Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, 72024-72052 [05-23387]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
24 CFR Part 3280
[Docket No. FR–4886–F–02]
RIN 2502–AI12
Manufactured Home Construction and
Safety Standards
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing
Commissioner, HUD.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This rule amends the Federal
Manufactured Home Construction and
Safety Standards (the Construction and
Safety Standards) by adopting certain
recommendations made to HUD by the
Manufactured Housing Consensus
Committee (MHCC). As required by the
National Manufactured Housing
Construction and Safety Standards Act
of 1974 (the Act), HUD published, in the
Federal Register on December 1, 2004,
the first group of recommendations
submitted by MHCC to improve various
aspects of the Construction and Safety
Standards. HUD, in publishing MHCC’s
recommendations in the proposed rule,
indicated its agreement with all but a
few of MHCC’s proposals, and most of
the recommendations are included in
the final rule. HUD has also identified
in this final rule those MHCC proposals
that were not accepted by HUD,
returned to MHCC for further
consideration, or modified by HUD in
light of public comments received.
DATES: Effective Date: May 30, 2006.
The incorporation by reference of
certain publications in this rule is
approved by the Director of the Federal
Register as of May 30, 2006.
William W. Matchneer III, Associate
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of
Regulatory Affairs and Manufactured
Housing, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street,
SW., Room 9162, Washington DC 20410;
telephone (202) 708–6401 (this is not a
toll-free number). Persons with hearing
or speech impairments may access this
number via TTY by calling the toll-free
Federal Information Relay Service at
(800) 877–8389.
I. Background
On December 1, 2004, at 69 FR 70016,
HUD published a proposed rule to
amend various sections of the Federal
Manufactured Home Construction and
Safety Standards (24 CFR part 3280) by
adopting a majority of the
recommendations made to HUD by
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MHCC. The National Manufactured
Housing Construction and Safety
Standards Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. 5401–
5426 (the Act), requires HUD to publish
any proposed revised Construction and
Safety Standards submitted by MHCC in
the Federal Register. The proposed rule
contained the recommended revisions
(including the recommendations made
by MHCC that HUD modified, accepted,
or did not accept) and provided an
opportunity for public comment.
HUD will continue to work with
MHCC on its recommendation to
remove the current requirement to post
a Health Notice on formaldehyde
emissions in each manufactured home.
In addition, HUD is making the
following significant changes to the
proposed rule, based on the public
comments, in this final rule:
(1) The proposed revisions to improve
the truss testing requirements in
§ 3280.402 have been removed and are
being returned to MHCC for further
consideration on the recommendation of
the commenters and at the request of
(2) Limited exceptions to the 5.0 perm
requirements for interior wall surfaces
of up to 50 square feet are permitted by
the final rule for homes designed to be
sited in hot-humid climates.
(3) Updates to a number of the
standards incorporated by reference that
are more current than were suggested in
the proposed rule are included in the
final rule.
II. Analysis of Public Comments
The Commenters
HUD received 26 public comments on
the proposed rule. Comments were
received from MHCC; manufactured
home builders; a state’s Department of
Community and Economic
Development; an independent
inspection agency with experience in
manufactured home design; a propane
gas trade association; an energy
efficiency alliance; a state and a national
manufactured housing association; and
associations representing particleboard,
hardboard, and fiberboard
Summary of Public Comments
The summary of public comments
that follows presents the major issues
and questions raised by the public
commenters on the December 1, 2004,
proposed rule. The headings present the
issue or question addressed, followed by
a brief description of the commenters’
reasoning. A response may be
applicable to one or more issues or
questions. The summary of the public
comments is organized as follows:
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General comments.
Whole-house ventilation comments.
Fireblocking comments.
Body and frame requirement
Formaldehyde health notice
Roof truss testing requirement
Thermal protection comments.
Plumbing system comments.
Heating, cooling, and fuel burning
requirement comments.
Electrical systems comments.
Comments regarding revisions to
standards incorporated by reference.
Other public comments.
Comments of the Manufactured
Housing Consensus Committee.
General Comments
Several commenters explained that
they were encouraged that HUD and
MHCC were working together to update
the Construction and Safety Standards.
Most commenters were very specific in
commenting on particular amendments
in the proposed rule.
Commenters most often discussed the
Department’s decision not to delete the
requirement for posting of a Health
Notice on formaldehyde emissions in
each manufactured home, the proposed
amendments to the testing requirements
for roof trusses, and the provisions for
condensation control in hot-humid
Additional comments referred to
whole-house ventilation systems,
fireblocking requirements, vapor
retarder installation requirements, flow
faucet and showerhead restrictions,
water heater drain pan requirements,
revisions to the standards incorporated
by reference, and metric equivalent
requirements. Commenters also
submitted comments on whether the
approval of alternative test methods
should be solely the responsibility of
Design Approval Primary Inspection
Agencies (DAPIAs), or whether DAPIAs
should provisionally approve
alternative test methods subject to
HUD’s approval.
Whole-House Ventilation Comments
The December 1, 2004, proposed rule
would have amended § 3280.103(b) by
simplifying the requirements for sizing
whole-house ventilation systems of
manufactured homes.
Comment: The current requirement
for balanced mechanical ventilation
systems should not be deleted. Two
commenters wrote that permitting any
pressure imbalance provides the
opportunity for unwanted humid air
infiltration and would be detrimental to
homes sited in Thermal Zone I.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
HUD Response: The final rule does
not eliminate the requirement for
balanced mechanical systems. Retention
of the requirement in the final rule
better ensures that unwanted air
infiltration is not introduced into the
home. A HUD study entitled,
‘‘Alternatives for Minimizing Moisture
Problems in Hot, Humid Climates
(2003)’’ found that the most significant
factors contributing to moisture
problems were pressure imbalances in a
house, including imbalances caused by
uneven distribution of conditioned air;
duct air leakage; and leakage through
building walls.
Comment: There is no requirement for
additional fresh air to be introduced
into the home for the whole-house
ventilation system.
HUD Response: There is sufficient
leakage around the envelope of even a
‘‘tight’’ home to alleviate any pressure
difference between the exterior and the
interior of the home, and there is no
need for an additional air inlet to be
provided to moderate any imbalance in
pressure resulting from operating a
small exhaust fan device. Information
provided to the Department by the
Manufactured Home Research Alliance
that was collected for the Energy Star
Program also indicates there is sufficient
leakage, even in tight homes, to handle
any imbalance in pressure caused by the
whole-house ventilation system.
Comment: Locating the whole-house
ventilation system in the bathroom is
not a good idea. Two commenters wrote
that consumers, attempting to lower
their electric bills, will not operate
bathroom fans as often as necessary and
the effectiveness of the fans will thus be
limited. One commenter wrote that the
proposed change requires consumer
education on the topic of the wholehouse ventilation system.
HUD Response: The alternative
permitting the whole-house ventilation
system to be installed in the bathroom
is not included in the final rule. The
Department agrees with the commenters
that consumers may not utilize the
bathroom fans often enough and has
deleted this alternative for whole-house
ventilation from the final rule.
Comment: Whole-house ventilation is
a good idea. One commenter wrote that
the proposed rule would improve
indoor air-quality, reduce energy
consumption associated with
mechanical ventilation systems, and
provide crucial consumer education.
Proper consumer use of quiet, reliable
whole-house exhaust fans will reduce
mold problems associated with
internally generated moisture, and
indoor air pollutant concentrations. The
proposed whole-house ventilation
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strategy has been successfully employed
in over 100,000 HUD-code homes built
in the Pacific Northwest.
HUD Response: The Department
agrees that the concept of effective
whole-house ventilation is an effective
strategy to improve indoor air quality
overall and that the revisions to the
current requirements will further assist
consumers in dealing with unwanted
moisture and indoor air pollutants in
their homes.
Fireblocking Comments
The December 1, 2004, proposed rule
would have amended § 3280.206 by
clarifying existing language, locations,
and acceptable materials that may be
used where fireblocking is required.
However, HUD had proposed
modification of a portion of MHCC’s
proposal that would have permitted
mineral wool or loose fill insulation to
be considered acceptable fireblocking
Comment: HUD should adopt MHCC’s
recommendations allowing the
alternative fireblocking materials. One
commenter wrote that HUD stated the
removal of the recommended language
allowing mineral wool and loose fill as
acceptable fireblocking material was
because these types of insulation have
not been adequately evaluated for
transportation effects that could cause
settling or shifting when installed
around pipes or vents in furnace and
water heater compartments. The
commenter wrote that the original
MHCC recommendation addressed these
concerns with alternative wording. The
commenter recommended allowing the
use of the fireblocking alternatives when
the manufacturer can demonstrate the
materials will remain in place. Another
commenter wrote that HUD modified
MHCC’s recommendation by totally
rejecting the inclusion of loose fill
insulation as fireblocking material not
only in roofs, but in walls and floors as
well. The same commenter felt that
MHCC’s recommendations would
address HUD’s concerns about the
material staying in place during
transportation, etc., as long as the
materials would have to pass tests that
address HUD’s concerns before they
could be used. A third commenter wrote
that HUD should reconsider its rejection
of the use of mineral wool or loose fill
insulation as an acceptable fireblocking
material, because technical data shows
that such material, when properly
installed to a specified R value, is
effective when used as fireblocking.
Two commenters wrote that they
supported fireblocking because it brings
the Construction and Safety Standards
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into closer consistency with other
building codes.
HUD Response: The final rule
includes all of the provisions for
permitting fireblocking that were
identified in the proposed rule and does
not include requirements for loose fill
insulation to be used as an alternative
fireblocking material. However, in view
of the comments received, the
Department would reconsider its
position to permit loose fill insulation to
be used as fireblocking, if an acceptable
testing procedure could be developed by
MHCC or a voluntary consensus
Body and Frame Requirement
A. Body and Frame Requirements—
Alternative Test Procedures
The December 1, 2004, proposal
would have amended § 3280.303(g) by
eliminating the requirement that a
manufacturer submit alternative testing
procedures to HUD, except for testing
methods involving one-piece metal
roofing as would be required in
§ 3280.305(c)(1)(iii). HUD sought
comments specifically on whether the
final approval of alternative test
methods should be solely the
responsibility of DAPIAs or whether
DAPIAs should only be allowed to
provisionally approve the test method
subject to HUD’s approval.
Comment: DAPIAs should be allowed
to approve alternate test methods. One
commenter wrote that MHCC
unanimously approved delegating
approval to DAPIAs in its
recommendation to HUD and still
stands by that position. The commenter
explained that HUD currently relies on
DAPIAs to review and accept or reject
all drawings, calculations, etc., supplied
by the manufacturer for the home
design. Another commenter stated that
current regulations at §§ 3282.203(b)(11)
and 3282.361(b)(2) require the
homebuilder to submit reports for all
tests and submit all design drawings
and that § 3282.203(c) provides the
necessary regulations to carry out the
quality assurance manual approvals,
such as review and approval of the
designs, testing, etc., used by
manufacturers to build according to the
Construction and Safety Standards.
Commenters noted that they believe this
authorization to be in line with current
DAPIA authority and that HUD has
sufficient remedies under the
regulations to deal with a DAPIA’s poor
performance in any area of
responsibility. Two commenters also
wrote that it sometimes takes an
extremely long period of time for HUD
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
to finally approve a suggested new
method, thereby holding up the
implementation of the material,
component, or system being proposed
by a manufacturer, and that DAPIAs are
the most likely group to make informed
decisions since they are familiar with
the particular manufacturer and its
design process. Another commenter
wrote that ‘‘[i]n a word, the system was
working fine before HUD added this
pre-approval criteria to 303(g) about 10
years ago and it will work fine once this
item is eliminated.’’ Another commenter
explained that HUD should consider the
changes in the law contained in the
amendments made to the Act.
Specifically, section 604(b)(3) of the Act
calls for MHCC review of ‘‘interpretative
bulletins.’’ Requiring HUD staff to preapprove these test procedures could be
considered equivalent to the issuance of
interpretative bulletins. Another
commenter wrote that HUD has
interpreted § 3280.303(g) to mean that
only manufacturers, not suppliers, can
request such testing work be done. That
has necessitated suppliers having to
‘‘recruit’’ cooperative manufacturers to
‘‘sponsor’’ the test requests for the
benefit of the industry. This has caused
unnecessary delay that could be
eliminated by DAPIAs simply working
with the technical staff of a supplier to
develop a ‘‘universally acceptable’’ test
One commenter wrote that HUD
should review all alternative testing
procedures prior to their
HUD Response: The Department
generally agrees with the commenters
regarding the use of DAPIAs to approve
other alternative test methods and
procedures developed by
manufacturers. As HUD has no
regulatory authority over suppliers, the
final rule continues to require
manufacturers to develop the alternative
testing procedures. Accordingly, the
final rule allows DAPIAs to approve
alternative testing procedures developed
by manufacturers and for the procedures
to thereby become part of the
manufacturer’s approved designs,
except for testing procedures for onepiece metal roofing system designs. (See
the discussion below under ‘‘B. Body
and Frame Requirements—Structural
Design Requirements’’ regarding testing
procedures for one-piece metal roofing
B. Body and Frame Requirements—
Structural Design Requirements
1. The December 1, 2004, proposed
rule would have amended
§ 3280.305(c)(1)(ii) by adding a footnote
to permit the use of certain one-piece
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metal roofing without structural
sheathing in the high Wind Zones II and
III. HUD proposed to modify MHCC’s
recommendation for one-piece metal
roofing installed in high wind areas to
be consistent with Interpretative
Bulletin (IB) I–2–98 by requiring prior
Departmental approval of any testing
procedures used to demonstrate the
acceptability of such systems.
Comment: HUD should not have
modified MHCC’s recommendation for
adding footnote 9 to the Table in
§ 3280.305(c)(1)(ii) for one-piece metal
roofing and should not have required
the testing procedures for these systems
to be subject to HUD approval. Two
commenters wrote that HUD has
modified MHCC’s proposal and in so
doing would destroy the original intent
of MHCC’s recommendation. The
commenters explained that HUD states
it is modifying MHCC’s proposal to
make it more consistent with IB I–2–98,
but the intent of MHCC’s proposal was
to eliminate the IB by rendering it null
and void, not to conform to it. The
commenters wrote that HUD had
received 12 comments on the IB, all of
which were negative; however, HUD
ignored all comments and issued the IB
as proposed. The commenters wrote that
the addition of the language in the
footnote is confusing, because all test
methods are already required to comply
with § 3280.303(c) and (g) and
§ 3280.401; thus, the addition of this
language serves no purpose. HUD is
trying to re-impose the same preapproval of test methods that would be
eliminated by § 3280.303(g) in the
proposed rule. There is no valid reason
for such pre-approval by HUD. The
Department’s proposal lacks
justification as to why it believes preapproval by its staff for this product/
design is necessary when it is agreeing
to eliminate pre-approval for all other
current/future products and designs by
changing § 3280.303(g). The one-piece
metal roof catenary design is much
stronger than the prescriptive roof
sheathing option currently permitted by
footnote 7 to the Table for Resisting
Uplift Loads.
HUD Response: The final rule
continues to require HUD approval of
testing procedures for one-piece metal
roofing due to the large number of
failures of these systems that occurred
in the 2004 hurricanes in Florida.
However, the requirements will be
contained in § 3280.305(c)(1)(iii) of the
Construction and Safety Standards
rather than in a footnote to the Table of
Design Wind Pressures as indicated in
the preamble of the proposed rule.
Presently, there is no recognized or
available testing procedure that will
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comprehensively and adequately
evaluate the dynamic and fluctuating
loading effects of the wind on the metal
roof membrane and its fasteners to resist
and their resistance to the applied
stresses and forces on these elements in
high wind areas. In addition, in the
Department’s report on damage
assessment to manufactured homes
caused by Hurricane Charley, it was
noted that the roof and walls performed
significantly better for the post–1994
homes, in which metal roofing systems
were not used, as compared to homes
constructed prior to the effective date of
the standards for high wind protection.
The State of Florida also concluded
from its field investigations following
last year’s devastating hurricanes, that
one-piece membrane roofs did not
perform well, that inadequate fastening
of metal roofs allowed a large
percentage of them to be blown off
manufactured homes that were built
prior to the implementation of the wind
standards in 1994. This, the State said,
may have led to the total loss of these
homes. HUD engineers inspecting the
damage caused by the hurricanes in
Florida also observed numerous failures
of metal roofing systems used in pre1994 constructed homes. In view of the
above concerns, the final rule requires
HUD approval of test methods for onepiece metal roofing systems. However,
the Department would be willing to
reconsider this decision, if a voluntary
consensus test standard were to be
developed that would adequately assess
the wind effects on one-piece metal
roofing membranes and their fastenings.
2. The December 1, 2004, proposed
rule would have amended
§ 3280.305(c)(3) by incorporating a new
paragraph (iv) to add a roof load
requirement for skylights of the zone for
which it is designed.
Comment: The skylight load
requirements described in
§ 3280.305(c)(3) are a good idea. Two
commenters wrote that the skylight load
requirements establish necessary
performance requirements for skylights.
HUD Response: The Department
agrees and is including the proposed
roof load performance requirements for
skylights in this final rule.
3. The December 1, 2004, proposed
rule would have amended § 3280.305(e)
by clarifying the required performance
of fasteners and the connecting
mechanisms for joining the major
structural elements of manufactured
homes, and would specify a continuous
load path for imposed forces to the
home’s foundation/anchorage system.
Comment: The load path for
foundation and anchorage systems
described in § 3280.305(e)(1) is a good
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
idea. One commenter wrote that the
proposal for foundation and anchorage
systems provides consistency within the
HUD Response: The Department
agrees and is including the proposed
revision to the current requirements for
fastening of structural systems in the
final rule.
4. The December 1, 2004, proposed
rule would have amended
§ 3280.305(e)(2) by reducing the
minimum thickness requirements for
steel strapping or brackets required in
Wind Zones II and III from 26 gauge
(0.0179″) to 0.016″.
Comment: The proposed reduction in
steel strapping requirements described
in § 3280.305(e)(2) should be accepted
and additional testing is not needed.
One commenter wrote that additional
requirements for testing in high wind
regions are not required and should not
be imposed. The commenter wrote that
past instances of staples inadvertently
driving through metal strapping of
lesser thickness may reoccur should this
proposal go into effect. One commenter
asked if the DAPIA accepts these design
changes to reduce the minimum
thickness of steel strapping for Wind
Zones II or III, then why would
additional testing to verify changes of
this nature be required? As long as the
DAPIA is satisfied, there should be no
reason to require further testing. Two
other commenters recommended that
the final rule does not need to require
‘‘suitable load testing.’’ HUD has always
allowed calculations and analyses to be
used instead of testing. Testing, while
more specific than calculations, is
generally less conservative. It is
generally understood that HUD will not
allow testing of simple assemblies that
can be easily calculated. Some of the
connections used in high wind regions
would fall into this situation and need
to be calculated anyway. This change is
also consistent with the preference to
use ‘‘performance requirements’’ set
forth in § 3280.1. Another commenter
wrote that a manufacturer should be
allowed to choose to utilize larger
brackets, more fasteners, and stronger
strapping to allow for greater spacing of
the anchors and should not be penalized
through prescriptive requirements.
Another commenter wrote that it is not
clear why critical connections cannot be
justified by calculations or tests
acceptable to the DAPIA and that it may
be confusing as to which connections
are ‘‘critical,’’ since it would seem that
most connections are critical for all
wind zones. The Manufactured Home
Construction and Safety Standards
already require a Professional Engineer
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or Architect to seal all Wind Zone II/III
calculations, tests, and details.
HUD Response: The final rule permits
the use of thinner .016 inch steel
strapping or engineered connectors
provided they are installed at 24 inches
on center in Wind Zone II and 16 inches
on center in Wind Zone III. The final
rule also permits a combination of
strapping or engineered connectors and
structural rated sheathing or structural
rated wall sheathing alone when it
overlaps the roof and/or floor and is
substantiated by either engineering
calculations or suitable load to tests.
5. The December 1, 2004, proposed
rule would have amended
§ 3280.305(g)(3) by requiring wood
panel products used as floor or subfloor
materials on the exterior of the home to
be rated for exterior exposure and be
protected from moisture by sealing or
applying nonabsorbent overlay with
water resistant adhesive.
Comment: The floor rating and
moisture requirements described in
§ 3280.305(g)(3) are not a good idea. One
commenter wrote that the proposed
body and frame requirements will not
provide the protection desired. The
exterior rated floor materials provide
protection only during the construction
process. Therefore, the sought-after
extended life of the material is not
HUD Response: The final rule
requires wood panel products used as
flooring or sub-flooring on the exterior
of the home to be rated for exterior
exposure and be protected from
moisture by sealing or by applying a
nonabsorbent overlay with a water
resistant adhesive. HUD does not agree
with the commenter regarding the
extent or period of protection from the
requirement that panels be exterior
rated, as these panels will require the
use of moisture-resistant adhesives in
their construction that will enhance
their durability. These added provisions
will also provide protection against
deterioration of exterior floor decking
materials that are exposed to moisture.
In particular, when materials such as
particleboard become saturated with
moisture, significant structural damage
can occur. In addition, the requirement
that panel products be rated for exterior
exposure will assist in identifying those
materials that are suitable for use in
exterior applications.
6. The December 1, 2004, proposed
rule would have amended § 3280.306(b)
by requiring that each column support
pier location required along the
marriage line(s) of multi-section
manufactured homes be identified at
each location by paint, label, or other
acceptable methods.
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Comment: Identifying the marriage
column support locations as described
in § 3280.306(b) is not a good idea. One
commenter stated that the drawings and
specifications provided with each home
already show the required locations for
the centerline pier supports and are
available to the retailer, installer, and
consumer prior to the delivery of the
home. The foundations or support
systems for today’s multiple section
manufactured homes are largely
prepared before the arrival of the home
on the home site. Thus, the markings
and their associated costs will be
fundamentally wasted. The proposal
would further require that the marking
be visible after the home is installed
even though properly placed foundation
supports will mask the markers from
view. This change would place too
much reliance on the correct placement
of the proposed markers.
Two commenters wrote that
identifying the marriage column support
locations described in § 3280.306(b) is a
good idea and that the recommendation
will improve home installation
compliance and subsequently improve
the longevity of manufactured homes at
a minimal cost to the homeowner.
Marriage wall column support location
errors are one of the major problems
found during installation inspection.
One of the commenters also wrote that
the requirements would improve home
installation compliance and
subsequently improve the longevity of
manufactured homes at a minimal cost
to homeowners. In addition, members of
the DAPIA Technical Advisory Group,
at its March 2005 meeting,
recommended that other pier locations,
such as perimeter and shear wall
support locations required by the
manufacturer’s designs and instructions,
also be identified.
HUD Response: The final rule
requires identification of each column
pier support location along the marriage
line, as well as for each pier location
required along the perimeter of the
home, each required shear wall support
location, and other special pier support
locations specified in the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Formaldehyde Health Notice Comments
HUD did not accept and include in
the December 1, 2004, proposed rule,
MHCC’s recommendation that would
have removed the Health Notice on
formaldehyde emissions (the Health
Notice) currently required by § 3280.309
of the Construction and Safety
Comment: The decision to continue to
post the Health Notice in each
manufactured home as described in
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
§ 3280.309 is contradictory to MHCC’s
recommendation. One commenter wrote
that HUD rejected the proposed MHCC
recommendation not to prominently
display the Health Notice in each
manufactured home. The commenter
stated that, contrary to HUD’s assertion
that MHCC did not provide any data
supporting its recommendation to
remove the requirement, MHCC
discussed this issue with HUD at MHCC
meetings in 2004, and reviewed several
documents related to formaldehyde. The
commenter stressed that it is not
recommending any changes to the
current standards regarding the
formaldehyde emission controls; the
commenter is only recommending
changes to the Health Notice. The
commenter continued by stating that all
of this information was considered by
MHCC in coming to its decision to
require that the Health Notice on
formaldehyde be placed in the
homeowner’s packet rather than having
it prominently displayed in the home.
A commenter wrote that the decision
to continue to post the Health Notice in
each manufactured home as described
in § 3280.309 stigmatizes the
manufactured home industry. The
commenter is disappointed that HUD
did not issue for public comment the
proposal to eliminate the requirement
for the Health Notice to be placed in
manufactured homes. Manufactured
homes are the only homes in America
that must display these notices and they
stigmatize manufactured homes.
Another commenter wrote that the
formaldehyde notice serves only as a
sales deterrent, while contributing to
existing misunderstanding by the public
regarding health-related issues
associated with formaldehyde. The
commenter urged HUD to reevaluate its
decision on the Health Notice and put
it forth for another round of public
comment. One commenter wrote that
this notice shouldn’t be displayed so
prominently and asked, ‘‘Why should it
be the first thing a prospective buyer
sees when they enter a new
manufactured home?’’ Another
commenter wrote that for the past 20
years formaldehyde levels in
manufactured housing have declined so
that they are no higher than in any other
residential structure. The manufactured
home product and materials used to
construct it have progressed to the point
where the need for a displayed Health
Notice ‘‘only contributes to the public’s
notion that manufactured homes are
somehow ‘‘inferior’’ to other types of
housing.’’ Other commenters suggested
that if such a warning is still deemed
necessary, then the warning should be
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included in the Homeowner’s Manual
with an explanation that all homes
contain some amounts of formaldehyde.
Some commenters wrote that the
decision to continue to post the Health
Notice in manufactured homes as
described in § 3280.309 ignores current
and available scientific evidence that
formaldehyde emissions have been
greatly reduced. HUD should reconsider
its rejection of MHCC’s proposal in light
of current research that is available to
support MHCC’s recommendation.
Specifically, three commenters wrote
that the Manufactured Housing
Research Alliance (MHRA) has
produced the most recent and up-todate study on the health risks of
formaldehyde in manufactured homes.
‘‘Formaldehyde Concentrations in
Manufactured Homes: The Current
Situation’’ (July 2004) investigates this
issue from several different aspects and
shows that formaldehyde should no
longer pose any greater concern than in
conventional housing. One commenter
continued by stating that ‘‘[e]ven though
it is only one paper, it is a summation
of many other studies that are more
current than the ones used by HUD
almost 20 years ago when the notice
became part of the Standards.’’ The
commenter wrote that the language of
the Health Notice refers to the
Ventilation Option, which was deleted
in 1994. This Ventilation Option,
formerly § 3280.710(g), was replaced by
the Additional Ventilation requirement
in § 3280.103(b). Another commenter
wrote that consumer formaldehyde
complaints have been essentially
eliminated. Another commenter wrote
that it is ‘‘common knowledge’’ that
formaldehyde emissions in
manufactured homes have been
dramatically reduced since the
requirement for the Health Notice was
first imposed. Additionally, the
commenter claimed that HUD implied
that only manufactured homes are
permitted to use construction materials
containing urea-formaldehyde (UF)
resins, and that this assertion is untrue
as the commenter is not aware of such
a restriction for modular or site-built
homes. One commenter stated that the
removal of the Health Notice would
likely be supported by the findings in
National Institute of Standards and
Technology’s (NIST) IAQ manufactured
housing research with HUD’s Healthy
Homes Program and asked whether
HUD consulted with NIST before
rejecting MHCC’s proposal.
Two commenters submitted six points
to illustrate that data does exist showing
that formaldehyde levels in today’s
manufactured homes have changed in
the 20 years since Department
PO 00000
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regulations were implemented.
Specifically, the six reasons listed are:
(1) Gypsum wallboard has replaced the
UF bonded plywood as the interior wall
covering of choice; (2) maximum
formaldehyde emissions from UF
bonded plywood and particleboard
wood product materials has been
drastically reduced; (3) the HUD Code is
the only model building code that
regulates formaldehyde emissions
levels, which makes it not likely that
either manufactured home builders or
homebuyers would develop a rare nasal
cancer; (4) the HUD Code ventilation
requirements increase the volume of
indoor air exhausted from the home,
which can dilute any indoor air
pollutants; (5) one of the original
reasons for singling out HUD Code
homes as having formaldehyde
problems was the small home size; now,
however, as floor size increases, the
volume of air in the living space
increases, and the dilution of air borne
contaminants can be reduced; and (6)
the measured concentration of
formaldehyde levels has been on a
downward trend since 1985.
HUD Response: HUD had not
accepted for inclusion in the proposed
rule MHCC’s proposal to remove the
requirement to temporarily post a
Health Notice on formaldehyde
emissions in each manufactured home
(24 CFR 3280.309), because HUD has
not found it supported by a sufficient
factual and scientific record. As
indicated in the proposed rule, a
determination to discontinue the Health
Notice would require a similar level of
factual and scientific support that was
provided to HUD when the rule was
being promulgated. As also indicated in
the proposed rule, HUD recognizes that
improvements have been made in
particleboard and plywood panel
processing resulting in lower emission
levels than from panels bonded with UF
resin systems that were available at the
time of the implementation of the
Department’s formaldehyde emission
control requirements. HUD also
recognizes that the measured
formaldehyde concentration levels in
manufactured homes produced since
1985 is significantly lower than in
homes built prior to the implementation
of the Construction and Safety
Standards. HUD is also aware, however,
that the sample of homes studied, as
indicated in the MHRA report
referenced in the comments
[‘‘Formaldehyde Concentrations in
Manufactured Homes, The Current
Situation’’] is extremely small in
comparison to the large number of
homes produced during the same period
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
and that the sample of homes studied
were subject to a variety of testing
parameters and measurement methods.
This leaves some question as to the
statistical validity and overall
confidence in the test results due to the
relatively small sample size of homes
evaluated. Further, even the MHRA
report states: ‘‘The health consequences
of various formaldehyde levels continue
to be a topic of debate among
researchers. Particularly, at very low
concentration levels (below 0.1PPM)
there is no consensus on safe levels of
durations of environmental
formaldehyde exposure.’’ However, as
indicated in the preamble of the final
rule on formaldehyde in 1984, there is
a sector of the population that has
greater sensitivity to and is at more risk
of formaldehyde’s irritant effects and
that will react adversely to
formaldehyde at extremely low levels of
exposure. This includes the elderly,
young children, and individuals with a
history of asthma, allergies, or lung
problems. The purpose of the Health
Notice is to advise prospective
purchasers that the home contains
materials that emit formaldehyde and to
describe acute symptoms that may occur
under formaldehyde exposure for those
individuals who may be at greater risk.
However, as indicated in the
preamble of the proposed rule, HUD
will continue to study the formaldehyde
issue—including reviewing any new
scientific evidence—and intends to
consult with the Consumer Product
Safety Commission, the Environmental
Protection Agency, and the
Department’s Office of Healthy Homes
to study the health risks to occupants at
current formaldehyde exposure levels to
determine if any regulatory controls are
still needed to limit formaldehyde
emissions in manufactured homes. As
part of its review and evaluation, HUD
will also consider the requirements of
other building codes as they may relate
to formaldehyde exposure and indoor
air quality for single-family residential
construction. HUD intends to work with
MHCC in developing and supporting
any further rulemaking proposals on
Roof Truss Testing Requirement
Based on the recommendations of
MHCC, the December 1, 2004, proposed
rule would have amended § 3280.402 by
providing more stringent initial
qualification of truss designs and by
expanding and clarifying the
requirements for follow-up testing to
better ensure that subsequent
production of trusses will meet the
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requirements of the Construction and
Safety Standards.
Comment: The test procedures for
roof trusses, as described in § 3280.402,
should be severed from the remaining
proposals, rejected by HUD, and
remanded to MHCC for further
consideration. One commenter wrote
that the revised test protocol will lead
to destructive testing and could limit
truss designs that would ultimately pass
the non-destructive test. Certain truss
designs could be eliminated. The best
route to take is to send the proposal
back to MHCC for further study. If these
revised test protocols are implemented
by final rulemaking, the industry might
have to go to totally engineered truss
designs, which would be more
expensive for the industry. Another
commenter stated that the
recommended revisions were extracted
from the proceedings of the consensus
committee and the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA
501 Standard on Manufactured Housing,
which were based on research
conducted by the National Association
of Home Builders Research Center
(NAHB–RC). The commenter further
stated that neither organization had a
mandate to consider cost-impact in
proposing standards or formulating the
recommendations from its studies.
Similar concerns were expressed about
the NFPA 501 Standard on
Manufactured Housing from which
these proposals were derived.
Another commenter wrote that
concerns have been expressed by and to
MHCC members about the more
stringent qualification testing of truss
designs that have been talked about and
supported by the industry, code
development work groups, and task
forces over the last ten years. The
commenter stated MHCC’s consensus
development process lacked adequate
consideration of the true costs
associated with the adoption of this
proposal, the impact these changes may
have on the testing procedures and the
industry, and the proposal’s impact on
roof truss home design and future
innovation. The commenter asked that
HUD remove this recommendation from
the rule and return the proposal to
MHCC for further consideration and
One commenter wrote that the test
procedures for roof trusses, as described
in § 3280.402, are not consistent with
statutory directives. Although the
proposed rule’s wording closely follows
the text found in NFPA 501, Standard
on Manufactured Housing, published by
NFPA, the NFPA standard is not in use
for manufactured housing and the NFPA
is not under a mandate from Congress
PO 00000
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to protect the affordability of
manufactured housing. NFPA 501 and
the proposed rule are inconsistent with
the model building codes currently in
use for site constructed home and
factory built modular homes. NFPA 501
and this proposal require excessive data
collection and a more stringent recovery
deflection limit. Additionally, the
commenter stated that the cost of
§ 3280.402 will adversely affect the
affordability of manufactured housing
and will stand as an obstacle to the
accomplishment and execution of
section 602(b)(2) of the Act, which
states that a purpose of the Act is to
‘‘facilitate the availability of affordable
manufactured homes and to increase
home ownership for all Americans.’’
One commenter wrote that the new
roof truss test procedures as described
in § 3280.402 will not be cost-effective.
Eliminating the option of 1.75x overload
ends one cost effective way of building
the homes at the lower end of the
manufactured housing market and will
place additional costs on sections of the
market that can least afford it. Two
commenters wrote that the change to the
testing procedure will cost much more
than the $77.28 cited by HUD. The
commenters stated that their truss
suppliers place the price per truss for
Wind Zone I at 15 to 25 percent, making
the eventual cost to the consumer about
$325 ‘‘ far more than the $77 cited by
HUD. Other commenters wrote that
deleting the 1.75 proof load test for roof
trusses will increase truss member sizes,
thereby increasing the cost of trusses by
up to 25 percent. This additional cost
may add up to $600 per home. One
commenter wrote that increased top and
bottom chord sizes could raise overall
depths of trusses, as well as the
transportation height of the home. In the
Eastern United States, where overpasses
are low, homes will need to be rerouted,
resulting in increased shipping costs of
$800 and beyond. Finally, another
commenter wrote that the recommended
revised truss test protocol needs further
study and evaluation before
implementation. The commenter stated
that many truss suppliers have
indicated that there may be a 25 percent
increase in costs for truss design and
testing depending on the style of roof
design being considered. Every truss
design would need to be re-qualified
under the test procedures, and cost
estimates run from $200 to $500, far
more than the $77.28 per home as
Two commenters asked specifically
why the new roof truss test procedures
as described in § 3280.402 are needed.
The commenters wrote that they do not
see any information indicating that
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
trusses are failing. They further inquired
whether the study referred to in the
proposal was conducted during the
1980s? If so, today’s trusses are much
improved from the trusses referred to in
that study. Also, deleting the 1.75 proof
tests will limit existing designs and
prevent new innovative designs by
increasing the top and bottom chord
sizes. This deletion will create criteria
that are more stringent than and
inconsistent with those model building
codes that require only a minimum test
period of ten seconds for test loads
equal to 1.5 times the design wind load.
Two commenters wrote that these new
criteria will create a huge backlog in
truss retesting and redesign, adding to
the costs that could be passed on to the
consumer. Further, assuming the time
frame to perform this task is set at 180
days, that is not enough time to
complete the reviews, retests, and
approvals. Two commenters wrote that
low-sloped cathedral designs, which are
common in the industry, will be
eliminated. One commenter wrote that
the proposed truss testing change
should be returned to MHCC for further
evaluation. The same commenter wrote
that HUD should continue to allow the
1.75 proof load test, because the added
costs of eliminating this acceptable test
do not appear to be offset by safety
One commenter wrote that the
requirement that deflection of bottom
chord be measured, at a minimum, at
the truss midspan and panel points is
overly burdensome and completely
unnecessary. The commenter stated that
for many trusses, this requirement
would result in a minimum of nine or
ten points of deflection measurement
during testing, and it is difficult to
obtain these deflections with dead load
hanging from the bottom chord of the
truss at 12 inches on center. Several
commenters wrote that measuring
deflection at each panel point, mid-span
of the truss, and mid-span between each
panel point is not necessary and that the
current checks at quarter points and
mid-span should be more than
sufficient. A third commenter wrote that
this change will significantly increase
the time to perform truss testing and
will increase the cost to perform
required truss testing for each truss
One commenter wrote the dead load
test procedures as described in
§ 3280.402(d)(1) are too expensive and
not necessary. HUD should revise the
new proposed requirement to add dead
load to both the top and bottom chord
of the truss so that this is only required
if the actual bottom chord dead load
exceeds 5 psf; otherwise, allow the
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entire dead load to be applied to the top
chord as is currently permitted. For
small bottom chord dead loads (up to
and including 5 psf), this added step is
not necessary and needlessly adds to the
cost of testing.
Another commenter wrote that the
live load test procedures as described in
§ 3280.402(d)(2) are dangerous. In 1994,
HUD and NAHB ran proficiency tests
comparing tests that pulled on the top
chord to test in the inverted position.
The tests determined that pulling on the
top chord was difficult, impractical,
dangerous, and yielded inconsistent
results. It was determined that testing
the truss in the inverted position
provides adequate results. Testing in
accordance with existing uplift
requirements is simple and provided
consistent results. Testing uplift in
accordance with the new HUD proposal
will have a significant cost impact on
the truss approval process. The set-up
procedure will take three to four times
longer, which will increase the cost for
testing a new design substantially. All
modifications to truss testing should be
delayed until such studies can be
prepared for review.
One commenter wrote that the
overload phase as proposed in
§ 3280.402(d)(4) is too stringent. The
test procedure for the overload phase
would be increased to dead load plus
2.5 times the live load. Although this
more stringent truss loading criteria has
already been adopted by some
manufacturers, combining this with the
more stringent deflection acceptance
criteria may cause some truss designs to
fail that would otherwise be acceptable
under the existing provisions.
Several commenters wrote that the
acceptance criteria for truss designs, as
proposed in § 3280.402(d)(5), are too
conservative, inconsistent with building
codes, and too expensive. The recovery
deflection of L/480 within five minutes
after live load removal is too
conservative and many manufacturers
have permitted up to four hours of
recovery time to qualify truss designs.
Another commenter wrote that the
recovery requirement is inconsistent
with the model building codes, which
require recovery of not less than 75
percent of the maximum deflection
within 24 hours after removal of the
load. Another commenter wrote that
HUD should remove the requirements to
measure no load to dead load deflection
and the limit for the same, because this
is a totally meaningless requirement.
The deflection from no load to dead
load is normally compensated for by
building camber into the truss. This
added step will add needless cost to the
test procedure. The commenter
PO 00000
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requested that HUD revise the proposal
for up to four hours for recovery
deflection to reach L/480 or better. The
commenter explained that five minutes
may not be adequate time to allow
recovery to occur and could eliminate
otherwise acceptable designs thus
adding cost. Some of the proprietary
criteria in use today by some home
manufacturers specifies four hours and
‘‘is working fine without problems.’’
One commenter wrote that the uplift
load test procedure for roof trusses as
proposed in § 3280.402(e) makes it
difficult to test and require a change of
testing facilities. The test procedure for
overload phase requirements increased
to 2.5 times the new uplift load for one
minute, which is an increase from the
1.75 overload factor of the current
standard. Additionally, the test
procedure has been revised to provide
uplift to the top chord of the truss
design and not the existing test set-up
of inverting the truss and pushing down
on the bottom chord. Truss designs may
not be able to be tested due to their
current configuration and may not
provide flexibility in testing for the
tension device placement as a 12-inch
spacing might provide. Also, no testing
facility that currently qualifies HUD
Code home roof trusses would be
capable for testing trusses as described
by the revised test protocol without a
lengthy process to change the test setup. Another commenter wrote that there
have been no documented truss failures
due to existing design criteria since the
uplift testing went into effect in 1994.
The HUD proposal for testing uplift
requires 1″ wide straps attached around
the top chord at 6″ o.c. In some cases,
truss designs with closely spaced
verticals and webs will be physically
impossible to test to the 6″ requirement.
This requirement would limit truss
design and innovation. Pulling up on
straps at 12″ o.c. provides the same
uplift load and similar results as pulling
on the uplift straps 6″ o.c. Additionally,
the proposed method requires cylinders
spaced at 12″ o.c., to apply 6″ o.c. uplift
strapping. This will require some truss
manufacturers to redesign their current
truss testing equipment, which
commonly has cylinders at 24″ o.c. This
retrofit will be costly and time
consuming. One commenter wrote that
compliance with the requirement
cannot typically be achieved at panel
point because of the width of connector
plates. One commenter supported the
conversion of the uplift test to a more
reasonable appropriate uplift test. The
commenter wrote that the spacing of the
uplift points, however, appears to be too
conservative. Instead of every 6″, it
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
seems that every 12″ would be sufficient
and be easier to convert existing testing
equipment with hydraulic cylinders at
Finally, commenters urged HUD to
allow a lengthy, reasonable time period
for phase-in of the new requirements for
truss testing similar to what has been
done in the past. It is hoped that HUD
will allow 12 months for all testing to
be completed.
HUD Response: In view of comments
received from the public, the
Department is returning this proposal
on truss testing procedures to MHCC for
further consideration and requests the
following be considered by MHCC
during its deliberations:
1. Whether the non-destructive testing
procedure for roof trusses that permits
a lower overall safety factor to be used
in conducting the tests based on a
presumed low failure rate for roof
trusses should be eliminated.
MHCC could consider including the
non-destructive procedure, if adequate
safeguards are provided to assure that
initial qualification tests would be
conducted using minimum quality of
materials and workmanship or if a
statistically valid sample of trusses is
tested in lieu of the minimum
requirements. In addition, enhanced
follow-up testing provisions would be
needed to account for the lower factor
of safety of 1.75 currently permitted by
the non-destructive testing procedure.
2. The need for the upright tension
tests to evaluate the uplift resistance of
the trusses.
Tests conducted by the NAHB
Research Center indicated that trusses
tested in the inverted position
consistently failed at average loads
greater than trusses tested in the upright
position and had lower mid-span
deflections than trusses tested in the
upright position. In addition, the failure
modes were different for some truss
designs when tested in the upright
position as compared to the inverted
3. Should the factor of safety for uplift
testing be reduced from 2.5 to the
current requirement of 1.75 times the
design wind pressures in consideration
of comments received regarding safety
during testing.
4. The costs associated with any
recommended revisions to the truss
testing requirements.
HUD’s decision to not make final the
proposed rule section, as recommended
by MHCC, is consistent with the record
of comments received from the public,
including MHCC itself (the Committee
having reconsidered its prior position).
However, HUD views truss testing
procedures as too important a safety
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matter to leave unaddressed. The
standards in place (i.e., reflected in the
current regulations) have not been
modified in many years. The issue,
having been raised, needs to be
examined to determine whether, in fact,
existing standards are adequate to
protect homeowners in all geographic
areas of the country. Accordingly, HUD
anticipates MHCC will expeditiously reevaluate and resubmit proposed truss
testing procedures. HUD will work
closely with MHCC in evaluating any
new proposals for truss testing
procedures and may amend HUD’s
requirements, as necessary, in a future
Thermal Protection Comments
The December 1, 2004, proposed rule
would have amended § 3280.504(b) to
codify certain provisions of a waiver
that permits manufactured homes
intended to be sited in humid climates
to have the vapor retarder installed
outside of the home’s thermal
Comment: The proposed
condensation control and installation of
vapor retarders described in
§ 3280.504(b)(4) is not practical and
should provide exceptions. Several
commenters stated that HUD should
provide more exemptions, including: (1)
Kitchen back-splash materials of less
than 50 square feet in the area installed
around countertops, sinks, and ranges;
(2) bathroom tub areas and shower
compartments; (3) cabinetry and built-in
furniture, in any location; and (4)
hardwood wall paneling used under
chair rails in dining room areas, less
than 50 square feet in area. One
commenter explained that these
construction features are commonly
installed against exterior walls of
manufactured homes and do not
represent a large exposed wall where
condensation due to the hot-humid
climates would appear to be excessive.
Also, a September 2000 MHRA study
revealed that hardwood paneling is not
detrimental to the established proposal
waiver requirements of a minimum 5.0
perm rating. Another commenter wrote
that it is absolutely necessary to provide
some minor exception to the
requirement that the interior finish have
a combined permeance of not less than
5.0 perms. MHCC has already discussed
with HUD the need to include these
exceptions, which are part of further
changes to the Construction and Safety
Standards that have been approved by
MHCC. These changes are in concept
but have not yet been put into proposed
rule form. The vapor retarder location
specified in § 3280.504(b)(4) is an
alternative to that called for in
PO 00000
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§ 3280.504(b)(1) and therefore could not
be used with a vented wall cavity
specified in § 3280.504(b)(3). From a
practical-usability standpoint, in order
for the alternative vapor retarder
location to be of any use at all, some
minor exceptions are absolutely
necessary to the requirement that the
interior finish have a combined
permeance of not less than 5.0 perms.
These exceptions were recommended by
MHCC and are also embodied in the
NFPA–501 2003 edition at section Another commenter wrote that
the requirement to have the interior
finish have a combined permeance of
not less than 5.0 perms makes good
sense, but a set of exceptions is
necessary, because it is impractical to
build a home with all interior surfaces
at 5.0 perms or more. Without these
exceptions, no manufacturer will be
able to place the vapor barrier on the
outside in the appropriate zones. HUD
had similar wording in its April 2002
waiver, but without these necessary
exceptions. As a result, virtually no
manufacturer has been able to use the
waiver. The only reason to restrict the
permanence of the interior surfaces is to
make sure any moisture that gets past
the exterior barrier is able to exit the
wall to the interior. These few suggested
exceptions will not trap moisture in the
wall. In fact, some materials are usually
not tight-fitted against the framing;
therefore, moisture should easily escape
the cavity. The commenter also wrote
that other building codes have no
interior wall restrictions at all
associated with vapor barriers. For
instance, 2003 IBC—article 1403.3, 2003
IRC—article R318.1, and 2003 IECC—
article 502.1 make no mention of
interior perm ratings. HUD should allow
these exceptions so the industry can
catch up to present building science.
Without these exceptions, the vapor
barrier will remain on the inside in the
hot, humid climate and moisture will be
trapped in the home.
HUD Response: HUD agrees with
many of the comments; therefore, the
final rule in § 3280.504 now includes
exceptions to the 5.0 perm requirement
for interior finish materials of up to 50
square feet in area.
Comment: The focus of
§ 3280.504(b)(4) should be reducing air
movement rather than vapor retarders.
One commenter wrote that
§ 3280.504(b)(4) does not address any
effective construction measure to reduce
the larger problem of air movement into
the wall cavity. In fact, the performance
measure that would impact the
reduction of air movement would be the
use of a continuous air barrier. Homes
with low permeable sheathings have
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
been observed in the Gulf Coast, and
they have experienced moisture
problems because the wood sheathing is
installed with a required gap to allow
for expansion and contraction. These
expansion and contraction seams
should be the focus, not just vapor
pressure. The much larger problem
involves large pressure swings in homes
where mechanical equipment is
HUD Response: HUD and MHCC may
consider developing, in a future
rulemaking, requirements for the use of
continuous air barriers for exterior walls
and requirements for expansion and
contraction gaps in wall sheathing to
reduce the amount of air movement in
exterior wall cavities.
Comment: Ventilated walls as
described in § 3280.504(b)(3) are not a
good idea because there is no
ventilation rate or calculated method
shown that provides a minimum
performance to reduce the amount of
moisture. Also, whole-house testing has
shown that air movement created by
negative pressure draws moisture
through construction seams. The
creation of even more pathways by
ventilating the wall will allow even
more moisture to be drawn into the
HUD Response: HUD, in coordination
with MHCC, may consider, in a future
rulemaking, eliminating the current
alternative for controlling condensation
in exterior wall cavities as is currently
permitted in § 3280.504(b)(3) of the
Construction and Safety Standards.
Comment: Reference to the American
Architectural Manufacturers
Association (AAMA) 1500 standard in
§ 3280.508(e) should be changed to the
National Fenestration Rating Council
(NFRC) 100 Standard. One commenter
wrote that the final rule should
eliminate reference to AAMA 1500 for
the following reasons: Because the
majority of manufacturers have moved
to NFRC; the NFRC is supported by
United States Department of Energy
(USDOE) and Energy Star; HUD is the
only federal agency still relying on
AAMA 1500 thermal performance; and
NFRC–100 labels provide consumers,
plant, and IPIA data on the window,
while the AAMA label does not provide
that data.
Another commenter wrote that the
proposed rule to permit window
manufacturers the alternative to use
NFRC 100 to rate window energy
performance is a step in the right
HUD Response: The final rule permits
the use of either reference standard for
rating window or glazing products for
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thermal transmittance and resistance to
Plumbing Systems Comments
The December 1, 2004, proposed rule
would have amended § 3280.607(a) to
require restricted flow faucets and
showerheads and add a paragraph (b) to
require the use of low water
consumption toilets.
Comment: The proposal is consumerfriendly. Two commenters wrote that
technology has improved low water
consumption fixtures and faucets, so it
is a sound proposal.
HUD Response: The final rule
requires the use of low consumption
water fixtures and toilets as indicated in
the proposed rule.
Heating, Cooling, and Fuel Burning
Requirement Comments
As recommended by MHCC, the
December 1, 2004, proposed rule would
have amended § 3280.709 by requiring
the installation of a corrosion-resistant
water drip collection and drain pan
under each water heater.
Comment: The requirement was not
developed with any justification and
should be dropped. One commenter
requested that this section be deleted.
The commenter wrote that it believes
that the proposal has not been
developed in compliance with the HUD
Final Information Quality Guidelines
published in the November 18, 2002,
Federal Register Notice. Specifically,
the HUD Guidelines provide in Section
VI that ‘‘information [HUD]
disseminates to the public is objective,
useful, and has integrity.’’ HUD has not
presented any information to justify this
requirement, including any economic or
technical justification for the addition of
a corrosion-resistant water drip
collection and drain pan to be installed
under each water heater. In addition,
such a requirement will result in
problems of installation, cost, drainage,
and, for fossil fuel type water heaters,
can result in the blockage of combustion
air openings for water heaters that
obtain combustion air from the bottom
of the unit, a very typical manufactured
home application.
Some commenters wrote that a drain
pan would impede air flow into the
water heater. One commenter wrote that
to install a drain pan under the water
heater would restrict the ability of the
water heater to receive the proper
amount of combustion air. Moreover,
doing so would require modifications to
the design and construction that could
significantly increase the costs without
any economic justification. Another
commenter wrote that one-half of the
gas-fired water heaters sold for
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installation in manufactured homes are
of the direct vent design. This requires
all air for combustion to enter the water
heater directly from the outside. An air
tube is provided that penetrates the
floor under the water heater to supply
the air from under the coach. Requiring
a drain pan for this design would
present a challenging sealing problem to
make the drip pan effective. The
commenter requested that paragraph (h)
be revised to exempt water heaters of
the direct vent ‘‘through the floor’’
design from the drain pan requirement.
Also, the installation of a popular direct
gas fired water heater would require an
approximate four-inch hole to be made
through the pan to provide for its
combustion of air inlet. It is unlikely
that water leakage in the water heater
compartment could result in structural
deterioration and damage; water heaters
are too large in diameter to fit between
floor joists as they are commonly
installed. This proposal should be
removed from consideration.
One commenter wrote that the drain
pan issue is already addressed in a
current requirement. The
supplementary information provided for
the proposed rule states that the present
rule does not require that a drain pan be
provided or that the water heater
compartment be built in a protective
manner, such as a shower stall, but fails
to mention the requirement in
§ 3280.305(g)(2) that addresses the issue
by requiring that wood, wood fiber, or
plywood floors or subfloors in water
heater compartments be moistureresistant by sealing or by an overlay of
nonabsorbent material applied with
water resistant adhesive.
Two commenters wrote that the water
drip collection pan requirement is a
good idea and will eliminate problems
caused by leaking water heaters at a
minimal cost. The rule also brings
manufactured homes up to date with
other building codes.
HUD Response: Section 3280.709(h)
of the final rule requires a corrosionresistant water drip and collection pan
to be installed under each water heater.
Almost all electric or fossil fuel water
heaters currently used in manufactured
homes can be installed on a
conventional water heater pan. Only a
very small percentage of gas water
heaters currently being used in
manufactured homes cannot be set on a
conventional pan due to an opening in
the bottom of the water heater that is
aligned with a hole in the bottom of the
floor that draws combustion air into the
appliance. Further, a drip pan could be
designed to have a separate drain hole
alongside the air inlet opening, which
would allow those types of water
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
heaters to continue to be used. While
the Construction and Safety Standards
do require the floor decking directly
under the water heater area to be
moisture-resistant, the drip pan will
help prevent water from collecting in
the water heater compartment and
circulating into surrounding areas, and
being absorbed into surrounding
gypsum panels, deteriorating and/or
warping surrounding area floor decking,
carpet, and padding. In addition, floor
insulation and bottom board materials
may also become saturated in
surrounding areas due to the
accumulation of water in the
compartment, making those materials
ineffective and possibly causing mold
and mildew to form. The installation of
the drip pan will enhance the home’s
durability at a minimal cost to
Electrical Systems Comments
Comment: The 1996 National
Electrical Code (NEC) that HUD
proposes to adopt is outdated. The
manufactured home should meet the
requirements of more current electrical
code requirements, and thereby provide
protection to home occupants that
technology has made available since
1996. One commenter stated that the
update to the 1996 NEC is not practical.
The commenter stated that to adopt a
code that is nine years behind the code
now being adopted by many localities is
‘‘ridiculous.’’ The NEC 1996 edition is
no longer in print and to require
manufacturers to try and find this book
so that they can determine what changes
to the code affect them and what is the
required standard they must meet is not
logical. Another commenter wrote that
hundreds or thousands of the 1996
edition of the NEC will have to be
obtained if the code update goes into
effect, and that if HUD Code homes are
three or four revisions behind the NEC,
it reinforces the perception that
manufactured housing is ‘‘inferior’’ to
other housing. Also, any upgrade to a
more recent version of the NEC will
require many electrical drawings to be
revised. The commenter encouraged
HUD to adopt the same ‘‘phase-in’’
program HUD used when changing to
the new smoke alarm requirements.
Another commenter wrote that the
electrical standard should be updated to
the 2005 edition of the NEC. The
commenter noted that arc-fault circuitinterrupter protection that has been
adopted in more recent versions of the
NEC may have been the reason for
proposing adoption of the 1996 version
of the NEC. The commenter also agreed
with MHCC’s reluctance to adopt the
requirements for arc-fault due to a lack
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of available product and technology in
the market at this time, and would
suggest adopting the 2005 NEC with an
exception for the arc-fault protection
HUD Response: The Department
agrees with the comments, and the final
rule has been revised to incorporate the
2005 edition of the NEC. Also, as
suggested by the commenters, the
provisions for arc-fault circuit
protection are not included in the final
rule except that if such protection is
installed, it must comply with all
provisions of the NEC.
Comments Regarding Revisions to
Standards Incorporated by Reference
Comment: The NEC HUD proposes to
adopt is outdated. HUD should update
all proposed changes to the standards
incorporated by reference to the most
recent editions of those standards.
HUD Response: See discussion under
the Electrical Systems Comments
Comment: HUD should review the
two additional sets of MHCC
recommendations and update any
reference standard contained in this
Notice of Propose Rulemaking (NPRM)
to the latest available edition receiving
MHCC approval. One commenter
specifically cited, as an example, the
Voluntary Standard for Utilization in
Manufactured Homes, and AAMA 1704,
Voluntary Standard: Egress Window
Systems for Utilization in Manufactured
Homes. HUD should take advantage of
MHCC’s reference standards update
process by reviewing all ballots on file
and suggesting the latest reference
standard edition for proposed
HUD Response: The final rule does
include some later editions of reference
standards than were cited in the
December 1, 2004, proposed rule.
However, the final rule does not update
to the 2002 edition of the AAMA 1704
standard for egress windows due to
changes in the later editions that may
affect the ability of an occupant to
egress during an emergency. HUD, in
coordination with MHCC, may also
consider making further updates to the
reference standards in future
Comment: One commenter wrote that
HUD should correct the title of ASTM
773 to read Standard Test Method for
Accelerated Weathering of Sealed
Insulating Glass Units, and also correct
the title of ASTM 774 to read Standard
Specification for the Classification of
the Durability of Sealed Insulating Glass
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HUD Response: The final rule corrects
the title of these two reference standards
as recommended by the comment.
Comment: One commenter wrote that
HUD should clarify whether ASTM
E84–91 will be deleted from the HUD
Code, because § 3280.203 still has both
the ASTM E84 and the NFPA 255 test
methods available to determine surface
burning characteristics of building
HUD Response: Section 3280.203(a) of
the final rule permits the use of either
test method.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that certain updated
reference standards be included in the
final rule, including: (1) ANSI Z21.1—
2000—Household Cooking Gas
Appliances—§ 3280.703; (2) ANSI
Z21.5.1—2002—Gas Clothes Dryers
Volume 1—§ 3280.703; (3) ANSI
Z21.10.1—2004—Gas Water Heaters—
Volume 1, Storage Water Heaters with
Input Ratings of 75,000 BTU per hour or
less—§ 3280.703; (4) ANSI Z21.15
(R2003)—1997—Manually Operated Gas
Valves for Appliances, Appliance
Connector Valves and Hose End
Valves—§ 3280.703; (5) ANSI Z21.20—
2000—Automatic Gas Ignition Systems
and Components—§ 3280.703; (6) ANSI
Z21.21—2000—Automatic Valves for
Gas Appliances—§ 3280.703; (7) ANSI
Z21.22 (R2003)—1999—Relief Valves—
§ 3280.703; (8) ANSI Z21.24—2001
Connectors for Gas Appliances—
§ 3280.703; (9) ANSI Z21.40.1 (R2002)—
1996—Gas Fired Heat Activated, Air
Conditioning and Heat Pump—
§ 3280.703, § 3280.714(a)(2); (10) ANSI
Z21.47—2003— Gas Fired Central
Furnaces (Note—Incorporates
provisions of Z21.64 now discontinued,
that are related to direct vent)—
§ 3280.703; (11) ANSI Z21.75—2001—
Connectors for Outdoor Gas Appliances
and Manufactured Homes—§ 3280.703;
(12) ANSI/LC 1—1997—Gas Piping
Systems Using Corrugated Stainless
Steel Tubing—§ 3280.703; and (13)
ANSI Z2223.1/NFPA 54—2002—
National Fuel Gas Code—§ 3280.703.
HUD Response: Some of the
recommended updates to the reference
standards have been included in the
final rule, as discussed and listed in
section III.I. of this preamble.
Comment: One commenter stated that
the referenced standard for gas piping
systems using corrugated stainless steel
tubing, LC–1–1997, should be moved
from the Appliances category under
§ 3280.703 to Ferrous Pipe and Fittings,
which is a more appropriate category. In
addition, this referenced standard
should also include its addenda, i.e.,
LC–1a–1999, for completeness.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
HUD Response: The final rule does
not contain the reference standard for
corrugated stainless steel tubing for use
in gas piping systems, as the publication
that was proposed to be included in the
standards incorporated by reference was
not available.
Comment: Two commenters wrote
that in § 3280.705—Gas Piping
Systems—a new section (5), titled
Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing
(CSST) Systems, should be included.
CSST interior gas piping systems should
be designed and certified to the ANSI/
LC–1, Gas Piping Systems Using
Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing, and
should be installed in accordance with
this code, the Z223.1/NFPA 54 National
Fuel Gas Code, and the manufacturer’s
installation instructions. The
commenter explained that since the
HUD proposal is including a reference
to the ANSI/LC–1 CSST standard, the
proposed additional provision is needed
in the interior gas piping section of the
HUD Response: HUD, in coordination
with MHCC, may consider provisions
governing the installation of corrugated
stainless steel tubing and the inclusion
of an appropriate reference standard for
CSST gas piping systems in a future
Comment: One commenter wrote that
AFPA 1997, Manual for Engineered
Wood Construction, is already an
obsolete standard reference and should
be updated to the 2001 edition. By
updating it to the 2001 version,
manufacturers could better take
advantage of utilizing and sharing
designs with modular packages.
HUD Response: The final rule
incorporates the 2001 edition of the
Manual for Engineered Wood
Comment: One commenter wrote that
the ANSI/TPI 1 1990 has been removed
from the list of reference standards and
has not been replaced with an
alternative design standard. All other
model building codes cite the ANSI/TPI
as the standard to use when designing
metal plate connected roof trusses.
Accordingly, the ANSI/TPI 1–2002
reference standard should be
incorporated into the amendments to
ensure all designs are calculated to the
same criteria.
HUD Response: The standard for
metal plate connected roof trusses
currently incorporated by reference in
§ 3280.304 is TPI–85, not ANSI/TPI–
1990. HUD is retaining its current
requirement in the final rule and may,
in coordination with MHCC, consider
an update of this reference standard in
a future rulemaking.
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Comment: One commenter wrote that
the final rule should contain a reference
to Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF).
MDF is a commonly used material for
built-in cabinets and moldings in
manufactured homes. MDF is a common
core material used in Hardwood
Plywood, ANSI/HPVA HP–1, and
another standard referenced in 24 CFR
3280. A reference to MDF for Interior
Applications, ANSI A208.2–2002,
should be added to § 3280.304(b)(1).
HUD Response: HUD, in coordination
with MHCC, may consider including a
reference standard for MDF materials in
a future rulemaking.
Comment: One commenter indicated
that the reference to subsection 221 of
the 1995 edition of the NFPA 58 is
incorrect, and that the proper reference
to relief valves in the 1995 edition is to
subsection 2–3.2. The commenter
explained that at a minimum, the
agency should revise this reference;
however, HUD should ideally refer to
the 2001 edition of the NFPA 58.
HUD Response: The final rule updates
the reference standard to the 2001
edition of NFPA 58 as suggested by the
Other Public Comments
Comment: Generally, HUD should not
require or include metric equivalents.
The building community does not use
metric on plans and specifications for
any type of residential building. Metric
units are necessary only for federally
funded building projects. One
commenter wrote that most aspects of
the construction industry have been,
and will continue to be, slow to convert
to metric. A dual system would only
create confusion and take up additional
space. However, there may be some
isolated cases where reference to metric
units may be helpful. One commenter
stated that requiring the use of metric
units would be cumbersome and could
be error-prone, and there appears to be
no one in the United States construction
industry who is using metric
dimensions. Other commenters said
simply that HUD should not require
metric equivalents.
HUD Response: HUD, in coordination
with MHCC, may address the use of
metric equivalents, on an as-needed
basis, in future rulemakings.
Comment: One commenter wrote that
§ 3280.707(d) contains minimum
efficiency requirements for central
heating and water heating appliances
that need to be updated to the
Department of Energy (DOE) minimum
efficiency requirements.
HUD Response: HUD anticipates
addressing the adoption of the DOE
minimum energy efficiency
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requirements for central heating and
water heater appliances, in coordination
with MHCC, in a future rulemaking.
HUD and DOE have jointly formulated,
and are dedicated to, a housing energy
efficiency policy that would serve the
goal of reducing national and family
energy needs.
Comment: One commenter wrote that
§ 3280.702 still has a definition for
water heaters that has the term ‘‘other
than space heating.’’ The commenter
explained that there are many types of
combination water heater space heaters
that are used in manufactured homes,
and this verbiage needs to be deleted.
HUD Response: HUD will refer this
comment to MHCC and may consider
the definition of water heaters in a
future rulemaking.
Comments of the Manufactured Housing
Consensus Committee
The following comments were
submitted to HUD on behalf of the
Manufactured Housing Consensus
Committee (MHCC):
Comment: HUD should reconsider
MHCC’s recommendation to eliminate
the requirement to post the
Formaldehyde Health Notice in each
manufactured home.
HUD Response: Please refer to the
above discussion of public comments
under the Formaldehyde Health Notice
Comments heading of the preamble.
Comment: HUD should reconsider its
decision to modify MHCC’s
recommendation on fireblocking in
§ 3280.206.
HUD Response: Please refer to the
above discussion of public comments on
fire blocking.
Comment: Testing Protocol approvals
under § 3280.303(g) should be delegated
to DAPIAs.
HUD Response: Section 3280.303(g)
no longer requires prior HUD approval
of alternative testing procedures except
for procedures used to evaluate onepiece metal roof systems.
Comment: HUD should reconsider its
modification of MHCC’s
recommendation and permit DAPIAs to
also approve testing protocols for onepiece metal roofing.
HUD Response: Please refer to the
above discussion of Body and Frame
Requirement Comments, Part B–1.
Comment: HUD should concentrate
on a single system of units and only
refer to metric units when helpful.
HUD Response: Please refer to the
above discussion of metric units under
the Other Public Comments heading of
the preamble.
Comment: Additional Testing is not
needed for critical connections when
engineering calculations are provided.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
HUD Response: Please refer to the
above discussion in Body and Frame
Requirement Comments, Part B–3.
Suitable load tests are now an
alternative to engineering calculations
rather than a mandatory provision in the
final rule.
Comment: HUD should permit some
minor exceptions to the requirements
for interior finish materials in hothumid climates.
HUD Response: Section
3280.504(b)(4) of the final rule includes
minor exceptions to the 5.0 perm
requirement for interior finish materials
used in hot-humid climates.
Comment: HUD should return the
truss testing recommendations in
§ 3280.402 to MHCC for further
HUD Response: Please refer to the
discussion of public comments on truss
testing. HUD is returning the trusstesting proposal to MHCC for further
III. Section-by-Section Revisions
The final rule amends the following
sections of the Construction and Safety
Standards in a manner that is different
from the proposed rule and revises the
incorporation by reference of the
indicated reference standards.
A. Whole-House Ventilation
The final rule amends § 3280.103(b)
by simplifying the requirements for
sizing whole-house ventilation systems
of manufactured homes. The final rule
establishes a minimum and maximum
capacity for these systems while
continuing to require the systems to be
balanced, requires combination passive
and mechanical systems to be
adequately sized and provided with
inlets and exhaust to release any
unbalanced pressure, no longer accepts
passive-only systems, requires operating
instructions for the system to be
included in the consumer manual, and
requires the operating switch to be
identified with a label.
B. Firestopping
The proposed rule amending
§ 3280.206 changes the term
‘‘Firestopping’’ to ‘‘Fireblocking’’ to be
consistent with current building code
terminology and application. The final
rule also replaces and clarifies existing
language to better define locations
where fireblocking is required.
C. Body and Frame Requirements
The final rule amends § 3280.303(g)
by no longer requiring a manufacturer to
first submit alternative testing
procedures to HUD for approval when
recognized testing procedures are not
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available, except as required by
§ 3280.305(c)(1)(iii) for one-piece metal
roofing systems.
Section 3280.305(c)(1) is also being
amended by adding a new paragraph
(iii) to permit the use of certain onepiece metal roofing without structural
sheathing in the high wind areas,
provided HUD has approved the testing
procedures to be used. The final rule
amends § 3280.305(c)(3)(i) by adding
paragraphs (A), (B), and (C) and by
clarifying where middle and north zone
roof load requirements would be
applicable. The amended rule also now
designates counties in certain states
within the South or Middle Roof Load
Zones where higher Middle or North
Roof Load Zones are required.
Section 3280.305(c)(3) is amended by
incorporating a new paragraph (iv)
requiring that skylights must be capable
of withstanding the roof loads for which
the home is designed.
The final rule amends § 3280.305(e)
by clarifying fastener performance
requirements for joining the major
structural elements of manufactured
homes and by requiring that a
continuous load path be provided for
transferring all forces between elements
and for carrying all imposed forces to
the home’s foundation/anchorage
The final rule amends § 3280.305(e)(2)
by reducing the minimum thickness
requirements for steel strapping
required in Wind Zones II and III from
26 gauge (0.0179 inch) to 0.016 inch.
Other alternatives, such as a
combination of structural rated
sheathing that overlaps the roof and/or
floor and strapping, or engineered
connectors or structural rated sheathing
only, must be substantiated by either
engineering analysis or suitable load
tests. The final rule amends
§ 3280.305(g)(3) to require wood panel
products used as floor or sub-floor
materials on the exterior of the home to
be rated for exterior exposure and be
protected from moisture by sealing or
applying nonabsorbent overlay with
water resistant adhesive. This will
provide protection against deterioration
of exterior floor decking materials when
exposed to moisture.
The final rule amends
§ 3280.306(b)(1) to require that each
column support pier location required
along the marriage line(s) of multisection manufactured homes, at
perimeter support locations, and at
shear wall locations be identified at
each pier location by paint, label, or
other acceptable methods. These
location identifications are to be visible
after the home is installed.
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D. Subpart E—Testing
The final rule amends § 3280.401 by
clarifying that design live load
deflection criteria do not apply when
the structural assembly being evaluated
does not include structural framing
E. Subpart F—Thermal Protection
The final rule amends § 3280.504(b)
by adding new paragraphs (4) and (5) to
permit the vapor retarder for exterior
walls to be installed on the exterior side,
rather than the interior side, of the wall
insulation, or to be constructed with an
external covering and sheathing having
a combined permeance of not greater
than 1.0 perms, provided that for either
alternative that the interior finish and
interior wall panel materials have a
combined permeance of not less than
5.0 perms. However, based on the
comments received, the final rule now
also provides for certain minor
exceptions to the 5.0 perm interior
finish or wall panel requirements.
The final rule amends § 3280.508(e)
by permitting window manufacturers
the alternative to rate their window
energy performance by utilizing
National Fenestration Rating Council
(NFRC) standard 100 or by using AAMA
standard 1503 for this purpose.
Inclusion of the NFRC standard would
alleviate the need for those
manufacturers who previously have
been utilizing NFRC 100 from also
having to test the AAMA 1500 and viceversa.
The final rule will also amend
§ 3280.510 by incorporating a map that
will designate the applicable Humid
and Fringe zones by state and county. A
reproduction of the map will now be
required to be included on the Heating
Certificate and could also be combined
with the Uo map for those homes
constructed for those zones in addition
to or in combination with the Uo value
map. A statement, ‘‘This home is
designed and constructed to be sited
only in humid or fringe climate regions
as shown on the Humid and Fringe
Climate Map,’’ will also be required in
conjunction with the Humid and Fringe
zone map on the Heating Certificate.
F. Subpart G—Plumbing Systems
The final rule amends § 3280.607(a)
by requiring the use of restricted flow
faucets and showerheads and by adding
a paragraph (b) to require the use of low
water consumption water closets. This
will conserve water and help assure
continued availability of adequate water
supplies, as well as reduce wastewater
flows. The final rule will also include
requirements for low consumption
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
water closets (1.6 gallons per flush), and
clarify that showerheads and faucets are
also to meet updated requirements
(maximum flow rate of 2.5 gallons per
minute) for water conservation as
required by the Energy Policy Act of
G. Subpart H—Heating, Cooling and
Fuel Burning Systems
The final rule amends § 3280.709 by
adding a paragraph (h) to require the
installation of a corrosion-resistant
water drip collection and drain pan
under each water heater.
The final rule amends § 3280.715(c) to
require joints and seams of sheet metal
and flexible metal ducts, including
risers, trunks, crossovers, branches, and
plenums to be mechanically secured
and made substantially airtight. The
final rule also requires that the tapes
and sealants used to seal the duct
systems be applied to dry clean surfaces
having no dirt, grease, or oil on them.
Currently, the standards specify only
that the joints and seams of ducts be
securely fastened and made
substantially airtight. In addition,
sealants and tapes will also be required
to be listed in accordance with UL 181A
for rigid ducts and UL 181B for flexible
H. Subpart I—Electrical Systems
The final rule amends
§ 3280.806(d)(9) by clarifying that a
receptacle outlet would be provided on
a wall adjacent to and within 36 inches
of the outside edge of each bathroom
basin. This wall receptacle outlet would
be in addition to any outlet that is part
of a lighting fixture or appliance that is
over a bathroom basin. This revision
will no longer permit a receptacle that
is integral with the light fixture over a
bathroom basin to serve as the only
outlet for a bathroom basin location.
This change also addresses safety
concerns related to the permissible
length of power cords for small
appliances that may arise in areas in
which flowing water and electrical
outlets are in close proximity, such as
light fixtures at bathroom basin
The final rule also amends
§ 3280.808(o) to provide a tolerance for
the gap at the edge of a box in walls or
ceilings of noncombustible material
consistent with the National Electrical
I. Revisions to Standards Incorporated
by Reference (Reference Standards)
The following is a list of the standards
incorporated by reference that is being
revised by this final rule. Each reference
standard is preceded by an indicator to
identify the type of change being made.
A new reference standard being added
is indicated by the designation ‘‘N,’’ a
reference standard being updated is
indicated by the designation ‘‘U,’’ and a
reference standard being deleted is
indicated by the designation
‘‘DELETED.’’ In some cases, it was
necessary to use a different or more
recent edition of a reference standard
than indicated in the proposed rule,
because either the date of the standard
was incorrectly cited or the reference
standard was out of date and no longer
available from the publishing
organization. These changes in dates are
identified in the list below by italics. In
other cases, a proposed reference
standard was not available and, as a
result, HUD is retaining the existing
reference standard. These changes are
identified in the list below by a single
asterisk. Two new proposed reference
standards, not presently contained in
the Construction and Safety Standards,
could not be located, and have been
eliminated from the final rule. These
reference standards are identified in the
list below by a double asterisk. The
sections of the Construction and Safety
Standards being amended by each
modification are also shown on the right
of each reference standard being added,
updated, or deleted.
AA ...............................................
Aluminum Design Manual, Specifications and Guidelines for
Aluminum Structures, Part 1–A, Sixth Edition, October 1994,
and Part 1–B, First Edition, October 1994.
AAMA/WDMA 101/I.S.2–97 ........
Voluntary Specifications for Aluminum, Vinyl (PVC) and Wood
Windows and Glass Doors.
3280.403(b)&(e); 3280.404
AAMA 1600/I.S. 7–00 .................
AAMA 1701.2–95 .......................
Voluntary Specification for Skylights ............................................
Voluntary Standard Primary Window and Sliding Glass Door for
Utilization in Manufactured Housing.
3280.403(b); 3280.403(e);
AAMA 1702.2–95 .......................
Voluntary Standard Swinging Exterior Passage Door for Utilization in Manufactured Housing.
3280.405(b); 3280.405(e);
ANSI/AFPA NDS–2001 ..............
National Design Specification for Wood Construction, 2001 Edition, with Supplement, Design Values for Wood Construction.
AFPA ..........................................
AISI .............................................
Design Values for Joists and Rafters ...........................................
Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural
3280.304(b)(1); 3280.305(j)(1).
ANSI C73.17 ...............................
National Standard Dimensions of Caps, Plugs, and Receptacles, Ground Type.
Household Cooking Gas Appliances ............................................
Gas Clothes Dryers Volume 1—Type 1 Clothes Dryers with Addendum Z21.5.1a–1999.
Gas Water Heaters—Volume 1, Storage Water Heaters with
Input Ratings of 75,000 BTU Per Hour or Less with Addendum Z21.10.1a–2000.
ANSI Z21.1 .................................
ANSI Z21.5.1–1999; CSA 7.1–
ANSI Z21.10.1–1998; CSA 4.1–
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ANSI Z21.15–1997; CGA 9.1–
ANSI Z21.20 ...............................
Manually Operated Gas Valves for Appliances, Appliance Connector Valves, and Hose End Valves.
Automatic Gas Ignition Systems and Components with Addendum Z21.20a–2000.
Automatic Valves for Gas Appliances ..........................................
Relief Values for Hot Water Supply Systems ..............................
Gas Appliance Thermostats with Addendum Z21.23a–1991 .......
Connectors for Gas Appliances ....................................................
Gas Fired, Heat Activated Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Appliances.
3280.703; 3280.714(a)(2).
Gas-Fired Central Furnaces (Except Direct Vent System Control
Furnaces) with Addendum Z21.47a–1990 and Z21.47b–1992.
ANSI Z21.64 ...............................
Direct Vent Central Furnaces with Addendum Z21.64a–1992
(Discontinued—Now part of Z21.47).
ANSI Z34.1–1993 .......................
Third Party Certification Programs for Products, Processes, and
3280.403(e)(1); 3280.405(e)(1).
Plastic Toilet (water closets) Seats ..............................................
Prefabricated Plastic Spa Shells ..................................................
Bathtub Liners ...............................................................................
Plastic Urinal Fixtures ...................................................................
Basic Hardboard ...........................................................................
Prefinished Hardboard Paneling ...................................................
Hardboard Siding ..........................................................................
Particleboard .................................................................................
Water Heater Relief Valve Drain Tubes .......................................
Plastic Fittings for Connecting Water Closets to the Sanitary
Drainage System.
Plumbing Fixture Fittings ..............................................................
Performance Requirements for Backflow Protection Devices
and Systems in Plumbing Fixture Fittings.
ASME A112.18.6–1999 ..............
ASME A112.18.7–1999 ..............
Flexible Water Connectors ...........................................................
Deck Mounted Bath/Shower Transfer Valves with Integral Backflow Protection.
ASME A112.19.6 ........................
Hydraulic Performance Requirements for Water Closets and
Non-Vitreous Ceramic Plumbing Fixtures ....................................
Dual Flush Devices for Water Closets .........................................
Wiring Devices—Dimensional Specifications (Replaces C73.17
of the same title.).
Drinking Water System Components—Health Effects .................
Wood Flush Doors ........................................................................
3280.304(b)(1); 3280.405(c)(1).
ANSI Z21.21–2000; CSA 6.5–
ANSI Z21.22–1999; CSA 4.4–
ANSI Z21.23 ...............................
ANSI Z21.24–1997; CGA 6.10–
ANSI Z21.40.1–1996; CGA
ANSI Z21.47 ...............................
ANSI Z124.5–1997 .....................
ANSI Z124.7–1997 .....................
ANSI Z124.8 ...............................
ANSI Z124.9–1994 .....................
ANSI/AHA A135.4–1995 ............
ANSI/AHA A135.5–1995 ............
ANSI/AHA A135.6–1998 ............
ANSI A208.1–1999 .....................
ASME A112.4.1–1993 ................
ASME A112.4.3–1999 ................
ANSI/ASME A112.18.1M ............
ASME A112.18.3M–1996 ...........
ASME A112.19.9M–1991 ...........
ASME A112.19.10–1994 ............
ANSI/NEMA WD 6–1997 ............
ANSI/NSF 61–2001 ....................
NWWDA IS 1–87 ........................
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ANSI/NWWDA I.S.2–87 ..............
Wood Windows (This standard is replaced by AAMA/WDMA
101/I.S.2–97 NWWDA [National Wood Window and Door Association] is now the WDMA [Window and Door Manufacturers Association]).
ANSI/NWWDA I.S.3–88 ..............
Wood Sliding Patio Doors (This standard is replaced by AAMA/
WDMA 101/I.S.2–97).
Water Repellent Preservative Non Pressure Treatment for Millwork.
NWWDA IS 4–88 ........................
APA PRP E108, E445N .............
APA E30P ...................................
Performance Standards and Policies ...........................................
Design/Construction Guide Residential and Commercial Structures.
PS 1–95 ......................................
Construction and Industrial Plywood (with Typical APA Trademarks).
Voluntary Product Standard Performance Standard for WoodBased Structural Use Panels.
Design and Fabrication of Plywood Curved Panels, PDS Suppl.
APA S 812Q ...............................
Design and Fabrication of Glued Plywood Lumber Beams PDS
Suppl. 2.
APA U 813L ................................
Design and Fabrication of Plywood Stressed Skin Panels PDS
Suppl. 3.
Design and Fabrication of All Plywood Beams (PDS Suppl. 5.)
Panel Design Specification ...........................................................
Design and Fabrication of Plywood Sandwich Panels, Suppl. 4
Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel
Structural Members.
3280.304(b)(1); 3280.305(j).
Structural Applications of Steel Cables for Buildings ...................
1997 ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals, Inch-Pound Edition ...
PS 2–92 (also known as NIST
Standard PS 2–96).
APA S 811M ...............................
APA H815E ................................
APA D410A ................................
APA U814 H ...............................
SEI/ASCE–8–02 .........................
ASCE–19–96 ..............................
ASHRAE .....................................
ASSE #1051 Revised: 1996;
ANSI: 1998.
ASTM A 539–99 .........................
Performance Requirements for Air Admittance Valves for
Plumbing Drainage Systems—Fixture and Branch Devices.
Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Coiled
Steel Tubing for Gas and Fuel Oil Lines.
3280.703; 3280.705(b)(4).
ASTM B 280–95 .........................
Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Service.
3280.703; 3280.705(b)(3);
Standard Specification for Gypsum Wallboard ............................
Standard Test Methods for Direct Moisture Content Measurement of Wood and Wood-Base Materials.
Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of
Building Materials.
ASTM E 96–95 ...........................
Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials.
ASTM E 162–94 .........................
Standard Test Method for Surface Flammability of Materials
Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source.
ASTM E 773–97 .........................
Standard Test Method for Accelerated Weathering of Sealed Insulating Glass Units.
ASTM E 774–97 .........................
Standard Specification for the Classification of the Durability of
Sealed Insulating Glass Units.
ASTM E 1333–96 .......................
Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concentrations in Air and Emission Rates from Wood Products
Using a Large Chamber.
ASTM C 36/C36M–99 ................
ASTMD 4442–92 (Reapproved
ASTM E 84–01 ...........................
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HPVA Design Guide HP–SG–96
ANSI/HPVA HP–1–1994 (Approved 1995).
HUD–FHA UM–25d–73 ..............
Structural Design Guide for Hardwood Plywood Wall Panels .....
American National Standard for Hardwood and Decorative Plywood.
Application and Fastening Schedule: Power-Driven, Driven Fasteners, Use of Materials Bulletin UM–25d.
IAPMO TSC 9–97 .......................
* *
ANSI/IAS LC 1 ............................
Standard for Gas Supply Connectors for Manufactured Homes
Gas Piping Using Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing with Addendum LC–1A–1999.
IITRI Fire and Safety Research
Project J6461.
Development of Mobile Home Fire Test Methods to Judge the
Fire-Safe Performance of Foam Plastic Sheathing and Cavity
Insulation (Note: this is an editorial revision to correct the title
and insert the date of publication only.).
NER–272 ....................................
National Evaluation Report, Power Driven Staples and Nails for
Use in All Types of Buildings Construction. (This is published
by the National Evaluation Service.).
Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment ................
3280.703; 3280.707(f).
National Fuel Gas Code ...............................................................
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code ....................................................
3280.703; 3280.704(b)(5)(i).
National Electrical Code ...............................................................
3280.801(a); 3280.801(b);
3280.803(k)(1); (k)(3);
3280.804(a); 3280.805(a)(3);
3280.806(a)(2); 3280.807(c);
NFPA 220 ...................................
Standard on Types of Building Construction, Chapter 2, Definitions of ‘‘limited combustible’’ and ‘‘noncombustible material’’.
NFPA 255 ...................................
Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of
Building Materials.
NFRC 100 ...................................
SJI ...............................................
Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product U-factors .........
Fortieth Edition Standard Specifications Load Tables and
Weight Tables for Steel Joist and Joist Girders.
UL 94 ..........................................
Test for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices
and Appliances, Fifth Edition, with 2001 revisions.
UL 103 ........................................
Factory-Built Chimneys for Residential Type and Building Heating Appliances, Ninth Edition, with 1999 revisions.
UL 109 ........................................
Tube Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Fluids, Refrigeration Service, and Marine Use, Sixth Edition, with 2001 revisions.
UL 127 ........................................
UL 174 ........................................
Factory-Built Fireplaces, Seventh Edition, with 1999 revisions ...
Household Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters, Tenth Edition,
with 1997 revisions.
UL 181 ........................................
Factory-Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors, Ninth Edition, with
1998 revisions.
3280.703; 3280.715(e).
UL 181A ......................................
Closure Systems for Use with Rigid Air Ducts and Air Connectors, Second Edition, with 1998 revisions.
3280.703; 3280.715(c).
UL 181B ......................................
Closure Systems for Use with Flexible Air Ducts and Air Connectors, First Edition, with 1998 revisions.
3280.703; 3280.715(c).
UL 307A ......................................
Liquid Fuel-Burning Heating Appliances for Manufactured
Homes and Recreational Vehicles, Seventh Edition, with
1997 revisions.
3280.703; 3280.707(f).
NFPA 31 .....................................
NFPA 54–2002/ANSI Z223.1–
NFPA 58 .....................................
NFPA 70 .....................................
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UL 307B ......................................
Gas-Burning Heating Appliances for Manufactured Homes and
Recreational Vehicles, Fourth Edition, with 1998 revisions.
UL 311 ........................................
Roof Jacks for Manufactured Homes and Recreational Vehicles,
Eighth Edition, with 1998 revisions.
UL 441 ........................................
UL 465 ........................................
Gas Vents, Ninth Edition, with 1999 revisions .............................
Central Cooling Air Conditioners (This standard is discontinued
and replaced by UL 1995.).
UL 569 ........................................
Pigtails and Flexible Hose Connectors for LP-Gas, Seventh Edition, with 2001 revisions.
3280.703; 3280.705.
UL 737 ........................................
UL 1025 ......................................
Fireplace Stoves, Eighth Edition, with 2000 revisions .................
Electric Air Heaters (This standard is discontinued and replaced
by UL 2021.).
UL 1042 ......................................
Electric Baseboard Heating Equipment, Fourth Edition, with
1998 revisions.
UL 1482 ......................................
Solid-Fuel Type Room Heaters, Fifth Edition, with 2000 revisions.
UL 1995 ......................................
Heating and Cooling Equipment, Second Edition, with 1999 revisions (Replaces UL 465, UL 559 and UL 1096).
UL 2021 ......................................
Fixed and Location-Dedicated Electric Room Heaters, Second
Edition, with 1998 revisions (Replaces UL 1025).
IV. Findings and Certifications
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Regulatory Planning and Review
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–
1538) establishes requirements for
Federal agencies to assess the effects of
their regulatory actions on State, local,
and tribal governments and the private
sector. This rule will not impose any
Federal mandates on any State, local, or
tribal government or the private sector
within the meaning of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995.
The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) reviewed this rule under
Executive Order 12866 (entitled
‘‘Regulatory Planning and Review’’).
OMB determined that this rule is a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ as
defined in section 3(f) of the Order
(although not an economically
significant regulatory action, as
provided under section 3(f)(1) of the
Order). Any changes made to the rule
subsequent to its submission to OMB
are identified in the docket file, which
is available for public inspection in the
Regulations Division, Office of General
Counsel, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street,
SW., Room 10276, Washington, DC
Paperwork Reduction Act
The information collection
requirements contained in this rule are
currently approved by OMB under
section 3504(h) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3520) and assigned OMB Control
Number 2502–0253. An agency may not
conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to a collection of
information unless the collection
displays a currently valid control
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Environmental Review
A Finding of No Significant Impact
with respect to the environment has
been made in accordance with HUD
regulations at 24 CFR part 50, which
implement section 102(2)(C) of the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). Although
the Finding of No Significant Regulatory
Impact for the proposed rule remains
applicable to the final rule, a
Supplemental Finding of No Significant
Regulatory Impact has been added to
discuss changes made in the final rule.
Both the Finding of No Significant
Impact and the Supplemental Finding
are available for public inspection
between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
weekdays in the Regulations Division,
Office of General Counsel, Department
of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Room 10276,
Washington, DC 20410–0500.
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Impact on Small Entities
The Secretary, in accordance with the
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C.
605(b)), has reviewed and approved this
final rule and in so doing certifies that
the rule would not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. The rule
would regulate establishments primarily
engaged in making manufactured homes
(NAICS 32991). The Small Business
Administration’s size standards define
an establishment primarily engaged in
making manufactured homes as small if
it does not exceed 500 employees. Of
the 222 firms included under this
NAICS definition, 198 are small
manufacturers that fall below the small
business threshold of 500 employees.
The final rule will apply to all of the
manufacturers. The rule would, thus,
affect a substantial number of small
entities. However, based on an analysis
of the costs and the fact that a small
manufacturer would just as likely
produce homes at the higher end of the
cost spectrum as would a major
producer, evaluating the effect of the
increase is not discernible based on the
size of the manufacturing operation. For
the reasons stated below, HUD knows of
no instance in which a manufacturer
with fewer than 500 employees would
be significantly affected by this rule.
HUD, in cooperation with MHCC,
previously conducted an economic cost
impact analysis for this rule. A copy of
the economic analysis is available for
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
public inspection and copying between
8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays at the
Regulations Division, Office of General
Counsel, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street,
SW., Room 10276, Washington, DC
20410–0500. The economic analysis
previously concluded the potential cost
impact, based on a per home cost, to be
approximately $77.28 to retailers and
$96.60 to purchasers or an estimated
annual cost impact of $13,137,600 to
retailers and $16,422,000 to purchasers.
This is based on an estimated annual
production rate of 170,000
manufactured homes per year. HUD
now estimates that the annual projected
cost impacts indicated in the proposed
rule have been reduced by more than 40
percent in the final rule, as a result of
the removal of the revisions to the truss
testing procedures from the final rule.
Further, the final cost estimates would
be even lower today based on present
annual production rates, which range
between 130,000 and 140,000 homes per
year. In addition, the cost of the
paperwork burden associated with this
rule is estimated to be approximately
$112,000 for the entire industry, which
is less than an additional $1.00 per unit.
Additional information about the
paperwork burden can be found in the
Paperwork Reduction Act section of the
preamble. This does not represent a
significant economic effect on either an
industry-wide or on a per-unit basis.
These relatively small increases in
cost associated with this final rule
would not impose a significant burden
for a small business for homes that can
cost the purchaser between $40,000 and
$100,000. Therefore, although this rule
would affect a substantial number of
small entities, it would not have a
significant economic impact on them.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
Executive Order 13132 (entitled
‘‘Federalism’’) prohibits, to the extent
practicable and permitted by law, an
agency from promulgating a regulation
that has federalism implications and
either imposes substantial direct
compliance costs on State and local
governments and is not required by
statute, or preempts State law, unless
the relevant requirements of section 6 of
the Executive Order are met. This rule
does not have federalism implications
and does not impose substantial direct
compliance costs on State and local
governments or preempt State law
within the meaning of the Executive
V. Incorporation by Reference
These reference standards are
approved by the Director of the Federal
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Register for incorporation by reference
in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and
1 CFR part 51. Copies of these standards
may be obtained from the following
AA—The Aluminum Association,
1525 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600,
Arlington, VA 22209, (703) 358–2960,
AFPA—American Forest and Paper
Association, 1111 19th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20036, (202) 463–2700,
fax (202) 463–5180,
AHA—American Hardboard
Association, 1210 West Northwest
Highway, Palatine, IL 60067, (847) 934–
8800, fax (847) 934–8803,
AISI—American Iron and Steel
Institute, 1101 17th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20036, (202) 452–7100,
fax (202) 463–6573,
ANSI—American National Standards
Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New
York, NY 10036, (212) 642–4900, fax
(212) 398–0023,
APA—The Engineered Wood
Association, 7011 South 19th Street,
Tacoma, WA 98411, (253) 565–6600, fax
(253) 565–7265,
ASCE—American Society of Civil
Engineers, 1015 15th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20005, (202) 789–2200,
fax (202) 289–6797,
ASHRAE—American Society for
Heating, Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Engineers, 1791 Tuillie
Circle, NE., Atlanta, GA 30329, (404)
636–8400, fax (404) 321–5478,
ASME—American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, 22 Law Drive,
P.O. Box 2900, Fairfield, NJ 07007, 1–
800 843–2763, fax 1–973–882–8113,
ASSE—American Society of Sanitary
Engineering, P.O. Box 40362, Bay
Village, OH 44140, (216) 835–3040, fax
(216) 835–3488,
ASTM—American Society for Testing
and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,
West Conshohocken, PA 19428, (610)
832–9500, fax (610) 832–9555,
CSA (IAS)—CSA International
(formerly International Approval
Services), 8501 East Pleasant Valley
Road, Cleveland, OH 44131, (216) 524–
4990, fax (216) 642–3463,
CPA—Composite Panel Association
(formerly the National Particle-board
Association) 18928 Premier Court,
Gaithersburg, MD 20879–1574, (301)
670–0604, fax (301) 840–1252,
HPVA—Hardwood Plywood and
Veneer Association, 1825 Michael
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Faraday Drive, Reston, VA 22090, (703)
435–2900, fax (703) 435–2537,
HUD—Department of Housing and
Urban Development, Office of
Manufactured Housing Programs, 451
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC
20410, (202) 708–6423, fax (202) 708–
IAPMO—International Association of
Plumbing and Mechanical Officials,
20001 Walnut Drive South, Walnut, CA
91789, (909) 595–8449, fax (909) 594–
IIT—IIT Research Institute, 10 West
35th Street, Chicago, IL 60616, (312)
567–3000, fax (312) 567–4167,
NEMA—National Electrical
Manufacturers Association, 1300 North
17th Street, Suite 1847, Rosslyn, VA
22209, (703) 841–3200, fax (703) 841–
NER—International Code Council
Evaluation Service [Previously known
as National Evaluation Service], 5360
Workman Mill Road, Whittier, CA
NFPA—National Fire Protection
Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy,
MA 02269, (617) 770–3000, fax (617)
NFRC—National Fenestration Rating
Council, Incorporated, 1300 Spring
Street, Suite 120, Silver Spring, MD
20910, (301) 589–6372, fax (301) 588–
NSF—NSF International, P.O. Box
130140, Ann Arbor, MI 48113, (313)
769–8010, fax (313) 769–0109,
PS—National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Voluntary Product
Standards, Gaithersburg, MD 20810,
(301) 975–2000, fax (301) 926–1559,
SJI—Steel Joist Institute, 1205 48th
Avenue North, Suite A, Myrtle Beach,
SC 29577, (803) 626–1995, fax (803)
TPI—Truss Plate Institute, 583
D’Onofrio Drive, Suite 200, Madison, WI
53719, (608) 833–5900, fax (608) 833–
UL—Underwriters Laboratories, 333
Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062,
(847) 272–8800, fax (847) 509–6257,
WDMA (NWWDA)—Window and
Door Manufacturers Association
(formerly the National Wood Window
and Door Association), 1400 East Touhy
Avenue, Des Plaines, IL 60018, (847)
299–5200, fax (847) 299–1286,
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
The Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance number for Manufactured
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Housing Construction and Safety Standards
is 14.171.
List of Subjects in 24 CFR Part 3280
Housing standards, Incorporation by
reference, Manufactured homes.
I Accordingly, for the reasons stated in
the preamble, HUD is amending 24 CFR
part 3280 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 3280
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d), 5403, and
2. In § 3280.4(b), revise the address for
HUD User and add the following
organizations to the list in alphabetical
order to read as follows:
§ 3280.4
Incorporation by reference.
(b) * * *
HUD User, 11491 Sunset Hills Road,
Reston, VA 20190–5254
* * *
NEMA—National Electrical Manufacturers
Association, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite
1847, Rosslyn, VA 22209
NER—International Code Council
Evaluation Service [Previously known as
National Evaluation Service], 5360 Workman
Mill Road, Whittier, CA 90601–0543
* * *
NFRC—National Fenestration Rating
Council, 8984 Georgia Avenue, Suite 320,
Silver Spring, MD 20910
* * *
WDMA—Window and Door Manufacturers
Association [Previously known as the
National Wood Window and Door
Association, NWWDA], 1400 East Touhy
Avenue, Des Plaines, IL 60018
3. In § 3280.103, revise paragraph (b)
to read as follows:
§ 3280.103
Light and ventilation.
(b) Whole-house ventilation. Each
manufactured home must be provided
with whole-house ventilation having a
minimum capacity of 0.035 ft3/min/ft2
of interior floor space or its hourly
average equivalent. This ventilation
capacity must be in addition to any
openable window area. In no case shall
the installed ventilation capacity of the
system be less than 50 cfm nor more
than 90 cfm. The following criteria must
be adhered to:
(1) The ventilation capacity must be
provided by a mechanical system or a
combination passive and mechanical
system. The ventilation system or
provisions for ventilation must not
create a positive pressure in Uo Value
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Zone 2 and Zone 3 or a negative
pressure condition in Uo Value Zone 1.
Mechanical systems must be balanced.
Combination passive and mechanical
systems must have adequately sized
inlets or exhaust to release any
unbalanced pressure. Temporary
pressure imbalances due to gusting or
high winds are permitted.
(2) The ventilation system or
provisions for ventilation must
exchange air directly with the exterior
of the home, except the ventilation
system, or provisions for ventilation
must not draw or expel air with the
space underneath the home. The
ventilation system or provisions for
ventilation must not draw or expel air
into the floor, wall, or ceiling/roof
systems, even if those systems are
vented. The ventilation system must be
designed to ensure that outside air is
distributed to all bedrooms and main
living areas. The combined use of
undercut doors or transom grills
connecting those areas to the room
where the mechanical system is located
is deemed to meet this requirement.
(3) The ventilation system or a portion
of the system is permitted to be integral
with the home’s heating or cooling
system. The system must be capable of
operating independently of the heating
or cooling modes. A ventilation system
that is integral with the heating or
cooling system is to be listed as part of
the heating and cooling system or listed
as suitable for use with that system.
(4) A mechanical ventilation system,
or mechanical portion thereof, must be
provided with a manual control, and
must be permitted to be provided with
automatic timers or humidistats.
(5) A whole-house ventilation label
must be attached to the whole-house
ventilation control, must be permanent,
and must state: ‘‘WHOLE-HOUSE
(6) Instructions for correctly operating
and maintaining whole-house
ventilation systems must be included
with the homeowner’s manual. The
instructions must encourage occupants
to operate these systems whenever the
home is occupied, and must refer to the
labeled whole-house ventilation control.
I 4. In § 3280.202, revise the definition
of ‘‘Limited combustible’’ and the
definition of ‘‘Noncombustible
material’’ to read as follows:
§ 3280.202
Limited combustible: A material
(1) The definition contained in
Chapter 2 of NFPA 220–1995, Standard
on Types of Building Construction; or
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(2) 5⁄16-inch or thicker gypsum board.
Noncombustible material: A material
meeting the definition contained in
Chapter 2 of NFPA 220–1995, Standard
on Types of Building Construction.
I 5. In § 3280.203, revise paragraph (a)
introductory text to read as follows:
§ 3280.203 Flame spread limitations and
fire protection requirements.
(a) Establishment of flame spread
rating. The surface flame spread rating
of interior-finish material must not
exceed the value shown in § 3280.203(b)
when tested by Standard Test Method
for Surface Burning Characteristics of
Building Materials, ASTM E84–01,
2001, or Standard Method of Test of
Surface Burning Characteristics of
Building Materials NFPA 255, 1996,
except that the surface flame spread
rating of interior-finish materials
required by § 3280.203(b)(5) and (6) may
be determined by using the Standard
Test Method for Surface Flammability of
Materials Using a Radiant Heat Energy
Source, ASTM E 162–94. However, the
following materials need not be tested to
establish their flame spread rating
unless a lower rating is required by the
standards in this part:
I 6. Revise § 3280.206 to read as
§ 3280.206
(a) General. Fireblocking must comply
with the requirements of this section.
The integrity of all fireblocking
materials must be maintained.
(b) Fireblocking materials.
Fireblocking must consist of the
following materials:
(1) Minimum one inch nominal
lumber, 5⁄16 inch thick gypsum board, or
equivalent fire resistive materials; or
(2) Other Listed or Approved
(c) Fireblocking locations. (1)
Fireblocking must be installed in
concealed spaces of stud walls,
partitions, and furred spaces at the floor
and ceiling levels. Concealed spaces
must not communicate between floor
levels. Concealed spaces must not
communicate between a ceiling level
and a concealed roof area, or an attic
(2) Fireblocking must be installed at
the interconnection of a concealed
vertical space and a concealed
horizontal space that occurs:
(i) Between a concealed wall cavity
and the ceiling joists above; and
(ii) At soffits, drop ceilings, cover
ceilings, and similar locations.
(3) Fireblocking must be installed
around the openings for pipes, vents,
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
and other penetrations in walls, floors,
and ceilings of furnace and water heater
spaces. Pipes, vents, and other
penetrations that cannot be moved
freely within their opening are
considered to be fireblocked. Materials
used to fireblock heat producing vent
penetrations must be noncombustible or
limited combustible types.
I 7. In § 3280.207, revise paragraph
(a)(4) introductory text to read as
§ 3280.207 Requirements for foam plastic
thermal insulating materials.
(a) * * *
(4) The foam plastic insulating
material has been tested as required for
its location in wall and/or ceiling
cavities in accordance with testing
procedures described in the Illinois
Institute of Technology Research
Institute (IIT) Report, ‘‘Development of
Mobile Home Fire Test Methods to
Judge the Fire-Safe Performance of
Foam Plastic Sheathing and Cavity
Insulation, IITRI Fire and Safety
Research Project J–6461, 1979’’ or other
full-scale fire tests accepted by HUD,
and it is installed in a manner
consistent with the way the material
was installed in the foam plastic test
module. The materials must be capable
of meeting the following acceptance
criteria required for their location:
I 8. In § 3280.303, paragraph (g) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 3280.303
General requirements.
(g) Alternative test procedures. In the
absence of recognized testing
procedures either in the Standards in
this part or in the applicable provisions
of those standards incorporated in this
part by reference, the manufacturer
electing this option must develop or
cause to be developed testing
procedures to demonstrate the structural
properties and significant characteristics
of the material, assembly, subassembly
component, or member, except for
testing methods involving one-piece
metal roofing as would be required in
§ 3280.305(c)(1)(iii). Such testing
procedures become part of the
manufacturer’s approved design. Such
tests must be witnessed by an
independent licensed professional
engineer or architect or by a recognized
testing organization. Copies of the test
results must be kept on file by the
manufactured home manufacturer.
9. In § 3280.304, revise paragraph
(b)(1) to read as follows:
§ 3280.304
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(b)(1) Standards for some of the
generally used materials and methods of
construction are listed in the following
Aluminum Design Manual, Specifications
and Guidelines for Aluminum Structures,
Part 1-A, Sixth Edition, October 1994, and
Part 1-B, First Edition, October 1994.
Specification for Structural Steel
Buildings—Allowable Stress Design and
Plastic Design—AISC–S335, 1989. The
following parts of this reference standard are
not applicable: 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.3.6, 1.4.6,, 1.5.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10.4 through
1.10.7, 1.10.9, 1.11, 1.13, 1.14.5, 1.17.7
through 1.17.9, 1.19.1, 1.19.3, 1.20, 1.21,
1.23.7, 1.24, 1.25.1 through 1.25.5, 1.26.4,
2.3, 2.4, 2.8 through 2.10.
Specification for the Design of ColdFormed Steel Structural Members—AISI–
Specification for the Design of ColdFormed Stainless Steel Structural Members—
SEI/ASCE 8–02, 2002.
Standard Specifications Load Tables and
Weight Tables for Steel Joists and Joist
Girders, SJI, Fortieth Edition, 1994.
Structural Applications of Steel Cables for
Buildings—ASCE19, 1996.
Standard Specification for Strapping, Flat
Steel and Seals—ASTM D3953, 1991.
Wood and Wood Products
Basic Hardboard—ANSI/AHA A135.4–
Prefinished Hardboard Paneling—ANSI/
AHA A135.5–1995.
Hardboard Siding—ANSI/AHA A135.6–
American National Standard for Hardwood
and Decorative Plywood—ANSI/HPVA HP–
1–1994 (Approved 1995).
Structural Design Guide for Hardwood
Plywood Wall Panels—HPVA Design Guide
HP–SG–96, 1996.
For wood products—Structural Glued
Laminated Timber—ANSI/AITC A190.1–
Construction and Industrial Plywood (With
Typical APA Trademarks)—PS 1–95.
APA Design/Construction Guide,
Residential and Commercial—APA E30-P–
Design Specifications for Metal Plate and
Wood Connected Trusses—TPI–85.
Design and Fabrication of All-Plywood
Beams—APA H–815E (PDS Supplement #5),
Panel Design Specification—APA D410A,
Design and Fabrication of Glued PlywoodLumber Beams—APA–S 812Q, Suppl. 2–
Design and Fabrication of Plywood Curved
Panels—APA–S 811M, Suppl. 1, 1990.
Design and Fabrication of Plywood
Sandwich Panels—APA–U 814H, Suppl. 4,
Voluntary Product Standard, Performance
Standard for Wood-based Structural Use
Panels—PS 2–92, 1992 (also known as NIST
Standard PS 2–96).
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Design and Fabrication of Plywood
Stressed-Skin Panels—APA–U 813L, Suppl.
3, 1990.
National Design Specifications for Wood
Construction, 2001 Edition, with
Supplement, Design Values for Wood
Construction, NDS–2001, ANSI/AFPA.
Wood Structural Design Data, 1989,
Revised 1992, AFPA.
Span Tables for Joists and Rafters—PS–20–
70, 1993, AFPA.
Design Values for Joists and Rafters 1992,
Particleboard—ANSI A208.1–1999.
Voluntary Specifications for Aluminum,
Vinyl (PVC) and Wood Windows and Glass
Doors—ANSI/AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2–97.
Standard Test Methods for Puncture and
Stiffness of Paperboard, and Corrugated and
Solid Fiberboard—ASTM D781, 1973.
Standard Test Methods for Direct Moisture
Content Measurement of Wood and WoodBase Materials—ASTM D 4442–92 (Reapproved 1997), 1997.
Standard Test Methods for Use and
Calibration of Hand-Held Moisture Meters—
ASTM D4444, 1992.
Standard Specification for Gypsum
Wallboard—ASTM C 36/C 36M–99, 1999.
National Evaluation Report, Power Driven
Staples, Nails, and Allied Fasteners for Use
in All Types of Building Construction—NER–
272, 1997.
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and
Other Structures—ASCE 7–1988.
Safety Performance Specifications and
Methods of Test for Safety Glazing Materials
Used in Building—ANSI Z97.1–1984.
10. In § 3280.305:
A. Add paragraph (c)(1)(iii);
B. Add paragraphs (c)(3)(i)(A) through
(C) following the table in paragraph
I C. Add paragraph (c)(3)(iv);
I D. Revise paragraph (e);
I E. Redesignate paragraphs (g)(3)
through (g)(5) as paragraphs (g)(4)
through (g)(6);
I F. Add new paragraph (g)(3);
I G. Redesignate paragraph (i)(l) as
Old paragraph
New paragraph
(i)(1)(i) .......................
(i)(1)(ii) .......................
(i)(1)(ii)(A) ..................
(i)(1)(ii)(B) ..................
(i)(1)(ii)(C) ..................
H. Reserve vacated paragraph (i); and
I. Revise newly redesignated
paragraph (j)(1) to read as follows:
§ 3280.305
Structural design requirements.
(c) * * *
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
(1) * * *
(iii) One-piece metal roofing capable
of resisting the design wind pressures
for ‘‘Components and Cladding:
(Exterior roof coverings)’’ in the Table
for Design Wind Pressures in this
section is allowed to be used without
structural sheathing, provided the metal
roofing is tested using procedures that
have been approved by HUD and that
meet all requirements of §§ 3280.303(c)
and (g) and 3280.401.
(3) * * *
(i) * * *
(A) North Roof Load Zone. The
following counties in each of the
following states are deemed to be within
the North Roof Load Zone:
South Dakota .....................
Minnesota ..........................
Iowa ...................................
Wisconsin ..........................
Michigan ............................
New York ...........................
Massachusetts ...................
Maine .................................
Montana .............................
Idaho ..................................
Colorado ............................
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Maine—Aroostook, Piscataquis,
Somerset, Penobscot, Waldo, Knox,
Hancock, and Washington.
Alaska—All Counties
(B) Middle Roof Load Zone. The
following counties in each of the
following states are deemed to be within
the Middle Roof Load Zone:
Crow Wing
St. Louis
St. Lawrence
All Counties
All Counties
All Counties
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Lac qui Parle
Yellow Medicine
Mille Lacs
Cerro Gordo
Le Sueur
Palo Alto
Eau Claire
Presque Isle
Blue Earth
St. Croix
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Buena Vista
Grand Traverse
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Wyoming ............................
Utah ...................................
Vermont .............................
New Hampshire .................
All Counties
All Counties
Grand Isle
(C) South Roof Load Zone. The states
and counties that are not listed for the
North Roof Load Zone in paragraph
(c)(3)(i)(A) of this section, or the Middle
Roof Load Zone in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(B)
of this section, are deemed to be within
the South Roof Load Zone.
(iv) Skylights must be capable of
withstanding roof loads as specified in
paragraphs (c)(3)(i) or (c)(3)(ii) of this
section. Skylights must be listed and
tested in accordance with AAMA 1600/
I.S.7–00, 2003, Voluntary Specification
for Skylights.
(e) Fastening of structural systems. (1)
Roof framing must be securely fastened
to wall framing, walls to floor structure,
and floor structure to chassis, to secure
and maintain continuity between the
floor and chassis in order to resist wind
overturning, uplift, and sliding, and to
provide continuous load paths for these
forces to the foundation or anchorage
system. The number and type of
fasteners used must be capable of
transferring all forces between elements
being joined.
(2) For Wind Zone II and Wind Zone
III, roof framing members must be
securely fastened at the vertical bearing
points to resist design overturning,
uplift, and sliding forces. When
engineered connectors are not installed,
roof framing members must be secured
at the vertical bearing points to wall
framing members (studs), and wall
framing members (studs) must be
secured to floor framing members, with
0.016 inch base metal, minimum steel
strapping or engineered connectors, or
by a combination of 0.016 inch base
metal, minimum steel strapping or
engineered connectors, and structuralrated wall sheathing that overlaps the
roof and floor system if substantiated by
structural analysis or by suitable load
tests. Steel strapping or engineered
connectors are to be installed at a
maximum spacing of 24 inches on
center in Wind Zone II, and 16 inches
on center in Wind Zone III. Exception:
Where substantiated by structural
analysis or suitable load tests, the 0.016
inch base metal minimum steel
strapping or engineered connectors may
be omitted at the roof to wall and/or
wall to floor connections, when
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structural rated sheathing that overlaps
the roof and wall and/or wall and floor
is capable of resisting the applicable
design wind loads.
(g) * * *
(3) Wood panel products used as floor
or subfloor materials on the exterior of
the home, such as in recessed
entryways, must be rated for exterior
exposure and protected from moisture
by sealing or applying nonabsorbent
overlay with water resistant adhesive.
(j) Welded connections. (1) All welds
must be made in accordance with the
applicable provisions of the
Specification for Structural Steel
Buildings, Allowable Stress Design and
Plastic Design, AISC–S335, 1989; the
Specification for the Design of ColdFormed Steel Structural Members, AISI,
1996; and the Specification for the
Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel
Structural Members, SEI/ASCE 8–02,
I 11. In § 3280.306, revise paragraph
(b)(1) to read as follows:
§ 3280.306
Windstorm protection.
(b) Contents of instructions. (1) The
manufacturer must provide printed
instructions with each manufactured
home that specify the location and
required capacity of stabilizing devices
on which the home’s design is based.
The manufacturer must identify by
paint, label, decal stencil, or other
means: the location of each column
support pier location required along the
marriage line(s) of multi-section
manufactured homes; each pier location
required along the perimeter of the
home; each required shear wall pier
support; and any other special pier
support locations specified in the
manufacturer’s printed instructions.
Such identifications must be visible
after the home is installed. The
manufacturer must provide drawings
and specifications, certified by a
registered professional engineer or
architect, that indicate at least one
acceptable system of anchoring,
including the details or required straps
or cables, their end connections, and all
other devices needed to transfer the
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wind loads from the manufactured
home to an anchoring or foundation
I 12. In § 3280.401, revise paragraphs
(a) and (b) to read as follows:
§ 3280.401
Structural load tests.
(a) Proof load tests. Every structural
assembly tested must be capable of
sustaining its dead load plus
superimposed live loads equal to 1.75
times the required live loads for a
period of 12 hours without failure. Tests
must be conducted with loads applied
and deflections recorded in 1⁄4 design
live load increments at 10-minute
intervals until 1.25 times design live
load plus dead load has been reached.
Additional load shall then be applied
continuously until 1.75 times design
live load plus dead load has been
reached. Assembly failure shall be
considered as design live load
deflection (or residual deflection
measured 12 hours after live load
removal) that is greater than the limits
set in § 3280.305(d), rupture, fracture, or
excessive yielding. Design live load
deflection criteria do not apply when
the structural assembly being evaluated
does not include structural framing
members. An assembly to be tested shall
be of the minimum quality of materials
and workmanship of the production.
Each test assembly, component, or
subassembly shall be identified as to
type and quality or grade of material.
All assemblies, components, or
subassemblies qualifying under this test
shall be subject to a continuing
qualification testing program acceptable
to HUD.
(b) Ultimate load tests. Ultimate load
tests must be performed on a minimum
of three assemblies or components to
generally evaluate the structural design.
Every structural assembly or component
tested must be capable of sustaining its
total dead load plus the design live load
increased by a factor of safety of at least
2.5. A factor of safety greater than 2.5
shall be used when required by an
applicable reference standard in
§ 3280.304(b)(1). Tests shall be
conducted with loads applied and
deflections recorded in 1/4 design live
load increments at 10-minute intervals
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
until 1.25 times design live load plus
dead load has been reached. Additional
loading shall then be applied
continuously until failure occurs, or the
total of the factor of safety times the
design live load plus the dead load is
reached. Assembly failure shall be
considered as design live load
deflection greater than the limits set in
§ 3280.305(d), rupture, fracture, or
excessive yielding. Design live load
deflection criteria do not apply when
the structural assembly being evaluated
does not include structural framing
members. Assemblies to be tested shall
be representative of average quality or
materials and workmanship of the
production. Each test assembly,
component, or subassembly shall be
identified as to type and quality or grade
of material. All assemblies, components,
or subassemblies qualifying under this
test shall be subject to a periodic
qualification testing program acceptable
to HUD.
I 13. In § 3280.403, revise paragraph (b),
paragraph (d)(2), and paragraph (e) to
read as follows:
§ 3280.403 Standard for windows and
sliding glass doors used in manufactured
(b) Standard. All primary windows
and sliding glass doors shall comply
with AAMA 1701.2–95, Voluntary
Standard Primary Window and Sliding
Glass Door for Utilization in
Manufactured Housing, except the
exterior and interior pressure tests must
be conducted at the design wind loads
required for components and cladding
specified in § 3280.305(c)(1).
(d) * * *
(2) Sealed insulating glass, where
used, must meet all performance
requirements for Class C in accordance
with ASTM E 774–97, Standard
Specification for the Classification of
the Durability of Sealed Insulating Glass
Units. The sealing system must be
qualified in accordance with ASTM E
773–97, Standard Test Methods for
Accelerated Weathering of Sealed
Insulating Glass Units. Each glass unit
must be permanently identified with the
name of the insulating glass
(e) Certification. All primary windows
and sliding glass doors to be installed in
manufactured homes must be certified
as complying with AAMA 1701.2–95.
This certification must be based on tests
conducted at the design wind loads
specified in § 3280.305(c)(1).
(1) All such windows and doors must
show evidence of certification by
affixing a quality certification label to
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the product in accordance with ANSI
Z34.1–1993, Third-Party Certification
Programs for Products, Processes, and
(2) In determining certifiability of the
products, an independent quality
assurance agency shall conduct preproduction specimen tests in
accordance with AAMA 1701.2–95.
Further, such agency must inspect the
product manufacturer’s facility at least
twice per year.
I 14. In § 3280.404, revise paragraph (b)
to read as follows:
in accordance with ANSI Z34.1–1993,
Third Party Certification Programs for
Products, Processes, and Services.
(2) In determining certifiability of the
products, an independent quality
assurance agency must conduct a preproduction specimen test in accordance
with AAMA 1702.2–95, Voluntary
Standard Swinging Exterior Passage
Door for Utilization in Manufactured
I 16. In § 3280.406, revise the
introductory text in paragraph (b) to
read as follows:
§ 3280.404 Standard for egress windows
and devices for use in manufactured
§ 3280.406 Air chamber test method for
certification and qualification of
formaldehyde emission levels.
(b) Performance. Egress windows
including auxiliary frame and seals, if
any, shall meet all requirements of
AAMA 1701.2–95, Voluntary Standard
Primary Window and Sliding Glass
Door for Utilization in Manufactured
Housing and AAMA Standard 1704–
1985, Voluntary Standard Egress
Window Systems for Utilization in
Manufactured Housing, except the
exterior and interior pressure tests for
components and cladding must be
conducted at the design wind loads
required by § 3280.305(c)(1).
I 15. In § 3280.405, revise paragraphs
(b), (c) and (e) to read as follows:
§ 3280.405 Standard for swinging exterior
passage doors for use in manufactured
(b) Performance requirements. The
design and construction of exterior door
units must meet all requirements of
AAMA 1702.2–95, Voluntary Standard
Swinging Exterior Passage Door for
Utilization in Manufactured Housing.
(c) Materials and methods. Any
material or method of construction shall
conform to the performance
requirements as outlined in paragraph
(b) of this section. Plywood shall be
exterior type and preservative treated in
accordance with NWWDA I.S.4–81,
Water Repellent Preservative NonPressure Treatment for Millwork.
(e) Certification. All swinging exterior
doors to be installed in manufactured
homes must be certified as complying
with AAMA 1702.2–95, Voluntary
Standard Swinging Exterior Passage
Door for Utilization in Manufactured
(1) All such doors must show
evidence of certification by affixing a
quality certification label to the product
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(b) Testing. Testing must be
conducted in accordance with the
Standard Test Method for Determining
Formaldehyde Levels from Wood
Products Under Defined Test Conditions
Using a Large Chamber, ASTM E 1333–
96, with the following exceptions:
I 17. In § 3280.504, revise paragraph
(a)(1) and paragraph (b) to read as
§ 3280.504 Condensation control and
installation of vapor retarders.
(a) Ceiling vapor retarders. (1) In Uo
Value Zones 2 and 3, ceilings must have
a vapor retarder with a permeance of not
greater than 1 perm (as measured by
ASTM E 96–95 Standard Test Methods
for Water Vapor Transmission of
Materials) installed on the living space
side of the roof cavity.
(b) Exterior walls. (1) Exterior walls
must have a vapor retarder with a
permeance no greater than 1 perm (dry
cup method) installed on the living
space side of the wall; or
(2) Unventilated wall cavities must
have an external covering and/or
sheathing that forms the pressure
envelope. The covering and/or
sheathing must have a combined
permeance of not less than 5.0 perms. In
the absence of test data, combined
permeance is permitted to be computed
using the following formula: P total =
(1/[(1/P1) + (1/P2)]), where P1 and P2 are
the permeance values of the exterior
covering and sheathing in perms.
Formed exterior siding applied in
sections with joints not caulked or
sealed, are not considered to restrict
water vapor transmission; or
(3) Wall cavities must be constructed
so that ventilation is provided to
dissipate any condensation occurring in
these cavities; or
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
greater than 1.0 perms, provided the
interior finish and interior wall panel
materials have a combined permeance
of not less than 5.0 perms. The
following need not meet the minimum
combined permeance rating of not less
than 5.0 perms for interior finish or wall
panel materials:
(i) Kitchen back splash materials, less
than 50 square feet in area installed
around countertops, sinks, and ranges;
(ii) Bathroom tub areas, shower
(iii) Cabinetry and built-in furniture;
(iv) Trim materials;
(v) Hardboard wall paneling of less
than 50 square feet in area under chair
(5) The following areas of local
governments (counties or similar areas,
unless otherwise specified), listed by
state are deemed to be within the humid
and fringe climate areas shown on the
Humid and Fringe Climate Map in
paragraph (b)(4) of this section, and the
vapor retarder or construction methods
specified in paragraph (b)(4) of this
section may be applied to homes built
to be sited within these jurisdictions:
Lee, Liberty, Long, Lowndes, McIntosh,
Miller, Mitchell, Pierce, Quitman,
Randolph, Seminole, Tattnall, Terrell,
Thomas, Tift, Turner, Ware, Worth.
Baldwin, Barbour, Bullock, Butler,
Choctaw, Clarke, Coffee, Conecuh,
Covington, Crenshaw, Dale, Escambia,
Geneva, Henry, Houston, Lowndes,
Marengo, Mobile, Monroe, Montgomery,
Pike, Washington, Wilcox.
All counties and locations within the
State of Hawaii.
All counties and locations within the
State of Louisiana.
All counties and locations within the
State of Florida.
Adams, Amite, Claiborne, Clarke,
Copiah, Covington, Forrest, Franklin,
George, Greene, Hancock, Harrison,
Hinds, Issaquena, Jackson, Jasper,
Jefferson, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Lamar,
Lawrence, Lincoln, Pearl River, Perry,
Pike, Rankin, Simpson, Smith, Stone,
Walthall, Warren, Wayne, Wilkinson.
North Carolina
Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Baker, Ben
Hill, Berrien, Brantley, Brooks, Bryan,
Calhoun, Camden, Charlton, Chatham,
Clay, Clinch, Coffee, Colquitt, Cook,
Crisp, Decatur, Dougherty, Early,
Echols, Effingham, Evans, Glynn,
Wayne, Grady, Irwin, Jeff Davis, Lanier,
Brunswick, Carteret, Columbus, New
Hanover, Onslow, Pender.
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South Carolina
Jasper, Beaufort, Colleton, Dorchester,
Charleston, Berkeley, Georgetown,
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Anderson, Angelina, Aransas,
Atascosa, Austin, Bastrop, Bee, Bexar,
Brazoria, Brazos, Brooks, Burleson,
Caldwell, Calhoun, Cameron, Camp,
Cass, Chambers, Cherokee, Colorado,
Comal, De Witt, Dimmit, Duval, Falls,
Fayette, Fort Bend, Franklin, Freestone,
Frio, Galveston, Goliad, Gonzales,
Gregg, Grimes, Guadalupe, Hardin,
Harris, Harrison, Hays, Henderson,
Hidalgo, Hopkins, Houston, Jackson,
Jasper, Jefferson, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells,
Karnes, Kaufman, Kennedy, Kinney,
Kleberg, La Salle, Lavaca, Lee, Leon,
Liberty, Limestone, Live Oak, Madison,
Marion, Matagorda, Maverick,
McMullen, Medina, Milam,
Montgomery, Morris, Nacogdoches,
Navarro, Newton, Nueces, Orange,
Panola, Polk, Rains, Refugio, Robertson,
Rusk, Sabine, San Augustine, San
Jacinto, San Patricio, Shelby, Smith,
Starr, Titus, Travis, Trinity, Tyler,
Upshur, Uvalde, Val Verde, Van Zandt,
Victoria, Walker, Waller, Washington,
Webb, Wharton, Willacy, Williamson,
Wilson, Wood, Zapata, Zavala.
I 18. In § 3280.508, revise paragraphs
(a), (b), and (e) to read as follows:
(4) Homes manufactured to be sited in
‘‘humid climates’’ or ‘‘fringe climates’’
as shown on the Humid and Fringe
Climate Map in this paragraph are
permitted to have a vapor retarder
specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this
section installed on the exterior side of
the wall insulation or be constructed
with an external covering and sheathing
with a combined permeance of not
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
§ 3280.508 Heat loss, heat gain, and
cooling load calculations.
§ 3280.510
(a) Information, values and data
necessary for heat loss and heat gain
determinations must be taken from the
1997 ASHRAE Handbook of
Fundamentals, Inch-Pound Edition,
chapters 22 through 27. The following
portions of those chapters are not
23.1 Steel Frame Construction
23.2 Masonry Construction
23.3 Foundations and Floor Systems
23.15 Pipes
23.17 Tanks, Vessels, and Equipment
23.18 Refrigerated Rooms and
24.18 Mechanical and Industrial
25.19 Commercial Building Envelope
27.9 Calculation of Heat Loss from
Crawl Spaces
(b) The calculation of the
manufactured home’s transmission heat
loss coefficient (Uo) must be in
accordance with the fundamental
principles of the 1997 ASHRAE
Handbook of Fundamentals, Inch-Pound
Edition, and, at a minimum, must
address all the heat loss or heat gain
considerations in a manner consistent
with the calculation procedures
provided in the document, Overall Uvalues and Heating/Cooling Loads—
Manufactured Homes—February 1992–
PNL 8006, HUD User No. 0005945.
(e) U values for any glazing (e.g.,
windows, skylights, and the glazed
portions of any door) must be based on
tests using AAMA 1503.1–1988,
Voluntary Test Method for Thermal
Transmittance and Condensation
Resistance of Windows, Doors, and
Glazed Wall Sections, or the National
Fenestration Rating Council 100, 1997
Edition, Procedure for Determining
Fenestration Product U-factors. In the
absence of tests, manufacturers are to
use the residential window U values
contained in Chapter 29, Table 5 of the
1997 ASHRAE Handbook of
Fundamentals, Inch-Pound Edition. In
the event that the classification of the
window type is indeterminate, the
manufacturer must use the classification
that gives the higher U value. Where a
composite of materials from two
different product types is used, the
product is to be assigned the higher U
value. For the purpose of calculating Uo
values, storm windows are treated as an
additional pane.
I 19. In § 3280.510, add paragraph (d) to
read as follows:
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Heat loss certificate.
(d) The following additional
statement must be provided on the
heating certificate and data plate
required by § 3280.5 when the home is
built with a vapor retarder of not greater
than one perm (dry cup method) on the
exterior side of the insulation: ‘‘This
home is designed and constructed to be
sited only in humid or fringe climate
regions as shown on the Humid and
Fringe Climate Map.’’ A reproduction of
the Humid and Fringe Climate Map in
§ 3280.504 is to be provided on the
heating certificate and data plate. The
map must be not less than 31⁄2 inch x
21⁄4 inch in size and may be combined
with the Uo Value Zone Map for
Manufactured Housing in § 3280.506.
I 20. In § 3280.604, revise paragraph
(b)(2) and the table following paragraph
(b)(2) to read as follows:
§ 3280.604
(b) * * *
(2) When a plastic material or
component is not covered by the
Standards in the following table, it must
be certified as non-toxic in accordance
with ANSI/NSF 61–2001, Drinking
water system components—Health
Ferrous Pipe and Fittings
Gray Iron Threaded Fittings—ANSI/ASME
Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings—ANSI/
ASME B16.3–1992.
Material and Property Standard for Special
Cast Iron Fittings—IAPMO PS 5–84.
Welding and Seamless Wrought Steel
Pipe—ANSI/ASME B36.10–1979.
Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel,
Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded
and Seamless—ASTM A53–93.
Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)—
ANSI/ASME B1.20.1–1983.
Standard Specification for Cast Iron Soil
Pipe and Fittings—ASTM A74–92.
Standard Specification for Hubless Cast
Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings for Sanitary and
Storm Drain, Waste, and Vent Piping
Nonferrous Pipe and Fittings
Standard Specification for Seamless
Copper Pipe, Standard Sizes—ASTM B42–
Standard Specification for General
Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper
and Copper-Alloy Tube—ASTM B251–93.
Standard Specification for Seamless
Copper Water Tube—ASTM B88–93.
Standard Specification for Copper Drainage
Tube (DWV)—ASTM B306–92.
Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy SolderJoint Pressure Fitting—ASME/ANSI B16.22–
Wrought Copper and Wrought Copper
Alloy Solder-Joint Drainage Fittings-DWV—
ASME/ANSI B16.29–1986.
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Cast Copper Alloy Solder-Joint Pressure
Fittings—ANSI B16.18–1984.
Cast Copper Alloy Solder-Joint Drainage
Fittings-DWV—ASME B16.23–1992.
Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared
Copper Tubes—ASME/ANSI B16.26–1988.
Standard Specification for Seamless Red
Brass Pipe, Standard Sizes—ASTM B43–91.
Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings, Classes 125
and 250—ANSI/ASME B16.15–1985.
Plastic Pipe and Fittings
Standard Specification AcrylonitrileButadiene-Styrene (ABS) Schedule 40 Plastic
Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings—
ASTM D2661–91.
Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and
Vent Pipe and Fittings—ASTM D2665–91b.
Standard Specification for Drain, Waste,
and Vent (DWV) Plastic Fittings Patterns—
ASTM D3311–92.
Standard Specification for AcrylonitrileButadiene-Styrene (ABS) Schedule 40,
Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe With a
Cellular Core—ASTM F628–91.
Standard Specification for Chlorinated
Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Hotand Cold-Water Distribution Systems—
ASTM D2846–92.
Standard Specification for Polybutylene
(PB) Plastic Hot- and Cold-Water Distribution
Systems—ASTM D3309–92a.
Plastic Piping Components and Related
Materials—ANSI/NSF 14–1990.
Standard Specification for Rubber Gaskets
for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings—ASTM
Backflow Valves—ANSI A112.14.1–1975.
Plumbing Fixture Setting Compound—TTP
Material and Property Standard for Cast
Brass and Tubing P-Traps—IAPMO PS 2–89.
Relief Valves and Automatic Gas Shutoff
Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems—
ANSI Z21.22–1986, With Addendum
Standard Specification for Solvent Cement
for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS)
Plastic Pipe and Fittings—ASTM D2235–88.
Standard Specification for Solvent
Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC)
Plastic Piping Systems—ASTM D2564–91a.
Specification for Neoprene Rubber Gaskets
for HUB and Spigot Cast Iron Soil Pipe and
Plumbing System Components for
Manufactured Homes and Recreational
Vehicles—ANSI/NSF 24–1988.
Material and Property Standard for
Diversion Tees and Twin Waste Elbow—
IAPMO PS 9–84.
Material and Property Standard for
Flexible Metallic Water Connectors—IAPMO
PS 14–89.
Material and Property Standard for
Dishwasher Drain Airgaps—IAPMO PS 23–
Material and Property Standards for
Backflow Prevention Assemblies—IAPMO PS
Performance Requirements for Air
Admittance Valves for Plumbing Drainage
Systems, Fixture and Branch Devices—ASSE
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Standard #1051, 1990 Revised: 1996/ANSI
Drinking Water System Components–
Health Effects—ANSI/NSF 61–2001.
Plumbing Fixtures
Plumbing Fixtures (General
Specifications)—FS WW–P–541E/GEN–1980.
Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures—ANSI/
ASME A112.19.2(M)–1990.
Enameled Cast Iron Plumbing Fixtures—
ANSI/ASME A112.19.1M–1987.
Porcelain Enameled Formed Steel
Plumbing Fixtures—ANSI/ASME
Plastic Bathtub Units with Addenda
Z124.1a–1990 and Z124.16–1991—ANSI
Standard for Porcelain Enameled Formed
Steel Plumbing Fixtures—IAPMO TSC 22–
Plastic Shower Receptors and Shower
Stalls with Addendum Z124.2a–1990—ANSI
Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures
(Designed for Residential Use)—ANSI/ASME
Material and Property Standard for Drains
for Prefabricated and Precast Showers—
IAPMO PS 4–90.
Plastic Lavatories with Addendum
Z124.3a–1990—ANSI Z124.3–1986.
Safety Performance Specifications and
Methods of Test for Safety Glazing Materials
Used in Building—ANSI Z97.1–1984.
Water Heater Relief Valve Drain Tubes—
ASME A112.4.1–1993.
Flexible Water Connectors—ASME
Performance Requirements for Backflow
Protection Devices and Systems in Plumbing
Fixture Fittings—ASME A112.18.3M–1996.
Non-Vitreous Ceramic Plumbing Fixtures—
ASME A112.19.9M–1991.
Dual Flush Devices for Water Closets—
ASME A119.19.10–1994.
Deck Mounted Bath/Shower Transfer
Valves with Integral Backflow Protection—
ASME A112.18.7–1999.
Plastic Fittings for Connecting Water
Closets to the Sanitary Drainage System—
ASME A112.4.3–1999.
Hydraulic Performance Requirements for
Water Closets and Urinals, ASME A112.19.6–
Plumbing Fixture Fittings—ASME/ANSI
Trim for Water Closet, Bowls, Tanks, and
Urinals—ANSI A112.19.5–1979.
Plastic Water Closets, Bowls, and Tanks
with Addenda Z124.4a-1990—ANSI Z124.4–
ANSI Z124.5, Plastic Toilet (Water Closets)
Seats, 1997.
ANSI Z124.7, Prefabricated Plastic Spa
Shells, 1997.
Whirlpool Bathtub Appliances—ASME/
ANSI A112.19.7M–1987.
ANSI Z–124.9, Plastic Urinal Fixtures,
Performance Requirements for Individual
Thermostatic Pressure Balancing and
Combination Control for Bathing Facilities—
ASSE 1016–1988 (ANSI 1990).
Performance Requirements for Pressurized
Flushing Devices (Flushometers) for
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Plumbing Fixtures—ASSE 1037–1990
Performance Requirements for Water
Closet Flush Tank Fill Valves (Ballcocks)—
ASSE 1002 Revision 5–1986 (ANSI/ASSE–
Performance Requirements for Hand-held
Showers—ASSE 1014–1989 (ANSI–1990).
Hydrants for Utility and Maintenance
Use—ANSI/ASME A112.21.3M–1985.
Performance Requirements for Home
Laundry Equipment—ASSE 1007–1986.
Performance Requirements for Hot Water
Dispensers, Household Storage Type
Electrical—ASSE 1023, (ANSI/ASSE–1979).
Plumbing Requirements for Residential
Use (Household) Dishwashers—ASSE 1006,
Performance Requirements for Household
Food Waste Disposer Units—ASSE 1008–
Performance Requirements for
Temperature Activated Mixing Valves for
Primary Domestic Use—ASSE 1017–1986.
Water Hammer Arresters—ANSI
A112.26.1–1969 (R 1975).
Suction Fittings for Use in Swimming
Pools, Wading Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, and
Whirlpool Bathtub Appliances—ASME/ANSI
Air Gaps in Plumbing Systems—ASME
Performance Requirements for Diverters for
Plumbing Faucets with Hose Spray, AntiSiphon Type, Residential Applications—
ASSE 1025 (ANSI/ASSE–1978).
Performance Requirements for Pipe
Applied Atmospheric Type Vacuum
Breakers—ASSE 1001 (ASSE/ANSI–1990).
Performance Requirements for Hose
Connection Vacuum Breakers—ASSE 1011–
1981 (ANSI–1982).
Performance Requirements for Wall
Hydrants, Frost Proof Automatic Draining,
Anti-Backflow Types—ANSI/ASSE 1019–
21. In § 3280.607, add new paragraph
(a)(6), redesignate paragraphs (b)(2)(iii)
through (v) as paragraphs (b)(2)(iv)
through (vi), respectively, add new
paragraph (b)(2)(iii), and revise
paragraph (c)(6)(iv) to read as follows:
§ 3280.607
Plumbing fixtures.
(a) * * *
(6) Water conservation. All lavatory
faucets, showerheads, and sink faucets
must not exceed a flow of 2.5 gallons
per minute (gpm).
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(iii) All water closets must be low
consumption (1.6 gallons per flush
(gpf)) closets.
(c) * * *
(6) * * *
(iv) Electrical. Wiring must comply
with the National Electrical Code NFPA
70–1996, Section 680G.
I 22. In § 3280.703, revise the table
following the introductory text to read
as follows:
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§ 3280.703
Minimum standards.
Heating and Cooling Equipment, Second
Edition, with 1999 revisions—UL 1995, 1995.
Liquid Fuel-Burning Heating Appliances
for Manufactured Homes and Recreational
Vehicles, Seventh Edition, with 1997
revisions—UL 307A–1995.
Fixed and Location-Dedicated Electric
Room Heaters, Second Edition, with 1998
revisions—UL 2021–1997.
Electric Baseboard Heating Equipment,
Fourth Edition, with 1998 revisions—UL
Electric Central Air Heating Equipment—
UL 1096-Fourth Edition-1986 with revisions
July 16, 1986, and January 30, 1988.
Gas Burning Heating Appliances for
Manufactured Homes and Recreational
Vehicles, Fourth Edition, with 1998
revisions—UL 307B–1995.
Gas Clothes Dryers Volume 1, Type 1
Clothes Dryers—ANSI Z21.5.1–/CSA 7.1–
M99—1999 with Addendum Z21.5.1a–1999.
Gas Fired Absorption Summer Air
Conditioning Appliances—ANSI Z21.40.1/
CGA 2.91–M961996.
Gas-Fired Central Furnaces (Except Direct
Vent System Central Furnaces)—ANSI
Z21.47–1990 with Addendum Z21.47a–1990
and Z21.47b–1992.
Household Cooking Gas Appliances—ANSI
Refrigerators Using Gas Fuel—ANSI
Z21.19–1990, with Addendum ANSI
Z21.19a–1992 and Z21.19b–1995.
Gas Water Heaters—Volume 1, Storage
Water Heaters with Input Ratings of 75,000
BTU per hour or Less—ANSI Z21.10.1–1998
with Addendum Z21.10.1a–2000.
Household Electric Storage Tank Water
Heaters, Tenth Edition—UL 174–1996, with
1997 revisions.
Ferrous Pipe and Fittings
Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel,
Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded
and Seamless—ASTM A53–93.
Standard Specification for ElectricResistance-Welded Coiled Steel Tubing for
Gas and Fuel Oil Lines—ASTM A539–1999.
Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)—
ANSI/ASME B1.20.1–1983.
Welding and Seamless Wrought Steel
Pipe—ANSI/ASME B36.10–1979.
Nonferrous Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings
Standard Specification for Seamless
Copper Water Tube—ASTM B88–93.
Standard Specification for Seamless
Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and
Refrigeration Field Service—ASTM B280, A–
Connectors for Gas Appliances—ANSI
Z21.24/CGA 6.10–M97–1997.
Manually Operated Gas Valves for
Appliances, Appliance Connector Valves and
Hose End Valves—ANSI Z21.15/CGA 9.1–
Standard for Gas Supply Connectors for
Manufactured Homes—IAPMO TSC 9–1997.
Standard Specification for General
Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper
and Copper-Alloy Tubes—ASTM B251–93.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Standard Specification for Seamless
Copper Pipe, Standard Sizes—ASTM B42–
Factory-Made Air Ducts and Connectors,
Ninth Edition—UL 181, 1996 with 1998
Standard for Safety Closure Systems for
use with Rigid Air Ducts and Air Connectors,
UL 181A, 1994, with 1998 revisions.
Standard for Safety Closure Systems for
use with Flexible Air Ducts and Air
Connectors, First Edition—UL 181B, 1995,
with 1998 revisions.
Tube Fittings for Flammable and
Combustible Fluids, Refrigeration Service,
and Marine Use, Sixth Edition—UL 109–
1997, with 2001 revisions.
Pigtails and Flexible Hose Connectors for
LP-Gas, Seventh Edition—UL 569, 1995 with
2001 revisions.
Roof Jacks for Manufactured Homes and
Recreational Vehicles, Eighth Edition—UL
311, 1994, with 1998 revisions.
Relief Valves and Automatic Gas Shutoff
Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems—
ANSI Z21.22/CSA 4.4–M99, 1999.
Automatic Gas Ignition Systems and
Components—ANSI Z21.20 with Addendum
Automatic Valves for Gas Appliances—
ANSI Z21.21/CSA 6.5–2000.
Gas Appliance Thermostats—ANSI
Z21.23–1989, with Addendum Z21.23a–
Gas Vents, Ninth Edition—UL 441, 1996
with 1999 revisions.
Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning
Equipment, NFPA 31, 1997 Edition.
National Fuel Gas Code—NFPA 54–2002/
ANSI Z223.1–2002.
Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning
Systems, NFPA 90B, 1996 Edition.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, NFPA 58–
2001 Edition.
Flares for Tubing—SAE–J533b–1992.
Factory-Built Chimneys for Residential
Type and Building Heating Appliances,
Ninth Edition—UL 103, 1995, with 1999
Factory-Built Fireplaces, Seventh Edition—
UL 127–1996, with 1999 revisions.
Solid-Fuel Type Room Heaters, Fifth
Edition—UL 1482, 1995, with 2000 revisions.
Fireplace Stoves, Eight Edition, with 2000
revisions—UL 737, 1996.
Unitary Air-Conditioning and Air-Source
Heat Pump Equipment—ANSI/ARI 210/240–
AGA Requirements for Gas Connectors for
Connection of Fixed Appliances for Outdoor
Installation, Park Trailers, and Manufactured
(Mobile) Homes to the Gas Supply—No. 3–
23. In § 3280.704, revise paragraph
(b)(5)(i) to read as follows:
§ 3280.704
Fuel supply systems.
(b) * * *
(5) LP-gas safety devices. (i) DOT
containers must be provided with safety
relief devices as required by the
regulation of the U.S. Department of
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Transportation. ASME containers must
be provided with relief valves in
accordance with subsection 2.3.2 of
NFPA 58–2001, Standard for the Storage
and Handling Liquefied Petroleum
Gases. Safety relief valves must have
direct communication with the vapor
space of the vessel.
I 24. In § 3280.705, revise paragraphs
(b)(3), (b)(4), (c)(2), (l)(1), (l)(2)(ii), and
(l)(3) to read as follows:
§ 3280.705
Gas piping systems.
(b) * * *
(3) Copper tubing must be annealed
type, Grade K or L, conforming to the
Standard Specification for Seamless
Copper Water Tube, ASTM B88–93, or
must comply with the Standard
Specification for Seamless Copper Tube
for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Service, ASTM B280–1995. Copper
tubing must be internally tinned.
(4) Steel tubing must have a minimum
wall thickness of 0.032 inch for tubing
of 1⁄2 inch diameter and smaller and
0.049 inch for diameters 1⁄2 inch and
larger. Steel tubing must be in
accordance with ASTM Standard
Specification for Electric-ResistanceWelded Coiled Steel Tubing for Gas and
Fuel Oil Lines, ASTM A539–1999, and
must be externally corrosion protected.
(c) * * *
(2) The connection(s) between units
must be made with a connector(s) listed
for exterior use or direct plumbing sized
in accordance with § 3280.705(d). A
shutoff valve of the non-displaceable
rotor type conforming to ANSI Z21.15–
1997, Manually Operated Gas Valves for
Appliances, Appliances Connector
Valves, and Hose End Valves, suitable
for outdoor use must be installed at each
crossover point upstream of the
(l) * * *
(1) A listed LP-Gas flexible
connection conforming to UL 569–1995,
Pigtails and Flexible Hose Connectors
for LP Gas, or equal must be supplied
when LP-Gas cylinders(s) and
regulator(s) are supplied.
(2) * * *
(ii) The outlet must be provided with
an approved quick-disconnect device,
which must be designed to provide a
positive seal on the supply side of the
gas system when the appliance is
disconnected. A shutoff valve of the
non-displaceable rotor type conforming
to ANSI Z21.15–1997, Manually
Operated Gas Valves, must be installed
immediately upstream of the quickdisconnect device. The complete device
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must be provided as part of the original
(3) Valves. A shutoff valve must be
installed in the fuel piping at each
appliance inside the manufactured
home structure, upstream of the union
or connector in addition to any valve on
the appliance and so arranged to be
accessible to permit servicing of the
appliance and removal of its
components. The shutoff valve must be
located within 6 feet of any cooking
appliance and within 3 feet of any other
appliance. A shutoff valve may serve
more than one appliance if located as
required by this paragraph (3). The
shutoff valve must be of the nondisplaceable rotor type and conform to
ANSI Z21.15–1997, Manually Operated
Gas Valves.
I 25. In § 3280.706, revise paragraph
(b)(3) to read as follows:
§ 3280.706
Oil piping systems.
(b) * * *
(3) Copper tubing must be annealed
type, Grade K or L conforming to the
Standard Specification for Seamless
Copper Water Tube, ASTM B88–93, or
shall comply with ASTM B280–1995,
Standard Specification for Seamless
Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and
Refrigeration Field Service.
I 26. In § 3280.707, revise paragraph (f)
to read as follows:
§ 3280.707
Heat producing appliances.
(f) Oil-fired heating equipment. All
oil-fired heating equipment must
conform to Liquid Fuel-burning Heating
Appliances for Manufactured Homes
and Recreational Vehicles, UL 307A—
1995, with 1997 revisions, and be
installed in accordance with Standard
for the Installation of Oil Burning
Equipment, NFPA 31–1997. Regardless
of the requirements of the abovereferenced standards, or any other
standards referenced in this part, the
following are not required:
(1) External switches or remote
controls which shut off the burner or the
flow of oil to the burner, or
(2) An emergency disconnect switch
to interrupt electric power to the
equipment under conditions of
excessive temperature.
I 27. In § 3280.709, add paragraph (h) to
read as follows:
§ 3280.709
Installation of appliances.
(h) A corrosion resistant water drip
collection and drain pan must be
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
installed under each water heater that
will allow water leaking from the water
heater to drain to the exterior of the
manufactured home, or to a drain.
28. In § 3280.714, revise paragraph
(a)(2) to read as follows:
§ 3280.714
§ 3280.801
Appliance cooling.
(a) * * *
(2) Gas fired absorption air
conditioners must be listed or certified
in accordance with ANSI Z21.40.1–
1996, Gas Fired, Heat Activated, Air
Conditioning and Heat Pump
Appliances, and certified by a
nationally recognized testing agency
capable of providing follow-up service.
29. In § 3280.715, revise paragraph (c),
the introductory text of paragraph (e),
and paragraph (e)(1) to read as follows:
§ 3280.715
Circulating air systems.
(c) Joints and seams. Joints and seams
of sheet metal and factory-made flexible
ducts, including trunks, branches,
risers, crossover ducts, and crossover
duct plenums, shall be mechanically
secured and made substantially airtight.
Slip joints in sheet metal ducts shall
have a lap of at least one inch and shall
be mechanically fastened. Tapes or
caulking compounds shall be permitted
to be used for sealing mechanically
secure joints. Sealants and tapes shall be
applied only to surfaces that are dry and
dust-, dirt-, oil-, and grease-free. Tapes
and mastic closure systems for use with
factory-made rigid fiberglass air ducts
and air connectors shall be listed in
accordance with UL Standard 181A–
1994, with 1998 revisions. Tapes and
mastic closure systems used with
factory-made flexible air ducts and air
connectors shall be listed in accordance
with UL Standard 181B–1995, with
1998 revisions.
(e) Registers and grilles. Fittings
connecting the registers and grilles to
the duct system must be constructed of
metal or material that complies with the
requirements of Class 1 or 2 ducts under
UL 181–1996 with 1998 revisions,
Factory Made Air Ducts and Connectors.
Air supply terminal devices (registers)
when installed in kitchen, bedrooms,
and bathrooms must be equipped with
adjustable closeable dampers. Registers
or grilles must be constructed of metal
or conform with the following:
(1) Be made of a material classified
94V–0 or 94V–1, when tested as
described in UL 94–1996, with 2001
revisions, Test for Flammability of
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Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices
and Appliances, Fifth Edition; and
I 30. In § 3280.801, revise paragraphs
(a) and (b) to read as follows:
(a) Subpart I of these Standards and
part B of Article 550 of the National
Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70–2005)
cover the electrical conductors and
equipment installed within or on
manufactured homes and the
conductors that connect manufactured
homes to a supply of electricity.
(b) In addition to the requirements of
this Standard and Article 550 of the
National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70–
2005, the applicable portions of other
Articles of the National Electrical Code
must be followed for electrical
installations in manufactured homes.
The use of arc-fault breakers under
Articles 210.12(A) and (B), 440.65, and
550.25(A) and (B) of the National
Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70–2005 is
not required. However, if arc-fault
breakers are provided, such use must be
in accordance with the National
Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70–2005.
Wherever the requirements of this
standard differ from the National
Electrical Code, these standards apply.
I 31. In § 3280.803, redesignate the
receptacle/cap illustration and caption
that follows paragraph (g) to the end of
paragraph (f), and revise the
redesignated caption following the
redesignated illustration, paragraph
(k)(1), the introductory text of paragraph
(k)(3), and paragraphs (k)(3)(ii) and
(k)(3)(iii) to read as follows:
§ 3280.803
Power supply.
(f) * * *
50-ampere 125/250 volt receptacle and
attachment-plug-cap configurations, 3
pole, 4-wire grounding types used for
manufactured home supply cords and
manufactured home parks. Complete
details of the 50-ampere cap and
receptacle can be found in the American
National Standard Dimensions of Caps,
Plugs, and Receptacles, Grounding Type
Devices–Dimensional Specifications).
(k) * * *
(1) One mast weatherhead installation
installed in accordance with Article 230
of the National Electrical Code, NFPA
No. 70–2005, containing four
continuous insulated, color-coded,
feeder conductors, one of which shall be
an equipment grounding conductor; or
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(3) Service equipment installed on the
manufactured home in accordance with
Article 230 of the National Electrical
Code, NFPA No. 70–2005, and the
following requirements:
(ii) Exterior equipment, or the
enclosure in which it is installed must
be weatherproof and installed in
accordance with Article 312.2(A) of the
National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70–
2005, and conductors must be suitable
for use in wet locations;
(iii) Each neutral conductor must be
connected to the system grounding
conductor on the supply side of the
main disconnect in accordance with
Articles 250.24, 250.26, and 250.28 of
the National Electrical Code, NFPA No.
I 32. In § 3280.804, revise paragraph (a)
and the first sentence of paragraph (k)
to read as follows:
§ 3280.804 Disconnecting means and
branch-circuit protective equipment.
(a) The branch-circuit equipment is
permitted to be combined with the
disconnecting means as a single
assembly. Such a combination is
permitted to be designated as a
distribution panelboard. If a fused
distribution panelboard is used, the
maximum fuse size of the mains must
be plainly marked with lettering at least
1⁄4-inch high and that is visible when
fuses are changed. (See Article 110.22 of
NFPA 70–2005, National Electrical
Code, concerning identification of each
disconnecting means and each service,
feeder, or branch circuit at the point
where it originated and the type
marking needed.)
(k) When a home is provided with
installed service equipment, a single
disconnecting means for disconnecting
the branch circuit conductors from the
service entrance conductors must be
provided in accordance with Article
230, Part VI of the National Electrical
Code, NFPA No. 70–2005. * * *
I 33. In § 3280.805, revise paragraph
(a)(3)(iv) to read as follows:
§ 3280.805
Branch circuits required.
(a) * * *
(3) * * *
(iv) The rating of the range branch
circuit is based on the range demand as
specified for ranges in § 3280.811(a)(5).
For central air conditioning, see Article
440 of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA No. 70–2005.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
(r), and re-designate paragraph (s) as
paragraph (r), to read as follows:
34. In § 3280.806, revise paragraph
(a)(2) and paragraph (d)(9) to read as
§ 3280.806
§ 3280.808
Receptacle outlets.
(a) * * *
(2) Installed according to Article 406.3
of the National Electrical Code, NFPA
No. 70–2005.
(d) * * *
(9) At least one wall receptacle outlet
shall be installed in bathrooms within
36 inches (914 mm) of the outside edge
of each basin. The receptacle outlet
must be located on a wall that is
adjacent to the basin location. This
receptacle is in addition to any
receptacle that is part of a lighting
fixture or appliance. The receptacle
must not be enclosed within a bathroom
cabinet or vanity.
I 35. In § 3280.807, revise paragraph (c)
to read as follows:
§ 3280.807
Fixtures and appliances.
(c) If a lighting fixture is provided
over a bathtub or in a shower stall, it
must be of the enclosed and gasketed
type, and be listed for use in wet
locations. See also Article 410.4(D) of
the National Electrical Code, NFPA No.
I 36. In § 3280.808, revise paragraphs
(a), (m), (o), and (q), remove paragraph
VerDate Aug<31>2005
19:59 Nov 29, 2005
Jkt 208001
Wiring methods and materials.
(a) Except as specifically permitted by
this part, the wiring methods and
materials specified in the National
Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70–2005,
must be used in manufactured homes.
(m) Outlet boxes of dimensions less
than those required in Table 314.16(A)
of the National Electrical Code, NFPA
No. 70–2005, are permitted provided the
box has been tested and approved for
that purpose.
(o) Outlet boxes must fit closely to
openings in combustible walls and
ceilings and must be flush with the
finish surface or project therefrom. In
walls and ceilings of noncombustible
material, outlet boxes and fittings must
be installed so that the front edge of the
box or fitting will not be set back from
the finished surface more than 1⁄4 inch.
Plaster, drywall, or plasterboard
surfaces that are broken or incomplete
must be repaired so that there will be no
gaps or open spaces greater than 1⁄8 inch
at the edge of the box or fitting.
(q) A substantial brace for securing a
box, fitting, or cabinet must be as
described in the National Electrical
Code, NFPA 70–2005, Article 314.23(B),
or the brace, including the fastening
mechanism to attach the brace to the
home structure, must withstand a force
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of 50 lbs. applied to the brace at the
intended point(s) of attachment for the
box in a direction perpendicular to the
surface on which the box is installed.
I 37. In § 3280.811, revise the
introductory text of paragraph (b) to
read as follows:
§ 3280.811
(b) The following is an optional
method of calculation for lighting and
appliance loads for manufactured
homes served by single 3-wire 120/240
volt set of feeder conductors with an
ampacity of 100 or greater. The total
load for determining the feeder
ampacity may be computed in
accordance with the following table
instead of the method previously
specified. Feeder conductors whose
demand load is determined by this
optional calculation are permitted to
have the neutral load determined by
Article 220.61 of the National Electrical
Code, NFPA No. 70–2005. The loads
identified in the table as ‘‘other load’’
and as ‘‘Remainder of other load’’ must
include the following:
Dated: November 22, 2005.
Brian D. Montgomery,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
[FR Doc. 05–23387 Filed 11–23–05; 12:30
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 229 (Wednesday, November 30, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 72024-72052]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-23387]
[[Page 72023]]
Part IV
Department of Housing and Urban Development
24 CFR Part 3280
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards; Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 229 / Wednesday, November 30, 2005 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 72024]]
24 CFR Part 3280
[Docket No. FR-4886-F-02]
RIN 2502-AI12
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing
Commissioner, HUD.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This rule amends the Federal Manufactured Home Construction
and Safety Standards (the Construction and Safety Standards) by
adopting certain recommendations made to HUD by the Manufactured
Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC). As required by the National
Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (the
Act), HUD published, in the Federal Register on December 1, 2004, the
first group of recommendations submitted by MHCC to improve various
aspects of the Construction and Safety Standards. HUD, in publishing
MHCC's recommendations in the proposed rule, indicated its agreement
with all but a few of MHCC's proposals, and most of the recommendations
are included in the final rule. HUD has also identified in this final
rule those MHCC proposals that were not accepted by HUD, returned to
MHCC for further consideration, or modified by HUD in light of public
comments received.
DATES: Effective Date: May 30, 2006. The incorporation by reference of
certain publications in this rule is approved by the Director of the
Federal Register as of May 30, 2006.
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Regulatory Affairs and
Manufactured Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451
Seventh Street, SW., Room 9162, Washington DC 20410; telephone (202)
708-6401 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or
speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the toll-
free Federal Information Relay Service at (800) 877-8389.
I. Background
On December 1, 2004, at 69 FR 70016, HUD published a proposed rule
to amend various sections of the Federal Manufactured Home Construction
and Safety Standards (24 CFR part 3280) by adopting a majority of the
recommendations made to HUD by MHCC. The National Manufactured Housing
Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. 5401-5426 (the
Act), requires HUD to publish any proposed revised Construction and
Safety Standards submitted by MHCC in the Federal Register. The
proposed rule contained the recommended revisions (including the
recommendations made by MHCC that HUD modified, accepted, or did not
accept) and provided an opportunity for public comment.
HUD will continue to work with MHCC on its recommendation to remove
the current requirement to post a Health Notice on formaldehyde
emissions in each manufactured home. In addition, HUD is making the
following significant changes to the proposed rule, based on the public
comments, in this final rule:
(1) The proposed revisions to improve the truss testing
requirements in Sec. 3280.402 have been removed and are being returned
to MHCC for further consideration on the recommendation of the
commenters and at the request of MHCC.
(2) Limited exceptions to the 5.0 perm requirements for interior
wall surfaces of up to 50 square feet are permitted by the final rule
for homes designed to be sited in hot-humid climates.
(3) Updates to a number of the standards incorporated by reference
that are more current than were suggested in the proposed rule are
included in the final rule.
II. Analysis of Public Comments
The Commenters
HUD received 26 public comments on the proposed rule. Comments were
received from MHCC; manufactured home builders; a state's Department of
Community and Economic Development; an independent inspection agency
with experience in manufactured home design; a propane gas trade
association; an energy efficiency alliance; a state and a national
manufactured housing association; and associations representing
particleboard, hardboard, and fiberboard manufacturers.
Summary of Public Comments
The summary of public comments that follows presents the major
issues and questions raised by the public commenters on the December 1,
2004, proposed rule. The headings present the issue or question
addressed, followed by a brief description of the commenters'
reasoning. A response may be applicable to one or more issues or
questions. The summary of the public comments is organized as follows:
General comments.
Whole-house ventilation comments.
Fireblocking comments.
Body and frame requirement comments.
Formaldehyde health notice comments.
Roof truss testing requirement comments.
Thermal protection comments.
Plumbing system comments.
Heating, cooling, and fuel burning requirement comments.
Electrical systems comments.
Comments regarding revisions to standards incorporated by
Other public comments.
Comments of the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee.
General Comments
Several commenters explained that they were encouraged that HUD and
MHCC were working together to update the Construction and Safety
Standards. Most commenters were very specific in commenting on
particular amendments in the proposed rule.
Commenters most often discussed the Department's decision not to
delete the requirement for posting of a Health Notice on formaldehyde
emissions in each manufactured home, the proposed amendments to the
testing requirements for roof trusses, and the provisions for
condensation control in hot-humid climates.
Additional comments referred to whole-house ventilation systems,
fireblocking requirements, vapor retarder installation requirements,
flow faucet and showerhead restrictions, water heater drain pan
requirements, revisions to the standards incorporated by reference, and
metric equivalent requirements. Commenters also submitted comments on
whether the approval of alternative test methods should be solely the
responsibility of Design Approval Primary Inspection Agencies (DAPIAs),
or whether DAPIAs should provisionally approve alternative test methods
subject to HUD's approval.
Whole-House Ventilation Comments
The December 1, 2004, proposed rule would have amended Sec.
3280.103(b) by simplifying the requirements for sizing whole-house
ventilation systems of manufactured homes.
Comment: The current requirement for balanced mechanical
ventilation systems should not be deleted. Two commenters wrote that
permitting any pressure imbalance provides the opportunity for unwanted
humid air infiltration and would be detrimental to homes sited in
Thermal Zone I.
[[Page 72025]]
HUD Response: The final rule does not eliminate the requirement for
balanced mechanical systems. Retention of the requirement in the final
rule better ensures that unwanted air infiltration is not introduced
into the home. A HUD study entitled, ``Alternatives for Minimizing
Moisture Problems in Hot, Humid Climates (2003)'' found that the most
significant factors contributing to moisture problems were pressure
imbalances in a house, including imbalances caused by uneven
distribution of conditioned air; duct air leakage; and leakage through
building walls.
Comment: There is no requirement for additional fresh air to be
introduced into the home for the whole-house ventilation system.
HUD Response: There is sufficient leakage around the envelope of
even a ``tight'' home to alleviate any pressure difference between the
exterior and the interior of the home, and there is no need for an
additional air inlet to be provided to moderate any imbalance in
pressure resulting from operating a small exhaust fan device.
Information provided to the Department by the Manufactured Home
Research Alliance that was collected for the Energy Star Program also
indicates there is sufficient leakage, even in tight homes, to handle
any imbalance in pressure caused by the whole-house ventilation system.
Comment: Locating the whole-house ventilation system in the
bathroom is not a good idea. Two commenters wrote that consumers,
attempting to lower their electric bills, will not operate bathroom
fans as often as necessary and the effectiveness of the fans will thus
be limited. One commenter wrote that the proposed change requires
consumer education on the topic of the whole-house ventilation system.
HUD Response: The alternative permitting the whole-house
ventilation system to be installed in the bathroom is not included in
the final rule. The Department agrees with the commenters that
consumers may not utilize the bathroom fans often enough and has
deleted this alternative for whole-house ventilation from the final
Comment: Whole-house ventilation is a good idea. One commenter
wrote that the proposed rule would improve indoor air-quality, reduce
energy consumption associated with mechanical ventilation systems, and
provide crucial consumer education. Proper consumer use of quiet,
reliable whole-house exhaust fans will reduce mold problems associated
with internally generated moisture, and indoor air pollutant
concentrations. The proposed whole-house ventilation strategy has been
successfully employed in over 100,000 HUD-code homes built in the
Pacific Northwest.
HUD Response: The Department agrees that the concept of effective
whole-house ventilation is an effective strategy to improve indoor air
quality overall and that the revisions to the current requirements will
further assist consumers in dealing with unwanted moisture and indoor
air pollutants in their homes.
Fireblocking Comments
The December 1, 2004, proposed rule would have amended Sec.
3280.206 by clarifying existing language, locations, and acceptable
materials that may be used where fireblocking is required. However, HUD
had proposed modification of a portion of MHCC's proposal that would
have permitted mineral wool or loose fill insulation to be considered
acceptable fireblocking material.
Comment: HUD should adopt MHCC's recommendations allowing the
alternative fireblocking materials. One commenter wrote that HUD stated
the removal of the recommended language allowing mineral wool and loose
fill as acceptable fireblocking material was because these types of
insulation have not been adequately evaluated for transportation
effects that could cause settling or shifting when installed around
pipes or vents in furnace and water heater compartments. The commenter
wrote that the original MHCC recommendation addressed these concerns
with alternative wording. The commenter recommended allowing the use of
the fireblocking alternatives when the manufacturer can demonstrate the
materials will remain in place. Another commenter wrote that HUD
modified MHCC's recommendation by totally rejecting the inclusion of
loose fill insulation as fireblocking material not only in roofs, but
in walls and floors as well. The same commenter felt that MHCC's
recommendations would address HUD's concerns about the material staying
in place during transportation, etc., as long as the materials would
have to pass tests that address HUD's concerns before they could be
used. A third commenter wrote that HUD should reconsider its rejection
of the use of mineral wool or loose fill insulation as an acceptable
fireblocking material, because technical data shows that such material,
when properly installed to a specified R value, is effective when used
as fireblocking.
Two commenters wrote that they supported fireblocking because it
brings the Construction and Safety Standards into closer consistency
with other building codes.
HUD Response: The final rule includes all of the provisions for
permitting fireblocking that were identified in the proposed rule and
does not include requirements for loose fill insulation to be used as
an alternative fireblocking material. However, in view of the comments
received, the Department would reconsider its position to permit loose
fill insulation to be used as fireblocking, if an acceptable testing
procedure could be developed by MHCC or a voluntary consensus
Body and Frame Requirement Comments
A. Body and Frame Requirements--Alternative Test Procedures
The December 1, 2004, proposal would have amended Sec. 3280.303(g)
by eliminating the requirement that a manufacturer submit alternative
testing procedures to HUD, except for testing methods involving one-
piece metal roofing as would be required in Sec. 3280.305(c)(1)(iii).
HUD sought comments specifically on whether the final approval of
alternative test methods should be solely the responsibility of DAPIAs
or whether DAPIAs should only be allowed to provisionally approve the
test method subject to HUD's approval.
Comment: DAPIAs should be allowed to approve alternate test
methods. One commenter wrote that MHCC unanimously approved delegating
approval to DAPIAs in its recommendation to HUD and still stands by
that position. The commenter explained that HUD currently relies on
DAPIAs to review and accept or reject all drawings, calculations, etc.,
supplied by the manufacturer for the home design. Another commenter
stated that current regulations at Sec. Sec. 3282.203(b)(11) and
3282.361(b)(2) require the homebuilder to submit reports for all tests
and submit all design drawings and that Sec. 3282.203(c) provides the
necessary regulations to carry out the quality assurance manual
approvals, such as review and approval of the designs, testing, etc.,
used by manufacturers to build according to the Construction and Safety
Standards. Commenters noted that they believe this authorization to be
in line with current DAPIA authority and that HUD has sufficient
remedies under the regulations to deal with a DAPIA's poor performance
in any area of responsibility. Two commenters also wrote that it
sometimes takes an extremely long period of time for HUD
[[Page 72026]]
to finally approve a suggested new method, thereby holding up the
implementation of the material, component, or system being proposed by
a manufacturer, and that DAPIAs are the most likely group to make
informed decisions since they are familiar with the particular
manufacturer and its design process. Another commenter wrote that
``[i]n a word, the system was working fine before HUD added this pre-
approval criteria to 303(g) about 10 years ago and it will work fine
once this item is eliminated.'' Another commenter explained that HUD
should consider the changes in the law contained in the amendments made
to the Act. Specifically, section 604(b)(3) of the Act calls for MHCC
review of ``interpretative bulletins.'' Requiring HUD staff to pre-
approve these test procedures could be considered equivalent to the
issuance of interpretative bulletins. Another commenter wrote that HUD
has interpreted Sec. 3280.303(g) to mean that only manufacturers, not
suppliers, can request such testing work be done. That has necessitated
suppliers having to ``recruit'' cooperative manufacturers to
``sponsor'' the test requests for the benefit of the industry. This has
caused unnecessary delay that could be eliminated by DAPIAs simply
working with the technical staff of a supplier to develop a
``universally acceptable'' test protocol.
One commenter wrote that HUD should review all alternative testing
procedures prior to their implementation.
HUD Response: The Department generally agrees with the commenters
regarding the use of DAPIAs to approve other alternative test methods
and procedures developed by manufacturers. As HUD has no regulatory
authority over suppliers, the final rule continues to require
manufacturers to develop the alternative testing procedures.
Accordingly, the final rule allows DAPIAs to approve alternative
testing procedures developed by manufacturers and for the procedures to
thereby become part of the manufacturer's approved designs, except for
testing procedures for one-piece metal roofing system designs. (See the
discussion below under ``B. Body and Frame Requirements--Structural
Design Requirements'' regarding testing procedures for one-piece metal
roofing systems.)
B. Body and Frame Requirements--Structural Design Requirements
1. The December 1, 2004, proposed rule would have amended Sec.
3280.305(c)(1)(ii) by adding a footnote to permit the use of certain
one-piece metal roofing without structural sheathing in the high Wind
Zones II and III. HUD proposed to modify MHCC's recommendation for one-
piece metal roofing installed in high wind areas to be consistent with
Interpretative Bulletin (IB) I-2-98 by requiring prior Departmental
approval of any testing procedures used to demonstrate the
acceptability of such systems.
Comment: HUD should not have modified MHCC's recommendation for
adding footnote 9 to the Table in Sec. 3280.305(c)(1)(ii) for one-
piece metal roofing and should not have required the testing procedures
for these systems to be subject to HUD approval. Two commenters wrote
that HUD has modified MHCC's proposal and in so doing would destroy the
original intent of MHCC's recommendation. The commenters explained that
HUD states it is modifying MHCC's proposal to make it more consistent
with IB I-2-98, but the intent of MHCC's proposal was to eliminate the
IB by rendering it null and void, not to conform to it. The commenters
wrote that HUD had received 12 comments on the IB, all of which were
negative; however, HUD ignored all comments and issued the IB as
proposed. The commenters wrote that the addition of the language in the
footnote is confusing, because all test methods are already required to
comply with Sec. 3280.303(c) and (g) and Sec. 3280.401; thus, the
addition of this language serves no purpose. HUD is trying to re-impose
the same pre-approval of test methods that would be eliminated by Sec.
3280.303(g) in the proposed rule. There is no valid reason for such
pre-approval by HUD. The Department's proposal lacks justification as
to why it believes pre-approval by its staff for this product/design is
necessary when it is agreeing to eliminate pre-approval for all other
current/future products and designs by changing Sec. 3280.303(g). The
one-piece metal roof catenary design is much stronger than the
prescriptive roof sheathing option currently permitted by footnote 7 to
the Table for Resisting Uplift Loads.
HUD Response: The final rule continues to require HUD approval of
testing procedures for one-piece metal roofing due to the large number
of failures of these systems that occurred in the 2004 hurricanes in
Florida. However, the requirements will be contained in Sec.
3280.305(c)(1)(iii) of the Construction and Safety Standards rather
than in a footnote to the Table of Design Wind Pressures as indicated
in the preamble of the proposed rule. Presently, there is no recognized
or available testing procedure that will comprehensively and adequately
evaluate the dynamic and fluctuating loading effects of the wind on the
metal roof membrane and its fasteners to resist and their resistance to
the applied stresses and forces on these elements in high wind areas.
In addition, in the Department's report on damage assessment to
manufactured homes caused by Hurricane Charley, it was noted that the
roof and walls performed significantly better for the post-1994 homes,
in which metal roofing systems were not used, as compared to homes
constructed prior to the effective date of the standards for high wind
protection. The State of Florida also concluded from its field
investigations following last year's devastating hurricanes, that one-
piece membrane roofs did not perform well, that inadequate fastening of
metal roofs allowed a large percentage of them to be blown off
manufactured homes that were built prior to the implementation of the
wind standards in 1994. This, the State said, may have led to the total
loss of these homes. HUD engineers inspecting the damage caused by the
hurricanes in Florida also observed numerous failures of metal roofing
systems used in pre-1994 constructed homes. In view of the above
concerns, the final rule requires HUD approval of test methods for one-
piece metal roofing systems. However, the Department would be willing
to reconsider this decision, if a voluntary consensus test standard
were to be developed that would adequately assess the wind effects on
one-piece metal roofing membranes and their fastenings.
2. The December 1, 2004, proposed rule would have amended Sec.
3280.305(c)(3) by incorporating a new paragraph (iv) to add a roof load
requirement for skylights of the zone for which it is designed.
Comment: The skylight load requirements described in Sec.
3280.305(c)(3) are a good idea. Two commenters wrote that the skylight
load requirements establish necessary performance requirements for
HUD Response: The Department agrees and is including the proposed
roof load performance requirements for skylights in this final rule.
3. The December 1, 2004, proposed rule would have amended Sec.
3280.305(e) by clarifying the required performance of fasteners and the
connecting mechanisms for joining the major structural elements of
manufactured homes, and would specify a continuous load path for
imposed forces to the home's foundation/anchorage system.
Comment: The load path for foundation and anchorage systems
described in Sec. 3280.305(e)(1) is a good
[[Page 72027]]
idea. One commenter wrote that the proposal for foundation and
anchorage systems provides consistency within the industry.
HUD Response: The Department agrees and is including the proposed
revision to the current requirements for fastening of structural
systems in the final rule.
4. The December 1, 2004, proposed rule would have amended Sec.
3280.305(e)(2) by reducing the minimum thickness requirements for steel
strapping or brackets required in Wind Zones II and III from 26 gauge
(0.0179'') to 0.016''.
Comment: The proposed reduction in steel strapping requirements
described in Sec. 3280.305(e)(2) should be accepted and additional
testing is not needed. One commenter wrote that additional requirements
for testing in high wind regions are not required and should not be
imposed. The commenter wrote that past instances of staples
inadvertently driving through metal strapping of lesser thickness may
reoccur should this proposal go into effect. One commenter asked if the
DAPIA accepts these design changes to reduce the minimum thickness of
steel strapping for Wind Zones II or III, then why would additional
testing to verify changes of this nature be required? As long as the
DAPIA is satisfied, there should be no reason to require further
testing. Two other commenters recommended that the final rule does not
need to require ``suitable load testing.'' HUD has always allowed
calculations and analyses to be used instead of testing. Testing, while
more specific than calculations, is generally less conservative. It is
generally understood that HUD will not allow testing of simple
assemblies that can be easily calculated. Some of the connections used
in high wind regions would fall into this situation and need to be
calculated anyway. This change is also consistent with the preference
to use ``performance requirements'' set forth in Sec. 3280.1. Another
commenter wrote that a manufacturer should be allowed to choose to
utilize larger brackets, more fasteners, and stronger strapping to
allow for greater spacing of the anchors and should not be penalized
through prescriptive requirements. Another commenter wrote that it is
not clear why critical connections cannot be justified by calculations
or tests acceptable to the DAPIA and that it may be confusing as to
which connections are ``critical,'' since it would seem that most
connections are critical for all wind zones. The Manufactured Home
Construction and Safety Standards already require a Professional
Engineer or Architect to seal all Wind Zone II/III calculations, tests,
and details.
HUD Response: The final rule permits the use of thinner .016 inch
steel strapping or engineered connectors provided they are installed at
24 inches on center in Wind Zone II and 16 inches on center in Wind
Zone III. The final rule also permits a combination of strapping or
engineered connectors and structural rated sheathing or structural
rated wall sheathing alone when it overlaps the roof and/or floor and
is substantiated by either engineering calculations or suitable load to
5. The December 1, 2004, proposed rule would have amended Sec.
3280.305(g)(3) by requiring wood panel products used as floor or
subfloor materials on the exterior of the home to be rated for exterior
exposure and be protected from moisture by sealing or applying
nonabsorbent overlay with water resistant adhesive.
Comment: The floor rating and moisture requirements described in
Sec. 3280.305(g)(3) are not a good idea. One commenter wrote that the
proposed body and frame requirements will not provide the protection
desired. The exterior rated floor materials provide protection only
during the construction process. Therefore, the sought-after extended
life of the material is not achieved.
HUD Response: The final rule requires wood panel products used as
flooring or sub-flooring on the exterior of the home to be rated for
exterior exposure and be protected from moisture by sealing or by
applying a nonabsorbent overlay with a water resistant adhesive. HUD
does not agree with the commenter regarding the extent or period of
protection from the requirement that panels be exterior rated, as these
panels will require the use of moisture-resistant adhesives in their
construction that will enhance their durability. These added provisions
will also provide protection against deterioration of exterior floor
decking materials that are exposed to moisture. In particular, when
materials such as particleboard become saturated with moisture,
significant structural damage can occur. In addition, the requirement
that panel products be rated for exterior exposure will assist in
identifying those materials that are suitable for use in exterior
6. The December 1, 2004, proposed rule would have amended Sec.
3280.306(b) by requiring that each column support pier location
required along the marriage line(s) of multi-section manufactured homes
be identified at each location by paint, label, or other acceptable
Comment: Identifying the marriage column support locations as
described in Sec. 3280.306(b) is not a good idea. One commenter stated
that the drawings and specifications provided with each home already
show the required locations for the centerline pier supports and are
available to the retailer, installer, and consumer prior to the
delivery of the home. The foundations or support systems for today's
multiple section manufactured homes are largely prepared before the
arrival of the home on the home site. Thus, the markings and their
associated costs will be fundamentally wasted. The proposal would
further require that the marking be visible after the home is installed
even though properly placed foundation supports will mask the markers
from view. This change would place too much reliance on the correct
placement of the proposed markers.
Two commenters wrote that identifying the marriage column support
locations described in Sec. 3280.306(b) is a good idea and that the
recommendation will improve home installation compliance and
subsequently improve the longevity of manufactured homes at a minimal
cost to the homeowner. Marriage wall column support location errors are
one of the major problems found during installation inspection. One of
the commenters also wrote that the requirements would improve home
installation compliance and subsequently improve the longevity of
manufactured homes at a minimal cost to homeowners. In addition,
members of the DAPIA Technical Advisory Group, at its March 2005
meeting, recommended that other pier locations, such as perimeter and
shear wall support locations required by the manufacturer's designs and
instructions, also be identified.
HUD Response: The final rule requires identification of each column
pier support location along the marriage line, as well as for each pier
location required along the perimeter of the home, each required shear
wall support location, and other special pier support locations
specified in the manufacturer's instructions.
Formaldehyde Health Notice Comments
HUD did not accept and include in the December 1, 2004, proposed
rule, MHCC's recommendation that would have removed the Health Notice
on formaldehyde emissions (the Health Notice) currently required by
Sec. 3280.309 of the Construction and Safety Standards.
Comment: The decision to continue to post the Health Notice in each
manufactured home as described in
[[Page 72028]]
Sec. 3280.309 is contradictory to MHCC's recommendation. One commenter
wrote that HUD rejected the proposed MHCC recommendation not to
prominently display the Health Notice in each manufactured home. The
commenter stated that, contrary to HUD's assertion that MHCC did not
provide any data supporting its recommendation to remove the
requirement, MHCC discussed this issue with HUD at MHCC meetings in
2004, and reviewed several documents related to formaldehyde. The
commenter stressed that it is not recommending any changes to the
current standards regarding the formaldehyde emission controls; the
commenter is only recommending changes to the Health Notice. The
commenter continued by stating that all of this information was
considered by MHCC in coming to its decision to require that the Health
Notice on formaldehyde be placed in the homeowner's packet rather than
having it prominently displayed in the home.
A commenter wrote that the decision to continue to post the Health
Notice in each manufactured home as described in Sec. 3280.309
stigmatizes the manufactured home industry. The commenter is
disappointed that HUD did not issue for public comment the proposal to
eliminate the requirement for the Health Notice to be placed in
manufactured homes. Manufactured homes are the only homes in America
that must display these notices and they stigmatize manufactured homes.
Another commenter wrote that the formaldehyde notice serves only as a
sales deterrent, while contributing to existing misunderstanding by the
public regarding health-related issues associated with formaldehyde.
The commenter urged HUD to reevaluate its decision on the Health Notice
and put it forth for another round of public comment. One commenter
wrote that this notice shouldn't be displayed so prominently and asked,
``Why should it be the first thing a prospective buyer sees when they
enter a new manufactured home?'' Another commenter wrote that for the
past 20 years formaldehyde levels in manufactured housing have declined
so that they are no higher than in any other residential structure. The
manufactured home product and materials used to construct it have
progressed to the point where the need for a displayed Health Notice
``only contributes to the public's notion that manufactured homes are
somehow ``inferior'' to other types of housing.'' Other commenters
suggested that if such a warning is still deemed necessary, then the
warning should be included in the Homeowner's Manual with an
explanation that all homes contain some amounts of formaldehyde.
Some commenters wrote that the decision to continue to post the
Health Notice in manufactured homes as described in Sec. 3280.309
ignores current and available scientific evidence that formaldehyde
emissions have been greatly reduced. HUD should reconsider its
rejection of MHCC's proposal in light of current research that is
available to support MHCC's recommendation. Specifically, three
commenters wrote that the Manufactured Housing Research Alliance (MHRA)
has produced the most recent and up-to-date study on the health risks
of formaldehyde in manufactured homes. ``Formaldehyde Concentrations in
Manufactured Homes: The Current Situation'' (July 2004) investigates
this issue from several different aspects and shows that formaldehyde
should no longer pose any greater concern than in conventional housing.
One commenter continued by stating that ``[e]ven though it is only one
paper, it is a summation of many other studies that are more current
than the ones used by HUD almost 20 years ago when the notice became
part of the Standards.'' The commenter wrote that the language of the
Health Notice refers to the Ventilation Option, which was deleted in
1994. This Ventilation Option, formerly Sec. 3280.710(g), was replaced
by the Additional Ventilation requirement in Sec. 3280.103(b). Another
commenter wrote that consumer formaldehyde complaints have been
essentially eliminated. Another commenter wrote that it is ``common
knowledge'' that formaldehyde emissions in manufactured homes have been
dramatically reduced since the requirement for the Health Notice was
first imposed. Additionally, the commenter claimed that HUD implied
that only manufactured homes are permitted to use construction
materials containing urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins, and that this
assertion is untrue as the commenter is not aware of such a restriction
for modular or site-built homes. One commenter stated that the removal
of the Health Notice would likely be supported by the findings in
National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) IAQ
manufactured housing research with HUD's Healthy Homes Program and
asked whether HUD consulted with NIST before rejecting MHCC's proposal.
Two commenters submitted six points to illustrate that data does
exist showing that formaldehyde levels in today's manufactured homes
have changed in the 20 years since Department regulations were
implemented. Specifically, the six reasons listed are: (1) Gypsum
wallboard has replaced the UF bonded plywood as the interior wall
covering of choice; (2) maximum formaldehyde emissions from UF bonded
plywood and particleboard wood product materials has been drastically
reduced; (3) the HUD Code is the only model building code that
regulates formaldehyde emissions levels, which makes it not likely that
either manufactured home builders or homebuyers would develop a rare
nasal cancer; (4) the HUD Code ventilation requirements increase the
volume of indoor air exhausted from the home, which can dilute any
indoor air pollutants; (5) one of the original reasons for singling out
HUD Code homes as having formaldehyde problems was the small home size;
now, however, as floor size increases, the volume of air in the living
space increases, and the dilution of air borne contaminants can be
reduced; and (6) the measured concentration of formaldehyde levels has
been on a downward trend since 1985.
HUD Response: HUD had not accepted for inclusion in the proposed
rule MHCC's proposal to remove the requirement to temporarily post a
Health Notice on formaldehyde emissions in each manufactured home (24
CFR 3280.309), because HUD has not found it supported by a sufficient
factual and scientific record. As indicated in the proposed rule, a
determination to discontinue the Health Notice would require a similar
level of factual and scientific support that was provided to HUD when
the rule was being promulgated. As also indicated in the proposed rule,
HUD recognizes that improvements have been made in particleboard and
plywood panel processing resulting in lower emission levels than from
panels bonded with UF resin systems that were available at the time of
the implementation of the Department's formaldehyde emission control
requirements. HUD also recognizes that the measured formaldehyde
concentration levels in manufactured homes produced since 1985 is
significantly lower than in homes built prior to the implementation of
the Construction and Safety Standards. HUD is also aware, however, that
the sample of homes studied, as indicated in the MHRA report referenced
in the comments [``Formaldehyde Concentrations in Manufactured Homes,
The Current Situation''] is extremely small in comparison to the large
number of homes produced during the same period
[[Page 72029]]
and that the sample of homes studied were subject to a variety of
testing parameters and measurement methods. This leaves some question
as to the statistical validity and overall confidence in the test
results due to the relatively small sample size of homes evaluated.
Further, even the MHRA report states: ``The health consequences of
various formaldehyde levels continue to be a topic of debate among
researchers. Particularly, at very low concentration levels (below
0.1PPM) there is no consensus on safe levels of durations of
environmental formaldehyde exposure.'' However, as indicated in the
preamble of the final rule on formaldehyde in 1984, there is a sector
of the population that has greater sensitivity to and is at more risk
of formaldehyde's irritant effects and that will react adversely to
formaldehyde at extremely low levels of exposure. This includes the
elderly, young children, and individuals with a history of asthma,
allergies, or lung problems. The purpose of the Health Notice is to
advise prospective purchasers that the home contains materials that
emit formaldehyde and to describe acute symptoms that may occur under
formaldehyde exposure for those individuals who may be at greater risk.
However, as indicated in the preamble of the proposed rule, HUD
will continue to study the formaldehyde issue--including reviewing any
new scientific evidence--and intends to consult with the Consumer
Product Safety Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the
Department's Office of Healthy Homes to study the health risks to
occupants at current formaldehyde exposure levels to determine if any
regulatory controls are still needed to limit formaldehyde emissions in
manufactured homes. As part of its review and evaluation, HUD will also
consider the requirements of other building codes as they may relate to
formaldehyde exposure and indoor air quality for single-family
residential construction. HUD intends to work with MHCC in developing
and supporting any further rulemaking proposals on formaldehyde.
Roof Truss Testing Requirement Comments
Based on the recommendations of MHCC, the December 1, 2004,
proposed rule would have amended Sec. 3280.402 by providing more
stringent initial qualification of truss designs and by expanding and
clarifying the requirements for follow-up testing to better ensure that
subsequent production of trusses will meet the requirements of the
Construction and Safety Standards.
Comment: The test procedures for roof trusses, as described in
Sec. 3280.402, should be severed from the remaining proposals,
rejected by HUD, and remanded to MHCC for further consideration. One
commenter wrote that the revised test protocol will lead to destructive
testing and could limit truss designs that would ultimately pass the
non-destructive test. Certain truss designs could be eliminated. The
best route to take is to send the proposal back to MHCC for further
study. If these revised test protocols are implemented by final
rulemaking, the industry might have to go to totally engineered truss
designs, which would be more expensive for the industry. Another
commenter stated that the recommended revisions were extracted from the
proceedings of the consensus committee and the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) NFPA 501 Standard on Manufactured Housing, which
were based on research conducted by the National Association of Home
Builders Research Center (NAHB-RC). The commenter further stated that
neither organization had a mandate to consider cost-impact in proposing
standards or formulating the recommendations from its studies. Similar
concerns were expressed about the NFPA 501 Standard on Manufactured
Housing from which these proposals were derived.
Another commenter wrote that concerns have been expressed by and to
MHCC members about the more stringent qualification testing of truss
designs that have been talked about and supported by the industry, code
development work groups, and task forces over the last ten years. The
commenter stated MHCC's consensus development process lacked adequate
consideration of the true costs associated with the adoption of this
proposal, the impact these changes may have on the testing procedures
and the industry, and the proposal's impact on roof truss home design
and future innovation. The commenter asked that HUD remove this
recommendation from the rule and return the proposal to MHCC for
further consideration and development.
One commenter wrote that the test procedures for roof trusses, as
described in Sec. 3280.402, are not consistent with statutory
directives. Although the proposed rule's wording closely follows the
text found in NFPA 501, Standard on Manufactured Housing, published by
NFPA, the NFPA standard is not in use for manufactured housing and the
NFPA is not under a mandate from Congress to protect the affordability
of manufactured housing. NFPA 501 and the proposed rule are
inconsistent with the model building codes currently in use for site
constructed home and factory built modular homes. NFPA 501 and this
proposal require excessive data collection and a more stringent
recovery deflection limit. Additionally, the commenter stated that the
cost of Sec. 3280.402 will adversely affect the affordability of
manufactured housing and will stand as an obstacle to the
accomplishment and execution of section 602(b)(2) of the Act, which
states that a purpose of the Act is to ``facilitate the availability of
affordable manufactured homes and to increase home ownership for all
One commenter wrote that the new roof truss test procedures as
described in Sec. 3280.402 will not be cost-effective. Eliminating the
option of 1.75x overload ends one cost effective way of building the
homes at the lower end of the manufactured housing market and will
place additional costs on sections of the market that can least afford
it. Two commenters wrote that the change to the testing procedure will
cost much more than the $77.28 cited by HUD. The commenters stated that
their truss suppliers place the price per truss for Wind Zone I at 15
to 25 percent, making the eventual cost to the consumer about $325 ``
far more than the $77 cited by HUD. Other commenters wrote that
deleting the 1.75 proof load test for roof trusses will increase truss
member sizes, thereby increasing the cost of trusses by up to 25
percent. This additional cost may add up to $600 per home. One
commenter wrote that increased top and bottom chord sizes could raise
overall depths of trusses, as well as the transportation height of the
home. In the Eastern United States, where overpasses are low, homes
will need to be rerouted, resulting in increased shipping costs of $800
and beyond. Finally, another commenter wrote that the recommended
revised truss test protocol needs further study and evaluation before
implementation. The commenter stated that many truss suppliers have
indicated that there may be a 25 percent increase in costs for truss
design and testing depending on the style of roof design being
considered. Every truss design would need to be re-qualified under the
test procedures, and cost estimates run from $200 to $500, far more
than the $77.28 per home as indicated.
Two commenters asked specifically why the new roof truss test
procedures as described in Sec. 3280.402 are needed. The commenters
wrote that they do not see any information indicating that
[[Page 72030]]
trusses are failing. They further inquired whether the study referred
to in the proposal was conducted during the 1980s? If so, today's
trusses are much improved from the trusses referred to in that study.
Also, deleting the 1.75 proof tests will limit existing designs and
prevent new innovative designs by increasing the top and bottom chord
sizes. This deletion will create criteria that are more stringent than
and inconsistent with those model building codes that require only a
minimum test period of ten seconds for test loads equal to 1.5 times
the design wind load. Two commenters wrote that these new criteria will
create a huge backlog in truss retesting and redesign, adding to the
costs that could be passed on to the consumer. Further, assuming the
time frame to perform this task is set at 180 days, that is not enough
time to complete the reviews, retests, and approvals. Two commenters
wrote that low-sloped cathedral designs, which are common in the
industry, will be eliminated. One commenter wrote that the proposed
truss testing change should be returned to MHCC for further evaluation.
The same commenter wrote that HUD should continue to allow the 1.75
proof load test, because the added costs of eliminating this acceptable
test do not appear to be offset by safety considerations.
One commenter wrote that the requirement that deflection of bottom
chord be measured, at a minimum, at the truss midspan and panel points
is overly burdensome and completely unnecessary. The commenter stated
that for many trusses, this requirement would result in a minimum of
nine or ten points of deflection measurement during testing, and it is
difficult to obtain these deflections with dead load hanging from the
bottom chord of the truss at 12 inches on center. Several commenters
wrote that measuring deflection at each panel point, mid-span of the
truss, and mid-span between each panel point is not necessary and that
the current checks at quarter points and mid-span should be more than
sufficient. A third commenter wrote that this change will significantly
increase the time to perform truss testing and will increase the cost
to perform required truss testing for each truss design.
One commenter wrote the dead load test procedures as described in
Sec. 3280.402(d)(1) are too expensive and not necessary. HUD should
revise the new proposed requirement to add dead load to both the top
and bottom chord of the truss so that this is only required if the
actual bottom chord dead load exceeds 5 psf; otherwise, allow the
entire dead load to be applied to the top chord as is currently
permitted. For small bottom chord dead loads (up to and including 5
psf), this added step is not necessary and needlessly adds to the cost
of testing.
Another commenter wrote that the live load test procedures as
described in Sec. 3280.402(d)(2) are dangerous. In 1994, HUD and NAHB
ran proficiency tests comparing tests that pulled on the top chord to
test in the inverted position. The tests determined that pulling on the
top chord was difficult, impractical, dangerous, and yielded
inconsistent results. It was determined that testing the truss in the
inverted position provides adequate results. Testing in accordance with
existing uplift requirements is simple and provided consistent results.
Testing uplift in accordance with the new HUD proposal will have a
significant cost impact on the truss approval process. The set-up
procedure will take three to four times longer, which will increase the
cost for testing a new design substantially. All modifications to truss
testing should be delayed until such studies can be prepared for
One commenter wrote that the overload phase as proposed in Sec.
3280.402(d)(4) is too stringent. The test procedure for the overload
phase would be increased to dead load plus 2.5 times the live load.
Although this more stringent truss loading criteria has already been
adopted by some manufacturers, combining this with the more stringent
deflection acceptance criteria may cause some truss designs to fail
that would otherwise be acceptable under the existing provisions.
Several commenters wrote that the acceptance criteria for truss
designs, as proposed in Sec. 3280.402(d)(5), are too conservative,
inconsistent with building codes, and too expensive. The recovery
deflection of L/480 within five minutes after live load removal is too
conservative and many manufacturers have permitted up to four hours of
recovery time to qualify truss designs. Another commenter wrote that
the recovery requirement is inconsistent with the model building codes,
which require recovery of not less than 75 percent of the maximum
deflection within 24 hours after removal of the load. Another commenter
wrote that HUD should remove the requirements to measure no load to
dead load deflection and the limit for the same, because this is a
totally meaningless requirement. The deflection from no load to dead
load is normally compensated for by building camber into the truss.
This added step will add needless cost to the test procedure. The
commenter requested that HUD revise the proposal for up to four hours
for recovery deflection to reach L/480 or better. The commenter
explained that five minutes may not be adequate time to allow recovery
to occur and could eliminate otherwise acceptable designs thus adding
cost. Some of the proprietary criteria in use today by some home
manufacturers specifies four hours and ``is working fine without
One commenter wrote that the uplift load test procedure for roof
trusses as proposed in Sec. 3280.402(e) makes it difficult to test and
require a change of testing facilities. The test procedure for overload
phase requirements increased to 2.5 times the new uplift load for one
minute, which is an increase from the 1.75 overload factor of the
current standard. Additionally, the test procedure has been revised to
provide uplift to the top chord of the truss design and not the
existing test set-up of inverting the truss and pushing down on the
bottom chord. Truss designs may not be able to be tested due to their
current configuration and may not provide flexibility in testing for
the tension device placement as a 12-inch spacing might provide. Also,
no testing facility that currently qualifies HUD Code home roof trusses
would be capable for testing trusses as described by the revised test
protocol without a lengthy process to change the test set-up. Another
commenter wrote that there have been no documented truss failures due
to existing design criteria since the uplift testing went into effect
in 1994. The HUD proposal for testing uplift requires 1'' wide straps
attached around the top chord at 6'' o.c. In some cases, truss designs
with closely spaced verticals and webs will be physically impossible to
test to the 6'' requirement. This requirement would limit truss design
and innovation. Pulling up on straps at 12'' o.c. provides the same
uplift load and similar results as pulling on the uplift straps 6''
o.c. Additionally, the proposed method requires cylinders spaced at
12'' o.c., to apply 6'' o.c. uplift strapping. This will require some
truss manufacturers to redesign their current truss testing equipment,
which commonly has cylinders at 24'' o.c. This retrofit will be costly
and time consuming. One commenter wrote that compliance with the
requirement cannot typically be achieved at panel point because of the
width of connector plates. One commenter supported the conversion of
the uplift test to a more reasonable appropriate uplift test. The
commenter wrote that the spacing of the uplift points, however, appears
to be too conservative. Instead of every 6'', it
[[Page 72031]]
seems that every 12'' would be sufficient and be easier to convert
existing testing equipment with hydraulic cylinders at 24''.
Finally, commenters urged HUD to allow a lengthy, reasonable time
period for phase-in of the new requirements for truss testing similar
to what has been done in the past. It is hoped that HUD will allow 12
months for all testing to be completed.
HUD Response: In view of comments received from the public, the
Department is returning this proposal on truss testing procedures to
MHCC for further consideration and requests the following be considered
by MHCC during its deliberations:
1. Whether the non-destructive testing procedure for roof trusses
that permits a lower overall safety factor to be used in conducting the
tests based on a presumed low failure rate for roof trusses should be
MHCC could consider including the non-destructive procedure, if
adequate safeguards are provided to assure that initial qualification
tests would be conducted using minimum quality of materials and
workmanship or if a statistically valid sample of trusses is tested in
lieu of the minimum requirements. In addition, enhanced follow-up
testing provisions would be needed to account for the lower factor of
safety of 1.75 currently permitted by the non-destructive testing
2. The need for the upright tension tests to evaluate the uplift
resistance of the trusses.
Tests conducted by the NAHB Research Center indicated that trusses
tested in the inverted position consistently failed at average loads
greater than trusses tested in the upright position and had lower mid-
span deflections than trusses tested in the upright position. In
addition, the failure modes were different for some truss designs when
tested in the upright position as compared to the inverted position.
3. Should the factor of safety for uplift testing be reduced from
2.5 to the current requirement of 1.75 times the design wind pressures
in consideration of comments received regarding safety during testing.
4. The costs associated with any recommended revisions to the truss
testing requirements.
HUD's decision to not make final the proposed rule section, as
recommended by MHCC, is consistent with the record of comments received
from the public, including MHCC itself (the Committee having
reconsidered its prior position). However, HUD views truss testing
procedures as too important a safety matter to leave unaddressed. The
standards in place (i.e., reflected in the current regulations) have
not been modified in many years. The issue, having been raised, needs
to be examined to determine whether, in fact, existing standards are
adequate to protect homeowners in all geographic areas of the country.
Accordingly, HUD anticipates MHCC will expeditiously re-evaluate and
resubmit proposed truss testing procedures. HUD will work closely with
MHCC in evaluating any new proposals for truss testing procedures and
may amend HUD's requirements, as necessary, in a future rulemaking.
Thermal Protection Comments
The December 1, 2004, proposed rule would have amended Sec.
3280.504(b) to codify certain provisions of a waiver that permits
manufactured homes intended to be sited in humid climates to have the
vapor retarder installed outside of the home's thermal insulation.
Comment: The proposed condensation control and installation of
vapor retarders described in Sec. 3280.504(b)(4) is not practical and
should provide exceptions. Several commenters stated that HUD should
provide more exemptions, including: (1) Kitchen back-splash materials
of less than 50 square feet in the area installed around countertops,
sinks, and ranges; (2) bathroom tub areas and shower compartments; (3)
cabinetry and built-in furniture, in any location; and (4) hardwood
wall paneling used under chair rails in dining room areas, less than 50
square feet in area. One commenter explained that these construction
features are commonly installed against exterior walls of manufactured
homes and do not represent a large exposed wall where condensation due
to the hot-humid climates would appear to be excessive. Also, a
September 2000 MHRA study revealed that hardwood paneling is not
detrimental to the established proposal waiver requirements of a
minimum 5.0 perm rating. Another commenter wrote that it is absolutely
necessary to provide some minor exception to the requirement that the
interior finish have a combined permeance of not less than 5.0 perms.
MHCC has already discussed with HUD the need to include these
exceptions, which are part of further changes to the Construction and
Safety Standards that have been approved by MHCC. These changes are in
concept but have not yet been put into proposed rule form. The vapor
retarder location specified in Sec. 3280.504(b)(4) is an alternative
to that called for in Sec. 3280.504(b)(1) and therefore could not be
used with a vented wall cavity specified in Sec. 3280.504(b)(3). From
a practical-usability standpoint, in order for the alternative vapor
retarder location to be of any use at all, some minor exceptions are
absolutely necessary to the requirement that the interior finish have a
combined permeance of not less than 5.0 perms. These exceptions were
recommended by MHCC and are also embodied in the NFPA-501 2003 edition
at section Another commenter wrote that the requirement to
have the interior finish have a combined permeance of not less than 5.0
perms makes good sense, but a set of exceptions is necessary, because
it is impractical to build a home with all interior surfaces at 5.0
perms or more. Without these exceptions, no manufacturer will be able
to place the vapor barrier on the outside in the appropriate zones. HUD
had similar wording in its April 2002 waiver, but without these
necessary exceptions. As a result, virtually no manufacturer has been
able to use the waiver. The only reason to restrict the permanence of
the interior surfaces is to make sure any moisture that gets past the
exterior barrier is able to exit the wall to the interior. These few
suggested exceptions will not trap moisture in the wall. In fact, some
materials are usually not tight-fitted against the framing; therefore,
moisture should easily escape the cavity. The commenter also wrote that
other building codes have no interior wall restrictions at all
associated with vapor barriers. For instance, 2003 IBC--article 1403.3,
2003 IRC--article R318.1, and 2003 IECC--article 502.1 make no mention
of interior perm ratings. HUD should allow these exceptions so the
industry can catch up to present building science. Without these
exceptions, the vapor barrier will remain on the inside in the hot,
humid climate and moisture will be trapped in the home.
HUD Response: HUD agrees with many of the comments; therefore, the
final rule in Sec. 3280.504 now includes exceptions to the 5.0 perm
requirement for interior finish materials of up to 50 square feet in
Comment: The focus of Sec. 3280.504(b)(4) should be reducing air
movement rather than vapor retarders. One commenter wrote that Sec.
3280.504(b)(4) does not address any effective construction measure to
reduce the larger problem of air movement into the wall cavity. In
fact, the performance measure that would impact the reduction of air
movement would be the use of a continuous air barrier. Homes with low
permeable sheathings have
[[Page 72032]]
been observed in the Gulf Coast, and they have experienced moisture
problems because the wood sheathing is installed with a required gap to
allow for expansion and contraction. These expansion and contraction
seams should be the focus, not just vapor pressure. The much larger
problem involves large pressure swings in homes where mechanical
equipment is operated.
HUD Response: HUD and MHCC may consider developing, in a future
rulemaking, requirements for the use of continuous air barriers for
exterior walls and requirements for expansion and contraction gaps in
wall sheathing to reduce the amount of air movement in exterior wall
Comment: Ventilated walls as described in Sec. 3280.504(b)(3) are
not a good idea because there is no ventilation rate or calculated
method shown that provides a minimum performance to reduce the amount
of moisture. Also, whole-house testing has shown that air movement
created by negative pressure draws moisture through construction seams.
The creation of even more pathways by ventilating the wall will allow
even more moisture to be drawn into the walls.
HUD Response: HUD, in coordination with MHCC, may consider, in a
future rulemaking, eliminating the current alternative for controlling
condensation in exterior wall cavities as is currently permitted in
Sec. 3280.504(b)(3) of the Construction and Safety Standards.
Comment: Reference to the American Architectural Manufacturers
Association (AAMA) 1500 standard in Sec. 3280.508(e) should be changed
to the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) 100 Standard. One
commenter wrote that the final rule should eliminate reference to AAMA
1500 for the following reasons: Because the majority of manufacturers
have moved to NFRC; the NFRC is supported by United States Department
of Energy (USDOE) and Energy Star; HUD is the only federal agency still
relying on AAMA 1500 thermal performance; and NFRC-100 labels provide
consumers, plant, and IPIA data on the window, while the AAMA label
does not provide that data.
Another commenter wrote that the proposed rule to permit window
manufacturers the alternative to use NFRC 100 to rate window energy
performance is a step in the right direction.
HUD Response: The final rule permits the use of either reference
standard for rating window or glazing products for thermal
transmittance and resistance to condensation.
Plumbing Systems Comments
The December 1, 2004, proposed rule would have amended Sec.
3280.607(a) to require restricted flow faucets and showerheads and add
a paragraph (b) to require the use of low water consumption toilets.
Comment: The proposal is consumer-friendly. Two commenters wrote
that technology has improved low water consumption fixtures and
faucets, so it is a sound proposal.
HUD Response: The final rule requires the use of low consumption
water fixtures and toilets as indicated in the proposed rule.
Heating, Cooling, and Fuel Burning Requirement Comments
As recommended by MHCC, the December 1, 2004, proposed rule would
have amended Sec. 3280.709 by requiring the installation of a
corrosion-resistant water drip collection and drain pan under each
water heater.
Comment: The requirement was not developed with any justification
and should be dropped. One commenter requested that this section be
deleted. The commenter wrote that it believes that the proposal has not
been developed in compliance with the HUD Final Information Quality
Guidelines published in the November 18, 2002, Federal Register Notice.
Specifically, the HUD Guidelines provide in Section VI that
``information [HUD] disseminates to the public is objective, useful,
and has integrity.'' HUD has not presented any information to justify
this requirement, including any economic or technical justification for
the addition of a corrosion-resistant water drip collection and drain
pan to be installed under each water heater. In addition, such a
requirement will result in problems of installation, cost, drainage,
and, for fossil fuel type water heaters, can result in the blockage of
combustion air openings for water heaters that obtain combustion air
from the bottom of the unit, a very typical manufactured home
Some commenters wrote that a drain pan would impede air flow into
the water heater. One commenter wrote that to install a drain pan under
the water heater would restrict the ability of the water heater to
receive the proper amount of combustion air. Moreover, doing so would
require modifications to the design and construction that could
significantly increase the costs without any economic justification.
Another commenter wrote that one-half of the gas-fired water heaters
sold for installation in manufactured homes are of the direct vent
design. This requires all air for combustion to enter the water heater