National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific Fishery Management Council; April 2-7, 2006 Council Meeting, 13814-13815 [E6-3892]
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sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 52 / Friday, March 17, 2006 / Notices
Committee on progress to date on the
development of an amendment to
implement an SBRM process across all
NEFMC fishery management plans
(FMPs). There will be an open public
comment period to address items not
listed on the agenda prior to a lunch
break. During the afternoon session the
Council will review and approve a range
of essential fish habitat designation
alternatives for inclusion in its EFH
Omnibus Amendment. This will be
followed by Council approval of a
scoping document for a Northeast
Multispecies FMP amendment to
consider limited access, hard Total
Allowable Catches (TACs) and
dedicated access privileges in the small
mesh multispecies fisheries for whiting,
red hake and offshore hake.
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
During the morning session of the
meeting, the Council will review
preliminary analyses for a groundfish
total allowable catch management
program that was discussed at its
January meeting in Portland, ME. The
Council will then review scoping
comments and approve goals and
objectives for Amendment 11 to the Sea
Scallop FMP. It also will provide
guidance to the Scallop Committee on
the development of alternatives. The
alternatives may include resource
allocation options involving the limited
access and general category scallop
fisheries and potential qualification
criteria for a limited entry program for
general category vessels. The Council
will initiate action on Framework
Adjustment 4 to the Monkfish FMP and
provide guidance on the development of
management alternatives. Finally, the
Research Steering Committee will report
on its discussions concerning 2006
research priorities and
recommendations on several
cooperative research final reports. The
committee also will provide additional
comments and recommendations on the
process to review final reports.
Although other non-emergency issues
not contained in this agenda may come
before this Council for discussion, those
issues may not be the subjects of formal
action during this meeting. Council
action will be restricted to those issues
specifically listed in this notice and any
issues arising after publication of this
notice that require emergency action
under section 305(c) of the MagnusonStevens Act, provided that the public
has been notified of the Council’s intent
to take final action to address the
Special Accommodations
This meeting is physically accessible
to people with disabilities. Requests for
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sign language interpretation or other
auxiliary aids should be directed to Paul
J. Howard (see ADDRESSES) at least 5
days prior to the meeting date.
Dated: March 14, 2006.
Tracey L. Thompson,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E6–3897 Filed 3–16–06; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[I.D. 031306D]
National Marine Fisheries Service,
Pacific Fishery Management Council;
April 2–7, 2006 Council Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of public meetings.
SUMMARY: The Pacific Fishery
Management Council (Council) and its
advisory entities will hold public
The Council and its advisory
entities will meet April 2–7, 2006. The
Council meeting will begin on Monday,
April 3, at 3 p.m., reconvening each day
through Friday. All meetings are open to
the public, except a closed session will
be held from 3 p.m. until 4 p.m. on
Monday, April 3 to address litigation
and personnel matters. The Council will
meet as late as necessary each day to
complete its scheduled business.
ADDRESSES: The meetings will be held at
the DoubleTree Hotel Sacramento, 2001
Point West Way, Sacramento, CA 95819;
telephone: 916–929–8855.
Council address: Pacific Fishery
Management Council, 7700 NE
Ambassador Place, Suite 200, Portland,
OR 97220.
Donald O. McIsaac, Executive Director;
telephone: 503–820–2280.
following items are on the Council
agenda, but not necessarily in this order:
A. Call to Order
1. Opening Remarks and
2. Roll Call
3. Executive Director’s Report
4. Approve Agenda
B. Administrative Matters
1. Approval of Council Meeting
2. Future Council Meeting Agenda
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3. Status Report on Draft Regional
Operating Agreements for Regulatory
4. Appointments to Advisory Bodies,
Standing Committees, and Other Forum,
Including any Necessary Changes to
Council Operating Procedures
5. Council Three-Meeting Outlook,
Draft June 2006 Council Meeting
Agenda, and Workload Priorities
C. Habitat
1. Current Habitat Issues
D. Pacific Halibut Management
1. Incidental Catch Regulations for the
Salmon Troll and Fixed Gear Sablefish
E. Salmon Management
1. Identification of Stocks Not
Meeting Conservation Objectives
2. Tentative Adoption of 2006 Ocean
Salmon Management Measures for
3. Methodology Review Process and
Preliminary Topic Selection for 2006
4. Role of the Klamath Fisheries
Management Council
5. Clarify Council Direction for 2006
Ocean Salmon Management Measures
(if Needed)
7. Final Action on 2006 Ocean
Salmon Management Measures
8. Clarify Final Action on 2006 Ocean
Salmon Management Measures (if
F. Groundfish Management
1. Management Specifications for
2007–2008 Groundfish Fisheries
2. NMFS Report
3. Stock Assessment Planning for the
2009–2010 Fishing Season
4. Status of 2006 Groundfish Fisheries
and Consideration of Inseason
5. Part I of Management Measures for
2007–2008 Groundfish Fisheries
6. Part II of Management Measures for
2007–2008 Groundfish Fisheries
7. Final Consideration of 2006
Inseason Adjustments
G. Highly Migratory Species
1. Bigeye Tuna Overfishing Response
2. Albacore Management Measures
3. NMFS Report
H. Enforcement Issues
1. U.S. Coast Guard Report on
Implementation of the Automatic
Identification and Vessel Monitoring
I. Marine Protected Areas (MPA)
1. Fishery Regulation in MPAs within
the Channel Islands National Marine
Sanctuary through Magnuson-Stevens
Act and State Management Authority
2. Final Council Recommendation on
Consultation Procedures for Fishing
Regulations in National Marine
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 52 / Friday, March 17, 2006 / Notices
SUNDAY, April 2, 2006
Groundfish Advisory Subpanel 1 p.m.
Groundfish Management Team 1 p.m.
Klamath Fishery Management Council
3 p.m.
Special Joint Session: Briefing on
Specifications and Rebuilding
Revisions 6:30 p.m.
MONDAY, April 3, 2006
Council Secretariat 8 a.m.
Groundfish Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Groundfish Management Team 8 a.m.
Klamath Fishery Management Council
8 a.m.
Salmon Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Salmon Technical Team 8 a.m.
Scientific and Statistical Committee 8
Habitat Committee 10 a.m.
Enforcement Consultants 5:30 p.m.
Tribal Policy Group As necessary
Tribal and Washington Technical
Group As necessary
Washington State Delegation As
TUESDAY, April 4, 2006
Council Secretariat 7 a.m.
California State Delegation 7 a.m.
Oregon State Delegation 7 a.m.
Groundfish Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Groundfish Management Team 8 a.m.
Salmon Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Salmon Technical Team 8 a.m.
Scientific and Statistical Committee 8
Chair’s Reception 6 p.m.
Enforcement Consultants As
Klamath Fishery Management Council
As necessary
Tribal Policy Group As necessary
Tribal and Washington Technical
GroupAs necessary
Washington State Delegation As
WEDNESDAY, April 5, 2006
Council Secretariat 7 a.m.
California State Delegation 7 a.m.
Oregon State Delegation 7 a.m.
Groundfish Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Groundfish Management Team 8 a.m.
Salmon Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Salmon Technical Team 8 a.m.
Enforcement Consultants As
Klamath Fishery Management Council
As necessary
Tribal Policy Group As necessary
Tribal and Washington Technical
Group As necessary
Washington State DelegationAs
THURSDAY, April 6, 2006
Council Secretariat 7 a.m.
California State Delegation 7 a.m.
Oregon State Delegation 7 a.m.
Groundfish Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Groundfish Management Team 8 a.m.
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Salmon Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Salmon Technical Team 8 a.m.
Enforcement Consultants As
Tribal Policy Group As necessary
Tribal and Washington Technical
Group As necessary
Washington State Delegation As
FRIDAY, April 7, 2006
Council Secretariat 7 a.m.
California State Delegation 7 a.m.
Oregon State Delegation 7 a.m.
Enforcement Consultants As
Salmon Advisory Subpanel As
Salmon Technical Team As necessary
Tribal Policy Group As necessary
Tribal and Washington Technical
Group As necessary
Washington State Delegation As
Although nonemergency issues not
contained in this agenda may come
before this Council for discussion, those
issues may not be the subject of formal
Council action during this meeting.
Council action will be restricted to those
issues specifically listed in this notice
and any issues arising after publication
of this notice that require emergency
action under Section 305(c) of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act,
provided the public has been notified of
the Council’s intent to take final action
to address the emergency.
Special Accommodations
These meetings are physically
accessible to people with disabilities.
Requests for sign language
interpretation or other auxiliary aids
should be directed to Ms. Carolyn Porter
at 503- 820–2280 at least five days prior
to the meeting date.
Dated: March 14, 2006.
Tracey L. Thompson,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E6–3892 Filed 3–16–06; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[I.D. 030906F]
Endangered and Threatened Species;
Take of Anadromous Fish
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Receipt of application for
renewal and modification of scientific
PO 00000
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research/enhancement permit; request
for comments.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
NMFS has received an application to
renew and modify a permit from Trinity
River Restoration Program, Weaverville,
Arcata, CA (Permit (1072). This permit
would affect Southern Oregon/Northern
California Coast (SONCC) coho salmon
(Oncorhynchus kisutch). This document
serves to notify the public of the
availability of the permit application for
review and comment before a final
approval or disapproval is made by
DATES: Written comments on the permit
application must be received at the
appropriate address or fax number (see
ADDRESSES) no later than 5 p.m. daylight
savings time on April 17, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on this
renewal and modification request
should be sent to the appropriate office
as indicated below. Comments may also
be sent via fax to the number indicated
for the request. Comments will not be
accepted if submitted via e-mail or the
internet. The applications and related
documents are available for review in
the indicated office, by appointment:
For Permit 1072: Steve Liebhardt,
Protected Species Division, NOAA
Fisheries, 1655 Heindon Road, Arcata,
CA 95521 (ph: 707–825–5186, fax: 707–
Steve Liebhardt by phone 707–825–
5186, or by e-mail:
Issuance of permits and permit
modifications, as required by the
Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16
U.S.C. 1531–1543) (ESA), is based on a
finding that such permits/modifications:
(1) Are applied for in good faith; (2)
would not operate to the disadvantage
of the listed species which are the
subject of the permits; and (3) are
consistent with the purposes and
policies set forth in section 2 of the
ESA. Authority to take listed species is
subject to conditions set forth in the
permits. Permits and modifications are
issued in accordance with and are
subject to the ESA and NOAA Fisheries
regulations governing listed fish and
wildlife permits (50 CFR parts 222–
226).Those individuals requesting a
hearing on an application listed in this
notice should set out the specific
reasons why a hearing on that
application would be appropriate (see
ADDRESSES). The holding of such a
hearing is at the discretion of the
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 52 (Friday, March 17, 2006)]
[Pages 13814-13815]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-3892]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
[I.D. 031306D]
National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific Fishery Management
Council; April 2-7, 2006 Council Meeting
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of public meetings.
SUMMARY: The Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) and its
advisory entities will hold public meetings.
DATES: The Council and its advisory entities will meet April 2-7, 2006.
The Council meeting will begin on Monday, April 3, at 3 p.m.,
reconvening each day through Friday. All meetings are open to the
public, except a closed session will be held from 3 p.m. until 4 p.m.
on Monday, April 3 to address litigation and personnel matters. The
Council will meet as late as necessary each day to complete its
scheduled business.
ADDRESSES: The meetings will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel
Sacramento, 2001 Point West Way, Sacramento, CA 95819; telephone: 916-
Council address: Pacific Fishery Management Council, 7700 NE
Ambassador Place, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97220.
Director; telephone: 503-820-2280.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following items are on the Council
agenda, but not necessarily in this order:
A. Call to Order
1. Opening Remarks and Introductions
2. Roll Call
3. Executive Director's Report
4. Approve Agenda
B. Administrative Matters
1. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes
2. Future Council Meeting Agenda Planning
3. Status Report on Draft Regional Operating Agreements for
Regulatory Streamlining
4. Appointments to Advisory Bodies, Standing Committees, and Other
Forum, Including any Necessary Changes to Council Operating Procedures
5. Council Three-Meeting Outlook, Draft June 2006 Council Meeting
Agenda, and Workload Priorities
C. Habitat
1. Current Habitat Issues
D. Pacific Halibut Management
1. Incidental Catch Regulations for the Salmon Troll and Fixed Gear
Sablefish Fisheries
E. Salmon Management
1. Identification of Stocks Not Meeting Conservation Objectives
2. Tentative Adoption of 2006 Ocean Salmon Management Measures for
3. Methodology Review Process and Preliminary Topic Selection for
4. Role of the Klamath Fisheries Management Council
5. Clarify Council Direction for 2006 Ocean Salmon Management
Measures (if Needed)
7. Final Action on 2006 Ocean Salmon Management Measures
8. Clarify Final Action on 2006 Ocean Salmon Management Measures
(if Needed)
F. Groundfish Management
1. Management Specifications for 2007-2008 Groundfish Fisheries
2. NMFS Report
3. Stock Assessment Planning for the 2009-2010 Fishing Season
4. Status of 2006 Groundfish Fisheries and Consideration of
Inseason Adjustments
5. Part I of Management Measures for 2007-2008 Groundfish Fisheries
6. Part II of Management Measures for 2007-2008 Groundfish
7. Final Consideration of 2006 Inseason Adjustments
G. Highly Migratory Species Management
1. Bigeye Tuna Overfishing Response
2. Albacore Management Measures
3. NMFS Report
H. Enforcement Issues
1. U.S. Coast Guard Report on Implementation of the Automatic
Identification and Vessel Monitoring Systems
I. Marine Protected Areas (MPA)
1. Fishery Regulation in MPAs within the Channel Islands National
Marine Sanctuary through Magnuson-Stevens Act and State Management
2. Final Council Recommendation on Consultation Procedures for
Fishing Regulations in National Marine Sanctuaries
[[Page 13815]]
SUNDAY, April 2, 2006
Groundfish Advisory Subpanel 1 p.m.
Groundfish Management Team 1 p.m.
Klamath Fishery Management Council 3 p.m.
Special Joint Session: Briefing on Groundfish
Specifications and Rebuilding Revisions 6:30 p.m.
MONDAY, April 3, 2006
Council Secretariat 8 a.m.
Groundfish Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Groundfish Management Team 8 a.m.
Klamath Fishery Management Council 8 a.m.
Salmon Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Salmon Technical Team 8 a.m.
Scientific and Statistical Committee 8 a.m.
Habitat Committee 10 a.m.
Enforcement Consultants 5:30 p.m.
Tribal Policy Group As necessary
Tribal and Washington Technical Group As necessary
Washington State Delegation As necessary
TUESDAY, April 4, 2006
Council Secretariat 7 a.m.
California State Delegation 7 a.m.
Oregon State Delegation 7 a.m.
Groundfish Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Groundfish Management Team 8 a.m.
Salmon Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Salmon Technical Team 8 a.m.
Scientific and Statistical Committee 8 a.m.
Chair's Reception 6 p.m.
Enforcement Consultants As necessary
Klamath Fishery Management Council As necessary
Tribal Policy Group As necessary
Tribal and Washington Technical GroupAs necessary
Washington State Delegation As necessary
WEDNESDAY, April 5, 2006
Council Secretariat 7 a.m.
California State Delegation 7 a.m.
Oregon State Delegation 7 a.m.
Groundfish Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Groundfish Management Team 8 a.m.
Salmon Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Salmon Technical Team 8 a.m.
Enforcement Consultants As necessary
Klamath Fishery Management Council As necessary
Tribal Policy Group As necessary
Tribal and Washington Technical Group As necessary
Washington State DelegationAs necessary
THURSDAY, April 6, 2006
Council Secretariat 7 a.m.
California State Delegation 7 a.m.
Oregon State Delegation 7 a.m.
Groundfish Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Groundfish Management Team 8 a.m.
Salmon Advisory Subpanel 8 a.m.
Salmon Technical Team 8 a.m.
Enforcement Consultants As necessary
Tribal Policy Group As necessary
Tribal and Washington Technical Group As necessary
Washington State Delegation As necessary
FRIDAY, April 7, 2006
Council Secretariat 7 a.m.
California State Delegation 7 a.m.
Oregon State Delegation 7 a.m.
Enforcement Consultants As necessary
Salmon Advisory Subpanel As necessary
Salmon Technical Team As necessary
Tribal Policy Group As necessary
Tribal and Washington Technical Group As necessary
Washington State Delegation As necessary
Although nonemergency issues not contained in this agenda may come
before this Council for discussion, those issues may not be the subject
of formal Council action during this meeting. Council action will be
restricted to those issues specifically listed in this notice and any
issues arising after publication of this notice that require emergency
action under Section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act, provided the public has been notified
of the Council's intent to take final action to address the emergency.
Special Accommodations
These meetings are physically accessible to people with
disabilities. Requests for sign language interpretation or other
auxiliary aids should be directed to Ms. Carolyn Porter at 503- 820-
2280 at least five days prior to the meeting date.
Dated: March 14, 2006.
Tracey L. Thompson,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E6-3892 Filed 3-16-06; 8:45 am]