Commodity Pool Operator Electronic Filing of Annual Reports, 8939-8943 [06-1615]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 22, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
(GPS) IAPs to RWYs 14 and 32 has
made this action necessary. The
intended effect of this action is to
provide adequate controlled airspace for
Instrument Flight Rules operations at
David City Municipal Airport, NE. The
area will be depicted on appropriate
aeronautical charts.
Class E airspace areas extending
upward from 700 feet or more above the
surface of the earth are published in
Paragraph 6005 of FAA Order 7400.9N,
Airspace Designations and Reporting
Points, dated September 1, 2005, and
effective September 15, 2005, which is
incorporated by reference in 14 CFR
71.1. of the same Order. The Class E
airspace designation listed in this
document will be published
subsequently in the Order.
The FAA has determined that this
regulation only involves an established
body of technical regulations for which
frequent and routine amendments are
necessary to keep them operationally
current. Therefore, this regulation—(1)
is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’
under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not
a ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT
Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44
FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3)
does not warrant preparation of a
Regulatory Evaluation as the anticipated
impact is so minimal. Since this is a
routine matter that will only affect air
traffic procedures and air navigation, it
is certified that this rule, when
promulgated, will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities under the
criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
This rulemaking is promulgated
under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart I, Section
40103. Under that section, the FAA is
charged with prescribing regulations to
assign the use of the airspace necessary
to ensure the safety of aircraft and the
efficient use of airspace. This regulation
is within the scope of that authority
since it contains aircraft executing
instrument approach procedures to
David City Municipal Airport.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (Air).
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Adoption of the Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:
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1. The authority citation for part 71
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g); 40113, 40120;
E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–1963
Comp., p. 389.
§ 71.1
2. The incorporation by reference in
14 CFR 71.1 of Federal Aviation
Administration Order 7400.9N, dated
September 1, 2005, and effective
September 15, 2005, is amended as
Paragraph 6005 Class E airspace areas
extending upward from 700 feet or more
above the surface of the earth.
ACE NE #E5 David City, NE
David City Municipal Airport, NE
(Lat. 41°13′51″ N., long. 97°07′23″ W.)
That airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface within a 6.8-mile
radius of David City Municipal Airport.
Issued in Kansas City, MO, on February 7,
Elizabeth S. Wallis,
Acting Area Director, Western Flight Services
[FR Doc. 06–1569 Filed 2–21–06; 8:45 am]
17 CFR Part 4
RIN 3038–AC25
Commodity Pool Operator Electronic
Filing of Annual Reports
Commodity Futures Trading
ACTION: Final rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Commodity Futures
Trading Commission (‘‘Commission’’ or
‘‘CFTC’’) is amending Commission rules
to require that commodity pool annual
financial reports submitted by
commodity pool operators (‘‘CPOs’’) to
the National Futures Association
(‘‘NFA’’) be filed and affirmed
electronically, in compliance with
NFA’s electronic filing procedures. NFA
petitioned the Commission to adopt this
amendment after its implementation of
a pilot program for electronic filing of
commodity pool annual reports in 2005.
The amendment necessarily
eliminates the requirement that the
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commodity pool annual report filed
with NFA be manually signed, and
replaces it with a requirement that CPOs
maintain for five years in their own
business records a manually signed oath
or affirmation with respect to each
annual report along with documentation
supporting the compilation of certain
key financial balances required to be
submitted to NFA.
In addition to mandating electronic
filing, the Commission is also amending
other provisions of its rules applicable
to CPOs with respect to financial
reporting to: (i) Explicitly state that
commodity pool monthly and/or
quarterly account statements distributed
to participants must be prepared in
accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles; (ii) clarify that
CPOs must file a notification of a change
in a public accountant for a commodity
pool with NFA; (iii) clarify that a
reference to ‘‘segregation’’ with respect
to a statement required to be made in an
accountant’s letter refers to the
prohibition on commingling of funds of
a commodity pool with the assets of any
other person; and (iv) require that
notifications concerning CPOs’ election
of fiscal years for commodity pools
other than the calendar year or changes
in fiscal year be filed solely with NFA
and not the Commission.
These amendments with respect to
commodity pool financial reporting do
not impact the distribution of annual
reports to pool participants, which may
continue to be provided through hardcopy distribution via postal mail or
electronically if the pool participant
consents thereto. Also, these
amendments do not change the
requirements or process for CPOs to
request that the Commission provide
confidential treatment to commodity
pool annual reports submitted to NFA,
in response to requests from the public
made under the Freedom of Information
DATES: Effective Date: March 24, 2006.
Thomas J. Smith, Deputy Director and
Chief Accountant, at (202) 418–5430 or
Jennifer C.P. Bauer, Special Counsel, at
(202) 418–5472, Division of Clearing
and Intermediary Oversight, Commodity
Futures Trading Commission, Three
Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20581. Electronic mail:
( or (
I. Background
Rule 4.22(c) requires a CPO to file
with NFA and to provide to each
participant an annual financial report,
certified by an independent public
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 22, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with RULES
accountant, for each commodity pool
that it operates within 90 days of the
end of the pool’s fiscal year or the
permanent cessation of trading.1 Also,
Rule 4.7(b)(3) requires a CPO that has
claimed an exemption from certain
regulatory requirements pursuant to
Rule 4.7 to file with NFA and to
distribute to commodity pool
participants an unaudited annual
financial report in lieu of an audited
annual financial report.2
Beginning with reports filed for the
year ended December 31, 2004, the NFA
implemented a pilot program permitting
CPOs to voluntarily elect to file
commodity pool annual reports through
the use of an electronic filing system,
the ‘‘EasyFile’’ system, accessed from
the NFA’s Web site.3 The NFA pilot
program required that the complete
annual report for commodity pools,
including the public accountant’s
opinion contained in certified
statements, be submitted to NFA in the
Portable Document Format (‘‘PDF’’) file
format. In addition to the electronic
submission of the document in a PDF
file format, participating CPOs were
required to directly enter certain key
financial statement balances or
aggregated balances from the
commodity pools’ annual reports into
the NFA’s EasyFile system. The key
financial statement balances filed
electronically through the pilot program
include all the data elements that NFA
staff currently manually enter into the
FACTS 2000 database from the
information contained in hard copy
annual reports, as well as several data
elements that NFA staff added after
consultation with members of the
commodity pool industry, certified
public accountants (‘‘CPAs’’) that serve
the commodity pool industry, and
Commission staff. NFA’s FACTS 2000
database serves as the primary means by
which NFA and Commission staff
access commodity pool financial
NFA requested that the Commission
provide CPOs participating in the pilot
program with relief from the
requirement of Rule 4.22(h) that the
annual report filed with NFA include a
manually signed oath or affirmation, as
NFA implemented an electronic version
1 The rules of the Commission cited in this release
may be found at 17 CFR Ch. I (2005).
2 CPOs operating pools offered solely to qualified
eligible participants (‘‘QEPs’’) pursuant to Rule 4.7
may claim relief from the certification requirement
of Rule 4.22(d) with respect to the exempt pools’
financial statements. See Rule 4.7(b)(3).
3 NFA initially adopted the EasyFile electronic
filing system for financial reporting by introducing
brokers (‘‘IBs’’) in 2004. The Commission approved
NFA’s rules adopting EasyFile for IBs on June 28,
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of the oath or affirmation applicable to
both the document submitted in PDF
file format and the key financial
statement balances directly entered into
the EasyFile system. The Commission’s
Division of Clearing and Intermediary
Oversight issued exemptive relief in
January 2005 to CPOs participating in
the pilot program from the requirement
that their pools’ annual reports
submitted to NFA be manually signed
under Rule 4.22(j).4 On August 26, 2005,
the NFA petitioned the Commission to
formally amend Rules 4.22 and 4.7 to
eliminate the requirement that CPOs file
manually signed pool annual reports
with NFA, and to further require CPOs
to file such annual reports with NFA
electronically using the EasyFile system
implemented in the pilot program.
Mandatory electronic filing of
commodity pool annual reports is
anticipated to benefit both the
Commission and NFA by increasing the
quality of the financial data from
commodity pool annual reports that will
be collected in FACTS 2000 and be
available to the Commission. Direct data
entry by the CPO or its CPA, who are
most familiar with the information
being submitted, and system-enforced
edit and validation checks,5 which are
part of the electronic filing system,
should enhance the integrity and quality
of data collected. Also, NFA’s guidance
for the classification of the key data
elements in the pilot program should
increase the uniformity of data available
in FACTS 2000, when utilized by all
CPOs with respect to applicable
commodity pool annual report filings.
Pursuant to the effectiveness of these
amendments, submission of annual
reports in compliance with the NFA’s
electronic filing procedures, which
require authentication through the use
of user ids, passwords and specific
permissions managed by designated
Security Managers 6 of CPOs, will
replace the requirement that a manually
signed oath or affirmation be submitted
to NFA with a commodity pool’s annual
report. The user interface and system
security for NFA’s CPO electronic filing
system are patterned after NFA’s
4 CFTC Letter No. 05–01 may be accessed at–
5 For example, the system will prompt the user
for a correction if the components listed as assets
do not total to the amount entered for total assets,
or if certain types of trading assets and liabilities
are reported in the balance sheet but there are no
gains or losses reported in the income statement
with respect to such assets.
6 The Security Manager procedure is part of
NFA’s existing electronic system for registration
processing. The Commission adopted rule
amendments in 2002 to enable NFA to utilize an
online system for registration functions. See 67 FR
38,869 (June 6, 2002).
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existing EasyFile system for IBs’
unaudited financial reports. Similar to
EasyFile for IBs, the CPO’s Security
Manager can establish users and assign
them abilities to enter data and/or
submit the report and data in the NFA
electronic filing system.
By these amendments CPOs will be
required to maintain in their business
records a manually signed oath or
affirmation along with their commodity
pool annual reports, and also sufficient
documentation to support the
compilation of the key balances from
the annual report. Therefore, NFA may
verify or corroborate the information
submitted electronically if necessary.
II. Comments
NFA was the only entity to file a
comment letter on the proposed
amendments. NFA supported the
proposed amendments and stated that
‘‘mandatory participation [in electronic
filing] should dramatically increase
* * * efficiencies without imposing any
undue hardships on our CPO
Members.’’ NFA also commented in
support of the additional amendments
proposed with respect to commodity
pool financial reporting other than
mandatory electronic filing, with one
recommendation regarding the
notification of changes in commodity
pool certified public accountants. NFA
commented that these required
notifications to both the NFA and the
Commission should only be submitted
to NFA by CPOs, as they would be
available to the Commission in the
FACTS 2000 database. The Commission
agrees with this comment and has
changed the amendment to reflect that
for CPOs, such notification must be
made solely to NFA. NFA will alert the
Commission whenever a notification
indicates a disagreement with CPAs or
other non-routine circumstances.
III. Amendments
Rule 4.22(c) requires that a registered
CPO file with NFA an annual report for
each pool that it operates within 90 days
of the end of the pool’s fiscal year or the
permanent cessation of trading. The
Commission is amending Rule 4.22(c)
and Rule 4.7(b)(3) to specifically require
that the commodity pool annual reports
be submitted to NFA electronically
through NFA’s established electronic
filing procedures. Further, the
Commission is amending Rule 4.22(h),
pursuant to which each such report,
including those provided under Rule 4.7
and Rule 4.12(b), must contain an oath
or affirmation that, to the best of the
knowledge and belief of the person
making the oath or affirmation, the
information contained in the document
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 22, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
is accurate and complete. The
amendment shall require the oath or
affirmation on annual reports filed with
NFA to be made through the use of
electronic filing procedures. The
Commission is also deleting Rule 4.22(j)
and adding a provision to Rule 4.23(a)
requiring CPOs to maintain in their
books and records a manually signed
oath or affirmation for all annual reports
and account statements, and to maintain
records of the key financial balances
submitted to NFA that clearly
demonstrate how such balances were
Rule 4.7(b)(2) requires that an account
statement signed and affirmed by the
CPO be prepared and distributed to pool
participants no less frequently than
quarterly within 30 calendar days after
the end of the reporting period. The
account statement must indicate: (1)
The net asset value of the exempt pool
as of the end of the reporting period; (2)
the change in net asset value from the
end of the previous reporting period;
and (3) the net asset value per
outstanding unit of participation in the
exempt pool as of the end of the
reporting period. The Commission is
amending Rule 4.7(b)(2) to clarify that
the account statement provided to
participants must be presented and
computed in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles as are
other financial reports required in Part
4 of the Commission’s Rules. By making
this requirement explicit, the
Commission is ensuring that established
professional standards are the basis of
such calculations.
Rule 4.22(d) requires that the
certification of commodity pool annual
reports by independent accountants be
made in accordance with the
certification requirements of Rule 1.16
that are applicable to the financial
statements of FCMs and IBs, with
specific exceptions. Rule 4.22(d) does
not exempt CPOs from Rule 1.16(g),
which requires written notification to be
given to the NFA and to the
Commission of changes in the entity’s
independent accountant. In order to
make clear that this requirement applies
to CPOs, the Commission is amending
Rule 4.22(d) to specifically state that
Rule 1.16(g) is also applicable to CPOs
with respect to notifications of changes
in the independent accountants engaged
for the certification of commodity pool
financial statements, except that such
notification may be made solely to NFA.
By clarifying this, the Commission will
be assured that NFA receives proper
notice of the circumstances of any
changes of independent accountants,
which NFA will report to the
Commission if indicative of
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disagreements with auditors or similar
circumstances of concern with respect
to the commodity pool.
Rule 4.22(f)(1) provides a mechanism
for CPOs that cannot distribute annual
reports for pools within the required
timeframe without substantial undue
hardship to file applications of
extensions of time with NFA. In the
context of requesting such an extension,
the application to NFA must be
accompanied by a letter from the pool’s
independent public accountant. One of
the items that must be addressed in the
letter is whether the independent
accountant has any indication from the
audit work in process to indicate that
the CPO is not meeting ‘‘segregation’’
requirements. In response to some
perceived confusion by the use of the
term ‘‘segregation’’, the Commission is
amending Rule 4.22(f)(1)(ii)(B) to clarify
that this does not refer to the segregation
requirements of Rule 1.20 applicable to
FCMs, but instead refers to the
prohibition on commingling of funds of
a commodity pool with the assets of any
other person contained in Rule 4.20(c).7
Rules 4.22(g)(2) and (3) require
notifications to be made to the
Commission concerning CPOs’ election
of fiscal years for commodity pools
other than the calendar year or
subsequent changes in fiscal year-ends.
The Commission is amending these
Rules so that such notifications are
solely required to be filed with NFA and
not the Commission, consistent with
other financial reporting filings that are
now made to NFA directly as a result of
functions the Commission has
authorized NFA to perform.8 NFA is
hereby authorized to maintain and serve
as official custodian of these
notifications as well as the notifications
of changes in certified public
accountant for commodity pools.
7 The language originally proposed was ‘‘the
segregation requirements of § 4.20(c)’’ showing the
intent of the reference to reflect Rule 4.20 and not
FCM segregation requirements contained in
Commission Rule 1.20. 45 FR 51,600 at 51,610
(August 4, 1980).
8 By order dated December 11, 2002, the
Commission authorized NFA to: (1) Receive and
review annual financial reports required to be filed
by CPOs pursuant to Rules 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(c),
including annual financial reports required to be
filed by CPOs that have claimed relief pursuant to
Rule 4.12(b) with respect to qualifying pools, and
to review such reports for compliance with the Act
and the Commission rules thereunder and to
provide notice of deficiencies; (2) receive and grant
or deny applications filed pursuant to Rule
4.22(f)(1) for extensions of time to distribute annual
financial reports; and (3) process notices of claims
of extension of time to distribute and file annual
financial reports filed pursuant to Rule 4.22(f)(2). In
addition, the Commission authorized NFA to
maintain and to serve as the official custodian of
such records. 67 FR 77,470 (December 18, 2002).
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IV. Related Matters
A. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act
(‘‘RFA’’), 5 U.S.C. 601 et. seq., requires
that agencies, in proposing rules,
consider the impact of those rules on
small businesses. The Commission
previously has established certain
definitions of ‘‘small entities’’ to be used
by the Commission in evaluating the
impact of its rules on such entities in
accordance with the RFA.9 The
Commission has determined previously
that registered CPOs are not small
entities for the purpose of the RFA.10
The proposed amendments to Rule 4.7
and Rule 4.22 would apply only to
registered CPOs. Therefore, the
Chairman, on behalf of the Commission,
hereby certifies, pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
605(b), that the action taken herein will
not have a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
This rulemaking alters the method of
collection for a required collection of
information under Part 4 of the
Commissions Rules. As required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3507(d)), the Commission
submitted a copy of this section to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for its review. No comments
were received in response to the
Commission’s invitation in the notice of
proposed rulemaking to comment on
any change in the potential paperwork
burden associated with these rule
C. Cost-Benefit Analysis
Section 15(a) of the Act, as amended
by Section 119 of the CFMA, requires
the Commission to consider the costs
and benefits of its action before issuing
a new Rule under the Act. By its terms,
Section 15(a) as amended does not
require the Commission to quantify the
costs and benefits of a new Rule or to
determine whether the benefits of the
Rule outweigh its costs. Rather, Section
15(a) simply requires the Commission to
‘‘consider the costs and benefits’’ of its
Section 15(a) of the Act further
specifies that costs and benefits shall be
evaluated in light of five broad areas of
market and public concern: protection
of market participants and the public;
efficiency, competitiveness, and
financial integrity of futures markets;
price discovery; sound risk management
practices; and other public interest
9 47
FR 18618 (April 30, 1982).
FR at 18619.
10 47
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 22, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
considerations. Accordingly, the
Commission could in its discretion give
greater weight to any one of the five
enumerated areas and could in its
discretion determine that,
notwithstanding its costs, a particular
rule was necessary or appropriate to
protect the public interest or to
effectuate any of the provisions or to
accomplish any of the purposes of the
The Commission’s proposal contained
an analysis of its consideration of these
costs and benefits and solicited public
comment thereon. 70 FR at 74244. No
comments were received with respect to
the analysis of the Commission’s
consideration. Therefore, pursuant to
such consideration, the Commission has
decided to adopt these amendments as
discussed above.
List of Subjects in 17 CFR Part 4
Advertising, Commodity futures,
Consumer protection, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
In consideration of the foregoing, 17
CFR Chapter I is amended as follows:
§ 4.22
1. The authority citation for part 4
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1a, 2, 4, 6b, 6c, 6l, 6m,
6n, 6o, 12a, and 23.
2. Section 4.7 is amended by revising
paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) to read as
§ 4.7 Exemption from certain Part 4
requirements for commodity pool operators
with respect to offerings to qualified eligible
persons and for commodity trading
advisors with respect to advising qualified
eligible persons.
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with RULES
(b) * * *
(2) Periodic reporting relief.
Exemption from the specific
requirements of §§ 4.22(a) and (b);
Provided, That a statement signed and
affirmed in accordance with § 4.22(h) is
prepared and distributed to pool
participants no less frequently than
quarterly within 30 calendar days after
the end of the reporting period. This
statement must be presented and
computed in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles and
(i) The net asset value of the exempt
pool as of the end of the reporting
(ii) The change in net asset value from
the end of the previous reporting period;
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Reporting to pool participants.
(iii) The net asset value per
outstanding unit of participation in the
exempt pool as of the end of the
reporting period.
(3) Annual report relief. (i) Exemption
from the specific requirements of
§§ 4.22(c) and (d); Provided, That within
90 calendar days after the end of the
exempt pool’s fiscal year, the
commodity pool operator electronically
files with the National Futures
Association and distributes to each
participant in lieu of the financial
information and statements specified by
those sections, an annual report for the
exempt pool, affirmed in accordance
with § 4.22(h) which contains, at a
I 3. Section 4.22 is amended by:
I a. Revising paragraph (c) introductory
I b. Revising paragraph (d) introductory
I c. Revising paragraph (f)(1)(ii)(B);
I d. Revising paragraphs (g)(2) and (3);
I e. Revising paragraph (h); and
I f. Removing paragraph (j), to read as
(c) Except as provided in paragraph
(c)(6) of this section, each commodity
pool operator registered or required to
be registered under the Act must
distribute an Annual Report to each
participant in each pool that it operates,
and must electronically submit a copy
of the Report and key financial balances
from the Report to the National Futures
Association pursuant to the electronic
filing procedures of the National
Futures Association, within 90 calendar
days after the end of the pool’s fiscal
year or the permanent cessation of
trading, whichever is earlier, but in no
event longer than 90 days after funds are
returned to pool participants; Provided,
however, That if during any calendar
year the commodity pool operator did
not operate a commodity pool, the pool
operator must so notify the National
Futures Association within 30 calendar
days after the end of such calendar year.
The Annual Report must be affirmed
pursuant to paragraph (h) of this section
and must contain the following:
(d) The financial statements in the
Annual Report must be presented and
computed in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles
consistently applied and must be
certified by an independent public
accountant. The requirements of
§ 1.16(g) of this chapter shall apply with
respect to the engagement of such
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independent public accountants, except
that any related notifications to be made
may be made solely to the National
Futures Association, and the
certification must be in accordance with
§ 1.16 of this chapter, except that the
following requirements of that section
shall not apply:
(f) * * *
(1) * * *
(ii) * * *
(B) Do you have any indication from
the part of your audit completed to date
that would lead you to believe that the
commodity pool operator was or is not
meeting the recordkeeping requirements
of this part 4 or was or is not complying
with the § 4.20(c) prohibition on
commingling of property of any pool
with the property of any other person?
(g)(1) * * *
(2) If a commodity pool operator
elects a fiscal year other than the
calendar year, it must give written
notice of the election to all participants
and must file the notice with the
National Futures Association within 90
calendar days after the date of the pool’s
formation. If this notice is not given, the
pool operator will be deemed to have
elected the calendar year as the pool’s
fiscal year.
(3) The commodity pool operator
must continue to use the elected fiscal
year for the pool unless it provides
written notice of any proposed change
to all participants and files such notice
with the National Futures Association at
least 90 days before the change and the
National Futures Association does not
disapprove the change within 30 days
after the filing of the notice.
(h)(1) Each Account Statement and
Annual Report, including an Account
Statement or Annual Report provided
pursuant to § 4.7(b) or 4.12(b), must
contain an oath or affirmation that, to
the best of the knowledge and belief of
the individual making the oath or
affirmation, the information contained
in the document is accurate and
complete; Provided, however, That it
shall be unlawful for the individual to
make such oath or affirmation if the
individual knows or should know that
any of the information in the document
is not accurate and complete.
(2) Each oath or affirmation must be
made by a representative duly
authorized to bind the pool operator,
(i) for the copy of a commodity pool’s
Annual Report submitted to the
National Futures Association, such
representative shall satisfy the required
oath or affirmation through compliance
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 22, 2006 / Rules and Regulations
with the National Futures Association’s
electronic filing procedures, and
(ii) for a commodity pool Account
Statement or Annual Report distributed
to participants, a facsimile of the
manually signed oath or affirmation of
such representative may be used so long
as the manually signed original is
retained in accordance with § 4.23.
(3) For each manually signed oath or
affirmation, there must be typed beneath
the signed oath or affirmation:
(i) The name of the individual signing
the document;
(ii) The capacity in which he is
(iii) The name of the commodity pool
operator for whom he is signing; and
(iv) The name of the commodity pool
for which the document is being
I 4. Section 4.23 is amended by adding
a new paragraph (a)(12) to read as
§ 4.23
(a) * * *
(12) A manually signed copy of each
Account Statement and Annual Report
provided pursuant to § 4.22, 4.7(b) or
4.12(b), and records of the key financial
balances submitted to the National
Futures Association for each commodity
pool Annual Report, which records
must clearly demonstrate how the key
financial balances were compiled from
the Annual Report.
Issued in Washington, DC, on February 16,
2006 by the Commission.
Jean A. Webb,
Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 06–1615 Filed 2–21–06; 8:45 am]
Internal Revenue Service
26 CFR Part 1
[TD 9251]
RIN 1545–BE71
Special Rules Regarding Certain
Section 951 Pro Rata Share Allocations
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Final regulations.
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with RULES
SUMMARY: This document contains final
regulations under section 951(a) of the
Internal Revenue Code (Code) regarding
a United States shareholder’s pro rata
VerDate Aug<31>2005
13:17 Feb 21, 2006
Jkt 208001
share of a controlled foreign
corporation’s (CFC’s) subpart F income,
previously excluded subpart F income
withdrawn from investment in less
developed countries, and previously
excluded subpart F income withdrawn
from foreign base country shipping
operations. These regulations are
intended to ensure that a CFC’s earnings
and profits for a taxable year attributable
to a section 304 transaction will not be
allocated in a manner that results in the
avoidance of Federal income tax. These
regulations are also intended to ensure
that earnings and profits of a CFC are
not allocated to certain preferred stock
in a manner inconsistent with the
economic interest that such stock
DATES: Effective Date: These regulations
are effective February 22, 2006.
Applicability Date: For dates of
applicability, see § 1.951–1(e)(3)(v),
(e)(4)(ii) and (e)(7).
Jefferson VanderWolk, (202) 622–3810
(not a toll-free number).
On August 6, 2004, the IRS published
in the Federal Register a notice of
proposed rulemaking (REG–129771–04,
2004–36 I.R.B. 453) under section 951 of
the Code. After consideration of
comments received, the proposed
regulations were modified and adopted
as final with the publication of T.D.
9222 on August 25, 2005 (70 FR 49864).
In response to comments, the IRS
published at the same time in the
Federal Register a notice of proposed
rulemaking (REG–129782–05, 70 FR
49894) under section 951 of the Code.
No written comments were received in
response to that notice of proposed
rulemaking. No public hearing was
requested or held on the notice of
proposed rulemaking. The proposed
regulations are adopted as final
regulations with the modifications
discussed below.
Explanation of Changes
Section 1.951–1(e) defines pro rata
share for purposes of section 951(a) of
the Code. The general rule, set forth in
§ 1.951–1(e)(3)(i), provides for the
allocation of current earnings and
profits to different classes of stock on
the basis of the respective amounts of
such earnings and profits that would be
distributed with respect to each class if
such earnings and profits were
distributed on the last day of the CFC’s
taxable year on which it is a CFC.
Section 1.951–1(e)(3)(v) provides a
special rule that modifies the general
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
rule regarding the allocation of a CFC’s
current earnings and profits to more
than one class of stock. The special rule
applies where a CFC has earnings and
profits and subpart F income for its
taxable year attributable to a transaction
described in section 304 of the Code and
that transaction is part of a plan a
principal purpose of which is to avoid
Federal income taxation by allocating
the subpart F income resulting from the
section 304 transaction
disproportionately to a tax-indifferent
party. Pursuant to the rule, such
earnings and profits are allocated to
each class of stock of the CFC in
accordance with the value of such class
relative to all other classes.
Several practitioners noted in oral
comments that proposed § 1.951–1(e)(6),
Example 9, which illustrates the
application of proposed § 1.951–
1(e)(3)(v), presented facts whose
characterization under other Code
sections could be unclear under the
circumstances. In response to these
comments, the IRS and Treasury
Department have revised the example in
order to limit the issues presented.
A comment on the rules originally
proposed on August 6, 2004, requested
guidance to eliminate inappropriate
distortions between subpart F
inclusions and economic realization
that taxpayers may achieve if
accumulated but unpaid dividends with
respect to preferred stock are not
discounted to present value for
purposes of determining the
hypothetical distribution. As a partial
response to that comment, proposed
§ 1.951–1(e)(4)(ii) provided a special
rule requiring accumulated but unpaid
dividends with respect to mandatorily
redeemable cumulative preferred stock
be taken into account at present value
for purposes of the hypothetical
distribution. Comments were requested
regarding the treatment of cumulative
preferred stock that does not have a
mandatory redemption date or that is
subject to a shareholder-level
agreement, such as a purchase option. In
addition, the preamble stated that the
IRS and the Treasury Department
anticipated that any such rules would
be effective for taxable years of a
controlled foreign corporation beginning
on or after January 1, 2006. No further
comments were received beyond the
original comment.
The IRS and Treasury Department
agree with the commentator that
accrued but unpaid dividends generally
present possibilities for distortion
between subpart F income inclusions
and economic income realization. These
distortions are similar to those that can
arise from stock with discretionary
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 35 (Wednesday, February 22, 2006)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 8939-8943]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-1615]
17 CFR Part 4
RIN 3038-AC25
Commodity Pool Operator Electronic Filing of Annual Reports
AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
ACTION: Final rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``Commission'' or
``CFTC'') is amending Commission rules to require that commodity pool
annual financial reports submitted by commodity pool operators
(``CPOs'') to the National Futures Association (``NFA'') be filed and
affirmed electronically, in compliance with NFA's electronic filing
procedures. NFA petitioned the Commission to adopt this amendment after
its implementation of a pilot program for electronic filing of
commodity pool annual reports in 2005.
The amendment necessarily eliminates the requirement that the
commodity pool annual report filed with NFA be manually signed, and
replaces it with a requirement that CPOs maintain for five years in
their own business records a manually signed oath or affirmation with
respect to each annual report along with documentation supporting the
compilation of certain key financial balances required to be submitted
to NFA.
In addition to mandating electronic filing, the Commission is also
amending other provisions of its rules applicable to CPOs with respect
to financial reporting to: (i) Explicitly state that commodity pool
monthly and/or quarterly account statements distributed to participants
must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles; (ii) clarify that CPOs must file a notification of a change
in a public accountant for a commodity pool with NFA; (iii) clarify
that a reference to ``segregation'' with respect to a statement
required to be made in an accountant's letter refers to the prohibition
on commingling of funds of a commodity pool with the assets of any
other person; and (iv) require that notifications concerning CPOs'
election of fiscal years for commodity pools other than the calendar
year or changes in fiscal year be filed solely with NFA and not the
These amendments with respect to commodity pool financial reporting
do not impact the distribution of annual reports to pool participants,
which may continue to be provided through hard-copy distribution via
postal mail or electronically if the pool participant consents thereto.
Also, these amendments do not change the requirements or process for
CPOs to request that the Commission provide confidential treatment to
commodity pool annual reports submitted to NFA, in response to requests
from the public made under the Freedom of Information Act.
DATES: Effective Date: March 24, 2006.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Thomas J. Smith, Deputy Director and
Chief Accountant, at (202) 418-5430 or Jennifer C.P. Bauer, Special
Counsel, at (202) 418-5472, Division of Clearing and Intermediary
Oversight, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Three Lafayette
Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581. Electronic mail:
( or (
I. Background
Rule 4.22(c) requires a CPO to file with NFA and to provide to each
participant an annual financial report, certified by an independent
[[Page 8940]]
accountant, for each commodity pool that it operates within 90 days of
the end of the pool's fiscal year or the permanent cessation of
trading.\1\ Also, Rule 4.7(b)(3) requires a CPO that has claimed an
exemption from certain regulatory requirements pursuant to Rule 4.7 to
file with NFA and to distribute to commodity pool participants an
unaudited annual financial report in lieu of an audited annual
financial report.\2\
\1\ The rules of the Commission cited in this release may be
found at 17 CFR Ch. I (2005).
\2\ CPOs operating pools offered solely to qualified eligible
participants (``QEPs'') pursuant to Rule 4.7 may claim relief from
the certification requirement of Rule 4.22(d) with respect to the
exempt pools' financial statements. See Rule 4.7(b)(3).
Beginning with reports filed for the year ended December 31, 2004,
the NFA implemented a pilot program permitting CPOs to voluntarily
elect to file commodity pool annual reports through the use of an
electronic filing system, the ``EasyFile'' system, accessed from the
NFA's Web site.\3\ The NFA pilot program required that the complete
annual report for commodity pools, including the public accountant's
opinion contained in certified statements, be submitted to NFA in the
Portable Document Format (``PDF'') file format. In addition to the
electronic submission of the document in a PDF file format,
participating CPOs were required to directly enter certain key
financial statement balances or aggregated balances from the commodity
pools' annual reports into the NFA's EasyFile system. The key financial
statement balances filed electronically through the pilot program
include all the data elements that NFA staff currently manually enter
into the FACTS 2000 database from the information contained in hard
copy annual reports, as well as several data elements that NFA staff
added after consultation with members of the commodity pool industry,
certified public accountants (``CPAs'') that serve the commodity pool
industry, and Commission staff. NFA's FACTS 2000 database serves as the
primary means by which NFA and Commission staff access commodity pool
financial information.
\3\ NFA initially adopted the EasyFile electronic filing system
for financial reporting by introducing brokers (``IBs'') in 2004.
The Commission approved NFA's rules adopting EasyFile for IBs on
June 28, 2004.
NFA requested that the Commission provide CPOs participating in the
pilot program with relief from the requirement of Rule 4.22(h) that the
annual report filed with NFA include a manually signed oath or
affirmation, as NFA implemented an electronic version of the oath or
affirmation applicable to both the document submitted in PDF file
format and the key financial statement balances directly entered into
the EasyFile system. The Commission's Division of Clearing and
Intermediary Oversight issued exemptive relief in January 2005 to CPOs
participating in the pilot program from the requirement that their
pools' annual reports submitted to NFA be manually signed under Rule
4.22(j).\4\ On August 26, 2005, the NFA petitioned the Commission to
formally amend Rules 4.22 and 4.7 to eliminate the requirement that
CPOs file manually signed pool annual reports with NFA, and to further
require CPOs to file such annual reports with NFA electronically using
the EasyFile system implemented in the pilot program.
\4\ CFTC Letter No. 05-01 may be accessed at https://
Mandatory electronic filing of commodity pool annual reports is
anticipated to benefit both the Commission and NFA by increasing the
quality of the financial data from commodity pool annual reports that
will be collected in FACTS 2000 and be available to the Commission.
Direct data entry by the CPO or its CPA, who are most familiar with the
information being submitted, and system-enforced edit and validation
checks,\5\ which are part of the electronic filing system, should
enhance the integrity and quality of data collected. Also, NFA's
guidance for the classification of the key data elements in the pilot
program should increase the uniformity of data available in FACTS 2000,
when utilized by all CPOs with respect to applicable commodity pool
annual report filings.
\5\ For example, the system will prompt the user for a
correction if the components listed as assets do not total to the
amount entered for total assets, or if certain types of trading
assets and liabilities are reported in the balance sheet but there
are no gains or losses reported in the income statement with respect
to such assets.
Pursuant to the effectiveness of these amendments, submission of
annual reports in compliance with the NFA's electronic filing
procedures, which require authentication through the use of user ids,
passwords and specific permissions managed by designated Security
Managers \6\ of CPOs, will replace the requirement that a manually
signed oath or affirmation be submitted to NFA with a commodity pool's
annual report. The user interface and system security for NFA's CPO
electronic filing system are patterned after NFA's existing EasyFile
system for IBs' unaudited financial reports. Similar to EasyFile for
IBs, the CPO's Security Manager can establish users and assign them
abilities to enter data and/or submit the report and data in the NFA
electronic filing system.
\6\ The Security Manager procedure is part of NFA's existing
electronic system for registration processing. The Commission
adopted rule amendments in 2002 to enable NFA to utilize an online
system for registration functions. See 67 FR 38,869 (June 6, 2002).
By these amendments CPOs will be required to maintain in their
business records a manually signed oath or affirmation along with their
commodity pool annual reports, and also sufficient documentation to
support the compilation of the key balances from the annual report.
Therefore, NFA may verify or corroborate the information submitted
electronically if necessary.
II. Comments
NFA was the only entity to file a comment letter on the proposed
amendments. NFA supported the proposed amendments and stated that
``mandatory participation [in electronic filing] should dramatically
increase * * * efficiencies without imposing any undue hardships on our
CPO Members.'' NFA also commented in support of the additional
amendments proposed with respect to commodity pool financial reporting
other than mandatory electronic filing, with one recommendation
regarding the notification of changes in commodity pool certified
public accountants. NFA commented that these required notifications to
both the NFA and the Commission should only be submitted to NFA by
CPOs, as they would be available to the Commission in the FACTS 2000
database. The Commission agrees with this comment and has changed the
amendment to reflect that for CPOs, such notification must be made
solely to NFA. NFA will alert the Commission whenever a notification
indicates a disagreement with CPAs or other non-routine circumstances.
III. Amendments
Rule 4.22(c) requires that a registered CPO file with NFA an annual
report for each pool that it operates within 90 days of the end of the
pool's fiscal year or the permanent cessation of trading. The
Commission is amending Rule 4.22(c) and Rule 4.7(b)(3) to specifically
require that the commodity pool annual reports be submitted to NFA
electronically through NFA's established electronic filing procedures.
Further, the Commission is amending Rule 4.22(h), pursuant to which
each such report, including those provided under Rule 4.7 and Rule
4.12(b), must contain an oath or affirmation that, to the best of the
knowledge and belief of the person making the oath or affirmation, the
information contained in the document
[[Page 8941]]
is accurate and complete. The amendment shall require the oath or
affirmation on annual reports filed with NFA to be made through the use
of electronic filing procedures. The Commission is also deleting Rule
4.22(j) and adding a provision to Rule 4.23(a) requiring CPOs to
maintain in their books and records a manually signed oath or
affirmation for all annual reports and account statements, and to
maintain records of the key financial balances submitted to NFA that
clearly demonstrate how such balances were derived.
Rule 4.7(b)(2) requires that an account statement signed and
affirmed by the CPO be prepared and distributed to pool participants no
less frequently than quarterly within 30 calendar days after the end of
the reporting period. The account statement must indicate: (1) The net
asset value of the exempt pool as of the end of the reporting period;
(2) the change in net asset value from the end of the previous
reporting period; and (3) the net asset value per outstanding unit of
participation in the exempt pool as of the end of the reporting period.
The Commission is amending Rule 4.7(b)(2) to clarify that the account
statement provided to participants must be presented and computed in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as are other
financial reports required in Part 4 of the Commission's Rules. By
making this requirement explicit, the Commission is ensuring that
established professional standards are the basis of such calculations.
Rule 4.22(d) requires that the certification of commodity pool
annual reports by independent accountants be made in accordance with
the certification requirements of Rule 1.16 that are applicable to the
financial statements of FCMs and IBs, with specific exceptions. Rule
4.22(d) does not exempt CPOs from Rule 1.16(g), which requires written
notification to be given to the NFA and to the Commission of changes in
the entity's independent accountant. In order to make clear that this
requirement applies to CPOs, the Commission is amending Rule 4.22(d) to
specifically state that Rule 1.16(g) is also applicable to CPOs with
respect to notifications of changes in the independent accountants
engaged for the certification of commodity pool financial statements,
except that such notification may be made solely to NFA. By clarifying
this, the Commission will be assured that NFA receives proper notice of
the circumstances of any changes of independent accountants, which NFA
will report to the Commission if indicative of disagreements with
auditors or similar circumstances of concern with respect to the
commodity pool.
Rule 4.22(f)(1) provides a mechanism for CPOs that cannot
distribute annual reports for pools within the required timeframe
without substantial undue hardship to file applications of extensions
of time with NFA. In the context of requesting such an extension, the
application to NFA must be accompanied by a letter from the pool's
independent public accountant. One of the items that must be addressed
in the letter is whether the independent accountant has any indication
from the audit work in process to indicate that the CPO is not meeting
``segregation'' requirements. In response to some perceived confusion
by the use of the term ``segregation'', the Commission is amending Rule
4.22(f)(1)(ii)(B) to clarify that this does not refer to the
segregation requirements of Rule 1.20 applicable to FCMs, but instead
refers to the prohibition on commingling of funds of a commodity pool
with the assets of any other person contained in Rule 4.20(c).\7\
\7\ The language originally proposed was ``the segregation
requirements of Sec. 4.20(c)'' showing the intent of the reference
to reflect Rule 4.20 and not FCM segregation requirements contained
in Commission Rule 1.20. 45 FR 51,600 at 51,610 (August 4, 1980).
Rules 4.22(g)(2) and (3) require notifications to be made to the
Commission concerning CPOs' election of fiscal years for commodity
pools other than the calendar year or subsequent changes in fiscal
year-ends. The Commission is amending these Rules so that such
notifications are solely required to be filed with NFA and not the
Commission, consistent with other financial reporting filings that are
now made to NFA directly as a result of functions the Commission has
authorized NFA to perform.\8\ NFA is hereby authorized to maintain and
serve as official custodian of these notifications as well as the
notifications of changes in certified public accountant for commodity
\8\ By order dated December 11, 2002, the Commission authorized
NFA to: (1) Receive and review annual financial reports required to
be filed by CPOs pursuant to Rules 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(c), including
annual financial reports required to be filed by CPOs that have
claimed relief pursuant to Rule 4.12(b) with respect to qualifying
pools, and to review such reports for compliance with the Act and
the Commission rules thereunder and to provide notice of
deficiencies; (2) receive and grant or deny applications filed
pursuant to Rule 4.22(f)(1) for extensions of time to distribute
annual financial reports; and (3) process notices of claims of
extension of time to distribute and file annual financial reports
filed pursuant to Rule 4.22(f)(2). In addition, the Commission
authorized NFA to maintain and to serve as the official custodian of
such records. 67 FR 77,470 (December 18, 2002).
IV. Related Matters
A. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (``RFA''), 5 U.S.C. 601 et. seq.,
requires that agencies, in proposing rules, consider the impact of
those rules on small businesses. The Commission previously has
established certain definitions of ``small entities'' to be used by the
Commission in evaluating the impact of its rules on such entities in
accordance with the RFA.\9\ The Commission has determined previously
that registered CPOs are not small entities for the purpose of the
RFA.\10\ The proposed amendments to Rule 4.7 and Rule 4.22 would apply
only to registered CPOs. Therefore, the Chairman, on behalf of the
Commission, hereby certifies, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b), that the
action taken herein will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
\9\ 47 FR 18618 (April 30, 1982).
\10\ 47 FR at 18619.
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
This rulemaking alters the method of collection for a required
collection of information under Part 4 of the Commissions Rules. As
required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)),
the Commission submitted a copy of this section to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for its review. No comments were received
in response to the Commission's invitation in the notice of proposed
rulemaking to comment on any change in the potential paperwork burden
associated with these rule amendments.
C. Cost-Benefit Analysis
Section 15(a) of the Act, as amended by Section 119 of the CFMA,
requires the Commission to consider the costs and benefits of its
action before issuing a new Rule under the Act. By its terms, Section
15(a) as amended does not require the Commission to quantify the costs
and benefits of a new Rule or to determine whether the benefits of the
Rule outweigh its costs. Rather, Section 15(a) simply requires the
Commission to ``consider the costs and benefits'' of its action.
Section 15(a) of the Act further specifies that costs and benefits
shall be evaluated in light of five broad areas of market and public
concern: protection of market participants and the public; efficiency,
competitiveness, and financial integrity of futures markets; price
discovery; sound risk management practices; and other public interest
[[Page 8942]]
considerations. Accordingly, the Commission could in its discretion
give greater weight to any one of the five enumerated areas and could
in its discretion determine that, notwithstanding its costs, a
particular rule was necessary or appropriate to protect the public
interest or to effectuate any of the provisions or to accomplish any of
the purposes of the Act.
The Commission's proposal contained an analysis of its
consideration of these costs and benefits and solicited public comment
thereon. 70 FR at 74244. No comments were received with respect to the
analysis of the Commission's consideration. Therefore, pursuant to such
consideration, the Commission has decided to adopt these amendments as
discussed above.
List of Subjects in 17 CFR Part 4
Advertising, Commodity futures, Consumer protection, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
In consideration of the foregoing, 17 CFR Chapter I is amended as
1. The authority citation for part 4 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1a, 2, 4, 6b, 6c, 6l, 6m, 6n, 6o, 12a, and
2. Section 4.7 is amended by revising paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) to
read as follows:
Sec. 4.7 Exemption from certain Part 4 requirements for commodity
pool operators with respect to offerings to qualified eligible persons
and for commodity trading advisors with respect to advising qualified
eligible persons.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(2) Periodic reporting relief. Exemption from the specific
requirements of Sec. Sec. 4.22(a) and (b); Provided, That a statement
signed and affirmed in accordance with Sec. 4.22(h) is prepared and
distributed to pool participants no less frequently than quarterly
within 30 calendar days after the end of the reporting period. This
statement must be presented and computed in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles and indicate:
(i) The net asset value of the exempt pool as of the end of the
reporting period;
(ii) The change in net asset value from the end of the previous
reporting period; and
(iii) The net asset value per outstanding unit of participation in
the exempt pool as of the end of the reporting period.
(3) Annual report relief. (i) Exemption from the specific
requirements of Sec. Sec. 4.22(c) and (d); Provided, That within 90
calendar days after the end of the exempt pool's fiscal year, the
commodity pool operator electronically files with the National Futures
Association and distributes to each participant in lieu of the
financial information and statements specified by those sections, an
annual report for the exempt pool, affirmed in accordance with Sec.
4.22(h) which contains, at a minimum:
* * * * *
3. Section 4.22 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (c) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (d) introductory text;
c. Revising paragraph (f)(1)(ii)(B);
d. Revising paragraphs (g)(2) and (3);
e. Revising paragraph (h); and
f. Removing paragraph (j), to read as follows:
Sec. 4.22 Reporting to pool participants.
* * * * *
(c) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(6) of this section, each
commodity pool operator registered or required to be registered under
the Act must distribute an Annual Report to each participant in each
pool that it operates, and must electronically submit a copy of the
Report and key financial balances from the Report to the National
Futures Association pursuant to the electronic filing procedures of the
National Futures Association, within 90 calendar days after the end of
the pool's fiscal year or the permanent cessation of trading, whichever
is earlier, but in no event longer than 90 days after funds are
returned to pool participants; Provided, however, That if during any
calendar year the commodity pool operator did not operate a commodity
pool, the pool operator must so notify the National Futures Association
within 30 calendar days after the end of such calendar year. The Annual
Report must be affirmed pursuant to paragraph (h) of this section and
must contain the following:
* * * * *
(d) The financial statements in the Annual Report must be presented
and computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles consistently applied and must be certified by an independent
public accountant. The requirements of Sec. 1.16(g) of this chapter
shall apply with respect to the engagement of such independent public
accountants, except that any related notifications to be made may be
made solely to the National Futures Association, and the certification
must be in accordance with Sec. 1.16 of this chapter, except that the
following requirements of that section shall not apply:
* * * * *
(f) * * *
(1) * * *
(ii) * * *
(B) Do you have any indication from the part of your audit
completed to date that would lead you to believe that the commodity
pool operator was or is not meeting the recordkeeping requirements of
this part 4 or was or is not complying with the Sec. 4.20(c)
prohibition on commingling of property of any pool with the property of
any other person?
* * * * *
(g)(1) * * *
(2) If a commodity pool operator elects a fiscal year other than
the calendar year, it must give written notice of the election to all
participants and must file the notice with the National Futures
Association within 90 calendar days after the date of the pool's
formation. If this notice is not given, the pool operator will be
deemed to have elected the calendar year as the pool's fiscal year.
(3) The commodity pool operator must continue to use the elected
fiscal year for the pool unless it provides written notice of any
proposed change to all participants and files such notice with the
National Futures Association at least 90 days before the change and the
National Futures Association does not disapprove the change within 30
days after the filing of the notice.
(h)(1) Each Account Statement and Annual Report, including an
Account Statement or Annual Report provided pursuant to Sec. 4.7(b) or
4.12(b), must contain an oath or affirmation that, to the best of the
knowledge and belief of the individual making the oath or affirmation,
the information contained in the document is accurate and complete;
Provided, however, That it shall be unlawful for the individual to make
such oath or affirmation if the individual knows or should know that
any of the information in the document is not accurate and complete.
(2) Each oath or affirmation must be made by a representative duly
authorized to bind the pool operator, and
(i) for the copy of a commodity pool's Annual Report submitted to
the National Futures Association, such representative shall satisfy the
required oath or affirmation through compliance
[[Page 8943]]
with the National Futures Association's electronic filing procedures,
(ii) for a commodity pool Account Statement or Annual Report
distributed to participants, a facsimile of the manually signed oath or
affirmation of such representative may be used so long as the manually
signed original is retained in accordance with Sec. 4.23.
(3) For each manually signed oath or affirmation, there must be
typed beneath the signed oath or affirmation:
(i) The name of the individual signing the document;
(ii) The capacity in which he is signing;
(iii) The name of the commodity pool operator for whom he is
signing; and
(iv) The name of the commodity pool for which the document is being
* * * * *
4. Section 4.23 is amended by adding a new paragraph (a)(12) to read as
Sec. 4.23 Recordkeeping.
* * * * *
(a) * * *
(12) A manually signed copy of each Account Statement and Annual
Report provided pursuant to Sec. 4.22, 4.7(b) or 4.12(b), and records
of the key financial balances submitted to the National Futures
Association for each commodity pool Annual Report, which records must
clearly demonstrate how the key financial balances were compiled from
the Annual Report.
* * * * *
Issued in Washington, DC, on February 16, 2006 by the
Jean A. Webb,
Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 06-1615 Filed 2-21-06; 8:45 am]