Safety Standards for Flight Guidance Systems, 18183-18192 [06-3467]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 11, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
that would act as a deterrent to
completing the maneuver.
(3) In maneuvers with increased rates
of deceleration, some degradation of
characteristics is acceptable, associated
with a transient excursion beyond the
stabilized alpha-limit. However, the
airplane must not exhibit dangerous
characteristics or characteristics that
would deter the pilot from holding the
longitudinal controller on the stop for a
period of time appropriate to the
(4) It must always be possible to
reduce incidence by conventional use of
the controller.
(5) The rate at which the airplane can
be maneuvered from trim speeds
associated with scheduled operating
speeds, such as V2 and VREF, up to
alpha-limit must not be unduly damped
or significantly slower than can be
achieved on conventionally controlled
transport airplanes.
g. Atmospheric Disturbances.
Operation of the high incidence
protection system and the alpha-floor
system must not adversely affect aircraft
control during expected levels of
atmospheric disturbances or impede the
application of recovery procedures in
case of windshear. Simulator tests and
analysis may be used to evaluate such
conditions but must be validated by
limited flight testing to confirm
handling qualities at critical loading
h. Alpha-floor. The alpha-floor setting
must be such that the aircraft can be
flown at normal landing operational
speed and maneuvered up to bank
angles consistent with the flight phase,
including the maneuver capabilities
specified in 25.143(g), without
triggering alpha-floor. In addition, there
must be no alpha-floor triggering, unless
appropriate, when the airplane is flown
in usual operational maneuvers and in
i. Proof of Compliance: In addition to
the requirements of § 25.21, the
following Special Conditions apply:
The flying qualities must be evaluated
at the most unfavorable center of gravity
j. Longitudinal Control: (1) In lieu of
the requirements of § 25.145(a) and
25.145(a)(1), the following Special
Conditions apply:
It must be possible—at any point
between the trim speed for straight
flight and Vmin—to pitch the nose
downward, so that the acceleration to
this selected trim speed is prompt, with:
The airplane trimmed for straight
flight at the speed achievable by the
automatic trim system and at the most
unfavorable center of gravity;
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(2) In lieu of the requirements of
§ 25.145(b)(6), the following Special
Conditions apply:
With power off, flaps extended and
the airplane trimmed at 1.3 VSR1, obtain
and maintain airspeeds between Vmin
and either 1.6 VSR1 or VFE, whichever is
k. Airspeed Indicating System: (1) In
lieu of the requirements of subsection
25.1323(c)(1), the following Special
Conditions apply:
VMO to Vmin with the flaps retracted.
(2) In lieu of the requirements of
subsection 25.1323(c)(2), the following
Special Conditions apply:
Vmin to VFE with flaps in the landing
14. High Intensity Radiated Fields
(HIRF) Protection
a. Protection from Unwanted Effects
of High-intensity Radiated Fields. Each
electrical and electronic system which
performs critical functions must be
designed and installed to ensure that the
operation and operational capabilities of
these systems to perform critical
functions are not adversely affected
when the airplane is exposed to high
intensity radiated fields external to the
b. For the purposes of this Special
Conditions, the following definition
applies: Critical Functions: Functions
whose failure would contribute to or
cause a failure condition which would
prevent the continued safe flight and
landing of the airplane.
15. Operation Without Normal Electrical
In lieu of the requirements of
§ 25.1351(d), the following Special
Condition applies:
It must be demonstrated by test or
combination of test and analysis that the
airplane can continue safe flight and
landing with inoperative normal engine
and APU generator electrical power (i.e.,
electrical power sources, excluding the
battery and any other standby electrical
sources). The airplane operation should
be considered at the critical phase of
flight and include the ability to restart
the engines and maintain flight for the
maximum diversion time capability
being certified.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on March
30, 2006.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 06–3359 Filed 4–10–06; 8:45 am]
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Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 25
[Docket No.: FAA–2004–18775; Amendment
No. 25–119]
RIN 2120–AI41
Safety Standards for Flight Guidance
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This action amends the
airworthiness standards for new designs
and significant product changes for
transport category airplanes concerning
flight guidance systems. The standards
address the performance, safety, failure
protection, alerting, and basic
annunciation of these systems. This rule
is necessary to address flight guidance
system vulnerabilities and to
consolidate and standardize regulations
for functions within those systems. In
addition, this rule updates the current
regulations regarding the latest
technology and functionality. Adopting
this rule eliminates significant
regulatory differences between the U.S.
and European airworthiness standards.
DATES: Effective Date: This amendment
becomes effective May 11, 2006.
Gregg Bartley, FAA, Airplane and Flight
Crew Interface Branch (ANM–111),
Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft
Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue
SW., Renton, Washington 98055–4056;
telephone (425) 227–2889; facsimile
425–227–1320; e-mail
Availability of Rulemaking Documents
You can get an electronic copy using
the Internet by:
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(2) Visiting the FAA’s Regulations and
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(3) Accessing the Government
Printing Office’s Web page at https://
You can also get a copy by sending a
request to the Federal Aviation
Administration, Office of Rulemaking,
ARM–1, 800 Independence Avenue
SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by
calling (202) 267–9680. Make sure to
identify the amendment number or
docket number of this rulemaking.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 11, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
Anyone is able to search the
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submitted on behalf of an association,
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review DOT’s complete Privacy Act
statement in the Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000 (Volume
65, Number 70; Pages 19477–78) or you
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Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act
The Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) of
1996 requires the FAA to comply with
small entity requests for information or
advice about compliance with statutes
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you are a small entity and you have a
question regarding this document, you
may contact its local FAA official, or the
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more about SBREFA on the Internet at
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Authority for This Rulemaking
The FAA’s authority to issue rules
regarding aviation safety is found in
Title 49 of the United States Code.
Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the
authority of the FAA Administrator.
Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,
describes in more detail the scope of the
agency’s authority.
This rulemaking is promulgated
under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section
44701, ‘‘General requirements.’’ Under
that section, the FAA is charged with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in
air commerce by prescribing minimum
standards required in the interest of
safety for the design and performance of
aircraft; regulations and minimum
standards in the interest of safety for
inspecting, servicing, and overhauling
aircraft; and regulations for other
practices, methods, and procedures the
Administrator finds necessary for safety
in air commerce. This regulation is
within the scope of that authority
because it prescribes—New safety
standards for the design of transport
category airplanes, and New
requirements that are necessary for
safety for the design, production,
operations, and maintenance of those
airplanes, and for other practices,
methods and procedures relating to
those airplanes.
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I. Executive Summary
This rule revises the airworthiness
standards for transport category
airplanes to improve the performance of
flight guidance systems in assisting the
flightcrew in the basic control and
guidance of the airplane. As discussed
in more detail later, for purposes of this
rulemaking, a ‘‘flight guidance system’’
consists of equipment providing
autopilot, autothrust, flight director, and
related functions. This rule adopts
requirements to provide workload relief
to the flightcrew and a means to fly an
intended flight path more accurately.
This rule responds to a series of
incidents and accidents that have
highlighted difficulties for flightcrews
interacting with the increasing
automation of flight decks.
Accident History
The National Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB) issued the following
safety recommendations that are
addressed by this rule:
• NTSB Safety Recommendation A–
92–035 is a result of the Airbus
Industries A300 accident in Nagoya,
Japan, on April 26, 1994, where 264
people died. Contributing to that
accident were conflicting actions taken
by the flightcrew and the airplane’s
autopilot. The NTSB recommended that
the FAA ‘‘revise Advisory Circular
25.1329–1A to add guidance regarding
autopilot failures that can result in
changes in attitude at rates that may be
imperceptible to the flightcrew and thus
remain undetected until the airplane
reaches significant attitude deviations.’’
• NTSB Safety Recommendation A–
98–098 is a result of an accident on
November 12, 1995. A Boeing MD–80
operated by American Airlines
descended below the minimum descent
altitude, clipped some trees, and landed
short of the runway in what was very
nearly a fatal accident. The NTSB
recommended that the FAA ‘‘require all
manufacturers of transport-category
airplanes to incorporate logic into all
new and existing transport-category
airplanes that have autopilots installed
to provide a cockpit aural warning to
alert pilots when the airplane’s bank
and/or pitch exceeds the autopilot’s
maximum bank and/or pitch command
• NTSB Safety Recommendation A–
99–043 is a result of an accident on July
13, 1996. A Boeing MD–11 operated by
American Airlines experienced an inflight upset during the descent to 24,000
feet by means of the autopilot. During
the descent, the captain instructed the
first officer to slow the rate of descent.
Flight data recorder data show the
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airplane experienced an immediate 2.3
G pitch upset followed by more
oscillations, resulting in four injuries.
The NTSB recommended that the FAA
‘‘require all new transport category
airplane autopilot systems to be
designed to prevent upsets when
manual inputs to the flight controls are
In response to these NTSB safety
recommendations and several incidents
and accidents that highlight difficulties
for flightcrews interacting with the
increasing automation of flight decks,
the FAA formed a Human Factors Team
(HFT). The HFT issued a report on June
18, 1996, titled ‘‘The Interfaces Between
Flightcrews and Modern Flight Deck
Past Regulatory Approach
Currently, § 25.1329, ‘‘Automatic pilot
system’’ addresses only the autopilot
system, and § 25.1335, ‘‘Flight director
systems’’ addresses the flight director
switch position. Not addressed is the
autothrust system and how it relates to
flight guidance. The existing regulations
need to be updated to match technology
advances. Current regulations do not
fully address the latest technology or
newly available functionality. In
addition, proposed and recent
rulemaking activity regarding the
interaction of systems and structure,
flight test, and human factors will make
certain aspects of the existing flight
guidance systems regulations
redundant, in conflict with other
regulations, or confusing and difficult to
Summary of the Rule
This rule adopts new airworthiness
standards specifically to address
potential pilot confusion about various
aspects of the operation of flight
guidance systems (FGS), including
automatic mode reversions, hazardous
disengagement transients, speed
protection, and potential hazards during
an autopilot override. These new
standards will apply to new designs and
some design changes (as required under
14 CFR 21.101) for transport category
This rule revises, reorganizes, and
adds additional material to address the
performance, safety, failure protection,
alerting, and basic annunciation of these
systems. This rule addresses the
autopilot, autothrust, and flight director
in a single section. This rule covers the
portion of the head up display (HUD)
that contains flight-guidance
information displayed to the pilot while
manually flying the airplane.
Finally, this rule harmonizes the
regulations for FGS between the FAA
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 11, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
and the European Airworthiness
Authorities. This harmonization will
not only benefit the aviation industry
economically, but also maintain the
necessary high level of aviation safety.
Summary of the Regulatory Evaluation
The FAA’s analysis of the economic
impacts of this final rule is consistent
with various Federal directives and
orders. The FAA determined that this
• Has benefits that justify its costs;
• Is not a significant regulatory
• Will not have a significant impact
on a substantial number of small
• Is in compliance with the Trade
Agreements Act; and
• Will not impose an unfunded
mandate of $100 million or more, in any
one year, on state, local, or tribal
governments, or on the private sector.
This rule affects manufacturers of
small part 25 airplanes and the
occupants of these airplanes. The
manufacturers may incur costs;
however, the occupants in the affected
airplanes will receive safety benefits.
This rule incorporates the FAA and
European Aviation Safety Agency’s
(EASA) harmonized standards that
result in the assessed improvements in
the operation of autopilot systems and
has potential cost savings.
The FAA has determined that this
rule will be cost-beneficial if seven
accidents are averted over a 34-year
benefits period.1 Although it is not
certain that earlier events could have
been prevented by these autopilot
changes (or, how many of any potential
future accidents would be catastrophic),
the expected prevalence of more
sophisticated autopilot systems in
business jets, combined with the
occurrence of serious accidents
involving large transport category
airplanes, mandates regulatory action.
For these reasons, the FAA finds this
rule to be cost-beneficial.
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II. Background
A. General Discussion of the Rule
This amendment is based on notice of
proposed rulemaking (NPRM), Notice
No. 04–11, which was published in the
Federal Register on August 13, 2004 (69
FR 50240). In the Notice, you will find
the background material and a
discussion of the safety considerations
supporting our course of action. You
also will find a discussion of the current
requirements and why they do not
adequately address the problem. We
1 A copy of the full regulatory evaluation is
available in the Docket.
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refer to the recommendations of the
Aviation Rulemaking Advisory
Committee (ARAC) and the NTSB that
we relied on in developing the final
rule. The ARAC report is available at the
following Web address: https:// The NTSB
recommendations No. A–98–098 and A–
99–043 are available at the following
Web address:
letters/letters.htm. The FAA Human
Factors Report and NTSB
recommendation No. A–92–035 are
available in the public docket for this
rulemaking. The NPRM also discusses
each alternative that we considered and
the reasons for rejecting the ones we did
not propose.
The background material in the
NPRM contains the basis and rationale
for this rule and, except where we have
specifically expanded on the
background elsewhere in this preamble,
supports this final rule as if it were
contained here. The table in the NPRM
describing non-normal conditions has
been updated. Refer to the table in
Advisory Circular (AC) 25.1329–1B,
‘‘Approval of Flight Guidance Systems’’
for the newest language. We refer
inquiries regarding the intent of the
requirements to the background in the
NPRM as though it was in the final rule
itself. It is therefore not necessary to
repeat the background in this document.
B. Overview of the Flight Guidance
The FGS is intended to assist the
flightcrew in the basic control and
guidance of the airplane. The FGS
provides workload relief to the
flightcrew and a means to fly an
intended flight path more accurately.
The following functions make up the
flight guidance system:
1. Autopilot—automated airplane
maneuvering and handling capabilities.
2. Autothrust—automated propulsion
3. Flight Director—the display of
steering commands that provide vertical
and horizontal path guidance, whether
displayed ‘‘head down’’ or ‘‘head up.’’
A head up display is a flight
instrumentation that allows the pilot of
an airplane to watch the instruments
while looking ahead of the airplane for
the approach lights or the runway.
Flight guidance system’s functions
also include flight deck alerting, status,
mode annunciations (instrument
displays), and any situational
information required by those functions
displayed to the flightcrew. Also
included are those functions necessary
to provide guidance and control with an
approach and landing system, such as:
• Instrument landing system (ILS).
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• Microwave landing system (MLS)
(an instrument landing system operating
in the microwave spectrum that
provides lateral and vertical guidance to
airplanes having compatible avionics
• Global navigation satellite system
landing system (GLS).
The FGS definition does not include
flight planning, flight path construction,
or any other function normally
associated with a flight management
system (FMS).
C. Authorities
In addition to the FAA and JAA, a
new aviation regulatory body, the
EASA, was established recently by the
European community to develop
standards to ensure the highest level of
safety and environmental protection,
oversee their uniform application across
Europe, and promote them
internationally. The EASA formally
became operational for certification of
aircraft, engines, parts, and appliances
on September 28, 2003. The EASA will
eventually absorb all of the functions
and activities of the JAA, including its
efforts to harmonize the European
airworthiness certification regulations
with those of the U.S.
The Joint Aviation Regulation (JAR)25 standards have been incorporated
into the EASA’s ‘‘Certification
Specifications for Large Aeroplanes,’’
(CS)–25, in similar if not identical
language. The EASA’s CS–25 became
effective October 17, 2003.
The standards in this amendment
were developed before the EASA began
operations. They were developed in
coordination with the JAA and JAR–25.
However, since the JAA’s JAR–25 and
the EASA’s CS–25 are essentially the
same, all of the discussions relative to
JAR–25 also apply to CS–25.
D. Harmonization of U.S. and European
Regulatory Standards
When airplanes are type certificated
to both sets of standards, the differences
between part 25 and JAR–25 can result
in substantial added costs to
manufacturers and operators. These
added costs, however, frequently do not
bring about an increase in safety.
Representatives of the FAA and JAA,
proposed an accelerated process to
reach harmonization, the ‘‘Fast Track
Harmonization Program.’’ The FAA
initiated the Fast Track Harmonization
Program on November 26, 1999.
For ‘‘fast track harmonization’’
projects, the FAA and the JAA agreed
that, ‘‘During the development of the
NPRM, the rulemaking team should
coordinate closely with the JAA HWG
[Harmonization Working Group]
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 11, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
representative to ensure continued
harmonization of approaches between
the NPRM and JAA NPA [Notice of
Proposed Amendment]. During these
discussions, it should be emphasized
that harmonization means that the
regulations would have the same effect,
thereby allowing single certification/
validation, rather than be worded
identically. To the extent necessary, the
rulemaking team will have cooperation
from other HWG members to ensure a
full understanding of the issues.’’ 2 This
rulemaking has been identified as a
‘‘fast track’’ project.
Further details on ARAC, and its role
in harmonization rulemaking activity,
and the Fast Track Harmonization
Program can be found in the tasking
statement (64 FR 66522, November 26,
1999) and the first NPRM published
under this program, ‘‘Fire Protection
Requirements for Powerplant
Installations on Transport Category
Airplanes’’ (65 FR 36978, June 12,
III. Disposition of Comments
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Safety Standards for Flight Guidance
In response to the NPRM request for
comments, ten commenters responded
(with one commenter sending a
duplicate). The commenters include one
foreign regulatory authority, foreign and
domestic airplane operators and
manufacturers and the aviation
organizations representing them, and
individuals. One supportive comment
finds the level of safety significantly
improved. A number of comments,
while generally supporting the proposal,
suggest changes. Two comments ask for
clarification of a term or definition. A
few comments suggest rulemaking
actions not addressed by the proposal,
and several comments concern changes
to the proposed AC. No substantive
changes were made to the proposed
rule; however, we revised the rule text
in paragraph (h) to clarify our intent.
The comments and our responses are
1. Significant Transient, Paragraph (e)
Transport Canada, Canada’s
airworthiness authority, stated that the
proposed rule’s definition of a
‘‘significant transient’’ is inappropriate,
as it includes criteria containing an
injury level (i.e., ‘‘non-fatal injuries’’) to
crew and passengers. Transport Canada
believes that the term could be open to
2 See Fast Track Harmonization Program (ANM–
99–356–A) referred to in FAA Order 1100.160, and
the NPRM mentioned above.
3 The full text of each commenter’s submission is
available in the Docket.
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considerable individual interpretation,
and needlessly complicates the issue. In
addition, this commenter argued that
both the rule and the guidance material
allow for a significant transient
following autopilot disengagement
during non-normal and rare-normal
events. The more logical approach
would be to delete any reference to
injury level, and allow for the discretion
of the certification specialist to
determine whether any transients, be
they minor or significant, are
As discussed in the NPRM, the
reference to ‘‘non-fatal injuries’’ was
made for several reasons. The terms
‘‘significant transient’’ and ‘‘minor
transient’’ are used in § 25.1329(c), (d),
and (e). These terms are defined using
AC 25.1309–1A language for ‘‘major
failure condition’’ and ‘‘minor failure
condition,’’ respectively. The FAA
intends a strong correlation between the
terms used in these rule paragraphs
regarding allowable transient conditions
and the hazard classifications of failures
of AC 25.1309–1A. Therefore, identical
language is used so there would be no
confusion about the hazard
classification of the different transient
levels defined in § 25.1329. This is
consistent with the ARAC
recommendation regarding the meaning
of these terms and their relationship to
acceptable means of compliance with
§ 25.1309. One reason for establishing
this close relationship is to enhance
standardization in the application of
these terms and to make this application
less dependent on the judgment of
individual certification specialists. No
changes were made to the rule due to
this comment.
2. Changed Product Rule (CPR), § 21.101
The NPRM addressed the
applicability of this rule given the intent
behind the CPR, in depth, under the
section entitled ‘‘Discussion of
Proposal.’’ In its comment, Boeing
neither raised any questions regarding
this explanation, nor identified issues
for which this explanation was
inadequate, although it did request
further clarification of the interrelationship between the two rules
generally. To summarize the NPRM
discussion, the CPR must be considered
when updating or adding a flight
guidance system. If a proposed change
to a FGS is part of a ‘‘significant’’
product change, then § 21.101(a) is
applicable unless one of the other
exceptions of § 21.101(b) applies. For
changes that are limited to the FGS
itself, the only time a change may be
considered a ‘‘significant change’’ is
when a substantially new function is
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included in an already certified product.
Advisory Circular 21.101–1, Change 1,
further discusses how to evaluate
whether a change made to a previously
certified product is significant or not
In accordance with § 21.101(b)(3), an
applicant proposing a significant change
would not be required to comply with
this amendment if compliance were
determined to be impractical. So,
applicants for design changes, even if
they are significant, will not be required
to comply with this amendment if they
show that it is impractical to comply.
The determination of whether
compliance is impractical is made for
each amendment on a requirement-byrequirement basis. For example, in this
rule it may be determined that it is
impractical to comply with certain
paragraphs of § 25.1329, but practical to
comply with others. The applicant and
the FAA may consider the question of
whether or not complying with the
latest amendment of the rule is
impractical during the certification of a
changed product. No change was made
due to this comment.
3. Pilot Override, Paragraph (d), and
Preamble Changes
Dassault Aviation disagreed with the
statement made in the NPRM that an
autopilot override and subsequent
disengagement is considered to be a
normal event. This topic is discussed in
the NPRM under the heading, ‘‘What
Are The Specific Proposed Changes?’’
for proposed § 25.1329(c), (d), and (e).
Dassault believes that part 25 aircraft
certified to the current standards have
an excellent safety record. However, it
recognized that part 25 aircraft are
becoming increasingly automated. The
commenter further recognized that
recent technological improvements
make it feasible to include a level of
protection against override events, thus
making future part 25 aircraft and their
flight guidance systems even safer.
Consequently, the commenter
supports reasonable and feasible steps
to provide additional protection against
a manual override of an engaged
autopilot. Nevertheless, Dassault
emphasized that the primary
responsibility for proper operation of
the FGS (or any other system) rests with
the pilot in command and the only way
for the pilot to fulfill that responsibility
is to possess adequate knowledge of
aircraft systems and to use proper
operational procedures, especially those
that pertain to the FGS.
The FAA included the explanation
regarding a pilot override as a normal
event in the NPRM due to a comment
received during discussions among the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 11, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
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FGS working group. The comment, that
a pilot override of an engaged FGS
should be a ‘‘non-normal condition,’’
was made because the commenter
believed that, since an override is not
the primary means to disengage an
engaged FGS, it must, therefore, be a
non-normal condition.
As discussed in the NPRM, the FAA
disagrees with that assessment.
The current generation of FGS has
flown for millions of flight hours and is
safe. However, there have been several
accidents and incidents in the past 15
years whose initiating event was a pilot
override of an engaged FGS. This
specific scenario, a pilot override of an
engaged FGS, is one of the known
‘‘vulnerabilities’’ of current FGS
systems, and one that was addressed by
ARAC’s proposed rule language and
accompanying AC.
We disagree with the commenter’s
implication that the pilot will always
disconnect the FGS before making a
manual input to the flight controls.
History has shown that the pilots may
not always follow this training,
sometimes resulting in the accidents
and incidents discussed in the NPRM.
Whether a pilot chooses to override an
engaged FGS because of an immediate
need to maneuver the airplane, such as
a need to avoid oncoming traffic, or a
desire to ‘‘assist’’ the FGS because the
pilot does not believe the FGS is
performing as desired, the results of this
pilot action must be safe and must not
put the crew or passengers in jeopardy.
This is the effect of treating pilot
override of the FGS as a ‘‘normal’’ event
under this rule. No change was made
due to this comment.
4. Minor Transient Used in the Icing
Table and in the Definition of Icing
Conditions in Paragraph (c)
An individual commented on the
preamble explanatory material of
proposed § 25.1329(c), (d), and (e); the
discussion of transients and their
definition; and the explanatory text in
proposed paragraph (c) that reads: ‘‘For
purposes of this section, a minor
transient is an abrupt change in the
flight path of the airplane that would
not significantly reduce airplane safety,
and which involves flightcrew actions
that are well within their capabilities
involving a slight increase in flightcrew
workload or some physical discomfort
to passengers or cabin crew.’’
This commenter disagreed with the
definition in paragraph (c) of ‘‘minor
transient,’’ stating that the definition
conveys that it is necessarily abrupt,
that it does involve an increase in crew
workload, and that it does involve
physical discomfort. Even though
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paragraphs (c) and (d) do state ‘‘* * *
may not cause * * * any greater than a
minor transient,’’ the commenter thinks
it would be helpful if the ensuing
definition incorporated the same
concept. This commenter recommended
changing paragraph (c) to read ‘‘For the
purposes of this section, a minor
transient is a response that produces no
greater than an abrupt change * * * ’’
The FAA does not agree with the
suggested revision and has made no rule
language change due to this comment.
The rule defines the minimum
performance safety requirements for an
FGS. The FAA agrees that any transient,
regardless of the duration or abruptness,
is not desirable in a modern FGS.
However, the purpose of the rule is not
to address nuisance performance issues
that are not safety critical.
Rule paragraphs (c) and (d) state that,
for the conditions described in each
paragraph, the resultant response may
not be any greater than a minor
transient. This addresses the
commenter’s concern that is reflected in
the suggested revision. The definition of
a ‘‘minor transient’’ does not need to
reflect the possible range of response
from ‘‘no response at all’’ to the
maximum allowable transient that can
be categorized as a minor transient.
5. Icing Definitions Listed in the Table
The same individual also stated that
the definitions for icing conditions
given under the description of ‘‘normal
conditions’’ in the NPRM preamble
should include ‘‘icing, (trace, light and
moderate).’’ The commenter suggested
that the current text may ‘‘possibly
constitute a significant regulatory
difference (SRD) between § 25.1329 and
the corresponding JAR regulations,
without referring to the AC or ACJ,
which is only one means of
compliance.’’ Additionally, the
commenter suggested that the wording
in the proposed rule text and NPRM
preamble is not as stringent as the
ARAC working group recommendation.
The commenter suggested adding
another sentence in the table for
‘‘normal conditions ‘‘ icing’’ that
conveys the concept that
‘‘Operationally, normal icing conditions
include trace, light, and moderate icing
The FAA disagrees with the statement
that the proposal would create an SRD,
and made no change. As recommended
by ARAC, the proposed rule text uses
the terms ‘‘normal conditions,’’ ‘‘rare
normal conditions,’’ and ‘‘non-normal
conditions’’ to distinguish the types of
conditions under which the FGS must
be evaluated. As explained in the
‘‘Discussion’’ section of the NPRM,
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these terms are not subject to precise
definition. However, the Discussion
section includes a table providing
extensive examples of each category of
conditions. In particular, the table states
that ‘‘normal conditions’’ include ‘‘All
icing conditions covered by 14 CFR part
25, appendix C, with the exception of
‘‘asymmetric icing’’ discussed under
‘‘Rare Normal Conditions’’ below.’’
While appendix C does not use the
terms trace, light, and moderate icing
levels, appendix C clearly encompasses
those terms. Therefore, we have retained
the intent of the ARAC
recommendations, and the rule is no
less stringent.
6. Icing and Autopilot
One individual stated that, although
the NRPM and AC contain significant
discussions of the effects of icing upon
FGS operations, there is not enough
discussion to conclude that ‘‘icing can
mask or impair the handling qualities of
an autopilot.’’
The FAA believes that this issue has
been covered adequately. The NPRM
proposed requirements regarding the
allowable transients during a
disengagement of the FGS system in
normal conditions and rare normal
conditions, both of which contain icing
conditions. An FGS would have to meet
these requirements despite any
‘‘masking’’ effect or impairment of
handling qualities of the autopilot.
Likewise, the proposed AC 25.1329–1X,
that accompanied the proposed rule
contains discussions of many different
aspects of this issue, such as the
functions of a new flight deck alert and
how the effects of icing upon autopilot
performance should be evaluated.
7. Autopilot Disengagement
Clarification in Paragraph (b)
The same individual also expressed
concern that the rule language does not
adequately address the need for a
positive FGS disengagement (autopilot
or autothrottle). The commenter stated
that most current mechanically
controlled systems uncouple from the
system they are controlling, and will
leave some mechanical connections
attached to the system. These
components increase the probability for
control jams, as they can never be
removed from the system.
Based on ARAC’s recommendation,
the FGS, as the term is used in this rule,
does not include the mechanical
connections. The accompanying AC to
this rule states, in the ‘‘Overview of
FGS’’ section, that anything that
remains attached to the primary flight
controls or propulsion controls when
the FGS is not in use is regarded as part
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 11, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
of the primary flight controls and
propulsion system, and the
airworthiness standards for those
systems are applicable. This means that
the concerns stated by the commenter
fall under the requirements that govern
those systems, such as §§ 25.571,
25.671, 25.689, 25.901, and 25.1309.
Specifically, §§ 25.671(c), 25.901(c), and
25.1309(b) cover the possibility of
mechanical jams of the flight controls
and propulsion systems. The FAA’s
position is that these regulations
adequately cover the concerns described
by the commenter.
This rulemaking action does not
propose any changes to the regulations
governing those systems. Therefore, no
change to was made.
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8. New Functions and Control
Directions, Paragraph (f)
Dassault Aviation stated that
§ 25.1329(f) and § 25.1329(i) are
redundant, and that paragraph (i) is
worded more in terms of design than
regulation. Section 25.1329(f) has to do
specifically with the marking and
labeling of the FGS controls, while
§ 25.1329(i) deals generally with the
controls being designed to minimize
confusion regarding FGS operations.
While related, these two paragraphs
deal with different aspects of the
flightcrew interface with the FGS. The
FAA disagrees with the commenter’s
assertion that the two paragraphs are
redundant, and has made no change to
the proposed rule text due to this
comment. Rule paragraph (f) is the FGS
specific regulation analogous to
§ 25.1555(a), ‘‘Control Markings.’’ Rule
paragraph (i) is the FGS specific
regulation analogous to § 25.777,
‘‘Cockpit Controls,’’ which addresses a
broad range of human factors design
issues. Both of these paragraphs are
necessary to achieve this rule’s safety
objectives, and were recommended by
9. Speed Protection Domain, new
Paragraph (h)
Dassault Aviation stated that the rule
text of § 25.1329(h) is more restrictive
than the NPRM preamble discussion.
The draft rule text states: ‘‘* * * the
flight guidance system must not provide
guidance or control to an unsafe speed.’’
The NPRM discussion stated,
‘‘[H]owever, an implementation
providing increased awareness of
airspeed and/or alerts for immediate
crew recognition and intervention of a
potential airspeed excursion may also
be an acceptable means of complying
with this regulation.’’ The commenter
stated that FGS designs that would
comply with the option discussed in the
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NPRM preamble would not be
compliant with the formal regulation.
The commenter then suggested the
following revision to § 25.1329(h):
‘‘* * *the flight guidance system must
not provide guidance or control to an
unsafe speed unless an implementation
providing increased awareness of
airspeed and/or alerts for immediate
crew recognition is provided.’’
The FAA partially concurs with
Dassault’s comment. While it was not
our intent, we recognize that the
proposed rule language could be
interpreted as requiring the FGS itself to
prevent operation at an unsafe speed,
without pilot intervention. To clarify
that such intervention is an acceptable
means of compliance with this standard,
we have revised the paragraph to state,
‘‘a means must be provided to prevent
the flight guidance system from
providing guidance or control to an
unsafe speed.’’ This means may consist
of either an automated means of
preventing such guidance or pilot
intervention. This philosophy was used
elsewhere in this proposed rule and
accompanying proposed AC. The NPRM
discusses the use of another flight deck
alert (sometimes referred to as ‘‘Bark
Before Bite’’) to mitigate transients in
the flight path of the airplane that occur
immediately after the disengagement of
the autopilot system. This alert to
ensure awareness of the pilot to the
speed of the airplane is similar to this
example. The proposed rule,
accompanying preamble material, and
proposed AC are consistent in that the
use of a flight deck alert to ensure pilot
action is considered to be an acceptable
means of compliance to the rule. This
approach is also fully harmonized with
that of JAA/EASA.
10. General Comments
The General Aviation Manufacturers
Association (GAMA) supports the
FAA’s and ARAC’s effort in generating
this proposed rule. The GAMA noted
several specific NPRM preamble
paragraphs that explain the intent and
interpretation of the several proposed
rule paragraphs that its organization
Boeing, while making a comment on
the proposed AC accompanying this
proposed rule, included the following
statement concerning the NPRM, ‘‘The
NPRM has been changed from the JAA
[Joint Aviation Authority] NPA product
* * *’’ Boeing noted all instances of
differences between the rule language
contained in the NPRM and NPA.
The NPRM, in the section entitled
‘‘Discussion of the Proposal,’’ explained
editorial instances where the FAA
proposed rule language was different
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than the JAA NPA rule language. For
further information on harmonization,
refer to section II, paragraph D,
Harmonization of U.S. and European
Regulatory Standards, of this final rule.
Because of the differences in the
rulemaking processes and requirements
of the two Agencies, it is common that
slight differences exist between their
harmonized regulations. The FAA
believes the rule text is harmonized
between the FAA and JAA/EASA even
though some terms used are different.
Since the FAA and JAA/EASA versions
of the final rule are harmonized—
meaning the effect of both rules is
identical—no changes were made due to
these comments.
11. Comments and Suggestions for
Rulemaking Actions Not Addressed by
The FAA received several comments
on subject areas that are not addressed
in the proposed rule, and therefore, no
comments were requested on these
subjects. These comments are discussed
Adding Flight Testing Criteria
One commenter suggested that flight
testing criteria be included in the rule
if an FGS is to be certified based on its
similarity to a previously approved
design. The FAA disagrees with this
approach. The commenter’s suggestion
is more appropriate for an AC in that it
would define one (but not the only)
method to show compliance to the
regulations. However, in this case, the
FAA disagrees with making this change
to the accompanying AC. The AC
represents the most detailed approach of
demonstrating compliance. To use
similarity as a method of compliance,
the applicant would need to propose
this method, instead of the method in
the AC, to the FAA aircraft certification
office (ACO) in charge of that project.
The FAA believes that it would be
extremely problematic, due to the
numerous possibilities of systems,
aircraft, and aerodynamic differences
between a system to be certified and a
previously certified system, to try to
define a prescriptive method that would
be acceptable. This evaluation is best
left to the ACO engineer evaluating the
Current Systems or Component Items
Another comment by the same
individual made several observations
regarding ‘‘known frailties of current
systems or components as they are
implemented.’’ The examples given
concerned mechanical flight controls
issues, such as control surface servo
actuators, rudder boost pumps, and
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 11, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
worn and out of tolerance flow control
Under the definition of an FGS given
in the NPRM, these items are not
considered to be part of the FGS. They
are part of the primary flight control
system of the airplane. Therefore, no
changes were made due to this
comment. Additionally, the commenter
made no specific recommendations to
address the concerns. The FAA
considers that § 25.1309 adequately
covers the concerns listed.
Autopilot and Flight Standards Issue,
§ 121.579
One commenter reminded the FAA
that the FGSHWG report recommended
updating § 121.579, ‘‘Minimum
Altitudes for Use of Autopilot.’’ The
proposed AC 25.1329–1X included an
updated method for calculating the
autopilot Minimum Use Height (MUH).
The method contained in the proposed
AC was harmonized with the JAA/
EASA method. The working group
recommended that the part 121 rule be
revised so there would be no confusion
about making the MUH calculation or
placing the correct method in the
Airplane Flight Manual (AFM).
While we acknowledged the ARAC
recommendation, we did not propose to
revise § 121.579 as part of this
rulemaking, and we have not provided
the public an opportunity to comment
on the proposal. No changes were made
due to this comment. We may consider
this recommendation in future
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Helicopter Autopilot, Part 27 and 29
Rowan Companies, Inc., as the parent
company of Era Aviation, Inc., provided
detailed input on helicopter autopilot
design and specific suggestions to
include these considerations. This
commenter suggested that the § 25.1329
rulemaking and advisory material be
expanded to include helicopters.
Several specific suggestions were made
to address what the commenter regarded
as deficiencies in current rotorcraft
The activity to revise part 25 material
is, by its nature, applicable to transport
category airplanes only. Part 27 of 14
CFR covers normal category rotorcraft,
and part 29 covers transport category
rotorcraft. Revisions to the regulations
contained in parts 27 and 29 are not
covered in the proposed rulemaking for
the FGS on transport category airplanes.
However, these comments may be
considered in future rulemaking
applicable to rotorcraft.
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IV. Editorial Change
For clarification only, we have moved
the definitions of ‘‘minor transient’’ and
‘‘significant transient’’ from paragraphs
(c) and (e), respectively, to a new
paragraph (n).
V. Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) requires that the
FAA to consider the impact of
paperwork and other information
collection burdens imposed on the
public. We have determined that there
are no new information collection
requirements associated with this final
International Compatibility
In keeping with U.S. obligations
under the Convention on International
Civil Aviation, it is FAA policy to
comply with International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards
and Recommended Practices to the
maximum extent practicable. The FAA
has determined that there are no ICAO
Standards and Recommended Practices
that correspond to these regulations.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
The FAA analyzed this rule under the
principles and criteria of Executive
Order 13132, Federalism. We
determined that this action would not
have a substantial direct effect on the
States, on the relationship between the
national Government and the States, or
on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government and, therefore,
would not have federalism implications.
Summaries of the Regulatory
Evaluation, Regulatory Flexibility
Determination, Trade Impact
Assessment, and Unfunded Mandates
Executive Order 12866 and DOT
Regulatory Policies and Procedures
This portion of the preamble
summarizes the FAA’s analysis of the
economic impacts of this final rule. We
suggest readers seeking greater detail
read the full regulatory evaluation, a
copy of which has been placed in the
docket for this rulemaking.
Changes to Federal regulations must
undergo several economic analyses.
First, Executive Order 12866 directs that
each Federal agency propose or adopt a
regulation only upon a determination
that the benefits of the intended
regulation justify its costs. Second, the
Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
requires agencies to analyze the
economic impact of regulatory changes
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on small entities. Third, the Trade
Agreements Act prohibits agencies from
setting standards that create
unnecessary obstacles to the foreign
commerce of the United States. In
developing U.S. standards, this Trade
Act requires agencies to consider
international standards and, where
appropriate, use them as the basis of
U.S. standards. Fourth, the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 requires
agencies to prepare a written assessment
of the costs, benefits, and other effects
of proposed or final rules that include
a Federal mandate likely to result in the
expenditure by State, local, or tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by
private sector, of $100 million or more
annually (adjusted for inflation).
In conducting these analyses, FAA
has determined this rule: (1) Has
benefits that justify its costs; (2) is not
a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ as
defined in section 3(f) of Executive
Order 12866, and is not ‘‘significant’’ as
defined in DOT’s Regulatory Policies
and Procedures; (3) will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities; (4)
will reduce barriers to international
trade; and (5) will not impose an
unfunded mandate on state, local, or
tribal governments, or on the private
Total Costs and Benefits of This
This rulemaking affects manufacturers
of small part 25 airplanes that incur
costs and occupants in affected
airplanes that receive safety benefits.
Assumptions and Standard Values
• Discount rates: Base case 7%;
sensitivity case 3%.
• Period of analysis: Overall, 2006–
2041. Costs, 2006–2016 (consist of
design, testing, and production costs).
Benefits, 2008–2041 (based on 25-year
operating lives of newly-certificated
aircraft, all of which will be produced
between 2007–2016).
• Value of statistical fatality avoided:
$3 million.
Basis of Costs
As noted in the regulatory evaluation,
the revised requirements will affect part
25 smaller transport airplanes
(turboprops and regional jets) and
business jets; part 25 larger commercial
airplanes either already meet the new
requirements or will have only minor
costs in complying. Since part 25
turboprops and regional jets are not
currently manufactured in the United
States, the final rule will directly affect
only U.S.-manufactured business jets.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 11, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
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The relevant changes and associated
incremental costs are as follows:
1. Autopilot Override—Nonrecurring
costs (design, development, and testing)
related to installation of a force sensor
(new force transducer) on control
column totals $200,000 for a new type
certificate. Recurring costs (per unit) for
a new force transducer equal $12,000.
2. Speed Protection—Nonrecurring
costs total $210,000; recurring costs (per
unit) equal $40,000 (this amount may
include new or modified components
such as sensors).
3. Pilot Awareness/Flight Deck
Annunciation—Nonrecurring costs total
$120,000; recurring costs per unit are
minimal (essentially no new costs).
Non-recurring and recurring costs
total $116,520,000, or $76,592,390, and
$96,553,992 in present values at 7% and
3% discount rates, respectively.
Basis of Benefits
Since current type certificates for part
25 larger commercial airplanes already
voluntarily meet the key provisions of
the rule, future averted accidents
(benefits) attributable to the rule must
be limited to part 25 business jets.
Although there were no directlyaligned accidents involving autopilots
in part 25 business jets in a recent 20year period, there were four incidents
that involved autopilot disconnect and/
or improper pilot procedures; the FAA
expects this rule to prevent such events.
Autopilot disruptions are serious
occurrences, and it is reasonable to
postulate that such incidents could just
as easily have been accidents.
Furthermore, given that part 25 business
jets increasingly incorporate more
sophisticated autopilot systems, the risk
of future accidents intensifies. As
previously noted, difficulties for
flightcrews interacting with the
increasing automation of flight decks in
part 25 larger commercial airplanes
prompted this rulemaking. (There were
at least two accidents and several
serious incidents involving large
commercial airplanes).
Accordingly, the FAA has estimated
the minimum levels of averted losses, in
terms of avoided fatalities and airplane
damage (each accident is valued at $40
million) that will be necessary to offset
the estimated compliance costs.
Applying the base case 7% interest
rate, the FAA has determined that
approximately seven catastrophic
accidents are necessary in the 34-year
benefits period to make the rule costbeneficial (note that four events in the
20-year period examined
mathematically equates to seven events
in the future 34-year benefits period in
this analysis). Alternatively, using a 3%
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interest rate as a sensitivity case, only
four accidents are necessary to make the
rule cost-beneficial.
Based on the history of accidents and
incidents in large commercial airplanes,
and the occurrence of incidents
concomitant with the increasing
complexity of flight guidance systems in
large business jets, the FAA finds this
rule to be cost-beneficial. A summary of
costs and benefits is shown below.
Base Case—Use of 7% Discount Rate
• Estimated present value costs (11year analysis period)—part 25
certificated smaller airplanes (large
business jets): $76.592 million.
• Estimated present value benefits
(34-year period)—part 25 certificated
smaller airplanes (large business jets):
As discussed above, with seven
potential averted accidents, the present
value of benefits is equivalent to present
value costs of $76.592 million, and the
rule is cost-beneficial.
Sensitivity Case—Use of 3% Discount
• Estimated present value costs (11year period)—part 25 certificated
smaller airplanes (large business jets):
$96.554 million.
• Estimated present value benefits
(34-year period)—part 25 certificated
smaller airplanes (large business jets):
As discussed above, with four potential
averted accidents, the present value of
benefits is equivalent to present value
costs of $96.554 million, and the rule is
Regulatory Flexibility Determination
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
(RFA) establishes ‘‘as a principle of
regulatory issuance that agencies shall
endeavor, consistent with the objective
of the rule and of applicable statutes, to
fit regulatory and informational
requirements to the scale of the
business, organizations, and
governmental jurisdictions subject to
regulation.’’ To achieve that principle,
the Act requires agencies to solicit and
consider flexible regulatory proposals
and to explain the rationale for their
actions. The Act covers a wide-range of
small entities, including small
businesses, not-for-profit organizations
and small governmental jurisdictions.
Agencies must perform a review to
determine whether a proposed or final
rule will have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. If the determination is that it
will, the agency must prepare a
regulatory flexibility analysis as
described in the Act. However, if an
agency determines that a proposed or
final rule is not expected to have a
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significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities,
section 605(b) of the 1980 act provides
that the head of the agency may so
certify and a regulatory flexibility
analysis is not required. The
certification must include a statement
providing the factual basis for this
determination, and the reasoning should
be clear.
This rule will affect manufacturers of
part 25 airplanes produced under future
new type-certificates. For
manufacturers, a small entity is one
with 1,500 or fewer employees. None of
the part 25 manufacturers has 1,500 or
fewer employees; consequently, none is
considered a small entity.
Based on the above, I certify that this
rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
International Trade Impact Assessment
The Trade Agreements Act of 1979
prohibits Federal agencies from
engaging in any standards or related
activities that create unnecessary
obstacles to the foreign commerce of the
United States. Legitimate domestic
objectives, such as safety, are not
considered unnecessary obstacles. The
statute also requires consideration of
international standards and, where
appropriate, they be the basis for U.S.
standards. In accordance with the above
statute, the FAA has assessed the
potential effect of this rule for part 25
airplanes. This rulemaking is consistent
with the Trade Agreements Act since it
eliminates significant regulatory
differences between the U.S. and
European airworthiness standards.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 (the Act) is intended, among
other things, to curb the practice of
imposing unfunded Federal mandates
on State, local, and tribal governments.
Title II of the Act requires each Federal
agency to prepare a written statement
assessing the effects of any Federal
mandate in a proposed or final agency
rule that may result in an expenditure
of $100 million or more (adjusted
annually for inflation) in any one year
by State, local, and tribal governments,
in the aggregate, or by the private sector;
such a mandate is deemed to be a
‘‘significant regulatory action.’’ The
FAA currently uses an inflationadjusted value of $120.7 million in lieu
of $100 million.
This final rule does not contain such
a mandate. The requirements of Title II
of the Act, therefore, do not apply.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 11, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
Regulations Affecting Intrastate
Aviation in Alaska
Section 1205 of the FAA
Reauthorization Act of 1996 (110 Stat.
3213) requires the Administrator, when
modifying regulations in a manner
affecting intrastate aviation in Alaska, to
consider the extent to which Alaska is
not served by transportation modes
other than aviation, and to establish
appropriate regulatory distinctions. In
the NPRM, we requested comments on
whether the proposed rule should apply
differently to intrastate operations in
Alaska. We did not receive any
comments, and we have determined,
based on the administrative record of
this rulemaking, that there is no need to
make any regulatory distinctions
applicable to intrastate aviation in
Environmental Analysis
FAA Order 1050.1E identifies FAA
actions that are categorically excluded
from preparation of an environmental
assessment or environmental impact
statement under the National
Environmental Policy Act in the
absence of extraordinary circumstances.
The FAA has determined this
rulemaking action qualifies for the
categorical exclusion identified in
paragraph 312f and involves no
extraordinary circumstances.
Regulations That Significantly Affect
Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
The FAA has analyzed this final rule
under Executive Order 13211, Actions
Concerning Regulations that
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use (May 18, 2001). We
have determined that it is not a
‘‘significant energy action’’ under the
executive order because it is not a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under
Executive Order 12866, and it is not
likely to have a significant adverse effect
on the supply, distribution, or use of
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting
and record keeping requirements,
Safety, Transportation.
The Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
amends Part 25 of Chapter 1 of Title 14,
Code of Federal Regulations, as follows:
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1. The authority citation for part 25
continues to read as follows:
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Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701,
44702 and 44704.
2. Revise § 25.1329 to read as follows:
§ 25.1329
Flight guidance system
(a) Quick disengagement controls for
the autopilot and autothrust functions
must be provided for each pilot. The
autopilot quick disengagement controls
must be located on both control wheels
(or equivalent). The autothrust quick
disengagement controls must be located
on the thrust control levers. Quick
disengagement controls must be readily
accessible to each pilot while operating
the control wheel (or equivalent) and
thrust control levers.
(b) The effects of a failure of the
system to disengage the autopilot or
autothrust functions when manually
commanded by the pilot must be
assessed in accordance with the
requirements of § 25.1309.
(c) Engagement or switching of the
flight guidance system, a mode, or a
sensor may not cause a transient
response of the airplane’s flight path
any greater than a minor transient, as
defined in paragraph (n)(1) of this
(d) Under normal conditions, the
disengagement of any automatic control
function of a flight guidance system may
not cause a transient response of the
airplane’s flight path any greater than a
minor transient.
(e) Under rare normal and non-normal
conditions, disengagement of any
automatic control function of a flight
guidance system may not result in a
transient any greater than a significant
transient, as defined in paragraph (n)(2)
of this section.
(f) The function and direction of
motion of each command reference
control, such as heading select or
vertical speed, must be plainly
indicated on, or adjacent to, each
control if necessary to prevent
inappropriate use or confusion.
(g) Under any condition of flight
appropriate to its use, the flight
guidance system may not produce
hazardous loads on the airplane, nor
create hazardous deviations in the flight
path. This applies to both fault-free
operation and in the event of a
malfunction, and assumes that the pilot
begins corrective action within a
reasonable period of time.
(h) When the flight guidance system
is in use, a means must be provided to
avoid excursions beyond an acceptable
margin from the speed range of the
normal flight envelope. If the airplane
experiences an excursion outside this
range, a means must be provided to
prevent the flight guidance system from
PO 00000
Frm 00031
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
providing guidance or control to an
unsafe speed.
(i) The flight guidance system
functions, controls, indications, and
alerts must be designed to minimize
flightcrew errors and confusion
concerning the behavior and operation
of the flight guidance system. Means
must be provided to indicate the current
mode of operation, including any armed
modes, transitions, and reversions.
Selector switch position is not an
acceptable means of indication. The
controls and indications must be
grouped and presented in a logical and
consistent manner. The indications
must be visible to each pilot under all
expected lighting conditions.
(j) Following disengagement of the
autopilot, a warning (visual and
auditory) must be provided to each pilot
and be timely and distinct from all other
cockpit warnings.
(k) Following disengagement of the
autothrust function, a caution must be
provided to each pilot.
(l) The autopilot may not create a
potential hazard when the flightcrew
applies an override force to the flight
(m) During autothrust operation, it
must be possible for the flightcrew to
move the thrust levers without requiring
excessive force. The autothrust may not
create a potential hazard when the
flightcrew applies an override force to
the thrust levers.
(n) For purposes of this section, a
transient is a disturbance in the control
or flight path of the airplane that is not
consistent with response to flightcrew
inputs or environmental conditions.
(1) A minor transient would not
significantly reduce safety margins and
would involve flightcrew actions that
are well within their capabilities. A
minor transient may involve a slight
increase in flightcrew workload or some
physical discomfort to passengers or
cabin crew.
(2) A significant transient may lead to
a significant reduction in safety
margins, an increase in flightcrew
workload, discomfort to the flightcrew,
or physical distress to the passengers or
cabin crew, possibly including non-fatal
injuries. Significant transients do not
require, in order to remain within or
recover to the normal flight envelope,
any of the following:
(i) Exceptional piloting skill,
alertness, or strength.
(ii) Forces applied by the pilot which
are greater than those specified in
§ 25.143(c).
(iii) Accelerations or attitudes in the
airplane that might result in further
hazard to secured or non-secured
§ 25.1335
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 11, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
Federal Holidays, between 7:30 a.m. and
4 p.m.
Dunn, FAA, Airplane and Flight Crew
Interface Branch, ANM–111, Transport
Airplane Directorate, Aircraft
Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue
SW., Renton, Washington 98055–4056;
telephone (425) 227–2799; facsimile
(425) 227–1320.
3. Amend part 25 by removing
§ 25.1335.
Issued in Washington, DC, on April 5,
Marion C. Blakey,
[FR Doc. 06–3467 Filed 4–10–06; 8:45 am]
Comments Invited
Federal Aviation Administration
The FAA has determined that notice
and opportunity for prior public
comment is impracticable because these
procedures would significantly delay
certification of the airplane and thus
delivery of the affected aircraft. In
addition, the substance of these special
conditions has been subject to the
public comment process in several prior
instances with no substantive comments
received. The FAA, therefore, finds that
good cause exists for making these
special conditions effective upon
issuance; however, we invite interested
people to take part in this rulemaking by
sending written comments, data, or
views. The most helpful comments
reference a specific portion of the
special conditions, explain the reason
for any recommended change, and
include supporting data. We ask that
you send us two copies of written
We will file in the docket all
comments we receive as well as a report
summarizing each substantive public
contact with FAA personnel concerning
these special conditions. You may
inspect the docket before and after the
comment closing date. If you wish to
review the docket in person, go to the
address in the ADDRESSES section of this
preamble between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
We will consider all comments we
receive on or before the closing date for
comments. We will consider comments
filed late, if it is possible to do so
without incurring expense or delay. We
may change these special conditions,
based on the comments we receive.
If you want the FAA to acknowledge
receipt of your comments on these
special conditions, include with your
comments a pre-addressed, stamped
postcard on which the docket number
appears. We will stamp the date on the
postcard and mail it back to you.
14 CFR Part 25
[Docket No. NM344; Special Conditions No.
Special Conditions: McDonnell
Douglas DC–8–72F Airplanes; HighIntensity Radiated Fields (HIRF)
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final special conditions; request
for comments.
These special conditions are
issued for McDonnell Douglas DC–8–
72F airplanes modified by Avionics and
Systems Integration Group, LLC. These
modified airplanes will have a novel or
unusual design feature when compared
to the state of technology envisioned in
the airworthiness standards for
transport category airplanes. The
modification incorporates the
installation of Universal Avionics
Systems Corporation EFI–600 Electronic
Flight Instruments that perform critical
functions. The applicable airworthiness
regulations do not contain adequate or
appropriate safety standards for the
protection of these systems from the
effects of high-intensity radiated fields
(HIRF). These special conditions
contain the additional safety standards
that the Administrator considers
necessary to establish a level of safety
equivalent to that established by the
existing airworthiness standards.
DATES: The effective date of these
special conditions is March 17, 2006.
We must receive your comments by
May 11, 2006.
ADDRESSES: You must mail two copies
of your comments to: Federal Aviation
Administration, Transport Airplane
Directorate, Attention: Rules Docket
(ANM–113), Docket No. NM343, 1601
Lind Avenue SW., Renton, Washington
98055–4056. You may deliver two
copies to the Transport Airplane
Directorate at the above address. You
must mark your comments: Docket No.
NM343. You can inspect comments in
the Rules Docket weekdays, except
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:47 Apr 10, 2006
Jkt 208001
On September 2, 2005, Avionics and
Systems Integration Group, LLC, 2734
Burbank St., Dallas, Texas 75235,
applied for a Supplemental Type
PO 00000
Frm 00032
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Certificate (STC) to modify McDonnell
Douglas DC–8–72F airplanes. These
models are currently approved under
Type Certificate No. 4A25. The
McDonnell Douglas DC–8–72F is a
transport category airplane. The
airplanes are powered by 4 CFM
International Turbofan CFM56–2–C1,
CFM56–2–C3, CFM56–2–C5, or CFM56–
2–C6 engines and have a maximum
takeoff weight of 335,000 pounds. This
airplane operates with a pilot, co-pilot,
and flight engineer and can hold up to
201 passengers. The modification
incorporates installation of Universal
Avionics Systems Corporation EFI–600
Electronic Flight Instruments. The EFI–
600 displays are replacements for the
mechanical heading (HSI) and attitude
(ADI) instruments. The avionics/
electronics and electrical systems
installed in this airplane have the
potential to be vulnerable to highintensity radiated fields (HIRF) external
to the airplane.
Type Certification Basis
Under 14 CFR 21.101, Avionics and
Systems Integration Group, LLC, must
show that the DC–8–72F, as modified,
continues to meet the applicable
provisions of the regulations
incorporated by reference in Type
Certificate No. 4A25, or the applicable
regulations in effect on the date of
application for the change. The
regulations incorporated by reference in
the type certificate are commonly
referred to as the ‘‘original type
certification basis.’’ The certification
basis for the DC–8–72F airplanes
includes provisions from both the Civil
Air Regulations Part 4B and 14 CFR part
25, as listed on Type Certificate No.
4A25. The certification basis also
includes special conditions, additional
requirements, and exemptions listed in
the type certificate data sheet that are
not relevant to these special conditions.
If the Administrator finds that the
applicable airworthiness regulations do
not contain adequate or appropriate
safety standards for the McDonnell
Douglas DC–8–72F airplanes because of
a novel or unusual design feature,
special conditions are prescribed under
§ 21.16.
In addition to the applicable
airworthiness regulations and special
conditions, the DC–8–72F airplanes
must comply with the fuel vent and
exhaust emission requirements of 14
CFR part 34 and the noise certification
requirements of 14 CFR part 36.
Special conditions, as defined in 14
CFR 11.19, are issued under § 11.38 and
become part of the type certification
basis under § 21.101.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 69 (Tuesday, April 11, 2006)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 18183-18192]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-3467]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 25
[Docket No.: FAA-2004-18775; Amendment No. 25-119]
RIN 2120-AI41
Safety Standards for Flight Guidance Systems
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This action amends the airworthiness standards for new designs
and significant product changes for transport category airplanes
concerning flight guidance systems. The standards address the
performance, safety, failure protection, alerting, and basic
annunciation of these systems. This rule is necessary to address flight
guidance system vulnerabilities and to consolidate and standardize
regulations for functions within those systems. In addition, this rule
updates the current regulations regarding the latest technology and
functionality. Adopting this rule eliminates significant regulatory
differences between the U.S. and European airworthiness standards.
DATES: Effective Date: This amendment becomes effective May 11, 2006.
Flight Crew Interface Branch (ANM-111), Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton,
Washington 98055-4056; telephone (425) 227-2889; facsimile 425-227-
1320; e-mail
Availability of Rulemaking Documents
You can get an electronic copy using the Internet by:
(1) Searching the Department of Transportation's electronic Docket
Management System (DMS) web page (;
(2) Visiting the FAA's Regulations and Policies Web page at https://; or
(3) Accessing the Government Printing Office's Web page at https://
You can also get a copy by sending a request to the Federal
Aviation Administration, Office of Rulemaking, ARM-1, 800 Independence
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by calling (202) 267-9680. Make
sure to identify the amendment number or docket number of this
[[Page 18184]]
Anyone is able to search the electronic form of all comments
received into any of our dockets by the name of the individual
submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if submitted on behalf
of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review DOT's
complete Privacy Act statement in the Federal Register published on
April 11, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 70; Pages 19477-78) or you may visit
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) of
1996 requires the FAA to comply with small entity requests for
information or advice about compliance with statutes and regulations
within its jurisdiction. If you are a small entity and you have a
question regarding this document, you may contact its local FAA
official, or the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
You can find out more about SBREFA on the Internet at https://
Authority for This Rulemaking
The FAA's authority to issue rules regarding aviation safety is
found in Title 49 of the United States Code. Subtitle I, Section 106
describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII,
Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency's
This rulemaking is promulgated under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ``General
requirements.'' Under that section, the FAA is charged with promoting
safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing minimum
standards required in the interest of safety for the design and
performance of aircraft; regulations and minimum standards in the
interest of safety for inspecting, servicing, and overhauling aircraft;
and regulations for other practices, methods, and procedures the
Administrator finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This
regulation is within the scope of that authority because it
prescribes--New safety standards for the design of transport category
airplanes, and New requirements that are necessary for safety for the
design, production, operations, and maintenance of those airplanes, and
for other practices, methods and procedures relating to those
I. Executive Summary
This rule revises the airworthiness standards for transport
category airplanes to improve the performance of flight guidance
systems in assisting the flightcrew in the basic control and guidance
of the airplane. As discussed in more detail later, for purposes of
this rulemaking, a ``flight guidance system'' consists of equipment
providing autopilot, autothrust, flight director, and related
functions. This rule adopts requirements to provide workload relief to
the flightcrew and a means to fly an intended flight path more
accurately. This rule responds to a series of incidents and accidents
that have highlighted difficulties for flightcrews interacting with the
increasing automation of flight decks.
Accident History
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued the
following safety recommendations that are addressed by this rule:
NTSB Safety Recommendation A-92-035 is a result of the
Airbus Industries A300 accident in Nagoya, Japan, on April 26, 1994,
where 264 people died. Contributing to that accident were conflicting
actions taken by the flightcrew and the airplane's autopilot. The NTSB
recommended that the FAA ``revise Advisory Circular 25.1329-1A to add
guidance regarding autopilot failures that can result in changes in
attitude at rates that may be imperceptible to the flightcrew and thus
remain undetected until the airplane reaches significant attitude
NTSB Safety Recommendation A-98-098 is a result of an
accident on November 12, 1995. A Boeing MD-80 operated by American
Airlines descended below the minimum descent altitude, clipped some
trees, and landed short of the runway in what was very nearly a fatal
accident. The NTSB recommended that the FAA ``require all manufacturers
of transport-category airplanes to incorporate logic into all new and
existing transport-category airplanes that have autopilots installed to
provide a cockpit aural warning to alert pilots when the airplane's
bank and/or pitch exceeds the autopilot's maximum bank and/or pitch
command limits.''
NTSB Safety Recommendation A-99-043 is a result of an
accident on July 13, 1996. A Boeing MD-11 operated by American Airlines
experienced an in-flight upset during the descent to 24,000 feet by
means of the autopilot. During the descent, the captain instructed the
first officer to slow the rate of descent. Flight data recorder data
show the airplane experienced an immediate 2.3 G pitch upset followed
by more oscillations, resulting in four injuries. The NTSB recommended
that the FAA ``require all new transport category airplane autopilot
systems to be designed to prevent upsets when manual inputs to the
flight controls are made.''
In response to these NTSB safety recommendations and several
incidents and accidents that highlight difficulties for flightcrews
interacting with the increasing automation of flight decks, the FAA
formed a Human Factors Team (HFT). The HFT issued a report on June 18,
1996, titled ``The Interfaces Between Flightcrews and Modern Flight
Deck Systems.''
Past Regulatory Approach
Currently, Sec. 25.1329, ``Automatic pilot system'' addresses only
the autopilot system, and Sec. 25.1335, ``Flight director systems''
addresses the flight director switch position. Not addressed is the
autothrust system and how it relates to flight guidance. The existing
regulations need to be updated to match technology advances. Current
regulations do not fully address the latest technology or newly
available functionality. In addition, proposed and recent rulemaking
activity regarding the interaction of systems and structure, flight
test, and human factors will make certain aspects of the existing
flight guidance systems regulations redundant, in conflict with other
regulations, or confusing and difficult to understand.
Summary of the Rule
This rule adopts new airworthiness standards specifically to
address potential pilot confusion about various aspects of the
operation of flight guidance systems (FGS), including automatic mode
reversions, hazardous disengagement transients, speed protection, and
potential hazards during an autopilot override. These new standards
will apply to new designs and some design changes (as required under 14
CFR 21.101) for transport category airplanes.
This rule revises, reorganizes, and adds additional material to
address the performance, safety, failure protection, alerting, and
basic annunciation of these systems. This rule addresses the autopilot,
autothrust, and flight director in a single section. This rule covers
the portion of the head up display (HUD) that contains flight-guidance
information displayed to the pilot while manually flying the airplane.
Finally, this rule harmonizes the regulations for FGS between the
[[Page 18185]]
and the European Airworthiness Authorities. This harmonization will not
only benefit the aviation industry economically, but also maintain the
necessary high level of aviation safety.
Summary of the Regulatory Evaluation
The FAA's analysis of the economic impacts of this final rule is
consistent with various Federal directives and orders. The FAA
determined that this rule:
Has benefits that justify its costs;
Is not a significant regulatory action;
Will not have a significant impact on a substantial number
of small entities;
Is in compliance with the Trade Agreements Act; and
Will not impose an unfunded mandate of $100 million or
more, in any one year, on state, local, or tribal governments, or on
the private sector.
This rule affects manufacturers of small part 25 airplanes and the
occupants of these airplanes. The manufacturers may incur costs;
however, the occupants in the affected airplanes will receive safety
This rule incorporates the FAA and European Aviation Safety
Agency's (EASA) harmonized standards that result in the assessed
improvements in the operation of autopilot systems and has potential
cost savings.
The FAA has determined that this rule will be cost-beneficial if
seven accidents are averted over a 34-year benefits period.\1\ Although
it is not certain that earlier events could have been prevented by
these autopilot changes (or, how many of any potential future accidents
would be catastrophic), the expected prevalence of more sophisticated
autopilot systems in business jets, combined with the occurrence of
serious accidents involving large transport category airplanes,
mandates regulatory action. For these reasons, the FAA finds this rule
to be cost-beneficial.
\1\ A copy of the full regulatory evaluation is available in the
II. Background
A. General Discussion of the Rule
This amendment is based on notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM),
Notice No. 04-11, which was published in the Federal Register on August
13, 2004 (69 FR 50240). In the Notice, you will find the background
material and a discussion of the safety considerations supporting our
course of action. You also will find a discussion of the current
requirements and why they do not adequately address the problem. We
refer to the recommendations of the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory
Committee (ARAC) and the NTSB that we relied on in developing the final
rule. The ARAC report is available at the following Web address: http:/
/ The NTSB recommendations No. A-98-098 and A-99-043 are
available at the following Web address:
letters/letters.htm. The FAA Human Factors Report and NTSB
recommendation No. A-92-035 are available in the public docket for this
rulemaking. The NPRM also discusses each alternative that we considered
and the reasons for rejecting the ones we did not propose.
The background material in the NPRM contains the basis and
rationale for this rule and, except where we have specifically expanded
on the background elsewhere in this preamble, supports this final rule
as if it were contained here. The table in the NPRM describing non-
normal conditions has been updated. Refer to the table in Advisory
Circular (AC) 25.1329-1B, ``Approval of Flight Guidance Systems'' for
the newest language. We refer inquiries regarding the intent of the
requirements to the background in the NPRM as though it was in the
final rule itself. It is therefore not necessary to repeat the
background in this document.
B. Overview of the Flight Guidance System
The FGS is intended to assist the flightcrew in the basic control
and guidance of the airplane. The FGS provides workload relief to the
flightcrew and a means to fly an intended flight path more accurately.
The following functions make up the flight guidance system:
1. Autopilot--automated airplane maneuvering and handling
2. Autothrust--automated propulsion control.
3. Flight Director--the display of steering commands that provide
vertical and horizontal path guidance, whether displayed ``head down''
or ``head up.'' A head up display is a flight instrumentation that
allows the pilot of an airplane to watch the instruments while looking
ahead of the airplane for the approach lights or the runway.
Flight guidance system's functions also include flight deck
alerting, status, mode annunciations (instrument displays), and any
situational information required by those functions displayed to the
flightcrew. Also included are those functions necessary to provide
guidance and control with an approach and landing system, such as:
Instrument landing system (ILS).
Microwave landing system (MLS) (an instrument landing
system operating in the microwave spectrum that provides lateral and
vertical guidance to airplanes having compatible avionics equipment).
Global navigation satellite system landing system (GLS).
The FGS definition does not include flight planning, flight path
construction, or any other function normally associated with a flight
management system (FMS).
C. Authorities
In addition to the FAA and JAA, a new aviation regulatory body, the
EASA, was established recently by the European community to develop
standards to ensure the highest level of safety and environmental
protection, oversee their uniform application across Europe, and
promote them internationally. The EASA formally became operational for
certification of aircraft, engines, parts, and appliances on September
28, 2003. The EASA will eventually absorb all of the functions and
activities of the JAA, including its efforts to harmonize the European
airworthiness certification regulations with those of the U.S.
The Joint Aviation Regulation (JAR)-25 standards have been
incorporated into the EASA's ``Certification Specifications for Large
Aeroplanes,'' (CS)-25, in similar if not identical language. The EASA's
CS-25 became effective October 17, 2003.
The standards in this amendment were developed before the EASA
began operations. They were developed in coordination with the JAA and
JAR-25. However, since the JAA's JAR-25 and the EASA's CS-25 are
essentially the same, all of the discussions relative to JAR-25 also
apply to CS-25.
D. Harmonization of U.S. and European Regulatory Standards
When airplanes are type certificated to both sets of standards, the
differences between part 25 and JAR-25 can result in substantial added
costs to manufacturers and operators. These added costs, however,
frequently do not bring about an increase in safety.
Representatives of the FAA and JAA, proposed an accelerated process
to reach harmonization, the ``Fast Track Harmonization Program.'' The
FAA initiated the Fast Track Harmonization Program on November 26,
For ``fast track harmonization'' projects, the FAA and the JAA
agreed that, ``During the development of the NPRM, the rulemaking team
should coordinate closely with the JAA HWG [Harmonization Working
[[Page 18186]]
representative to ensure continued harmonization of approaches between
the NPRM and JAA NPA [Notice of Proposed Amendment]. During these
discussions, it should be emphasized that harmonization means that the
regulations would have the same effect, thereby allowing single
certification/validation, rather than be worded identically. To the
extent necessary, the rulemaking team will have cooperation from other
HWG members to ensure a full understanding of the issues.'' \2\ This
rulemaking has been identified as a ``fast track'' project.
\2\ See Fast Track Harmonization Program (ANM-99-356-A) referred
to in FAA Order 1100.160, and the NPRM mentioned above.
Further details on ARAC, and its role in harmonization rulemaking
activity, and the Fast Track Harmonization Program can be found in the
tasking statement (64 FR 66522, November 26, 1999) and the first NPRM
published under this program, ``Fire Protection Requirements for
Powerplant Installations on Transport Category Airplanes'' (65 FR
36978, June 12, 2000).
III. Disposition of Comments
Safety Standards for Flight Guidance Systems
In response to the NPRM request for comments, ten commenters
responded (with one commenter sending a duplicate). The commenters
include one foreign regulatory authority, foreign and domestic airplane
operators and manufacturers and the aviation organizations representing
them, and individuals. One supportive comment finds the level of safety
significantly improved. A number of comments, while generally
supporting the proposal, suggest changes. Two comments ask for
clarification of a term or definition. A few comments suggest
rulemaking actions not addressed by the proposal, and several comments
concern changes to the proposed AC. No substantive changes were made to
the proposed rule; however, we revised the rule text in paragraph (h)
to clarify our intent. The comments and our responses are below.\3\
\3\ The full text of each commenter's submission is available in
the Docket.
1. Significant Transient, Paragraph (e)
Transport Canada, Canada's airworthiness authority, stated that the
proposed rule's definition of a ``significant transient'' is
inappropriate, as it includes criteria containing an injury level
(i.e., ``non-fatal injuries'') to crew and passengers. Transport Canada
believes that the term could be open to considerable individual
interpretation, and needlessly complicates the issue. In addition, this
commenter argued that both the rule and the guidance material allow for
a significant transient following autopilot disengagement during non-
normal and rare-normal events. The more logical approach would be to
delete any reference to injury level, and allow for the discretion of
the certification specialist to determine whether any transients, be
they minor or significant, are acceptable.
As discussed in the NPRM, the reference to ``non-fatal injuries''
was made for several reasons. The terms ``significant transient'' and
``minor transient'' are used in Sec. 25.1329(c), (d), and (e). These
terms are defined using AC 25.1309-1A language for ``major failure
condition'' and ``minor failure condition,'' respectively. The FAA
intends a strong correlation between the terms used in these rule
paragraphs regarding allowable transient conditions and the hazard
classifications of failures of AC 25.1309-1A. Therefore, identical
language is used so there would be no confusion about the hazard
classification of the different transient levels defined in Sec.
25.1329. This is consistent with the ARAC recommendation regarding the
meaning of these terms and their relationship to acceptable means of
compliance with Sec. 25.1309. One reason for establishing this close
relationship is to enhance standardization in the application of these
terms and to make this application less dependent on the judgment of
individual certification specialists. No changes were made to the rule
due to this comment.
2. Changed Product Rule (CPR), Sec. 21.101
The NPRM addressed the applicability of this rule given the intent
behind the CPR, in depth, under the section entitled ``Discussion of
Proposal.'' In its comment, Boeing neither raised any questions
regarding this explanation, nor identified issues for which this
explanation was inadequate, although it did request further
clarification of the inter-relationship between the two rules
generally. To summarize the NPRM discussion, the CPR must be considered
when updating or adding a flight guidance system. If a proposed change
to a FGS is part of a ``significant'' product change, then Sec.
21.101(a) is applicable unless one of the other exceptions of Sec.
21.101(b) applies. For changes that are limited to the FGS itself, the
only time a change may be considered a ``significant change'' is when a
substantially new function is included in an already certified product.
Advisory Circular 21.101-1, Change 1, further discusses how to evaluate
whether a change made to a previously certified product is significant
or not significant.
In accordance with Sec. 21.101(b)(3), an applicant proposing a
significant change would not be required to comply with this amendment
if compliance were determined to be impractical. So, applicants for
design changes, even if they are significant, will not be required to
comply with this amendment if they show that it is impractical to
comply. The determination of whether compliance is impractical is made
for each amendment on a requirement-by-requirement basis. For example,
in this rule it may be determined that it is impractical to comply with
certain paragraphs of Sec. 25.1329, but practical to comply with
others. The applicant and the FAA may consider the question of whether
or not complying with the latest amendment of the rule is impractical
during the certification of a changed product. No change was made due
to this comment.
3. Pilot Override, Paragraph (d), and Preamble Changes
Dassault Aviation disagreed with the statement made in the NPRM
that an autopilot override and subsequent disengagement is considered
to be a normal event. This topic is discussed in the NPRM under the
heading, ``What Are The Specific Proposed Changes?'' for proposed Sec.
25.1329(c), (d), and (e).
Dassault believes that part 25 aircraft certified to the current
standards have an excellent safety record. However, it recognized that
part 25 aircraft are becoming increasingly automated. The commenter
further recognized that recent technological improvements make it
feasible to include a level of protection against override events, thus
making future part 25 aircraft and their flight guidance systems even
Consequently, the commenter supports reasonable and feasible steps
to provide additional protection against a manual override of an
engaged autopilot. Nevertheless, Dassault emphasized that the primary
responsibility for proper operation of the FGS (or any other system)
rests with the pilot in command and the only way for the pilot to
fulfill that responsibility is to possess adequate knowledge of
aircraft systems and to use proper operational procedures, especially
those that pertain to the FGS.
The FAA included the explanation regarding a pilot override as a
normal event in the NPRM due to a comment received during discussions
among the
[[Page 18187]]
FGS working group. The comment, that a pilot override of an engaged FGS
should be a ``non-normal condition,'' was made because the commenter
believed that, since an override is not the primary means to disengage
an engaged FGS, it must, therefore, be a non-normal condition.
As discussed in the NPRM, the FAA disagrees with that assessment.
The current generation of FGS has flown for millions of flight
hours and is safe. However, there have been several accidents and
incidents in the past 15 years whose initiating event was a pilot
override of an engaged FGS. This specific scenario, a pilot override of
an engaged FGS, is one of the known ``vulnerabilities'' of current FGS
systems, and one that was addressed by ARAC's proposed rule language
and accompanying AC.
We disagree with the commenter's implication that the pilot will
always disconnect the FGS before making a manual input to the flight
controls. History has shown that the pilots may not always follow this
training, sometimes resulting in the accidents and incidents discussed
in the NPRM. Whether a pilot chooses to override an engaged FGS because
of an immediate need to maneuver the airplane, such as a need to avoid
oncoming traffic, or a desire to ``assist'' the FGS because the pilot
does not believe the FGS is performing as desired, the results of this
pilot action must be safe and must not put the crew or passengers in
jeopardy. This is the effect of treating pilot override of the FGS as a
``normal'' event under this rule. No change was made due to this
4. Minor Transient Used in the Icing Table and in the Definition of
Icing Conditions in Paragraph (c)
An individual commented on the preamble explanatory material of
proposed Sec. 25.1329(c), (d), and (e); the discussion of transients
and their definition; and the explanatory text in proposed paragraph
(c) that reads: ``For purposes of this section, a minor transient is an
abrupt change in the flight path of the airplane that would not
significantly reduce airplane safety, and which involves flightcrew
actions that are well within their capabilities involving a slight
increase in flightcrew workload or some physical discomfort to
passengers or cabin crew.''
This commenter disagreed with the definition in paragraph (c) of
``minor transient,'' stating that the definition conveys that it is
necessarily abrupt, that it does involve an increase in crew workload,
and that it does involve physical discomfort. Even though paragraphs
(c) and (d) do state ``* * * may not cause * * * any greater than a
minor transient,'' the commenter thinks it would be helpful if the
ensuing definition incorporated the same concept. This commenter
recommended changing paragraph (c) to read ``For the purposes of this
section, a minor transient is a response that produces no greater than
an abrupt change * * * ''
The FAA does not agree with the suggested revision and has made no
rule language change due to this comment. The rule defines the minimum
performance safety requirements for an FGS. The FAA agrees that any
transient, regardless of the duration or abruptness, is not desirable
in a modern FGS. However, the purpose of the rule is not to address
nuisance performance issues that are not safety critical.
Rule paragraphs (c) and (d) state that, for the conditions
described in each paragraph, the resultant response may not be any
greater than a minor transient. This addresses the commenter's concern
that is reflected in the suggested revision. The definition of a
``minor transient'' does not need to reflect the possible range of
response from ``no response at all'' to the maximum allowable transient
that can be categorized as a minor transient.
5. Icing Definitions Listed in the Table
The same individual also stated that the definitions for icing
conditions given under the description of ``normal conditions'' in the
NPRM preamble should include ``icing, (trace, light and moderate).''
The commenter suggested that the current text may ``possibly constitute
a significant regulatory difference (SRD) between Sec. 25.1329 and the
corresponding JAR regulations, without referring to the AC or ACJ,
which is only one means of compliance.'' Additionally, the commenter
suggested that the wording in the proposed rule text and NPRM preamble
is not as stringent as the ARAC working group recommendation.
The commenter suggested adding another sentence in the table for
``normal conditions `` icing'' that conveys the concept that
``Operationally, normal icing conditions include trace, light, and
moderate icing levels.''
The FAA disagrees with the statement that the proposal would create
an SRD, and made no change. As recommended by ARAC, the proposed rule
text uses the terms ``normal conditions,'' ``rare normal conditions,''
and ``non-normal conditions'' to distinguish the types of conditions
under which the FGS must be evaluated. As explained in the
``Discussion'' section of the NPRM, these terms are not subject to
precise definition. However, the Discussion section includes a table
providing extensive examples of each category of conditions. In
particular, the table states that ``normal conditions'' include ``All
icing conditions covered by 14 CFR part 25, appendix C, with the
exception of ``asymmetric icing'' discussed under ``Rare Normal
Conditions'' below.'' While appendix C does not use the terms trace,
light, and moderate icing levels, appendix C clearly encompasses those
terms. Therefore, we have retained the intent of the ARAC
recommendations, and the rule is no less stringent.
6. Icing and Autopilot
One individual stated that, although the NRPM and AC contain
significant discussions of the effects of icing upon FGS operations,
there is not enough discussion to conclude that ``icing can mask or
impair the handling qualities of an autopilot.''
The FAA believes that this issue has been covered adequately. The
NPRM proposed requirements regarding the allowable transients during a
disengagement of the FGS system in normal conditions and rare normal
conditions, both of which contain icing conditions. An FGS would have
to meet these requirements despite any ``masking'' effect or impairment
of handling qualities of the autopilot. Likewise, the proposed AC
25.1329-1X, that accompanied the proposed rule contains discussions of
many different aspects of this issue, such as the functions of a new
flight deck alert and how the effects of icing upon autopilot
performance should be evaluated.
7. Autopilot Disengagement Clarification in Paragraph (b)
The same individual also expressed concern that the rule language
does not adequately address the need for a positive FGS disengagement
(autopilot or autothrottle). The commenter stated that most current
mechanically controlled systems uncouple from the system they are
controlling, and will leave some mechanical connections attached to the
system. These components increase the probability for control jams, as
they can never be removed from the system.
Based on ARAC's recommendation, the FGS, as the term is used in
this rule, does not include the mechanical connections. The
accompanying AC to this rule states, in the ``Overview of FGS''
section, that anything that remains attached to the primary flight
controls or propulsion controls when the FGS is not in use is regarded
as part
[[Page 18188]]
of the primary flight controls and propulsion system, and the
airworthiness standards for those systems are applicable. This means
that the concerns stated by the commenter fall under the requirements
that govern those systems, such as Sec. Sec. 25.571, 25.671, 25.689,
25.901, and 25.1309. Specifically, Sec. Sec. 25.671(c), 25.901(c), and
25.1309(b) cover the possibility of mechanical jams of the flight
controls and propulsion systems. The FAA's position is that these
regulations adequately cover the concerns described by the commenter.
This rulemaking action does not propose any changes to the
regulations governing those systems. Therefore, no change to was made.
8. New Functions and Control Directions, Paragraph (f)
Dassault Aviation stated that Sec. 25.1329(f) and Sec. 25.1329(i)
are redundant, and that paragraph (i) is worded more in terms of design
than regulation. Section 25.1329(f) has to do specifically with the
marking and labeling of the FGS controls, while Sec. 25.1329(i) deals
generally with the controls being designed to minimize confusion
regarding FGS operations. While related, these two paragraphs deal with
different aspects of the flightcrew interface with the FGS. The FAA
disagrees with the commenter's assertion that the two paragraphs are
redundant, and has made no change to the proposed rule text due to this
comment. Rule paragraph (f) is the FGS specific regulation analogous to
Sec. 25.1555(a), ``Control Markings.'' Rule paragraph (i) is the FGS
specific regulation analogous to Sec. 25.777, ``Cockpit Controls,''
which addresses a broad range of human factors design issues. Both of
these paragraphs are necessary to achieve this rule's safety
objectives, and were recommended by ARAC.
9. Speed Protection Domain, new Paragraph (h)
Dassault Aviation stated that the rule text of Sec. 25.1329(h) is
more restrictive than the NPRM preamble discussion. The draft rule text
states: ``* * * the flight guidance system must not provide guidance or
control to an unsafe speed.'' The NPRM discussion stated, ``[H]owever,
an implementation providing increased awareness of airspeed and/or
alerts for immediate crew recognition and intervention of a potential
airspeed excursion may also be an acceptable means of complying with
this regulation.'' The commenter stated that FGS designs that would
comply with the option discussed in the NPRM preamble would not be
compliant with the formal regulation. The commenter then suggested the
following revision to Sec. 25.1329(h): ``* * *the flight guidance
system must not provide guidance or control to an unsafe speed unless
an implementation providing increased awareness of airspeed and/or
alerts for immediate crew recognition is provided.''
The FAA partially concurs with Dassault's comment. While it was not
our intent, we recognize that the proposed rule language could be
interpreted as requiring the FGS itself to prevent operation at an
unsafe speed, without pilot intervention. To clarify that such
intervention is an acceptable means of compliance with this standard,
we have revised the paragraph to state, ``a means must be provided to
prevent the flight guidance system from providing guidance or control
to an unsafe speed.'' This means may consist of either an automated
means of preventing such guidance or pilot intervention. This
philosophy was used elsewhere in this proposed rule and accompanying
proposed AC. The NPRM discusses the use of another flight deck alert
(sometimes referred to as ``Bark Before Bite'') to mitigate transients
in the flight path of the airplane that occur immediately after the
disengagement of the autopilot system. This alert to ensure awareness
of the pilot to the speed of the airplane is similar to this example.
The proposed rule, accompanying preamble material, and proposed AC are
consistent in that the use of a flight deck alert to ensure pilot
action is considered to be an acceptable means of compliance to the
rule. This approach is also fully harmonized with that of JAA/EASA.
10. General Comments
The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) supports the
FAA's and ARAC's effort in generating this proposed rule. The GAMA
noted several specific NPRM preamble paragraphs that explain the intent
and interpretation of the several proposed rule paragraphs that its
organization supports.
Boeing, while making a comment on the proposed AC accompanying this
proposed rule, included the following statement concerning the NPRM,
``The NPRM has been changed from the JAA [Joint Aviation Authority] NPA
product * * *'' Boeing noted all instances of differences between the
rule language contained in the NPRM and NPA.
The NPRM, in the section entitled ``Discussion of the Proposal,''
explained editorial instances where the FAA proposed rule language was
different than the JAA NPA rule language. For further information on
harmonization, refer to section II, paragraph D, Harmonization of U.S.
and European Regulatory Standards, of this final rule.
Because of the differences in the rulemaking processes and
requirements of the two Agencies, it is common that slight differences
exist between their harmonized regulations. The FAA believes the rule
text is harmonized between the FAA and JAA/EASA even though some terms
used are different. Since the FAA and JAA/EASA versions of the final
rule are harmonized--meaning the effect of both rules is identical--no
changes were made due to these comments.
11. Comments and Suggestions for Rulemaking Actions Not Addressed by
The FAA received several comments on subject areas that are not
addressed in the proposed rule, and therefore, no comments were
requested on these subjects. These comments are discussed below.
Adding Flight Testing Criteria
One commenter suggested that flight testing criteria be included in
the rule if an FGS is to be certified based on its similarity to a
previously approved design. The FAA disagrees with this approach. The
commenter's suggestion is more appropriate for an AC in that it would
define one (but not the only) method to show compliance to the
regulations. However, in this case, the FAA disagrees with making this
change to the accompanying AC. The AC represents the most detailed
approach of demonstrating compliance. To use similarity as a method of
compliance, the applicant would need to propose this method, instead of
the method in the AC, to the FAA aircraft certification office (ACO) in
charge of that project. The FAA believes that it would be extremely
problematic, due to the numerous possibilities of systems, aircraft,
and aerodynamic differences between a system to be certified and a
previously certified system, to try to define a prescriptive method
that would be acceptable. This evaluation is best left to the ACO
engineer evaluating the project.
Current Systems or Component Items
Another comment by the same individual made several observations
regarding ``known frailties of current systems or components as they
are implemented.'' The examples given concerned mechanical flight
controls issues, such as control surface servo actuators, rudder boost
pumps, and
[[Page 18189]]
worn and out of tolerance flow control valves.
Under the definition of an FGS given in the NPRM, these items are
not considered to be part of the FGS. They are part of the primary
flight control system of the airplane. Therefore, no changes were made
due to this comment. Additionally, the commenter made no specific
recommendations to address the concerns. The FAA considers that Sec.
25.1309 adequately covers the concerns listed.
Autopilot and Flight Standards Issue, Sec. 121.579
One commenter reminded the FAA that the FGSHWG report recommended
updating Sec. 121.579, ``Minimum Altitudes for Use of Autopilot.'' The
proposed AC 25.1329-1X included an updated method for calculating the
autopilot Minimum Use Height (MUH). The method contained in the
proposed AC was harmonized with the JAA/EASA method. The working group
recommended that the part 121 rule be revised so there would be no
confusion about making the MUH calculation or placing the correct
method in the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM).
While we acknowledged the ARAC recommendation, we did not propose
to revise Sec. 121.579 as part of this rulemaking, and we have not
provided the public an opportunity to comment on the proposal. No
changes were made due to this comment. We may consider this
recommendation in future rulemaking.
Helicopter Autopilot, Part 27 and 29
Rowan Companies, Inc., as the parent company of Era Aviation, Inc.,
provided detailed input on helicopter autopilot design and specific
suggestions to include these considerations. This commenter suggested
that the Sec. 25.1329 rulemaking and advisory material be expanded to
include helicopters. Several specific suggestions were made to address
what the commenter regarded as deficiencies in current rotorcraft
The activity to revise part 25 material is, by its nature,
applicable to transport category airplanes only. Part 27 of 14 CFR
covers normal category rotorcraft, and part 29 covers transport
category rotorcraft. Revisions to the regulations contained in parts 27
and 29 are not covered in the proposed rulemaking for the FGS on
transport category airplanes. However, these comments may be considered
in future rulemaking applicable to rotorcraft.
IV. Editorial Change
For clarification only, we have moved the definitions of ``minor
transient'' and ``significant transient'' from paragraphs (c) and (e),
respectively, to a new paragraph (n).
V. Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) requires
that the FAA to consider the impact of paperwork and other information
collection burdens imposed on the public. We have determined that there
are no new information collection requirements associated with this
final rule.
International Compatibility
In keeping with U.S. obligations under the Convention on
International Civil Aviation, it is FAA policy to comply with
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and
Recommended Practices to the maximum extent practicable. The FAA has
determined that there are no ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices
that correspond to these regulations.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
The FAA analyzed this rule under the principles and criteria of
Executive Order 13132, Federalism. We determined that this action would
not have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship
between the national Government and the States, or on the distribution
of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government
and, therefore, would not have federalism implications.
Summaries of the Regulatory Evaluation, Regulatory Flexibility
Determination, Trade Impact Assessment, and Unfunded Mandates
Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
This portion of the preamble summarizes the FAA's analysis of the
economic impacts of this final rule. We suggest readers seeking greater
detail read the full regulatory evaluation, a copy of which has been
placed in the docket for this rulemaking.
Changes to Federal regulations must undergo several economic
analyses. First, Executive Order 12866 directs that each Federal agency
propose or adopt a regulation only upon a determination that the
benefits of the intended regulation justify its costs. Second, the
Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 requires agencies to analyze the
economic impact of regulatory changes on small entities. Third, the
Trade Agreements Act prohibits agencies from setting standards that
create unnecessary obstacles to the foreign commerce of the United
States. In developing U.S. standards, this Trade Act requires agencies
to consider international standards and, where appropriate, use them as
the basis of U.S. standards. Fourth, the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 requires agencies to prepare a written assessment of the costs,
benefits, and other effects of proposed or final rules that include a
Federal mandate likely to result in the expenditure by State, local, or
tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by private sector, of $100
million or more annually (adjusted for inflation).
In conducting these analyses, FAA has determined this rule: (1) Has
benefits that justify its costs; (2) is not a ``significant regulatory
action'' as defined in section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, and is
not ``significant'' as defined in DOT's Regulatory Policies and
Procedures; (3) will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities; (4) will reduce barriers to
international trade; and (5) will not impose an unfunded mandate on
state, local, or tribal governments, or on the private sector.
Total Costs and Benefits of This Rulemaking
This rulemaking affects manufacturers of small part 25 airplanes
that incur costs and occupants in affected airplanes that receive
safety benefits.
Assumptions and Standard Values
Discount rates: Base case 7%; sensitivity case 3%.
Period of analysis: Overall, 2006-2041. Costs, 2006-2016
(consist of design, testing, and production costs). Benefits, 2008-2041
(based on 25-year operating lives of newly-certificated aircraft, all
of which will be produced between 2007-2016).
Value of statistical fatality avoided: $3 million.
Basis of Costs
As noted in the regulatory evaluation, the revised requirements
will affect part 25 smaller transport airplanes (turboprops and
regional jets) and business jets; part 25 larger commercial airplanes
either already meet the new requirements or will have only minor costs
in complying. Since part 25 turboprops and regional jets are not
currently manufactured in the United States, the final rule will
directly affect only U.S.-manufactured business jets.
[[Page 18190]]
The relevant changes and associated incremental costs are as
1. Autopilot Override--Nonrecurring costs (design, development, and
testing) related to installation of a force sensor (new force
transducer) on control column totals $200,000 for a new type
certificate. Recurring costs (per unit) for a new force transducer
equal $12,000.
2. Speed Protection--Nonrecurring costs total $210,000; recurring
costs (per unit) equal $40,000 (this amount may include new or modified
components such as sensors).
3. Pilot Awareness/Flight Deck Annunciation--Nonrecurring costs
total $120,000; recurring costs per unit are minimal (essentially no
new costs).
Non-recurring and recurring costs total $116,520,000, or
$76,592,390, and $96,553,992 in present values at 7% and 3% discount
rates, respectively.
Basis of Benefits
Since current type certificates for part 25 larger commercial
airplanes already voluntarily meet the key provisions of the rule,
future averted accidents (benefits) attributable to the rule must be
limited to part 25 business jets.
Although there were no directly-aligned accidents involving
autopilots in part 25 business jets in a recent 20-year period, there
were four incidents that involved autopilot disconnect and/or improper
pilot procedures; the FAA expects this rule to prevent such events.
Autopilot disruptions are serious occurrences, and it is reasonable to
postulate that such incidents could just as easily have been accidents.
Furthermore, given that part 25 business jets increasingly incorporate
more sophisticated autopilot systems, the risk of future accidents
intensifies. As previously noted, difficulties for flightcrews
interacting with the increasing automation of flight decks in part 25
larger commercial airplanes prompted this rulemaking. (There were at
least two accidents and several serious incidents involving large
commercial airplanes).
Accordingly, the FAA has estimated the minimum levels of averted
losses, in terms of avoided fatalities and airplane damage (each
accident is valued at $40 million) that will be necessary to offset the
estimated compliance costs.
Applying the base case 7% interest rate, the FAA has determined
that approximately seven catastrophic accidents are necessary in the
34-year benefits period to make the rule cost-beneficial (note that
four events in the 20-year period examined mathematically equates to
seven events in the future 34-year benefits period in this analysis).
Alternatively, using a 3% interest rate as a sensitivity case, only
four accidents are necessary to make the rule cost-beneficial.
Based on the history of accidents and incidents in large commercial
airplanes, and the occurrence of incidents concomitant with the
increasing complexity of flight guidance systems in large business
jets, the FAA finds this rule to be cost-beneficial. A summary of costs
and benefits is shown below.
Base Case--Use of 7% Discount Rate
Estimated present value costs (11-year analysis period)--
part 25 certificated smaller airplanes (large business jets): $76.592
Estimated present value benefits (34-year period)--part 25
certificated smaller airplanes (large business jets): As discussed
above, with seven potential averted accidents, the present value of
benefits is equivalent to present value costs of $76.592 million, and
the rule is cost-beneficial.
Sensitivity Case--Use of 3% Discount Rate
Estimated present value costs (11-year period)--part 25
certificated smaller airplanes (large business jets): $96.554 million.
Estimated present value benefits (34-year period)--part 25
certificated smaller airplanes (large business jets): As discussed
above, with four potential averted accidents, the present value of
benefits is equivalent to present value costs of $96.554 million, and
the rule is cost-beneficial.
Regulatory Flexibility Determination
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) establishes ``as a
principle of regulatory issuance that agencies shall endeavor,
consistent with the objective of the rule and of applicable statutes,
to fit regulatory and informational requirements to the scale of the
business, organizations, and governmental jurisdictions subject to
regulation.'' To achieve that principle, the Act requires agencies to
solicit and consider flexible regulatory proposals and to explain the
rationale for their actions. The Act covers a wide-range of small
entities, including small businesses, not-for-profit organizations and
small governmental jurisdictions.
Agencies must perform a review to determine whether a proposed or
final rule will have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. If the determination is that it will, the
agency must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis as described in
the Act. However, if an agency determines that a proposed or final rule
is not expected to have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities, section 605(b) of the 1980 act provides that
the head of the agency may so certify and a regulatory flexibility
analysis is not required. The certification must include a statement
providing the factual basis for this determination, and the reasoning
should be clear.
This rule will affect manufacturers of part 25 airplanes produced
under future new type-certificates. For manufacturers, a small entity
is one with 1,500 or fewer employees. None of the part 25 manufacturers
has 1,500 or fewer employees; consequently, none is considered a small
Based on the above, I certify that this rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
International Trade Impact Assessment
The Trade Agreements Act of 1979 prohibits Federal agencies from
engaging in any standards or related activities that create unnecessary
obstacles to the foreign commerce of the United States. Legitimate
domestic objectives, such as safety, are not considered unnecessary
obstacles. The statute also requires consideration of international
standards and, where appropriate, they be the basis for U.S. standards.
In accordance with the above statute, the FAA has assessed the
potential effect of this rule for part 25 airplanes. This rulemaking is
consistent with the Trade Agreements Act since it eliminates
significant regulatory differences between the U.S. and European
airworthiness standards.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (the Act) is intended,
among other things, to curb the practice of imposing unfunded Federal
mandates on State, local, and tribal governments. Title II of the Act
requires each Federal agency to prepare a written statement assessing
the effects of any Federal mandate in a proposed or final agency rule
that may result in an expenditure of $100 million or more (adjusted
annually for inflation) in any one year by State, local, and tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector; such a mandate
is deemed to be a ``significant regulatory action.'' The FAA currently
uses an inflation-adjusted value of $120.7 million in lieu of $100
This final rule does not contain such a mandate. The requirements
of Title II of the Act, therefore, do not apply.
[[Page 18191]]
Regulations Affecting Intrastate Aviation in Alaska
Section 1205 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 1996 (110 Stat.
3213) requires the Administrator, when modifying regulations in a
manner affecting intrastate aviation in Alaska, to consider the extent
to which Alaska is not served by transportation modes other than
aviation, and to establish appropriate regulatory distinctions. In the
NPRM, we requested comments on whether the proposed rule should apply
differently to intrastate operations in Alaska. We did not receive any
comments, and we have determined, based on the administrative record of
this rulemaking, that there is no need to make any regulatory
distinctions applicable to intrastate aviation in Alaska.
Environmental Analysis
FAA Order 1050.1E identifies FAA actions that are categorically
excluded from preparation of an environmental assessment or
environmental impact statement under the National Environmental Policy
Act in the absence of extraordinary circumstances. The FAA has
determined this rulemaking action qualifies for the categorical
exclusion identified in paragraph 312f and involves no extraordinary
Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or
The FAA has analyzed this final rule under Executive Order 13211,
Actions Concerning Regulations that Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use (May 18, 2001). We have determined that it is not
a ``significant energy action'' under the executive order because it is
not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866,
and it is not likely to have a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and record keeping
requirements, Safety, Transportation.
The Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation Administration
amends Part 25 of Chapter 1 of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations,
as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 25 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702 and 44704.
2. Revise Sec. 25.1329 to read as follows:
Sec. 25.1329 Flight guidance system
(a) Quick disengagement controls for the autopilot and autothrust
functions must be provided for each pilot. The autopilot quick
disengagement controls must be located on both control wheels (or
equivalent). The autothrust quick disengagement controls must be
located on the thrust control levers. Quick disengagement controls must
be readily accessible to each pilot while operating the control wheel
(or equivalent) and thrust control levers.
(b) The effects of a failure of the system to disengage the
autopilot or autothrust functions when manually commanded by the pilot
must be assessed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 25.1309.
(c) Engagement or switching of the flight guidance system, a mode,
or a sensor may not cause a transient response of the airplane's flight
path any greater than a minor transient, as defined in paragraph (n)(1)
of this section.
(d) Under normal conditions, the disengagement of any automatic
control function of a flight guidance system may not cause a transient
response of the airplane's flight path any greater than a minor
(e) Under rare normal and non-normal conditions, disengagement of
any automatic control function of a flight guidance system may not
result in a transient any greater than a significant transient, as
defined in paragraph (n)(2) of this section.
(f) The function and direction of motion of each command reference
control, such as heading select or vertical speed, must be plainly
indicated on, or adjacent to, each control if necessary to prevent
inappropriate use or confusion.
(g) Under any condition of flight appropriate to its use, the
flight guidance system may not produce hazardous loads on the airplane,
nor create hazardous deviations in the flight path. This applies to
both fault-free operation and in the event of a malfunction, and
assumes that the pilot begins corrective action within a reasonable
period of time.
(h) When the flight guidance system is in use, a means must be
provided to avoid excursions beyond an acceptable margin from the speed
range of the normal flight envelope. If the airplane experiences an
excursion outside this range, a means must be provided to prevent the
flight guidance system from providing guidance or control to an unsafe
(i) The flight guidance system functions, controls, indications,
and alerts must be designed to minimize flightcrew errors and confusion
concerning the behavior and operation of the flight guidance system.
Means must be provided to indicate the current mode of operation,
including any armed modes, transitions, and reversions. Selector switch
position is not an acceptable means of indication. The controls and
indications must be grouped and presented in a logical and consistent
manner. The indications must be visible to each pilot under all
expected lighting conditions.
(j) Following disengagement of the autopilot, a warning (visual and
auditory) must be provided to each pilot and be timely and distinct
from all other cockpit warnings.
(k) Following disengagement of the autothrust function, a caution
must be provided to each pilot.
(l) The autopilot may not create a potential hazard when the
flightcrew applies an override force to the flight controls.
(m) During autothrust operation, it must be possible for the
flightcrew to move the thrust levers without requiring excessive force.
The autothrust may not create a potential hazard when the flightcrew
applies an override force to the thrust levers.
(n) For purposes of this section, a transient is a disturbance in
the control or flight path of the airplane that is not consistent with
response to flightcrew inputs or environmental conditions.
(1) A minor transient would not significantly reduce safety margins
and would involve flightcrew actions that are well within their
capabilities. A minor transient may involve a slight increase in
flightcrew workload or some physical discomfort to passengers or cabin
(2) A significant transient may lead to a significant reduction in
safety margins, an increase in flightcrew workload, discomfort to the
flightcrew, or physical distress to the passengers or cabin crew,
possibly including non-fatal injuries. Significant transients do not
require, in order to remain within or recover to the normal flight
envelope, any of the following:
(i) Exceptional piloting skill, alertness, or strength.
(ii) Forces applied by the pilot which are greater than those
specified in Sec. 25.143(c).
(iii) Accelerations or attitudes in the airplane that might result
in further hazard to secured or non-secured occupants.
[[Page 18192]]
Sec. 25.1335 [Removed]
3. Amend part 25 by removing Sec. 25.1335.
Issued in Washington, DC, on April 5, 2006.
Marion C. Blakey,
[FR Doc. 06-3467 Filed 4-10-06; 8:45 am]