Alternate Energy-Related Uses on the Outer Continental Shelf, 77345-77348 [E5-8119]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 250 / Friday, December 30, 2005 / Proposed Rules
(1) Using the inspection schedule in Table
4 of this AD, strip the protective coating,
visually inspect for fretting wear, FMPI for
cracking, reidentify, replate HPC front hubs
and the stage 8–9 spacers, and replace if
(2) Use paragraphs 1. through 1.A. and
paragraphs 2 through 2.C.(2)(g)2 of
Accomplishment Instructions of PW ASB
JT8D A6430, Revision 2, dated December 23,
HPC front hub CSN on the effective date of
this AD
Inspect before additional CIS or CSN, whichever occurs first
Also inspect 7th stage HPC disks and 9th
stage-through-12th stage HPC disks using:
(i) 19,000 or more ..............................................
(ii) 15,500 or more, but fewer than 19,000 .......
(iii) Fewer than 15,500 ......................................
(iv) Fewer than 5,000 that are accessible .........
500 CIS or 20,000 CSN ...................................
1,000 CIS or 19,500 CSN ................................
5,000 CIS or 16,500 CSN ................................
Paragraph (h)(3) of this AD.
Paragraph (h)(3) of this AD.
Paragraph (h)(3) of this AD.
Paragraph (h)(3) of this AD. If the parts pass
inspection, parts may be reinstalled. Inspect
again using the criteria listed in (iii) of this
(3) When the HPC front hub is inspected,
visually inspect for fretting wear and FMPI
for cracks on 7th stage HPC disks and 9th
stage through 12th stage HPC disks.
Inspection information can be found in the
applicable sections of JT8D–200 Engine
Manual P/N 773128, listed in Table 3 of this
(l) Do not recoat the 7th stage disk with
PWA 110–21 (Repair-15 of Chapter/Section
72–36–41 of JT8D–200 Engine Manual, P/N
773128, and Repair-15 of Chapter/Section
72–36–41 of JT8D Engine Manual, P/N
(m) Do not recoat the stage 8–9 spacer with
PWA 110–21 (Repair-03, Task 72–36–12–30–
003–002, of Chapter/Section 72–36–12 of
JT8D–200 Engine Manual, P/N 773128, and
Repair-01, Task 72–36–12–30–001–002, of
Chapter/Section 72–36–12 of JT8D Engine
Manual, P/N 481672).
JT8D–209, –217, –217A, –217C, and –219
Turbofan Engines—Cycle Adjustment for
HPC Front Hubs That Entered Service With
Nickel-Cadmium Plating and PWA 110–21
(i) For JT8D–209, –217, –217A, –217C, and
–219 turbofan engines with HPC front hubs
that entered service with nickel-cadmium
plating, but have also operated during the life
of the hub with PWA 110–21 coating:
(1) You are allowed to make a cycle
(2) Use the information under
Revision 2, dated December 23, 2004, to
determine the adjustment.
Replacement of HPC Front Hubs and Stage
8–9 Spacers That Have Operated With PWA
110–21 Coating, As Optional Terminating
Action—All Engines
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with PROPOSALS
(j) For all applicable engines, as optional
terminating action for the repetitive visual
inspections in this AD, replace HPC front
hubs and stage 8–9 spacers that have
operated with PWA 110–21 coating in the
interface between the hub and the stage 8–
9 spacer and HPC disks currently coated with
PWA 110–21, as follows:
(1) Install a nickel-cadmium plated HPC
front hub that has never operated with PWA
110–21 coating in the interface between the
HPC front hub and the stage 8–9 spacer.
(2) Install a nickel-cadmium plated or
electroless nickel-plated stage 8–9 spacer.
(3) Install HPC disks that have never
operated with PWA 110–21 coating.
Prohibition Against Recoating the HPC Front
Hub, Stage 7 HPC Disk, and Stage 8–9
Spacer With PWA 110–21—All Engines
(k) Do not recoat the HPC front hub with
PWA 110–21 (Repair-23 of Chapter/Section
72–36–42 of JT8D–200 Engine Manual, P/N
773128, and Repair-27 and Repair-28 of
Chapter/Section 72–36–42 of JT8D Engine
Manual, P/N 481672).
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(n) For the purposes of this AD, a shop
visit is an engine removal, where engine
maintenance entails separating pairs of major
engine flanges or removing a disk, hub, or
spool at a maintenance facility, regardless of
other planned maintenance, except as
(1) Removing the engine to perform field
maintenance type activities at a maintenance
facility in lieu of performing them on-wing
is not a ‘‘shop visit.’’
(2) Separating flanges of the Combustion
Chamber and Turbine Fan Duct Assembly
(split flanges) to access non-rotating
accessory hardware is not a ‘‘shop visit.’’
(3) Separating flanges to ship the engine
without subsequent internal maintenance is
not a ‘‘shop visit.’’
(o) For the purposes of this AD
accessibility of the HPC front hub is
removing the hub from the engine and
deblading that hub.
Alternative Methods of Compliance
(p) The Manager, Engine Certification
Office, has the authority to approve
alternative methods of compliance for this
AD if requested using the procedures found
in 14 CFR 39.19.
Related Information
(q) None.
Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on
December 23, 2005.
Carlos Pestana,
Acting Manager, Engine and Propeller
Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. E5–8099 Filed 12–29–05; 8:45 am]
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Minerals Management Service
30 CFR Part 285
RIN 1010–AD30
Alternate Energy-Related Uses on the
Outer Continental Shelf
Minerals Management Service
(MMS), Interior.
ACTION: Advance Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (ANPR).
SUMMARY: The MMS is seeking
comments on the development of a
regulatory program to implement
portions of the Energy Policy Act of
2005, Section 388—Alternate EnergyRelated Uses on the Outer Continental
Shelf. Specifically, MMS is seeking
comments regarding energy
development from sources other than oil
and gas and alternate uses of existing
DATES: MMS will consider all comments
received by February 28, 2006. MMS
will begin reviewing comments then
and may not fully consider comments
received after February 28, 2006.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
on the notice by any of the following
methods listed below. Please use the
Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)
‘‘1010–AD30’’ as an identifier in your
message. See also Public Comment
Policy under Supplementary
• MMS’s Public Connect on-line
commenting system, https:// Follow the
instructions on the website for
submitting comments.
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions on the Web site for
submitting comments.
• E-mail MMS at Use the RIN
in the subject line.
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 250 / Friday, December 30, 2005 / Proposed Rules
• Fax: 703–787–1546. Identify with
the RIN.
• Mail or hand-carry comments to the
Department of the Interior; Minerals
Management Service; Attention: Rules
Processing Team (RPT); 381 Elden
Street, MS–4024; Herndon, Virginia
20170–4817. Please reference ‘‘Alternate
Energy-Related Uses on the Outer
Continental Shelf—1010–AD30’’ in your
Amy C. White, 703–787–1665.
Public Comment Policy: All
submissions received must include the
agency name and RIN, ‘‘1010–AD30’’ for
this notice. Our practice is to make
comments, including names and
addresses of respondents, available for
public review. Individual respondents
may request that we withhold their
address from the record, which we will
honor to the extent allowable by law.
There may be circumstances in which
we would withhold from the record a
respondent’s identity, as allowable by
the law. If you wish us to withhold your
name and/or address, you must state
this prominently at the beginning of
your comment. However, we will not
consider anonymous comments. Except
for proprietary information, we will
make all submissions from
organizations or businesses, and from
individuals identifying themselves as
representatives or officials of
organizations or businesses, available
for public inspection in their entirety.
Background: Section 388(a) of the
Energy Policy Act of 2005 (the Act)
amended section 8 of the Outer
Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA)
(43 U.S.C. 1337) to authorize the
Department of the Interior (DOI) to grant
leases, easements or rights-of-way on
the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
for the development and support of
energy resources from sources other
than oil and gas and to allow for
alternate uses of existing facilities on
the OCS. This authority will be
exercised by the MMS. MMS is the
agency within DOI that manages energy
and mineral resources on the OCS.
The Act requires MMS to grant leases,
easements and rights-of-way on a
competitive basis, unless there is no
competitive interest. MMS is developing
a program and regulations to implement
certain portions of section 388(a) of the
Act. Under this authority, MMS may
issue leases, easements or rights-of-way
if those activities:
• Produce or support production,
transportation, or transmission of energy
from sources other than oil and gas.
• Use, for energy-related purposes or
other authorized marine related
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purposes, facilities currently or
previously used for activities authorized
under the OCSLA.
The Act does not supersede any
existing restrictions on OCS activities,
including existing deferrals by
Presidential withdrawal or
congressional moratoria for oil and gas
production-related activities, and does
not apply to areas designated as marine
sanctuaries, national parks, national
wildlife refuges, and national
monuments. The Act also authorizes the
issuance of leases, easements or rightsof-way for activities that support
exploration, development, production,
or storage of oil or natural gas and for
activities that support transportation of
oil or natural gas, excluding shipping
activities. These provisions are not
addressed in this ANPR and will not be
included in this planned rulemaking.
MMS will address these activities
through additional rulemaking, as
MMS anticipates proposals for
various types of energy development
projects on the OCS from sources other
than oil or natural gas and alternate uses
for the OCS, under the Act. MMS
anticipates that the majority of the
applications received for non-oil and
gas development projects will be for the
development of renewable energy.
Possible sources of renewable energy
include, but are not limited to:
• Wind
• Wave
• Current
• Solar
We also would like comments on types
of energy that are considered to be
alternative energy but not renewable
Alternate uses of existing facilities
may include, but are not limited to:
• Offshore aquaculture
• Research
• Education
• Recreation
• Support for offshore operations and
• Telecommunications facilities
Although the Act authorizes MMS to
permit alternate uses of existing OCS
facilities, MMS is not seeking the
authority over activities such as
aquaculture, but only the decision to
allow platforms to be converted to such
uses, if the appropriate agency approves
the underlying activity.
Program and Regulation Development
MMS interprets the authority granted
in section 388(a) of the Energy Policy
Act of 2005 to issue leases, easements or
rights-of-way as also providing MMS
authority to regulate or permit the
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activities that occur on those leases,
easements or rights-of-way, if those
activities are energy related. MMS is
developing a comprehensive program
and regulations to manage renewable
and other alternate energy projects and
to permit alternate uses of existing OCS
facilities, as authorized in section 388(a)
of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Objectives of the new program are to
provide access to the OCS for such
projects in a way that balances
competing and complementary uses of
offshore acreage; takes into account the
evolving nature of the energy industry;
and provides a fair return to the United
States for access to the OCS.
MMS will require that all authorized
operations move from proposal to
development in a timely manner. MMS
regulations will govern projects from
proposal through the development
process, operations, and end of life.
MMS will monitor and enforce
compliance. MMS promotes using the
best available and safest technology.
Contingency planning for technology
failure, human factors, or extreme
offshore events will be required.
MMS will involve stakeholders
throughout the program and regulation
development process. We will
coordinate with and consult state
governors, local government executives,
and other Federal agencies concerning
activities that may affect them. MMS is
interested in developing processes that
are clear to all stakeholders.
To assist MMS in developing this new
program and implementing regulations,
we are requesting public comments. We
will consider these comments while
developing proposed regulations. To
facilitate commenting we have
identified five major program areas,
listed below, with coordination and
consultation an important aspect of all
of the program areas. We will discuss
each area individually and provide a list
of general issues followed by specific
questions for each program area. These
lists and questions are not all inclusive,
but are intended to provide you with
ideas and a framework for commenting.
Program Areas
• Access to OCS lands and resources
• Environmental information,
management, and compliance
• Operational activities
• Payments and revenues
• Coordination and consultation
Please indicate which program area
your comments address. If your
comments cover issues outside of the
program areas, please identify them as
1. Are there regulatory regimes, either
in the U.S. or abroad, that address
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 250 / Friday, December 30, 2005 / Proposed Rules
similar or related issues that should be
reviewed or considered as MMS moves
forward with the rulemaking process?
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with PROPOSALS
Program area: Access to OCS Lands and
Description: There are several
methods authorized by the statute for
providing access rights to the OCS,
including leases, easements and rightsof-way. All of these methods usually
require certain pre-qualification
measures, such as a showing of financial
capability to carry out the proposed
The MMS will require a defined
schedule for action and terms and
conditions to maintain the interest
granted. In addition, approval may be
contingent on the receipt of certain data
and information.
General issues: Please provide
information on how MMS can best:
A. Provide access for resource and site
B. Issue the appropriate instrument
(e.g., leases, easements, rights-of-way).
C. Solicit interest for development
D. Identify terms and conditions of
use such as:
Assignment of rights.
Suspensions and cancellation of
Limitation of rights.
E. Identify geographical areas of
interest for:
Resource and site assessment.
Development feasibility.
F. Ensure fair competition.
G. Process permits and applications.
H. Process pre-application resource
I. Allow concurrent developments.
J. Minimize multi-use conflicts .
Specific questions:
2. Possible development scenarios
include phased access rights, which
would allow for resource and/or site
assessments and research prior to
securing additional access rights. Rights
could be permitted on a case-by-case
basis. Development rights would be
secured by a competitive process. An
alternative would be to require that
interested parties secure the access
rights to an area prior to conducting
assessments and research. Please
comment on these possible options.
3. In cases where applicants or
interested parties propose activities that
would foreclose competing future uses,
how should MMS estimate ‘‘a fair
return,’’ especially if the competing uses
would likely be public uses?
4. What constitutes a geographical
area of interest?
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5. What assessments should we
require prior to competition?
6. How should MMS structure the
competitive process and the application
process used to issue OCS access rights?
Should MMS auction access rights or
engage in direct negotiation?
7. Should MMS take a broad approach
to developing a program, or should
efforts be targeted to specific regions?
8. How should MMS consider other
existing uses when identifying areas for
9. How should MMS balance existing
uses within an area with potential wind
and current energy projects?
10. Should MMS require permits for
collecting data from vessels? Should we
consider this information proprietary?
What criteria should we use for holding
the information proprietary?
11. What criteria (e.g. environmental
considerations, energy needs,
economics) should MMS consider in
deciding whether or not to approve a
project? What criteria should MMS
consider for different competing
projects (i.e. wind versus current) for the
same site?
Program Area: Environmental
Information, Management, and
Description: Environmental
management systems and review will be
critical components of any activity in
the new program. Environmental
management systems must address all
phases of planning and development,
on-going operations, and removal of
facilities associated with the new
program. The new program will require
identifying mitigation measures,
monitoring programs, developing
methods of validation and verification;
establishing roles and responsibilities;
and developing procedures for
determining mitigation effectiveness, all
of which are components of an
environmental management system. The
environmental management system will
rely on an adaptive management
strategy that gathers and uses
information, including monitoring and
evaluation of activities and their
environmental consequences. Based on
the results of this analysis and a
determination of the effectiveness of the
mitigation measures, revised or new
mitigation measures could be
implemented. The new regulations will
require compliance with all pertinent
environmental laws and regulations.
General issues: Please provide
information regarding:
K. Information requirements needed
for environmental management systems
for any project.
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L. Assessments and studies of risks
and impacts (site-specific and
cumulative) associated with offshore
energy and alternate use projects.
M. Examples of best practices for
environmental compliance, monitoring,
and effectiveness being used in the U.S.
and elsewhere.
N. Balancing environmental
considerations with national energy
Specific questions:
12. What types and levels of
environmental information should MMS
require for a project?
13. What types of site-specific studies
should MMS require? When should
these studies be conducted? Who
should be responsible for conducting
these studies?
14. What should be the goals and
objectives of monitoring, mitigation, and
15. What types of impacts are of
concern? What are effective approaches
for mitigating impacts? How can
mitigation effectiveness and compliance
with Federal environmental statutes be
16. What regulatory program elements
lead to effective enforcement of
environmental requirements?
17. How should environmental
management systems be monitored (by
the applicant, the MMS or by an
independent third party)? What should
be the MMS roles versus the roles of
industry for ensuring appropriate
oversight and governance?
Program Area: Operational Activities
Description: Operational activities
address all aspects of the program from
the application through project
assessment, development, installation,
and production, to end of project life
and removal of facilities. Inspections,
monitoring, and enforcement are
conducted throughout the entire project
life. Risk analysis, engineering, studies,
and research occur as needed.
General issues: Please provide
information on:
O. Permitting pilot projects.
P. Ensuring human health and safety
on and adjacent to the project site.
Q. Protecting environmental resources
during construction, production, and
R. Identifying design and installation
requirements associated with new
projects and modification of existing
S. Identifying production
requirements as a component of
T. Managing end of life and facility
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 250 / Friday, December 30, 2005 / Proposed Rules
U. Conducting oversight
responsibilities (e.g., inspection,
monitoring, enforcement).
V. Identifying technology assessment
and research needs.
W. Preventing waste.
X. Conserving resources.
Specific questions:
18. What options should MMS
consider as alternatives to facility
removal? Are there unique issues (such
as liability) associated with those
19. What engineering challenges
should be considered when operating in
an OCS environment?
20. What safety issues exist when
operating an energy production facility
on the OCS?
21. How should operational activities
be monitored (e.g. annual on-site
inspections with verification of
operating plans)? Is there an appropriate
role for the applicant and independent
third party certification agents? Describe
existing models that could serve as a
prototype inspection and monitoring
22. Are there special considerations
that MMS should examine in
developing an inspection program that
covers a diverse set of renewable
production facilities? If so, what are
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with PROPOSALS
Program Area: Payments and Revenues
Description: MMS has the
responsibility to ensure a fair return to
the United States for the use of any
lease, easement, or right-of-way granted.
The MMS is required to establish bonus
bids, rentals, fees, royalties, or other
payments to ensure that return.
Additionally, cost recovery fees may be
collected to compensate for the
administrative costs of providing
various services. Developing a payment
and revenue structure, as well as
appropriately designing fiscal terms
applicable to energy and alternate use
projects, requires additional
General issues: Please provide
information on:
Y. Bonus bids.
Z. Rentals.
AA. Royalty terms.
BB. Fees, including cost recovery fees
or other payments.
CC. Assessing value/benefits and
impacts, Public, Private.
DD. Valuing leases, easements or
EE. Comparable fiscal systems.
FF. Surety bonds.
Specific questions:
23. What should the payment
structure be designed to collect? Should
payments be targeted at charging for use
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of the seabed? Should payments try to
capture the opportunity costs of other
activities displaced by the activity?
Should the payment structure be
designed to capture a portion of the
revenue stream, and if so, under what
24. Offshore renewable energy
technologies are in their infancy.
Should the payment structure be
designed to encourage the development
of these activities until the technologies
are better established?
25. What methods are used by the
renewable energy industry to quantify
the risk and uncertainty involved with
estimating the size of a renewable
energy resource, and evaluating its
26. What measures of profitability are
commonly used as renewable energy
investment decision criteria? How do
bonus bids, rents, royalties, fees and
other payment methods impact the
profitability of these projects?
27. Are there economic models
available to calculate the profitability of
renewable energy proposals?
28. Increased reliance on renewable
energy offers both economic and
environmental benefits. What are the
public benefits to society and do they
differ from market driven benefits?
29. In section 8 (p) of the OCSLA as
amended by Section 388 of the Energy
Policy Act, the Secretary must require
the holder of a lease, easement or right
of way granted under that subsection to
furnish a surety bond or other form of
security. What options should MMS
consider to comply with this
Coordination and Consultation
Description: Section 8(p) of the
OCSLA, as amended, includes several
provisions relating to coordination and
consultation with interested and
affected parties. Those provisions call
for coordinating and consulting with
state governors or local government
executives concerning activities that
may affect them, developing and
implementing regulations in
consultation with certain Federal
agencies and the governors of affected
states, and ensuring that activities are
carried out in a manner that provides for
coordination with relevant Federal
agencies. MMS views these
requirements as essentially covering all
aspects and phases of the non-oil and
gas energy and alternate use program
established by the Energy Policy Act of
Questions relating to coordination
and consultation:
30. While MMS considers this ANPR
an appropriate start at consultation with
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interested and affected parties, what
other efforts could be undertaken at this
early stage of program development?
31. Should a broad approach be taken
to developing a program or should
efforts be targeted to specific regions
with commensurate coordination and
32. Would the establishment of
Federal/state cooperatives for targeted
areas be useful? Similar to the process
for OCS oil and gas program
formulation, should we solicit
comments on which areas of the OCS
should be included or excluded from
the program? After establishing where
there is consensus in support of
program activities, should coordination
and consultation efforts be directed to
those areas? Conversely, should such
efforts be curtailed or abandoned for
areas recommended for exclusion?
33. What are the critical stages (e.g.
site evaluation, application, competitive
sale) for consultation with affected
34. Should procedures for consulting
with interested and affected parties be
codified in the regulations? In general?
In detail?
35. What processes can MMS use to
provide for balance between
consultations and the time and burden
to the projects?
36. Are there specific aspects of the
new ROW rule issued by the Bureau of
Land Management that should be
reviewed by MMS for consideration in
its rulemaking?
MMS seeks responses to the
questions, and comments as to which
option(s) may be considered the most
effective and efficient. After analyzing
the comments received from this notice,
MMS will determine how to proceed.
MMS encourages all interested parties
to respond to these questions and to
provide comments on any aspect of this
Dated: December 7, 2005.
Walter D. Cruickshank,
Acting Director, Minerals Management
[FR Doc. E5–8119 Filed 12–29–05; 8:45 am]
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation
and Enforcement
30 CFR Part 936
[Docket No. OK–030–FOR]
Oklahoma Regulatory Program
Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement, Interior.
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 250 (Friday, December 30, 2005)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 77345-77348]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E5-8119]
Minerals Management Service
30 CFR Part 285
RIN 1010-AD30
Alternate Energy-Related Uses on the Outer Continental Shelf
AGENCY: Minerals Management Service (MMS), Interior.
ACTION: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR).
SUMMARY: The MMS is seeking comments on the development of a regulatory
program to implement portions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Section
388--Alternate Energy-Related Uses on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Specifically, MMS is seeking comments regarding energy development from
sources other than oil and gas and alternate uses of existing
DATES: MMS will consider all comments received by February 28, 2006.
MMS will begin reviewing comments then and may not fully consider
comments received after February 28, 2006.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on the notice by any of the
following methods listed below. Please use the Regulation Identifier
Number (RIN) ``1010-AD30'' as an identifier in your message. See also
Public Comment Policy under Supplementary Information.
MMS's Public Connect on-line commenting system, https:// Follow the instructions on the website for
submitting comments.
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions on the Web site for submitting comments.
E-mail MMS at Use the RIN in the
subject line.
[[Page 77346]]
Fax: 703-787-1546. Identify with the RIN.
Mail or hand-carry comments to the Department of the
Interior; Minerals Management Service; Attention: Rules Processing Team
(RPT); 381 Elden Street, MS-4024; Herndon, Virginia 20170-4817. Please
reference ``Alternate Energy-Related Uses on the Outer Continental
Shelf--1010-AD30'' in your comments.
Public Comment Policy: All submissions received must include the
agency name and RIN, ``1010-AD30'' for this notice. Our practice is to
make comments, including names and addresses of respondents, available
for public review. Individual respondents may request that we withhold
their address from the record, which we will honor to the extent
allowable by law. There may be circumstances in which we would withhold
from the record a respondent's identity, as allowable by the law. If
you wish us to withhold your name and/or address, you must state this
prominently at the beginning of your comment. However, we will not
consider anonymous comments. Except for proprietary information, we
will make all submissions from organizations or businesses, and from
individuals identifying themselves as representatives or officials of
organizations or businesses, available for public inspection in their
Background: Section 388(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (the
Act) amended section 8 of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA)
(43 U.S.C. 1337) to authorize the Department of the Interior (DOI) to
grant leases, easements or rights-of-way on the U.S. Outer Continental
Shelf (OCS) for the development and support of energy resources from
sources other than oil and gas and to allow for alternate uses of
existing facilities on the OCS. This authority will be exercised by the
MMS. MMS is the agency within DOI that manages energy and mineral
resources on the OCS.
The Act requires MMS to grant leases, easements and rights-of-way
on a competitive basis, unless there is no competitive interest. MMS is
developing a program and regulations to implement certain portions of
section 388(a) of the Act. Under this authority, MMS may issue leases,
easements or rights-of-way if those activities:
Produce or support production, transportation, or
transmission of energy from sources other than oil and gas.
Use, for energy-related purposes or other authorized
marine related purposes, facilities currently or previously used for
activities authorized under the OCSLA.
The Act does not supersede any existing restrictions on OCS
activities, including existing deferrals by Presidential withdrawal or
congressional moratoria for oil and gas production-related activities,
and does not apply to areas designated as marine sanctuaries, national
parks, national wildlife refuges, and national monuments. The Act also
authorizes the issuance of leases, easements or rights-of-way for
activities that support exploration, development, production, or
storage of oil or natural gas and for activities that support
transportation of oil or natural gas, excluding shipping activities.
These provisions are not addressed in this ANPR and will not be
included in this planned rulemaking. MMS will address these activities
through additional rulemaking, as needed.
MMS anticipates proposals for various types of energy development
projects on the OCS from sources other than oil or natural gas and
alternate uses for the OCS, under the Act. MMS anticipates that the
majority of the applications received for non-oil and gas development
projects will be for the development of renewable energy. Possible
sources of renewable energy include, but are not limited to:
We also would like comments on types of energy that are considered to
be alternative energy but not renewable energy.
Alternate uses of existing facilities may include, but are not
limited to:
Offshore aquaculture
Support for offshore operations and facilities
Telecommunications facilities
Although the Act authorizes MMS to permit alternate uses of existing
OCS facilities, MMS is not seeking the authority over activities such
as aquaculture, but only the decision to allow platforms to be
converted to such uses, if the appropriate agency approves the
underlying activity.
Program and Regulation Development
MMS interprets the authority granted in section 388(a) of the
Energy Policy Act of 2005 to issue leases, easements or rights-of-way
as also providing MMS authority to regulate or permit the activities
that occur on those leases, easements or rights-of-way, if those
activities are energy related. MMS is developing a comprehensive
program and regulations to manage renewable and other alternate energy
projects and to permit alternate uses of existing OCS facilities, as
authorized in section 388(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Objectives of the new program are to provide access to the OCS for such
projects in a way that balances competing and complementary uses of
offshore acreage; takes into account the evolving nature of the energy
industry; and provides a fair return to the United States for access to
the OCS.
MMS will require that all authorized operations move from proposal
to development in a timely manner. MMS regulations will govern projects
from proposal through the development process, operations, and end of
life. MMS will monitor and enforce compliance. MMS promotes using the
best available and safest technology. Contingency planning for
technology failure, human factors, or extreme offshore events will be
MMS will involve stakeholders throughout the program and regulation
development process. We will coordinate with and consult state
governors, local government executives, and other Federal agencies
concerning activities that may affect them. MMS is interested in
developing processes that are clear to all stakeholders.
To assist MMS in developing this new program and implementing
regulations, we are requesting public comments. We will consider these
comments while developing proposed regulations. To facilitate
commenting we have identified five major program areas, listed below,
with coordination and consultation an important aspect of all of the
program areas. We will discuss each area individually and provide a
list of general issues followed by specific questions for each program
area. These lists and questions are not all inclusive, but are intended
to provide you with ideas and a framework for commenting.
Program Areas
Access to OCS lands and resources
Environmental information, management, and compliance
Operational activities
Payments and revenues
Coordination and consultation
Please indicate which program area your comments address. If your
comments cover issues outside of the program areas, please identify
them as ``other.''
1. Are there regulatory regimes, either in the U.S. or abroad, that
[[Page 77347]]
similar or related issues that should be reviewed or considered as MMS
moves forward with the rulemaking process?
Program area: Access to OCS Lands and Resources
Description: There are several methods authorized by the statute
for providing access rights to the OCS, including leases, easements and
rights-of-way. All of these methods usually require certain pre-
qualification measures, such as a showing of financial capability to
carry out the proposed project.
The MMS will require a defined schedule for action and terms and
conditions to maintain the interest granted. In addition, approval may
be contingent on the receipt of certain data and information.
General issues: Please provide information on how MMS can best:
A. Provide access for resource and site assessment.
B. Issue the appropriate instrument (e.g., leases, easements,
C. Solicit interest for development projects.
D. Identify terms and conditions of use such as:
Assignment of rights.
Suspensions and cancellation of rights.
Limitation of rights.
E. Identify geographical areas of interest for:
Resource and site assessment.
Development feasibility.
F. Ensure fair competition.
G. Process permits and applications.
H. Process pre-application resource assessments.
I. Allow concurrent developments.
J. Minimize multi-use conflicts .
Specific questions:
2. Possible development scenarios include phased access rights,
which would allow for resource and/or site assessments and research
prior to securing additional access rights. Rights could be permitted
on a case-by-case basis. Development rights would be secured by a
competitive process. An alternative would be to require that interested
parties secure the access rights to an area prior to conducting
assessments and research. Please comment on these possible options.
3. In cases where applicants or interested parties propose
activities that would foreclose competing future uses, how should MMS
estimate ``a fair return,'' especially if the competing uses would
likely be public uses?
4. What constitutes a geographical area of interest?
5. What assessments should we require prior to competition?
6. How should MMS structure the competitive process and the
application process used to issue OCS access rights? Should MMS auction
access rights or engage in direct negotiation?
7. Should MMS take a broad approach to developing a program, or
should efforts be targeted to specific regions?
8. How should MMS consider other existing uses when identifying
areas for access?
9. How should MMS balance existing uses within an area with
potential wind and current energy projects?
10. Should MMS require permits for collecting data from vessels?
Should we consider this information proprietary? What criteria should
we use for holding the information proprietary?
11. What criteria (e.g. environmental considerations, energy needs,
economics) should MMS consider in deciding whether or not to approve a
project? What criteria should MMS consider for different competing
projects (i.e. wind versus current) for the same site?
Program Area: Environmental Information, Management, and Compliance
Description: Environmental management systems and review will be
critical components of any activity in the new program. Environmental
management systems must address all phases of planning and development,
on-going operations, and removal of facilities associated with the new
program. The new program will require identifying mitigation measures,
monitoring programs, developing methods of validation and verification;
establishing roles and responsibilities; and developing procedures for
determining mitigation effectiveness, all of which are components of an
environmental management system. The environmental management system
will rely on an adaptive management strategy that gathers and uses
information, including monitoring and evaluation of activities and
their environmental consequences. Based on the results of this analysis
and a determination of the effectiveness of the mitigation measures,
revised or new mitigation measures could be implemented. The new
regulations will require compliance with all pertinent environmental
laws and regulations.
General issues: Please provide information regarding:
K. Information requirements needed for environmental management
systems for any project.
L. Assessments and studies of risks and impacts (site-specific and
cumulative) associated with offshore energy and alternate use projects.
M. Examples of best practices for environmental compliance,
monitoring, and effectiveness being used in the U.S. and elsewhere.
N. Balancing environmental considerations with national energy
Specific questions:
12. What types and levels of environmental information should MMS
require for a project?
13. What types of site-specific studies should MMS require? When
should these studies be conducted? Who should be responsible for
conducting these studies?
14. What should be the goals and objectives of monitoring,
mitigation, and enforcement?
15. What types of impacts are of concern? What are effective
approaches for mitigating impacts? How can mitigation effectiveness and
compliance with Federal environmental statutes be assessed?
16. What regulatory program elements lead to effective enforcement
of environmental requirements?
17. How should environmental management systems be monitored (by
the applicant, the MMS or by an independent third party)? What should
be the MMS roles versus the roles of industry for ensuring appropriate
oversight and governance?
Program Area: Operational Activities
Description: Operational activities address all aspects of the
program from the application through project assessment, development,
installation, and production, to end of project life and removal of
facilities. Inspections, monitoring, and enforcement are conducted
throughout the entire project life. Risk analysis, engineering,
studies, and research occur as needed.
General issues: Please provide information on:
O. Permitting pilot projects.
P. Ensuring human health and safety on and adjacent to the project
Q. Protecting environmental resources during construction,
production, and removal.
R. Identifying design and installation requirements associated with
new projects and modification of existing facilities.
S. Identifying production requirements as a component of diligence.
T. Managing end of life and facility removal.
[[Page 77348]]
U. Conducting oversight responsibilities (e.g., inspection,
monitoring, enforcement).
V. Identifying technology assessment and research needs.
W. Preventing waste.
X. Conserving resources.
Specific questions:
18. What options should MMS consider as alternatives to facility
removal? Are there unique issues (such as liability) associated with
those options?
19. What engineering challenges should be considered when operating
in an OCS environment?
20. What safety issues exist when operating an energy production
facility on the OCS?
21. How should operational activities be monitored (e.g. annual on-
site inspections with verification of operating plans)? Is there an
appropriate role for the applicant and independent third party
certification agents? Describe existing models that could serve as a
prototype inspection and monitoring program.
22. Are there special considerations that MMS should examine in
developing an inspection program that covers a diverse set of renewable
production facilities? If so, what are they?
Program Area: Payments and Revenues
Description: MMS has the responsibility to ensure a fair return to
the United States for the use of any lease, easement, or right-of-way
granted. The MMS is required to establish bonus bids, rentals, fees,
royalties, or other payments to ensure that return. Additionally, cost
recovery fees may be collected to compensate for the administrative
costs of providing various services. Developing a payment and revenue
structure, as well as appropriately designing fiscal terms applicable
to energy and alternate use projects, requires additional information.
General issues: Please provide information on:
Y. Bonus bids.
Z. Rentals.
AA. Royalty terms.
BB. Fees, including cost recovery fees or other payments.
CC. Assessing value/benefits and impacts, Public, Private.
DD. Valuing leases, easements or rights-of-way.
EE. Comparable fiscal systems.
FF. Surety bonds.
Specific questions:
23. What should the payment structure be designed to collect?
Should payments be targeted at charging for use of the seabed? Should
payments try to capture the opportunity costs of other activities
displaced by the activity? Should the payment structure be designed to
capture a portion of the revenue stream, and if so, under what
24. Offshore renewable energy technologies are in their infancy.
Should the payment structure be designed to encourage the development
of these activities until the technologies are better established?
25. What methods are used by the renewable energy industry to
quantify the risk and uncertainty involved with estimating the size of
a renewable energy resource, and evaluating its profitability?
26. What measures of profitability are commonly used as renewable
energy investment decision criteria? How do bonus bids, rents,
royalties, fees and other payment methods impact the profitability of
these projects?
27. Are there economic models available to calculate the
profitability of renewable energy proposals?
28. Increased reliance on renewable energy offers both economic and
environmental benefits. What are the public benefits to society and do
they differ from market driven benefits?
29. In section 8 (p) of the OCSLA as amended by Section 388 of the
Energy Policy Act, the Secretary must require the holder of a lease,
easement or right of way granted under that subsection to furnish a
surety bond or other form of security. What options should MMS consider
to comply with this requirement?
Coordination and Consultation
Description: Section 8(p) of the OCSLA, as amended, includes
several provisions relating to coordination and consultation with
interested and affected parties. Those provisions call for coordinating
and consulting with state governors or local government executives
concerning activities that may affect them, developing and implementing
regulations in consultation with certain Federal agencies and the
governors of affected states, and ensuring that activities are carried
out in a manner that provides for coordination with relevant Federal
agencies. MMS views these requirements as essentially covering all
aspects and phases of the non-oil and gas energy and alternate use
program established by the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Questions relating to coordination and consultation:
30. While MMS considers this ANPR an appropriate start at
consultation with interested and affected parties, what other efforts
could be undertaken at this early stage of program development?
31. Should a broad approach be taken to developing a program or
should efforts be targeted to specific regions with commensurate
coordination and consultation?
32. Would the establishment of Federal/state cooperatives for
targeted areas be useful? Similar to the process for OCS oil and gas
program formulation, should we solicit comments on which areas of the
OCS should be included or excluded from the program? After establishing
where there is consensus in support of program activities, should
coordination and consultation efforts be directed to those areas?
Conversely, should such efforts be curtailed or abandoned for areas
recommended for exclusion?
33. What are the critical stages (e.g. site evaluation,
application, competitive sale) for consultation with affected parties?
34. Should procedures for consulting with interested and affected
parties be codified in the regulations? In general? In detail?
35. What processes can MMS use to provide for balance between
consultations and the time and burden to the projects?
36. Are there specific aspects of the new ROW rule issued by the
Bureau of Land Management that should be reviewed by MMS for
consideration in its rulemaking?
MMS seeks responses to the questions, and comments as to which
option(s) may be considered the most effective and efficient. After
analyzing the comments received from this notice, MMS will determine
how to proceed. MMS encourages all interested parties to respond to
these questions and to provide comments on any aspect of this program.
Dated: December 7, 2005.
Walter D. Cruickshank,
Acting Director, Minerals Management Service.
[FR Doc. E5-8119 Filed 12-29-05; 8:45 am]