Auction of 800 MHz Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service Licenses, 3513-3518 [06-664]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 14 / Monday, January 23, 2006 / Notices
assist you and others in determining
whether this action might apply to
certain entities. If you have any
questions regarding the applicability of
this action to a particular entity, consult
the person listed under FOR FURTHER
erjones on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
B. What Should I Consider as I Prepare
My Comments for EPA?
1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this
information to EPA through or e-mail. Clearly
mark the part or all of the information
that you claim to be CBI. For CBI
information in a disk or CD ROM that
you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the
disk or CD ROM as CBI and then
identify electronically within the disk or
CD ROM the specific information that is
claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that
includes information claimed as CBI, a
copy of the comment that does not
contain the information claimed as CBI
must be submitted for inclusion in the
public docket. Information so marked
will not be disclosed except in
accordance with procedures set forth in
40 CFR part 2.
2. Tips for preparing your comments.
When submitting comments, remember
• Identify this document by docket ID
number and other identifying
information (subject heading, Federal
Register date and page number).
• Follow directions. The Agency may
ask you to respond to specific questions
or organize comments by referencing a
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part
or section number.
• Explain why you agree or disagree;
suggest alternatives and substitute
language for your requested changes.
• Describe any assumptions and
provide any technical information and/
or data that you used.
• If you estimate potential costs or
burdens, explain how you arrived at
your estimate in sufficient detail to
allow for it to be reproduced.
• Provide specific examples to
illustrate your concerns, and suggest
• Explain your views as clearly as
possible, avoiding the use of profanity
or personal threats.
• Make sure to submit your
comments by the comment period
deadline identified.
II. What Action is the Agency Taking?
EPA is printing a summary of a
pesticide petition received under
section 408 of the Federal Food, Drug,
and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C.
346a, proposing the establishment of an
exemption from the requirement of
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regulations in 40 CFR part 180 for
residues of C10–11 rich aromatic
hydrocarbon fluid (Aromatic 150 Fluid)
in or on food commodities when used
as an inert ingredient in pesticide
products. EPA has determined that the
pesticide petition contains data or
information regarding the elements set
forth in FFDCA section 408(d)(2);
however, EPA has not fully evaluated
the sufficiency of the submitted data at
this time or whether the data support
granting of the pesticide petition.
Additional data may be needed before
EPA rules on the pesticide petition.
Pursuant to 40 CFR 180.7(f), a
summary of the petition included in this
notice, prepared by the petitioner along
with a description of the analytical
method available for the detection and
measurement of the pesticide chemical
residues is available on EPA’s Electronic
Docket at
To locate this information on the home
page of EPA’s Electronic Docket, select
‘‘Quick Search’’ and type the OPP
docket ID number ‘‘EPA–HQ–OPP–
2005–0319’’ in the search field. Once
the search has located the docket,
clicking on the ‘‘Docket ID’’ will bring
up a list of all documents in the docket
for the pesticide including the petition
New Exemption from the Requirement
of a Tolerance
PP 5E6934. ExxonMobil Chemical
Company (ExxonMobil), Division of
Exxon Mobil Corporation, 13501 Katy
Freeway, Houston, TX 77079, proposes
to establish an exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance for residues
of C10–11 rich aromatic hydrocarbon
fluid (Aromatic 150 Fluid) in or on food
commodities when used as an inert
ingredient in pesticide products.
Because this petition is a request for a
tolerance exemption without numerical
limitations, no analytical method is
List of Subjects
Environmental protection,
Agricultural commodities, Feed
additives, Food additives, Pesticides
and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping
Dated: January 12, 2006.
Lois Rossi,
Director, Registration Division, Office of
Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 06–571 Filed 1–20–06; 8:45 am]
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[Report No. AUC–06–65–A (Auction No. 65);
DA 06–3]
Auction of 800 MHz Air-Ground
Radiotelephone Service Licenses
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This document announces the
auction of new nationwide commercial
Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service
licenses in the 800 MHz band (Auction
No. 65), scheduled to commence on
May 10, 2006. This document also seeks
comments on reserve prices or
minimum opening bids and other
procedures for Auction No. 65.
DATES: Comments are due on or before
January 31, 2006 and reply comments
are due on or before February 7, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Comments and reply
comments must be sent by electronic
mail to the following address:
legal questions: Brian Carter at (202)
418–0660. For general auction
questions: Jeff Crooks at (202) 418–0660.
For service rules questions: Erin
McGrath or Richard Arsenault (legal); or
Jay Jackson or Moslem Sawez
(technical) at (202) 418–0620.
summary of the Auction No. 65
Comment Public Notice released on
January 10, 2006. The complete text of
the Auction No. 65 Comment Public
Notice, including attachments and
related Commission documents is
available for public inspection and
copying from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Thursday or from 8
a.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Friday at the FCC
Reference Information Center, Portals II,
445 12th Street, SW., Room CY–A257,
Washington, DC 20554. The Auction No.
65 Comment Public Notice and related
Commission documents may also be
purchased from the Commission’s
duplicating contractor, Best Copy and
Printing, Inc. (BCPI), Portals II, 445 12th
Street, SW., Room CY-B402,
Washington, DC 20554, telephone 202–
488–5300, facsimile 202–488–5563, or
you may contact BCPI at its Web site: When
ordering documents from BCPI please
provide the appropriate FCC document
number for example, DA 06–3. The
Auction No. 65 Comment Public Notice
and related documents are also
available on the Internet at the
Commission’s Web site:
erjones on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 14 / Monday, January 23, 2006 / Notices
I. Licenses To Be Offered in Auction
No. 65
1. Alternative Band Configurations.
The Commission will auction licenses
in three alternative band configurations:
(1) Band Plan 1, comprised of two
overlapping, shared, cross-polarized 3
MHz licenses (Licenses A and B,
respectively), (2) Band Plan 2,
comprised of an exclusive 3 MHz
license and an exclusive 1 MHz license
(Licenses C and D, respectively), and (3)
Band Plan 3, comprised of an exclusive
1 MHz license and an exclusive 3 MHz
license (Licenses E and F, respectively),
with the blocks at opposite ends of the
band from Band Plan 2. Licenses in only
one of these mutually incompatible
band configurations will be awarded.
The band plan that receives the highest
aggregate bids in the auction will be
implemented, and licenses composing
that configuration will be awarded to
winning bidders subject to review of the
long-form license applications. Because
the three band configurations are
mutually incompatible, applications for
licenses in different band plans will be
mutually exclusive. The descriptions
and licenses available in Auction No. 65
are listed in Attachment A of the
Auction No. 65 Comment Public Notice.
2. Permissible Services. A new
licensee may provide any type of airground service (i.e., voice telephony,
broadband Internet, data, etc.) to aircraft
of any type, and serve any or all aviation
markets (commercial, government, and
general). A licensee must provide
service to aircraft. A new licensee may
not provide ancillary land mobile or
fixed services in the 800 MHz airground spectrum.
3. Eligibility Restriction. In order to
promote competition in the 800 MHz
air-ground band, the Commission has
prohibited any party from obtaining a
controlling interest, either at auction or
by a post-auction transaction, in new
licenses for more than three megahertz
of spectrum (either shared or exclusive)
in the band. No single party, therefore,
may hold more than one license in any
of the available band configurations.
4. International Coordination. To
promote interoperable communications
and to manage interference, some of the
ground station locations in North
America and channel block assignments
of the 800 MHz air-ground band have
been predetermined consistent with
bilateral agreements with Mexico and
with Canada. These agreements, which
provide for coordinated use of the 800
MHz air-ground frequencies over North
American airspace, are based on a
narrow bandwidth channel scheme, and
therefore may need to be renegotiated to
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provide for more flexible use of this
spectrum based on the band plan
configuration that is implemented as a
result of the auction.
5. Spectrum Sharing Plan. If Band
Plan 1, which is comprised of two
overlapping 3 MHz licenses, is
implemented, the new licensees will be
required to jointly file a spectrum
sharing and site selection plan with the
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
(Bureau) within six months of the initial
grant of their spectrum licenses, and
they will be required to notify the
Bureau of any changes to the plan. The
Bureau will issue a public notice prior
to the commencement of Auction No. 65
in which it will specify the filing
requirements for such a plan. This
approach will provide parties with
overlapping spectrum licenses
flexibility to configure their systems
without having to adhere to minimum
spacing requirements or site locations
predetermined by the Commission.
6. Incumbent Licensee. In the AirGround Order, the Commission granted
Verizon Airfone—the only incumbent
service provider in the 800 MHz airground band—a nonrenewable license
to operate in the band for five years.
This license will expire in May 2010.
Verizon Airfone must transition its
incumbent narrowband operations from
four to one megahertz of spectrum in the
band within two years of the initial
grant date of a new license in the band.
The Commission has directed the
Bureau to adopt reporting requirements
so that Airfone’s transition of its base
stations and its subscribers’ aircraft to
operations in one megahertz of the 800
MHz air-ground band may be
monitored. The Bureau will issue a
public notice enumerating such
requirements by February 6, 2006.
Airfone must file its initial transition
status report with the Commission six
months from the date of the grant of any
new license in the band and at each of
the three six-month intervals thereafter.
7. In addition, if Airfone, or an
affiliate of Airfone, wins an exclusive 3
MHz license at auction, the Bureau will
issue a public notice within 60 days of
the grant of such a license, which
requires the company to include in each
status report information regarding the
transition of its existing subscribers
from its narrowband system to a
broadband system and to file additional
status reports at six-month intervals
from the conclusion of the two-year
transition period until the expiration of
its five-year nonrenewable license.
II. Auction Procedures
8. Section 309(j)(3) of the
Communications Act of 1934, as
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amended, requires the Commission to
‘‘ensure that, in the scheduling of any
competitive bidding under this
subsection, an adequate period is
allowed * * * before issuance of
bidding rules, to permit notice and
comment on proposed auction
procedures * * *.’’ Consistent with the
provisions of section 309(j)(3) and to
ensure that potential bidders have
adequate time to familiarize themselves
with the specific rules that will govern
the day-to-day conduct of an auction,
the Commission directed the Bureau,
under its existing delegated authority, to
seek comment on a variety of auctionspecific procedures prior to the start of
each auction. The Bureau therefore
seeks comment on the following issues
relating to Auction No. 65.
A. Auction Structure
i. Simultaneous Multiple-Round
Auction Design
9. The Bureau proposes to conduct
Auction No. 65 as a simultaneous
multiple-round auction. As indicated
above, licenses will be offered in three
mutually incompatible band
configurations, and the band plan that
receives the highest aggregate bids in
the auction will be implemented. The
Bureau believes the simultaneous
multiple-round auction design is an
appropriate auction design given these
circumstances. This type of auction
offers every license for bid at the same
time and consists of successive bidding
rounds in which eligible bidders may
place bids on individual licenses.
Bidding remains open on all licenses
until bidding stops on every license.
The Bureau seeks comment on this
ii. Round Structure
10. The Commission will conduct
Auction No. 65 over the Internet.
Alternatively, telephonic bidding will
also be available. The toll-free telephone
number for telephonic bidding will be
provided to qualified bidders.
11. The simultaneous multiple-round
format will consist of sequential bidding
rounds, each followed by the release of
round results. The initial bidding
schedule will be announced in a public
notice to be released at least one week
before the start of the auction. Details on
viewing round results, including the
location and format of downloadable
round results files, will be included in
the same public notice.
12. The Bureau retains the discretion
to change the bidding schedule in order
to foster an auction pace that reasonably
balances speed with the bidders’ need to
study round results and adjust their
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 14 / Monday, January 23, 2006 / Notices
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bidding strategies. The Bureau may
increase or decrease the amount of time
for the bidding rounds and review
periods, or the number of rounds per
day, depending upon the bidding
activity level and other factors.
iii. Stopping Rule
13. The Bureau has discretion to
establish stopping rules before or during
multiple round auctions in order to
terminate the auction within a
reasonable time. For Auction No. 65, the
Bureau proposes to employ a
simultaneous stopping rule approach. A
simultaneous stopping rule means that
all licenses remain available for bidding
until bidding closes simultaneously on
all licenses.
14. Bidding will close simultaneously
on all licenses after the first round in
which no bidder submits any new bids
or applies a proactive waiver. Thus,
unless circumstances dictate otherwise,
bidding will remain open on all licenses
until bidding stops on every license.
15. However, the Bureau proposes to
retain the discretion to exercise any of
the following options during Auction
No. 65: (a) Use a modified version of the
simultaneous stopping rule. The
modified stopping rule would close the
auction for all licenses after the first
round in which no bidder applies a
waiver or submits any new bids on any
license for which it is not the
provisionally winning bidder. Thus,
absent any other bidding activity, a
bidder placing a new bid on a license
for which it is the provisionally winning
bidder would not keep the auction open
under this modified stopping rule; (b)
keep the auction open even if no bidder
submits any new bids or applies a
waiver. In this event, the effect will be
the same as if a bidder had applied a
waiver. The activity rule, therefore, will
apply as usual and a bidder with
insufficient activity will either lose
bidding eligibility or use a remaining
activity rule waiver; (c) declare that the
auction will end after a specified
number of additional rounds (special
stopping rule). If the Bureau invokes
this special stopping rule, it will accept
bids in the specified final round(s) after
which the auction will close.
16. The Bureau proposes to exercise
these options only in certain
circumstances, for example, where the
auction is proceeding very slowly, there
is minimal overall bidding activity, or it
appears likely that the auction will not
close within a reasonable period of time.
Before exercising these options, the
Bureau is likely to attempt to increase
the pace of the auction by, for example,
increasing the number of bidding
rounds per day and/or changing the
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minimum acceptable bid percentage.
The Bureau seeks comment on these
iv. Information Relating to Auction
Delay, Suspension, or Cancellation
17. For Auction No. 65, the Bureau
proposes that, by public notice or by
announcement during the auction, the
Bureau may delay, suspend, or cancel
the auction in the event of natural
disaster, technical obstacle, evidence of
an auction security breach, unlawful
bidding activity, administrative or
weather necessity, or for any other
reason that affects the fair and efficient
conduct of competitive bidding. In such
cases, the Bureau, in its sole discretion,
may elect to resume the auction starting
from the beginning of the current round,
resume the auction starting from some
previous round, or cancel the auction in
its entirety. Network interruption may
cause the Bureau to delay or suspend
the auction. The Bureau emphasizes
that exercise of this authority is solely
within the discretion of the Bureau, and
its use is not intended to be a substitute
for situations in which bidders may
wish to apply their activity rule waivers.
The Bureau seeks comment on this
B. Bidding Procedures
i. Upfront Payments and Bidding
18. The Bureau has delegated
authority and discretion to determine an
appropriate upfront payment for each
license being auctioned. A bidder’s
upfront payment is a refundable deposit
to establish eligibility to bid on licenses.
Upfront payments related to licenses for
the specific spectrum subject to auction
protect against frivolous or insincere
bidding and provide the Commission
with a source of funds from which to
collect payments owed at the close of
the auction. With these factors in mind
for Auction No. 65, we propose upfront
payments of $100,000 per license.
19. Consistent with the Bureau’s usual
practice, we further propose that the
amount of the upfront payment
submitted by a bidder will determine
the bidder’s bidding eligibility in
bidding units. For Auction No. 65, the
Bureau proposes to assign 100,000
bidding units per license. The number
of bidding units for a given license is
fixed and does not change during the
auction as prices change.
20. However, because the mutually
incompatible band configurations and
the three megahertz eligibility
restriction limit a bidder to winning
only a single license, the Bureau
proposes to permit a bidder with
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100,000 bidding units of eligibility to
bid or be active simultaneously on any
or all of the licenses it selected on its
FCC Form 175, rather than being limited
to activity on a single license with
100,000 bidding units as our usual
activity and eligibility rules would
require. That is, under the Bureau’s
proposal, an upfront payment of
$100,000 would give a bidder 100,000
bidding units of eligibility, which in
turn would permit the bidder to be
active on any or all of the licenses it
selected on its FCC Form 175, making
it unnecessary to acquire more than
100,000 bidding units of bidding
eligibility in order to bid or be active
simultaneously on more than one
21. The proposed upfront payment
and number of bidding units for each
license available in Auction No. 65 is
also set forth in Attachment A of the
Auction No. 65 Comment Public Notice.
The Bureau seeks comment on this
ii. Activity Rule
22. In order to ensure that an auction
closes within a reasonable period of
time, an activity rule requires bidders to
bid actively throughout the auction,
rather than wait until late in the auction
before participating. Bidders are
required to be active during each round
of the auction. If a bidder fails to
maintain the required activity level in a
round, it must use one of the limited
number of activity rule waivers allotted
to it in order to maintain its current
level of eligibility. In a typical FCC
auction, if the bidder has no activity
rule waivers remaining, its eligibility
will be reduced.
23. For Auction No. 65, the Bureau
proposes the following activity
requirement: in each round of the
auction, a bidder desiring to maintain
its eligibility to participate in the
auction is required to be active (place a
bid or hold the provisionally winning
bid) on at least one license. Under the
Bureau’s proposal for upfront payments
and bidding eligibility, a bidder must
have 100,000 bidding units of eligibility
to participate in the auction—i.e., to bid
on at least one license—and may hold
a maximum of 100,000 bidding units of
eligibility. Therefore, under the
Bureau’s proposal for this auction, any
reduction in a bidder’s eligibility will
effectively preclude the bidder from
further bidding in the auction. In other
words, failure to maintain the required
activity level will have the effect of
eliminating the bidder from further
bidding in the auction unless an activity
rule waiver is used.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 14 / Monday, January 23, 2006 / Notices
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24. The Bureau seeks comment on
these proposals. Commenters that
believe this activity rule should be
modified should explain their reasoning
and comment on the desirability of an
alternative approach. Commenters are
advised to support their claims with
analyses and suggested alternative
activity rules.
iii. Activity Rule Waivers
25. Use of an activity rule waiver
preserves the bidder’s eligibility despite
the bidder’s activity in the current
round being below the required
minimum level. An activity rule waiver
applies to an entire round of bidding
and not to a particular license. Activity
rule waivers can be either proactive or
automatic and are principally a
mechanism for auction participants to
avoid the loss of bidding eligibility in
the event that exigent circumstances
prevent them from placing a bid in a
particular round.
26. The FCC Auction System assumes
that a bidder that does not meet the
activity requirement would prefer to
apply an activity rule waiver (if
available) rather than lose bidding
eligibility, which in this auction would
have the effect of precluding the bidder
from further bidding in the auction.
Therefore, the system will automatically
apply a waiver at the end of any bidding
round in which a bidder fails to be
active (place a bid or hold the
provisionally winning bid) on at least
one license unless the bidder has no
activity rule waivers available. If a
bidder has no waivers remaining and
does not satisfy the required activity
requirement, it will no longer be
permitted to place bids in the auction.
27. A bidder may apply an activity
rule waiver proactively as a means to
keep the auction open without placing
a bid. If a bidder proactively applies an
activity rule waiver (using the ‘‘apply
waiver’’ function in the FCC Auction
System) during a bidding round in
which no bids are submitted, the
auction will remain open and the
bidder’s eligibility will be preserved. An
automatic waiver applied by the FCC
Auction System in a round in which
there are no new bids will not keep the
auction open. A bidder cannot submit a
proactive waiver after submitting a bid
in a round, and submitting a proactive
waiver will preclude a bidder from
placing any bids in that round.
Applying a waiver is irreversible; once
a proactive waiver is submitted, that
waiver cannot be unsubmitted, even if
the round has not yet closed.
28. The Bureau proposes that each
bidder in Auction No. 65 be provided
with three activity rule waivers that may
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be used at the bidder’s discretion during
the course of the auction as set forth
above. The Bureau seeks comment on
this proposal.
iv. Reserve Price or Minimum Opening
29. Section 309(j) calls upon the
Commission to prescribe methods for
establishing a reasonable reserve price
or a minimum opening bid amount
when FCC licenses are subject to
auction, unless the Commission
determines that a reserve price or
minimum opening bid amount is not in
the public interest. Consistent with this
mandate, the Commission has directed
the Bureau to seek comment on the use
of a minimum opening bid amount and/
or reserve price prior to the start of each
30. Normally, a reserve price is an
absolute minimum price below which
an item will not be sold in a given
auction. Reserve prices can be either
published or unpublished. A minimum
opening bid amount, on the other hand,
is the minimum bid price set at the
beginning of the auction below which
no bids are accepted. It is generally used
to accelerate the competitive bidding
process. The auctioneer, however, often
has the discretion to lower the
minimum opening bid amount during
the course of the auction. It is also
possible for the minimum opening bid
amount and the reserve price to be the
same amount.
31. In light of the distinctive features
of the Air-Ground Radiotelephone
Service and Section 309(j)’s
requirements for competitive bidding,
the Bureau proposes to set minimum
opening bids for each license and to
establish a published aggregate reserve
price for the entire band. The Bureau
believes a minimum opening bid
amount, which has been used in other
auctions, is an effective tool for
accelerating the competitive bidding
process. At the same time, given
uncertainty regarding the relative values
of the 800 MHz Air-Ground
Radiotelephone Service licenses, the
Bureau believes that it can best comply
with the Commission’s statutory
mandate to recover for the public a
portion of the value of the public
spectrum resource by establishing a
published reserve price for the entire
band. Under this proposal, if the sum of
the provisionally winning bids at the
close of bidding does not meet or exceed
the aggregate reserve price, the
Commission will cancel the auction and
no licenses will be awarded on the basis
of the bidding.
32. More specifically, for Auction No.
65, the Bureau proposed to set
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minimum opening bids on a license-bylicense basis as follows:
A and B ........
3 MHz (2
3 MHz ..........
1 MHz ..........
C and F ........
D and E ........
opening bid
33. The Bureau also proposes to
establish a published reserve price of
$5,000,000 for the entire band.
Attachment A of the Auction No. 65
Comment Public Notice also sets forth
the proposed minimum opening bids
and reserve price. The Bureau seeks
comment on this proposal.
34. If commenters believe that these
minimum opening bid amounts will
result in unsold licenses, or are not
reasonable amounts, or should instead
operate as reserve prices, they should
explain why this is so, and comment on
the desirability of an alternative
approach. Commenters are advised to
support their claims with valuation
analyses and suggested reserve prices or
minimum opening bid amount levels or
formulas. In establishing the minimum
opening bid amounts and the reserve
price, the Bureau particularly seeks
comment on such factors as the amount
of spectrum being auctioned, levels of
incumbency, the availability of
technology to provide service, issues of
interference with other spectrum bands
and any other relevant factors that could
reasonably have an impact on valuation
of the 800 MHz Air-Ground
Radiotelephone Service licenses.
Commenters proposing to reduce or
eliminate the reserve price should
address the extent to which minimum
opening bids should be changed as a
result. The Bureau also seeks comment
on whether, consistent with section
309(j), the public interest would be
served by having no minimum opening
bid amounts or reserve price.
v. Bid Amounts
35. In each round, eligible bidders
will be able to place bids on a given
license in any of nine different amounts.
The FCC Auction System interface will
list the nine acceptable bid amounts for
each license.
36. The minimum acceptable bid
amount for a license will be equal to its
minimum opening bid amount until the
bids placed enable the FCC Auction
System to calculate a higher price for
the license. If such a price can be
calculated, the minimum acceptable bid
amount for the license will be
determined in a two-step process: (a)
The FCC Auction System designates a
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 14 / Monday, January 23, 2006 / Notices
price for each license. For licenses with
provisionally winning bids, this price
will be equal to the amount of the
provisionally winning bid. For all other
licenses, the price will be equal to the
amount of the highest bid placed on the
license by any non-provisionally
winning bidder; (b) the price is
increased by the minimum acceptable
bid percentage.
37. The minimum acceptable bid
amount will be calculated by
multiplying the license price times the
sum of one plus the minimum
acceptable bid percentage—e.g., if the
minimum acceptable bid percentage is
five percent, the minimum acceptable
bid amount will equal (license price) *
(1.05), rounded. The Bureau will round
the result using our standard rounding
38. The nine acceptable bid amounts
for each license consist of the minimum
acceptable bid amount and additional
amounts calculated using the minimum
acceptable bid amount and the bid
increment percentage. The Bureau will
round the results using our standard
rounding procedures. The first
additional acceptable bid amount equals
the minimum acceptable bid amount
times the sum of one plus the bid
increment percentage, rounded—e.g., if
the bid increment percentage is five
percent, the calculation is (minimum
acceptable bid amount) * (1 + 0.05),
rounded, or (minimum acceptable bid
amount) * 1.05, rounded; the second
additional acceptable bid amount equals
the minimum acceptable bid amount
times the sum of one plus two times the
bid increment percentage, rounded, or
(minimum acceptable bid amount) *
1.10, rounded; the third additional
acceptable bid amount equals the
minimum acceptable bid amount times
the sum of one plus three times the bid
increment percentage, rounded, or
(minimum acceptable bid amount) *
1.15, rounded; etc. Note that the bid
increment percentage need not be the
same as the minimum acceptable bid
39. For Auction No. 65, the Bureau
proposes to use a minimum acceptable
bid percentage of five percent. This
means that the minimum acceptable bid
amount for a license will be
approximately five percent greater than
the provisionally winning bid amount
for the license. The Bureau proposes to
use a bid increment percentage of five
40. The Bureau retains the discretion
to change the minimum acceptable bid
amounts, the minimum acceptable bid
percentage, the bid increment
percentage, and the number of
acceptable bid amounts if it determines
VerDate Aug<31>2005
13:01 Jan 20, 2006
Jkt 208001
that circumstances so dictate. The
Bureau will do so by announcement in
the FCC Auction System during the
auction. The Bureau seeks comment on
these proposals.
vi. Provisionally Winning Bids
41. At the end of each bidding round,
the FCC Auction System will determine
the provisionally winning bids by
considering all of the bids that have
been placed in the auction and
determining which band plan option
has the highest aggregate bid while not
allowing a bidder to have more than one
provisionally winning bid. The only
licenses that can have provisionally
winning bids are those of the band plan
option with the highest aggregate bid;
the licenses of the other band plan
options will not have provisionally
winning bids.
42. If a provisionally winning bid
must be selected from among identical
bid amounts submitted on a license (i.e.,
tied bids), we will use a random number
generator to select a single bid from
among the tied bids. (Each bid is
assigned a random number, and the tied
bid with the highest random number
wins the tiebreaker.) The remaining
bidders, as well as the provisionally
winning bidder, can submit higher bids
in subsequent rounds. However, if the
auction were to end with no other bids
being placed, the winning bidder would
be the one that placed the selected
provisionally winning bid.
43. Similarly, in the event of identical
aggregate high bid amounts on more
than one band plan (i.e., tied band
plans), the tie between band plans will
be broken based on the random numbers
of the corresponding bids. The tied band
plan with the highest sum of the
random numbers will become the band
plan for which there are provisionally
winning bids.
44. A consequence of the mutually
incompatible band configurations and
the three megahertz eligibility
restriction is that a bid that does not
become a provisionally winning bid at
the conclusion of the round in which it
was placed may become a provisionally
winning bid at the conclusion of a
subsequent round.
45. Bidders are reminded that
provisionally winning bids count
toward activity for purposes of the
activity rule.
vii. Bid Removal and Bid Withdrawal
46. For Auction No. 65, the Bureau
proposes the following bid removal and
bid withdrawal procedures. Before the
close of a bidding round, a bidder has
the option of removing any bid placed
in that round. By removing selected bids
PO 00000
Frm 00064
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
in the FCC Auction System, a bidder
may effectively unsubmit any bid
placed within that round. A bidder
removing a bid placed in the same
round is not subject to a withdrawal
payment. Once a round closes, a bidder
may no longer remove a bid.
47. The Bureau proposes for Auction
No. 65 that bidders not be permitted, in
any round, to withdraw bids made in
previous rounds. The Commission has
recognized that bid withdrawals may be
an important tool to help bidders avoid
incomplete aggregations of licenses and
pursue efficient backup strategies as
information becomes available during
the course of an auction. In Auction No.
65, however, bidders may win only one
license and therefore will not face risks
of being unable to secure desired
aggregations of licenses. In addition, the
Bureau believes that given the small
number of licenses in the auction and
the nature of the licenses being offered,
bidders will not need to use bid
withdrawals to pursue backup strategies
in the same way bidders may need to do
so in some auctions. Moreover, in
previous auctions, the Bureau has
observed instances in which bid
withdrawals arguably may have been
used for strategic, anticompetitive
purposes. While the Bureau continues
to recognize that bid withdrawals may
play an important role in an auction, the
Bureau notes that bid withdrawals have
not been available in several previous
auctions. The Bureau seeks comment on
these proposed bid removal and bid
withdrawal procedures.
III. Conclusion
48. Comments are due on or before
January 31, 2006, and reply comments
are due on or before February 7, 2006.
All filings must be addressed to the
Commission’s Secretary Attn: WTB/
ASAD, Office of the Secretary, Federal
Communications Commission. Parties
who file comments by paper must file
an original and four copies of each
filing. U.S. Postal Service first-class,
Express, and Priority mail should be
addressed to 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554. Filings can be
sent by hand or messenger delivery, by
commercial overnight courier, or by
first-class or overnight U.S. Postal
Service mail. The Bureau also requires
that all comments and reply comments
be filed electronically to the following
address: The
electronic mail containing the
comments or reply comments must
include a subject or caption referring to
‘‘Auction No. 65 Comments’’ and the
name of the commenting party. The
Bureau requests that parties format any
attachments to electronic mail as
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 14 / Monday, January 23, 2006 / Notices
Adobe Acrobat (pdf) or Microsoft
Word documents. Copies of comments
and reply comments will be available
for public inspection between 8 a.m.
and 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time (ET)
Monday through Thursday or 8 a.m. to
11:30 a.m. ET on Fridays in the FCC
Reference Information Center, Room
CY–A257, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554, and will also be
posted on the Web page for Auction No.
65 at
49. This proceeding has been
designated as a ‘‘permit-but-disclose’’
proceeding in accordance with the
Commission’s ex parte rules. Persons
making oral ex parte presentations are
reminded that memoranda summarizing
the presentations must contain
summaries of the substance of the
presentations and not merely a listing of
the subjects discussed. More than a oneor two-sentence description of the views
and arguments presented is generally
required. Other rules pertaining to oral
and written ex parte presentations in
permit-but-disclose proceedings are set
forth in 47 CFR 1.1206(b) of the
Commission’s rules.
Federal Communications Commission.
Gary D. Michaels,
Deputy Chief, Auctions and Spectrum Access
Division, WTB.
[FR Doc. 06–664 Filed 1–19–06; 1:22 pm]
Sunshine Act Meeting Notice;
Announcing an Open Meeting of the
Board of Directors
An open meeting of the
Board of Directors is scheduled to begin
at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, January 25,
Board Room, First Floor, Federal
Housing Finance Board, 1625 Eye
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20006.
The meeting will be open to the
MEETING: Reappointment to the Board
erjones on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
Directors of the Office of Finance.
Amendment to the Capital Structure
Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of
Shelia Willis, Paralegal Specialist,
Office of General Counsel, at 202–408–
2876 or
By the Federal Housing Finance Board.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
13:01 Jan 20, 2006
Jkt 208001
Dated: January 18, 2006.
John P. Kennedy,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 06–614 Filed 1–19–06; 9:27 am]
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, January 18, 2006.
Robert deV. Frierson,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. E6–735 Filed 1–20–06; 8:45 am]
Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
Mergers of Bank Holding Companies
Federal Travel Regulation (FTR)
The companies listed in this notice
have applied to the Board for approval,
pursuant to the Bank Holding Company
Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841 et seq.)
(BHC Act), Regulation Y (12 CFR part
225), and all other applicable statutes
and regulations to become a bank
holding company and/or to acquire the
assets or the ownership of, control of, or
the power to vote shares of a bank or
bank holding company and all of the
banks and nonbanking companies
owned by the bank holding company,
including the companies listed below.
The applications listed below, as well
as other related filings required by the
Board, are available for immediate
inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank
indicated. The application also will be
available for inspection at the offices of
the Board of Governors. Interested
persons may express their views in
writing on the standards enumerated in
the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the
proposal also involves the acquisition of
a nonbanking company, the review also
includes whether the acquisition of the
nonbanking company complies with the
standards in section 4 of the BHC Act
(12 U.S.C. 1843). Unless otherwise
noted, nonbanking activities will be
conducted throughout the United States.
Additional information on all bank
holding companies may be obtained
from the National Information Center
Web site at
Unless otherwise noted, comments
regarding each of these applications
must be received at the Reserve Bank
indicated or the offices of the Board of
Governors not later than February 17,
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
(Patrick M. Wilder, Assistant Vice
President) 230 South LaSalle Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60690-1414:
1. Wintrust Financial Corporation,
Lake Forest, Illinois; to merge with
Hinsbrook Bancshares, Inc.,
Willowbrook, Illinois, and thereby
indirectly acquire Hinsbrook Bank and
Trust, Willowbrook, Illinois.
PO 00000
Frm 00065
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Maximum Per Diem Rates for the
District of Columbia and the states of
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida,
Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan,
Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New
Mexico, Tennessee, and Texas
Office of Governmentwide
Policy, General Services Administration
ACTION: Notice of Per Diem Bulletin 06–
04, revised continental United States
(CONUS) per diem rates.
SUMMARY: The General Services
Administration (GSA) has reviewed the
lodging rates for the District of
Columbia, as well as certain nonstandard locations in the States of
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida,
Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan,
Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New
Mexico, Tennessee, and Texas using
more current lodging industry data, as
well as data on where Federal travelers
actually stay when visiting these
locations. Also, GSA has reviewed the
meals and incidental expenses (M&IE)
rate of certain non-standard locations in
the States of Illinois, Michigan,
Montana, and New Mexico. Finally,
GSA is combining Stateline, Nevada
with Carson City, Nevada (currently a
standard continental United States
(CONUS) location), so Carson City’s per
diem rate will be the same rate that
Stateline currently has. The per diems
prescribed in Bulletin 06–04 may be
found at
DATES: This notice is effective February
1, 2006 and applies to travel performed
on or after February 1, 2006.
clarification of content, contact Patrick
McConnell, Office of Governmentwide
Policy, Travel Management Policy, at
(202) 501–2362. Please cite FTR Per
Diem Bulletin 06–04.
A. Background
After an analysis of the per diem rates
established for FY 2006 (see the Federal
Register notices at 70 FR 52100,
September 1, 2005, 70 FR 59349,
October 12, 2005, and 70 FR 68457,
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 14 (Monday, January 23, 2006)]
[Pages 3513-3518]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-664]
[Report No. AUC-06-65-A (Auction No. 65); DA 06-3]
Auction of 800 MHz Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service Licenses
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This document announces the auction of new nationwide
commercial Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service licenses in the 800 MHz
band (Auction No. 65), scheduled to commence on May 10, 2006. This
document also seeks comments on reserve prices or minimum opening bids
and other procedures for Auction No. 65.
DATES: Comments are due on or before January 31, 2006 and reply
comments are due on or before February 7, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Comments and reply comments must be sent by electronic mail
to the following address:
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For legal questions: Brian Carter at
(202) 418-0660. For general auction questions: Jeff Crooks at (202)
418-0660. For service rules questions: Erin McGrath or Richard
Arsenault (legal); or Jay Jackson or Moslem Sawez (technical) at (202)
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Auction No. 65
Comment Public Notice released on January 10, 2006. The complete text
of the Auction No. 65 Comment Public Notice, including attachments and
related Commission documents is available for public inspection and
copying from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday or from 8 a.m.
to 11:30 p.m. on Friday at the FCC Reference Information Center,
Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW., Room CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554.
The Auction No. 65 Comment Public Notice and related Commission
documents may also be purchased from the Commission's duplicating
contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc. (BCPI), Portals II, 445 12th
Street, SW., Room CY-B402, Washington, DC 20554, telephone 202-488-
5300, facsimile 202-488-5563, or you may contact BCPI at its Web site: When ordering documents from BCPI please
provide the appropriate FCC document number for example, DA 06-3. The
Auction No. 65 Comment Public Notice and related documents are also
available on the Internet at the Commission's Web site: https://
[[Page 3514]]
I. Licenses To Be Offered in Auction No. 65
1. Alternative Band Configurations. The Commission will auction
licenses in three alternative band configurations: (1) Band Plan 1,
comprised of two overlapping, shared, cross-polarized 3 MHz licenses
(Licenses A and B, respectively), (2) Band Plan 2, comprised of an
exclusive 3 MHz license and an exclusive 1 MHz license (Licenses C and
D, respectively), and (3) Band Plan 3, comprised of an exclusive 1 MHz
license and an exclusive 3 MHz license (Licenses E and F,
respectively), with the blocks at opposite ends of the band from Band
Plan 2. Licenses in only one of these mutually incompatible band
configurations will be awarded. The band plan that receives the highest
aggregate bids in the auction will be implemented, and licenses
composing that configuration will be awarded to winning bidders subject
to review of the long-form license applications. Because the three band
configurations are mutually incompatible, applications for licenses in
different band plans will be mutually exclusive. The descriptions and
licenses available in Auction No. 65 are listed in Attachment A of the
Auction No. 65 Comment Public Notice.
2. Permissible Services. A new licensee may provide any type of
air-ground service (i.e., voice telephony, broadband Internet, data,
etc.) to aircraft of any type, and serve any or all aviation markets
(commercial, government, and general). A licensee must provide service
to aircraft. A new licensee may not provide ancillary land mobile or
fixed services in the 800 MHz air-ground spectrum.
3. Eligibility Restriction. In order to promote competition in the
800 MHz air-ground band, the Commission has prohibited any party from
obtaining a controlling interest, either at auction or by a post-
auction transaction, in new licenses for more than three megahertz of
spectrum (either shared or exclusive) in the band. No single party,
therefore, may hold more than one license in any of the available band
4. International Coordination. To promote interoperable
communications and to manage interference, some of the ground station
locations in North America and channel block assignments of the 800 MHz
air-ground band have been predetermined consistent with bilateral
agreements with Mexico and with Canada. These agreements, which provide
for coordinated use of the 800 MHz air-ground frequencies over North
American airspace, are based on a narrow bandwidth channel scheme, and
therefore may need to be renegotiated to provide for more flexible use
of this spectrum based on the band plan configuration that is
implemented as a result of the auction.
5. Spectrum Sharing Plan. If Band Plan 1, which is comprised of two
overlapping 3 MHz licenses, is implemented, the new licensees will be
required to jointly file a spectrum sharing and site selection plan
with the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) within six months
of the initial grant of their spectrum licenses, and they will be
required to notify the Bureau of any changes to the plan. The Bureau
will issue a public notice prior to the commencement of Auction No. 65
in which it will specify the filing requirements for such a plan. This
approach will provide parties with overlapping spectrum licenses
flexibility to configure their systems without having to adhere to
minimum spacing requirements or site locations predetermined by the
6. Incumbent Licensee. In the Air-Ground Order, the Commission
granted Verizon Airfone--the only incumbent service provider in the 800
MHz air-ground band--a nonrenewable license to operate in the band for
five years. This license will expire in May 2010. Verizon Airfone must
transition its incumbent narrowband operations from four to one
megahertz of spectrum in the band within two years of the initial grant
date of a new license in the band. The Commission has directed the
Bureau to adopt reporting requirements so that Airfone's transition of
its base stations and its subscribers' aircraft to operations in one
megahertz of the 800 MHz air-ground band may be monitored. The Bureau
will issue a public notice enumerating such requirements by February 6,
2006. Airfone must file its initial transition status report with the
Commission six months from the date of the grant of any new license in
the band and at each of the three six-month intervals thereafter.
7. In addition, if Airfone, or an affiliate of Airfone, wins an
exclusive 3 MHz license at auction, the Bureau will issue a public
notice within 60 days of the grant of such a license, which requires
the company to include in each status report information regarding the
transition of its existing subscribers from its narrowband system to a
broadband system and to file additional status reports at six-month
intervals from the conclusion of the two-year transition period until
the expiration of its five-year nonrenewable license.
II. Auction Procedures
8. Section 309(j)(3) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
requires the Commission to ``ensure that, in the scheduling of any
competitive bidding under this subsection, an adequate period is
allowed * * * before issuance of bidding rules, to permit notice and
comment on proposed auction procedures * * *.'' Consistent with the
provisions of section 309(j)(3) and to ensure that potential bidders
have adequate time to familiarize themselves with the specific rules
that will govern the day-to-day conduct of an auction, the Commission
directed the Bureau, under its existing delegated authority, to seek
comment on a variety of auction-specific procedures prior to the start
of each auction. The Bureau therefore seeks comment on the following
issues relating to Auction No. 65.
A. Auction Structure
i. Simultaneous Multiple-Round Auction Design
9. The Bureau proposes to conduct Auction No. 65 as a simultaneous
multiple-round auction. As indicated above, licenses will be offered in
three mutually incompatible band configurations, and the band plan that
receives the highest aggregate bids in the auction will be implemented.
The Bureau believes the simultaneous multiple-round auction design is
an appropriate auction design given these circumstances. This type of
auction offers every license for bid at the same time and consists of
successive bidding rounds in which eligible bidders may place bids on
individual licenses. Bidding remains open on all licenses until bidding
stops on every license. The Bureau seeks comment on this proposal.
ii. Round Structure
10. The Commission will conduct Auction No. 65 over the Internet.
Alternatively, telephonic bidding will also be available. The toll-free
telephone number for telephonic bidding will be provided to qualified
11. The simultaneous multiple-round format will consist of
sequential bidding rounds, each followed by the release of round
results. The initial bidding schedule will be announced in a public
notice to be released at least one week before the start of the
auction. Details on viewing round results, including the location and
format of downloadable round results files, will be included in the
same public notice.
12. The Bureau retains the discretion to change the bidding
schedule in order to foster an auction pace that reasonably balances
speed with the bidders' need to study round results and adjust their
[[Page 3515]]
bidding strategies. The Bureau may increase or decrease the amount of
time for the bidding rounds and review periods, or the number of rounds
per day, depending upon the bidding activity level and other factors.
iii. Stopping Rule
13. The Bureau has discretion to establish stopping rules before or
during multiple round auctions in order to terminate the auction within
a reasonable time. For Auction No. 65, the Bureau proposes to employ a
simultaneous stopping rule approach. A simultaneous stopping rule means
that all licenses remain available for bidding until bidding closes
simultaneously on all licenses.
14. Bidding will close simultaneously on all licenses after the
first round in which no bidder submits any new bids or applies a
proactive waiver. Thus, unless circumstances dictate otherwise, bidding
will remain open on all licenses until bidding stops on every license.
15. However, the Bureau proposes to retain the discretion to
exercise any of the following options during Auction No. 65: (a) Use a
modified version of the simultaneous stopping rule. The modified
stopping rule would close the auction for all licenses after the first
round in which no bidder applies a waiver or submits any new bids on
any license for which it is not the provisionally winning bidder. Thus,
absent any other bidding activity, a bidder placing a new bid on a
license for which it is the provisionally winning bidder would not keep
the auction open under this modified stopping rule; (b) keep the
auction open even if no bidder submits any new bids or applies a
waiver. In this event, the effect will be the same as if a bidder had
applied a waiver. The activity rule, therefore, will apply as usual and
a bidder with insufficient activity will either lose bidding
eligibility or use a remaining activity rule waiver; (c) declare that
the auction will end after a specified number of additional rounds
(special stopping rule). If the Bureau invokes this special stopping
rule, it will accept bids in the specified final round(s) after which
the auction will close.
16. The Bureau proposes to exercise these options only in certain
circumstances, for example, where the auction is proceeding very
slowly, there is minimal overall bidding activity, or it appears likely
that the auction will not close within a reasonable period of time.
Before exercising these options, the Bureau is likely to attempt to
increase the pace of the auction by, for example, increasing the number
of bidding rounds per day and/or changing the minimum acceptable bid
percentage. The Bureau seeks comment on these proposals.
iv. Information Relating to Auction Delay, Suspension, or Cancellation
17. For Auction No. 65, the Bureau proposes that, by public notice
or by announcement during the auction, the Bureau may delay, suspend,
or cancel the auction in the event of natural disaster, technical
obstacle, evidence of an auction security breach, unlawful bidding
activity, administrative or weather necessity, or for any other reason
that affects the fair and efficient conduct of competitive bidding. In
such cases, the Bureau, in its sole discretion, may elect to resume the
auction starting from the beginning of the current round, resume the
auction starting from some previous round, or cancel the auction in its
entirety. Network interruption may cause the Bureau to delay or suspend
the auction. The Bureau emphasizes that exercise of this authority is
solely within the discretion of the Bureau, and its use is not intended
to be a substitute for situations in which bidders may wish to apply
their activity rule waivers. The Bureau seeks comment on this proposal.
B. Bidding Procedures
i. Upfront Payments and Bidding Eligibility
18. The Bureau has delegated authority and discretion to determine
an appropriate upfront payment for each license being auctioned. A
bidder's upfront payment is a refundable deposit to establish
eligibility to bid on licenses. Upfront payments related to licenses
for the specific spectrum subject to auction protect against frivolous
or insincere bidding and provide the Commission with a source of funds
from which to collect payments owed at the close of the auction. With
these factors in mind for Auction No. 65, we propose upfront payments
of $100,000 per license.
19. Consistent with the Bureau's usual practice, we further propose
that the amount of the upfront payment submitted by a bidder will
determine the bidder's bidding eligibility in bidding units. For
Auction No. 65, the Bureau proposes to assign 100,000 bidding units per
license. The number of bidding units for a given license is fixed and
does not change during the auction as prices change.
20. However, because the mutually incompatible band configurations
and the three megahertz eligibility restriction limit a bidder to
winning only a single license, the Bureau proposes to permit a bidder
with 100,000 bidding units of eligibility to bid or be active
simultaneously on any or all of the licenses it selected on its FCC
Form 175, rather than being limited to activity on a single license
with 100,000 bidding units as our usual activity and eligibility rules
would require. That is, under the Bureau's proposal, an upfront payment
of $100,000 would give a bidder 100,000 bidding units of eligibility,
which in turn would permit the bidder to be active on any or all of the
licenses it selected on its FCC Form 175, making it unnecessary to
acquire more than 100,000 bidding units of bidding eligibility in order
to bid or be active simultaneously on more than one license.
21. The proposed upfront payment and number of bidding units for
each license available in Auction No. 65 is also set forth in
Attachment A of the Auction No. 65 Comment Public Notice. The Bureau
seeks comment on this proposal.
ii. Activity Rule
22. In order to ensure that an auction closes within a reasonable
period of time, an activity rule requires bidders to bid actively
throughout the auction, rather than wait until late in the auction
before participating. Bidders are required to be active during each
round of the auction. If a bidder fails to maintain the required
activity level in a round, it must use one of the limited number of
activity rule waivers allotted to it in order to maintain its current
level of eligibility. In a typical FCC auction, if the bidder has no
activity rule waivers remaining, its eligibility will be reduced.
23. For Auction No. 65, the Bureau proposes the following activity
requirement: in each round of the auction, a bidder desiring to
maintain its eligibility to participate in the auction is required to
be active (place a bid or hold the provisionally winning bid) on at
least one license. Under the Bureau's proposal for upfront payments and
bidding eligibility, a bidder must have 100,000 bidding units of
eligibility to participate in the auction--i.e., to bid on at least one
license--and may hold a maximum of 100,000 bidding units of
eligibility. Therefore, under the Bureau's proposal for this auction,
any reduction in a bidder's eligibility will effectively preclude the
bidder from further bidding in the auction. In other words, failure to
maintain the required activity level will have the effect of
eliminating the bidder from further bidding in the auction unless an
activity rule waiver is used.
[[Page 3516]]
24. The Bureau seeks comment on these proposals. Commenters that
believe this activity rule should be modified should explain their
reasoning and comment on the desirability of an alternative approach.
Commenters are advised to support their claims with analyses and
suggested alternative activity rules.
iii. Activity Rule Waivers
25. Use of an activity rule waiver preserves the bidder's
eligibility despite the bidder's activity in the current round being
below the required minimum level. An activity rule waiver applies to an
entire round of bidding and not to a particular license. Activity rule
waivers can be either proactive or automatic and are principally a
mechanism for auction participants to avoid the loss of bidding
eligibility in the event that exigent circumstances prevent them from
placing a bid in a particular round.
26. The FCC Auction System assumes that a bidder that does not meet
the activity requirement would prefer to apply an activity rule waiver
(if available) rather than lose bidding eligibility, which in this
auction would have the effect of precluding the bidder from further
bidding in the auction. Therefore, the system will automatically apply
a waiver at the end of any bidding round in which a bidder fails to be
active (place a bid or hold the provisionally winning bid) on at least
one license unless the bidder has no activity rule waivers available.
If a bidder has no waivers remaining and does not satisfy the required
activity requirement, it will no longer be permitted to place bids in
the auction.
27. A bidder may apply an activity rule waiver proactively as a
means to keep the auction open without placing a bid. If a bidder
proactively applies an activity rule waiver (using the ``apply waiver''
function in the FCC Auction System) during a bidding round in which no
bids are submitted, the auction will remain open and the bidder's
eligibility will be preserved. An automatic waiver applied by the FCC
Auction System in a round in which there are no new bids will not keep
the auction open. A bidder cannot submit a proactive waiver after
submitting a bid in a round, and submitting a proactive waiver will
preclude a bidder from placing any bids in that round. Applying a
waiver is irreversible; once a proactive waiver is submitted, that
waiver cannot be unsubmitted, even if the round has not yet closed.
28. The Bureau proposes that each bidder in Auction No. 65 be
provided with three activity rule waivers that may be used at the
bidder's discretion during the course of the auction as set forth
above. The Bureau seeks comment on this proposal.
iv. Reserve Price or Minimum Opening Bid
29. Section 309(j) calls upon the Commission to prescribe methods
for establishing a reasonable reserve price or a minimum opening bid
amount when FCC licenses are subject to auction, unless the Commission
determines that a reserve price or minimum opening bid amount is not in
the public interest. Consistent with this mandate, the Commission has
directed the Bureau to seek comment on the use of a minimum opening bid
amount and/or reserve price prior to the start of each auction.
30. Normally, a reserve price is an absolute minimum price below
which an item will not be sold in a given auction. Reserve prices can
be either published or unpublished. A minimum opening bid amount, on
the other hand, is the minimum bid price set at the beginning of the
auction below which no bids are accepted. It is generally used to
accelerate the competitive bidding process. The auctioneer, however,
often has the discretion to lower the minimum opening bid amount during
the course of the auction. It is also possible for the minimum opening
bid amount and the reserve price to be the same amount.
31. In light of the distinctive features of the Air-Ground
Radiotelephone Service and Section 309(j)'s requirements for
competitive bidding, the Bureau proposes to set minimum opening bids
for each license and to establish a published aggregate reserve price
for the entire band. The Bureau believes a minimum opening bid amount,
which has been used in other auctions, is an effective tool for
accelerating the competitive bidding process. At the same time, given
uncertainty regarding the relative values of the 800 MHz Air-Ground
Radiotelephone Service licenses, the Bureau believes that it can best
comply with the Commission's statutory mandate to recover for the
public a portion of the value of the public spectrum resource by
establishing a published reserve price for the entire band. Under this
proposal, if the sum of the provisionally winning bids at the close of
bidding does not meet or exceed the aggregate reserve price, the
Commission will cancel the auction and no licenses will be awarded on
the basis of the bidding.
32. More specifically, for Auction No. 65, the Bureau proposed to
set minimum opening bids on a license-by-license basis as follows:
Licenses Bandwidth opening bid
A and B............................ 3 MHz (2 MHz shared). $1,500,000
C and F............................ 3 MHz................ 2,800,000
D and E............................ 1 MHz................ 200,000
33. The Bureau also proposes to establish a published reserve price
of $5,000,000 for the entire band. Attachment A of the Auction No. 65
Comment Public Notice also sets forth the proposed minimum opening bids
and reserve price. The Bureau seeks comment on this proposal.
34. If commenters believe that these minimum opening bid amounts
will result in unsold licenses, or are not reasonable amounts, or
should instead operate as reserve prices, they should explain why this
is so, and comment on the desirability of an alternative approach.
Commenters are advised to support their claims with valuation analyses
and suggested reserve prices or minimum opening bid amount levels or
formulas. In establishing the minimum opening bid amounts and the
reserve price, the Bureau particularly seeks comment on such factors as
the amount of spectrum being auctioned, levels of incumbency, the
availability of technology to provide service, issues of interference
with other spectrum bands and any other relevant factors that could
reasonably have an impact on valuation of the 800 MHz Air-Ground
Radiotelephone Service licenses. Commenters proposing to reduce or
eliminate the reserve price should address the extent to which minimum
opening bids should be changed as a result. The Bureau also seeks
comment on whether, consistent with section 309(j), the public interest
would be served by having no minimum opening bid amounts or reserve
v. Bid Amounts
35. In each round, eligible bidders will be able to place bids on a
given license in any of nine different amounts. The FCC Auction System
interface will list the nine acceptable bid amounts for each license.
36. The minimum acceptable bid amount for a license will be equal
to its minimum opening bid amount until the bids placed enable the FCC
Auction System to calculate a higher price for the license. If such a
price can be calculated, the minimum acceptable bid amount for the
license will be determined in a two-step process: (a) The FCC Auction
System designates a
[[Page 3517]]
price for each license. For licenses with provisionally winning bids,
this price will be equal to the amount of the provisionally winning
bid. For all other licenses, the price will be equal to the amount of
the highest bid placed on the license by any non-provisionally winning
bidder; (b) the price is increased by the minimum acceptable bid
37. The minimum acceptable bid amount will be calculated by
multiplying the license price times the sum of one plus the minimum
acceptable bid percentage--e.g., if the minimum acceptable bid
percentage is five percent, the minimum acceptable bid amount will
equal (license price) * (1.05), rounded. The Bureau will round the
result using our standard rounding procedures.
38. The nine acceptable bid amounts for each license consist of the
minimum acceptable bid amount and additional amounts calculated using
the minimum acceptable bid amount and the bid increment percentage. The
Bureau will round the results using our standard rounding procedures.
The first additional acceptable bid amount equals the minimum
acceptable bid amount times the sum of one plus the bid increment
percentage, rounded--e.g., if the bid increment percentage is five
percent, the calculation is (minimum acceptable bid amount) * (1 +
0.05), rounded, or (minimum acceptable bid amount) * 1.05, rounded; the
second additional acceptable bid amount equals the minimum acceptable
bid amount times the sum of one plus two times the bid increment
percentage, rounded, or (minimum acceptable bid amount) * 1.10,
rounded; the third additional acceptable bid amount equals the minimum
acceptable bid amount times the sum of one plus three times the bid
increment percentage, rounded, or (minimum acceptable bid amount) *
1.15, rounded; etc. Note that the bid increment percentage need not be
the same as the minimum acceptable bid percentage.
39. For Auction No. 65, the Bureau proposes to use a minimum
acceptable bid percentage of five percent. This means that the minimum
acceptable bid amount for a license will be approximately five percent
greater than the provisionally winning bid amount for the license. The
Bureau proposes to use a bid increment percentage of five percent.
40. The Bureau retains the discretion to change the minimum
acceptable bid amounts, the minimum acceptable bid percentage, the bid
increment percentage, and the number of acceptable bid amounts if it
determines that circumstances so dictate. The Bureau will do so by
announcement in the FCC Auction System during the auction. The Bureau
seeks comment on these proposals.
vi. Provisionally Winning Bids
41. At the end of each bidding round, the FCC Auction System will
determine the provisionally winning bids by considering all of the bids
that have been placed in the auction and determining which band plan
option has the highest aggregate bid while not allowing a bidder to
have more than one provisionally winning bid. The only licenses that
can have provisionally winning bids are those of the band plan option
with the highest aggregate bid; the licenses of the other band plan
options will not have provisionally winning bids.
42. If a provisionally winning bid must be selected from among
identical bid amounts submitted on a license (i.e., tied bids), we will
use a random number generator to select a single bid from among the
tied bids. (Each bid is assigned a random number, and the tied bid with
the highest random number wins the tiebreaker.) The remaining bidders,
as well as the provisionally winning bidder, can submit higher bids in
subsequent rounds. However, if the auction were to end with no other
bids being placed, the winning bidder would be the one that placed the
selected provisionally winning bid.
43. Similarly, in the event of identical aggregate high bid amounts
on more than one band plan (i.e., tied band plans), the tie between
band plans will be broken based on the random numbers of the
corresponding bids. The tied band plan with the highest sum of the
random numbers will become the band plan for which there are
provisionally winning bids.
44. A consequence of the mutually incompatible band configurations
and the three megahertz eligibility restriction is that a bid that does
not become a provisionally winning bid at the conclusion of the round
in which it was placed may become a provisionally winning bid at the
conclusion of a subsequent round.
45. Bidders are reminded that provisionally winning bids count
toward activity for purposes of the activity rule.
vii. Bid Removal and Bid Withdrawal
46. For Auction No. 65, the Bureau proposes the following bid
removal and bid withdrawal procedures. Before the close of a bidding
round, a bidder has the option of removing any bid placed in that
round. By removing selected bids in the FCC Auction System, a bidder
may effectively unsubmit any bid placed within that round. A bidder
removing a bid placed in the same round is not subject to a withdrawal
payment. Once a round closes, a bidder may no longer remove a bid.
47. The Bureau proposes for Auction No. 65 that bidders not be
permitted, in any round, to withdraw bids made in previous rounds. The
Commission has recognized that bid withdrawals may be an important tool
to help bidders avoid incomplete aggregations of licenses and pursue
efficient backup strategies as information becomes available during the
course of an auction. In Auction No. 65, however, bidders may win only
one license and therefore will not face risks of being unable to secure
desired aggregations of licenses. In addition, the Bureau believes that
given the small number of licenses in the auction and the nature of the
licenses being offered, bidders will not need to use bid withdrawals to
pursue backup strategies in the same way bidders may need to do so in
some auctions. Moreover, in previous auctions, the Bureau has observed
instances in which bid withdrawals arguably may have been used for
strategic, anticompetitive purposes. While the Bureau continues to
recognize that bid withdrawals may play an important role in an
auction, the Bureau notes that bid withdrawals have not been available
in several previous auctions. The Bureau seeks comment on these
proposed bid removal and bid withdrawal procedures.
III. Conclusion
48. Comments are due on or before January 31, 2006, and reply
comments are due on or before February 7, 2006. All filings must be
addressed to the Commission's Secretary Attn: WTB/ASAD, Office of the
Secretary, Federal Communications Commission. Parties who file comments
by paper must file an original and four copies of each filing. U.S.
Postal Service first-class, Express, and Priority mail should be
addressed to 445 12th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554. Filings can be
sent by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial overnight courier, or
by first-class or overnight U.S. Postal Service mail. The Bureau also
requires that all comments and reply comments be filed electronically
to the following address: The electronic mail
containing the comments or reply comments must include a subject or
caption referring to ``Auction No. 65 Comments'' and the name of the
commenting party. The Bureau requests that parties format any
attachments to electronic mail as
[[Page 3518]]
Adobe[reg] Acrobat[reg] (pdf) or Microsoft[reg] Word documents. Copies
of comments and reply comments will be available for public inspection
between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) Monday through Thursday
or 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. ET on Fridays in the FCC Reference Information
Center, Room CY-A257, 445 12th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554, and
will also be posted on the Web page for Auction No. 65 at https://
49. This proceeding has been designated as a ``permit-but-
disclose'' proceeding in accordance with the Commission's ex parte
rules. Persons making oral ex parte presentations are reminded that
memoranda summarizing the presentations must contain summaries of the
substance of the presentations and not merely a listing of the subjects
discussed. More than a one- or two-sentence description of the views
and arguments presented is generally required. Other rules pertaining
to oral and written ex parte presentations in permit-but-disclose
proceedings are set forth in 47 CFR 1.1206(b) of the Commission's
Federal Communications Commission.
Gary D. Michaels,
Deputy Chief, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, WTB.
[FR Doc. 06-664 Filed 1-19-06; 1:22 pm]