Montana: Filing of Plat of Survey, 19204-19205 [E6-5478]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 71 / Thursday, April 13, 2006 / Notices
Dated: February 2, 2006.
J. Anthony Danna,
Deputy State Director, Natural Resources
[FR Doc. E6–5477 Filed 4–12–06; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
Colorado: Filing of Plats of Survey
HSRObinson on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
April 4, 2006.
SUMMARY: The plats of survey of the
following described land will be
officially filed in the Colorado State
Office, Bureau of Land Management,
Lakewood, Colorado, effective 10 a.m.,
April 4, 2006. All inquiries should be
sent to the Colorado State Office (CO–
956), Bureau of Land Management, 2850
Youngfield Street, Lakewood, Colorado
The Plat (in two sheets) and field
notes, of the dependent resurvey and
surveys in Township 47 North, Range 4
West, New Mexico Principal Meridian,
Colorado, requested by the Bureau of
Indian Affairs, in order to identify the
boundary of the Ute Mountain Ute lands
for management purposes, was accepted
October 3, 2005.
The Supplemental Plat of Township
43 North, Range 7 West, New Mexico
Principal Meridian, Colorado, creating
Tract 51, in unsurveyed T. 43 N., R. 7
W., N.M.P.M., requested by the USFS,
was accepted October 11, 2005.
The Supplemental Plat of Township 1
North, Range 71 West, Section 17, Sixth
Principal Meridian, Colorado, which
amends the erroneously numbered lot
107, as shown on the supplemental plat
approved November 29, 1932, to lot 156,
is based upon the supplemental plat
approved November 29, 1932 and the
dependent resurvey plat approved
November 16, 1942, and was accepted
November 1, 2005.
The Supplemental Plat of Township
43 North, Range 10 West, New Mexico
Principal Meridian, Colorado, creates
new lots 4 through 9, in the SW1⁄4 of
Sec. 25. This was requested by the U.S.
Forest Service, Grand Mesa,
Uncompahgre and Gunnison National
Forests, in a letter dated October 17,
2005, in order to facilitate a transfer of
lands, with the Telluride Regional
Airport Authority, and was accepted
November 1, 2005.
The Plat which includes the field
notes, and is the entire record of this
resurvey, of the survey of Section 13, in
Township 40 North, Range 13 West,
New Mexico Principal Meridian,
Colorado, requested by the USFS to
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assist with the completion of a land
exchange, was accepted December 19,
The Supplemental Plat of a portion of
section 7, and the supplemental plat of
a portion of section 20 in Township 1
North, Range 71 West, and the
supplemental plat of a portion of section
24 in Township 1 North, Range 72 West,
all of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
Colorado, requested by the Canon City
Field Office Land Surveyor by
memorandum dated November 8, 2005,
were accepted January 18, 2006.
The Plat and field notes, of the
dependent resurvey and surveys in
Township 48 North, Range 3 West, New
Mexico Principal Meridian, Colorado,
requested by the Bureau of Indian
Affairs, in order to identify the
boundary of Ute Mountain Ute lands for
management purposes, was accepted
January 25, 2006.
The Plat and field notes, of the
dependent resurvey and surveys in Sec.
24, township 49 North, Range 2 West,
New Mexico Principal Meridian,
Colorado, requested by the Chief of
Resource Stewardship and Science,
Curecanti National Recreation Area,
National Park Service, in order to
facilitate an exchange of the sub-surface
rights to a parcel of land within the
Dickerson Gravel Pit, was accepted
February 15, 2006.
The Plat and field notes, of the
dependent resurvey and surveys in
Section 4, Township 48 North, Range 4
West, New Mexico Principal Meridian,
Colorado requested by a private party,
through the National Park Service, by a
proffer of monetary contribution dated
March 25, 2005, to identify the north,
south and west boundary of private Lot
11, in Section 4, T. 48 N., R. 4 W., was
accepted February 21, 2006.
The Plat which includes the field
notes, and is the entire record of this
resurvey, in Township 35 North, Range
18 West, New Mexico Principal
Meridian, Colorado, requested by the
BIA through the Ute Mountain Tribe, to
identify lost corners and post
boundaries of Ute Mountain Ute lands,
was accepted March 16, 2006.
The Plat, and field notes, of the
dependent resurvey in Section 9,
Township 11 South, Range 70 West,
Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado
requested by the Land Surveyor, Pike
and San Isabel National Forests, in order
to identify National Forest boundaries
for a proposed timber sale in
conjunction with the Hayman Fire
Rehabilitation Project, was accepted
March 17, 2006.
The Plat, and field notes of the metesand-bounds survey in Township 5
South, Range 74 East, Sixth Principal
PO 00000
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Meridian, Colorado requested by the
USFS, in a memorandum dated
February 8, 2000, in conjunction with
the City of Denver, Mountain Parks and
Recreation Division, in order to
facilitate the location of the boundaries
of both agencies intermingled
boundaries, and to further facilitate a
land transaction between the two
agencies, was accepted March 24, 2006.
Randall M. Zanon,
Chief Cadastral Surveyor for Colorado.
[FR Doc. 06–3566 Filed 4–12–06; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
Montana: Filing of Plat of Survey
Bureau of Land Management,
Montana State Office, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of filing of plat of survey.
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) will file the plat of
survey of the lands described below in
the BLM Montana State Office, Billings,
Montana, (30) days from the date of
publication in the Federal Register.
Harold M. Montoya, Cadastral Surveyor,
Branch of Cadastral Survey, Bureau of
Land Management, 5001 Southgate
Drive, Billings, Montana 59101–4669,
telephone (406) 896–5124 or (406) 896–
survey was executed at the request of
the Bureau of Indian Affairs and was
necessary to determine Individual and
Tribal Trust lands.
The lands we surveyed are:
Principal Meridian, Montana
T. 26 N., R. 46 E.
The plat, in 1 sheet, representing the
dependent resurvey of a portion of the
11th Guide Meridian East, through
Township 26 North, a portion of the
north boundary, a portion of the
subdivisional lines, the adjusted
original meanders of the former left
bank of the Missouri River, downstream,
through sections 1, 2, 10, and 11, a
portion of the subdivision of sections 1
and 2, the subdivision of section 11, the
adjusted 1986 representation of the 1908
meander of the left bank of the Missouri
River, downstream, through the N1/
2N1/2 of section 1, the adjusted 1986
meanders of the left bank of the
Missouri River, downstream, through
the E 1⁄2 of section 1 and certain division
of accretion lines, and a portion of the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 71 / Thursday, April 13, 2006 / Notices
subdivision of sections 1 and 2, and the
survey of the informative traverse of the
meanders of the present left bank of the
Missouri River, downstream, through
section 10, the meanders of the present
left bank of the Missouri River,
downstream, through sections 1, 2, and
11, and certain division of accretion
lines in Township 26 North, Range 46
East, Principal Meridian, Montana, was
accepted April 5, 2006.
We will place a copy of the plat, in
1 sheet, and related field notes we
described in the open files. They will be
available to the public as a matter of
If BLM receives a protest against this
survey, as shown on this plat, in 1 sheet,
prior to the date of the official filing, we
will stay the filing pending our
consideration of the protest.
We will not officially file this plat, in
1 sheet, until the day after we have
accepted or dismissed all protests and
they have become final, including
decisions or appeals.
Dated: April 7, 2006.
Thomas M. Deiling,
Chief Cadastral Surveyor, Division of
[FR Doc. E6–5478 Filed 4–12–06; 8:45 am]
Agency Form Submitted for OMB
International Trade
ACTION: The U.S. International Trade
Commission (USITC) is submitting the
following information collection
requirements to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (44
U.S.C. Chap. 35), requesting extension
of a currently approved collection (OMB
No.: 3117–0190). The USITC has
requested an emergency 3-month
extension from May 2006 to August
2006 for use of the current form and a
decision on the 3-month extension by
April 13, 2006.
Effective Date: April 7, 2006.
Purpose of Information Collection:
The requested extension of a currently
approved collection (USITC DataWeb
user registration form) is for use by the
Commission. The user registration forms
are required to accurately track usage,
data reports generated, and costs by user
sectors. The forms would appear on the
ITC DataWeb Internet site (https://
HSRObinson on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
VerDate Aug<31>2005
14:20 Apr 12, 2006
Jkt 208001 and would need to
be filled out only once.
Public Comments Regarding the
Information Collection: OMB is required
to make a decision concerning extension
of this currently approved collection
between 30 and 60 days after
publication of this notice. To be assured
of consideration, comments must be
received not later than 30 days after
publication of this notice, at OMB by
the Desk Officer/USITC.
Summary of Proposal
(1) Number of forms submitted: One.
(2) Title of forms: ITC Tariff and Trade
DataWeb: ‘‘Create New User Account
(3) Type of request: Extension.
(4) Frequency of use: Single data
(5) Description of respondents:
Government and private sector users of
the on-line ITC DataWeb.
(6) Estimated number of respondents:
20,000 new users annually.
(7) Estimated total number of minutes
to complete the forms: 2.0 minutes.
(8) Information obtained from the
form that qualifies as confidential
business information will be so treated
by the Commission and not disclosed in
a manner that would reveal the
individual operations of a firm.
Additional Information or Comment:
Copies of the agency submissions to
OMB in connection with this request
may be obtained from Peg MacKnight,
Office of Operations, U.S. International
Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20436 (telephone no.
202–205–3431). Comments should be
addressed to: Desk Officer for U.S.
International Trade Commission, Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), Washington, DC 20503
(telephone no. 202–395–3897). Copies
of any comments should also be
provided to Stephen McLaughlin, Chief
Information Officer, U.S. International
Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20436, who is the
Commission’s designated Senior Official
under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
Hearing impaired individuals are
advised that information on this matter
can be obtained by contacting our TTD
terminal, (telephone no. 202–205–1810).
Issued: April 7, 2006.
By order of the Commission.
Marilyn R. Abbott,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. E6–5463 Filed 4–12–06; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree
Under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act
In accordance with Departmental
policy, 28 CFR 50.7, and Section
122(d)(2) of the Comprehensive
Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act
(‘‘CERCLA’’), 42 U.S.C. 9622(d)(2),
notice is hereby given that on March 31,
2006, a proposed Remedial Design/
Remedial Action Consent Decree
(‘‘Decree’’) in United States v. Dravo
Corporation, et al., Civil Action No.
8:01–cv–500 (D. Nebraska) was lodged
with the United States District Court for
the District of Nebraska.
The Decree resolves claims of the
United States against Defendants Dravo
Corporation, Desco Corporation and
Desco Corporation d/b/a Marshalltown
Instruments, Inc. under Section 107 of
CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9607, for recovery of
response costs incurred and to be
incurred by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency
(‘‘EPA’’) at the Colorado Avenue Subsite
(‘‘Subsite’’) of the Hastings Ground
Water Contamination Superfund Site
located in Adams County, Nebraska.
The Decree requires the Defendants to
pay $7.3 million in partial
reimbursement of EPA’s past response
costs. In addition, the Decree requires
the Defendants to continue to
implement and complete
implementation of several components
of the interim remedy selected by EPA
for the Subsite, and to pay EPA’s costs
of oversight. The interim work to be
performed by the Defendants is
expected to cost about $3.5 million.
The Department of Justice will receive
for a period of thirty (30) days from the
date of this publication comments
relating to the Decree. Comments should
be addressed to the Assistant Attorney
General, Environment and Natural
Resources Division, P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
20044–7611, and should refer to United
States v. Dravo Corporation, et al., Civil
Action No. 8:01–cv–500 (D. Nebraska)
D.J. Ref. 90–11–2–1260/1.
The Decree may be examined at the
Office of the United States Attorney for
the District of Nebraska, 1620 Dodge
Street, Suite 1400, Omaha, Nebraska
68102–1506, and at U.S. EPA Region
VII, 901 N. Fifth Street, Kansas City, KS
66101. During the public comment
period, the Decree, may also be
examined on the following Department
of Justice Web site, https:// A copy
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 71 (Thursday, April 13, 2006)]
[Pages 19204-19205]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-5478]
Bureau of Land Management
Montana: Filing of Plat of Survey
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Montana State Office, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of filing of plat of survey.
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of
survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office,
Billings, Montana, (30) days from the date of publication in the
Federal Register.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Harold M. Montoya, Cadastral Surveyor,
Branch of Cadastral Survey, Bureau of Land Management, 5001 Southgate
Drive, Billings, Montana 59101-4669, telephone (406) 896-5124 or (406)
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This survey was executed at the request of
the Bureau of Indian Affairs and was necessary to determine Individual
and Tribal Trust lands.
The lands we surveyed are:
Principal Meridian, Montana
T. 26 N., R. 46 E.
The plat, in 1 sheet, representing the dependent resurvey of a
portion of the 11th Guide Meridian East, through Township 26 North, a
portion of the north boundary, a portion of the subdivisional lines,
the adjusted original meanders of the former left bank of the Missouri
River, downstream, through sections 1, 2, 10, and 11, a portion of the
subdivision of sections 1 and 2, the subdivision of section 11, the
adjusted 1986 representation of the 1908 meander of the left bank of
the Missouri River, downstream, through the N1/2N1/2 of section 1, the
adjusted 1986 meanders of the left bank of the Missouri River,
downstream, through the E \1/2\ of section 1 and certain division of
accretion lines, and a portion of the
[[Page 19205]]
subdivision of sections 1 and 2, and the survey of the informative
traverse of the meanders of the present left bank of the Missouri
River, downstream, through section 10, the meanders of the present left
bank of the Missouri River, downstream, through sections 1, 2, and 11,
and certain division of accretion lines in Township 26 North, Range 46
East, Principal Meridian, Montana, was accepted April 5, 2006.
We will place a copy of the plat, in 1 sheet, and related field
notes we described in the open files. They will be available to the
public as a matter of information.
If BLM receives a protest against this survey, as shown on this
plat, in 1 sheet, prior to the date of the official filing, we will
stay the filing pending our consideration of the protest.
We will not officially file this plat, in 1 sheet, until the day
after we have accepted or dismissed all protests and they have become
final, including decisions or appeals.
Dated: April 7, 2006.
Thomas M. Deiling,
Chief Cadastral Surveyor, Division of Resources.
[FR Doc. E6-5478 Filed 4-12-06; 8:45 am]