Navigation Regulations, 25502-25504 [06-4064]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 83 / Monday, May 1, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
provided such dispositions are less than
three million pounds in the current
month and such producer-handler had
total Class I route dispositions and/or
transfers of packaged fluid milk
products from own farm production of
three million pounds or more the
previous month. If the producer-handler
has Class I route dispositions and/or
transfers of packaged fluid milk
products into the marketing area
described in § 1131.2 of this chapter of
three million pounds or more during the
current month, such producer-handler
shall be subject to the provisions
described in § 1131.7 of this chapter or
§ 1000.76(a).
23. Revise § 1131.2 to read as follows:
§ 1131.2
Arizona-Las Vegas marketing
The marketing area means all territory
within the bounds of the following
states and political subdivisions,
including all piers, docks and wharves
connected therewith and all craft
moored thereat, and all territory
occupied by government (municipal,
State or Federal) reservations,
installations, institutions, or other
similar establishments if any part
thereof is within any of the listed states
or political subdivisions:
All of the State of Arizona.
24. In § 1131.7 revise paragraphs (d)
introductory text and (d)(1) and add
paragraph (h) to read as follows:
§ 1131.7
Pool plant.
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with RULES
(d) A plant located within the
marketing area and operated by a
cooperative association if, during the
month, or the immediately preceding
12-month period ending with the
current month, 35 percent or more of
the producer milk of members of the
association (and any producer milk of
nonmembers and members of another
cooperative association which may be
marketed by the cooperative
association) is physically received in the
form of bulk fluid milk products
(excluding concentrated milk
transferred to a distributing plant for an
agreed-upon use other that Class I) at
plants specified in paragraph (a), (b), or
(h) of this section either directly from
farms or by transfer from supply plants
operated by the cooperative association
and from plants of the cooperative
association for which pool plant status
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has been requested under this paragraph
subject to the following conditions:
(1) The plant does not qualify as a
pool plant under paragraph (a), (b), (c),
or (h) of this section or under
comparable provisions of another
Federal order; and
(h) Any distributing plant, located
within the marketing area as described
on April 11, 2006, in § 1131.2;
(1) From which there is route
disposition and/or transfers of packaged
fluid milk products in any nonFederally regulated marketing area(s)
located within one or more States that
require handlers to pay minimum prices
for raw milk provided that 25 percent or
more of the total quantity of fluid milk
products physically received at such
plant (excluding concentrated milk
received from another plant by
agreement for other than Class I use) is
disposed of as route disposition and/or
is transferred in the form of packaged
fluid milk products to other plants. At
least 25 percent of such route
disposition and/or transfers, in
aggregate, are in any non-Federally
regulated marketing area(s) located
within one or more States that require
handlers to pay minimum prices for raw
milk. Subject to the following
(i) The plant is described in
§ 1131.7(a), (b), or (e);
(ii) The plant is subject to the pricing
provisions of a State-operated milk
pricing plan which provides for the
payment of minimum class prices for
raw milk;
(iii) The plant is described in
§ 1000.8(a) or (e); or
(iv) A producer-handler described in
§ 1131.10 with less than three million
pounds during the month of route
dispositions and/or transfers of
packaged fluid milk products to other
(2) [Reserved].
I 25. Add § 1131.10(f) to read as
§ 1131.10
(f) Any producer-handler with Class I
route dispositions and/or transfers of
packaged fluid milk products in the
marketing area described in § 1131.2
shall be subject to payments into the
Order 1131 producer settlement fund on
such dispositions pursuant to
§ 1000.76(a) and payments into the
Order 1131 administrative fund
provided such dispositions are less than
three million pounds in the current
month and such producer-handler had
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total Class I route dispositions and/or
transfers of packaged fluid milk
products from own farm production of
three million pounds or more the
previous month. If the producer-handler
has Class I route dispositions and/or
transfers of packaged fluid milk
products into the marketing area
described in § 1131.2 of three million
pounds or more during the current
month, such producer-handler shall be
subject to the provisions described in
§ 1131.7 or § 1000.76(a).
Dated: April 25, 2006.
Lloyd C. Day,
Administrator, Agricultural Marketing
[FR Doc. 06–4040 Filed 4–27–06; 8:45 am]
Corps of Engineers, Department of the
33 CFR Part 207
RIN 0710–AA63
Navigation Regulations
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Corps is amending the
regulations for lockage operations at
Bonneville Lock and Dam and
amending the regulations which
establish the restricted areas at Little
Goose Lock and Dam. The Corps is
making corrections and adjustments to
the lockage control, signals, and
permissible dimensions of vessels for
Bonneville Lock and Dam. These
changes correct language for the new
replacement lock. For the Little Goose
Lock and Dam the Corps is making
adjustments in the upstream channel
restricted area boundary to provide a
recreational craft corridor along the
north shoreline. This will provide better
boat ramp access in support of the small
craft portage route and reduce
interference between fishermen and the
boat ramp.
DATES: The effective date is May 31,
U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, ATTN: CECW–NWD, 441 G
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20314–
Ken Hall, Program Manager, CECW–
NWD at (202) 761–4717, or Brian
Schmidtke, (503) 808–4333 for
Bonneville Lock and Dam or Ms. Ann
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 83 / Monday, May 1, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
Glassley at (509) 527–7115 for Little
Goose Lock and Dam.
to its authorities in Section 4, 7, and 28
of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1917
(40 Stat. 266; 33 U.S.C. 1) and Chapter
XIX of the Army Appropriations Act of
1919 (40 Stat. 892; 33 U.S.C. 3), the
Corps amends the regulations in 33 CFR
Part 207.718. The proposed rule was
published in the October 24, 2005, issue
of the Federal Register (70 FR 61402),
and no comments were received in
response to that notice.
The Corps amends the regulations at
33 CFR 207.718 (b), (d)(3), (e), (f)(1), (j)
and (w)(7). Paragraph (b) changes the
description of the limits of the approach
channels at Bonneville Lock and Dam.
Paragraph (d)(3) deletes the Bonneville
Lock and Dam specific exception
referring to vessels entering under an
amber light. This provides consistent
entering and exiting signals for the
entire Columbia/Snake lock and dam
Paragraph (e) had several changes.
The amended paragraph deletes the
Bonneville specific exception on
useable chamber size. The modified
paragraph adds text detailing the
Bonneville Lock and Dam staff gauges,
sill elevations, and how to compute
depth over the sill, since Bonneville’s
staff gauges are different from all other
Columbia/Snake lock and dams that
directly read depth over the sill. The
amended paragraph replaces a sentence
referring to vessel draft so it refers to
depth over the sill and not staff gauge
readings. This change makes the
sentence correct for all Columbia/Snake
locks including Bonneville. The revised
paragraph corrects the minimum depth
over the sill at Bonneville Lock and
Dam at 19 feet. The amended paragraph
deletes three sentences concerning
rearrangement of tows specifically at
Bonneville Lock and Dam, and it deletes
one sentence concerning inundation of
the downstream guide wall at
Bonneville Lock and Dam.
Paragraph (f)(1) corrects grammar by
changing the last word from ‘‘sections’’
to ‘‘section.’’ Paragraph (j) includes
grammatical changes and corrects and
details the location of the downstream
mooring facility at Bonneville Lock and
Dam. This new paragraph also deletes
reference to vessels being allowed to
lay-to against the upstream guide wall at
Bonneville Lock and Dam. Paragraph
(w)(7) revises the upstream restricted
area of Little Goose Lock and Dam to
allow less interference between
fisherman and the boat ramp on the
north river bank as more small craft
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with RULES
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portaging is expected coinciding with
the Lewis and Clark bicentennial.
The regulation governing the
navigation locks and approach
channels, Columbia and Snake Rivers,
Washington and Oregon, 33 CFR
207.718 was adopted on January 23,
1978 (43 FR 3115). The last amendment
to 33 CFR 207.718 January 26, 2000 (65
FR 4125).
This rule is not a major rule for the
purposes of Executive Order 12866. As
required by the Regulatory Flexibility
Act, the Corps of Engineers certifies that
this rule would not have a significant
impact on small business entities.
List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 207
Navigation (water), Vessels, Water
Transportation, Danger Zones.
Dated: April 24, 2006.
Gerald W. Barnes,
Chief, Operations, Directorate of Civil Works.
For the reasons stated above, the
Corps amends 33 CFR part 207 as
1. The authority citation for part 207
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 40 Stat. 266 (33 U.S.C. 1).
2. Amend § 207.718 by revising
paragraphs (b), (d)(3), (e), (f)(1), (j) and
(w)(7) to read as follows.
§ 207.718 Navigation locks and approach
channels, Columbia and Snake Rivers,
Oreg. and Wash.
(b) Lockage control. The Lock Master
shall be charged with immediate control
and management of the lock, and of the
area set aside as the lock area, including
the lock approach channels. Upstream
and downstream approach channels
extend to the end of the wing or the
guide wall, whichever is longer. At
Bonneville lock the upstream approach
channel extends to the mooring tie offs
at Fort Rains and the downstream
approach channel extends to the
downstream tip of Robins Island. The
Lock Master shall demand compliance
with all laws, rules and regulations for
the use of the lock and lock area and is
authorized to issue necessary orders and
directions, both to employees of the
Government or to other persons within
the limits of the lock or lock area,
whether navigating the lock or not. Use
of lock facilities is contingent upon
compliance with regulations, Lock
Master instructions and the safety of
people and property.
(d) * * *
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(3) Entering and exit signals. Signal
lights are located outside each lock gate.
When the green (go) light is on, all
vessels will enter in the sequence
prescribed by the Lock Master. When
the red (stop) light is on, the lock is not
ready for entrance and vessels shall
stand clear. In addition to the above
visual signals, the Lock Master will
signal that the lock is ready for entrance
by sounding one long blast on the lock
air horn. The Lock Master will signal
that the lock is ready for exit by lighting
the green exit light and sounding one
short blast on the air horn.
(e) Permissible dimensions of vessels.
Nominal overall dimensions of vessels
allowed in the lock chamber are 84 feet
wide and 650 feet long. Depth of water
in the lock depends upon river levels
which may vary from day to day. Staff
gauges showing the minimum water
level depth over gate sills are located
inside the lock chamber near each lock
gate and outside the lock chamber near
the end of both upstream and
downstream guide walls, except at
Bonneville where the staff gauges show
water levels in feet above MSL and are
located on the southern guide walls at
the upstream and downstream miter
gates. Bonneville’s upstream sill
elevation is 51 feet MSL and the
downstream sill elevation is ¥12 feet
MSL. Depth over sill at Bonneville is
determined by subtracting the sill
elevation from the gauge reading.
Vessels shall not enter the navigation
lock unless the vessel draft is at least
one foot less than the water depth over
the sill. Information concerning
allowable draft for vessel passage
through the locks may be obtained from
the Lock Master. Minimum lock
chamber water level depth is 15 feet
except at Ice Harbor where it is 14 feet
and at Bonneville where it is 19 feet.
When the river flow at Lower Granite
exceeds 330,000 cubic feet per second
the normal minimum 15-foot depth may
be decreased to as little as eight feet.
(f) * * *
(1) When a recreational vessel lockage
schedule is in effect, at the appointed
time for lockage of recreation craft,
recreation craft shall take precedence;
however, commercial vessels may be
locked through with recreation craft if
safety and space permit. At other than
the appointed time, the lockage of
commercial and tow vessels shall take
precedence and recreational craft may
(only) lock through with commercial
vessels only as provided in paragraph
(h) of this section.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 83 / Monday, May 1, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
(j) Waiting for lockage. Vessels
waiting for lockage shall wait in the
clear outside of the lock approach
channel, or contingent upon permission
by the Lock Master, may at their own
risk, lie inside the approach channel at
a place specified by the Lock Master. At
Bonneville, vessels may at their own
risk, lay-to at the downstream moorage
facility on the north shore downstream
from the north guide wall provided a
100-foot-wide open channel is
(w) * * *
(7) At Little Goose Lock and Dam. The
waters restricted to all vessels, except
Government vessels, are described as all
waters commencing at the upstream of
the navigation lock guidewall and
running in a direction of 60°37′ true for
a distance of 676 yards; thence 345°26′
true for a distance of 494 yards; thence
262°37′47″ true to the dam embankment
shoreline. The downstream limits
commence 512 yards downstream and
at right angles to the axis of the dam on
the south shore; thence parallel to the
axis of the dam to the north shore. Signs
designate the restricted areas.
[FR Doc. 06–4064 Filed 4–28–06; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Chapter I
Implementation of the Great Lakes
Legacy Act of 2002
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final Rule; Notice of
Implementation Policy.
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with RULES
SUMMARY: This action is intended to
outline EPA’s process for identification,
evaluation, selection, and
implementation of projects for funding
under the Great Lakes Legacy Act of
2002 (also referred as GLLA or the
Legacy Act). The Legacy Act authorizes
the appropriation of $50 million
annually for fiscal years 2004–2008 for
contaminated sediment remediation
projects and provides EPA with a
unique approach for addressing
contaminated sediment problems in
Great Lakes Areas of Concern. The Act
also authorizes smaller amounts of
funding for other activities; this action
pertains only to sediment remediation
project selection and implementation.
This action provides information to
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those interested in submitting costshare, sediment remediation projects to
EPA for funding under the Legacy Act.
DATES: Effective on May 1, 2006.
Scott Ireland, Technical Assistance and
Analysis Branch, Environmental
Protection Agency, Great Lakes National
Program Office 77 West Jackson Blvd.
G–17J, Chicago, IL 60604–3590,
telephone number (312) 886–8121; fax
number (312) 353–2018, https://
I. General Information
Affected Entities: Federal agencies
and public and private non-Federal
sponsors eligible to have cost-shared
projects approved under the Great Lakes
Legacy Act of 2002.
II. Background
Contaminated sediments have been a
problem in the Great Lakes for several
decades. It has been reported that
polluted sediment is the largest major
source of contaminants entering the
food chain from Great Lakes Rivers and
harbors. This includes most of the
current 41 Areas of Concern (AOCs)
designated by the United States and
Canada, the Parties to the Great Lakes
Water Quality Agreement. Over the past
several years, Great Lakes stakeholders
have moved forward in the pursuit of
sediment remediation through a variety
of mechanisms (enforcement, voluntary
partnerships, etc.). From 1997–2004,
approximately 3.7 million cubic yards
of contaminated sediment were
remediated from the U.S. Great Lakes
Basin. Roughly 76 million cubic yards
of contaminated sediment remain.
Congress passed the Great Lakes
Legacy Act of 2002 on November 12,
2002 and President George W. Bush
signed the Legacy Act into law on
November 27, 2002 (Pub. L. 107–303).
The Legacy Act authorizes the
appropriation of $50 million annually
for fiscal years 2004–2008 for
contaminated sediment remediation
projects and provides EPA with a
unique approach for addressing
contaminated sediment problems in
Great Lakes AOCs. The Act also
authorizes smaller amounts of funding
for other activities; this action pertains
only to sediment remediation project
selection and implementation.
In order to be an eligible project under
the Legacy Act, a project must be carried
out in an AOC located wholly or
partially in the United States and the
project must:
1. Monitor or evaluate contaminated
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2. Implement a plan to remediate
contaminated sediment; or
3. Prevent further or renewed
contamination of sediment.
The Legacy Act program is
implemented through Project
Agreements, which are binding costsharing agreements between the Great
Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO)
and a cooperating agency or entity.
Project selection decisions will be made
in consultation with the USEPA Office
of Water.
Legacy Act authorizing language
places only limited restrictions on the
types of entities (non-Federal sponsors)
that may potentially enter into a Project
Agreement with GLNPO. This provides
the potential for entering into
agreements with public and private
entities, including not-for-profit
organizations. It is the ultimate goal of
GLNPO to work cooperatively with all
qualifying potential non-Federal
sponsors that have submitted project
proposals under the Legacy Act in order
to develop projects that are technically
sound, beneficial to the environment,
supported by the local community, and
able to be completed in an expeditious
manner. It is important to maintain the
necessary flexibility in evaluating
project proposals to achieve this goal.
In situations where other sources of
funding are available (e.g., Water
Resources Development Act—WRDA) or
other mechanisms to complete the
project are available (e.g., Superfund or
other enforcement or regulatory
programs), GLNPO will work with these
existing programs, where appropriate, to
add value in a way that maximizes the
overall benefit to the environment.
In cases where enforcement or
regulatory actions are pending, or
underway, GLNPO will work and
coordinate with the applicable
enforcement or regulatory program on a
case-by-case basis to determine the
proper role, if any, for the Legacy Act
to provide a value-added component to
the project. In some cases, identifying a
role for the Legacy Act may not be
possible, if a proposed action is more
appropriately accomplished by another
program or agency.
III. Project Selection
The Legacy Act specifically directs
the Administrator to give priority to
projects that:
1. Constitute remedial action for
contaminated sediment;
2. Have been identified in a Remedial
Action Plan (RAP) and are ready to be
3. Use an innovative approach,
technology, or technique that may
provide greater environmental benefits,
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 83 (Monday, May 1, 2006)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 25502-25504]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-4064]
Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army
33 CFR Part 207
RIN 0710-AA63
Navigation Regulations
AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Corps is amending the regulations for lockage operations
at Bonneville Lock and Dam and amending the regulations which establish
the restricted areas at Little Goose Lock and Dam. The Corps is making
corrections and adjustments to the lockage control, signals, and
permissible dimensions of vessels for Bonneville Lock and Dam. These
changes correct language for the new replacement lock. For the Little
Goose Lock and Dam the Corps is making adjustments in the upstream
channel restricted area boundary to provide a recreational craft
corridor along the north shoreline. This will provide better boat ramp
access in support of the small craft portage route and reduce
interference between fishermen and the boat ramp.
DATES: The effective date is May 31, 2006.
ADDRESSES: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ATTN: CECW-NWD, 441 G Street,
NW., Washington, DC 20314-1000.
NWD at (202) 761-4717, or Brian Schmidtke, (503) 808-4333 for
Bonneville Lock and Dam or Ms. Ann
[[Page 25503]]
Glassley at (509) 527-7115 for Little Goose Lock and Dam.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to its authorities in Section 4, 7,
and 28 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1917 (40 Stat. 266; 33 U.S.C.
1) and Chapter XIX of the Army Appropriations Act of 1919 (40 Stat.
892; 33 U.S.C. 3), the Corps amends the regulations in 33 CFR Part
207.718. The proposed rule was published in the October 24, 2005, issue
of the Federal Register (70 FR 61402), and no comments were received in
response to that notice.
The Corps amends the regulations at 33 CFR 207.718 (b), (d)(3),
(e), (f)(1), (j) and (w)(7). Paragraph (b) changes the description of
the limits of the approach channels at Bonneville Lock and Dam.
Paragraph (d)(3) deletes the Bonneville Lock and Dam specific exception
referring to vessels entering under an amber light. This provides
consistent entering and exiting signals for the entire Columbia/Snake
lock and dam system.
Paragraph (e) had several changes. The amended paragraph deletes
the Bonneville specific exception on useable chamber size. The modified
paragraph adds text detailing the Bonneville Lock and Dam staff gauges,
sill elevations, and how to compute depth over the sill, since
Bonneville's staff gauges are different from all other Columbia/Snake
lock and dams that directly read depth over the sill. The amended
paragraph replaces a sentence referring to vessel draft so it refers to
depth over the sill and not staff gauge readings. This change makes the
sentence correct for all Columbia/Snake locks including Bonneville. The
revised paragraph corrects the minimum depth over the sill at
Bonneville Lock and Dam at 19 feet. The amended paragraph deletes three
sentences concerning rearrangement of tows specifically at Bonneville
Lock and Dam, and it deletes one sentence concerning inundation of the
downstream guide wall at Bonneville Lock and Dam.
Paragraph (f)(1) corrects grammar by changing the last word from
``sections'' to ``section.'' Paragraph (j) includes grammatical changes
and corrects and details the location of the downstream mooring
facility at Bonneville Lock and Dam. This new paragraph also deletes
reference to vessels being allowed to lay-to against the upstream guide
wall at Bonneville Lock and Dam. Paragraph (w)(7) revises the upstream
restricted area of Little Goose Lock and Dam to allow less interference
between fisherman and the boat ramp on the north river bank as more
small craft portaging is expected coinciding with the Lewis and Clark
The regulation governing the navigation locks and approach
channels, Columbia and Snake Rivers, Washington and Oregon, 33 CFR
207.718 was adopted on January 23, 1978 (43 FR 3115). The last
amendment to 33 CFR 207.718 January 26, 2000 (65 FR 4125).
This rule is not a major rule for the purposes of Executive Order
12866. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Corps of
Engineers certifies that this rule would not have a significant impact
on small business entities.
List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 207
Navigation (water), Vessels, Water Transportation, Danger Zones.
Dated: April 24, 2006.
Gerald W. Barnes,
Chief, Operations, Directorate of Civil Works.
For the reasons stated above, the Corps amends 33 CFR part 207 as
1. The authority citation for part 207 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 40 Stat. 266 (33 U.S.C. 1).
2. Amend Sec. 207.718 by revising paragraphs (b), (d)(3), (e), (f)(1),
(j) and (w)(7) to read as follows.
Sec. 207.718 Navigation locks and approach channels, Columbia and
Snake Rivers, Oreg. and Wash.
* * * * *
(b) Lockage control. The Lock Master shall be charged with
immediate control and management of the lock, and of the area set aside
as the lock area, including the lock approach channels. Upstream and
downstream approach channels extend to the end of the wing or the guide
wall, whichever is longer. At Bonneville lock the upstream approach
channel extends to the mooring tie offs at Fort Rains and the
downstream approach channel extends to the downstream tip of Robins
Island. The Lock Master shall demand compliance with all laws, rules
and regulations for the use of the lock and lock area and is authorized
to issue necessary orders and directions, both to employees of the
Government or to other persons within the limits of the lock or lock
area, whether navigating the lock or not. Use of lock facilities is
contingent upon compliance with regulations, Lock Master instructions
and the safety of people and property.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(3) Entering and exit signals. Signal lights are located outside
each lock gate. When the green (go) light is on, all vessels will enter
in the sequence prescribed by the Lock Master. When the red (stop)
light is on, the lock is not ready for entrance and vessels shall stand
clear. In addition to the above visual signals, the Lock Master will
signal that the lock is ready for entrance by sounding one long blast
on the lock air horn. The Lock Master will signal that the lock is
ready for exit by lighting the green exit light and sounding one short
blast on the air horn.
* * * * *
(e) Permissible dimensions of vessels. Nominal overall dimensions
of vessels allowed in the lock chamber are 84 feet wide and 650 feet
long. Depth of water in the lock depends upon river levels which may
vary from day to day. Staff gauges showing the minimum water level
depth over gate sills are located inside the lock chamber near each
lock gate and outside the lock chamber near the end of both upstream
and downstream guide walls, except at Bonneville where the staff gauges
show water levels in feet above MSL and are located on the southern
guide walls at the upstream and downstream miter gates. Bonneville's
upstream sill elevation is 51 feet MSL and the downstream sill
elevation is -12 feet MSL. Depth over sill at Bonneville is determined
by subtracting the sill elevation from the gauge reading. Vessels shall
not enter the navigation lock unless the vessel draft is at least one
foot less than the water depth over the sill. Information concerning
allowable draft for vessel passage through the locks may be obtained
from the Lock Master. Minimum lock chamber water level depth is 15 feet
except at Ice Harbor where it is 14 feet and at Bonneville where it is
19 feet. When the river flow at Lower Granite exceeds 330,000 cubic
feet per second the normal minimum 15-foot depth may be decreased to as
little as eight feet.
* * * * *
(f) * * *
(1) When a recreational vessel lockage schedule is in effect, at
the appointed time for lockage of recreation craft, recreation craft
shall take precedence; however, commercial vessels may be locked
through with recreation craft if safety and space permit. At other than
the appointed time, the lockage of commercial and tow vessels shall
take precedence and recreational craft may (only) lock through with
commercial vessels only as provided in paragraph (h) of this section.
* * * * *
[[Page 25504]]
(j) Waiting for lockage. Vessels waiting for lockage shall wait in
the clear outside of the lock approach channel, or contingent upon
permission by the Lock Master, may at their own risk, lie inside the
approach channel at a place specified by the Lock Master. At
Bonneville, vessels may at their own risk, lay-to at the downstream
moorage facility on the north shore downstream from the north guide
wall provided a 100-foot-wide open channel is maintained.
* * * * *
(w) * * *
(7) At Little Goose Lock and Dam. The waters restricted to all
vessels, except Government vessels, are described as all waters
commencing at the upstream of the navigation lock guidewall and running
in a direction of 60[deg]37' true for a distance of 676 yards; thence
345[deg]26' true for a distance of 494 yards; thence 262[deg]37'47''
true to the dam embankment shoreline. The downstream limits commence
512 yards downstream and at right angles to the axis of the dam on the
south shore; thence parallel to the axis of the dam to the north shore.
Signs designate the restricted areas.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 06-4064 Filed 4-28-06; 8:45 am]