Revocation of Status of Specific Products; Group A Streptococcus; Confirmation of Effective Date, 20533-20534 [06-3790]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 77 / Friday, April 21, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
copies at the Docket Management Facility;
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, Room
PL–401, Washington, DC 20590–0001, on the
Internet at; or at the
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at NARA, call
202–741–6030, or go to: https://
Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on
April 14, 2006.
Robert G. Mann,
Acting Manager, Engine and Propeller
Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 06–3765 Filed 4–20–06; 8:45 am]
Food and Drug Administration
21 CFR Part 558
New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal
Feeds; Melengestrol and Monensin
Food and Drug Administration,
Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is amending the
animal drug regulations to reflect
approval of an abbreviated new animal
drug application (ANADA) filed by Ivy
Laboratories, Division of Ivy Animal
Health, Inc. The ANADA provides for
use of single-ingredient Type A
medicated articles containing
melengestrol and monensin to make
two-way combination drug Type C
medicated feeds for heifers fed in
confinement for slaughter.
DATES: This rule is effective April 21,
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with RULES
Daniel A. Benz, Center for Veterinary
Medicine (HFV–104), Food and Drug
Administration, 7500 Standish Pl.,
Rockville, MD 20855, 301–827–0223, email:
Laboratories, Division of Ivy Animal
Health, Inc., 8857 Bond St., Overland
Park, KS 66214, filed ANADA 200–422
for use of HEIFERMAX 500
(melengestrol acetate) Liquid Premix
and RUMENSIN (monensin sodium)
single-ingredient Type A medicated
articles to make, two-way combination
drug Type C medicated feeds for heifers
fed in confinement for slaughter. Ivy
Laboratories’ ANADA 200–422 is
approved as a generic copy of
Pharmacia and Upjohn’s NADA 125–
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476 for combination use of MGA 500
(melengestrol acetate) Liquid Premix
and RUMENSIN in cattle feed. The
application is approved as of March 22,
2006, and the regulations are amended
in 21 CFR 558.342 to reflect the
approval. The basis of approval is
discussed in freedom of information
In accordance with the freedom of
information provisions of 21 CFR part
20 and 21 CFR 514.11(e)(2)(ii), a
summary of safety and effectiveness
data and information submitted to
support approval of this application
may be seen in the Division of Dockets
Management (HFA–305), Food and Drug
Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm.
1061, Rockville, MD 20852, between 9
a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through
The agency has determined under 21
CFR 25.33(a)(2) that this action is of a
type that does not individually or
cumulatively have a significant effect on
the human environment. Therefore,
neither an environmental assessment
nor an environmental impact statement
is required.
This rule does not meet the definition
of ‘‘rule’’ in 5 U.S.C. 804(3)(A) because
it is a rule of ‘‘particular applicability.’’
Therefore, it is not subject to the
congressional review requirements in 5
U.S.C. 801–808.
List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 558
Animal drugs, Animal feeds.
Therefore, under the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under
authority delegated to the Commissioner
of Food and Drugs and redelegated to
the Center for Veterinary Medicine, 21
CFR part 558 is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for 21 CFR
part 558 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b, 371.
§ 558.342
2. In § 558.342, amend the table in
paragraphs (e)(1)(v) and (e)(1)(vi) in the
‘‘Sponsor’’ column by adding in
numerical sequence ‘‘021641’’.
Dated: April 7, 2006.
Stephen F. Sundlof,
Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine.
[FR Doc. 06–3820 Filed 4–20–06; 8:45 am]
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Food and Drug Administration
21 CFR Part 610
[Docket No. 2005N–0355]
RIN 0910–AF20
Revocation of Status of Specific
Products; Group A Streptococcus;
Confirmation of Effective Date
Food and Drug Administration,
Direct final rule; confirmation of
effective date.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is confirming the
effective date of June 2, 2006, for the
direct final rule that appeared in the
Federal Register of December 2, 2005
(70 FR 72197). The direct final rule
removes the regulation applicable to the
status of specific products; Group A
streptococcus. FDA is removing the
regulation because the existing
requirement for Group A streptococcus
organisms and derivatives is both
obsolete and a perceived impediment to
the development of Group A
streptococcus vaccines. This document
confirms the effective date of the direct
final rule.
DATES: Effective date confirmed: June 2,
Valerie A. Butler, Center for Biologics
Evaluation and Research (HFM–17),
Food and Drug Administration, 1401
Rockville Pike, suite 200N, Rockville,
MD 20852–1448, 301–827–6210.
Federal Register of December 2, 2005
(70 FR 72197), FDA solicited comments
concerning the direct final rule for a 75day period ending February 15, 2006.
FDA stated that the effective date of the
direct final rule would be on June 2,
2006, 6 months after the date of
publication in the Federal Register,
unless any significant adverse comment
was submitted to FDA during the
comment period. FDA did not receive
any significant adverse comments.
Therefore, FDA is removing from the
regulation 21 CFR 610.19 because this
provision is obsolete and a perceived
impediment to the development of
Group A streptococcus vaccines.
Authority: Therefore, under the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Public
Health Service Act and under authority
delegated to the Commissioner of Food and
Drugs, the amendment issued thereby
becomes effective on June 2, 2006.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 77 / Friday, April 21, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
Dated: April 14, 2006.
Jeffrey Shuren,
Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 06–3790 Filed 4–20–06; 8:45 am]
22 CFR Parts 120, 121, 122, 123, 124,
125, 126, 127, 128, 129, and 130
[Public Notice: 5345]
Amendments to the International
Traffic in Arms Regulations: Office
Names, Corrected Cross-Referencing,
Reference to Wassenaar Arrangement,
and Other Corrections/Administrative
Department of State.
Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Department of State is
amending the International Traffic in
Arms Regulations (ITAR) to reflect
current office names, correct crossreferences, update the reference to the
Wassenaar Arrangement, and make
other corrections and administrative
Effective Date: This rule is
effective April 21, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may
submit comments at any time by any of
the following methods:
• E-mail: with an
appropriate subject line.
• Mail: Department of State,
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls,
Office of Defense Trade Controls
Management, ATTN: Regulatory
Change, 12th Floor, SA–1, Washington,
DC 20522–0112.
• Fax: 202–261–8199.
• Hand Delivery or Courier (regular
work hours only): Department of State,
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls,
Office of Defense Trade Controls
Management, ATTENTION: Regulatory
Change, SA–1, 12th Floor, 2401 E Street,
NW., Washington, DC 20037.
Persons with access to the Internet
may also view this notice by going to
the Web site at: https://
Mary Sweeney, Office of Defense Trade
Controls Management, Department of
State, 12th Floor, SA–1, Washington, DC
20522–0112; Telephone 202–663–2865
or FAX 202–261–8199; e-mail: ATTN:
Regulatory Change.
to the ‘‘Office of Defense Trade
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with RULES
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16:06 Apr 20, 2006
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Controls’’ have been amended to the
‘‘Directorate of Defense Trade Controls’’
(§§ 120.1(c), 120.4(a), 120.4(b), 120.12,
120.20, 120.28(a), 121.1 Category XXI(a),
121.16, 122.1(a), 122.4(a), 122.4(b),
122.4(c), 122.4(c)(4). 122.4(d), 123.1(a),
123.1(c), 123.3(a), 123.8(a), 123.8(b),
123.9(a), 123.9(d), 123.9(e), 123.9(e)(3),
123.9(e)(4), 123.10(b), 123.10(c),
123.11(a), 123.14(b), 123.25(a),
123.27(a), 123.27(a)(2), 123.27(a)(5),
123.27(a)(6), 123.27(b), 123.27(c),
124.1(a), 124.1(b), 124.1(c), 124.1(d),
124.4(a), 124.4(b), 124.5, 124.6,
124.10(a), 124.10(b)(1), 124.10 Note,
124.12(1), 124.12(a)(1), 124.13(d),
124.13(e), 124.14(a), 124.14(b),
124.14(b)(4), 124.14(c)(5), 124.14(e),
124.14(e)(1), 125.1(b), 125.2(a), 125.2(b),
125.3(a), 125.3(b), 125.3(c), 125.4(a),
125.4(b)(10)(iii), 125.4(b)(11), 125.5(a),
125.5(b), 125.7(a), 125.7(b), 125.9,
126.1(e), 126.2, 126.7(b), 126.7(c),
126.8(a), 126.8(a)(1), 126.8(a)(2),
126.8(a)(3), 126.8(c)(1)(i), 126.8(c)(2),
126.9(a), 126.9(b), 126.10(a), 126.14(a),
126.14(a)(1), 126.14(a)(2),
126.14(a)(3)(i), 126.14(b), 127.1(a)(1),
127.1(a)(2), 127.1(a)(3), 127.1(c),
127.7(b)(2), 127.8(a), 127.9, 127.10,
127.11, 127.12(a), 127.12(b)(1),
127.12(b)(2), 127.12(b)(3), 127.12(c),
127.12(d)(iii), 128.3(a), 128.5(c),
128.6(a), 128.6(b), 128.6(d), 128.10,
128.11(a), 128.13(d), 128.15(a),
128.15(b)(3), 129.3(a), 129.4(b), 129.5(b),
129.5(c), 129.5(e), 129.6(a), 129.7(a),
129.7(b)(2), 129.7(c), 129.8(a), 129.8(b),
129.9(a), 130.2, 130.8(a)(1), 130.9(a)(1),
130.9(a)(1)(ii), 130.9(a)(2), 130.9(b),
130.9(b)(2), 130.9(d), 130.10(a),
130.11(a)(3), 130.11(b), 130.11(b)(2),
130.12(c), 130.12(d)(1), and
‘‘COCOM’’ has been amended to the
‘‘Wassenaar Arrangement’’
(§§ 120.4(d)(3)(ii), 120.4(d)(3)(iii), and
126.10(d)(2)). ‘‘Center for Defense
Trade’’ has been amended to the
‘‘Directorate of Defense Trade Controls’’
(§§ 120.4(g) and 121.1(a)). ‘‘Center for
Defense Trade’’ has been amended to
‘‘Office of Defense Trade Controls
Policy’’ (§ 120.4(e)). Also, references to
the ‘‘Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs’’
have been amended to the ‘‘Bureau of
Political-Military Affairs’’ (§§ 120.4(g),
120.12, 120.28(a), 127.7(a), 127.9 and
127.11(b)). Grammatical changes have
been made to the definition of ‘‘U.S.
person’’ at § 120.15, to § 124.1(a) by
deleting ‘‘either,’’ and to ‘‘Voluntary
Disclosures’’ at § 127.12(b)(4). The
‘‘Defense Security Assistance Agency’’
has been amended to the ‘‘Defense
Security Cooperation Agency’’
(§ 120.28(b)(3)).
Certain references to the Treasury
Department have been amended to the
PO 00000
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Attorney General, and other references
to Treasury have been amended to the
Department of Justice, as appropriate,
because the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms (ATF) was transferred to
the Department of Justice and ATF’s
name was changed to Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives (§§ 120.5, 120.18, 123.2 and
126.11). Also, the reference to 31 CFR
part 505 has been changed to 27 CFR
part 447 and 15 CFR parts 768–799 have
been changed to 15 CFR parts 730–799
at § 120.5. References to 27 CFR parts
47, 178 and 179 have been changed to
27 CFR parts 447, 478, 479, and 555 at
§§ 120.18 and 123.2. Reference to 27
CFR 178.115(d) has been changed to 27
CFR 478.115(d) at § 123.17(d).
Numerous typographical errors are
being corrected in the United States
Munitions List, § 121.1, Categories V
and XV.
References to ‘‘technical data’’ and
‘‘defense service’’ have been corrected
in § 121.1, Categories IV, V, XI, XII, XIV,
XVII, XX, and XXI. Cross references
have been corrected (§§ 120.1(c),
120.10(a)(1), 120.16, 121.1(b), 121.1
Category V(g)(2), 121.1 Category V(g)(5),
121.1 Category V(g)(6), 121.1 Category
V(g)(7), 121.1 Category V(g)(8),
124.2(c)(5)(ix), 126.7(a), 127.8(a), 127.9
and 127.11(c)). Typographical mistakes
have been corrected in § 121.1, Category
V(a)(1); § 121.1, Category V(a)(5);
§ 121.1, Category V(a)(9); § 121.1,
Category V(a)(15)(i); § 121.1, Category
V(a)(20)(i); § 121.1, Category V(a)(24)(ii);
§ 121.1, Category V(a)(29); § 121.1,
Category V(a)(31)(i); § 121.1, Category
V(a)(31)(ii); § 121.1, Category
V(a)(31)(iv); § 121.1, Category V(c)(8);
§ 121.1, Category V(c)(9); § 121.1,
Category V(e)(2); § 121.1, Category
V(e)(9); § 121.1, Category V(e)(13);
§ 121.1, Category V(e)(14); § 121.1,
Category V(f)(3)(iv); § 121.1, Category
V(f)(14); § 121.1, Category V(f)(15);
§ 121.1, Category V(f)(17); § 121.1,
Category XV(d)(1); § 121.1, Category
XV(d)(2); § 121.1, Category XV(d)(3);
§ 121.1, Category XV(d)(5); § 121.16,
Item 1–Category 1; § 121.16, Item 4–
Category II; § 121.16, Item 9–Category II;
§ 121.16, Item 12–Category II; § 121.16,
Note to Item 18(a); and in
§§ 123.16(b)(2)(v), 126.5(c)(4)(v),
126.14(a)(3)(iv), 127.3(b), 128.7(a)(1)(ii),
and 130.5(b)(1). CAS numbers were
added in § 121.1, Category V(a)(2);
§ 121.1, Category V(a)(31)(vii); § 121.1,
Category V(a)(34); § 121.1, Category
V(e)(11); § 121.1, Category V(e)(13); and
§ 121.1, Category V(e)(15). The ‘‘Director
of the Office of Defense Trade Controls’’
has been changed to the ‘‘Director,
Office of Defense Trade Controls Policy’’
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 77 (Friday, April 21, 2006)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 20533-20534]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-3790]
Food and Drug Administration
21 CFR Part 610
[Docket No. 2005N-0355]
RIN 0910-AF20
Revocation of Status of Specific Products; Group A Streptococcus;
Confirmation of Effective Date
AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
ACTION: Direct final rule; confirmation of effective date.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is confirming the
effective date of June 2, 2006, for the direct final rule that appeared
in the Federal Register of December 2, 2005 (70 FR 72197). The direct
final rule removes the regulation applicable to the status of specific
products; Group A streptococcus. FDA is removing the regulation because
the existing requirement for Group A streptococcus organisms and
derivatives is both obsolete and a perceived impediment to the
development of Group A streptococcus vaccines. This document confirms
the effective date of the direct final rule.
DATES: Effective date confirmed: June 2, 2006.
Biologics Evaluation and Research (HFM-17), Food and Drug
Administration, 1401 Rockville Pike, suite 200N, Rockville, MD 20852-
1448, 301-827-6210.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the Federal Register of December 2, 2005
(70 FR 72197), FDA solicited comments concerning the direct final rule
for a 75-day period ending February 15, 2006. FDA stated that the
effective date of the direct final rule would be on June 2, 2006, 6
months after the date of publication in the Federal Register, unless
any significant adverse comment was submitted to FDA during the comment
period. FDA did not receive any significant adverse comments.
Therefore, FDA is removing from the regulation 21 CFR 610.19 because
this provision is obsolete and a perceived impediment to the
development of Group A streptococcus vaccines.
Authority: Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act and the Public Health Service Act and under authority delegated
to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, the amendment issued thereby
becomes effective on June 2, 2006.
[[Page 20534]]
Dated: April 14, 2006.
Jeffrey Shuren,
Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 06-3790 Filed 4-20-06; 8:45 am]