Reader Aids, i-iii [FR-2006-02-03-ReaderAids]
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 23 (Friday, February 3, 2006)] [Reader Aids] [Pages i-iii] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [] Reader Aids Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 23 / Friday, February 3, 2006 / Reader Aids Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 23 / Friday, February 3, 2006 / Reader Aids Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 23 / Friday, February 3, 2006 / Reader Aids [[Page i]] CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- Federal Register/Code of Federal Regulations General Information, indexes and other finding 202-741-6000 aids Laws 741-6000 Presidential Documents Executive orders and proclamations 741-6000 The United States Government Manual 741-6000 Other Services Electronic and on-line services (voice) 741-6020 Privacy Act Compilation 741-6064 Public Laws Update Service (numbers, dates, etc.) 741-6043 TTY for the deaf-and-hard-of-hearing 741-6086 ========================================================== ELECTRONIC RESEARCH World Wide Web Full text of the daily Federal Register, CFR and other publications is located at: index.html Federal Register information and research tools, including Public Inspection List, indexes, and links to GPO Access are located at: E-mail FEDREGTOC-L (Federal Register Table of Contents LISTSERV) is an open e-mail service that provides subscribers with a digital form of the Federal Register Table of Contents. The digital form of the Federal Register Table of Contents includes HTML and PDF links to the full text of each document. To join or leave, go to and select Online mailing list archives, FEDREGTOC-L, Join or leave the list (or change settings); then follow the instructions. PENS (Public Law Electronic Notification Service) is an e- mail service that notifies subscribers of recently enacted laws. To subscribe, go to publaws-l.html and select Join or leave the list (or change settings); then follow the instructions. FEDREGTOC-L and PENS are mailing lists only. We cannot respond to specific inquiries. Reference questions. Send questions and comments about the Federal Register system to: The Federal Register staff cannot interpret specific documents or regulations. ========================================================== FEDERAL REGISTER PAGES AND DATE, FEBRUARY ---------------------------------------------------------- 5155-5578............................................... 1 5579-5776............................................... 2 5777-5966............................................... 3 6 ---------------------------------------------------------- CFR PARTS AFFECTED DURING FEBRUARY ---------------------------------------------------------- At the end of each month, the Office of the Federal Register publishes separately a List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA), which lists parts and sections affected by documents published since the revision date of each title. 3 CFR Proclamations: 7976..................................................5155 7977..................................................5579 7 CFR 301...................................................5777 905...................................................5157 Proposed Rules: 985...................................................5183 12 CFR 30....................................................5779 208...................................................5779 225...................................................5779 364...................................................5779 568...................................................5779 570...................................................5779 611...................................................5740 612...................................................5740 614...................................................5740 615...................................................5740 618...................................................5740 619...................................................5740 620...................................................5740 630...................................................5740 14 CFR 39..................................5159, 5162, 5581, 5584 212...................................................5780 Proposed Rules: 23....................................................5554 25....................................................5554 27....................................................5554 29....................................................5554 33....................................................5770 39..................................5620, 5623, 5626, 5796 158...................................................5188 16 CFR 100...................................................5165 17 CFR 1.....................................................5587 145...................................................5587 147...................................................5587 232...................................................5596 21 CFR 520...................................................5788 Proposed Rules: 203...................................................5200 205...................................................5200 22 CFR Proposed Rules: 62....................................................5627 27 CFR 19....................................................5598 24....................................................5598 25....................................................5598 26....................................................5598 70....................................................5598 Proposed Rules: 19....................................................5629 24....................................................5629 25....................................................5629 26....................................................5629 70....................................................5629 30 CFR 925...................................................5548 31 CFR 215...................................................5737 32 CFR Proposed Rules: 275...................................................5631 33 CFR 117...................................................5170 165.............................................5172, 5788 401...................................................5605 Proposed Rules: Ch. I.................................................5204 38 CFR Proposed Rules: 17....................................................5204 40 CFR 52..................................5172, 5174, 5607, 5791 Proposed Rules: 52..............................................5205, 5211 86....................................................5426 600...................................................5426 1604..................................................5799 45 CFR 1631..................................................5794 Proposed Rules: 2554..................................................5211 47 CFR 73....................................................5176 76....................................................5176 Proposed Rules: 64....................................................5221 50 CFR 223...................................................5178 229...................................................5180 Proposed Rules: 17....................................................5516 [[Page ii]] REMINDERS The items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid to Federal Register users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal significance. RULES GOING INTO EFFECT FEBRUARY 3, 2006 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant-related quarantine, domestic: Black stem rust; published 2-3-06 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine mammals: Commercial fishing authorizations-- Fisheries categorized according to frequency of incidental takes; 2005 list; published 1-4-06 Commercial fishing authorizations; incidental taking-- Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan; published 2-1-06 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States: California; published 1-4-06 FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Response programs for unauthorized access to customer information and customer notice; interagency guidance; correction; published 2-3-06 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Response programs for unauthorized access to customer information and customer notice; interagency guidance; correction; published 2-3-06 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Food and Drug Administration Animal drugs, feeds, and related products: Firocoxib paste; published 2-3-06 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Federal Aviation Administration Air carrier certification and operations: Maintenance recording requirements; published 1-4-06 Airworthiness directives: Airbus; published 12-30-05 Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER); published 12-30-05 Rolls-Royce Deutschland; published 12-30-05 Turbomeca S.A.; published 12-30-05 Noise standards: Single-engine propeller-driven small airplanes; noise stringency increase; published 1-4-06 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Comptroller of the Currency Response programs for unauthorized access to customer information and customer notice; interagency guidance; correction; published 2-3-06 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Currency and foreign transactions; financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements: USA PATRIOT Act; implementation-- Anti-money laundering programs; special due diligence programs for foreign accounts; published 1-4-06 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Thrift Supervision Office Response programs for unauthorized access to customer information and customer notice; interagency guidance; correction; published 2-3-06 COMMENTS DUE NEXT WEEK AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Food Safety and Inspection Service Meat and poultry inspection: Nutrient content claims; definition of term healthy; comments due by 2-10-06; published 1-11-06 [FR 06-00268] COMMERCE DEPARTMENT National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fishery conservation and management: West Coast States and Western Pacific fisheries-- Pacific Coast groundfish; comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-7- 05 [FR 05-23735] Pacific Fishery Management Council; meetings; comments due by 2-8- 06; published 11-21-05 [FR 05-22992] DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Acquisition regulations: Carbon, alloy, and armor steel plate restriction; comments due by 2- 7-06; published 12-9-05 [FR 05-23723] Required sources of supply; comments due by 2-7-06; published 12-9-05 [FR 05-23724] Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): Inflation adjustment of acquisition-related thresholds; comments due by 2-10-06; published 12-12-05 [FR 05-16971] ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Air pollutants, hazardous; national emission standards: Dry cleaning facilities; perchloroethylene emission standards; comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-21-05 [FR 05-24071] Metal cans; surface coating; comments due by 2-6-06; published 1-6-06 [FR 06-00068] Air pollution; standards of performance for new stationary sources: Municipal waste combustion units, large; comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-19-05 [FR 05-23968] Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States: Maine; comments due by 2-6-06; published 1-5-06 [FR E5-08221] Michigan; comments due by 2-6-06; published 1-5-06 [FR E5-08316] Virginia; comments due by 2-6-06; published 1-6-06 [FR E6-00037] Pesticide programs: Risk assessments-- Azinphos-methyl; comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-7-05 [FR 05- 23719] Pesticides; tolerances in food, animal feeds, and raw agricultural commodities: Iodomethane; comments due by 2-6-06; published 1-6-06 [FR E6-00026] Polymers; molecular weight limitations removed; comments due by 2-6- 06; published 12-7-05 [FR 05-23667] Water programs: Oil pollution prevention; spill prevention, control and countermeasure plan requirements; amendments; comments due by 2- 10-06; published 12-12-05 [FR 05-23917] FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Common carrier services: Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service-- High-cost universal service support; comments due by 2-10-06; published 1-11-06 [FR 06-00159] Digital television stations; table of assignments: Digital television distributed transmission system technologies; comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-7-05 [FR 05-23658] Radio stations; table of assignments: Oklahoma; comments due by 2-6-06; published 1-4-06 [FR E5-08253] GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): Inflation adjustment of acquisition-related thresholds; comments due by 2-10-06; published 12-12-05 [FR 05-16971] HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Food and Drug Administration Food for human consumption: Food labeling-- Nutrient content claim ``lean'' expanded use; comments due by 2-8- 06; published 11-25-05 [FR 05-23293] Medical devices: Ear, nose and throat devices-- Tinnitus masker; comments due by 2-6-06; published 11-8-05 [FR 05- 22269] [[Page iii]] HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department Medicare and State healthcare programs; fraud and abuse: New safe harbors and special fraud alerts; comments due by 2-7-06; published 12-9-05 [FR 05-23624] HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT Coast Guard Drawbridge operations: New Jersey; comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-21-05 [FR E5-07632] Regattas and marine parades: Volvo Ocean Race (2005-2006); comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-8- 05 [FR 05-23753] INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered and threatened species: Critical habitat designations-- Canada lynx; comments due by 2-7-06; published 11-9-05 [FR 05- 22193] MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET OFFICE Federal Procurement Policy Office Acquisition regulations: Cost Accounting Standards Board-- Acquisition threshold changes; comments due by 2-10-06; published 12-12-05 [FR 05-23647] NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): Inflation adjustment of acquisition-related thresholds; comments due by 2-10-06; published 12-12-05 [FR 05-16971] NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION Truth in savings: Bounced-check or courtesy overdraft protection; comments due by 2-6- 06; published 12-8-05 [FR 05-23711] NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Production and utilization facilities; domestic licensing: Loss-of-coolant accident technical requirements; risk-informed changes; comments due by 2-6-06; published 11-7-05 [FR E5-06090] RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD Railroad Retirement Act and Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act: Reconsideration and appeals; video teleconferencing; comments due by 2-7-06; published 12-9-05 [FR 05-23607] Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act: Sickness benefits paid; electronic notification by railroad employers of settlements and final judgments; comments due by 2-7-06; published 12-9-05 [FR 05-23606] TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Federal Aviation Administration Air traffic operating and flight rules, etc.: Washington, DC, metropolitan special flight rules area; certain aircraft operations flight restrictions; comments due by 2-6-06; published 11-7-05 [FR 05-22261] Airworthiness directives: Boeing; comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-6-05 [FR 05-23601] Cirrus Design Corp.; comments due by 2-7-06; published 12-8-05 [FR 05-23772] Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica, S. A. (EMBRAER); comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-8-05 [FR 05-23656] Fokker; comments due by 2-10-06; published 12-12-05 [FR 05-23779] General Electric Co.; comments due by 2-10-06; published 12-12-05 [FR 05-23898] Hamilton Sundstrand; comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-8-05 [FR 05-23770] Standard instrument approach procedures; comments due by 2-10-06; published 12-12-05 [FR 05-23826] TREASURY DEPARTMENT Internal Revenue Service Income, estate and gift, excise taxes, and procedure and administration: Returns; filing time extension; comments due by 2-6-06; published 11- 7-05 [FR 05-21982] TREASURY DEPARTMENT Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Alcohol; viticultural area designations: Tracy Hills, San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties, CA; comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-7-05 [FR 05-23681] Alcoholic beverages: Labeling and advertising; use of word pure or its variants; comments due by 2-6-06; published 12-7-05 [FR 05-23680] __________________________________________________________ LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS __________________________________________________________ This is a continuing list of public bills from the current session of Congress which have become Federal laws. It may be used in conjunction with ``P L U S'' (Public Laws Update Service) on 202-741-6043. This list is also available online at register/laws.html. The text of laws is not published in the Federal Register but may be ordered in ``slip law'' (individual pamphlet) form from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (phone, 202-512- 1808). The text will also be made available on the Internet from GPO Access at plaws/. Some laws may not yet be available. H.R. 4340/P.L. 109-169 United States-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Jan. 11, 2006; 119 Stat. 3581) Last List January 12, 2006 __________________________________________________________ Public Laws Electronic Notification Service (PENS) __________________________________________________________ PENS is a free electronic mail notification service of newly enacted public laws. To subscribe, go to https:// Note: This service is strictly for E-mail notification of new laws. The text of laws is not available through this service. PENS cannot respond to specific inquiries sent to this address.
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