Grant of Authority, Establishment of a Foreign-Trade Zone, Fargo, North Dakota, 326-327 [E5-8277]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2006 / Notices
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 2.
Estimated Number of Responses: 30.
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: 55 hours.
Copies of this information collection
can be obtained from Cheryl Thompson,
Regulations and Paperwork
Management Branch (202) 692–0043.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of Rural Development,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of
the Agency’s estimate of the burden to
collect the required information,
including the validity of the strategy
used; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (d) ways to minimize
the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology. Comments on
the paperwork burden may be sent to
Cheryl Thompson, Regulations and
Paperwork Management Branch, Rural
Development, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, STOP 0742, 1400
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20250–0742. All
responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for OMB approval. All comments will
become a matter of public record.
Dated: December 28, 2005.
David Rouzer,
Acting Administrator, Rural BusinessCooperative Service.
[FR Doc. E5–8259 Filed 1–3–06; 8:45 am]
Foreign–Trade Zones Board
[Docket 66–2005]
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
Foreign–Trade Zone 176 - Rockford,
Illinois Area, Application for Expansion
An application has been submitted to
the Foreign–Trade Zones Board (the
Board) by the Greater Rockford Airport
Authority, grantee of FTZ 176,
requesting authority to expand FTZ 176,
in the Rockford, Illinois area, adjacent to
the Rockford Customs port of entry. The
application was submitted pursuant to
the provisions of the Foreign–Trade
Zones Act, as amended (19 U.S. C. 81a–
81u), and the regulations of the Board
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(15 CFR Part 400). It was formally filed
on December 21, 2005.
FTZ 176 was approved on March 1,
1991 (Board Order 511, 56 FR 10409, 3/
12/91). The zone project currently
consists of the following sites in the
Rockford, Illinois area: Site 1 (1,972
acres) industrial park area of the Greater
Rockford Airport on Route F.A. 179;
Site 1a (2 acres) warehouse facilities at
1635 New Milford School Road (82,200
sq. ft.) and 1129 Eighteenth Avenue
(12,871 sq. ft.), Rockford; Site 2 (6 acres)
warehouse at 500 South Independence
Avenue, Rockford; Site 3 (566 acres, 2
parcels) CenterPoint Industrial Park
(366 acres), north of the intersection of
Route 38 and Brush Grove Road,
Rochelle, and, Interstate Transportation
Center industrial park (200 acres), west
side of state Highway 38; Site 4 (304
acres, 3 parcels)-LogistiCenter,
southwest corner of I–39 and I–88,
Rochelle; Site 5 (53 acres)- South
Rochelle industrial park (53 acres),
south side of Rochelle on State Highway
251 and Veterans Parkway; and, Site 6
(74 acres)-Rolling Hills Industrial Park,
2200 Lakeshore Drive, Woodstock.
The applicant is requesting authority
to expand the general–purpose zone to
include an additional site (133 acres) at
the Crossroads Commerce Center,
located at Interstate 88 and Main Street,
in Rochelle (Ogle County), Illinois. No
specific manufacturing requests are
being made at this time. Such requests
would be made to the Board on a case–
by-case basis.
In accordance with the Board’s
regulations, a member of the FTZ Staff
has been designated examiner to
investigate the application and report to
the Board.
Pubic comment on the application is
invited from interested parties.
Submissions (original and 3 copies)
shall be addressed to the Board’s
Executive Secretary at one of the
following addresses below:
1. Submissions via Express/Package
Delivery Services: Foreign–Trade Zones
Board, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Franklin Court Building–Suite 4100W,
1099 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC
20005; or
2. Submissions via U.S. Postal Service:
Foreign–Trade Zones Board, U.S.
Department of Commerce, FCB–4100W,
1401 Constitution Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC 20230.
The closing period for their receipt is
March 6, 2006. Rebuttal comments in
response to material submitted during
the foregoing period may be submitted
during the subsequent 15–day period (to
March 20, 2006).
A copy of the application will be
available for public inspection at the
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Office of the Foreign–Trade Zone
Board’s Executive Secretary at address
No. 1 listed above and the U.S. Export
Assistance Center, 515 N. Court St.,
Rockford, IL 61103.
Dated: December 21, 2005.
Dennis Puccinelli,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. E5–8278 Filed 1–3–06; 8:45 am]
Foreign–Trade Zones Board
[Order No. 1422]
Grant of Authority, Establishment of a
Foreign–Trade Zone, Fargo, North
Pursuant to its authority under the
Foreign–Trade Zones Act of June 18, 1934, as
amended (19 U.S.C. 81a–81u), the Foreign–
Trade Zones Board adopts the following
Whereas, the Foreign–Trade Zones
Act provides for ’’. . . the establishment
. . . of foreign–trade zones in ports of
entry of the United States, to expedite
and encourage foreign commerce, and
for other purposes,’’ and authorizes the
Foreign–Trade Zones Board to grant to
qualified corporations the privilege of
establishing foreign–trade zones in or
adjacent to U.S. Customs ports of entry;
Whereas, the Municipal Airport
Authority of the City of Fargo, North
Dakota (the Grantee), has made
application to the Board (FTZ Docket
20–2005, filed 5/11/05), requesting the
establishment of a foreign–trade zone at
sites in the Fargo, North Dakota, area,
adjacent to the Fargo Customs port of
Whereas, notice inviting public
comment has been given in the Federal
Register (70 FR 29277, 5/20/05); and,
Whereas, the Board adopts the
findings and recommendations of the
examiner’s report, and finds that the
requirements of the FTZ Act and the
Board’s regulations are satisfied, and
that approval of the application is in the
public interest;
Now, therefore, the Board hereby
grants to the Grantee the privilege of
establishing a foreign–trade zone,
designated on the records of the Board
as Foreign–Trade Zone No. 267, atthe
sites described in the application, and
subject to the Act and the Board’s
regulations, including Section 400.28.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2006 / Notices
Signed at Washington, DC, this 19th day of
December 2005.
Foreign–Trade Zones Board
Carlos M. Gutierrez,
Secretary of Commerce, Chairman and
Executive Officer.
Dennis Puccinelli,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. E5–8277 Filed 1–3–06; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Notice of Initiation of Antidumping
Duty Changed Circumstances Review:
Certain Forged Stainless Steel Flanges
from India
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
(the Department) has received
information sufficient to warrant
initiation of a changed circumstances
review of the antidumping duty order
on certain forged stainless steel flanges
(flanges) from India. See Amended Final
Determination and Antidumping Duty
Order; Certain Forged Stainless Steel
Flanges From India, 59 FR 5994,
(February 9, 1994). In response to a
request by Hilton Forge, the Department
is initiating this changed circumstances
review to determine whether Hilton
Metal Forgings, Ltd. is the successor–ininterest to Hilton Forge.
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 4, 2006.
Baker or Robert James, AD/CVD
Operations, Office 7, Import
Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230;
telephone: (202) 482–2924 and (202)
482–0649, respectively.
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
On February 9, 1994, the Department
published in the Federal Register the
antidumping duty order on certain
forged stainless steel flanges from India
(59 FR 5994).
Pursuant to an August 31, 2004
request from Hilton Forge, the
Department conducted a new shipper
review of flanges from India. On
October 28, 2005, the Department
published the final results of the new
shipper review, determining that a
dumping margin existed for Hilton
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Forge for the period February 1 through
July 31, 2004. See Certain Forged
Stainless Steel Flanges from India; Final
Results of New Shipper Review, 70 FR
62094 (October 28, 2005).
On November 14, 2005, Hilton Forge
filed a request for a changed
circumstances administrative review of
the antidumping duty order on flanges
from India, claiming that Hilton Forge
has changed its name to Hilton Metal
Forging Ltd., and has converted itself
from a limited partnership firm into a
company limited by shares. Hilton
Forge requested that the Department
determine whether Hilton Metal
Forgings, Ltd is the successor–ininterest to Hilton Forge, in accordance
with section 751(b) of the Tariff Act of
1930, as amended (the Tariff Act), and
19 CFR 351.216 (2005). In response to
this request, the Department is initiating
a changed circumstances review of this
Scope of the Order
The products covered by this order
are certain forged stainless steel flanges,
both finished and not finished,
generally manufactured to specification
ASTM A–182, and made in alloys such
as 304, 304L, 316, and 316L. The scope
includes five general types of flanges.
They are weld–neck, used for butt–weld
line connection; threaded, used for
threaded line connections; slip–on and
lap joint, used with stub–ends/butt–
weld line connections; socket weld,
used to fit pipe into a machined
recession; and blind, used to seal off a
line. The sizes of the flanges within the
scope range generally from one to six
inches; however, all sizes of the above–
described merchandise are included in
the scope. Specifically excluded from
the scope of this order are cast stainless
steel flanges. Cast stainless steel flanges
generally are manufactured to
specification ASTM A–351. The flanges
subject to this order are currently
classifiable under subheadings
7307.21.1000 and 7307.21.5000 of the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS).
Although the HTS subheadings are
provided for convenience and customs
purposes, the written description of the
merchandise under review is dispositive
of whether or not the merchandise is
covered by the scope of the order.
Initiation of Antidumping Duty
Changes Circumstances Review
Pursuant to section 751(b)(1) of the
Tariff Act, the Department will conduct
a changed circumstances review upon
receipt of a request from an interested
party or receipt of information
concerning an antidumping duty order
which shows changed circumstances
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exist to warrant a review of the order.
On October 28, 2005, the Department
published the final results of a new
shipper review of flanges from India,
which covered Hilton Forge. The
Department determined that a dumping
margin existed for Hilton Forge for the
period February 1, 2004 through July 31,
2004. See 70 FR 60294. On November
14, 2005, Hilton Forge submitted its
request for a changed circumstances
review. With this request, Hilton Forge
submitted certain information related to
its claim that Hilton Forge changed its
name to Hilton Metal Forging Ltd., and
converted itself from a limited
partnership company into a company
limited by shares. Based on the
information that Hilton Forge submitted
regarding a name/status change, the
Department has determined that
changed circumstances sufficient to
warrant a review exist. See 19 CFR
In antidumping duty changed
circumstances reviews involving a
successor–in-interest determination, the
Department typically examines several
factors including, but not limited to, (1)
management; (2) production facilities;
(3) supplier relationships; and (4)
customer base. See Brass Sheet and
Strip from Canada: Notice of Final
Results of Antidumping Administrative
Review, 57 FR 20460, 20462 (May 13,
1992) and Certain Cut–to-Length Carbon
Steel Plate from Romania: Initiation and
Preliminary Results of Changed
Circumstances Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review, 70 FR 22847
(May 3, 2005) (Plate from Romania).
While no single factor or combination of
factors will necessarily be dispositive,
the Department generally will consider
the new company to be the successor to
the predecessor if the resulting
operations are essentially the same as
those of the predecessor company. See,
e.g., Industrial Phosphoric Acid from
Israel: Final Results of Changed
Circumstances Review, 59 FR 6944,
6945 (February 14, 1994), and Plate
from Romania, 70 FR 22847. Thus, if
the record evidence demonstrates that,
with respect to the production and sale
of the subject merchandise, the new
company operates as the same business
entity as the predecessor company, the
Department may assign the new
company the cash deposit rate of its
predecessor. See, e.g., Fresh and Chilled
Atlantic Salmon from Norway: Final
Results of Changed Circumstances
Antidumping Duty Administrative
Review, 64 FR 9979, 9980 (March 1,
1999). Although Hilton Forge submitted
documentation related to its name
change, it failed to provide complete
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 2 (Wednesday, January 4, 2006)]
[Pages 326-327]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E5-8277]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
[Order No. 1422]
Grant of Authority, Establishment of a Foreign-Trade Zone, Fargo,
North Dakota
Pursuant to its authority under the Foreign-Trade Zones Act of
June 18, 1934, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u), the Foreign-Trade
Zones Board adopts the following Order:
Whereas, the Foreign-Trade Zones Act provides for ''. . . the
establishment . . . of foreign-trade zones in ports of entry of the
United States, to expedite and encourage foreign commerce, and for
other purposes,'' and authorizes the Foreign-Trade Zones Board to grant
to qualified corporations the privilege of establishing foreign-trade
zones in or adjacent to U.S. Customs ports of entry;
Whereas, the Municipal Airport Authority of the City of Fargo,
North Dakota (the Grantee), has made application to the Board (FTZ
Docket 20-2005, filed 5/11/05), requesting the establishment of a
foreign-trade zone at sites in the Fargo, North Dakota, area, adjacent
to the Fargo Customs port of entry;
Whereas, notice inviting public comment has been given in the
Federal Register (70 FR 29277, 5/20/05); and,
Whereas, the Board adopts the findings and recommendations of the
examiner's report, and finds that the requirements of the FTZ Act and
the Board's regulations are satisfied, and that approval of the
application is in the public interest;
Now, therefore, the Board hereby grants to the Grantee the
privilege of establishing a foreign-trade zone, designated on the
records of the Board as Foreign-Trade Zone No. 267, atthe sites
described in the application, and subject to the Act and the Board's
regulations, including Section 400.28.
[[Page 327]]
Signed at Washington, DC, this 19th day of December 2005.
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Carlos M. Gutierrez,
Secretary of Commerce, Chairman and Executive Officer.
Dennis Puccinelli,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. E5-8277 Filed 1-3-06; 8:45 am]