Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model EMB-135 Airplanes; and Model EMB-145, -145ER, -145MR, -145LR, -145XR, -145MP, and -145EP Airplanes, 77303-77307 [05-24530]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 250 / Friday, December 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
determine if the serial number (S/N) of the
elevator is listed in Airbus All Operators
Telex (AOT) A300–600–55A6032, dated June
23, 2004 (for Model A300 B4–601, B4–603,
B4–620, B4–622, B4–605R, B4–622R, C4–
605R Variant F, F4–605R, and F4–622R
airplanes); or in Airbus AOT A310–55A2033,
dated June 23, 2004 (for Model A310–203,
–204, –221, –222, –304, –322, –324, and –325
(1) If the S/N does not match any S/N on
either AOT S/N list, no further action is
required by this paragraph.
(2) If the S/N matches a S/N listed in an
AOT, before further flight, do the actions
listed in Table 1 of this AD, and any
corrective action as applicable, in accordance
with Airbus AOT A300–600–55A6032, dated
June 23, 2004; or Airbus AOT A310–
55A2033, dated June 23, 2004; as applicable.
Repeat the inspections at intervals not to
exceed 600 flight hours. Do applicable
corrective actions before further flight.
Do a—
Of the—
For any—
Detailed inspection ..................
Elevator upper and lower external skin surfaces
Visual inspection with a lowangle light.
Tap-test inspection ..................
Elevator upper and lower external skin surfaces
Damage (i.e., breaks in the graphite fiber reinforced plastic
(GFRP)/Tedlar film protection, debonded GFRP/Tedlar
film protection, bulges, torn-out plies).
Differences in the surface reflection.
Upper and lower external skin surfaces of the
honeycomb core panels in the elevator.
Honeycomb core that has debonded from the carbon fiber
reinforced plastic (CFRP).
Note 1: For the purposes of this AD, a
detailed inspection is ‘‘an intensive
examination of a specific item, installation,
or assembly to detect damage, failure, or
irregularity. Available lighting is normally
supplemented with a direct source of good
lighting at an intensity deemed appropriate.
Inspection aids such as mirrors magnifying
lenses, etc. may be necessary. Surface
cleaning and elaborate procedures may be
Repair Approval
(g) Where the AOT says to contact the
manufacturer for repair instructions, or an
alternative inspection method: Before further
flight, repair or do the alternative inspection
method according to a method approved by
either the Manager, International Branch,
ANM–116, FAA, Transport Airplane
´ ´
Directorate; or the Direction Generale de
l’Aviation Civile (DGAC) (or its delegated
Parts Installation
(h) As of the effective date of this AD, no
carbon fiber elevator having part number (P/
N) A55276055000 (left-hand side) or P/N
A55276056000 (right-hand side) may be
installed on any airplane unless it is
inspected according to paragraph (f) of this
No Reporting Required
(i) Although the AOTs referenced in this
AD specify to submit inspection reports to
the manufacturer, this AD does not include
that requirement.
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with RULES
Alternative Methods of Compliance
(j)(1) The Manager, International Branch,
ANM–116, has the authority to approve
AMOCs for this AD, if requested in
accordance with the procedures found in 14
CFR 39.19.
(2) Before using any AMOC approved in
accordance with 14 CFR 39.19 on any
airplane to which the AMOC applies, notify
the appropriate principal inspector in the
FAA Flight Standards Certificate Holding
District Office.
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Related Information
(k) French airworthiness directive F–2004–
131, dated August 4, 2004, also addresses the
subject of this AD.
Federal Aviation Administration
Material Incorporated by Reference
(l) You must use Airbus All Operators
Telex A300–600–55A6032, dated June 23,
2004; or Airbus All Operators Telex A310–
55A2033, dated June 23, 2004; as applicable;
to perform the actions that are required by
this AD, unless the AD specifies otherwise.
(The document number and date are only
included on the first page of these
documents.) The Director of the Federal
Register approved the incorporation by
reference of these documents in accordance
with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
Contact Airbus, 1 Rond Point Maurice
Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France, for a
copy of this service information. You may
review copies at the Docket Management
Facility, U.S. Department of Transportation,
400 Seventh Street SW., Room PL–401,
Nassif Building, Washington, DC; on the
Internet at; or at the
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at the NARA,
call (202) 741–6030, or go to https://
Issued in Renton, Washington, on
December 15, 2005.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 05–24531 Filed 12–29–05; 8:45 am]
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14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. 2002–NM–89–AD; Amendment
39–14436; AD 2005–26–15]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Empresa
Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.
(EMBRAER) Model EMB–135
Airplanes; and Model EMB–145,
–145ER, –145MR, –145LR, –145XR,
–145MP, and –145EP Airplanes
Federal Aviation
Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This amendment adopts a
new airworthiness directive (AD),
applicable to certain EMBRAER Model
EMB–135 airplanes; and Model EMB–
145, –145ER, –145MR, –145LR, –145XR,
–145MP, and –145EP airplanes, that
requires performing repetitive
inspections for cracks, ruptures, or
bends in certain components of the
elevator control system; replacing
discrepant components; and, for certain
airplanes, installing a new spring
cartridge and implementing new logic
for the electromechanical gust lock
system. The AD also requires eventual
modification of the elevator gust lock
system to replace the mechanical system
with an electromechanical system,
which will terminate the repetitive
inspections. The actions specified by
this AD are intended to prevent
discrepancies in the elevator control
system, which could result in reduced
control of the elevator and consequent
reduced controllability of the airplane.
This action is intended to address the
identified unsafe condition.
DATES: Effective February 3, 2006.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 250 / Friday, December 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
The incorporation by reference of
certain publications listed in the
regulations is approved by the Director
of the Federal Register as of February 3,
The service information
referenced in this AD may be obtained
from Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica
S.A. (EMBRAER), P.O. Box 343—CEP
12.225, Sao Jose dos Campos—SP,
Brazil. This information may be
examined at the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Transport
Airplane Directorate, Rules Docket,
1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton,
Todd Thompson, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM–116, FAA,
Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601
Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington
98055–4056; telephone (425) 227–1175;
fax (425) 227–1149.
proposal to amend part 39 of the Federal
Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) to
include an airworthiness directive (AD)
that is applicable to certain EMBRAER
Model EMB–135 and –145 series
airplanes was published as a
supplemental notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal
Register on September 21, 2005 (70 FR
55310). That action proposed to require
performing repetitive inspections for
cracks, ruptures, or bends in certain
components of the elevator control
system; replacing discrepant
components; and, for certain airplanes,
installing a new spring cartridge and
implementing new logic for the
electromechanical gust lock system. The
proposed AD also would have required
eventual modification of the elevator
gust lock system to replace the
mechanical system with an
electromechanical system, which would
terminate the repetitive inspections.
Interested persons have been afforded
an opportunity to participate in the
making of this amendment. No
comments to the proposed AD were
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with RULES
Correction to Final Rule
In paragraph (c)(2) of the
supplemental NPRM we inadvertently
used an incorrect date for EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0086, Change
04, dated March 21, 2005, and have
corrected the date accordingly in the
final rule.
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Clarification of Appropriate Service
We have revised paragraphs (c)(1)(i)
and (c)(1)(ii) of this AD to clarify that
the actions required by those paragraphs
must be done in accordance with
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–27–
0075, Revision 08, dated March 3, 2005.
Clarification of Alternative Method of
Compliance (AMOC) Paragraph
We have revised this action to clarify
the appropriate procedure for notifying
the principal inspector before using any
approved AMOC on any airplane to
which the AMOC applies.
Explanation of Change to Applicability
We specify model designations in the
applicability of this proposed AD as
those designations are published in the
most recent type certificate data sheet
for the affected models. These model
designations differ in the referenced
service bulletin(s).
We have carefully reviewed the
available data and determined that air
safety and the public interest require
adopting the AD with the changes
described previously. We have
determined that these changes will
neither increase the economic burden
on any operator nor increase the scope
of the AD.
Cost Impact
We estimate that 300 airplanes of U.S.
registry will be affected by this AD.
It will take approximately 1 work
hour per airplane, per inspection cycle,
to accomplish the inspection, at an
average labor rate of $65 per work hour.
Based on these figures, the cost impact
of this action on U.S. operators is
estimated to be $19,500, or $65 per
airplane, per inspection cycle.
We estimate that 108 airplanes of U.S.
registry will be subject to EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0075, Revision
08, dated March 3, 2005. For these
airplanes, it will take up to 65 work
hours to accomplish the modification in
that service bulletin, at an average labor
rate of $65 per work hour. Required
parts will cost up to $14,000 per
airplane. Based on these figures, the cost
impact of this action on U.S. operators
is estimated to be up to $1,968,300, or
$18,225 per airplane.
We estimate that 192 airplanes of U.S.
registry will be subject to EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0086, Change
04, dated March 21, 2005. For these
airplanes, it will take approximately 133
work hours to accomplish the
modification in that service bulletin, at
an average labor rate of $65 per work
PO 00000
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hour. Required parts will cost up to
$23,164 per airplane. Based on these
figures, the cost impact of this action on
U.S. operators is estimated to be up to
$6,107,328, or $31,809 per airplane.
The cost impact figures discussed
above are based on assumptions that no
operator has yet accomplished any of
the requirements of this AD action, and
that no operator would accomplish
those actions in the future if this AD
were not adopted. The cost impact
figures discussed in AD rulemaking
actions represent only the time
necessary to perform the specific actions
actually required by the AD. These
figures typically do not include
incidental costs, such as the time
required to gain access and close up,
planning time, or time necessitated by
other administrative actions.
Authority for This Rulemaking
Title 49 of the United States Code
specifies the FAA’s authority to issue
rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I,
Section 106, describes the authority of
the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII,
Aviation Programs, describes in more
detail the scope of the Agency’s
We are issuing this rulemaking under
the authority described in Subtitle VII,
Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701,
‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that
section, Congress charges the FAA with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in
air commerce by prescribing regulations
for practices, methods, and procedures
the Administrator finds necessary for
safety in air commerce. This regulation
is within the scope of that authority
because it addresses an unsafe condition
that is likely to exist or develop on
products identified in this rulemaking
Regulatory Impact
The regulations adopted herein will
not have a substantial direct effect on
the States, on the relationship between
the National Government and the States,
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. Therefore, it is
determined that this final rule does not
have federalism implications under
Executive Order 13132.
For the reasons discussed above, I
certify that this action (1) is not a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under
Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a
‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT
Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44
FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and (3)
will not have a significant economic
impact, positive or negative, on a
substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 250 / Friday, December 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Flexibility Act. A final evaluation has
been prepared for this action and it is
contained in the Rules Docket. A copy
of it may be obtained from the Rules
Docket at the location provided under
the caption ADDRESSES.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
safety, Incorporation by reference,
Adoption of the Amendment
Accordingly, pursuant to the authority
delegated to me by the Administrator,
the Federal Aviation Administration
amends part 39 of the Federal Aviation
Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
§ 39.13
2. Section 39.13 is amended by adding
the following new airworthiness
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with RULES
2005–26–15 Empresa Brasileira de
Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER):
Amendment 39–14436. Docket 2002–
Applicability: Model EMB–135BJ, –135ER,
–135KE, –135KL, and –135LR airplanes; and
Model EMB–145, –145ER, –145MR, –145LR,
–145XR, –145MP, and –145EP airplanes,
certificated in any category; serial numbers
145001 through 145189 inclusive, 145191
through 145362 inclusive, 145364 through
145373 inclusive, 145375, 145377 through
145411 inclusive, 145413 through 145424
inclusive, 145426 through 145430 inclusive,
145434 through 145436 inclusive, 145440
through 145445 inclusive, 145448, 145450,
and 145801; equipped with a mechanical
gust lock system, certificated in any category.
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless
accomplished previously.
To prevent discrepancies in the elevator
control system, which could result in
reduced control of the elevator and
consequent reduced controllability of the
airplane, accomplish the following:
Repetitive Inspections
(a) Within 800 flight hours after the
effective date of this AD, do a detailed
inspection of the elevator control system for
any crack, rupture, or bend in any
component, in accordance with the
Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0087, Change 03,
dated September 27, 2002. Where this service
bulletin specifies to return discrepant parts
and report inspection results to the
manufacturer, this AD does not require these
actions. Repeat the inspection thereafter at
intervals not to exceed 2,500 flight hours or
15 months, whichever is first.
Note 1: For the purposes of this AD, a
detailed inspection is defined as: ‘‘An
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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intensive visual examination of a specific
structural area, system, installation, or
assembly to detect damage, failure, or
irregularity. Available lighting is normally
supplemented with a direct source of good
lighting at intensity deemed appropriate by
the inspector. Inspection aids such as mirror,
magnifying lenses, etc., may be used. Surface
cleaning and elaborate access procedures
may be required.’’
Replacement of Discrepant Parts
(b) If any discrepant part is found during
any inspection required by paragraph (a) of
this AD, before further flight, replace the
discrepant part with a new part, in
accordance with the Accomplishment
Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0087, Change 03, dated September
27, 2002.
(c) Within 10,000 flight hours or 60 months
after the effective date of this AD, whichever
is first, modify the elevator gust lock by
accomplishing paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of
this AD, as applicable. This modification
terminates the repetitive inspections required
by paragraph (a) of this AD.
(1) For airplanes listed in EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0075, Revision 08,
dated March 3, 2005: Do paragraph (c)(1)(i)
or (c)(1)(ii) of this AD, as applicable, and
install a new spring cartridge and implement
new logic for the electromechanical gust lock
system by doing all actions in section 3.D.
(Part IV) of the Accomplishment Instructions
of the service bulletin. After accomplishing
the actions in EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0101; as specified in the
Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0075, Revision 08;
the airplane flight manual (AFM) revision
required by AD 2002–26–51, amendment 39–
13008, may be removed from the Limitations
section of the EMBRAER EMB–145 AFM.
Accomplishing the actions specified in the
Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0102; as specified
by EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–27–0075,
Revision 08; terminates the repetitive
inspections required by AD 2005–24–11,
amendment 39–14391.
(i) Replace the mechanical gust lock system
with an electromechanical gust lock system,
and replace the control stand with a
reworked control stand, by doing all the
actions (including a detailed inspection to
ensure that certain parts have been removed
previously per EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0076) in and per section 3.A. (Part I)
or 3.B. (Part II) of the Accomplishment
Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0075, Revision 08, as applicable. If
the inspection reveals that certain subject
parts have not been removed previously,
before further flight, remove the subject parts
in accordance with EMBRAER Service
Bulletin 145–27–0075, Revision 08. Where
Parts I and II of the Accomplishment
Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0075, Revision 08, specify to remove
and ‘‘send the control stand to be reworked
in a workshop,’’ replace the control stand
with a control stand reworked as specified in
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–27–0075,
Revision 08.
PO 00000
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(ii) Replace the return spring and spring
terminal of the gust lock control lever with
improved parts by doing all the actions in
and per section 3.C. (Part III) of the
Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0075, Revision 08.
Note 2: Part IV of the Accomplishment
Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0075, Revision 08, refers to
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–27–0101,
currently at Revision 02, dated December 27,
2004; and EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–
27–0102, currently at Revision 02, dated
January 20, 2005; as additional sources of
instructions for accomplishing the
installation of a new spring cartridge and
implementation of the new logic for the
electromechanical gust lock system.
(2) For airplanes listed in EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0086, Change 04,
dated March 21, 2005: Do paragraphs
(c)(2)(i), (c)(2)(ii), (c)(2)(iii), and (c)(2)(iv) of
this AD, as applicable.
(i) Rework the tail carbon box and the
horizontal stabilizer by doing all the actions
(including the inspection for delamination)
in and per section 3.A. (Part I) of the
Accomplishment Instructions of the service
bulletin. If any delamination is found that is
outside the limits specified in the service
bulletin, before further flight, repair per a
method approved by either the Manager,
International Branch, ANM–116, Transport
Airplane Directorate, FAA, or the
Departmento de Aviacao Civil (or its
delegated agent).
(ii) Install wiring and electrical
components by doing all the actions in and
per section 3.B. (Part II) of the
Accomplishment Instructions of the service
(iii) Install and activate the
electromechanical gust lock system by doing
all actions in section 3.D. (Part IV) of the
Accomplishment Instructions of the service
bulletin. Where Part IV of the
Accomplishment Instructions of the service
bulletin specifies to remove and ‘‘send the
control stand to be reworked in a workshop,’’
replace the control stand with a control stand
reworked as specified in Part III of the service
(iv) Install a new spring cartridge and
implement new logic for the
electromechanical gust lock system by doing
all actions in section 3.E. (Part V) of the
Accomplishment Instructions of the service
bulletin, as applicable. After accomplishing
the actions in EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0101; as specified in the
Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0086, Change 04;
the AFM revision required by AD 2002–26–
51, amendment 39–13008, may be removed
from the Limitations section of the
EMBRAER EMB–145 AFM. Accomplishing
the actions in EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0102; as specified in the
Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0086, Change 04;
terminates the repetitive inspections required
by AD 2005–24–11, amendment 39–14391.
Note 3: Part V of the Accomplishment
Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0086, Change 04, refers to EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145–27–0101, currently at
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 250 / Friday, December 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Revision 02, dated December 27, 2004; and
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–27–0102,
currently at Revision 02, dated January 20,
2005; as additional sources of instructions for
accomplishing the installation of a new
spring cartridge and implementation of the
new logic for the electromechanical gust lock
Actions Accomplished Previously
(d) Actions accomplished before the
effective date of this AD are acceptable for
compliance with corresponding requirements
of this AD as specified in paragraphs (d)(1),
(d)(2), and (d)(3) of this AD.
(1) Modification of the elevator gust lock
system before the effective date of this AD in
accordance with EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0075, Change 06, dated July 16,
2002, is acceptable for compliance with
paragraph (c)(1) of this AD, provided that,
within the compliance time specified in
paragraph (c) of this AD, a new spring
cartridge is installed and new logic for the
electromechanical gust lock system is
implemented in accordance with Part IV of
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–27–0075,
Revision 07, dated March 2, 2004, or
Revision 08, dated March 3, 2005.
(2) Modification of the elevator gust lock
system before the effective date of this AD in
accordance with EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0075, Revision 07, dated March 2,
2004, is acceptable for compliance with
paragraph (c)(1) of this AD.
(3) Modification of the elevator gust lock
system before the effective date of this AD in
accordance with EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–27–0086, Change 02, dated December
23, 2003; or EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–
27–0086, Change 03, dated April 14, 2004; is
acceptable for compliance with paragraph
(c)(2) of this AD.
Alternative Methods of Compliance
(e)(1) In accordance with 14 CFR 39.19, the
Manager, International Branch, ANM–116, is
authorized to approve alternative methods of
compliance for this AD.
(2) Before using any AMOC approved in
accordance with § 39.19 on any airplane to
which the AMOC applies, notify the
appropriate principal inspector in the FAA
Flight Standards Certificate Holding District
Note 4: The subject of this AD is addressed
in Brazilian airworthiness directive 2002–01–
01R3, dated November 8, 2002.
Material Incorporated by Reference
(f) Unless otherwise specified in this AD,
the actions must be done in accordance with
the EMBRAER service information listed in
Table 1 of this AD. This incorporation by
reference was approved by the Director of the
Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. EMBRAER Service
Bulletin 145–27–0075, Revision 08, dated
March 3, 2005, contains the following
effective pages:
level shown
on page
Page Nos.
1–6, 8, 30–34, 39, 41, 51, 58, 62, 68, 110 ..........................................................................................................
7, 9–29, 35–38, 40, 42–50, 52–57, 59–61, 63–67, 69–109, 111–117 ................................................................
Date shown on
March 3, 2005.
March 2, 2004.
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–27–0086,
Change 04, dated March 21, 2005, contains
the following effective pages:
level shown
on page
Page Nos.
1–2, 5, 11–12, 23, 31, 32, 40, 62, 95 ..................................................................................................................
3–4, 6–10, 13–22, 24–30, 33–39, 41–61, 63–94, 96–137 ..................................................................................
To get copies of this service information,
contact Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica
S.A. (EMBRAER), P.O. Box 343—CEP 12.225,
Sao Jose dos Campos—SP, Brazil. To inspect
copies of this service information, go to the
FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601
Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington; or to
the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at the NARA,
Date shown on
March 21, 2005.
April 14, 2004.
call (202) 741–6030, or go to https://
145–27–0075 ...............................................................................................................................
145–27–0086 ...............................................................................................................................
145–27–0087 ...............................................................................................................................
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with RULES
EMBAER service bulletin
Revision 08 ...........
Change 04 ............
Change 03 ............
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March 3, 2005.
March 21, 2005.
September 27, 2002.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 250 / Friday, December 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Effective Date
(g) This amendment becomes effective on
February 3, 2006.
[Docket No. FAA–2005–22148; Directorate
Identifier 2005–NM–033–AD; Amendment
39–14437; AD 2005–26–16]
of certain publications listed in the AD
as of February 3, 2006.
ADDRESSES: You may examine the AD
docket on the Internet at https:// or in person at the Docket
Management Facility, U.S. Department
of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street
SW., Nassif Building, room PL–401,
Washington, DC.
Contact Airbus, 1 Rond Point Maurice
Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France,
for service information related to Airbus
Model A310 series airplanes identified
in this AD. Contact Jacques Leborgne,
Airbus Customer Service Directorate, 1
Rond Point Maurice Bellonte, 31707
Blagnac Cedex, France; fax (+33) 5 61 93
36 14, for service information related to
Airbus Model A300 identified in this
RIN 2120–AA64
Issued in Renton, Washington, on
December 13, 2005.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 05–24530 Filed 12–29–05; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model
A300 B2 and A300 B4 Series Airplanes;
A300 B4–600, B4–600R, and F4–600R
Series Airplanes, and C4–605R Variant
F Airplanes (Collectively Called A300–
600 Series Airplanes); and Airbus
Model A310–200 and A310–300 Series
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Final rule.
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with RULES
SUMMARY: The FAA is superseding an
existing airworthiness directive (AD)
that applies to certain Airbus Model
A300–600 and A310 series airplanes.
That AD currently requires repetitive
visual inspections to detect corrosion on
the lower rim area of the fuselage rear
pressure bulkhead; and follow-on
actions, if necessary. This new AD
requires new repetitive inspections for
corrosion on the rear pressure bulkhead
between stringer (STGR) 27 (right hand)
and STGR27 (left hand), and related
investigative and corrective actions if
necessary. This AD also requires
sending a report of certain information
to the manufacturer. The AD also adds
airplanes to the applicability of the
existing AD. This AD results from
findings of severe corrosion on airplanes
previously inspected in accordance with
the existing AD. We are issuing this AD
to detect and correct corrosion at the
lower rim area of the fuselage rear
pressure bulkhead, which could result
in reduced structural integrity of the
bulkhead, and consequent
decompression of the cabin.
DATES: This AD becomes effective
February 3, 2006.
The Director of the Federal Register
approved the incorporation by reference
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:36 Dec 29, 2005
Jkt 208001
Backman, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM–116, FAA,
Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601
Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington
98055–4056; telephone (425) 227–2797;
fax (425) 227–1149.
Examining the Docket
You may examine the airworthiness
directive (AD) docket on the Internet at or in person at the
Docket Management Facility office
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
The Docket Management Facility office
(telephone (800) 647–5227) is located on
the plaza level of the Nassif Building at
the street address stated in the
ADDRESSES section.
The FAA issued a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR
part 39 to include an AD that
supersedes AD 98–19–22, amendment
39–10763 (63 FR 49656, September 17,
1998). The existing AD applies to
certain Airbus Model A300–600 and
A310 series airplanes. That NPRM was
published in the Federal Register on
August 22, 2005 (70 FR 48911). That
NPRM proposed to require repetitive
inspections for corrosion on the rear
pressure bulkhead between stringer
(STGR) 27 (right hand) and STGR27 (left
hand), and related investigative/
corrective actions if necessary; and
sending a report of certain information
to the manufacturer.
We provided the public the
opportunity to participate in the
development of this AD. We have
considered the comments that have
been received on the NPRM.
PO 00000
Frm 00011
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Request To Reference Latest Issue of
Service Bulletin
The commenter states that Airbus has
revised Service Bulletin A300–53–6136,
dated October 27, 2004, which was
referenced as the appropriate source of
service information for accomplishing
the proposed actions for certain Airbus
airplanes. The commenter points out
that this service bulletin is now at
Revision 01, dated July 18, 2005. The
commenter states that Revision 01 of
Service Bulletin A300–53–6136 corrects
the flow chart in Figure 1 of the service
bulletin by changing the sequence of
certain inspections, removes
information in a flag note, and removes
the replacement of titanium fasteners in
certain circumstances. The commenter
recommends that we reference Airbus
Service Bulletin A300–53–6136,
Revision 01, and that we also give credit
for actions done before the effective date
of this AD in accordance with the
original issue of this service bulletin.
We agree with the commenter. We
have revised Table 1 of the AD to refer
to Airbus Service Bulletin A300–53–
6136, Revision 01, dated July 18, 2005.
In addition, the other service bulletins
referenced in the NPRM have also been
revised. (Airbus Service Bulletins
A300–53–0363 and A310–53–2114, both
dated October 27, 2004, were referenced
as the appropriate source of service
information for accomplishing the
proposed actions for certain other
Airbus airplanes.) The additional new
revisions are Airbus Service Bulletin
A300–53–0363, Revision 01, dated June
10, 2005; and Airbus Service Bulletin
A310–53–2114, Revision 01, dated
September 1, 2005. The revised service
bulletins change the compliance of the
service bulletin from ‘‘recommended’’ to
‘‘mandatory,’’ and amend the effectivity.
None of the revisions increase the
economic burden on any operator or
increase the scope of the AD. We have
also added a new paragraph (j) to the
AD to give credit to operators that have
accomplished the actions in accordance
with the original issue of the service
Request To Give Credit for Actions
Accomplished Previously
The commenter requests that we
ensure that operators of airplanes on
which the proposed inspections were
done before the effective date of the AD
be given credit for inspections
accomplished before that date. The
commenter states that, as defined in
paragraph (g) of the NPRM, operators
that had previously accomplished the
inspections would be forced to reaccomplish the inspections within 18
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 250 (Friday, December 30, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 77303-77307]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-24530]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. 2002-NM-89-AD; Amendment 39-14436; AD 2005-26-15]
RIN 2120-AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.
(EMBRAER) Model EMB-135 Airplanes; and Model EMB-145, -145ER, -145MR, -
145LR, -145XR, -145MP, and -145EP Airplanes
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD),
applicable to certain EMBRAER Model EMB-135 airplanes; and Model EMB-
145, -145ER, -145MR, -145LR, -145XR, -145MP, and -145EP airplanes, that
requires performing repetitive inspections for cracks, ruptures, or
bends in certain components of the elevator control system; replacing
discrepant components; and, for certain airplanes, installing a new
spring cartridge and implementing new logic for the electromechanical
gust lock system. The AD also requires eventual modification of the
elevator gust lock system to replace the mechanical system with an
electromechanical system, which will terminate the repetitive
inspections. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent
discrepancies in the elevator control system, which could result in
reduced control of the elevator and consequent reduced controllability
of the airplane. This action is intended to address the identified
unsafe condition.
DATES: Effective February 3, 2006.
[[Page 77304]]
The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in
the regulations is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as
of February 3, 2006.
ADDRESSES: The service information referenced in this AD may be
obtained from Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER), P.O.
Box 343--CEP 12.225, Sao Jose dos Campos--SP, Brazil. This information
may be examined at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Transport
Airplane Directorate, Rules Docket, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton,
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Todd Thompson, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM-116, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate,
1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington 98055-4056; telephone (425)
227-1175; fax (425) 227-1149.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A proposal to amend part 39 of the Federal
Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) to include an airworthiness
directive (AD) that is applicable to certain EMBRAER Model EMB-135 and
-145 series airplanes was published as a supplemental notice of
proposed rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register on September 21,
2005 (70 FR 55310). That action proposed to require performing
repetitive inspections for cracks, ruptures, or bends in certain
components of the elevator control system; replacing discrepant
components; and, for certain airplanes, installing a new spring
cartridge and implementing new logic for the electromechanical gust
lock system. The proposed AD also would have required eventual
modification of the elevator gust lock system to replace the mechanical
system with an electromechanical system, which would terminate the
repetitive inspections.
Interested persons have been afforded an opportunity to participate
in the making of this amendment. No comments to the proposed AD were
Correction to Final Rule
In paragraph (c)(2) of the supplemental NPRM we inadvertently used
an incorrect date for EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0086, Change 04,
dated March 21, 2005, and have corrected the date accordingly in the
final rule.
Clarification of Appropriate Service Information
We have revised paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) of this AD to
clarify that the actions required by those paragraphs must be done in
accordance with EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0075, Revision 08,
dated March 3, 2005.
Clarification of Alternative Method of Compliance (AMOC) Paragraph
We have revised this action to clarify the appropriate procedure
for notifying the principal inspector before using any approved AMOC on
any airplane to which the AMOC applies.
Explanation of Change to Applicability
We specify model designations in the applicability of this proposed
AD as those designations are published in the most recent type
certificate data sheet for the affected models. These model
designations differ in the referenced service bulletin(s).
We have carefully reviewed the available data and determined that
air safety and the public interest require adopting the AD with the
changes described previously. We have determined that these changes
will neither increase the economic burden on any operator nor increase
the scope of the AD.
Cost Impact
We estimate that 300 airplanes of U.S. registry will be affected by
this AD.
It will take approximately 1 work hour per airplane, per inspection
cycle, to accomplish the inspection, at an average labor rate of $65
per work hour. Based on these figures, the cost impact of this action
on U.S. operators is estimated to be $19,500, or $65 per airplane, per
inspection cycle.
We estimate that 108 airplanes of U.S. registry will be subject to
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0075, Revision 08, dated March 3, 2005.
For these airplanes, it will take up to 65 work hours to accomplish the
modification in that service bulletin, at an average labor rate of $65
per work hour. Required parts will cost up to $14,000 per airplane.
Based on these figures, the cost impact of this action on U.S.
operators is estimated to be up to $1,968,300, or $18,225 per airplane.
We estimate that 192 airplanes of U.S. registry will be subject to
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0086, Change 04, dated March 21, 2005.
For these airplanes, it will take approximately 133 work hours to
accomplish the modification in that service bulletin, at an average
labor rate of $65 per work hour. Required parts will cost up to $23,164
per airplane. Based on these figures, the cost impact of this action on
U.S. operators is estimated to be up to $6,107,328, or $31,809 per
The cost impact figures discussed above are based on assumptions
that no operator has yet accomplished any of the requirements of this
AD action, and that no operator would accomplish those actions in the
future if this AD were not adopted. The cost impact figures discussed
in AD rulemaking actions represent only the time necessary to perform
the specific actions actually required by the AD. These figures
typically do not include incidental costs, such as the time required to
gain access and close up, planning time, or time necessitated by other
administrative actions.
Authority for This Rulemaking
Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106, describes the
authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,
describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's authority.
We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ``General
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this
rulemaking action.
Regulatory Impact
The regulations adopted herein will not have a substantial direct
effect on the States, on the relationship between the National
Government and the States, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, it
is determined that this final rule does not have federalism
implications under Executive Order 13132.
For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this action (1) is
not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866;
(2) is not a ``significant rule'' under DOT Regulatory Policies and
Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and (3) will not have a
significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a substantial
number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory
[[Page 77305]]
Flexibility Act. A final evaluation has been prepared for this action
and it is contained in the Rules Docket. A copy of it may be obtained
from the Rules Docket at the location provided under the caption
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by
reference, Safety.
Adoption of the Amendment
Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the
Administrator, the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of
the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
Sec. 39.13 [Amended]
2. Section 39.13 is amended by adding the following new airworthiness
2005-26-15 Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER):
Amendment 39-14436. Docket 2002-NM-89-AD.
Applicability: Model EMB-135BJ, -135ER, -135KE, -135KL, and -
135LR airplanes; and Model EMB-145, -145ER, -145MR, -145LR, -145XR,
-145MP, and -145EP airplanes, certificated in any category; serial
numbers 145001 through 145189 inclusive, 145191 through 145362
inclusive, 145364 through 145373 inclusive, 145375, 145377 through
145411 inclusive, 145413 through 145424 inclusive, 145426 through
145430 inclusive, 145434 through 145436 inclusive, 145440 through
145445 inclusive, 145448, 145450, and 145801; equipped with a
mechanical gust lock system, certificated in any category.
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished
To prevent discrepancies in the elevator control system, which
could result in reduced control of the elevator and consequent
reduced controllability of the airplane, accomplish the following:
Repetitive Inspections
(a) Within 800 flight hours after the effective date of this AD,
do a detailed inspection of the elevator control system for any
crack, rupture, or bend in any component, in accordance with the
Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0087,
Change 03, dated September 27, 2002. Where this service bulletin
specifies to return discrepant parts and report inspection results
to the manufacturer, this AD does not require these actions. Repeat
the inspection thereafter at intervals not to exceed 2,500 flight
hours or 15 months, whichever is first.
Note 1: For the purposes of this AD, a detailed inspection is
defined as: ``An intensive visual examination of a specific
structural area, system, installation, or assembly to detect damage,
failure, or irregularity. Available lighting is normally
supplemented with a direct source of good lighting at intensity
deemed appropriate by the inspector. Inspection aids such as mirror,
magnifying lenses, etc., may be used. Surface cleaning and elaborate
access procedures may be required.''
Replacement of Discrepant Parts
(b) If any discrepant part is found during any inspection
required by paragraph (a) of this AD, before further flight, replace
the discrepant part with a new part, in accordance with the
Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0087,
Change 03, dated September 27, 2002.
(c) Within 10,000 flight hours or 60 months after the effective
date of this AD, whichever is first, modify the elevator gust lock
by accomplishing paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this AD, as
applicable. This modification terminates the repetitive inspections
required by paragraph (a) of this AD.
(1) For airplanes listed in EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-
0075, Revision 08, dated March 3, 2005: Do paragraph (c)(1)(i) or
(c)(1)(ii) of this AD, as applicable, and install a new spring
cartridge and implement new logic for the electromechanical gust
lock system by doing all actions in section 3.D. (Part IV) of the
Accomplishment Instructions of the service bulletin. After
accomplishing the actions in EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0101;
as specified in the Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER Service
Bulletin 145-27-0075, Revision 08; the airplane flight manual (AFM)
revision required by AD 2002-26-51, amendment 39-13008, may be
removed from the Limitations section of the EMBRAER EMB-145 AFM.
Accomplishing the actions specified in the Accomplishment
Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0102; as specified
by EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0075, Revision 08; terminates the
repetitive inspections required by AD 2005-24-11, amendment 39-
(i) Replace the mechanical gust lock system with an
electromechanical gust lock system, and replace the control stand
with a reworked control stand, by doing all the actions (including a
detailed inspection to ensure that certain parts have been removed
previously per EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0076) in and per
section 3.A. (Part I) or 3.B. (Part II) of the Accomplishment
Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0075, Revision 08,
as applicable. If the inspection reveals that certain subject parts
have not been removed previously, before further flight, remove the
subject parts in accordance with EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-
0075, Revision 08. Where Parts I and II of the Accomplishment
Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0075, Revision 08,
specify to remove and ``send the control stand to be reworked in a
workshop,'' replace the control stand with a control stand reworked
as specified in EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0075, Revision 08.
(ii) Replace the return spring and spring terminal of the gust
lock control lever with improved parts by doing all the actions in
and per section 3.C. (Part III) of the Accomplishment Instructions
of EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0075, Revision 08.
Note 2: Part IV of the Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145-27-0075, Revision 08, refers to EMBRAER Service
Bulletin 145-27-0101, currently at Revision 02, dated December 27,
2004; and EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0102, currently at
Revision 02, dated January 20, 2005; as additional sources of
instructions for accomplishing the installation of a new spring
cartridge and implementation of the new logic for the
electromechanical gust lock system.
(2) For airplanes listed in EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-
0086, Change 04, dated March 21, 2005: Do paragraphs (c)(2)(i),
(c)(2)(ii), (c)(2)(iii), and (c)(2)(iv) of this AD, as applicable.
(i) Rework the tail carbon box and the horizontal stabilizer by
doing all the actions (including the inspection for delamination) in
and per section 3.A. (Part I) of the Accomplishment Instructions of
the service bulletin. If any delamination is found that is outside
the limits specified in the service bulletin, before further flight,
repair per a method approved by either the Manager, International
Branch, ANM-116, Transport Airplane Directorate, FAA, or the
Departmento de Aviacao Civil (or its delegated agent).
(ii) Install wiring and electrical components by doing all the
actions in and per section 3.B. (Part II) of the Accomplishment
Instructions of the service bulletin.
(iii) Install and activate the electromechanical gust lock
system by doing all actions in section 3.D. (Part IV) of the
Accomplishment Instructions of the service bulletin. Where Part IV
of the Accomplishment Instructions of the service bulletin specifies
to remove and ``send the control stand to be reworked in a
workshop,'' replace the control stand with a control stand reworked
as specified in Part III of the service bulletin.
(iv) Install a new spring cartridge and implement new logic for
the electromechanical gust lock system by doing all actions in
section 3.E. (Part V) of the Accomplishment Instructions of the
service bulletin, as applicable. After accomplishing the actions in
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0101; as specified in the
Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0086,
Change 04; the AFM revision required by AD 2002-26-51, amendment 39-
13008, may be removed from the Limitations section of the EMBRAER
EMB-145 AFM. Accomplishing the actions in EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145-27-0102; as specified in the Accomplishment Instructions of
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0086, Change 04; terminates the
repetitive inspections required by AD 2005-24-11, amendment 39-
Note 3: Part V of the Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145-27-0086, Change 04, refers to EMBRAER Service
Bulletin 145-27-0101, currently at
[[Page 77306]]
Revision 02, dated December 27, 2004; and EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145-27-0102, currently at Revision 02, dated January 20, 2005; as
additional sources of instructions for accomplishing the
installation of a new spring cartridge and implementation of the new
logic for the electromechanical gust lock system.
Actions Accomplished Previously
(d) Actions accomplished before the effective date of this AD
are acceptable for compliance with corresponding requirements of
this AD as specified in paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3) of
this AD.
(1) Modification of the elevator gust lock system before the
effective date of this AD in accordance with EMBRAER Service
Bulletin 145-27-0075, Change 06, dated July 16, 2002, is acceptable
for compliance with paragraph (c)(1) of this AD, provided that,
within the compliance time specified in paragraph (c) of this AD, a
new spring cartridge is installed and new logic for the
electromechanical gust lock system is implemented in accordance with
Part IV of EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0075, Revision 07, dated
March 2, 2004, or Revision 08, dated March 3, 2005.
(2) Modification of the elevator gust lock system before the
effective date of this AD in accordance with EMBRAER Service
Bulletin 145-27-0075, Revision 07, dated March 2, 2004, is
acceptable for compliance with paragraph (c)(1) of this AD.
(3) Modification of the elevator gust lock system before the
effective date of this AD in accordance with EMBRAER Service
Bulletin 145-27-0086, Change 02, dated December 23, 2003; or EMBRAER
Service Bulletin 145-27-0086, Change 03, dated April 14, 2004; is
acceptable for compliance with paragraph (c)(2) of this AD.
Alternative Methods of Compliance
(e)(1) In accordance with 14 CFR 39.19, the Manager,
International Branch, ANM-116, is authorized to approve alternative
methods of compliance for this AD.
(2) Before using any AMOC approved in accordance with Sec.
39.19 on any airplane to which the AMOC applies, notify the
appropriate principal inspector in the FAA Flight Standards
Certificate Holding District Office.
Note 4: The subject of this AD is addressed in Brazilian
airworthiness directive 2002-01-01R3, dated November 8, 2002.
Material Incorporated by Reference
(f) Unless otherwise specified in this AD, the actions must be
done in accordance with the EMBRAER service information listed in
Table 1 of this AD. This incorporation by reference was approved by
the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0075,
Revision 08, dated March 3, 2005, contains the following effective
Page Nos. level shown Date shown on page
on page
1-6, 8, 30-34, 39, 41, 51, 58, 08 March 3, 2005.
62, 68, 110.
7, 9-29, 35-38, 40, 42-50, 52- 07 March 2, 2004.
57, 59-61, 63-67, 69-109, 111-
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-27-0086, Change 04, dated March 21,
2005, contains the following effective pages:
Page Nos. level shown Date shown on page
on page
1-2, 5, 11-12, 23, 31, 32, 40, 04 March 21, 2005.
62, 95.
3-4, 6-10, 13-22, 24-30, 33-39, 03 April 14, 2004.
41-61, 63-94, 96-137.
To get copies of this service information, contact Empresa
Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER), P.O. Box 343--CEP 12.225,
Sao Jose dos Campos--SP, Brazil. To inspect copies of this service
information, go to the FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601
Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington; or to the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the
availability of this material at the NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or
go to
Table 1.--Material Incorporated by Reference
EMBAER service bulletin Revision/change level Date
145-27-0075......................... Revision 08.................... March 3, 2005.
145-27-0086......................... Change 04...................... March 21, 2005.
145-27-0087......................... Change 03...................... September 27, 2002.
[[Page 77307]]
Effective Date
(g) This amendment becomes effective on February 3, 2006.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on December 13, 2005.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification
[FR Doc. 05-24530 Filed 12-29-05; 8:45 am]