Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 59764-59766 [05-20491]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 197 / Thursday, October 13, 2005 / Notices
shall not interfere with any existing or
future uses * * * in the operation and
maintenance of the Denison Dam and
Reservoir Project * * *.’’ Located in
north-central Texas on the Big Mineral
Arm of Lake Texoma, the 11,320 acre
Refuge is comprised of uplands,
farmland, marshland, and open water
habitats. Management efforts focus on
enhancing uplands and wetlands for
migratory birds and other wildlife
The Draft CCP/EA addresses a range
of topics including habitat and wildlife
management, public use opportunities,
land acquisition, invasive species
control, administration and staffing for
the Refuge. The key Refuge issues and
how they are addressed in the plan
alternatives are summarized below.
Alternative A is the current
management, or what is currently
offered at the Refuge. Alternative B is
the proposed action. Alternative C
would call for no active management on
the Refuge.
Public Use Activities: Alternative A:
The public use program would remain
at current levels and no new facilities
would be developed on the Refuge.
Alternative B: The public use program
would increase and/or enhance
educational and outreach activities,
recreational opportunities, community
involvement, and improve public use
facilities. Alternative C: The public use
program would be discontinued.
Habitat Management: Alternative A:
The Refuge would continue to maintain
current level of wetland management
activities. Alternative B: The Refuge will
increase/expand habitat management
activities for the benefit of wildlife
species and for the enjoyment of the
visiting public. Alternative C: Wetland
areas would be allowed to dry up,
forcing wildlife species to leave.
Refuge Land and Boundary
Protection: Alternative A: The Refuge
would maintain limited outreach to
private landowners. Alternative B: The
Refuge will seek partnerships with
landowners and organizations to
enhance or protect desirable habitat
through easements, agreements, etc.
Alternative C: The Refuge would not
seek easement or agreements with
interested individuals.
Comment Period: Please submit
comments by November 28, 2005.
Dated: October 6, 2005.
H. Dale Hall,
Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
[FR Doc. 05–20489 Filed 10–12–05; 8:45 am]
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Fish and Wildlife Service
Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife
Refuge Complex
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of Availability of the
Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan
and Environmental Assessment for the
Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife
Refuge Complex, which consists of five
national wildlife refuges—Yazoo,
Panther Swamp, Hillside, Morgan
Brake, and Mathews Brake—as well as
a number of smaller fee title properties
and floodplain and conservation
easements in the Mississippi Delta.
This notice announces that a
Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan
and Environmental Assessment for the
Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife
Refuge Complex are available for review
and comment. The National Wildlife
Refuge System Administration Act of
1966, as amended by the National
Wildlife Refuge System Improvement
Act of 1997, requires the Service to
develop a comprehensive conservation
plan for each national wildlife refuge.
The purpose in developing a
comprehensive conservation plan is to
provide refuge managers with a 15-year
strategy for achieving refuge purposes
and contributing toward the mission of
the National Wildlife Refuge System,
consistent with sound principles of fish
and wildlife management, conservation,
legal mandates, and Service policies. In
addition to outlining broad management
direction on conserving wildlife and
their habitats, the plan identifies
wildlife-dependent recreational
opportunities available to the public,
including opportunities for hunting,
fishing, wildlife observation, wildlife
photography, and environmental
education and interpretation.
DATES: A meeting will be held to present
the plan to the public. Mailings,
newspaper articles, and posters will be
the avenues to inform the public of the
date and time for the meting.
Individuals wishing to comment on the
Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan
and Environmental Assessment for the
Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife
Refuge Complex should do so within 45
days following the date of this notice.
ADDRESSES: Request for copies of the
Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan
and Environmental Assessment should
be addressed to the Theodore Roosevelt
National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 728
Yazoo Refuge Road, Hollandale,
Mississippi 38748; Telephone 662/839–
PO 00000
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2638. The plan and environmental
assessment may also be accessed and
downloaded from the Service’s Internet
Web site
planning/. Comments on the draft plan
may be submitted to the above address
or via electronic mail to Please include
your name and return address in your
Internet message. Our practice is to
make comments, including names and
home addresses of respondents,
available for public review during
regular business hours. Individual
respondents may request that we
withhold their home addresses from the
record, which we will honor to the
extent allowable by law.
Significant issues addressed in the draft
plan include: threatened and
endangered species, waterfowl
management, neotropical migratory
birds, bottomland hardwood restoration,
agriculture, visitor services, funding and
staffing, cultural resources, land
acquisition, and forest fragmentation.
The Service developed four
alternatives for managing the refuge
complex and chose Alternative B as the
preferred alternative.
Alternative A. No Action (Current
Existing Complex management and
public outreach practices would be
favored under this alternative. All
refuge management actions would be
directed toward achieving the
Complex’s primary purposes including
(1) preserving wintering waterfowl
habitat; (2) providing production habitat
for wood ducks; and (3) meeting the
habitat conservation goals of the North
American Waterfowl Management Plan,
all the while contributing to other
national, regional, and state goals to
protect and restore shorebirds,
neotropical migratory breeding birds,
woodcocks, and threatened and
endangered species. Refuge
management programs would continue
to be developed and implemented with
little baseline biological information.
Active habitat management would be
implemented through water level
manipulations, moist-soil and cropland
management, and reforestation designed
to provide a diverse complex of habitats
that meet the foraging, resting, and
breeding requirements for a variety of
species. Complex staff would continue
to restore and maintain existing
wetlands, open waters, grasslands, and
bottomland hardwood forest habitats.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 197 / Thursday, October 13, 2005 / Notices
Land would be acquired from willing
sellers within the current acquisition
boundaries totaling 113,060 acres.
Hunting and fishing would continue
to be the major focuses of the Complex
public use program, with no expansion
of current opportunities. Current
restrictions or prohibitions would
remain. All-terrain vehicle use would
continue at its current level, with little
maintenance to existing trails.
Environmental education and wildlife
observation and photography would be
accommodated on a case-by-case basis.
Funding requests would continue in
order to construct a Complex
headquarters office/visitor contact area
on Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge and
to rehabilitate other existing facilities.
Alternative B. Balanced Habitat and
Public Use Emphasis (Preferred
The Service planning team has
identified Alternative B as the preferred
alternative. This alternative was
developed based on public input and
the best judgement of the planning
team. The strategies presented in the
draft comprehensive conservation plan
were developed as a direct result of the
selection of Alternative B.
This alternative would promote a
greater understanding of, and protection
for, the fish, wildlife, and habitats of the
Complex. It would promote quality and
more evenly balanced recreational and
educational programs for visitors.
Hunting and fishing would continue
with greater emphasis on the quality of
the experience with more diverse
opportunities, including those for youth
and disabled hunters/anglers. Education
and interpretation would be promoted
through regular programs and
partnerships with local schools.
Wildlife observation and photography
opportunities would be expanded,
including trails, auto tours, photo
blinds, and observation towers,
highlighting refuge management
programs and unique wildlife and
habitats. All-terrain vehicle use for
wildlife-dependent creation (e.g.,
hunting and fishing) would continue to
provide access to remote portions of
certain refuges. Trails to accommodate
these vehicles would be evaluated for
retention based on impacts to refuge
resources, access, duplication, and other
means of access. If possible, trails
removed for these reasons would be
rerouted if needed for hunter dispersal.
A user fee and permit would be required
for all-terrain vehicles to provide
additional funds needed for the trail
maintenance program.
A visitor center and headquarters
office would be constructed at Yazoo
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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National Wildlife Refuge. Two new
subheadquarters and visitor contact
stations would be constructed at
Panther Swamp and Morgan Brake
National Wildlife Refuges. The new
subheadquarters at Panther Swamp
Refuge would be relocated off either
Highway 49 or River Road, to provide
greater visibility and access to the
Reforestation efforts would focus on
creating buffers along field edges to
protect waterfowl and other waterbirds
from disturbance, and define boundaries
along adjacent private lands. As lands
are acquired, they would be evaluated
for their ability to contribute to stepdown habitat objectives (e.g., moist soil)
and to interior forest habitat.
Research studies on bottomland
hardwood forest restorations would be
fostered and partnerships developed
with universities and other agencies,
providing needed resources and
experiment sites while meeting the
needs of the complex’s reforestation
programs. Research would also benefit
efforts throughout the Lower
Mississippi River Alluvial Valley to
reforest large tracts of lands to meet the
objectives set by the Lower Mississippi
Joint Venture office to address the
fulfillment of the Partners-in-Flight
Additional staff and facilities would
be added to accomplish objectives for
establishing baseline data on refuge
resources, managing habitats, providing
opportunities and facilities for wildlife
observation and photography, and
providing educational programs that
promote a greater understanding of the
Complex’s purposes, issues, and
resources, as well as the unique value of
the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial
Under this alternative, 125,511 acres
of Complex lands (including refuges and
Farmers Home Administration
properties) would be protected,
maintained, restored, and enhanced for
resident wildlife, waterfowl, migratory
nongame birds, and threatened and
endangered species. A ‘‘Conservation
Partners Focus Area’’ would be
established to not only concentrate offrefuge resources, but for partnership
opportunities and future boundary
expansion studies to meet regional and
national objectives. Extensive wildlife
and plant censuses and inventory
activities would be initiated to obtain
the biological information needed to
implement and monitor management
programs on the Complex. All
management actions would be directed
toward achieving each refuge’s primary
purposes, while contributing to other
national, regional, and state goals.
PO 00000
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Active habitat management programs
would include water level
manipulations, moist-soil and cropland
management, reforestation, and existing
forest management, all designed to meet
the foraging, resting, and breeding
requirements for a variety of species,
particularly migratory birds. An
extensive system of levees, water
control structures, and wells would be
maintained and developed in an effort
to mimic historic flooding regimes.
As funding becomes available to
either contract or conduct farming
operations with Complex equipment
and staff, acres in agricultural
production would be reduced by at least
half, depending upon the level of
funding and yield. The majority of the
acres would be converted to moist soil
to meet habitat objectives and needs of
wintering waterfowl and other
waterbirds, and scrub/shrub and
grassland habitats for neotropical
migratory birds, woodcock, and upland
game birds. Additional lands would be
reforested, but due to the size and
distribution of sites, would not be
sufficient to meet any interior forest
objectives. An assortment of step-down
management plans would be created or
updated to provide the specifics for the
individual refuge programs.
Under this alternative, the Complex
would continue to seek, from willing
sellers, acquisition of all inholdings
within the present acquisition
boundaries. Top priority would be lands
which, if acquired, would address some
critical issues related to habitat
protection, access, and off-refuge
impacts. Lands acquired as part of the
Complex would be made available for
compatible wildlife-dependent public
recreation and environmental education
opportunities. Equally important
options to be used include: Corps of
Engineers’ mitigation program; outreach
and partnerships with adjacent
landowners; hunt clubs; and the Natural
Resources Conservation Service to use
conservation easements, cooperative
agreements, and federal programs, such
as the Wetland Reserve Program, to link
bottomland hardwood forest tracts and
contribute to overall wildlife, soil, and
water conservation benefits within the
Lower Mississippi River Alluvial
Alternative C. Public Use Emphasis
This approach would place less
emphasis on managing habitats, while
allowing for significantly more public
recreational uses. Any additional staff
and resources would be directed
towards allowing for more compatible
public activities in all areas of the
Complex. Additional moist soil, scrub/
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 197 / Thursday, October 13, 2005 / Notices
shrub, forested lands, and grasslands
would not be restored and managed.
Moist-soil impoundments, currently
managed for waterfowl and shorebirds,
would be converted to fishing ponds for
public use. Hunting seasons would be
aligned with state regulations to allow
for maximum use. All-terrain vehicle
use would continue to disperse hunters,
with additional funding used to
maintain the maximum number of trails
and roads for access.
Auto tours, canoe trails, foot trails,
and observation towers would be added
for environmental education and
watchable wildlife programs. Additional
staff would be used for developing and
presenting both on- and off-site outreach
and interpretation programs.
A visitor center and headquarters
office would be constructed at Yazoo
National Wildlife Refuge. Two new
subheadquarters and visitor contact
stations would be constructed at
Panther Swamp and Morgan Brake
Refuges. The new subheadquarters at
Panther Swamp Refuge would be
relocated off either Highway 49 or River
Road, to provide greater visibility and
access to the public.
Land acquisition within the current
acquisition boundary would continue
with emphasis on those lands that could
provide additional public use
opportunities and greater access to
current refuge lands by the public.
Alternative D. Interior Forest Habitat
Under this alternative, all suitable
Complex lands would be reforested in
support of migratory birds and other
wildlife dependent on interior forest
habitats. Most refuge management
actions would be directed toward
creating and managing the largest
amount of interior and corridor forest
habitat (for Louisiana black bear,
neotropical migratory songbirds, and
other interior forest wildlife) and
reducing forest fragmentation, while
supporting the overall primary purposes
for the Complex of preserving wintering
habitat for mallards, pintails, and wood
ducks, and providing production habitat
for wood ducks and other migratory
birds dependent on forested habitats.
Other national, regional, and state goals
to protect and restore shorebird,
grassland, and scrub/shrub bird
populations would be supported
secondarily in habitats that were not
suitable for reforestation. Step-down
waterfowl objectives, established by the
Lower Mississippi Joint Venture, in
support of the North American
Waterfowl Management Plan, for
unharvested crops and moist soil would
not be met. However, wintering
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waterfowl would potentially benefit
from additional flooded timber habitat,
including mast and invertebrate
Open habitat for geese would not be
maintained on Yazoo National Wildlife
Refuge and farming would be
eliminated throughout the Complex.
Eliminating farming would eliminate
goose use, maximize the amount of
forests and forested corridor habitats,
and minimize forest fragmentation. A
forest management plan, designed to
address this alternative’s primary goals
by creating spatially and specifically
diverse woodlands, would be developed
and implemented. Quality wildlifedependent recreation activities (e.g.,
hunting, fishing, wildlife observation,
and environmental education and
interpretation) would be provided. An
environmental education plan,
incorporating aggressive and proactive
promotion of on- and off-site programs,
would be developed and implemented.
Improvements would be made to
interior and exterior roads to provide
all-weather vehicular access to a broad
segment of the public; however, existing
and proposed roads and trails would be
evaluated for their impacts on forest
fragmentation. Wildlife observation
sites/platforms; interpretive trails,
boardwalks, and kiosks; and restrooms
would be provided at specific sites to
allow for fully accessible interpretation
and environmental education programs.
Fishing would be provided on Panther
Swamp, Hillside, Morgan Brake, and
Mathews Brake National Wildlife
Under this alternative, the complex
would continue to seek, from willing
sellers, acquisition of all inholdings
within the present acquisition
boundary. Highest priority would be
given to those lands that may be
reforested to contribute to the interior
forest objectives. Lands would be made
available for compatible wildlifedependent public recreation and
environmental education opportunities.
Additionally, the Complex would
concentrate on all future off-refuge
programs and partnerships within the
‘‘Conservation Partners Focus Area,’’
with an emphasis on contributing to
interior forest habitat.
Authority: This notice is published under
the authority of the National Wildlife Refuge
System Improvement Act of 1997, Public
Law 105–57.
Dated: April 7, 2005.
Jacquelyn B. Parrish,
Acting Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 05–20491 Filed 10–12–05; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Fish and Wildlife Service
Receipt of an Application for an
Incidental Take Permit for Sand Skinks
and Bluetail Mole Skinks Resulting
From the Proposed Construction of a
Planned Unit Development in Polk
County, FL
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Oakmont Grove Venture,
L.L.C. (Applicant) requests an incidental
take permit (ITP) pursuant to section
10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species
Act of 1973, as amended (Act) (16
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The requested term
of the ITP is nine years. The Applicant
anticipates take of the threatened sand
skink (Neoseps reynoldsi) and bluetail
mole skink (Eumeces egregius lividus)
incidental to the development of
approximately 18.59 acres of sand skink
habitat and the restoration,
enhancement, and management of 71.14
acres of sand skink habitat on-site
associated with the construction of a
planned unit development (project).
Bluetail mole skinks have not been
observed on the Oakmont project site,
but they are known to share habitats
occupied by sand skinks. Therefore,
incidental take of the bluetail mole
skink could occur in the same areas that
are occupied by the sand skink. The
proposed project would occur in
Sections 3, 9, 10, and 15, Township 26
South, Range 27 East, Polk County,
The Applicant’s Habitat Conservation
Plan (HCP) describes the mitigation and
minimization measures proposed to
address the effects of the project on the
sand skink and bluetail mole skink.
These measures are also outlined in the
below. We announce the availability of
the ITP application, HCP, and
Environmental Assessment (EA). Copies
of the application, HCP, and EA may be
obtained by making a request to the
Southeast Regional Office (see
ADDRESSES). Requests must be in writing
to be processed. This notice is provided
pursuant to section 10 of the Act and
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) regulations (40 CFR 1506.6).
DATES: Written comments on the ITP
application, EA, and HCP should be
sent to the Service’s Southeast Regional
Office (see ADDRESSES) and should be
received on or before December 12,
ADDRESSES: Persons wishing to review
the ITP application, EA, and HCP may
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 197 (Thursday, October 13, 2005)]
[Pages 59764-59766]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-20491]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge Complex
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Availability of the Draft Comprehensive Conservation
Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Theodore Roosevelt National
Wildlife Refuge Complex, which consists of five national wildlife
refuges--Yazoo, Panther Swamp, Hillside, Morgan Brake, and Mathews
Brake--as well as a number of smaller fee title properties and
floodplain and conservation easements in the Mississippi Delta.
SUMMARY: This notice announces that a Draft Comprehensive Conservation
Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Theodore Roosevelt National
Wildlife Refuge Complex are available for review and comment. The
National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, as amended
by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997,
requires the Service to develop a comprehensive conservation plan for
each national wildlife refuge. The purpose in developing a
comprehensive conservation plan is to provide refuge managers with a
15-year strategy for achieving refuge purposes and contributing toward
the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System, consistent with
sound principles of fish and wildlife management, conservation, legal
mandates, and Service policies. In addition to outlining broad
management direction on conserving wildlife and their habitats, the
plan identifies wildlife-dependent recreational opportunities available
to the public, including opportunities for hunting, fishing, wildlife
observation, wildlife photography, and environmental education and
DATES: A meeting will be held to present the plan to the public.
Mailings, newspaper articles, and posters will be the avenues to inform
the public of the date and time for the meting. Individuals wishing to
comment on the Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental
Assessment for the Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge Complex
should do so within 45 days following the date of this notice.
ADDRESSES: Request for copies of the Draft Comprehensive Conservation
Plan and Environmental Assessment should be addressed to the Theodore
Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 728 Yazoo Refuge Road,
Hollandale, Mississippi 38748; Telephone 662/839-2638. The plan and
environmental assessment may also be accessed and downloaded from the
Service's Internet Web site
Comments on the draft plan may be submitted to the above address or via
electronic mail to Please include your name and
return address in your Internet message. Our practice is to make
comments, including names and home addresses of respondents, available
for public review during regular business hours. Individual respondents
may request that we withhold their home addresses from the record,
which we will honor to the extent allowable by law.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Significant issues addressed in the draft
plan include: threatened and endangered species, waterfowl management,
neotropical migratory birds, bottomland hardwood restoration,
agriculture, visitor services, funding and staffing, cultural
resources, land acquisition, and forest fragmentation.
The Service developed four alternatives for managing the refuge
complex and chose Alternative B as the preferred alternative.
Alternative A. No Action (Current Situation)
Existing Complex management and public outreach practices would be
favored under this alternative. All refuge management actions would be
directed toward achieving the Complex's primary purposes including (1)
preserving wintering waterfowl habitat; (2) providing production
habitat for wood ducks; and (3) meeting the habitat conservation goals
of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, all the while
contributing to other national, regional, and state goals to protect
and restore shorebirds, neotropical migratory breeding birds,
woodcocks, and threatened and endangered species. Refuge management
programs would continue to be developed and implemented with little
baseline biological information. Active habitat management would be
implemented through water level manipulations, moist-soil and cropland
management, and reforestation designed to provide a diverse complex of
habitats that meet the foraging, resting, and breeding requirements for
a variety of species. Complex staff would continue to restore and
maintain existing wetlands, open waters, grasslands, and bottomland
hardwood forest habitats.
[[Page 59765]]
Land would be acquired from willing sellers within the current
acquisition boundaries totaling 113,060 acres.
Hunting and fishing would continue to be the major focuses of the
Complex public use program, with no expansion of current opportunities.
Current restrictions or prohibitions would remain. All-terrain vehicle
use would continue at its current level, with little maintenance to
existing trails. Environmental education and wildlife observation and
photography would be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. Funding
requests would continue in order to construct a Complex headquarters
office/visitor contact area on Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge and to
rehabilitate other existing facilities.
Alternative B. Balanced Habitat and Public Use Emphasis (Preferred
The Service planning team has identified Alternative B as the
preferred alternative. This alternative was developed based on public
input and the best judgement of the planning team. The strategies
presented in the draft comprehensive conservation plan were developed
as a direct result of the selection of Alternative B.
This alternative would promote a greater understanding of, and
protection for, the fish, wildlife, and habitats of the Complex. It
would promote quality and more evenly balanced recreational and
educational programs for visitors. Hunting and fishing would continue
with greater emphasis on the quality of the experience with more
diverse opportunities, including those for youth and disabled hunters/
anglers. Education and interpretation would be promoted through regular
programs and partnerships with local schools. Wildlife observation and
photography opportunities would be expanded, including trails, auto
tours, photo blinds, and observation towers, highlighting refuge
management programs and unique wildlife and habitats. All-terrain
vehicle use for wildlife-dependent creation (e.g., hunting and fishing)
would continue to provide access to remote portions of certain refuges.
Trails to accommodate these vehicles would be evaluated for retention
based on impacts to refuge resources, access, duplication, and other
means of access. If possible, trails removed for these reasons would be
rerouted if needed for hunter dispersal. A user fee and permit would be
required for all-terrain vehicles to provide additional funds needed
for the trail maintenance program.
A visitor center and headquarters office would be constructed at
Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge. Two new subheadquarters and visitor
contact stations would be constructed at Panther Swamp and Morgan Brake
National Wildlife Refuges. The new subheadquarters at Panther Swamp
Refuge would be relocated off either Highway 49 or River Road, to
provide greater visibility and access to the public.
Reforestation efforts would focus on creating buffers along field
edges to protect waterfowl and other waterbirds from disturbance, and
define boundaries along adjacent private lands. As lands are acquired,
they would be evaluated for their ability to contribute to step-down
habitat objectives (e.g., moist soil) and to interior forest habitat.
Research studies on bottomland hardwood forest restorations would
be fostered and partnerships developed with universities and other
agencies, providing needed resources and experiment sites while meeting
the needs of the complex's reforestation programs. Research would also
benefit efforts throughout the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley
to reforest large tracts of lands to meet the objectives set by the
Lower Mississippi Joint Venture office to address the fulfillment of
the Partners-in-Flight Plan.
Additional staff and facilities would be added to accomplish
objectives for establishing baseline data on refuge resources, managing
habitats, providing opportunities and facilities for wildlife
observation and photography, and providing educational programs that
promote a greater understanding of the Complex's purposes, issues, and
resources, as well as the unique value of the Lower Mississippi River
Alluvial Valley.
Under this alternative, 125,511 acres of Complex lands (including
refuges and Farmers Home Administration properties) would be protected,
maintained, restored, and enhanced for resident wildlife, waterfowl,
migratory nongame birds, and threatened and endangered species. A
``Conservation Partners Focus Area'' would be established to not only
concentrate off-refuge resources, but for partnership opportunities and
future boundary expansion studies to meet regional and national
objectives. Extensive wildlife and plant censuses and inventory
activities would be initiated to obtain the biological information
needed to implement and monitor management programs on the Complex. All
management actions would be directed toward achieving each refuge's
primary purposes, while contributing to other national, regional, and
state goals. Active habitat management programs would include water
level manipulations, moist-soil and cropland management, reforestation,
and existing forest management, all designed to meet the foraging,
resting, and breeding requirements for a variety of species,
particularly migratory birds. An extensive system of levees, water
control structures, and wells would be maintained and developed in an
effort to mimic historic flooding regimes.
As funding becomes available to either contract or conduct farming
operations with Complex equipment and staff, acres in agricultural
production would be reduced by at least half, depending upon the level
of funding and yield. The majority of the acres would be converted to
moist soil to meet habitat objectives and needs of wintering waterfowl
and other waterbirds, and scrub/shrub and grassland habitats for
neotropical migratory birds, woodcock, and upland game birds.
Additional lands would be reforested, but due to the size and
distribution of sites, would not be sufficient to meet any interior
forest objectives. An assortment of step-down management plans would be
created or updated to provide the specifics for the individual refuge
Under this alternative, the Complex would continue to seek, from
willing sellers, acquisition of all inholdings within the present
acquisition boundaries. Top priority would be lands which, if acquired,
would address some critical issues related to habitat protection,
access, and off-refuge impacts. Lands acquired as part of the Complex
would be made available for compatible wildlife-dependent public
recreation and environmental education opportunities. Equally important
options to be used include: Corps of Engineers' mitigation program;
outreach and partnerships with adjacent landowners; hunt clubs; and the
Natural Resources Conservation Service to use conservation easements,
cooperative agreements, and federal programs, such as the Wetland
Reserve Program, to link bottomland hardwood forest tracts and
contribute to overall wildlife, soil, and water conservation benefits
within the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley.
Alternative C. Public Use Emphasis
This approach would place less emphasis on managing habitats, while
allowing for significantly more public recreational uses. Any
additional staff and resources would be directed towards allowing for
more compatible public activities in all areas of the Complex.
Additional moist soil, scrub/
[[Page 59766]]
shrub, forested lands, and grasslands would not be restored and
managed. Moist-soil impoundments, currently managed for waterfowl and
shorebirds, would be converted to fishing ponds for public use. Hunting
seasons would be aligned with state regulations to allow for maximum
use. All-terrain vehicle use would continue to disperse hunters, with
additional funding used to maintain the maximum number of trails and
roads for access.
Auto tours, canoe trails, foot trails, and observation towers would
be added for environmental education and watchable wildlife programs.
Additional staff would be used for developing and presenting both on-
and off-site outreach and interpretation programs.
A visitor center and headquarters office would be constructed at
Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge. Two new subheadquarters and visitor
contact stations would be constructed at Panther Swamp and Morgan Brake
Refuges. The new subheadquarters at Panther Swamp Refuge would be
relocated off either Highway 49 or River Road, to provide greater
visibility and access to the public.
Land acquisition within the current acquisition boundary would
continue with emphasis on those lands that could provide additional
public use opportunities and greater access to current refuge lands by
the public.
Alternative D. Interior Forest Habitat Emphasis
Under this alternative, all suitable Complex lands would be
reforested in support of migratory birds and other wildlife dependent
on interior forest habitats. Most refuge management actions would be
directed toward creating and managing the largest amount of interior
and corridor forest habitat (for Louisiana black bear, neotropical
migratory songbirds, and other interior forest wildlife) and reducing
forest fragmentation, while supporting the overall primary purposes for
the Complex of preserving wintering habitat for mallards, pintails, and
wood ducks, and providing production habitat for wood ducks and other
migratory birds dependent on forested habitats. Other national,
regional, and state goals to protect and restore shorebird, grassland,
and scrub/shrub bird populations would be supported secondarily in
habitats that were not suitable for reforestation. Step-down waterfowl
objectives, established by the Lower Mississippi Joint Venture, in
support of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, for
unharvested crops and moist soil would not be met. However, wintering
waterfowl would potentially benefit from additional flooded timber
habitat, including mast and invertebrate production.
Open habitat for geese would not be maintained on Yazoo National
Wildlife Refuge and farming would be eliminated throughout the Complex.
Eliminating farming would eliminate goose use, maximize the amount of
forests and forested corridor habitats, and minimize forest
fragmentation. A forest management plan, designed to address this
alternative's primary goals by creating spatially and specifically
diverse woodlands, would be developed and implemented. Quality
wildlife-dependent recreation activities (e.g., hunting, fishing,
wildlife observation, and environmental education and interpretation)
would be provided. An environmental education plan, incorporating
aggressive and proactive promotion of on- and off-site programs, would
be developed and implemented. Improvements would be made to interior
and exterior roads to provide all-weather vehicular access to a broad
segment of the public; however, existing and proposed roads and trails
would be evaluated for their impacts on forest fragmentation. Wildlife
observation sites/platforms; interpretive trails, boardwalks, and
kiosks; and restrooms would be provided at specific sites to allow for
fully accessible interpretation and environmental education programs.
Fishing would be provided on Panther Swamp, Hillside, Morgan Brake, and
Mathews Brake National Wildlife Refuges.
Under this alternative, the complex would continue to seek, from
willing sellers, acquisition of all inholdings within the present
acquisition boundary. Highest priority would be given to those lands
that may be reforested to contribute to the interior forest objectives.
Lands would be made available for compatible wildlife-dependent public
recreation and environmental education opportunities. Additionally, the
Complex would concentrate on all future off-refuge programs and
partnerships within the ``Conservation Partners Focus Area,'' with an
emphasis on contributing to interior forest habitat.
Authority: This notice is published under the authority of the
National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, Public Law
Dated: April 7, 2005.
Jacquelyn B. Parrish,
Acting Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 05-20491 Filed 10-12-05; 8:45 am]