Notice Announcing Addresses for Service of Process, 73320-73323 [05-23837]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 236 / Friday, December 9, 2005 / Notices
Form number and name
of form
SSA–9302 (Notice of Quality Review
Acknowledgement Form for those
with Phones).
SSA–8510 (Authorization to the Social Security Administration to Obtain Personal Information).
After receiving notice of the scheduled date/time of the telephone
questionnaire, Part D applicants
will return this form confirming
their availability for the interview
and making note of any special
needs for the call.
Same as for SSA–9302, except
used by participants without
phones or whose phone numbers
are not known by SSA. On form
SSA–9303, however, participants
confirm receipt of the letter and
are asked to call SSA on a specified date.
This checklist, which accompanies
forms SSA–9302 and SSA–9303,
is a list of the documentation respondents are supposed to have
prepared when SSA calls them to
conduct the Quality Review phone
interview. Their burden is accounted for in the burdens for
forms SSA–9302 and SSA–9303.
Form which SSA will send to various third parties to obtain/confirm
information reported by beneficiaries.
Following the phone interview, SSA
sends this notice to the participants advising them of the documents they must return to SSA.
Form completed by insurance companies confirming type, face
value, cash surrender value and
dividends for insurance policies of
applicants for Medicare Part D
Beneficiaries give their permission
for SSA to contact third parties to
obtain/confirm information.
Total ...........................................
SSA–9303 (Notice of Quality Review
Acknowledgement Form for those
without Phones).
SSA–9304 (Checklist of Required Information).
SSA–9308 (Request for Information)
SSA–9310 (Request for Documents)
Verification Form).
Total Estimated Annual Burden:
17,249 hours.
Dated: December 2, 2005.
Elizabeth A. Davidson,
Reports Clearance Officer, Social Security
[FR Doc. E5–7111 Filed 12–8–05; 8:45 am]
Notice Announcing Addresses for
Service of Process
Social Security Administration
As set forth in a Federal
Register rule in the Rules and
Regulations section, we have amended
our rules regarding service of legal
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Number of
Frequency of
Lawrence A. Levey, Office of the
General Counsel, Office of Program Law,
Social Security Administration, 6401
Frm 00127
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annual burden
process in lawsuits involving judicial
review of Agency final decisions on
individual claims for benefits under
titles II, VIII, and/or XVI of the Social
Security Act. Under the new rules,
summonses and complaints in these
types of cases should be mailed directly
to the office in SSA’s Office of the
General Counsel (OGC) that is
responsible for the processing and
handling of litigation in the particular
jurisdiction in which the complaint has
been filed. The names and current
addresses of those offices, and the
jurisdictions for which they are
currently responsible, are detailed in
this Notice.
PO 00000
per response
Sfmt 4703
Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD
21235–6401, (410) 965–3460.
accordance with our revised procedures,
as codified at 20 CFR 423.1 and
published in the Rules and Regulations
section, summonses and complaints in
cases involving judicial review of
Agency final decisions on individual
claims for benefits under titles II, VIII,
and/or XVI of the Social Security Act
should be mailed directly to the office
in SSA’s Office of the General Counsel
that is responsible for the processing
and handling of litigation in the
particular jurisdiction in which the
complaint has been filed. The
jurisdictional responsibilities and the
names and addresses of these offices are
as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 236 / Friday, December 9, 2005 / Notices
Jurisdictional Responsibilities of OGC
U.S. District Court—Middle District of
Alabama: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
Alabama: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court—Southern District of
Alabama: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Denver (Region VIII).
U.S. District Court—Alaska: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, Seattle
(Region X).
U.S. District Court—Arizona: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, San
Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Arkansas: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Arkansas: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Central District of
California: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, San Francisco (Region
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
California: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, San Francisco (Region
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
California: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, San Francisco (Region
U.S. District Court—Southern District of
California: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, San Francisco (Region
U.S. District Court—Middle District of
Florida: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
Florida: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court—Southern District of
Florida: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Kentucky: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Kentucky: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court—Middle District of
Georgia: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
Georgia: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court—Southern District of
Georgia: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Boston (Region I).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Louisiana: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Middle District of
Louisiana: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Louisiana: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Guam: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, San
Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court—Maine: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Boston
(Region I).
U.S. District Court—Hawaii: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, San
Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court—Idaho: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Seattle
(Region X).
U.S. District Court—Central District of
Illinois: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
Illinois: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Southern District of
Illinois: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Maryland: Office of
Program Law, Baltimore.
U.S. District Court—Massachusetts:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Boston (Region I).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Michigan: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Michigan: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Minnesota: Office
of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
Indiana: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Southern District of
Indiana: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
Mississippi: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region
U.S. District Court—Southern District of
Mississippi: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Boston (Region I).
U.S. District Court—Delaware: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel,
Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
Iowa: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court—Southern District of
Iowa: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Missouri: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Missouri: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
District of Columbia
U.S. District Court—District of
Columbia: Office of Program Law,
U.S. District Court—Kansas: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, Kansas
City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court—Montana: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, Denver
(Region VIII).
U.S. District Court—Colorado: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, Denver
(Region VIII).
U.S. District Court—Connecticut: Office
of the Regional Chief Counsel, Boston
(Region I).
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 236 / Friday, December 9, 2005 / Notices
U.S. District Court—Nebraska: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, Kansas
City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Oklahoma: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
Oklahoma: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Oklahoma: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Nevada: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, San
Francisco (Region IX).
New Hampshire
U.S. District Court—New Hampshire:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Boston (Region I).
New Jersey
U.S. District Court—New Jersey: Office
of the Regional Chief Counsel, New
York (Region II).
New Mexico
U.S. District Court—New Mexico: Office
of the Regional Chief Counsel, Dallas
(Region VI).
New York
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
New York: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, New York (Region II).
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
New York: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, New York (Region II).
U.S. District Court—Southern District of
New York: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, New York (Region II).
U.S. District Court—Western District of
New York: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, New York (Region II).
U.S. District Court—Oregon: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, Seattle
(Region X).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Pennsylvania: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region
U.S. District Court—Middle District of
Pennsylvania: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Pennsylvania: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region
Puerto Rico
U.S. District Court—Puerto Rico: Office
of the Regional Chief Counsel, Boston
(Region I).
Rhode Island
U.S. District Court—Rhode Island:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Boston (Region I).
North Carolina
South Carolina
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
North Carolina: Office of Program
Law, Baltimore.
U.S. District Court—Middle District of
North Carolina: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Boston (Region I).
U.S. District Court—Western District of
North Carolina: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Boston (Region I).
U.S. District Court—South Carolina:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Denver (Region VIII).
North Dakota
U.S. District Court—Northern Mariana
Islands: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, San Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Tennessee: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Middle District of
Tennessee: Office of Program Law,
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Tennessee: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
Ohio: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Southern District of
Ohio: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Texas: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
Texas: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—North Dakota:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Denver (Region VIII).
Northern Mariana Islands
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South Dakota
U.S. District Court—South Dakota:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Denver (Region VIII).
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U.S. District Court—Southern District of
Texas: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Texas: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Utah: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Denver
(Region VIII).
U.S. District Court—Vermont: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, Boston
(Region I).
Virgin Islands
U.S. District Court—Virgin Islands:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
New York (Region II).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Virginia: Office of Program Law,
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Virginia: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Washington: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Seattle (Region X).
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Washington: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Seattle (Region X).
West Virginia
U.S. District Court—Northern District of
West Virginia: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region
U.S. District Court—Southern District of
West Virginia: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Wisconsin: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Western District of
Wisconsin: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Wyoming: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, Denver
(Region VIII).
Addresses of OGC Offices
Office of Program Law
Office of the General Counsel
Social Security Administration
6401 Security Boulevard
Room 617 Altmeyer Building
Baltimore, MD 21235–6401.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region I
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 236 / Friday, December 9, 2005 / Notices
Social Security Administration
Room 625, JFK Federal Building
Boston, MA 02203–0002.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region II
Social Security Administration
26 Federal Plaza, Room 3904
New York, NY 10278–0004.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region III
Social Security Administration
P.O. Box 41777
Philadelphia, PA 19101–1777.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region IV
Social Security Administration
Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth Street, SW., Suite 20T45
Atlanta, GA 30303–8920.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region V
Social Security Administration
200 W. Adams Street, 30th Floor
Chicago, IL 60606–5208.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region VI
Social Security Administration
1301 Young Street, Room 430
Dallas, TX 75202–5433.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region VII
Social Security Administration
601 East 12th Street, Room 535
Federal Office Building
Kansas City, MO 64106–2898.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region VIII
Social Security Administration
1961 Stout Street
Byron G. Rogers Federal Office
Building, Suite 1001–A
Denver, CO 80294–3538.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region IX
Social Security Administration
333 Market Street, Suite 1500,
San Francisco, CA 94105–2102.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region X
Social Security Administration
701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2900 M/S 901
Seattle, WA 98104–7075.
Dated: December 5, 2005.
Jo Anne B. Barnhart,
Commissioner of Social Security.
[FR Doc. 05–23837 Filed 12–8–05; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Aircraft Authentication Status
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:45 Dec 08, 2005
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SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) in concert with
the Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) will revitalize
and refocus our airspace monitoring
capabilities to ensure that each aircraft
operating within the National Airspace
System (NAS) has met all statutory,
regulatory and certification
(2) a pilot deviation will be filed on the
operator, (3) operator may be denied
access to the NAS. In the event the
operator is not the owner, the operator
and owner will be notified of the
deficiency and both will be subject to
any action deemed warranted by the
agency in accordance with local, state
and federal regulations.
The U.S. Civil Aviation Registry
provides means to search and update
aircraft owner information.
Effective Date: February 1, 2006.
Douglas Gould, Manager, Strategic
Operations Security (AJR–22) Federal
Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Ave., SW., Washington,
DC 20591. Telephone (202) 267–7683.
part 47 of the Federal Aviation
Regulations defines the requirements
and outlines the circumstances
necessary for aircraft registration. The
FAA and TSA believe that it is in the
interests of national security and
aviation safety to ensure that only
properly registered aircraft operate
within the National Airspace System
On June 23, 2003, the Federal
Aviation (FAA) published a notice in
the Federal Register (FR Doc. 03–15673)
stating that the FAA’s Aircraft
Registration System would be
augmented to reflect the observed status
of an aircraft’s certificate of registration.
As of June 20, 2003 those aircraft
records containing information that
would render a certificate of registration
ineffective, if true, were changed to
reflect a status of ‘‘In Question.’’
On May 17, 2004 the Federal Aviation
Administration issued a press release
emphasizing the need for aircraft
owners to update their aircraft
registration in order that both the FAA
and aircraft manufacturers may be able
to notify owners of safety and
maintenance-related information.
The FAA has provided numerous
other notices requesting aircraft owners
register their aircraft and to provide
updated address information, mainly in
an effort to update the aircraft owner
database and to assist local law
enforcement agencies and FAA Flight
Services Stations in the event of a
downed or overdue aircraft. This
current notice represents the latest
action the FAA is taking to ensure that
only properly registered aircraft operate
within the NAS.
On the effective date stated herein,
operators of identified aircraft with
questionable registrations and or no
TSA required security measures/waivers
will be: (1) Notified of the deficiency,
PO 00000
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Issued in Washington, DC on December 1,
Douglas Gould,
Manager, Strategic Operations Security.
[FR Doc. 05–23852 Filed 12–8–05; 8:45 am]
National Highway Traffic Safety
[Docket No. NHTSA–2005–23171; Notice 1]
Bridgestone Firestone North America
Tire, LLC, Receipt of Petition for
Decision of Inconsequential
Bridgestone Firestone North America
Tire, LLC (Bridgestone Firestone) has
determined that certain tires it produced
in 2005 do not comply with S4.3.2 of 49
CFR 571.109, Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 109,
‘‘New pneumatic tires.’’ Bridgestone
Firestone has filed an appropriate report
pursuant to 49 CFR part 573, ‘‘Defect
and Noncompliance Reports.’’
Pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 30118(d) and
30120(h), Bridgestone Firestone has
petitioned for an exemption from the
notification and remedy requirements of
49 U.S.C. Chapter 301 on the basis that
this noncompliance is inconsequential
to motor vehicle safety.
This notice of receipt of Bridgestone
Firestone’s petition is published under
49 U.S.C. 30118 and 30120 and does not
represent any agency decision or other
exercise of judgment concerning the
merits of the petition.
Affected are a total of approximately
50 P205/70R15 Le Mans Champion SE
tires produced in 2005. S4.3.2 of
FMVSS No. 109 refers to 49 CFR 575.4,
section (d) which requires that the
sidewall stamping include the date of
manufacture. The noncompliant tires
are stamped HYMOLCM, while the
correct stamping including the date of
manufacture should be
Bridgestone Firestone believes that
the noncompliance is inconsequential to
motor vehicle safety and that no
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 236 (Friday, December 9, 2005)]
[Pages 73320-73323]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-23837]
Notice Announcing Addresses for Service of Process
AGENCY: Social Security Administration (SSA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: As set forth in a Federal Register rule in the Rules and
Regulations section, we have amended our rules regarding service of
legal process in lawsuits involving judicial review of Agency final
decisions on individual claims for benefits under titles II, VIII, and/
or XVI of the Social Security Act. Under the new rules, summonses and
complaints in these types of cases should be mailed directly to the
office in SSA's Office of the General Counsel (OGC) that is responsible
for the processing and handling of litigation in the particular
jurisdiction in which the complaint has been filed. The names and
current addresses of those offices, and the jurisdictions for which
they are currently responsible, are detailed in this Notice.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lawrence A. Levey, Office of the
General Counsel, Office of Program Law, Social Security Administration,
6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401, (410) 965-3460.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with our revised procedures,
as codified at 20 CFR 423.1 and published in the Rules and Regulations
section, summonses and complaints in cases involving judicial review of
Agency final decisions on individual claims for benefits under titles
II, VIII, and/or XVI of the Social Security Act should be mailed
directly to the office in SSA's Office of the General Counsel that is
responsible for the processing and handling of litigation in the
particular jurisdiction in which the complaint has been filed. The
jurisdictional responsibilities and the names and addresses of these
offices are as follows:
[[Page 73321]]
Jurisdictional Responsibilities of OGC Offices
U.S. District Court--Middle District of Alabama: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of Alabama: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of Alabama: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Denver (Region VIII).
U.S. District Court--Alaska: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Seattle (Region X).
U.S. District Court--Arizona: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, San
Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Arkansas: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Western District of Arkansas: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Central District of California: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, San Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of California: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, San Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of California: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, San Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of California: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, San Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court--Colorado: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Denver (Region VIII).
U.S. District Court--Connecticut: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Boston (Region I).
U.S. District Court--Delaware: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Philadelphia (Region III).
District of Columbia
U.S. District Court--District of Columbia: Office of Program Law,
U.S. District Court--Middle District of Florida: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of Florida: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of Florida: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court--Middle District of Georgia: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of Georgia: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of Georgia: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Boston (Region I).
U.S. District Court--Guam: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, San
Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court--Hawaii: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, San
Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court--Idaho: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Seattle (Region X).
U.S. District Court--Central District of Illinois: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of Illinois: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of Illinois: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of Indiana: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of Indiana: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of Iowa: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of Iowa: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court--Kansas: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Kentucky: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court--Western District of Kentucky: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Atlanta (Region IV).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Louisiana: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Middle District of Louisiana: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Western District of Louisiana: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Maine: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Boston (Region I).
U.S. District Court--Maryland: Office of Program Law, Baltimore.
U.S. District Court--Massachusetts: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Boston (Region I).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Michigan: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Western District of Michigan: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Minnesota: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of Mississippi: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of Mississippi: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Boston (Region I).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Missouri: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court--Western District of Missouri: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court--Montana: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Denver (Region VIII).
[[Page 73322]]
U.S. District Court--Nebraska: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court--Nevada: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, San
Francisco (Region IX).
New Hampshire
U.S. District Court--New Hampshire: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Boston (Region I).
New Jersey
U.S. District Court--New Jersey: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
New York (Region II).
New Mexico
U.S. District Court--New Mexico: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Dallas (Region VI).
New York
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of New York: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, New York (Region II).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of New York: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, New York (Region II).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of New York: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, New York (Region II).
U.S. District Court--Western District of New York: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, New York (Region II).
North Carolina
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of North Carolina: Office of
Program Law, Baltimore.
U.S. District Court--Middle District of North Carolina: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Boston (Region I).
U.S. District Court--Western District of North Carolina: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Boston (Region I).
North Dakota
U.S. District Court--North Dakota: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Denver (Region VIII).
Northern Mariana Islands
U.S. District Court--Northern Mariana Islands: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, San Francisco (Region IX).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of Ohio: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of Ohio: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Oklahoma: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of Oklahoma: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Western District of Oklahoma: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Oregon: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Seattle (Region X).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Pennsylvania: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court--Middle District of Pennsylvania: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court--Western District of Pennsylvania: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
Puerto Rico
U.S. District Court--Puerto Rico: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Boston (Region I).
Rhode Island
U.S. District Court--Rhode Island: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Boston (Region I).
South Carolina
U.S. District Court--South Carolina: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Denver (Region VIII).
South Dakota
U.S. District Court--South Dakota: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Denver (Region VIII).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Tennessee: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Middle District of Tennessee: Office of Program
Law, Baltimore.
U.S. District Court--Western District of Tennessee: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Texas: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Northern District of Texas: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of Texas: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Western District of Texas: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court--Utah: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Denver
(Region VIII).
U.S. District Court--Vermont: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Boston (Region I).
Virgin Islands
U.S. District Court--Virgin Islands: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, New York (Region II).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Virginia: Office of Program
Law, Baltimore.
U.S. District Court--Western District of Virginia: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Washington: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Seattle (Region X).
U.S. District Court--Western District of Washington: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Seattle (Region X).
West Virginia
U.S. District Court--Northern District of West Virginia: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court--Southern District of West Virginia: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court--Eastern District of Wisconsin: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Western District of Wisconsin: Office of the
Regional Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court--Wyoming: Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Denver (Region VIII).
Addresses of OGC Offices
Office of Program Law
Office of the General Counsel
Social Security Administration
6401 Security Boulevard
Room 617 Altmeyer Building
Baltimore, MD 21235-6401.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region I
[[Page 73323]]
Social Security Administration
Room 625, JFK Federal Building
Boston, MA 02203-0002.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region II
Social Security Administration
26 Federal Plaza, Room 3904
New York, NY 10278-0004.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region III
Social Security Administration
P.O. Box 41777
Philadelphia, PA 19101-1777.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region IV
Social Security Administration
Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth Street, SW., Suite 20T45
Atlanta, GA 30303-8920.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region V
Social Security Administration
200 W. Adams Street, 30th Floor
Chicago, IL 60606-5208.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region VI
Social Security Administration
1301 Young Street, Room 430
Dallas, TX 75202-5433.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region VII
Social Security Administration
601 East 12th Street, Room 535
Federal Office Building
Kansas City, MO 64106-2898.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region VIII
Social Security Administration
1961 Stout Street
Byron G. Rogers Federal Office Building, Suite 1001-A
Denver, CO 80294-3538.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region IX
Social Security Administration
333 Market Street, Suite 1500,
San Francisco, CA 94105-2102.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region X
Social Security Administration
701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2900 M/S 901
Seattle, WA 98104-7075.
Dated: December 5, 2005.
Jo Anne B. Barnhart,
Commissioner of Social Security.
[FR Doc. 05-23837 Filed 12-8-05; 8:45 am]