Intent To Prepare a Draft Supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement To Evaluate Construction of Authorized Improvements to the Federal Gulfport Harbor Navigation Project in Harrison County, MS, 16294-16296 [06-3146]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 62 / Friday, March 31, 2006 / Notices
dsatterwhite on PROD1PC76 with NOTICES
1. Proposed Action: The Alaskan Way
Seawall extends for a distance of
approximately 7900 feet along Seattle’s
central waterfront, between Washington
Street to the south and Bay Street to the
north. The proposed action would
involve an extensive structural rebuild
or replacement of the seawall in order
to reduce damage resulting from storms
and erosion. The proposed action is
closely related to the proposed
replacement of the State Route (SR) 99
Alaskan Way Viaduct, which runs
parallel to a portion of the seawall. The
SR 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct and
Seawall Replacement Project Draft
Environmental Impact Statement
(AWVSRP DEIS) was issued by the U.S.
Department of Transportation Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA),
Washington State Department of
Transportation (WSDOT), and City of
Seattle on April 9, 2004 (69 FR 18898).
The AWVSRP DEIS evaluated the
rebuilding of the Alaskan Way Seawall
because it is essential to the function of
transportation facilities and is at risk of
collapsing in a large earthquake. The
geographic area covered in the AWVSRP
DEIS is virtually the same as the Corps
study area. However, the Corps’ EIS will
evaluate the seawall from a storm
damage reduction perspective; the
seawall will be the primary focus of the
analysis rather than a secondary project
element, as in the AMVSRP DEIS. The
Corps is reviewing the existing body of
work and coordinating closely with the
city of Seattle, FHWA, and WSDOT to
incorporate all relevant material from
their NEPA efforts, share information,
and reduce duplication of efforts.
2. Alternatives: There are currently
four alternatives which will receive
consideration in the EIS: (1) The no
action alternative; (2) construction of a
vertical face wall with structural frame;
(3) construction of a drilled shaft wall
with soil improvements; and (4)
replacing the portion of the seawall
adjacent to the Alaskan Way viaduct
with the outer wall of the new tunnel
identified as the preferred alternative for
the AWVSRP. These alternatives are the
same as the rebuild, frame, and tunnel
wall seawall alternatives evaluated in
the AWVSRP DEIS. The development of
seawall study alternatives has been and
will continue to be closely coordinated
with the AWVSRP through the City of
Seattle, WSDOT, and FHWA. The
selection of the Corps tunnel wall
alternative could not occur unless
FHWA signed a record of decision for
the AWVSRP selecting the tunnel
alternative. Opportunities will be sought
to incorporate measures for
improvement of habitat values, as well
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as recreation and public access. Public
input is specifically invited regarding
the reasonableness of the build
alternatives and whether any additional
alternatives are appropriate for
3. Scoping and Public Involvement:
This notice of intent formally
commences the scoping process under
NEPA. As part of the scoping process,
all affected Federal, State and local
agencies, Native American Tribes,
private organizations, and the public are
invited to comment on the scope of the
EIS. To date, the following issues of
concern have been identified for in
depth analysis in the draft EIS: (1)
Construction impacts, particularly those
related to noise, water quality,
transportation, and effects to businesses
and residences within/adjacent to the
construction zone; (2) impacts
associated with potential deviation of
the existing seawall alignment; and (3)
potential impacts to historical
4. Scoping Meetings: Two public
Scoping meetings will be held to
identify issues of major concern,
identify studies that might be needed in
order to analyze and evaluate impacts,
and obtain public input on the range
and acceptability of alternatives. Both
meetings will be conducted on April 18,
2006 in the Lopez Room at Seattle
Center, 305 Harrison Street, Seattle, WA
98109. The first meeting will be held
from 1 to 3:30 p.m. An informal open
house will be held between 1 and 2 p.m.
A brief presentation will be made
between 2 and 2:30 p.m. Then
testimony will be taken between 2:30
and 3:30 p.m. The second meeting will
be held from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Another
informal open house will be held
between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. The
presentation will be made again
between 5:30 and 6 p.m. Then
testimony will be taken between 6 and
7 p.m. Verbal or written comments will
be accepted at the Scoping meetings, or
written comments may be sent by
regular or electronic mail to Aimee
Kinney (see ADDRESSES). Ongoing
communication with agencies, Native
American tribes, public interest groups,
and interested citizens will take place
throughout the EIS development
through the use of public meetings,
mailings, and the Internet. Additional
meetings will be scheduled upon
completion of the DEIS.
5. Other Environmental Review,
Coordination and Permit Requirements:
The environmental review process will
be comprehensive and will integrate
and satisfy the requirements of NEPA,
and other relevant Federal, State and
local environmental laws. Other
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environmental review, coordination,
and permit requirements may include
preparation of a Clean Water Act,
Section 404 evaluation by the Corps.
Dated: March 17, 2006.
Debra M. Lewis,
Colonel, Corps of Engineers, District
[FR Doc. 06–3140 Filed 3–30–06; 8:45 am]
Department of the Army; Corps of
Intent To Prepare a Draft Supplement
to the Environmental Impact Statement
To Evaluate Construction of
Authorized Improvements to the
Federal Gulfport Harbor Navigation
Project in Harrison County, MS
Department of the Army, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, DOD.
ACTION: Notice of intent.
SUMMARY: The Mobile District, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers (Corps),
intends to prepare a Draft Supplement
to the Environmental Impact Statement
(DSEIS) to address the potential impacts
associated with construction of
authorized improvements to the Federal
Gulfport Harbor Navigation Project in
Harrison County, MS. The DSEIS will be
used as a basis for ensuring compliance
with the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) and evaluating the
following two alternative plans: ‘‘No
Action’’ and widening to the authorized
project dimensions. Gulfport Harbor is
authorized to (a) A channel 38 feet deep
by 400 feet wide and about 8 miles long
across Ship Island Bar; (b) a channel 36
feet deep by 300 feet wide and about 12
miles long through Mississippi Sound;
and (c) a stepped anchorage basin at
Gulfport Harbor 32 to 36 feet deep by
1,120 feet wide and 2,640 feet long.
Questions about the proposed action
and the DSEIS should be addressed to
Dr. Susan Ivester Rees, Coastal
Environment Team, Mobile District,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box
2288, Mobile, AL 36628 by telephone
(251) 694–4141 or e-mail her at
1. Gulfport Harbor is located in
Harrison County, MS, on Mississippi
Sound about equidistant (80 miles) from
New Orleans, LA, and Mobile, AL. The
existing project was adopted by the
River and Harbor Act approved July 3,
1930 (House Document Number 692,
69th. Congress, 2nd. Session) and the
dsatterwhite on PROD1PC76 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 62 / Friday, March 31, 2006 / Notices
River and Harbor Act approved June 30,
1948 (House Document Number 112,
81st. Congress, 1st Session).
Construction of the existing federal
project commenced in 1932, and was
completed in 1950. The River and
Harbor Act approved July 3, 1958
(Senate Document Number 123, 84th.
Congress, 2nd. Session) adopted the
small boat harbor as part of the existing
federal project. Deepening
improvements to the existing Federal
project at Gulfport Harbor was
authorized in the Supplemental
Appropriations Act of 1985 (Pub. L. 99–
88), which was approved on August 15,
1985. The project was also authorized in
the Water Resources Development Act
of 1986 (Pub. L. 99–662), which was
approved November 17, 1986, and
provided for development to deepen
and widen the existing ship channel 36
by 300 feet in Mississippi Sound, and
38 by 400 feet across the bar, with
changes in the channel alignment and
entrance to the anchorage basin for safe
and unrestricted navigation.
The 1976 Feasibility Report
considered a number of improvement
plans, such as widening the Mississippi
Sound channel to 300 feet at the
existing 30-foot depth and deepening
the channel in 2-foot increments to a
maximum depth of 36 feet. In addition,
widening the channel across the bar into
the Gulf of Mexico to 400 feet at the
existing 32-foot depth and deepening
the channel in 2-foot increments to a
maximum depth of 38 feet were also
evaluated. The Corps analyzed
realignment of the Ship Island channel,
adjustment of the turning basin’s width,
and enlargement of the channel
entrance into the turning basin. A
number of disposal options were
considered including: open-water
alongside of the channels, island
creation within Mississippi Sound, and
use of specially designed equipment to
transport the dredged material to sites
within the Gulf of Mexico. The 1976
Feasibility Report recommended
enlarging the Bar channel to 38 feet by
400 feet from the 38-foot depth contour
in the Gulf of Mexico for a distance of
about 9.1 miles to a point in Mississippi
Sound near the western end of Ship
Island; enlarging the channel through
Mississippi Sound near the western end
of Ship Island; and enlarging the
Mississippi Sound channel to 36 feet by
300 feet for a distance of about 11.8
miles between the inner end of the Gulf
Entrance channel and the turning basin
at Gulfport; realigning the Bar channel
through Ship Island Pass to a location
generally parallel to and about 1,000
feet west of that presently authorized,
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with a deposition basin for littoral drift
38 feet deep, 300 feet wide and 2,000
feet long adjacent to the east side of the
channel at the west end of Ship Island;
and enlarging and adjusting the
dimensions of the turning basin and
channel entrance by extending the
southern limits of the basin seaward
about 1,180 feet along the west pier and
2,300 feet along the west side of the
Ship channel, decreasing the width of
the turning basin from 1,320 feet, as
presently authorized, to 1,120 feet, and
deepening the basin and adjusted
channel approach to 36 feet.
Improvements of the Gulfport Harbor
navigation project was initially
authorized by the Fiscal Year 1985
Supplemental Appropriations Act (Pub.
L. 99–88) in accordance with the 1976
Feasibility Report. As a result of this
authorization, studies were initiated
relative to the island construction
within the Sound and the impacts of
thin-layer disposal of new work
material. This initial authorization was
subsequently modified by the Water
Resources Development Act (WRDA) of
1986. A revised Draft Environmental
Impact Statement (DEIS), circulated in
1988, considered widening and
deepening the existing Gulfport Harbor
navigation channel to the authorized
dimensions. In addition, five alignments
for the channel segment through Ship
Island Pass were also considered.
Material from the construction and
maintenance of the project were to be
disposed of in the ocean sites. The
WRDA of 1988 further modified the
authorized project to include disposing
of construction material via thin-layer
disposal in Mississippi Sound under a
demonstration program. The
maintenance material would be
disposed of in Mississippi Sound under
a plan developed by the Secretary and
approved by the Administrator of the
Environmental Project Agency. The
Corps published an Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) in June 1989
evaluating deepening and widening
Gulfport Harbor with subsequent
placement via thin-layer and ocean
disposal. The proposed Draft
Supplemental Environmental Impact
Statement (DSEIS) uses the 1989 EIS as
a reference during its evaluation of
constructing Gulfport Harbor to
authorized project dimensions. The
DSEIS will evaluate any new conditions
that were not previously addressed in
the 1989 EIS.
2. Alternative scenarios to be
considered include the ‘‘No action’’
alternative and widening to the
federally authorized dimension of 300
feet in the Mississippi Sound channel
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and 400 feet in the Bar channel. In
addition, an array of disposal options
are also being evaluated for the new
work as well as for the maintenance
material including island creation,
littoral zone disposal, disposal in the
existing Ocean Dredged Material
Disposal Site (ODMDS), and disposal in
a new ODMDS. Currently, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
is preparing an EIS for the ‘‘Designation
of a New Gulfport Harbor Offshore
3. Scoping: a. The Corps invites full
public participation to promote open
communication on the issues
surrounding the proposal. All Federal,
State, and local agencies, and other
persons or organizations that have an
interest are urged to participate in the
NEPA scoping process. Public meetings
will be held to help identify significant
issues and to receive public input and
b. The DSEIS will analyze the
potential social, economic, and
environmental impacts to the local area
resulting form construction of
authorized improvements. Specifically,
the following major issues will be
analyzed in depth in the DSEIS:
Hydrologic and hydraulic regimes,
threatened and endangered species,
essential fish habitat and other marine
habitat, air quality, cultural resources,
wastewater treatment capacities and
discharges, drainage discharges,
transportation systems, alternatives,
secondary and cumulative impacts,
socioeconomic impacts, environmental
justice (effect on minorities and lowincome groups) (Executive Order
12898), and protection of children
(Executive Order 13045).
c. The Corps will serve as the lead
Federal agency in the preparation of the
DSEIS. It is anticipated that the
following agencies will be invited and
will accept cooperating agency status for
the preparation of the DSEIS: U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S.
Department of the Interior—Fish and
Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration Fisheries,
U.S. Department of Commerce—
National Marine Fisheries Service,
Mississippi Department of
Environmental Quality, Mississippi
Department of Marine Resources,
Mississippi State Port Authority at
Gulfport, City of Gulfport, and State
Historic Preservation Officer.
4. It is anticipated that the first
scoping meeting will be held in the
April 2006 time frame in the local area.
Actual time and place for the meeting
and subsequent meetings or workshops
will be announced by the Corps by
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 62 / Friday, March 31, 2006 / Notices
issuance of a public notice and/or
notices in the local media.
5. It is anticipated that the DSEIS will
be made available for public review in
May 2006.
Curtis M. Flakes,
Chief, Planning and Environmental Division.
[FR Doc. 06–3146 Filed 3–30–06; 8:45 am]
Department of the Army, Corps of
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Joint
Environmental Impact Statement/
Environmental Impact Report for the
Proposed BNSF Cajon Subdivision
Third Main Track Project Keenbrook to
Summit, San Bernardino County, CA
Department of the Army, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice of Intent.
dsatterwhite on PROD1PC76 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The Los Angeles District
intends to prepare a joint Environmental
Impact Statement/Environmental
Impact Report (EIS/EIR) to analyze the
environmental effects of, and support
the permit decision related to, the
proposed construction of a third main
track through a 15.9 mile section of the
Cajon Subdivision, between Keenbrook
(the southerly entrance to Cajon Pass)
and Summit. The third track would be
constructed on either the east or the
west side of the existing tracks,
depending on constraints at any given
location, and would parallel the
western/northern track alignment (Main
Track 1), between Cajon and Summit.
The purpose of the EIS/EIR is to
evaluate alternative approaches to
increase sustainable daily capacity of
train movement along the portion of the
mainline through Cajon Pass to meet
demand for freight movement for the
present and the future. The benefits of
the additional third main track include
increasing operational flexibility,
increasing operational efficiency,
reducing severe congestion during peak
travel periods, and allowing for
sufficiently frequent movements of
trains and goods through the Cajon Pass.
Alternatives include the addition of a
third main track adjacent to the existing
BNSF Main 1 through Cajon Pass with
the installation of retaining walls and
improvements to culverts and wildlife
linkages; construction of a third main
track within the existing BNSF right-ofway without environmentally sensitive
design features; and the No Action/No
Federal Action Alternative. The EIS/EIR
will analyze the potential direct,
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indirect and cumulative impacts of the
environmental range of alternatives,
including the proposed project.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
May 1, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Ms. Susan A. Meyer, Senior
Project Manager, Regulatory Branch,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los
Angeles District, P.O. Box 532711, Los
Angeles, CA 90053–2325.
Susan A. Meyer, (213) 452-3412; or email:
Army Corps of Engineers intends to
prepare a joint EIS/EIR to assess the
environmental effects associated with
the proposed BNSF Cajon Subdivision
Third Main Track project Keenbrook to
Summit, San Bernardino County, CA.
Pursuant to the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the
County of San Bernardino is the state
lead agency for the EIR pursuant to the
California Environmental Quality Act
1. Project Description. The applicant,
BNSF, now maintains two tracks that
travel northerly from Keenbrook
through Cajon Pass towards Barstow
(Cajon Subdivision). The proposed third
main track would be installed from
Keenbrook to Summit, a distance of
approximately 15.9 miles. Presently,
there are three main tracks at Keenbrook
and south the BNSF rail yards in San
Bernardino. There are three main tracks
at Summit and north for approximately
14,671 feet, or 2.77 miles. The
applicant, BNSF, proposes to install the
new track from Keenbrook to Summit
on a 15-foot center (15 feet from the
center line of the existing track to the
center line of the new track), except for
alignments on bridges. At bridges, the
centerline would be set 25 feet from the
centerline of the adjacent track. Most of
the new track would be installed on
either side of the existing tracks,
depending on the existing right-of-way
(ROW) and topographic constraints.
Crossover points would be installed at
Keenbrook, Cajon, Alray, and
Silverwood/Summit. Most of the
realignment would occur within the
existing BNSF right-of-way on
previously disturbed areas. The
proposed project has been designed to
minimize the footprint and minimize or
avoid potential impacts to floodplains
and wetlands, by using retaining wall
structures along portions of the rail
Most of the new track alignment
would follow existing cleared areas and
maintenance roads. A new access road
would be built adjacent to the new track
for maintenance activities and to protect
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the track against rock fall and erosion.
Existing maintenance roads would be
maintained in areas where construction
does not impact the current road,
reestablished adjacent to the new track
in impacted areas where possible, or
eliminated where topography limits the
2. Corps Action. The U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers has received an application
from BNSF for a permit under Section
404 of the Clean Water Act. The
proposed project includes activities (to
widen existing culverts and some
bridges), which are expected to result in
the discharge of fill material into waters
of the U.S. There are approximately 67
crossings subject to Section 404
jurisdiction included in the proposed
project area. A number of these
crossings are along Cajon Creek, which
is a tributary to Lytle Creek, and which
is a tributary to the Santa Ana River.
3. Alternatives. Three alternatives
including the ‘‘No Action/No Federal
Action’’ are currently being considered.
The alternatives initially being
considered for the proposed project
a. Alternative 1 (Environmental
Optimal). Alternative 1 would be
constructed from Summit (Milepost
55.82) to Keenbrook (Milepost 69.4), a
distance of approximately 15.9 miles.
BNSF is proposing to install the new
track on a 15-foot center. The new track
would be installed on either side of the
existing Main Track 1 (west or east),
depending upon the availability of the
existing ROW and topographic
constraints, including the 2.2% grade.
Most of the realignment would occur
within the existing BNSF ROW on
previously disturbed areas. Retaining
wall structures would be places in
environmentally sensitive areas to
reduce the footprint of disturbance to
biological resources, including
jurisdictional waters of the U.S. In
addition, design features would be
installed to enhance existing drainage
structures for increased wildlife
movement through existing linkages.
b. Alternative 2 (Engineering
Optimal). The Engineering Optimal
alternative would be similar in
configuration to Alternative 1. However,
optimal rail engineering and design
methods would be utilized that do not
include the more extensive, complex,
and environmentally sensitive design
features that are proposed with
Alternative 1. Construction of the
Engineering Optimal alternative would
be less expensive and less difficult to
implement than the Proposed Project,
but would increase impacts to wetlands,
floodplains, and other sensitive
environmental resources. Alternative 2
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 62 (Friday, March 31, 2006)]
[Pages 16294-16296]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-3146]
Department of the Army; Corps of Engineers
Intent To Prepare a Draft Supplement to the Environmental Impact
Statement To Evaluate Construction of Authorized Improvements to the
Federal Gulfport Harbor Navigation Project in Harrison County, MS
AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DOD.
ACTION: Notice of intent.
SUMMARY: The Mobile District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps),
intends to prepare a Draft Supplement to the Environmental Impact
Statement (DSEIS) to address the potential impacts associated with
construction of authorized improvements to the Federal Gulfport Harbor
Navigation Project in Harrison County, MS. The DSEIS will be used as a
basis for ensuring compliance with the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) and evaluating the following two alternative plans: ``No
Action'' and widening to the authorized project dimensions. Gulfport
Harbor is authorized to (a) A channel 38 feet deep by 400 feet wide and
about 8 miles long across Ship Island Bar; (b) a channel 36 feet deep
by 300 feet wide and about 12 miles long through Mississippi Sound; and
(c) a stepped anchorage basin at Gulfport Harbor 32 to 36 feet deep by
1,120 feet wide and 2,640 feet long.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions about the proposed action
and the DSEIS should be addressed to Dr. Susan Ivester Rees, Coastal
Environment Team, Mobile District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, P.O.
Box 2288, Mobile, AL 36628 by telephone (251) 694-4141 or e-mail her at
1. Gulfport Harbor is located in Harrison County, MS, on
Mississippi Sound about equidistant (80 miles) from New Orleans, LA,
and Mobile, AL. The existing project was adopted by the River and
Harbor Act approved July 3, 1930 (House Document Number 692, 69th.
Congress, 2nd. Session) and the
[[Page 16295]]
River and Harbor Act approved June 30, 1948 (House Document Number 112,
81st. Congress, 1st Session). Construction of the existing federal
project commenced in 1932, and was completed in 1950. The River and
Harbor Act approved July 3, 1958 (Senate Document Number 123, 84th.
Congress, 2nd. Session) adopted the small boat harbor as part of the
existing federal project. Deepening improvements to the existing
Federal project at Gulfport Harbor was authorized in the Supplemental
Appropriations Act of 1985 (Pub. L. 99-88), which was approved on
August 15, 1985. The project was also authorized in the Water Resources
Development Act of 1986 (Pub. L. 99-662), which was approved November
17, 1986, and provided for development to deepen and widen the existing
ship channel 36 by 300 feet in Mississippi Sound, and 38 by 400 feet
across the bar, with changes in the channel alignment and entrance to
the anchorage basin for safe and unrestricted navigation.
The 1976 Feasibility Report considered a number of improvement
plans, such as widening the Mississippi Sound channel to 300 feet at
the existing 30-foot depth and deepening the channel in 2-foot
increments to a maximum depth of 36 feet. In addition, widening the
channel across the bar into the Gulf of Mexico to 400 feet at the
existing 32-foot depth and deepening the channel in 2-foot increments
to a maximum depth of 38 feet were also evaluated. The Corps analyzed
realignment of the Ship Island channel, adjustment of the turning
basin's width, and enlargement of the channel entrance into the turning
basin. A number of disposal options were considered including: open-
water alongside of the channels, island creation within Mississippi
Sound, and use of specially designed equipment to transport the dredged
material to sites within the Gulf of Mexico. The 1976 Feasibility
Report recommended enlarging the Bar channel to 38 feet by 400 feet
from the 38-foot depth contour in the Gulf of Mexico for a distance of
about 9.1 miles to a point in Mississippi Sound near the western end of
Ship Island; enlarging the channel through Mississippi Sound near the
western end of Ship Island; and enlarging the Mississippi Sound channel
to 36 feet by 300 feet for a distance of about 11.8 miles between the
inner end of the Gulf Entrance channel and the turning basin at
Gulfport; realigning the Bar channel through Ship Island Pass to a
location generally parallel to and about 1,000 feet west of that
presently authorized, with a deposition basin for littoral drift 38
feet deep, 300 feet wide and 2,000 feet long adjacent to the east side
of the channel at the west end of Ship Island; and enlarging and
adjusting the dimensions of the turning basin and channel entrance by
extending the southern limits of the basin seaward about 1,180 feet
along the west pier and 2,300 feet along the west side of the Ship
channel, decreasing the width of the turning basin from 1,320 feet, as
presently authorized, to 1,120 feet, and deepening the basin and
adjusted channel approach to 36 feet. Improvements of the Gulfport
Harbor navigation project was initially authorized by the Fiscal Year
1985 Supplemental Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 99-88) in accordance with
the 1976 Feasibility Report. As a result of this authorization, studies
were initiated relative to the island construction within the Sound and
the impacts of thin-layer disposal of new work material. This initial
authorization was subsequently modified by the Water Resources
Development Act (WRDA) of 1986. A revised Draft Environmental Impact
Statement (DEIS), circulated in 1988, considered widening and deepening
the existing Gulfport Harbor navigation channel to the authorized
dimensions. In addition, five alignments for the channel segment
through Ship Island Pass were also considered. Material from the
construction and maintenance of the project were to be disposed of in
the ocean sites. The WRDA of 1988 further modified the authorized
project to include disposing of construction material via thin-layer
disposal in Mississippi Sound under a demonstration program. The
maintenance material would be disposed of in Mississippi Sound under a
plan developed by the Secretary and approved by the Administrator of
the Environmental Project Agency. The Corps published an Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) in June 1989 evaluating deepening and widening
Gulfport Harbor with subsequent placement via thin-layer and ocean
disposal. The proposed Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact
Statement (DSEIS) uses the 1989 EIS as a reference during its
evaluation of constructing Gulfport Harbor to authorized project
dimensions. The DSEIS will evaluate any new conditions that were not
previously addressed in the 1989 EIS.
2. Alternative scenarios to be considered include the ``No action''
alternative and widening to the federally authorized dimension of 300
feet in the Mississippi Sound channel and 400 feet in the Bar channel.
In addition, an array of disposal options are also being evaluated for
the new work as well as for the maintenance material including island
creation, littoral zone disposal, disposal in the existing Ocean
Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS), and disposal in a new ODMDS.
Currently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is preparing
an EIS for the ``Designation of a New Gulfport Harbor Offshore ODMDS.''
3. Scoping: a. The Corps invites full public participation to
promote open communication on the issues surrounding the proposal. All
Federal, State, and local agencies, and other persons or organizations
that have an interest are urged to participate in the NEPA scoping
process. Public meetings will be held to help identify significant
issues and to receive public input and comment.
b. The DSEIS will analyze the potential social, economic, and
environmental impacts to the local area resulting form construction of
authorized improvements. Specifically, the following major issues will
be analyzed in depth in the DSEIS: Hydrologic and hydraulic regimes,
threatened and endangered species, essential fish habitat and other
marine habitat, air quality, cultural resources, wastewater treatment
capacities and discharges, drainage discharges, transportation systems,
alternatives, secondary and cumulative impacts, socioeconomic impacts,
environmental justice (effect on minorities and low-income groups)
(Executive Order 12898), and protection of children (Executive Order
c. The Corps will serve as the lead Federal agency in the
preparation of the DSEIS. It is anticipated that the following agencies
will be invited and will accept cooperating agency status for the
preparation of the DSEIS: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S.
Department of the Interior--Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries, U.S. Department of Commerce--
National Marine Fisheries Service, Mississippi Department of
Environmental Quality, Mississippi Department of Marine Resources,
Mississippi State Port Authority at Gulfport, City of Gulfport, and
State Historic Preservation Officer.
4. It is anticipated that the first scoping meeting will be held in
the April 2006 time frame in the local area. Actual time and place for
the meeting and subsequent meetings or workshops will be announced by
the Corps by
[[Page 16296]]
issuance of a public notice and/or notices in the local media.
5. It is anticipated that the DSEIS will be made available for
public review in May 2006.
Curtis M. Flakes,
Chief, Planning and Environmental Division.
[FR Doc. 06-3146 Filed 3-30-06; 8:45 am]