not required'' by the final
rule. For example, a mutual fund may report a suspected violation of
law that involves less than $5,000. Such voluntary reporting would be
subject to the same protection from liability as mandatory reporting
pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 5318(g)(3).
The final rule requires reporting by mutual funds, but not by
affiliated persons of mutual funds. This approach is consistent with
our other rules requiring the reporting of suspicious activity.
Mutual funds typically conduct many operations through separate
entities, which may or may not be affiliated
[[Page 26216]]
persons of the mutual fund. These separate entities include investment
advisers, principal underwriters, administrators, custodians, transfer
agents, and other service providers. Personnel of these separate
entities may be in the best position to perform the reporting
obligation, and a mutual fund may contract with an affiliated or
unaffiliated service provider to perform the reporting obligation as
the fund's agent. In such cases, however, the mutual fund remains
responsible for assuring compliance with the rule, and therefore must
actively monitor the performance of its reporting obligations.\22\ The
fund should take steps to assure that the service provider has
implemented effective compliance policies and procedures administered
by competent personnel, and should maintain an active working
relationship with the service provider's compliance personnel.\23\
\22\ Under 17 CFR 270.38a-1, each mutual fund must appoint a
chief compliance officer, reporting directly to the mutual fund's
board of directors, to administer its compliance policies and
procedures. See 68 FR 74714 (December 24, 2003).
\23\ For a discussion of the oversight responsibilities of
mutual funds over their service providers, see Compliance Programs
of Investment Companies and Investment Advisers, supra note 22,
nn.91-92 and accompanying text.
Section 103.15(a)(2), which is also unchanged from the Proposed
Rule, requires the reporting of suspicious activity that involves or
aggregates at least $5,000 in funds or other assets. The suspicious
activity reporting rules, however, are not intended to operate (and
indeed cannot properly operate) in a mechanical fashion. Rather, such
requirements are intended to function in such a way as to have
financial institutions evaluate customer activity and relationships for
money laundering risks.\24\
\24\ For example, transactions involving investments by the
pension fund of a publicly traded corporation, even though involving
a large dollar amount, would likely require more limited scrutiny
than less typical transactions, such as those involving customers
who wish to use currency or money orders to purchase mutual fund
shares, even though the dollar amounts in those latter cases may be
relatively small.
Section 103.15(a)(2) specifies four categories of transactions that
require reporting if the mutual fund knows, suspects, or has reason to
suspect that any such category applies to a transaction, or a pattern
of transactions of which the transaction is a part. The ``knows,
suspects, or has reason to suspect'' standard incorporates a concept of
due diligence into the reporting requirement.
The first category, described in section 103.15(a)(2)(i), includes
transactions involving funds derived from illegal activity, or intended
or conducted in order to hide or disguise funds derived from such
illegal activity as part of a plan to violate or evade any federal law
or regulation or to avoid any transaction reporting requirement under
federal law or regulation. The second category, described in section
103.15(a)(2)(ii), includes transactions designed, whether through
structuring or other means, to evade the requirements of the Bank
Secrecy Act. The third category, described in section
103.15(a)(2)(iii), includes transactions that appear to serve no
business or apparent lawful purposes, and for which the mutual fund
knows of no reasonable explanation after examining the available facts
relating to the transaction and the parties. The fourth category,
described in section 103.15(a)(2)(iv), includes any other transactions
that involve the use of the mutual fund to facilitate criminal
\25\ The fourth reporting category has been added to the
suspicious activity reporting rules promulgated since the passage of
the USA PATRIOT Act to make it clear that the requirement to report
suspicious activity encompasses the reporting of transactions in
which legally derived funds are used for criminal activity, such as
the financing of terrorism.
In determining whether to file a Suspicious Activity Report, a
mutual fund must base the determination on all of the facts and
circumstances relating to the transaction and the customer in
question.\26\ Different fact patterns will require different types of
judgments. In some cases, the facts of the transaction may indicate the
need to file a Suspicious Activity Report. For example, if a mutual
fund closes the account and redeems the shares of a customer whose
identity the fund is unable to verify under its customer identification
program,\27\ the fund should consider whether the circumstances
surrounding its failure to verify would warrant the filing of a
Suspicious Activity Report. In these and other situations, the fact
that a customer refuses to provide information necessary for the mutual
fund to verify the customer's identity, make reports, or keep records
required by this part or other regulations, provides information that
the mutual fund determines to be false, or seeks to change or cancel a
transaction after such person is informed of information verification
or recordkeeping requirements relevant to the transactions, would
indicate the probability that a Suspicious Activity Report should be
filed.\28\ In other situations, determining whether a transaction is
suspicious within the meaning of the rule may require more involved
judgment. Transactions that raise the need for such judgment may
include, for example: (1) Transmission or receipt of funds transfers
without normal identifying information, or in a manner that may
indicate an attempt to disguise or hide the country of origin or
destination, or the identity of the customer sending the funds, or the
beneficiary to which the funds are sent; or (2) repeated use of a
mutual fund as a temporary resting place for funds from multiple
sources without a clear business (including investment) purpose. The
judgments involved will also extend to whether the facts and
circumstances and the institution's knowledge of its customer provide a
reasonable explanation for the transaction that removes it from the
suspicious category.\29\
\26\ In the case of a transaction conducted through an omnibus
account maintained by an intermediary, a mutual fund may not know,
suspect, or have reason to suspect that the transaction is one for
which reporting would be required, because a fund typically has
little or no information about individual customers of the
intermediary. An omnibus account is usually maintained by another
financial institution, such as a broker-dealer, that has a reporting
obligation with regard to its customers. The omnibus account holder
(i.e., the financial institution intermediary) is a customer of the
mutual fund for purposes of the final rule. An omnibus account
maintained for a foreign financial institution would be considered a
correspondent account under section 312 of the USA PATRIOT Act, and
as such, is subject to due diligence and possibly enhanced due
diligence requirements under that section of the Act and
implementing regulations. See Anti-Money Laundering Programs;
Special Due Diligence for Certain Foreign Accounts, 71 FR 496 (Final
Rule) and 71 FR 516 (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking) (January 4,
\27\ See supra note 9 and accompanying text.
\28\ As section 103.15(d) of the final rule makes clear, the
mutual fund must not notify the customer that it intends to file or
has filed a Suspicious Activity Report with respect to the
customer's activity.
\29\ One commenter expressed concern that a mutual fund would be
expected to obtain additional information that it does not already
have to meet the ``knows, suspects, or has reason to suspect''
standard of section 103.15(a)(2). We expect funds to determine
whether to file a Suspicious Activity Report based on the
information obtained in the account opening process or subsequently
in the course of processing transactions.
The means of commerce and the techniques of money launderers are
continually evolving, and it is not possible to provide an exhaustive
list of suspicious transactions. We intend to continue our dialogue
with the mutual fund industry about the manner in which a combination
of government guidance, training programs, and government-industry
information exchange can facilitate operation of the new suspicious
activity reporting system in as flexible and cost-efficient a way as
[[Page 26217]]
Individual mutual funds are frequently part of a complex of related
funds, and it is possible that more than one mutual fund would be
obligated to report the same transaction or transactions. In order to
clarify the permissibility of joint reports, section 103.15(a)(3) of
the final rule has been revised to permit all of the mutual funds
involved in a particular transaction to file a single joint report.
Because the Suspicious Activity Report by Securities and Futures
Industries (``Form SAR-SF'') accommodates the name of only one filer,
only one of the filing institutions should be identified as the
``filer'' in the filer identification section of the form.\30\ The
narrative section of the Form SAR-SF must include the words ``joint
filing'' and identify the other mutual funds on whose behalf the report
is being filed. The joint report must contain all relevant facts, and
each mutual fund must maintain a copy of the joint report, along with
any supporting documentation.\31\ A service provider who performs
reporting obligations under contract with multiple mutual funds may
file a single joint report on behalf of all of the funds involved in a
transaction or series of transactions.\32\
\30\ The term ``SF'' is an abbreviation for ``Securities and
Futures Industries,'' the form that is used for reporting by members
of the securities and futures industries. See 67 FR 50751 (August 5,
2002). The form became final on December 26, 2002, and is available
on our Web site at
\31\ The filer should not submit supporting documentation with
the Form SAR-SF. See infra note 38 and accompanying text.
\32\ See supra note 22 and accompanying text.
Further, section 103.15(a)(3) of the final rule has been revised to
also recognize that other financial institutions, such as broker-
dealers in securities, may have separate obligations to report the same
suspicious activity under other Bank Secrecy Act regulations.\33\ In
those instances, it is permissible for either a mutual fund or the
other financial institution to file a single joint report on behalf of
all of the mutual fund(s) and other financial institution(s) involved
in the transaction. As with a joint report filed by a mutual fund on
behalf of other mutual funds, the joint report filed must contain all
relevant facts, and the narrative of the Form SAR-SF must include the
words ``joint filing'' and must identify the other financial
institutions on whose behalf the report is being filed.
\33\ See 31 CFR 103.19.
One commenter requested that this final rule clarify that it will
not impose a duplicative reporting requirement on insurance companies,
because a single transaction may create a reporting requirement for
both an insurance company, under the rule applicable to insurance
companies,\34\ and for a separate account of the insurance company that
issues variable insurance products, under this rule. Because this rule
applies only to open-end management investment companies, it does not
apply to separate accounts that are organized as unit investment
trusts, which comprise a majority of the separate accounts that issue
variable insurance products. Accordingly, the rule applies only to a
separate account that is organized as a managed separate account. To
avoid the possibility of duplicative suspicious activity reporting, we
are contemporaneously amending the rule applicable to insurance
companies to require an insurance company that issues variable
insurance products funded by separate accounts that meet the definition
of a mutual fund to report suspicious activity pursuant to this final
rule.\35\ In addition, a registered broker-dealer involved in a
suspicious transaction may file a joint report on behalf of any
separate account under section 103.15(a)(3).
\34\ See 31 CFR 103.16.
\35\ See 31 CFR 103.16(b)(3)(iii).
When a mutual fund or other financial institution files or
considers filing a joint report on behalf of other mutual funds, it
typically will exchange information with the other entities to
determine whether the transaction must be reported under this section,
and, if so, to determine which party should file the report, provide
the filer with comprehensive information and supporting documentation,
and provide confirmation of the filing to each mutual fund (and other
financial institution) involved in the transaction. Prior to filing a
joint report, a mutual fund may share information pertaining to a
suspicious transaction with any other financial institution or service
provider involved in the transaction, provided that such financial
institution or service provider will not be the subject of the report.
Such sharing of information does not violate the non-disclosure
provisions of section 103.15(d ).\36\ If a service provider is
performing the reporting obligations of one or more mutual funds under
contract with the fund(s), the service provider may similarly share the
information as an agent of the mutual fund(s).\37\ However, after the
report is filed, further disclosure of the fact that a suspicious
activity report was filed is prohibited, except as permitted by section
103.15(d). The cross-reference in section 103.15(d) to section
103.15(a)(3) in the Proposed Rule remains in the final rule.
\36\ See Section III.D. infra.
\37\ For a discussion of the types of service providers that may
perform reporting obligations under contract with mutual funds, see
supra note 22 and accompanying text.
B. Section 103.15(b)--Filing Procedures
Section 103.15(b), unchanged from the proposed rule except as noted
in footnote 39 below, directs mutual funds to report suspicious
activities by completing a Form SAR-SF, and sets forth the filing
procedures to be followed by mutual funds making reports of suspicious
activity. Within 30 days after initial detection of a suspicious
activity by a mutual fund, the fund must report the transaction by
completing a Form SAR-SF, collecting and maintaining supporting
documentation, and filing the form as indicated in the instructions to
the form. The filer should not submit the supporting documentation with
the Form SAR-SF. Form SAR-SF is the same form used by broker-dealers,
futures commission merchants, and introducing brokers in
commodities.\38\ If a separate entity that is not a financial
institution files a Form SAR-SF as agent for a mutual fund, that entity
should designate the mutual fund as the reporting financial institution
on the Form SAR-SF.
\38\ See 67 FR 70808 (November 26, 2002) (effective January 1,
If the mutual fund does not identify a suspect on the date of the
initial detection, it may delay filing a Form SAR-SF for 30 days, but
may not delay filing more than 60 days after the date of such initial
detection. In situations involving violations that require immediate
attention, such as suspected terrorist financing or ongoing money
laundering schemes, a mutual fund must notify an appropriate law
enforcement authority by telephone in addition to filing a Form SAR-
SF.\39\ A mutual fund may also, but is not required to, contact the
Commission in such situations. A mutual fund that chooses to contact
the Commission should contact its Office of Compliance Inspections and
Examinations. In addition, we wish to remind mutual funds of our
Financial Institutions Hotline (1-866-556-3974), which financial
institutions may use to voluntarily report suspicious activity that may
relate to terrorist financing. Mutual funds that report suspicious
activity by calling the Financial
[[Page 26218]]
Institutions Hotline must also file a timely Form SAR-SF to the extent
required by this final rule.
\39\ The final rule has been revised to make such notification
mandatory, to be consistent with the reporting rules for other
financial institutions. See, e.g., 31 CFR 103.18(b)(3),
103.19(b)(3), and 103.16(c)(3).
C. Section 103.15(c)--Retention of Records
Section 103.15(c) requires that a mutual fund maintain copies of
Suspicious Activity Reports that it files or that are filed on its
behalf (including joint reports), and the original (or business record
equivalent) and copies of related documentation, for a period of five
years from the date of filing. The final rule has been modified to
include references to reports filed on behalf of the fund (e.g., by a
service provider) and joint reports (whether filed by the fund or by
another financial institution naming the fund). The Suspicious Activity
Report and the supporting documentation are to be made available to the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, the Commission, and other
appropriate law enforcement and regulatory authorities. The final rule
also has been modified to add a self-regulatory organization registered
with the Commission in those cases where a mutual fund maintains
supporting documentation concerning a joint Suspicious Activity Report
involving a broker-dealer being examined pursuant to 31 CFR 103.19(g).
D. Section 103.15(d)--Confidentiality of Reports
Section 103.15(d) reflects the statutory prohibition against the
disclosure of information filed in, or the fact of filing, a Suspicious
Activity Report, except to the extent permitted by paragraph (a)(3).
The final rule has been revised to clarify that the prohibition applies
whether the report is required by the final rule or is filed
voluntarily. See 31 U.S.C. 5318(g)(2). Section 103.15(d) extends the
prohibition to any mutual fund subpoenaed or otherwise required to
disclose a Suspicious Activity Report or information contained in a
Form SAR-SF. Thus, section 103.15(d) specifically prohibits persons
filing Suspicious Activity Reports (including persons on whose behalf a
report has been filed) from disclosing, except to the Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network, the Commission, or another appropriate law
enforcement or regulatory agency, or a self-regulatory organization
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission conducting an
examination of a broker-dealer pursuant to 31 CFR 103.19(g), that a
Suspicious Activity Report has been filed or from providing any
information that would disclose that a report has been prepared or
filed. The final rule has been modified to note that the prohibition
also applies to joint reports.
Section 103.15(d) does not prohibit a mutual fund from engaging in
discussions with any other financial institution or service provider
involved in the transaction, other than the person who is or is
expected to be the subject of the report, to determine whether the
transaction must be reported under this section; to determine which
party will file the report, provide the filer with comprehensive
information and supporting documentation; and to provide confirmation
of the filing to each mutual fund involved in the transaction.\40\
Similarly, this provision does not prohibit a service provider who
performs reporting obligations under contract with one or more mutual
funds from sharing information as an agent of the mutual fund(s). In
addition, we have issued regulations under section 314(b) of the USA
PATRIOT Act to permit certain financial institutions, after providing
notice to us, to share information with one another solely for the
purpose of identifying and reporting to the federal government
activities that may involve money laundering or terrorist activity.\41\
Neither section 314(b) nor its implementing regulations, however, apply
to the sharing of a Suspicious Activity Report with another financial
institution. However, as described in Sections III.A. and III.C., a
Suspicious Activity Report may be shared between financial institutions
for the purposes of jointly filing and maintaining a record of such a
\40\ See 31 CFR 103.15(a)(3).
\41\ See 31 CFR 103.110.
E. Section 103.15(e)--Limitation of Liability
Section 103.15(e) restates the broad statutory protection from
liability for making reports of suspicious activity and for failure to
disclose the fact of such reporting, whether the report is required by
the final rule or is filed voluntarily. As amended by section 351 of
the USA PATRIOT Act, 31 U.S.C. 5318(g)(3) provides a safe harbor from
liability to any financial institution that makes a voluntary
disclosure of any possible violation of law or regulation to a
government agency, and to any financial institution that reports
suspicious activity pursuant to section 5318(g) or pursuant to any
other authority. Section 5318(g)(3) provides further protection from
liability for the non-disclosure of the fact of such reporting. We note
that the safe harbor extends to agents of the mutual fund filing
reports, including transfer agents and other service providers. The
final rule was modified to state the safe harbor in terms of a
protection from liability and to include joint reports within the safe
F. Section 103.15(f)--Examinations and Enforcement
Section 103.15(f), which is unchanged from the proposed rule,
provides that the Department of the Treasury, through the Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network or its delegatees, will examine compliance
with the obligation to report suspicious activity, and that failure to
comply with the rule may constitute a violation of the Bank Secrecy Act
and the Bank Secrecy Act regulations. The Department of the Treasury
has delegated to the Commission its authority to examine mutual funds
for compliance.\42\ In reviewing any particular failure to report a
transaction as required by this section, the Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network and the Commission may take into account the
relationship between the particular failure to report and the adequacy
of the implementation and operation of a mutual fund's compliance
\42\ See 31 CFR 103.56(b)(6) (delegating authority to examine
investment companies to the Commission).
G. Section 103.15(g)--Effective Date
Section 103.15(g) provides that the rule applies to transactions
occurring after October 31, 2006.
IV. Regulatory Flexibility Act
It is hereby certified that this final regulation will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
Registered investment companies, regardless of their size, are
currently subject to the Bank Secrecy Act. Procedures currently in
place at mutual funds to comply with existing Bank Secrecy Act rules
should help mutual funds to identify suspicious activity and small
mutual funds may have an established and limited customer base whose
transactions are well known to the fund. Moreover, as indicated below
in Section VI, the estimated burden associated with reporting
suspicious transactions is minimal.
V. Executive Order 12866
The Department of the Treasury has determined that this final
regulation is not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order
VI. Paperwork Reduction Act
The collection of information contained in this final regulation
has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget in accordance
[[Page 26219]]
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) under
control number 1506-0019. The estimated average burden associated with
the collection of information in this final rule is four hours per
respondent. We received no comment on its recordkeeping burden
Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and
suggestions for reducing this burden should be directed to Desk Officer
for the Department of the Treasury, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC
20503 (or by the electronic mail to
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid
control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget.
List of Subjects in 31 CFR Part 103
Administrative practice and procedure, Authority delegations
(Government agencies), Securities, Currency, Investigations, Law
enforcement, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Amendments to the Regulations
For the reasons set forth above in the preamble, 31 CFR part 103 is
amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 103 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1829b and 1951-1959; 31 U.S.C. 5311-5314
and 5316-5332; title III, sec. 314 Pub. L. 107-56, 115 Stat. 307.
Subpart B--[Amended]
2. In subpart B, Sec. 103.15 is redesignated as Sec. 103.12.
3. In subpart B, a new Sec. 103.15 is added to read as follows:
Sec. 103.15 Reports by mutual funds of suspicious transactions.
(a) General. (1) Every investment company (as defined in section 3
of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-3) (``Investment
Company Act'') that is an open-end company (as defined in section 5 of
the Investment Company Act (15 U.S.C. 80a-5)) and that is registered,
or is required to register, with the Securities and Exchange Commission
pursuant to that Act (for purposes of this section, a ``mutual fund''),
shall file with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, to the extent
and in the manner required by this section, a report of any suspicious
transaction relevant to a possible violation of law or regulation. A
mutual fund may also file with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
a report of any suspicious transaction that it believes is relevant to
the possible violation of any law or regulation, but whose reporting is
not required by this section. Filing a report of a suspicious
transaction does not relieve a mutual fund from the responsibility of
complying with any other reporting requirements imposed by the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
(2) A transaction requires reporting under this section if it is
conducted or attempted by, at, or through a mutual fund, it involves or
aggregates funds or other assets of at least $5,000, and the mutual
fund knows, suspects, or has reason to suspect that the transaction (or
a pattern of transactions of which the transaction is a part):
(i) Involves funds derived from illegal activity or is intended or
conducted in order to hide or disguise funds or assets derived from
illegal activity (including, without limitation, the ownership, nature,
source, location, or control of such funds or assets) as part of a plan
to violate or evade any Federal law or regulation or to avoid any
transaction reporting requirement under Federal law or regulation;
(ii) Is designed, whether through structuring or other means, to
evade any requirements of this part or any other regulations
promulgated under the Bank Secrecy Act, Public Law 91-508, as amended,
codified at 12 U.S.C. 1829b, 12 U.S.C. 1951-1959, and 31 U.S.C. 5311-
5314, 5316-5332;
(iii) Has no business or apparent lawful purpose or is not the sort
in which the particular customer would normally be expected to engage,
and the mutual fund knows of no reasonable explanation for the
transaction after examining the available facts, including the
background and possible purpose of the transaction; or
(iv) Involves use of the mutual fund to facilitate criminal
(3) More than one mutual fund may have an obligation to report the
same transaction under this section, and other financial institutions
may have separate obligations to report suspicious activity with
respect to the same transaction pursuant to other provisions of this
part. In those instances, no more than one report is required to be
filed by the mutual fund(s) and other financial institution(s) involved
in the transaction, provided that the report filed contains all
relevant facts, including the name of each financial institution and
the words ``joint filing'' in the narrative section, and each
institution maintains a copy of the report filed, along with any
supporting documentation.
(b) Filing and notification procedures--(1) What to file. A
suspicious transaction shall be reported by completing a Suspicious
Activity Report by Securities and Futures Industries (``SAR-SF''), and
collecting and maintaining supporting documentation as required by
paragraph (c) of this section.
(2) Where to file. Form SAR-SF shall be filed with the Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network in accordance with the instructions to the
Form SAR-SF.
(3) When to file. A Form SAR-SF shall be filed no later than 30
calendar days after the date of the initial detection by the reporting
mutual fund of facts that may constitute a basis for filing a Form SAR-
SF under this section. If no suspect is identified on the date of such
initial detection, a mutual fund may delay filing a Form SAR-SF for an
additional 30 calendar days to identify a suspect, but in no case shall
reporting be delayed more than 60 calendar days after the date of such
initial detection.
(4) Mandatory notification to law enforcement. In situations
involving violations that require immediate attention, such as
suspected terrorist financing or ongoing money laundering schemes, a
mutual fund shall immediately notify by telephone an appropriate law
enforcement authority in addition to filing timely a Form SAR-SF.
(5) Voluntary notification to the Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network or the Securities and Exchange Commission. Mutual funds wishing
voluntarily to report suspicious transactions that may relate to
terrorist activity may call the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network's
Financial Institutions Hotline at 1-866-556-3974 in addition to filing
timely a Form SAR-SF if required by this section. The mutual fund may
also, but is not required to, contact the Securities and Exchange
Commission to report in such situations.
(c) Retention of records. A mutual fund shall maintain a copy of
any Form SAR-SF filed by the fund or on its behalf (including joint
reports), and the original (or business record equivalent) of any
supporting documentation concerning any Form SAR-SF that it files (or
is filed on its behalf), for a period of five years from the date of
filing the Form SAR-SF. Supporting
[[Page 26220]]
documentation shall be identified as such and maintained by the mutual
fund, and shall be deemed to have been filed with the Form SAR-SF. The
mutual fund shall make all supporting documentation available to the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, any other appropriate law
enforcement agencies or federal or state securities regulators, and for
purposes of an examination of a broker-dealer pursuant to Sec.
103.19(g) regarding a joint report, to a self-regulatory organization
(as defined in section 3(a)(26) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(26)) registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, upon request.
(d) Confidentiality of reports. No mutual fund, and no director,
officer, employee, or agent of any mutual fund, who reports a
suspicious transaction under this part (whether such a report is
required by this section or made voluntarily), may notify any person
involved in the transaction that the transaction has been reported,
except to the extent permitted by paragraph (a)(3) of this section. Any
person subpoenaed or otherwise required to disclose a Form SAR-SF or
the information contained in a Form SAR-SF, including a Form SAR-SF
filed jointly with another financial institution involved in the same
transaction (except where such disclosure is requested by the Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network, the Securities and Exchange Commission,
another appropriate law enforcement or regulatory agency, or, in the
case of a joint report involving a broker-dealer, a self-regulatory
organization registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission
conducting an examination of such broker-dealer pursuant to Sec.
103.19(g)), shall decline to produce Form SAR-SF or to provide any
information that would disclose that a Form SAR-SF has been prepared or
filed, citing this paragraph (d) and 31 U.S.C. 5318(g)(2), and shall
notify the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of any such request and
its response thereto.
(e) Limitation of liability. A mutual fund, and any director,
officer, employee, or agent of such mutual fund, that makes a report of
any possible violation of law or regulation pursuant to this section,
including a joint report (whether such report is required by this
section or made voluntarily) shall be protected from liability for any
disclosure contained in, or for failure to disclose the fact of, such
report, or both, to the extent provided in 31 U.S.C. 5318(g)(3).
(f) Examinations and enforcement. Compliance with this section
shall be examined by the Department of the Treasury, through the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network or its delegees, under the terms
of the Bank Secrecy Act. Failure to satisfy the requirements of this
section may constitute a violation of the reporting rules of the Bank
Secrecy Act and of this part.
(g) Effective date. This section applies to transactions occurring
after October 31, 2006.
4. Add Sec. 103.16(b)(3)(iii) to read as follows:
Sec. 103.16 Reports by insurance companies of suspicious
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(3) * * *
(iii) An insurance company that issues variable insurance products
funded by separate accounts that meet the definition of a mutual fund
in Sec. 103.15(a)(1) shall file reports of suspicious transactions
pursuant to Sec. 103.15.
* * * * *
Dated: April 27, 2006.
Robert W. Werner,
Director, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
[FR Doc. 06-4177 Filed 5-3-06; 8:45 am]