60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: DS-3077, Request for Entry Into Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program, OMB 1405-XXXX, 2980-2981 [E6-459]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 11 / Wednesday, January 18, 2006 / Notices
Continuum AEC232
Continuum AT201
Continuum AT202
Continuum AT203
Continuum AT205
Continuum AT209
Continuum AT220
Depositrol PY505
Depositrol PY5200
Depositrol SF502
Depositrol SF504
Dianodic DN300
Dianodic DN302
Dianodic DN310
Ferroquest LP7200
Ferroquest LP7202
FloGard POT802
FloGard POT807
FoamTrol AF2290
FoamTrol AF706
FoamTrol AF724
FoamTrol AF1440
Inhibitor AZ604
Inhibitor AZ660
Inhibitor AZ8101
Inhibitor PM508
Inhibitor PM608
Inhibitor PM609
Inhibitor PM610
Kleen AC9507
RediFeed Continuum AT901
RediFeed Continuum AT902
RediFeed Spectrus OX903
Spectrus BD152
Spectrus BD1550
Spectrus NX102
Spectrus NX104
Spectrus NX106
Spectrus NX108
Spectrus NX110
Spectrus NX1104
Spectrus NX112
Spectrus NX114
Spectrus NX122
Spectrus OX101
Spectrus OX103
Spectrus OX105
Spectrus OX903
Spectrus OX909
Spectrus OX1201
Spectrus OX1240
erjones on PROD1PC68 with NOTICES
Corrshield MD400
Corrshield MD407
Corrshield NT402
Corrshield NT403
Corrshield NT411
Corrshield OR404
Ferroquest FQ7101
Ferroquest FQ7102
Ferroquest FQ7103
AE 1128P
BioPlus BA900
BioPlus BA2920
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BioPlus BA2921
Pot 804
KlarAid CDP 1339P
KlarAid IC 1172P
KlarAid PC 1192P
KlarAid PC 1195P
PolyFloc AE 1115
PolyFloc AP 1100
PolyFloc AP 1120P
ProSweet OC2532
ProSweet OC2533
ProSweet OC2534
ProSweet OC2543
You must include the DS form
number (if applicable), information
collection title, and OMB control
number in any correspondence.
[FR Doc. E6–440 Filed 1–17–06; 8:45 am]
Requests for additional information
regarding the collection listed in this
notice, including requests for copies of
the proposed information collection
should be made to Corrin Ferber,
Attorney Adviser, CA/OCS/PRI, U.S.
Department of State, Washington, DC
20520–4818, who may be reached on
202–736–9172 or ferbercm@state.gov.
We are
soliciting public comments to permit
the Department to:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
information collection is necessary for
the proper performance of our
• Evaluate the accuracy of our
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used.
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
• Minimize the reporting burden on
those who are to respond, including
through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of technology.
Abstract of proposed collection:
The information requested will be
used to support entry of a minor’s (an
unmarried person under 18) name into
the Children’s Passport Issuance Alert
Program (CPIAP). CPIAP provides a
mechanism for parents or other persons
with legal custody of a minor to obtain
information regarding whether the
Department has received a passport
application for the minor. This program
was developed as a means to prevent
international abduction of a minor or to
help prevent other travel of a minor
without the consent of a parent or legal
guardian. If a minor’s name and other
identifying information has been
entered into the CPIAP, when the
Department receives an application for
a new, replacement, or renewed
passport for the minor, the application
will be placed on hold for up to 60 days
and the Office of Children’s Issues will
attempt to notify the requestor of receipt
of the application. Form DS–3077 will
be primarily submitted by a parents or
legal guardians of a minor.
The completed form DS–3077 may be
submitted to the Office of Children’s
Issues by mail, by fax, or electronically
through https://www.travel.state.gov.
[Public Notice 5274]
60-Day Notice of Proposed Information
Collection: DS–3077, Request for Entry
Into Children’s Passport Issuance Alert
Program, OMB 1405–XXXX
Notice of request for public
SUMMARY: The Department of State is
seeking Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approval for the
information collection described below.
The purpose of this notice is to allow 60
days for public comment in the Federal
Register preceding submission to OMB.
We are conducting this process in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
• Title of Information Collection:
Request for Entry into Children’s
Passport Issuance Alert Program.
• OMB Control Number: None.
• Type of Request: New collection.
• Originating Office: CA/OCS/CI.
• Form Number: DS–3077.
• Respondents: Concerned parents or
their agents, institutions, or courts.
• Estimated Number of Respondents:
• Estimated Number of Responses:
• Average Hours Per Response: 50
• Total Estimated Burden: 1992
• Frequency: On occasion.
• Obligation to Respond: Voluntary.
DATES: The Department will accept
comments from the public up to 60 days
from March 20, 2006.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any of the following methods:
• E-mail: ferbercm@state.gov.
• Mail (paper, disk, or CD–ROM
submissions): Corrin Ferber, Attorney
Adviser, CA/OCS/PRI, U.S. Department
of State, Washington, DC 20520–4818.
• Fax: 202–736–9111.
PO 00000
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 11 / Wednesday, January 18, 2006 / Notices
Dated: December 5, 2005.
Catherine Barry,
Deputy Assistant Secretary Consular Affairs,
Overseas Citizens Services, Department of
[FR Doc. E6–459 Filed 1–17–06; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Aviation Administration
Advisory Circular (AC) 23–13A,
Fatigue, Fail-Safe, and Damage
Tolerance Evaluation of Metallic
Structure for Normal, Utility, Acrobatic,
and Commuter Category Airplanes
Agency Information Collection Activity
Under OMB Review, Request for
Comments; Renewal of an Approved
Information Collection Activity, Part 93,
Subpart U—Special Flight Rules in the
Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park
Federal Aviation
Administration, DOT.
[Public Notice 5275]
Culturally Significant Objects Imported
for Exhibition Determinations:
‘‘Courbet and the Modern Landscape’’
Notice is hereby given of the
following determinations: Pursuant to
the authority vested in me by the Act of
October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C.
2459), Executive Order 12047 of March
27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and
Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat.
2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et
seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of
October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority
No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as
amended, and Delegation of Authority
No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875],
I hereby determine that the objects to be
included in the exhibition ‘‘Courbet and
the Modern Landscape,’’ imported from
abroad for temporary exhibition within
the United States, are of cultural
significance. The objects are imported
pursuant to loan agreements with the
foreign owners. I also determine that the
exhibition or display of the exhibit
objects at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los
Angeles, CA, from on or about February
21, 2006, until on or about May 14,
2006, the Museum of Fine Arts,
Houston, TX, from on or about June 18,
2006, until on or about September 10,
2006, the Walters Art Museum,
Baltimore, MD, from on or about
October 15, 2006, until on or about
January 7, 2007, and at possible
additional venues yet to be determined,
is in the national interest. Public Notice
of these Determinations is ordered to be
published in the Federal Register.
further information, including a list of
the exhibit objects, contact Julianne
Simpson, Attorney-Adviser, Office of
the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of
State (telephone: 202/453–8049). The
address is U.S. Department of State, SA–
44, 301 4th Street, SW., Room 700,
Washington, DC 20547–0001.
This notice announces the
issuance of Advisory Circular (AC) 23–
13A, Fatigue, Fail-Safe, and Damage
Tolerance Evaluation of Metallic
Structure for Normal, Utility, Acrobatic,
and Commuter Category Airplanes. The
AC sets forth an acceptable means, but
not the only means, to show compliance
with applicable fatigue, fail-safe, and
damage tolerance evaluations required
for metallic structure in normal, utility,
acrobatic, and commuter category
airplanes. The AC provides information
on approval of continued operational
flight with known cracks in the
structure of small airplanes, regardless
of certification basis. The AC also
clarifies the use of AC 20–128A in the
evaluation of rotorburst structural
hazards in small airplanes. Finally, the
AC consolidates existing policy
documents and certain technical reports
into one document.
erjones on PROD1PC68 with NOTICES
Dated: January 10, 2006.
C. Miller Crouch,
Principal Deputy Assistant, Secretary for
Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department
of State.
[FR Doc. E6–460 Filed 1–17–06; 8:45 am]
Notice of issuance of advisory
Advisory Circular 23–13A was
issued by the Manager of the Small
Airplane Directorate on September 29,
How to Obtain Copies: A paper copy
of AC 23–13A may be obtained by
writing to the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Subsequent Distribution
Office, DOT Warehouse, M–30,
Ardmore East Business Center, 3341Q
75th Avenue, Landover, MD 20785,
telephone 301–322–5377, or by faxing
your request to the warehouse at 301–
The AC will also be available on the
Internet at: https://www.airweb.faa.gov/
Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on January
10, 2006.
John Colomy,
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. E6–450 Filed 1–17–06; 8:45 am]
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Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice and request for
SUMMARY: The National Parks
Overflights Act mandates that the
recommendations provide for
‘‘substantial restoration of the natural
quiet and experience of the park and
protection of public health and safety
from adverse effects associated with
aircraft overflight.’’ The FAA will use
the information to monitor compliance
with the regulations. These respondents
are Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP)
air tour operators. A notice for public
comment was published in the Federal
Register on 9/6/2005, vol. 70, #171,
pages 53039–53040.
DATES: Please submit comments by
February 17, 2006.
Street on (202) 267–9895.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Title: Part 93, Subpart U—Special
Flight Rules in the Vicinity of Grand
Canyon National Park.
Type of Request: Renewal of an
approved collection.
OMB Control Number: 2120–0653.
Forms(s): None.
Affected Public: A total of 15 air tour
Frequency: Conducted on an asneeded basis.
Estimated Average Burden Per
Response: Approximately 1 hour.
Estimated Annual Burden Hours: An
estimated 94 hours annually.
Abstract: The National Parks
Overflights Act mandates that the
recommendations provide for
‘‘substantial restoration of the natural
quiet and experience of the park and
protection of public health and safety
from adverse effects associated with
aircraft overflight.’’ The FAA will use
the information to monitor compliance
with the regulations. These respondents
are GCNP air tour operators.
ADDRESSES: Send comments to the
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget, 725 17th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20503, Attention FAA
Desk Officer.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 11 (Wednesday, January 18, 2006)]
[Pages 2980-2981]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E6-459]
[Public Notice 5274]
60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: DS-3077,
Request for Entry Into Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program, OMB
ACTION: Notice of request for public comments.
SUMMARY: The Department of State is seeking Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approval for the information collection described below.
The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for public comment in
the Federal Register preceding submission to OMB. We are conducting
this process in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Title of Information Collection: Request for Entry into
Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program.
OMB Control Number: None.
Type of Request: New collection.
Originating Office: CA/OCS/CI.
Form Number: DS-3077.
Respondents: Concerned parents or their agents,
institutions, or courts.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 2400/year.
Estimated Number of Responses: 2400/year.
Average Hours Per Response: 50 minutes.
Total Estimated Burden: 1992 hours/year.
Frequency: On occasion.
Obligation to Respond: Voluntary.
DATES: The Department will accept comments from the public up to 60
days from March 20, 2006.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods:
E-mail: ferbercm@state.gov.
Mail (paper, disk, or CD-ROM submissions): Corrin Ferber,
Attorney Adviser, CA/OCS/PRI, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC
Fax: 202-736-9111.
You must include the DS form number (if applicable), information
collection title, and OMB control number in any correspondence.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information
regarding the collection listed in this notice, including requests for
copies of the proposed information collection should be made to Corrin
Ferber, Attorney Adviser, CA/OCS/PRI, U.S. Department of State,
Washington, DC 20520-4818, who may be reached on 202-736-9172 or
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We are soliciting public comments to permit
the Department to:
Evaluate whether the proposed information collection is
necessary for the proper performance of our functions.
Evaluate the accuracy of our estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection, including the validity of the methodology and
assumptions used.
Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected.
Minimize the reporting burden on those who are to respond,
including through the use of automated collection techniques or other
forms of technology.
Abstract of proposed collection:
The information requested will be used to support entry of a
minor's (an unmarried person under 18) name into the Children's
Passport Issuance Alert Program (CPIAP). CPIAP provides a mechanism for
parents or other persons with legal custody of a minor to obtain
information regarding whether the Department has received a passport
application for the minor. This program was developed as a means to
prevent international abduction of a minor or to help prevent other
travel of a minor without the consent of a parent or legal guardian. If
a minor's name and other identifying information has been entered into
the CPIAP, when the Department receives an application for a new,
replacement, or renewed passport for the minor, the application will be
placed on hold for up to 60 days and the Office of Children's Issues
will attempt to notify the requestor of receipt of the application.
Form DS-3077 will be primarily submitted by a parents or legal
guardians of a minor.
The completed form DS-3077 may be submitted to the Office of
Children's Issues by mail, by fax, or electronically through https://
[[Page 2981]]
Dated: December 5, 2005.
Catherine Barry,
Deputy Assistant Secretary Consular Affairs, Overseas Citizens
Services, Department of State.
[FR Doc. E6-459 Filed 1-17-06; 8:45 am]