Agency Information Collection Activities: Emergency Consideration Request, 62156-62157 [05-21492]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 208 / Friday, October 28, 2005 / Notices
meeting other requirements, pass an
examination prescribed by the
The volume and speed of the market
has increased dramatically since CTs
and RCMMs were first created, and
significant changes have occurred with
respect to market dynamics. The
Exchange believes that these changes
coupled with the Exchange’s move to a
Hybrid Market makes this review timely
and appropriate. Currently there are
only 11 active RCMMs, and the sole CT
has not been active for several years. As
part of this review, the Exchange will
consider the diminished impact and
usage of RCMMs and the effective nonusage of the CT status, the resources
required to surveil their trading, and the
significant market timing and
informational advantage that they enjoy.
The Exchange will also examine any
regulatory requirements needed to
increase market maker liquidity
The Exchange will issue an
Information Memo announcing the
moratorium. The Exchange notes that
the proposed moratorium will not
impact those members currently
registered as CTs and RCMMs.
Accordingly, during the period that the
moratorium is in place, NYSE Rules 110
and 111 and NYSE Rule 107A will
continue to govern the actions of current
CTs and RCMMs, respectively.8 The
Exchange will promptly file for
approval with the Commission any
changes to the existing rules that the
Exchange determines are warranted
upon completion of its review.
2. Statutory Basis
The Exchange believes that the basis
under the Act for this proposed rule
change is the requirement under Section
6(b)(5) 9 that an Exchange have rules
that are designed to promote just and
equitable principles of trade, to foster
cooperation and coordination with
persons engaged in regulating, clearing,
settling, processing information with
respect to, and facilitating transactions
in securities, to remove impediments to
and perfect the mechanism of a free and
open market and a national market
system and, in general, to protect
investors and the public interest.
B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Burden on Competition
The Exchange does not believe that
the proposed rule change will impose
8 Telephone conversation between Donald
Siemer, Director, Market Surveillance, NYSE and
Ronesha Butler, Special Counsel, and Sara Gillis,
Attorney, Division of Market Regulation,
Commission on October 6, 2005.
9 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
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any burden on competition that is not
necessary or appropriate in furtherance
of the purposes of the Act.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
The Exchange has neither solicited
nor received written comments on the
proposed rule change.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
Because the proposed rule change: (i)
Does not significantly affect the
protection of investors or the public
interest; (ii) does not impose any
significant burden on competition; and
(iii) does not become operative for 30
days after the date of the filing, or such
shorter time as the Commission may
designate if consistent with the
protection of investors and the public
interest, the proposed rule change has
become effective pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A) of the Act 10 and Rule 19b–
4(f)(6) thereunder.11 At any time within
60 days of the filing of such proposed
rule change, the Commission may
summarily abrogate such rule change if
it appears to the Commission that such
action is necessary or appropriate in the
public interest, for the protection of
investors, or otherwise in furtherance of
the purposes of the Act.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
Internet Web site (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for inspection and copying in
the Commission’s Public Reference
Room. Copies of the filing also will be
available for inspection and copying at
the principal office of the Exchange. All
comments received will be posted
without change; the Commission does
not edit personal identifying
information from submissions. You
should submit only information that
you wish to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File No.
SR–NYSE–2005–63 and should be
submitted on or before November 18,
For the Commission, by the Division of
Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
authority. 12
Jonathan G. Katz,
[FR Doc. E5–5975 Filed 10–27–05; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Emergency Consideration
Electronic Comments
The Social Security Administration
(SSA) publishes a list of information
collection packages that will require
clearance by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) in compliance with
Pub. L. 104–13, the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, effective October
1, 1995. The information collection
request included in this notice is for
Paper Comments
revisions to an existing information
• Send paper comments in triplicate
SSA is soliciting comments on the
to Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary,
accuracy of the agency’s burden
Securities and Exchange Commission,
estimate; the need for the information;
100 F Street, NE., Washington, DC
its practical utility; ways to enhance its
quality, utility, and clarity; and on ways
All submissions should refer to File
to minimize burden on respondents,
Number SR–NYSE–2005–63. This file
including the use of automated
number should be included on the
subject line if e-mail is used. To help the collection techniques or other forms of
information technology. Written
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an e-mail to Please include File
Number SR–NYSE–2005–63 on the
subject line.
10 15
11 17
PO 00000
U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).
CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6).
Frm 00067
Fmt 4703
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12 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 208 / Friday, October 28, 2005 / Notices
comments and recommendations
regarding the information collection
should be submitted to the OMB Desk
Officer and the SSA Reports Clearance
Officer. The information can be mailed
and/or faxed to the individuals at the
addresses and fax numbers listed below:
(OMB) Office of Management and
Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for SSA, Fax:
(SSA) Social Security Administration,
DCFAM, Attn: Reports Clearance Officer
1333 Annex Building, 6401 Security
Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21235, Fax: 410–
The information collection listed
below has been submitted to OMB for
expedited Emergency Clearance. SSA is
requesting Emergency Consideration
from OMB by 11/14/2005. Your
comments on the information collection
are requested by that date. You can
obtain a copy of the OMB clearance
package by calling the SSA Reports
Clearance Officer at 410–965–0454, or
by writing to the address listed above.
Application for a Social Security
Card—20 CFR 422.103–.110—0960–
0066. Forms SS–5 (used in the United
States) and SS–5–FS (used outside the
United States) are used to apply for
original and replacement Social
Security cards. Changes are being made
to these forms to reflect new statutory
limits on the number of allowable
replacement cards. The respondents are
requestors of new or replacement Social
Security cards.
Type of Collection: Emergency
information collection (revision).
Number of Respondents: 13,600,000.
Frequency of Response: 1.
Average Burden Per Response: 9
Estimated Annual Burden: 2,040,000
Dated: October 20, 2005.
Elizabeth A. Davidson,
Reports Clearance Officer, Social Security
[FR Doc. 05–21492 Filed 10–27–05; 8:45 am]
records entitled Reasonable
Accommodation for Persons With
Disabilities (RAPD) System, 60–0315,
and routine uses applicable to this
system of records. Hereinafter, we will
refer to the proposed system of records
as the RAPD System. The proposed
system of records will consist of
information used to provide reasonable
accommodations to qualified employees
on the basis of disability, the disposition
of the requests and the reasonable
accommodations provided. We invite
public comments on this proposal.
DATES: We filed a report of the proposed
new system of records and proposed
routine use disclosures with the
Chairman of the Senate Committee on
Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs, the Chairman of the House
Committee on Government Reform, and
the Director, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) on
October 19, 2005. The proposed system
of records and routine uses will become
effective on November 28, 2005, unless
we receive comments warranting it not
to become effective.
ADDRESSES: Interested individuals may
comment on this publication by writing
to the Executive Director, Office of
Public Disclosure, Office of the General
Counsel, Social Security
Administration, 3–A–6 Operations
Building, 6401 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21235–6401. All
comments received will be available for
public inspection at the above address.
McCracken, Social Insurance Specialist,
Office of Public Disclosure, Office of the
General Counsel, Social Security
Administration, Suite 1500 Dunleavy
Building, 6401 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21235, e-mail
address at, or
by telephone at (410) 965–6117.
I. Background and Purpose of the
Proposed New System of Records
Entitled the RAPD System
A. General Background
Privacy Act of 1974; as Amended; New
System of Records and New Routine
Use Disclosures
Social Security Administration
Proposed New System of
Records and Proposed Routine Uses.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(4) and
(e)(11)), we are issuing public notice of
our intent to establish a new system of
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The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
amended, prohibits certain employers
from discriminating based on disability.
Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act (29
U.S.C. 791) applies to Federal agencies
and requires that agencies provide
reasonable accommodation to qualified
employees or applicants with
disabilities. Executive Order (E.O.)
13164 requires that Federal agencies
establish written procedures to facilitate
the provision of reasonable
accommodation. An accommodation is
PO 00000
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a change in the work environment or in
the way things are customarily done
that would enable a qualified individual
with a disability to enjoy equal
employment opportunities. There are
three categories of reasonable
• Modifications or adjustments to a
job application process for a qualified
individual with a disability to be
considered for a job (such as providing
application forms in alternative formats
like large print or Braille);
• Modifications or adjustments
necessary to enable a qualified
individual with a disability to perform
the essential functions of the job (such
as providing sign language interpreters);
• Modifications or adjustments that
enable qualified employees with
disabilities to enjoy equal benefits and
privileges of employment (such as
removing physical barriers in an office
or cafeteria).
The SSA will process requests for
reasonable accommodations and, where
appropriate, provide reasonable
accommodations to qualified employees
and applicants for employment in a
prompt, fair and efficient manner.
B. Collection and Maintenance of the
Data for the Proposed New System of
Records Entitled the RAPD System
SSA will collect and maintain the
information that will be housed in the
RAPD System from employees who
have requested reasonable
accommodation from SSA officials.
The information maintained in this
system of records will be maintained in
manual and electronic formats and will
include information on all reasonable
accommodation requests made by
employees. Specifically, it will contain:
(1) The employee’s name, Social
Security number (SSN), medical
information collected in the process,
number and type of requests made,
whether those requests have been
granted or denied; (2) the jobs
(occupational series, grade level, and
Agency component) for which
reasonable accommodations have been
requested; (3) the types of reasonable
accommodations that have been
requested for each of those jobs; (4) the
number and types of reasonable
accommodation requests for each job, by
Agency component, that have been
approved, and the number and types
denied; (5) the number and types of
requests that relate to the benefits or
privileges of employment, and whether
those requests have been granted or
denied; (6) reasons for denial; (7)
amount of time to process each request;
and (8) sources of technical assistance
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 208 (Friday, October 28, 2005)]
[Pages 62156-62157]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-21492]
Agency Information Collection Activities: Emergency Consideration
The Social Security Administration (SSA) publishes a list of
information collection packages that will require clearance by the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in compliance with Pub. L. 104-
13, the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, effective October 1, 1995. The
information collection request included in this notice is for revisions
to an existing information collection.
SSA is soliciting comments on the accuracy of the agency's burden
estimate; the need for the information; its practical utility; ways to
enhance its quality, utility, and clarity; and on ways to minimize
burden on respondents, including the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information technology. Written
[[Page 62157]]
comments and recommendations regarding the information collection
should be submitted to the OMB Desk Officer and the SSA Reports
Clearance Officer. The information can be mailed and/or faxed to the
individuals at the addresses and fax numbers listed below:
(OMB) Office of Management and Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for SSA,
Fax: 202-395-6974.
(SSA) Social Security Administration, DCFAM, Attn: Reports
Clearance Officer 1333 Annex Building, 6401 Security Blvd., Baltimore,
MD 21235, Fax: 410-965-6400,
The information collection listed below has been submitted to OMB
for expedited Emergency Clearance. SSA is requesting Emergency
Consideration from OMB by 11/14/2005. Your comments on the information
collection are requested by that date. You can obtain a copy of the OMB
clearance package by calling the SSA Reports Clearance Officer at 410-
965-0454, or by writing to the address listed above.
Application for a Social Security Card--20 CFR 422.103-.110--0960-
0066. Forms SS-5 (used in the United States) and SS-5-FS (used outside
the United States) are used to apply for original and replacement
Social Security cards. Changes are being made to these forms to reflect
new statutory limits on the number of allowable replacement cards. The
respondents are requestors of new or replacement Social Security cards.
Type of Collection: Emergency information collection (revision).
Number of Respondents: 13,600,000.
Frequency of Response: 1.
Average Burden Per Response: 9 minutes.
Estimated Annual Burden: 2,040,000 hours.
Dated: October 20, 2005.
Elizabeth A. Davidson,
Reports Clearance Officer, Social Security Administration.
[FR Doc. 05-21492 Filed 10-27-05; 8:45 am]