Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Commercial Shark Management Measures, 58366-58369 [05-20111]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2005 / Proposed Rules
Community Conservancy manages the
Conservancy (unit 1a) of the same name.
With the exception of the Glendora
Community Conservancy, these entities
exceed the threshold established for
small governments (service population
of 50,000 or less). Therefore, the
Glendora Community Conservancy is
the only land manager considered in
this screening analysis.
The DEA (See Section 6) estimates
potential costs to public and private
land management entities. Of the
entities analyzed, the Glendora
Community Conservancy is the only
small entity. This section estimates
potential impacts of Brodiaea filifolia
conservation activities to the
The Conservancy’s overall annual
budget ranges from $15,000 to $30,000
and includes such elements as
insurance, discounted land taxes, weed
abatement, and trail maintenance. The
analysis estimates that potential future
costs associated with Brodiaea filifolia
conservation activities at the
Conservancy may range from $1,600 to
$2,600 on an annualized basis
(assuming a seven percent discount
rate). These costs represent
approximately 11 percent to 17 percent
of annual expenditures assuming the
low-end estimate of the annual budget
($15,000) and 5 percent to 9 percent
assuming the high-end estimate
($30,000). Considering that the Glendora
Community Conservancy is in the
business of conservation, this is not an
unexpected expenditure for the
Conservancy. Consequently, we do not
believe that the designation of critical
habitat for B. filifolia will significantly
or uniquely affect any small
governmental entity addressed in the
DEA. As such, a Small Government
Agency Plan is not required.
In accordance with Executive Order
12630 (‘‘Government Actions and
Interference with Constitutionally
Protected Private Property Rights’’), we
have analyzed the potential takings
implications of proposing critical
habitat for Brodiaea filifolia. Critical
habitat designation does not affect
landowner actions that do not require
Federal funding or permits, nor does it
preclude development of habitat
conservation programs or issuance of
incidental take permits to permit actions
that do require Federal funding or
permits to go forward. In conclusion,
the designation of critical habitat for B.
filifolia does not pose significant takings
The primary authors of this notice are
the staff of the Carlsbad Fish and
Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES section).
The authority for this action is the
Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
Dated: September 26, 2005.
Craig Manson,
Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and
[FR Doc. 05–20050 Filed 10–5–05; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 635
[Docket No. 050927248–5248–01; I.D.
RIN 0648–AT74
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;
Atlantic Commercial Shark
Management Measures
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Proposed rule; request for
SUMMARY: This proposed rule would
establish the 2006 first trimester season
quotas for large coastal sharks (LCS) and
small coastal sharks (SCS) based on
over- and underharvests from the 2005
first trimester season. In addition, this
rule proposes the opening and closing
dates for the LCS fishery based on
adjustments to the trimester quotas. The
intended effect of these proposed
actions is to provide advance notice of
quotas and season dates for the Atlantic
commercial shark fishery.
Written comments will be
accepted until November 7, 2005.
Written comments on the
proposed rule may be submitted to
Chris Rilling, Highly Migratory Species
Management Division via:
• E-mail:
• Mail: 1315 East-West Highway,
Silver Spring, MD 20910. Please mark
the outside of the envelope ‘‘Comments
on Proposed Rule for 1st Trimester
Season Lengths and Quotas.’’
• Fax: 301–713–1917.
• Federal e-Rulemaking portal: https:// Include in the
subject line the following identifier: I.D.
Chris Rilling or Karyl Brewster-Geisz by
phone: 301–713–2347 or by fax: 301–
Proposed Opening and Closing Dates
and Quotas
Proposed opening and closing dates
and quotas for the 2006 first trimester
season by region are provided in Table
Species Group
January 1, 2006
April 15, 2006 11:30
p.m. local time
222.8 mt dw (491,185
lb dw)
South Atlantic
March 15, 2006 11:30
p.m. local time
141.3 mt dw (311,510
lb dw)
North Atlantic
Small Coastal Sharks
Closing Date
Gulf of Mexico
Large Coastal Sharks
Opening Date
April 30, 2006 11:30
p.m. local time
5.3 mt dw (11,684 lb
To be determined, as
14.8 mt dw (32,628 lb
Gulf of Mexico
January 1, 2006
South Atlantic
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:32 Oct 05, 2005
Jkt 208001
PO 00000
Frm 00015
Fmt 4702
284.6 mt dw (627,429
lb dw)
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2005 / Proposed Rules
Species Group
Opening Date
Closing Date
North Atlantic
Blue sharks
18.7 mt dw (41,226 lb
No regional quotas
Porbeagle sharks
To be determined, as
January 1, 2006
The Atlantic shark fishery is managed
under the authority of the MagnusonStevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens
Act). The Fishery Management Plan
(FMP) for Atlantic Tunas, Swordfish,
and Sharks, finalized in 1999, and
Amendment 1 to the FMP for Atlantic
Tunas, Swordfish, and Sharks
(Amendment 1), finalized in 2003, are
implemented by regulations at 50 CFR
part 635.
On December 24, 2003, NMFS
published a final rule (68 FR 74746) for
Amendment 1 that established, among
other things, an annual landings quota
of 1,017 metric tons (mt) dressed weight
(dw) for LCS, and an annual landings
quota of 454 mt dw for SCS. The final
rule also established regional LCS and
SCS quotas for the commercial shark
fishery in the Gulf of Mexico (Texas to
the west coast of Florida), South
Atlantic (east coast of Florida to North
Carolina and the Caribbean), and North
Atlantic (Virginia to Maine). The quota
for LCS was split among the three
regions based upon historic landings.
On November 30, 2004, NMFS
published a final rule (69 FR 69537)
that, among other things, adjusted the
2005 regional quotas for LCS and SCS
based on updated landings information,
divided the quotas among the three
trimester seasons, and implemented a
new process for notifying participants of
season opening and closing dates and
Consistent with 50 CFR
635.27(b)(1)(iii), as adjusted by the 2004
final rule, the annual LCS quota (1,017
mt dw) is split among the three regions
as follows: 52 percent to the Gulf of
Mexico, 41 percent to the South
Atlantic, and 7 percent to the North
Atlantic. The annual SCS quota (454 mt
dw) is split among the three regions as
follows: 10 percent to the Gulf of
Mexico, 87 percent to the South
Atlantic, and 3 percent to the North
Atlantic. The regional quotas for LCS
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:32 Oct 05, 2005
Jkt 208001
91 mt dw (200,619 lb
30.7 mt dw (67,681 lb
Pelagic sharks other than blue or porbeagle
162.7 mt dw (358,688
lb dw)
and SCS were divided equally between
the trimester seasons in the South
Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, and
according to historical landings of 4, 88,
and 8 percent for LCS, and 1, 9, and 90
percent for SCS in the first, second, and
third trimester seasons, respectively, in
the North Atlantic.
The quotas were divided in this
manner because sharks are available
throughout much of the year in the Gulf
of Mexico and South Atlantic regions,
but primarily during the summer
months in the North Atlantic region.
Dividing the quotas equally between the
three trimester seasons in the South
Atlantic also resulted in a greater
proportion of the quota being made
available during August and September
when the time/area closure off North
Carolina is no longer in effect.
Consistent with 50 CFR
635.27(b)(1)(vi), any over- or
underharvest in a given region from the
2005 first trimester season will be
carried over to the 2006 first trimester
season. This action would not change
the 2006 base landings quota or the
2006 regional quotas established in the
November 30, 2004, final rule.
In addition, the November 30, 2004,
final rule established a process for
issuing proposed and final rules to
notify interested parties of season
lengths and quotas and to facilitate
public comment.
Annual Landings Quotas
Pursuant to Amendment 1, the 2006
annual base landings quotas are 1,017
mt dw (2,242,078 lb dw) for LCS and
454 mt dw (1,000,888.4 lb dw) for SCS.
The 2006 quota levels for pelagic, blue,
and porbeagle sharks are 488 mt dw
(1,075,844.8 lb dw), 273 mt dw
(601,855.8 lb dw), and 92 mt dw
(202,823.2 lb dw), respectively. This
proposed rule does not propose any
changes to these overall base landings
As of August 22, 2005, the overall
2005 first trimester season quotas for
LCS and SCS had not been exceeded.
PO 00000
Frm 00016
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Reported landings of LCS for all regions
combined were at 84 percent (249.6 mt
dw) of the LCS first trimester season
quota (295.9 mt dw), and SCS landings
for all regions combined were at 30
percent (74.6 mt dw) of the overall SCS
trimester quota (246.0 mt dw).
Gulf of Mexico Regional Landings
For all regions, the proposed quotas
may change depending on any updates
to the reported landings from the 2005
first trimester season. In 2005,
preliminary data indicate that for LCS,
the Gulf of Mexico had an underharvest
of 46.7 mt dw in the first trimester
season. As a result, the Gulf of Mexico
LCS quota for the 2006 first trimester
season is proposed to be 222.8 mt dw,
In 2005, preliminary data indicate
that for SCS, the Gulf of Mexico had an
overharvest of 0.3 mt dw in the first
trimester season. As a result, the Gulf of
Mexico SCS quota for the 2006 first
trimester season is proposed to be 14.8
mt dw, ((454*0.10*0.333)-0.3).
South Atlantic Regional Landings
In 2005, preliminary data indicate
that for LCS, the South Atlantic had an
underharvest of 2.4 mt dw in the first
trimester season. As a result, the South
Atlantic LCS quota for the 2006 first
trimester season is proposed to be 141.3
mt dw, ((1,017*0.41*0.333)+2.4).
In 2005, preliminary data indicate
that for SCS, the South Atlantic had an
underharvest of 153.1 mt dw in the first
trimester season. As a result, the South
Atlantic SCS quota for the 2006 first
trimester season is proposed to be 284.6
mt dw, ((454*0.87*0.333)+153.1).
North Atlantic Regional Landings
In 2005, preliminary data indicate
that for LCS, the North Atlantic had an
underharvest of 2.5 mt dw in the first
trimester season. The North Atlantic
LCS quota for the 2006 first trimester
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2005 / Proposed Rules
season is proposed to be 5.3 mt dw,
In 2005, preliminary data indicate
that for SCS, the North Atlantic had an
underharvest of 18.6 mt dw in the first
trimester season. As a result, the North
Atlantic SCS quota for the 2006 first
trimester season is proposed to be 18.7
mt dw, ((454*0.03*0.01)+18.6).
Pelagic Shark Quotas
As of August 2005, approximately
23.1 mt dw had been reported landed in
the 2005 first trimester fishing season in
total for pelagic, blue, and porbeagle
sharks combined. Thus, the pelagic
shark quota does not need to be reduced
consistent with the current regulations
50 CFR 635.27(b)(1)(iv). The 2006 first
trimester season quotas for pelagic, blue,
and porbeagle sharks are proposed to be
162.7 mt dw (358,688 lb dw), 91 mt dw
(200,619 lb dw), and 30.7 mt dw (67,681
lb dw), respectively.
Proposed Fishing Season Notification
for the First Trimester Season
The first trimester fishing season of
the 2006 fishing year for SCS, pelagic
sharks, blue sharks, and porbeagle
sharks in the northwestern Atlantic
Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico
and the Caribbean Sea, is proposed to
open on January 1, 2006. When quotas
are projected to be reached for the SCS,
pelagic, blue, or porbeagle sharks, the
Assistant Administrator (AA) will file
notification of closures at the Office of
Federal Register at least 14 days before
the effective date, consistent with 50
CFR 635.28(b)(2).
The first trimester fishing season of
the 2006 fishing year for LCS is
proposed to open on January 1, 2006, in
the South Atlantic, North Atlantic, and
Gulf of Mexico regions. To estimate the
LCS fishery closing dates for the first
trimester season, NMFS calculated the
average catch rates from January
through April during the first season in
recent years (2002–2005). Because state
landings during a Federal closure are
counted against the quota, NMFS also
calculated the average amount of quota
reported received during the Federal
closure dates of the years used to
estimate catch rates.
Pursuant to 50 CFR 635.5(b)(1), shark
dealers must report any sharks received
twice a month. More specifically, sharks
received between the first and 15th of
every month must be reported to NMFS
by the 25th of that same month and
those received between the 16th and the
end of the month must be reported to
NMFS by the 10th of the following
month. Thus, in order to provide
consistency and predictability in
managing the fishery, NMFS proposes to
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:32 Oct 05, 2005
Jkt 208001
close the Federal LCS fishery on either
the 15th or the end of any given month.
Based on the average January through
April LCS catch rates in recent years in
the Gulf of Mexico region,
approximately 91 percent of the
available first trimester LCS quota
(222.8 mt dw) would likely be taken by
the second week in April, and 103
percent of the available LCS quota
would likely be taken by the end of
April. Dealer data also indicate that, on
average, approximately 5.4 mt dw of
LCS has been reported received by
dealers during a Federal closure. This is
approximately 2.4 percent of the
proposed available quota. If catch rates
in 2006 are similar to the average catch
rates from 2002 through 2005, 93.4
percent (91 + 2.4 percent) of the first
trimester quota could be caught by the
second week in April. If the fishery
remains open until the end of April, the
quota could be exceeded (103 + 2.4 =
105.4 percent). Thus, NMFS proposes to
close the fishery in the Gulf of Mexico
on April 15, 2006.
Based on the average January through
April LCS catch rates in recent years in
the South Atlantic region, and
accounting for the reduction in effort
due to the time/area closure off North
Carolina, approximately 79 percent of
the available first trimester LCS quota
(141.3 mt dw) would likely be taken by
the second week in March, and 88
percent of the available LCS quota
would likely be taken by the end of
March. Dealer data also indicate that, on
average, approximately 28 mt dw of LCS
has been reported received by dealers
during a Federal closure. This is
approximately 20 percent of the
proposed available quota. If catch rates
in 2006 are similar to the average catch
rates from 2002 through 2005, 99
percent (79 + 20 percent) of the first
trimester quota could be caught by the
second week in March. If the fishery
remains open until the end of March,
the quota could be exceeded (88 + 20 =
108 percent). Thus, NMFS proposes to
close the fishery in the South Atlantic
on March 15, 2006.
Based on the average January through
April LCS catch rates in recent years in
the North Atlantic region,
approximately 57 percent of the
available first trimester LCS quota (5.4
mt dw) would likely be taken by the end
of April. Dealer data also indicate that
no LCS landings have been reported
received by dealers after a Federal
closure and before the start of the
second trimester season on May 1, 2006.
Accordingly, NMFS proposes to close
the fishery in the North Atlantic on
April 30, 2006.
PO 00000
Frm 00017
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Request for Comments
Comments on the proposed rule may
be submitted via email, mail, or fax by
November 7, 2005 (see DATES and
This proposed rule is published under
the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
Act, 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq. Consistent
with 50 CFR 635.27(b)(1)(vi), the
purpose of this action is to adjust the
LCS trimester quotas based on over- or
underharvests from the 2005 fishing
season, and to announce the 2006 first
trimester season opening and closing
dates. This proposed rule will not
increase the overall quotas or landings
for LCS or SCS, and is not expected to
increase fishing effort or protected
species interactions.
On November 30, 2004, NMFS
published a final rule (69 FR 69537)
that, among other things, adjusted the
2005 regional quotas for LCS and SCS
based on updated landings information
and divided the quotas among the three
trimester seasons. A final regulatory
flexibility analysis (FRFA) conducted
for the November 2004 rule indicated
that there were approximately 253
directed commercial shark permit
holders, 358 incidental commercial
shark permit holders, and 267
commercial shark dealers, all of which
are considered small entities according
to the Small Business Administration’s
standard for defining a small entity (5
U.S.C. 603(b)(3)). The FRFA concluded
that overall economic impacts of
adjusting the regional quotas on these
small entities were expected to be
minimal. As of April 20, 2005, there
were approximately 229 directed
commercial shark permit holders, 321
incidental commercial shark permit
holders, and 230 commercial shark
This proposed rule would not change
the overall LCS or SCS base landings
quotas or the overall regional quotas
established in the November 2004 rule,
or implement any new management
measures not previously considered,
and is not expected to increase fishing
effort or protected species interactions.
This proposed rule would adjust the
quotas for each of the regions based on
underharvests from the 2005 first
trimester season consistent with 50 CFR
The Gulf of Mexico was the only
region with an overharvest of 0.3 mt dw
of its SCS quota, and will have its SCS
regional quota lowered by this
corresponding amount. The 2003
average ex-vessel price for LCS flesh
was $0.78/lb dw, and the average ex-
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2005 / Proposed Rules
vessel price for SCS flesh was $0.43/lb
dw. Although shark fins command a
higher price ($17.09/lb dw), they
represent only a small proportion of the
total landings. The Gulf of Mexico
experienced a net underharvest of 46.7
mt dw (+$80,304, excluding fins) of
LCS, and a net overharvest of 0.3 mt dw
(-$284) of SCS during the 2005 first
trimester season. Thus the net economic
impact to the Gulf of Mexico is
approximately +$80,020. This
represents approximately 20 percent of
the estimated 2006 first trimester gross
revenue of $397,154, ($383,124 for LCS,
excluding fins, + $13,875 for SCS) for
the Gulf of Mexico region. Given that
there are approximately 35 active shark
vessels (defined as vessels with greater
than 25 percent of landings derived
from sharks as reported in the snappergrouper logbook) in the Gulf of Mexico,
this could result in an increase in
revenue of approximately $2,286 per
vessel during the 2006 first trimester
For the South Atlantic and North
Atlantic, which both experienced
underharvests of 2.4 and 2.5 mt dw for
LCS, respectively, and 153.1 and 18.6
mt dw for SCS, respectively, during the
2005 first trimester season, the net
economic impact would also be
positive. For the South Atlantic, if the
entire quota is caught, this could result
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:32 Oct 05, 2005
Jkt 208001
in a net economic benefit of
approximately $149,262, ($4,127 for
LCS, excluding fins, + $145,135 for
SCS). This represents approximately 29
percent of the estimated 2006 first
trimester season gross revenue of
$512,771, ($242,977 for LCS, excluding
fins, + $269,794 for SCS) for the South
Atlantic region. Given that there are
approximately 28 active shark vessels in
the South Atlantic, this could result in
an increase in revenue of approximately
$5,330 per vessel during the 2006 first
trimester season.
For the North Atlantic, if the entire
quota is caught, this could result in an
economic benefit of approximately
$4,299 for LCS, excluding fins, +
$17,632 for SCS. This represents
approximately 16 percent of the 2006
first trimester season gross revenue of
$26,840, ($9,113 for LCS, excluding fins,
+ $17,727 for SCS) for the North
Atlantic region. Given that there are
fewer than 10 active shark vessels in the
North Atlantic, this could result in an
increase in revenue of approximately
$2,684 per vessel during the 2006 first
trimester season. The increases in
possible revenue as a result of
transferring the underharvests are only
potential amounts that may or may not
be realized. If it is not realized, then
there would be no economic impact
because the fishermen did not receive
PO 00000
Frm 00018
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
any benefit from the transfer. If it is
realized, then it will result in a positive
impact as described above. Thus, the
Chief Counsel for Regulation at the
Department of Commerce certified to
the Chief Counsel for Advocacy at the
Small Business Administration that this
action would not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities beyond those
considered in Amendment 1, or the
November 2004 final rule (69 FR 69537).
This proposed rule has been
determined to be not significant for
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
NMFS has determined preliminarily
that these regulations would be
implemented in a manner consistent to
the maximum extent practicable with
the enforceable policies of those coastal
states on the Atlantic including the Gulf
of Mexico and Caribbean that have
approved coastal zone management
programs. Letters have been sent to the
relevant states asking for their
Dated: October 3, 2005.
William T. Hogarth,
Assistant Administrator for Fisheries,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 05–20111 Filed 10–3–05; 2:24 pm]
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 193 (Thursday, October 6, 2005)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 58366-58369]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-20111]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 635
[Docket No. 050927248-5248-01; I.D. 090805C]
RIN 0648-AT74
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Commercial Shark
Management Measures
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
SUMMARY: This proposed rule would establish the 2006 first trimester
season quotas for large coastal sharks (LCS) and small coastal sharks
(SCS) based on over- and underharvests from the 2005 first trimester
season. In addition, this rule proposes the opening and closing dates
for the LCS fishery based on adjustments to the trimester quotas. The
intended effect of these proposed actions is to provide advance notice
of quotas and season dates for the Atlantic commercial shark fishery.
DATES: Written comments will be accepted until November 7, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on the proposed rule may be submitted to
Chris Rilling, Highly Migratory Species Management Division via:
Mail: 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Please mark the outside of the envelope ``Comments on Proposed Rule for
1\st\ Trimester Season Lengths and Quotas.''
Fax: 301-713-1917.
Federal e-Rulemaking portal:
Include in the subject line the following identifier: I.D. 090805C.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Chris Rilling or Karyl Brewster-Geisz
by phone: 301-713-2347 or by fax: 301-713-1917.
Proposed Opening and Closing Dates and Quotas
Proposed opening and closing dates and quotas for the 2006 first
trimester season by region are provided in Table 1.
Table 1 -- Proposed Opening and Closing Dates and Quotas
Opening Closing
Species Group Region Date Date Quota
Large Coastal Sharks Gulf of January April 15, 222.8 mt
Mexico 1, 2006 2006 dw
11:30 (491,185
p.m. lb dw)
---------- -----------------------
South ........ March 15, 141.3 mt
Atlanti 2006 dw
c 11:30 (311,510
p.m. lb dw)
---------- -----------------------
North ........ April 30, 5.3 mt dw
Atlanti 2006 (11,684
c 11:30 lb dw)
Small Coastal Sharks Gulf of January To be 14.8 mt dw
Mexico 1, 2006 determine (32,628
d, as lb dw)
---------- -----------
South ........ .......... 284.6 mt
Atlanti dw
c (627,429
lb dw)
---------- -----------
[[Page 58367]]
North ........ .......... 18.7 mt dw
Atlanti (41,226
c lb dw)
Blue sharks No ........ To be 91 mt dw
regiona determine (200,619
l d, as lb dw)
quotas necessary
----------------------------- -----------
Porbeagle sharks ........ January .......... 30.7 mt dw
1, 2006 (67,681
lb dw)
----------------------------- -----------
Pelagic sharks other than ........ ........ .......... 162.7 mt
blue or porbeagle dw
lb dw)
The Atlantic shark fishery is managed under the authority of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-
Stevens Act). The Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Atlantic Tunas,
Swordfish, and Sharks, finalized in 1999, and Amendment 1 to the FMP
for Atlantic Tunas, Swordfish, and Sharks (Amendment 1), finalized in
2003, are implemented by regulations at 50 CFR part 635.
On December 24, 2003, NMFS published a final rule (68 FR 74746) for
Amendment 1 that established, among other things, an annual landings
quota of 1,017 metric tons (mt) dressed weight (dw) for LCS, and an
annual landings quota of 454 mt dw for SCS. The final rule also
established regional LCS and SCS quotas for the commercial shark
fishery in the Gulf of Mexico (Texas to the west coast of Florida),
South Atlantic (east coast of Florida to North Carolina and the
Caribbean), and North Atlantic (Virginia to Maine). The quota for LCS
was split among the three regions based upon historic landings.
On November 30, 2004, NMFS published a final rule (69 FR 69537)
that, among other things, adjusted the 2005 regional quotas for LCS and
SCS based on updated landings information, divided the quotas among the
three trimester seasons, and implemented a new process for notifying
participants of season opening and closing dates and quotas.
Consistent with 50 CFR 635.27(b)(1)(iii), as adjusted by the 2004
final rule, the annual LCS quota (1,017 mt dw) is split among the three
regions as follows: 52 percent to the Gulf of Mexico, 41 percent to the
South Atlantic, and 7 percent to the North Atlantic. The annual SCS
quota (454 mt dw) is split among the three regions as follows: 10
percent to the Gulf of Mexico, 87 percent to the South Atlantic, and 3
percent to the North Atlantic. The regional quotas for LCS and SCS were
divided equally between the trimester seasons in the South Atlantic and
the Gulf of Mexico, and according to historical landings of 4, 88, and
8 percent for LCS, and 1, 9, and 90 percent for SCS in the first,
second, and third trimester seasons, respectively, in the North
The quotas were divided in this manner because sharks are available
throughout much of the year in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic
regions, but primarily during the summer months in the North Atlantic
region. Dividing the quotas equally between the three trimester seasons
in the South Atlantic also resulted in a greater proportion of the
quota being made available during August and September when the time/
area closure off North Carolina is no longer in effect.
Consistent with 50 CFR 635.27(b)(1)(vi), any over- or underharvest
in a given region from the 2005 first trimester season will be carried
over to the 2006 first trimester season. This action would not change
the 2006 base landings quota or the 2006 regional quotas established in
the November 30, 2004, final rule.
In addition, the November 30, 2004, final rule established a
process for issuing proposed and final rules to notify interested
parties of season lengths and quotas and to facilitate public comment.
Annual Landings Quotas
Pursuant to Amendment 1, the 2006 annual base landings quotas are
1,017 mt dw (2,242,078 lb dw) for LCS and 454 mt dw (1,000,888.4 lb dw)
for SCS. The 2006 quota levels for pelagic, blue, and porbeagle sharks
are 488 mt dw (1,075,844.8 lb dw), 273 mt dw (601,855.8 lb dw), and 92
mt dw (202,823.2 lb dw), respectively. This proposed rule does not
propose any changes to these overall base landings quotas.
As of August 22, 2005, the overall 2005 first trimester season
quotas for LCS and SCS had not been exceeded. Reported landings of LCS
for all regions combined were at 84 percent (249.6 mt dw) of the LCS
first trimester season quota (295.9 mt dw), and SCS landings for all
regions combined were at 30 percent (74.6 mt dw) of the overall SCS
trimester quota (246.0 mt dw).
Gulf of Mexico Regional Landings Quotas
For all regions, the proposed quotas may change depending on any
updates to the reported landings from the 2005 first trimester season.
In 2005, preliminary data indicate that for LCS, the Gulf of Mexico had
an underharvest of 46.7 mt dw in the first trimester season. As a
result, the Gulf of Mexico LCS quota for the 2006 first trimester
season is proposed to be 222.8 mt dw, ((1,017*0.52*0.333)+46.7).
In 2005, preliminary data indicate that for SCS, the Gulf of Mexico
had an overharvest of 0.3 mt dw in the first trimester season. As a
result, the Gulf of Mexico SCS quota for the 2006 first trimester
season is proposed to be 14.8 mt dw, ((454*0.10*0.333)-0.3).
South Atlantic Regional Landings Quotas
In 2005, preliminary data indicate that for LCS, the South Atlantic
had an underharvest of 2.4 mt dw in the first trimester season. As a
result, the South Atlantic LCS quota for the 2006 first trimester
season is proposed to be 141.3 mt dw, ((1,017*0.41*0.333)+2.4).
In 2005, preliminary data indicate that for SCS, the South Atlantic
had an underharvest of 153.1 mt dw in the first trimester season. As a
result, the South Atlantic SCS quota for the 2006 first trimester
season is proposed to be 284.6 mt dw, ((454*0.87*0.333)+153.1).
North Atlantic Regional Landings Quotas
In 2005, preliminary data indicate that for LCS, the North Atlantic
had an underharvest of 2.5 mt dw in the first trimester season. The
North Atlantic LCS quota for the 2006 first trimester
[[Page 58368]]
season is proposed to be 5.3 mt dw, ((1,017*0.07*0.04)+2.5).
In 2005, preliminary data indicate that for SCS, the North Atlantic
had an underharvest of 18.6 mt dw in the first trimester season. As a
result, the North Atlantic SCS quota for the 2006 first trimester
season is proposed to be 18.7 mt dw, ((454*0.03*0.01)+18.6).
Pelagic Shark Quotas
As of August 2005, approximately 23.1 mt dw had been reported
landed in the 2005 first trimester fishing season in total for pelagic,
blue, and porbeagle sharks combined. Thus, the pelagic shark quota does
not need to be reduced consistent with the current regulations 50 CFR
635.27(b)(1)(iv). The 2006 first trimester season quotas for pelagic,
blue, and porbeagle sharks are proposed to be 162.7 mt dw (358,688 lb
dw), 91 mt dw (200,619 lb dw), and 30.7 mt dw (67,681 lb dw),
Proposed Fishing Season Notification for the First Trimester Season
The first trimester fishing season of the 2006 fishing year for
SCS, pelagic sharks, blue sharks, and porbeagle sharks in the
northwestern Atlantic Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico and the
Caribbean Sea, is proposed to open on January 1, 2006. When quotas are
projected to be reached for the SCS, pelagic, blue, or porbeagle
sharks, the Assistant Administrator (AA) will file notification of
closures at the Office of Federal Register at least 14 days before the
effective date, consistent with 50 CFR 635.28(b)(2).
The first trimester fishing season of the 2006 fishing year for LCS
is proposed to open on January 1, 2006, in the South Atlantic, North
Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico regions. To estimate the LCS fishery
closing dates for the first trimester season, NMFS calculated the
average catch rates from January through April during the first season
in recent years (2002-2005). Because state landings during a Federal
closure are counted against the quota, NMFS also calculated the average
amount of quota reported received during the Federal closure dates of
the years used to estimate catch rates.
Pursuant to 50 CFR 635.5(b)(1), shark dealers must report any
sharks received twice a month. More specifically, sharks received
between the first and 15th of every month must be reported to NMFS by
the 25th of that same month and those received between the 16th and the
end of the month must be reported to NMFS by the 10th of the following
month. Thus, in order to provide consistency and predictability in
managing the fishery, NMFS proposes to close the Federal LCS fishery on
either the 15th or the end of any given month.
Based on the average January through April LCS catch rates in
recent years in the Gulf of Mexico region, approximately 91 percent of
the available first trimester LCS quota (222.8 mt dw) would likely be
taken by the second week in April, and 103 percent of the available LCS
quota would likely be taken by the end of April. Dealer data also
indicate that, on average, approximately 5.4 mt dw of LCS has been
reported received by dealers during a Federal closure. This is
approximately 2.4 percent of the proposed available quota. If catch
rates in 2006 are similar to the average catch rates from 2002 through
2005, 93.4 percent (91 + 2.4 percent) of the first trimester quota
could be caught by the second week in April. If the fishery remains
open until the end of April, the quota could be exceeded (103 + 2.4 =
105.4 percent). Thus, NMFS proposes to close the fishery in the Gulf of
Mexico on April 15, 2006.
Based on the average January through April LCS catch rates in
recent years in the South Atlantic region, and accounting for the
reduction in effort due to the time/area closure off North Carolina,
approximately 79 percent of the available first trimester LCS quota
(141.3 mt dw) would likely be taken by the second week in March, and 88
percent of the available LCS quota would likely be taken by the end of
March. Dealer data also indicate that, on average, approximately 28 mt
dw of LCS has been reported received by dealers during a Federal
closure. This is approximately 20 percent of the proposed available
quota. If catch rates in 2006 are similar to the average catch rates
from 2002 through 2005, 99 percent (79 + 20 percent) of the first
trimester quota could be caught by the second week in March. If the
fishery remains open until the end of March, the quota could be
exceeded (88 + 20 = 108 percent). Thus, NMFS proposes to close the
fishery in the South Atlantic on March 15, 2006.
Based on the average January through April LCS catch rates in
recent years in the North Atlantic region, approximately 57 percent of
the available first trimester LCS quota (5.4 mt dw) would likely be
taken by the end of April. Dealer data also indicate that no LCS
landings have been reported received by dealers after a Federal closure
and before the start of the second trimester season on May 1, 2006.
Accordingly, NMFS proposes to close the fishery in the North Atlantic
on April 30, 2006.
Request for Comments
Comments on the proposed rule may be submitted via email, mail, or
fax by November 7, 2005 (see DATES and ADDRESSES).
This proposed rule is published under the authority of the
Magnuson-Stevens Act, 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq. Consistent with 50 CFR
635.27(b)(1)(vi), the purpose of this action is to adjust the LCS
trimester quotas based on over- or underharvests from the 2005 fishing
season, and to announce the 2006 first trimester season opening and
closing dates. This proposed rule will not increase the overall quotas
or landings for LCS or SCS, and is not expected to increase fishing
effort or protected species interactions.
On November 30, 2004, NMFS published a final rule (69 FR 69537)
that, among other things, adjusted the 2005 regional quotas for LCS and
SCS based on updated landings information and divided the quotas among
the three trimester seasons. A final regulatory flexibility analysis
(FRFA) conducted for the November 2004 rule indicated that there were
approximately 253 directed commercial shark permit holders, 358
incidental commercial shark permit holders, and 267 commercial shark
dealers, all of which are considered small entities according to the
Small Business Administration's standard for defining a small entity (5
U.S.C. 603(b)(3)). The FRFA concluded that overall economic impacts of
adjusting the regional quotas on these small entities were expected to
be minimal. As of April 20, 2005, there were approximately 229 directed
commercial shark permit holders, 321 incidental commercial shark permit
holders, and 230 commercial shark dealers.
This proposed rule would not change the overall LCS or SCS base
landings quotas or the overall regional quotas established in the
November 2004 rule, or implement any new management measures not
previously considered, and is not expected to increase fishing effort
or protected species interactions. This proposed rule would adjust the
quotas for each of the regions based on underharvests from the 2005
first trimester season consistent with 50 CFR 635.27(b)(1)(vi).
The Gulf of Mexico was the only region with an overharvest of 0.3
mt dw of its SCS quota, and will have its SCS regional quota lowered by
this corresponding amount. The 2003 average ex-vessel price for LCS
flesh was $0.78/lb dw, and the average ex-
[[Page 58369]]
vessel price for SCS flesh was $0.43/lb dw. Although shark fins command
a higher price ($17.09/lb dw), they represent only a small proportion
of the total landings. The Gulf of Mexico experienced a net
underharvest of 46.7 mt dw (+$80,304, excluding fins) of LCS, and a net
overharvest of 0.3 mt dw (-$284) of SCS during the 2005 first trimester
season. Thus the net economic impact to the Gulf of Mexico is
approximately +$80,020. This represents approximately 20 percent of the
estimated 2006 first trimester gross revenue of $397,154, ($383,124 for
LCS, excluding fins, + $13,875 for SCS) for the Gulf of Mexico region.
Given that there are approximately 35 active shark vessels (defined as
vessels with greater than 25 percent of landings derived from sharks as
reported in the snapper-grouper logbook) in the Gulf of Mexico, this
could result in an increase in revenue of approximately $2,286 per
vessel during the 2006 first trimester season.
For the South Atlantic and North Atlantic, which both experienced
underharvests of 2.4 and 2.5 mt dw for LCS, respectively, and 153.1 and
18.6 mt dw for SCS, respectively, during the 2005 first trimester
season, the net economic impact would also be positive. For the South
Atlantic, if the entire quota is caught, this could result in a net
economic benefit of approximately $149,262, ($4,127 for LCS, excluding
fins, + $145,135 for SCS). This represents approximately 29 percent of
the estimated 2006 first trimester season gross revenue of $512,771,
($242,977 for LCS, excluding fins, + $269,794 for SCS) for the South
Atlantic region. Given that there are approximately 28 active shark
vessels in the South Atlantic, this could result in an increase in
revenue of approximately $5,330 per vessel during the 2006 first
trimester season.
For the North Atlantic, if the entire quota is caught, this could
result in an economic benefit of approximately $4,299 for LCS,
excluding fins, + $17,632 for SCS. This represents approximately 16
percent of the 2006 first trimester season gross revenue of $26,840,
($9,113 for LCS, excluding fins, + $17,727 for SCS) for the North
Atlantic region. Given that there are fewer than 10 active shark
vessels in the North Atlantic, this could result in an increase in
revenue of approximately $2,684 per vessel during the 2006 first
trimester season. The increases in possible revenue as a result of
transferring the underharvests are only potential amounts that may or
may not be realized. If it is not realized, then there would be no
economic impact because the fishermen did not receive any benefit from
the transfer. If it is realized, then it will result in a positive
impact as described above. Thus, the Chief Counsel for Regulation at
the Department of Commerce certified to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy
at the Small Business Administration that this action would not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities
beyond those considered in Amendment 1, or the November 2004 final rule
(69 FR 69537).
This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
NMFS has determined preliminarily that these regulations would be
implemented in a manner consistent to the maximum extent practicable
with the enforceable policies of those coastal states on the Atlantic
including the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean that have approved coastal
zone management programs. Letters have been sent to the relevant states
asking for their concurrence.
Dated: October 3, 2005.
William T. Hogarth,
Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries
[FR Doc. 05-20111 Filed 10-3-05; 2:24 pm]