Notice of Regulatory Waiver Requests Granted for the Second Quarter of Calendar Year 2005, 67540-67566 [05-21985]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
waivers of regulations that HUD has
approved, by publishing a notice in the
Federal Register. These notices (each
[Docket No. FR–4997–N–02]
covering the period since the most
recent previous notification) shall:
Notice of Regulatory Waiver Requests
a. Identify the project, activity, or
Granted for the Second Quarter of
undertaking involved;
Calendar Year 2005
b. Describe the nature of the provision
waived and the designation of the
AGENCY: Office of the General Counsel,
c. Indicate the name and title of the
ACTION: Notice.
person who granted the waiver request;
d. Describe briefly the grounds for
SUMMARY: Section 106 of the Department
approval of the request; and
of Housing and Urban Development
e. State how additional information
Reform Act of 1989 (the HUD Reform
about a particular waiver may be
Act) requires HUD to publish quarterly
Federal Register notices of all
Section 106 of the HUD Reform Act
regulatory waivers that HUD has
also contains requirements applicable to
approved. Each notice covers the
waivers of HUD handbook provisions
quarterly period since the previous
Federal Register notice. The purpose of that are not relevant to the purpose of
this notice.
this notice is to comply with the
This notice follows procedures
requirements of section 106 of the HUD
provided in HUD’s Statement of Policy
Reform Act. This notice contains a list
on Waiver of Regulations and Directives
of regulatory waivers granted by HUD
issued on April 22, 1991 (56 FR 16337)
during the period beginning on April 1,
(1991 Policy Statement). This notice
2005, and ending on June 30, 2005.
covers waivers of regulations granted by
HUD from April 1, 2005, through June
general information about this notice,
30, 2005. For ease of reference, the
contact Aaron Santa Anna, Assistant
waivers granted by HUD are listed by
General Counsel for Regulations, Room
HUD program office (for example, the
10276, Department of Housing and
Office of Community Panning and
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, Development, the Office of Fair Housing
SW., Washington, DC 20410–0500,
and Equal Opportunity, the Office of
telephone 202–708–3055 (this is not a
Housing, and the Office of Public and
toll-free number). Persons with hearing- Indian Housing, etc.). Within each
or speech-impairments may access this
program office grouping, the waivers are
number through TTY by calling the toll- listed sequentially by the regulatory
free Federal Information Relay Service
section of title 24 of the Code of Federal
at 800–877–8339.
Regulations (CFR) that is being waived.
For information concerning a
For example, a waiver of a provision in
particular waiver that was granted and
24 CFR part 58 would be listed before
for which public notice is provided in
a waiver of a provision in 24 CFR part
this document, contact the person
whose name and address follow the
Where more than one regulatory
description of the waiver granted in the
provision is involved in the grant of a
accompanying list of waivers that have
particular waiver request, the action is
been granted in the second quarter of
listed under the section number of the
calendar year 2005.
first regulatory requirement that appears
in 24 CFR and that is being waived. For
106 of the HUD Reform Act added a
example, a waiver of both § 58.73 and
new section 7(q) to the Department of
§ 58.74 would appear sequentially in the
Housing and Urban Development Act
listing under § 58.73.
(42 U.S.C. 3535(q)), which provides
Waiver of regulations that involve the
same initial regulatory citation are in
1. Any waiver of a regulation must be time sequence beginning with the
in writing and must specify the grounds earliest-dated regulatory waiver.
for approving the waiver;
Should HUD receive additional
2. Authority to approve a waiver of a
information about regulatory waivers
regulation may be delegated by the
granted during the period covered by
Secretary only to an individual of
this report (the second quarter of
Assistant Secretary or equivalent rank,
calendar year 2005) before the next
and the person to whom authority to
report is published (the third quarter of
waive is delegated must also have
calendar year 2005), HUD will include
authority to issue the particular
any additional waivers granted for the
regulation to be waived;
second quarter in the next report.
This report of regulatory waivers does
3. Not less than quarterly, the
not contain a summary of waivers that
Secretary must notify the public of all
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were granted to waive the electronic
grant application submission
requirement as provided in HUD’s
Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 Super Notice of
Funding Availability (FY2005
SuperNOFA), published on March 21,
2005 (70 FR 13576, see 70 FR 13584).
These waivers have been determined
not to be subject to the requirements of
section 106 of the HUD Reform Act. The
requirement to submit applications
electronically, as provided under the
FY2005 SuperNOFA is not viewed as a
regulatory requirement. The
SuperNOFA’s reference to HUD’s
regulation in 24 CFR 5.110 (which
govern regulatory waivers) was included
only to clarify that the grounds for
waiving the electronic submission
requirement would be a good cause
showing, similar to regulatory waivers.
The process by which a waiver of the
electronic application submission
requirement could be obtained was set
out in detail in the FY2005 SuperNOFA,
making this process comparable to
express authorities that allow the
Department to relax otherwise
applicable requirements and which
authorities are exempt from the section
106 requirements (see 1991 Policy
Statement at 56 FR 16338).
Additionally, one of the objectives of
the section 106 requirements is to
ensure that the public knows what
regulations are being waived, who
requested the waiver, and whether the
waiver request was granted. The FY2005
SuperNOFA already discloses that the
electronic submission requirement is
eligible for waiver. The information that
is not disclosed at this time is
identifying the applicant that is
requesting the waiver of this
requirement and whether the waiver
was granted. That information is being
withheld at this time to avoid a
violation of section 103 of the HUD
Reform Act and HUD’s implementing
regulation at 25 CFR 4.26(c)(2)(i), which
prohibits disclosure of the identify of
any applicant before the deadline for the
submission of application. That
information, however, will become part
of the applicant’s application file. In
accordance with section 102(a)(4)(E) of
the HUD Reform Act, and HUD’s
implementing regulation at 24 CFR 4.5,
those files will be available for public
inspection commencing 30 days after
the award of grants is made and will
remain available for at least five years.
Accordingly, information about
approved waiver requests pertaining to
HUD regulations is provided in the
Appendix that follows this notice.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Dated: October 24, 2005.
Keith E. Gottfried,
General Counsel.
Appendix—Listing of Waivers of
Regulatory Requirements Granted by
Offices of the Department of Housing
and Urban Development April 1, 2005,
Through June 30, 2005
Note to Reader: More information about
the granting of these waivers, including a
copy of the waiver request and approval, may
be obtained by contacting the person whose
name is listed as the contact person directly
after each set of regulatory waivers granted.
The regulatory waivers granted appear
in the following order:
I. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the
Office of Community Planning and
II. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the
Office of Housing.
III. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the
Office of Public and Indian Housing.
I. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the
Office of Community Planning and
For further information about the
following regulatory waivers, please see
the name of the contact person who
immediately follows the description of
the waiver granted.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 92.503(b).
Project/Activity: The City of
Greensboro, North Carolina, requested a
waiver of 24 CFR 92.503(b) of the
HOME Program regulations (24 CFR part
Nature of Requirements: Section
92.503(b) requires a participating
jurisdiction to repay to its HOME
account any HOME funds invested in a
project that fails to meet the
affordability requirements for the period
specified in 24 CFR 92.252.
Granted by: Pamela H. Patenaude,
Assistant Secretary for Community
Planning and Development.
Date Granted: May 20, 2005.
Reasons Waived: The City has worked
diligently to devise a plan that ensures
that the HOME affordability
requirements will be met and maintain
the number of affordable housing
opportunities available to low-income
persons in the community.
Contact: Shawna Burrell, Office of
Community Planning and Development,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410–7000, telephone
(202) 708–2684.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 92.251(a)(2).
Project/Activity: The State of Oregon
requested a waiver of the HOME
Program 24 CFR 92.251(a)(2) for
assistance provided under its American
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Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI)
Nature of Requirement: Section
92.251(a)(2) states that HOME-assisted
housing must meet all applicable state
and local housing quality standards and
code requirements. If no such standards
exist, the housing must meet the
housing quality standards at 24 CFR
982.401 for HUD’s Housing Choice
Voucher Program.
Granted by: Pamela H. Patenaude,
Assistant Secretary for Community
Planning and Development.
Date Granted: June 17, 2005.
Reasons Waived: The state’s use of
Minimum Property Standards (MPS)
would ensure that ADDI units are
decent and free of safety hazards, while
eliminating potentially duplicative
inspections and ensuring equal access to
the ADDI program in rural areas of the
Contact: Martha Murray, Office of
Community Planning and Development,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410–7000, telephone
(202) 708–2684.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 91.15(a)(2).
Project/Activity: The State of
Indianapolis, Indiana requested a
waiver of 24 CFR 91.15(a)(2) of the
consolidated plan submission
Nature of Requirement: Section 24
CFR 91.15(a)(2) requires a participating
jurisdiction to submit its consolidated
action plan no later than August 16 of
the federal fiscal year for which grant
funds were appropriated.
Granted by: Pamela H. Patenaude,
Assistant Secretary for Community
Planning and Development.
Date Granted: June 16, 2005.
Reasons Waived: Indianapolis is
seeking a waiver of 24 CFR 91.15(a)(2)
to extend its submission deadline for its
FY2004 consolidated action plan until
forty-five days after it is notified of
HUD’s approval of its waiver request.
This will enable the City to amend its
FY2004 consolidated action plan to
include its FY2003 and FY2004 ADDI
programs, this waiver will enable
Indianapolis to use its FY2003 and
FY2004 ADDI program funds to assist
first time homebuyers.
Contact: Ginger Macomber, Office of
Community Planning and Development,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410–7000, telephone
(202) 708–2684.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 92.214(a)(6).
Project/Activity: Washington County,
Oregon has requested a waiver under 24
CFR 92.214(a)(6) of the Home program
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Nature of Requirement: This section
of the HOME Final Rule states that
except for the 12 months following
project completion, additional HOME
assistance may not be provided to a
previously assisted HOME project
during the period of affordability.
Granted by: Pamela H. Patenaude,
Assistant Secretary for Community
Planning and Development.
Date Granted: June 17, 2005.
Reasons Waived: The County and its
partners worked to stabilized the
vacancy rate, access rehabilitation
needs, and leverage additional
resources. Through a capital needs
assessment, they developed a detailed
repair and replacement plan that will
make Fircrest Manor competitive in the
market and more financially viable.
Contact: Martha Murray, Office of
Community Planning and Development,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410–7000, telephone
(202) 708–2684.
II. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the
Office of Housing—Federal Housing
Administration (FHA)
For further information about the
following regulatory waivers, please see
the name of the contact person that
immediately follows the description of
the waiver granted.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 266.200(d).
Project/Activity: Mt. Carmel
Apartments, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Nature of Requirement: The
regulation requires mortgage insurance
on risk-sharing transactions by housing
finance agencies, rents must be
underwritten at the lower of Section 8
rents or market rents for those projects
with section 8 subsidies.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing—
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 1, 2005.
Reason Waived: Housing Notice 04–
21, issued November 12, 2004, allowed
direct loans under section 202 of the
National Housing Act with section 8
subsidies to be refinanced using, for
underwriting purposes, section 8 rents,
even if market rents were lower. This
change makes it possible to refinance
many more of these apartments for the
elderly, providing money for repairs and
for supportive services. Regulations for
risk-sharing require rents at the lower of
market rate or section 8, as indicated in
the nature of requirement. To put risksharing loans on the same basis as loans
under the National Housing Act requires
a change in regulations, which will be
implemented. Pending the change, the
waiver on Mt. Carmel was granted for
the Massachusetts Housing Finance
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Agency to allow underwriting using
section 8 rents.
Contact: Michael L. McCullough,
Director, Office of Multifamily
Development, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street SW., Washington, DC 20410–
7000, telephone (202) 708–1142.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 290.30(a).
Project/Activity: New York, New York
(Renaissance Court—Project Number
012–57231Z). The owner of Renaissance
Court has requested prepayment
approval of their HUD-held mortgage
and assignment of the mortgage to the
new mortgagee, Woori American Bank,
for mortgage tax savings.
Nature of Requirement: Section
290.3(a) states that ‘‘[e]xcept as
otherwise provided in § § 290.30(a)(2),
HUD will sell HUD-held multifamily
mortgages on a competitive basis.’’
Section 290.31(a)(2) permits negotiated
sales to state or local governments for
mortgage loans that are current and
secured by subsidized projects,
provided such loans are sold with FHA
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 25, 2005.
Reason Waived: The owner of
Renaissance Court has requested, and
HUD approved, prepayment of its
mortgage on this property. In lieu of
paying off the mortgage directly,
Renaissance Associates (the
‘‘Borrower’’) requested that the HUD
loan secured by the project be assigned
to Woori American Bank for mortgage
tax savings purposes. Woori American
Bank agreed to this assignment and to
pay the full amount of the HUD loan (as
of March 11, 2005 the loan amount is
$2,297,930.60). This waiver allows the
non-competitive sale of the HUD-held
mortgage securing the project without
FHA insurance.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director,
Office of Asset Management, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410–
7000, telephone (202) 708–3730.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 401.461.
Project/Activity: The following
projects requested a waiver to the
simple interest requirement on the
second mortgage to allow compound
interest at the applicable Federal Rate.
(24 CFR 401.461):
07135614 ..........................
10935073 ..........................
Kensington Square I ....................................................................................................................................
Bicentennial Apartments ..............................................................................................................................
Nature of Requirement: Section
401.461 requires second mortgages to
have an interest rate not more than the
applicable federal rate. Section
401.461(b)(1) states that interest will
accrue but not compound. The intent of
simple interest instead of compound
interest is to limit the size of the second
mortgage accruals to increase the
likelihood of long-term financial and
physical integrity.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 18, 2005.
Reason Waived: This regulatory
restriction would be construed as a form
of federal subsidy, thereby creating a
loss of tax credit equity. This loss will
adversely affect the ability to close the
restructuring plan and could cause the
loss or deterioration of these affordable
housing projects. Therefore, compound
interest is necessary for the owner to
obtain Low Income Housing Tax Credits
under favorable terms and in order to
maximize the savings to the federal
• Regulation: 24 CFR 401.600.
Project/Activity: The following
projects requested waivers to the 12month limit at above-market rents (24
CFR 401.600):
Canton Estates Apartments .........................................................................................................................
Channelwood Village (aka Callis Tower) ....................................................................................................
Cooper Road Plaza Apartments ..................................................................................................................
Cumberland Manor ......................................................................................................................................
Eastgate Garden Apartments ......................................................................................................................
Francis Street Apartments ...........................................................................................................................
Indian Hills Apartments ................................................................................................................................
Lake Chelan Community Apartments ..........................................................................................................
Madonna Manor ..........................................................................................................................................
Northwood Village ........................................................................................................................................
Southwest Village Apartments .....................................................................................................................
YORK PARK APTS .....................................................................................................................................
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Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 1, 2005.
Reason Waived: The projects listed
above were not assigned to the
participating administrative entities
(PAEs) in a timely manner or the
restructuring analysis was unavoidably
delayed due to no fault of the owner.
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Contact: Dennis Manning, Office of
Affordable Housing Preservation,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410–8000, telephone
(202) 708–0001.
Nature of Requirement: Section
401.600 requires projects be marked
down to market rents within 12 months
of their first expiration date after
January 1, 1998. The intent of this
provision is to ensure timely processing
of requests for restructuring and that the
properties will not default on their FHA
insured mortgages during the
restructuring process.
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Contact: Norman Dailey, Office of
Affordable Housing Preservation,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410–8000, telephone
(202) 708–0001.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 401.600.
Project/Activity: The following
projects requested waivers to the 12-
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
month limit at above-market rents (24
CFR 401.600):
04535018 ..........................
06144105 ..........................
06435239 ..........................
2336614 ............................
08735144 ..........................
04335176 ..........................
08644021 ..........................
04635046 ..........................
04635388 ..........................
04344061 ..........................
10935006 ..........................
06592501 ..........................
Calhoun Homes ...........................................................................................................................................
Cedar Avenue Apartments ..........................................................................................................................
Chateau Du Lac ..........................................................................................................................................
Field Corner Granite ....................................................................................................................................
Gate Manor Apartments ..............................................................................................................................
Hillside Apartments ......................................................................................................................................
Knollcrest Manor Apartments ......................................................................................................................
Parkview Arms I ...........................................................................................................................................
Parkview Arms II ..........................................................................................................................................
Rosa Parks Apartments ...............................................................................................................................
Sertoma Senior Citizens Housing, Inc ........................................................................................................
William H. Bell Apartments ..........................................................................................................................
Nature of Requirement: Section
401.600 requires projects be marked
down to market rents within 12 months
of their first expiration date after
January 1, 1998. The intent of this
provision is to ensure timely processing
of requests for restructuring and that the
properties will not default on their FHA
insured mortgages during the
restructuring process.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 18, 2005.
Reason Waived: The projects listed
above were not assigned to the
participating administrative entities
(PAEs) in a timely manner or the
restructuring analysis was unavoidably
delayed due to no fault of the owner.
Alamo Village Apartments ...........................................................................................................................
Algood Manor Apartments ...........................................................................................................................
Alta Vista Apartments ..................................................................................................................................
Amberwood Apartments ..............................................................................................................................
Belmont Court Apartments ..........................................................................................................................
Broadway Estates ........................................................................................................................................
Broadway House .........................................................................................................................................
Columbia Square Apts .................................................................................................................................
Conneaut Apartments ..................................................................................................................................
Delta Apts ....................................................................................................................................................
Edgewood Manor Apartments .....................................................................................................................
Fowler Apartments .......................................................................................................................................
Highland Heights .........................................................................................................................................
Madison View Towers .................................................................................................................................
Maplewood Apartments ...............................................................................................................................
Moody Manor ...............................................................................................................................................
Northwood Village ........................................................................................................................................
Pines Apts ...................................................................................................................................................
Spring Haven Apartments ...........................................................................................................................
Tri Cities Vista Low Cost Housing ...............................................................................................................
Village Green ...............................................................................................................................................
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Reason Waived: The projects listed
above were not assigned to the
participating administrative entities
(PAEs) in a timely manner or the
restructuring analysis was unavoidably
delayed due to no fault of the owner.
Contact: Norman Dailey, Office of
Affordable Housing Preservation,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410–8000, telephone
(202) 708–0001.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 883.606(b).
Project/Activity: Delaware State
Housing Authority (Dover, Delaware)—
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Contact: Norman Dailey, Office of
Affordable Housing Preservation,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410–8000, telephone
(202) 708–0001.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 401.600.
Project/Activity: The following
projects requested waivers to the 12month limit at above-market rents (24
CFR 401.600):
Nature of Requirement: Section
401.600 requires projects be marked
down to market rents within 12 months
of their first expiration date after
January 1, 1998. The intent of this
provision is to ensure timely processing
of requests for restructuring and that the
properties will not default on their FHA
insured mortgages during the
restructuring process.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
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Issuance of Refunding Bonds under
section 1012 of McKinney-Vento Act
(McKinney Act). HUD did not enforce a
regulatory prohibition of collection of
both contract administration fees and
bond yield override and neglected to
issue formal waivers at the time of
approval of the transaction in 1991.
Nature of Requirement: This section
of the regulation prohibits the collection
of an override and a housing assistance
payments contract administration fee in
connection with the same section 8
project. The issuer collects the override
and administrative fee in the projects
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
included in its McKinney Act bond
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing—
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted based on a finding that the
issuer has used these funds in support
of affordable housing. HUD, in
approving bond refunding proposals
submitted by state housing agencies in
the early 1990’s, did not issue timely
waiver of the regulatory prohibition and
corrects that oversight by the waiver
granted herein.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director,
Office of Asset Management, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street, SW.,
Room 6l60, Washington, DC 20410–
7000, telephone (202) 708–3730.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 883.606(b).
Project/Activity: Iowa Finance
Authority (Des Moines, Iowa)—Issuance
of Refunding Bonds under section 1012
of McKinney Act. HUD did not enforce
a regulatory prohibition of collection of
both contract administration fees and
bond yield override and neglected to
issue formal waivers at the time of
approval of the transaction in 1991.
Nature of Requirement: This section
of the regulation prohibits the collection
of an override and a housing assistance
payments contract administration fee in
connection with the same section 8
project. The issuer collects the override
and administrative fee in the projects
included in its McKinney Act bond
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 24, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted based on a finding that the
issuer has used these funds in support
of affordable housing. HUD, in
approving bond refunding proposals
submitted by state housing agencies in
the early 1990’s, did not issue timely
waiver of the regulatory prohibition and
corrects that oversight by the waiver
granted herein.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director,
Office of Asset Management, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street, SW.,
Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410–
7000, telephone (202) 708–3730.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 883.606(b).
Project/Activity: Maryland
Department of Housing and Community
Development (Crownsville, Maryland)—
Issuance of Refunding Bonds under
section 1012 of McKinney Act. HUD did
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not enforce a regulatory prohibition of
collection of both contract
administration fees and bond yield
override and neglected to issue formal
waivers at the time of approval of the
transaction in 1991.
Nature of Requirement: This section
of the regulation prohibits the collection
of an override and a housing assistance
payments contract administration fee in
connection with the same section 8
project. The issuer collects the override
and administrative fee in the projects
included in its McKinney Act bond
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 26, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted based on a finding that the
issuer has used these funds in support
of affordable housing. HUD, in
approving bond refunding proposals
submitted by state housing agencies in
the early 1990’s, did not issue timely
waiver of the regulatory prohibition and
corrects that oversight by the waiver
granted herein.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director,
Office of Asset Management, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 6l60, Washington, DC 20410–
7000, telephone (202) 708–3730.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Divine Providence
Apartments, Eunice, Louisiana, Project
Number: 064–EE157/LA48–S031–011.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 7, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Villas at Bayou Park,
Houston, Texas, Project Number: 114–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
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Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 8, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Peele Manor,
Blackstone, Virginia, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 8, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Freedom House,
Newport, Rhode Island, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 8, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Oak Haven
Apartments, Waterford, Pennsylvania,
Project Number: 033–EE113/PA28–
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 11, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Kona Kakua, KailuaKona, Hawaii, Project Number: 140–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 13, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: St. Gabriel Manor, St.
Martinsville, Louisiana, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 19, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 208001
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Poplar Place, Erie,
Pennsylvania, Project Number: 033–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Cherbonay at
Marsalis Independent Living Center,
Dallas, Texas, Project Number: 113–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 22, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Vine Street Manor at
Bethel Square, Kansas City, Missouri,
Project Number: 084–EE056/MO16–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
PO 00000
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Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Shenandoah Haven,
Lafayette, Tennessee, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: CLA Homes I,
Springfield, Vinginia, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 29, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Temple Street
Elderly Housing, Nahua, New
Hampshire, Project Number: 024–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Worley’s Place,
Jacksonville, Arizona, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Assistant Secretary for Housing—
Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: The Cove Center,
East Providence, Rhode Island, Project
Number: 016–HD038/RI43–Q021–003.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 9, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: St. Vincent DePaul
Residence, Chicago, Illinois, Project
Number: 071–EE192/IL06–S031–016.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:46 Nov 04, 2005
Jkt 208001
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Ottawa River Esttes,
Toledo, Ohio, Project Number: 042–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 19, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Charles North
Housing, Baltimore, Maryland, Project
Number: 052–HD062/MD06–Q031–004.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 25, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Tents of Grace
Manor, Village of Gnadenhutten, Ohio,
Project Number: 042–EE157/OH12–
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: New Life Homes 5,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, Project
Number: 116–HD027/NM16–Q041–003.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Shakopee Supportive
Housing, Shakopee, Minnesota, Project
Number: 092–HD062/MN46–Q031–002.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 7, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Lake Senior Housing,
Lake Township, Ohio, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 7, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Heartland Christian
Towers, Nashville, Tennessee, Project
Number: 086–EE048/TN43–S031–002.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 8, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Anixter Village,
Chicago, Illinois, Project Number: 071–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 10, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:46 Nov 04, 2005
Jkt 208001
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: St. George Housing
Corporation, Superior, Wisconsin,
Project Number: 075–HD074/WI39–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 15, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Bicentennial
Apartments, Gillette, Wyoming, Project
Number: 109–EE013/WY99–S031–002.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Delta 10, Cairo,
Illinois, Project Number: 072–HD136/
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
PO 00000
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and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: The Shire, Pikesville,
Maryland, Project Number: 052–HD061/
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: St. Pius Place,
Cincinnati, Ohio, Project Number: 046–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Village of Oakman
Manor, Detroit, Michigan, Project
Number: 044–EE087/MI28–S031–003.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Hungry Run Housing
Corporation, Rib Lake, Wisconsin,
Project Number: 075–EE124/WI39–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area,
and the sponsor/owner has exhausted
all efforts to obtain additional funding
from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Unity Gardens Senior
Apartments, Windham, Maine, Project
Number: 024–EE053/ME36–S001–001.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 5, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed to prepare for initial closing.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: The Daisy House,
Rochester, New York, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:46 Nov 04, 2005
Jkt 208001
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 8, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed due to the Phase II
Environmental Site Assessment.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Vermont Seniors, Los
Angeles, California, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for the City Council to approve
the release of funds.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Harvard Square,
Irvine, California, Project Number: 143–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed to prepare for initial closing.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Senior Residence at
Kapolei, Kapolei, Hawaii, Project
Number: 140–EE024/HI10–S011–001.
PO 00000
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Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for the sponsor/owner to secure
secondary financing.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: South Seven Senior
Housing, Port Hadlock, Washington,
Project Number: 127–EE036/WA19–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed due to the long and extensive
permit process.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Woonsocket
Neighborhood Development
Corporation, North Smithfield, Rhode
Island, Project Number: 016–EE046/
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for HUD to receive and issue the
firm commitment application.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Hale Mahaolu Ehiku,
Kihei, Hawaii, Project Number: 140–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for the sponsor/owner to secure
secondary financing.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Windham Willows,
Windham, New York, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for the sponsor/owner to secure
approval of the water, well, and septic
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Wren’s Way,
Wooster, Ohio, Project Number: 042–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for HUD to process the firm
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 208001
commitment application and to prepare
for initial closing.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Saugatucket Springs,
South Kingstown, Rhode Island, Project
Number: 016–EE048/RI43–S021–005.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 18, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for HUD to process the firm
commitment application and to prepare
for initial closing.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Hemlock Nob
Estates, Tannersville, New York, Project
Number: 014–EE209/NY06–S011–008.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 18, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for the initial closing.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Luther Village I of
Dover, Dover, Delaware, Project
Number: 032–EE012/DE26–S021–001.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
PO 00000
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Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for the sponsor/owner to locate
another site and for HUD to prepare for
initial closing.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Cicero Commons
Senior Apartments, Cicero, New York,
Project Number: 014–EE215/NY06–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for the project to reach initial
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Red Lake Senior
Apartments, Red Lake, Minnesota,
Project Number: 092–EE087/MN46–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for the project to reach initial
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Behavioral Health
Initiatives, Memphis, Tennessee, Project
Number: 081–HD081/TN40–Q021–001.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 7, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for HUD to receive and process
the firm commitment.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Gardens at Immanuel
House, Hartford, Connecticut, Project
Number: 017–EE071/CT26–S021–003.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 10, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for HUD to review the firm
commitment application.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: VOA Sandusky,
Sandusky, Ohio, Project Number: 042–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 10, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for the project to reach initial
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 208001
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Whalley Avenue
Housing II, New Haven, Connecticut,
Project Number: 017–HD031/CT26–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 15, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for HUD to review the firm
commitment application.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: D’Youville Senior
Care Center, Lowell, Massachusetts,
Project Number: 023–EE155/MA06–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for the sponsor/owner to hire a
new general contractor and to submit
the firm commitment application.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Cecilian Village,
Philadelphia, PA, Project Number: 034–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was
needed for the sponsor/owner to
PO 00000
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prepare the firm commitment
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d) and
24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Cedars II, Methuen,
Massachusetts, Project Number: 023–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 7, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project also required
additional time to hire a new
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d) and
24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Cornhill Apartments,
Rochester, NY, Project Number: 014–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing—
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 29, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project also required
additional time due to delays resulting
from the Phase II Environmental Site
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d) and
24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Gill Terrace
Retirement Apartments II, Ludlow,
Vermont, Project Number: 024–EE066/
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project also required
additional time to bid the contract and
to obtain local zoning and permits.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d) and
24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Shasta Manor II, Mt.
Shasta, California, Project Number: 136–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project also required
additional time to prepare for initial
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:46 Nov 04, 2005
Jkt 208001
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d) and
24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: White Cone Senior
Apartments, White Cone, Arizona,
Project Number: 123–EE077/AZ20–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project also required
additional time to prepare for initial
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d) and
24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Durango VOA
Elderly Housing, Durango, Colorado,
Project Number: 101–EE054/CO99–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 18, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project also required
PO 00000
Frm 00013
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Sfmt 4703
additional time to prepare for initial
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165 and 24
CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Cottonwood Manor
VIII, Cottonwood, Arizona, Project
Number: 123–EE081/AZ20–S011–003.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 24, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project also required
additional time due to delays
experienced while the City of
Cottonwood approved a prior year
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165 and 24
CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Wakefield Senior
Housing, Wakefield, Massachusetts,
Project Number: 023–HD158/MA06–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project also required
additional time due to the zoning
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165 and 24
CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Davis Road Group
Home, Methuen, Massachusetts, Project
Number: 023–HD189/MA06–Q021–007.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: June 10, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project required additional
time due to the zoning process and due
to a change in sites.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165 and 24
CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Friendship House
Apartments, Gretna, Louisiana, Project
Number: 064–HD074/LA48–Q021–007.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: June 17 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:46 Nov 04, 2005
Jkt 208001
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project required additional
time to reissue the firm commitment.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165 and 24
CFRf 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Northwood Elderly
Housing, Northwood, New Hampshire,
Project Number: 024–EE064/NH36–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project required additional
time due to delays involving the
Northwood Village Water District.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165 and 24
CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Marshall Road,
Wellsley, Massachusetts, Project
Number: 023–HD181/MA06–Q011–009.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
PO 00000
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sources. This project required additional
time due to construction costs and
market issues.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165 and 24
CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Miller Road Group
Home, Amesbury, Massachusetts,
Project Number: 023–HD179/MA06–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project required additional
time due to site changes.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165 and 24
CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Brush Hill
Residence, Yarmouth, Massachusetts,
Project Number: 023–HD182/MA06–
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.100(d) prohibits amendment of the
amount of the approved capital advance
funds prior to initial closing. Section
891.165 provides that the duration of
the fund reservation of the capital
advance is 18 months from the date of
issuance with limited exceptions up to
24 months, as approved by HUD on a
case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is
economically designed and comparable
to similar projects in the area, and the
sponsor/owner has exhausted all efforts
to obtain additional funding from other
sources. This project required additional
time due to zoning issues.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.205.
Project/Activity: Stebbins, Alaska
(Cupluaq House—Project Number 176–
EE012). The Seattle Multifamily Hub
requested an age waiver for the subject
project due to occupancy problems.
Nature of Requirement: HUD
regulations 24 CFR 891 requires
occupancy to be limited to very lowincome (VLI) elderly persons (i.e.,
households composed of one or more
persons at least one of whom is 62 years
of age at the time of initial occupancy).
Regulations also require that an owner
is to determine the eligibility in
selecting tenants.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing—
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 11, 2005.
Reason Waived: The age waiver was
granted for this project in order to allow
flexibility in renting up this Section
202/8 Supportive Housing for the
Elderly project. The vacancy problems
are due to the demise of some eligible
applicants and the project’s remote
location in Stebbins which is 600 miles
from Anchorage making it a significant
deterrent in the owner’s ability to attract
eligible applicants. This waiver will
enable the owner to maintain full
occupancy and the project will not fail.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director,
Office of Asset Management, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street, SW.,
Room 6l60, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–3730.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.205.
Project/Activity: Mt. Olive Manor II,
Flanders, New Jersey, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.205 requires Section 202 project
owners to be single purpose
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 13, 2005.
Reason Waived: The sponsor/owner
will physically attach the subject project
to other, previously funded projects,
which will permit the subject project to
share in the existing community space.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
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• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.205.
Project/Activity: AHEPA 58–II,
Wethersfield, Connecticut, Project
Number: 017–EE076/CT26–S031–001.
Nature of Requirement: Section
891.205 requires Section 202 project
owners to be single purpose
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for HousingDeputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 22, 2005.
Reason Waived: The sponsor/owner
will physically attach the subject project
to other, previously funded projects,
which will permit the subject project to
share in the existing community space.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director,
Office of Housing Assistance and Grant
Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410–
8000, telephone (202) 708–3000.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.410(c).
Project/Activity: Americus, Georgia
(Joy Court Village Apartments—Project
Number 061–EE083. The Atlanta
Multifamily Hub requested an age
waiver to alleviate occupancy problems
at the property.
Nature of Requirement: HUD
regulations in 24 CFR part 891 requires
occupancy to be limited to very lowincome (VLI) elderly persons (i.e.,
households composed of one or more
persons at least one of whom is 62 years
of age at the time of initial occupancy).
Regulations also require that an owner
is to determine the eligibility in
selecting tenants.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver of this
regulation was granted to allow the
project owner flexibility in renting up
vacant units to individuals who meet
the definition of non elderly (between
the ages of 55 and 62 years). The owner
proposes an aggressive marketing plan
in an effort to attract elderly families as
well as changing project management.
With these efforts, the owner may be
able to achieve full occupancy for the
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director,
Office of Asset Management, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 6l60, Washington, DC 20410–
7000; telephone (202) 708–3730.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.410(c).
Project/Activity: Huntington, West
Virginia (Fairfield Apartments—Project
Number 045–EE007). The Charleston
Multifamily Program Center has
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requested waiver of the elderly
requirement for the property to alleviate
an occupancy problem.
Nature of Requirement: HUD
regulations in 24 CFR part 891 requires
occupancy to be limited to very lowincome (VLI) elderly persons (i.e.,
households composed of one or more
persons at least one of whom is 62 years
of age at the time of initial occupancy).
Regulations also require that an owner
is to determine the eligibility in
selecting tenants.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 18, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted to alleviate the current
occupancy problem. The property has a
total of 17 units and is currently at 76
percent occupancy. The property is
unable to reach full occupancy due to
the ‘‘soft’’ housing market in this area.
Waiver of these provisions will allow
vacancies to be marketed to non elderly,
VIL applicants between the ages of 50
and 62. Providing this waiver will allow
the owner additional flexibility in
attempting to rent the vacant units and
perhaps start a waiting list. The current
occupancy level will not support the
operations of the property.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director,
Office of Asset Management, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–3730.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.410(c).
Project/Activity: Harford,
Pennsylvania (Harford Village—Project
Number 034–EE075). The Philadelphia
Multifamily Hub requested a waiver of
the age and very low income
requirements for this property to
alleviate the current vacancy problem.
Nature of Requirement: HUD
regulations in 24 CFR part 891 requires
occupancy to be limited to very lowincome (VLI) elderly persons (i.e.,
households composed of one or more
persons at least one of whom is 62 years
of age at the time of initial occupancy).
Regulations also require that an owner
is to determine the eligibility in
selecting tenants.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: May 18, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted to alleviate its current
occupancy problem. The 20-unit
property is located in a rural section of
northern Pennsylvania. At present there
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
is only one vacant unit with two
vacancies anticipated for April 2005.
This would result in a vacancy loss of
15 percent. Management has
aggressively marketed the property and
currently has four prospective
applicants on their waiting list, but their
incomes are at the low-income level.
This waiver will allow the project to
reach occupancy levels which will
support the operations of the project.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director,
Office of Asset Management, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410–
7000, telephone (202) 708–3730.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.410(c).
Project/Activity: Weedville,
Pennsylvania (St. Joseph’s Terrace—
Project Number 033–EE080). The
Pittsburgh Multifamily Program Center
has requested waiver of the very low
income requirement for this property to
alleviate occupancy problems.
Nature of Requirement: HUD
regulations in 24 CFR part 891 requires
occupancy to be limited to very low
income (VLI) elderly persons (i.e.,
households composed of one or more
persons at least one of whom is 62 years
of age at the time of initial occupancy).
Regulations also require that an owner
is to determine the eligibility in
selecting tenants.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing—Deputy Federal Housing
Date Granted: June 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted based on the project’s difficulty
in maintaining full occupancy. This 22unit property currently has 8 vacant
units. The Section 8 very low income
limits in Elk County, Pennsylvania, are
prohibitively low. Surrounding
counties, which are included in the
market area, have higher Section 8
income limits and a population of
elderly applicants who often have
higher incomes. This waiver will only
permit admission of lower income
applicants when there are no very low
income applicants to fill vacancies. The
current occupancy level will not
support the operations of the project.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director,
Office of Asset Management, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410–
7000, telephone (202) 708–3730.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 891.575.
Project/Activity: Indianapolis, Indiana
(Gaslight Apartments—Project Number
073–EH243). The Indianapolis
Multifamily Program Center requested
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an age and income waiver for this
Section 202 Direct Loan property to
allow management to market units to
non-elderly and low income eligible
tenants to alleviate vacancy and
financial problems.
Nature of Requirement: HUD
regulations in 24 CFR part 891 requires
occupancy to be limited to very lowincome (VLI) elderly persons (i.e.,
households composed of one or more
persons at least one of whom is 62 years
of age at the time of initial occupancy).
Regulations also require that an owner
is to determine the eligibility in
selecting tenants.
Granted by: John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing—
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: The granted an age
and income waiver for this project to
alleviate the current occupancy and
financial problems at the property.
Gaslight Apartments is a 30-unit Section
202 Direct Loan property located in
Converse, Indiana, a small rural
community with a small senior citizen
population located between the towns
of Kokomo and Marion, Indiana. The
property has only 20 units occupied to
date despite extensive outreach efforts.
The current occupancy level will not
support the operations of the property.
The provisions of 24 CFR 891.575 need
to be waived in order to allow the
property to rent to non-elderly
applicants between the ages of 50 and
62 years and to allow applicants to meet
the low income eligibility requirement.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director,
Office of Asset Management, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410–
7000, telephone (202) 708–3730.
III. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the
Office of Public and Indian Housing
For further information about the
following regulatory waivers, please see
the name of the contact person that
immediately follows the description of
the waiver granted.
• Regulations: 24 CFR 902.20.
Project/Activity: Avon Park Housing
Authority (FL012), Avon Park, FL.
Nature of Requirement: The objective
of this regulation is to determine
whether a public housing agency (PHA)
is meeting the standard of decent, safe,
sanitary, and in good repair. The Real
Estate Assessment Center (REAC)
provides for an independent physical
inspection of a PHA’s property of
properties that includes a statistically
valid sample of the units.
PO 00000
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Granted by: Michael Liu, Assistant
Secretary for Public and Indian
Date Granted: April 4, 2005.
Reason Waived: Hurricanes Charley,
Francis, and Jeanne caused extensive
damage to residential, administrative
and community buildings and
landscape. Repairs are not expected to
be completed until March 2006.
Contact: David R. Ziaya, Program
Manager, NASS, Real Estate Assessment
Center, Office of Public and Indian
Housing, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 550 12th Street,
SW., Suite 100, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 475–8574.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 902.20, 902.40,
Project/Activity: Bartow Housing
Authority (FL026) Bartow, FL.
Nature of Requirement: The objective
of 24 CFR 902.20 is to determine
whether a PHA is meeting the standard
of decent, safe, sanitary, and in good
repair. REAC provides for an
independent physical inspection of a
PHA’s property of properties that
includes a statistically valid sample of
the units. Management operations
certification is required to be submitted
within two months after the PHA fiscal
year end (24 CFR 902.40). The Resident
Service and Satisfaction Indicator is
performed through the use of a survey.
The PHA is also responsible for
completing implementation plan
activities and developing a follow-up
plan (24 CFR 902.50).
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 10, 2005.
Reason Waived: The PHA’s
developments suffered major roof and
interior damage from Hurricanes
Charley and Jeanne resulting in the
relocation of tenants to other units and
off site location. The PHA is waived
from physical inspections, management
operations certification and resident
satisfaction survey for Fiscal Year (FY)
Contact: David R. Ziaya, Program
Manager, NASS, Real Estate Assessment
Center, Office of Public and Indian
Housing, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 550 12th Street,
SW., Suite 100, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 475–8574.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 902.20.
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
the City of Bay Minette (AL164), Bay
Minette, AL.
Nature of Requirement: The objective
of this regulation is to determine
whether a PHA is meeting the standard
of decent, safe, sanitary, and in good
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
repair. REAC provides for an
independent physical inspection of a
PHA’s property of properties that
includes a statistically valid sample of
the units.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 10, 2005.
Reason Waived: The PHA sustained
mild to severe hurricane damage to 91
of the 107 housing units in September
2004. The PHA is waived from physical
inspections for FY2005.
Contact: David R. Ziaya, Program
Manager, NASS, Real Estate Assessment
Center, Office of Public and Indian
Housing, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 550 12th Street,
SW., Suite 100, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 475–8574.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 902.20, 902.30,
902.40, and 902.50.
Project/Activity: Lake Wales Housing
Authority (FL071), Lake Wales, FL.
Nature of Requirement: The objective
of 24 CFR 902.20 is to determine
whether a PHA is meeting the standard
of decent, safe, sanitary, and in good
repair. REAC provides for an
independent physical inspection of a
PHA’s property of properties that
includes a statistically valid sample of
the units. Additionally, the regulation
establishes certain reporting compliance
dates; namely, the Audited financial
statements are required to be submitted
no later than nine months after the
PHA’s fiscal year end (FYE), in
accordance with the Single Audit Act
and OMB Circular A–133 (24 CFR
902.30), and the Management operations
certifications are required to be
submitted within two months after the
PHA’s FYE (24 CFR 902.40). The
Resident Service and Satisfaction
Indicator is performed through the use
of a survey. The PHA is responsible for
completing implementation plan
activities and developing a follow-up
plan (24 CFR 902.50).
Granted by: Michael Liu, Assistant
Secretary for Public and Indian
Date Granted: April 15, 2005.
Reason Waived: The PHA
experienced severe damages caused by
Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Jeanne
to the administrative offices, and to two
housing developments.
Contact: David R. Ziaya, Program
Manager, NASS, Real Estate Assessment
Center, Office of Public and Indian
Housing, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 550 12th Street,
SW., Suite 100, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 475–8574.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 902.30.
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Project/Activity: City of Lordsburg
Housing Authority (NM034), Lordsburg,
Nature of Requirement: The
regulation establishes certain reporting
compliance dates. The audited financial
statements are required to be submitted
no later than nine months after the
PHA’s FYE, in accordance with the
Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A–
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 19, 2005.
Reason Waived: The PHA has been
unable to submit its audited report to
REAC because the Financial Assessment
Sub-System (FASS) was not accepting
the PHA’s new auditor’s identification
number in the system. This resulted in
a delayed PHA’s audited financial
Contact: David R. Ziaya, Program
Manager, NASS, Real Estate Assessment
Center, Office of Public and Indian
Housing, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 550 12th Street,
SW., Suite 100, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 475–8574.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 902.20, 902.30,
902.40, and 902.50.
Project/Activity: Punta Gorda Housing
Authority (FL060), Punta Gorda, FL.
Nature of Requirement: The objective
of 24 CFR 902.20 is to determine
whether a PHA is meeting the standard
of decent, safe, sanitary, and in good
repair. REAC provides for an
independent physical inspection of a
PHA’s property of properties that
includes a statistically valid sample of
the units. Additionally, the regulation
establishes certain reporting compliance
dates; namely, the unaudited financial
statements are required to be submitted
two months after the PHA’s FYE and the
audited financial statements are
required to be submitted no later than
nine months after the PHA’s FYE, in
accordance with the Single Audit Act
and OMB Circular A–133 (24 CFR
902.30), and the Management operations
certifications are required to be
submitted within two months after the
PHA’s FYE (24 CFR 902.40). The
Resident Service and Satisfaction
Indicator is performed through the use
of a survey. The PHA is responsible for
completing implementation plan
activities and developing a follow-up
plan (24 CFR 902.50).
Granted by: Michael Liu, Assistant
Secretary for Public and Indian
Date Granted: April 15, 2005.
Reason Waived: The PHA
experienced severe damages caused by
PO 00000
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Hurricane Charley, which destroyed 154
of the PHA’s 184 units and two nondwelling buildings. The PHA is waived
from submitting its financial data, and
will not be subject to physical
inspection and resident survey for
FY2005 and FY2006, and from the
management operations certification for
FY2005 only.
Contact: David R. Ziaya, Program
Manager, NASS, Real Estate Assessment
Center, Office of Public and Indian
Housing, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 550 12th Street,
SW., Suite 100, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 475–8574.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Municipality of Vega
Baja Housing Division (MVBHD), Vega
Baja, PR. The MVBHD requested a
waiver of payment standard (PS)
requirements to permit it to implement
reduced PSs earlier than required to
avoid termination of housing assistance
payments (HAP) contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on generally must be used to calculate
the monthly housing assistance
payment (HAP) for the family beginning
at the effective date of the family’s
second regular reexamination following
the effective date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 22, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the MVBHD to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Jacksonville Housing
Authority (JHA), Jacksonville, FL. The
JHA requested a waiver of payment
standard (PS) requirements to permit it
to implement reduced PSs earlier than
required to avoid termination of HAP
contracts during calendar year 2005 due
to insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 22, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the JHA to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Cincinnati
Metropolitan Housing Authority
(CMHA), Cincinnati, OH. The CMHA
requested a waiver of payment standard
(PS) requirements to permit it to
implement reduced payment standards
earlier than required to avoid
termination of HAP contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 22, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the CMHA to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
the City of Key West (HACKW), Key
West, FL. The APHA requested a waiver
of payment standard (PS) requirements
to permit it to implement reduced PSs
earlier than required to avoid
termination of HAP contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the HACKW to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Monroe County
Housing Authority (MCHA), Key West,
FL. The MCHA requested a waiver of
payment standard (PS) requirements to
permit it to implement reduced PSs
earlier than required to avoid
termination of HAP contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
PO 00000
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measure would enable the MCHA to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Dickey/Sargent
Housing Authority (DSHA), Ellendale,
ND. The housing authority requested a
waiver of payment standard (PS)
requirements to permit it to implement
reduced payment standards earlier than
required to avoid termination of housing
assistance payments (HAP) contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the DSHA to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
Skagit County (HASC), Mount Vernon,
WA. The HASC requested a waiver of
payment standard (PS) requirements to
permit it to implement reduced
payment standards earlier than required
to avoid termination of HAP contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 13, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the HASC to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
the City of Crystal City (HACCC),
Crystal City, TX. The HACCC requested
a waiver of payment standard (PS)
requirements to permit it to implement
reduced PSs earlier than required to
avoid termination of HAP contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 13, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the HACCC to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 208001
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
the City of South Bend (HASB), South
Bend, IN. The HASB requested a waiver
of payment standard (PS) requirements
to permit it to implement reduced PSs
earlier than required to avoid
termination of HAP contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Public and
Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 3, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the HASB to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Inglewood Housing
Authority (IHA), Inglewood, CA. The
IHA requested a waiver of payment
standard (PS) requirements to permit it
to implement reduced PSs earlier than
required to avoid termination of HAP
contracts during calendar year 2005 due
to insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 3, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
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measure would enable the IHA to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Coos-Curry Housing
Authority (CCHA), North Bend, OR. The
CCHA requested a waiver of payment
standard (PS) requirements to permit it
to implement reduced PSs earlier than
required to avoid termination of HAP
contracts during calendar year 2005 due
to insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 3, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the CCHA to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.517(c).
Project/Activity: Maine State Housing
Authority (MSHA), Augusta, ME. The
MSHA requested a waiver of utility
allowance adjustment requirements to
permit it to not revise its utility
allowances so that it could reduce
program costs to avoid termination of
HAP contracts during calendar year
2005 due to insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.517(c) provides that a public
housing agency (PHA) must review its
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
utility allowances each year and revise
its allowances for a utility category if
there has been a change of 10 percent
or more in the utility rate since the last
time the utility allowance schedule was
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 3, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the MSHA to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 983.3(a)(2).
Project/Activity: Choanoke Area
Development Association (CADA),
Bertie County, NC. The CADA requested
a waiver regarding the availability of
vouchers for project-based assistance so
that it could enter into an agreement to
enter into a HAP contract for 31 units
at Ahoskie High School.
Nature of Requirement: Section
983.3(a)(2) requires that the number of
units to be project-based must not be
under a tenant-based or project based
HAP contract or otherwise committed,
e.g., vouchers issued to families
searching for housing or units under an
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 30, 2005.
Reason Waived: The requirement to
have vouchers available at the time of
execution of a HAP contract was waived
for Ahoskie High School since the
project will not be ready for occupancy
until January or February 2007, at which
time the CADA should have sufficient
turnover of vouchers to meet its
contractual obligations under a HAP
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 983.51(a), (b)
and (c) and Section II of subpart F of the
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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January 16, 2001, Federal Register
Notice, Revisions to PHA Project-Based
Assistance (PBA) Program; Initial
Project/Activity: Bellingham/
Whatcom County Housing Authority
(Chestnut Street Project), Housing
Authority of Island County (Marjie’s
House), Housing Authority of Thurston
County (Falls Point) and Spokane
Housing Authority (Cedar West,
Woodhaven, Summit View, St.
Margaret’s and Riverwalk Point I), WA.
All four public housing agencies (PHAs)
requested a waiver of the competitive
selection requirements, and two of the
four also requested an exception to the
25 percent cap on the number of units
in a building that can have PBA
attached, to permit them to attach PBA
to units in all eight projects.
Nature of Requirement: Section
983.51 requires competitive selection of
owner proposals in accordance with a
housing authority’s HUD-approved
advertisement and unit selection policy.
Section II of subpart F requires that no
more than 25 percent of the dwelling
units in any building may be assisted
under a HAP contract for PBA except for
dwelling units that are specifically
made available for elderly families,
disabled families and families receiving
supportive services. Until regulations
are promulgated regarding the category
of families receiving supportive
services, this aspect of the law is
implemented on a case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: Competitive selection
requirements were waived since in early
2004 the Washington State Legislature
appropriated $2 million to the
Washington Families Fund (WFF) to
provide comprehensive case
management and supportive services to
homeless families; and, in support of
that effort, PHAs through the
Association of Washington Housing
Authorities (AWHA) agreed to attach
PBA to projects receiving WFF
supportive services dollars. Aids
Housing of Washington (AHW) was
selected to administer the WFF and
issued a request for project proposals for
WFF dollars on January 25, 2005. The
subject projects were selected pursuant
to that competitive process. An
exception to the unit cap was granted
for two of the eight projects (Marjie’s
House and St. Margaret’s) since the
projects that are funded under the WFF
will have project-specific social service
budgets that will cover case
management and supportive services.
Services will include individualized
PO 00000
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case management, literacy and job
training, assistance in domestic violence
and other trauma, referrals for mental
health and substance abuse treatment,
financial management, basic living
skills, childcare, transportation
assistance, housing counseling, and
parenting skills education and training.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 983.151(c).
Project/Activity: Cedar Rapids
Housing Services (CRHS), Cedar Rapids,
IA. The CRHS requested a waiver of the
regulation so that it could renew the
project-based certificate (PBC) housing
assistance payments (HAP) contract for
Edgewood Apartments beyond the
expiration date of the Annual
Contributions Contract since funding
increments are only renewed for terms
less than a year.
Nature of Requirement: The
regulation requires that, with HUD field
office approval, and at the sole option
of the public housing agency (PHA),
PHAs may renew expiring HAP
contracts for such period or periods as
the HUD field office determines
appropriate to achieve long-term
affordability of the assisted housing,
provided that the term does not extend
beyond the Annual Contributions
Contract expiration date for the funding
source. PHAs must identify the funding
source for renewals; different funding
sources may be used for the initial term
and renewal terms of the HAP contract.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: Approval to waive
the regulation was granted in order to
allow the CRHS to provide rental
assistance at these developments up to
the maximum 15 years allowed under
the PBC HAP contracts without having
to request HUD field office approval to
do so every year or less.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: Section II of subpart E
of the January 16, 2001, Federal
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Register Notice, Revisions to PHA
Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance.
Project/Activity: Michigan State
Housing Development Authority
(MSHDA), Kalamazoo, MI. The MSHDA
requested an exception to the
deconcentration requirements to permit
it to attach PBA to five units of existing
units at Summit Park, which is in
census tract 5 that has a poverty rate of
22 percent.
Nature of Requirement: Section II of
subpart E of the Initial Guidance
requires that in order to meet the
Department’s goal of deconcentration
and expanding housing and economic
opportunities, the projects must be in
census tracts with poverty rates of less
than 20 percent.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 22, 2005.
Reason Waived: An exception to the
deconcentration requirements was
granted since recent development
within a one-mile radius of the project
includes a new Felpaush grocery store,
a strip mall that has retail, dining,
clothing and banking facilities, and new
offices for Northside Community
Development that will include daycare
and community space, which will
provide job opportunities for residents
of the census tract.
Contact: Dr. Alfred Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: Section II of subpart E
of the January 16, 2001, Federal
Register Notice, Revisions to PHA
Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance.
Project/Activity: Massachusetts
Department of Housing and Community
Development (DHCD). The DHCD
requested an exception to the Initial
Guidance for the Acushnet Commons
project that is located in a census tract
with a poverty rate greater than 20
Nature of Requirement: Section II of
subpart E of the Initial Guidance
requires that in order to meet the
Department’s goal of deconcentration
and expanding housing and economic
opportunities, the projects must be in
census tracts with poverty rates of less
than 20 percent.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 208001
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: Approval of the
exception for deconcentration was
granted since comprehensive services
will be provided at the project to assist
in educational attainment for the
residents that ultimately will result in
economic improvement. The services
that will be provided include career
development, education, job training,
and other support services such as
computer classes, and University of
Massachusetts Dartmouth college
courses in accounting and business. The
development of a new ferry terminal
may create job opportunities for
Contact: Dr. Alfred C. Jurison,
Director, Housing Voucher Management
and Operations Division, Office of
Public Housing and Voucher Programs,
Office of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: Section II of subpart E
of the January 16, 2001, Federal
Register Notice, Revisions to PHA
Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance.
Project/Activity: Massachusetts
Department of Housing and Community
Development (MDHCD), Haverhill, MA.
The MDHCD requested an exception to
the deconcentration requirements to
permit it to attach PBA to 13 singleroom occupancy units at Winter Street
Housing, which is in census tract 2601
with a poverty rate of 23.6 percent.
Nature of Requirement: Section II of
subpart E of the Initial Guidance
requires that in order to meet the
Department’s goal of deconcentration
and expanding housing and economic
opportunities, the projects must be in
census tracts with poverty rates of less
than 20 percent.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 13, 2005.
Reason Waived: An exception to the
deconcentration requirements was
granted since the neighborhood around
the project is undergoing significant
revitalization. Construction of a new
Walgreen’s and CVS will begin in a few
months and will create approximately
20 jobs in addition to those created by
the construction of the stores. The
investment in both buildings is
approximately $4 million. There are
several market rate developments that
have been approved or proposed for
development. These include a 56-unit
and a 60-unit market rate development.
The market value of the units in these
developments will range between
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$160,000 and $250,000. The commercial
and residential development and their
related activities that will create jobs
and housing opportunities are
consistent with the goal of
deconcentrating poverty and expanding
housing and economic opportunities.
Contact: Dr. Alfred Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: Section II of subpart E
of the January 16, 2001, Federal
Register Notice, Revisions to PHA
Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance.
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
Winston-Salem (HAWS), WinstonSalem, NC.
The HAWS requested an exception to
the deconcentration requirements to
permit it to attach PBA to 50 units of
elderly housing and 28 units in the
family development at Happy Hills
Gardens HOPE VI Development, which
is in census tract 8.02 with a poverty
rate of 54.9 percent.
Nature of Requirement: Section II of
subpart E of the Initial Guidance
requires that in order to meet the
Department’s goal of deconcentration
and expanding housing and economic
opportunities, the projects must be in
census tracts with poverty rates of less
than 20 percent.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 13, 2005.
Reason Waived: An exception to the
deconcentration requirements was
granted since one of the goals of a HOPE
VI revitalization project is to transform
public housing, which includes
lessening concentrations of poverty.
Toward that goal, the total number of
replacement units that will be assisted
will be 130 less than the 488 units in the
original public housing development.
Contact: Dr. Alfred Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: Section II of subpart E
of the January 16, 2001, Federal
Register Notice, Revisions to PHA
Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Project/Activity: Massachusetts
Department of Housing and Community
Development (MDHCD), New Bedford,
MA. The MDHCD requested an
exception to the deconcentration
requirements to permit it to attach PBA
to three units of rehabilitated housing at
Union Street Lofts, which is in census
tract 6518 that has a poverty rate of
37.46 percent.
Nature of Requirement: Section II of
subpart E of the Initial Guidance
requires that in order to meet the
Department’s goal of deconcentration
and expanding housing and economic
opportunities, the projects must be in
census tracts with poverty rates of less
than 20 percent.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: An exception to the
deconcentration requirements was
granted since, in addition to the mixed
income population of the project, the
first floor will be rented to businesses
that will offer job opportunities to
residents of the community. Other
recent economic initiatives in
downtown New Bedford include: the
Star Store, a former department store
that has been converted to classroom
space for the University of
Massachusetts College of Visual and
Performing Arts; the new corporate
headquarters of Sovereign Bank; and the
$10 million restoration and expansion
of the Whaling Museum.
Contact: Dr. Alfred Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: Section II of subpart F
of the January 16, 2001, Federal
Register Notice, Revisions to PHA
Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance.
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
the City of Loveland (HACL), Loveland,
CO. The HACL requested an exception
to the 25 percent cap on the number of
units in a building that can have PBA
attached to permit it to attach PBA to all
20 units at Willow Place.
Nature of Requirement: Section II of
subpart F requires that no more than 25
percent of the dwelling units in any
building may be assisted under a HAP
contract for PBA except for dwelling
units that are specifically made
available for elderly families, disabled
families and families receiving
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 208001
supportive services. Until regulations
are promulgated regarding the category
of families receiving supportive
services, this aspect of the law is
implemented on a case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: An exception to the
unit cap was granted since the HACL
still operates a Project Self Sufficiency
program at Willow Place and its
supportive services include intensive
on-site case management, employment
training and counseling, educational
programs, childcare, classes on
parenting and safety training for
children. The supportive services
provided at Willow Place are consistent
with the statute.
Contact: Dr. Alfred Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Sheridan Housing
Authority (SHA), Englewood, CO. The
SHA requested a waiver of payment
standard (PS) requirements to permit it
to implement reduced PSs earlier than
required to avoid termination of housing
assistance payments (HAP) contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 24, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the SHA to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
PO 00000
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Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Englewood Housing
Authority (EHA), Englewood, CO. The
EHA requested a waiver of payment
standard (PS) requirements to permit it
to implement reduced PSs earlier than
required to avoid termination of housing
assistance payments (HAP) contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 24, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the EHA to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Dowagiac Housing
Commission (DHC), Dowagiac, MI. The
DHC requested a waiver of payment
standard (PS) requirements to permit it
to implement reduced PSs earlier than
required to avoid termination of housing
assistance payments (HAP) contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 24, 2005.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the DHC to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
the City of Loveland (HACL), Loveland,
CO. The HACL requested a waiver of
payment standard (PS) requirements to
permit it to implement reduced PSs
earlier than required to avoid
termination of HAP contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 24, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the HACL to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: City of Fairfield
Housing Services (CFHS), Fairfield, CA.
The CFHS requested a waiver of
payment standard (PS) requirements to
permit it to implement reduced PSs
earlier than required to avoid
termination of HAP contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 208001
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy, Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 24, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the CFHS to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
Thurston County (HATC), Olympia,
WA. The HATC requested a waiver of
payment standard (PS) requirements to
permit it to implement reduced
payment standards earlier than required
to avoid termination of housing
assistance payments (HAP) contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 9, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the HATC to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
PO 00000
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of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Cohoes Housing
Authority (CHA), Cohoes, NY. The CHA
requested a waiver of payment standard
(PS) requirements to permit it to
implement reduced PSs earlier than
required to avoid termination of housing
assistance payments (HAP) contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 9, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the CHA to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
the County of Merced (HACM), Merced,
CA. The HACM requested a waiver of
payment standard (PS) requirements to
permit it to implement reduced PSs
earlier than required to avoid
termination of HAP contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the HACM to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Wilkes-Barre
Housing Authority (WBHA), WilkesBarre, PA. The WBHA requested a
waiver of payment standard (PS)
requirements to permit it to implement
reduced payment standards earlier than
required to avoid termination of housing
assistance payments (HAP) contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 9, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the WBHA to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Danville Community
Development Agency (DCDA), Danville,
KY. The DCDA requested a waiver of
payment standard (PS) requirements to
permit it to implement reduced
payment standards earlier than required
to avoid termination of housing
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 208001
assistance payments (HAP) contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 9, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the DCDA to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Asbury Park Housing
Authority (APHA), Asbury Park, NJ. The
APHA requested a waiver of payment
standard (PS) requirements to permit it
to implement reduced PSs earlier than
required to avoid termination of HAP
contracts during calendar year 2005 due
to insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 9, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the APHA to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
PO 00000
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Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(d).
Project/Activity: Greenfield Housing
Authority (GHA), Greenfield, MS. The
GHA is requesting approval of a special
exception payment standard that
exceeds 120 percent of the fair market
rent as a reasonable accommodation for
a housing choice voucher holder’s
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(d) allows a PHA to approve a
higher payment standard within the
basic range for a family that includes a
person with a disability as a reasonable
accommodation in accordance with 24
CFR part 8.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 24, 2005.
Reason Waived: Approval of the
waiver was granted to allow a disabled
housing choice voucher holder with
multiple chemical sensitivities to rent a
two-bedroom unit so she can isolate
problematic chemical and other items
until they can be safely integrated into
her living space.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(d).
Project/Activity: Community
Development Commission of
Mendocino County (CDCMC), Ukiah,
CA. The CDCMC is requesting approval
of a special exception payment standard
that exceeds 120 percent of the fair
market rent as a reasonable
accommodation for a housing choice
voucher holder’s disability.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(d) allows a PHA to approve a
higher payment standard within the
basic range for a family that includes a
person with a disability as a reasonable
accommodation in accordance with 24
CFR part 8.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 9, 2005.
Reason Waived: Approval of the
waiver was granted to allow a disabled
housing choice voucher holder to
remain in his current unit because it is
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
in close proximity of the services he
utilize and so that he can live
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 983.151(c).
Project/Activity: San Francisco
Housing Authority (SFHA), San
Francisco, CA. The SFHA requested a
waiver of the Regulation so that it could
renew project-based certificate (PBC)
housing assistance payments (HAP)
contracts for Bernal Gateway, Golden
Gate Apartments and the Arc
Apartments beyond the expiration date
of the Annual Contributions Contract
since funding increments are only
renewed for terms less than a year.
Nature of Requirement: The
regulation requires that, with HUD field
office approval, and at the sole option
of the public housing agency (PHA),
PHAs may renew expiring HAP
contracts for such period or periods as
the HUD field office determines
appropriate to achieve long-term
affordability of the assisted housing,
provided that the term does not extend
beyond the Annual Contributions
Contract expiration date for the funding
source. PHAs must identify the funding
source for renewals; different funding
sources may be used for the initial term
and renewal terms of the HAP contract.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: Approval to waive
the regulation was granted in order to
allow the SFHA to provide rental
assistance at these developments up to
the maximum 15 years allowed under
the PBC HAP contracts without having
to request HUD field office approval to
do so every year or less.
Contact: Gerald Benoit, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Georgia Department
of Community Affairs (GDCA), Atlanta,
GA. The GDCA requested a waiver of
payment standard (PS) requirements to
permit it to implement reduced
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 208001
payment standards earlier than required
to avoid termination of housing
assistance payments (HAP) contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy, Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the GDCA to
both manage its Housing Choice
Voucher program within allocated
budget authority and avoid the
termination of HAP contracts due to
insufficient funding.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
the County of Ford (HACF), Gibson City,
IL. The HACF requested a waiver of
payment standard (PS) requirements to
permit it to implement reduced
payment standards earlier than required
to avoid termination of housing
assistance payments (HAP) contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) requires that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 25, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the HACF to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
PO 00000
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Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Sanford Housing
Authority (SHA), Sanford, NC. The SHA
requested a waiver of payment standard
(PS) requirements to permit it to
implement reduced payment standards
earlier than required to avoid
termination of housing assistance
payments (HAP) contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 25, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the SHA to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Littleton Housing
Authority (LHA), Colorado. The LHA
requested a waiver of payment standard
(PS) requirements to permit it to
implement reduced payment standards
earlier than required to avoid
termination of housing assistance
payments (HAP) contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 25, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the LHA to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: City of Pittsburg
Housing Authority (CPHA), Pittsburg,
CA. The PHA requested a waiver of
payment standard (PS) requirements to
permit it to implement reduced
payment standards earlier than required
to avoid termination of HAP contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 25, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the PHA to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Knoxville
Community Development Corporation
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:46 Nov 04, 2005
Jkt 208001
(KCDC), Knoxville, TN. The KCDC
requested a waiver of payment standard
(PS) requirements to permit it to
implement reduced payment standards
earlier than required to avoid
termination of housing assistance
payments (HAP) contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 25, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the KCDC to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Fairfield Housing
Authority (FHA), Fairfield, CT. The
FHA requested a waiver of payment
standard (PS) requirements to permit it
to implement reduced payment
standards earlier than required to avoid
termination of HAP contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) states that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 25, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the FHA to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
PO 00000
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program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Sullivan County
Housing Authority (SCHA), Laporte, PA.
The SCHA requested a waiver of
payment standard (PS) requirements to
permit it to implement reduced
payment standards earlier than required
to avoid termination of HAP contracts
during calendar year 2005 due to
insufficient funding.
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) requires that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 11, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the SCHA to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505(c)(3).
Project/Activity: Boston Housing
Authority (BHA), Boston, MA. The BHA
requested a waiver of payment standard
(PS) requirements to permit it to
implement reduced payment standards
earlier than required to avoid
termination of HAP contracts during
calendar year 2005 due to insufficient
Nature of Requirement: Section
982.505(c)(3) requires that if the amount
on the PS schedule is decreased during
the term of the HAP contract, the lower
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
PS amount generally must be used to
calculate the monthly HAP for the
family beginning at the effective date of
the family’s second regular
reexamination following the effective
date of the decrease.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 4, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was
granted because this cost-saving
measure would enable the BHA to both
manage its Housing Choice Voucher
program within allocated budget
authority and avoid the termination of
HAP contracts due to insufficient
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: 24 CFR 983.51(a), (b)
and (c), 983.55 (a) and (c), 983.56(c),
983.7(f)(2)(ii) and Section II of subpart
E of the January 16, 2001, Federal
Register Notice, Revisions to PHA
Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance.
Project/Activity: Housing Authority of
the City of Milwaukee (HACM),
Milwaukee, WI. The HACM requested
waiver of the competitive selection
requirements and an exception to the
deconcentration requirements to permit
it to attach PBA to 22 units at the
Highland Park Mid Rise HOPE VI
Development, which is in census tract
with a poverty rate of 21.4 percent.
Nature of Requirement: Section
983.51(a), (b) and (c) require
competitive selection of owner
proposals in accordance with a housing
authority’s HUD-approved
advertisement and unit selection policy.
Section 983.55(a) and (c) and § 983.56(c)
for new construction projects and
§ 983.7(f)(2)(ii) for projects owned by a
PHA require compliance with PHA
selection criteria. Section II of subpart E
of the Initial Guidance requires that in
order to meet the Department’s goal of
deconcentration and expanding housing
and economic opportunities, the
projects must be in census tracts with
poverty rates of less than 20 percent.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 15, 2005.
Reason Waived: Approval to waive
competitive selection and related
requirements was granted for this
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:46 Nov 04, 2005
Jkt 208001
project since it underwent a comparable
competitive process for Low Income
Housing Tax Credits in 2003 through
the Wisconsin Housing and Economic
Development Authority and was
selected without a prior commitment of
PBA. An exception to the
deconcentration requirements was
granted since the mid rise development
of 114 units will replace 220 units of
existing public housing in the two highrise towers for the elderly and disabled,
which represents a significant reduction
in assisted units at the site.
Contact: Dr. Alfred Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: Section II of subpart E
of the January 16, 2001, Federal
Register Notice, Revisions to PHA
Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance.
Project/Activity: Missoula Housing
Authority (MHA), Missoula, MT. The
MHA requested an exception to the
deconcentration requirements to permit
it to attach PBA to: 6 units at the YWCA
project in census tract 8 with a poverty
rate of 24.2 percent; 3 units at Word’s
Gold Dust project in census tract 2.01
with a poverty rate of 28.3 percent; and
16 units at Maclay Commons in census
tract 10 with a poverty rate of 23.9
Nature of Requirement: Section II of
subpart E of the Initial Guidance
requires that in order to meet the
Department’s goal of deconcentration
and expanding housing and economic
opportunities, the projects must be in
census tracts with poverty rates of less
than 20 percent.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 15, 2005.
Reason Waived: An exception to the
deconcentration requirements was
granted since the adjusted poverty rates
in the applicable census tracts would all
be below 20 percent when the student
population related to the University of
Montana is discounted. These
households have minimum or zero
income and occupy nearly 35 percent of
Missoula’s rental units.
Contact: Dr. Alfred Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
PO 00000
Frm 00027
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: Section II of subpart E
of the January 16, 2001, Federal
Register Notice, Revisions to PHA
Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance.
Project/Activity: Michigan State
Housing Development Authority
(MSHDA), Lansing, MI. The MSHDA
requested a waiver of deconcentration
requirements to permit it to attach PBA
to 30 units at Herkimer Apartments in
Grand Rapids, which is located in
census tract 21 that has a poverty rate
of 20 percent.
Nature of Requirement: Section II of
subpart E of the Initial Guidance
requires that in order to meet the
Department’s goal of deconcentration
and expanding housing and economic
opportunities, the projects must be in
census tracts with poverty rates of less
than 20 percent.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 4, 2005.
Reason Waived: An exception to the
deconcentration requirements was
granted since the area in which
Herkimer Apartments is located was
designated a Neighborhood Preservation
Program target area in 1999 by MSHDA
and in 2004 became part of a larger area
designated as a Michigan ‘‘Cool Cities’’
neighborhood called ‘‘Avenue of the
Arts.’’ Within this neighborhood is the
Martineau Project, a $10.5 million
housing and commercial arts project
designed to reinforce the current
economic development activity by
providing 14,000 square feet of
commercial space leased to the Calvin
College Arts Department and a cafe and
catering business that provides
economic opportunities. In addition,
market rate units (Front Row
Condominiums and City View
Condominiums) in the immediate area
are selling for up to $329,000.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: Section II of subpart E
of the January 16, 2001, Federal
Register Notice, Revisions to PHA
Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance; Section II of
subpart F of the January 16, 2001,
Federal Register Notice, Revisions to
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 / Notices
PHA Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance; and 24 CFR
983.51(a)(b) and (c).
Project/Activity: Chicago Housing
Authority (CHA), Chicago, IL. The CHA
requested an exception to the 25 percent
cap on the umber of units in a building
that can have PBA attached to permit it
to attach PBA to 50 units at the St. Leo’s
The CHA also requested an exception
to the Initial Guidance for the St. Leo’s
Residence that is located in a census
tract with a poverty rate greater than 20
The CHA also requested a waiver of
competitive selection of owner
proposals under the project-based
program for the St. Leo’s Residence.
Nature of Requirement: Section II of
subpart F requires that no more than 25
percent of the dwelling units in any
building may be assisted under a HAP
contract for PBA except for dwelling
units that are specifically made
available for elderly families, disabled
families and families receiving
supportive services. Until regulations
are promulgated regarding the category
of families receiving supportive
services, this aspect of the law is
implemented on a case-by-case basis.
Section II of subpart E of the Initial
Guidance requires that in order to meet
the Department’s goal of
deconcentration and expanding housing
and economic opportunities, the
projects must be in census tracts with
poverty rates of less than 20 percent.
Regulations at 24 CFR 983.51 require
competitive selection of owner
proposals in accordance with a housing
authority’s HUD-approved
advertisement and unit selection policy.
Granted by: Michael Liu, Assistant
Secretary for Public and Indian
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:46 Nov 04, 2005
Jkt 208001
Date Granted: April 25, 2005.
Reason Waived: An exception to the
unit cap was granted based on the
nature of the services families would
receive. The services include job
training and assisting residents in the
pursuit of employment. The Department
of Veteran’s Affairs will operate a
nearby community-based outpatient
clinic which will contain a floor that
will house a computer lab, and job
training classrooms.
The project is located in a HUDdesignated Enterprise Zone. The
purpose of establishing enterprise zones
was to open new businesses, and create
jobs, housing, and new educational and
healthcare opportunities for thousands
of Americans. As these goals are
consistent with the goal of
deconcentrating poverty and expanding
housing and economic opportunities,
approval of an exception to the
deconcentration requirement was
Approval to waive competitive
selection requirements was granted for
the St. Leo’s Residence since the project
had undergone a previous federal
competition. The project was awarded
federal Low Income Housing Tax
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
• Regulation: Section II of subpart F
of the January 16, 2001, Federal
Register Notice, Revisions to PHA
Project-Based Assistance (PBA)
Program; Initial Guidance.
PO 00000
Frm 00028
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
Project/Activity: Malden Housing
Authority (MHA) Malden, MA. The
MHA requested an exception to the 25
percent cap on the umber of units in a
building that can have PBA attached to
permit it to attach PBA to 19 units at the
Cross Street Housing Project.
Nature of Requirement: Section II of
subpart F requires that no more than 25
percent of the dwelling units in any
building may be assisted under a HAP
contract for PBA except for dwelling
units that are specifically made
available for elderly families, disabled
families and families receiving
supportive services. Until regulations
are promulgated regarding the category
of families receiving supportive
services, this aspect of the law is
implemented on a case-by-case basis.
Granted by: Paula O. Blunt, General
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Date Granted: April 14, 2005.
Reason Waived: An exception to the
unit cap was granted based on the
nature of the services families would
receive. The services will focus on
economic self-sufficiency. Specifically,
the owner plans to offer job training,
pre-employment counseling, linkage
with GED and ESL classes, as well as
linkage to day care for children to
support job training and job.
Contact: Alfred C. Jurison, Director,
Housing Voucher Management and
Operations Division, Office of Public
Housing and Voucher Programs, Office
of Public and Indian Housing,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410–
5000, telephone (202) 708–0477.
[FR Doc. 05–21985 Filed 11–4–05; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 214 (Monday, November 7, 2005)]
[Pages 67540-67566]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-21985]
[[Page 67539]]
Part II
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Notice of Regulatory Waiver Requests Granted for the Second Quarter of
Calendar Year 2005; Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 214 / Monday, November 7, 2005 /
[[Page 67540]]
[Docket No. FR-4997-N-02]
Notice of Regulatory Waiver Requests Granted for the Second
Quarter of Calendar Year 2005
AGENCY: Office of the General Counsel, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Section 106 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Reform Act of 1989 (the HUD Reform Act) requires HUD to publish
quarterly Federal Register notices of all regulatory waivers that HUD
has approved. Each notice covers the quarterly period since the
previous Federal Register notice. The purpose of this notice is to
comply with the requirements of section 106 of the HUD Reform Act. This
notice contains a list of regulatory waivers granted by HUD during the
period beginning on April 1, 2005, and ending on June 30, 2005.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information about this
notice, contact Aaron Santa Anna, Assistant General Counsel for
Regulations, Room 10276, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-0500, telephone 202-708-
3055 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing-or speech-
impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free
Federal Information Relay Service at 800-877-8339.
For information concerning a particular waiver that was granted and
for which public notice is provided in this document, contact the
person whose name and address follow the description of the waiver
granted in the accompanying list of waivers that have been granted in
the second quarter of calendar year 2005.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 106 of the HUD Reform Act added a
new section 7(q) to the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act
(42 U.S.C. 3535(q)), which provides that:
1. Any waiver of a regulation must be in writing and must specify
the grounds for approving the waiver;
2. Authority to approve a waiver of a regulation may be delegated
by the Secretary only to an individual of Assistant Secretary or
equivalent rank, and the person to whom authority to waive is delegated
must also have authority to issue the particular regulation to be
3. Not less than quarterly, the Secretary must notify the public of
all waivers of regulations that HUD has approved, by publishing a
notice in the Federal Register. These notices (each covering the period
since the most recent previous notification) shall:
a. Identify the project, activity, or undertaking involved;
b. Describe the nature of the provision waived and the designation
of the provision;
c. Indicate the name and title of the person who granted the waiver
d. Describe briefly the grounds for approval of the request; and
e. State how additional information about a particular waiver may
be obtained.
Section 106 of the HUD Reform Act also contains requirements
applicable to waivers of HUD handbook provisions that are not relevant
to the purpose of this notice.
This notice follows procedures provided in HUD's Statement of
Policy on Waiver of Regulations and Directives issued on April 22, 1991
(56 FR 16337) (1991 Policy Statement). This notice covers waivers of
regulations granted by HUD from April 1, 2005, through June 30, 2005.
For ease of reference, the waivers granted by HUD are listed by HUD
program office (for example, the Office of Community Panning and
Development, the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, the
Office of Housing, and the Office of Public and Indian Housing, etc.).
Within each program office grouping, the waivers are listed
sequentially by the regulatory section of title 24 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) that is being waived. For example, a waiver
of a provision in 24 CFR part 58 would be listed before a waiver of a
provision in 24 CFR part 570.
Where more than one regulatory provision is involved in the grant
of a particular waiver request, the action is listed under the section
number of the first regulatory requirement that appears in 24 CFR and
that is being waived. For example, a waiver of both Sec. 58.73 and
Sec. 58.74 would appear sequentially in the listing under Sec. 58.73.
Waiver of regulations that involve the same initial regulatory
citation are in time sequence beginning with the earliest-dated
regulatory waiver.
Should HUD receive additional information about regulatory waivers
granted during the period covered by this report (the second quarter of
calendar year 2005) before the next report is published (the third
quarter of calendar year 2005), HUD will include any additional waivers
granted for the second quarter in the next report.
This report of regulatory waivers does not contain a summary of
waivers that were granted to waive the electronic grant application
submission requirement as provided in HUD's Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 Super
Notice of Funding Availability (FY2005 SuperNOFA), published on March
21, 2005 (70 FR 13576, see 70 FR 13584). These waivers have been
determined not to be subject to the requirements of section 106 of the
HUD Reform Act. The requirement to submit applications electronically,
as provided under the FY2005 SuperNOFA is not viewed as a regulatory
requirement. The SuperNOFA's reference to HUD's regulation in 24 CFR
5.110 (which govern regulatory waivers) was included only to clarify
that the grounds for waiving the electronic submission requirement
would be a good cause showing, similar to regulatory waivers.
The process by which a waiver of the electronic application
submission requirement could be obtained was set out in detail in the
FY2005 SuperNOFA, making this process comparable to express authorities
that allow the Department to relax otherwise applicable requirements
and which authorities are exempt from the section 106 requirements (see
1991 Policy Statement at 56 FR 16338). Additionally, one of the
objectives of the section 106 requirements is to ensure that the public
knows what regulations are being waived, who requested the waiver, and
whether the waiver request was granted. The FY2005 SuperNOFA already
discloses that the electronic submission requirement is eligible for
waiver. The information that is not disclosed at this time is
identifying the applicant that is requesting the waiver of this
requirement and whether the waiver was granted. That information is
being withheld at this time to avoid a violation of section 103 of the
HUD Reform Act and HUD's implementing regulation at 25 CFR
4.26(c)(2)(i), which prohibits disclosure of the identify of any
applicant before the deadline for the submission of application. That
information, however, will become part of the applicant's application
file. In accordance with section 102(a)(4)(E) of the HUD Reform Act,
and HUD's implementing regulation at 24 CFR 4.5, those files will be
available for public inspection commencing 30 days after the award of
grants is made and will remain available for at least five years.
Accordingly, information about approved waiver requests pertaining
to HUD regulations is provided in the Appendix that follows this
[[Page 67541]]
Dated: October 24, 2005.
Keith E. Gottfried,
General Counsel.
Appendix--Listing of Waivers of Regulatory Requirements Granted by
Offices of the Department of Housing and Urban Development April 1,
2005, Through June 30, 2005
Note to Reader: More information about the granting of these
waivers, including a copy of the waiver request and approval, may be
obtained by contacting the person whose name is listed as the
contact person directly after each set of regulatory waivers
The regulatory waivers granted appear in the following order:
I. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Office of Community Planning
and Development.
II. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Office of Housing.
III. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Office of Public and Indian
I. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Office of Community Planning and
For further information about the following regulatory waivers,
please see the name of the contact person who immediately follows the
description of the waiver granted.
Regulation: 24 CFR 92.503(b).
Project/Activity: The City of Greensboro, North Carolina, requested
a waiver of 24 CFR 92.503(b) of the HOME Program regulations (24 CFR
part 92).
Nature of Requirements: Section 92.503(b) requires a participating
jurisdiction to repay to its HOME account any HOME funds invested in a
project that fails to meet the affordability requirements for the
period specified in 24 CFR 92.252.
Granted by: Pamela H. Patenaude, Assistant Secretary for Community
Planning and Development.
Date Granted: May 20, 2005.
Reasons Waived: The City has worked diligently to devise a plan
that ensures that the HOME affordability requirements will be met and
maintain the number of affordable housing opportunities available to
low-income persons in the community.
Contact: Shawna Burrell, Office of Community Planning and
Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone (202) 708-2684.
Regulation: 24 CFR 92.251(a)(2).
Project/Activity: The State of Oregon requested a waiver of the
HOME Program 24 CFR 92.251(a)(2) for assistance provided under its
American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) Program.
Nature of Requirement: Section 92.251(a)(2) states that HOME-
assisted housing must meet all applicable state and local housing
quality standards and code requirements. If no such standards exist,
the housing must meet the housing quality standards at 24 CFR 982.401
for HUD's Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Granted by: Pamela H. Patenaude, Assistant Secretary for Community
Planning and Development.
Date Granted: June 17, 2005.
Reasons Waived: The state's use of Minimum Property Standards (MPS)
would ensure that ADDI units are decent and free of safety hazards,
while eliminating potentially duplicative inspections and ensuring
equal access to the ADDI program in rural areas of the state.
Contact: Martha Murray, Office of Community Planning and
Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone (202) 708-2684.
Regulation: 24 CFR 91.15(a)(2).
Project/Activity: The State of Indianapolis, Indiana requested a
waiver of 24 CFR 91.15(a)(2) of the consolidated plan submission
Nature of Requirement: Section 24 CFR 91.15(a)(2) requires a
participating jurisdiction to submit its consolidated action plan no
later than August 16 of the federal fiscal year for which grant funds
were appropriated.
Granted by: Pamela H. Patenaude, Assistant Secretary for Community
Planning and Development.
Date Granted: June 16, 2005.
Reasons Waived: Indianapolis is seeking a waiver of 24 CFR
91.15(a)(2) to extend its submission deadline for its FY2004
consolidated action plan until forty-five days after it is notified of
HUD's approval of its waiver request. This will enable the City to
amend its FY2004 consolidated action plan to include its FY2003 and
FY2004 ADDI programs, this waiver will enable Indianapolis to use its
FY2003 and FY2004 ADDI program funds to assist first time homebuyers.
Contact: Ginger Macomber, Office of Community Planning and
Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone (202) 708-2684.
Regulation: 24 CFR 92.214(a)(6).
Project/Activity: Washington County, Oregon has requested a waiver
under 24 CFR 92.214(a)(6) of the Home program regulations.
Nature of Requirement: This section of the HOME Final Rule states
that except for the 12 months following project completion, additional
HOME assistance may not be provided to a previously assisted HOME
project during the period of affordability.
Granted by: Pamela H. Patenaude, Assistant Secretary for Community
Planning and Development.
Date Granted: June 17, 2005.
Reasons Waived: The County and its partners worked to stabilized
the vacancy rate, access rehabilitation needs, and leverage additional
resources. Through a capital needs assessment, they developed a
detailed repair and replacement plan that will make Fircrest Manor
competitive in the market and more financially viable.
Contact: Martha Murray, Office of Community Planning and
Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone (202) 708-2684.
II. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Office of Housing--Federal
Housing Administration (FHA)
For further information about the following regulatory waivers,
please see the name of the contact person that immediately follows the
description of the waiver granted.
Regulation: 24 CFR 266.200(d).
Project/Activity: Mt. Carmel Apartments, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Nature of Requirement: The regulation requires mortgage insurance
on risk-sharing transactions by housing finance agencies, rents must be
underwritten at the lower of Section 8 rents or market rents for those
projects with section 8 subsidies.
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 1, 2005.
Reason Waived: Housing Notice 04-21, issued November 12, 2004,
allowed direct loans under section 202 of the National Housing Act with
section 8 subsidies to be refinanced using, for underwriting purposes,
section 8 rents, even if market rents were lower. This change makes it
possible to refinance many more of these apartments for the elderly,
providing money for repairs and for supportive services. Regulations
for risk-sharing require rents at the lower of market rate or section
8, as indicated in the nature of requirement. To put risk-sharing loans
on the same basis as loans under the National Housing Act requires a
change in regulations, which will be implemented. Pending the change,
the waiver on Mt. Carmel was granted for the Massachusetts Housing
[[Page 67542]]
Agency to allow underwriting using section 8 rents.
Contact: Michael L. McCullough, Director, Office of Multifamily
Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street SW., Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone (202) 708-1142.
Regulation: 24 CFR 290.30(a).
Project/Activity: New York, New York (Renaissance Court--Project
Number 012-57231Z). The owner of Renaissance Court has requested
prepayment approval of their HUD-held mortgage and assignment of the
mortgage to the new mortgagee, Woori American Bank, for mortgage tax
Nature of Requirement: Section 290.3(a) states that ``[e]xcept as
otherwise provided in Sec. Sec. 290.30(a)(2), HUD will sell HUD-held
multifamily mortgages on a competitive basis.'' Section 290.31(a)(2)
permits negotiated sales to state or local governments for mortgage
loans that are current and secured by subsidized projects, provided
such loans are sold with FHA insurance.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing--Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 25, 2005.
Reason Waived: The owner of Renaissance Court has requested, and
HUD approved, prepayment of its mortgage on this property. In lieu of
paying off the mortgage directly, Renaissance Associates (the
``Borrower'') requested that the HUD loan secured by the project be
assigned to Woori American Bank for mortgage tax savings purposes.
Woori American Bank agreed to this assignment and to pay the full
amount of the HUD loan (as of March 11, 2005 the loan amount is
$2,297,930.60). This waiver allows the non-competitive sale of the HUD-
held mortgage securing the project without FHA insurance.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director, Office of Asset Management,
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street,
SW., Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone (202) 708-3730.
Regulation: 24 CFR 401.461.
Project/Activity: The following projects requested a waiver to the
simple interest requirement on the second mortgage to allow compound
interest at the applicable Federal Rate. (24 CFR 401.461):
FHA No. Project State
07135614.......................... Kensington Square I.. CT
10935073.......................... Bicentennial WY
Nature of Requirement: Section 401.461 requires second mortgages to
have an interest rate not more than the applicable federal rate.
Section 401.461(b)(1) states that interest will accrue but not
compound. The intent of simple interest instead of compound interest is
to limit the size of the second mortgage accruals to increase the
likelihood of long-term financial and physical integrity.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 18, 2005.
Reason Waived: This regulatory restriction would be construed as a
form of federal subsidy, thereby creating a loss of tax credit equity.
This loss will adversely affect the ability to close the restructuring
plan and could cause the loss or deterioration of these affordable
housing projects. Therefore, compound interest is necessary for the
owner to obtain Low Income Housing Tax Credits under favorable terms
and in order to maximize the savings to the federal government.
Contact: Dennis Manning, Office of Affordable Housing Preservation,
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-0001.
Regulation: 24 CFR 401.600.
Project/Activity: The following projects requested waivers to the
12-month limit at above-market rents (24 CFR 401.600):
FHA No. Project State
06535351.......................... Canton Estates MS
04244054.......................... Channelwood Village OH
(aka Callis Tower).
05935039.......................... Cooper Road Plaza LA
05235312.......................... Cumberland Manor..... MD
06535040.......................... Eastgate Garden MS
06535005.......................... Francis Street MS
08735149.......................... Indian Hills TN
12735200.......................... Lake Chelan Community WA
06544802.......................... Madonna Manor........ MS
06544042.......................... Northwood Village.... MS
06535091.......................... Southwest Village MS
05294031.......................... YORK PARK APTS....... MD
Nature of Requirement: Section 401.600 requires projects be marked
down to market rents within 12 months of their first expiration date
after January 1, 1998. The intent of this provision is to ensure timely
processing of requests for restructuring and that the properties will
not default on their FHA insured mortgages during the restructuring
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 1, 2005.
Reason Waived: The projects listed above were not assigned to the
participating administrative entities (PAEs) in a timely manner or the
restructuring analysis was unavoidably delayed due to no fault of the
Contact: Norman Dailey, Office of Affordable Housing Preservation,
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-0001.
Regulation: 24 CFR 401.600.
Project/Activity: The following projects requested waivers to the
[[Page 67543]]
month limit at above-market rents (24 CFR 401.600):
FHA No. Project State
04535018.......................... Calhoun Homes........ WV
06144105.......................... Cedar Avenue GA
06435239.......................... Chateau Du Lac....... LA
2336614........................... Field Corner Granite. MA
08735144.......................... Gate Manor Apartments TN
04335176.......................... Hillside Apartments.. OH
08644021.......................... Knollcrest Manor TN
04635046.......................... Parkview Arms I...... OH
04635388.......................... Parkview Arms II..... OH
04344061.......................... Rosa Parks Apartments OH
10935006.......................... Sertoma Senior WY
Citizens Housing,
06592501.......................... William H. Bell MS
Nature of Requirement: Section 401.600 requires projects be marked
down to market rents within 12 months of their first expiration date
after January 1, 1998. The intent of this provision is to ensure timely
processing of requests for restructuring and that the properties will
not default on their FHA insured mortgages during the restructuring
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 18, 2005.
Reason Waived: The projects listed above were not assigned to the
participating administrative entities (PAEs) in a timely manner or the
restructuring analysis was unavoidably delayed due to no fault of the
Contact: Norman Dailey, Office of Affordable Housing Preservation,
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-0001.
Regulation: 24 CFR 401.600.
Project/Activity: The following projects requested waivers to the
12-month limit at above-market rents (24 CFR 401.600):
FHA No. Project State
11535163.......................... Alamo Village TX
08635149.......................... Algood Manor TN
06244012.......................... Alta Vista Apartments AL
06135536.......................... Amberwood Apartments. GA
08344081.......................... Belmont Court KY
06544052.......................... Broadway Estates..... MS
12344027.......................... Broadway House....... AZ
11735033.......................... Columbia Square Apts. OK
04235335.......................... Conneaut Apartments.. OH
06535066.......................... Delta Apts........... MS
06535082.......................... Edgewood Manor MS
07344403.......................... Fowler Apartments.... IN
08335012.......................... Highland Heights..... KY
08638005.......................... Madison View Towers.. TN
04344088.......................... Maplewood Apartments. OH
04244043.......................... Moody Manor.......... OH
06544042.......................... Northwood Village.... MS
06235007.......................... Pines Apts........... AL
08635062.......................... Spring Haven TN
17155001.......................... Tri Cities Vista Low WA
Cost Housing.
09144048.......................... Village Green........ SD
Nature of Requirement: Section 401.600 requires projects be marked
down to market rents within 12 months of their first expiration date
after January 1, 1998. The intent of this provision is to ensure timely
processing of requests for restructuring and that the properties will
not default on their FHA insured mortgages during the restructuring
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: The projects listed above were not assigned to the
participating administrative entities (PAEs) in a timely manner or the
restructuring analysis was unavoidably delayed due to no fault of the
Contact: Norman Dailey, Office of Affordable Housing Preservation,
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202) 708-0001.
Regulation: 24 CFR 883.606(b).
Project/Activity: Delaware State Housing Authority (Dover,
Delaware)--Issuance of Refunding Bonds under section 1012 of McKinney-
Vento Act (McKinney Act). HUD did not enforce a regulatory prohibition
of collection of both contract administration fees and bond yield
override and neglected to issue formal waivers at the time of approval
of the transaction in 1991.
Nature of Requirement: This section of the regulation prohibits the
collection of an override and a housing assistance payments contract
administration fee in connection with the same section 8 project. The
issuer collects the override and administrative fee in the projects
[[Page 67544]]
included in its McKinney Act bond funding.
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing--
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was granted based on a finding that the
issuer has used these funds in support of affordable housing. HUD, in
approving bond refunding proposals submitted by state housing agencies
in the early 1990's, did not issue timely waiver of the regulatory
prohibition and corrects that oversight by the waiver granted herein.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director, Office of Asset Management,
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street, SW.,
Room 6l60, Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone (202) 708-3730.
Regulation: 24 CFR 883.606(b).
Project/Activity: Iowa Finance Authority (Des Moines, Iowa)--
Issuance of Refunding Bonds under section 1012 of McKinney Act. HUD did
not enforce a regulatory prohibition of collection of both contract
administration fees and bond yield override and neglected to issue
formal waivers at the time of approval of the transaction in 1991.
Nature of Requirement: This section of the regulation prohibits the
collection of an override and a housing assistance payments contract
administration fee in connection with the same section 8 project. The
issuer collects the override and administrative fee in the projects
included in its McKinney Act bond funding.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing--Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 24, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was granted based on a finding that the
issuer has used these funds in support of affordable housing. HUD, in
approving bond refunding proposals submitted by state housing agencies
in the early 1990's, did not issue timely waiver of the regulatory
prohibition and corrects that oversight by the waiver granted herein.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director, Office of Asset Management,
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street, SW.,
Room 6160, Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone (202) 708-3730.
Regulation: 24 CFR 883.606(b).
Project/Activity: Maryland Department of Housing and Community
Development (Crownsville, Maryland)--Issuance of Refunding Bonds under
section 1012 of McKinney Act. HUD did not enforce a regulatory
prohibition of collection of both contract administration fees and bond
yield override and neglected to issue formal waivers at the time of
approval of the transaction in 1991.
Nature of Requirement: This section of the regulation prohibits the
collection of an override and a housing assistance payments contract
administration fee in connection with the same section 8 project. The
issuer collects the override and administrative fee in the projects
included in its McKinney Act bond funding.
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing--Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 26, 2005.
Reason Waived: The waiver was granted based on a finding that the
issuer has used these funds in support of affordable housing. HUD, in
approving bond refunding proposals submitted by state housing agencies
in the early 1990's, did not issue timely waiver of the regulatory
prohibition and corrects that oversight by the waiver granted herein.
Contact: Beverly J. Miller, Director, Office of Asset Management,
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street,
SW., Room 6l60, Washington, DC 20410-7000, telephone (202) 708-3730.
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Divine Providence Apartments, Eunice, Louisiana,
Project Number: 064-EE157/LA48-S031-011.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 7, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Villas at Bayou Park, Houston, Texas, Project
Number: 114-HD019/TX24-Q011-001.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 8, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Peele Manor, Blackstone, Virginia, Project
Number: 051-EE100/VA36-S031-004.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 8, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Freedom House, Newport, Rhode Island, Project
Number: 016-HD039/RI43-Q021-004.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 8, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Oak Haven Apartments, Waterford, Pennsylvania,
Project Number: 033-EE113/PA28-S031-001.
[[Page 67545]]
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 11, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Kona Kakua, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 13, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: St. Gabriel Manor, St. Martinsville, Louisiana,
Project Number: 064-EE141/LA48-S021-008.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 19, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Poplar Place, Erie, Pennsylvania, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Cherbonay at Marsalis Independent Living Center,
Dallas, Texas, Project Number: 113-HD030/TX16-Q031-005.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 22, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Vine Street Manor at Bethel Square, Kansas City,
Missouri, Project Number: 084-EE056/MO16-S031-001.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Shenandoah Haven, Lafayette, Tennessee, Project
Number: 086-HD031/TN43-Q031-001.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: CLA Homes I, Springfield, Vinginia, Project
Number: 000-HD053/DC39-Q021-001.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 29, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Temple Street Elderly Housing, Nahua, New
Hampshire, Project Number: 024-EE074/NH36-S031-004.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing--Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
[[Page 67546]]
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Worley's Place, Jacksonville, Arizona, Project
Number: 082-EE156/AR37-S031-009.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Assistant Secretary for
Housing--Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: The Cove Center, East Providence, Rhode Island,
Project Number: 016-HD038/RI43-Q021-003.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing--Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 9, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: St. Vincent DePaul Residence, Chicago, Illinois,
Project Number: 071-EE192/IL06-S031-016.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Ottawa River Esttes, Toledo, Ohio, Project
Number: 042-HD072/OH12-Q971-004.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 19, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Charles North Housing, Baltimore, Maryland,
Project Number: 052-HD062/MD06-Q031-004.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 25, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Tents of Grace Manor, Village of Gnadenhutten,
Ohio, Project Number: 042-EE157/OH12-S031-010.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: New Life Homes 5, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Project Number: 116-HD027/NM16-Q041-003.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Shakopee Supportive Housing, Shakopee, Minnesota,
Project Number: 092-HD062/MN46-Q031-002.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 7, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
[[Page 67547]]
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Lake Senior Housing, Lake Township, Ohio, Project
Number: 042-EE146/OH12-S021-009.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 7, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Heartland Christian Towers, Nashville, Tennessee,
Project Number: 086-EE048/TN43-S031-002.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 8, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Anixter Village, Chicago, Illinois, Project
Number: 071-HD128/IL06-Q021-006.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 10, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: St. George Housing Corporation, Superior,
Wisconsin, Project Number: 075-HD074/WI39-Q021-005.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 15, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Bicentennial Apartments, Gillette, Wyoming,
Project Number: 109-EE013/WY99-S031-002.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Delta 10, Cairo, Illinois, Project Number: 072-
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: The Shire, Pikesville, Maryland, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 17, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: St. Pius Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, Project Number:
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Village of Oakman Manor, Detroit, Michigan,
Project Number: 044-EE087/MI28-S031-003.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
[[Page 67548]]
Date Granted: June 20, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.100(d).
Project/Activity: Hungry Run Housing Corporation, Rib Lake,
Wisconsin, Project Number: 075-EE124/WI39-S031-004.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.100(d) prohibits amendment of
the amount of the approved capital advance funds prior to initial
Granted by: Frank L. Davis, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Deputy Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: June 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: The project is economically designed and comparable
in cost to similar projects in the area, and the sponsor/owner has
exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Unity Gardens Senior Apartments, Windham, Maine,
Project Number: 024-EE053/ME36-S001-001.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 5, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was needed to prepare for initial
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: The Daisy House, Rochester, New York, Project
Number: 014-EE208/NY06-S011-007.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 8, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was needed due to the Phase II
Environmental Site Assessment.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Vermont Seniors, Los Angeles, California, Project
Number: 122-EE148/CA16-Q981-017.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 21, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the City Council to
approve the release of funds.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Harvard Square, Irvine, California, Project
Number: 143-HD011/CA43-Q001-001.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was needed to prepare for initial
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Senior Residence at Kapolei, Kapolei, Hawaii,
Project Number: 140-EE024/HI10-S011-001.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: April 27, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the sponsor/owner to
secure secondary financing.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: South Seven Senior Housing, Port Hadlock,
Washington, Project Number: 127-EE036/WA19-S021-001.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was needed due to the long and
extensive permit process.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Woonsocket Neighborhood Development Corporation,
North Smithfield, Rhode Island, Project Number: 016-EE046/RI43-S021-
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for HUD to receive and
issue the firm commitment application.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing
[[Page 67549]]
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-
8000, telephone (202) 708-3000.
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Hale Mahaolu Ehiku, Kihei, Hawaii, Project
Number: 140-EE028/HI10-S021-001.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration
of the fund reservation of the capital advance is 18 months from the
date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 24 months, as approved
by HUD on a case-by-case basis.
Granted by: John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing-
Federal Housing Commissioner.
Date Granted: May 6, 2005.
Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the sponsor/owner to
secure secondary financing.
Contact: Willie Spearmon, Director, Office of Housing Assistance
and Grant Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-8000, telephone (202)
Regulation: 24 CFR 891.165.
Project/Activity: Windham Willows, Windham, New York, Project
Number: 014-EE210/NY06-S011-009.
Nature of Requirement: Section 891.165 provides that the duration
of the