Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Distribution Transformers, 24972-25008 [06-3165]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
10 CFR Part 431
[Docket No. EE–TP–98–550]
RIN 1904–AA85
Energy Conservation Program: Test
Procedures for Distribution
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Final rule.
Pursuant to Sections
323(b)(10) and 346(a) of the Energy
Policy and Conservation Act, as
amended, (EPCA or the Act), 42 U.S.C.
6293(b)(10) and 6317(a), the Department
of Energy (DOE or the Department)
promulgates a rule prescribing test
procedures for measuring the energy
efficiency of distribution transformers
under EPCA, definitions to delineate the
products covered by the test procedures,
provisions (including a sampling plan)
manufacturers must use to implement
the test procedures, provisions to allow
manufacturers to use calculation
methods to determine the efficiency of
some of their models, and enforcement
testing for distribution transformers.
The Department will use the new test
procedures in evaluating what energy
conservation standards are warranted
for distribution transformers other than
the low-voltage dry-type. When DOE
promulgates such standards, then the
test procedures and other provisions
adopted today will be used to determine
the efficiencies and assess compliance
of the transformers subject to these
standards. For low-voltage dry-type
distribution transformers, the new
standards prescribed for them in section
325(y) of EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 6295(y), go
into effect on January 1, 2007, and all
of the provisions of today’s rule will
become applicable to those transformers
at that time.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This final rule is
effective May 30, 2006, except for
§ 431.197(a)(4)(i), section 6.2(f) of
Appendix A and section 6.2(b) and (c)
of Appendix A which contain
information collection requirements that
have not been approved by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB). The
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy will publish a
document in the Federal Register
announcing the effective date.
Cyrus Nasseri, Project Manager, Test
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Procedures for Distribution
Transformers, Docket No. EE–TP–98–
550, United States (U.S.) Department of
Energy, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies Program, EE–2J, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121, (202) 586–
9138, email:
Francine Pinto, Esq., U.S. Department
of Energy, Office of General Counsel,
GC–72, 1000 Independence Avenue,
SW., Washington, DC 20585–0121, (202)
586–9507, email:
I. Introduction
A. Authority and Background
B. Summary of the Final Rule
II. Discussion
A. General
B. Transformers Subject to the Test
Procedure—Definition of Distribution
1. General
2. Incorporation and Definition of EPCA’s
3. Specific EPCA Exclusions
a. Transformers with Tap Ranges of 20
Percent or More and Special Impedance
b. Testing Transformers
c. Grounding Transformers
4. Other Exclusions Considered
5. Rebuilt or Refurbished Distribution
6. Coverage of Liquid-Filled Transformers
C. Test Procedure for Distribution
1. General Discussion
2. Specific Provisions of the Test Procedure
a. Testing Harmonic Transformers
b. Determining Winding Temperatures
c. Test Set Neutrals
d. Losses from Auxiliary Devices
e. Testing of Multiple Voltage Transformers
f. Short-Circuiting Conductor Strap
g. Revisions Suggested by NEMA in TP 2–
h. Language Corrections as to Conversion
of the Resistance Measurement to the
Reference Temperature and Conducting
the No-Load Loss Test
D. Basic Model
1. General Discussion
2. Definition of a Basic Model
E. Manufacturer’s Determination of
1. General Discussion
2. Sampling Plan
3. Alternative Efficiency Determination
Method (AEDM)
F. Enforcement Procedures
III. Procedural Requirements
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility
Act of 1980
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction
D. Review Under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
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G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995
H. Review Under the Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act of 1999
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
J. Review Under the Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act, 2001
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
L. Review Under Section 32 of the Federal
Energy Administration Act of 1974
M. Congressional Notification
IV. Approval of the Office of the Secretary
I. Introduction
A. Authority and Background
Part C of Title III of the Energy Policy
and Conservation Act (EPCA) provides
for an energy conservation program for
certain industrial equipment. (42 U.S.C.
6311–6317) Section 346 of EPCA states
that the Secretary of Energy (Secretary)
must prescribe testing requirements and
energy conservation standards for those
‘‘distribution transformers’’ for which
the Secretary determines that standards
‘‘would be technologically feasible and
economically justified, and would result
in significant energy savings.’’ (42
U.S.C. 6317(a)) The recent amendments
to EPCA set forth in the Energy Policy
Act of 2005 (EPACT 2005), Pub. L. 109–
58, accomplish the following for this
equipment: (1) Section 321(35) of EPCA
now defines ‘‘distribution transformer’’
(42 U.S.C. 6291(35)), (2) Section
323(b)(10) of EPCA provides that the
testing requirements ‘‘shall be based on
the ‘Standard Test Method for
Measuring the Energy Consumption of
Distribution Transformers’ prescribed
by the National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA TP 2–1998).’’ (42
U.S.C. 6293(b)(10)),1 and (3) section
325(y) of EPCA prescribes minimum
efficiency levels for low-voltage drytype distribution transformers (42 U.S.C.
On October 22, 1997, the Department
issued a notice setting forth its
determination (hereafter referred to as
the ‘‘Determination’’) that, based on the
best information it had available, energy
conservation standards for electric
distribution transformers appeared to be
technologically feasible and
economically justified, and were likely
to result in significant energy savings.
62 FR 54809.
The Department subsequently began
the process for its issuance of test
procedures for distribution
transformers. On February 10, 1998, the
Department held a public workshop (the
‘‘1998 workshop’’) to discuss the
following issues: (a) Whether DOE
1 Section 323(b)(10)(B) also provides that the
Department may ‘‘review and revise’’ the test
procedures established under that subparagraph.
(42 U.S.C. 6293(b)(10)(B))
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
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should adopt national and international
consensus standards as its test
procedures for determining the energy
efficiency of distribution transformers,
(b) defining the transformers that the
test procedures will cover, (c) whether,
and to what extent, there is a burden on
industry, especially on manufacturers,
because of additional testing and data
processing, (d) the definition of ‘‘basic
model’’ for distribution transformers, (e)
the sampling plan for units to be tested,
(f) the selection of an energy
consumption measure for distribution
transformers, (g) the selection of
reference temperatures, (h) the
requirements for applying corrections to
measurement data, and (i) the
requirements for quality assurance in
testing. The Department also gave
interested parties an opportunity to
submit written comments on these
In 1998, the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
published ‘‘NEMA Standards
Publication No. TP 2–1998, Standard
Test Method for Measuring the Energy
Consumption of Distribution
Transformers,’’ (NEMA TP 2–1998) a
publication that extracts and presents
pertinent parts of the current industry
standards for distribution transformer
efficiency testing. NEMA TP 2–1998
also presents a weighted average
method to compute the energy
efficiency of transformers, in order to
demonstrate compliance with the
efficiency levels in NEMA Standard TP
1–1996 (NEMA TP 1).2 Comments
received at the 1998 workshop, written
comments associated with this
workshop, and NEMA TP 2–1998
formed the basis for preparing the
November 12, 1998, Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (the ‘‘1998 proposed rule’’)
in this proceeding. 63 FR 63359.
In the 1998 proposed rule, the
Department proposed to adopt testing
methods that (1) it could use to evaluate
distribution transformers during the
development of efficiency standards,
and (2) manufacturers and DOE would
use to determine the efficiency of the
transformers which the standards would
cover. DOE proposed to incorporate by
reference as its test methods the
provisions from either the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) Standards C57.12.90–1993 and
C57.12.91–1993 (using IEEE C57.12.00–
1993 as an additional reference source),
or NEMA TP 2–1998. The 1998
2 NEMA TP 1 contains suggested efficiency levels.
Its full name and title are ‘‘NEMA Standards
Publication No. TP 1–1996, Guide for Determining
Energy Efficiency for Distribution Transformers.’’
NEMA TP 1 was updated in 2002, with
modifications to some of the efficiency levels.
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proposed rule also included proposed
definitions of ‘‘distribution transformer’’
and related terms, of terms used in the
test procedure provisions, and of ‘‘basic
model.’’ It also proposed a sampling
plan for applying the test procedures to
perform compliance testing. The
sampling approach was based on the
plan for compliance testing in 10 Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 430,
which contains energy efficiency
requirements for consumer products,
but tailored to distribution transformers
and with a minimum sample size of five
units. The Department selected this
approach because it appeared to provide
a satisfactory balance between assuring
the accuracy of efficiency ratings for
distribution transformers and
minimizing the testing burden on
manufacturers. The Department also
sought comment on three alternative
compliance approaches for basic models
produced in small numbers.
DOE held a public meeting on January
6, 1999, on the 1998 proposed rule and
received nine written comments. After
reviewing the oral and written
comments, DOE concluded that the
comments raised a number of significant
issues that required additional analysis.
On June 23, 1999, the Department
reopened the comment period on the
1998 proposed rule, 64 FR 33431, (the
‘‘1999 reopening notice’’) to provide an
opportunity for additional public
comment on the following issues: (a)
The suitability of NEMA TP 2–1998 for
adoption as the DOE test procedure; (b)
the adequacy of stakeholder opportunity
to review NEMA TP 2–1998; (c) the
transformers covered under the
definition of ‘‘distribution transformer;’’
(d) the suitability of the definition of
‘‘basic model’’ for the purpose of
grouping transformers to limit the test
burden; and (e) the appropriateness of
the proposed sampling plan and a
number of alternatives for
demonstrating compliance. The
Department received five comments in
response to the 1999 reopening notice.
On the basis of these comments, two
additional comments it received
subsequently, and its review of the
issues raised by the 1998 proposed rule
and the 1999 reopening notice, the
Department issued a supplemental
notice of proposed rulemaking
(SNOPR). 69 FR 45506 (July 29, 2004).
In the SNOPR, DOE proposed to adopt
(1) a new ‘‘stand alone’’ test procedure
for distribution transformers, drafted by
the Department and consisting almost
entirely of test methods contained in
NEMA TP 2–1998 and other existing
industry standards, (2) revised
definitions to establish which
transformers the test procedure covers,
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(3) a new definition of ‘‘basic model’’
and a new sampling plan, to implement
the test procedures, (4) provisions to
allow manufacturers to use calculation
methods, instead of testing, to
determine the efficiency of some of their
models, and (5) enforcement
procedures, including a testing protocol,
for distribution transformers. DOE held
a public meeting on September 27,
2004, on the SNOPR (the ‘‘2004 public
meeting’’) and received six written
Concurrently with this rulemaking,
the Department has evaluated the
establishment of energy conservation
standards for distribution transformers.
On October 2, 2000, the Department
made available a Framework Document
for Distribution Transformer Energy
Conservation Standards Rulemaking,
which was the subject of a public
workshop on November 1, 2000, and on
which stakeholders submitted written
comments before and after the
workshop. 65 FR 59761 (October 6,
2000). Thereafter, the Department
visited manufacturers of distribution
transformers and posted on DOE’s
website 3 several draft reports
concerning the development of
standards for these transformers. On the
same day that it published the SNOPR,
DOE issued an Advance Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (ANOPR) for
distribution transformer standards. 69
FR 45376 (July 29, 2004). Several of the
written comments DOE received in
response to the ANOPR address issues
raised in the SNOPR, and the
Department has referenced them in the
docket of this rulemaking and has
considered them in formulating today’s
final rule.
On October 18, 2005, the Department
published a final rule to place in its
regulations the energy conservation
standards, and related definitions, that
Congress prescribed in EPACT 2005 for
certain consumer products and
commercial and industrial equipment.
70 FR 60407. The rule included the
definitions for ‘‘distribution
transformer’’ and ‘‘low-voltage dry-type
distribution transformer,’’ and the
standards for low-voltage dry-type
distribution transformers, that were
contained in EPACT 2005. 10 CFR
sections 431.192 and 431.196. The
Department put the provisions for all of
the commercial and industrial products
covered by EPACT 2005, including
those for distribution transformers, in 10
CFR Part 431. 70 FR 60414–18. In the
prior Federal Register notices dealing
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
with test procedures for distribution
transformers, DOE had proposed adding
a new part 432 to include requirements
for distribution transformers. 63 FR
63376, 63369; 69 FR 45517, 45520. As
a result of DOE’s decision, in response
to EPACT 2005, to incorporate
provisions for distribution transformers
into 10 CFR Part 431, today’s final rule
places the new test procedures for this
equipment in Subpart K to 10 CFR Part
B. Summary of the Final Rule
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The test procedure in today’s rule is
based on the test methods contained in
NEMA TP 2–1998 4 and IEEE Standards
C57.12.90–1999 and C57.12.91–2001.
Initially, the Department will use the
test procedure to evaluate distribution
transformers for which it is currently
developing energy conservation
standards. When DOE promulgates such
standards, the Department will then
require manufacturers to use the test
procedure to determine compliance
with the standards and as a basis for
their efficiency representations for
covered transformers. The Department
would also use the test procedure in any
enforcement proceeding concerning
compliance with such standards and
related labeling requirements. In
addition, the test procedures will
become mandatory for all of these
purposes—compliance determination,
representations and enforcement—for
low-voltage dry-type distribution
transformers when standards go into
effect for them, pursuant to 42 U.S.C.
6295(y), on January 1, 2007.
The language of today’s rule sets forth
all testing requirements, without
reference to other sources, for
determining the energy efficiency of
distribution transformers. Measurement
of electric power consumed by the
transformer is in the form of no-load
and load losses. The rule specifies
methods with which to measure the
temperature, current, voltage, extent of
distortion in voltage waveform, and
direct current resistance of the
windings. The rule also prescribes
provisions for calculating efficiency.
The testing methods are largely the
same as those proposed in the SNOPR,
with several clarifying changes and a
few changes to provide manufacturers
with greater flexibility.
4 In September 2005, NEMA provided the
Department with its revised test procedure
document, TP 2–2005, which is similar to the rule
language in the SNOPR. The Department has treated
this submission as a comment on the SNOPR, has
incorporated into today’s rule a number of the
changes that this revision made to the SNOPR’s rule
language, and addressed below the significant
differences between the revision and the SNOPR.
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Today’s rule amends the definition of
‘‘distribution transformer’’ that DOE
recently adopted, 70 FR 60416, by
adding capacity limits (the same ones
the Department proposed in the
SNOPR), making minor language and
format changes, and clarifying the
exclusion of transformers with tap
ranges greater than 20 percent. As
discussed below, today’s definition
conforms to, and incorporates the
relevant language from, the definition
that EPACT 2005 added to EPCA. (42
U.S.C. 6291(35)) The Department’s
definition establishes which
transformers the test procedure covers.
It uses the approach DOE proposed in
the SNOPR—a broad definition with
numerical criteria, but narrowed by the
exclusion of specific types of
transformers, many of which are not
commonly understood to be distribution
transformers. The numerical criteria
(except for the added capacity limits)
and the exclusions are the same as those
in EPCA’s new definition. They include
virtually the same primary and
secondary voltage ranges the
Department proposed in the SNOPR,
most of the exclusions DOE proposed,
and no additional exclusions. Today’s
definition of distribution transformer,
however, does not include the
exclusions of K-factor and harmonic
mitigating distribution transformers,
which DOE proposed in the SNOPR but
which are absent from the EPCA
definition. Stakeholders will have the
opportunity in the energy conservation
standards rulemaking to comment to the
Department on whether standards
should apply to these transformers.
Today’s rule contains several features
designed to reduce the number of
transformers that manufacturers would
have to test. First, the Department
allows manufacturers to group models
into ‘‘basic models’’ for testing
purposes, and defines ‘‘basic model’’ as
proposed in the SNOPR, with minor
clarifications. Second, the rule includes
the same type of compliance sampling
plan proposed in the SNOPR, except
that the sampling plan tolerance is
based on a single-unit sample tolerance
(confidence limit) of eight percent,
rather than the five percent DOE
proposed. And third, today’s rule allows
manufacturers to use alternative
methods, other than testing, to
determine the efficiency of some basic
models. The rule incorporates the
SNOPR proposal except that
manufacturers need not use a different
method for each of the following groups
of distribution transformers: low-voltage
dry-type, medium-voltage dry-type, and
liquid-immersed. Manufacturers can use
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a single method for transformers in two
or all three of these groups so long as
the method is validated separately in
each of the groups for which the
manufacturer uses it. Today’s rule also
contains the enforcement procedures
proposed in the SNOPR, including a
testing protocol, modified to be
consistent with the revised compliance
sampling plan tolerance. Finally, the
Department is republishing in this rule,
without substantive change, the
standards for low-voltage dry-type
distribution transformers that it
originally codified at 70 FR 70417.
Today’s rule contains a revised table
that has a clearer, more appropriate
format than the table in the original
rule. The table also includes the
reference conditions for the standards,
which DOE inadvertently omitted from
the initial codification but which are
essential elements of the standards, as
set forth in Table 4–2 of NEMA TP 1–
2002, from which EPCA incorporates
the standards. (42 U.S.C. 6295(y))
II. Discussion
A. General
Representatives of several
organizations attended the public
meeting on September 27, 2004,
including trade associations (Copper
Development Association, National
Electrical Manufacturers Association
(NEMA), and National Rural Electric
Cooperative Association), transformer
manufacturers (Acme Electric
Corporation (ACME), ERMCO
Distribution Transformers (ERMCO),
Federal Pacific Transformer (Federal
Pacific or FPT), Kuhlman Electric
Corporation, Pemco Corporation
(Pemco), and Howard Industries, Inc.
(Howard Industries or Howard)), a core
steel manufacturer (AK Steel
Corporation), electric utility companies
(Georgia Power Company and Ameren
Services), the Canadian Government
(Natural Resources Canada), the
National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) of the U.S.
Department of Commerce, and private
research/consulting entities (BB&F
Associates, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, Merritt and Associates,
Navigant Consulting, Inc., and
Optimized Program Services, Inc.).
NEMA also submitted a written
statement in advance of the public
meeting. Following the public meeting,
ERMCO, Federal Pacific, Howard
Industries, Cooper Power Systems
(Cooper) and NEMA each submitted a
written statement. In addition, the
Department received ten comments in
its energy conservation standards
rulemaking that pertained to both the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
test procedure and the energy
conservation standards rulemakings.
Therefore, the Department crossreferenced these comments from the
energy conservation standards docket
(EE–RM/STD–00–550) to this
proceeding. The ten cross-referenced
comments were submitted by Pemco,
ERMCO, Harmonics Limited, NEMA,
Federal Pacific, HVOLT, Inc. (HVOLT),
Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE),
Howard Industries, Power Quality
International (PQI) and EMS
International Consulting (EMS).
The following summarizes the issues
addressed in the preamble of the
SNOPR and discusses in detail the
points on which significant comments
were presented during and after the
public meeting.
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with RULES3
B. Transformers Subject to the Test
Procedure—Definition of Distribution
1. General
Although EPCA directed DOE to
prescribe energy conservation standards
and test procedures for certain
‘‘distribution transformers’’ (42 U.S.C.
6317(a)), until recently the Act did not
define that term. Therefore, the
Department undertook to adopt such a
definition in this rulemaking. It
proposed a definition in the 1998
proposed rule, 63 FR 63362–63, 63369–
70, addressed the issue again in the
1999 reopening notice, 64 FR 33432–34,
and proposed a substantially revised
definition in the SNOPR. 69 FR 45506.
That revised definition included
transformers meeting numerical criteria
as to primary and secondary voltage and
capacity, and excluded specifically
listed types of transformers. 69 FR
45509–10, 45520–22. The Department
designed that definition primarily to (1)
encompass within ‘‘distribution
transformer’’ only those transformers
commonly understood to be distribution
transformers, i.e. those made for the
distribution of electricity, and (2)
exclude those distribution transformers
for which standards clearly would not
produce significant energy savings. 69
FR 45509–10.
EPACT 2005 recently revised EPCA to
include a definition of ‘‘distribution
transformer’’ (42 U.S.C. 6291(35)), thus
filling the gap DOE had sought to fill
with its own definition. As part of the
final rule mentioned above, to place in
the CFR certain provisions prescribed in
EPACT 2005, the Department
incorporated this new definition, almost
verbatim, into 10 CFR section 431.192.
70 FR 60407, 60416–17. (In the
paragraphs that follow, the new
definition is referred to as the ‘‘EPCA’’
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or ‘‘new’’ definition.) The EPCA
definition is similar in approach and
content to the definition proposed in the
SNOPR. It includes numerical criteria—
a maximum input voltage and frequency
that are similar to those in the SNOPR
definition, and a maximum output
voltage that is identical—as well as a list
of excluded transformers that is quite
similar to the SNOPR’s list of excluded
transformers. (The differences between
EPCA’s list of exclusions and the
SNOPR’s list are discussed below.
Today’s rule adheres to the EPCA list.)
The new definition also authorizes DOE
to add to the list of exclusions any type
of transformer that meets certain
One significant difference exists,
however, between the numerical criteria
in the EPCA and SNOPR definitions. No
capacity ranges are stated in the new
definition, whereas the SNOPR
definition limits the term ‘‘distribution
transformer’’ to liquid immersed units
with a capacity of 10 kVA to 2500 kVA,
and dry-type units with a capacity of 15
kVA to 2500 kVA. (The Department has
been using a similar definition to
delineate the transformers it is
evaluating in the standards rulemaking.
69 FR 45381–45384.) Transformers
outside of these ranges are not typically
used for electricity distribution, which
is the commonly understood function of
a distribution transformer. The
Department received no adverse
comment on these proposed ranges.
Moreover, NEMA agreed with the
proposed lower capacity limit for drytype transformers, indicating that
efficiency standards for transformers
with lower kVA ratings would fail to
meet the criteria in section 346 of EPCA.
(NEMA, No. 39 at p. 2; Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 42.11 at p. 22) 5 But
notwithstanding the lack of any explicit
capacity limits in the EPCA definition of
distribution transformer, as a practical
matter an upper capacity limit is
implicit in that definition. A
transformer’s capacity is to some extent
tied to its primary (input) and secondary
(output) voltages. Therefore, the
5 A notation in the form ‘‘NEMA, No. 39 at p. 2’’
identifies a written comment the Department has
received and has included in the docket of this
rulemaking. This particular notation refers to a
comment (1) by the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA), (2) in
document number 39 in the docket of this
rulemaking (maintained in the Resource Room of
the Building Technologies Program), and (3)
appearing on page 2 of document number 39.
Likewise, ‘‘Public Meeting Transcript, No. 42.11 at
p. 22,’’ for example, would refer to page 22 of the
transcript of the ‘‘Public Meeting on Test
Procedures for Distribution Transformers’’ held in
Washington, DC, September 27, 2005, which is
document number 42.11 in the docket of this
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maximum limits for primary and
secondary voltages, of 34.5 kilovolts and
600 volts, respectively, in the EPCA
definition have the practical effect of
limiting transformers that meet the
definition to those with a maximum
capacity in the range of approximately
3750 to 5000 kVA, or possibly slightly
higher. The voltage limits in the EPCA
definition, however, subsume no lower
limit on capacity.
It is unclear whether ‘‘distribution
transformer’’ as now defined in EPCA
and DOE’s regulations is, or can be,
subject to capacity ranges other than the
just-mentioned upper limit. On the one
hand, the new definition includes no
such capacity limitation, and it
authorizes DOE to exclude from the
definition, by rule, any transformer if it
is designed for a special application, is
unlikely to be used in a general purpose
application, and significant energy
savings would not result from applying
standards to it. (42 U.S.C.
6291(35)(B)(iii)) This suggests that
unless, and until, DOE acts and
identifies capacity ranges that meet
these criteria, they are not part of the
new definition of distribution
transformer. On the other hand, it is
uncertain whether Congress intended to
regulate as distribution transformers
units outside of the capacity ranges in
the SNOPR, because few are used to
distribute electricity. In addition, at the
same time it enacted the new
distribution transformer definition,
Congress also directed use of, and
incorporated into EPCA, provisions of
NEMA TP 2–1998 and NEMA TP
1–2002, respectively (42 U.S.C.
6293(b)(10) and 6295(y)), both of which
apply only to transformers with capacity
ranges similar to those in the SNOPR
definition. Thus, Congress may have
intended to limit the term ‘‘distribution
transformer’’ to transformers within the
capacity ranges that normally
characterize transformers that distribute
electricity. If so, that would mean the
Department’s authority to regulate the
efficiency of transformers under 42
U.S.C. 6317 would be limited to
transformers within these capacity
Given the inclusive language of
EPCA’s definition of distribution
transformer, however, the Department is
not prepared at this point to infer that
EPCA imposes this limitation. The
Department also does not possess
information on whether transformers
outside of these ranges would meet the
criteria in 42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(iii),
particularly the one on energy savings
from applying standards, for exclusion
from the definition of distribution
transformer. The standards rulemaking
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for distribution transformers, in which
DOE would develop such information,
and this test procedure rulemaking to a
slightly lesser extent, have focused
almost entirely on transformers within
the capacity ranges. Thus, at the present
time, DOE is proceeding on the premise
that ‘‘distribution transformer’’ as
defined in EPCA includes transformers
outside the capacity ranges in the
One option, therefore, would be for
the Department to retain this definition
in its rules, not revise it in today’s rule,
and apply it in any standards
rulemaking as well. That would have
little or no impact on adoption of the
test procedures in today’s rule, but it
might delay issuance of the rule. The
Department believes that the test
procedures as proposed in the SNOPR
and revised for inclusion in today’s rule
would be valid for determining the
efficiency of transformers with
capacities up to the limits implicit in
EPCA’s definition, and below the lower
end of the proposed ranges proposed in
the SNOPR. Nevertheless, because DOE
had not proposed to apply the test
procedure to transformers with such
capacities, it would have to provide
some opportunity for public comment
on the applicability of the test
procedure to those transformers. Doing
so could delay completion of this
The impact in the standards
rulemaking, of applying the EPCA
definition without capacity limits,
would be much greater than the impact
of doing so in this test procedure
rulemaking. Formulating standards for a
product involves developing an
understanding of, and evaluating,
factors such as the nature of the
product, its market, the technical
feasibility of potential efficiency
improvements, the manufacturing costs
of such improvements, the resulting
energy savings, the cost of the improved
product(s) to purchasers, the impact of
efficiency standards on manufacturers
and utilities, and environmental and
employment impacts, as well as other
factors unique to a particular product.
The Department has been engaged in
such activities with respect to
distribution transformers for over five
years, examining for the most part
products within the capacity ranges in
the SNOPR definition of distribution
transformer. It is now developing
proposed standards for these products.
To expand that rulemaking now to
include transformers outside these
ranges would impose a substantial
burden on DOE, and would
substantially delay the rulemaking by
requiring that the Department go back to
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the beginning of the process of
evaluating standards for these
additional transformers. Neither DOE
nor stakeholders contemplated that the
standards rulemaking would cover these
additional transformers. To the contrary,
as indicated above, interested parties
had reached a consensus as to the
transformers to be covered in the
standards rulemaking, and expect that
DOE will now move as promptly as
possible to promulgate standards for
these transformers.
Another possibility would be for the
Department to attempt to preserve the
current scope of the standards and test
procedure rulemakings by pursuing
exclusion from the definition of
distribution transformer, under 42
U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(iii), of transformers
with capacities outside the ranges
specified in the SNOPR definition. This
too would delay the rulemakings. For
DOE to gather relevant information and
assess whether transformers above and
below the SNOPR’s capacity ranges
meet the criteria in 42 U.S.C.
6291(35)(B)(iii), would be burdensome
and time consuming. And if DOE
determined exclusion of these
transformers to be warranted, it would
have to undertake additional
rulemaking proceedings to achieve such
exclusion. Moreover, if DOE were to
conclude that these transformers do not
meet the criteria for exclusion, DOE
would be in essentially the same
position it is in now.
The Department is determined to
avoid further delays in the rulemakings
on standards and test procedures for
distribution transformers. Therefore, it
does not wish either to expand these
rulemakings to cover transformers
outside the SNOPR’s capacity ranges, or
to pursue at this time exclusion of such
transformers from the definition of
distribution transformer. Furthermore,
the transformers within these capacity
ranges clearly are within the new EPCA
definition of distribution transformer, so
the Department is authorized to pursue
standards for them, and DOE believes
there are ample grounds to conclude
that such standards are warranted under
the criteria of section 346(a) of EPCA, 42
U.S.C. 6317(a).
For these reasons, § 431.192 of today’s
final rule modifies the EPCA definition
of distribution transformer that was
recently incorporated into the DOE rules
by adding to it the kVA capacity
limitations in the SNOPR definition.
This definition will not include, as it
could not, any transformers excluded
from the EPCA definition, and today’s
test procedure and any standards
rulemaking will not cover such
transformers. The Department is
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adopting this definition, with its
capacity limitations, for the purpose of
delineating the coverage of today’s rule,
as well as the transformers that will be
evaluated in the current standards
rulemaking for distribution
transformers. The inclusion of the
capacity limitations in today’s
definition does not mean that DOE has
concluded that the EPCA definition of
distribution transformer includes such
limitations. Rather, at some point after
completion of the current rulemakings
as to distribution transformers, the
Department intends to evaluate
transformers with larger and smaller
capacities than those included in
today’s definition, review how EPCA
should be construed with regard to
those transformers, and decide what if
any action to take with regard to
adoption of efficiency requirements for
such transformers. If DOE adopts
efficiency requirements for any of these
transformers, it would amend the
definition of ‘‘distribution transformer’’
in its regulations accordingly.
Finally, the capacity limitations in
today’s definition of ‘‘distribution
transformer’’ will have no effect on the
existing requirements for low-voltage
dry-type distribution transformers.
EPCA sets forth a definition and
standards for this equipment, 42 U.S.C.
6291(38) and 6295(y), which DOE
incorporated into its regulations at 10
CFR sections 431.192 and 431.196(a).
Because the definition states that a
‘‘low-voltage dry-type distribution
transformer’’ is a ‘‘distribution
transformer’’ that meets certain criteria,
the addition of capacity limits to the
definition of ‘‘distribution transformer’’
could be read as affecting what
constitutes a ‘‘low-voltage dry-type
distribution transformer’’ under the
regulation. As stated above, however,
the maximum limits for primary and
secondary voltages of 34.5 kilovolts and
600 volts, respectively, in EPCA’s
definition of ‘‘distribution transformer,’’
in effect limit transformers that meet
that definition to those with a maximum
capacity of approximately 3750 to 5000
kVA. Similarly, one of the criteria for a
‘‘low-voltage dry-type distribution
transformer’’ is that its primary voltage
not exceed 600 volts, 10 CFR section
431.192, which contemplates a
secondary voltage much lower than 600
volts. The obvious effect of this is that
a transformer will be a ‘‘low-voltage drytype distribution transformer’’ under the
regulations only if its maximum
capacity is far less than 3750 kVA, and
in all likelihood less than the 2500 kVA
maximum in today’s definition of
distribution transformer. In addition,
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EPCA and DOE rules prescribe
standards for low-voltage dry-type
distribution transformers only with
kVA’s within the range of 15 to 1000, 42
U.S.C. 6295(y) and 10 CFR section
431.196(a), which are within the 15 to
2500 kVA range that today’s definition
of ‘‘distribution transformer’’
incorporates for dry-type transformers.
For these reasons, the capacity
limitation in today’s definition of
‘‘distribution transformer’’ has no
impact on the current DOE and EPCA
requirements for low-voltage dry-type
distribution transformers.
2. Incorporation and Definition of
EPCA’s Exclusions—General
As indicated above, DOE incorporated
into its rules the new EPCA definition
of distribution transformer, including
the language listing specific types of
excluded transformers and authorizing
DOE to add to that list. 70 FR 60416–
17. Upon further review, the
Department has decided to adopt in
Section 431.192 of today’s rule several
editorial, clarifying and format changes
to the language concerning the
To begin with, this language states
that the term ‘‘distribution transformer’’
does not include ‘‘a transformer that is
designed to be used in a special purpose
application and is unlikely to be used in
general purpose applications, such as
[the list of specifically excluded
transformers]’’ (42 U.S.C.
6291(35)(B)(ii); 70 FR 60416–17) At first
reading, this language appears to
exclude unspecified types of
transformers that meet the criteria just
quoted, and to introduce a list
consisting of specific illustrations of the
transformers excluded. However, the
very next paragraph of the definition
states that DOE may, ‘‘by rule,’’ exclude
‘‘any transformer not listed’’ which
meets criteria that, in substantial part,
are virtually identical to the criteria just
quoted. (42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(iii); 70
FR 60416) If the definition were read as
excluding any transformer, in addition
to those specifically listed, that met
these criteria, this would obviate and
render null the provision authorizing
DOE to exclude additional transformers
that meet these criteria, but only
through rulemaking. The Department
believes, however, that the soundest
construction of these provisions is that
transformers not specifically listed in
the definition can be excluded only
through a DOE rulemaking, thus
providing certainty as to which
transformers are covered at any given
point in time. Use of the language
quoted at the beginning of this
paragraph to introduce the list of
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specifically excluded transformers
serves to describe those transformers,
and helps indicate the types of
transformers the statute authorizes DOE
to exclude by rule. Therefore, because
this provision does not actually
delineate excluded transformers, and in
order to avoid confusion as to the
function of this language, DOE in
today’s rule has amended section
431.192 by excluding it.
As just indicated, DOE incorporated
into its definition of distribution
transformer language from EPCA that
authorizes DOE to add to the list of
excluded transformers. (42 U.S.C.
62912(35)(B)(iii); 70 FR 60416–17)
Because this language authorizes action
by DOE and does not actually describe
transformers that are not ‘‘distribution
transformers,’’ upon further reflection
the Department believes that the
language need not be included in the
definition in the DOE rules. Therefore,
the Department has amended its
definition of ‘‘distribution transformer’’
by omitting this language from section
431.92 of today’s rule.
As to the specific exclusions, the
Department indicated when it adopted
the EPCA definition, 70 FR 60408, that
the definition uses incorrect terms in its
exclusions of ‘‘Uninterruptible Power
System [UPS] transformer, impedance
transformer, * * * [and] sealed and
nonventilating transformer.’’ (42 U.S.C.
6291(35)(B)(ii)) In accordance with its
expressed intention to address such
minor drafting problems in future
rulemaking proceedings, where
Congress has not already done so, 70 FR
60408, in today’s rule DOE is amending
its definition of distribution transformer
to correct use of these terms. First, UPS
transformers are commonly referred to
as ‘‘Uninterruptible Power Supply
transformers,’’ not ‘‘Uninterruptible
Power System transformers,’’ and
therefore DOE adopts the former term in
today’s rule. Second, every transformer
has an impedance, but only
transformers with impedances outside
of normal ranges, i.e., ‘‘specialimpedance’’ transformers, warrant
exclusion from standards. The
Department had proposed to exclude
such transformers from its definition of
distribution transformer in the SNOPR,
and NEMA excludes them from
coverage of NEMA TP 1 and TP 2.
Therefore, DOE construes EPCA as
excluding ‘‘special impedance’’
transformers, and today’s rule
substitutes that term for ‘‘impedance’’ in
the list of exclusions. Third, IEEE
standards define ‘‘sealed’’ transformers
separately from ‘‘nonventilated’’
transformers, treating them as two
different types of transformers. The
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definitions are such that it would be
highly unlikely for a particular
transformer to be both ‘‘sealed’’ and
‘‘nonventilated.’’ In the SNOPR, DOE
treated them as two separate exclusions
from the term ‘‘distribution
transformer,’’ as it believes is
appropriate. In light of the foregoing,
DOE construes EPCA as containing
separate exclusions for sealed and
nonventilated transformers, and today’s
rule so provides.
The Department has also changed the
format for the specific exclusions in
section 431.192 of today’s rule, and
adopted the approach in the SNOPR, by
placing the exclusions in a numbered
list, rather than simply listing them
seriatim in a single paragraph. The
Department believes this will make the
rule easier to read and use.
Finally, conforming to the approach
in EPCA, DOE’s recently adopted rule
lists the 12 types of transformers it
excludes from the term ‘‘distribution
transformer,’’ but contains no definition
for any of them. 70 FR 60416–17. In the
SNOPR, DOE proposed definitions for
the transformers it proposed to exclude.
The Department believes such
definitions are warranted because they
help to clarify exactly which
transformers are covered. Today’s rule
includes seven definitions drawn from
IEEE standards, and five that DOE
developed based on industry catalogues,
practice and nomenclature. DOE
believes they represent a reasonable
construction of the EPCA exclusions.
Except as indicated in the discussion
below of the definitions of special
impedance, testing and grounding
transformers, they are the same
definitions DOE proposed in the
3. Specific EPCA Exclusions
a. Transformers With Tap Ranges of 20
Percent or More and Special Impedance
EPCA and the Department’s recently
adopted rule exclude from the
definition of ‘‘distribution transformer’’
transformers with ‘‘multiple voltage
taps, the highest of which equals at least
20 percent more than the lowest.’’ 42
U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(i); 70 FR 60416. The
Department reads this language as
excluding transformers with a tap range
of 20 percent or more. It is similar to the
exclusion in the SNOPR of transformers
with a tap range greater than 15 percent.
The language EPCA uses for this
exclusion, however, is ambiguous.
Each distribution transformer with
multiple voltage taps has a nominal
voltage at which it normally operates
and other voltages (taps), typically
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above and below its nominal voltage at
which it can also operate. The voltage
taps enable the transformer to be
connected to distribution lines at these
other voltages. The tap range represents
the difference between the highest and
lowest voltage taps relative to the
nominal voltage, expressed as a
percentage. It is unclear whether, under
the EPCA exclusion, a transformer’s tap
range is determined by computing the
percentage of the voltage difference
between its lowest and highest voltage
taps relative to the voltage of the lower
tap, or, as the industry has traditionally
done, by adding the sum of the
percentages by which the highest and
the lowest voltage taps deviate from the
nominal voltage. (The traditional
industry method is equivalent to the
percentage of the difference between the
lowest and highest voltage taps relative
to the nominal voltage.) These two
approaches generally yield two different
results for tap range value for any given
transformer with multiple voltage taps.
For example, a 600-volt primary
transformer with two 2.5-percent taps
above and four 2.5-percent taps below
the nominal, with the highest tap being
630 volts and the lowest 540 volts,
would normally be referred to as having
a tap range of 15 percent (i.e., 6 times
2.5 percent, or 90 volts as a percentage
of 600 volts = 15 percent). Similarly, a
600-volt primary with three 2.5-percent
taps above and three 2.5-percent taps
below the nominal, with the highest tap
being 645 volts and the lowest 555 volts,
would also be referred to under the
traditional industry approach as having
a tap range of 15 percent. However, if
the tap percentages for these
transformers were calculated as a
percentage of the voltage rating of the
lowest tap (540 volts and 555 volts in
these examples), these two transformers
would have a tap range of 16.2 percent
and a 16.7 percent, respectively.
The Department believes that EPCA’s
exclusion of transformers with a tap
range of 20 percent or more is best
construed as reflecting standard
industry practice, such that tap ranges
do not vary with the voltage rating of
the lowest tap. Rather, tap range should
be calculated, and excluded
transformers identified, based on the
industry practice of calculating the
transformer’s percent tap range relative
to the nominal voltage of the
transformer. Accordingly, the
Department interprets EPCA as
excluding transformers from the
definition of ‘‘distribution transformer’’
when the aggregate of the transformer’s
highest to lowest tap voltages, relative to
the nominal voltage, equals at least 20
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percent. In section 431.192 of today’s
rule, the Department has incorporated
this interpretation into its regulations by
adding clarifying language to amend the
regulation containing this exclusion that
it adapted from EPCA in 70 FR 60416.
The Department also notes that EPCA
includes this exclusion in a separate
paragraph, rather than in the list that
comprises the other exclusions from the
definition of ‘‘distribution transformer.’’
(42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(i)–(ii)) See 70 FR
60416. To present this exclusion in the
same format as the other exclusions, in
section 431.192 of today’s rule the
Department has added ‘‘Transformer
with Tap Range of 20 percent or more’’
to the list of exclusions and defined that
term using the EPCA language that
contains the exclusion, modified as just
As indicated above, the Department
had proposed in the SNOPR to exclude
transformers with tap ranges greater
than 15 percent. 69 FR 45110, 45420–
22. Pemco, a manufacturer, expressed
the concern that, if the Department
declines to adopt efficiency standards
for distribution transformers with a tap
range of greater than 15 percent
(currently the standard tap range for low
voltage dry-type transformers),
manufacturers might begin producing
transformers with a slightly larger tap
range, and such transformers would not
be covered by standards. (Pemco, No. 48
at p. 2) That could create a significant
loophole under the regulations. Since
the 20-percent tap range is larger than
the previously proposed 15-percent
range, exclusion of transformers with
tap ranges of at least 20 percent should
reduce the risk that transformers with
slightly larger tap ranges would be
produced in order to avoid coverage.
But that risk will not be completely
The exclusion of special impedance
transformers, as provided in EPCA, as
recently incorporated by DOE into 10
CFR section 431.192, and as previously
proposed by DOE in the SNOPR, raises
a similar issue. The issue is brought into
focus by DOE’s proposed definition for
these transformers in the SNOPR. The
proposed definition specified a normal
impedance range for each standard kVA
rating, and stated that a ‘‘specialimpedance transformer’’ would be any
transformer with an impedance outside
the applicable range. Any such
transformer would not be a
‘‘distribution transformer’’ covered by
the proposed rule. 69 FR 45510–11,
45520–22. No commenter objected to
this exclusion, and only one specifically
addressed it. Howard Industries
recommends that DOE replace its
proposed normal impedance ranges
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with ranges included in Howard’s
comments, which are more in line with
ranges ANSI uses to delineate special
impedance transformers and on which
most utility systems are based. (Howard,
No. 55 at p. 3) For most kVA levels,
DOE’s proposed ranges are broader than
Howard’s. Hence, DOE’s ranges would
result in exclusion of fewer
transformers, by classifying fewer as
‘‘special impedance.’’ In its revised test
procedure document, NEMA TP 2–2005,
NEMA incorporated DOE’s proposed
normal impedance ranges. (NEMA, No.
60 Attachment 1 at pp. 5–6)
The Department is concerned that
some transformers designed for
electricity distribution could be
manufactured with impedances outside
normal ranges so that they would not be
subject to otherwise applicable
efficiency standards. Such transformers
could be less expensive to manufacture
than normal impedance transformers
manufactured in compliance with the
standards, and therefore could have a
competitive advantage over standardscompliant distribution transformers. If
this occurred, it would subvert the
standards. At best, the manufacturer(s)
of such new, non-complying
transformers would sell them in place of
complying products they would
otherwise have sold, and the product
would have a share of the market for
which DOE analysis demonstrated that
standards were technologically feasible
and economically justified. This would
reduce energy savings below the levels
that standards under EPCA are designed
to achieve, and reduce the benefits
transformer consumers and the public
would realize from the standards. At
worst, to avoid significant losses of
market share to the competing, noncomplying transformer, other
manufacturers would be forced to
produce the same type of noncomplying unit. In that case, all or most
of the benefit of standards could be lost.
The Department believes that use of
the impedance ranges in the proposed
rule, to delineate special impedance
transformers, is a reasonable
implementation of EPCA’s exclusion of
these transformers. This is the same
approach, discussed above, that EPCA
follows in its exclusion of transformers
with non-standard tap ranges, in that
only transformers that are considerably
outside the normal ranges are excluded
from coverage. To construe EPCA
otherwise, that is, to construe it as
excluding from coverage any
transformer that falls outside the
current, standard normal impedance
ranges, could spawn a new generation of
distribution transformers with
impedances outside these ranges, which
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would not be subject to Federal
efficiency standards and test
procedures. As just mentioned, this
could subvert DOE’s energy efficiency
standards. NEMA’s inclusion of DOE’s
proposed impedance ranges in the
revised TP 2 standard provided to the
Department, and the fact that only one
commenter objected to them, indicate
they are a sound basis for delineating
the special impedance transformers that
are excluded from coverage under
today’s rule and DOE’s efficiency
standards. Therefore, section 431.192 of
today’s rule retains the SNOPR’s
proposed definition of the ‘‘specialimpedance transformers’’ excluded from
the term ‘‘distribution transformer.’’
The Department recognizes that this
approach may not prevent attempts to
circumvent its efficiency requirements
through manufacture of distribution
transformers that appear to, or do, fall
just within this exclusion or the
exclusion of transformers with tap
ranges of 20 percent or more. Such
transformers could conceivably be
manufactured for use in standard
applications to distribute electricity in
power distribution systems, but with
efficiencies below those required by
DOE’s standards. Indeed, other
exclusions from today’s definition of
distribution transformer could also be
exploited to justify manufacture of
transformers, for standard distribution
applications, that do not meet DOE
standards. The Department believes one
such example may be the exclusion for
drive (isolation) transformers. Such
transformers can be similar to standard
distribution transformers. A
manufacturer might be able to produce
and market, for standard distribution
uses, a transformer that does not meet
DOE efficiency standards but that
clearly, or arguably meets, DOE’s
definition of ‘‘drive (isolation)
transformer,’’ and claim that it is not a
‘‘distribution transformer’’ as defined by
The Department intends to strictly
and narrowly construe the exclusions
from the definition of ‘‘distribution
transformer.’’ It will also take
appropriate steps, including
enforcement action if necessary, if any
manufacturer or other party erroneously
invokes one of the exclusions as a basis
for marketing a transformer that is a
‘‘distribution transformer’’ under
today’s rule but does not meet DOE
standards. Moreover, to the extent
transformers that do fall within the
exclusions begin to be marketed for
standard distribution applications, or
find widespread use in such
applications, DOE will examine whether
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re-defining the relevant exclusions, and/
or legislative action, is warranted.
b. Testing Transformers
EPCA, and DOE’s recent rule, also
exclude a ‘‘testing transformer’’ from the
definition of distribution transformer,
42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(ii) and 70 FR
60416, as does section 431.192 of
today’s rule. The Department proposed
this exclusion in the SNOPR. 63 FR
63363; 69 FR 45510. No stakeholder
commented on it, in response to either
the NOPR or SNOPR, except that in its
revised TP 2–2005 document, NEMA
deleted the following sentence from the
SNOPR’s proposed definition of ‘‘testing
transformer’’: ‘‘This type of transformer
is also commonly known as an
Instrument Transformer.’’ (NEMA, No.
60 Attachment 1 at p. 7) An instrument
transformer, however, is a type of
transformer used for extending the
voltage and current ranges of measuring
and control instruments—such as
voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, and
relays—and is not the same as a testing
transformer that supplies power to test
electrical equipment. The Department
recognizes that it erroneously included
this sentence in the SNOPR definition of
testing transformer and has deleted it
from today’s rule.
The Department believes that this
error would not have lead stakeholders
to infer that DOE had proposed to
specifically exclude instrument
transformers from the definition of
‘‘distribution transformer’’ in the
SNOPR, for two reasons. First, the
remainder of the proposed definition of
testing transformer clearly did not
include instrument transformers, and
second, contrary to the incorrect
sentence, testing transformers are not
commonly known as instrument
transformers. Nevertheless, to the extent
the proposed rule may have been read
to specifically exclude instrument
transformers, DOE believes such an
exclusion is unnecessary and
unwarranted. The revised NEMA TP
2–2005 contains no such exclusion.
Moreover, an instrument transformer
would be designed to handle less power
than the lower capacity limits (10 kVA
for liquid-immersed and 15 kVA for drytype) in today’s definition of
distribution transformer, unless it was
also designed to distribute electricity. In
the former case, the transformer would
not be covered under today’s rule (or
under the SNOPR) even absent a
specific exclusion, rendering an
exclusion unnecessary. In the latter
case, it should be covered, and subject
to DOE efficiency standards and test
procedures, as a ‘‘distribution
transformer.’’ Hence, there is no reason
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to consider further the exclusion of
‘‘instrument transformers’’ from today’s
definition of distribution transformer.
c. Grounding Transformers
Finally, section 431.192 of today’s
final rule contains a clarifying
modification to the SNOPR’s definition
of ‘‘grounding transformer.’’ That
definition referred to ‘‘[a]n
autotransformer with a zig-zag winding
arrangement.’’ 69 FR 45521. The
Department has since become aware
that this language is internally
inconsistent, because an
autotransformer with a zig-zag winding
cannot be an autotransformer as defined
in the rule, nor does it meet industry’s
conventional understanding of the term.
The Department used the term
autotransformer in the proposed
grounding transformer definition to
describe a type of transformer that does
not have a separate physical secondary
winding (unlike a conventional
transformer). But although a three-phase
autotransformer has three coils
constituting the primary winding only,
and no separate secondary winding, a
section of each primary coil is ‘‘tappedoff’’ to create, in effect, a secondary
winding. A grounding transformer,
however, has only a primary winding,
and no secondary winding output. In
today’s rule, in the definition of
‘‘grounding transformer,’’ the
Department has replaced the reference
to an autotransformer with a reference
to a transformer with a primary winding
and no secondary winding.
4. Other Exclusions Considered
The bulk of the comments on the
SNOPR’s definition of distribution
transformer advocated eliminating or
narrowing exclusions DOE had
proposed, or adding other exclusions.
EPACT 2005 incorporated none of these
exclusions into EPCA.
In the SNOPR, DOE had proposed to
exclude both harmonic mitigating
transformers and K-factor (also referred
to as ‘‘harmonic tolerating’’)
transformers at K–13 and higher, largely
based on its view that: (1) regulating
them would not save significant
amounts of energy, and (2) they are
sufficiently expensive that there is little
risk they would be purchased in place
of more efficient transformers that
would be subject to standards. 69 FR
45511, 45520–21. The Department also
indicated its belief that few harmonic
mitigating transformers would be
commonly understood to be distribution
transformers. 69 FR 45511. No
commenter advocated retention of either
exclusion, and several supported
eliminating or narrowing them.
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
Supporting elimination of both
exclusions, NEMA stated that the
exclusions could be used to avoid
efficiency standards. (NEMA, No. 39 at
p. 2 and No. 47 at p. 2; Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 42.11 at p. 22; NEMA
No. 51 at p. 2) The Oregon Department
of Energy raised doubts that these
transformers would be unable to meet
standards and saw no rationale for
excluding them. (ODOE, No. 54 at p. 2)
Harmonics Limited believes the market
for them is large and growing, that use
of K-rated transformers to circumvent
existing standards has resulted in
greater energy consumption, and
harmonic transformers can both comply
with standards and address harmonics
issues. (Harmonics Limited, No. 50 at p.
1) ACME and Pemco advocated
elimination of the exclusion for K-factor
transformers (Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 42.11 at pp. 32–33; Pemco, No. 48
at p. 2), and EMS International
Consulting, Inc. (EMS) advocated
elimination of the exclusion for
harmonic mitigating transformers.
(EMS, No. 57 at p. 3) In addition, EMS
recommended that DOE cover K-rated
transformers (up to a certain level which
EMS did not specify), and Federal
Pacific recommended narrowing the
K-factor exclusion for transformers rated
up to 300 kVA and broadening it for
transformers above 300 kVA, both on
grounds similar to those advanced by
commenters who advocated its
elimination. (EMS, No. 57 at p. 2; FPT,
No. 44 at pp. 2–3 and No. 52 at p. 2)
Based on these comments, and upon
further review, DOE has concluded
there is not a sufficient basis at this
point to exclude harmonic mitigating or
K-factor transformers from the
definition of distribution transformer. In
essence, the Department proposed in the
SNOPR to exclude these transformers on
the grounds that they are not
‘‘distribution transformers,’’ and that
energy conservation standards for them
would fail to meet the EPCA criteria in
42 U.S.C. 6317(a)(1) because such
standards would not save substantial
amounts of energy and/or be
economically justified. Concerning the
first point, as discussed above, EPCA, as
amended in EPACT 2005, now defines
the term ‘‘distribution transformer.’’
Harmonic mitigating and K-factor
transformers do not per se fail to meet
the numerical criteria in this definition,
nor are they in the definition’s list of
excluded transformers. (42 U.S.C.
6291(35)(A) and (B)(i)–(ii))
EPCA, as recently amended, now
authorizes DOE, however, to exclude by
rule any transformer if it is designed for
a special application, if it is unlikely to
be used in a general purpose
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application, and if significant energy
savings would not result from applying
standards to it. (42 U.S.C.
6291(35)(B)(iii)) DOE previously relied
on general information to support the
views expressed in the SNOPR that
harmonic mitigating and K-factor
transformers would not be used for
general purpose distribution
applications, and that standards for
them would not save significant
amounts of energy. However, these
conclusions were somewhat negated by
the comments that these transformers
could be sold in place of distribution
transformers that are subject to
standards, and that their use is
increasingly common. Also, the
Department is not aware of any more
concrete information or analyses that
address whether standards for these
transformers could save energy. Thus,
the Department now has no basis for
excluding them under the new criteria
in section 42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(iii). For
these reasons, DOE cannot conclude at
this point that harmonic mitigating or
K-factor transformers fail to meet the
new EPCA definition of ‘‘distribution
Concerning the issue of whether these
transformers should be excluded from
DOE’s definition of distribution
transformer on the ground that energy
conservation standards for them would
not meet the criteria in 42 U.S.C.
6317(a)(1), as just set forth, there is
insufficient basis to conclude that such
standards would fail to save substantial
amounts of energy. Furthermore,
comments that harmonic mitigating and
K-factor transformers could be
manufactured to be in compliance with
applicable efficiency standards without
excessive cost suggest that standards for
this equipment might well be
economically justified. As with the
issue of potential energy savings, the
Department is not aware of any concrete
information or analyses that suggest that
standards for K-factor and harmonic
mitigating transformers are not
economically justified. Thus, the
Department believes there is insufficient
basis to conclude at this point that
standards for these transformers would
fail to meet the criteria in 42 U.S.C.
Some commenters suggest adding
other exclusions to the definition of
distribution transformer. Federal Pacific
recommends that mining transformers
(transformers installed inside a mine,
inside equipment operated in a mine, or
as a component of underground-digging
or tunneling machinery) be excluded
from the application of standards,
because of their radically different loss
characteristics and special dimensional
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constraints. (FPT, No. 52 at p. 2)
Aligning with that comment, NEMA
excludes mining transformers from its
revised test procedure, TP 2–2005.
(NEMA, No. 60, Attachment 1 at p. 1
and p. 4) Pemco asserts the need for an
exclusion for transformers subject to
dimensional, physical or design
constraints, such as height limits, low
temperature rise, special sound level
requirements, weight limits, and
suitability for high altitudes, which,
according to Pemco, render it physically
impossible or cost-prohibitive for these
transformers to meet an efficiency
standard. (Pemco, No. 48 at p. 1) Pemco
also states that an exclusion is needed
for retrofit transformers that have to be
exactly the same as the ones they are
replacing. (Pemco, No. 48 at p. 1–2)
Similarly, Howard Industries advocates
an exclusion for retrofit transformers,
particularly underground and subway
style transformers, on the grounds that
they are subject to severe physical or
electrical constraints, and would be
unable to also meet energy conservation
standards. (Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 42.11 at p. 36; Howard, No. 55 at p.
3) However, although NEMA views the
lack of an exclusion for retrofit
transformers as problematic, it did not
advocate such an exclusion because it
has not formulated a definition or
solution for this problem. (Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 42.11 at p. 35)
In the SNOPR, DOE did not propose
to exclude any of the foregoing types of
transformers from its proposed
definition of distribution transformer.
And as with K-factor and harmonic
mitigating transformers, EPCA excludes
none of them from its definition of
distribution transformer. (42 U.S.C.
6291(35)(A) and (B)(i)-(ii)) Furthermore,
the commenters who supported these
additional exclusions have provided
neither data as to the energy savings
potential of standards for these
transformers, nor information as to the
likelihood they could be used in general
purpose applications, and the
Department is not aware of any concrete
information or analyses that address
these points. Therefore, the Department
has no basis for excluding any of the
transformers discussed in this paragraph
under section 321(35)(B)(iii) of EPCA.
(42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(iii)) As to
whether these transformers satisfy the
criteria in 42 U.S.C. 6317(a)(1) for
adopting test procedures and standards,
the commenters have provided broad
claims, but no technical or factual
evidence, that addresses this issue.
For these reasons, the Department has
concluded that there is not a sufficient
basis at this point to exclude harmonic
mitigating or K-factor transformers, or
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transformers subject to dimensional,
physical or design constraints
(including mining transformers), from
today’s definition of distribution
transformer, and the definition does not
exclude them.
Rather, DOE will revisit the issues of
whether, and to what extent, these
transformers should be subject to
standards, and at what levels, during the
standards rulemaking for distribution
transformers. As set forth in the
Determination notice, the Department
can best address issues as to the
technological feasibility, economic
justification and potential energy
savings of energy conservation
standards in the standards rulemaking,
particularly during evaluation of
proposed standard levels. 62 FR 54810.
For many products, such as the types of
distribution transformers at issue here,
the question of whether standards are
warranted cannot adequately be
addressed without detailed information
and analysis. Once the Department has
decided to propose additional standard
levels for distribution transformers, and
has provided its analysis of the levels it
has considered in depth, stakeholders
will have an opportunity to comment.
They can provide factual information
and analysis on issues such as whether
the proposed standard levels, or other
levels, are warranted for particular
classes of transformers, including the
types just discussed. These comments
could also address whether some types
of transformers should be completely or
partially excluded from standards,
including, for example, whether a
portion of K-factor transformers should
be excluded as advocated by Federal
Pacific. To the extent information
developed during the standards
rulemaking warrants exclusion of any
type of transformers from coverage of
the new standards (and test procedures),
the Department will modify its
definition of ‘‘distribution transformer’’
5. Rebuilt or Refurbished Distribution
The Department did not specifically
address in the SNOPR whether today’s
test procedure, as well as efficiency
standards for distribution transformers,
would apply to rebuilt distribution
transformers (i.e., units on which one or
more windings have been replaced), or
to used or repaired distribution
transformers. Nor does EPCA
specifically address this question.
Several commenters stated that the
requirements should apply to rebuilt
transformers, commonly referred to also
as refurbished transformers. EMS and
HVOLT stated that coverage of rebuilt
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units is necessary to close a potential
loophole (EMS, No. 57 at p. 3; HVOLT,
No. 53 at p. 3), and ERMCO stated that
failure to cover rebuilt units might
enable end-users to avoid standards by
always rewinding failed units. (ERMCO,
No. 49 at p. 2) Manufacturers appeared
to be concerned that the increased cost
of new, standards-compliant
transformers would cause some
customers to either purchase rebuilt,
instead of new, transformers or rebuild
existing transformers they already own.
The Oregon Department of Energy
agreed that rebuilt transformers should
be required to meet new standards,
indicating that high-quality rewinding
practices can produce products that
would meet standards while poor
quality work can seriously degrade
performance. (ODOE, No. 54 at p. 2)
Some commenters also advocated
coverage of used and/or repaired
distribution transformers. (Howard, No.
55 at p. 3; EMS, No. 57 at p. 3)
EPCA, in essence, seems to require
only new distribution transformers, that
have not been sold to end users, to meet
Federal efficiency requirements. (42
U.S.C. 6302, 6316(a) and 6317(a)(1))
Thus, DOE probably lacks authority to
require that used and repaired
transformers comply with its test
procedures and standards. The same
may be true for rebuilt transformers,
although for them a genuine issue does
exist as to DOE’s authority. Generally,
EPCA provides that products, when
‘‘manufactured,’’ are subject to
efficiency standards. (42 U.S.C. 6295(b)–
(i) and 6313) It is arguable, but by no
means clear, that rebuilt transformers
could be considered to be
‘‘manufactured’’ again when they are
rebuilt, and therefore be classified as
new distribution transformers subject to
DOE test procedures and standards. If,
however, rebuilt products cannot be
classified as newly manufactured, DOE
would be subject to the same limitation
on its authority to regulate them as
applies to used and repaired products.
In addition, contrary to the suggestion of
some commenters that DOE regulate the
efficiency of distribution transformers
that their owners have re-wound, and
where the transformer is not re-sold,
EPCA provides authority to regulate
only products that are sold, imported or
otherwise placed in commerce. (42
U.S.C. 6291, 6311, and 6317(f)(1))
Throughout the history of its
appliance efficiency program, DOE has
not sought to regulate used units that
have been re-conditioned or rebuilt, or
have undergone major repairs.
Regulating this part of the market,
including the enforcement of efficiency
requirements, could be an exceedingly
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complex and burdensome task. By and
large, the Department believes EPCA
indicates a Congressional intent that
DOE focus on the market for new
products, and believes that this is where
the largest energy savings can be
achieved. For distribution transformers
in particular, the Department
understands that at present rebuilt
transformers are only a small part of the
market. Moreover, the core dimensions
of existing units are fixed, whereas for
many newly manufactured transformers
the dimensions of existing models could
be enlarged in order to allow their
efficiencies to increase. Therefore, at
least initially, any standard for rebuilt
transformers would likely have to be
lower than for comparable newly
manufactured units, and given the
current size of the refurbished
transformer market, it appears that
significant energy savings could not be
achieved by adopting standards for
For all of these reasons, the
Department does not intend to apply its
standards and test procedures to used,
repaired and rebuilt distribution
transformers. Nevertheless, the
Department recognizes that there may
be some validity to the concerns raised
by commenters about possible
substitution of rebuilt for new
transformers. If conditions change—for
example, if rebuilt transformers become
a larger segment of the transformer
market—DOE will reconsider its
decision not to subject them to energy
conservation requirements.
6. Coverage of Liquid-Filled
Finally, Howard Industries suggested,
with regard to liquid-filled transformers,
that the utility, municipal, and co-op
segment of the market not be subject to
mandatory standards, because it already
uses life-cycle cost methods in
purchasing products, and that only the
commercial and industrial segment be
subject to such standards. (Howard, No.
55 at p. 4) This is an interesting
suggestion, but the Department believes
it is untenable because the distribution
transformers used in these two market
segments are not sufficiently different
from one another. If the Department
were to adopt efficiency requirements
for transformers currently sold in one
sector but not the other, DOE believes
that the transformers it left unregulated
would promptly find their way into the
regulated market. The Department is
charged with prescribing test
procedures and energy conservation
standards for those distribution
transformers for which it determines
standards are technologically feasible
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
and economically justified and would
result in significant energy savings.
Liquid-immersed distribution
transformers sold into the utility,
municipal and co-op segments of the
market are ‘‘distribution transformers’’
as defined in section 321(35) of EPCA,
and, because they clearly are designed
for general purpose applications, DOE
could not exclude them under
paragraph (B)(iii) of that section. (42
U.S.C. 6291(35)) Moreover, in October
1997, the Department made a
determination that energy conservation
standards for liquid-immersed
distribution transformers would appear
to be technologically feasible and
economically justified, and to result in
significant energy savings. 62 FR 54816.
For these reasons, today’s definition of
‘‘distribution transformer’’ does not
exclude liquid-immersed transformers,
nor any subset of these transformers
destined for any particular end-user or
market segment.
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C. Test Procedure for Distribution
1. General Discussion
The Department developed the test
method in today’s final rule (Appendix
A to Subpart K of Part 431) in order to
have a single, primary reference that
would clearly set forth all testing
requirements for distribution
transformers that may be covered by
EPCA energy conservation standards.
Almost in its entirety, the test method
closely follows NEMA TP 2–1998 and
the following four widely used IEEE
standards: (1) IEEE C57.12.90–1999,
‘‘IEEE Standard Test Code for LiquidImmersed Distribution, Power and
Regulating Transformers and IEEE
Guide for Short Circuit Testing of
Distribution and Power Transformers,’’
(2) IEEE C57.12.91–2001, ‘‘IEEE
Standard Test Code for Dry-Type
Distribution and Power Transformers,’’
(3) IEEE C57.12.00–2000, ‘‘IEEE
Standard General Requirements for
Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power
and Regulating Transformers,’’ and (4)
IEEE C57.12.01–1998, ‘‘IEEE Standard
General Requirements for Dry-Type
Distribution and Power Transformers
Including those with Solid Cast and/or
Resin Encapsulated Windings.’’
As discussed in the SNOPR, the DOE
did not propose to adopt NEMA TP
2–1998 verbatim as the DOE test method
because of concerns about whether TP
2–1998 was sufficiently clear, detailed
and accurate to serve as the DOE test
procedure. 69 FR 45508–09. The
Department had also identified
problems with the clarity and level of
detail in TP 2–1998 in the 1998
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proposed rule. 63 FR 63362. Nor did the
Department propose to incorporate the
four IEEE standards by reference. As
stated in the SNOPR, that would require
users to consult several reference
documents in order to construct the test
procedure, whereas having a single
reference test procedure would reduce
the potential of misinterpreting testing
requirements and would enhance the
convenience to users. In addition the
IEEE standards include test methods not
only for distribution transformers, but
also for much larger power transformers
that are not covered by the DOE test
procedure. Nevertheless, the
Department relied heavily on
techniques and methods from NEMA TP
2–1998 and the four IEEE standards in
developing the proposed test procedure
and today’s final test procedure.
EPACT 2005, which the President
signed into law on August 8, 2005,
amended EPCA in effect to direct the
Department to develop a test procedure
for distribution transformers that is
‘‘based on’’ NEMA TP 2–1998. (42
U.S.C. 6293(b)(10)). In the SNOPR, DOE
stated that it had ‘‘adapted virtually all
of the provisions of the [proposed ] test
procedure from NEMA TP 2[–1998] and
the * * * four widely used IEEE
standards’’ just cited, and had used
NEMA TP 2–1998 to develop the
proposed test procedure. 69 FR 45508.
The Department did not receive any
comments from stakeholders indicating
that they took issue with these
statements. As stated above, today’s
testing methods are largely the same as
those proposed in the SNOPR. Thus, as
also set forth above, NEMA TP 2–1998
and the IEEE standards are the bases for
these test methods. Indeed, because
NEMA TP 2–1998 is based on the IEEE
standards, and represents an attempt to
incorporate them into a single
document, any test method that
incorporates the substance of these
standards would conform to TP 2–1998.
Furthermore, today’s test methods and
those in NEMA TP 2–1998 are entirely
consistent with one another. For all of
these reasons, it can be fairly stated that
today’s test procedure is ‘‘based on’’
NEMA TP 2–1998, within the meaning
of 42 U.S.C. 6293(b)(10), and satisfies
the Congressional intent that the DOE
test procedure reflect the content of TP
6 Although NEMA TP 2–1998 contains a sampling
plan for establishing compliance with prescribed
efficiency levels, the compliance sampling plan in
today’s rule, which is discussed in section II–E
below, is not based on the plan in TP 2. EPACT
2005 mandates that the Department use 12 industry
or voluntary test procedures, each for a different
type of product, as the basis for DOE test
procedures for those products. All contain test
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In response to the SNOPR, several
commenters requested that DOE rely on
existing testing standards as much as
possible, as it does for other products,
instead of adopting a new stand-alone
test procedure. (FPT, No. 44 at p. 7;
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 42.11 at
pp. 49, 54–55) NEMA expressed
concern that the Department’s proposal
differed significantly from the existing
testing methods (NEMA TP 2–1998 and
IEEE), and asserted that industry
engineers would need to become experts
in the new method, and that this could
be a difficult, time consuming process.
(Public Meeting Transcript, No. 42.11 at
pp. 49–51, 53, 60) The Department
recognizes that there will be some
burden on manufacturers resulting from
today’s stand-alone test procedure. This
burden, however, should be minimal.
The test methods in the DOE test
procedure are virtually identical to
those in the TP 2–1998 and IEEE
standards, and require the same steps
for determining losses and calculating
efficiency. Comments from stakeholders
offered no specifics as to why use of the
DOE test procedure would be
burdensome for manufacturers and
identified no specific provisions in
DOE’s proposed test procedure that
deviate from the TP 2–1998 or IEEE
standards. Furthermore, in NEMA’s
revised TP 2 document, TP 2–2005, the
test method closely parallels the SNOPR
rule language. (NEMA, No. 60,
Attachment 1) This indicates that, upon
further reflection, NEMA believes use of
DOE’s proposed test procedure would
not be burdensome for manufacturers.
Federal Pacific states that
manufacturers will still be required to
reference industry standards, in
addition to DOE standards. (FPT, No. 44
at p. 6) The Department believes that
due to the similarities between today’s
test procedure and the TP 2–1998 and
IEEE documents, a manufacturer
following the DOE test procedure would
also be consistent with NEMA TP 2–
1998 and the IEEE test procedures.
methods, but NEMA TP 2–1998 appears to be the
only one that contains a sampling plan. Moreover,
for the reasons explained in the SNOPR, that
sampling plan is inconsistent with the standards
and labeling requirements in EPCA for distribution
transformers, and with basic, long-standing
elements of DOE’s appliance efficiency program. 69
FR 45514. Congress gave no indication in enacting
EPACT 2005 that it intended its mandate for use of
NEMA TP 2–1998 to change EPCA’s standards and
labeling requirements, or the structure of DOE’s
program, for this product. For these reasons, DOE
believes Congress intended to require that DOE’s
test methods for distribution transformers, but not
its compliance sampling plan, be based on NEMA
TP 2–1998. Accordingly, the Department construes
42 U.S.C. 6393(b)(10) as not affecting the content of
its compliance sampling plan for distribution
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
Therefore, manufacturers would not
have to take separate steps to assure
compliance with each test procedure.
Federal Pacific also asserts that a
stand-alone DOE test procedure may
become a problem if IEEE, ANSI, or
NEMA adopt changes to their standards
because the changes may have to be
incorporated into the DOE test
procedure. (FPT, No. 44 at pp. 6–7) This
issue is not unique to transformers, and
exists whether DOE has a stand-alone
test procedure or incorporates by
reference one or more industry
standards, such as the IEEE test methods
for transformers. The Department
regulates many other consumer
products and commercial equipment, all
of which have test procedures. Some of
these are DOE-developed, stand-alone
test methods, and others incorporate by
reference industry standards. Even in
the latter situations, no change to an
industry standard becomes part of the
DOE test procedure unless and until the
Department adopts it. In the event of an
industry-consensus revision to the test
methods for distribution transformers,
the Department would consider all
petitions from manufacturers seeking to
incorporate those changes into today’s
test procedure.
In sum, the Department continues to
believe that having a single, reference
test procedure document would
enhance the convenience to users and
reduce the potential for
misinterpretation of testing
requirements. Today’s final rule adheres
to that approach rather than
incorporating provisions from the
existing industry test procedures.
Commenters did not disagree with the
Department’s decision not to adopt
NEMA TP 2–1998, without
modification, as the DOE test procedure.
In written comments and during the
SNOPR public workshop meeting,
however, NEMA proposed that DOE,
NEMA and other stakeholders work
together to reach a consensus on needed
revisions of TP 2, so that NEMA could
revise it and DOE could then
incorporate it by reference. (NEMA, No.
39 at p. 1; Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 42.11 at pp. 22, 49–51, 53, 56–57)
NEMA has now completed its revision
of TP 2, informing DOE that it obtained
approval from its membership and
adopted TP 2–2005 on September 19,
2005. (NEMA did not indicate whether
other stakeholders were involved in this
process.) NEMA proposes that DOE
adopt the TP 2–2005 document as its
test procedure for distribution
transformers, and reference it in the
final rule for such test procedures.
(NEMA, No. 60 at p.1)
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The Department believes that such
action would be inappropriate. The
Department recognizes NEMA’s efforts
to revise TP 2 and appreciates NEMA’s
openness, including its submission of a
draft TP 2–200X document in March
2005 (NEMA, No. 59 Attachment 1) and
the final TP 2–2005 document in
September 2005 (NEMA, No. 60
Attachment 1). These submissions have
made a definite contribution to this
proceeding. As indicated elsewhere in
this preamble, these submissions
identified changes that were needed in
the proposed rule, and that DOE has
adopted in today’s final rule. These
changes include modification of the
definition of load loss and several
editorial changes. As also discussed in
this preamble, however, stakeholder
comments submitted in response to the
SNOPR, as well as DOE’s own review,
have resulted in many other changes
that clarify and improve the proposed
test procedure. These additional
changes include provisions for testing
harmonic transformers, clarification of
the language concerning test set
neutrals, and an alternative to the
proposed method for providing shortcircuiting conductors. None of the
additional changes are reflected in
NEMA’s final TP 2–2005 document.
Moreover, TP 2–2005 contains a number
of changes from the SNOPR that should
not be included in today’s final rule,
such as the exclusion of mining
transformers. For these reasons, the
Department is not incorporating TP
2–2005 as its test procedure rule for
distribution transformers. That said, in
the future, the Department would
consider incorporating verbatim the
NEMA test method in TP 2 so long as
its substance conforms with the test
method then in effect.
2. Specific Provisions of the Test
a. Testing Harmonic Transformers
As discussed earlier in this notice, the
Department proposed in the SNOPR to
exclude both harmonic tolerating (Kfactor) transformers with a K-factor of
K–13 or greater and harmonic mitigating
transformers from the definition of
distribution transformer, but today’s
definition includes both of these types
of transformers. Several stakeholders
who recommended removal of the
exemption for these transformers, also
recommended that the test procedure
should require testing using a linear
load profile (K=1), namely, using the
fundamental-frequency test current in
the measurement of load loss. (NEMA,
No. 47 at p. 1; NEMA, No 51 at p. 1;
HVOLT, No. 53 at pp. 2–3; PQI, No. 56
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at p. 3) Federal Pacific stated that absent
an industry standard harmonic load
profile, K=1 is the only available
method for consistently testing
transformers designed for harmonic
currents. (Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 42.11 at pp. 33–34) Federal Pacific
also commented that it uses K=1 to test
K-factor transformers when a customer
specifies a K-factor transformer but also
wants it to meet TP 1 efficiency levels.
(FPT, No. 44 at p. 2) When a harmonic
transformer is tested with a linear load,
however, its measured losses are lower
than the losses it would experience
under non-linear loads. Therefore, the
efficiency rating that results from testing
the transformer with a linear load will
be higher than the actual efficiency of
the harmonic transformer during normal
operation (i.e., when the transformer is
subject to non-linear loads).
Nevertheless, as one commenter
indicated, testing harmonic transformers
at linear loads does offer a straightforward testing method that avoids overcomplicating the issue. (FPT, No. 44 at
p. 3, and No. 52 at p. 2) The Department
believes that if its efficiency standards
become applicable to K-factor and
harmonic mitigating transformers, more
efficient harmonic transformers will be
manufactured than if the standard did
not apply to them. DOE agrees with the
above comments, and therefore today’s
final rule, in Section 4.1 of the test
procedure, requires that manufacturers
test these transformers using
fundamental-frequency test current
(corresponding to a linear (K=1)) load.
b. Determining Winding Temperatures
Today’s test procedure expands the
options available to manufacturers for
determining the winding temperature of
liquid immersed transformers. IEEE
C.57.12.90–1999 provides that the
temperature of windings of a liquidimmersed transformer is assumed to be
the same as the temperature of the
liquid in which the windings are
immersed. Adding specificity to this
approach, the Department proposed in
the SNOPR that the winding
temperature of a liquid-immersed
distribution transformer would be the
average of two temperature sensing
devices applied to the outside of the
transformer tank, at top oil level and at
the bottom of the tank. Howard
Industries questioned the accuracy of
this method for determining winding
temperatures, and recommended
instead that DOE require direct
(internal) top and bottom measurement
of the liquid temperature to determine
winding temperature. (Howard, No. 45
at p. 1)
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The Department understands that the
most common method in the
distribution transformer industry for
estimating the temperature of liquid
immersed windings is by using
thermocouples attached to the exterior
of the transformer tank, as proposed in
the SNOPR. Furthermore, as also
proposed in the SNOPR, today’s rule
requires that winding temperature be
measured only after certain conditions
have stabilized, which provides greater
assurance that these external
measurements are a good estimate of the
winding temperature. For these reasons,
DOE believes Howard’s
recommendation that DOE require
direct top and bottom measurement of
the liquid could impose significant and
unnecessary burdens on manufacturers.
Nevertheless, the Department recognizes
that such direct measurements would be
at least as accurate as external
measurements, and that testers who
prefer to make direct measurements
should be allowed to do so. Therefore,
today’s final rule allows manufacturers
to determine the winding temperature
using either exterior tank measurements
or direct liquid measurements.
The Department understands that
testers normally make external tank
temperature measurements using
thermocouples that are designed to be
thermally insulated from the
surrounding environment. The use of
insulated thermocouples reduces error
in the temperature measurement, and
offers greater accuracy in determining
the winding temperatures. Therefore,
the Department has modified the
language in proposed section 3.2.1 to
clarify that these external temperature
measurements must involve the use of
insulated thermocouples.
In addition, proposed section 3.2.1
would give manufacturers the choice of
waiting to measure winding temperature
until either (a) the windings have been
under insulating liquid with no
excitation and no current in the
windings for four hours before the direct
current (dc) resistance is measured; or
(b) the temperature of the insulating
liquid has stabilized, and the difference
between the top and bottom temperature
does not exceed 5 °C. These conditions
each provide assurance that the
temperature of the windings has
stabilized when manufacturers measure
it. The Department took these two
conditions from IEEE C57.12.90–1999,
which requires that both be met when
the tester measures the winding
temperature. Howard Industries
commented that the DOE test procedure
should also require that both be met, to
be consistent with the IEEE standard.
(Howard, No. 45 at p. 2) The
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Department recognizes the value of
being consistent with IEEE. However,
the Department does not believe that for
distribution transformers, meeting both
conditions is necessary. The IEEE
standard encompasses kVA ratings of
transformers that are much larger (up to
500,000 kVA and larger) than those
covered by today’s final rule (no larger
than 2,500 kVA). The Department
believes that for distribution
transformers, which are relatively small
compared to many of the kVA ratings
addressed by IEEE, manufacturers can
achieve accurate winding temperature
readings if one of these two conditions
is met. Therefore, the language in
today’s final rule does not require that
both conditions be met.
The Department has also made some
clarifying and editorial changes to the
language of section 3.2.2 in today’s rule,
which concerns determination of the
winding temperature of dry-type
transformers. Section 5.2 of IEEE
C57.12.91–2001 allows for the
determination of such winding
temperatures, for both ventilated and
sealed units, through either direct
measurement or use of the ambient
temperature of the test area. The IEEE
standard permits the latter, however,
only under certain conditions. The
Department intended to incorporate the
IEEE approach in section 3.2.2 of the
test procedure in the SNOPR, but that
language appeared instead to permit use
of the ambient temperature only in
determining the winding temperatures
of sealed units, and to apply the
conditions for use of ambient
temperature also to use of direct
measurement. Section 3.2.2 of today’s
final rule contains revised language that
clearly incorporates the IEEE approach.
c. Test Set Neutrals
Part 4.0 of the proposed test
procedure set forth provisions for
determining transformer losses,
including requirements for the test
circuits and test sets used during
testing. Section 4.3.3 of the SNOPR
required use of a ‘‘four-wire, threewattmeter test circuit,’’ and, for deltawound transformers, use of ‘‘a neutral
deriving transformer * * * to obtain
neutral and ground.’’ Commenting on
this section, Howard Industries stated
that ‘‘[t]here are options for the design
of the power source used to test
distribution transformers,’’ and
recommended adding to this section the
phrase ‘‘unless the source is WYE
connected.’’ (Howard, No. 45 at p. 2)
Although the Department does not agree
with the change Howard recommended,
this comment indicates a need to clarify
section 4.4.3. A wye-connected power
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source can be used to test either a wyeor delta-wound transformer, and a
neutral deriving transformer is not
needed, and rarely if ever used, to
obtain a neutral and ground. The
Department has added language to
today’s final rule to make clear that the
test procedure allows the use of wyeand delta-wound power source
transformers for testing, and only
requires use of a neutral deriving
transformer in conjunction with a deltawound transformer.
Today’s final rule also contains a few
editorial changes with respect to section
4.3.3 of the SNOPR test procedure. First,
because the first sentence of that
section, as proposed, concerned threephase distribution transformers
generally and not merely test set
neutrals, DOE has now moved the
language to section 4.3.2. Second, the
remaining language of section 4.4.3 in
the SNOPR related only to testing of
three-phase transformers, and therefore
it has been renumbered in today’s final
rule as section (part of ThreePhase Test Sets). Third, to improve
clarity, the term ‘‘grounding
transformer’’ has replaced the term
‘‘neutral deriving transformer’’
throughout the test procedure. This is
because ‘‘grounding transformer’’ is
more widely understood in the
distribution transformer community as
referring to the type of transformer used
to create a grounded neutral for a deltawound transformer.
d. Losses From Auxiliary Devices
Sections and of the
SNOPR test procedure required losses
attributable to test instrumentation to be
deducted from measured no-load and
load losses, respectively, in determining
the total losses of a transformer.
Commenters suggested that the final
rule also require manufacturers, in
determining load losses, to exclude
those losses attributable to auxiliary
devices installed on a distribution
transformer but which are separate from
the transformer, such as circuit breakers,
fuses, and switches, because such losses
are not related to losses from the
transformer’s windings. (Howard, No.
45 at p. 1, and No. 55 at p. 3; ERMCO,
No. 49 at pp. 1–2) These commenters
raise a valid concern, although today’s
final rule permits, but does not require,
the deduction or exclusion of auxiliary
device losses from the measured load
When a distribution transformer is
equipped with auxiliary devices
(generally specified by the customer),
these devices produce some energy
losses, albeit relatively small in
comparison to the unit’s total losses.
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DOE anticipates that its efficiency
standards would apply to distribution
transformers without regard to whether
auxiliary devices are installed. The
standards therefore would not govern
the efficiency of auxiliary devices, but
instead would apply to the performance
of the basic transformer (the equipment
to which the auxiliary devices are
added). Because the Department is
concerned that some manufacturers may
find it burdensome or problematic to
exclude all or part of the losses
attributable to auxiliary devices, each
manufacturer will have the discretion to
include or exclude some or all of the
auxiliary-device losses in the
determination of load losses. Although
exclusion of all such losses would result
in a more accurate efficiency rating for
the transformer being tested, inclusion
of such losses would understate the
efficiency rating of the transformer, and
not circumvent any applicable standard.
The purchaser would be receiving a
slightly more efficient piece of
equipment than indicated by the rating.
This approach is consistent with the
Department’s regulations in other
portions of its appliance standards
program, which generally allow
manufacturers the discretion to rate
their products at efficiencies lower than
could be justified by test results. e.g., 10
CFR section 430.24. It is also consistent
with the IEEE standards, which set forth
test methods for distribution
transformers but do not require
exclusion of losses from accessories in
measuring transformer losses.
Today’s final rule also takes this same
approach for instrumentation losses. For
the reasons just stated, the Department
believes DOE’s test procedure should
permit, but not require, (as proposed in
the SNOPR) that manufacturers deduct
instrumentation losses from total losses
in determining transformer efficiencies.
This will allow manufacturers greater
flexibility than was provided by the
SNOPR proposal, with no detriment to
the public or circumvention of any
applicable standard.
Therefore, section of today’s
test procedure allows manufacturers to
exclude from measured load losses
those losses attributable to auxiliary
devices, and sections and
allow exclusion of losses attributable to
testing instruments from both no-load
and load losses. The Department has,
however, slightly modified the SNOPR
language in proposed sections
and that identified the sources of
instrumentation losses. The final rule
omits the reference to ‘‘ammeter’’
because, upon further consideration,
DOE now realizes that no measured
transformer losses are attributable to
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this instrument. The Department has
also made two other similar
modifications. The term ‘‘wattmeter’’ is
replaced by ‘‘wattmeter voltage circuit’’
because a wattmeter experiences losses
through both its current and voltage
circuits, but only losses from the voltage
circuit are part of measured transformer
losses. The term ‘‘instrument
transformer’’ is changed to ‘‘voltage
transformer’’ because ‘‘instrument
transformer’’ refers to both current and
voltage transformers, both of which
experience losses, and it is only losses
of the voltage transformer that are part
of measured transformer losses and
should be deducted from the total
measured losses. None of these
revisions is a departure from the
substance of the SNOPR. Rather they
improve the precision of the final rule
and reduce the risk of misinterpretation
or misapplication of the test procedure.
With respect to how to deduct the
losses from auxiliary devices from the
measured load losses, one commenter
suggested exclusion of the losses from
auxiliary devices by removing the
devices (Howard, No. 45 at p. 1), and
another suggested excluding the losses
by deducting them from measured
losses. (ERMCO, No. 49 at p. 2) Because
the Department believes both
approaches are sound, and would
produce the same results, today’s final
rule allows manufacturers the flexibility
of using either one.
e. Testing of Multiple Voltage
Today’s final rule also clarifies
treatment of dual-or multiple-voltage
transformers under the Department’s
test procedure. Distribution
transformers can be designed with
multiple voltage ratings on the primary
and/or secondary windings. Efficiency
testing for these units can be
problematic because, for a given
transformer and kVA rating, DOE
understands that each transformer will
have two or more different efficiencies,
i.e., one efficiency for each of its
winding configurations. In other words,
each multiple voltage transformer
experiences different losses (and
therefore different efficiencies) when
operated at different voltages. This
difference in losses is due to differences
in current associated with the voltage
configuration selected, and generally,
the lower voltage ratings will have the
higher losses and therefore lower
efficiency ratings. The Department
intends, however, to have just one
standard level that would apply to all
transformers in a given class, regardless
of the voltage or voltages at which each
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transformer in that class is designed to
Howard Industries commented that
the efficiency measurement on series or
multiple voltage transformers should
always be based on the highest voltage
configuration. (Howard, No. 45 at p. 2;
Howard, No. 55 at p. 3) The Department
is unable to accept this
recommendation, because a transformer
designed to operate at more than one
nominal voltage would have to comply
with the standard at all voltage ratings.
Because the lowest voltage ratings
would generally have the lowest
efficiency ratings, to ensure that each
multiple voltage transformer complies
with the applicable standard at each
voltage at which it operates, the
manufacturer would have to determine
the transformer’s efficiency by testing it
(or by calculating its efficiency using an
AEDM), either at the voltage rating at
which the highest losses occur—
generally the lowest voltage—or at each
voltage at which the transformer
operates. Therefore, today’s final rule
requires the manufacturer to determine
the basic model’s efficiency either at the
voltage at which the highest losses
occur or at each voltage at which the
transformer is rated to operate.
f. Short-Circuiting Conductor Strap
Section 4.5.2 of the SNOPR stated that
in the test for measuring load losses,
‘‘[t]he conductors used to short-circuit
the windings must have a crosssectional area equal to, or greater than,
the corresponding transformer leads.’’
69 FR 45530. Howard Industries
asserted that other methods exist for
providing short-circuiting conductors or
their equivalent, and that the test
procedure should also permit
manufacturers to use any short
circuiting conductor that is ‘‘of
sufficient size to limit the tare watts to
less than 10 percent of the transformer
load losses.’’ (Howard, No. 45 at p. 2) In
industry parlance, ‘‘tare watts’’ are
losses associated with the test set-up,
and in this instance refer to losses in the
short-circuiting conductor. The shortcircuiting conductor losses incurred
during testing are included in the
measured load losses for the transformer
being tested, but, as discussed above,
may be deducted from the measured
load losses. The Department’s proposed
requirement of a cross sectional area
equal to, or greater than, the
corresponding transformer leads is
based on use of a simple, routine
method for short-circuiting the
windings by means of the shortest
practical conductor between the
terminals of the transformer. The
Department believes this proposed
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requirement would limit the shortcircuiting conductor losses to
approximately one to three percent of
the transformer’s measured load losses.
Howard’s recommended revision
contemplates allowing a less
conventional approach, and would
allow losses in the short-circuiting strap
to be as much as ten percent of the load
The Department’s proposal generally
follows the approach taken in the
relevant IEEE standards. The IEEE
standards are voluntary, however, and
do not preclude manufacturers from
using new, improved methods that do
not strictly adhere to those standards.
But incorporating the standards into
DOE’s test procedure would make them
mandatory and limit manufacturer
flexibility to use such new methods.
The determination of losses in the
short-circuiting strap is subject to errors,
which will contribute to the overall
error in the determination of
transformer losses because
manufacturers can deduct the shortcircuiting losses from the measured load
losses in making their determination of
total losses. DOE is concerned that
increasing the permissible losses, as
proposed by Howard, might also
increase the overall error—perhaps
beyond acceptable limits—unless
appropriate care is exercised to
determine the higher losses of the shortcircuiting conductor. Today’s rule,
however, does not permit automatic
deduction of 10 percent or any other
fixed percent of losses denominated as
occurring in the short-circuiting
conductor or any other instrument or
device. Instead, the rule provides that,
in determining measured load losses,
manufacturers may deduct only the
losses ‘‘attributable’’ to the shortcircuiting conductor (as well as certain
other instruments and devices). Thus,
the rule allows deduction only of actual
losses, i.e., losses determined with a
reasonable degree of accuracy.
Moreover, notwithstanding any increase
in the amount of error that would be
introduced by adoption of Howard’s
proposal in today’s rule, the overall
limit on the range of error for
measurement of power losses remains at
± 3 percent, as proposed in the SNOPR.
Thus, adoption of the proposal would
not have a significant effect on overall
results determined under the test
For these reasons, today’s rule allows
manufacturers to use alternatives to the
method specified in proposed section
4.5.2(b) for providing short-circuiting
conductors, so long as such alternatives
do not result in losses that are 10
percent or more of the total load losses.
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The language to implement this
approach, however, varies slightly from
the language proposed by Howard
Industries. Howard’s proposed language
could be construed as permitting losses
as great as 10 percent, even if a
manufacturer uses the method
prescribed in the SNOPR. The
Department sees no reason to allow that,
and believes losses of that magnitude
should be permitted only if a
manufacturer uses alternative methods.
g. Revisions Suggested by NEMA in TP
As stated above, NEMA prepared a
revised version of NEMA TP 2–1998
and submitted it to the Department for
review. (NEMA, No. 60 at p. 1) The
Department compared this document,
designated by NEMA as TP 2–2005
(NEMA, No. 60 Attachment 1), with the
rule language proposed in the SNOPR to
identify all changes to the SNOPR’s
methods, procedures and language. For
the purposes of this final rule, DOE is
treating the differences that it identified
as written comments submitted by
NEMA on the SNOPR. The following
discussion examines the significant
differences that DOE has not addressed
elsewhere in this notice.
NEMA’s TP 2–2005 contains a
definition for ‘‘tolerances on measured
losses’’ which was not provided in the
SNOPR and which reads: ‘‘Measured
values of electrical power, voltages,
currents, resistances, and temperature
are used in the calculations of reported
data. To ensure sufficient accuracy in
the measured and calculated data, the
test system accuracy for each
measurement shall fall within the limits
specified in Table 4.’’ (NEMA, No. 60
Attachment 1, p. 8) The Department has
not added this definition to the list of
terms it is defining in the final rule
because it believes such a definition
would not further clarify or add
substance to the rule. Except for its
range for frequency measurement
accuracy, Table 2–1 7 of TP 2–2005 sets
forth the same accuracy ranges as are
contained in Table 2.1 in the SNOPR.
Moreover, section 2.0 of DOE’s test
procedure states that ‘‘measurement
error will be limited to the values
shown in Table 2.1.’’ 69 FR 45524. The
Department believes these accuracy
requirements for the measurement of
losses are sufficient and clear, and a
7 In the March 2005 draft of NEMA TP 2–200X,
Table 4, Measurement Accuracy Requirements, was
the correct citation. In preparing the final draft,
Table 4 was re-labeled as Table 2–1, and all the
values remained the same. The language on page 8
of TP 2–2005 makes references to Table 4; however,
this appears to be a typographical error as there is
no Table 4 in TP 2–2005.
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definition of ‘‘tolerances on measured
losses’’ is therefore unnecessary.
As just indicated, Table 2–1 of NEMA
TP 2–2005 contains an accuracy range
for frequency measurement of ± 0.5
percent. (NEMA, No. 60 Attachment 1,
p. 9) The Department has decided not to
add such a provision to Table 2.1 of
today’s final rule, however, for the
following reasons. First, neither TP
2–1998 nor the widely-used IEEE test
methods, which DOE used to develop
today’s test procedure, contain an
accuracy range for frequency
measurement. Secondly, except in
unusual cases, it is not needed. When
power is supplied from the utility grid,
frequency is very accurate and there is
no need to prescribe a frequency
accuracy or require manufacturers to
take steps to assure accuracy. The
Department would only require
manufacturers to assure accuracy when
the power supply is not synchronized
with an electric utility grid, and this is
addressed in sections 4.4.2 and 4.5.2 of
the SNOPR. Thus, the Department has
not added a frequency accuracy range to
Table 2.1.
Compared to the SNOPR, NEMA’s TP
2–2005 contains slightly different and
longer definitions of ‘‘load’’ and ‘‘noload’’ loss. The SNOPR reads that
‘‘[l]oad loss means, for a distribution
transformer, those losses incident to a
specified load carried by the
transformer, including losses in the
windings as well as stray losses in the
conducting parts of the transformer. It
does not include no-load losses.’’
NEMA’s revised TP 2–2005 reads ‘‘load
loss: The load losses of a transformer are
those losses incident to the carrying of
a specified load by the transformer.
Load losses include I2R loss in the
windings due to load and eddy currents;
stray losses due to leakage fluxes in the
windings, core clamps, and other parts,
and the loss due to circulating currents
(if any) in parallel windings, or in
parallel winding strands.’’ (NEMA, No.
60 Attachment 1, p. 4) The Department
has not modified its proposed definition
of ‘‘load loss,’’ except by deleting the
last sentence as NEMA did in TP
2–2005. The Department recognizes that
inclusion of this last sentence would
make the definition inaccurate, because
an insignificant amount of no-load loss
is included in the measurement of load
loss. Also, retention of this sentence
might incorrectly imply that
manufacturers should subtract this
extremely small amount of no-load loss
from load-loss measurements, to
determine load loss.
However, DOE believes that the
remainder of its proposed definition of
‘‘load loss’’ is clear and not susceptible
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of misunderstanding, and its brevity is
preferable to the approach in TP
2–2005. The description of the various
components of ‘‘load loss’’ in the NEMA
definition helps explain the causes of
load loss, but neither alters nor clarifies
the definition or the requirements that
the definition delineates. Such
explanation generally is not included in
rule language.
Concerning the definition of ‘‘no-load
loss,’’ the Department’s SNOPR reads:
‘‘[n]o-load loss means those losses that
are incident to the excitation of the
transformer.’’ NEMA’s revised TP 2
definition reads: ‘‘no-load (excitation)
loss: No-load (excitation) losses are
those losses that are incident to the
excitation of the transformer. No-load
(excitation) losses include core loss,
dielectric loss, conductor loss in the
winding due to excitation current, and
conductor loss due to circulating
current in parallel windings. These
losses change with the excitation
voltage.’’ Again, the Department
considers the SNOPR definition to be
clear and complete for the purposes of
this test procedure. As with its
suggested definition of ‘‘load loss,’’
NEMA’s definition of ‘‘no-load loss’’
adds information, but its list of
components is explanatory rather than
substantive, and DOE has concerns
similar to those discussed for the ‘‘load
loss’’ definition. For these reasons, the
Department is not modifying, except as
indicated, either the ‘‘no-load loss’’ or
the ‘‘load loss’’ definitions.
NEMA TP 2–2005 introduces a
definition of ambient temperature.
(NEMA, No. 60 Attachment 1, p. 3) This
definition appears to be derived from
the American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE) Terminology of
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning,
& Refrigeration (Second Edition) and
has several elements that apply to types
of transformers that are not distribution
transformers. Therefore, it is not
applicable to the Department’s test
procedure. Moreover, DOE believes that,
in the context of today’s final rule,
ambient temperature clearly refers to the
room temperature in the location where
the measurements are being taken, as
DOE intends. For these reasons, the
Department believes a definition of
ambient temperature is unnecessary in
today’s rule.
Finally, NEMA TP 2–2005 contains a
number of editorial changes to the
language in the SNOPR’s test methods.
The Department has incorporated
several of these, such as edits in the first
paragraph of proposed section 6.1, in
today’s final rule.
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h. Language Corrections as to
Conversion of the Resistance
Measurement to the Reference
Temperature and Conducting the NoLoad Loss Test
Section 3.5 of DOE’s proposed test
procedure provided an equation for
correcting measured resistance to the
resistance at the reference temperature.
69 FR 45527. One of the terms of this
equation, Tk, consists of a temperature
level for copper windings, another for
aluminum windings, and a third level
‘‘[w]here copper and aluminum
windings are employed in the same
transformer.’’ However, a separate
resistance measurement is performed for
each winding of a distribution
transformer. Section 3.5 provides for
adjustment of each such measurement,
and each winding will be either copper
or aluminum, but not both. Therefore,
the equation for adjusting the measured
resistance need not, and should not,
include a temperature level that
contemplates the use of the two metals
together, and in today’s final rule, the
Department has deleted from section 3.5
the language that includes such a
temperature level.
Section 4.4.2 of the proposed test
procedure concerns testing for no-load
losses. Proposed paragraph (b) of that
section directed the tester to ‘‘[e]nergize
not less than 25 percent’’ of either the
high voltage or low voltage winding. 69
FR45530. The Department drew the 25
percent figure from section 8.2.3 of IEEE
C57.12.90–2001 and C57.12.91–2001,
which recommend energizing 100
percent of the winding in conducting
this test, but allow as low as 25 percent.
The IEEE standards allow the 25 percent
because they apply not only to
distribution transformers but also to
power transformers. Power transformers
may require much higher voltages than
are available in the power sources used
in performing the no-load test.
Distribution transformers, however,
require much lower voltages, which can
be accommodated by the available
power sources. Moreover, distribution
transformers rarely have a 25-percent
voltage tap that would permit energizing
a winding at 25 percent of its rated
voltage, and DOE understands that
instead, in testing distribution
transformers for no-load losses,
windings are energized to 100 percent of
rated voltage. Hence, DOE has deleted
from today’s final rule the provision
allowing testers to energize 25 percent
or more of a winding.
Proposed paragraph (c) of section
4.4.2 required certain conditions with
respect to voltage during the no-load
loss test, ‘‘unless otherwise specified.’’
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69 FR 45530. Once again, DOE drew the
quoted language from IEEE standards,
where it is included to accommodate
testing as to characteristics other than
efficiency, in situations where a
transformer includes special features
requested by a customer. Because this
language has no application to
efficiency testing, and such testing must
always be conducted under the
conditions specified in proposed
paragraph (b), section 4.4.2(c) of today’s
final rule does not include this
D. Basic Model
1. General Discussion
Under the Department’s energy
conservation program, DOE has applied
the ‘‘basic model’’ concept to alleviate
burden on manufacturers, by reducing
the amount of testing they must do to
rate the efficiencies of their products.
DOE’s intent is that a manufacturer
would treat each group of its models
that have essentially identical energy
consumption characteristics as a ‘‘basic
model,’’ such that the manufacturer
would derive the efficiency rating for all
models in the group from testing sample
units of these models. All of the models
in the group would comprise the ‘‘basic
model,’’ and they would all have the
same efficiency rating. The proposed
definition of basic model for
distribution transformers implements
this approach by permitting
manufacturers to aggregate models that
have the same energy consumption
characteristics, but not models with
different characteristics. Components of
similar design can be substituted in a
basic model without requiring
additional testing if the represented
measures of energy consumption
continue to satisfy applicable provisions
for sampling and testing.
2. Definition of a Basic Model
In the SNOPR, the Department
proposed a definition of ‘‘basic model’’
for distribution transformers that
included essentially the same criteria as
those contained in the definition
proposed in the 1998 proposed rule,
plus a requirement that the transformers
included in the basic model ‘‘not have
any differentiating electrical, physical or
functional features that affect energy
consumption.’’ DOE made several other
modifications to the definition, and
described these changes in the SNOPR.
69 FR 45512–13.
NEMA commented that the SNOPR
definition of ‘‘basic model’’ was too
vague and needed clarification. (Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 42.11 at pp. 22–
23) Specifically NEMA was concerned
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that the phrase added to the end of the
basic model definition ‘‘and do not have
any differentiating electrical, physical,
or functional features that affect energy
consumption’’ is unclear. (NEMA, No.
39 at p. 2) DOE believes that these
general criteria for the creation of basic
models are needed to allow
manufacturers the flexibility to create
basic model groupings that reflect
product features that affect energy
consumption. To address NEMA’s
concern, DOE is modifying the
definition slightly to provide that
voltage and basic impulse insulation
level (BIL) rating are both examples of
differentiating electrical features that
would cause transformer models to be
different basic models. DOE stated in
the preamble of the SNOPR that each of
these features would be a differentiating
electrical characteristic, but the
proposed definition itself did not
include these examples.
Additionally, NEMA noted it would
prefer that the rule contain a table of
basic models (NEMA, No. 39 at p. 2) or
a tighter definition. (Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 42.11 at p. 37) DOE
believes that creation of a table of basic
models would be impractical for several
reasons. First, there are literally
thousands of possible designs for any
one kVA rating and combination of core
steel and winding materials. Second, for
DOE to attempt to identify both the
energy consumption profile of each
such combination of transformer
features, as well as the combinations
that have common profiles, would be an
enormous undertaking. Third, to the
extent that any significant number of
these possible transformer variations is
not produced, either now or in the
future, effort may be wasted. And
fourth, DOE believes that neither it nor
industry can accurately anticipate all
future design variations of distribution
transformers. A table or other rigid
definition, therefore, would (1) fail to
provide for future designs, and/or (2)
conflict with the rationale for using the
‘‘basic model’’ construct, and (3) force
future designs to be grouped with
models that do not share their energy
consumption characteristics. As this last
point indicates, NEMA’s concern that
the part of the definition quoted above
could allow additional basic models at
a later date is misplaced. To the extent
that the definition would allow creation
of additional basic models that subsume
models with new energy consumption
characteristics, this indicates the
definition is sound rather than in need
of alteration.
DOE recognizes that, given the large
number of variations in distribution
transformer design, many manufacturers
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produce numerous basic models. The
Department is aware, however, of no
reasonable way to aggregate models
with different energy consumption
characteristics, for purposes of testing,
that would produce an accurate
efficiency rating for each model
included in the grouping. Today’s final
rule, however, will allow manufacturers
to rate the efficiency of many of their
transformers based on calculations
instead of testing, by using alternative
efficiency determination methods. This
should substantially alleviate any
potential testing burden created by a
manufacturer’s producing large numbers
of basic models.
In summary, DOE will slightly modify
the proposed definition of ‘‘basic
model’’ to explicitly provide that (1)
voltage and BIL ratings are examples of
differentiating electrical features that
would cause transformer models to be
different basic models, and (2) each
basic model would comprise a group of
models of distribution transformers.
Otherwise, the proposed definition is
sound because its specific elements and
general criteria combine to allow the
grouping of models with similar energy
consumption characteristics without
allowing models with different
characteristics to be included in the
same group.
E. Manufacturer’s Determination of
1. General Discussion
During this rulemaking, NEMA
advocated DOE adoption of the
sampling plan for compliance testing in
NEMA TP 2–1998, which would allow
manufacturers to demonstrate the
compliance of aggregations of basic
models, and the Department presented
and solicited comment on several
alternative approaches for
demonstrating such aggregate
compliance. For the reasons discussed
in the SNOPR, the Department chose
not to propose adoption of either the
NEMA TP 2–1998 sampling plan or an
alternative approach allowing
aggregation. 69 FR 45513–15.
Instead, the Department has adopted
both a sampling plan for compliance
testing, and provisions allowing use of
alternative methods (other than actual
testing), for manufacturers to use to
determine the efficiency of individual
basic models of distribution
transformers. As proposed in the
SNOPR, today’s rule requires each
manufacturer to determine the
efficiency of each of its basic models on
a one-time basis by testing, at least five
with compliance testing, and by rating
each of the remaining basic models
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either by testing it, or, under the
conditions set forth in the rule, by
calculating the basic model’s efficiency
using an alternative efficiency
determination method (AEDM). Where
the manufacturer uses an AEDM for a
basic model, it would not test units of
the basic model to determine its
efficiency for purposes of establishing
compliance with DOE requirements.
2. Sampling Plan
The Department designed the
sampling plan in today’s final rule to
provide a high probability that
manufacturers would find each basic
model to be in compliance with the
efficiency level at which it is
manufactured, but without creating a
significant probability that models
would be found to meet levels higher
than those at which they are
manufactured. The latter—‘‘false
positives’’—would in effect create a
regulatory loophole, by allowing
transformer models manufactured at
efficiency levels below applicable
standards to be rated as compliant with
those standards. The Department’s goal
for distribution transformers is to have
about a 97.5 percent probability that
tests on sample units of a basic model
would verify or support an efficiency
rating for the model that is equal to or
less than the average efficiency of all
units of that model manufactured.
Stated alternatively, a basic model that
is manufactured at or above its rated
efficiency would have a probability of
not less than 97.5 percent of passing the
compliance demonstration test—i.e.,
being found in compliance with its
rated value—based on test results using
any sample size.
To accomplish this goal, DOE
incorporated into its proposed sampling
plan a one-sided statistical z-test, with
a 97.5 percent confidence limit for
average efficiency or power loss, which
manufacturers would apply to the test
results derived from testing sample
units of a basic model. The 97.5 percent
confidence limit in the one-sided z-test
corresponds to 2s/√n, where s
represents the standard deviation of
units of distribution transformers, and n
is the number of units, including one, in
the sample. Thus, for example, if a
manufacturer tested a sample of only
one unit of a basic model, and its
measured power loss did not exceed the
rated power loss of the basic model by
more than the amount representing two
standard deviations, the test would
confirm the validity of the rated
efficiency. By way of further example, if
the manufacturer tested a sample of
more than one unit, the numerical value
for losses corresponding to the 97.5
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percent confidence limit would
decrease, and the precision of the
determination of the average losses for
the basic model would increase.
In developing the SNOPR, DOE had
information both to support a standard
deviation (SD) for distribution
transformers of 2.7 percent and to
support one of 4 percent. Since the
information in support of the 2.7
percent level was slightly stronger, DOE
based the confidence limit (or
‘‘tolerance’’) 8 in the SNOPR sampling
plan on the SD of 2.7 percent. 69 FR
45515. Two SDs of 2.7 percent
correspond to a tolerance for the average
efficiency of the sample of units tested
of 5/√n percent. (Most commenters who
commented on the sampling plan
tolerance level addressed it as a straight
numerical amount, although in actuality
the proposed tolerance is a tolerance
that depends on the size of the sample
of units tested, and is 5/√n percent. The
commenters may have used straight
numerical amounts because application
of the expression 5/√n percent to a
sample size of one would always result
in a flat five-percent tolerance.)
The Department received several
comments stating that its proposed
tolerance was too stringent, and should
be relaxed. NEMA notes that the
Department’s equation relating the
average efficiency of the sample and the
represented efficiency assumes a tighter
performance probability distribution
function than is achievable in practice,
particularly for small manufacturers.
(NEMA, No. 47 at p. 3; NEMA, No. 51
at p. 3)
Four commenters requested that the
tolerance for individual units be relaxed
from the SNOPR proposal of five
percent to eight percent. (ERMCO, No.
43 at p. 2; FPT, No. 44 at p. 6; Howard,
No. 45 at p. 2; EMS, No. 57 at p. 3)
Federal Pacific commented that use of a
five-percent tolerance is too stringent
given the variability of transformer
losses, particularly the variability of noload losses. (FPT, No. 44 at p. 6) EMS
and ERMCO recommend that the
tolerance should be eight percent to be
consistent with IEEE/ANSI C57.12.00
and NEMA TP 2. (EMS, No. 57 at p. 3;
ERMCO, No. 43 at p. 2) Howard
Industries also recommended that the
minimum acceptable efficiency level
calculation be based on an eight-percent
8 The precise statistics term ‘‘confidence limit’’ is
frequently replaced in engineering applications by
a more general term ‘‘tolerance.’’ In the preceding
discussion, DOE used the precise term to explain
the basis of the tolerance in the SNOPR’s proposed
sampling plan for compliance testing. The
Department will use the term ‘‘tolerance’’ in the
discussion that follows, particularly because all of
those who commented on this issue used this term.
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tolerance on total loss. (Howard, No. 45
at p. 2)
Four commenters advocated a 12percent tolerance, which would equate
to three SDs of 4 percent. (Cooper, No.
46 at pp. 1–2; HVOLT, No. 53 at pp. 1–
2; PQI, No. 56 at pp. 1–2; NEMA, No.
59 at p. 1, NEMA, No. 60, Attachment
1 at p. 34) This tolerance level would
increase the compliance demonstration
probability to 99.9 percent, but would
also allow for a significant probability of
false positives. For example, a basic
model designed with losses 2 percent
above its rated value would have a 99.4percent probability of being found to
have an efficiency at or above its rated
level if the sample size is one, and
would have a 97-percent probability of
being found to have such an efficiency
if the sample size is five. In addition, a
12-percent tolerance would be
inconsistent with the much smaller
tolerance, for rejection of single units, in
existing IEEE standards. For these
reasons, the Department is not
incorporating the 12-percent tolerance
level into its sampling plan.
Three of the commenters advocating
the 12-percent tolerance for compliance
testing based their position in part on
the assertion that DOE’s rule for electric
motors allows a 20-percent ‘‘test
tolerance band.’’ (Cooper, No. 46 at p. 2;
HVOLT, No. 53 at p. 2; PQI, No. 56 at
p. 2) The tolerance to which they refer
in the electric motors rule is not
applicable to distribution transformers
for two reasons. First, the 20-percent
tolerance in the motors rule applies
during testing that occurs in
enforcement proceedings. The rule uses
this tolerance to determine the adequacy
of the size of the test sample used in the
proceeding, following testing of the
initial sample, and determination of the
sample’s mean, standard deviation, and
standard error. This 20-percent
tolerance has no relevance to
compliance testing. Second, application
of a particular tolerance with respect to
efficiency and losses for electric motors
does not indicate the appropriate
tolerance for distribution transformers.
Induction motors have a similarity to
transformers in that their stator and
rotor windings are akin somewhat to the
primary and secondary windings of a
transformer. However, at that point the
similarity ends. A transformer has no
moving parts in normal operation
whereas a motor’s main feature is the
spinning of the rotor, a mechanical
process which in itself absorbs
considerable energy. Thus, motors, in
addition to having electrical power
losses, also have mechanical losses.
Consequently the comparison of motors
and transformers when discussing
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tolerances used in determining
efficiency is inappropriate.
Based on the information provided in
comments, DOE now believes that 4
percent is the better SD to use, and that
the available information supporting the
4 percent figure outweighs that
supporting the 2.7-percent SD. Two SDs
at 4 percent equates to an eight-percent
single unit tolerance, and results in a
tolerance for the average efficiency of
the sample of units tested of 8/√n
percent. Increasing the tolerance from
5/√n percent to 8/√n percent increases
the probability of demonstrating
compliance of a product manufactured
at the applicable standard level from
about 89 percent to about 98 percent,
without introducing a significant
probability that a product manufactured
below the standard level would be
found in compliance. This assumes that
the variability of units of the basic
model being tested have a standard
deviation of 4 percent. The probability
of a significant false positive—finding a
model in compliance with its rated
efficiency where on average the units of
that model as manufactured actually
experience a power loss 2-percent larger
than the rated loss—is approximately 93
percent for a sample of one unit and 81
percent for a sample of five units. Both
probabilities, especially the second one,
are sufficiently low that a manufacturer
would not risk producing a product
with power losses 2 percent or more
above the losses at which it seeks to rate
the product. Thus, today’s final rule
increases the tolerance from 5/√n
percent to 8/√n percent.
Several manufacturers submitted
comments asking that DOE confirm that
they have the option of testing all
transformers of a basic model or some
basic models. (Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 42.11 at p. 22; NEMA,
No. 39 at p. 2) One stakeholder
requested clarification that if it chooses
to test 100 percent of its production, it
would not have to use the sampling
plan or an AEDM (alternative efficiency
determination method). (Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 42.11 at p. 65) NEMA
also requested clarification on the
number of samples that would have to
be tested if the sample size is small.
(Public Meeting Transcript, No. 42.11 at
p. 67)
As indicated above, once efficiency
standards for distribution transformers
have gone into effect, today’s rule will
require each manufacturer to rate the
efficiency of each of its basic models on
a one-time basis. The rating would
enable the manufacturer to establish
that the basic model complies with the
applicable standard, and provide the
basis for any energy representations
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(e.g., labeling and certification) required
by DOE. 69 FR 45514. The Department
intended in its SNOPR proposal, and
wishes to confirm with respect to
today’s rule, that where a manufacturer
arrives at this rating through testing,
rather than use of an AEDM, the
sampling plan would permit the
manufacturer to test 100 percent of the
units available for testing. The language
of section 431.194(b)(2) of the final rule
has been modified to make this clear.
Thus, where manufacturers have on
hand more than five units of a basic
model at the time they do compliance
testing to rate the basic model, or
produce more than five over a sixmonth period, they would have the
discretion to rate the basic model based
on testing either all of the units or a
sample of at least five units. In addition,
the final rule clearly requires
compliance testing of 100 percent of the
units for basic models for which a
manufacturer produces five or fewer
units during a six-month period.
None of the provisions in today’s rule
would prevent a manufacturer from
doing continuous testing of 100 percent
of the units it produces in order to meet
contractual obligations to report to its
customers the losses, efficiency or other
energy consumption characteristics of
each individual unit it sells to them.
Nor does the Department anticipate that
provisions it may adopt, for assuring
compliance with energy conservation
standards and for manufacturer
representations (e.g., labeling) as to
efficiency, would prevent manufacturers
from testing all of their units in order to
meet such obligations.
3. Alternative Efficiency Determination
Method (AEDM)
Under the proposed rule, a
manufacturer would have to validate
each AEDM it uses based on test data for
at least five basic models, derived by
testing at least five units of each of these
basic models. 69 FR 45522. Taken
together, these provisions would require
testing of at least 25 units to validate an
AEDM. Howard Industries commented
that five basic models is too small a
sample to adequately represent all the
different kVA/voltages/BIL
requirements when validating an AEDM
and recommended that DOE require 75
models to be tested to validate an
AEDM. (Howard, No. 45 at p. 3, and No.
55 at p. 3) Howard also asserted that five
basic models was too low a number to
verify that the AEDM would accurately
predict the efficiency of all liquidimmersed transformers. It stated that
transformers vary considerably, with a
large number of design options.
(Howard, No. 58 at p. 1) In addition to
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containing the validation requirement,
however, the final rule (in section
431.197(a)(2)(i)) also precludes a
manufacturer from applying an AEDM
to a basic model unless ‘‘the AEDM has
been derived from a mathematical
model that represents the electrical
characteristics of that basic model.’’
Thus, apart from any testing to validate
the accuracy of an AEDM, this language
will require each AEDM to represent
any unique or custom-designed
electrical characteristics of any basic
model to which it applies. DOE believes
that this provision satisfactorily
addresses Howard’s concern that DOE
require AEDMs to reflect the particular
characteristics of the transformers to
which they apply.
The Department believes that to
require each AEDM to be validated
based on testing of 75 basic models, or
some other number larger than five,
would create undue burden. The
foregoing is particularly true because
DOE understands that manufacturers
use design models and software to
design their distribution transformers,
and DOE believes that most AEDMs
would be derived from, or consist of,
such models and software. Since these
design tools would have validity
independent of the AEDM
substantiation required by DOE
regulations, extensive testing to
substantiate the validity of AEDMs
appears to be unnecessary.
Section 432.12(a)(2)(iii) of the
proposed rule restricted the use of each
AEDM to one of the following groups of
distribution transformers: low-voltage
dry-type transformers, medium-voltage
dry-type transformers, and liquidimmersed transformers. 69 FR 45522.
Upon further review, the Department
believes that this provision is too
restrictive, and that manufacturers
should be permitted to use a single
AEDM for distribution transformers in
two or all three of these groups, so long
as the manufacturer validates the AEDM
separately for each group. The
Department is aware of no reason why
it should limit use of each AEDM to
transformers in one of these groups, if
the AEDM can validly predict the
efficiency for transformers in more than
one group. Accordingly, today’s final
rule allows a single AEDM to apply to
two or all three of these groupings. See
10 CFR section 431.197(a)(2) of the rule.
The rule also requires that the
manufacturer validate each AEDM
separately for each group—i.e., lowvoltage dry-type, medium-voltage drytype, and liquid-immersed—for which it
uses the AEDM, based on test data for
five basic models from such group. 10
CFR section 431.197(a)(2)(iii) of the
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rule. Thus to substantiate a single global
AEDM that would apply to the entire
range of distribution transformers (all
three groups), a manufacturer would
have to test not fewer than 15 basic
models (a total of at least 75 units), and
it would have to test at least 10 basic
models (a total of at least 50 units) to
substantiate an AEDM that would apply
to two groups. DOE believes this
amount of testing to validate the AEDM
is sufficient.
The SNOPR also included a
requirement that manufacturers
‘‘periodically’’ verify each AEDM that
they use. 69 FR 45523. Howard
Industries recommended that the
Department change ‘‘periodically’’ to
‘‘annually.’’ (Howard, No. 45 at p. 3, and
No. 55 at p. 3) The Department
considered this proposal, but decided
that annual verification of an AEDM,
which could include testing, could be
unduly burdensome on manufacturers.
The Department has also decided,
however, largely because of the
particular circumstances of the
distribution transformer industry, to
eliminate the periodic verification
requirement from today’s final rule.
Many distribution transformer
manufacturers already engage in
continuous testing—sometimes by
testing 100 percent of their units—to
assure that the actual performance,
including efficiency, of their products
conforms to the manufacturer’s design
software and representations to
customers. In addition, other provisions
of today’s final rule authorize DOE to
obtain information from manufacturers
concerning their use of AEDMs, and to
require a manufacturer to do sample
testing or take other steps. Thus, DOE
now believes that mandatory, periodic,
subsequent verification of AEDMs for
distribution transformers is
F. Enforcement Procedures
The SNOPR included proposed
enforcement procedures, including a
sampling plan and other provisions for
enforcement testing. 69 FR 45415–17,
45523–23, 45533–34. The Department
based the proposed procedures on
enforcement provisions in 10 CFR Part
430, which apply when DOE examines
whether a basic model of a covered
product complies with efficiency
requirements set forth in those parts.
The SNOPR’s enforcement sampling
plan was based on the plan in Part 430,
but was developed specifically for
distribution transformers. It allows
testing of small sample sizes and applies
only to energy efficiency testing,
whereas the Part 430 plan contemplates
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larger sample sizes and covers energy
use testing.
NEMA requested clarification on
when the process of enforcement
commences. (Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 42.11 at p. 73) The Department
initiates the enforcement process when
it receives information, either from a
third party or other source, indicating
that a manufacturer’s units may not be
in compliance with the national
standard. Initially, DOE seeks to meet
with the manufacturer and review its
underlying test data as to the models in
question. DOE would commence
enforcement testing procedures if these
steps do not resolve identified
compliance issues.
The Department also received
comments relating to enforcement as to
stock units and imported units. Cooper
sought clarification on application of
efficiency standards to units in stock
when standards take effect, and to
foreign manufacturers. (Cooper, No. 46
at p. 2) Traditionally, new DOE
standards for a product have applied to
units manufactured after a certain date,
or, in the case of foreign-manufactured
units, imported after that date. See, e.g.,
42 U.S.C. 6291, 6295, 6311 and 6313.
The Department anticipates that this
will also be the case for distribution
transformers. Therefore, the efficiency
levels would not apply to units in a
domestic manufacturer’s stock prior to
the date standards become applicable,
or to units imported prior to that date.
In all other respects, DOE anticipates
that the same requirements and
enforcement provisions that apply to
domestic units will also apply to
imported units. In addition, however,
imported units are subject to the
provisions of 42 U.S.C. 6301 of EPCA,
concerning importation of products
subject to EPCA requirements.
HVOLT commented that the
Department should require that the
efficiency of any foreign-built
transformer be verified by a third party
before it can be sold in the U.S.
(HVOLT, No. 53 at p. 3) The Department
believes that this issue is outside the
scope of this rulemaking. Today’s final
rule does not address the DOE
administrative framework for
manufacturers to follow to demonstrate
compliance with distribution
transformer energy conservation
standards. The Department will likely
address such requirements in
conjunction with the standards
The SNOPR enforcement sampling
plan contained several calculation
equations. 69 FR 45533. Federal Pacific
requested further explanation and
examples of the enforcement
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calculations. (FPT, No. 44 at p. 6) As
explained in the SNOPR, the statistical
methods used in those calculations were
based on well-established statistical
methods for obtaining a confidence
interval on a mean. 69 FR 45516. Hence,
the Department believes these
calculations can be understood by any
statistician. In addition, a complete
explanation is set forth in NIST
Technical Note 1456, Operating
Characteristics of the Proposed
Sampling Plans for Testing Distribution
Transformers, May 2004, which has
been placed in the docket for this
rulemaking and is publicly available at
dist_transformers.html. On the other
hand, it would be very burdensome for
DOE to develop and include in this
notice a detailed explanation, in
layman’s terms, of the statistics and
operation of these equations.
Furthermore, these equations will be
used by DOE, and would not be applied
by manufacturers. For these reasons, the
Department has concluded that the type
of explanation Federal Pacific requests
is unwarranted, and would add little
useful information to the record of this
III. Procedural Requirements
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
The Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs of the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) has
determined that today’s regulatory
action is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ under Executive Order 12866,
‘‘Regulatory Planning and Review,’’ 58
FR 51735 (October 4, 1993).
Accordingly, this action was not subject
to review under the Executive Order.
B. Review Under the Regulatory
Flexibility Act of 1980
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires preparation
of an initial regulatory flexibility
analysis for any rule that by law must
be proposed for public comment, unless
the agency certifies that the rule, if
promulgated, will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. As required by
Executive Order 13272, Proper
Consideration of Small Entities in
Agency Rulemaking, 67 FR 53461
(August 16, 2002), DOE published
procedures and policies on February 19,
2003, to ensure that the potential
impacts of its rules on small entities are
properly considered during the
rulemaking process. 68 FR 7990. The
Department has made its procedures
and policies available on the Office of
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General Counsel’s Web site: https://
The Department reviewed today’s
final rule under the provisions of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act and the
procedures and policies published on
February 19, 2003, and certified in the
SNOPR that the proposed rule would
not impose a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. 69 FR 45517. As indicated in
section I-A above, when it issued the
SNOPR DOE was concurrently pursuing
a rulemaking to develop energy
conservation standards for low-voltage
dry type, medium-voltage dry type and
liquid immersed distribution
transformers. The Department explained
in the SNOPR that, unless and until
DOE adoption of such standards, no
entities, small or large, would be
required to comply with today’s final
rule. 69 FR 45517. Once the Department
adopted standards, however, the rule
would become binding on, and could
have an economic impact on, small
entities which manufacture the
distribution transformers subject to the
standards. But the nature and extent of
such impact, if any, could not be
assessed until the Department has
promulgated the standards. The
Department stated in the SNOPR that, in
light of these circumstances, at an
appropriate point in conjunction with
the standards rulemaking, it will
conduct further review under the
Regulatory Flexibility Act. The
Department received no comments on
this issue in response to the SNOPR.
For medium-voltage dry-type and
liquid immersed distribution
transformers, DOE is continuing to
pursue its standards-development
rulemaking and the circumstances
described in the SNOPR still exist.
Therefore, after considering the
potential impact of this final rule on
small entities that manufacture these
transformers, DOE affirms the
certification that this rule will not have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of these small
Low-voltage dry-type distribution
transformers, however, are no longer
included in DOE’s rulemaking on
energy conservation standards for
distribution transformers. Instead,
EPCA, as amended in EPACT 20005,
now specifies minimum standards for
all such transformers manufactured after
January 1, 2007, 42 U.S.C. 6295(y), and
the Department has incorporated those
standards into its regulations. 10 CFR
section 431.196. Because today’s rule
will apply to all distribution
transformers that become subject to
standards, as of January 1, 2007, the rule
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with RULES3
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
would become binding on all
manufacturers, small and large, of lowvoltage dry-type distribution
transformers. Consequently, under the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, the
Department must assess the economic
impact of this rule on small
manufacturers of these transformers.
Small businesses, as defined by the
Small Business Administration (SBA)
for the distribution transformer
manufacturing industry, are
manufacturing enterprises with 750
employees or fewer. The Department
estimates that, of a total of
approximately 55 manufacturers of lowvoltage dry-type distribution
transformers, about 45 are small
businesses under the SBA definition. In
today’s rule, the enforcement provisions
and the methods manufacturers must
use to rate its products could potentially
impose burdens on these small
manufacturers. But DOE has examined
these aspects of the rule and determined
that they will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small manufacturers of lowvoltage dry-type distribution
As to the enforcement provisions,
they require DOE to first attempt to
resolve a transformer’s possible noncompliance with EPCA requirements by
reviewing available information and
meeting with the manufacturer. Then, if
necessary, DOE must test sample units
of the allegedly non-complying basic
model(s) to determine whether they
comply. See Section 431.198 of the
attached rule. Only provisions that
come into play once DOE invokes
testing—specifically, manufacturers
must provide and ship sample units to
DOE and must retain all units in the
batch sample until a final determination
of compliance or non-compliance, and
manufacturers may conduct additional
testing at their own expense if the DOE
testing indicates non-compliance—
could impose a significant burden on
None of the enforcement provisions
imposes on-going duties on
manufacturers. They apply only when
an issue of compliance is raised, which
at this point is speculative. Indeed, even
when they are invoked as to a particular
manufacturer, they will only apply to
the specific basic model(s) at issue.
Moreover, these types of enforcement
provisions have been in place for DOE’s
program for appliance energy
conservation standards for more than 15
years, and the Department has
commenced the process at most two or
three times a year. In every instance it
has resolved the matter without
proceeding to enforcement testing, the
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only part of the process that could
impose a significant burden on
manufacturers. For all of these reasons
the Department concludes that the
enforcement provisions in today’s rule
will not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of entities, whether
small or large.
As to the methods for manufacturers
to rate the efficiencies of low-voltage
dry-type distribution transformers, DOE
notes initially that requirements for
testing and rating these transformers are
already implicit in EPCA. Specifically,
to comply with EPCA’s efficiency
standards for low-voltage dry-type
distribution transformers, 42 U.S.C.
6295(y), manufacturers will have to
determine the efficiencies of any such
transformers they produce. This
necessarily entails the use of testing and
rating methods, and if DOE does not
prescribe such methods, manufacturers
would still be subject to the burden of
using such tools. In addition, as noted
above, EPCA requires DOE to prescribe
testing requirements for any
transformers subject to standards, and
states that these requirements ‘‘shall be
based on’’ NEMA TP 2–1998. 42 U.S.C.
6293(b)(10) and 6317(a). Although these
provisions allow the Department
substantial discretion in prescribing a
test method for distribution
transformers, they indicate that EPCA
contemplates that the DOE method
likely would impose burdens equivalent
or similar to those imposed by NEMA
TP 2–1998. Thus, today’s rule itself has
an impact on small manufacturers only
to the extent it imposes an incremental
burden beyond what they would be
required to do to comply with EPCA’s
standards or NEMA TP 2–1998.
This is significant under the
Regulatory Flexibility Act because the
Act applies only where the agency’s rule
has a significant impact on small
entities. It does not apply to a rule if the
agency certifies that ‘‘the rule will not
* * * have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities.’’ 5
U.S.C. 605(a) (Emphasis added). Thus,
the Act does not apply, for example,
where the agency merely incorporates
statutory requirements into its rules, or
adopts the equivalent of statutory
requirements without adding any
significant impact on small entities. In
such instances, it is the statutory
requirements, and not the agency’s rule,
that could have an impact on small
entities. The Department therefore
examines in the following paragraphs
whether today’s rule imposes any
burdens on small entities beyond those
imposed by EPCA.
In prescribing efficiency rating
methods, today’s rule (1) addresses the
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number of its basic models a
manufacturer must rate through actual
testing and how may units of each it
must test, (2) prescribes a detailed
method for testing each unit, and (3)
provides for use of alternative efficiency
determination methods for transformers
that manufacturers do not rate through
testing. See Section 431.193 and
431.197 of the attached rule. As to
whether today’s method for testing each
unit is more burdensome than NEMA
TP 2–1998, the two are nearly identical
except that the Department’s method
adds technical detail, clarifying
language, and editorial improvements.
Thus, the DOE method is no more
burdensome, and may alleviate burden
because it reduces the need for
manufacturers to do background work to
provide missing details and clarify
ambiguous provisions.
Nor does today’s test method impose
significantly, if any, more burden than
other methods a small manufacturer
might reasonably use to comply with
the EPACT standards for low-voltage
dry-type transformers. A manufacturer
might choose to use NEMA TP 2–1998,
which as just indicated is no more
burdensome than today’s method, or
NEMA TP 2–2005, which is almost
word-for-word the same as the SNOPR’s
test method and which varies little from
today’s rule. A manufacturer might also
craft a test method from the standards
of accepted engineering practice as set
forth in IEEE standards. On the one
hand, except for the requirements as to
equipment calibration in today’s rule,
the test method in the rule is the
equivalent to the method in the four
relevant IEEE standards. On the other
hand, DOE believes it is possible that
small manufacturers might each be able
to modify the details of the IEEE test
method so as to best fit its products. As
a result its costs of testing needed to
comply with the EPACT efficiency
standards, i.e., implicit in the EPACT
requirements, could be lower than the
cost of testing under the test method in
today’s rule. The Department believes
that such savings would not be
significant, and to some extent would be
offset by the resources a small
manufacturer would have to expend to
research and develop such a customized
test method. Today’s method does
include requirements to calibrate
equipment and maintain records of such
calibrations, which are not explicitly
included in the IEEE standards. But to
achieve the accuracy levels required
under these standards, a manufacturer
would have to engage in some
calibration effort. In any event, DOE
estimates that today’s rule would
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
require only about one week of staff
time to satisfy the calibration
requirements in the first year the rule is
operative, and about two days a year
thereafter. For the foregoing reasons, the
Department concludes that, although
today’s test method might impose
modest burdens on small manufacturers
of low-voltage dry-type distribution
transformers, these burdens are not
However, the final rule’s provisions as
to the amount of testing required to rate
distribution transformer efficiencies are
clearly far less burdensome to small
manufacturers than methodologies
currently in use. The rule requires each
manufacturer to test at least five basic
models. For each such model, the
manufacturer must test the lesser of all
units manufactured over a 180 day
period or five units, and must rate the
basic model’s efficiency by applying a
formula to the test results. The rule also
allows use of AEDMs to rate the
remaining basic models. The IEEE
standards contain no provision for
sampling, or for use of AEDMs, in rating
the efficiency of distribution
transformers. Moreover, DOE
understands that, under current
practice, where a manufacturer must
rate a low-voltage dry-type transformer’s
losses—the equivalent of efficiency
determination—typically it will test all
units and rate them based on their
average efficiency. Although, as
explained below in footnote 6, EPCA
does not direct DOE to use the sampling
regimen in NEMA TP 2–1998, that is a
methodology a manufacturer might use
to determine whether its low-voltage
dry-type transformers comply with
EPCA’s standards. NEMA TP 2–1998’s
sampling plan provides that, over a 180day period, either all units
manufactured be tested, or that five or
more units per month be tested, thus
requiring approximately six times as
much testing as today’s rule. It also
contains no provision for rating
transformer efficiencies through use of
AEDMs. As explained in the SNOPR, 69
FR 45514–15, NEMA TP 2–1998 clearly
requires considerably more testing that
today’s final rule (which requires the
same amount of testing as DOE’s
proposal in the SNOPR).
Insofar as the final rule’s reduction in
testing burden results from the use of
AEDMs, however, this benefit is not
without cost. The Department estimates
that a manufacturer would have to incur
approximately three to six weeks of
engineering staff time to develop a valid
AEDM, and approximately two weeks of
staff time to administer and maintain
the AEDM(s) thereafter. The Department
estimates, however, that use of AEDMs
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would allow a manufacturer to do less
than 20 percent of the testing that would
otherwise be required.
For all of these reasons, the
Department certifies that today’s final
rule would not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Accordingly,
DOE has not prepared a regulatory
flexibility analysis for this rulemaking.
DOE has transmitted the certification
and supporting statement of factual
basis to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy
of the Small Business Administration
for review pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b).
C. Review Under the Paperwork
Reduction Act
As indicated in the SNOPR, today’s
final rule contains certain recordkeeping requirements. 69 FR 45517. The
situation with respect to the Paperwork
Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
is similar to that described in Section
III.B. with respect to the Regulatory
Flexibility Act. For the reasons stated
there, unless and until the Department
requires manufacturers to comply with
energy conservation standards for
medium-voltage and liquid immersed
distribution transformers, no
manufacturer of those products would
be required to comply with these
record-keeping provisions. Therefore,
today’s rule would not impose on those
manufacturers any new reporting
requirements requiring clearance by
OMB under the Paperwork Reduction
Act. The Department recognizes,
however, as also set forth in the SNOPR,
that if it adopts standards for those
distribution transformers, once the
standards become operative
manufacturers will become subject to
the record-keeping requirements in
today’s rule, and possibly additional
reporting and/or record-keeping
requirements. 69 FR 45517.
We received no comments on this
issue. For medium-voltage and liquid
immersed distribution transformers, the
Department intends, as stated in the
SNOPR, to comply with the Paperwork
Reduction Act with respect to the
record-keeping requirements in today’s
rule at the appropriate point in
conjunction with the standards
development rulemaking.
Since the publication of the SNOPR,
however, the Department has adopted
standards prescribed by EPCA for lowvoltage dry-type distribution
transformers. When these standards
become operative on January 1, 2007,
manufacturers of those products will be
required to comply with the recordkeeping provisions in today’s rule.
Therefore, as to these manufacturers
today’s final rule contains certain
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record-keeping requirements that must
be approved by the OMB pursuant to
the Paperwork Reduction Act before the
manufacturers may be required to
comply with them. Section
431.197(a)(4)(i) would require
manufacturers of distribution
transformers to have records as to
alternative efficiency determination
methods available for DOE inspection;
section 6.2 of Appendix A would
require maintenance of calibration
records. As a result, concurrent with or
shortly after publication of today’s rule,
the Department will issue a notice
seeking public comment under the
Paperwork Reduction Act, with respect
to these manufacturers, on the recordkeeping requirements in today’s rule.
After considering any public comments
received in response to that notice, DOE
will submit the proposed collection of
information to OMB for approval
pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3507.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. As stated in the
‘‘EFFECTIVE DATE’’ line of this notice
of final rulemaking, the information
collection requirements in
§ 431.197(a)(4)(i) and section 6.2(b) and
(c) of Appendix A will not become
effective until OMB approves them. The
Department will publish a document in
the Federal Register advising lowvoltage dry-type manufacturers of their
effective date. That document also will
display the OMB control number.
D. Review Under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
DOE has determined that this rule
falls into a class of actions that are
categorically excluded from review
under the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq.) and the Department’s
implementing regulations at 10 CFR part
1021. Specifically, this rule establishing
test procedures will not affect the
quality or distribution of energy and,
will not result in any environmental
impacts, and, therefore, is covered by
the Categorical Exclusion in paragraph
A6 to subpart D, 10 CFR part 1021.
Accordingly, neither an environmental
assessment nor an environmental
impact statement is required.
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
Executive Order 13132, ‘‘Federalism,’’
64 FR 43255 (August 4, 1999), imposes
certain requirements on agencies
formulating and implementing policies
or regulations that preempt State law or
that have federalism implications. The
Executive Order requires agencies to
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
examine the constitutional and statutory
authority supporting any action that
would limit the policymaking discretion
of the States and carefully assess the
necessity for such actions. The
Executive Order also requires agencies
to have an accountable process to
ensure meaningful and timely input by
State and local officials in the
development of regulatory policies that
have federalism implications. On March
14, 2000, DOE published a statement of
policy describing the intergovernmental
consultation process it will follow in the
development of such regulations 65 FR
13735. DOE has examined today’s final
rule and has determined that it does not
preempt State law and does not have a
substantial direct effect on the States, on
the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. No further action
is required by Executive Order 13132.
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F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
With respect to the review of existing
regulations and the promulgation of
new regulations, section 3(a) of
Executive Order 12988, ‘‘Civil Justice
Reform’’ (61 FR 4729, February 7, 1996),
imposes on Federal agencies the general
duty to adhere to the following
requirements: (1) Eliminate drafting
errors and ambiguity; (2) write
regulations to minimize litigation; and
(3) provide a clear legal standard for
affected conduct rather than a general
standard and promote simplification
and burden reduction. Section 3(b) of
Executive Order 12988 specifically
requires that Executive agencies make
every reasonable effort to ensure that the
regulation: (1) Clearly specifies the
preemptive effect, if any; (2) clearly
specifies any effect on existing Federal
law or regulation; (3) provides a clear
legal standard for affected conduct
while promoting simplification and
burden reduction; (4) specifies the
retroactive effect, if any; (5) adequately
defines key terms; and (6) addresses
other important issues affecting clarity
and general draftsmanship under any
guidelines issued by the Attorney
General. Section 3(c) of Executive Order
12988 requires Executive agencies to
review regulations in light of applicable
standards in section 3(a) and section
3(b) to determine whether they are met
or it is unreasonable to meet one or
more of them. DOE has completed the
required review and determined that, to
the extent permitted by law, this rule
meets the relevant standards of
Executive Order 12988.
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G. Review Under the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995
Amendment to the United States
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Pub. L.
104–4) requires each Federal agency to
assess the effects of Federal regulatory
actions on State, local, and Tribal
governments and the private sector. For
a proposed regulatory action likely to
result in a rule that may cause the
expenditure by State, local, and Tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector of $100 million or more
in any one year (adjusted annually for
inflation), section 202 of UMRA requires
a Federal agency to publish a written
statement that estimates the resulting
costs, benefits, and other effects on the
national economy. (2 U.S.C. 1532(a), (b))
The UMRA also requires a Federal
agency to develop an effective process
to permit timely input by elected
officers of State, local, and Tribal
governments on a proposed ‘‘significant
intergovernmental mandate,’’ and
requires an agency plan for giving notice
and opportunity for timely input to
potentially affected small governments
before establishing any requirements
that might significantly or uniquely
affect small governments. On March 18,
1997, DOE published a statement of
policy on its process for
intergovernmental consultation under
UMRA. 62 FR 12820 (also available at Today’s rule
does not contain any Federal mandate
likely to result in an aggregate
expenditure of $100 million or more in
any year, so these requirements under
the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act do
not apply.
J. Review Under the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 2001
H. Review Under the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act of 1999
Section 654 of the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 1999 (Pub. L. 105–277) requires
Federal agencies to issue a Family
Policymaking Assessment for any rule
that may affect family well-being. This
rule would not have any impact on the
autonomy or integrity of the family as
an institution. Accordingly, DOE has
concluded that it is not necessary to
prepare a Family Policymaking
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
The Department has determined,
under Executive Order 12630,
‘‘Governmental Actions and Interference
with Constitutionally Protected Property
Rights,’’ 53 FR 8859 (March 18, 1988),
that this regulation would not result in
any takings which might require
compensation under the Fifth
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Section 515 of the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 2001 (44 U.S.C. 3516 note) provides
for agencies to review most
disseminations of information to the
public under guidelines established by
each agency pursuant to general
guidelines issued by OMB. OMB’s
guidelines were published at 67 FR
8452 (February 22, 2002), and DOE’s
guidelines were published at 67 FR
62446 (October 7, 2002). The
Department has reviewed today’s final
rule under the OMB and DOE guidelines
and has concluded that it is consistent
with applicable policies in those
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
Executive Order 13211, ‘‘Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use,’’ 66 FR 28355 (May
22, 2001) requires Federal agencies to
prepare and submit to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs
(OIRA), Office of Management and
Budget, a Statement of Energy Effects for
any proposed significant energy action.
A ‘‘significant energy action’’ is defined
as any action by an agency that
promulgated or is expected to lead to
promulgation of a final rule, and that:
(1) Is a significant regulatory action
under Executive Order 12866, or any
successor order; and (2) is likely to have
a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy, or
(3) is designated by the Administrator of
OIRA as a significant energy action. For
any proposed significant energy action,
the agency must give a detailed
statement of any adverse effects on
energy supply, distribution, or use
should the proposal be implemented,
and of reasonable alternatives to the
action and their expected benefits on
energy supply, distribution, and use.
This final rule is not a significant
regulatory action under Executive Order
12866 or any successor order. In
addition, it is not likely to have a
significant adverse effect on the supply,
distribution, or use of energy, nor has it
been designated by the Administrator of
OIRA as a significant energy action.
Thus, DOE has not prepared a Statement
of Energy Effects.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
L. Review Under Section 32 of the
Federal Energy Administration Act of
Under Section 301 of the Department
of Energy Organization Act (Pub. L. 95–
91), the Department must comply with
Section 32 of the Federal Energy
Administration Act of 1974 (FEAA), as
amended by the Federal Energy
Administration Authorization Act of
1977. (15 U.S.C. 788) The Department
indicated in the SNOPR that Section 32
applies to the portion of today’s rule
that incorporates testing methods
contained in five commercial standards,
requiring consultation with the Attorney
General and the Chairman of the Federal
Trade Commission concerning the
impact of these standards on
competition. 69 FR 45506, 45519 (July
29, 2004).
Since publication of the SNOPR, DOE
has reviewed this requirement for
consultation as it applies to this final
rule. While DOE now believes that such
consultation is not necessarily required
for this rule, since DOE stated in the
SNOPR that it would submit it for
consultation under Section 32, it has
done so. Neither the Attorney General
nor the Chairman of the Federal Trade
Commission has recommended against
incorporation of these standards.
M. Congressional Notification
As required by 5 U.S.C. 801, DOE will
report to Congress on the promulgation
of this rule prior to its effective date.
The report will state that it has been
determined that the rule is not a ‘‘major
rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
IV. Approval of the Office of the
The Secretary of Energy has approved
publication of this final rule.
List of Subjects in 10 CFR Part 431
Administrative practice and
procedure, Distribution transformers,
Energy conservation.
Issued in Washington, DC, on March 28,
Douglas L. Faulkner,
Acting Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, Part 431 of Chapter II of Title
10, Code of Federal Regulations, is
amended as set forth below.
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1. The authority citation for Part 431
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291–6317.
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2. Section 431.191 is revised to read
as follows:
§ 431.191
Purpose and scope.
This subpart contains energy
conservation requirements for
distribution transformers, pursuant to
Parts B and C of Title III of the Energy
Policy and Conservation Act, as
amended, 42 U.S.C. 6291–6317.
I 3. Section 431.192 is amended by:
I a. Revising the Section heading.
I b. Adding introductory language.
I c. Adding in alphabetical order
definitions of ‘‘autotransformer,’’ ‘‘basic
model,’’ ‘‘drive (isolation) transformer,’’
‘‘efficiency,’’ ‘‘excitation current or noload current,’’ ‘‘grounding transformer,’’
‘‘liquid-immersed distribution
transformer,’’ ‘‘load loss,’’ ‘‘machinetool (control) transformer,’’ ‘‘mediumvoltage dry-type distribution
transformer,’’ ‘‘no-load loss,’’
‘‘nonventilated transformer,’’ ‘‘phase
angle,’’ ‘‘phase angle correction,’’
‘‘phase angle error,’’ ‘‘rectifier
transformer,’’ ‘‘reference temperature,’’
‘‘regulating transformer,’’ ‘‘sealed
transformer,’’ ‘‘special-impedance
transformer,’’ ‘‘temperature correction,’’
‘‘test current,’’ ‘‘test frequency,’’ ‘‘test
voltage,’’ ‘‘testing transformer,’’ ‘‘total
loss,’’ ‘‘transformer with tap range of 20
percent or more,’’ ‘‘uninterruptible
power supply transformer,’’ ‘‘waveform
correction,’’ and ‘‘welding transformer.’’
I d. Revising the definition of
‘‘distribution transformer.’’
The revision and additions read as
§ 431.192
The following definitions apply for
purposes of this subpart:
Autotransformer means a transformer
(1) Has one physical winding that
consists of a series winding part and a
common winding part;
(2) Has no isolation between its
primary and secondary circuits; and
(3) During step-down operation, has a
primary voltage that is equal to the total
of the series and common winding
voltages, and a secondary voltage that is
equal to the common winding voltage.
Basic model means a group of models
of distribution transformers
manufactured by a single manufacturer,
that have the same insulation type (i.e.,
liquid-immersed or dry-type), have the
same number of phases (i.e., single or
three), have the same standard kVA
rating, and do not have any
differentiating electrical, physical or
functional features that affect energy
consumption. Differences in voltage and
differences in basic impulse insulation
level (BIL) rating are examples of
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differentiating electrical features that
affect energy consumption.
Distribution transformer means a
transformer that—
(1) Has an input voltage of 34.5 kV or
(2) Has an output voltage of 600 V or
(3) Is rated for operation at a
frequency of 60 Hz; and
(4) Has a capacity of 10 kVA to 2500
kVA for liquid-immersed units and 15
kVA to 2500 kVA for dry-type units; but
(5) The term ‘‘distribution
transformer’’ does not include a
transformer that is an—
(i) Autotransformer;
(ii) Drive (isolation) transformer;
(iii) Grounding transformer;
(iv) Machine-tool (control)
(v) Nonventilated transformer;
(vi) Rectifier transformer;
(vii) Regulating transformer;
(viii) Sealed transformer;
(ix) Special-impedance transformer;
(x) Testing transformer;
(xi) Transformer with tap range of 20
percent or more;
(xii) Uninterruptible power supply
transformer; or
(xiii) Welding transformer.
Drive (isolation) transformer means a
transformer that:
(1) Isolates an electric motor from the
(2) Accommodates the added loads of
drive-created harmonics; and
(3) Is designed to withstand the
additional mechanical stresses resulting
from an alternating current adjustable
frequency motor drive or a direct
current motor drive.
Efficiency means the ratio of the
useful power output to the total power
Excitation current or no-load current
means the current that flows in any
winding used to excite the transformer
when all other windings are opencircuited.
Grounding transformer means a threephase transformer intended primarily to
provide a neutral point for systemgrounding purposes, either by means of:
(1) A grounded wye primary winding
and a delta secondary winding; or
(2) A transformer with its primary
winding in a zig-zag winding
arrangement, and with no secondary
Liquid-immersed distribution
transformer means a distribution
transformer in which the core and coil
assembly is immersed in an insulating
Load loss means, for a distribution
transformer, those losses incident to a
specified load carried by the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
transformer, including losses in the
windings as well as stray losses in the
conducting parts of the transformer.
Machine-tool (control) transformer
means a transformer that is equipped
with a fuse or other over-current
protection device, and is generally used
for the operation of a solenoid,
contactor, relay, portable tool, or
localized lighting.
Medium-voltage dry-type distribution
transformer means a distribution
transformer in which the core and coil
assembly is immersed in a gaseous or
dry-compound insulating medium, and
which has a rated primary voltage
between 601 V and 34.5 kV.
No-load loss means those losses that
are incident to the excitation of the
Nonventilated transformer means a
transformer constructed so as to prevent
external air circulation through the coils
of the transformer while operating at
zero gauge pressure.
Phase angle means the angle between
two phasors, where the two phasors
represent progressions of periodic
waves of either:
(1) Two voltages;
(2) Two currents; or
(3) A voltage and a current of an
alternating current circuit.
Phase angle correction means the
adjustment (correction) of measurement
data to negate the effects of phase angle
Phase angle error means incorrect
displacement of the phase angle,
introduced by the components of the
test equipment.
Rectifier transformer means a
transformer that operates at the
fundamental frequency of an
alternating-current system and that is
designed to have one or more output
windings connected to a rectifier.
Reference temperature means 20 °C
for no-load loss, 55 °C for load loss of
liquid-immersed distribution
transformers at 50 percent load, and 75
°C for load loss of both low-voltage and
medium-voltage dry-type distribution
transformers, at 35 percent load and 50
percent load, respectively. It is the
temperature at which the transformer
losses must be determined, and to
which such losses must be corrected if
testing is done at a different point.
(These temperatures are specified in the
test method in Appendix A to this part.)
Regulating transformer means a
transformer that varies the voltage, the
phase angle, or both voltage and phase
angle, of an output circuit and
compensates for fluctuation of load and
input voltage, phase angle or both
voltage and phase angle.
Sealed transformer means a
transformer designed to remain
hermetically sealed under specified
conditions of temperature and pressure.
Special-impedance transformer
means any transformer built to operate
at an impedance outside of the normal
impedance range for that transformer’s
kVA rating. The normal impedance
range for each kVA rating for liquidimmersed and dry-type transformers is
shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
Single-phase transformers
Three-phase transformers
10 .................................................................................................................................................
15 .................................................................................................................................................
25 .................................................................................................................................................
37.5 ..............................................................................................................................................
50 .................................................................................................................................................
75 .................................................................................................................................................
100 ...............................................................................................................................................
167 ...............................................................................................................................................
250 ...............................................................................................................................................
333 ...............................................................................................................................................
500 ...............................................................................................................................................
667 ...............................................................................................................................................
833 ...............................................................................................................................................
Single-phase transformers
Three-phase transformers
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with RULES3
15 .................................................................................................................................................
25 .................................................................................................................................................
37.5 ..............................................................................................................................................
50 .................................................................................................................................................
75 .................................................................................................................................................
100 ...............................................................................................................................................
167 ...............................................................................................................................................
250 ...............................................................................................................................................
333 ...............................................................................................................................................
500 ...............................................................................................................................................
667 ...............................................................................................................................................
833 ...............................................................................................................................................
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Temperature correction means the
mathematical correction(s) of
measurement data, obtained when a
transformer is tested at a temperature
that is different from the reference
temperature, to the value(s) that would
have been obtained if the transformer
had been tested at the reference
Test current means the current of the
electrical power supplied to the
transformer under test.
Test frequency means the frequency of
the electrical power supplied to the
transformer under test.
Test voltage means the voltage of the
electrical power supplied to the
transformer under test.
Testing transformer means a
transformer used in a circuit to produce
a specific voltage or current for the
purpose of testing electrical equipment.
Total loss means the sum of the noload loss and the load loss for a
Transformer with tap range of 20
percent or more means a transformer
with multiple voltage taps, the highest
of which equals at least 20 percent more
than the lowest, computed based on the
sum of the deviations of the voltages of
these taps from the transformer’s
nominal voltage.
Uninterruptible power supply
transformer means a transformer that
supplies power to an uninterruptible
power system, which in turn supplies
power to loads that are sensitive to
power failure, power sags, over voltage,
switching transients, line noise, and
other power quality factors.
Waveform correction means the
adjustment(s) (mathematical
correction(s)) of measurement data
obtained with a test voltage that is non-
sinusoidal, to a value(s) that would have
been obtained with a sinusoidal voltage.
Welding transformer means a
transformer designed for use in arc
welding equipment or resistance
welding equipment.
I 4. Section 431.193 is added to subpart
K, under the heading ‘‘Test Procedures,’’
to read as follows:
Test Procedures
§ 431.193 Test procedures for measuring
energy consumption of distribution
The test procedures for measuring the
energy efficiency of distribution
transformers for purposes of EPCA are
specified in Appendix A to this subpart.
I 5. Section 431.196 is amended in
paragraph (a) by revising the table to
read as follows:
§ 431.196 Energy conservation standards
and their effective dates.
(a) * * *
Single phase
Three phase
(%) 1
15 .................................................................................................................................................
25 .................................................................................................................................................
37.5 ..............................................................................................................................................
50 .................................................................................................................................................
75 .................................................................................................................................................
100 ...............................................................................................................................................
167 ...............................................................................................................................................
250 ...............................................................................................................................................
333 ...............................................................................................................................................
(%) 1
1 Efficiencies are determined at the following reference conditions: (1) for no-load losses, at the temperature of 20 °C, and (2) for load-losses,
at the temperature of 75 °C and 35 percent of nameplate load.
(Source: Table 4–2 of National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standard TP–1–2002, ‘‘Guide for Determining Energy Efficiency
for Distribution Transformers.’’)
6. Sections 431.197 through 431.198
are added to subpart K, under the
heading ‘‘Compliance and
Enforcement,’’ to read as follows:
Compliance and Enforcement
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with RULES3
§ 431.197 Manufacturer’s determination of
efficiency for distribution transformers.
When a manufacturer or other party
(both of which this section refers to as
a ‘‘manufacturer’’) determines the
efficiency of a distribution transformer
in order to comply with an obligation
imposed on it by or pursuant to Part C
of Title III of EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 6311–
6317, this section applies. This section
does not apply to enforcement testing
conducted pursuant to § 431.198 of this
(a) Methods used to determine
efficiency—(1) General requirements. A
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manufacturer must determine the
efficiency of each basic model of
distribution transformer either by
testing, in accordance with § 431.193 of
this part and paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3)
of this section, or by application of an
alternative efficiency determination
method (AEDM) that meets the
requirements of paragraphs (a)(2) and
(a)(3) of this section; provided, however,
that a manufacturer may use an AEDM
to determine the efficiency of one or
more of its untested basic models only
if it determines the efficiency of at least
five of its other basic models (selected
in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of
this section) through actual testing. For
each basic model of distribution
transformer that has a configuration of
windings which allows for more than
one nominal rated voltage, the
manufacturer must determine the basic
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model’s efficiency either at the voltage
at which the highest losses occur or at
each voltage at which the transformer is
rated to operate.
(2) Alternative efficiency
determination method. A manufacturer
may apply an AEDM to a basic model
pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this
section only if:
(i) The AEDM has been derived from
a mathematical model that represents
the electrical characteristics of that basic
(ii) The AEDM is based on
engineering and statistical analysis,
computer simulation or modeling, or
other analytic evaluation of performance
data; and
(iii) The manufacturer has
substantiated the AEDM, in accordance
with paragraph (a)(3) of this section, by
applying it to, and testing, at least five
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models selected by the Department, or
a combination of the foregoing.
(b) Additional testing requirements—
(1) Selection of basic models for testing
if an AEDM is to be applied. (i) A
manufacturer must select basic models
for testing in accordance with the
following criteria:
(A) Two of the basic models must be
among the five basic models with the
highest unit volumes of production by
the manufacturer in the prior year, or
during the prior 12-calendar-month
period beginning in 2003,1 whichever is
(B) No two basic models should have
the same combination of power and
voltage ratings; and
(C) At least one basic model should be
single-phase and at least one should be
(ii) In any instance where it is
impossible for a manufacturer to select
basic models for testing in accordance
with all of these criteria, the criteria
shall be given priority in the order in
which they are listed. Within the limits
imposed by the criteria, basic models
shall be selected randomly.
(2) Selection of units for testing within
a basic model. For each basic model a
manufacturer selects for testing, it shall
select and test units as follows:
(i) If the manufacturer would produce
five or fewer units of a basic model over
a reasonable period of time
(approximately 180 days), then it must
test each unit. However, a manufacturer
may not use a basic model with a
sample size of fewer than five units to
substantiate an AEDM pursuant to
paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(ii) If the manufacturer produces more
than five units over such period of time,
it must either test all such units or select
a sample of at least five units at random
and test them. Any such sample shall be
comprised of production units of the
basic model, or units that are
representative of such production units.
(3) Applying results of testing. In a test
of compliance with a represented
efficiency, the average efficiency of the
sample, X, which is defined by
1 n
∑ Xi
n i =1
where Xi is the measured efficiency of
unit i and n is the number of units
tested, must satisfy the condition:
1 When identifying these five basic models, any
basic model that does not comply with Federal
energy conservation standards for distribution
transformers that may be in effect shall be excluded
from consideration.
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0.08 100
− 1
1 + 1 +
n RE
where RE is the represented efficiency.
§ 431.198 Enforcement testing for
distribution transformers.
(a) Test notice. Upon receiving
information in writing, concerning the
energy performance of a particular
distribution transformer sold by a
particular manufacturer or private
labeler, which indicates that the
transformer may not be in compliance
with the applicable energy efficiency
standard, or upon undertaking to
ascertain the accuracy of the efficiency
rating on the nameplate or in marketing
materials for a distribution transformer,
disclosed pursuant to this part, the
Department may conduct testing of that
equipment under this subpart by means
of a test notice addressed to the
manufacturer in accordance with the
following requirements:
(1) The test notice procedure will only
be followed after the Department has
examined the underlying test data (or,
where appropriate, data as to use of an
AEDM) provided by the manufacturer
and after the manufacturer has been
offered the opportunity to meet with the
Department to verify, as applicable,
compliance with the applicable
efficiency standard, or the accuracy of
labeling information, or both. In
addition, where compliance of a basic
model was certified based on an AEDM,
the Department shall have the discretion
to pursue the provisions of
§ 431.197(a)(4)(ii) prior to invoking the
test notice procedure. The Department
shall be permitted to observe any
reverification procedures undertaken
pursuant to this subpart, and to inspect
the results of such reverification.
(2) The Department will mail or
deliver the test notice to the plant
manager or other responsible official, as
designated by the manufacturer.
(3) The test notice will specify the
basic model(s) to be selected for testing,
the method of selecting the test sample,
the date and time at which testing shall
be initiated, the date by which testing is
scheduled to be completed and the
facility at which testing will be
conducted. The test notice may also
provide for situations in which a
specified basic model is unavailable for
testing, and may include alternative
basic models. The specified basic model
may be one either that the manufacturer
has rated by actual testing or that it has
rated by the use of an AEDM.
(4) The Department may require in the
test notice that the manufacturer shall
other basic models of the same type, i.e.,
low-voltage dry-type distribution
transformers, medium-voltage dry-type
distribution transformers, or liquidimmersed distribution transformers.
(3) Substantiation of an alternative
efficiency determination method. Before
using an AEDM, the manufacturer must
substantiate the AEDM’s accuracy and
reliability as follows:
(i) Apply the AEDM to at least five of
the manufacturer’s basic models that
have been selected for testing in
accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this
section, and calculate the power loss for
each of these basic models;
(ii) Test at least five units of each of
these basic models in accordance with
the applicable test procedure and
paragraph (b)(2) of this section, and
determine the power loss for each of
these basic models;
(iii) The predicted total power loss for
each of these basic models, calculated
by applying the AEDM pursuant to
paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, must
be within plus or minus five percent of
the mean total power loss determined
from the testing of that basic model
pursuant to paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this
section; and
(iv) Calculate for each of these basic
models the percentage that its power
loss calculated pursuant to paragraph
(a)(3)(i) is of its power loss determined
from testing pursuant to paragraph
(a)(3)(ii), compute the average of these
percentages, and that calculated average
power loss, expressed as a percentage of
the average power loss determined from
testing, must be no less than 97 percent
and no greater than 103 percent.
(4) Subsequent verification of an
AEDM. (i) Each manufacturer that has
used an AEDM under this section shall
have available for inspection by the
Department of Energy records showing:
The method or methods used; the
mathematical model, the engineering or
statistical analysis, computer simulation
or modeling, and other analytic
evaluation of performance data on
which the AEDM is based; complete test
data, product information, and related
information that the manufacturer has
generated or acquired pursuant to
paragraph (a)(3) of this section; and the
calculations used to determine the
efficiency and total power losses of each
basic model to which the AEDM was
(ii) If requested by the Department,
the manufacturer shall conduct
simulations to predict the performance
of particular basic models of
distribution transformers specified by
the Department, analyses of previous
simulations conducted by the
manufacturer, sample testing of basic
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
ship at its expense a reasonable number
of units of each basic model specified in
such test notice to a testing laboratory
designated by the Department. The
number of units of each basic model
specified in a test notice shall not
exceed twenty (20).
(5) Except as required or provided in
paragraphs (a)(6) or (a)(7) of this section,
initially the Department will test five
(6) Except as provided in paragraph
(a)(7) of this section, if fewer than five
units of a basic model are available for
testing when the manufacturer receives
the test notice, then
(i) DOE will test the available unit(s);
(ii) If one or more other units of the
basic model are expected to become
available within six months, DOE may
instead, at its discretion, test either:
(A) The available unit(s) and one or
more of the other units that
subsequently become available (up to a
maximum of twenty); or
(B) Up to twenty of the other units
that subsequently become available.
(7) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a)(5)
and (a)(6) of this section, if testing of the
available or subsequently available units
of a basic model would be impractical,
as for example where a basic model is
very large, has unusual testing
requirements, or has limited production,
the Department may in its discretion
decide to base the determination of
compliance on the testing of fewer than
the available number of units, if the
manufacturer so requests and
demonstrates that the criteria of this
paragraph are met.
(8) When testing units under
paragraphs (a)(5), (a)(6), or (a)(7) of this
section, DOE shall perform the
following number of tests:
(i) If DOE tests four or more units, it
will test each unit once;
(ii) If DOE tests two or three units, it
will test each unit twice; or
(iii) If DOE tests one unit, it will test
that unit four times.
(9) Within five working days of the
time the units are selected, the
manufacturer shall ship the specified
test units of the basic model to the
testing laboratory.
(b) Testing laboratory. Whenever the
Department conducts enforcement
testing at a designated laboratory in
accordance with a test notice under this
section, the resulting test data shall
constitute official test data for that basic
model. Such test data will be used by
the Department to make a determination
of compliance or noncompliance.
(c) Sampling. The determination that
a manufacturer’s basic model complies
with its labeled efficiency, or the
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applicable energy efficiency standard,
shall be based on the testing conducted
in accordance with the statistical
sampling procedures set forth in
Appendix B of this subpart and the test
procedures specified for distribution
(d) Test unit selection. The
Department shall select a batch, a batch
sample, and test units from the batch
sample in accordance with the
following provisions of this paragraph
and the conditions specified in the test
(1) The batch may be subdivided by
the Department utilizing criteria
specified in the test notice.
(2) The Department will then
randomly select a batch sample of up to
20 units from one or more subdivided
groups within the batch. The
manufacturer shall keep on hand all
units in the batch sample until such
time as the basic model is determined
to be in compliance or non-compliance.
(3) The Department will randomly
select individual test units comprising
the test sample from the batch sample.
(4) All random selection shall be
achieved by sequentially numbering all
of the units in a batch sample and then
using a table of random numbers to
select the units to be tested.
(e) Test unit preparation. (1) Prior to
and during the testing, a test unit
selected in accordance with paragraph
(d) of this section shall not be prepared,
modified, or adjusted in any manner
unless such preparation, modification,
or adjustment is allowed by the
applicable Department of Energy test
(2) No quality control, testing, or
assembly procedures shall be performed
on a test unit, or any parts and subassemblies thereof, that is not performed
during the production and assembly of
all other units included in the basic
(3) A test unit shall be considered
defective if such unit is inoperative or
is found to be in noncompliance due to
failure of the unit to operate according
to the manufacturer’s design and
operating instructions. Defective units,
including those damaged due to
shipping or handling, shall be reported
immediately to the Department. The
Department shall authorize testing of an
additional unit on a case-by-case basis.
(f) Testing at manufacturer’s option.
(1) If a manufacturer’s basic model is
determined to be in noncompliance
with the applicable energy performance
standard at the conclusion of
Department testing in accordance with
the sampling plan specified in
Appendix B of this subpart, the
manufacturer may request that the
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Department conduct additional testing
of the basic model according to
procedures set forth in Appendix B of
this subpart and the test procedures
specified for distribution transformers.
(2) All units tested under this
paragraph (f) shall be selected and
tested in accordance with the provisions
given in paragraphs (a)(9), (b), (d) and
(e) of this section.
(3) The manufacturer shall bear the
cost of all testing conducted under this
paragraph (f).
(4) The manufacturer shall cease
distribution of the basic model tested
under the provisions of this paragraph
from the time the manufacturer elects to
exercise the option provided in this
paragraph until the basic model is
determined to be in compliance. The
Department may seek civil penalties for
all units distributed during such period.
(5) If the additional testing results in
a determination of compliance, a notice
of allowance to resume distribution
shall be issued by the Department.
I 7. Appendices A and B are added to
subpart K, to read as follows:
Appendix A to Subpart K of Part 431—
Uniform Test Method for Measuring the
Energy Consumption of Distribution
1.0 Definitions.
The definitions contained in §§ 431.2 and
431.192 are applicable to this Appendix A.
2.0 Accuracy Requirements.
(a) Equipment and methods for loss
measurement shall be sufficiently accurate
that measurement error will be limited to the
values shown in Table 2.1.
Test system
Measured quantity
Power Losses ...........
Voltage ......................
Current ......................
Resistance ................
Temperature ..............
1.0 °C
(b) Only instrument transformers meeting
the 0.3 metering accuracy class, or better,
may be used under this test method.
3.0 Resistance Measurements
3.1 General Considerations
(a) Measure or establish the winding
temperature at the time of the winding
resistance measurement.
(b) Measure the direct current resistance
(Rdc) of transformer windings by one of the
methods outlined in section 3.3. The
methods of section 3.5 must be used to
correct load losses to the applicable reference
temperature from the temperature at which
they are measured. Observe precautions
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(a) The windings have been under
insulating liquid with no excitation and no
current in the windings for four hours before
the dc resistance is measured; or
(b) The temperature of the insulating liquid
has stabilized, and the difference between the
top and bottom temperature does not exceed
5 °C.
3.2.2 Dry-Type Distribution Transformers.
Record the winding temperature (Tdc) of
dry-type transformers as either of the
(a) For ventilated dry-type units, use the
average of readings of four or more
thermometers, thermocouples, or other
suitable temperature sensors inserted within
the coils. Place the sensing points of the
measuring devices as close as possible to the
winding conductors. For sealed units, such
as epoxy-coated or epoxy-encapsulated units,
use the average of four or more temperature
sensors located on the enclosure and/or
cover, as close to different parts of the
winding assemblies as possible; or
(b) For both ventilated and sealed units,
use the ambient temperature of the test area,
under the following conditions:
(1) All internal temperatures measured by
the internal temperature sensors must not
differ from the test area ambient temperature
by more than 2 °C.
(2) Enclosure surface temperatures for
sealed units must not differ from the test area
ambient temperature by more than 2 °C.
(3) Test area ambient temperature should
not have changed by more than 3 °C for 3
hours before the test.
(4) Neither voltage nor current has been
applied to the unit under test for 24 hours.
In addition, increase this initial 24 hour
period by any added amount of time
necessary for the temperature of the
transformer windings to stabilize at the level
of the ambient temperature. However, this
additional amount of time need not exceed
24 hours.
3.3 Resistance Measurement Methods.
Make resistance measurements using either
the resistance bridge method, the voltmeterammeter method or a resistance meter. In
each instance when this Uniform Test
Method is used to test more than one unit of
a basic model to determine the efficiency of
that basic model, the resistance of the units
being tested may be determined from making
resistance measurements on only one of the
3.3.1 Resistance Bridge Methods.
If the resistance bridge method is selected,
use either the Wheatstone or Kelvin bridge
circuit (or the equivalent of either).
Rdc is the resistance of the transformer
winding being measured,
Rs is a standard resistor having the resistance
Ra, Rb are two precision resistors with
resistance values Ra and Rb ,
respectively; at least one resistor must
have a provision for resistance
Rt is a resistor for reducing the time constant
of the circuit,
D is a null detector, which may be either a
micro ammeter or microvoltmeter or
equivalent instrument for observing that
no signal is present when the bridge is
balanced, and
Vdc is a source of dc voltage for supplying the
power to the Wheatstone Bridge.
(b) In the measurement process, turn on the
source (Vdc), and adjust the resistance ratio
(Ra/Rb) to produce zero signal at the detector
(D). Determine the winding resistance by
using equation 3–1 as follows:
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Wheatstone Bridge
(a) This bridge is best suited for measuring
resistances larger than ten ohms. A schematic
diagram of a Wheatstone bridge with a
representative transformer under test is
shown in Figure 3.1.
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with RULES3
while taking measurements, such as those in
section 3.4, in order to maintain
measurement uncertainty limits specified in
Table 2.1.
3.2 Temperature Determination of
Windings and Pre-conditions for Resistance
Make temperature measurements in
protected areas where the air temperature is
stable and there are no drafts. Determine the
winding temperature (Tdc) for liquidimmersed and dry-type distribution
transformers by the methods described in
sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2, respectively.
3.2.1 Liquid-Immersed Distribution
Transformers. Methods
Record the winding temperature (Tdc) of
liquid-immersed transformers as the average
of either of the following:
(a) The measurements from two
temperature sensing devices (for example,
thermocouples) applied to the outside of the
transformer tank and thermally insulated
from the surrounding environment, with one
located at the level of the oil and the other
located near the tank bottom or at the lower
radiator header if applicable; or
(b) The measurements from two
temperature sensing devices immersed in the
transformer liquid, with one located directly
above the winding and other located directly
below the winding. Conditions
Make this determination under either of
the following conditions:
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
R dc = R s ( R a /R b )
( 3-1)
25001 Kelvin Bridge
(a) This bridge separates the resistance of
the connecting conductors to the transformer
winding being measured from the resistance
of the winding, and therefore is best suited
Determine the winding resistance by using
equation 3–2 as follows:
to the transformer terminals and the standard
resistor, thus eliminating voltage drops from
the measurement in the current-carrying
leads as represented by Rd.
3.3.2 Voltmeter-Ammeter Method.
(a) Employ the voltmeter-ammeter method
only if the rated current of the winding is
greater than one ampere and the test current
is limited to 15 percent of the winding
current. Connect the transformer winding
under test to the circuit shown in Figure 3.3.
R dc = R s ( R a /R b )
( 3-2 ) ,
as with the Wheatstone bridge, with an
additional condition that:
( R a /R b ) = ( R a1/R b1 )
( 3-3)
(c) The Kelvin bridge provides two sets of
leads, current-carrying and voltage-sensing,
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A is an ammeter or a voltmeter-shunt
combination for measuring the current
(Imdc) in the transformer winding,
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V is a voltmeter with sensitivity in the
millivolt range for measuring the voltage
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(b) The Kelvin Bridge has seven of the
same type of components as in the
Wheatstone Bridge. It has two more resistors
than the Wheatstone bridge, Ra1 and Rb1. At
least one of these resistors must have
adjustable resistance. In the measurement
process, the source is turned on, two
resistance ratios (Ra/Rb) and (Ra1/Rb1) are
adjusted to be equal, and then the two ratios
are adjusted together to balance the bridge
producing zero signal at the detector.
for measuring resistances of ten ohms and
smaller. A schematic diagram of a Kelvin
bridge with a representative transformer
under test is shown in Figure 3.2.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
(Vmdc) applied to the transformer
Rdc is the resistance of the transformer
winding being measured,
Rt is a resistor for reducing the time constant
of the circuit, and
Vdc is a source of dc voltage for supplying
power to the measuring circuit.
(b) To perform the measurement, turn on
the source to produce current no larger than
15 percent of the rated current for the
winding. Wait until the current and voltage
readings have stabilized and then take
simultaneous readings of voltage and current.
Determine the winding resistance Rdc by
using equation 3–4 as follows:
R dc = ( Vmdc /I mdc )
( 3-4 )
Tc = ( L tc /R tc )
( 3-5)
Tc is the time constant in seconds,
Ltc is the total magnetizing and leakage
inductance of the winding under test, in
henries, and
Rtc is the total resistance in ohms, consisting
of Rt in series with the winding
resistance Rdc and the resistance Rs of the
standard resistor in the bridge circuit.
(c) Because Rtc is in the denominator of the
expression for the time constant, increasing
the resistance Rtc will decrease the time
constant. If the time constant in a given test
circuit is too long for the resistance readings
to be stable, then a higher resistance can be
substituted for the existing Rtc, and
successive replacements can be made until
adequate stability is reached.
3.5 Conversion of Resistance
(a) Resistance measurements must be
corrected, from the temperature at which the
winding resistance measurements were
made, to the reference temperature. As
specified in these test procedures, the
reference temperature for liquid-immersed
transformers loaded at 50 percent of the rated
load is 55 °C. For medium-voltage, dry-type
transformers loaded at 50 percent of the rated
load, and for low-voltage, dry-type
transformers loaded at 35 percent of the rated
load, the reference temperature is 75 °C.
(b) Correct the measured resistance to the
resistance at the reference temperature using
equation 3–6 as follows:
R ts = R dc ( Ts + Tk ) / ( Tdc + Tk )
( 3-6 )
Rts is the resistance at the reference
temperature, Ts,
Rdc is the measured resistance at temperature,
Ts is the reference temperature in °C,
Tdc is the temperature at which resistance
was measured in °C, and
Tk is 234.5 °C for copper or 225 °C for
4.0 Loss Measurement
4.1 General Considerations.
The efficiency of a transformer is
computed from the total transformer losses,
which are determined from the measured
value of the no-load loss and load loss power
components. Each of these two power loss
components is measured separately using test
sets that are identical, except that shorting
straps are added for the load-loss test. The
measured quantities will need correction for
instrumentation losses and may need
corrections for known phase angle errors in
measuring equipment and for the waveform
distortion in the test voltage. Any power loss
not measured at the applicable reference
temperature must be adjusted to that
reference temperature. The measured load
loss must also be adjusted to a specified
output loading level if not measured at the
specified output loading level. Test
distribution transformers designed for
harmonic currents using a sinusoidal
waveform (k=1).
4.2 Measurement of Power Losses.
4.2.1 No-Load Loss.
Measure the no-load loss and apply
corrections as described in section 4.4, using
the appropriate test set as described in
section 4.3.
4.2.2 Load Loss.
Measure the load loss and apply
corrections as described in section 4.5, using
the appropriate test set as described in
section 4.3.
4.3 Test Sets.
(a) The same test set may be used for both
the no-load loss and load loss measurements
provided the range of the test set
encompasses the test requirements of both
tests. Calibrate the test set to national
standards to meet the tolerances in Table 2.1
in section 2.0. In addition, the wattmeter,
current measuring system and voltage
measuring system must be calibrated
separately if the overall test set calibration is
outside the tolerance as specified in section
2.0 or the individual phase angle error
exceeds the values specified in section 4.5.3.
(b) A test set based on the wattmetervoltmeter-ammeter principle may be used to
measure the power loss and the applied
voltage and current of a transformer where
the transformer’s test current and voltage are
within the measurement capability of the
measuring instruments. Current and voltage
transformers, known collectively as
instrument transformers, or other scaling
devices such as resistive or capacitive
dividers for voltage, may be used in the
above circumstance, and must be used
together with instruments to measure
current, voltage, or power where the current
or voltage of the transformer under test
exceeds the measurement capability of such
instruments. Thus, a test set may include a
combination of measuring instruments and
instrument transformers (or other scaling
devices), so long as the current or voltage of
the transformer under test does not exceed
the measurement capability of any of the
4.3.1 Single-Phase Test Sets.
Use these for testing single-phase
distribution transformers. Without Instrument Transformers.
(a) A single-phase test set without an
instrument transformer is shown in Figure
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Vmdc is the voltage measured by the voltmeter
V, and
Imdc is the current measured by the ammeter
(c) As shown in Figure 3.3, separate
current and voltage leads must be brought to
the transformer terminals. (This eliminates
the errors due to lead and contact resistance.)
3.3.3 Resistance Meters.
Resistance meters may be based on
voltmeter-ammeter, or resistance bridge, or
some other operating principle. Any meter
used to measure a transformer’s winding
resistance must have specifications for
resistance range, current range, and ability to
measure highly inductive resistors that cover
the characteristics of the transformer being
tested. Also the meter’s specifications for
accuracy must meet the applicable criteria of
Table 2.1 in section 2.0.
3.4 Precautions in Measuring Winding
3.4.1 Required actions.
The following guidelines must be observed
when making resistance measurements:
(a) Use separate current and voltage leads
when measuring small (< 10 ohms)
(b) Use null detectors in bridge circuits,
and measuring instruments in voltmeterammeter circuits, that have sensitivity and
resolution sufficient to enable observation of
at least 0.1 percent change in the measured
(c) Maintain the dc test current at or below
15 percent of the rated winding current.
(d) Inclusion of a stabilizing resistor Rt (see
section 3.4.2) will require higher source
(e) Disconnect the null detector (if a bridge
circuit is used) and voltmeter from the circuit
before the current is switched off, and switch
off current by a suitable insulated switch.
3.4.2 Guideline for Time Constant.
(a) The following guideline is suggested for
the tester as a means to facilitate the
measurement of resistance in accordance
with the accuracy requirements of section
(b) The accurate reading of resistance Rdc
may be facilitated by shortening the time
constant. This is done by introducing a
resistor Rt in series with the winding under
test in both the bridge and voltmeterammeter circuits as shown in Figures 3.1 to
3.3. The relationship for the time constant is:
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
measurements the primary winding is
connected to the test set. Use the averagesensing voltmeter, Vav, only in no-load loss
measurements. With Instrument Transformers.
A single-phase test set with instrument
transformers is shown in Figure 4.2. This
circuit has the same four measuring
instruments as that in Figure 4.1. The current
and voltage transformers, designated as (CT)
and (VT), respectively, are added.
(a) A three-phase test set without
instrument transformers is shown in Figure
4.3. This test set is essentially the same
circuit shown in Figure 4.1 repeated three
times, and the instruments are individual
devices as shown. As an alternative, the
entire instrumentation system of a threephase test set without transformers may
consist of a multi-function analyzer.
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A is an rms ammeter used to measure test
current, especially Ilm, the load loss
current, and
(SC) is a conductor for providing a shortcircuit across the output windings for the
load loss measurements.
(b) Either the primary or the secondary
winding can be connected to the test set.
However, more compatible voltage and
current levels for the measuring instruments
are available if for no-load loss measurements
the secondary (low voltage) winding is
connected to the test set, and for load loss
4.3.2 Three-Phase Test Sets.
Use these for testing three-phase
distribution transformers. Use in a four-wire,
three-wattmeter test circuit. Without Instrument Transformers.
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with RULES3
W is a wattmeter used to measure Pnm and
Plm, the no-load and load loss power,
Vrms is a true root-mean-square (rms)
voltmeter used to measure Vr(nm) and Vlm,
the rms test voltages in no-load and load
loss measurements, respectively,
Vav is an average sensing voltmeter,
calibrated to indicate rms voltage for
sinusoidal waveforms and used to
measure Va(nm), the average voltage in noload loss measurements,
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
must be made to switch the voltmeters for
line-to-neutral and line-to-line measurements
as in section The voltage sensors
(‘‘coils’’) of the wattmeters must always be
connected in the line-to-neutral
Therefore a provision must be made to
switch the voltmeters for line-to-neutral
measurements for wye-connected windings
and for line-to-line measurements for deltaconnected windings. With Instrument Transformers.
A three-phase test set with instrument
transformers is shown in Figure 4.4. This test
set is essentially the same circuit shown in
Figure 4.2 repeated three times. Provision
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(b) Either group of windings, the primary
or the secondary, can be connected in wye
or delta configuration. If both groups of
windings are connected in the wye
configuration for the no-load test, the neutral
of the winding connected to the test set must
be connected to the neutral of the source to
provide a return path for the neutral current.
(c) In the no-load loss measurement, the
voltage on the winding must be measured.
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Pncl =
P1 + kP2
( 4-1)
Pncl is the no-load loss corrected to a sinewave basis at the temperature (Tnm) at
which no-load loss is measured,
Pnm is the measured no-load loss at
temperature Tnm,
P1 is the per unit hysteresis loss,
P2 is the per unit eddy-current loss,
P1 + P2 = 1,
Vr ( nm )
Va ( nm )
Vr(nm) is the test voltage measured by rms
voltmeter, and
Va(nm) is the test voltage measured by averagevoltage voltmeter.
(d) The two loss components (P1 and P2)
are assumed equal in value, each assigned a
value of 0.5 per unit, unless the actual
measurement-based values of hysteresis and
eddy-current losses are available (in per unit
form), in which case the actual
measurements apply. Correction of No-Load Loss to
Reference Temperature.
After correcting the measured no-load loss
for waveform distortion, correct the loss to
the reference temperature of 20 °C. If the noload loss measurements were made between
10 °C and 30 °C, this correction is not
required. If the correction to reference
temperature is applied, then the core
temperature of the transformer during noload loss measurement (Tnm) must be
determined within ± 10 °C of the true average
core temperature. Correct the no-load loss to
the reference temperature by using equation
4–2 as follows:
Pnc = Pncl 1 + 0.00065 ( Tnm − Tnr )
( 4-2 )
Pnc is the no-load losses corrected for
waveform distortion and then to the
reference temperature of 20 °C,
Pnc1 is the no-load losses, corrected for
waveform distortion, at temperature Tnm,
Tnm is the core temperature during the
measurement of no-load losses, and
Tnr is the reference temperature, 20 °C.
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4.5 Load Losses: Measurement and
4.5.1 General Considerations.
(a) The load losses of a transformer are
those losses incident to a specified load
carried by the transformer. Load losses
consist of ohmic loss in the windings due to
the load current and stray losses due to the
eddy currents induced by the leakage flux in
the windings, core clamps, magnetic shields,
tank walls, and other conducting parts. The
ohmic loss of a transformer varies directly
with temperature, whereas the stray losses
vary inversely with temperature.
(b) For a transformer with a tap changer,
conduct the test at the rated current and
rated-voltage tap position. For a transformer
that has a configuration of windings which
allows for more than one nominal rated
voltage, determine its load losses either in
the winding configuration in which the
highest losses occur or in each winding
configuration in which the transformer can
4.5.2 Tests for Measuring Load Losses.
(a) Connect the transformer with either the
high-voltage or low-voltage windings to the
appropriate test set. Then short-circuit the
winding that was not connected to the test
set. Apply a voltage at the rated frequency (of
the transformer under test) to the connected
windings to produce the rated current in the
transformer. Take the readings of the
wattmeter(s), the ammeters(s), and rms
(b) Regardless of the test set selected, the
following preparatory requirements must be
satisfied for accurate test results:
(1) Determine the temperature of the
windings using the applicable method in
section 3.2.1 or section 3.2.2.
(2) The conductors used to short-circuit the
windings must have a cross-sectional area
equal to, or greater than, the corresponding
transformer leads, or, if the tester uses a
different method to short-circuit the
windings, the losses in the short-circuiting
conductor assembly must be less than 10
percent of the transformer’s load losses.
(3) When the tester uses a power supply
that is not synchronized with an electric
utility grid, such as a dc/ac motor-generator
set, follow the provisions of the ‘‘Note’’ in
section 4.4.2.
4.5.3 Corrections. Correction for Losses from
Instrumentation and Auxiliary Devices. Instrumentation Losses.
Measured losses attributable to the
voltmeters, wattmeter voltage circuit and
short-circuiting conductor (SC), and to the
voltage transformers if they are used, may be
deducted from the total load losses measured
during testing. Losses from Auxiliary Devices.
Measured losses attributable to auxiliary
devices (e.g., circuit breakers, fuses,
switches) installed in the transformer, if any,
that are not part of the winding and core
assembly, may be excluded from load losses
measured during testing. To exclude these
losses, either (1) measure transformer losses
without the auxiliary devices by removing or
by-passing them, or (2) measure transformer
losses with the auxiliary devices connected,
determine the losses associated with the
ER27AP06.017 Correction for Non-Sinusoidal
Applied Voltage.
(a) The measured value of no-load loss
must be corrected to a sinusoidal voltage,
except when waveform distortion in the test
voltage causes the magnitude of the
correction to be less than 1 percent. In such
a case, no correction is required.
(b) To make a correction where the
distortion requires a correction of 5 percent
or less, use equation 4–1. If the distortion
requires a correction to be greater than 5
percent, improve the test voltage and re-test.
Repeat until the distortion requires a
correction of 5 percent or less.
(c) Determine the no-load losses of the
transformer corrected for sine-wave basis
from the measured value by using equation
4–1 as follows:
ER27AP06.016 Test Set Neutrals.
If the power source in the test circuit is
wye-connected, ground the neutral. If the
power source in the test circuit is deltaconnected, use a grounding transformer to
obtain neutral and ground for the test.
4.4 No-Load Losses: Measurement and
4.4.1 General Considerations.
Measurement corrections are permitted but
not required for instrumentation losses and
for losses from auxiliary devices.
Measurement corrections are required:
(a) When the waveform of the applied
voltage is non-sinusoidal; and
(b) When the core temperature or liquid
temperature is outside the 20 °C ± 10 °C
4.4.2 No-Load Loss Test.
(a) The purpose of the no-load loss test is
to measure no-load losses at a specified
excitation voltage and a specified frequency.
The no-load loss determination must be
based on a sine-wave voltage corrected to the
reference temperature. Connect either of the
transformer windings, primary or secondary,
to the appropriate test set of Figures 4.1 to
4.4, giving consideration to section
4.4.2(a)(2). Leave the unconnected winding(s)
open circuited. Apply the rated voltage at
rated frequency, as measured by the averagesensing voltmeter, to the transformer. Take
the readings of the wattmeter(s) and the
average-sensing and true rms voltmeters.
Observe the following precautions:
(1) Voltmeter connections. When
correcting to a sine-wave basis using the
average-voltmeter method, the voltmeter
connections must be such that the waveform
applied to the voltmeters is the same as the
waveform across the energized windings.
(2) Energized windings. Energize either the
high voltage or the low voltage winding of
the transformer under test.
(3) Voltage and frequency. The no-load loss
test must be conducted with rated voltage
impressed across the transformer terminals
using a voltage source at a frequency equal
to the rated frequency of the transformer
under test.
(b) Adjust the voltage to the specified value
as indicated by the average-sensing
voltmeter. Record the values of rms voltage,
rms current, electrical power, and average
voltage as close to simultaneously as
possible. For a three-phase transformer, take
all of the readings on one phase before
proceeding to the next, and record the
average of the three rms voltmeter readings
as the rms voltage value.
Note: When the tester uses a power supply
that is not synchronized with an electric
utility grid, such as a dc/ac motor-generator
set, check the frequency and maintain it
within ±0.5 percent of the rated frequency of
the transformer under test. A power source
that is directly connected to, or synchronized
with, an electric utility grid need not be
monitored for frequency.
4.4.3 Corrections. Correction for Instrumentation
Measured losses attributable to the
voltmeters and wattmeter voltage circuit, and
to voltage transformers if they are used, may
be deducted from the total no-load losses
measured during testing.
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
per unit correction, bn, obtained by using
equation 4–3 as follows:
p lm
( 4-3)
(b) The correction must be applied if bn is
outside the limits of ±0.01. If bn is within the
limits of ±0.01, the correction is permitted
but not required.
Plcl = Plm − Vlm Ilm ( βw − βv + βc ) sin φ
(d) The symbols in this section (
have the following meanings:
Plc1 is the corrected wattmeter reading for
phase angle errors,
Plm is the actual wattmeter reading,
Vlm is the measured voltage at the
transformer winding,
Ilm is the measured rms current in the
transformer winding,
φ = cos −1
Vlm Ilm
is the measured phase angle between Vlm and
bw is the phase angle error (in radians) of the
wattmeter; the error is positive if the
phase angle between the voltage and
current phasors as sensed by the
wattmeter is smaller than the true phase
angle, thus effectively increasing the
measured power,
bv is the phase angle error (in radians) of the
voltage transformer; the error is positive
if the secondary voltage leads the
primary voltage, and
bc is the phase angle error (in radians) of the
current transformer; the error is positive if
the secondary current leads the primary
(e) The instrumentation phase angle errors
used in the correction equations must be
specific for the test conditions involved. Temperature Correction of Load
(a) When the measurement of load loss is
made at a temperature Tlm that is different
from the reference temperature, use the
procedure summarized in the equations 4–6
to 4–10 to correct the measured load loss to
the reference temperature. The symbols used
in these equations are defined at the end of
this section.
(b) Calculate the ohmic loss (Pe) by using
equation 4–6 as follows:
= Ilm ( p ) R dc( p )
Tk ( p ) + Tlm
Tk ( p ) + Tdc
+ Ilm (s ) R dc(s )
Pe = Pe( p ) + Pe(s )
Tk (s ) + Tlm
Tk (s ) + Tdc
Tk (s ) + Tlm
Tk ( p ) + Tlm N1
= Ilm ( p ) R dc( p )
+ R dc(s )
Tk (s ) + Tdc
Tk ( p ) + Tdc N 2
( 4-7 )
Per = Pe( p )
Tk ( p ) + Tlr
Tk ( p ) + Tlm
+ Pe(s )
Tk (s ) + Tlr
Tk (s ) + Tlm
Tk ( p ) + Tlr N1 2
Tk (s ) + Tlr
= Ilm ( p ) R dc( p )
+ R dc(s )
Tk ( p ) + Tdc N 2
Tk (s ) + Tdc
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Psr = ( Plc1 − Pe )
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Tk + Tlm
Tk + Tlr
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( 4-9 )
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(e) Add the ohmic and stray losses,
corrected to the reference temperature, to
give the load loss, Plc2, at the reference
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Ps = Plc1 − Pe
(d) Correct the ohmic and stray losses to
the reference temperature for the load loss by
using equations 4–8 and 4–9, respectively, as
(c) Obtain the stray loss by subtracting the
calculated ohmic loss from the measured
load loss, by using equation 4–7 as follows:
( 4-6 )
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( 4-8)
temperature, by using equation 4–10 as
( 4-5)
Plcl = Vlm Ilm cos ( φ + βw − βv + βc )
( 4-4 )
Vlm Ilm ( βw − βv + βc ) sin φ
βn =
(c) If the correction for phase angle errors
is to be applied, first examine the total
system phase angle (bw ¥ bv + bc). Where the
total system phase angle is equal to or less
than ±12 milliradians (±41 minutes), use
either equation 4–4 or 4–5 to correct the
measured load loss power for phase angle
errors, and where the total system phase
angle exceeds ±12 milliradians (±41 minutes)
use equation 4–5, as follows:
auxiliary devices, and deduct these losses
from the load losses measured during testing. Correction for Phase Angle Errors.
(a) Corrections for phase angle errors are
not required if the instrumentation is
calibrated over the entire range of power
factors and phase angle errors. Otherwise,
determine whether to correct for phase angle
errors from the magnitude of the normalized
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
Plc 2 = Per + Psr
Tk ( p ) + Tlr N1 2
Tk (s ) + Tlr
= Ilm ( p ) R dc( p )
+ R dc(s )
Tk ( p ) + Tdc N 2
Tk (s ) + Tdc
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( 5-1)
Plc is the adjusted load loss power to the
specified energy efficiency load level,
Plc2 is as calculated in section,
Por is the rated transformer apparent power
(name plate),
Pos is the specified energy efficiency load
level, where , and Pos = PorL2, and
L is the per unit load level, e.g., if the load
level is 50 percent then ‘‘L’’ will be 0.5.
5.2 Total Loss Power Calculation.
Calculate the corrected total loss power by
using equation 5–2 as follows:
( 5-2 )
Pts = Pnc + Plc
Pts is the corrected total loss power adjusted
for the transformer output loading
specified by the standard,
Pnc is as calculated in section, and
Plc is as calculated in section 5.1.
5.3 Energy Efficiency Calculation.
Calculate efficiency (h) in percent at
specified energy efficiency load level, Pos, by
using equation 5–3 as follows:
η = 100
Pos + Pts
( 5-3)
Pos is as described and calculated in section
5.1, and
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6.0 Test Equipment Calibration and
Maintain and calibrate test equipment and
measuring instruments, maintain calibration
records, and perform other test and
measurement quality assurance procedures
according to the following sections. The
calibration of the test set must confirm the
accuracy of the test set to that specified in
section 2.0, Table 2.1.
6.1 Test Equipment.
The party performing the tests shall
control, calibrate and maintain measuring
and test equipment, whether or not it owns
the equipment, has the equipment on loan,
or the equipment is provided by another
party. Equipment shall be used in a manner
which assures that measurement uncertainty
is known and is consistent with the required
measurement capability.
6.2 Calibration and Certification.
The party performing the tests must:
(a) Identify the measurements to be made,
the accuracy required (section 2.0) and select
the appropriate measurement and test
(b) At prescribed intervals, or prior to use,
identify, check and calibrate, if needed, all
measuring and test equipment systems or
devices that affect test accuracy, against
certified equipment having a known valid
relationship to nationally recognized
standards; where no such standards exist, the
basis used for calibration must be
(c) Establish, document and maintain
calibration procedures, including details of
equipment type, identification number,
location, frequency of checks, check method,
acceptance criteria and action to be taken
when results are unsatisfactory;
(d) Ensure that the measuring and test
equipment is capable of the accuracy and
precision necessary, taking into account the
voltage, current and power factor of the
transformer under test;
(e) Identify measuring and test equipment
with a suitable indicator or approved
identification record to show the calibration
(f) Maintain calibration records for
measuring and test equipment;
Plc = Plc 2 os = Plc 2 L2
Pts is as described and calculated in section
5.4 Significant Figures in Power Loss and
Efficiency Data.
In measured and calculated data, retain
enough significant figures to provide at least
1 percent resolution in power loss data and
0.01 percent resolution in efficiency data.
5.0 Determining the Efficiency Value of the
This section presents the equations to use
in determining the efficiency value of the
transformer at the required reference
conditions and at the specified loading level.
The details of measurements are described in
sections 3.0 and 4.0. For a transformer that
has a configuration of windings which allows
for more than one nominal rated voltage,
determine its efficiency either at the voltage
at which the highest losses occur or at each
voltage at which the transformer is rated to
5.1 Output Loading Level Adjustment.
If the output loading level for energy
efficiency is different from the level at which
the load loss power measurements were
made, then adjust the corrected load loss
power, Plc2, by using equation 5–1 as follows:
(f) The symbols in this section (
have the following meanings:
Ilm(p) is the primary current in amperes,
Ilm(s) is the secondary current in amperes,
Pe is the ohmic loss in the transformer in
watts at the temperature Tlm,
Pe(p) is the ohmic loss in watts in the primary
winding at the temperature Tlm,
Pe(s) is the ohmic loss in watts in the
secondary winding at the temperature
Per is the ohmic loss in watts corrected to the
reference temperature,
Plc1 is the measured load loss in watts,
corrected for phase angle error, at the
temperature Tlm,
Plc2 is the load loss at the reference
Ps is the stray loss in watts at the temperature
Psr is the stray loss in watts corrected to the
reference temperature,
Rdc(p) is the measured dc primary winding
resistance in ohms,
Rdc(s) is the measured dc secondary winding
resistance in ohms,
Tk is the critical temperature in degrees
Celsius for the material of the
transformer windings. Where copper is
used in both primary and secondary
windings, Tk is 234.5 °C; where
aluminum is used in both primary and
secondary windings, Tk is 225 °C; where
both copper and aluminum are used in
the same transformer, the value of 229 °C
is used for Tk,
Tk(p) is the critical temperature in degrees
Celsius for the material of the primary
winding: 234.5 °C if copper and 225 °C
if aluminum,
Tk(s) is the critical temperature in degrees
Celsius for the material of the secondary
winding: 234.5 °C if copper and 225 °C
if aluminum,
Tlm is the temperature in degrees Celsius at
which the load loss is measured,
Tlr is the reference temperature for the load
loss in degrees Celsius,
Tdc is the temperature in degrees Celsius at
which the resistance values are
measured, and
N1/N2 is the ratio of the number of turns in
the primary winding (N1) to the number
of turns in the secondary winding (N2);
for a primary winding with taps, N1 is
the number of turns used when the
voltage applied to the primary winding
is the rated primary voltage.
( 4-10 )
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with RULES3
T + Tlm N1 2
Tk (s ) + Tlm Tk + Tlm
Plc1 − Ilm ( p ) R dc( p ) k ( p )
+ R dc(s )
Tk ( p ) + Tdc N 2
Tk (s ) + Tdc Tk + Tlr
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
S1 =
i =1
− X1 )
n1 − 1
( 2)
Step 4. Compute the standard error
(SE(X1)) of the mean efficiency of the first
sample by using equation 3 as follows:
SE ( X1 ) =
( 3)
Step 5. Compute the sample size discount
(SSD(m1)) by using equation 4 as follows:
SSD ( m1 ) =
.08 100
− 1
1 + 1 +
m1 RE
( 4)
is based on an 8-percent tolerance in the total
power loss.
Given the value of n, determine one of the
(i) If the value of n is less than or equal
to n1 and if the mean energy efficiency of the
first sample (X1) is equal to or greater than
the lower control limit (LCL1), the basic
model is in compliance and testing is at an
(ii) If the value of n is greater than n1, and
no additional units are available for testing,
testing is at an end and the basic model is
in non-compliance. If the value of n is greater
than n1, and additional units are available for
testing, select a second sample n2. The size
of the n2 sample is determined to be the
smallest integer equal to or greater than the
difference n–n1. If the value of n2 so
calculated is greater than 20–n1, set n2 equal
to 20–n1.
Step 9. After testing the n2 sample,
compute the combined mean (X2) of the
measured energy performance of the n1 and
n2 tests of the combined first and second
samples by using equation 7 as follows:
n1 + n 2
n1 + n 2
i =1
where t has the value obtained in Step 5 and
SSD(m1) is sample size discount from Step 5.
Compare the combined sample mean (X2) to
the lower control limit (LCL2) to find one of
the following:
(i) If the mean of the combined sample (X2)
is less than the lower control limit (LCL2), the
basic model is in non-compliance and testing
is at an end.
(ii) If the mean of the combined sample
(X2) is equal to or greater than the lower
control limit (LCL2), the basic model is in
compliance and testing is at an end.
Manufacturer-Option Testing
If a determination of non-compliance is
made in Steps 6, 7 or 11, above, the
manufacturer may request that additional
testing be conducted, in accordance with the
following procedures.
Step A. The manufacturer requests that an
additional number, n3, of units be tested,
with n3 chosen such that n1+n2+n3 does not
exceed 20.
Step B. Compute the mean efficiency,
standard error, and lower control limit of the
new combined sample in accordance with
the procedures prescribed in Steps 8, 9, and
10, above.
Step C. Compare the mean performance of
the new combined sample to the lower
control limit (LCL2) to determine one of the
(a) If the new combined sample mean is
equal to or greater than the lower control
limit, the basic model is in compliance and
testing is at an end.
(b) If the new combined sample mean is
less than the lower control limit and the
value of n1+n2+n3 is less than 20, the
manufacturer may request that additional
units be tested. The total of all units tested
may not exceed 20. Steps A, B,and C are then
(c) Otherwise, the basic model is
determined to be in non-compliance.
[FR Doc. 06–3165 Filed 4–26–06; 8:45 am]
LCL 2 = SSD ( m1 ) − tSE ( X 2 )
X2 =
(Note that S1 is the value obtained above in
Step 3.)
Step 11. Set the lower control limit (LCL2)
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:25 Apr 26, 2006
Jkt 208001
PO 00000
Frm 00038
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with RULES3
where m1 is the number of units in the
sample, and RE is the applicable EPCA
efficiency when the test is to determine
compliance with the applicable statutory
standard, or is the labeled efficiency when
108 − 0.08RE
RE ( 8 − 0.08RE )
where S1 and t have the values used in Steps
3 and 6, respectively. The factor
where Xi is the measured efficiency of test i.
Step 3. Compute the sample standard
deviation (S1) of the measured efficiency of
the n1 tests in the first sample by using
equation 2 as follows:
n1 + n 2
1 n1
∑ Xi
n1 i =1
X1 =
where t is the 2.5th percentile of a tdistribution for a sample size of n1, which
yields a 97.5 percent confidence level for a
one-tailed t-test.
Step 7. Compare the mean of the first
sample (X1) with the lower control limit
(LCL1) to determine one of the following:
(i) If the mean of the first sample is below
the lower control limit, then the basic model
is in non-compliance and testing is at an end.
(ii) If the mean is equal to or greater than
the lower control limit, no final
determination of compliance or noncompliance can be made; proceed to Step 8.
Step 8. Determine the recommended
sample size (n) by using equation 6 as
tS (108 − 0.08RE )
n= 1
RE ( 8 − 0.08RE )
SE ( X 2 ) =
Step 1. The number of units in the sample
(m1) shall be in accordance with
§§ 431.198(a)(4), 431.198(a)(5), 431.198(a)(6)
and 431.198(a)(7) and shall not be greater
than twenty. The number of tests in the first
sample (n1) shall be in accordance with
§ 431.198(a)(8) and shall be not fewer than
Step 2. Compute the mean (Xi) of the
measured energy performance of the n1 tests
in the first sample by using equation 1 as
LCL1 = SSD ( m1 ) − tSE ( X1 )
Step 10. Compute the standard error
(SE(X2)) of the mean efficiency of the n1 and
n2 tests in the combined first and second
samples by using equation 8 as follows:
Appendix B to Subpart K of Part 431—
Sampling Plan for Enforcement Testing
the test is to determine compliance with the
labeled efficiency value.
Step 6. Compute the lower control limit
(LCL1) for the mean of the first sample by
using equation 5 as follows:
(g) Assess and document the validity of
previous test results when measuring and test
equipment is found to be out of calibration;
(h) Ensure that the environmental
conditions are suitable for the calibrations,
measurements and tests being carried out;
(i) Ensure that the handling, preservation
and storage of measuring and test equipment
is such that the accuracy and fitness for use
is maintained; and
(j) Safeguard measuring and test facilities,
including both test hardware and test
software, from adjustments which would
invalidate the calibration setting.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 81 (Thursday, April 27, 2006)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 24972-25008]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-3165]
[[Page 24971]]
Part III
Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
10 CFR Part 431
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Distribution
Transformers; Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 81 / Thursday, April 27, 2006 / Rules
and Regulations
[[Page 24972]]
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
10 CFR Part 431
[Docket No. EE-TP-98-550]
RIN 1904-AA85
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Distribution
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to Sections 323(b)(10) and 346(a) of the Energy
Policy and Conservation Act, as amended, (EPCA or the Act), 42 U.S.C.
6293(b)(10) and 6317(a), the Department of Energy (DOE or the
Department) promulgates a rule prescribing test procedures for
measuring the energy efficiency of distribution transformers under
EPCA, definitions to delineate the products covered by the test
procedures, provisions (including a sampling plan) manufacturers must
use to implement the test procedures, provisions to allow manufacturers
to use calculation methods to determine the efficiency of some of their
models, and enforcement testing for distribution transformers. The
Department will use the new test procedures in evaluating what energy
conservation standards are warranted for distribution transformers
other than the low-voltage dry-type. When DOE promulgates such
standards, then the test procedures and other provisions adopted today
will be used to determine the efficiencies and assess compliance of the
transformers subject to these standards. For low-voltage dry-type
distribution transformers, the new standards prescribed for them in
section 325(y) of EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 6295(y), go into effect on January 1,
2007, and all of the provisions of today's rule will become applicable
to those transformers at that time.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This final rule is effective May 30, 2006, except for
Sec. 431.197(a)(4)(i), section 6.2(f) of Appendix A and section 6.2(b)
and (c) of Appendix A which contain information collection requirements
that have not been approved by the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy will
publish a document in the Federal Register announcing the effective
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cyrus Nasseri, Project Manager, Test
Procedures for Distribution Transformers, Docket No. EE-TP-98-550,
United States (U.S.) Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Program, EE-2J, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121, (202) 586-9138,
Francine Pinto, Esq., U.S. Department of Energy, Office of General
Counsel, GC-72, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-
0121, (202) 586-9507, email:
I. Introduction
A. Authority and Background
B. Summary of the Final Rule
II. Discussion
A. General
B. Transformers Subject to the Test Procedure--Definition of
Distribution Transformer
1. General
2. Incorporation and Definition of EPCA's Exclusions--General
3. Specific EPCA Exclusions
a. Transformers with Tap Ranges of 20 Percent or More and
Special Impedance Transformers
b. Testing Transformers
c. Grounding Transformers
4. Other Exclusions Considered
5. Rebuilt or Refurbished Distribution Transformers
6. Coverage of Liquid-Filled Transformers
C. Test Procedure for Distribution Transformers
1. General Discussion
2. Specific Provisions of the Test Procedure
a. Testing Harmonic Transformers
b. Determining Winding Temperatures
c. Test Set Neutrals
d. Losses from Auxiliary Devices
e. Testing of Multiple Voltage Transformers
f. Short-Circuiting Conductor Strap
g. Revisions Suggested by NEMA in TP 2-2005
h. Language Corrections as to Conversion of the Resistance
Measurement to the Reference Temperature and Conducting the No-Load
Loss Test
D. Basic Model
1. General Discussion
2. Definition of a Basic Model
E. Manufacturer's Determination of Efficiency
1. General Discussion
2. Sampling Plan
3. Alternative Efficiency Determination Method (AEDM)
F. Enforcement Procedures
III. Procedural Requirements
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
D. Review Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
H. Review Under the Treasury and General Government
Appropriations Act of 1999
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
J. Review Under the Treasury and General Government
Appropriations Act, 2001
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
L. Review Under Section 32 of the Federal Energy Administration
Act of 1974
M. Congressional Notification
IV. Approval of the Office of the Secretary
I. Introduction
A. Authority and Background
Part C of Title III of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act
(EPCA) provides for an energy conservation program for certain
industrial equipment. (42 U.S.C. 6311-6317) Section 346 of EPCA states
that the Secretary of Energy (Secretary) must prescribe testing
requirements and energy conservation standards for those ``distribution
transformers'' for which the Secretary determines that standards
``would be technologically feasible and economically justified, and
would result in significant energy savings.'' (42 U.S.C. 6317(a)) The
recent amendments to EPCA set forth in the Energy Policy Act of 2005
(EPACT 2005), Pub. L. 109-58, accomplish the following for this
equipment: (1) Section 321(35) of EPCA now defines ``distribution
transformer'' (42 U.S.C. 6291(35)), (2) Section 323(b)(10) of EPCA
provides that the testing requirements ``shall be based on the
`Standard Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of
Distribution Transformers' prescribed by the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA TP 2-1998).'' (42 U.S.C.
6293(b)(10)),\1\ and (3) section 325(y) of EPCA prescribes minimum
efficiency levels for low-voltage dry-type distribution transformers
(42 U.S.C. 6295(y)).
\1\ Section 323(b)(10)(B) also provides that the Department may
``review and revise'' the test procedures established under that
subparagraph. (42 U.S.C. 6293(b)(10)(B))
On October 22, 1997, the Department issued a notice setting forth
its determination (hereafter referred to as the ``Determination'')
that, based on the best information it had available, energy
conservation standards for electric distribution transformers appeared
to be technologically feasible and economically justified, and were
likely to result in significant energy savings. 62 FR 54809.
The Department subsequently began the process for its issuance of
test procedures for distribution transformers. On February 10, 1998,
the Department held a public workshop (the ``1998 workshop'') to
discuss the following issues: (a) Whether DOE
[[Page 24973]]
should adopt national and international consensus standards as its test
procedures for determining the energy efficiency of distribution
transformers, (b) defining the transformers that the test procedures
will cover, (c) whether, and to what extent, there is a burden on
industry, especially on manufacturers, because of additional testing
and data processing, (d) the definition of ``basic model'' for
distribution transformers, (e) the sampling plan for units to be
tested, (f) the selection of an energy consumption measure for
distribution transformers, (g) the selection of reference temperatures,
(h) the requirements for applying corrections to measurement data, and
(i) the requirements for quality assurance in testing. The Department
also gave interested parties an opportunity to submit written comments
on these issues.
In 1998, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
published ``NEMA Standards Publication No. TP 2-1998, Standard Test
Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Distribution
Transformers,'' (NEMA TP 2-1998) a publication that extracts and
presents pertinent parts of the current industry standards for
distribution transformer efficiency testing. NEMA TP 2-1998 also
presents a weighted average method to compute the energy efficiency of
transformers, in order to demonstrate compliance with the efficiency
levels in NEMA Standard TP 1-1996 (NEMA TP 1).\2\ Comments received at
the 1998 workshop, written comments associated with this workshop, and
NEMA TP 2-1998 formed the basis for preparing the November 12, 1998,
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (the ``1998 proposed rule'') in this
proceeding. 63 FR 63359.
\2\ NEMA TP 1 contains suggested efficiency levels. Its full
name and title are ``NEMA Standards Publication No. TP 1-1996, Guide
for Determining Energy Efficiency for Distribution Transformers.''
NEMA TP 1 was updated in 2002, with modifications to some of the
efficiency levels.
In the 1998 proposed rule, the Department proposed to adopt testing
methods that (1) it could use to evaluate distribution transformers
during the development of efficiency standards, and (2) manufacturers
and DOE would use to determine the efficiency of the transformers which
the standards would cover. DOE proposed to incorporate by reference as
its test methods the provisions from either the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standards C57.12.90-1993 and
C57.12.91-1993 (using IEEE C57.12.00-1993 as an additional reference
source), or NEMA TP 2-1998. The 1998 proposed rule also included
proposed definitions of ``distribution transformer'' and related terms,
of terms used in the test procedure provisions, and of ``basic model.''
It also proposed a sampling plan for applying the test procedures to
perform compliance testing. The sampling approach was based on the plan
for compliance testing in 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part
430, which contains energy efficiency requirements for consumer
products, but tailored to distribution transformers and with a minimum
sample size of five units. The Department selected this approach
because it appeared to provide a satisfactory balance between assuring
the accuracy of efficiency ratings for distribution transformers and
minimizing the testing burden on manufacturers. The Department also
sought comment on three alternative compliance approaches for basic
models produced in small numbers.
DOE held a public meeting on January 6, 1999, on the 1998 proposed
rule and received nine written comments. After reviewing the oral and
written comments, DOE concluded that the comments raised a number of
significant issues that required additional analysis. On June 23, 1999,
the Department reopened the comment period on the 1998 proposed rule,
64 FR 33431, (the ``1999 reopening notice'') to provide an opportunity
for additional public comment on the following issues: (a) The
suitability of NEMA TP 2-1998 for adoption as the DOE test procedure;
(b) the adequacy of stakeholder opportunity to review NEMA TP 2-1998;
(c) the transformers covered under the definition of ``distribution
transformer;'' (d) the suitability of the definition of ``basic model''
for the purpose of grouping transformers to limit the test burden; and
(e) the appropriateness of the proposed sampling plan and a number of
alternatives for demonstrating compliance. The Department received five
comments in response to the 1999 reopening notice.
On the basis of these comments, two additional comments it received
subsequently, and its review of the issues raised by the 1998 proposed
rule and the 1999 reopening notice, the Department issued a
supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNOPR). 69 FR 45506 (July
29, 2004). In the SNOPR, DOE proposed to adopt (1) a new ``stand
alone'' test procedure for distribution transformers, drafted by the
Department and consisting almost entirely of test methods contained in
NEMA TP 2-1998 and other existing industry standards, (2) revised
definitions to establish which transformers the test procedure covers,
(3) a new definition of ``basic model'' and a new sampling plan, to
implement the test procedures, (4) provisions to allow manufacturers to
use calculation methods, instead of testing, to determine the
efficiency of some of their models, and (5) enforcement procedures,
including a testing protocol, for distribution transformers. DOE held a
public meeting on September 27, 2004, on the SNOPR (the ``2004 public
meeting'') and received six written comments.
Concurrently with this rulemaking, the Department has evaluated the
establishment of energy conservation standards for distribution
transformers. On October 2, 2000, the Department made available a
Framework Document for Distribution Transformer Energy Conservation
Standards Rulemaking, which was the subject of a public workshop on
November 1, 2000, and on which stakeholders submitted written comments
before and after the workshop. 65 FR 59761 (October 6, 2000).
Thereafter, the Department visited manufacturers of distribution
transformers and posted on DOE's website \3\ several draft reports
concerning the development of standards for these transformers. On the
same day that it published the SNOPR, DOE issued an Advance Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (ANOPR) for distribution transformer standards. 69
FR 45376 (July 29, 2004). Several of the written comments DOE received
in response to the ANOPR address issues raised in the SNOPR, and the
Department has referenced them in the docket of this rulemaking and has
considered them in formulating today's final rule.
On October 18, 2005, the Department published a final rule to place
in its regulations the energy conservation standards, and related
definitions, that Congress prescribed in EPACT 2005 for certain
consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment. 70 FR 60407.
The rule included the definitions for ``distribution transformer'' and
``low-voltage dry-type distribution transformer,'' and the standards
for low-voltage dry-type distribution transformers, that were contained
in EPACT 2005. 10 CFR sections 431.192 and 431.196. The Department put
the provisions for all of the commercial and industrial products
covered by EPACT 2005, including those for distribution transformers,
in 10 CFR Part 431. 70 FR 60414-18. In the prior Federal Register
notices dealing
[[Page 24974]]
with test procedures for distribution transformers, DOE had proposed
adding a new part 432 to include requirements for distribution
transformers. 63 FR 63376, 63369; 69 FR 45517, 45520. As a result of
DOE's decision, in response to EPACT 2005, to incorporate provisions
for distribution transformers into 10 CFR Part 431, today's final rule
places the new test procedures for this equipment in Subpart K to 10
CFR Part 431.
B. Summary of the Final Rule
The test procedure in today's rule is based on the test methods
contained in NEMA TP 2-1998 \4\ and IEEE Standards C57.12.90-1999 and
C57.12.91-2001. Initially, the Department will use the test procedure
to evaluate distribution transformers for which it is currently
developing energy conservation standards. When DOE promulgates such
standards, the Department will then require manufacturers to use the
test procedure to determine compliance with the standards and as a
basis for their efficiency representations for covered transformers.
The Department would also use the test procedure in any enforcement
proceeding concerning compliance with such standards and related
labeling requirements. In addition, the test procedures will become
mandatory for all of these purposes--compliance determination,
representations and enforcement--for low-voltage dry-type distribution
transformers when standards go into effect for them, pursuant to 42
U.S.C. 6295(y), on January 1, 2007.
\4\ In September 2005, NEMA provided the Department with its
revised test procedure document, TP 2-2005, which is similar to the
rule language in the SNOPR. The Department has treated this
submission as a comment on the SNOPR, has incorporated into today's
rule a number of the changes that this revision made to the SNOPR's
rule language, and addressed below the significant differences
between the revision and the SNOPR.
The language of today's rule sets forth all testing requirements,
without reference to other sources, for determining the energy
efficiency of distribution transformers. Measurement of electric power
consumed by the transformer is in the form of no-load and load losses.
The rule specifies methods with which to measure the temperature,
current, voltage, extent of distortion in voltage waveform, and direct
current resistance of the windings. The rule also prescribes provisions
for calculating efficiency. The testing methods are largely the same as
those proposed in the SNOPR, with several clarifying changes and a few
changes to provide manufacturers with greater flexibility.
Today's rule amends the definition of ``distribution transformer''
that DOE recently adopted, 70 FR 60416, by adding capacity limits (the
same ones the Department proposed in the SNOPR), making minor language
and format changes, and clarifying the exclusion of transformers with
tap ranges greater than 20 percent. As discussed below, today's
definition conforms to, and incorporates the relevant language from,
the definition that EPACT 2005 added to EPCA. (42 U.S.C. 6291(35)) The
Department's definition establishes which transformers the test
procedure covers. It uses the approach DOE proposed in the SNOPR--a
broad definition with numerical criteria, but narrowed by the exclusion
of specific types of transformers, many of which are not commonly
understood to be distribution transformers. The numerical criteria
(except for the added capacity limits) and the exclusions are the same
as those in EPCA's new definition. They include virtually the same
primary and secondary voltage ranges the Department proposed in the
SNOPR, most of the exclusions DOE proposed, and no additional
exclusions. Today's definition of distribution transformer, however,
does not include the exclusions of K-factor and harmonic mitigating
distribution transformers, which DOE proposed in the SNOPR but which
are absent from the EPCA definition. Stakeholders will have the
opportunity in the energy conservation standards rulemaking to comment
to the Department on whether standards should apply to these
Today's rule contains several features designed to reduce the
number of transformers that manufacturers would have to test. First,
the Department allows manufacturers to group models into ``basic
models'' for testing purposes, and defines ``basic model'' as proposed
in the SNOPR, with minor clarifications. Second, the rule includes the
same type of compliance sampling plan proposed in the SNOPR, except
that the sampling plan tolerance is based on a single-unit sample
tolerance (confidence limit) of eight percent, rather than the five
percent DOE proposed. And third, today's rule allows manufacturers to
use alternative methods, other than testing, to determine the
efficiency of some basic models. The rule incorporates the SNOPR
proposal except that manufacturers need not use a different method for
each of the following groups of distribution transformers: low-voltage
dry-type, medium-voltage dry-type, and liquid-immersed. Manufacturers
can use a single method for transformers in two or all three of these
groups so long as the method is validated separately in each of the
groups for which the manufacturer uses it. Today's rule also contains
the enforcement procedures proposed in the SNOPR, including a testing
protocol, modified to be consistent with the revised compliance
sampling plan tolerance. Finally, the Department is republishing in
this rule, without substantive change, the standards for low-voltage
dry-type distribution transformers that it originally codified at 70 FR
70417. Today's rule contains a revised table that has a clearer, more
appropriate format than the table in the original rule. The table also
includes the reference conditions for the standards, which DOE
inadvertently omitted from the initial codification but which are
essential elements of the standards, as set forth in Table 4-2 of NEMA
TP 1-2002, from which EPCA incorporates the standards. (42 U.S.C.
II. Discussion
A. General
Representatives of several organizations attended the public
meeting on September 27, 2004, including trade associations (Copper
Development Association, National Electrical Manufacturers Association
(NEMA), and National Rural Electric Cooperative Association),
transformer manufacturers (Acme Electric Corporation (ACME), ERMCO
Distribution Transformers (ERMCO), Federal Pacific Transformer (Federal
Pacific or FPT), Kuhlman Electric Corporation, Pemco Corporation
(Pemco), and Howard Industries, Inc. (Howard Industries or Howard)), a
core steel manufacturer (AK Steel Corporation), electric utility
companies (Georgia Power Company and Ameren Services), the Canadian
Government (Natural Resources Canada), the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) of the U.S. Department of Commerce, and
private research/consulting entities (BB&F Associates, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, Merritt and Associates, Navigant
Consulting, Inc., and Optimized Program Services, Inc.). NEMA also
submitted a written statement in advance of the public meeting.
Following the public meeting, ERMCO, Federal Pacific, Howard
Industries, Cooper Power Systems (Cooper) and NEMA each submitted a
written statement. In addition, the Department received ten comments in
its energy conservation standards rulemaking that pertained to both the
[[Page 24975]]
test procedure and the energy conservation standards rulemakings.
Therefore, the Department cross-referenced these comments from the
energy conservation standards docket (EE-RM/STD-00-550) to this
proceeding. The ten cross-referenced comments were submitted by Pemco,
ERMCO, Harmonics Limited, NEMA, Federal Pacific, HVOLT, Inc. (HVOLT),
Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE), Howard Industries, Power Quality
International (PQI) and EMS International Consulting (EMS).
The following summarizes the issues addressed in the preamble of
the SNOPR and discusses in detail the points on which significant
comments were presented during and after the public meeting.
B. Transformers Subject to the Test Procedure--Definition of
Distribution Transformer
1. General
Although EPCA directed DOE to prescribe energy conservation
standards and test procedures for certain ``distribution transformers''
(42 U.S.C. 6317(a)), until recently the Act did not define that term.
Therefore, the Department undertook to adopt such a definition in this
rulemaking. It proposed a definition in the 1998 proposed rule, 63 FR
63362-63, 63369-70, addressed the issue again in the 1999 reopening
notice, 64 FR 33432-34, and proposed a substantially revised definition
in the SNOPR. 69 FR 45506. That revised definition included
transformers meeting numerical criteria as to primary and secondary
voltage and capacity, and excluded specifically listed types of
transformers. 69 FR 45509-10, 45520-22. The Department designed that
definition primarily to (1) encompass within ``distribution
transformer'' only those transformers commonly understood to be
distribution transformers, i.e. those made for the distribution of
electricity, and (2) exclude those distribution transformers for which
standards clearly would not produce significant energy savings. 69 FR
EPACT 2005 recently revised EPCA to include a definition of
``distribution transformer'' (42 U.S.C. 6291(35)), thus filling the gap
DOE had sought to fill with its own definition. As part of the final
rule mentioned above, to place in the CFR certain provisions prescribed
in EPACT 2005, the Department incorporated this new definition, almost
verbatim, into 10 CFR section 431.192. 70 FR 60407, 60416-17. (In the
paragraphs that follow, the new definition is referred to as the
``EPCA'' or ``new'' definition.) The EPCA definition is similar in
approach and content to the definition proposed in the SNOPR. It
includes numerical criteria--a maximum input voltage and frequency that
are similar to those in the SNOPR definition, and a maximum output
voltage that is identical--as well as a list of excluded transformers
that is quite similar to the SNOPR's list of excluded transformers.
(The differences between EPCA's list of exclusions and the SNOPR's list
are discussed below. Today's rule adheres to the EPCA list.) The new
definition also authorizes DOE to add to the list of exclusions any
type of transformer that meets certain criteria.
One significant difference exists, however, between the numerical
criteria in the EPCA and SNOPR definitions. No capacity ranges are
stated in the new definition, whereas the SNOPR definition limits the
term ``distribution transformer'' to liquid immersed units with a
capacity of 10 kVA to 2500 kVA, and dry-type units with a capacity of
15 kVA to 2500 kVA. (The Department has been using a similar definition
to delineate the transformers it is evaluating in the standards
rulemaking. 69 FR 45381-45384.) Transformers outside of these ranges
are not typically used for electricity distribution, which is the
commonly understood function of a distribution transformer. The
Department received no adverse comment on these proposed ranges.
Moreover, NEMA agreed with the proposed lower capacity limit for dry-
type transformers, indicating that efficiency standards for
transformers with lower kVA ratings would fail to meet the criteria in
section 346 of EPCA. (NEMA, No. 39 at p. 2; Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 42.11 at p. 22) \5\ But notwithstanding the lack of any explicit
capacity limits in the EPCA definition of distribution transformer, as
a practical matter an upper capacity limit is implicit in that
definition. A transformer's capacity is to some extent tied to its
primary (input) and secondary (output) voltages. Therefore, the maximum
limits for primary and secondary voltages, of 34.5 kilovolts and 600
volts, respectively, in the EPCA definition have the practical effect
of limiting transformers that meet the definition to those with a
maximum capacity in the range of approximately 3750 to 5000 kVA, or
possibly slightly higher. The voltage limits in the EPCA definition,
however, subsume no lower limit on capacity.
\5\ A notation in the form ``NEMA, No. 39 at p. 2'' identifies a
written comment the Department has received and has included in the
docket of this rulemaking. This particular notation refers to a
comment (1) by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association
(NEMA), (2) in document number 39 in the docket of this rulemaking
(maintained in the Resource Room of the Building Technologies
Program), and (3) appearing on page 2 of document number 39.
Likewise, ``Public Meeting Transcript, No. 42.11 at p. 22,'' for
example, would refer to page 22 of the transcript of the ``Public
Meeting on Test Procedures for Distribution Transformers'' held in
Washington, DC, September 27, 2005, which is document number 42.11
in the docket of this rulemaking.
It is unclear whether ``distribution transformer'' as now defined
in EPCA and DOE's regulations is, or can be, subject to capacity ranges
other than the just-mentioned upper limit. On the one hand, the new
definition includes no such capacity limitation, and it authorizes DOE
to exclude from the definition, by rule, any transformer if it is
designed for a special application, is unlikely to be used in a general
purpose application, and significant energy savings would not result
from applying standards to it. (42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(iii)) This
suggests that unless, and until, DOE acts and identifies capacity
ranges that meet these criteria, they are not part of the new
definition of distribution transformer. On the other hand, it is
uncertain whether Congress intended to regulate as distribution
transformers units outside of the capacity ranges in the SNOPR, because
few are used to distribute electricity. In addition, at the same time
it enacted the new distribution transformer definition, Congress also
directed use of, and incorporated into EPCA, provisions of NEMA TP 2-
1998 and NEMA TP 1-2002, respectively (42 U.S.C. 6293(b)(10) and
6295(y)), both of which apply only to transformers with capacity ranges
similar to those in the SNOPR definition. Thus, Congress may have
intended to limit the term ``distribution transformer'' to transformers
within the capacity ranges that normally characterize transformers that
distribute electricity. If so, that would mean the Department's
authority to regulate the efficiency of transformers under 42 U.S.C.
6317 would be limited to transformers within these capacity ranges.
Given the inclusive language of EPCA's definition of distribution
transformer, however, the Department is not prepared at this point to
infer that EPCA imposes this limitation. The Department also does not
possess information on whether transformers outside of these ranges
would meet the criteria in 42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(iii), particularly the
one on energy savings from applying standards, for exclusion from the
definition of distribution transformer. The standards rulemaking
[[Page 24976]]
for distribution transformers, in which DOE would develop such
information, and this test procedure rulemaking to a slightly lesser
extent, have focused almost entirely on transformers within the
capacity ranges. Thus, at the present time, DOE is proceeding on the
premise that ``distribution transformer'' as defined in EPCA includes
transformers outside the capacity ranges in the SNOPR.
One option, therefore, would be for the Department to retain this
definition in its rules, not revise it in today's rule, and apply it in
any standards rulemaking as well. That would have little or no impact
on adoption of the test procedures in today's rule, but it might delay
issuance of the rule. The Department believes that the test procedures
as proposed in the SNOPR and revised for inclusion in today's rule
would be valid for determining the efficiency of transformers with
capacities up to the limits implicit in EPCA's definition, and below
the lower end of the proposed ranges proposed in the SNOPR.
Nevertheless, because DOE had not proposed to apply the test procedure
to transformers with such capacities, it would have to provide some
opportunity for public comment on the applicability of the test
procedure to those transformers. Doing so could delay completion of
this rulemaking.
The impact in the standards rulemaking, of applying the EPCA
definition without capacity limits, would be much greater than the
impact of doing so in this test procedure rulemaking. Formulating
standards for a product involves developing an understanding of, and
evaluating, factors such as the nature of the product, its market, the
technical feasibility of potential efficiency improvements, the
manufacturing costs of such improvements, the resulting energy savings,
the cost of the improved product(s) to purchasers, the impact of
efficiency standards on manufacturers and utilities, and environmental
and employment impacts, as well as other factors unique to a particular
product. The Department has been engaged in such activities with
respect to distribution transformers for over five years, examining for
the most part products within the capacity ranges in the SNOPR
definition of distribution transformer. It is now developing proposed
standards for these products. To expand that rulemaking now to include
transformers outside these ranges would impose a substantial burden on
DOE, and would substantially delay the rulemaking by requiring that the
Department go back to the beginning of the process of evaluating
standards for these additional transformers. Neither DOE nor
stakeholders contemplated that the standards rulemaking would cover
these additional transformers. To the contrary, as indicated above,
interested parties had reached a consensus as to the transformers to be
covered in the standards rulemaking, and expect that DOE will now move
as promptly as possible to promulgate standards for these transformers.
Another possibility would be for the Department to attempt to
preserve the current scope of the standards and test procedure
rulemakings by pursuing exclusion from the definition of distribution
transformer, under 42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(iii), of transformers with
capacities outside the ranges specified in the SNOPR definition. This
too would delay the rulemakings. For DOE to gather relevant information
and assess whether transformers above and below the SNOPR's capacity
ranges meet the criteria in 42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(iii), would be
burdensome and time consuming. And if DOE determined exclusion of these
transformers to be warranted, it would have to undertake additional
rulemaking proceedings to achieve such exclusion. Moreover, if DOE were
to conclude that these transformers do not meet the criteria for
exclusion, DOE would be in essentially the same position it is in now.
The Department is determined to avoid further delays in the
rulemakings on standards and test procedures for distribution
transformers. Therefore, it does not wish either to expand these
rulemakings to cover transformers outside the SNOPR's capacity ranges,
or to pursue at this time exclusion of such transformers from the
definition of distribution transformer. Furthermore, the transformers
within these capacity ranges clearly are within the new EPCA definition
of distribution transformer, so the Department is authorized to pursue
standards for them, and DOE believes there are ample grounds to
conclude that such standards are warranted under the criteria of
section 346(a) of EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 6317(a).
For these reasons, Sec. 431.192 of today's final rule modifies the
EPCA definition of distribution transformer that was recently
incorporated into the DOE rules by adding to it the kVA capacity
limitations in the SNOPR definition. This definition will not include,
as it could not, any transformers excluded from the EPCA definition,
and today's test procedure and any standards rulemaking will not cover
such transformers. The Department is adopting this definition, with its
capacity limitations, for the purpose of delineating the coverage of
today's rule, as well as the transformers that will be evaluated in the
current standards rulemaking for distribution transformers. The
inclusion of the capacity limitations in today's definition does not
mean that DOE has concluded that the EPCA definition of distribution
transformer includes such limitations. Rather, at some point after
completion of the current rulemakings as to distribution transformers,
the Department intends to evaluate transformers with larger and smaller
capacities than those included in today's definition, review how EPCA
should be construed with regard to those transformers, and decide what
if any action to take with regard to adoption of efficiency
requirements for such transformers. If DOE adopts efficiency
requirements for any of these transformers, it would amend the
definition of ``distribution transformer'' in its regulations
Finally, the capacity limitations in today's definition of
``distribution transformer'' will have no effect on the existing
requirements for low-voltage dry-type distribution transformers. EPCA
sets forth a definition and standards for this equipment, 42 U.S.C.
6291(38) and 6295(y), which DOE incorporated into its regulations at 10
CFR sections 431.192 and 431.196(a). Because the definition states that
a ``low-voltage dry-type distribution transformer'' is a ``distribution
transformer'' that meets certain criteria, the addition of capacity
limits to the definition of ``distribution transformer'' could be read
as affecting what constitutes a ``low-voltage dry-type distribution
transformer'' under the regulation. As stated above, however, the
maximum limits for primary and secondary voltages of 34.5 kilovolts and
600 volts, respectively, in EPCA's definition of ``distribution
transformer,'' in effect limit transformers that meet that definition
to those with a maximum capacity of approximately 3750 to 5000 kVA.
Similarly, one of the criteria for a ``low-voltage dry-type
distribution transformer'' is that its primary voltage not exceed 600
volts, 10 CFR section 431.192, which contemplates a secondary voltage
much lower than 600 volts. The obvious effect of this is that a
transformer will be a ``low-voltage dry-type distribution transformer''
under the regulations only if its maximum capacity is far less than
3750 kVA, and in all likelihood less than the 2500 kVA maximum in
today's definition of distribution transformer. In addition,
[[Page 24977]]
EPCA and DOE rules prescribe standards for low-voltage dry-type
distribution transformers only with kVA's within the range of 15 to
1000, 42 U.S.C. 6295(y) and 10 CFR section 431.196(a), which are within
the 15 to 2500 kVA range that today's definition of ``distribution
transformer'' incorporates for dry-type transformers. For these
reasons, the capacity limitation in today's definition of
``distribution transformer'' has no impact on the current DOE and EPCA
requirements for low-voltage dry-type distribution transformers.
2. Incorporation and Definition of EPCA's Exclusions--General
As indicated above, DOE incorporated into its rules the new EPCA
definition of distribution transformer, including the language listing
specific types of excluded transformers and authorizing DOE to add to
that list. 70 FR 60416-17. Upon further review, the Department has
decided to adopt in Section 431.192 of today's rule several editorial,
clarifying and format changes to the language concerning the
To begin with, this language states that the term ``distribution
transformer'' does not include ``a transformer that is designed to be
used in a special purpose application and is unlikely to be used in
general purpose applications, such as [the list of specifically
excluded transformers]'' (42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(ii); 70 FR 60416-17) At
first reading, this language appears to exclude unspecified types of
transformers that meet the criteria just quoted, and to introduce a
list consisting of specific illustrations of the transformers excluded.
However, the very next paragraph of the definition states that DOE may,
``by rule,'' exclude ``any transformer not listed'' which meets
criteria that, in substantial part, are virtually identical to the
criteria just quoted. (42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(iii); 70 FR 60416) If the
definition were read as excluding any transformer, in addition to those
specifically listed, that met these criteria, this would obviate and
render null the provision authorizing DOE to exclude additional
transformers that meet these criteria, but only through rulemaking. The
Department believes, however, that the soundest construction of these
provisions is that transformers not specifically listed in the
definition can be excluded only through a DOE rulemaking, thus
providing certainty as to which transformers are covered at any given
point in time. Use of the language quoted at the beginning of this
paragraph to introduce the list of specifically excluded transformers
serves to describe those transformers, and helps indicate the types of
transformers the statute authorizes DOE to exclude by rule. Therefore,
because this provision does not actually delineate excluded
transformers, and in order to avoid confusion as to the function of
this language, DOE in today's rule has amended section 431.192 by
excluding it.
As just indicated, DOE incorporated into its definition of
distribution transformer language from EPCA that authorizes DOE to add
to the list of excluded transformers. (42 U.S.C. 62912(35)(B)(iii); 70
FR 60416-17) Because this language authorizes action by DOE and does
not actually describe transformers that are not ``distribution
transformers,'' upon further reflection the Department believes that
the language need not be included in the definition in the DOE rules.
Therefore, the Department has amended its definition of ``distribution
transformer'' by omitting this language from section 431.92 of today's
As to the specific exclusions, the Department indicated when it
adopted the EPCA definition, 70 FR 60408, that the definition uses
incorrect terms in its exclusions of ``Uninterruptible Power System
[UPS] transformer, impedance transformer, * * * [and] sealed and
nonventilating transformer.'' (42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(ii)) In accordance
with its expressed intention to address such minor drafting problems in
future rulemaking proceedings, where Congress has not already done so,
70 FR 60408, in today's rule DOE is amending its definition of
distribution transformer to correct use of these terms. First, UPS
transformers are commonly referred to as ``Uninterruptible Power Supply
transformers,'' not ``Uninterruptible Power System transformers,'' and
therefore DOE adopts the former term in today's rule. Second, every
transformer has an impedance, but only transformers with impedances
outside of normal ranges, i.e., ``special-impedance'' transformers,
warrant exclusion from standards. The Department had proposed to
exclude such transformers from its definition of distribution
transformer in the SNOPR, and NEMA excludes them from coverage of NEMA
TP 1 and TP 2. Therefore, DOE construes EPCA as excluding ``special
impedance'' transformers, and today's rule substitutes that term for
``impedance'' in the list of exclusions. Third, IEEE standards define
``sealed'' transformers separately from ``nonventilated'' transformers,
treating them as two different types of transformers. The definitions
are such that it would be highly unlikely for a particular transformer
to be both ``sealed'' and ``nonventilated.'' In the SNOPR, DOE treated
them as two separate exclusions from the term ``distribution
transformer,'' as it believes is appropriate. In light of the
foregoing, DOE construes EPCA as containing separate exclusions for
sealed and nonventilated transformers, and today's rule so provides.
The Department has also changed the format for the specific
exclusions in section 431.192 of today's rule, and adopted the approach
in the SNOPR, by placing the exclusions in a numbered list, rather than
simply listing them seriatim in a single paragraph. The Department
believes this will make the rule easier to read and use.
Finally, conforming to the approach in EPCA, DOE's recently adopted
rule lists the 12 types of transformers it excludes from the term
``distribution transformer,'' but contains no definition for any of
them. 70 FR 60416-17. In the SNOPR, DOE proposed definitions for the
transformers it proposed to exclude. The Department believes such
definitions are warranted because they help to clarify exactly which
transformers are covered. Today's rule includes seven definitions drawn
from IEEE standards, and five that DOE developed based on industry
catalogues, practice and nomenclature. DOE believes they represent a
reasonable construction of the EPCA exclusions. Except as indicated in
the discussion below of the definitions of special impedance, testing
and grounding transformers, they are the same definitions DOE proposed
in the SNOPR.
3. Specific EPCA Exclusions
a. Transformers With Tap Ranges of 20 Percent or More and Special
Impedance Transformers
EPCA and the Department's recently adopted rule exclude from the
definition of ``distribution transformer'' transformers with ``multiple
voltage taps, the highest of which equals at least 20 percent more than
the lowest.'' 42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(i); 70 FR 60416. The Department
reads this language as excluding transformers with a tap range of 20
percent or more. It is similar to the exclusion in the SNOPR of
transformers with a tap range greater than 15 percent. The language
EPCA uses for this exclusion, however, is ambiguous.
Each distribution transformer with multiple voltage taps has a
nominal voltage at which it normally operates and other voltages
(taps), typically
[[Page 24978]]
above and below its nominal voltage at which it can also operate. The
voltage taps enable the transformer to be connected to distribution
lines at these other voltages. The tap range represents the difference
between the highest and lowest voltage taps relative to the nominal
voltage, expressed as a percentage. It is unclear whether, under the
EPCA exclusion, a transformer's tap range is determined by computing
the percentage of the voltage difference between its lowest and highest
voltage taps relative to the voltage of the lower tap, or, as the
industry has traditionally done, by adding the sum of the percentages
by which the highest and the lowest voltage taps deviate from the
nominal voltage. (The traditional industry method is equivalent to the
percentage of the difference between the lowest and highest voltage
taps relative to the nominal voltage.) These two approaches generally
yield two different results for tap range value for any given
transformer with multiple voltage taps. For example, a 600-volt primary
transformer with two 2.5-percent taps above and four 2.5-percent taps
below the nominal, with the highest tap being 630 volts and the lowest
540 volts, would normally be referred to as having a tap range of 15
percent (i.e., 6 times 2.5 percent, or 90 volts as a percentage of 600
volts = 15 percent). Similarly, a 600-volt primary with three 2.5-
percent taps above and three 2.5-percent taps below the nominal, with
the highest tap being 645 volts and the lowest 555 volts, would also be
referred to under the traditional industry approach as having a tap
range of 15 percent. However, if the tap percentages for these
transformers were calculated as a percentage of the voltage rating of
the lowest tap (540 volts and 555 volts in these examples), these two
transformers would have a tap range of 16.2 percent and a 16.7 percent,
The Department believes that EPCA's exclusion of transformers with
a tap range of 20 percent or more is best construed as reflecting
standard industry practice, such that tap ranges do not vary with the
voltage rating of the lowest tap. Rather, tap range should be
calculated, and excluded transformers identified, based on the industry
practice of calculating the transformer's percent tap range relative to
the nominal voltage of the transformer. Accordingly, the Department
interprets EPCA as excluding transformers from the definition of
``distribution transformer'' when the aggregate of the transformer's
highest to lowest tap voltages, relative to the nominal voltage, equals
at least 20 percent. In section 431.192 of today's rule, the Department
has incorporated this interpretation into its regulations by adding
clarifying language to amend the regulation containing this exclusion
that it adapted from EPCA in 70 FR 60416.
The Department also notes that EPCA includes this exclusion in a
separate paragraph, rather than in the list that comprises the other
exclusions from the definition of ``distribution transformer.'' (42
U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(i)-(ii)) See 70 FR 60416. To present this exclusion
in the same format as the other exclusions, in section 431.192 of
today's rule the Department has added ``Transformer with Tap Range of
20 percent or more'' to the list of exclusions and defined that term
using the EPCA language that contains the exclusion, modified as just
As indicated above, the Department had proposed in the SNOPR to
exclude transformers with tap ranges greater than 15 percent. 69 FR
45110, 45420-22. Pemco, a manufacturer, expressed the concern that, if
the Department declines to adopt efficiency standards for distribution
transformers with a tap range of greater than 15 percent (currently the
standard tap range for low voltage dry-type transformers),
manufacturers might begin producing transformers with a slightly larger
tap range, and such transformers would not be covered by standards.
(Pemco, No. 48 at p. 2) That could create a significant loophole under
the regulations. Since the 20-percent tap range is larger than the
previously proposed 15-percent range, exclusion of transformers with
tap ranges of at least 20 percent should reduce the risk that
transformers with slightly larger tap ranges would be produced in order
to avoid coverage. But that risk will not be completely eliminated.
The exclusion of special impedance transformers, as provided in
EPCA, as recently incorporated by DOE into 10 CFR section 431.192, and
as previously proposed by DOE in the SNOPR, raises a similar issue. The
issue is brought into focus by DOE's proposed definition for these
transformers in the SNOPR. The proposed definition specified a normal
impedance range for each standard kVA rating, and stated that a
``special-impedance transformer'' would be any transformer with an
impedance outside the applicable range. Any such transformer would not
be a ``distribution transformer'' covered by the proposed rule. 69 FR
45510-11, 45520-22. No commenter objected to this exclusion, and only
one specifically addressed it. Howard Industries recommends that DOE
replace its proposed normal impedance ranges with ranges included in
Howard's comments, which are more in line with ranges ANSI uses to
delineate special impedance transformers and on which most utility
systems are based. (Howard, No. 55 at p. 3) For most kVA levels, DOE's
proposed ranges are broader than Howard's. Hence, DOE's ranges would
result in exclusion of fewer transformers, by classifying fewer as
``special impedance.'' In its revised test procedure document, NEMA TP
2-2005, NEMA incorporated DOE's proposed normal impedance ranges.
(NEMA, No. 60 Attachment 1 at pp. 5-6)
The Department is concerned that some transformers designed for
electricity distribution could be manufactured with impedances outside
normal ranges so that they would not be subject to otherwise applicable
efficiency standards. Such transformers could be less expensive to
manufacture than normal impedance transformers manufactured in
compliance with the standards, and therefore could have a competitive
advantage over standards-compliant distribution transformers. If this
occurred, it would subvert the standards. At best, the manufacturer(s)
of such new, non-complying transformers would sell them in place of
complying products they would otherwise have sold, and the product
would have a share of the market for which DOE analysis demonstrated
that standards were technologically feasible and economically
justified. This would reduce energy savings below the levels that
standards under EPCA are designed to achieve, and reduce the benefits
transformer consumers and the public would realize from the standards.
At worst, to avoid significant losses of market share to the competing,
non-complying transformer, other manufacturers would be forced to
produce the same type of non-complying unit. In that case, all or most
of the benefit of standards could be lost.
The Department believes that use of the impedance ranges in the
proposed rule, to delineate special impedance transformers, is a
reasonable implementation of EPCA's exclusion of these transformers.
This is the same approach, discussed above, that EPCA follows in its
exclusion of transformers with non-standard tap ranges, in that only
transformers that are considerably outside the normal ranges are
excluded from coverage. To construe EPCA otherwise, that is, to
construe it as excluding from coverage any transformer that falls
outside the current, standard normal impedance ranges, could spawn a
new generation of distribution transformers with impedances outside
these ranges, which
[[Page 24979]]
would not be subject to Federal efficiency standards and test
procedures. As just mentioned, this could subvert DOE's energy
efficiency standards. NEMA's inclusion of DOE's proposed impedance
ranges in the revised TP 2 standard provided to the Department, and the
fact that only one commenter objected to them, indicate they are a
sound basis for delineating the special impedance transformers that are
excluded from coverage under today's rule and DOE's efficiency
standards. Therefore, section 431.192 of today's rule retains the
SNOPR's proposed definition of the ``special-impedance transformers''
excluded from the term ``distribution transformer.''
The Department recognizes that this approach may not prevent
attempts to circumvent its efficiency requirements through manufacture
of distribution transformers that appear to, or do, fall just within
this exclusion or the exclusion of transformers with tap ranges of 20
percent or more. Such transformers could conceivably be manufactured
for use in standard applications to distribute electricity in power
distribution systems, but with efficiencies below those required by
DOE's standards. Indeed, other exclusions from today's definition of
distribution transformer could also be exploited to justify manufacture
of transformers, for standard distribution applications, that do not
meet DOE standards. The Department believes one such example may be the
exclusion for drive (isolation) transformers. Such transformers can be
similar to standard distribution transformers. A manufacturer might be
able to produce and market, for standard distribution uses, a
transformer that does not meet DOE efficiency standards but that
clearly, or arguably meets, DOE's definition of ``drive (isolation)
transformer,'' and claim that it is not a ``distribution transformer''
as defined by DOE.
The Department intends to strictly and narrowly construe the
exclusions from the definition of ``distribution transformer.'' It will
also take appropriate steps, including enforcement action if necessary,
if any manufacturer or other party erroneously invokes one of the
exclusions as a basis for marketing a transformer that is a
``distribution transformer'' under today's rule but does not meet DOE
standards. Moreover, to the extent transformers that do fall within the
exclusions begin to be marketed for standard distribution applications,
or find widespread use in such applications, DOE will examine whether
re-defining the relevant exclusions, and/or legislative action, is
b. Testing Transformers
EPCA, and DOE's recent rule, also exclude a ``testing transformer''
from the definition of distribution transformer, 42 U.S.C.
6291(35)(B)(ii) and 70 FR 60416, as does section 431.192 of today's
rule. The Department proposed this exclusion in the SNOPR. 63 FR 63363;
69 FR 45510. No stakeholder commented on it, in response to either the
NOPR or SNOPR, except that in its revised TP 2-2005 document, NEMA
deleted the following sentence from the SNOPR's proposed definition of
``testing transformer'': ``This type of transformer is also commonly
known as an Instrument Transformer.'' (NEMA, No. 60 Attachment 1 at p.
7) An instrument transformer, however, is a type of transformer used
for extending the voltage and current ranges of measuring and control
instruments--such as voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, and relays--and
is not the same as a testing transformer that supplies power to test
electrical equipment. The Department recognizes that it erroneously
included this sentence in the SNOPR definition of testing transformer
and has deleted it from today's rule.
The Department believes that this error would not have lead
stakeholders to infer that DOE had proposed to specifically exclude
instrument transformers from the definition of ``distribution
transformer'' in the SNOPR, for two reasons. First, the remainder of
the proposed definition of testing transformer clearly did not include
instrument transformers, and second, contrary to the incorrect
sentence, testing transformers are not commonly known as instrument
transformers. Nevertheless, to the extent the proposed rule may have
been read to specifically exclude instrument transformers, DOE believes
such an exclusion is unnecessary and unwarranted. The revised NEMA TP
2-2005 contains no such exclusion. Moreover, an instrument transformer
would be designed to handle less power than the lower capacity limits
(10 kVA for liquid-immersed and 15 kVA for dry-type) in today's
definition of distribution transformer, unless it was also designed to
distribute electricity. In the former case, the transformer would not
be covered under today's rule (or under the SNOPR) even absent a
specific exclusion, rendering an exclusion unnecessary. In the latter
case, it should be covered, and subject to DOE efficiency standards and
test procedures, as a ``distribution transformer.'' Hence, there is no
reason to consider further the exclusion of ``instrument transformers''
from today's definition of distribution transformer.
c. Grounding Transformers
Finally, section 431.192 of today's final rule contains a
clarifying modification to the SNOPR's definition of ``grounding
transformer.'' That definition referred to ``[a]n autotransformer with
a zig-zag winding arrangement.'' 69 FR 45521. The Department has since
become aware that this language is internally inconsistent, because an
autotransformer with a zig-zag winding cannot be an autotransformer as
defined in the rule, nor does it meet industry's conventional
understanding of the term. The Department used the term autotransformer
in the proposed grounding transformer definition to describe a type of
transformer that does not have a separate physical secondary winding
(unlike a conventional transformer). But although a three-phase
autotransformer has three coils constituting the primary winding only,
and no separate secondary winding, a section of each primary coil is
``tapped-off'' to create, in effect, a secondary winding. A grounding
transformer, however, has only a primary winding, and no secondary
winding output. In today's rule, in the definition of ``grounding
transformer,'' the Department has replaced the reference to an
autotransformer with a reference to a transformer with a primary
winding and no secondary winding.
4. Other Exclusions Considered
The bulk of the comments on the SNOPR's definition of distribution
transformer advocated eliminating or narrowing exclusions DOE had
proposed, or adding other exclusions. EPACT 2005 incorporated none of
these exclusions into EPCA.
In the SNOPR, DOE had proposed to exclude both harmonic mitigating
transformers and K-factor (also referred to as ``harmonic tolerating'')
transformers at K-13 and higher, largely based on its view that: (1)
regulating them would not save significant amounts of energy, and (2)
they are sufficiently expensive that there is little risk they would be
purchased in place of more efficient transformers that would be subject
to standards. 69 FR 45511, 45520-21. The Department also indicated its
belief that few harmonic mitigating transformers would be commonly
understood to be distribution transformers. 69 FR 45511. No commenter
advocated retention of either exclusion, and several supported
eliminating or narrowing them.
[[Page 24980]]
Supporting elimination of both exclusions, NEMA stated that the
exclusions could be used to avoid efficiency standards. (NEMA, No. 39
at p. 2 and No. 47 at p. 2; Public Meeting Transcript, No. 42.11 at p.
22; NEMA No. 51 at p. 2) The Oregon Department of Energy raised doubts
that these transformers would be unable to meet standards and saw no
rationale for excluding them. (ODOE, No. 54 at p. 2) Harmonics Limited
believes the market for them is large and growing, that use of K-rated
transformers to circumvent existing standards has resulted in greater
energy consumption, and harmonic transformers can both comply with
standards and address harmonics issues. (Harmonics Limited, No. 50 at
p. 1) ACME and Pemco advocated elimination of the exclusion for K-
factor transformers (Public Meeting Transcript, No. 42.11 at pp. 32-33;
Pemco, No. 48 at p. 2), and EMS International Consulting, Inc. (EMS)
advocated elimination of the exclusion for harmonic mitigating
transformers. (EMS, No. 57 at p. 3) In addition, EMS recommended that
DOE cover K-rated transformers (up to a certain level which EMS did not
specify), and Federal Pacific recommended narrowing the K-factor
exclusion for transformers rated up to 300 kVA and broadening it for
transformers above 300 kVA, both on grounds similar to those advanced
by commenters who advocated its elimination. (EMS, No. 57 at p. 2; FPT,
No. 44 at pp. 2-3 and No. 52 at p. 2)
Based on these comments, and upon further review, DOE has concluded
there is not a sufficient basis at this point to exclude harmonic
mitigating or K-factor transformers from the definition of distribution
transformer. In essence, the Department proposed in the SNOPR to
exclude these transformers on the grounds that they are not
``distribution transformers,'' and that energy conservation standards
for them would fail to meet the EPCA criteria in 42 U.S.C. 6317(a)(1)
because such standards would not save substantial amounts of energy
and/or be economically justified. Concerning the first point, as
discussed above, EPCA, as amended in EPACT 2005, now defines the term
``distribution transformer.'' Harmonic mitigating and K-factor
transformers do not per se fail to meet the numerical criteria in this
definition, nor are they in the definition's list of excluded
transformers. (42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(A) and (B)(i)-(ii))
EPCA, as recently amended, now authorizes DOE, however, to exclude
by rule any transformer if it is designed for a special application, if
it is unlikely to be used in a general purpose application, and if
significant energy savings would not result from applying standards to
it. (42 U.S.C. 6291(35)(B)(iii)) DOE previously relied on general
information to support the views expressed in the SNOPR that harmonic
mitigating and K-factor transformers would not be used for general
purpose distribution applications, and that standards for them would
not save significant amounts of energy. However, these conclusions were
somewhat negated by the comments that these transformers could be sold
in place of distribution transformers that are subject to standards,
and that their use is increasingly common. Also, the Department is not
aware of any more concrete information or anal