Consideration of a Proposed Treasury Securities Lending Facility, 26174-26178 [E6-6639]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 85 / Wednesday, May 3, 2006 / Notices
or business are affected by this reporting
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Total Burden Hours:
283,056 hours.
OMB Number: 1545–1974.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Profit and Loss from Business.
Form: IRS 1040.
Description: Schedule C (Form 1040)
is used by individuals to report their
business income, loss, and expenses.
The data is used to verify that the items
reported on the form is correct and also
for general statistical use.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Estimated Total Burden Hours:
103,702,448 hours.
OMB Number: 1545–1516.
Type of Review: Revision.
Title: Entity Classification Election.
Form: IRS 8832.
Description: An eligible entity that
chooses not to be classified under the
default rules or that wishes to change its
current classification must file Form
8832 to elect a classification.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit; Farms.
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 23,200
Clearance Officer: Glenn P. Kirkland,
(202) 622–3428, Internal Revenue
Service, Room 6516, 1111 Constitution
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20224.
OMB Reviewer: Alexander T. Hunt,
(202) 395–7316, Office of Management
and Budget, Room 10235, New
Executive Office Building, Washington,
DC 20503.
Robert Dahl,
Treasury PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. E6–6658 Filed 5–2–06; 8:45 am]
Consideration of a Proposed Treasury
Securities Lending Facility
Department of the Treasury,
Departmental Offices.
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The Department of the
Treasury (‘‘Treasury’’) is considering
whether it should make available an
additional, temporary supply of
Treasury securities on rare occasions
when market shortages threaten to
impair the functioning of the market for
Treasury securities and broader
financial markets, and, if so, how
Treasury should accomplish this. This
document is intended as a vehicle to
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facilitate public discussion. Treasury
has not taken any position on the basic
question of whether it should establish
a securities lender of last resort facility
(SLLR), or, if it does so, how Treasury
should implement such a facility.
DATES: Comments must be in writing
and received by August 11, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Please submit comments to
Treasury’s Office of Debt Management,
Attention: Jeff Huther, Director, Office
of Debt Management, Room 2412,
Department of the Treasury, 1500
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20220. Because postal
mail may be subject to processing delay,
we recommend that comments be
submitted by electronic mail to: All
comments should be captioned with
‘‘Comments on Securities Lending
Facility.’’ Please include your name,
affiliation, address, e-mail address and
telephone number(s) in your comment.
All comments received will be available
for public inspection by appointment
only at the Reading Room of the
Treasury Library. To make
appointments, please call the number
Huther, Director, Office of Debt
Management, 202–622–2630 (not a tollfree number).
1. Introduction1
A safe, liquid and highly efficient U.S.
Treasury securities market is an
invaluable national asset. Treasury
securities play a key role in financial
markets as risk-free assets, and the
extraordinary liquidity in the Treasury
market has also led to a role for
Treasury securities as pricing
benchmarks for a broad array of private
financial assets. Moreover, market
participants can execute and manage
large positions in the Treasury market
with relatively low costs, making
Treasury securities the instruments of
choice for many in managing interest
rate risk. Market participants are willing
to pay a premium price for these special
attributes of Treasury securities, which
in turn allows the U.S. government to
borrow at the lowest possible cost over
Confidence in the safety and liquidity
of the Treasury market is supported by
the efficient settlement and clearing of
1 This notice was prepared by the staff of the
Office of Debt Management, U.S. Department of the
Treasury, in consultation with the staff of the
Markets Group, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
It has benefited greatly from comments provided by
colleagues in the Division of Monetary Affairs at the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
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Treasury transactions. This underscores
the importance of safeguarding, and
enhancing where possible, a wellfunctioning Treasury market. The
Treasury market generally operates very
well—but there have been a few
instances in which market functioning
has been impaired by forces such as
attempted market manipulation,
catastrophic operational disruptions,
and complications associated with
historically low short-term interest
rates. Some of these episodes have been
associated with elevated levels of
settlement fails as outsized demands for
particular Treasury securities have
outstripped the available supply.2, 3
Adverse market outcomes in these cases
have included one or more of the
following—distorted prices in the
Treasury cash, derivative and collateral
markets, and deterioration in dealers’
market-making activities. Left
unaddressed, such developments could
pose risks to efficient Treasury market
functioning and result in higher
borrowing costs for the U.S. Treasury.
In August of 2005, Treasury
announced at its Quarterly Refunding
that it had concluded that the concept
of a backstop securities facility
warranted further consideration, and
indicated that further advice from
market participants would be sought on
this idea. At subsequent Quarterly
Refundings, Treasury indicated that it
was continuing to study the desirability
of a standing, nondiscretionary
securities lending facility. This concept
was also discussed at meetings of the
Treasury Borrowing Advisory
Committee in August and November,
To assist in further consideration of
this issue, Treasury is publishing this
notice to seek comment on the question
2 Settlement failures occur when the party selling
a security fails to deliver the security on the agreed
upon settlement date. Settlement failures occur for
a variety of reasons including errors and
miscommunications. These failures, often called
frictional failures, are small and are generally
resolved quickly. Larger, more chronic fails can
occur due to wide-scale operational disruptions. In
addition, under current market conventions, the
costs incurred by market participants in failing to
deliver securities fall with the level of the market
repo rate. The potential for chronic fails episodes
thus increases in a very low interest rate
environment such as that prevailing during the
summer of 2003.
3 In the collateral market, market participants
borrow securities by lending funds against Treasury
collateral, typically through the use of repurchase
agreements. At the inception of the transaction, the
dealer ‘‘borrows’’ the security and lends funds at
the repo rate. When the transaction matures, the
security is returned and the loan is repaid with
interest. Although sometimes described in
economic terms as a collateralized loan, a
repurchase agreement consists of a purchase of
securities, followed by a sale at the unwind of the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 85 / Wednesday, May 3, 2006 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
of whether establishment by Treasury of
an SLLR would be an appropriate
response to the potential threat of
financial market duress described
above. Assuming that an SLLR was seen
as an appropriate response, we further
seek comment on how we could
accomplish this goal. Treasury has not
taken any position on whether a SLLR
would be beneficial, or, if so, the way
in which an SLLR should be structured
or implemented. In order to focus the
discussion, however, and to solicit
meaningful reaction and comments, this
notice also outlines one potential
structure for an SLLR.
To foster discussion and feedback on
these basic questions, the notice
identifies some important policy
considerations underlying these
questions. Section 2 begins by
discussing basic issues associated with
chronic settlement fails and also notes
some of the related history of past
proposals to establish a securities
lending facility. Section 3 contains some
basic lender of last resort principles that
might apply to the design of a securities
lending facility. Section 4 summarizes
some of the potential benefits and costs
of a SLLR. Section 5 then outlines one
of several possible structures for a
prototype SLLR and evaluates many
critical design features, and section 6
addresses legislative changes that may
be needed and other implementation
issues. Section 7 concludes with a
summary of critical questions for public
comment. We invite comment on any
and all aspects of this notice.
precisely the situation encountered in
the second half of 2003, when persistent
and chronic settlement fails plagued the
May 2013 ten-year note.5
The risk of acute and protracted
settlement fails could potentially be
alleviated by a temporary increase in the
supply of Treasury securities. While
market participants may be able to
implement changes in market
conventions that improve the
availability of securities in high
demand, only the U.S. Treasury can
increase the aggregate supply of
securities.6 There are other options
available to Treasury to address
impaired Treasury market liquidity,
including permanently increasing
supply through a reopening or, in some
cases, the issuance of a Large Position
Report.7 However, these options may be
limited in their effectiveness, disruptive
to Treasury’s ‘‘regular and predictable’’
issuance patterns and costly to
Treasury’s commitment to stability of
supply.8 The 1992 Joint Report on the
Government Securities Market
identified a SLLR as a preferred option
to reopenings in addressing acute
supply shortages. The report states that
‘‘the securities lending approach has
some significant advantages over
auctions and taps. It would be a
temporary measure to deal with a
temporary market problem. It provides
for a better possibility for the Treasury
to capture some of the pricing anomaly
and thus in effect make money for the
taxpayer. Finally, like a tap, it is a more
2. Chronic Settlement Fails
When settlement fails become acute
and protracted, the smooth functioning
of the Treasury market is undermined.
Such episodes can lead to increased and
unintended credit exposures, and can
also hamper efforts by investors to
liquidate positions. In these
circumstances, resources are diverted
from productive activities to the
monitoring, controlling and clearing of
unsettled trades.4 Protracted acute fails
may also shake investors’ confidence in
the safety and liquidity of U.S. Treasury
securities at precisely those moments
when bolstering public confidence is
most needed. In such situations, the
reliability and effectiveness of
Treasuries in their benchmark and risk
management roles could be
compromised, with potential adverse
spillover effects on the functioning of
broader capital markets. This was
5 For a detailed discussion of this episode, see
Fleming, Michael J. and Kenneth D. Garbade,
‘‘Repurchase Agreements with Negative Interest
Rates,’’ Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Current
Issues in Economic and Finance, Volume 10,
Number 5, April 2004.
6 Garbade and Kambhu (2005/2006) posit that
‘‘forestalling chronic settlement fails by introducing
a lender of last resort of Treasury securities is
conceptually similar to forestalling systemic bank
suspensions by introducing a lender of last resort
of money.’’ Pg. 2.
7 Under 15 U.S.C. 78o–5(f), Treasury may require
persons holding or controlling large positions in
certain Treasury securities to report their positions
for the purpose of monitoring the impact in the
Treasury securities market of concentrations of
8 Following the post 9/11/2001 reopening of the
August 2011 ten-year note in October 2001, thenTreasury Under Secretary Peter Fisher made it clear
that reopening securities on an ad hoc basis to
address shortages was not something that would be
utilized frequently to address shortages because of
the impact on borrowing costs. In remarks to the
Futures Industry Association on March 14th 2002,
US Fisher stated ‘‘* * * the unscheduled reopening
of the 10-year note last October was undertaken
because of concerns about the long-term
consequences of systemic failure in our credit
markets—even though the uncertainty it
engendered may have added to our borrowing costs
in the short run. For that reason, unscheduled
reopenings will remain the exception—the
exceedingly rare exception.’’
4 Garbade, Kenneth, D. and John B. Kambhu,
‘‘Why Is the U.S. Treasury Contemplating Becoming
a Lender of Last Resort for Treasury Securities?,’’
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Staff Reports,
No. 223, October 2005, revised April 2006.
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flexible approach than auctions to
ending a squeeze.’’ 9
3. Objectives and Principles
We anticipate that the structure and
operation of a securities lender of last
resort would embody many of the basic
objectives and principles that underlie
traditional lender of last resort facilities.
Fundamentally, a well-designed SLLR
would act as a form of ‘‘catastrophe’’
insurance in the Treasury market—in
normal circumstances, its impact would
be minimal, but it would play an
important role in mitigating the impact
of very rare but potentially very costly
events that weaken investor confidence
and threaten the overall functioning of
the Treasury and broader financial
markets. Consistent with this broad
objective, we anticipate that the design
of a prototype SLLR could incorporate
a few key principles listed below.
• The SLLR would provide
additional, temporary supply on rare
occasions when market shortages
threaten to impair the functioning of the
Treasury and broader financial markets.
The SLLR would be intended to act
only as a backup source for Treasury
securities during the rare episodes in
which Treasury market liquidity and
functioning has become impaired. The
terms and conditions should ensure that
program usage is confined only to those
instances in which markets are not
operating normally.
• Usage of the SLLR would be
determined by market forces rather than
Treasury discretion.
Crisis events can occur with little or
no warning, and administrative
discretion in determining whether the
SLLR should be available could result in
delayed access and in speculative
uncertainty about its availability. The
pricing of Treasury securities would be
less certain in this environment and
policymakers could be perceived as
acting in an arbitrary or capricious
manner or engaging in favoritism. (We
note that such concerns led the U.K.
Debt Management Office to establish a
non-discretionary securities lending
facility.) 10 In addition, a transparent
9 See Department of the Treasury, Securities
Exchange Commission and Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, The Joint Report on the
Government Securities Market (January 1992). The
report also identified other options and stated that
there were advantages and disadvantages of each
10 The U.K. Debt Management Office obtained the
authority to lend securities in the late 1990s.
However, market participants were unsure about
the criteria that would inform the DMO’s decisions
to influence the supply of securities in this way,
and this uncertainty was a source of concern. To
address such concerns, the DMO proposed a nondiscretionary facility in 1999 that was implemented
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 85 / Wednesday, May 3, 2006 / Notices
program that is driven objectively by
market forces would be in keeping with
the Treasury’s commitment to a ‘‘regular
and predictable’’ debt management
• The availability of the SLLR should
strengthen investor confidence in the
continued safety, liquidity and
efficiency of Treasury markets.
In many cases, the potential for a
substantial decline in market liquidity
can be self-fulfilling—market
participants fearing a deterioration in
market conditions may pull back from
market activities such as securities
lending, thereby exacerbating the
situation. An effective SLLR should
work to prevent this by bolstering
confidence among market participants
that an additional, transparent supply of
highly sought after securities would be
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
4. Potential Benefits and Costs of
Proposed SLLR
Market analysts have observed a
number of possible benefits and costs
that might be associated with an SLLR.
Among the potential benefits, an
effective SLLR might bolster overall
Treasury market liquidity, even in
normal circumstances, by insuring
against extreme shortages of particular
securities. Moreover, an SLLR could
contribute to greater confidence during
a financial crisis by assuring investors
that additional supply of scarce
Treasury securities will be available in
periods of extreme market disruption. If
this effect were significant, the SLLR
could be an effective crisis management
tool.11 Finally, by guarding against
widespread settlement fails, a SLLR
could substantially reduce expected
operational and regulatory costs
associated with settlement of Treasury
Weighing against these possible
benefits, some observers have pointed to
in June of the following year. Under the terms of
the facility, eligible institutions could borrow
securities at any time. However, the securities were
made available at a penalty rate that effectively
discouraged borrowing except in those cases when
market conditions were extremely tight or
disrupted. Since its inception, the nondiscretionary facility has been utilized quite
infrequently and reportedly has had little, if any,
adverse impact on the normal operations in the gilt
cash, repo, and futures markets.
11 When faced with unprecedented levels of
settlement fails that persisted for weeks after the
9/11 terrorist attacks, the Treasury Borrowing
Advisory Committee ‘‘overwhelmingly felt that
Treasury should expand their ability to enhance
liquidity in the Treasury market. To accomplish
this, they could set up a repo facility to help
alleviate protracted shortages, in particular, large
and persistent fails when for some reason
emergency reopenings, large position reporting, and
debt buybacks do not work.’’ Report of the Treasury
Borrowing Advisory Committee (October 30, 2001).
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the potential for significant adverse
market effects. In particular, some have
argued that a SLLR could contribute to
moral hazard by effectively ‘‘bailing
out’’ investors with short positions. The
increase in moral hazard, in turn, might
contribute to excessive risk-taking in
markets. In addition, some have pointed
to the potential for a SLLR to be
‘‘gamed’’ by market participants in a
way that would be detrimental to
investor confidence and that could
impair the overall functioning of the
Treasury cash and repo markets. Such
an outcome would ultimately feed back
in higher borrowing costs for the U.S.
Treasury. An even broader conceptual
question is whether there is a clearlydefined weakness in the market
structure sufficient to warrant the
involvement and intervention of the
Federal Government in the market
through a SLLR, and whether such an
intervention would undermine or
reduce private sector incentives to better
(and perhaps more efficiently) resolve
the issues that the SLLR is intended to
Quantifying the potential benefits and
costs associated with a SLLR is
inherently difficult. Other countries
have implemented securities lending
facilities, apparently without significant
adverse effects. On the other hand, the
level of activity in the U.S. Treasury
market dwarfs that in other sovereign
debt markets, so drawing inferences
from the experience of other countries
on this point may not be appropriate.
5. One Possible Structure—Terms,
Conditions and Other Operational
The critical design features for the
SLLR are the basic distribution
mechanism and the various terms and
conditions of securities loans, including
rate, maturity, and delivery
conventions. A number of other
parameters, such as eligible borrowers,
available securities, borrowing
mechanics and transparency, collateral
valuation, margins and rights of
substitution, borrowing limits, and
reporting and administrative criteria are
also important. Each of these design
features is discussed in greater detail
The terms and conditions that are
presented below are not being
recommended by Treasury and are
being provided solely as a vehicle for
more focused comment and discussion.
Treasury has found in conversations
with market participants and the public
that a ‘‘straw man’’ model is extremely
useful in eliciting views that are
ultimately applicable to any of the many
possible models on which an SLLR
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could be structured. The substantial
detail presented in this particular SLLR
model should not be construed as an
endorsement by Treasury of either the
general concept of implementing an
SLLR, or, of this model.
• Distribution Mechanism: Auctions
versus Fixed-Rate (Price) Standing
Securities borrowed from the SLLR
could either be fixed in quantity with
the rate set through an auction or fixed
in rate with the quantity determined by
the borrower. However, only a fixed-rate
standing facility would ensure that the
needed supply of Treasury securities
would be available to all eligible
borrowers. This construct seems to be
most in line with the concept of ‘‘lender
of last resort,’’ allowing market
participants to borrow as much supply
as needed to resolve acute and
protracted settlement fails.
• Rate, Maturity, Delivery and
Reporting Options.
As noted above, these parameters
should be set in a such a way that
borrowing from the SLLR would be a
viable option during rare periods of
severe market stress but would be
viewed as too expensive in normal
market conditions. This could likely be
achieved through an appropriate
combination of the rate, maturity,
delivery, and disclosure conventions.
The SLLR could make securities
available at an implied rate of zero
percent. The implied zero percent repo
rate could be achieved by charging a
lending fee equal to the appropriate
term general collateral repo rate.12 The
lending fee alone should limit
borrowing from the SLLR to only those
cases when the market repo rate for a
particular security has fallen to zero.
The use of the SLLR could be even more
narrowly targeted by suitable
specifications of the term of the loan
12 The lending fee would need to be set so as to
guarantee the absence of arbitrage in the case with
an assumed specials rate of zero for a security
borrowed from the SLLR. For example, suppose the
SLLR extended one-week term loans with a oneweek forward start. In this case, a dealer could
reverse in general collateral securities today for two
weeks and earn the general collateral two-week
term repo rate. The general collateral securities
could then be financed for one week at the oneweek general collateral rate. After one week had
passed, the general collateral securities would be
returned to the dealer and they could then be
pledged at the SLLR in return for scarce securities.
The securities borrowed from the SLLR could then
be financed, by assumption, for one week at zero
percent. The lending fee in this case would need
to be set equal to the one-week forward one-week
general collateral rate to guarantee the absence of
arbitrage profits. As an operational matter, the
discussion here suggests that specifying the
appropriate lending fee would likely require
calculations based upon regular quotes of general
collateral repo rates across a range of maturities.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 85 / Wednesday, May 3, 2006 / Notices
and a delayed delivery convention. For
example, all SLLR loans might be
offered for a fixed term with a standard
forward delivery. Requiring that
borrowers enter into a term securities
loan with an implied zero percent repo
rate and a forward settlement date
would likely limit borrowing from the
SLLR to periods of severe market
disruption when the market repo rate
was expected to remain at zero for some
time and widespread settlement failures
were expected to persist for an extended
period. A forward settlement date
would further discourage strategic use
of the facility in implementing short-run
trading strategies.
It is possible that fairly lengthy term
and settlement periods—perhaps a oneweek term with a T+5 settlement
convention—might be required to limit
usage only to scenarios in which
markets are severely disrupted.
Alternatively, shorter-term loans with
maturities of a day or two and with
next-day or skip-day settlement might
be adequate. Input from market
participants concerning appropriate
settings for the term of SLLR loans and
the forward delivery convention would
be particularly useful.
A final element under the terms of
borrowing concerns reporting
requirements. It may well be desirable
to require borrowers to report their daily
cash, repo, and futures positions, and
fails to deliver and receive in the
security borrowed over an interval
bracketing the period of borrowing.
Reporting of this type would be another
factor that would discourage use of the
SLLR during normal market conditions
and could also be useful in guarding
against possible inappropriate uses of
the facility.
• Collateral.
The SLLR would lend securities on a
bond-for-bond basis, meaning that to
borrow securities from the facility, a
borrower would have to pledge other
Treasury securities of equal market
value, plus a margin, as collateral. A
bond-for-bond facility structure would
not affect the Treasury’s cash position,
which simplifies cash management for
Treasury and open-market operations
for the Federal Reserve.
It likely would be desirable to allow
institutions to substitute collateral while
borrowing from the SLLR. If collateral
substitution capabilities were especially
important to market participants, the
SLLR might include a tri-party
arrangement in which a collateral
custodian would handle the back office
work in tracking frequent collateral
substitutions over the term of a SLLR
• Available Securities.
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The range of securities available
through the SLLR could be defined in a
number of ways. At one end of the
spectrum, the SLLR could stand ready
to lend additional supply for any
outstanding CUSIP number. That
structure would tend to address the
inherent difficulties in anticipating
future problems that could arise. On the
other hand, many of the market
problems faced in the past have
involved recently-issued nominal
coupon securities. This might suggest
that the program could be limited to onthe-run and once-off-the-run securities.
Input from market participants about
the appropriate range of available
securities would be quite valuable.
• Borrowing Mechanics and Public
All borrowing requests would be
submitted to the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York (FRBNY) in its capacity as
fiscal agent for the United States
Government. As with other Treasury
and Federal Reserve operations, the
aggregate daily volume of borrowing
requests by CUSIP would be made
public promptly and well before the
loans are settled.
Prompt disclosure would be critical to
ensure that market participants with
direct access to the facility do not gain
a significant information advantage over
those without direct access.13 In
particular, market participants would
need to know how the temporary supply
of an outstanding security would change
in order to make informed trading and
investment decisions. In addition,
prompt disclosure should help to dispel
bond market rumors about potential
borrowing from the SLLR that might
otherwise add to financial market
volatility. The names of individual
borrowers would be kept strictly
• Eligible Borrowers.
The complexity of collateralized
bond-for-bond borrowing and the
anticipated infrequent use of the SLLR
suggest the need to limit the group of
counterparties to a manageable number.
For example, direct participation might
be limited to primary dealers as
designated by FRBNY. Primary dealers
play a critical role in making markets for
Treasury securities and maintain active
trading relationships with FRBNY.
Market participants who wished to
obtain securities from the SLLR could
place their order through a primary
dealer.14 This should not represent a
significant disadvantage to those entities
lacking direct access to the facility. The
SLLR borrowing rate would be known to
the entire market and competition
among primary dealers should ensure
that other market participants would be
able to tap the SLLR through a primary
dealer at a minimal cost. Moreover,
details on the usage of the SLLR (the
total amount of borrowing for each
security) would be publicly available.
• Collateral Margin and Valuation.
As noted above, one of the basic
options for the SLLR involves the
provision of term securities loans. In the
interest of protecting the Treasury from
credit risk, only Treasury securities
would be accepted as collateral. The
amount of Treasury collateral required
from a borrower could also include a
margin to protect the Treasury from the
risk that the market value of the pledged
securities might fall below the value of
the borrowed securities.
Protecting the Treasury could be
enhanced by marking-to-market the
value of the collateral each day. If the
market value of the collateral including
the margin were to fall below the market
value of the borrowed securities, a
margin call could be made to the
borrower to provide more collateral and
reestablish the margin. Conversely, if
the market value of the collateral were
to change in the borrower’s favor, excess
collateral could be released to the
• Borrowing Limitations.
It may be prudent to place some
limitations on the total amount of
securities that any one participant could
borrow. Policymakers might have some
concern, for example, about the
motivations and financial circumstances
of a market participant wishing to
borrow enormous amounts of a
particular security. A per-issue limit
could be set in such a way that the
aggregate amount of securities available
from the SLLR would be adequate to
resolve or substantially mitigate any
market disruption.
• Rollovers/Loan Extensions.
Under conditions of severe market
dislocations, borrowers may be unable
to return borrowed securities to the
Treasury on the closing leg of the
lending transaction. In these
circumstances, imposing harsh penalties
for fails back to the Treasury would run
counter to the intent of the program;
market participants in this case would
13 Even with prompt disclosure, borrowers may
have an information advantage. They will certainly
know that aggregate quantity will rise before it is
disclosed to the public. Dealers submitting bids for
others as well as themselves arguably would have
the greatest information advantage.
14 This structure would be analogous to that
employed during 2000–2001 when the Treasury
conducted buyback operations. Non-primary
dealers that wished to participate in such
operations placed their bids through primary
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find it advantageous to fail to private
counterparties in their efforts to avoid
failing back to the Treasury, potentially
exacerbating the fails situation that the
SLLR would be intended to address. For
this reason, it might be reasonable to
treat fails back to Treasury in the same
manner that fails among private
counterparties are treated. The original
loan could be extended on a daily basis
at a zero percent rate with the lending
fee thus set equal to the overnight
general collateral repo rate.
6. Legislative, Regulatory, and
Implementation Issues
Beyond determining the structure for
the proposed SLLR, there are a number
of issues that would need to be
addressed prior to implementation,
including statutory changes concerning
the Treasury’s borrowing authority, debt
limit accounting, and the tax treatment
of borrowed securities. Each of these is
considered in more detail below.
• Authority to Issue Securities for the
Purpose of Securities Lending.
Although this paper describes the
proposed transactions of the SLLR as
‘‘lending,’’ Treasury would actually be
issuing additional securities for a
temporary period of time. The Secretary
of the Treasury (‘‘Secretary’’) is
authorized under Chapter 31 of Title 31,
United States Code, to issue Treasury
securities and to prescribe terms and
conditions for their issuance and sale.
The Secretary is authorized to borrow
amounts necessary for expenditures
authorized by law and may issue
securities for the amounts borrowed,
and may also issue securities to buy,
redeem or refund outstanding securities.
These authorities do not appear to
encompass the activities of the proposed
SLLR. As a result, Treasury would likely
need to pursue new authority to issue
securities for the purpose of securities
lending in order to implement an SLLR.
• Debt Limit Treatment.
Treasury would also need to consider
the implications of issuing additional
securities, even on a temporary basis, on
the debt subject to limit. A bond-forbond SLLR may not provide a one-forone offset accounting treatment for debt
limit purposes. Under the current debt
limit treatment, the par amount of the
debt pledged as collateral to the facility
could partially or fully offset the par
amount of the securities that are lent.
However, because the SLLR would
likely use the market value of the
collateral to determine the market value
of borrowed and margined securities, to
the degree that market values and par
values differ, there would not be a onefor-one debt limit accounting offset in a
bond-for-bond SLLR structure. For
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:36 May 02, 2006
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example, if all securities trade close to
their par values, borrowing at the SLLR
would tend to reduce the debt subject to
the limit because the par value of
securities pledged as collateral
(including the margin) would tend to
exceed the par value of securities
borrowed. However, if the market value
of pledged securities were substantially
above par value, borrowing from the
SLLR would likely increase the debt
subject to limit. Given this uncertainty,
Treasury might need to suspend the
SLLR lending activity during the period
leading up to debt-limit increases unless
there is a legislative change to the
current debt limit treatment.
• Tax Treatment.
Some tax issues would need to be
addressed. For example, to ensure that
Treasury securities borrowed from the
lending facility are fully fungible with
the outstanding securities, both the
outstanding securities and the securities
borrowed from the facility would have
to be treated for Federal tax purposes as
being part of the same issue. It may be
necessary to seek legislation regarding
this treatment.
7. Conclusion
As noted at the outset, maintaining a
safe, efficient, and liquid Treasury
market is a critical public policy
objective. Treasury is seeking comments
on whether a well constructed SLLR
might provide low cost insurance
against certain types of market
disruptions during times of financial
market crisis. An ideal facility would
rarely be utilized, but would be
available to mitigate strains in the
Treasury market and in broader
financial markets. As noted above, there
are potential costs to be considered as
well, including possible increases in
moral hazard and the risk of significant
gaming of the facility.
Public input in evaluating and
designing a SLLR is essential and we
invite comment on any aspect of the
proposed facility, including whether it
should be established at all. Treasury
takes no position on whether a SLLR
should be established or, if such a
facility were established, how it should
be structured. In this regard, comments
focusing on potential benefits and costs
associated with a SLLR together with an
overall assessment of the desirability of
establishing a SLLR would be
particularly useful. In addition,
comments on the various facets of the
proposed structure, including various
terms and conditions and other
PO 00000
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operational details, would also be most
Emil W. Henry, Jr.,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
[FR Doc. E6–6639 Filed 5–2–06; 8:45 am]
[OMB Control No. 2900–New (FSC)]
Proposed Information Collection
Activity: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
Office of Management,
Department of Veterans Affairs.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Office of Management
(OM), Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA), is announcing an opportunity for
public comment on the proposed
collection of certain information by the
agency. Under the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995, Federal agencies are
required to publish notice in the
Federal Register concerning each
proposed collection of information,
including each existing collection in use
without an OMB control number, and
allow 60 days for public comment in
response to the notice. This notice
solicits comments on information
needed to obtain customers satisfaction
on Financial Services Center (FSC)
business process and system features.
DATES: Written comments and
recommendations on the proposed
collection of information should be
received on or before July 3, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
on the collection of information to
Rachel A. Moffitt, Office of
Management, Financial Services Center
(104/BDD), Department of Veterans
Affairs, 1615 Woodward Street, Austin,
TX, 79772–001 or e-mail Please refer
to ‘‘OMB Control No. 2900–New (FSC)’’
in any correspondence.
Rachel A. Moffitt at (512) 460–5310 or
fax to (512) 460–5117.
PRA of 1995 (Public Law 104–13; 44
U.S.C. 3501–3521), Federal agencies
must obtain approval from the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for each
collection of information they conduct
or sponsor. This request for comment is
being made pursuant to Section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA.
With respect to the following
collection of information, OM invites
comments on: (1) Whether the proposed
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 85 (Wednesday, May 3, 2006)]
[Pages 26174-26178]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-6639]
Consideration of a Proposed Treasury Securities Lending Facility
AGENCY: Department of the Treasury, Departmental Offices.
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
SUMMARY: The Department of the Treasury (``Treasury'') is considering
whether it should make available an additional, temporary supply of
Treasury securities on rare occasions when market shortages threaten to
impair the functioning of the market for Treasury securities and
broader financial markets, and, if so, how Treasury should accomplish
this. This document is intended as a vehicle to facilitate public
discussion. Treasury has not taken any position on the basic question
of whether it should establish a securities lender of last resort
facility (SLLR), or, if it does so, how Treasury should implement such
a facility.
DATES: Comments must be in writing and received by August 11, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Please submit comments to Treasury's Office of Debt
Management, Attention: Jeff Huther, Director, Office of Debt
Management, Room 2412, Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20220. Because postal mail may be subject
to processing delay, we recommend that comments be submitted by
electronic mail to: All comments should
be captioned with ``Comments on Securities Lending Facility.'' Please
include your name, affiliation, address, e-mail address and telephone
number(s) in your comment. All comments received will be available for
public inspection by appointment only at the Reading Room of the
Treasury Library. To make appointments, please call the number below.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jeff Huther, Director, Office of Debt
Management, 202-622-2630 (not a toll-free number).
1. Introduction\1\
A safe, liquid and highly efficient U.S. Treasury securities market
is an invaluable national asset. Treasury securities play a key role in
financial markets as risk-free assets, and the extraordinary liquidity
in the Treasury market has also led to a role for Treasury securities
as pricing benchmarks for a broad array of private financial assets.
Moreover, market participants can execute and manage large positions in
the Treasury market with relatively low costs, making Treasury
securities the instruments of choice for many in managing interest rate
risk. Market participants are willing to pay a premium price for these
special attributes of Treasury securities, which in turn allows the
U.S. government to borrow at the lowest possible cost over time.
\1\ This notice was prepared by the staff of the Office of Debt
Management, U.S. Department of the Treasury, in consultation with
the staff of the Markets Group, Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It
has benefited greatly from comments provided by colleagues in the
Division of Monetary Affairs at the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.
Confidence in the safety and liquidity of the Treasury market is
supported by the efficient settlement and clearing of Treasury
transactions. This underscores the importance of safeguarding, and
enhancing where possible, a well-functioning Treasury market. The
Treasury market generally operates very well--but there have been a few
instances in which market functioning has been impaired by forces such
as attempted market manipulation, catastrophic operational disruptions,
and complications associated with historically low short-term interest
rates. Some of these episodes have been associated with elevated levels
of settlement fails as outsized demands for particular Treasury
securities have outstripped the available supply.2, 3
Adverse market outcomes in these cases have included one or more of the
following--distorted prices in the Treasury cash, derivative and
collateral markets, and deterioration in dealers' market-making
activities. Left unaddressed, such developments could pose risks to
efficient Treasury market functioning and result in higher borrowing
costs for the U.S. Treasury.
\2\ Settlement failures occur when the party selling a security
fails to deliver the security on the agreed upon settlement date.
Settlement failures occur for a variety of reasons including errors
and miscommunications. These failures, often called frictional
failures, are small and are generally resolved quickly. Larger, more
chronic fails can occur due to wide-scale operational disruptions.
In addition, under current market conventions, the costs incurred by
market participants in failing to deliver securities fall with the
level of the market repo rate. The potential for chronic fails
episodes thus increases in a very low interest rate environment such
as that prevailing during the summer of 2003.
\3\ In the collateral market, market participants borrow
securities by lending funds against Treasury collateral, typically
through the use of repurchase agreements. At the inception of the
transaction, the dealer ``borrows'' the security and lends funds at
the repo rate. When the transaction matures, the security is
returned and the loan is repaid with interest. Although sometimes
described in economic terms as a collateralized loan, a repurchase
agreement consists of a purchase of securities, followed by a sale
at the unwind of the transaction.
In August of 2005, Treasury announced at its Quarterly Refunding
that it had concluded that the concept of a backstop securities
facility warranted further consideration, and indicated that further
advice from market participants would be sought on this idea. At
subsequent Quarterly Refundings, Treasury indicated that it was
continuing to study the desirability of a standing, nondiscretionary
securities lending facility. This concept was also discussed at
meetings of the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee in August and
November, 2005.
To assist in further consideration of this issue, Treasury is
publishing this notice to seek comment on the question
[[Page 26175]]
of whether establishment by Treasury of an SLLR would be an appropriate
response to the potential threat of financial market duress described
above. Assuming that an SLLR was seen as an appropriate response, we
further seek comment on how we could accomplish this goal. Treasury has
not taken any position on whether a SLLR would be beneficial, or, if
so, the way in which an SLLR should be structured or implemented. In
order to focus the discussion, however, and to solicit meaningful
reaction and comments, this notice also outlines one potential
structure for an SLLR.
To foster discussion and feedback on these basic questions, the
notice identifies some important policy considerations underlying these
questions. Section 2 begins by discussing basic issues associated with
chronic settlement fails and also notes some of the related history of
past proposals to establish a securities lending facility. Section 3
contains some basic lender of last resort principles that might apply
to the design of a securities lending facility. Section 4 summarizes
some of the potential benefits and costs of a SLLR. Section 5 then
outlines one of several possible structures for a prototype SLLR and
evaluates many critical design features, and section 6 addresses
legislative changes that may be needed and other implementation issues.
Section 7 concludes with a summary of critical questions for public
comment. We invite comment on any and all aspects of this notice.
2. Chronic Settlement Fails
When settlement fails become acute and protracted, the smooth
functioning of the Treasury market is undermined. Such episodes can
lead to increased and unintended credit exposures, and can also hamper
efforts by investors to liquidate positions. In these circumstances,
resources are diverted from productive activities to the monitoring,
controlling and clearing of unsettled trades.\4\ Protracted acute fails
may also shake investors' confidence in the safety and liquidity of
U.S. Treasury securities at precisely those moments when bolstering
public confidence is most needed. In such situations, the reliability
and effectiveness of Treasuries in their benchmark and risk management
roles could be compromised, with potential adverse spillover effects on
the functioning of broader capital markets. This was precisely the
situation encountered in the second half of 2003, when persistent and
chronic settlement fails plagued the May 2013 ten-year note.\5\
\4\ Garbade, Kenneth, D. and John B. Kambhu, ``Why Is the U.S.
Treasury Contemplating Becoming a Lender of Last Resort for Treasury
Securities?,'' Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Staff Reports, No.
223, October 2005, revised April 2006.
\5\ For a detailed discussion of this episode, see Fleming,
Michael J. and Kenneth D. Garbade, ``Repurchase Agreements with
Negative Interest Rates,'' Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Current
Issues in Economic and Finance, Volume 10, Number 5, April 2004.
The risk of acute and protracted settlement fails could potentially
be alleviated by a temporary increase in the supply of Treasury
securities. While market participants may be able to implement changes
in market conventions that improve the availability of securities in
high demand, only the U.S. Treasury can increase the aggregate supply
of securities.\6\ There are other options available to Treasury to
address impaired Treasury market liquidity, including permanently
increasing supply through a reopening or, in some cases, the issuance
of a Large Position Report.\7\ However, these options may be limited in
their effectiveness, disruptive to Treasury's ``regular and
predictable'' issuance patterns and costly to Treasury's commitment to
stability of supply.\8\ The 1992 Joint Report on the Government
Securities Market identified a SLLR as a preferred option to reopenings
in addressing acute supply shortages. The report states that ``the
securities lending approach has some significant advantages over
auctions and taps. It would be a temporary measure to deal with a
temporary market problem. It provides for a better possibility for the
Treasury to capture some of the pricing anomaly and thus in effect make
money for the taxpayer. Finally, like a tap, it is a more flexible
approach than auctions to ending a squeeze.'' \9\
\6\ Garbade and Kambhu (2005/2006) posit that ``forestalling
chronic settlement fails by introducing a lender of last resort of
Treasury securities is conceptually similar to forestalling systemic
bank suspensions by introducing a lender of last resort of money.''
Pg. 2.
\7\ Under 15 U.S.C. 78o-5(f), Treasury may require persons
holding or controlling large positions in certain Treasury
securities to report their positions for the purpose of monitoring
the impact in the Treasury securities market of concentrations of
\8\ Following the post 9/11/2001 reopening of the August 2011
ten-year note in October 2001, then-Treasury Under Secretary Peter
Fisher made it clear that reopening securities on an ad hoc basis to
address shortages was not something that would be utilized
frequently to address shortages because of the impact on borrowing
costs. In remarks to the Futures Industry Association on March 14th
2002, US Fisher stated ``* * * the unscheduled reopening of the 10-
year note last October was undertaken because of concerns about the
long-term consequences of systemic failure in our credit markets--
even though the uncertainty it engendered may have added to our
borrowing costs in the short run. For that reason, unscheduled
reopenings will remain the exception--the exceedingly rare
\9\ See Department of the Treasury, Securities Exchange
Commission and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, The
Joint Report on the Government Securities Market (January 1992). The
report also identified other options and stated that there were
advantages and disadvantages of each option.
3. Objectives and Principles
We anticipate that the structure and operation of a securities
lender of last resort would embody many of the basic objectives and
principles that underlie traditional lender of last resort facilities.
Fundamentally, a well-designed SLLR would act as a form of
``catastrophe'' insurance in the Treasury market--in normal
circumstances, its impact would be minimal, but it would play an
important role in mitigating the impact of very rare but potentially
very costly events that weaken investor confidence and threaten the
overall functioning of the Treasury and broader financial markets.
Consistent with this broad objective, we anticipate that the design of
a prototype SLLR could incorporate a few key principles listed below.
The SLLR would provide additional, temporary supply on
rare occasions when market shortages threaten to impair the functioning
of the Treasury and broader financial markets.
The SLLR would be intended to act only as a backup source for
Treasury securities during the rare episodes in which Treasury market
liquidity and functioning has become impaired. The terms and conditions
should ensure that program usage is confined only to those instances in
which markets are not operating normally.
Usage of the SLLR would be determined by market forces
rather than Treasury discretion.
Crisis events can occur with little or no warning, and
administrative discretion in determining whether the SLLR should be
available could result in delayed access and in speculative uncertainty
about its availability. The pricing of Treasury securities would be
less certain in this environment and policymakers could be perceived as
acting in an arbitrary or capricious manner or engaging in favoritism.
(We note that such concerns led the U.K. Debt Management Office to
establish a non-discretionary securities lending facility.) \10\ In
addition, a transparent
[[Page 26176]]
program that is driven objectively by market forces would be in keeping
with the Treasury's commitment to a ``regular and predictable'' debt
management policy.
\10\ The U.K. Debt Management Office obtained the authority to
lend securities in the late 1990s. However, market participants were
unsure about the criteria that would inform the DMO's decisions to
influence the supply of securities in this way, and this uncertainty
was a source of concern. To address such concerns, the DMO proposed
a non-discretionary facility in 1999 that was implemented in June of
the following year. Under the terms of the facility, eligible
institutions could borrow securities at any time. However, the
securities were made available at a penalty rate that effectively
discouraged borrowing except in those cases when market conditions
were extremely tight or disrupted. Since its inception, the non-
discretionary facility has been utilized quite infrequently and
reportedly has had little, if any, adverse impact on the normal
operations in the gilt cash, repo, and futures markets.
The availability of the SLLR should strengthen investor
confidence in the continued safety, liquidity and efficiency of
Treasury markets.
In many cases, the potential for a substantial decline in market
liquidity can be self-fulfilling--market participants fearing a
deterioration in market conditions may pull back from market activities
such as securities lending, thereby exacerbating the situation. An
effective SLLR should work to prevent this by bolstering confidence
among market participants that an additional, transparent supply of
highly sought after securities would be available.
4. Potential Benefits and Costs of Proposed SLLR
Market analysts have observed a number of possible benefits and
costs that might be associated with an SLLR. Among the potential
benefits, an effective SLLR might bolster overall Treasury market
liquidity, even in normal circumstances, by insuring against extreme
shortages of particular securities. Moreover, an SLLR could contribute
to greater confidence during a financial crisis by assuring investors
that additional supply of scarce Treasury securities will be available
in periods of extreme market disruption. If this effect were
significant, the SLLR could be an effective crisis management tool.\11\
Finally, by guarding against widespread settlement fails, a SLLR could
substantially reduce expected operational and regulatory costs
associated with settlement of Treasury transactions.
\11\ When faced with unprecedented levels of settlement fails
that persisted for weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the
Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee ``overwhelmingly felt that
Treasury should expand their ability to enhance liquidity in the
Treasury market. To accomplish this, they could set up a repo
facility to help alleviate protracted shortages, in particular,
large and persistent fails when for some reason emergency
reopenings, large position reporting, and debt buybacks do not
work.'' Report of the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee (October
30, 2001).
Weighing against these possible benefits, some observers have
pointed to the potential for significant adverse market effects. In
particular, some have argued that a SLLR could contribute to moral
hazard by effectively ``bailing out'' investors with short positions.
The increase in moral hazard, in turn, might contribute to excessive
risk-taking in markets. In addition, some have pointed to the potential
for a SLLR to be ``gamed'' by market participants in a way that would
be detrimental to investor confidence and that could impair the overall
functioning of the Treasury cash and repo markets. Such an outcome
would ultimately feed back in higher borrowing costs for the U.S.
Treasury. An even broader conceptual question is whether there is a
clearly-defined weakness in the market structure sufficient to warrant
the involvement and intervention of the Federal Government in the
market through a SLLR, and whether such an intervention would undermine
or reduce private sector incentives to better (and perhaps more
efficiently) resolve the issues that the SLLR is intended to address.
Quantifying the potential benefits and costs associated with a SLLR
is inherently difficult. Other countries have implemented securities
lending facilities, apparently without significant adverse effects. On
the other hand, the level of activity in the U.S. Treasury market
dwarfs that in other sovereign debt markets, so drawing inferences from
the experience of other countries on this point may not be appropriate.
5. One Possible Structure--Terms, Conditions and Other Operational
The critical design features for the SLLR are the basic
distribution mechanism and the various terms and conditions of
securities loans, including rate, maturity, and delivery conventions. A
number of other parameters, such as eligible borrowers, available
securities, borrowing mechanics and transparency, collateral valuation,
margins and rights of substitution, borrowing limits, and reporting and
administrative criteria are also important. Each of these design
features is discussed in greater detail below.
The terms and conditions that are presented below are not being
recommended by Treasury and are being provided solely as a vehicle for
more focused comment and discussion. Treasury has found in
conversations with market participants and the public that a ``straw
man'' model is extremely useful in eliciting views that are ultimately
applicable to any of the many possible models on which an SLLR could be
structured. The substantial detail presented in this particular SLLR
model should not be construed as an endorsement by Treasury of either
the general concept of implementing an SLLR, or, of this model.
Distribution Mechanism: Auctions versus Fixed-Rate (Price)
Standing Facility.
Securities borrowed from the SLLR could either be fixed in quantity
with the rate set through an auction or fixed in rate with the quantity
determined by the borrower. However, only a fixed-rate standing
facility would ensure that the needed supply of Treasury securities
would be available to all eligible borrowers. This construct seems to
be most in line with the concept of ``lender of last resort,'' allowing
market participants to borrow as much supply as needed to resolve acute
and protracted settlement fails.
Rate, Maturity, Delivery and Reporting Options.
As noted above, these parameters should be set in a such a way that
borrowing from the SLLR would be a viable option during rare periods of
severe market stress but would be viewed as too expensive in normal
market conditions. This could likely be achieved through an appropriate
combination of the rate, maturity, delivery, and disclosure
The SLLR could make securities available at an implied rate of zero
percent. The implied zero percent repo rate could be achieved by
charging a lending fee equal to the appropriate term general collateral
repo rate.\12\ The lending fee alone should limit borrowing from the
SLLR to only those cases when the market repo rate for a particular
security has fallen to zero. The use of the SLLR could be even more
narrowly targeted by suitable specifications of the term of the loan
[[Page 26177]]
and a delayed delivery convention. For example, all SLLR loans might be
offered for a fixed term with a standard forward delivery. Requiring
that borrowers enter into a term securities loan with an implied zero
percent repo rate and a forward settlement date would likely limit
borrowing from the SLLR to periods of severe market disruption when the
market repo rate was expected to remain at zero for some time and
widespread settlement failures were expected to persist for an extended
period. A forward settlement date would further discourage strategic
use of the facility in implementing short-run trading strategies.
\12\ The lending fee would need to be set so as to guarantee the
absence of arbitrage in the case with an assumed specials rate of
zero for a security borrowed from the SLLR. For example, suppose the
SLLR extended one-week term loans with a one-week forward start. In
this case, a dealer could reverse in general collateral securities
today for two weeks and earn the general collateral two-week term
repo rate. The general collateral securities could then be financed
for one week at the one-week general collateral rate. After one week
had passed, the general collateral securities would be returned to
the dealer and they could then be pledged at the SLLR in return for
scarce securities. The securities borrowed from the SLLR could then
be financed, by assumption, for one week at zero percent. The
lending fee in this case would need to be set equal to the one-week
forward one-week general collateral rate to guarantee the absence of
arbitrage profits. As an operational matter, the discussion here
suggests that specifying the appropriate lending fee would likely
require calculations based upon regular quotes of general collateral
repo rates across a range of maturities.
It is possible that fairly lengthy term and settlement periods--
perhaps a one-week term with a T+5 settlement convention--might be
required to limit usage only to scenarios in which markets are severely
disrupted. Alternatively, shorter-term loans with maturities of a day
or two and with next-day or skip-day settlement might be adequate.
Input from market participants concerning appropriate settings for the
term of SLLR loans and the forward delivery convention would be
particularly useful.
A final element under the terms of borrowing concerns reporting
requirements. It may well be desirable to require borrowers to report
their daily cash, repo, and futures positions, and fails to deliver and
receive in the security borrowed over an interval bracketing the period
of borrowing. Reporting of this type would be another factor that would
discourage use of the SLLR during normal market conditions and could
also be useful in guarding against possible inappropriate uses of the
The SLLR would lend securities on a bond-for-bond basis, meaning
that to borrow securities from the facility, a borrower would have to
pledge other Treasury securities of equal market value, plus a margin,
as collateral. A bond-for-bond facility structure would not affect the
Treasury's cash position, which simplifies cash management for Treasury
and open-market operations for the Federal Reserve.
It likely would be desirable to allow institutions to substitute
collateral while borrowing from the SLLR. If collateral substitution
capabilities were especially important to market participants, the SLLR
might include a tri-party arrangement in which a collateral custodian
would handle the back office work in tracking frequent collateral
substitutions over the term of a SLLR loan.
Available Securities.
The range of securities available through the SLLR could be defined
in a number of ways. At one end of the spectrum, the SLLR could stand
ready to lend additional supply for any outstanding CUSIP number. That
structure would tend to address the inherent difficulties in
anticipating future problems that could arise. On the other hand, many
of the market problems faced in the past have involved recently-issued
nominal coupon securities. This might suggest that the program could be
limited to on-the-run and once-off-the-run securities. Input from
market participants about the appropriate range of available securities
would be quite valuable.
Borrowing Mechanics and Public Transparency.
All borrowing requests would be submitted to the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York (FRBNY) in its capacity as fiscal agent for the United
States Government. As with other Treasury and Federal Reserve
operations, the aggregate daily volume of borrowing requests by CUSIP
would be made public promptly and well before the loans are settled.
Prompt disclosure would be critical to ensure that market
participants with direct access to the facility do not gain a
significant information advantage over those without direct access.\13\
In particular, market participants would need to know how the temporary
supply of an outstanding security would change in order to make
informed trading and investment decisions. In addition, prompt
disclosure should help to dispel bond market rumors about potential
borrowing from the SLLR that might otherwise add to financial market
volatility. The names of individual borrowers would be kept strictly
\13\ Even with prompt disclosure, borrowers may have an
information advantage. They will certainly know that aggregate
quantity will rise before it is disclosed to the public. Dealers
submitting bids for others as well as themselves arguably would have
the greatest information advantage.
Eligible Borrowers.
The complexity of collateralized bond-for-bond borrowing and the
anticipated infrequent use of the SLLR suggest the need to limit the
group of counterparties to a manageable number. For example, direct
participation might be limited to primary dealers as designated by
FRBNY. Primary dealers play a critical role in making markets for
Treasury securities and maintain active trading relationships with
FRBNY. Market participants who wished to obtain securities from the
SLLR could place their order through a primary dealer.\14\ This should
not represent a significant disadvantage to those entities lacking
direct access to the facility. The SLLR borrowing rate would be known
to the entire market and competition among primary dealers should
ensure that other market participants would be able to tap the SLLR
through a primary dealer at a minimal cost. Moreover, details on the
usage of the SLLR (the total amount of borrowing for each security)
would be publicly available.
\14\ This structure would be analogous to that employed during
2000-2001 when the Treasury conducted buyback operations. Non-
primary dealers that wished to participate in such operations placed
their bids through primary dealers.
Collateral Margin and Valuation.
As noted above, one of the basic options for the SLLR involves the
provision of term securities loans. In the interest of protecting the
Treasury from credit risk, only Treasury securities would be accepted
as collateral. The amount of Treasury collateral required from a
borrower could also include a margin to protect the Treasury from the
risk that the market value of the pledged securities might fall below
the value of the borrowed securities.
Protecting the Treasury could be enhanced by marking-to-market the
value of the collateral each day. If the market value of the collateral
including the margin were to fall below the market value of the
borrowed securities, a margin call could be made to the borrower to
provide more collateral and reestablish the margin. Conversely, if the
market value of the collateral were to change in the borrower's favor,
excess collateral could be released to the borrower.
Borrowing Limitations.
It may be prudent to place some limitations on the total amount of
securities that any one participant could borrow. Policymakers might
have some concern, for example, about the motivations and financial
circumstances of a market participant wishing to borrow enormous
amounts of a particular security. A per-issue limit could be set in
such a way that the aggregate amount of securities available from the
SLLR would be adequate to resolve or substantially mitigate any market
Rollovers/Loan Extensions.
Under conditions of severe market dislocations, borrowers may be
unable to return borrowed securities to the Treasury on the closing leg
of the lending transaction. In these circumstances, imposing harsh
penalties for fails back to the Treasury would run counter to the
intent of the program; market participants in this case would
[[Page 26178]]
find it advantageous to fail to private counterparties in their efforts
to avoid failing back to the Treasury, potentially exacerbating the
fails situation that the SLLR would be intended to address. For this
reason, it might be reasonable to treat fails back to Treasury in the
same manner that fails among private counterparties are treated. The
original loan could be extended on a daily basis at a zero percent rate
with the lending fee thus set equal to the overnight general collateral
repo rate.
6. Legislative, Regulatory, and Implementation Issues
Beyond determining the structure for the proposed SLLR, there are a
number of issues that would need to be addressed prior to
implementation, including statutory changes concerning the Treasury's
borrowing authority, debt limit accounting, and the tax treatment of
borrowed securities. Each of these is considered in more detail below.
Authority to Issue Securities for the Purpose of
Securities Lending.
Although this paper describes the proposed transactions of the SLLR
as ``lending,'' Treasury would actually be issuing additional
securities for a temporary period of time. The Secretary of the
Treasury (``Secretary'') is authorized under Chapter 31 of Title 31,
United States Code, to issue Treasury securities and to prescribe terms
and conditions for their issuance and sale. The Secretary is authorized
to borrow amounts necessary for expenditures authorized by law and may
issue securities for the amounts borrowed, and may also issue
securities to buy, redeem or refund outstanding securities. These
authorities do not appear to encompass the activities of the proposed
SLLR. As a result, Treasury would likely need to pursue new authority
to issue securities for the purpose of securities lending in order to
implement an SLLR.
Debt Limit Treatment.
Treasury would also need to consider the implications of issuing
additional securities, even on a temporary basis, on the debt subject
to limit. A bond-for-bond SLLR may not provide a one-for-one offset
accounting treatment for debt limit purposes. Under the current debt
limit treatment, the par amount of the debt pledged as collateral to
the facility could partially or fully offset the par amount of the
securities that are lent. However, because the SLLR would likely use
the market value of the collateral to determine the market value of
borrowed and margined securities, to the degree that market values and
par values differ, there would not be a one-for-one debt limit
accounting offset in a bond-for-bond SLLR structure. For example, if
all securities trade close to their par values, borrowing at the SLLR
would tend to reduce the debt subject to the limit because the par
value of securities pledged as collateral (including the margin) would
tend to exceed the par value of securities borrowed. However, if the
market value of pledged securities were substantially above par value,
borrowing from the SLLR would likely increase the debt subject to
limit. Given this uncertainty, Treasury might need to suspend the SLLR
lending activity during the period leading up to debt-limit increases
unless there is a legislative change to the current debt limit
Tax Treatment.
Some tax issues would need to be addressed. For example, to ensure
that Treasury securities borrowed from the lending facility are fully
fungible with the outstanding securities, both the outstanding
securities and the securities borrowed from the facility would have to
be treated for Federal tax purposes as being part of the same issue. It
may be necessary to seek legislation regarding this treatment.
7. Conclusion
As noted at the outset, maintaining a safe, efficient, and liquid
Treasury market is a critical public policy objective. Treasury is
seeking comments on whether a well constructed SLLR might provide low
cost insurance against certain types of market disruptions during times
of financial market crisis. An ideal facility would rarely be utilized,
but would be available to mitigate strains in the Treasury market and
in broader financial markets. As noted above, there are potential costs
to be considered as well, including possible increases in moral hazard
and the risk of significant gaming of the facility.
Public input in evaluating and designing a SLLR is essential and we
invite comment on any aspect of the proposed facility, including
whether it should be established at all. Treasury takes no position on
whether a SLLR should be established or, if such a facility were
established, how it should be structured. In this regard, comments
focusing on potential benefits and costs associated with a SLLR
together with an overall assessment of the desirability of establishing
a SLLR would be particularly useful. In addition, comments on the
various facets of the proposed structure, including various terms and
conditions and other operational details, would also be most welcome.
Emil W. Henry, Jr.,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
[FR Doc. E6-6639 Filed 5-2-06; 8:45 am]