Proposed Modification of Restricted Areas R-3002A, B, C, D, E, and F; and Establishment of Restricted Area R-3002G; Fort Benning, GA, 4836-4839 [E6-1074]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 19 / Monday, January 30, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Alternative Methods of Compliance
(r) The Manager, Engine Certification
Office, has the authority to approve
alternative methods of compliance for this
AD if requested using the procedures found
in 14 CFR 39.19.
Related Information
(s) CAA Airworthiness Directive G–2004–
0027, dated November 19, 2004, and CAA
Airworthiness Directive G–2005–0003, dated
January 24, 2005, also address the subject of
this AD.
Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on
January 19, 2006.
Peter A. White,
Acting Manager, Engine and Propeller
Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. E6–1092 Filed 1–27–06; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 73
[Docket No. FAA–2006–23531; Airspace
Docket No. 04–ASO–14]
Comments Invited
RIN 2120–AA66
Proposed Modification of Restricted
Areas R–3002A, B, C, D, E, and F; and
Establishment of Restricted Area R–
3002G; Fort Benning, GA
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with PROPOSALS
SUMMARY: This action proposes to
modify the boundaries of the Restricted
Area R–3002 range complex at Fort
Benning, GA. The U.S. Army proposed
these modifications as a result of a land
exchange agreement between Fort
Benning and the City of Columbus, GA.
Specifically, the proposal would
eliminate restricted airspace over a
parcel of land that has been transferred
from the Army to the City of Columbus.
The proposal would also add new
restricted airspace over a parcel of land
to the south of the current restricted
area complex, that was ceded by the
City to the Army. In addition, a portion
of the southwest section of R–3002,
within the existing restricted airspace,
would be redesignated as a separate
restricted area, R–3002G, to better
accommodate instrument approach
procedures at Lawson Army Air Field
(AAF). The internal boundaries between
restricted area subdivisions would also
be realigned slightly to permit more
efficient scheduling and utilization of
the range complex. Finally, the names of
the controlling agency and using agency
for the restricted areas would be
changed to reflect their current titles.
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Comments must be received on
or before March 16, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Send comments on this
proposal to the Docket Management
System, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Room Plaza 401, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC
20590–0001. You must identify FAA
Docket Number FAA–2006–23531 and
Airspace Docket No. 04–ASO–14, at the
beginning of your comments. You may
also submit comments through the
Internet at
Comments on environmental and land
use aspects should be directed to: Chief
of Environmental Branch, Ft. Benning,
GA; (Mr. Patrick Chauvey, telephone:
Gallant, Airspace and Rules, Office of
System Operations Airspace and AIM,
Federal Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202)
Interested parties are invited to
participate in this proposed rulemaking
by submitting such written data, views,
or arguments as they may desire.
Comments that provide the factual basis
supporting the views and suggestions
presented are particularly helpful in
developing reasoned regulatory
decisions on the proposal. Comments
are specifically invited on the overall
regulatory, aeronautical, economic,
environmental, and energy-related
aspects of the proposal.
Communications should identify both
docket numbers (FAA Docket No. FAA–
2006–23531 and Airspace Docket No.
04–ASO–14) and be submitted in
triplicate to the Docket Management
System (see ADDRESSES section for
address and phone number). You may
also submit comments through the
Internet at
Commenters wishing the FAA to
acknowledge receipt of their comments
on this action must submit with those
comments a self-addressed, stamped
postcard on which the following
statement is made: ‘‘Comments to FAA
Docket No. FAA–2006–23531 and
Airspace Docket No. 04–ASO–14.’’ The
postcard will be date/time stamped and
returned to the commenter.
All communications received on or
before the specified closing date for
comments will be considered before
taking action on the proposed rule. The
proposal contained in this action may
be changed in light of comments
received. All comments submitted will
be available for examination in the
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public docket both before and after the
closing date for comments. A report
summarizing each substantive public
contact with FAA personnel concerned
with this rulemaking will be filed in the
Availability of NPRM’s
An electronic copy of this document
may be downloaded through the
Internet at Recently
published rulemaking documents can
also be accessed through the FAA’s Web
page at, or the
Federal Register’s Web page at https://
You may review the public docket
containing the proposal, any comments
received, and any final disposition in
person in the Dockets Office (see
ADDRESSES section for address and
phone number) between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays. An informal docket
may also be examined during normal
business hours at the office of the
Regional Air Traffic Division, Federal
Aviation Administration, 1701
Columbia Avenue, College Park, GA
Persons interested in being placed on
a mailing list for future NPRM’s should
contact the FAA’s Office of Rulemaking,
(202) 267–9677, for a copy of Advisory
Circular No. 11–2A, Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking Distribution System, which
describes the application procedure.
In the year 2000, a State and Federal
Land Exchange action was completed
whereby a portion of Fort Benning
Military Reservation land, in the
northwest section of the Restricted Area
R–3002 range complex, was transferred
by the Army to the City of Columbus,
GA. In addition, a parcel of City-owned
land located adjacent to, and south of,
the existing restricted areas was ceded
to Fort Benning for military use. As a
result of the land swap, the boundaries
of the R–3002 complex must be adjusted
to eliminate restricted airspace that
overlies the land ceded to the City of
Columbus, and add restricted airspace
over the land transferred by the City to
Fort Benning. With the transfer of land
to the City, there is no longer a
requirement for restricted airspace over
that section. Elimination of that section
of restricted airspace would enhance
safety for instrument flight rules (IFR)
and visual flight rules (VFR) aircraft
operations at the Columbus
Metropolitan Airport, Columbus, GA, by
moving the boundary of the restricted
area farther away from the airport. The
new restricted area over the land
transferred to Fort Benning would
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 19 / Monday, January 30, 2006 / Proposed Rules
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with PROPOSALS
enable the use of that land for military
activities currently conducted in the R–
3002 range complex and would offset
the elimination of restricted airspace in
the northwest section of the range.
In conjunction with the above, the
Army requested that the FAA establish
a separate subarea, R–3002G, within the
southwest section of the existing
restricted area complex. By designating
this existing section of restricted
airspace as a separate subarea (R–
3002G), the Army would be able to
release R–3002G when needed to better
accommodate aircraft flying instrument
approaches into Lawson AAF. This
would enhance the safety and efficiency
of operations at the airport. The Army
also requested a minor realignment of
the internal dividing line between
existing restricted subareas to permit
better scheduling and use of range
facilities. In addition, the names of the
controlling agency and the using agency
for the R–3002 complex would be
updated to reflect the current titles of
those agencies.
routine amendments are necessary to
keep them operationally current.
Therefore, this proposed regulation: (1)
Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’
under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not
a ‘‘significant rule’’ under Department of
Transportation (DOT) Regulatory
Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034;
February 26, 1979); and (3) does not
warrant preparation of a regulatory
evaluation as the anticipated impact is
so minimal. Since this is a routine
matter that will only affect air traffic
procedures and air navigation, it is
certified that this proposed rule, when
promulgated, will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities under the
criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
The Proposal
The FAA is proposing an amendment
to Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations
(14 CFR part 73) to amend the
boundaries of Restricted Areas R–
3002A, B, C, D, E, and F; redesignate the
southwest corner of existing restricted
airspace as a separate subarea titled R–
3002G; and change the name of the
controlling agency and using agency for
the Fort Benning restricted areas. The
boundary amendments include the
revocation of restricted airspace over
land ceded to the City of Columbus, GA,
in the northwest corner of the range;
and the establishment of new restricted
airspace over land ceded by the City to
Fort Benning to the south of existing
Restricted Areas R–3002A, B, and C. In
addition, the internal dividing lines
between restricted areas would be
realigned slightly to permit better
scheduling and utilization of the
complex. The FAA is also proposing to
change the name of the controlling
agency from ‘‘FAA, ATC Tower,
Columbus, GA,’’ to ‘‘FAA, Atlanta
TRACON,’’ and the name of the using
agency from ‘‘Commanding Officer, Fort
Benning, GA,’’ to ‘‘U.S. Army,
Commanding General, Infantry Center
and Fort Benning, GA.’’ These changes
are necessary to reflect the current titles
of the responsible agencies.
The coordinates for this airspace
action are based on North American
Datum of 1983.
The FAA has determined that this
proposed regulation only involves an
established body of technical
regulations for which frequent and
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 73
Airspace, Navigation (air).
VerDate Aug<31>2005
14:05 Jan 27, 2006
Jkt 208001
Environmental Review
This proposal will be subjected to the
appropriate environmental analysis in
accordance with FAA Order 1050.1E,
Environmental Impacts: Policies and
Procedures, prior to any FAA final
regulatory action.
The Proposed Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
proposes to amend 14 CFR part 73 as
1. The authority citation for part 73
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113,
40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–
1963 Comp., p. 389.
§ 73.30
2. § 73.30 is amended as follows:
R–3002A Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries,
Controlling agency, and Using agency and
substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32°31′12″ N.,
long. 84°50′11″ W.; to lat. 32°19′03″ N., long.
84°41′42″ W.; thence along the Central of
Georgia Railroad to lat. 32°19′09″ N., long.
84°42′27″ W.; to lat. 32°19′14″ N., long.
84°42′52″ W.; to lat. 32°19′23″ N., long.
84°43′18″ W.; to lat. 32°19′35″ N., long.
84°43′49″ W.; to lat. 32°19′43″ N., long.
84°44′29″ W.; to lat. 32°19′55″ N., long.
84°45′06″ W.; to lat. 32°20′13″ N., long.
84°45′54″ W.; to lat. 32°20′30″ N., long.
84°46′32″ W.; to lat. 32°20′53″ N., long.
84°46′55″ W.; to lat. 32°20′55″ N., long.
84°47′38″ W.; to lat. 32°15′25″ N., long.
84°47′32″ W.; to lat. 32°15′26″ N., long.
84°48′37″ W.; to lat. 32°15′17″ N., long.
84°48′37″ W.; thence along River Bend Road
to lat. 32°15′17″ N., long. 84°48′48″ W.; to lat.
32°15′06″ N., long. 84°49′08″ W.; to lat.
PO 00000
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32°14′48″ N., long. 84°49′26″ W.; to lat.
32°14′38″ N., long. 84°49′53″ W.; to lat.
32°14′32″ N., long. 84°50′15″ W.; to lat.
32°14′22″ N., long. 84°50′30″ W.; to lat.
32°14′12″ N., long. 84°50′36″ W.; to lat.
32°14′22″ N., long. 84°52′22″ W.; to lat.
32°15′07″ N., long. 84°52′21″ W.; to lat.
32°15′06″ N., long. 84°52′38″ W.; to lat,
32°15′33″ N., long. 84°52′37″ W.; to lat.
32°15′34″ N., long. 84°53′11″ W.; to lat.
32°20′15″ N., long. 84°58′36″ W.; thence
along Dixie Rd/First Division Rd to lat.
32°20′36″ N., long. 84°58′15″ W.; to lat.
32°20′53″ N., long. 84°57′55″ W.; to lat.
32°21′03″ N., long. 84°57′40″ W.; to lat.
32°21′11″ N., long. 84°57′24″ W.; to lat.
32°21′08″ N., long. 84°56′55″ W.; to lat.
32°21′13″ N., long. 84°56′04″ W.; to lat.
32°21′33″ N., long. 84°55′35″ W.; to lat.
32°21′50″ N., long. 84°55′16″ W.; to lat.
32°21′53″ N., long. 84°55′00″ W.; to lat.
32°22′06″ N., long. 84°54′41″ W.; to lat.
32°23′01″ N., long. 84°55′44″ W.; to lat.
32°24′48″ N., long. 84°52′52″ W.; to lat.
32°25′36″ N., long. 84°52′52″ W.; to lat.
32°25′44″ N., long. 84°53′30″ W.; to lat.
32°26′19″ N., long. 84°53′31″ W.; to lat.
32°26′20″ N., long. 84°53′54″ W.; to lat.
32°27′19″ N., long. 84°53′53″ W.; to lat.
32°27′17″ N., long. 84°52′10″ W.; to lat.
32°28′46″ N., long. 84°52′08″ W.; to lat.
32°28′44″ N., long. 84°50′47″ W.; to lat.
32°29′43″ N., long. 84°50′59″ W.; to lat.
32°30′35″ N., long. 84°50′50″ W.; to lat.
32°30′39″ N., long. 84°50′23″ W.; thence to
the point of beginning.
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding
General, Infantry Center and Fort Benning,
R–3002B Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries,
Controlling agency, and Using agency and
substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32°31′12″ N.,
long. 84°50′11″ W.; to lat. 32°19′03″ N., long.
84°41′42″ W.; thence along the Central of
Georgia Railroad to lat. 32°19′09″ N., long.
84°42′27″ W.; to lat. 32°19′14″ N., long.
84°42′52″ W.; to lat. 32°19′23″ N., long.
84°43′18″ W.; to lat. 32°19′35″ N., long.
84°43′49″ W.; to lat. 32°19′43″ N., long.
84°44′29″ W.; to lat. 32°19′55″ N., long.
84°45′06″ W.; to lat. 32°20′13″ N., long.
84°45′54″ W.; to lat. 32°20′30″ N., long.
84°46′32″ W.; to lat. 32°20′53″ N., long.
84°46′55″ W.; to lat. 32°20′55″ N., long.
84°47′38″ W.; to lat. 32°15′25″ N., long.
84°47′32″ W.; to lat. 32°15′26″ N., long.
84°48′37″ W.; to lat. 32°15′17″ N., long.
84°48′37″ W.; thence along River Bend Road
to lat. 32°15′17″ N., long. 84°48′48″ W.; to lat.
32°15′06″ N., long. 84°49′08″ W.; to lat.
32°14′48″ N., long. 84°49′26″ W.; to lat.
32°14′38″ N., long. 84°49′53″ W.; to lat.
32°14′32″ N., long. 84°50′15″ W.; to lat.
32°14′22″ N., long. 84°50′30″ W.; to lat.
32°14′12″ N., long. 84°50′36″ W.; to lat.
32°14′22″ N., long. 84°52′22″ W.; to lat.
32°15′07″ N., long. 84°52′21″ W.; to lat.
32°15′06″ N., long. 84°52′38″ W.; to lat,
32°15′33″ N., long. 84°52′37″ W.; to lat.
32°15′34″ N., long. 84°53′11″ W.; to lat.
32°20′15″ N., long. 84°58′36″ W.; thence
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 19 / Monday, January 30, 2006 / Proposed Rules
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with PROPOSALS
along Dixie Rd/First Division Rd to lat.
32°20′36″ N., long. 84°58′15″ W.; to lat.
32°20′53″ N., long. 84°57′55″ W.; to lat.
32°21′03″ N., long. 84°57′40″ W.; to lat.
32°21′11″ N., long. 84°57′24″ W.; to lat.
32°21′08″ N., long. 84°56′55″ W.; to lat.
32°21′13″ N., long. 84°56′04″ W.; to lat.
32°21′33″ N., long. 84°55′35″ W.; to lat.
32°21′50″ N., long. 84°55′16″ W.; to lat.
32°21′53″ N., long. 84°55′00″ W.; to lat.
32°22′06″ N., long. 84°54′41″ W.; to lat.
32°23′01″ N., long. 84°55′44″ W.; to lat.
32°24′48″ N., long. 84°52′52″ W.; to lat.
32°25′36″ N., long. 84°52′52″ W.; to lat.
32°25′44″ N., long. 84°53′30″ W.; to lat.
32°26′19″ N., long. 84°53′31″ W.; to lat.
32°26′20″ N., long. 84°53′54″ W.; to lat.
32°27′19″ N., long. 84°53′53″ W.; to lat.
32°27′17″ N., long. 84°52′10″ W.; to lat.
32°28′46″ N., long. 84°52′08″ W.; to lat.
32°28′44″ N., long. 84°50′47″ W.; to lat.
32°29′43″ N., long. 84°50′59″ W.; to lat.
32°30′35″ N., long. 84°50′50″ W.; to lat.
32°30′39″ N., long. 84°50′23″ W.; thence to
the point of beginning.
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding
General, Infantry Center and Fort Benning,
R–3002C Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries,
Controlling agency, and Using agency and
substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32°31′12″ N.,
long. 84°50′11″ W.; to lat. 32°19′03″ N., long.
84°41′42″ W.; thence along the Central of
Georgia Railroad to lat. 32°19′09″ N., long.
84°42′27″ W.; to lat. 32°19′14″ N., long.
84°42′52″ W.; to lat. 32°19′23″ N., long.
84°43′18″ W.; to lat. 32°19′35″ N., long.
84°43′49″ W.; to lat. 32°19′43″ N., long.
84°44′29″ W.; to lat. 32°19′55″ N., long.
84°45′06″ W.; to lat. 32°20′13″ N., long.
84°45′54″ W.; to lat. 32°20′30″ N., long.
84°46′32″ W.; to lat. 32°20′53″ N., long.
84°46′55″ W.; to lat. 32°20′55″ N., long.
84°47′38″ W.; to lat. 32°15′25″ N., long.
84°47′32″ W.; to lat. 32°15′26″ N., long.
84°48′37″ W.; to lat. 32°15′17″ N., long.
84°48′37″ W.; thence along River Bend Road
to lat. 32°15′17″ N., long. 84°48′48″ W.; to lat.
32°15′06″ N., long. 84°49′08″ W.; to lat.
32°14′48″ N., long. 84°49′26″ W.; to lat.
32°14′38″ N., long. 84°49′53″ W.; to lat.
32°14′32″ N., long. 84°50′15″ W.; to lat.
32°14′22″ N., long. 84°50′30″ W.; to lat.
32°14′12″ N., long. 84°50′36″ W.; to lat.
32°14′22″ N., long. 84°52′22″ W.; to lat.
32°15′07″ N., long. 84°52′21″ W.; to lat.
32°15′06″ N., long. 84°52′38″ W.; to lat,
32°15′33″ N., long. 84°52′37″ W.; to lat.
32°15′34″ N., long. 84°53′11″ W.; to lat.
32°20′15″ N., long. 84°58′36″ W.; thence
along Dixie Rd/First Division Rd to lat.
32°20′36″ N., long. 84°58′15″ W.; to lat.
32°20′53″ N., long. 84°57′55″ W.; to lat.
32°21′03″ N., long. 84°57′40″ W.; to lat.
32°21′11″ N., long. 84°57′24″ W.; to lat.
32°21′08″ N., long. 84°56′55″ W.; to lat.
32°21′13″ N., long. 84°56′04″ W.; to lat.
32°21′33″ N., long. 84°55′35″ W.; to lat.
32°21′50″ N., long. 84°55′16″ W.; to lat.
32°21′53″ N., long. 84°55′00″ W.; to lat.
32°22′06″ N., long. 84°54′41″ W.; to lat.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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32°23′01″ N., long. 84°55′44″ W.; to lat.
32°24′48″ N., long. 84°52′52″ W.; to lat.
32°25′36″ N., long. 84°52′52″ W.; to lat.
32°25′44″ N., long. 84°53′30″ W.; to lat.
32°26′19″ N., long. 84°53′31″ W.; to lat.
32°26′20″ N., long. 84°53′54″ W.; to lat.
32°27′19″ N., long. 84°53′53″ W.; to lat.
32°27′17″ N., long. 84°52′10″ W.; to lat.
32°28′46″ N., long. 84°52′08″ W.; to lat.
32°28′44″ N., long. 84°50′47″ W.; to lat.
32°29′43″ N., long. 84°50′59″ W.; to lat.
32°30′35″ N., long. 84°50′50″ W.; to lat.
32°30′39″ N., long. 84°50′23″ W.; thence to
the point of beginning.
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding
General, Infantry Center and Fort Benning,
R–3002D Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries,
Controlling agency, and Using agency and
substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32°31′12″ N.,
long. 84°50′11″ W.; to lat. 32°31′52″ N., long.
84°50′25″ W.; to lat. 32°33′05″ N., long.
84°45′27″ W.; thence along the Central of
Georgia Railroad to lat. 32°32′52″ N., long.
84°45′00″ W.; to lat. 32°32′43″ N., long.
84°44′08″ W.; to lat. 32°32′34″ N., long.
84°43′40″ W.; to lat. 32°32′22″ N., long.
84°43′13″ W.; to lat. 32°32′18″ N., long.
84°42′53″ W.; to lat. 32°32′08″ N., long.
84°42′38″ W.; to lat. 32°32′05″ N., long.
84°42′26″ W.; to lat. 32°32′11″ N., long.
84°42′12″ W.; to lat. 32°32′13″ N., long.
84°41′54″ W.; to lat. 32°32′10″ N., long.
84°41′38″ W.; to lat. 32°32′06″ N., long.
84°41′25″ W.; to lat. 32°32′08″ N., long.
84°41′17″ W.; to lat. 32°32′15″ N., long.
84°41′01″ W.; to lat. 32°32′20″ N., long.
84°40′56″ W.; to lat. 32°32′07″ N., long.
84°40′44″ W.; to lat. 32°31′06″ N., long.
84°41′43″ W.; to lat. 32°31′04″ N., long.
84°40′54″ W.; to lat. 32°32′04″ N., long.
84°38′16″ W.; to lat. 32°29′16″ N., long.
84°38′17″ W.; to lat. 32°29′10″ N., long.
84°39′25″ W.; to lat. 32°18′35″ N., long.
84°39′30″ W.; to lat. 32°18′23″ N., long.
84°41′09″ W.; to lat. 32°19′03″ N., long.
84°41′42″ W.; thence to the point of
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding
General, Infantry Center and Fort Benning,
R–3002E Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries,
Controlling agency, and Using agency and
substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32°31′12″ N.,
long. 84°50′11″ W.; to lat. 32°31′52″ N., long.
84°50′25″ W.; to lat. 32°33′05″ N., long.
84°45′27″ W.; thence along the Central of
Georgia Railroad to lat. 32°32′52″ N., long.
84°45′00″ W.; to lat. 32°32′43″ N., long.
84°44′08″ W.; to lat. 32°32′34″ N., long.
84°43′40″ W.; to lat. 32°32′22″ N., long.
84°43′13″ W.; to lat. 32°32′18″ N., long.
84°42′53″ W.; to lat. 32°32′08″ N., long.
84°42′38″ W.; to lat. 32°32′05″ N., long.
84°42′26″ W.; to lat. 32°32′11″ N., long.
84°42′12″ W.; to lat. 32°32′13″ N., long.
PO 00000
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84°41′54″ W.; to lat. 32°32′10″ N., long.
84°41′38″ W.; to lat. 32°32′06″ N., long.
84°41′25″ W.; to lat. 32°32′08″ N., long.
84°41′17″ W.; to lat. 32°32′15″ N., long.
84°41′01″ W.; to lat. 32°32′20″ N., long.
84°40′56″ W.; to lat. 32°32′07″ N., long.
84°40′44″ W.; to lat. 32°31′06″ N., long.
84°41′43″ W.; to lat. 32°31′04″ N., long.
84°40′54″ W.; to lat. 32°32′04″ N., long.
84°38′16″ W.; to lat. 32°29′16″ N., long.
84°38′17″ W.; to lat. 32°29′10″ N., long.
84°39′25″ W.; to lat. 32°18′35″ N., long.
84°39′30″ W.; to lat. 32°18′23″ N., long.
84°41′09″ W.; to lat. 32°19′03″ N., long.
84°41′42″ W.; thence to the point of
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding
General, Infantry Center and Fort Benning,
R–3002F Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries,
Controlling agency, and Using agency and
substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32°27′17″ N.,
long. 84°52′10″ W.; to lat. 32°28′46″ N., long.
84°52′08″ W.; to lat. 32°28′44″ N., long.
84°50′47″ W.; to lat. 32°29′43″ N., long.
84°50′59″ W.; to lat. 32°30′35″ N., long.
84°50′50″ W.; to lat. 32°30′39″ N., long.
84°50′23″ W.; to lat. 32°31′12″ N., long.
84°50′11″ W.; to lat. 32°31′52″ N., long.
84°50′25″ W.; to lat. 32°33′05″ N., long.
84°45′27″ W; thence along the Central of
Georgia Railroad to lat. 32°32′52″ N., long.
84°45′00″ W.; to lat. 32°32′43″ N., long.
84°44′08″ W.; to lat. 32°32′34″ N., long.
84°43′40″ W.; to lat. 32°32′22″ N., long.
84°43′13″ W.; to lat. 32°32′18″ N., long.
84°42′53″ W.; to lat. 32°32′08″ N., long.
84°42′38″ W.; to lat. 32°32′05″ N., long.
84°42′26″ W.; to lat. 32°32′11″ N., long.
84°42′12″ W.; to lat. 32°32′13″ N., long.
84°41′54″ W.; to lat. 32°32′10″ N., long.
84°41′38″ W.; to lat. 32°32′06″ N., long.
84°41′25″ W.; to lat. 32°32′08″ N., long.
84°41′17″ W.; to lat. 32°32′15″ N., long.
84°41′01″ W.; to lat. 32°32′20″ N., long.
84°40′56″ W.; to lat. 32°32′07″ N., long.
84°40′44″ W.; to lat. 32°31′06″ N., long.
84°41′43″ W.; to lat. 32°31′04″ N., long.
84°40′54″ W.; to lat. 32°32′04″ N., long.
84°38′16″ W.; to lat. 32°29′16″ N., long.
84°38′17″ W.; to lat. 32°29′10″ N., long.
84°39′25″ W.; to lat. 32°18′35″ N., long.
84°39′30″ W.; to lat. 32°18′23″ N., long.
84°41′09″ W.; to lat. 32°19′03″ N., long.
84°41′42″ W.; thence along the Central of
Georgia Railroad to lat. 32°19′09″ N., long.
84°42′27″ W.; to lat. 32°19′14″ N., long.
84°42′52″ W.; to lat. 32°19′23″ N., long.
84°43′18″ W.; to lat. 32°19′35″ N., long.
84°43′49″ W.; to lat. 32°19′43″ N., long.
84°44′29″ W.; to lat. 32°19′55″ N., long.
84°45′06″ W.; to lat. 32°20′13″ N., long.
84°45′54″ W.; to lat. 32°20′30″ N., long.
84°46′32″ W.; to lat. 32°20′53″ N., long.
84°46′55″ W.; to lat. 32°20′55″ N., long.
84°47′38″ W.; thence to the point of
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding
General, Infantry Center and Fort Benning,
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 19 / Monday, January 30, 2006 / Proposed Rules
R–3002G Fort Benning, GA [New]
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32°20′15″ N.,
long. 84°58′36″ W.; to lat. 32°15′34″ N., long.
84°53′11″ W.; to lat. 32°15′32″ N., long.
84°54′02″ W.; to lat. 32°15′04″ N., long.
84°55′24″ W.; to lat. 32°14′27″ N., long.
84°54′50″ W.; to lat. 32°14′25″ N., long.
84°56′53″ W.; to lat. 32°14′36″ N., long.
84°56′53″ W.; to lat. 32°14′38″ N., long.
84°57′56″ W.; to lat. 32°16′36″ N., long.
84°57′58″ W.; to lat. 32°16′36″ N., long.
84°58′35″ W.; to lat. 32°17′39″ N., long.
84°58′35″ W.; to lat. 32°17′40″ N., long.
84°58′54″ W.; thence to the point of
Designated altitudes. Surface to 14,000 feet
Time of designation. Intermittent, 0600–
0200 local time daily; other times by NOTAM
6 hours in advance.
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding
General, Infantry Center and Fort Benning,
Issued in Washington, DC on January 24,
Edith V. Parish,
Manager, Airspace and Rules.
[FR Doc. E6–1074 Filed 1–27–06; 8:45 am]
Food and Drug Administration
21 CFR Parts 73 and 101
[Docket No. 1998P–0724, formerly 98P–
RIN 0910–AF12
Listing of Color Additives Exempt
From Certification; Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Labeling: Cochineal Extract
and Carmine Declaration
Food and Drug Administration,
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with PROPOSALS
Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA, we) is proposing
to revise its requirements for cochineal
extract and carmine by requiring their
declaration on the label of all food and
cosmetic products that contain these
color additives. The proposed rule
responds to reports of severe allergic
reactions, including anaphylaxis, to
cochineal extract and carminecontaining food and cosmetics and
would allow consumers who are allergic
to these color additives to identify and
thus avoid products that contain these
color additives. This proposed action
also responds, in part, to a citizen
VerDate Aug<31>2005
14:05 Jan 27, 2006
Jkt 208001
petition submitted by the Center for
Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).
With regard to drug products, FDA
plans to initiate rulemaking to
implement the Food and Drug
Administration Modernization Act of
1997 (FDAMA) (Pub. L.105–115)
provisions that require declaration of
inactive ingredients for drugs. The
FDAMA provisions have already been
implemented for over-the-counter (OTC)
DATES: Submit written or electronic
comments by May 1, 2006. Please see
section VIII for the effective date of any
final rule that may publish based on this
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by Docket No.1998P–0724
and RIN number 0910–AF12, by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Submissions
Submit electronic comments in the
following ways:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Agency Web site: https://
Follow the instructions for submitting
comments on the agency Web site.
Written Submissions
Submit written submissions in the
following ways:
• FAX: 301–827–6870.
• Mail/Hand delivery/Courier [For
paper, disk, or CD–ROM submissions]:
Division of Dockets Management (HFA–
305), Food and Drug Administration,
5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville,
MD 20852.
To ensure more timely processing of
comments, FDA is no longer accepting
comments submitted to the agency by email. FDA encourages you to continue
to submit electronic comments by using
the Federal eRulemaking Portal or the
agency Web site, as described in the
Electronic Submissions portion of this
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
Docket No(s). and Regulatory
Information Number (RIN) (if a RIN has
been assigned) for this rulemaking. All
comments received may be posted
without change to
ohrms/dockets/default.htm, including
any personal information provided. For
detailed instructions on submitting
comments and additional information
on the rulemaking process, see the
‘‘Comments’’ heading of the
this document.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https://
PO 00000
Frm 00009
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
default.htm and insert the docket
number(s), found in brackets in the
heading of this document, into the
‘‘Search’’ box and follow the prompts
and/or go to the Division of Dockets
Management, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm.
1061, Rockville, MD 20852.
Mical E. Honigfort, Center for Food
Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS–
265), Food and Drug Administration,
5100 Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park,
MD 20740, 301–436–1278.
Table of Contents
I. Background
II. Description of Cochineal Extract and
A. Source and Identity of Cochineal Extract
and Carmine
B. Uses of Cochineal Extract and Carmine
III. Regulation of Cochineal Extract and
A. The Provisional List of 1960
B. Color Additive Approval of Carmine
C. Color Additive Approval of Cochineal
IV. Allergic Reactions to Cochineal Extract
and Carmine
A. Descriptions of Allergic Reactions
B. Adverse Reaction Reports in the
C. Adverse Reaction Reports in FDA Files
D. CSPI Citizen Petition
V. FDA Response to the Allergic Reaction
A. Evaluation of the Allergic Reaction
B. Options for Action
C. Tentative Conclusions
VI. FDA Response to the CSPI Petition
VII. FDA Proposed Action
A. Legal Authority
B. Food Labeling
C. Cosmetics Labeling
VIII. Proposed Effective Date
IX. Environmental Impact
X. Analysis of Impacts
A. Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis
B. Regulatory Alternatives
C. Small Entity Analysis
D. Unfunded Mandates
XI. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
XII. Federalism
XIII. Comments
XIV. References
I. Background
Cochineal extract is a color additive
that is currently permitted for use in
foods and drugs in the United States.
The related color additive carmine is
currently permitted for use in foods,
drugs, and cosmetics. FDA has listed
these color additives, and conditions for
their safe use, in part 73 of Title 21 of
the Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR
part 73).
Allergic reactions to cochineal extract
and/or carmine in a variety of foods
(grapefruit juice, the alcoholic beverage
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 19 (Monday, January 30, 2006)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 4836-4839]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-1074]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 73
[Docket No. FAA-2006-23531; Airspace Docket No. 04-ASO-14]
RIN 2120-AA66
Proposed Modification of Restricted Areas R-3002A, B, C, D, E,
and F; and Establishment of Restricted Area R-3002G; Fort Benning, GA
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: This action proposes to modify the boundaries of the
Restricted Area R-3002 range complex at Fort Benning, GA. The U.S. Army
proposed these modifications as a result of a land exchange agreement
between Fort Benning and the City of Columbus, GA. Specifically, the
proposal would eliminate restricted airspace over a parcel of land that
has been transferred from the Army to the City of Columbus. The
proposal would also add new restricted airspace over a parcel of land
to the south of the current restricted area complex, that was ceded by
the City to the Army. In addition, a portion of the southwest section
of R-3002, within the existing restricted airspace, would be
redesignated as a separate restricted area, R-3002G, to better
accommodate instrument approach procedures at Lawson Army Air Field
(AAF). The internal boundaries between restricted area subdivisions
would also be realigned slightly to permit more efficient scheduling
and utilization of the range complex. Finally, the names of the
controlling agency and using agency for the restricted areas would be
changed to reflect their current titles.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 16, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Send comments on this proposal to the Docket Management
System, U.S. Department of Transportation, Room Plaza 401, 400 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001. You must identify FAA Docket
Number FAA-2006-23531 and Airspace Docket No. 04-ASO-14, at the
beginning of your comments. You may also submit comments through the
Internet at Comments on environmental and land use
aspects should be directed to: Chief of Environmental Branch, Ft.
Benning, GA; (Mr. Patrick Chauvey, telephone: 706-545-4211).
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul Gallant, Airspace and Rules,
Office of System Operations Airspace and AIM, Federal Aviation
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591;
telephone: (202) 267-8783.
Comments Invited
Interested parties are invited to participate in this proposed
rulemaking by submitting such written data, views, or arguments as they
may desire. Comments that provide the factual basis supporting the
views and suggestions presented are particularly helpful in developing
reasoned regulatory decisions on the proposal. Comments are
specifically invited on the overall regulatory, aeronautical, economic,
environmental, and energy-related aspects of the proposal.
Communications should identify both docket numbers (FAA Docket No.
FAA-2006-23531 and Airspace Docket No. 04-ASO-14) and be submitted in
triplicate to the Docket Management System (see ADDRESSES section for
address and phone number). You may also submit comments through the
Internet at
Commenters wishing the FAA to acknowledge receipt of their comments
on this action must submit with those comments a self-addressed,
stamped postcard on which the following statement is made: ``Comments
to FAA Docket No. FAA-2006-23531 and Airspace Docket No. 04-ASO-14.''
The postcard will be date/time stamped and returned to the commenter.
All communications received on or before the specified closing date
for comments will be considered before taking action on the proposed
rule. The proposal contained in this action may be changed in light of
comments received. All comments submitted will be available for
examination in the public docket both before and after the closing date
for comments. A report summarizing each substantive public contact with
FAA personnel concerned with this rulemaking will be filed in the
Availability of NPRM's
An electronic copy of this document may be downloaded through the
Internet at Recently published rulemaking documents
can also be accessed through the FAA's Web page at,
or the Federal Register's Web page at
You may review the public docket containing the proposal, any
comments received, and any final disposition in person in the Dockets
Office (see ADDRESSES section for address and phone number) between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. An
informal docket may also be examined during normal business hours at
the office of the Regional Air Traffic Division, Federal Aviation
Administration, 1701 Columbia Avenue, College Park, GA 30337.
Persons interested in being placed on a mailing list for future
NPRM's should contact the FAA's Office of Rulemaking, (202) 267-9677,
for a copy of Advisory Circular No. 11-2A, Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking Distribution System, which describes the application
In the year 2000, a State and Federal Land Exchange action was
completed whereby a portion of Fort Benning Military Reservation land,
in the northwest section of the Restricted Area R-3002 range complex,
was transferred by the Army to the City of Columbus, GA. In addition, a
parcel of City-owned land located adjacent to, and south of, the
existing restricted areas was ceded to Fort Benning for military use.
As a result of the land swap, the boundaries of the R-3002 complex must
be adjusted to eliminate restricted airspace that overlies the land
ceded to the City of Columbus, and add restricted airspace over the
land transferred by the City to Fort Benning. With the transfer of land
to the City, there is no longer a requirement for restricted airspace
over that section. Elimination of that section of restricted airspace
would enhance safety for instrument flight rules (IFR) and visual
flight rules (VFR) aircraft operations at the Columbus Metropolitan
Airport, Columbus, GA, by moving the boundary of the restricted area
farther away from the airport. The new restricted area over the land
transferred to Fort Benning would
[[Page 4837]]
enable the use of that land for military activities currently conducted
in the R-3002 range complex and would offset the elimination of
restricted airspace in the northwest section of the range.
In conjunction with the above, the Army requested that the FAA
establish a separate subarea, R-3002G, within the southwest section of
the existing restricted area complex. By designating this existing
section of restricted airspace as a separate subarea (R-3002G), the
Army would be able to release R-3002G when needed to better accommodate
aircraft flying instrument approaches into Lawson AAF. This would
enhance the safety and efficiency of operations at the airport. The
Army also requested a minor realignment of the internal dividing line
between existing restricted subareas to permit better scheduling and
use of range facilities. In addition, the names of the controlling
agency and the using agency for the R-3002 complex would be updated to
reflect the current titles of those agencies.
The Proposal
The FAA is proposing an amendment to Title 14 Code of Federal
Regulations (14 CFR part 73) to amend the boundaries of Restricted
Areas R-3002A, B, C, D, E, and F; redesignate the southwest corner of
existing restricted airspace as a separate subarea titled R-3002G; and
change the name of the controlling agency and using agency for the Fort
Benning restricted areas. The boundary amendments include the
revocation of restricted airspace over land ceded to the City of
Columbus, GA, in the northwest corner of the range; and the
establishment of new restricted airspace over land ceded by the City to
Fort Benning to the south of existing Restricted Areas R-3002A, B, and
C. In addition, the internal dividing lines between restricted areas
would be realigned slightly to permit better scheduling and utilization
of the complex. The FAA is also proposing to change the name of the
controlling agency from ``FAA, ATC Tower, Columbus, GA,'' to ``FAA,
Atlanta TRACON,'' and the name of the using agency from ``Commanding
Officer, Fort Benning, GA,'' to ``U.S. Army, Commanding General,
Infantry Center and Fort Benning, GA.'' These changes are necessary to
reflect the current titles of the responsible agencies.
The coordinates for this airspace action are based on North
American Datum of 1983.
The FAA has determined that this proposed regulation only involves
an established body of technical regulations for which frequent and
routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current.
Therefore, this proposed regulation: (1) Is not a ``significant
regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a
``significant rule'' under Department of Transportation (DOT)
Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979);
and (3) does not warrant preparation of a regulatory evaluation as the
anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that
will only affect air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is
certified that this proposed rule, when promulgated, will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
Environmental Review
This proposal will be subjected to the appropriate environmental
analysis in accordance with FAA Order 1050.1E, Environmental Impacts:
Policies and Procedures, prior to any FAA final regulatory action.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 73
Airspace, Navigation (air).
The Proposed Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation
Administration proposes to amend 14 CFR part 73 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 73 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24
FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389.
Sec. 73.30 [Amended]
2. Sec. 73.30 is amended as follows:
* * * * *
R-3002A Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries, Controlling agency, and
Using agency and substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32[deg]31'12'' N., long.
84[deg]50'11'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'03'' N., long. 84[deg]41'42''
W.; thence along the Central of Georgia Railroad to lat.
32[deg]19'09'' N., long. 84[deg]42'27'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'14''
N., long. 84[deg]42'52'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'23'' N., long.
84[deg]43'18'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'35'' N., long. 84[deg]43'49''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'43'' N., long. 84[deg]44'29'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]19'55'' N., long. 84[deg]45'06'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'13''
N., long. 84[deg]45'54'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'30'' N., long.
84[deg]46'32'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'53'' N., long. 84[deg]46'55''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'55'' N., long. 84[deg]47'38'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]15'25'' N., long. 84[deg]47'32'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'26''
N., long. 84[deg]48'37'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'17'' N., long.
84[deg]48'37'' W.; thence along River Bend Road to lat.
32[deg]15'17'' N., long. 84[deg]48'48'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'06''
N., long. 84[deg]49'08'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'48'' N., long.
84[deg]49'26'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'38'' N., long. 84[deg]49'53''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'32'' N., long. 84[deg]50'15'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]14'22'' N., long. 84[deg]50'30'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'12''
N., long. 84[deg]50'36'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'22'' N., long.
84[deg]52'22'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'07'' N., long. 84[deg]52'21''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'06'' N., long. 84[deg]52'38'' W.; to lat,
32[deg]15'33'' N., long. 84[deg]52'37'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'34''
N., long. 84[deg]53'11'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'15'' N., long.
84[deg]58'36'' W.; thence along Dixie Rd/First Division Rd to lat.
32[deg]20'36'' N., long. 84[deg]58'15'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'53''
N., long. 84[deg]57'55'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'03'' N., long.
84[deg]57'40'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'11'' N., long. 84[deg]57'24''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'08'' N., long. 84[deg]56'55'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]21'13'' N., long. 84[deg]56'04'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'33''
N., long. 84[deg]55'35'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'50'' N., long.
84[deg]55'16'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'53'' N., long. 84[deg]55'00''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]22'06'' N., long. 84[deg]54'41'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]23'01'' N., long. 84[deg]55'44'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]24'48''
N., long. 84[deg]52'52'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]25'36'' N., long.
84[deg]52'52'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]25'44'' N., long. 84[deg]53'30''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]26'19'' N., long. 84[deg]53'31'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]26'20'' N., long. 84[deg]53'54'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]27'19''
N., long. 84[deg]53'53'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]27'17'' N., long.
84[deg]52'10'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]28'46'' N., long. 84[deg]52'08''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]28'44'' N., long. 84[deg]50'47'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]29'43'' N., long. 84[deg]50'59'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]30'35''
N., long. 84[deg]50'50'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]30'39'' N., long.
84[deg]50'23'' W.; thence to the point of beginning.
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta TRACON.
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding General, Infantry Center and
Fort Benning, GA.
R-3002B Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries, Controlling agency, and
Using agency and substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32[deg]31'12'' N., long.
84[deg]50'11'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'03'' N., long. 84[deg]41'42''
W.; thence along the Central of Georgia Railroad to lat.
32[deg]19'09'' N., long. 84[deg]42'27'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'14''
N., long. 84[deg]42'52'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'23'' N., long.
84[deg]43'18'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'35'' N., long. 84[deg]43'49''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'43'' N., long. 84[deg]44'29'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]19'55'' N., long. 84[deg]45'06'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'13''
N., long. 84[deg]45'54'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'30'' N., long.
84[deg]46'32'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'53'' N., long. 84[deg]46'55''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'55'' N., long. 84[deg]47'38'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]15'25'' N., long. 84[deg]47'32'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'26''
N., long. 84[deg]48'37'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'17'' N., long.
84[deg]48'37'' W.; thence along River Bend Road to lat.
32[deg]15'17'' N., long. 84[deg]48'48'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'06''
N., long. 84[deg]49'08'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'48'' N., long.
84[deg]49'26'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'38'' N., long. 84[deg]49'53''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'32'' N., long. 84[deg]50'15'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]14'22'' N., long. 84[deg]50'30'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'12''
N., long. 84[deg]50'36'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'22'' N., long.
84[deg]52'22'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'07'' N., long. 84[deg]52'21''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'06'' N., long. 84[deg]52'38'' W.; to lat,
32[deg]15'33'' N., long. 84[deg]52'37'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'34''
N., long. 84[deg]53'11'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'15'' N., long.
84[deg]58'36'' W.; thence
[[Page 4838]]
along Dixie Rd/First Division Rd to lat. 32[deg]20'36'' N., long.
84[deg]58'15'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'53'' N., long. 84[deg]57'55''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'03'' N., long. 84[deg]57'40'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]21'11'' N., long. 84[deg]57'24'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'08''
N., long. 84[deg]56'55'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'13'' N., long.
84[deg]56'04'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'33'' N., long. 84[deg]55'35''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'50'' N., long. 84[deg]55'16'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]21'53'' N., long. 84[deg]55'00'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]22'06''
N., long. 84[deg]54'41'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]23'01'' N., long.
84[deg]55'44'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]24'48'' N., long. 84[deg]52'52''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]25'36'' N., long. 84[deg]52'52'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]25'44'' N., long. 84[deg]53'30'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]26'19''
N., long. 84[deg]53'31'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]26'20'' N., long.
84[deg]53'54'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]27'19'' N., long. 84[deg]53'53''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]27'17'' N., long. 84[deg]52'10'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]28'46'' N., long. 84[deg]52'08'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]28'44''
N., long. 84[deg]50'47'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]29'43'' N., long.
84[deg]50'59'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]30'35'' N., long. 84[deg]50'50''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]30'39'' N., long. 84[deg]50'23'' W.; thence to
the point of beginning.
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta TRACON.
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding General, Infantry Center and
Fort Benning, GA.
R-3002C Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries, Controlling agency, and
Using agency and substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32[deg]31'12'' N., long.
84[deg]50'11'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'03'' N., long. 84[deg]41'42''
W.; thence along the Central of Georgia Railroad to lat.
32[deg]19'09'' N., long. 84[deg]42'27'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'14''
N., long. 84[deg]42'52'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'23'' N., long.
84[deg]43'18'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'35'' N., long. 84[deg]43'49''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'43'' N., long. 84[deg]44'29'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]19'55'' N., long. 84[deg]45'06'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'13''
N., long. 84[deg]45'54'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'30'' N., long.
84[deg]46'32'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'53'' N., long. 84[deg]46'55''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'55'' N., long. 84[deg]47'38'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]15'25'' N., long. 84[deg]47'32'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'26''
N., long. 84[deg]48'37'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'17'' N., long.
84[deg]48'37'' W.; thence along River Bend Road to lat.
32[deg]15'17'' N., long. 84[deg]48'48'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'06''
N., long. 84[deg]49'08'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'48'' N., long.
84[deg]49'26'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'38'' N., long. 84[deg]49'53''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'32'' N., long. 84[deg]50'15'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]14'22'' N., long. 84[deg]50'30'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'12''
N., long. 84[deg]50'36'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'22'' N., long.
84[deg]52'22'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'07'' N., long. 84[deg]52'21''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'06'' N., long. 84[deg]52'38'' W.; to lat,
32[deg]15'33'' N., long. 84[deg]52'37'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'34''
N., long. 84[deg]53'11'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'15'' N., long.
84[deg]58'36'' W.; thence along Dixie Rd/First Division Rd to lat.
32[deg]20'36'' N., long. 84[deg]58'15'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'53''
N., long. 84[deg]57'55'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'03'' N., long.
84[deg]57'40'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'11'' N., long. 84[deg]57'24''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'08'' N., long. 84[deg]56'55'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]21'13'' N., long. 84[deg]56'04'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'33''
N., long. 84[deg]55'35'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'50'' N., long.
84[deg]55'16'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]21'53'' N., long. 84[deg]55'00''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]22'06'' N., long. 84[deg]54'41'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]23'01'' N., long. 84[deg]55'44'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]24'48''
N., long. 84[deg]52'52'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]25'36'' N., long.
84[deg]52'52'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]25'44'' N., long. 84[deg]53'30''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]26'19'' N., long. 84[deg]53'31'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]26'20'' N., long. 84[deg]53'54'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]27'19''
N., long. 84[deg]53'53'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]27'17'' N., long.
84[deg]52'10'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]28'46'' N., long. 84[deg]52'08''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]28'44'' N., long. 84[deg]50'47'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]29'43'' N., long. 84[deg]50'59'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]30'35''
N., long. 84[deg]50'50'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]30'39'' N., long.
84[deg]50'23'' W.; thence to the point of beginning.
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta TRACON.
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding General, Infantry Center and
Fort Benning, GA.
R-3002D Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries, Controlling agency, and
Using agency and substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32[deg]31'12'' N., long.
84[deg]50'11'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]31'52'' N., long. 84[deg]50'25''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]33'05'' N., long. 84[deg]45'27'' W.; thence along
the Central of Georgia Railroad to lat. 32[deg]32'52'' N., long.
84[deg]45'00'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'43'' N., long. 84[deg]44'08''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'34'' N., long. 84[deg]43'40'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]32'22'' N., long. 84[deg]43'13'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'18''
N., long. 84[deg]42'53'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'08'' N., long.
84[deg]42'38'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'05'' N., long. 84[deg]42'26''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'11'' N., long. 84[deg]42'12'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]32'13'' N., long. 84[deg]41'54'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'10''
N., long. 84[deg]41'38'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'06'' N., long.
84[deg]41'25'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'08'' N., long. 84[deg]41'17''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'15'' N., long. 84[deg]41'01'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]32'20'' N., long. 84[deg]40'56'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'07''
N., long. 84[deg]40'44'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]31'06'' N., long.
84[deg]41'43'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]31'04'' N., long. 84[deg]40'54''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'04'' N., long. 84[deg]38'16'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]29'16'' N., long. 84[deg]38'17'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]29'10''
N., long. 84[deg]39'25'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]18'35'' N., long.
84[deg]39'30'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]18'23'' N., long. 84[deg]41'09''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'03'' N., long. 84[deg]41'42'' W.; thence to
the point of beginning.
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta TRACON.
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding General, Infantry Center and
Fort Benning, GA.
R-3002E Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries, Controlling agency, and
Using agency and substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32[deg]31'12'' N., long.
84[deg]50'11'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]31'52'' N., long. 84[deg]50'25''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]33'05'' N., long. 84[deg]45'27'' W.; thence along
the Central of Georgia Railroad to lat. 32[deg]32'52'' N., long.
84[deg]45'00'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'43'' N., long. 84[deg]44'08''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'34'' N., long. 84[deg]43'40'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]32'22'' N., long. 84[deg]43'13'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'18''
N., long. 84[deg]42'53'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'08'' N., long.
84[deg]42'38'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'05'' N., long. 84[deg]42'26''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'11'' N., long. 84[deg]42'12'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]32'13'' N., long. 84[deg]41'54'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'10''
N., long. 84[deg]41'38'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'06'' N., long.
84[deg]41'25'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'08'' N., long. 84[deg]41'17''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'15'' N., long. 84[deg]41'01'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]32'20'' N., long. 84[deg]40'56'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'07''
N., long. 84[deg]40'44'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]31'06'' N., long.
84[deg]41'43'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]31'04'' N., long. 84[deg]40'54''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'04'' N., long. 84[deg]38'16'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]29'16'' N., long. 84[deg]38'17'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]29'10''
N., long. 84[deg]39'25'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]18'35'' N., long.
84[deg]39'30'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]18'23'' N., long. 84[deg]41'09''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'03'' N., long. 84[deg]41'42'' W.; thence to
the point of beginning.
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta TRACON.
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding General, Infantry Center and
Fort Benning, GA.
R-3002F Fort Benning, GA [Amended]
By removing the current Boundaries, Controlling agency, and
Using agency and substituting the following:
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32[deg]27'17'' N., long.
84[deg]52'10'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]28'46'' N., long. 84[deg]52'08''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]28'44'' N., long. 84[deg]50'47'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]29'43'' N., long. 84[deg]50'59'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]30'35''
N., long. 84[deg]50'50'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]30'39'' N., long.
84[deg]50'23'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]31'12'' N., long. 84[deg]50'11''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]31'52'' N., long. 84[deg]50'25'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]33'05'' N., long. 84[deg]45'27'' W; thence along the Central
of Georgia Railroad to lat. 32[deg]32'52'' N., long. 84[deg]45'00''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'43'' N., long. 84[deg]44'08'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]32'34'' N., long. 84[deg]43'40'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'22''
N., long. 84[deg]43'13'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'18'' N., long.
84[deg]42'53'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'08'' N., long. 84[deg]42'38''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'05'' N., long. 84[deg]42'26'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]32'11'' N., long. 84[deg]42'12'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'13''
N., long. 84[deg]41'54'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'10'' N., long.
84[deg]41'38'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'06'' N., long. 84[deg]41'25''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'08'' N., long. 84[deg]41'17'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]32'15'' N., long. 84[deg]41'01'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'20''
N., long. 84[deg]40'56'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]32'07'' N., long.
84[deg]40'44'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]31'06'' N., long. 84[deg]41'43''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]31'04'' N., long. 84[deg]40'54'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]32'04'' N., long. 84[deg]38'16'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]29'16''
N., long. 84[deg]38'17'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]29'10'' N., long.
84[deg]39'25'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]18'35'' N., long. 84[deg]39'30''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]18'23'' N., long. 84[deg]41'09'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]19'03'' N., long. 84[deg]41'42'' W.; thence along the Central
of Georgia Railroad to lat. 32[deg]19'09'' N., long. 84[deg]42'27''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'14'' N., long. 84[deg]42'52'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]19'23'' N., long. 84[deg]43'18'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'35''
N., long. 84[deg]43'49'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'43'' N., long.
84[deg]44'29'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]19'55'' N., long. 84[deg]45'06''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'13'' N., long. 84[deg]45'54'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]20'30'' N., long. 84[deg]46'32'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'53''
N., long. 84[deg]46'55'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]20'55'' N., long.
84[deg]47'38'' W.; thence to the point of beginning.
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta TRACON.
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding General, Infantry Center and
Fort Benning, GA.
[[Page 4839]]
R-3002G Fort Benning, GA [New]
Boundaries. Beginning at lat. 32[deg]20'15'' N., long.
84[deg]58'36'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'34'' N., long. 84[deg]53'11''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]15'32'' N., long. 84[deg]54'02'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]15'04'' N., long. 84[deg]55'24'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'27''
N., long. 84[deg]54'50'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'25'' N., long.
84[deg]56'53'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'36'' N., long. 84[deg]56'53''
W.; to lat. 32[deg]14'38'' N., long. 84[deg]57'56'' W.; to lat.
32[deg]16'36'' N., long. 84[deg]57'58'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]16'36''
N., long. 84[deg]58'35'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]17'39'' N., long.
84[deg]58'35'' W.; to lat. 32[deg]17'40'' N., long. 84[deg]58'54''
W.; thence to the point of beginning.
Designated altitudes. Surface to 14,000 feet MSL.
Time of designation. Intermittent, 0600-0200 local time daily;
other times by NOTAM 6 hours in advance.
Controlling agency. FAA, Atlanta TRACON.
Using agency. U.S. Army, Commanding General, Infantry Center and
Fort Benning, GA.
* * * * *
Issued in Washington, DC on January 24, 2006.
Edith V. Parish,
Manager, Airspace and Rules.
[FR Doc. E6-1074 Filed 1-27-06; 8:45 am]