Final Environmental Impact Statement for Fire Management Plan; Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Muir Woods National Monument and Fort Point National Historic Site; Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo Counties, CA; Notice of Availability, 76858-76860 [E5-7898]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 28, 2005 / Notices
Dated: December 21, 2005.
Mark Limbaugh,
Assistant Secretary of the Interior.
[FR Doc. 05–24579 Filed 12–27–05; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
National Park Service
Oil and Gas Management Plan, Final
Environmental Impact Statement, Big
Thicket National Preserve, Texas
Final Environmental Impact Statement
for Fire Management Plan; Golden
Gate National Recreation Area, Muir
Woods National Monument and Fort
Point National Historic Site; Marin, San
Francisco and San Mateo Counties,
CA; Notice of Availability
National Park Service,
Department of the Interior.
National Park Service
Minor Boundary Revision at Antietam
National Battlefield
National Park Service, Interior.
Announcement of park
boundary revision.
Notice of Availability of the
Final Environmental Impact Statement
for the Oil and Gas Management Plan,
Big Thicket National Preserve.
SUMMARY: Notice is given that the
boundary of Antietam National
Battlefield has been revised pursuant to
the Acts as specified below, to
encompass lands depicted on Drawing
302/92500, Segment 05, Antietam
National Battlefield, revised July 1,
2005, prepared by the National Park
Service. The revision to the boundary
includes Tract Number 05–171, as
depicted on the map.
Superintendent, Antietam National
Battlefield, P.O. Box 158, Sharpsburg,
Maryland 21782–0158.
August 30, 1890 (26 Stat. 401)
authorized surveying, locating and
preserving the lines of battle of the
Army of the Potomac and of the Army
of Northern Virginia at Antietam.
Sections 7(c) (1)(i) and 7(c) (1)(ii) of the
Land and Water Conservation Fund Act,
as amended by the Act of June 10, 1977
(Pub. L. 95–42, 91 Stat. 210), and the
Act of March 10, 1980 (Pub. L. 103–333,
110 Stat. 4194) further authorized the
Secretary of Interior to make minor
revisions in the boundaries whenever
the Secretary determines that it is
necessary for the preservation,
protection, interpretation or
management of an area.
The map is on file and available for
inspection in the Land Resources
Program Center, National Capital
Regional Office, 1100 Ohio Drive, SW.,
Washington, DC 20242, and in the
Offices of the National Park Service,
Department of the Interior, Washington
DC 20013–7127.
wwhite on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Dated: August 22, 2005.
Joseph M. Lawler,
Regional Director, National Capital Region.
Editorial Note: This document was
received in the Office of the Federal Register
on December 22, 2005.
[FR Doc. E5–7889 Filed 12–27–05; 8:45 am]
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42
U.S.C. 4332(2)(C), the National Park
Service announces the availability of a
final Environmental Impact Statement
for the Oil and Management Plan, for
Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas.
The National Park Service will
execute a Record of Decision (ROD) no
sooner than 30 days following
publication by the Environmental
Protection Agency of the Notice of
Availability of the Final Environmental
Impact Statement.
Information will be
available for public inspection online at, in the
office of the Superintendent, Big
Thicket National Preserve, 3785 Milam
Street, Beaumont, Texas 77701–4724,
409–951–6801, and at the following
Planning and Environmental Quality,
Intermountain Region, National Park
Service, 12795 W. Alameda Parkway,
Lakewood, CO 80228, Telephone:
Office of Minerals/Oil and Gas Support,
Intermountain Region, National Park
Service, 1100 Old Santa Fe Trail,
Santa Fe, NM 87505, Telephone: 505–
Office of Public Affairs, National Park
Service, Department of the Interior,
18th and C Streets, NW., Washington,
DC 20240, Telephone: 202–208–6843.
Superintendent, Big Thicket National
Preserve, at the above address and
telephone number.
Dated: December 8, 2005.
Michael D. Snyder,
Acting Director, Intermountain Region,
National Park Service.
[FR Doc. E5–7885 Filed 12–27–05; 8:45 am]
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:37 Dec 27, 2005
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PO 00000
Frm 00124
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Summary: Pursuant to section
102(2)(C) of the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (Pub. L. 91–190, 42
U.S.C. 4321–4347, January 1, 1970, as
amended), and the Council on
Environmental Quality Regulations (40
CFR part 1500–1508), the National Park
Service, Department of the Interior, has
prepared a Final Environmental Impact
Statement for an new Fire Management
Plan for Golden Gate National
Recreation Area (GGNRA), Muir Woods
National Monument and Fort Point
National Historic Site—the latter two
parks being under the administration of
GGNRA. The Fire Management Plan
Final Environmental Impact Statement
(FEIS) evaluates fire management
options for approximately 15,000 acres
of GGNRA’s nearly 75,000 legislated
acres in Marin, San Francisco and San
Mateo counties. The Fire Management
Plan FEIS describes and analyzes three
alternative strategies to replace the 1993
GGNRA Fire Management Plan with a
plan that conforms to current Federal
wildland fire management policy and
National Park Service (NPS)
management policies. Potential impacts
and mitigating measures are described
for the two action alternatives and a no
action alternative. The alternative
selected after this conservation planning
and environmental impact analysis
process will serve as a blueprint for fire
management actions for the GGNRA
over the next 10–15 years.
The FEIS fire planning and analysis
area does not include the following
1. The northern lands of GGNRA,
comprising 18,000 acres north of the
Bolinas-Fairfax Road in western Marin
County, which are managed by Point
Reyes National Seashore under an
agreement between the two park units.
Fire management responsibilities for
these northern lands are addressed in
the Point Reyes FMP (approved October
29, 2004).
2. Lands within the jurisdictional
boundary of GGNRA that are not
directly managed by the National Park
Service. This includes the San Francisco
Watershed, managed by the San
Francisco Public Utilities Commission
(with overlays of NPS easements) and
wwhite on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 28, 2005 / Notices
the interior portion of the Presidio of
San Francisco which is managed by the
Presidio Trust, a Federal corporation.
The coastal portion of the Presidio
managed by the GGNRA, is included in
the planning area.
In addition to lands currently under
the management of the NPS, the subject
FMP planning area includes those lands
within the legislative boundary that may
pass to NPS management in the near
future. These areas, all in San Mateo
County, include Cattle Hill and Pedro
Purpose and Need for Federal Action:
The 1993 FMP for GGNRA focused
primarily on natural resource
management issues and needs to be
updated to more fully address cultural
resource concerns, provide guidance for
parklands acquired since 1993, and
provide more guidance on effectively
reducing fire risk along wildland urban
interface (WUI) areas in the park. The
new FMP is needed to reflect the
emphasis of recent years on fuel
reduction projects that effectively
reduce wildfire risk to natural and
cultural park resources and to private
property along the WUI zone. In
addition, the new FMP will address the
role that fire management actions can
have on ecosystem changes to parklands
such as the spread of more flammable,
invasive, nonnative plant species, dense
second-growth forests with high fuel
loads, conversion of plant community
type in the absence of wildland fire,
alteration of important cultural
landscapes through overgrowth of
vegetation, and the decline of certain
fire-adapted plant species.
The FMP will provide a framework
for all fire management activities in a
manner responsive to natural and
cultural resource objectives while
reducing risks to developed facilities
and adjacent communities and
providing for public and staff safety.
The purposes of this conservation
planning and environmental impact
analysis process are:
• To prepare a new FMP that is
consistent with Federal Wildland Fire
Management Policy and conforms to
agency guidelines for fire management
plans and programs; and
• To help achieve resource
management objectives consistent with
the park’s cultural resource, natural
resource, and land management plans,
and to be responsive to safety
considerations for park visitors,
employees, and resources.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:37 Dec 27, 2005
Jkt 208001
Proposed Fire Management Plan.
Alternative C is the alternative preferred
by the NPS and has also been
determined by the NPS to be the
‘‘environmentally preferred’’ alternative.
The three FMP EIS alternatives differ in
the number of acres proposed for
treatment through prescribed burning or
mechanical treatments in the park
interior versus the outer parklands that
border residential development in the
WUI zone. Each alternative has an
upper limit set on the number of acres
that could be treated annually as shown
in Table 1. Alternative C allows for the
greatest number of acres to be treated on
an annual basis to achieve fire
management and resource objectives
through the use of a broad range of fire
management strategies. Mechanical
treatment and prescribed burning would
be used throughout the park as a means
to reduce fuel loading and achieve
resource enhancement goals.
Mechanical treatments, complemented
by prescribed fire, would be employed
to assist with restoration and
maintenance of the park’s natural and
cultural resources. An expanded
research program would examine the
role of fire and mechanical treatments in
enhancing natural resources, reducing
fuel loading, and specific impacts of fire
on key natural resources; research
would also be used to adaptively guide
the fire management program and help
to maximize the benefits to park
resources. Project planning will favor
projects that integrate natural and
cultural resource goals and objectives
into the design and implementation of
fuel reduction projects.
The three alternatives share many
common elements that do not vary from
one alternative to the next. For example,
the fire management approach for Muir
Woods National Monument, using
prescribed fire and mechanical fuel
reduction to reduce invasive species,
reduce fuel loading and restore the role
of fire in the redwood old growth coast
redwood forest. Other actions common
include participation in the WUI
Initiative funding program for outside
agencies and groups, continued
maintenance of the park’s fire roads,
trails, and defensible space around park
buildings, suppression of unplanned
ignitions, provision to the public of fire
information and educational materials,
monitoring of the effects of fire
management actions, construction of a
new fire cache structure and fuel
reduction treatments for San Francisco
PO 00000
Frm 00125
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Alternative A, Continued Fuel
Reduction for Public Safety and Limited
Resource Enhancement, is the No
Action alternative required by NEPA.
Alternative A is based on the 1993
GGNRA FMP updated to include the
current planning area and current
national fire management policies. The
focus of the 1993 FMP program is on
vegetation management through the
application of prescribed fire to
perpetuate fire-dependent natural
systems. In recent practice, many fire
management actions have been
mechanical fuel reduction projects (e.g.,
mowing, cutting to remove non-native
shrubs and trees, and selective thinning
in forested stands) funded through the
Wildland Urban Interface Program. This
alternative would rely on the continued
implementation of the 1993 FMP
supplemented by mechanical fuel
reduction projects in the WUI zone and
suppression of all wildfires. Current
research projects would continue and
would focus on the role of fire to
enhance natural resources and the
effects of fire on key natural resources
to determine the effectiveness of various
fuel treatments.
Alternative B, Hazard Reduction and
Restricted Fire Use for Research and
Resource Enhancement, emphasizes the
use of mechanical methods to reduce
fuel loading in areas with the highest
risks. Compared to Alternative A,
Alternative B would increase the
number of acres mechanically treated
each year, with a focus on the reduction
of high fuel loads in the WUI area.
Limited use of prescribed fire could
occur for research purposes within the
park interior. Research projects would
examine the role of fire to enhance
natural resources and the effects of fire
on key natural resources to determine
the effectiveness of various fuel
treatments. Natural and cultural
resource goals and objectives would be
integrated into the design and
implementation of fuel reduction
Planning Background: A notice of
availability for the Draft EIS was
published in the Federal Register
(March 21, 2005) and the document
made available for public review and
comment through May 27, 2005
(extended from the original May 17,
2005 date to provide additional time for
review). The park also announced
availability of the DEIS through a mass
mailing and posting on the park’s Web
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 28, 2005 / Notices
Alternative A 1
Treatment type
Mechanical Treatment 2 ..................................
Marin ..............................................................
San Francisco ................................................
San Mateo ......................................................
Total ...............................................................
Marin ..............................................................
San Francisco ................................................
San Mateo ......................................................
Total ...............................................................
Prescribed Fire ................................................
Alternative B
Alternative C
wwhite on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Source: GGNRA Fire Management Office, 2004.
1 Estimated based upon current practice; the 1993 FMP did not specify number of acres per year per treatment type.
2 Includes fuel reduction by methods such as mowing, cutting, short-term grazing, or selective thinning.
The DEIS was made available at park
headquarters, visitor centers, and public
libraries in the area. Two public
presentations were made on the DEIS;
the first at a City of Pacifica regularly
scheduled City Council meeting on
April 11, 2005 and the second at the
regularly scheduled, bi-monthly
GGNRA public meeting on April 19,
2005. The public was encouraged to
submit comments on the DEIS via email,
fax, or regular mail.
The NPS received twelve written
comment letters and consultation letters
with findings from the State Historic
Preservation Officer on FMP
conformance to the National Historic
Preservation Act and from the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service as required under
the Endangered Species Act. The
Environmental Protection Agency
provides the most comments, primarily
focused on air quality and related
matters. The letters and responses are
included in appendices of the FEIS. The
major issues raised during the public
comment period included: Smoke
management, clarification of the text on
conformance with air quality
regulations and the State
Implementation Plan, herbicide use,
structure of the EIS, protection of
riparian and wetland areas, range of
alternatives addressed, effects on
Monarch butterfly habitat, and the need
and benefits from interagency
Addresses: Copies of the FMP FEIS
may be obtained from the
Superintendent, Golden Gate National
Recreation Area, Fort Mason, Building
201, San Francisco, CA 94123, Attn:
Fire Management Plan, or by email
request to: (please
mark the email subject line ‘‘FMP
FEIS’’). Printed copies of the FMP FEIS
or a copy on the FEIS on CD will be
directly distributed to those who
received the DEIS in these formats, and
to any others who request it. The FMP
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:37 Dec 27, 2005
Jkt 208001
FEIS will be available at park
headquarters, park visitor centers, and
at local and regional libraries. The
complete FMP FEIS will be posted on
the park’s Web site at https:// under the
heading for GOGA FMP FEIS.
Decision: As a delegated EIS, the
Regional Director of the Pacific West
Region is responsible for the final
decision on the selected FMP
alternative. A Record of Decision,
documenting the decision process in
selecting the final FMP, may be
considered by the Regional Director not
sooner than 30 days following the
publication by the Environmental
Protection Agency of their notice of
filing of the FMP FEIS in the Federal
Register. Following approval of the FMP
FEIS, the official responsible for
implementing the new FMP will be the
Superintendent of Golden Gate National
Recreation Area.
Dated: November 3, 2005.
George J. Turnbull,
Acting Regional Director, Pacific West Region.
[FR Doc. E5–7898 Filed 12–27–05; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
Final Environmental Impact Statement;
Fire Management Plan for Santa
Monica Mountains National Recreation
Area; Los Angeles and Ventura
Counties, CA; Notice of Availability
SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 102(2)(C)
of the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969 (Pub. L. 91–190, as
amended), and the Council on
Environmental Quality Regulations (40
CFR parts 1500–1508), the National Park
Service, Department of the Interior, has
prepared a Final Environmental Impact
Statement (FEIS) identifying and
PO 00000
Frm 00126
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
evaluating four alternatives for a Fire
Management Plan for the Santa Monica
Mountains National Recreation Area
(SMMNRA). Potential impacts, and
appropriate mitigations, are assessed for
each alternative. When approved, the
plan will guide all future fire
management actions in the SMMNRA
for the next five years. The FEIS
documents the analysis of three action
alternatives and a ‘‘no action’’
An updated fire management program
is needed to meet public safety, natural
and cultural resource management, and
wildland/urban interface protection
objectives in the federally managed
property of the SMMNRA. The ‘‘action’’
alternatives concentrate on wildland/
urban interface community protection
work and ecosystem protection, and
vary in their mix of treatments available
for completing work. The ‘‘no action’’
alternative describes the existing fire
management program, which the park
has not been able to effectively
implement to protect neighboring lives
and property. As a result, the risk of
catastrophic fire has increased in recent
Proposal and Alternatives
Considered: Alternative 2 (determined
to be the ‘‘environmentally preferred’’
alternative) is proposed for
implementation as the new Fire
Management Plan (FMP). Termed the
Mechanical Fuel Reduction/Ecological
Prescribed Fire/Strategic Fuels
Treatment alternative, it provides the
maximum potential environmental
benefits and minimizes the adverse
impacts of fire management actions.
Alternative 2 is the most flexible
alternative, utilizing all available fire
management strategies identified to be
appropriate in the Santa Monica
Mountains. Although strategic fuels
reduction has the potential for both
impacts and benefits in most of the
impact areas analyzed, individual
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 248 (Wednesday, December 28, 2005)]
[Pages 76858-76860]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E5-7898]
National Park Service
Final Environmental Impact Statement for Fire Management Plan;
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Muir Woods National Monument and
Fort Point National Historic Site; Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo
Counties, CA; Notice of Availability
Summary: Pursuant to section 102(2)(C) of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (Pub. L. 91-190, 42 U.S.C. 4321-4347,
January 1, 1970, as amended), and the Council on Environmental Quality
Regulations (40 CFR part 1500-1508), the National Park Service,
Department of the Interior, has prepared a Final Environmental Impact
Statement for an new Fire Management Plan for Golden Gate National
Recreation Area (GGNRA), Muir Woods National Monument and Fort Point
National Historic Site--the latter two parks being under the
administration of GGNRA. The Fire Management Plan Final Environmental
Impact Statement (FEIS) evaluates fire management options for
approximately 15,000 acres of GGNRA's nearly 75,000 legislated acres in
Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo counties. The Fire Management Plan
FEIS describes and analyzes three alternative strategies to replace the
1993 GGNRA Fire Management Plan with a plan that conforms to current
Federal wildland fire management policy and National Park Service (NPS)
management policies. Potential impacts and mitigating measures are
described for the two action alternatives and a no action alternative.
The alternative selected after this conservation planning and
environmental impact analysis process will serve as a blueprint for
fire management actions for the GGNRA over the next 10-15 years.
The FEIS fire planning and analysis area does not include the
following lands:
1. The northern lands of GGNRA, comprising 18,000 acres north of
the Bolinas-Fairfax Road in western Marin County, which are managed by
Point Reyes National Seashore under an agreement between the two park
units. Fire management responsibilities for these northern lands are
addressed in the Point Reyes FMP (approved October 29, 2004).
2. Lands within the jurisdictional boundary of GGNRA that are not
directly managed by the National Park Service. This includes the San
Francisco Watershed, managed by the San Francisco Public Utilities
Commission (with overlays of NPS easements) and
[[Page 76859]]
the interior portion of the Presidio of San Francisco which is managed
by the Presidio Trust, a Federal corporation. The coastal portion of
the Presidio managed by the GGNRA, is included in the planning area.
In addition to lands currently under the management of the NPS, the
subject FMP planning area includes those lands within the legislative
boundary that may pass to NPS management in the near future. These
areas, all in San Mateo County, include Cattle Hill and Pedro Point.
Purpose and Need for Federal Action: The 1993 FMP for GGNRA focused
primarily on natural resource management issues and needs to be updated
to more fully address cultural resource concerns, provide guidance for
parklands acquired since 1993, and provide more guidance on effectively
reducing fire risk along wildland urban interface (WUI) areas in the
park. The new FMP is needed to reflect the emphasis of recent years on
fuel reduction projects that effectively reduce wildfire risk to
natural and cultural park resources and to private property along the
WUI zone. In addition, the new FMP will address the role that fire
management actions can have on ecosystem changes to parklands such as
the spread of more flammable, invasive, nonnative plant species, dense
second-growth forests with high fuel loads, conversion of plant
community type in the absence of wildland fire, alteration of important
cultural landscapes through overgrowth of vegetation, and the decline
of certain fire-adapted plant species.
The FMP will provide a framework for all fire management activities
in a manner responsive to natural and cultural resource objectives
while reducing risks to developed facilities and adjacent communities
and providing for public and staff safety. The purposes of this
conservation planning and environmental impact analysis process are:
To prepare a new FMP that is consistent with Federal
Wildland Fire Management Policy and conforms to agency guidelines for
fire management plans and programs; and
To help achieve resource management objectives consistent
with the park's cultural resource, natural resource, and land
management plans, and to be responsive to safety considerations for
park visitors, employees, and resources.
Proposed Fire Management Plan. Alternative C is the alternative
preferred by the NPS and has also been determined by the NPS to be the
``environmentally preferred'' alternative. The three FMP EIS
alternatives differ in the number of acres proposed for treatment
through prescribed burning or mechanical treatments in the park
interior versus the outer parklands that border residential development
in the WUI zone. Each alternative has an upper limit set on the number
of acres that could be treated annually as shown in Table 1.
Alternative C allows for the greatest number of acres to be treated on
an annual basis to achieve fire management and resource objectives
through the use of a broad range of fire management strategies.
Mechanical treatment and prescribed burning would be used throughout
the park as a means to reduce fuel loading and achieve resource
enhancement goals. Mechanical treatments, complemented by prescribed
fire, would be employed to assist with restoration and maintenance of
the park's natural and cultural resources. An expanded research program
would examine the role of fire and mechanical treatments in enhancing
natural resources, reducing fuel loading, and specific impacts of fire
on key natural resources; research would also be used to adaptively
guide the fire management program and help to maximize the benefits to
park resources. Project planning will favor projects that integrate
natural and cultural resource goals and objectives into the design and
implementation of fuel reduction projects.
The three alternatives share many common elements that do not vary
from one alternative to the next. For example, the fire management
approach for Muir Woods National Monument, using prescribed fire and
mechanical fuel reduction to reduce invasive species, reduce fuel
loading and restore the role of fire in the redwood old growth coast
redwood forest. Other actions common include participation in the WUI
Initiative funding program for outside agencies and groups, continued
maintenance of the park's fire roads, trails, and defensible space
around park buildings, suppression of unplanned ignitions, provision to
the public of fire information and educational materials, monitoring of
the effects of fire management actions, construction of a new fire
cache structure and fuel reduction treatments for San Francisco
Alternative A, Continued Fuel Reduction for Public Safety and
Limited Resource Enhancement, is the No Action alternative required by
NEPA. Alternative A is based on the 1993 GGNRA FMP updated to include
the current planning area and current national fire management
policies. The focus of the 1993 FMP program is on vegetation management
through the application of prescribed fire to perpetuate fire-dependent
natural systems. In recent practice, many fire management actions have
been mechanical fuel reduction projects (e.g., mowing, cutting to
remove non-native shrubs and trees, and selective thinning in forested
stands) funded through the Wildland Urban Interface Program. This
alternative would rely on the continued implementation of the 1993 FMP
supplemented by mechanical fuel reduction projects in the WUI zone and
suppression of all wildfires. Current research projects would continue
and would focus on the role of fire to enhance natural resources and
the effects of fire on key natural resources to determine the
effectiveness of various fuel treatments.
Alternative B, Hazard Reduction and Restricted Fire Use for
Research and Resource Enhancement, emphasizes the use of mechanical
methods to reduce fuel loading in areas with the highest risks.
Compared to Alternative A, Alternative B would increase the number of
acres mechanically treated each year, with a focus on the reduction of
high fuel loads in the WUI area. Limited use of prescribed fire could
occur for research purposes within the park interior. Research projects
would examine the role of fire to enhance natural resources and the
effects of fire on key natural resources to determine the effectiveness
of various fuel treatments. Natural and cultural resource goals and
objectives would be integrated into the design and implementation of
fuel reduction projects.
Planning Background: A notice of availability for the Draft EIS was
published in the Federal Register (March 21, 2005) and the document
made available for public review and comment through May 27, 2005
(extended from the original May 17, 2005 date to provide additional
time for review). The park also announced availability of the DEIS
through a mass mailing and posting on the park's Web site.
[[Page 76860]]
Table 1.--Summary of Alternatives by Annual Acres Treated and Treatment Type
Alternative A
Treatment type County \1\ Alternative B Alternative C
Mechanical Treatment \2\.............. Marin................... 75 180 225
San Francisco........... 5 10 10
San Mateo............... 20 40 40
Total................... 100 230 275
Prescribed Fire....................... Marin................... 100 120 285
San Francisco........... <1 <1 <1
San Mateo............... 10 0 35
Total................... 110 120 320
Source: GGNRA Fire Management Office, 2004.
\1\ Estimated based upon current practice; the 1993 FMP did not specify number of acres per year per treatment
\2\ Includes fuel reduction by methods such as mowing, cutting, short-term grazing, or selective thinning.
The DEIS was made available at park headquarters, visitor centers, and
public libraries in the area. Two public presentations were made on the
DEIS; the first at a City of Pacifica regularly scheduled City Council
meeting on April 11, 2005 and the second at the regularly scheduled,
bi-monthly GGNRA public meeting on April 19, 2005. The public was
encouraged to submit comments on the DEIS via email, fax, or regular
The NPS received twelve written comment letters and consultation
letters with findings from the State Historic Preservation Officer on
FMP conformance to the National Historic Preservation Act and from the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as required under the Endangered Species
Act. The Environmental Protection Agency provides the most comments,
primarily focused on air quality and related matters. The letters and
responses are included in appendices of the FEIS. The major issues
raised during the public comment period included: Smoke management,
clarification of the text on conformance with air quality regulations
and the State Implementation Plan, herbicide use, structure of the EIS,
protection of riparian and wetland areas, range of alternatives
addressed, effects on Monarch butterfly habitat, and the need and
benefits from interagency cooperation.
Addresses: Copies of the FMP FEIS may be obtained from the
Superintendent, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Fort Mason,
Building 201, San Francisco, CA 94123, Attn: Fire Management Plan, or
by email request to: (please mark the email subject
line ``FMP FEIS''). Printed copies of the FMP FEIS or a copy on the
FEIS on CD will be directly distributed to those who received the DEIS
in these formats, and to any others who request it. The FMP FEIS will
be available at park headquarters, park visitor centers, and at local
and regional libraries. The complete FMP FEIS will be posted on the
park's Web site at under the heading
Decision: As a delegated EIS, the Regional Director of the Pacific
West Region is responsible for the final decision on the selected FMP
alternative. A Record of Decision, documenting the decision process in
selecting the final FMP, may be considered by the Regional Director not
sooner than 30 days following the publication by the Environmental
Protection Agency of their notice of filing of the FMP FEIS in the
Federal Register. Following approval of the FMP FEIS, the official
responsible for implementing the new FMP will be the Superintendent of
Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
Dated: November 3, 2005.
George J. Turnbull,
Acting Regional Director, Pacific West Region.
[FR Doc. E5-7898 Filed 12-27-05; 8:45 am]