Notice of the Revised Priority List of Hazardous Substances That Will Be the Subject of Toxicological Profiles, 72840-72842 [E5-6971]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 234 / Wednesday, December 7, 2005 / Notices
other agency entities upon request; (2)
participates in the design,
implementation, and impact evaluation
of health promotion interventions at
sites at the individual and community
level to mitigate health effects from
potential and actual exposures; provides
leadership in using the best available
science for health promotion products
and activities in communities;
advocates for public health promotion
in support of community concerns and
needs; (3) plans, designs and
implements strategies for engaging (site
entry) in site-specific community and
tribal public health activities and, upon
completion of activities strategies for
disengagement; (4) provides leadership
in developing, managing, and
implementing the health education
component of the ATSDR’s state-based
cooperative agreement program with
external partners; ensures that the
technical and administrative
requirements of the health education
component of the program are met; (5)
provides leadership in establishing
linkages between communities and
technical and science staff; where
appropriate, maintains and coordinates
community contact; maintains database
of site-specific community concerns and
needs and actions taken to respond;
and, advocates for the public health
needs of the community and serves to
mediate and assist in resolving areas of
dispute or conflict; (6) in activities that
involve communities, tribes, tribal
governments and tribal organizations,
collaborates with ATSDR programs to
ensure cultural awareness and respect
are observed and practiced.
Delete in its entirety the titles and
functional statements for the Division of
Health Education and Promotion (TB7)
Delete in its entirety the titles and
functional statements for the Division of
Toxicology (TB9) and inserting the
Division of Toxicology and
Environmental Medicine (TB9). (1)
Develops and applies innovative
research methods to expand knowledge
of the relationship between exposure to
hazardous substances and adverse
human health effects; (2) coordinates all
activities associated with toxicological
profiles including associated research;
(3) develops and applies science-based
health educational tools, methods and
strategies to deliver messages,
education, and training; (4) develops
educational materials in support of
environmental medicine; (5) provides
expertise and service to site-specific
activities across ATSDR including
chemical-specific consultations as
needed; (6) provides technical expertise
and site specific support in addressing
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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the health issues presented by
emergency or acute release events and
threatened releases of hazardous
materials; (7) coordinates agency
toxicology and environmental medicine
activities with the Environmental
Protection Agency, National Toxicology
Program, and other appropriate federal,
state, local, or public programs.
Applied Toxicology Branch (TB94).
(1) Provides scientific expertise for the
development of toxicological
information and disseminates
educational information in multiple
formats; (2) develops and disseminates
toxicological profiles; (3) develops,
implements, and coordinates a program
of research designed to identify priority
data needs and determine the health
effects of those data needs for various
hazardous substances; (4) works as an
integral partner with other division
branches to ensure that toxicological
activities incorporate environmental
medicine and emergency preparedness
perspectives into their basic message;
(5) coordinates toxicological
information and research activities with
the Environmental Protection Agency,
the National Toxicology Program, the
Interagency Testing Committee, other
appropriate federal, state, and local
programs, and other public and private
concerns, as appropriate.
Prevention, Response and Medical
Support Branch (TB95). (1) Provides
technical expertise and site specific
support in addressing the health issues
presented by emergency or acute release
events and threatened releases of
hazardous materials; (2) conducts
special priority setting and evaluation
activities; (3) provides technical
expertise to conduct special evaluation
activities necessary for support of
division programs; (4) provides
infrastructure to support planning and
evaluation activities for the toxicology
programs of the division; (5) works
within the National Response Program
and CDC guidelines to collaborate with
other federal, state, and local agencies
during emergency response situations;
(6) develops information resources and
guidance for first responders and health
care providers for use in responding to
unplanned release and spills; (7) works
as an integral partner with other
division branches to ensure that
environmental medicine activities
incorporate toxicological and emergency
preparedness perspectives into their
basic message.
Environmental Medicine and
Educational Services Branch (TB96). (1)
Establishes program goals and objectives
for health education and environmental
medicine practices; (2) develops and
applies science-based health education
PO 00000
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strategies, services, and tools to deliver
key messages, education, and training to
state public health partners, other
public health partners, health
professionals, and community groups to
improve environmental health outcomes
at the local, state, and national levels;
(3) coordinates and facilitates practice
development in environmental
medicine across ATSDR divisions and
offices; (4) develops educational
materials in support of health education
and environmental medicine; (5)
provides leadership in development,
implementation, and evaluation of
internal and external professional health
education and environmental medicine
activities; and (6) provides expertise and
service to site-specific activities across
Dated: November 28, 2005.
William H. Gimson,
Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC).
[FR Doc. 05–23688 Filed 12–6–05; 8:45 am]
Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry
Notice of the Revised Priority List of
Hazardous Substances That Will Be
the Subject of Toxicological Profiles
Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry (ATSDR), U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Comprehensive
Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA or Superfund), as amended by
the Superfund Amendments and
Reauthorization Act (SARA), requires
that ATSDR and the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) revise the
Priority List of Hazardous Substances.
This list includes substances most
commonly found at facilities on the
CERCLA National Priorities List (NPL)
which have been determined to be of
greatest concern to public health at or
around these NPL hazardous waste
sites. This announcement provides
notice that the agencies have developed
and are making available a revised
CERCLA Priority List of 275 Hazardous
Substances, based on the most recent
information available. Each substance
on the priority list is a candidate to
become the subject of a toxicological
profile prepared by ATSDR and
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 234 / Wednesday, December 7, 2005 / Notices
subsequently a candidate for the
identification of priority data needs.
In addition to the Priority List of
Hazardous Substances, ATSDR has
developed a Completed Exposure
Pathway Site Count Report. This report
lists the number of sites or events with
ATSDR activities where a substance has
been found in a completed exposure
pathway (CEP). This report is included
in the Support Document of the Priority
ADDRESSES: Requests for a printed copy
of the report, the 2005 CERCLA Priority
List of Hazardous Substances That Will
Be The Subject of Toxicological Profiles
and Support Document, including the
CEP report, should bear the docket
control number ATSDR–217, and
should be submitted to: Ms. Olga
Dawkins, Division of Toxicology and
Environmental Medicine, Mail Stop F–
32, 1600 Clifton Road, NE., Atlanta, GA
30333. Requests must be in writing.
Electronic Availability: The 2005
Priority List of Hazardous Substances
and Support Document will be posted
on ATSDR’s Web site located at The
CEP Report will also be posted at https://
This is an informational notice only,
and comments are not being solicited at
this time. However, any comments
received will be considered for
inclusion in the next revision of the list
and placed in a publicly accessible
docket; therefore, please do not submit
confidential business or other
confidential information.
ATSDR, Division of Toxicology and
Environmental Medicine, 1600 Clifton
Road, NE., Mail Stop F–32, Atlanta, GA
30333, telephone 888–422–8737.
establishes certain requirements for
ATSDR and EPA with regard to
hazardous substances that are most
commonly found at facilities on the
CERCLA NPL. Section 104(i)(2) of
CERCLA, as amended [42 U.S.C.
9604(i)(2)], required that the two
agencies prepare a list, in order of
priority, of at least 100 hazardous
substances that are most commonly
found at facilities on the NPL and
which, in their sole discretion, have
been determined to pose the most
significant potential threat to human
health (see 52 FR 12866, April 17,
1987). CERCLA also required the
agencies to revise the priority list to
include 100 or more additional
hazardous substances (see 53 FR 41280,
October 20, 1988), and to include at
least 25 additional hazardous
substances in each of the three
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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successive years following the 1988
revision (see 54 FR 43619, October 26,
1989; 55 FR 42067, October 17, 1990; 56
FR 52166, October 17, 1991). CERCLA
also requires that ATSDR and EPA shall,
at least annually thereafter, revise the
list to include additional hazardous
substances that have been determined to
pose the most significant potential
threat to human health. In 1995, the
agencies altered the publication
schedule of the priority list by moving
to a 2-year publication schedule,
reflecting the stability of this listing
activity (60 FR 16478, March 30, 1995).
As a result, the priority list is now on
a 2-year publication schedule with a
yearly informal review and revision.
Each substance on the CERCLA Priority
List of Hazardous Substances is a
candidate to become the subject of a
toxicological profile prepared by
ATSDR and subsequently a candidate
for the identification of priority data
The initial priority lists of hazardous
substances (1987–1990) were based on
the most comprehensive and relevant
information available when the lists
were developed. More comprehensive
sources of information on the frequency
of occurrence and the potential for
human exposure to substances at NPL
sites became available for use in the
1991 priority list with the development
of ATSDR’s HazDat database. Utilizing
this database, a revised approach and
algorithm for ranking substances was
developed in 1991, and a notice
announcing the intention of ATSDR and
EPA to revise and rerank the Priority
List of Hazardous Substances was
published on June 27, 1991 (56 FR
29485). The subsequent 1991 Priority
List and revised approach used for its
compilation was summarized in the
‘‘Revised Priority List of Hazardous
Substances’’ Federal Register notice
published October 17, 1991 (56 FR
52166). The same approach and the
same basic algorithm have been used in
all subsequent activities, including the
2005 listing activity. The algorithm used
in ranking hazardous substances on the
priority list consists of three criteria,
which are combined to result in the
total score. The three criteria are:
Frequency of occurrence at NPL sites;
toxicity; and potential for human
Since HazDat is a dynamic database
with ongoing data collection, additional
information from the HazDat database
became available for the 2005 listing
activity. This additional information has
been entered into HazDat since the
development of the 2003 Priority List of
Hazardous Substances. The site-specific
information from HazDat that is used in
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the listing activity has been collected
from ATSDR public health assessments
and from site file data packages that are
used to develop these public health
assessments. The new information may
include more recent NPL frequency of
occurrence data, additional
concentration data, and more
information on exposure to substances
at NPL sites. With these additional data,
10 substances have been replaced on the
list of 275 substances since the 2003
publication. Of the 10 replacement
substances, 2 are new candidate
substances, and 8 are substances that
were previously under consideration.
These replacement substances and
changes in the order of substances
appearing on the CERCLA Priority List
of Hazardous Substances will be
reflected in the program activities that
rely on the list for future direction.
The 2005 Priority List of Hazardous
Substances includes 275 substances that
have been determined to be of greatest
concern to public health based on the
criteria of CERCLA section 104(i)(2) [42
U.S.C. 9604(i)(2)]. A total of 861
candidate substances have been
analyzed and ranked with the current
algorithm. Of these candidates, the 275
substances on the priority list may
become the subject of toxicological
profiles in the future. The top 25
substances on the 2005 Priority List of
Hazardous Substances are listed below.
Substance name
1 ..........
2 ..........
3 ..........
4 ..........
5 ..........
6 ..........
7 ..........
8 ..........
9 ..........
10 ........
11 ........
12 ........
13 ........
14 ........
15 ........
16 ........
17 ........
18 ........
19 ........
20 ........
21 ........
22 ........
23 ........
24 ........
25 ........
Vinyl Chloride
Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Benzo (A) Pyrene
Benzo (B) Fluoranthene
Ddt, P,P’Aroclor 1254
Aroclor 1260
Dibenzon (A,H) Anthracene
Chromium, Hexavalent
Phosphorus, White
Dde, P,P’Chlordane
Coal Tar Creosote
Ddd, P’,P’Aldrin
ATSDR intends to publish the next
revised list of hazardous substances in
two years, with an informal review and
revision performed in one year. These
revisions will reflect changes and
improvements in data collection and
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 234 / Wednesday, December 7, 2005 / Notices
availability. Additional information on
the existing methodology used in the
development of the CERCLA Priority
List of Hazardous Substances can be
found in the Support Document to the
List and in the Federal Register notices
mentioned above.
In addition to the revised priority list,
ATSDR is also releasing a Completed
Exposure Pathway Site Count Report. A
completed exposure pathway (CEP) is
an exposure pathway that links a
contaminant source to a receptor
population. The CEP ranking is very
similar to a sub-component of the
component of the listing algorithm. The
CEP ranking is based on a site frequency
count, and thus lists the number of sites
at which a substance has been found in
a CEP. ATSDR’s HazDat database
contains this information which is
derived from ATSDR public health
assessments and health consultations.
Because exposure to hazardous
substances is of significant concern,
ATSDR is publishing this CEP report
along with the CERCLA Priority List of
Hazardous Substances. Since this CEP
report focuses on documented exposure,
it provides an important prioritization
based on substances to which people are
The substances on the CEP report are
similar to the substances on the
CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous
Substances. However, there are some
substances that are on the CEP report
because they are frequently found in
completed exposure pathways, but are
not on the CERCLA Priority List because
they have a very low toxicity (e.g.,
sodium). Since the CERCLA Priority List
incorporates three different components
(toxicity, frequency of occurrence, and
potential for human exposure) to
determine its priority substances,
substances with very low toxicity are
not on the CERCLA Priority List and
consequently are not the subject of
toxicological profiles. In addition, since
the Priority List is mandated by
CERCLA, it only uses data from sites on
the CERCLA National Priorities List,
whereas the CEP report uses data from
all sites with ATSDR activities that have
a CEP. Of the 100 substances on the CEP
report, the 25 substances found at the
most number of sites in a CEP are
presented below.
Substance name
Number of
sites with
substance in
Lead ......................................
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Number of
sites with
substance in
Substance name
Trichloroethylene ..................
Arsenic ..................................
Tetrachloroethylene ..............
Benzene ................................
Cadmium ..............................
Volatile Organic Compounds,
Unspecified .......................
Chromium .............................
Polychlorinated Biphenyls ....
Mercury .................................
Manganese ...........................
Zinc .......................................
Copper ..................................
1,1,1-Trichloroethane ............
Chloroform ............................
Benzo(A)Pyrene ...................
1,1-Dichloroethene ...............
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons .............................
Nickel ....................................
Methylene Chloride ...............
Toluene .................................
Antimony ...............................
Vinyl Chloride .......................
Barium ..................................
1,2-Dichloroethane ...............
Note: Sorted by the All Sites column.
All Sites = all sites with ATSDR activities
that have a CEP; NPL.
Sites = current and former sites on the National Priorities List, as mandated.
Dated: November 29, 2005.
Ken Rose,
Acting Director, Office of Policy, Planning
and Evaluation, National Center for
Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry.
[FR Doc. E5–6971 Filed 12–6–05; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
Statement of Organization, Functions,
and Delegations of Authority
Part C (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention) of the Statement of
Organization, Functions, and
Delegations of Authority of the
Department of Health and Human
Services (45 FR 67772–76, dated
October 14, 1980, and corrected at 45 FR
69296, October 20, 1980, as amended
most recently at 70 FR 70617–18, dated
November 22, 2005) is amended to
reflect the reorganization of the
Facilities Planning and Management
Office, within the Office of the Chief
Operating Officer, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
PO 00000
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Section C–B, Organization and
Functions, is hereby amended as
Delete in its entirety the titles and
functional statements for the Facilities
Planning and Management Office
(CAJ3) and insert the following:
Buildings and Facilities Office (CAJC).
(1) Operates, maintains, repairs, and
modifies CDC’s Atlanta area plant
facilities, and conducts a maintenance
and repair program for CDC’s program
support equipment; (2) carries out
facilities planning functions for CDC,
including new or expanded facilities,
and a major repair and improvement
program; (3) develops services for new,
improved, and modified equipment to
meet program needs, i.e., building
related and installed equipment such as
HVAC, bio safety cabinets, chemical
fume hoods, walk-in freezers, etc; and
(4) conducts CDC’s real property and
space management activities, including
the acquisition of leased space, the
purchase and disposal of real property,
and provides technical assistance in
space planning to meet programmatic
Office of the Director (CAJC1). (1)
Plans, directs, and coordinates the
functions and activities of the Buildings
and Facilities Office (BFO); (2) provides
management and administrative
direction for budget planning and
execution, property management, and
personnel management within BFO; (3)
provides leadership and strategic
support to senior managers in the
determination of CDC’s long-term
facilities needs; (4) coordinates the
operations of BFO staff involved in the
planning, evaluation, design,
construction, and management of
facilities and acquisition of property; (5)
provides centralized value engineering
(VE) services, policy development and
coordination, and global acquisition
planning for BFO; (6) develops and
maintains the Integrated Facilities
Management System to process data for
management and control systems, and
develop reports and analyses; and (7)
assists and advises senior CDC officials
in the development, coordination,
direction, and assessment of facilities
and real property activities throughout
CDC’s facilities and operations, and
assures consideration of facilities
management implications in program
Capital Improvements Management
Office (CAJCB). (1) Provides
professional architectural/engineering
capabilities, and technical and
administrative project support to CDC
and the national centers (NC) for
renovations and improvements to CDCowned facilities and construction of
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 234 (Wednesday, December 7, 2005)]
[Pages 72840-72842]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E5-6971]
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Notice of the Revised Priority List of Hazardous Substances That
Will Be the Subject of Toxicological Profiles
AGENCY: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund), as amended by the Superfund
Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), requires that ATSDR and the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revise the Priority List of
Hazardous Substances. This list includes substances most commonly found
at facilities on the CERCLA National Priorities List (NPL) which have
been determined to be of greatest concern to public health at or around
these NPL hazardous waste sites. This announcement provides notice that
the agencies have developed and are making available a revised CERCLA
Priority List of 275 Hazardous Substances, based on the most recent
information available. Each substance on the priority list is a
candidate to become the subject of a toxicological profile prepared by
[[Page 72841]]
subsequently a candidate for the identification of priority data needs.
In addition to the Priority List of Hazardous Substances, ATSDR has
developed a Completed Exposure Pathway Site Count Report. This report
lists the number of sites or events with ATSDR activities where a
substance has been found in a completed exposure pathway (CEP). This
report is included in the Support Document of the Priority List.
ADDRESSES: Requests for a printed copy of the report, the 2005 CERCLA
Priority List of Hazardous Substances That Will Be The Subject of
Toxicological Profiles and Support Document, including the CEP report,
should bear the docket control number ATSDR-217, and should be
submitted to: Ms. Olga Dawkins, Division of Toxicology and
Environmental Medicine, Mail Stop F-32, 1600 Clifton Road, NE.,
Atlanta, GA 30333. Requests must be in writing.
Electronic Availability: The 2005 Priority List of Hazardous
Substances and Support Document will be posted on ATSDR's Web site
located at The CEP Report will
also be posted at
This is an informational notice only, and comments are not being
solicited at this time. However, any comments received will be
considered for inclusion in the next revision of the list and placed in
a publicly accessible docket; therefore, please do not submit
confidential business or other confidential information.
Environmental Medicine, 1600 Clifton Road, NE., Mail Stop F-32,
Atlanta, GA 30333, telephone 888-422-8737.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: CERCLA establishes certain requirements for
ATSDR and EPA with regard to hazardous substances that are most
commonly found at facilities on the CERCLA NPL. Section 104(i)(2) of
CERCLA, as amended [42 U.S.C. 9604(i)(2)], required that the two
agencies prepare a list, in order of priority, of at least 100
hazardous substances that are most commonly found at facilities on the
NPL and which, in their sole discretion, have been determined to pose
the most significant potential threat to human health (see 52 FR 12866,
April 17, 1987). CERCLA also required the agencies to revise the
priority list to include 100 or more additional hazardous substances
(see 53 FR 41280, October 20, 1988), and to include at least 25
additional hazardous substances in each of the three successive years
following the 1988 revision (see 54 FR 43619, October 26, 1989; 55 FR
42067, October 17, 1990; 56 FR 52166, October 17, 1991). CERCLA also
requires that ATSDR and EPA shall, at least annually thereafter, revise
the list to include additional hazardous substances that have been
determined to pose the most significant potential threat to human
health. In 1995, the agencies altered the publication schedule of the
priority list by moving to a 2-year publication schedule, reflecting
the stability of this listing activity (60 FR 16478, March 30, 1995).
As a result, the priority list is now on a 2-year publication schedule
with a yearly informal review and revision. Each substance on the
CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances is a candidate to become
the subject of a toxicological profile prepared by ATSDR and
subsequently a candidate for the identification of priority data needs.
The initial priority lists of hazardous substances (1987-1990) were
based on the most comprehensive and relevant information available when
the lists were developed. More comprehensive sources of information on
the frequency of occurrence and the potential for human exposure to
substances at NPL sites became available for use in the 1991 priority
list with the development of ATSDR's HazDat database. Utilizing this
database, a revised approach and algorithm for ranking substances was
developed in 1991, and a notice announcing the intention of ATSDR and
EPA to revise and rerank the Priority List of Hazardous Substances was
published on June 27, 1991 (56 FR 29485). The subsequent 1991 Priority
List and revised approach used for its compilation was summarized in
the ``Revised Priority List of Hazardous Substances'' Federal Register
notice published October 17, 1991 (56 FR 52166). The same approach and
the same basic algorithm have been used in all subsequent activities,
including the 2005 listing activity. The algorithm used in ranking
hazardous substances on the priority list consists of three criteria,
which are combined to result in the total score. The three criteria
are: Frequency of occurrence at NPL sites; toxicity; and potential for
human exposure.
Since HazDat is a dynamic database with ongoing data collection,
additional information from the HazDat database became available for
the 2005 listing activity. This additional information has been entered
into HazDat since the development of the 2003 Priority List of
Hazardous Substances. The site-specific information from HazDat that is
used in the listing activity has been collected from ATSDR public
health assessments and from site file data packages that are used to
develop these public health assessments. The new information may
include more recent NPL frequency of occurrence data, additional
concentration data, and more information on exposure to substances at
NPL sites. With these additional data, 10 substances have been replaced
on the list of 275 substances since the 2003 publication. Of the 10
replacement substances, 2 are new candidate substances, and 8 are
substances that were previously under consideration. These replacement
substances and changes in the order of substances appearing on the
CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances will be reflected in the
program activities that rely on the list for future direction.
The 2005 Priority List of Hazardous Substances includes 275
substances that have been determined to be of greatest concern to
public health based on the criteria of CERCLA section 104(i)(2) [42
U.S.C. 9604(i)(2)]. A total of 861 candidate substances have been
analyzed and ranked with the current algorithm. Of these candidates,
the 275 substances on the priority list may become the subject of
toxicological profiles in the future. The top 25 substances on the 2005
Priority List of Hazardous Substances are listed below.
Rank Substance name
1................................ Arsenic
2................................ Lead
3................................ Mercury
4................................ Vinyl Chloride
5................................ Polychlorinated Biphenyls
6................................ Benzene
7................................ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
8................................ Cadmium
9................................ Benzo (A) Pyrene
10............................... Benzo (B) Fluoranthene
11............................... Chloroform
12............................... Ddt, P,P'-
13............................... Aroclor 1254
14............................... Aroclor 1260
15............................... Dibenzon (A,H) Anthracene
16............................... Trichloroethylene
17............................... Dieldrin
18............................... Chromium, Hexavalent
19............................... Phosphorus, White
20............................... Dde, P,P'-
21............................... Chlordane
22............................... Hexachlorobutadiene
23............................... Coal Tar Creosote
24............................... Ddd, P',P'-
25............................... Aldrin
ATSDR intends to publish the next revised list of hazardous
substances in two years, with an informal review and revision performed
in one year. These revisions will reflect changes and improvements in
data collection and
[[Page 72842]]
availability. Additional information on the existing methodology used
in the development of the CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances
can be found in the Support Document to the List and in the Federal
Register notices mentioned above.
In addition to the revised priority list, ATSDR is also releasing a
Completed Exposure Pathway Site Count Report. A completed exposure
pathway (CEP) is an exposure pathway that links a contaminant source to
a receptor population. The CEP ranking is very similar to a sub-
component of the potential-for-human-exposure component of the listing
algorithm. The CEP ranking is based on a site frequency count, and thus
lists the number of sites at which a substance has been found in a CEP.
ATSDR's HazDat database contains this information which is derived from
ATSDR public health assessments and health consultations. Because
exposure to hazardous substances is of significant concern, ATSDR is
publishing this CEP report along with the CERCLA Priority List of
Hazardous Substances. Since this CEP report focuses on documented
exposure, it provides an important prioritization based on substances
to which people are exposed.
The substances on the CEP report are similar to the substances on
the CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances. However, there are
some substances that are on the CEP report because they are frequently
found in completed exposure pathways, but are not on the CERCLA
Priority List because they have a very low toxicity (e.g., sodium).
Since the CERCLA Priority List incorporates three different components
(toxicity, frequency of occurrence, and potential for human exposure)
to determine its priority substances, substances with very low toxicity
are not on the CERCLA Priority List and consequently are not the
subject of toxicological profiles. In addition, since the Priority List
is mandated by CERCLA, it only uses data from sites on the CERCLA
National Priorities List, whereas the CEP report uses data from all
sites with ATSDR activities that have a CEP. Of the 100 substances on
the CEP report, the 25 substances found at the most number of sites in
a CEP are presented below.
Number of
sites with
substance in a
Substance name CEP
sites sites
Lead.................................................... 431 267
Trichloroethylene....................................... 363 286
Arsenic................................................. 341 208
Tetrachloroethylene..................................... 280 207
Benzene................................................. 210 137
Cadmium................................................. 207 136
Volatile Organic Compounds, Unspecified................. 193 132
Chromium................................................ 193 129
Polychlorinated Biphenyls............................... 177 116
Mercury................................................. 167 93
Manganese............................................... 164 95
Zinc.................................................... 158 95
Copper.................................................. 143 83
1,1,1-Trichloroethane................................... 135 110
Chloroform.............................................. 124 92
Benzo(A)Pyrene.......................................... 122 58
1,1-Dichloroethene...................................... 117 96
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons........................ 117 79
Nickel.................................................. 112 70
Methylene Chloride...................................... 111 73
Toluene................................................. 111 68
Antimony................................................ 108 69
Vinyl Chloride.......................................... 103 84
Barium.................................................. 102 56
1,2-Dichloroethane...................................... 96 77
Note: Sorted by the All Sites column.
All Sites = all sites with ATSDR activities that have a CEP; NPL.
Sites = current and former sites on the National Priorities List, as
Dated: November 29, 2005.
Ken Rose,
Acting Director, Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation, National
Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
[FR Doc. E5-6971 Filed 12-6-05; 8:45 am]