Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability, 16302-16303 [E6-4727]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 62 / Friday, March 31, 2006 / Notices
102(2)(c) of the National Environmental
Policy Act as amended. Requests for
copies of EPA comments can be directed
to the Office of Federal Activities at
202–564–7167. An explanation of the
ratings assigned to draft environmental
impact statements (EISs) was published
in FR dated April 1, 2005 (70 FR 16815).
dsatterwhite on PROD1PC76 with NOTICES
Draft EISs
EIS No. 20050342, ERP No. D–NOA–
E91016–00, Consolidated Atlantic
Highly Migratory Species Fishery
Management Plan for Atlantic Tunas,
Swordfish, and Shark and the Atlantic
Billfish Fishery Management Plan,
Implementation, Atlantic Coast,
Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.
Summary: EPA does not object to the
proposed action. Rating LO.
EIS No. 20050523, ERP No. D–AFS–
D65033–PA, West Branch of Tionesta
Project, Road Construction and
Vegetation Management, State Game
Lands No 29 and Chapman Dam State
Park, Sheffield, Warren County, PA.
Summary: EPA does not object to the
proposed action. Rating LO.
EIS No. 20060024, ERP No. DS–AFS–
F65039–WI, McCaslin Project,
Vegetation Management Activities
that are Consistent with Direction in
the Nicolet Forest Plan, New
Information to Address Inadequate
Disclosure of the Cumulative Effect
Analysis for Six Animal and Eight
Plant Species, Lakewood/Lasna
District, Chequamegaon-Nicolet
National Forest, Oconto and Forest
Counties, WI.
Summary: EPA expressed
environmental concerns because the
cumulative impact analysis does not
include all reasonably foreseeable
actions, and requested that the analysis
be expanded to include all reasonable
cumulative impacts, including nonUSFS actions. Rating EC2.
Final EISs
EIS No. 20050537, ERP No. F–AFS–
K61162–CA, Ansel Adams and John
Muir Wildernesses, Trail and
Commercial Pack Stock Management,
Implementation, Inyo, Mono, Madera
and Fresno Counties, CA.
Summary: EPA continues to have
concerns about impacts relating to
streams, meadows and trails and
recommended destination quotas and
maximum stock nights be aligned with
the recovery needs of the resource. EPA
also requested that the ROD describe
public involvement and environmental
analysis requirements for adaptive
management decisions and clearly
commit to the site-specific analysis of
pack station locations and their impacts.
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EIS No. 20050550, ERP No. F–AFS–
K65287–CA, North Fork Eel Grazing
Allotment Management Project,
Proposing to Authorize Cattle Grazing
on Four Allotment, Six Rivers
National Forest, Mad River Ranger
District, North Fork Eel river and
Upper Mad River, Trinity County, CA.
Summary: No formal comment letter
was sent to the preparing agency.
EIS No. 20060019, ERP No. F–FHW–
C50014–NY, Willis Avenue Bridge
Reconstruction, Proposing
Reconstruction of 100-year Old Willis
Avenue Bridge over the Harem River
between Manhattan and the Bronx,
New York and Bronx Counties, NY.
Summary: EPA does not object to the
proposed project.
EIS No. 20060044, ERP No. F–SFW–
H65024–IA, Driftless Area National
Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive
Conservation Plan, to Recover and
Conserve the Northern Monkshood
and Iowa Pleistocene Snail, IA.
Summary: No formal comment letter
was sent to the preparing agency.
EIS No. 20060059, ERP No. F–USA–
D11038–PA, Pennsylvania Army
National Guard’s 56th Brigade
Transformation into a Stryker Brigade
Combat Team (SBCT), Proposal to
Comply with this Directive, near
Annville, PA.
Summary: EPA’s previous comments
have been adequately addressed;
therefore, EPA does not object to the
proposed action.
Dated: March 28, 2006.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E6–4726 Filed 3–30–06; 8:45 am]
Environmental Impacts Statements;
Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal
Activities, General Information (202)
564–7167 or https://www.epa.gov/
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact
Filed March 20, 2006 through March 24,
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
EIS No. 20060098, Final EIS, FHW, OR,
Spencer Creek Bridge U.S. Highway
101 Replacement Project, To Maintain
the Connectivity and Highway
Functions of U.S. 101 between Otter
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rock and Watt Creek, Funding,
Lincoln County, OR, Wait Period
Ends: May 1, 2006, Contact: Michelle
Eraut 503–587–4716.
EIS No. 20060099, Final EIS, AFS, CO,
Vail Valley Forest Health Project,
Landscape-Scale Vegetation
Management and Fuels Reduction,
White River National Forest, Holy
Cross Ranger District, Eagle County,
CO, Wait Period Ends: May 1, 2006,
Contact: Peech Keller 970–262–3495.
EIS No. 20060100, Final EIS, FRC, WA,
Lewis River Hydroelectric Projects,
Relicensing the Swift No. 1 (FERC No.
2111–018), Swift No. 2 (FERC No.
2213–011), Yale (FERC No. 2071–
013), Merwin (FERC No. 935–053)
Project, Application for Relicense,
North Fork Lewis River, Cowlitz,
Clark and Shamania Counties, WA,
Wait Period Ends: May 1, 2006,
Contact: Todd Sedmark 1–866–208–
EIS No. 20060101, Revised Draft EIS,
UAF, FL, Eglin Air Force Base and
Hurlburt Field, New Revision to
Preferred Alternatives, Military
Family Housing Demolition,
Construction, Renovation, and
Leasing (DCR & L) Program, Okaloosa
County, FL, Comment Period Ends:
May 15, 2006, Contact: Shari
Kilbourne 937–656–2926.
EIS No. 20060102, Final EIS, NOA, WV,
Canaan Valley Institute Office
Complex, Proposes to Construct:
Offices, Classrooms, Laboratories,
250-Seat Auditorium, Parking
Facilities, Outdoor Classrooms and
Interpretive Areas, U.S. Army COE
Section 404 Permit, Southeast of the
Towns of Davis and Thomas, Tucker
County, WV, Wait Period Ends: May
1, 2006, Contact: Jim Rawson 800–
EIS No. 20060103, Final EIS, BLM, ID,
Cotterel Wind Power Project and Draft
Resource Management Plan
Amendment, To Build a 190–240
megawatt, Wind-Powered Electrical
Generation Facility, Right-of-Way
Application, City of Burley, Towns of
Albion and Malta, Cassia County, ID,
Wait Period Ends: May 1, 2006,
Contact: Scott D. Barker 208–677–
EIS No. 20060104, Final EIS, BLM, 00,
Programmatic—Proposed Revision to
Grazing Regulations for the Public
Lands, 42 CFR part 4100, in the
Western Portion of the United States,
Wait Period Ends: May 1, 2006,
Contact: E. Lynn Burkett 202–785–
EIS No. 20060105, Draft EIS, COE, WV,
Spruce No. 1 Mine, Construction and
Operation, Mining for 2.73 Million
Ton of Bituminous Coal, NPDES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 62 / Friday, March 31, 2006 / Notices
Permit and U.S. Army COE Section
404 Permit, Logan County, WV,
Comment Period Ends: May 15, 2006,
Contact: Teresa Spagna 304–399–
EIS No. 20060106, Draft EIS, AFS, ID,
Clear Prong Project, Timber Harvest,
Temporary Road Construction, Road
Maintenance, Road Decommissioning,
Thinning of Sub-Merchantable Tree,
and Prescribed Fire, Boise National
Forest, Cascade Ranger District,
Valley County, ID, Comment Period
Ends: May 15, 2006, Contact: Richard
A. Smith 208–373–4100.
EIS No. 20060107, Final EIS, AFS, VT,
Green Mountain National Forest,
Propose Revised Land and Resource
Management Plan, Implementation,
Forest Plan Revision, Addison,
Bennington, Rutland, Washington,
Windham and Windsor Counties, VT,
Wait Period Ends: May 1, 2006,
Contact: Jay Strand 802–767–4261.
Amended Notices
EIS No. 20060004, Final EIS, FHW, MD,
Intercounty Connector (ICC) from I–
270 to US–1, Funding and US Army
COE Section 404 Permit, Montgomery
and Prince George’s Counties, MD,
Wait Period Ends: April 11, 2006,
Contact: Dan Johnson 410–779–7154.
Revision of FR Notice Published on
January 16, 2006: Comment Period
Extended from March 23, 2006 to April
11, 2006.
EIS No. 20060045, Draft EIS, AFS, ID,
Payette National Forest Travel
Management Plan, Designate a System
of Road, Trails and Areas Open to
Motorized and Non-Motorized Use,
Implementation, Adam, Washington,
Idaho, Valley Counties, ID, Comment
Period Ends: May 19, 2006, Contact:
Ana Egnew 208–634–0600.
Revision to FR Notice Published
February 17, 2006: Comment Period
Extended from April 3, 2006 to May 19,
Dated: March 28, 2006.
Ken Mittelholtz,
Environmental Protection Specialist, NEPA
Compliance Division, Office of Federal
[FR Doc. E6–4727 Filed 3–30–06; 8:45 am]
dsatterwhite on PROD1PC76 with NOTICES
[EPA–HQ–OPP–2006–0217; FRL–7771–8]
FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel;
Notice of Public Meeting
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:35 Mar 30, 2006
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SUMMARY: There will be a 3–day meeting
of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,
and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory
Panel (FIFRA SAP) to review an
analysis of a refuge of non-cotton hosts
for Monsanto Bollgard II cotton.
Specifically, the Agency is seeking
input from the Scientific Advisory Panel
on whether a natural refuge of non
cotton hosts is an effective refuge to
delay the potential for tobacco budworm
resistance to the proteins (Cry1Ac and
Cry2Ab2) expressed in Bollgard II
The meeting will be held on June
13–15, 2006, from 8:30 a.m. to
approximately 5 p.m, eastern time.
Comments. For the deadlines for the
submission of requests to present oral
comments and submission of written
comments, see Unit I.C. of the
Nominations. Nominations of
scientific experts to serve as ad hoc
members of the FIFRA SAP for this
meeting should be provided on or before
April 12, 2006.
Special accommodations. For
information on access or services for
individuals with disabilities, and to
request accommodation of a disability,
please contact the Designated Federal
Official (DFO) listed under FOR FURTHER
business days prior to the meeting, to
give EPA as much time as possible to
process your request.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Holiday Inn - National Airport, 2650
Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA
22202. The telephone number for the
Holiday Inn - National Airport is (703)
Comments. Submit your comments,
identified by docket ID number EPA–
HQ–OPP–2006–0217, by one of the
following methods:
• https://www.regulations.gov/. Follow
the on-line instructions for submitting
• Mail. Public Information and
Records Integrity Branch (PIRIB)
(7502C), Office of Pesticide Programs
(OPP), Environmental Protection
Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC 20460–0001.
Hand Delivery. Public Information
and Records Integrity Branch (PIRIB)
(7502C), Office of Pesticide Programs
(OPP), Environmental Protection
Agency, Rm. 119, Crystal Mall #2, 1801
S. Bell St., Arlington, VA, Attention:
Docket ID number EPA–HQ–OPP–2006–
0217. The docket facility is open from
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays. The
PO 00000
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telephone number for the docket facility
is (703) 305–5805. Such deliveries are
only accepted during the Docket’s
normal hours of operation, and special
arrangements should be made for
deliveries of boxed information.
Instructions. Direct your comments to
docket ID number EPA–HQ–OPP–2006–
0217. EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change and may be
made available on-line at https://
www.regulations.gov/, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through regulations.gov or email. The regulations.gov website is an
‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
means EPA will not know your identity
or contact information unless you
provide it in the body of your comment.
If you send an e-mail comment directly
to EPA without going through
regulations.gov, your e-mail address
will be captured automatically and
included as part of the comment that is
placed in the public docket and made
available on the Internet. If you submit
an electronic comment, EPA
recommends that you include your
name and other contact information in
the body of your comment and with any
disk or CD ROM you submit. If EPA
cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact
you for clarification, EPA may not be
able to consider your comment.
Electronic files should avoid the use of
special characters, any form of
encryption, and be free of any defects or
viruses. For additional information
about EPA’s public docket, visit the EPA
Docket Center homepage at https://
Docket. All documents in the docket
are listed in the regulation.gov index.
Although, listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available,
i.e., CBI or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, will be publicly
available only in hard copy. Publicly
available docket materials are available
either electronically at https://
www.regulations.gov/ or in hard copy at
the Public Information and Records
Integrity Branch (PIRIB) (7502C), Office
of Pesticide Programs (OPP),
Environmental Protection Agency, Rm.
119, Crystal Mall #2, 1801 S. Bell St.,
Arlington, VA. The docket facility is
open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 62 (Friday, March 31, 2006)]
[Pages 16302-16303]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E6-4727]
Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal Activities, General
Information (202) 564-7167 or https://www.epa.gov/compliance/nepa/.
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact Statements
Filed March 20, 2006 through March 24, 2006
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
EIS No. 20060098, Final EIS, FHW, OR, Spencer Creek Bridge U.S. Highway
101 Replacement Project, To Maintain the Connectivity and Highway
Functions of U.S. 101 between Otter rock and Watt Creek, Funding,
Lincoln County, OR, Wait Period Ends: May 1, 2006, Contact: Michelle
Eraut 503-587-4716.
EIS No. 20060099, Final EIS, AFS, CO, Vail Valley Forest Health
Project, Landscape-Scale Vegetation Management and Fuels Reduction,
White River National Forest, Holy Cross Ranger District, Eagle County,
CO, Wait Period Ends: May 1, 2006, Contact: Peech Keller 970-262-3495.
EIS No. 20060100, Final EIS, FRC, WA, Lewis River Hydroelectric
Projects, Relicensing the Swift No. 1 (FERC No. 2111-018), Swift No. 2
(FERC No. 2213-011), Yale (FERC No. 2071-013), Merwin (FERC No. 935-
053) Project, Application for Relicense, North Fork Lewis River,
Cowlitz, Clark and Shamania Counties, WA, Wait Period Ends: May 1,
2006, Contact: Todd Sedmark 1-866-208-3372.
EIS No. 20060101, Revised Draft EIS, UAF, FL, Eglin Air Force Base and
Hurlburt Field, New Revision to Preferred Alternatives, Military Family
Housing Demolition, Construction, Renovation, and Leasing (DCR & L)
Program, Okaloosa County, FL, Comment Period Ends: May 15, 2006,
Contact: Shari Kilbourne 937-656-2926.
EIS No. 20060102, Final EIS, NOA, WV, Canaan Valley Institute Office
Complex, Proposes to Construct: Offices, Classrooms, Laboratories, 250-
Seat Auditorium, Parking Facilities, Outdoor Classrooms and
Interpretive Areas, U.S. Army COE Section 404 Permit, Southeast of the
Towns of Davis and Thomas, Tucker County, WV, Wait Period Ends: May 1,
2006, Contact: Jim Rawson 800-922-3601.
EIS No. 20060103, Final EIS, BLM, ID, Cotterel Wind Power Project and
Draft Resource Management Plan Amendment, To Build a 190-240 megawatt,
Wind-Powered Electrical Generation Facility, Right-of-Way Application,
City of Burley, Towns of Albion and Malta, Cassia County, ID, Wait
Period Ends: May 1, 2006, Contact: Scott D. Barker 208-677-6678.
EIS No. 20060104, Final EIS, BLM, 00, Programmatic--Proposed Revision
to Grazing Regulations for the Public Lands, 42 CFR part 4100, in the
Western Portion of the United States, Wait Period Ends: May 1, 2006,
Contact: E. Lynn Burkett 202-785-6594.
EIS No. 20060105, Draft EIS, COE, WV, Spruce No. 1 Mine, Construction
and Operation, Mining for 2.73 Million Ton of Bituminous Coal, NPDES
[[Page 16303]]
Permit and U.S. Army COE Section 404 Permit, Logan County, WV, Comment
Period Ends: May 15, 2006, Contact: Teresa Spagna 304-399-5710.
EIS No. 20060106, Draft EIS, AFS, ID, Clear Prong Project, Timber
Harvest, Temporary Road Construction, Road Maintenance, Road
Decommissioning, Thinning of Sub-Merchantable Tree, and Prescribed
Fire, Boise National Forest, Cascade Ranger District, Valley County,
ID, Comment Period Ends: May 15, 2006, Contact: Richard A. Smith 208-
EIS No. 20060107, Final EIS, AFS, VT, Green Mountain National Forest,
Propose Revised Land and Resource Management Plan, Implementation,
Forest Plan Revision, Addison, Bennington, Rutland, Washington, Windham
and Windsor Counties, VT, Wait Period Ends: May 1, 2006, Contact: Jay
Strand 802-767-4261.
Amended Notices
EIS No. 20060004, Final EIS, FHW, MD, Intercounty Connector (ICC) from
I-270 to US-1, Funding and US Army COE Section 404 Permit, Montgomery
and Prince George's Counties, MD, Wait Period Ends: April 11, 2006,
Contact: Dan Johnson 410-779-7154.
Revision of FR Notice Published on January 16, 2006: Comment Period
Extended from March 23, 2006 to April 11, 2006.
EIS No. 20060045, Draft EIS, AFS, ID, Payette National Forest Travel
Management Plan, Designate a System of Road, Trails and Areas Open to
Motorized and Non-Motorized Use, Implementation, Adam, Washington,
Idaho, Valley Counties, ID, Comment Period Ends: May 19, 2006, Contact:
Ana Egnew 208-634-0600.
Revision to FR Notice Published February 17, 2006: Comment Period
Extended from April 3, 2006 to May 19, 2006.
Dated: March 28, 2006.
Ken Mittelholtz,
Environmental Protection Specialist, NEPA Compliance Division, Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E6-4727 Filed 3-30-06; 8:45 am]