General Aviation Summit; Notice of Public Meeting, 4631-4632 [E6-1021]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 18 / Friday, January 27, 2006 / Notices
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with NOTICES
IV. Commission’s Findings and Order
Granting Accelerated Approval of
Proposed Rule Change
After careful review, the Commission
finds that the proposed rule change, as
amended, is consistent with the
requirements of the Act and the rules
and regulations thereunder, applicable
to a national securities exchange.16 In
particular, the Commission believes that
the proposed rule change is consistent
with Section 6(b)(5) of the Act,17 which
requires among other things, that the
rules of the Exchange are designed to
promote just and equitable principles of
trade, to remove impediments to and
perfect the mechanism of a free and
open market and a national market
system, and, in general, to protect
investors and the public interest. The
Commission notes that the proposal
does not alter the obligations of Phlx XL
participants, except for the fact that it
will reduce specialists and Phlx XL
participants that receive directed orders
continuous quoting obligation from
100% of the series in each option in
which it is assigned to 99% of the series
in each option in which it is assigned.
The Commission notes that this
reduction should provide specialists
and Phlx XL participants that receive
directed orders a brief amount of time
to update their quotes after the Risk
Monitor Mechanism removes their
quotes from the Exchange’s
disseminated quotation. In addition, the
Commission believes that the proposed
rule change should provide Phlx XL
participants assistance in effectively
managing their quotations.
The Phlx has requested that the
Commission find good cause for
approving the proposed rule change
prior to the thirtieth day after
publication of notice thereof in the
Federal Register. The Commission notes
that similar proposals to provide
protection from risk for market makers
have been approved for other options
exchanges.18 The Commission believes
that granting accelerated approval of the
proposal should provide Phlx XL
participants with similar protections
from the risk associated with an
excessive number of near simultaneous
executions in a single options class.
Accordingly, the Commission finds
good cause, pursuant to Section 19(b)(2)
16 In approving this proposal, the Commission has
considered its impact on efficiency, competition,
and capital formation. 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
17 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
18 See Securities Exchange Act Release Nos.
51049 (January 18, 2005), 70 FR 3756 (January 26,
2005) (SR–BSE–2004–52); 51050 (January 18, 2005),
70 FR 3758 (January 26, 2005) (SR–ISE–2004–31);
and 51740 (May 25, 2005), 70 FR 32686 (June 3,
2005) (SR–PCX–2005–64).
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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of the Act,19 for approving the proposed
rule change, as amended, prior to the
thirtieth day after the date of
publication of notice thereof in the
Federal Register.
V. Conclusion
It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
Section 19(b)(2) of the Act,20 that the
proposed rule change (SR–Phlx–2006–
05) and Amendment No. 1 thereto be,
and hereby are, approved on an
accelerated basis.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
Nancy M. Morris,
[FR Doc. E6–1017 Filed 1–26–06; 8:45 am]
further information, including a list of
the exhibit objects, contact Julianne
Simpson, Attorney-Adviser, Office of
the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of
State (telephone: 202/453–8049). The
address is U.S. Department of State, SA–
44, 301 4th Street, SW., Room 700,
Washington, DC 20547–0001.
Dated: January 23, 2006.
C. Miller Crouch,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department
of State.
[FR Doc. 06–842 Filed 1–26–06; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
RIN 2120–AA64
General Aviation Summit; Notice of
Public Meeting
[Public Notice 5284]
Culturally Significant Objects Imported
for Exhibition Determinations: ‘‘Life in
the Pacific of the 1700s: The Cook/
Forster Collection of the George
August University of Gottingen’’
Notice is hereby given of the
following determinations: Pursuant to
the authority vested in me by the Act of
October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C.
2459), Executive Order 12047 of March
27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and
Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat.
2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et
seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of
October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority
No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as
amended, and Delegation of Authority
No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875],
I hereby determine that the objects to be
included in the exhibition ‘‘Life in the
Pacific of the 1700s: The Cook/Forster
Collection of the George August
University of Gottingen,’’ imported from
abroad for temporary exhibition within
the United States, are of cultural
significance. The objects are imported
pursuant to a loan agreement with the
foreign owner or custodian. I also
determine that the exhibition or display
of the exhibit objects at the Honolulu
Academy of Arts, Honolulu, HI, from on
or about February 23, 2006, until on or
about May 14, 2006, and at possible
additional venues yet to be determined,
is in the national interest. Public Notice
of these Determinations is ordered to be
published in the Federal Register.
19 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
21 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
20 15
PO 00000
Frm 00075
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of Public Meeting.
SUMMARY: This notice announces a
public meeting on the subject of the
continued airworthiness of the U.S.
general aviation fleet of aircraft. The
purpose of the meeting is to gather
information and discuss technical issues
related to problems associated with the
increasing average age of the general
aviation fleet. Particular emphasis will
be given to actions that have potential
to mitigate the inevitable effects of
fatigue, corrosion, and deterioration on
aging general aviation airplanes.
DATES: The public meeting will be held
March 22–23, 2006, starting at 8 a.m.
each day, in Kansas City, Missouri.
Registration will begin at 8 a.m. on the
first day of the meeting.
ADDRESSES: The public meeting will be
held at the following location:
Doubletree Hotel Overland Park, 10100
College Blvd., Overland Park, Kansas,
United States, 66210.
Persons who are unable to attend the
meeting may mail their comments to:
Federal Aviation Administration,
(FAA), Central Region, Small Airplane
Directorate, Attention: Mr. Marv Nuss,
901 Locust, Room 301, Kansas City,
Missouri 64106. Written comments
regarding the subject of this meeting
will receive the same consideration as
statements made at the public meeting.
Marv Nuss, 901 Locust, Room 301,
Kansas City, Missouri 64106; telephone:
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 18 / Friday, January 27, 2006 / Notices
(816) 329–4117; facsimile: (816) 329–
4090; e-mail:
Participation at the Public Meeting
Submit requests to present a
statement at the public meeting to Mr.
Marv Nuss as listed in the section titled
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with NOTICES
above. The FAA should receive your
requests to present oral statements at the
public meeting no later than 10 days
prior to the meeting. Include a written
summary of oral remarks you would like
to present and the estimated time
needed for your presentation. Requests
received after the date specified above
will be scheduled during the meeting if
time allows; however, the names of
those individuals may not appear on the
written agenda. The FAA will prepare
an agenda of speakers available at the
meeting. To accommodate as many
speakers as possible, the amount of time
allocated to each speaker may be less
than the amount of time requested.
Those persons desiring to have
audiovisual equipment available should
notify the FAA when they request
placement on the agenda.
The average airplane in the general
aviation fleet of the United States is
approximately 35 years old. We expect
the average age to continue to rise. By
the year 2020, the average general
aviation airplane will be almost 50 years
old. In 1991, Congress mandated that
the FAA establish an Aging Aircraft
Program to focus on age-related
structural problems for the air carrier
fleet. Congress specifically excluded
general aviation (GA) aircraft from the
mandate. However, the FAA determined
that as the GA fleet gets older, there is
also concern about ensuring the
continued airworthiness of these
airplanes. The diversity of the fleet
makes dealing with continued
airworthiness difficult. The wide variety
of designs and uses poses problems
unique to GA.
In 2000, the FAA held a public
meeting on this subject. Ideas were
exchanged and FAA worked with
industry to institute several initiatives.
However, since that meeting there have
been GA fatal accidents caused by the
effects of airplane aging. There have also
been primary component failures
caused by the effects of airplane aging
that were discovered before catastrophic
failure. The FAA is taking a more
proactive role in managing the risk
associated with continued
airworthiness. The FAA is concerned
about issues such as service difficulty
experiences and reporting, modification
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:17 Jan 26, 2006
Jkt 208001
and inspection programs, and continued
field support from type certificate
The FAA has determined that in the
interest of the public we should hold a
public meeting on this subject to share
information and gather additional data.
Accordingly, the FAA will conduct this
public meeting in Kansas City, Missouri.
The FAA anticipates that the agency,
industry, and the general public will use
the public meeting as a forum to share
information, resolve questions, and
discuss potential solutions concerning
the continued airworthiness of older
general aviation airplanes.
Public Meeting Procedures
The FAA has established the
following procedures for this meeting:
1. Admission and participation in the
public meeting are free. The meeting
will be open to all persons who have
requested in advance to present
statements or who register on the first
day of the meeting (between 8 a.m. and
8:30 a.m.). Time availability for
presentations and seating will be made
according to the order of reservation.
2. Representatives from the FAA will
conduct the public meeting. A technical
panel of FAA personnel will discuss
information presented by participants.
3. The public meeting is intended as
a forum to share information and
resolve questions concerning the
continued airworthiness of older general
aviation airplanes. Those sharing
information will include industry, the
general public, and operators of general
aviation aircraft. Participants must limit
their presentations to the issue of
continued airworthiness of older general
aviation airplanes.
4. All interested parties will have the
opportunity to present any additional
information not currently available to
the FAA. The FAA will then have the
opportunity to explain the methodology
and technical assumptions supporting
its current observations.
5. FAA personnel, industry, and
public participants may engage in a full
discussion of all technical material
presented at the meeting. Anyone
presenting conclusions will be expected
to submit their supporting data to the
6. The FAA will try to accommodate
all speakers. Time may be limited for
each presentation.
7. Sign and oral interpretations will
be made available at the meeting,
including assistive listening devices, if
requested 15 calendar days before the
8. A court reporter will record the
meeting (except for any breakout
sessions). Any person interested in
PO 00000
Frm 00076
Fmt 4703
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purchasing a copy of the transcript
should contact the court reporter
directly. This information will be
available at the meeting.
9. The FAA will review and consider
all material presented by participants at
the public meeting. Position papers or
material presenting views or
information related to the subject of the
meeting may be accepted at the
discretion of the presiding officer. The
FAA requests that persons participating
in the meeting provide 10 copies of all
materials to be presented for
distribution to the panel members; other
copies may be provided to the audience
at the discretion of the participant.
10. Statements made by FAA
personnel are intended to facilitate
discussion of the issues or to clarify
11. The meeting is designed to share
information and solicit public views
and additional information. The
meeting will be conducted in an
informal and nonadversarial manner.
Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on January
18, 2006.
David R. Showers,
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. E6–1021 Filed 1–26–06; 8:45 am]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
[Docket No. FMCSA–2005–22727]
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption
Applications; Vision
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of final disposition.
SUMMARY: FMCSA announces its
decision to exempt 22 individuals from
the vision requirement in the Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
(FMCSRs). The exemptions will enable
these individuals to qualify as drivers of
commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in
interstate commerce without meeting
the vision standard prescribed in 49
CFR 391.41 (b)(10).
DATES: The exemptions are effective
January 27, 2006.
Mary D. Gunnels, Chief, Physical
Qualifications Division, (202) 366–4001,, FMCSA,
Department of Transportation, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC
20590–0001. Office hours are from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m., e.t., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 18 (Friday, January 27, 2006)]
[Pages 4631-4632]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-1021]
Federal Aviation Administration
RIN 2120-AA64
General Aviation Summit; Notice of Public Meeting
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of Public Meeting.
SUMMARY: This notice announces a public meeting on the subject of the
continued airworthiness of the U.S. general aviation fleet of aircraft.
The purpose of the meeting is to gather information and discuss
technical issues related to problems associated with the increasing
average age of the general aviation fleet. Particular emphasis will be
given to actions that have potential to mitigate the inevitable effects
of fatigue, corrosion, and deterioration on aging general aviation
DATES: The public meeting will be held March 22-23, 2006, starting at 8
a.m. each day, in Kansas City, Missouri. Registration will begin at 8
a.m. on the first day of the meeting.
ADDRESSES: The public meeting will be held at the following location:
Doubletree Hotel Overland Park, 10100 College Blvd., Overland Park,
Kansas, United States, 66210.
Persons who are unable to attend the meeting may mail their
comments to: Federal Aviation Administration, (FAA), Central Region,
Small Airplane Directorate, Attention: Mr. Marv Nuss, 901 Locust, Room
301, Kansas City, Missouri 64106. Written comments regarding the
subject of this meeting will receive the same consideration as
statements made at the public meeting.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Marv Nuss, 901 Locust, Room 301,
Kansas City, Missouri 64106; telephone:
[[Page 4632]]
(816) 329-4117; facsimile: (816) 329-4090; e-mail:
Participation at the Public Meeting
Submit requests to present a statement at the public meeting to Mr.
Marv Nuss as listed in the section titled FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
CONTACT above. The FAA should receive your requests to present oral
statements at the public meeting no later than 10 days prior to the
meeting. Include a written summary of oral remarks you would like to
present and the estimated time needed for your presentation. Requests
received after the date specified above will be scheduled during the
meeting if time allows; however, the names of those individuals may not
appear on the written agenda. The FAA will prepare an agenda of
speakers available at the meeting. To accommodate as many speakers as
possible, the amount of time allocated to each speaker may be less than
the amount of time requested. Those persons desiring to have
audiovisual equipment available should notify the FAA when they request
placement on the agenda.
The average airplane in the general aviation fleet of the United
States is approximately 35 years old. We expect the average age to
continue to rise. By the year 2020, the average general aviation
airplane will be almost 50 years old. In 1991, Congress mandated that
the FAA establish an Aging Aircraft Program to focus on age-related
structural problems for the air carrier fleet. Congress specifically
excluded general aviation (GA) aircraft from the mandate. However, the
FAA determined that as the GA fleet gets older, there is also concern
about ensuring the continued airworthiness of these airplanes. The
diversity of the fleet makes dealing with continued airworthiness
difficult. The wide variety of designs and uses poses problems unique
to GA.
In 2000, the FAA held a public meeting on this subject. Ideas were
exchanged and FAA worked with industry to institute several
initiatives. However, since that meeting there have been GA fatal
accidents caused by the effects of airplane aging. There have also been
primary component failures caused by the effects of airplane aging that
were discovered before catastrophic failure. The FAA is taking a more
proactive role in managing the risk associated with continued
airworthiness. The FAA is concerned about issues such as service
difficulty experiences and reporting, modification and inspection
programs, and continued field support from type certificate holders.
The FAA has determined that in the interest of the public we should
hold a public meeting on this subject to share information and gather
additional data. Accordingly, the FAA will conduct this public meeting
in Kansas City, Missouri.
The FAA anticipates that the agency, industry, and the general
public will use the public meeting as a forum to share information,
resolve questions, and discuss potential solutions concerning the
continued airworthiness of older general aviation airplanes.
Public Meeting Procedures
The FAA has established the following procedures for this meeting:
1. Admission and participation in the public meeting are free. The
meeting will be open to all persons who have requested in advance to
present statements or who register on the first day of the meeting
(between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.). Time availability for presentations and
seating will be made according to the order of reservation.
2. Representatives from the FAA will conduct the public meeting. A
technical panel of FAA personnel will discuss information presented by
3. The public meeting is intended as a forum to share information
and resolve questions concerning the continued airworthiness of older
general aviation airplanes. Those sharing information will include
industry, the general public, and operators of general aviation
aircraft. Participants must limit their presentations to the issue of
continued airworthiness of older general aviation airplanes.
4. All interested parties will have the opportunity to present any
additional information not currently available to the FAA. The FAA will
then have the opportunity to explain the methodology and technical
assumptions supporting its current observations.
5. FAA personnel, industry, and public participants may engage in a
full discussion of all technical material presented at the meeting.
Anyone presenting conclusions will be expected to submit their
supporting data to the FAA.
6. The FAA will try to accommodate all speakers. Time may be
limited for each presentation.
7. Sign and oral interpretations will be made available at the
meeting, including assistive listening devices, if requested 15
calendar days before the meeting.
8. A court reporter will record the meeting (except for any
breakout sessions). Any person interested in purchasing a copy of the
transcript should contact the court reporter directly. This information
will be available at the meeting.
9. The FAA will review and consider all material presented by
participants at the public meeting. Position papers or material
presenting views or information related to the subject of the meeting
may be accepted at the discretion of the presiding officer. The FAA
requests that persons participating in the meeting provide 10 copies of
all materials to be presented for distribution to the panel members;
other copies may be provided to the audience at the discretion of the
10. Statements made by FAA personnel are intended to facilitate
discussion of the issues or to clarify issues.
11. The meeting is designed to share information and solicit public
views and additional information. The meeting will be conducted in an
informal and nonadversarial manner.
Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on January 18, 2006.
David R. Showers,
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification
[FR Doc. E6-1021 Filed 1-26-06; 8:45 am]