Amendment (Title 8 of the Tribal Code) to Omaha Tribe's Beverage Control Ordinance, 10056-10061 [E6-2764]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 39 / Tuesday, February 28, 2006 / Notices
parking areas and casino. Regional
access to the casino complex would be
from Richmond Parkway via Interstate
A range of project alternatives is
considered in the DEIS. These are as
follows: (1) The proposed casino
complex; (2) a reduced casino; (3) a
reduced casino and commercial
development; (4) retail/office
development; and (5) no action.
Environmental issues addressed in the
DEIS include land resources, water
resources, air quality, biological
resources, cultural resources,
socioeconomic conditions,
environmental justice, transportation,
land use, agriculture, public services,
noise, hazardous materials, visual
resources, cumulative effects, indirect
effects, growth inducing effects and
mitigation measures.
The BIA is the lead agency for the
EIS/DEIS on this project. The Tribe,
Contra Costa County and the California
Department of Transportation are
participating as cooperating agencies. A
public scoping meeting for the EIS was
held by the BIA on August 4, 2004, in
Richmond, California.
Public Comment Availability
Comments, including names and
addresses of respondents, will be
available for public review at the BIA
address shown in the ADDRESSES
section, during business hours, 8 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except holidays. Individual respondents
may request confidentiality. If you wish
us to withhold your name and/or
address from public review or from
disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act, you must state this
prominently at the beginning of your
written comment. Such requests will be
honored to the extent allowed by the
law. We will not, however, consider
anonymous comments. All submissions
from organizations or businesses, and
from individuals identifying themselves
as representatives or officials of
organizations or businesses, will be
made available for public inspection in
their entirety.
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This notice is published in
accordance with section 1503.1 of the
Council on Environmental Quality
Regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500 through
1508) implementing the procedural
requirements of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as
amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), and
the Department of the Interior Manual
(516 DM 1–6), and is in the exercise of
authority delegated to the Principal
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Deputy Assistant Secretary—Indian
Affairs by 209 DM 8.l.
Dated: February 10, 2006.
Michael D. Olsen,
Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. E6–2755 Filed 2–27–06; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Amendment (Title 8 of the Tribal Code)
to Omaha Tribe’s Beverage Control
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice publishes an
Amendment to Title 8 of the Omaha
Tribe’s Beverage Control Ordinance.
The Ordinance regulates and controls
the possession, sale and consumption of
liquor within the Omaha Tribe’s
Reservation. The Reservation is located
on trust land and this Ordinance allows
for the possession and sale of alcoholic
beverages within the exterior
boundaries of the Omaha Tribe’s Indian
Reservation. This Ordinance will
increase the ability of the tribal
government to control the community’s
liquor distribution and possession, and
at the same time will provide an
important source of revenue for the
continued operation and strengthening
of the tribal government and the
delivery of tribal services.
DATES: Effective Date: This Ordinance is
effective on February 28, 2006.
James Steele, Sr., Tribal Government
Officer, Great Plains Regional Office,
115 Fourth Avenue SE, Aberdeen, SD
57401, Telephone (605) 226–7376; or
Ralph Gonzales, Office of Tribal
Services, 1951 Constitution Avenue,
NW., Mail Stop 320–SIB, Washington,
DC 20240, Telephone (202) 513–7629.
to the Act of August 15, 1953, Public
Law 83–277, 67 Stat. 586, 18 U.S.C.
1161, as interpreted by the Supreme
Court in Rice v. Renner, 463 U.S. 713
(1983), the Secretary of the Interior shall
certify and publish in the Federal
Register notice of adopted liquor
ordinances for the purpose of regulating
liquor transactions in Indian country.
The Omaha Tribal Council adopted this
Amendment to Title 8 of the Omaha
Tribe’s Beverage Control Ordinance by
Ordinance No. 04–54 on June 15, 2004.
The purpose of this Ordinance is to
govern the sale, possession and
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distribution of alcohol within the
Omaha Tribe’s Indian Reservation.
This notice is published in
accordance with the authority delegated
by the Secretary of the Interior to the
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs. I certify that the Tribal
Council duly adopted this Amendment
to Title 8 of the Omaha Tribe’s Beverage
Control Ordinance of the Omaha Tribe
on June 15, 2004.
Dated: February 22, 2006.
Debbie L. Clark,
Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs.
The Amendment to Title 8 of the
Omaha Tribe’s Beverage Control
Ordinance reads as follows:
The Omaha Tribal Code (2003), Title 8,
be, and hereby is, amended to delete
reference to ‘‘in the State of Iowa’’ at Sections
8–1–1(m), 8–1–8, 8–2–14, and by such
amendment, specifically makes such Omaha
Tribal Code (2003), Title 8 ALCOHOLIC
BEVERAGE CONTROL applicable to any and
all territory within the confines of the Omaha
Indian Reservation, and to any and all future
additions of land acquired within or without
said boundary lines by the Secretary of the
Interior for the Tribe or by the Tribe, and,
The Omaha Tribal Code (2003), Title
shall now read as follows:
Omaha Tribal Code (2003): Title 8.
Alcoholic Beverage Control
Source: Omaha Tribal Council
Resolution No. 92–88 (6–1–92);
repealing 92–48 (12–17–91); repealing
in part 85–89 (11–7–85). See 58 FR
8888–01 (2–17–93), 1993 WL 37754 (FR)
Chapter 1. Alcoholic Beverages
Section 8–1–1. Definition of Terms
Terms used in this Title, unless the
context otherwise plainly requires, shall
mean as follows:
(a) ‘‘Alcoholic Beverages’’ shall mean
any intoxicating liquor, beer or any
wine as defined under the provisions of
this Title.
(b) ‘‘Application’’ shall mean a formal
written request for the issuance of a
license supported by a verified
statement of facts.
(c) ‘‘Intoxicating Liquor’’ shall mean
any liquid either commonly used, or
reasonable adopted to use for beverage
purposes, containing in excess of three
and two-tenths percentum of alcohol by
weight. This shall include any type of
wine, regardless of alcohol content.
(d) ‘‘Legal Age’’ shall mean the age
requirements as defined by Chapter 4.
(e) ‘‘Liquor Store’’ shall mean any
store, established for the sale of
alcoholic beverages.
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 39 / Tuesday, February 28, 2006 / Notices
(f) ‘‘On-Sale Dealer’’ shall mean the
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, Tribal Citizen
or other person, firm or entity that sells,
or keeps for sale, any alcoholic
beverages authorized under this Title for
consumption on the premises where
(g) ‘‘On-Sale’’ shall mean the sale of
any alcoholic beverage for consumption
only upon the premises where sold.
(h) ‘‘Off-Sale’’ shall mean the sale of
any alcoholic beverage for consumption
off the premises where sold.
(i) ‘‘Package’’ shall mean the bottle or
immediate container of any alcoholic
(j) ‘‘Package Dealer’’ shall mean the
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, Tribal Citizen
or any person, firm or entity as
distinguished from a distiller,
manufacturer, or wholesaler, that sells,
or keeps for sale, any alcoholic beverage
authorized under the Title for
consumption off the premises where
(k) ‘‘Public Place’’ shall mean any
place, building, or conveyance to which
the public has or is permitted access.
(l) ‘‘Retailer’’ shall mean Omaha Tribe
of Nebraska, Tribal Citizen or any
person, firm or entity that sells alcoholic
beverages authorized under this Title for
other than resale.
(m) ‘‘Reservation’’ shall mean all
lands located within the exterior
boundaries of the Reservation of the
Tribe, and such other lands over which
the Tribe exercises governmental
(n) ‘‘Sacramental Wine’’ shall mean
wines for sacramental purposes only
and used by ordained Rabbis, Priests,
Ministers, or Pastors, or any church or
established religious organization.
(o) ‘‘Sale’’ shall mean the transfer of
bottled or canned liquor for any
consideration and of title to any
alcoholic beverage.
(p) ‘‘Tribal Citizen’’ or ‘‘Citizen of the
Tribe’’ shall mean an enrolled member
of the Tribe and persons eligible for
(q) ‘‘Tribal Council’’ shall mean the
governing body of the Omaha Tribe of
(r) ‘‘Tribe’’ shall mean the Omaha
Tribe of Nebraska.
(s) ‘‘Vendor’’ shall mean, in the case
of a Tribal Citizen, any person
employed and under the direct
supervision of such Tribal citizen to
conduct and manage Tribal Citizen’s
liquor stores, and in the case of other
persons, firms or entities, a vendor shall
mean such person, firm or entity and
any person employed and under the
direction supervision of such person,
firm or entity.
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(t) ‘‘Wholesaler’’ shall mean any
person other than a brewer or bottler of
beer, who shall sell, barter, exchange,
offer for sale, have in possession with
intent to sell, deal or traffic in
intoxicating liquor or beer; no
wholesaler shall be permitted to sell for
consumption upon the premises.
(u) ‘‘Wine’’ shall mean any beverage
containing alcohol obtained by the
fermentation of the natural sugar
content of fruits or other agricultural
products, and containing not more than
seventeen percent of alcohol by weight,
including sweet wines fortified with
wine spirits, such as port, sherry,
muscatel and other fortified wines.
(v) The Terms, ‘‘the provisions of this
Title’’ ‘‘as provided in this Title’’ or
similar terms shall include all rules and
regulations of the Tribe adapted to aid
in the administration or enforcement of
this Title.
Section 8–1–2. Public Policy Declared
This Title shall be cited as the
‘‘Alcoholic Beverage Control Title’’ and
under the inherent sovereignty of the
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, shall be
deemed an exercise of the Tribe’s
power, for the protection of the welfare,
health, peace, morals, and safety of the
people of the Tribe, and all its
provisions shall be liberally construed
for the accomplishment of that purpose,
and it is declared to be public policy
that the traffic in alcoholic beverages if
it affects the public interest of the
people, should be regulated to the
extent of prohibiting all traffic of liquor,
except as provided in this Title.
Section 8–1–3. General Prohibition
It shall be unlawful to manufacture
for sale, sell, offer, or keep for sale,
possess or transport intoxicating liquor
or beer except upon the terms,
conditions, limitations, and restrictions
specified in this Title.
Section 8–1–4. Director Appointed
The Omaha Tribal Council shall
appoint one of its members to serve as
Director of Liquor Control. The Director
shall not have an interest directly or
indirectly in the transportation or sale of
intoxicating liquor or beer, or in any
building or property used in connection
with such a business. The Director shall
review liquor licenses, applications for
liquor licenses and shall report to the
Council on such matters. The Director
shall serve at the pleasure of the Tribal
Section 8–1–5. Removal
The Director may be removed for
cause by the Omaha Tribal Council and
such removal shall not be in lieu of any
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other punishment that may be
prescribed by the laws of the Tribe or
the United States. The Director so
removed shall be entitled to an
opportunity to be heard before the
Omaha Tribal Council before removal.
Section 8–1–6. Tribal Control of
Importation of Liquor
The Tribal Council shall have the sole
and exclusive right of authorizing
importation, into the Reservation, of all
forms of intoxicating liquor and beer,
except as otherwise provided in this
Title, and no person or organization
shall so import any such intoxicating
liquor or beer into the Reservation,
unless authorized by the Tribal Council
by the issuance of a Class C wholesaler’s
license. No licensed wholesaler or
distillery shall sell any intoxicating
liquor or beer within the Reservation to
any person or organization unless
authorized by the Tribal Council and
except as otherwise provided in this
Title. It is the intent of this section to
retain in the Tribal Council, exclusive
control within the Reservation both as
authorizer and controller of all alcoholic
beverages sold by licensed wholesalers
or distilleries within the Reservation or
imported therein, and except as
otherwise provided in this Title.
Section 8–1–7. Individual and Firms To
Hold License
An individual person, as well as
firms, corporations or other entities may
hold a liquor license under the
provisions of this Title. It is the intent
of this Title to allow individuals as well
as firms, corporations or other entities to
hold liquor licenses, as provided by this
Section 8–1–8. Tribal Liquor Stores or
Subject to the provisions of Chapter 2,
the Tribal Council may establish and
maintain anywhere on the Reservation
the Tribal Council may deem advisable,
a Tribal liquor store, lounge or stores or
lounges for storage and sale of alcoholic
beverages in accordance with the
provisions of this Title.
Section 8–1–9. Vendor-Cash Sales
In the conduct and management of
Tribal liquor stores and lounges, the
Tribal Council is empowered to employ
a person who shall be under the direct
supervision of the Director, who shall be
known as a ‘‘vendor’’ and who shall
observe all provisions of this Title and
rules and regulations that may be
prescribed by the Tribal Council under
this Title. No vendor shall sell alcoholic
beverages to any person or organization
except for cash, check, or credit card
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 39 / Tuesday, February 28, 2006 / Notices
transaction, except where the purchaser
is a bona fide registered guest in a hotel
or motel.
Section 8–1–10. Storage of Beverages
The Omaha Tribe of Nebraska and all
licensees under this Title shall not keep
or store any alcoholic beverages at any
place within the Omaha Tribe of
Nebraska Reservation other than on the
premises where they are authorized to
operate and except as otherwise
provided by this Title.
Section 8–1–11. Payment of Fee
There shall be a filing fee on
applications for any licenses under this
Title, as established by the Tribal
Section 8–1–12. Request for Notice of
If any Tribal Citizen shall file with the
Tribal Council, a written request that he
or she be notified of the time and place
of hearing upon any specified
application or applications for licenses
for the on or off sale at retail of alcoholic
beverages, the Director shall give notice
to such person by certified mail and
within a sufficient length of time prior
to the hearing upon such application as
to allow such person a reasonable
opportunity to be present. For the
purpose of this section, the certified
letter must be deposited with the U.S.
Post Office at least five (5) days before
the scheduled date of the hearing.
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Section 8–1–13. Time and Place for
The Tribal Council shall fix a time
and place for hearing upon all such
applications which may come before the
Tribal Council, and the Director shall
publish notice once in a newspaper of
general circulation within the
Reservation which notice shall be
headed ‘‘Notice of Hearing Upon
Application for Sale of Alcoholic
Beverage’’ and shall state the time and
place, when and where such
applications will be considered by the
Tribal Council and that any person
interested in the approval or rejection of
any such application may appear and be
heard, which notice shall be published
at least one week prior to such hearing.
At the time and place so fixed, the
Tribal Council shall consider such
applications and all objections thereto,
if any, prior to final decision thereon.
Section 8–1–14. Transfer of License
No license granted pursuant to the
provisions of this Title shall be
transferred to another person or
organization. If a transfer to a new
location is requested by a licensee, the
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licensee must make application showing
all the relevant facts as to such new
application, which application shall
take the same course and be acted upon
as if an original application. No fee shall
be required of a licensee who desires to
transfer to a new location; however,
such licensee must pay the actual costs
involved in the Notification of Hearing
as published in the official newspaper.
Section 8–1–15. Sale of Stock on
Any license authorized to deal in
alcoholic beverages upon termination of
its license may at any time within
twenty (20) days thereafter sell the
whole or any part of the alcoholic
beverages included in its stock in trade
at the time of termination, to any
licensed wholesaler approved under the
provisions of the Title to deal in
alcoholic beverages as a wholesaler. A
complete report of such purchase and
sale must be made by both the
wholesaler and licensee to the Tribal
Council. At the discretion of the Tribal
Council, an additional twenty (20) days
extension to sell may be granted to the
licensee by the Tribal Council.
Section 8–1–16. Complaints Authorized
Any person may file with the Tribal
Council, a duly notarized complaint as
to any violations of the provisions of
this Title and immediately upon receipt
thereof, the Tribal Council shall cause
the Director to make a thorough
investigation and, if there is evidence to
support the charge made in such
complaint, the Tribal Council may
revoke or suspend the license in
question and/or take other appropriate
Section 8–1–17. Revocation Proceedings
The Tribal Council shall on due
notice to such licensee, conduct a
hearing and on the basis thereof
determine whether such license should
be revoked or suspended.
Section 8–1–18. Subpoena by Tribal
For the purpose of conducting the
hearing as prescribed above, the Tribal
Council shall have the power to
subpoena witnesses and to administer
oaths. Witnesses so subpoenaed may be
paid at the then prevailing witness rate
which is established by the Tribal
Council from time-to-time. Said witness
fee may be paid from the Tribal Liquor
Control Fund. The initial witness fee
shall be $20.00 per day. Criminal
proceedings must be filed in the Tribal
Court and may be instituted by the
Tribal Council as Complainant against
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any violator except the Omaha Tribe of
Section 8–1–19. Dismissal or
Acceptance of Complaint
If the Tribal Council determines the
license should not be revoked or
suspended, it shall dismiss the
complaint. If the Tribal Council
determines the license should be
suspended or revoked and suspends or
revokes such license, it must make in
writing, findings of fact as to every such
violation alleged in such complaint
before it revokes or suspends such
license, and must within thirty (30) days
following the hearing, make a report
available to the membership of the Tribe
consisting of a transcript of the
proceedings had, and all findings as to
every such violation alleged in such
Section 8–1–20. Suspension in Lieu of
The Tribal Council may, if the facts
warrant, mitigate the revocation to a
suspension. When in any proceedings
upon verified complaint, the Tribal
Council is satisfied that the nature of
such violation and the circumstances
thereof were such that a suspension of
license would be adequate, it may
suspend the license for a period not
exceeding sixty (60) days, which
suspension shall become effective
twenty-four (24) hours after service of
notice thereof upon the license. During
the period of such suspension, such
licensee shall exercise no rights or
privileges whatsoever under the license.
Section 8–1–21. Public Hearing
All hearings under the provisions of
this Title shall be public, and place of
hearing shall be specifically designated
in the notice of hearing.
Section 8–1–22. Order of Revocation
In any case where the Tribal Council
approves a revocation of a license, it
shall forthwith make an order for such
revocation and upon service of notice
thereof on the licensee, all of such
licensee’s rights under such license
shall terminate three (3) days after such
notice, except in the event of a Stay of
Section 8–1–23. Waiting Period for New
Any licensee, except the Omaha Tribe
of Nebraska, whose license is revoked,
shall not for a period of two (2) years
thereafter, be granted any license under
the provisions of this Title.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 39 / Tuesday, February 28, 2006 / Notices
$10,000.00 and no jail sentence may be
Any licensee whose license is revoked
or suspended by the Tribal Council
regardless of how the proceedings were
instituted, may appeal from such
revocation or suspension, to the Omaha
Tribal Court within five (5) days after
notice to the licensee of such revocation
or suspension, and such appeal operate
to stay all proceedings for a period of
fifteen (15) days thereafter. Upon good
cause shown, the Tribal Court may
extend the stay an additional period of
time but not to exceed thirty (30)
additional days. The Tribal Council
shall forthwith, upon such appeal being
made, prepare a complete record in the
proceedings and shall thereupon fix a
time and place for hearing before the
Tribal Court, due notice of such hearing
shall be given to all concerned parties
involved in the appeal. The Tribal Court
shall review the proceeding before the
Tribal Council on the record made
before the Tribal Council utilizing the
clearly erroneous standard of review for
findings of fact.
Section 8–1–26. Sacramental Wines
Section 8–1–25. Bootlegging
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Section 8–1–24. Appeal to the Omaha
Tribal Court
Classes of licenses under this Chapter
with the fee for each class as established
by the Tribal Council from time-to-time
shall be as follows:
(a) Class A Package Dealers: $1,000.00
(b) Class B On Sale Dealers: $1,500.00
(c) Class C Wholesalers: $500.00
Any person, who by himself, or
through another acting for him, shall
keep or carry on his person, or in a
vehicle, or leave in a place for another
to secure, any alcoholic liquor or beer
with intent to sell or dispense of such
liquor or beer or otherwise in violation
of law, or who shall, within this
Reservation in any manner, directly or
indirectly solicit, take, or accept any
order for the purchase, sale, shipment,
or delivery of such alcoholic liquor or
beer in violation of law, or aid in the
delivery and distribution of any
alcoholic liquor or beer so ordered or
shipped, or who shall in any manner
procure for, sell, or give any alcoholic
liquor or beer to any person under legal
age, for any purpose except as
authorized and permitted in this Title,
shall be guilty of bootlegging and upon
conviction thereof shall be subject to a
fine of not less than one hundred dollars
($100.00) nor more than five hundred
dollars ($500.00), and to a jail sentence
of not less than three (3) months, nor
more than six (6) months, or both such
fine and jail sentence plus costs.
Proceedings under this Section
involving Tribal Citizens shall be
criminal in nature and heard before the
Omaha Tribal Court.
Proceedings under this Section
involving non-Tribal Citizens shall be
deemed an administrative exercise of
the Tribe’s regulatory power and the
fine for any one offense cannot exceed
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The provisions of this Title, except as
otherwise provided, shall not apply to
the purchase and sale of sacramental
wines. Ordained rabbis, priests,
ministers, or pastors of any church or
established religious organizations
within the Omaha Tribe Reservation
may buy sacramental wines from any
person in such quantities as necessary
for their religious purposes only.
Chapter 2. Liquor Licenses and Sales
Section 8–2–1. Power to License and
The power to establish licenses and
levy taxes under the provisions of this
Title is vested exclusively with the
Tribal Council. The Tribal Council may
levy an administrative fine for
violations of this Title by those who are
not Citizens of the Tribe, but such fines
shall not exceed Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00) per violation.
Section 8–2–2. Classes of Licenses
Section 8–2–3. Acceptance or Rejection
of License
In accepting or rejecting a request for
a license, the Tribal Council shall
consider the need of the area to be
served for such liquor sales, the number
of existing licensed businesses covering
the area, the desires of the community
within the area to be served, any law
enforcement problem which may arise
because of the sale of liquor, the
character and reputation of the person
seeking the license, suitability of the
physical premises and plan of operation
of the person seeking the license, and
any other consideration relevant to the
Section 8–2–4. Domestication
Requirement for Corporated Licenses
Any corporate, partnership or other
entity applying for a Class A or Class B
license under this chapter must be a
corporation, partnership or entity
organized under the laws of the Omaha
Tribe of Nebraska, provided that if the
applicant is a foreign corporation,
partnership or entity, the applicant shall
be deemed eligible if, prior to the
application, it has complied with all the
laws of the United Sates and the Tribe
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concerning doing business within the
Omaha Reservation and submitted to
the jurisdiction of the Tribe by
appointing a resident agent for service
of process. Individuals, partnerships,
and other forms of business association
shall be eligible to obtain all classes of
licenses under this chapter.
Section 8–2–5. Discretion of the Tribal
Application for licenses under this
chapter shall be submitted to the Tribal
Council as specified in Chapter 1 of this
Title and the Tribal Council shall have
absolute discretion to approve or
disapprove the same in accordance with
the provisions of this Title.
Section 8–2–6. Cancellation of Surety
Any surety may cancel any bond
required under this Title as to future
liability by giving thirty (30) days notice
to the Tribal Council. Unless the
licensee gives other sufficient surety by
the end of the thirty (30) day period, the
license shall be revoked automatically at
the end of the thirty (30) days.
Section 8–2–7. Surety Bond
(a) Every application for a license
under this Title, unless exempted by the
Tribal Council, must be accompanied by
a bond, which shall become operative
and effective upon the issuing of a
license unless the licensee already has
a continuing bond in force. The bond
shall be in the amount of $10,000.00
and must be in a form approved by the
Tribal Council and it shall be
conditioned that the licensee will
faithfully obey and abide by all the
provisions of this Title and all existing
laws relating to the conduct of its
business and will promptly pay to the
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska when due, all
taxes and license fees payable by it
under the provisions of this Title and
also any costs and cost penalty assessed
against it in any judgment for violation
of the terms of this Title.
(b) All bonds required by this Title
shall be with a corporate surety as
surety, or shall be by cash deposit. If
said bond is placed by cash, it shall be
kept in a separate escrow account
within a legally chartered bank.
Section 8–2–8. Action of Bond for Injury
Any person injured by reason of the
failure of any licensee to faithfully obey
and abide by all the provisions of this
Title shall have a direct right of acting
upon the bond before the Tribal
Council, and if the Tribal Council or the
Tribe is the Complainant, before the
Tribal Court, for the purpose of
recovering the damage sustained by
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 39 / Tuesday, February 28, 2006 / Notices
such person, which action may be
prosecuted in the name of the injured.
Section 8–2–9. Agreement by Licensee
To Grant Access
Every application for a license under
this Title must include an agreement by
the applicant that his premises, for the
purpose of search and seizure laws shall
be considered public premises, and that
such premises and all buildings, safes,
cabinets, lockers, and store rooms
thereon will at all times on demand of
the Tribal Council or a duly appointed
Tribal or Federal policeman, be open to
inspection, and that all its books and
records dealing with the sale of
ownership of alcoholic beverages shall
be open to said person or persons for
such inspection, and that the
application and the license issued
thereon shall constitute an irrevocable
contract between the licensee and the
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska entitling the
Tribe for the purpose of enforcing the
provisions of this Title to inspect the
premises and books at any time.
Section 8–2–10. Duration of Licenses
The period covered by the licenses
under this Title shall be from 12:00
o’clock midnight on the 31st day of
December to 12 o’clock midnight on the
31st of the following December, except
that the license shall be valid for an
additional thirty (30) days provided that
proper application for a new license is
in the possession of the Tribal Council
prior to midnight on the 31st day of
December when the license for a portion
of such period, unless otherwise
provided by this Title.
Section 8–2–11. Refilling Prohibited
No licensee shall buy or sell any
package which has previously contained
alcoholic beverages sold under the
provisions of this Title or refill any such
Section 8–2–12. Deliveries
No licensee under this Title shall
make any delivery of alcoholic
beverages outside the premises
described in the license.
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Section 8–2–13. Prohibited Sales
No vendor shall sell any intoxicating
(a) To any person under legal age;
(b) To any person who is intoxicated
at the time, or who is known to the
vendor to be a habitual drunkard;
(c) To any person to whom the vendor
has been requested in writing not to
make such sale, where such request is
by the Tribal Council, any police or
peace officer, or the husband or wife of
the person; or
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(d) To any mentally ill or mentally
retarded person.
Any person who violates any of the
provisions of this section shall be guilty
of an offense and punished by a fine of
not less than one hundred dollars
($100.00) nor more than five hundred
dollars ($500,00), or by both such fine
and imprisonment with costs.
Section 8–2–14. After Hours Sales
No vendor shall sell, serve or allow to
be consumed on the premises covered
by the license, alcoholic beverages other
than in the hours permitted by its
license. The Tribal Council shall specify
the hours of sale in the license issued
to the vendor, provided that such hours
of sale shall not be more extensive than
those permitted from time to time.
Section 8–2–15. Prohibited Sales
No Class B licensed On-Sale
establishment shall allow to be sold any
alcoholic beverages in a package,
whether sealed or unsealed, or whether
full or partially full.
Section 8–2–16. Unsealed Packages in
No person shall have an unsealed
package containing intoxicating liquor
in his possession in any public place,
other than in a duly licensed facility
authorizing such broken seal.
Section 8–2–17. Prohibited Use
No person shall be permitted either to
consume any intoxicating liquor or to
mix or blend any intoxicating liquor or
alcohol with any other beverage
whether or not such other beverage is an
alcoholic beverage, in any public place
other than upon the premises of a
licensed on-sale dealer as defined and
authorized by this Title, and any vendor
who knowingly permits such violation
to occur upon the premises shall be
equally responsible with the person
performing the act for the violation of
the terms thereof.
Section 8–2–18. Cash Sales Only
All sales of alcoholic beverage shall
be made for cash, check or by credit
card transaction except where the
purchaser is a bona fide registered guest
in a hotel or motel. No Licensee may
extend credit for the purchase of
alcoholic beverages or engage in any
pawn business of any type.
Chapter 3. Sales Tax
Section 8–3–1. Sales Tax Levied
There is hereby imposed a sales tax
on the purchaser of alcoholic beverages
from any retail licensee licensed under
the provisions of this Title in the
amount of ten percentum (105) of the
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retail selling price. Such sales tax shall
be deposited in a specific fund for use
to prevent and control substance abuse
on the Reservation.
Chapter 4. Age Requirements
Section 8–4–1. Sales to Persons Under
It shall be unlawful to sell or give any
alcoholic beverage to any person under
the age of twenty-one (21) years. Any
Tribal Citizen who violates this section
shall be guilty of an offense and upon
conviction thereof shall be punished by
a fine of not less than one hundred
dollars ($100.00) or more than five
hundred dollars ($500.00) or by
imprisonment in jail for not less than
thirty (30) days nor more than one
hundred eighty (180) days, or by both
such fine and imprisonment with costs.
Violations of this Section by persons or
entities which are not Tribal Citizens
may be regulated by the levy of an
administrative fine not in excess of
$2,000.00 per violation following an
opportunity for a hearing before the
Tribal Council. The levy of an
administrative fine by the Tribal
Council under this Section is in
addition to the power to suspend or
revoke any license.
Section 8–4–2. Purchase, Possession by
It shall be unlawful for any person
under the age of twenty-one (21) years
of age to purchase, attempt to purchase
or possess or consume intoxicating
liquor, or to misrepresent his age for the
purpose of purchasing or attempting to
purchase such intoxicating liquor. Any
person who violates any of the
provisions of this section shall be guilty
of an offense and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine of
not less than One Hundred Dollars
($100.00) or more than Five Hundred
Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in
the jail for a period of not less than
thirty (30) days nor more than one
hundred twenty (120) days, or by both
such fine and imprisonment with costs.
Violating this Section by persons who
are not Citizens of the Tribe may be
regulated by the levy of an
administrative fine not in excess of
$1,000.00 per violation following an
opportunity for a hearing before the
Tribal Council.
Section 8–4–3. Evidence of Legal Age
Upon attempt to purchase any
alcoholic beverages in any liquor store
licensed pursuant to this Title by any
person who appears to the vendor to be
under legal age, such vendor shall
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 39 / Tuesday, February 28, 2006 / Notices
demand, and the prospective purchaser
upon such demand, shall display
satisfactory evidence that he or she is of
legal age. Any person under legal age
who presents to any vendor falsified
evidence as to his age shall be guilty of
a misdemeanor and upon conviction
shall be subject to the penalties
specified in Section 8–4–1 above.
Chapter 5. Revision
Section 8–5–1. Severability
If any section of any chapter of this
Title or the application thereof to any
party or class, or to any circumstances,
shall be held to be invalid for any cause
whatsoever, the remainder of the
chapter or Title shall not be affected
thereby and shall remain in full force
and effect as though no part thereof had
been declared to be invalid.
Section 8–5–2. All Prior Ordinances and
Resolutions Repealed
All prior Ordinances and Resolutions
thereof that are repugnant or
inconsistent to any provision of this
Title are hereby repealed.
Section 8–5–3. Amendment or Repeal of
This Title may be amended or
repealed only by majority vote of the
Tribal Council in regular session.
History: Omaha Tribal Council
Resolution No. 85–89 (11–7–85) forbids
the sale of alcohol within the exterior
boundaries of the Omaha Tribal
Reservation, but it is now repealed.
[FR Doc. E6–2764 Filed 2–27–06; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
Notice of Utah Resource Advisory
Council Meeting
Bureau of Land Management,
Department of Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Utah Resource
Advisory Council (RAC) Meeting.
wwhite on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Federal Land Policy and Management
Act (FLPMA) and the Federal Advisory
Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U.S.
Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Land Management’s (BLM) Utah
Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will
meet as indicated below.
DATES: The Utah Resource Advisory
Council (RAC) will meet March 23, 2006
from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., and from 8:30
a.m. until 2 p.m., on March 24, 2006 in
Wayne County, Utah.
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On March 23, the Utah BLM
Resource Advisory Council meet at the
parking area on Factory Bench Road
near the Highway 24 turn-off for a field
tour of the Factory Butte area. On March
24, the RAC will be meeting at the Civic
Center, 90 West Center, in Loa, Utah.
Sherry Foot, Special Programs
Coordinator, Utah State Office, Bureau
of Land Management, P.O. Box 45155,
Salt Lake City, Utah, 84145–0155;
phone (801) 539–4195.
On March
23, 2006, the RAC will be taking a field
tour with its Factory Butte RAC
subcommittee to look at OHV-related
issues in the Factory Butte area,
including possible open-use areas under
the Resource Management Plan now
being updated for the Richfield Field
Office. The RAC is planning stops on
the field trip at Swing Arm City, Neilson
Wash, the Pinnacles, Skyline Rim
Overlook, Salt Wash, Lower Blue Hills,
Notom Road, and possibly other points
of interest (weather permitting). On
March 24, the RAC will be meeting in
Loa to hear status information and
reporting from its Factory Butte RAC
subcommittee. The Factory Butte RAC
subcommittee has been meeting
periodically since July 2005 examining
OHV-related issues in the Factory Butte
area, including possible
recommendations to the RAC on future
designation of open-use areas near
Factory Butte. A public comment
period, where members of the public
may address the RAC, is scheduled from
12:30 p.m. until 2 p.m. Written
comments may be sent to the Bureau of
Land Management address listed above.
All meetings are open to the public;
however, transportation, lodging, and
meals are the responsibility of the
participating public.
Dated: February 14, 2006.
Gene R. Terland,
Acting, State Director.
[FR Doc. E6–2753 Filed 2–27–06; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
Oil and Gas Management Plan, Big
Thicket National Preserve.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 102(2)(C)
of the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969, 83 Stat. 852, 853, codified
as amended at 42 U.S.C 4332(2)(C), the
National Park Service announces the
availability of the Record of Decision on
the Final Environmental Impact
Statement for the Oil and Gas
Management Plan, Big Thicket National
Preserve, Texas. On February 3, 2006,
the Director, Intermountain Region
approved the Record of Decision for the
project. As soon as practicable, the
National Park Service will begin to
implement the Preferred Alternative
contained in the FEIS issued on
December 16, 2006. The following
course of action will occur under the
preferred alternative: An oil and gas
management plan will be implemented
that clearly articulates the Current Legal
and Policy Requirements applicable to
the exploration, production, and
transportation of nonfederal oil and gas
resources in the Preserve; performance
standards, mitigation measures, and
operating stipulations will be developed
and applied Preserve-wide to protect
resources and values; and Special
Management Areas will be formally
designated and will include timing and
surface use stipulations for different
types of nonfederal oil and gas
operations. This course of action and 2
alternatives were analyzed in the Draft
and Final Environmental Impact
Statements. The full range of foreseeable
environmental consequences was
assessed, and appropriate mitigating
measures were identified.
The Record of Decision includes a
description of the background of the
project, statement of the decision made,
mitigation measures/monitoring,
synopses of other alternatives
considered, the basis for the decision, a
finding on impairment of park resources
and values, a description of the
environmentally preferred alternative,
and an overview of public and agency
involvement in the decision-making
Oil and Gas Management Plan, Final
Environmental Impact Statement, Big
Thicket National Preserve, TX
Linda Dansby, P.O. Box 728, Santa Fe,
New Mexico 87504–0728; 505–988–
National Park Service,
Department of the Interior.
Notice of Availability of a
Record of Decision on the Final
Environmental Impact Statement for the
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Copies of
the Record of Decision may be obtained
from the contact listed above or online
at htp://
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 39 (Tuesday, February 28, 2006)]
[Pages 10056-10061]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-2764]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Amendment (Title 8 of the Tribal Code) to Omaha Tribe's Beverage
Control Ordinance
AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice publishes an Amendment to Title 8 of the Omaha
Tribe's Beverage Control Ordinance. The Ordinance regulates and
controls the possession, sale and consumption of liquor within the
Omaha Tribe's Reservation. The Reservation is located on trust land and
this Ordinance allows for the possession and sale of alcoholic
beverages within the exterior boundaries of the Omaha Tribe's Indian
Reservation. This Ordinance will increase the ability of the tribal
government to control the community's liquor distribution and
possession, and at the same time will provide an important source of
revenue for the continued operation and strengthening of the tribal
government and the delivery of tribal services.
DATES: Effective Date: This Ordinance is effective on February 28,
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James Steele, Sr., Tribal Government
Officer, Great Plains Regional Office, 115 Fourth Avenue SE, Aberdeen,
SD 57401, Telephone (605) 226-7376; or Ralph Gonzales, Office of Tribal
Services, 1951 Constitution Avenue, NW., Mail Stop 320-SIB, Washington,
DC 20240, Telephone (202) 513-7629.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to the Act of August 15, 1953,
Public Law 83-277, 67 Stat. 586, 18 U.S.C. 1161, as interpreted by the
Supreme Court in Rice v. Renner, 463 U.S. 713 (1983), the Secretary of
the Interior shall certify and publish in the Federal Register notice
of adopted liquor ordinances for the purpose of regulating liquor
transactions in Indian country. The Omaha Tribal Council adopted this
Amendment to Title 8 of the Omaha Tribe's Beverage Control Ordinance by
Ordinance No. 04-54 on June 15, 2004. The purpose of this Ordinance is
to govern the sale, possession and distribution of alcohol within the
Omaha Tribe's Indian Reservation.
This notice is published in accordance with the authority delegated
by the Secretary of the Interior to the Principal Deputy Assistant
Secretary--Indian Affairs. I certify that the Tribal Council duly
adopted this Amendment to Title 8 of the Omaha Tribe's Beverage Control
Ordinance of the Omaha Tribe on June 15, 2004.
Dated: February 22, 2006.
Debbie L. Clark,
Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs.
The Amendment to Title 8 of the Omaha Tribe's Beverage Control
Ordinance reads as follows:
The Omaha Tribal Code (2003), Title 8, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE
CONTROL, shall be, and hereby is, amended to delete reference to
``in the State of Iowa'' at Sections 8-1-1(m), 8-1-8, 8-2-14, and by
such amendment, specifically makes such Omaha Tribal Code (2003),
Title 8 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL applicable to any and all
territory within the confines of the Omaha Indian Reservation, and
to any and all future additions of land acquired within or without
said boundary lines by the Secretary of the Interior for the Tribe
or by the Tribe, and,
The Omaha Tribal Code (2003), Title 8, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL,
shall now read as follows:
Omaha Tribal Code (2003): Title 8. Alcoholic Beverage Control
Source: Omaha Tribal Council Resolution No. 92-88 (6-1-92);
repealing 92-48 (12-17-91); repealing in part 85-89 (11-7-85). See 58
FR 8888-01 (2-17-93), 1993 WL 37754 (FR)
Chapter 1. Alcoholic Beverages
Section 8-1-1. Definition of Terms
Terms used in this Title, unless the context otherwise plainly
requires, shall mean as follows:
(a) ``Alcoholic Beverages'' shall mean any intoxicating liquor,
beer or any wine as defined under the provisions of this Title.
(b) ``Application'' shall mean a formal written request for the
issuance of a license supported by a verified statement of facts.
(c) ``Intoxicating Liquor'' shall mean any liquid either commonly
used, or reasonable adopted to use for beverage purposes, containing in
excess of three and two-tenths percentum of alcohol by weight. This
shall include any type of wine, regardless of alcohol content.
(d) ``Legal Age'' shall mean the age requirements as defined by
Chapter 4.
(e) ``Liquor Store'' shall mean any store, established for the sale
of alcoholic beverages.
[[Page 10057]]
(f) ``On-Sale Dealer'' shall mean the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska,
Tribal Citizen or other person, firm or entity that sells, or keeps for
sale, any alcoholic beverages authorized under this Title for
consumption on the premises where sold.
(g) ``On-Sale'' shall mean the sale of any alcoholic beverage for
consumption only upon the premises where sold.
(h) ``Off-Sale'' shall mean the sale of any alcoholic beverage for
consumption off the premises where sold.
(i) ``Package'' shall mean the bottle or immediate container of any
alcoholic beverage.
(j) ``Package Dealer'' shall mean the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska,
Tribal Citizen or any person, firm or entity as distinguished from a
distiller, manufacturer, or wholesaler, that sells, or keeps for sale,
any alcoholic beverage authorized under the Title for consumption off
the premises where sold.
(k) ``Public Place'' shall mean any place, building, or conveyance
to which the public has or is permitted access.
(l) ``Retailer'' shall mean Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, Tribal Citizen
or any person, firm or entity that sells alcoholic beverages authorized
under this Title for other than resale.
(m) ``Reservation'' shall mean all lands located within the
exterior boundaries of the Reservation of the Tribe, and such other
lands over which the Tribe exercises governmental authority.
(n) ``Sacramental Wine'' shall mean wines for sacramental purposes
only and used by ordained Rabbis, Priests, Ministers, or Pastors, or
any church or established religious organization.
(o) ``Sale'' shall mean the transfer of bottled or canned liquor
for any consideration and of title to any alcoholic beverage.
(p) ``Tribal Citizen'' or ``Citizen of the Tribe'' shall mean an
enrolled member of the Tribe and persons eligible for enrollment.
(q) ``Tribal Council'' shall mean the governing body of the Omaha
Tribe of Nebraska.
(r) ``Tribe'' shall mean the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska.
(s) ``Vendor'' shall mean, in the case of a Tribal Citizen, any
person employed and under the direct supervision of such Tribal citizen
to conduct and manage Tribal Citizen's liquor stores, and in the case
of other persons, firms or entities, a vendor shall mean such person,
firm or entity and any person employed and under the direction
supervision of such person, firm or entity.
(t) ``Wholesaler'' shall mean any person other than a brewer or
bottler of beer, who shall sell, barter, exchange, offer for sale, have
in possession with intent to sell, deal or traffic in intoxicating
liquor or beer; no wholesaler shall be permitted to sell for
consumption upon the premises.
(u) ``Wine'' shall mean any beverage containing alcohol obtained by
the fermentation of the natural sugar content of fruits or other
agricultural products, and containing not more than seventeen percent
of alcohol by weight, including sweet wines fortified with wine
spirits, such as port, sherry, muscatel and other fortified wines.
(v) The Terms, ``the provisions of this Title'' ``as provided in
this Title'' or similar terms shall include all rules and regulations
of the Tribe adapted to aid in the administration or enforcement of
this Title.
Section 8-1-2. Public Policy Declared
This Title shall be cited as the ``Alcoholic Beverage Control
Title'' and under the inherent sovereignty of the Omaha Tribe of
Nebraska, shall be deemed an exercise of the Tribe's power, for the
protection of the welfare, health, peace, morals, and safety of the
people of the Tribe, and all its provisions shall be liberally
construed for the accomplishment of that purpose, and it is declared to
be public policy that the traffic in alcoholic beverages if it affects
the public interest of the people, should be regulated to the extent of
prohibiting all traffic of liquor, except as provided in this Title.
Section 8-1-3. General Prohibition
It shall be unlawful to manufacture for sale, sell, offer, or keep
for sale, possess or transport intoxicating liquor or beer except upon
the terms, conditions, limitations, and restrictions specified in this
Section 8-1-4. Director Appointed
The Omaha Tribal Council shall appoint one of its members to serve
as Director of Liquor Control. The Director shall not have an interest
directly or indirectly in the transportation or sale of intoxicating
liquor or beer, or in any building or property used in connection with
such a business. The Director shall review liquor licenses,
applications for liquor licenses and shall report to the Council on
such matters. The Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Tribal
Section 8-1-5. Removal
The Director may be removed for cause by the Omaha Tribal Council
and such removal shall not be in lieu of any other punishment that may
be prescribed by the laws of the Tribe or the United States. The
Director so removed shall be entitled to an opportunity to be heard
before the Omaha Tribal Council before removal.
Section 8-1-6. Tribal Control of Importation of Liquor
The Tribal Council shall have the sole and exclusive right of
authorizing importation, into the Reservation, of all forms of
intoxicating liquor and beer, except as otherwise provided in this
Title, and no person or organization shall so import any such
intoxicating liquor or beer into the Reservation, unless authorized by
the Tribal Council by the issuance of a Class C wholesaler's license.
No licensed wholesaler or distillery shall sell any intoxicating liquor
or beer within the Reservation to any person or organization unless
authorized by the Tribal Council and except as otherwise provided in
this Title. It is the intent of this section to retain in the Tribal
Council, exclusive control within the Reservation both as authorizer
and controller of all alcoholic beverages sold by licensed wholesalers
or distilleries within the Reservation or imported therein, and except
as otherwise provided in this Title.
Section 8-1-7. Individual and Firms To Hold License
An individual person, as well as firms, corporations or other
entities may hold a liquor license under the provisions of this Title.
It is the intent of this Title to allow individuals as well as firms,
corporations or other entities to hold liquor licenses, as provided by
this Title.
Section 8-1-8. Tribal Liquor Stores or Lounges
Subject to the provisions of Chapter 2, the Tribal Council may
establish and maintain anywhere on the Reservation the Tribal Council
may deem advisable, a Tribal liquor store, lounge or stores or lounges
for storage and sale of alcoholic beverages in accordance with the
provisions of this Title.
Section 8-1-9. Vendor-Cash Sales
In the conduct and management of Tribal liquor stores and lounges,
the Tribal Council is empowered to employ a person who shall be under
the direct supervision of the Director, who shall be known as a
``vendor'' and who shall observe all provisions of this Title and rules
and regulations that may be prescribed by the Tribal Council under this
Title. No vendor shall sell alcoholic beverages to any person or
organization except for cash, check, or credit card
[[Page 10058]]
transaction, except where the purchaser is a bona fide registered guest
in a hotel or motel.
Section 8-1-10. Storage of Beverages
The Omaha Tribe of Nebraska and all licensees under this Title
shall not keep or store any alcoholic beverages at any place within the
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska Reservation other than on the premises where
they are authorized to operate and except as otherwise provided by this
Section 8-1-11. Payment of Fee
There shall be a filing fee on applications for any licenses under
this Title, as established by the Tribal Council.
Section 8-1-12. Request for Notice of Hearing
If any Tribal Citizen shall file with the Tribal Council, a written
request that he or she be notified of the time and place of hearing
upon any specified application or applications for licenses for the on
or off sale at retail of alcoholic beverages, the Director shall give
notice to such person by certified mail and within a sufficient length
of time prior to the hearing upon such application as to allow such
person a reasonable opportunity to be present. For the purpose of this
section, the certified letter must be deposited with the U.S. Post
Office at least five (5) days before the scheduled date of the hearing.
Section 8-1-13. Time and Place for Hearing
The Tribal Council shall fix a time and place for hearing upon all
such applications which may come before the Tribal Council, and the
Director shall publish notice once in a newspaper of general
circulation within the Reservation which notice shall be headed
``Notice of Hearing Upon Application for Sale of Alcoholic Beverage''
and shall state the time and place, when and where such applications
will be considered by the Tribal Council and that any person interested
in the approval or rejection of any such application may appear and be
heard, which notice shall be published at least one week prior to such
hearing. At the time and place so fixed, the Tribal Council shall
consider such applications and all objections thereto, if any, prior to
final decision thereon.
Section 8-1-14. Transfer of License
No license granted pursuant to the provisions of this Title shall
be transferred to another person or organization. If a transfer to a
new location is requested by a licensee, the licensee must make
application showing all the relevant facts as to such new application,
which application shall take the same course and be acted upon as if an
original application. No fee shall be required of a licensee who
desires to transfer to a new location; however, such licensee must pay
the actual costs involved in the Notification of Hearing as published
in the official newspaper.
Section 8-1-15. Sale of Stock on Termination
Any license authorized to deal in alcoholic beverages upon
termination of its license may at any time within twenty (20) days
thereafter sell the whole or any part of the alcoholic beverages
included in its stock in trade at the time of termination, to any
licensed wholesaler approved under the provisions of the Title to deal
in alcoholic beverages as a wholesaler. A complete report of such
purchase and sale must be made by both the wholesaler and licensee to
the Tribal Council. At the discretion of the Tribal Council, an
additional twenty (20) days extension to sell may be granted to the
licensee by the Tribal Council.
Section 8-1-16. Complaints Authorized
Any person may file with the Tribal Council, a duly notarized
complaint as to any violations of the provisions of this Title and
immediately upon receipt thereof, the Tribal Council shall cause the
Director to make a thorough investigation and, if there is evidence to
support the charge made in such complaint, the Tribal Council may
revoke or suspend the license in question and/or take other appropriate
Section 8-1-17. Revocation Proceedings
The Tribal Council shall on due notice to such licensee, conduct a
hearing and on the basis thereof determine whether such license should
be revoked or suspended.
Section 8-1-18. Subpoena by Tribal Council
For the purpose of conducting the hearing as prescribed above, the
Tribal Council shall have the power to subpoena witnesses and to
administer oaths. Witnesses so subpoenaed may be paid at the then
prevailing witness rate which is established by the Tribal Council from
time-to-time. Said witness fee may be paid from the Tribal Liquor
Control Fund. The initial witness fee shall be $20.00 per day. Criminal
proceedings must be filed in the Tribal Court and may be instituted by
the Tribal Council as Complainant against any violator except the Omaha
Tribe of Nebraska.
Section 8-1-19. Dismissal or Acceptance of Complaint
If the Tribal Council determines the license should not be revoked
or suspended, it shall dismiss the complaint. If the Tribal Council
determines the license should be suspended or revoked and suspends or
revokes such license, it must make in writing, findings of fact as to
every such violation alleged in such complaint before it revokes or
suspends such license, and must within thirty (30) days following the
hearing, make a report available to the membership of the Tribe
consisting of a transcript of the proceedings had, and all findings as
to every such violation alleged in such complaint.
Section 8-1-20. Suspension in Lieu of Revocation
The Tribal Council may, if the facts warrant, mitigate the
revocation to a suspension. When in any proceedings upon verified
complaint, the Tribal Council is satisfied that the nature of such
violation and the circumstances thereof were such that a suspension of
license would be adequate, it may suspend the license for a period not
exceeding sixty (60) days, which suspension shall become effective
twenty-four (24) hours after service of notice thereof upon the
license. During the period of such suspension, such licensee shall
exercise no rights or privileges whatsoever under the license.
Section 8-1-21. Public Hearing Required
All hearings under the provisions of this Title shall be public,
and place of hearing shall be specifically designated in the notice of
Section 8-1-22. Order of Revocation
In any case where the Tribal Council approves a revocation of a
license, it shall forthwith make an order for such revocation and upon
service of notice thereof on the licensee, all of such licensee's
rights under such license shall terminate three (3) days after such
notice, except in the event of a Stay of Appeal.
Section 8-1-23. Waiting Period for New License
Any licensee, except the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, whose license is
revoked, shall not for a period of two (2) years thereafter, be granted
any license under the provisions of this Title.
[[Page 10059]]
Section 8-1-24. Appeal to the Omaha Tribal Court
Any licensee whose license is revoked or suspended by the Tribal
Council regardless of how the proceedings were instituted, may appeal
from such revocation or suspension, to the Omaha Tribal Court within
five (5) days after notice to the licensee of such revocation or
suspension, and such appeal operate to stay all proceedings for a
period of fifteen (15) days thereafter. Upon good cause shown, the
Tribal Court may extend the stay an additional period of time but not
to exceed thirty (30) additional days. The Tribal Council shall
forthwith, upon such appeal being made, prepare a complete record in
the proceedings and shall thereupon fix a time and place for hearing
before the Tribal Court, due notice of such hearing shall be given to
all concerned parties involved in the appeal. The Tribal Court shall
review the proceeding before the Tribal Council on the record made
before the Tribal Council utilizing the clearly erroneous standard of
review for findings of fact.
Section 8-1-25. Bootlegging
Any person, who by himself, or through another acting for him,
shall keep or carry on his person, or in a vehicle, or leave in a place
for another to secure, any alcoholic liquor or beer with intent to sell
or dispense of such liquor or beer or otherwise in violation of law, or
who shall, within this Reservation in any manner, directly or
indirectly solicit, take, or accept any order for the purchase, sale,
shipment, or delivery of such alcoholic liquor or beer in violation of
law, or aid in the delivery and distribution of any alcoholic liquor or
beer so ordered or shipped, or who shall in any manner procure for,
sell, or give any alcoholic liquor or beer to any person under legal
age, for any purpose except as authorized and permitted in this Title,
shall be guilty of bootlegging and upon conviction thereof shall be
subject to a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor
more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), and to a jail sentence of not
less than three (3) months, nor more than six (6) months, or both such
fine and jail sentence plus costs. Proceedings under this Section
involving Tribal Citizens shall be criminal in nature and heard before
the Omaha Tribal Court.
Proceedings under this Section involving non-Tribal Citizens shall
be deemed an administrative exercise of the Tribe's regulatory power
and the fine for any one offense cannot exceed $10,000.00 and no jail
sentence may be imposed.
Section 8-1-26. Sacramental Wines
The provisions of this Title, except as otherwise provided, shall
not apply to the purchase and sale of sacramental wines. Ordained
rabbis, priests, ministers, or pastors of any church or established
religious organizations within the Omaha Tribe Reservation may buy
sacramental wines from any person in such quantities as necessary for
their religious purposes only.
Chapter 2. Liquor Licenses and Sales
Section 8-2-1. Power to License and Tax
The power to establish licenses and levy taxes under the provisions
of this Title is vested exclusively with the Tribal Council. The Tribal
Council may levy an administrative fine for violations of this Title by
those who are not Citizens of the Tribe, but such fines shall not
exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) per violation.
Section 8-2-2. Classes of Licenses
Classes of licenses under this Chapter with the fee for each class
as established by the Tribal Council from time-to-time shall be as
(a) Class A Package Dealers: $1,000.00
(b) Class B On Sale Dealers: $1,500.00
(c) Class C Wholesalers: $500.00
Section 8-2-3. Acceptance or Rejection of License
In accepting or rejecting a request for a license, the Tribal
Council shall consider the need of the area to be served for such
liquor sales, the number of existing licensed businesses covering the
area, the desires of the community within the area to be served, any
law enforcement problem which may arise because of the sale of liquor,
the character and reputation of the person seeking the license,
suitability of the physical premises and plan of operation of the
person seeking the license, and any other consideration relevant to the
Section 8-2-4. Domestication Requirement for Corporated Licenses
Any corporate, partnership or other entity applying for a Class A
or Class B license under this chapter must be a corporation,
partnership or entity organized under the laws of the Omaha Tribe of
Nebraska, provided that if the applicant is a foreign corporation,
partnership or entity, the applicant shall be deemed eligible if, prior
to the application, it has complied with all the laws of the United
Sates and the Tribe concerning doing business within the Omaha
Reservation and submitted to the jurisdiction of the Tribe by
appointing a resident agent for service of process. Individuals,
partnerships, and other forms of business association shall be eligible
to obtain all classes of licenses under this chapter.
Section 8-2-5. Discretion of the Tribal Council
Application for licenses under this chapter shall be submitted to
the Tribal Council as specified in Chapter 1 of this Title and the
Tribal Council shall have absolute discretion to approve or disapprove
the same in accordance with the provisions of this Title.
Section 8-2-6. Cancellation of Surety Bond
Any surety may cancel any bond required under this Title as to
future liability by giving thirty (30) days notice to the Tribal
Council. Unless the licensee gives other sufficient surety by the end
of the thirty (30) day period, the license shall be revoked
automatically at the end of the thirty (30) days.
Section 8-2-7. Surety Bond
(a) Every application for a license under this Title, unless
exempted by the Tribal Council, must be accompanied by a bond, which
shall become operative and effective upon the issuing of a license
unless the licensee already has a continuing bond in force. The bond
shall be in the amount of $10,000.00 and must be in a form approved by
the Tribal Council and it shall be conditioned that the licensee will
faithfully obey and abide by all the provisions of this Title and all
existing laws relating to the conduct of its business and will promptly
pay to the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska when due, all taxes and license fees
payable by it under the provisions of this Title and also any costs and
cost penalty assessed against it in any judgment for violation of the
terms of this Title.
(b) All bonds required by this Title shall be with a corporate
surety as surety, or shall be by cash deposit. If said bond is placed
by cash, it shall be kept in a separate escrow account within a legally
chartered bank.
Section 8-2-8. Action of Bond for Injury
Any person injured by reason of the failure of any licensee to
faithfully obey and abide by all the provisions of this Title shall
have a direct right of acting upon the bond before the Tribal Council,
and if the Tribal Council or the Tribe is the Complainant, before the
Tribal Court, for the purpose of recovering the damage sustained by
[[Page 10060]]
such person, which action may be prosecuted in the name of the injured.
Section 8-2-9. Agreement by Licensee To Grant Access
Every application for a license under this Title must include an
agreement by the applicant that his premises, for the purpose of search
and seizure laws shall be considered public premises, and that such
premises and all buildings, safes, cabinets, lockers, and store rooms
thereon will at all times on demand of the Tribal Council or a duly
appointed Tribal or Federal policeman, be open to inspection, and that
all its books and records dealing with the sale of ownership of
alcoholic beverages shall be open to said person or persons for such
inspection, and that the application and the license issued thereon
shall constitute an irrevocable contract between the licensee and the
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska entitling the Tribe for the purpose of
enforcing the provisions of this Title to inspect the premises and
books at any time.
Section 8-2-10. Duration of Licenses
The period covered by the licenses under this Title shall be from
12:00 o'clock midnight on the 31st day of December to 12 o'clock
midnight on the 31st of the following December, except that the license
shall be valid for an additional thirty (30) days provided that proper
application for a new license is in the possession of the Tribal
Council prior to midnight on the 31st day of December when the license
for a portion of such period, unless otherwise provided by this Title.
Section 8-2-11. Refilling Prohibited
No licensee shall buy or sell any package which has previously
contained alcoholic beverages sold under the provisions of this Title
or refill any such package.
Section 8-2-12. Deliveries
No licensee under this Title shall make any delivery of alcoholic
beverages outside the premises described in the license.
Section 8-2-13. Prohibited Sales
No vendor shall sell any intoxicating liquor:
(a) To any person under legal age;
(b) To any person who is intoxicated at the time, or who is known
to the vendor to be a habitual drunkard;
(c) To any person to whom the vendor has been requested in writing
not to make such sale, where such request is by the Tribal Council, any
police or peace officer, or the husband or wife of the person; or
(d) To any mentally ill or mentally retarded person.
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall
be guilty of an offense and punished by a fine of not less than one
hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500,00),
or by both such fine and imprisonment with costs.
Section 8-2-14. After Hours Sales
No vendor shall sell, serve or allow to be consumed on the premises
covered by the license, alcoholic beverages other than in the hours
permitted by its license. The Tribal Council shall specify the hours of
sale in the license issued to the vendor, provided that such hours of
sale shall not be more extensive than those permitted from time to
Section 8-2-15. Prohibited Sales
No Class B licensed On-Sale establishment shall allow to be sold
any alcoholic beverages in a package, whether sealed or unsealed, or
whether full or partially full.
Section 8-2-16. Unsealed Packages in Public
No person shall have an unsealed package containing intoxicating
liquor in his possession in any public place, other than in a duly
licensed facility authorizing such broken seal.
Section 8-2-17. Prohibited Use
No person shall be permitted either to consume any intoxicating
liquor or to mix or blend any intoxicating liquor or alcohol with any
other beverage whether or not such other beverage is an alcoholic
beverage, in any public place other than upon the premises of a
licensed on-sale dealer as defined and authorized by this Title, and
any vendor who knowingly permits such violation to occur upon the
premises shall be equally responsible with the person performing the
act for the violation of the terms thereof.
Section 8-2-18. Cash Sales Only
All sales of alcoholic beverage shall be made for cash, check or by
credit card transaction except where the purchaser is a bona fide
registered guest in a hotel or motel. No Licensee may extend credit for
the purchase of alcoholic beverages or engage in any pawn business of
any type.
Chapter 3. Sales Tax
Section 8-3-1. Sales Tax Levied
There is hereby imposed a sales tax on the purchaser of alcoholic
beverages from any retail licensee licensed under the provisions of
this Title in the amount of ten percentum (105) of the retail selling
price. Such sales tax shall be deposited in a specific fund for use to
prevent and control substance abuse on the Reservation.
Chapter 4. Age Requirements
Section 8-4-1. Sales to Persons Under 21
It shall be unlawful to sell or give any alcoholic beverage to any
person under the age of twenty-one (21) years. Any Tribal Citizen who
violates this section shall be guilty of an offense and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred
dollars ($100.00) or more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by
imprisonment in jail for not less than thirty (30) days nor more than
one hundred eighty (180) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment
with costs. Violations of this Section by persons or entities which are
not Tribal Citizens may be regulated by the levy of an administrative
fine not in excess of $2,000.00 per violation following an opportunity
for a hearing before the Tribal Council. The levy of an administrative
fine by the Tribal Council under this Section is in addition to the
power to suspend or revoke any license.
Section 8-4-2. Purchase, Possession by Minor
It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one
(21) years of age to purchase, attempt to purchase or possess or
consume intoxicating liquor, or to misrepresent his age for the purpose
of purchasing or attempting to purchase such intoxicating liquor. Any
person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall be
guilty of an offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a
fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or more than Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the jail for a period
of not less than thirty (30) days nor more than one hundred twenty
(120) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment with costs. Violating
this Section by persons who are not Citizens of the Tribe may be
regulated by the levy of an administrative fine not in excess of
$1,000.00 per violation following an opportunity for a hearing before
the Tribal Council.
Section 8-4-3. Evidence of Legal Age Demanded
Upon attempt to purchase any alcoholic beverages in any liquor
store licensed pursuant to this Title by any person who appears to the
vendor to be under legal age, such vendor shall
[[Page 10061]]
demand, and the prospective purchaser upon such demand, shall display
satisfactory evidence that he or she is of legal age. Any person under
legal age who presents to any vendor falsified evidence as to his age
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be subject
to the penalties specified in Section 8-4-1 above.
Chapter 5. Revision
Section 8-5-1. Severability
If any section of any chapter of this Title or the application
thereof to any party or class, or to any circumstances, shall be held
to be invalid for any cause whatsoever, the remainder of the chapter or
Title shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and
effect as though no part thereof had been declared to be invalid.
Section 8-5-2. All Prior Ordinances and Resolutions Repealed
All prior Ordinances and Resolutions thereof that are repugnant or
inconsistent to any provision of this Title are hereby repealed.
Section 8-5-3. Amendment or Repeal of Title
This Title may be amended or repealed only by majority vote of the
Tribal Council in regular session.
History: Omaha Tribal Council Resolution No. 85-89 (11-7-85)
forbids the sale of alcohol within the exterior boundaries of the Omaha
Tribal Reservation, but it is now repealed.
[FR Doc. E6-2764 Filed 2-27-06; 8:45 am]