Animal Drug User Fee Act; Public Meeting, 76851-76852 [E5-7876]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 28, 2005 / Notices
percent of the voting shares of LNB
Bancorp, Inc., Lorain, Ohio, and thereby
indirectly acquire voting shares of the
Lorain National Bank, Lorain, Ohio.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, December 22, 2005.
Jennifer J. Johnson,
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. E5–7944 Filed 12–27–05; 8:45 am]
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. 2005P–0244]
Determination That DECADRON
(Dexamethasone) Tablets, 1.5
Milligrams, Were Not Withdrawn From
Sale for Reasons of Safety or
Food and Drug Administration,
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has determined
that DECADRON (dexamethasone)
tablets, 1.5 milligrams (mg), were not
withdrawn from sale for reasons of
safety or effectiveness. This
determination will allow FDA to
approve abbreviated new drug
applications (ANDAs) for
dexamethasone tablets, 1.5 mg.
Janice L. Weiner, Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research (HFD–7), Food
and Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers
Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, 301–594–
In 1984,
Congress enacted the Drug Price
Competition and Patent Term
Restoration Act of 1984 (the 1984
amendments) (Public Law 98–417),
which authorized the approval of
duplicate versions of drug products
approved under an ANDA procedure.
ANDA sponsors must, with certain
exceptions, show that the drug for
which they are seeking approval
contains the same active ingredient in
the same strength and dosage form as
the ‘‘listed drug,’’ which is typically a
version of the drug that was previously
approved. Sponsors of ANDAs do not
have to repeat the extensive clinical
testing otherwise necessary to gain
approval of a new drug application
(NDA). The only clinical data required
in an ANDA are data to show that the
drug that is the subject of the ANDA is
bioequivalent to the listed drug.
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The 1984 amendments include what
is now section 505(j)(7) of the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C.
355(j)(7)), which requires FDA to
publish a list of all approved drugs.
FDA publishes this list as part of the
‘‘Approved Drug Products With
Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations,’’
which is generally known as the
‘‘Orange Book.’’ Under FDA regulations,
drugs are withdrawn from the list if the
agency withdraws or suspends approval
of the drug’s NDA or ANDA for reasons
of safety or effectiveness or if FDA
determines that the listed drug was
withdrawn from sale for reasons of
safety or effectiveness (21 CFR 314.162).
Under 21 CFR 314.161(a)(1), the
agency must determine whether a listed
drug was withdrawn from sale for
reasons of safety or effectiveness before
an ANDA that refers to that listed drug
may be approved. FDA may not approve
an ANDA that does not refer to a listed
DECADRON (dexamethasone) tablets,
1.5 mg, are the subject of approved NDA
11–664 held by Merck & Co., Inc.
(Merck). According to Merck’s 1997
annual report, the 1.5–mg dose strength,
among others, of DECADRON
(dexamethasone) tablets, a synthetic
adrenocortical steroid, was
discontinued in 1997. In a citizen
petition dated June 16, 2005 (Docket No.
2005P–0244), submitted under 21 CFR
10.30, ECR Pharmaceuticals requested
that the agency determine whether
DECADRON (dexamethasone) tablets,
1.5 mg, were withdrawn from sale for
reasons of safety or effectiveness.
The agency has determined that
Merck’s DECADRON (dexamethasone)
tablets, 1.5 mg, were not withdrawn
from sale for reasons of safety or
effectiveness. FDA has reviewed its files
for records concerning the withdrawal
of DECADRON (dexamethasone) tablets,
1.5 mg, from sale. There is no indication
that the decision not to market
DECADRON (dexamethasone) tablets,
1.5 mg, commercially is a function of
safety or effectiveness concerns. FDA
has independently evaluated relevant
literature and data for possible concerns
regarding the safety or effectiveness of
this drug product. FDA has found no
information that would indicate that
this product was withdrawn for reasons
of safety or effectiveness.
After considering the citizen petition
and reviewing agency records, FDA
determines that for the reasons outlined
previously, DECADRON
(dexamethasone) tablets, 1.5 mg, were
not withdrawn from sale for reasons of
safety or effectiveness. Accordingly, the
agency will continue to list DECADRON
(dexamethasone) tablets, 1.5 mg, in the
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‘‘Discontinued Drug Product List’’
section of the Orange Book. The
‘‘Discontinued Drug Product List’’
delineates, among other items, drug
products that have been discontinued
from marketing for reasons other than
safety or effectiveness. ANDAs for
dexamethasone tablets, 1.5 mg, that
comply with relevant legal and
regulatory requirements may be
approved by the agency.
Dated: December 19, 2005.
Jeffrey Shuren,
Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. E5–7875 Filed 12–27–05; 8:45 am]
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. 2005N–0488]
Animal Drug User Fee Act; Public
Food and Drug Administration,
Notice of public meeting;
request for comments.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is announcing a
public meeting on the Animal Drug User
Fee Act (ADUFA) to seek public
comments relative to the program’s
overall performance and reauthorization
as directed by Congress.
Date and Time: The public meeting
will be held on February 24, 2006, from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Requests to make a
presentation at the meeting must be
received by February 10, 2006. Written
comments regarding this meeting may
be made by March 26, 2006, to the
Division of Dockets Management (see
Location: The meeting will be held at
the DoubleTree Hotel, Plaza II and III,
1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD
20852. Registration is not required to
attend the meeting. Parking is limited,
so we recommend arriving by subway
(Metro rail) if possible. The DoubleTree
Hotel is accessible from the Metro rail’s
red line at the Twinbrook station.
ADDRESSES: You may submit written
comments to the Division of Dockets
Management (HFA–305), Food and Drug
Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm.
1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Submit
electronic comments to https://
Follow the instructions for submitting
Aleta Sindelar, Center for Veterinary
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 28, 2005 / Notices
wwhite on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Medicine (CVM) (HFV–3), Food and
Drug Administration, 7519 Standish Pl.,
Rockville, MD 20855, 240–276–9004,
FAX: 240–276–9020, e-mail:
Transcripts: Meeting transcripts will
be made available on CVM’s Web site
approximately 30 working days after the
meeting. The transcript will also be
available for public examination at the
Division of Dockets Management (see
ADDRESSES), between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday.
I. Background
In the language authorizing the
Animal Drug User Fee Act, Congress
directed the Secretary of Health and
Human Services (the Secretary) to
consult with the Committee on Energy
and Commerce of the House of
Representatives, the Committee on
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
of the Senate, appropriate scientific and
academic experts, veterinary
professionals, representatives of
consumer advocacy groups, and the
regulated industry in developing
recommendations to Congress for the
reauthorization of ADUFA and for the
goals and plans for meeting the goals
associated with the process for review of
animal drug applications. As directed
by Congress, FDA is holding a public
meeting to gather information on what
features we should propose to include
in the ADUFA program (https:// and hear
stakeholder views on this subject.
We are offering the following two
general questions for consideration, and
we are interested in responses to these
questions and any other pertinent
information stakeholders would like to
1. What is your assessment of the
overall performance of the ADUFA
program thus far?
2. What suggestions or changes would
you make relative to the reauthorization
ADUFA, amended the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) and
authorized FDA to collect fees for
certain animal drug applications,
establishments, products, and sponsors
in support of the review of animal
drugs. These additional resources
support FDA’s responsibilities under
the act to ensure that new animal drug
products are safe and effective for
animals as well as for the public with
respect to animals intended for food
FDA’s animal drug user fee program
was authorized in 2003 and
implemented in 2004. A significant part
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of the preparations for the program
included determining the fee levels for
fiscal year (FY) 2004. ADUFA provides
for the following four fees: (1) A sponsor
fee, (2) an establishment fee, (3) a
product fee, and (4) an application fee.
The act also provides for specific
waivers and exemptions from fees. FDA
prepared guidance for the industry
regarding the fees, billings and
submission of fees, and waivers and
exemptions (
The total amounts of monies expected
for collection were as follows: $5
million for FY 2004; $8 million in FY
2005; and, $10 million in each FY 2006
through 2008. Each fee type was
expected to be 25 percent of the total
amount collected. Thus, in FY 2006, we
expect to receive $2,500,000 from
sponsor fees, establishment fees,
product fees, and application fees, for a
total of $10,000,000 dollars (figures are
subject to inflation and workload
adjustments). The user fees are used to
achieve shorter, more predictable
review times by increasing the review
staff at FDA and building better
management systems. As a result, we
anticipate substantial savings to the
industry in regulatory review and
developmental expenses.
FDA’s animal drug premarket review
program is making continual and
substantial improvements in the animal
drug review process as a result of user
fees. This helps ensure an adequate
supply of safe and effective therapeutic
and production animal drugs.
We have published a number of
reports that may help inform the public
about the ADUFA program. Key
documents such as ADUFA-related
guidance, legislation, performance
reports, and financial reports, can be
found at
II. Meeting
FDA will conduct the meeting on
February 24, 2006, at the DoubleTree
Hotel (see Location). In general, the
meeting format will include
presentations by FDA and a series of
panels representing different
stakeholder interest groups (scientific
and academic experts, veterinary
professionals, representatives of
consumer advocacy groups, and the
regulated industry). FDA and panel
presentations are planned from 9 a.m.
until 12 noon. The open public
comment portion of the meeting for
registered speakers is planned to begin
at 1 p.m. An opportunity for public
comments from meeting attendees will
commence following the registered
presentations, if time permits. The
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docket will remain open for written
comments through March 26, 2006, 30
days following the meeting.
If you wish to reserve time to make a
presentation at the meeting, please
contact Aleta Sindelar (see FOR FURTHER
2006. Your request to make a
presentation should include the
following information: Name, company,
company address, company phone
number, and e-mail address. We will try
to accommodate all persons who wish
to make a presentation. The time
allotted for presentations may depend
on the number of persons who wish to
If you require special
accommodations due to a disability,
please contact the DoubleTree Hotel (see
Location) at least 7 days in advance of
the meeting.
III. Comments
If you would like to submit written
comments to the docket regarding
ADUFA, please send your comments to
the Division of Dockets Management
(See ADDRESSES). Submit a single copy
of electronic comments or two paper
copies of any written comments, except
that individuals may submit one paper
copy. Comments are to be identified
with the docket number found in
brackets in the heading of this
document. Received comments may be
reviewed in the Division of Dockets
Management between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday.
Dated: December 20, 2005.
Jeffrey Shuren,
Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. E5–7876 Filed 12–27–05; 8:45 am]
Health Resources and Services
Advisory Committee on Heritable
Disorders and Genetic Diseases in
Newborns and Children; Notice of
In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Pub. L. 92–463), notice is hereby given
of the following meeting:
Name: Advisory Committee on Heritable
Disorders and Genetic Diseases in Newborns
and Children (ACHDGDNC).
Dates and Times: February 13, 2006, 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m.; February 14, 2006, 8:30 a.m. to 3
Place: Ronald Reagan Building and
International Trade Center, Rotunda Room,
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 248 (Wednesday, December 28, 2005)]
[Pages 76851-76852]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E5-7876]
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. 2005N-0488]
Animal Drug User Fee Act; Public Meeting
AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting; request for comments.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing a public
meeting on the Animal Drug User Fee Act (ADUFA) to seek public comments
relative to the program's overall performance and reauthorization as
directed by Congress.
Date and Time: The public meeting will be held on February 24,
2006, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Requests to make a presentation at the
meeting must be received by February 10, 2006. Written comments
regarding this meeting may be made by March 26, 2006, to the Division
of Dockets Management (see Addresses).
Location: The meeting will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel, Plaza
II and III, 1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852. Registration is
not required to attend the meeting. Parking is limited, so we recommend
arriving by subway (Metro rail) if possible. The DoubleTree Hotel is
accessible from the Metro rail's red line at the Twinbrook station.
ADDRESSES: You may submit written comments to the Division of Dockets
Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane,
rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Submit electronic comments to https:// Follow the instructions for submitting
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Aleta Sindelar, Center for Veterinary
[[Page 76852]]
Medicine (CVM) (HFV-3), Food and Drug Administration, 7519 Standish
Pl., Rockville, MD 20855, 240-276-9004, FAX: 240-276-9020, e-mail:
Transcripts: Meeting transcripts will be made available on CVM's
Web site ( approximately 30 working
days after the meeting. The transcript will also be available for
public examination at the Division of Dockets Management (see
ADDRESSES), between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
I. Background
In the language authorizing the Animal Drug User Fee Act, Congress
directed the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the Secretary) to
consult with the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of
Representatives, the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
of the Senate, appropriate scientific and academic experts, veterinary
professionals, representatives of consumer advocacy groups, and the
regulated industry in developing recommendations to Congress for the
reauthorization of ADUFA and for the goals and plans for meeting the
goals associated with the process for review of animal drug
applications. As directed by Congress, FDA is holding a public meeting
to gather information on what features we should propose to include in
the ADUFA program ( and hear
stakeholder views on this subject.
We are offering the following two general questions for
consideration, and we are interested in responses to these questions
and any other pertinent information stakeholders would like to share:
1. What is your assessment of the overall performance of the ADUFA
program thus far?
2. What suggestions or changes would you make relative to the
reauthorization of ADUFA?
ADUFA, amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act)
and authorized FDA to collect fees for certain animal drug
applications, establishments, products, and sponsors in support of the
review of animal drugs. These additional resources support FDA's
responsibilities under the act to ensure that new animal drug products
are safe and effective for animals as well as for the public with
respect to animals intended for food consumption.
FDA's animal drug user fee program was authorized in 2003 and
implemented in 2004. A significant part of the preparations for the
program included determining the fee levels for fiscal year (FY) 2004.
ADUFA provides for the following four fees: (1) A sponsor fee, (2) an
establishment fee, (3) a product fee, and (4) an application fee. The
act also provides for specific waivers and exemptions from fees. FDA
prepared guidance for the industry regarding the fees, billings and
submission of fees, and waivers and exemptions (
The total amounts of monies expected for collection were as
follows: $5 million for FY 2004; $8 million in FY 2005; and, $10
million in each FY 2006 through 2008. Each fee type was expected to be
25 percent of the total amount collected. Thus, in FY 2006, we expect
to receive $2,500,000 from sponsor fees, establishment fees, product
fees, and application fees, for a total of $10,000,000 dollars (figures
are subject to inflation and workload adjustments). The user fees are
used to achieve shorter, more predictable review times by increasing
the review staff at FDA and building better management systems. As a
result, we anticipate substantial savings to the industry in regulatory
review and developmental expenses.
FDA's animal drug premarket review program is making continual and
substantial improvements in the animal drug review process as a result
of user fees. This helps ensure an adequate supply of safe and
effective therapeutic and production animal drugs.
We have published a number of reports that may help inform the
public about the ADUFA program. Key documents such as ADUFA-related
guidance, legislation, performance reports, and financial reports, can
be found at
II. Meeting
FDA will conduct the meeting on February 24, 2006, at the
DoubleTree Hotel (see Location). In general, the meeting format will
include presentations by FDA and a series of panels representing
different stakeholder interest groups (scientific and academic experts,
veterinary professionals, representatives of consumer advocacy groups,
and the regulated industry). FDA and panel presentations are planned
from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. The open public comment portion of the
meeting for registered speakers is planned to begin at 1 p.m. An
opportunity for public comments from meeting attendees will commence
following the registered presentations, if time permits. The docket
will remain open for written comments through March 26, 2006, 30 days
following the meeting.
If you wish to reserve time to make a presentation at the meeting,
please contact Aleta Sindelar (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) by
February 10, 2006. Your request to make a presentation should include
the following information: Name, company, company address, company
phone number, and e-mail address. We will try to accommodate all
persons who wish to make a presentation. The time allotted for
presentations may depend on the number of persons who wish to speak.
If you require special accommodations due to a disability, please
contact the DoubleTree Hotel (see Location) at least 7 days in advance
of the meeting.
III. Comments
If you would like to submit written comments to the docket
regarding ADUFA, please send your comments to the Division of Dockets
Management (See ADDRESSES). Submit a single copy of electronic comments
or two paper copies of any written comments, except that individuals
may submit one paper copy. Comments are to be identified with the
docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document.
Received comments may be reviewed in the Division of Dockets Management
between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Dated: December 20, 2005.
Jeffrey Shuren,
Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. E5-7876 Filed 12-27-05; 8:45 am]