Southern Nuclear Operating Company; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1; Exemption, 15770-15772 [E6-4586]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 29, 2006 / Notices
mechanism for monitoring customer
satisfaction. In particular, the purpose of
the proposed National Personnel
Records Center (NPRC) Survey of
Customer Satisfaction is to (1)
determine customer satisfaction with
MPR’s reference service process, (2)
identify areas within the reference
service process for improvement, and
(3) provide MPR management with
customer feedback on the effectiveness
of BPR initiatives designed to improve
customer service as they are
implemented. In addition to supporting
the BPR effort, the proposed National
Personnel Records Center (NPRC)
Survey of Customer Satisfaction will
help NARA in responding to
performance planning and reporting
requirements contained in the
Government Performance and Results
Act (GPRA).
Dated: March 9, 2006.
Martha Morphy,
Acting Assistant Archivist for Information
[FR Doc. E6–4535 Filed 3–28–06; 8:45 am]
Notice of Sunshine Act Meeting
9:30 a.m., Tuesday, April
4, 2006.
PLACE: NTSB Board Room, 429 L’Enfant
Plaza, SW., Washington, DC 20594.
The one item is open to the
Marine Accident Report—Fire On Board
U.S. Small Passenger Vessel Express
Shuttle II, Pithlachascotee River, near
Port Richey, Florida, October 17, 2004.
Telephone: (202)
Individuals requesting specific
accommodations should contact Chris
Bisett at (202) 314–6305 by Friday,
March 31, 2006.
The public may view the meeting via
a live or archived webcast by accessing
a link under ‘‘News & Events’’ on the
NTSB home page at https://
hsrobinson on PROD1PC68 with NOTICES
D’Onofrio, (202) 314–6410.
Dated: March 24, 2006.
Vicky D’Onofrio,
Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 06–3058 Filed 3–24–06; 4:37 pm]
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:39 Mar 28, 2006
Jkt 208001
[Docket No. 50–348]
Southern Nuclear Operating Company;
Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Power Plant,
Unit 1; Exemption
The Southern Nuclear Operating
Company (SNC, the licensee) is the
holder of Renewed Facility Operating
License No. NPF–2 which authorizes
operation of Joseph M. Farley Nuclear
Power Plant (FNP), Unit 1. The license
provides, among other things, that the
facility is subject to all rules,
regulations, and orders of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC, the
Commission) now or hereafter in effect.
The facility consists of a pressurizedwater reactor located in Houston
County, Alabama.
Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50, Appendix
R, ‘‘Fire Protection Program for Nuclear
Power Facilities Operating Prior to
January 1, 1979,’’ establishes fire
protection features required to satisfy
General Design Criterion 3, ‘‘Fire
protection,’’ of Appendix A to10 CFR
Part 50 with respect to certain generic
issues for nuclear power plants licensed
to operate prior to January 1, 1979. FNP,
Unit 1 was licensed to operate prior to
January 1, 1979. Therefore, FNP, Unit 1
is directly subject to Appendix R.
By letter dated January 19, 2005, as
supplemented by letters dated June 9
(two letters) and November 18, 2005,
SNC, the licensee for FNP, Unit 1,
submitted a request for a permanent
exemption from 10 CFR Appendix R,
Section III.G.2, pertaining to FNP, Unit
1 (SNC letters NL–04–2357, NL–05–
0937, NL–05–0960 and NL–05–1975,
respectively). Specifically, 10 CFR
Appendix R, Section III.G.2, would
require the use of a 1-hour rated fire
barrier for protection of certain safe
shutdown control circuits located in
Fire Areas 1–013 and 1–042. In lieu of
providing such 1-hour rated fire
barriers, the licensee proposes the use of
fire-rated electrical cable produced by
Meggitt Safety System, Inc., (previously
known as Whittaker Electronic
Resources Unit of Whittaker Electronic
Systems) for several cables in Fire Areas
1–013 and 1–042 associated with safe
shutdown control circuits.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, the
Commission may, upon application by
any interested person or upon its own
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initiative, grant exemptions from the
requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 when (1)
The exemptions are authorized by law,
will not present an undue risk to public
health or safety, and are consistent with
the common defense and security; and
(2) when special circumstances are
present. These special circumstances are
described in 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii), in
that the application of these regulations
is not necessary to achieve the
underlying purpose of the rule.
The underlying purpose of Appendix
R, Section III.G, is to provide features
capable of limiting fire damage so that:
(1) One train of systems necessary to
achieve and maintain hot shutdown
conditions from either the control room
or emergency control station(s) is free of
fire damage; and (2) systems necessary
to achieve and maintain cold shutdown
from either the control room or
emergency control station(s) can be
repaired within 72 hours.
3.1 Overview of Approach Used by
For this specific fire protection
application, SNC proposes plant
modifications to use 1-hour fire-rated
electrical cable in lieu of a 1-hour rated
fire barrier as required by 10 CFR Part
50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2. Section
III.G.2 of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R,
provides fire protection requirements
for electrical cables located within the
same fire area whose failure could cause
the maloperation of redundant trains of
systems necessary to achieve and
maintain hot shutdown conditions.
These areas are required to have
protection features such that one of the
redundant trains will be free of fire
damage in the event of a fire. One
method, described in Section III.G.2, for
ensuring compliance with this
requirement is to enclose the cable and
equipment and associated non-safety
circuits of one redundant train in a 1hour rated fire barrier. In addition, an
area-wide automatic fire suppression
and detection system shall be installed
in the fire area.
A postulated fire in Fire Area 1–013
or 1–042 could cause loss of offsite
power; both fire areas contain cable bus
ducts from the startup transformers to
both redundant trains of the 4 kilovolt
(KV) Appendix R safe shutdown (SSD)
busses. A postulated fire in either of
these fire areas could also potentially
impact the function of the Train B 4 KV
Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) 1B
control circuitry. The majority of the
Train A onsite electrical power system
components required for Appendix R
SSD are not located in Fire Area 1–013
or 1–042. The following Train A onsite
power system related SSD circuits
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 29, 2006 / Notices
located in Fire Areas 1–013 and 1–042
will be protected by a 1-hour fire-rated
electrical cable along with area-wide
automatic fire suppression and
1. Protection of control circuitry that
could potentially disable the supply of
the onsite power from the Train A 4KV
EDGs 1–2A and 1–C, or disable supply
of 7 Train A onsite power due to
inadvertent loading of electronic
switching system (ESS) loads onto EDG
(a) The control interlocks for the automatic
alignment of the Train A Swing EDG 1C
Incoming Breaker 1–DH07 or 2–DH07 to
provide onsite AC power due to loss of offsite
power to the shutdown buses.
(b) The control interlocks for the automatic
alignment of the Train A Swing EDG 1–2A
Incoming Breaker 1–DF08 or 2–DF08 to
provide onsite AC power due to loss of offsite
power to the shutdown buses.
(c) The control interlocks for the automatic
alignment of Unit 1 600V Load Center 1D
Breaker 1–ED13 or Unit 2 600V Load Center
2D Breaker 2–ED13 to MCC 1S (power to the
Train A Swing EDG 1–2A auxiliaries) so that
the MCC is aligned to the same DG 1–2A.
(d) The control interlocks from Unit 2 ESS
Sequencer that blocks Unit 1 ESS Sequencer
on a Unit 2 safety injection actuation signal
(This signal is to prevent inadvertent loading
of ESS loads on smaller DG 1C).
(e) The control interlock from Unit 1 ESS
Sequencer that blocks Unit 2 ESS Sequencer
on a Unit 1 safety injection actuation signal
(This signal is to prevent inadvertent loading
of ESS loads on smaller DG 1C).
hsrobinson on PROD1PC68 with NOTICES
2. Protection of the control circuitry
that could potentially disable the
operation of the 4KV power supply
breakers to the Train A Component
Cooling Water Pump 1C, Train A
Charging Pump 1A, and Train A MotorDriven Auxiliary Feed-Water Pump 1A.
3. Protection of the control circuitry
that could potentially disable the
operation of the 600V load center power
supply breaker to Train A Pressurizer
Heater Group 1A.
A 1-hour rated fire barrier as
described in Section III.G.2 of 10 CFR
Part 50, Appendix R is not provided.
Instead, these credited Train A
components will utilize fire-rated
electrical cables (Mineral Insulated (MI)
cables). This fire-rated electrical cable
has been tested in accordance with
American Society for Testing Materials
(ASTM) E–119, ‘‘Standard Test Methods
for Fire Tests of Building Construction
Technical Evaluation
3.2.1 Test Results
The NRC staff reviewed this issue
with respect to determining that the firerated electrical cables would be capable
of providing an equivalent level of
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Jkt 208001
protection as would be provided by a 1hour rated fire barrier as required by 10
CFR part 50, Appendix R, Section
The licensee provided copies of the
test report, ‘‘Appendix R, One-Hour Fire
Resistive Control Cable Test,’’ dated
August 11, 2004, in its submittal. The
cables in Farley, Unit 1 are used as
control circuit applications and are
rated at 125 volts direct-current (VDC).
The licensee’s report, listed above,
includes the fire test performance
results for 8 Conductor #12 AWG
Meggitt Safety Systems electrical cable
with factory splices and several support
systems and attachment methods, when
exposed to the ASTM E–119 timetemperature heating curve for a period
of 1 hour.
3.2.2 Megger Testing
The fire-rated electrical cables at FNP
were tested for use in low voltage
control circuits. Megger Testing was
conducted at 500 VDC, to obtain
conductor-to-conductor and conductorto-ground insulation resistance values,
before the fire test, during the fire test,
and after the hose stream test. To ensure
that the conductor-to-conductor and
conductor-to-ground insulation
resistance (IR) readings were obtained
for all conductor combinations at the
peak ASTM E–119 1-hour test
temperature, the first test was extended
for an additional 38 minutes and 12
seconds with the furnace temperature
held as close as possible to 1700 degrees
Farenheit until all IR values were
recorded. Obtaining insulation
resistance values during the fire test by
the test method applied provided
conservative test results that meet the
fire Megger Testing requirements of GL
86–10, Supplement 1, for the FNP
specific 1-hour rated control cable
application. The NRC staff finds, based
on the Megger Testing, that the
insulation resistance values are
acceptable for the specific application at
FNP, Unit 1.
3.2.3 Minimum Insulation Resistance
The licensee completed a plant
circuit-specific analysis and concluded
that the control circuit protective
devices will not trip during a fire event
with an IR value of 5.7 mega-ohms/foot
(M′W/ft). The minimum IR value
recorded during the fire test was 0.8
M′W, and with 24.176 feet of cable
inside the furnace, that equated to 19.3
M′W/ft. This far exceeds the FNPspecific minimum acceptance value of
5.7 M′W/ft.
The NRC staff concludes that, based
on the information provided, the
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minimum IR value recorded during
testing is acceptable for the specific
application at FNP, Unit 1.
3.2.4 Mechanical Damage Protection
Rated 1-hour electrical cable raceway
fire barriers are tested in a furnace and
subject to a hose stream test that ensures
the raceway and the barriers will stay in
place following a fire exposure. The firerated electrical cables were tested in a
furnace and subjected to a hose stream.
Since the fire-rated electrical cables
themselves are the barriers, any
mechanical damage that occurs to the
cables may cause the cables to fail. The
licensee’s letter dated June 9, 2005,
stated that the areas where the fire-rated
electrical cables are routed are protected
with area-wide automatic fire
suppression and detection systems, as
required by Appendix R Section
III.G.2.c. In addition, the routing for
each fire-rated electrical cable was
established by plant walk-downs to
protect against potential physical
hazards. The licensee stated that the
fire-rated electrical cables are also
safety-related and will be installed to
meet the FNP routing requirements for
Class 1E cable protection from physical
hazards. The fire-rated electrical cables
are only routed in safety-related Class 1
structures, and all safety-related and
nonsafety-related equipment and
components in these structures are
seismically supported.
The NRC staff concludes, based on the
information provided, that there is
adequate protection from mechanical
damage to demonstrate equivalence to a
raceway fire barrier system for the
specific application at FNP, Unit 1.
3.2.5 Galvanized Supports
When in contact with galvanized
supports, fire-resistive electrical cable
produced by Meggitt Safety Systems,
Inc. has been reported to experience
degradation due to liquid metal
embrittlement. This degradation occurs
at the positions where the galvanized
supports are in direct contact with the
stainless steel cable jacket. Section 4,
subsection j of Meggitt Safety Systems
engineering document, ‘‘Unpacking,
Inspection, Installation and Standard
Practices for 8/C #12 AWG Si 2400 FireRated Cable For J.M. Farley Nuclear
Plant, Revision D,’’ states that ‘‘Si Fire
Cable may be routed in cable trays;
Stainless steel trays are recommended.
Cable should not be installed in
galvanized trays and should NOT be in
direct contact with galvanized or
aluminum trays or structures.’’
The NRC staff concludes, based on the
information provided in the engineering
document, that the installation standard
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 29, 2006 / Notices
human environment (71 FR 12219,
March 9, 2006).
This exemption is effective upon
will adequately address the concern
with galvanized supports for the
specific application at FNP, Unit 1.
The following are the fire protection
defense-in-depth objectives: (1) To
prevent fires from starting; (2) to detect
rapidly, control, and extinguish
promptly those fires that do occur; and
(3) to provide protection for structures,
systems, and components important to
safety so that a fire that is not promptly
extinguished by the fire suppression
activities will not prevent the safe
shutdown of the plant. The licensee
stated that Fire Areas 1–013 and 1–042
are provided with area-wide automatic
fire suppression and detection systems.
The use of fire-rated electrical cables is
a substitute for 1-hour rated fire barriers
that are required by 10 CFR Part 50,
Appendix R, and supports the third
defense-in-depth objective. For this
specific application, the licensee has
demonstrated that the fire-rated
electrical cables used are a suitable
alternative to the 1-hour rated fire
barrier as required by 10 CFR part 50,
Appendix R.
hsrobinson on PROD1PC68 with NOTICES
The NRC staff concludes that, on the
bases of the discussions in the sections
above, for the specific application of
this material, the licensee has
adequately demonstrated that this firerated electrical cable will perform in an
equivalent manner when compared to a
rated barrier for this use. The NRC staff
also concludes that the use of the MI
cable for these purposes, meets the
underlying purpose of Appendix R and,
that, therefore special circumstances are
present. Accordingly, the Commission
has determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR
50.12(a), the exemption is authorized by
law, will not present an undue risk to
the public health and safety, and is
consistent with the common defense
and security. Therefore, the Commission
hereby grants Southern Nuclear
Operating Company an exemption from
the requirements to 10 CFR Part 50,
Appendix R, Section III.G.2, to the
extent that it requires protection of
cables of one redundant train of safe
shutdown equipment by a 1-hour rated
fire barrier, for Fire Areas 1–013 and 1–
042. The fire-rated electrical cables
provide an equivalent level of
protection necessary to achieve the
underlying purpose of the rule for
Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the
Commission has determined that the
granting of this exemption will not have
a significant effect on the quality of the
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:39 Mar 28, 2006
Jkt 208001
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 22nd
day of March 2006.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Edwin M. Hackett,
Acting Director, Division of Operating Reactor
Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor
[FR Doc. E6–4586 Filed 3–28–06; 8:45 am]
Information on the hearing may be
obtained from Connie M. Downs at (202)
336–8438, via facsimile at (202) 218–
0136, or via e-mail at
Dated: March 27, 2006.
Connie M. Downs,
OPIC Corporate Secretary.
[FR Doc. 06–3073 Filed 3–27–06; 11:09 am]
[Investment Company Act Release No.
27265; 812–13199]
Sunshine Act Meeting Notice
OppenheimerFunds, Inc., et al.; Notice
of Application
2 p.m., Thursday, April
20, 2006.
PLACE: Offices of the Corporation,
Twelfth Floor Board Room, 1100 New
York Avenue, NW., Washington, DC.
STATUS: Hearing Open to the Public at
2 p.m.
PURPOSE: Public Hearing in conjunction
with each meeting of OPIC’s Board of
Directors, to afford an opportunity for
any person to present views regarding
the activities of the Corporation.
Procedures: Individuals wishing to
address the hearing orally must provide
advance notice to OPIC’s Corporate
Secretary no later than 5 p.m., Friday,
April 14, 2006. The notice must include
the individual’s name, title,
organization, address, and telephone
number, and a concise summary of the
subject matter to be presented.
Oral presentations may not exceed ten
(10) minutes. The time for individual
presentations may be reduced
proportionately, if necessary, to afford
all participants who have submitted a
timely request to participate an
opportunity to be heard.
Participants wishing to submit a
written statement for the record must
submit a copy of such statement to
OPIC’s Corporate Secretary no later than
5 p.m., Friday, April 14, 2006. Such
statements must be typewritten, doublespaced, and may not exceed twenty-five
(25) pages.
Upon receipt of the required notice,
OPIC will prepare an agenda for the
hearing identifying speakers, setting
forth the subject on which each
participant will speak, and the time
allotted for each presentation. The
agenda will be available at the hearing.
A written summary of the hearing will
be compiled, and such summary will be
made available, upon written request to
OPIC’s Corporate Secretary, at the cost
of reproduction.
March 22, 2006.
PO 00000
Frm 00082
Fmt 4703
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Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’).
ACTION: Notice of an application under
section 12(d)(1)(J) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940 (the ‘‘Act’’) for an
exemption from sections 12(d)(1)(A) and
(B) of the Act, under sections 6(c) and
17(b) of the Act for an exemption from
section 17(a) of the Act, and under
section 17(d) of the Act and rule 17d–
1 under the Act to permit certain joint
Summary of Application: Applicants
request an order to permit certain
registered open-end management
investment companies to invest
uninvested cash and cash collateral in
affiliated money market funds in excess
of the limits in sections 12(d)(1)(A) and
(B) of the Act.
Applicants: OppenheimerFunds, Inc.
(‘‘OFI’’), Centennial Asset Management
Corp. (‘‘CAMC,’’ and OFI , together, the
‘‘Adviser’’), Bond Fund Series,
Oppenheimer AMT-Free Municipals,
Oppenheimer Fund AMT-Free New
York Municipals, Oppenheimer
Balanced Fund, Oppenheimer California
Municipal Fund, Oppenheimer Capital
Appreciation Fund, Oppenheimer
Capital Income Fund, Oppenheimer
Cash Reserves, Oppenheimer Champion
Income Fund, Oppenheimer Developing
Markets Fund, Oppenheimer Discovery
Fund, Oppenheimer Dividend Growth
Fund, Oppenheimer Equity Fund, Inc.,
Oppenheimer Emerging Growth Fund,
Oppenheimer Emerging Technologies
Fund, Oppenheimer Enterprise Fund,
Oppenheimer Global Fund,
Oppenheimer Global Opportunities
Fund, Oppenheimer Gold & Special
Minerals Fund, Oppenheimer Growth
Fund, Oppenheimer High Yield Fund,
Oppenheimer Integrity Funds,
Oppenheimer International Bond Fund,
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 60 (Wednesday, March 29, 2006)]
[Pages 15770-15772]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-4586]
[Docket No. 50-348]
Southern Nuclear Operating Company; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear
Power Plant, Unit 1; Exemption
1.0 Background
The Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC, the licensee) is the
holder of Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-2 which authorizes
operation of Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Power Plant (FNP), Unit 1. The
license provides, among other things, that the facility is subject to
all rules, regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC, the Commission) now or hereafter in effect.
The facility consists of a pressurized-water reactor located in
Houston County, Alabama.
2.0 Request/Action
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50,
Appendix R, ``Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Power Facilities
Operating Prior to January 1, 1979,'' establishes fire protection
features required to satisfy General Design Criterion 3, ``Fire
protection,'' of Appendix A to10 CFR Part 50 with respect to certain
generic issues for nuclear power plants licensed to operate prior to
January 1, 1979. FNP, Unit 1 was licensed to operate prior to January
1, 1979. Therefore, FNP, Unit 1 is directly subject to Appendix R.
By letter dated January 19, 2005, as supplemented by letters dated
June 9 (two letters) and November 18, 2005, SNC, the licensee for FNP,
Unit 1, submitted a request for a permanent exemption from 10 CFR
Appendix R, Section III.G.2, pertaining to FNP, Unit 1 (SNC letters NL-
04-2357, NL-05-0937, NL-05-0960 and NL-05-1975, respectively).
Specifically, 10 CFR Appendix R, Section III.G.2, would require the use
of a 1-hour rated fire barrier for protection of certain safe shutdown
control circuits located in Fire Areas 1-013 and 1-042. In lieu of
providing such 1-hour rated fire barriers, the licensee proposes the
use of fire-rated electrical cable produced by Meggitt Safety System,
Inc., (previously known as Whittaker Electronic Resources Unit of
Whittaker Electronic Systems) for several cables in Fire Areas 1-013
and 1-042 associated with safe shutdown control circuits.
3.0 Discussion
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, the Commission may, upon application by
any interested person or upon its own initiative, grant exemptions from
the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 when (1) The exemptions are
authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to public health or
safety, and are consistent with the common defense and security; and
(2) when special circumstances are present. These special circumstances
are described in 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii), in that the application of
these regulations is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of
the rule.
The underlying purpose of Appendix R, Section III.G, is to provide
features capable of limiting fire damage so that: (1) One train of
systems necessary to achieve and maintain hot shutdown conditions from
either the control room or emergency control station(s) is free of fire
damage; and (2) systems necessary to achieve and maintain cold shutdown
from either the control room or emergency control station(s) can be
repaired within 72 hours.
3.1 Overview of Approach Used by Licensee
For this specific fire protection application, SNC proposes plant
modifications to use 1-hour fire-rated electrical cable in lieu of a 1-
hour rated fire barrier as required by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R,
Section III.G.2. Section III.G.2 of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R,
provides fire protection requirements for electrical cables located
within the same fire area whose failure could cause the maloperation of
redundant trains of systems necessary to achieve and maintain hot
shutdown conditions. These areas are required to have protection
features such that one of the redundant trains will be free of fire
damage in the event of a fire. One method, described in Section
III.G.2, for ensuring compliance with this requirement is to enclose
the cable and equipment and associated non-safety circuits of one
redundant train in a 1-hour rated fire barrier. In addition, an area-
wide automatic fire suppression and detection system shall be installed
in the fire area.
A postulated fire in Fire Area 1-013 or 1-042 could cause loss of
offsite power; both fire areas contain cable bus ducts from the startup
transformers to both redundant trains of the 4 kilovolt (KV) Appendix R
safe shutdown (SSD) busses. A postulated fire in either of these fire
areas could also potentially impact the function of the Train B 4 KV
Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) 1B control circuitry. The majority of
the Train A onsite electrical power system components required for
Appendix R SSD are not located in Fire Area 1-013 or 1-042. The
following Train A onsite power system related SSD circuits
[[Page 15771]]
located in Fire Areas 1-013 and 1-042 will be protected by a 1-hour
fire-rated electrical cable along with area-wide automatic fire
suppression and detection:
1. Protection of control circuitry that could potentially disable
the supply of the onsite power from the Train A 4KV EDGs 1-2A and 1-C,
or disable supply of 7 Train A onsite power due to inadvertent loading
of electronic switching system (ESS) loads onto EDG 1-C:
(a) The control interlocks for the automatic alignment of the
Train A Swing EDG 1C Incoming Breaker 1-DH07 or 2-DH07 to provide
onsite AC power due to loss of offsite power to the shutdown buses.
(b) The control interlocks for the automatic alignment of the
Train A Swing EDG 1-2A Incoming Breaker 1-DF08 or 2-DF08 to provide
onsite AC power due to loss of offsite power to the shutdown buses.
(c) The control interlocks for the automatic alignment of Unit 1
600V Load Center 1D Breaker 1-ED13 or Unit 2 600V Load Center 2D
Breaker 2-ED13 to MCC 1S (power to the Train A Swing EDG 1-2A
auxiliaries) so that the MCC is aligned to the same DG 1-2A.
(d) The control interlocks from Unit 2 ESS Sequencer that blocks
Unit 1 ESS Sequencer on a Unit 2 safety injection actuation signal
(This signal is to prevent inadvertent loading of ESS loads on
smaller DG 1C).
(e) The control interlock from Unit 1 ESS Sequencer that blocks
Unit 2 ESS Sequencer on a Unit 1 safety injection actuation signal
(This signal is to prevent inadvertent loading of ESS loads on
smaller DG 1C).
2. Protection of the control circuitry that could potentially
disable the operation of the 4KV power supply breakers to the Train A
Component Cooling Water Pump 1C, Train A Charging Pump 1A, and Train A
Motor-Driven Auxiliary Feed-Water Pump 1A.
3. Protection of the control circuitry that could potentially
disable the operation of the 600V load center power supply breaker to
Train A Pressurizer Heater Group 1A.
A 1-hour rated fire barrier as described in Section III.G.2 of 10
CFR Part 50, Appendix R is not provided. Instead, these credited Train
A components will utilize fire-rated electrical cables (Mineral
Insulated (MI) cables). This fire-rated electrical cable has been
tested in accordance with American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)
E-119, ``Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction
3.2 Technical Evaluation
3.2.1 Test Results
The NRC staff reviewed this issue with respect to determining that
the fire-rated electrical cables would be capable of providing an
equivalent level of protection as would be provided by a 1-hour rated
fire barrier as required by 10 CFR part 50, Appendix R, Section
The licensee provided copies of the test report, ``Appendix R, One-
Hour Fire Resistive Control Cable Test,'' dated August 11, 2004, in its
submittal. The cables in Farley, Unit 1 are used as control circuit
applications and are rated at 125 volts direct-current (VDC). The
licensee's report, listed above, includes the fire test performance
results for 8 Conductor 12 AWG Meggitt Safety Systems
electrical cable with factory splices and several support systems and
attachment methods, when exposed to the ASTM E-119 time-temperature
heating curve for a period of 1 hour.
3.2.2 Megger Testing
The fire-rated electrical cables at FNP were tested for use in low
voltage control circuits. Megger Testing was conducted at 500 VDC, to
obtain conductor-to-conductor and conductor-to-ground insulation
resistance values, before the fire test, during the fire test, and
after the hose stream test. To ensure that the conductor-to-conductor
and conductor-to-ground insulation resistance (IR) readings were
obtained for all conductor combinations at the peak ASTM E-119 1-hour
test temperature, the first test was extended for an additional 38
minutes and 12 seconds with the furnace temperature held as close as
possible to 1700 degrees Farenheit until all IR values were recorded.
Obtaining insulation resistance values during the fire test by the test
method applied provided conservative test results that meet the fire
Megger Testing requirements of GL 86-10, Supplement 1, for the FNP
specific 1-hour rated control cable application. The NRC staff finds,
based on the Megger Testing, that the insulation resistance values are
acceptable for the specific application at FNP, Unit 1.
3.2.3 Minimum Insulation Resistance Value
The licensee completed a plant circuit-specific analysis and
concluded that the control circuit protective devices will not trip
during a fire event with an IR value of 5.7 mega-ohms/foot (M'[Omega]/
ft). The minimum IR value recorded during the fire test was 0.8
M'[Omega], and with 24.176 feet of cable inside the furnace, that
equated to 19.3 M'[Omega]/ft. This far exceeds the FNP-specific minimum
acceptance value of 5.7 M'[Omega]/ft.
The NRC staff concludes that, based on the information provided,
the minimum IR value recorded during testing is acceptable for the
specific application at FNP, Unit 1.
3.2.4 Mechanical Damage Protection
Rated 1-hour electrical cable raceway fire barriers are tested in a
furnace and subject to a hose stream test that ensures the raceway and
the barriers will stay in place following a fire exposure. The fire-
rated electrical cables were tested in a furnace and subjected to a
hose stream. Since the fire-rated electrical cables themselves are the
barriers, any mechanical damage that occurs to the cables may cause the
cables to fail. The licensee's letter dated June 9, 2005, stated that
the areas where the fire-rated electrical cables are routed are
protected with area-wide automatic fire suppression and detection
systems, as required by Appendix R Section III.G.2.c. In addition, the
routing for each fire-rated electrical cable was established by plant
walk-downs to protect against potential physical hazards. The licensee
stated that the fire-rated electrical cables are also safety-related
and will be installed to meet the FNP routing requirements for Class 1E
cable protection from physical hazards. The fire-rated electrical
cables are only routed in safety-related Class 1 structures, and all
safety-related and nonsafety-related equipment and components in these
structures are seismically supported.
The NRC staff concludes, based on the information provided, that
there is adequate protection from mechanical damage to demonstrate
equivalence to a raceway fire barrier system for the specific
application at FNP, Unit 1.
3.2.5 Galvanized Supports
When in contact with galvanized supports, fire-resistive electrical
cable produced by Meggitt Safety Systems, Inc. has been reported to
experience degradation due to liquid metal embrittlement. This
degradation occurs at the positions where the galvanized supports are
in direct contact with the stainless steel cable jacket. Section 4,
subsection j of Meggitt Safety Systems engineering document,
``Unpacking, Inspection, Installation and Standard Practices for 8/C
12 AWG Si 2400 Fire-Rated Cable For J.M. Farley Nuclear Plant,
Revision D,'' states that ``Si Fire Cable may be routed in cable trays;
Stainless steel trays are recommended. Cable should not be installed in
galvanized trays and should NOT be in direct contact with galvanized or
aluminum trays or structures.''
The NRC staff concludes, based on the information provided in the
engineering document, that the installation standard
[[Page 15772]]
will adequately address the concern with galvanized supports for the
specific application at FNP, Unit 1.
3.2.6 Defense-in-Depth
The following are the fire protection defense-in-depth objectives:
(1) To prevent fires from starting; (2) to detect rapidly, control, and
extinguish promptly those fires that do occur; and (3) to provide
protection for structures, systems, and components important to safety
so that a fire that is not promptly extinguished by the fire
suppression activities will not prevent the safe shutdown of the plant.
The licensee stated that Fire Areas 1-013 and 1-042 are provided with
area-wide automatic fire suppression and detection systems. The use of
fire-rated electrical cables is a substitute for 1-hour rated fire
barriers that are required by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, and supports
the third defense-in-depth objective. For this specific application,
the licensee has demonstrated that the fire-rated electrical cables
used are a suitable alternative to the 1-hour rated fire barrier as
required by 10 CFR part 50, Appendix R.
4.0 Conclusion
The NRC staff concludes that, on the bases of the discussions in
the sections above, for the specific application of this material, the
licensee has adequately demonstrated that this fire-rated electrical
cable will perform in an equivalent manner when compared to a rated
barrier for this use. The NRC staff also concludes that the use of the
MI cable for these purposes, meets the underlying purpose of Appendix R
and, that, therefore special circumstances are present. Accordingly,
the Commission has determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12(a), the
exemption is authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to the
public health and safety, and is consistent with the common defense and
security. Therefore, the Commission hereby grants Southern Nuclear
Operating Company an exemption from the requirements to 10 CFR Part 50,
Appendix R, Section III.G.2, to the extent that it requires protection
of cables of one redundant train of safe shutdown equipment by a 1-hour
rated fire barrier, for Fire Areas 1-013 and 1-042. The fire-rated
electrical cables provide an equivalent level of protection necessary
to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule for Joseph M. Farley
Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the Commission has determined that the
granting of this exemption will not have a significant effect on the
quality of the human environment (71 FR 12219, March 9, 2006).
This exemption is effective upon issuance.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 22nd day of March 2006.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Edwin M. Hackett,
Acting Director, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, Office of
Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. E6-4586 Filed 3-28-06; 8:45 am]