Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments, 9540-9541 [E6-2661]
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wwhite on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 37 / Friday, February 24, 2006 / Notices
Reading Room is (202) 566–1744, and
the telephone number for the
Enforcement and Compliance Docket
and Information Center Docket is: (202)
Use EPA’s electronic public docket
and comment system at https://
www.regulations.gov to submit or view
public comments, access the index
listing of the contents of the public
docket, and to access those documents
in the public docket that are available
electronically. When in the system,
select ‘‘search,’’ then key in the docket
ID number identified above.
Any comments related to this ICR
should be submitted to EPA and OMB
within 30 days of this notice. EPA’s
policy is that public comments, whether
submitted electronically or in paper,
will be made available for public
viewing at https://www.regulations.gov
as EPA receives them and without
change, unless the comment contains
copyrighted material, Confidential
Business Information (CBI), or other
information whose public disclosure is
restricted by statute. When EPA
identifies a comment containing
copyrighted material, EPA will provide
a reference to that material in the
version of the comment that is placed in
https://www.regulations.gov. The entire
printed comment, including the
copyrighted material, will be available
in the public docket. Although
identified as an item in the official
docket, information claimed as CBI, or
whose disclosure is otherwise restricted
by statute, is not included in the official
public docket, and will not be available
for public viewing at https://
www.regulations.gov. For further
information about the electronic docket,
go to https://www.regulations.gov.
Title: NSPS for Lime Manufacturing
Abstract: The New Source
Performance Standards (NSPS) for lime
manufacturing plants were proposed on
May 3, 1977, and promulgated on April
26, 1984. These standards apply to each
rotary lime kiln used in the manufacture
of lime, which commenced construction
or modification after May 3, 1977. This
subpart does not apply to facilities used
in the manufacture of lime at kraft pulp
Owners or operators of the affected
facilities must make one-time-only
reports including notification of startup,
initial performance test, notification of
any physical or operational change, and
notification of the demonstration of the
continuous monitoring system (CMS).
Owners or operators are also required to
maintain records of the occurrence and
duration of any startup, shutdown, or
malfunction, or any period during
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which the monitoring system is
inoperative. Semiannual reports of
excess emissions are also required.
Any owner or operator subject to the
provisions of this part must maintain a
file of these measurements, and retain
the file for at least two years following
the collection of such measurements,
maintenance reports, and records. All
reports are sent to the delegated State or
local authority. In the event that there
is no such delegated authority, the
reports are sent directly to the EPA
regional office.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
Control Number. The OMB Control
Numbers for EPA’s regulations are listed
in 40 CFR part 9 and 48 CFR chapter 15,
and are identified on the form and/or
instrument, if applicable.
Burden Statement: The annual public
reporting and recordkeeping burden for
this collection of information is
estimated to average 46 hours per
response. Burden means the total time,
effort, or financial resources expended
by persons to generate, maintain, retain,
or disclose or provide information to or
for a Federal agency. This includes the
time needed to review instructions; to
develop, acquire, install, and utilize
technology and systems for the purposes
of collecting, validating, and verifying
information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing
and providing information; to adjust the
existing ways to comply with any
previously applicable instructions and
requirements; to train personnel to be
able to respond to a collection of
information; to search data sources; to
complete and review the collection of
information; and to transmit or
otherwise disclose the information.
Respondents/Affected Entities: Owner
or operator of each lime manufacturing
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Frequency of Response: Semiannually, initially and on occasion.
Estimated Total Annual Hours
Burden: 3,773 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Costs:
$366,056, which includes $0 annualized
capital/startup costs, $61,500 annual
O&M costs, and $304,556 annual labor
Changes in the Estimates: There is
decrease of 661 hours in the total
estimated burden currently identified in
the OMB Inventory of Approved ICR
Burdens. This decrease is due to a
change in the number of respondents.
After a thorough analysis involving
industry, and by using the most updated
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reports (dated December 2004) from the
U.S. Department of the Interior and the
U.S. Geological Survey, we arrived at
forty-one as the number of sources as
compared to fifty-three in the previous
There is a decline in the reporting and
recordkeeping burden cost. The reason
for the decline is because there are no
new sources expected over the next
three years and the adjustment to the
number of existing sources as compared
to the previous ICR.
Dated: February 12, 2006.
Oscar Morales,
Director, Collection Strategies Division.
[FR Doc. E6–2660 Filed 2–23–06; 8:45 am]
Environmental Impact Statements and
Regulations; Availability of EPA
Availability of EPA comments
prepared pursuant to the Environmental
Review Process (ERP), under section
309 of the Clean Air Act and Section
102(2)(c) of the National Environmental
Policy Act as amended. Requests for
copies of EPA comments can be directed
to the Office of Federal Activities at
An explanation of the ratings assigned
to draft environmental impact
statements (EISs) was published in FR
dated April 1, 2005 (70 FR 16815).
Draft EISs
EIS No. 20050428, ERP No. D–FRC–
K03028–CA, Long Beach Liquefied
Natural Gas (LNG) Import Project,
Construction and Operation of a LNG
Receiving Terminal and Associated
Facilities, U.S. Army COE 10 and 404
Permits, Long Beach, CA.
Summary: EPA expressed
environmental concerns about the
projected modeled exceedance of the
National Ambient Air Quality Standard
for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) from
operational emissions of the project.
EPA believes there are additional
control measures that could be
evaluated to mitigate the proposed
projects impact on ambient PM2.5
concentrations. Concerns were also
expressed about localized air emission
impacts to surrounding communities
and the safety risk evaluation of the
onsite storage of certain products.
Rating EC2.
EIS No. 20050487, ERP No. D–NRS–
J36054–UT, Coal Creek Flood Control
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 37 / Friday, February 24, 2006 / Notices
wwhite on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
and Parkway Project, Proposed
Channel Improvements, Two
Irrigation Division Structures on Coal
Creek (the Main Street Diversion and
the Woodbury Diversion), Cedar City,
Iron County, UT.
Summary: EPA expressed concerns
about the formulation of the purpose
and need statement and the limited
range of alternatives analyzed, and
requested clarification about air quality
impacts the cumulative impacts analysis
and whether the impacts in the riparian
area have been significant enough to
warrant mitigation. Rating EC2.
EIS No. 20050432, ERP No. DS–FHW–
E40714–GA, US 411 Connector, From
US411/GA–20 Interchange with US41
to US 411 Interchange with I–75,
Updated Information, Funding and
U.S. Army COE Section 404 Permit,
Bartow County, GA.
Summary: EPA has expressed
environmental concerns about the
proposed project because of the
potential for significant direct and
indirect impacts to water quality and
threatened and endangered fish species
as well as water quality. Rating EC2.
Final EISs
EIS No. 20050238, ERP No. F–AFS–
J36053–UT, Monticello and Blanding
Municipal Watershed Improvement
Projects, Implementation, Manti-La
Sal National Forest, Monticello
Ranger District, San Juan County, UT.
Summary: EPA supports Alternative C
which should reduce the wetland and
stream impacts associated with
replacement of the water collection and
piping systems for the municipal water
supply system for the City of
Monticello. EPA remains concerned
about the level of ecological benefits
attributed to logging spruce stands at
risk for a spruce beetle invasion.
EIS No. 20050313, ERP No. F–DOE–
J39033–UT, Moab Uranium Mill
Trailings Remediation, Proposal to
Clean Up Surface Contamination and
Implement a Ground Water Strategy,
Grand and San Juan Counties, UT.
Summary: EPA supports the
Department of Energy’s selection of the
Crescent Junction off-site location and
the movement of these tailings by rail.
This location has the least
environmental and cultural impact of
any of the alternatives considered. The
stable geologic and surface conditions at
the Crescent Junction alternative will
provide isolation of these tailings
without public health risks for the long
term. Moving these tailings by rail will
avoid disruption of highway traffic and
can be accomplished in the least
amount of time.
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EIS No. 20050439, ERP No. F–COE–
E09810–MS, Enhanced Evaluation of
Cumulative Effects Associated with
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Permitting Activity for Large-Scale
Development in Coastal Mississippi,
Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, and
Mississippi Counties, MS.
Summary: EPA supports the use of
the proposed permitting methodologies
along with the trends analysis approach.
EIS No. 20060012, ERP No. FS–COE–
K60105–CA, U.S. Army National
Training Center, Additional Maneuver
Training Land at Fort Irwin,
Implementation, San Bernardino
County, CA.
Summary: EPA’s concerns were
addressed in the EIS; therefore, EPA had
no objection to the proposed project.
Dated: February 21, 2006.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E6–2661 Filed 2–23–06; 8:45 am]
Environmental Impact Statements;
Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal
Activities, General Information (202)
564–7167 or https://www.epa.gov/
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact
Filed 02/13/2006 Through 02/17/2006
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
EIS No. 20060047, Draft Supplement,
AFS, CA, Empire Vegetation
Management Project, Additional
Information to Clarify Previous
Analysis, Vegetation, Fire/Fuels/Air
Quality, Wildlife, Watershed, and
Botanical Resource/Noxious Weeds,
Mount Hough Ranger District, Plumas
National Forest, Plumas County, CA.
Comment Period Ends: 04/10/2006,
Contact: Gary Rotta 530–283–0555.
EIS No. 20060048, Draft EIS, FRC, CA,
Lake Elsinore Advanced Pumped
Storage (LEAPS) Project, Construction
and Operation, Application for
Hydroelectric License, Special-UsePermit, FERC No. 11858, City of Lake
Elsinore, Riverside County, CA.
Comment Period Ends: 04/25/2006,
Contact: James Fargo 202–502–6095.
EIS No. 20060049, Final EIS, FHW, AK,
South Extension of the Coastal Trail
Project, Extending the existing Tony
Knowles Coastal Trail from Kincaid
PO 00000
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Park through the Project Area to the
Potter Weigh Station, COE Section 10
and 404 Permit, Municipality of
Anchorage, Anchorage, AK. Wait
Period Ends: 03/27/2006, Contact:
Tim A. Haugh 907–586–7418.
EIS No. 20060050, Revised Draft EIS,
COE, FL, Central and Southern
Florida Project, Revised Draft
Integrated Project Implementation
Report, Comprehensive Restoration
Plan, Implementation, Everglades
Agricultural Area Storage Reservoirs,
Palm Beach County, FL. Comment
Period Ends: 04/10/2006, Contact:
Rebecca Weiss 904–232–1577.
EIS No. 20060051, Final Supplement,
AFS, CO, Sheep Flats Diversity Unit,
Timber Sales and Related Road
Construction, Additional Information
Concerning Management Indicator
Species and Sensitive Species, Grand
Mesa Uncompahgre and Gunnison
National Forests, Grand Valley Ranger
District, Mesa County, CO. Wait
Period Ends: 03/27/2006, Contact:
Carol McKenzie 208–634–0761.
EIS No. 20060052, Draft EIS, NRC, MI,
Generic—License Renewal of Nuclear
Plants, Supplement 27 to NUREG–
1437, Regarding Palisade Nuclear
Plant, Located in Covert Township,
Van Buren County, MI. Comment
Period Ends: 05/18/2006, Contact: Bo
M. Pham 301–415–8450.
EIS No. 20060053, Draft EIS, AFS, CA,
Slapjack Project, Protect Rural
Communities from Fire Hazards by
Constructing Defensible Fuel Profile
Zones (DFPZs), Feather River Ranger
District, Plumas National Forest, Butte
and Yuba Counties, CA. Comment
Period Ends: 04/10/2006, Contact:
Susan Joyce 530–532–7437.
EIS No. 20060054, Final Supplement,
NOA, 00, Reef Fish (Amendment 25 )
and Coastal Migratory Pelagics
(Amendment 17) for Extending the
Charter Vessel/Headboat Permit
Moratorium, Gulf of Mexico and
South Atlantic. Wait Period Ends: 03/
27/2006, Contact: Roy E. Crabtree,
Ph.D 727–824–5301.
EIS No. 20060055, Draft Supplement,
AFS, WY, Dean Project Area,
Proposes to Implement Multiple
Resource Management Actions, New
Information to Disclose Direct,
Indirect, and Cumulative
Environmental Impacts, Black Hills
National Forest, Bearlodge Ranger
District, Sundance, Crook County,
WY. Comment Period Ends: 04/10/
2006, Contact: Steve Kozel 307–283–
EIS No. 20060056, Draft Supplement,
IBR, CA, Central Valley Project, West
San Joaquin Division, Additional
Information, San Luis Unit Long-Term
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 37 (Friday, February 24, 2006)]
[Pages 9540-9541]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E6-2661]
Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of
EPA Comments
Availability of EPA comments prepared pursuant to the Environmental
Review Process (ERP), under section 309 of the Clean Air Act and
Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act as amended.
Requests for copies of EPA comments can be directed to the Office of
Federal Activities at 202-564-7167.
An explanation of the ratings assigned to draft environmental
impact statements (EISs) was published in FR dated April 1, 2005 (70 FR
Draft EISs
EIS No. 20050428, ERP No. D-FRC-K03028-CA, Long Beach Liquefied Natural
Gas (LNG) Import Project, Construction and Operation of a LNG Receiving
Terminal and Associated Facilities, U.S. Army COE 10 and 404 Permits,
Long Beach, CA.
Summary: EPA expressed environmental concerns about the projected
modeled exceedance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for
fine particulate matter (PM2.5) from operational emissions of the
project. EPA believes there are additional control measures that could
be evaluated to mitigate the proposed projects impact on ambient PM2.5
concentrations. Concerns were also expressed about localized air
emission impacts to surrounding communities and the safety risk
evaluation of the onsite storage of certain products. Rating EC2.
EIS No. 20050487, ERP No. D-NRS-J36054-UT, Coal Creek Flood Control
[[Page 9541]]
and Parkway Project, Proposed Channel Improvements, Two Irrigation
Division Structures on Coal Creek (the Main Street Diversion and the
Woodbury Diversion), Cedar City, Iron County, UT.
Summary: EPA expressed concerns about the formulation of the
purpose and need statement and the limited range of alternatives
analyzed, and requested clarification about air quality impacts the
cumulative impacts analysis and whether the impacts in the riparian
area have been significant enough to warrant mitigation. Rating EC2.
EIS No. 20050432, ERP No. DS-FHW-E40714-GA, US 411 Connector, From
US411/GA-20 Interchange with US41 to US 411 Interchange with I-75,
Updated Information, Funding and U.S. Army COE Section 404 Permit,
Bartow County, GA.
Summary: EPA has expressed environmental concerns about the
proposed project because of the potential for significant direct and
indirect impacts to water quality and threatened and endangered fish
species as well as water quality. Rating EC2.
Final EISs
EIS No. 20050238, ERP No. F-AFS-J36053-UT, Monticello and Blanding
Municipal Watershed Improvement Projects, Implementation, Manti-La Sal
National Forest, Monticello Ranger District, San Juan County, UT.
Summary: EPA supports Alternative C which should reduce the wetland
and stream impacts associated with replacement of the water collection
and piping systems for the municipal water supply system for the City
of Monticello. EPA remains concerned about the level of ecological
benefits attributed to logging spruce stands at risk for a spruce
beetle invasion.
EIS No. 20050313, ERP No. F-DOE-J39033-UT, Moab Uranium Mill Trailings
Remediation, Proposal to Clean Up Surface Contamination and Implement a
Ground Water Strategy, Grand and San Juan Counties, UT.
Summary: EPA supports the Department of Energy's selection of the
Crescent Junction off-site location and the movement of these tailings
by rail. This location has the least environmental and cultural impact
of any of the alternatives considered. The stable geologic and surface
conditions at the Crescent Junction alternative will provide isolation
of these tailings without public health risks for the long term. Moving
these tailings by rail will avoid disruption of highway traffic and can
be accomplished in the least amount of time.
EIS No. 20050439, ERP No. F-COE-E09810-MS, Enhanced Evaluation of
Cumulative Effects Associated with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Permitting Activity for Large-Scale Development in Coastal Mississippi,
Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, and Mississippi Counties, MS.
Summary: EPA supports the use of the proposed permitting
methodologies along with the trends analysis approach.
EIS No. 20060012, ERP No. FS-COE-K60105-CA, U.S. Army National
Training Center, Additional Maneuver Training Land at Fort Irwin,
Implementation, San Bernardino County, CA.
Summary: EPA's concerns were addressed in the EIS; therefore, EPA
had no objection to the proposed project.
Dated: February 21, 2006.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division Office of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E6-2661 Filed 2-23-06; 8:45 am]