Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 55397-55399 [05-18870]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 182 / Wednesday, September 21, 2005 / Notices
License No.
017236N .........................
015797N .........................
Simpson’s Shipping Enterprise, 248 West Lincoln Drive, Mount Vernon, NY 10050 ...........
United Cargo Handling A/S dba United Cargo Lines, Strandagervej 10, DK 2900,
Hellerup, Denmark.
Sandra L. Kusumoto,
Director, Bureau of Consumer Complaints
and Licensing.
[FR Doc. 05–18823 Filed 9–20–05; 8:45 am]
Health Resources and Services
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection
Comment Request
In compliance with the requirement
for opportunity for public comment on
proposed data collection projects
(section 3506(c)(2) of Title 44, United
States Code, as amended by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub.
L. 104–13), the Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA) will
publish periodic summaries of proposed
projects being developed for submission
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995. To request more
information on the proposed project or
Date reissued
to obtain a copy of the data collection
plans, call the HRSA Reports Clearance
Officer on (301) 443–1129.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
of other forms of information
Proposed Project: Standardized Data
Collection for Health Center Grantees
Requesting Changes in Sites or
Services: New
The scope of project for health centers
funded under section 330 of the Public
Health Service Act defines the activities
that the total approved grant-related
project budget supports. Based on
regulations outlined in Title 45, Parts 74
June 20, 2005.
August 23, 2002.
and 92 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, health center grantees must
obtain prior approval for changes in the
approved scope of project to ensure that
any changes maintain a close
connection with the program as
approved in the grant application. The
following are changes in scope for
which HRSA is developing a standard
data collection format: an increase or
decrease in the number of sites, certain
relocations of sites previously approved
in the health center’s grant application,
and adding or dropping a service
previously approved in the grant
HRSA is planning to automate the
current process for submitting and
reviewing requests for changes in scope
listed above. The automated system will
be part of HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks
Initiative, which is designed to
streamline the grants application and
administration process, and enable
applicants and grantee organizations to
communicate with HRSA and conduct
activities electronically.
The burden estimate for this project is
as follows:
Number of respondents
Average number of responses per respondent
Total responses
Hours per response
Total burden hours
Send comments to Susan G. Queen,
Ph.D., HRSA Reports Clearance Officer,
Room 10–33 Parklawn Building, 5600
Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland
20857. Written comments should be
received with 60 days of this notice.
Dated: September 14, 2005.
Tina M. Cheatham,
Director, Division of Policy Review and
[FR Doc. 05–18757 Filed 9–20–05; 8:45 am]
Nominations of Topics for EvidenceBased Practice Centers
Agency for Healthcare Research and
Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality (AHRQ), DHHS.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
14:40 Sep 20, 2005
Jkt 205001
Nominations of topics for
evidence reports and technology
SUMMARY: AHRQ invites nominations of
topics for evidence reports and
technology assessments conducted by
its Evidence-based Practice Centers
(EPC) Program relating to the
prevention, diagnosis, treatment and
management of common diseases and
clinical conditions, as well as topics
relating to the organization and
financing of health care. Previous
evidence reports can be found at https://
DATES: Topic nominations should be
submitted by December 1, 2005, in order
to be considered for fiscal year 2006. In
addition to timely responses to this
request for nominations, AHRQ also
accepts topic nominations on an
ongoing basis for consideration for
future years. AHRQ will not reply to
individual responses, but will consider
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all nominations during the selection
processes. Those who submit topics that
are selected will be notified by AHRQ.
ADDRESSES: Topics nominations should
be submitted to Kenneth Fink, MD,
MGA, MPH, Director, Evidence-based
Practice Centers (EPC) Program, Center
for Outcomes and Evidence, AHRQ, 540
Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850.
Electronic submissions to
are preferred.
Kenneth Fink, MD, MGA, MPH, Center
for Outcomes and Evidence, AHRQ, 540
Gaither Rod, Rockville, MD 20850;
Phone: (301) 427–1617; Fax; (301) 427–
1640; E-mail:
Arrangement for Public Inspection:
All nominations will be available for
public inspections at the Center for
Outcomes and Evidence, telephone
(301) 427–1600, weekdays between 8:30
a.m. and 5 p.m. (eastern time).
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 182 / Wednesday, September 21, 2005 / Notices
1. Background
Under Title IX of the Public Health
Service Act, AHRQ is charged with
enhancing the quality, appropriateness,
and effectiveness of health care services
and access to such services. AHRQ
accomplishes these goals through
scientific research and through the
promotion of improvements in clinical
practice and health systems practices,
including the prevention of diseases and
other health conditions.
2. Purpose and Overview
The purpose of this notice is to solicit
topic nominations for evidence reports
and technology assessments.
Professional societies, health systems,
employers, insurers, providers, and
consumer groups are encouraged to
nominate topics and then collaborate
with AHRQ, as it carries out its mission
to promote the practice of evidencebased health care. In this endeavor,
AHRQ serves as a science partner with
private-sector and public organizations
in their efforts to improve the quality,
effectiveness, and appropriateness of
health care delivery in the United
States, and to expedite the translation of
evidence-based research findings into
improved health care services. To
undertake scientific analyses and
evidence syntheses on topics of highpriority to its public and private
healthcare partners and the health care
community generally, AHRQ awards
task order contracts to its Evidencebased Practice Centers (EPCs).
The EPCs produce science
syntheses—evidence reports and
technology assessments—that provide to
public and private organizations the
foundation for developing and
implementing their own practice
guidelines, performance measures,
educational programs, and other
strategies to improve the quality of
health care and decision-making related
to the effectiveness and appropriateness
of specific health care technologies and
services. The evidence reports and
technology assessments also may be
used to inform coverage and
reimbursement polices. As the body of
scientific studies related to organization
and financing of health care grows,
systematic review and analysis of these
studies, in addition to clinical and
behavioral research, can provide health
system organizations with a scientific
foundation for developing or improving
system-wide policies and practices.
Currently, AHRQ supports
approximately nine evidence reports per
year, in collaboration with non-Federal
partners, including national associations
medical societies, health plans, and
VerDate Aug<31>2005
14:40 Sep 20, 2005
Jkt 205001
others. Nominations of topics from nonfederal partners are solicited annually
through a notice in the Federal Register.
However, topic nominations are
accepted on an ongoing basis. All
nominations received in the previous
year as well as topics that were
previously submitted but not selected
are considered for the upcoming year.
Reports and assessments usually
require about 12 months for completion.
AHRQ widely disseminates the EPC
evidence reports and technology
assessments, both electronically and in
print. The EPC evidence reports and
technology assessments do not make
clinical recommendations or
recommendations regarding
reimbursement and coverage policies.
3. Role/Responsibilities of Partners
Nominators of topics selected for
development of an EPC evidence report
or technology assessment assume the
role of Partners of AHRQ and the EPCs.
Partners have defined roles and
responsibilities. AHRQ places high
value on these cooperative
relationships, and takes into
consideration a Partner organization’s
past performance of these
responsibilities when considering
whether to accept additional topics
nominated by that organization in
subsequent years. Specifically, Partners
are expected to serve as resources to
EPCs as they develop the evidence
reports and technology assessments
related to the nominated topic; serve as
external peer reviewers of relevant draft
evidence reports and assessments; and
commit to timely translation of the EPC
reports and assessments into their own
quality improvement tools (e.g., clinical
practice guidelines, performance
measures), educational programs, or
reimbursement policies; and
dissemination of these derivative
products to their membership as
appropriate. AHRQ also is interested in
members’ use of these derivative
products and the products’ impact on
enhanced health care. AHRQ looks to its
Partners to provide use and impact data
on products that are based on EPC
evidence reports and technology
4. Topics for Reports
The EPCs prepare evidence reports
and technology assessments on topics
for which there is significant demand
for information by health care providers,
insurers, purchasers, health-related
societies, and patient advocacy
organizations. Such topics may include
the prevention, diagnosis and/or
treatment of particular clinical and
behavioral conditions, use of alternative
PO 00000
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or complementary therapies, and
appropriate use of commonly provided
services, procedures, or technologies.
Topics also may include issues related
to the organization and financing of care
such as risk adjustment methodologies,
market performance measures, provider
payment mechanisms, and insurance
purchasing tools, as well as
measurement or evaluation of provider
integration of new scientific findings
regarding health care and delivery
innovations. Previous evidence reports
can be found at
AHRQ is very interested in receiving
topic nominations from professional
societies and organizations composed of
members of minority populations, as
well as topic nominations that have
significant impact on AHRQ priority
populations including low income
groups, minority groups, women,
children, the elderly, and individuals
with special health care needs, such as
those with disabilities, those who need
chronic care or end-of-life healthcare, or
those who live in inner-city and rural
5. Topic Nomination
Nominations of topics for AHRQ
evidence reports and technology
assessments should focus on specific
aspects of prevention, diagnosis,
treatment and/or management of a
particular condition; an individual
procedure, treatment, or technology; or
a specific healthcare organizational or
financial strategy. The EPC Coordinating
Center can be contacted at to assist with
topic nominations (e.g., methods,
processes, other guidance). The
processes that AHRQ employs to select
clinical and behavioral topics as well as
organization and financing topics
nominated by the EPCs are described
below. For each topic, the nominating
organization must provide the following
A. Rationale and supporting evidence
on the relevance and importance of the
B. Three to five focused questions on
the topic to be addressed;
C. Plans for rapid translation of the
evidence reports and technology
assessments into clinical guidelines,
performance measures, educational
programs, or other strategies for
strengthening the quality of health care
services, or plans to inform
development of reimbursement or
coverage policies;
D. Plans for use and/or dissemination
of these derivative products, e.g. to
membership if appropriate; and
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 182 / Wednesday, September 21, 2005 / Notices
E. Process by which the nominating
organization will measure the use of
these products and impact of such use.
6. Topic Selection
Factors that will be considered in the
selection of topics for AHRQ evidence
report and technology assessment topics
A. Burden of disease including
severity, incidence and/or prevalence or
relevance of the organization/financial
topic to the general population and/or
AHRQ’s priority;
B. Controversy or uncertainty about
the topic and availability of scientific
data to support the systematic review
and analysis of the topic;
C. Total costs associated with a
condition, procedure, treatment,
technology, or organization/financial
topic taking into account the number of
people needing such care, the unit cost
of care, and related or indirect costs;
D. Potential for reducing clinically
significant variations in the prevention,
diagnosis, treatment, or management of
a disease or condition; or in changing
the use of a procedure or technology;
informing and improving patient and/or
provider decision making; improving
health outcomes; and/or reducing costs;
E. Relevance to the needs of the
Medicare, Medicaid and other Federal
healthcare programs; and
F. Nominating organization’s plan to
disseminate derivative products,
measure use and impact of these
products on outcomes, or otherwise
incorporate the report into its
managerial or policy decision making.
7. Submission of Nominations
Topics nominations should be
submitted to Kenneth Fink, MD, MGA,
MPH, Director Evidence-based Practice
Centers (EPC) Program, Center for
Outcomes and Evidence, AHRQ, 540
Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850.
Electronic submissions to
are preferred.
Dated: September 12, 2005.
Carolyn M. Clancy,
[FR Doc. 05–18870 Filed 9–20–05; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
[30 Day–05–04OP]
Proposed Data Collections Submitted
for Public Comment and
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) publishes a list of
information collection requests under
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) in compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35). To request a copy of these
requests, call the CDC Reports Clearance
Officer at (404) 371–5983. Send written
comments to CDC, Desk Officer, Human
Resources and Housing Branch by fax to
(202) 395–6974. Written comments
should be received within 30 days of
this notice.
Proposed Project
Delayed Symptoms Associated with
the Convalescent Period of a Dengue
Infection—New—National Center for
Infectious Diseases (NCID), Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
Dengue is a vector-borne febrile
disease of the tropics transmitted most
often by the mosquito Aedes aegypti.
Symptoms of the acute disease include
fever, headache, rash, retro-orbital pain,
myalgias, arthralgias, vomiting,
abdominal pain and hemorrhagic
A number of symptoms are mentioned
in the medical literature as associated
with the convalescent period after
dengue infection, including depression,
dementia, loss of sensation, paralysis of
lower and upper extremities and larynx,
epilepsy, tremors, manic psychosis,
amnesia, loss of visual acuity, hair loss,
and peeling of skin. The evidence for
these findings has derived mainly from
case series and case reports, but no
analytic study has been conducted to
define the timing, frequency, and
severity of these symptoms, and
quantity the magnitude of the
association between dengue infection
and each of these disorders.
The objective of this study is to
compare mental health disorders and
other delayed complications associated
with dengue infection and
convalescence among study groups. The
study will be conducted in Puerto Rico,
where dengue is endemic, in
collaboration with Dengue Branch of the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Laboratory positive
confirmed cases of dengue, laboratory
negative suspected dengue cases, and
neighborhood controls will be
prospectively enrolled in the study.
Telephone interviews will be conducted
and information will be collected
prospectively regarding symptoms
experienced during the first five months
after the onset of symptoms of a dengue
infections. There are no costs to the
respondents other than their time. The
estimated annualized burden is 426
Number of
Screeners ...............................................................................................................................
Laboratory positive confirmed dengue ..................................................................................
Dengue negative control ........................................................................................................
Neighborhood control ............................................................................................................
VerDate Aug<31>2005
14:40 Sep 20, 2005
Jkt 205001
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
Number of
responses per
Average burden
per response
(in hrs.)
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 182 (Wednesday, September 21, 2005)]
[Pages 55397-55399]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-18870]
Nominations of Topics for Evidence-Based Practice Centers
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
AGENCY: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), DHHS.
ACTION: Nominations of topics for evidence reports and technology
SUMMARY: AHRQ invites nominations of topics for evidence reports and
technology assessments conducted by its Evidence-based Practice Centers
(EPC) Program relating to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and
management of common diseases and clinical conditions, as well as
topics relating to the organization and financing of health care.
Previous evidence reports can be found at
DATES: Topic nominations should be submitted by December 1, 2005, in
order to be considered for fiscal year 2006. In addition to timely
responses to this request for nominations, AHRQ also accepts topic
nominations on an ongoing basis for consideration for future years.
AHRQ will not reply to individual responses, but will consider all
nominations during the selection processes. Those who submit topics
that are selected will be notified by AHRQ.
ADDRESSES: Topics nominations should be submitted to Kenneth Fink, MD,
MGA, MPH, Director, Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) Program,
Center for Outcomes and Evidence, AHRQ, 540 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD
20850. Electronic submissions to are preferred.
Outcomes and Evidence, AHRQ, 540 Gaither Rod, Rockville, MD 20850;
Phone: (301) 427-1617; Fax; (301) 427-1640; E-mail:
Arrangement for Public Inspection: All nominations will be
available for public inspections at the Center for Outcomes and
Evidence, telephone (301) 427-1600, weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5
p.m. (eastern time).
[[Page 55398]]
1. Background
Under Title IX of the Public Health Service Act, AHRQ is charged
with enhancing the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of
health care services and access to such services. AHRQ accomplishes
these goals through scientific research and through the promotion of
improvements in clinical practice and health systems practices,
including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.
2. Purpose and Overview
The purpose of this notice is to solicit topic nominations for
evidence reports and technology assessments. Professional societies,
health systems, employers, insurers, providers, and consumer groups are
encouraged to nominate topics and then collaborate with AHRQ, as it
carries out its mission to promote the practice of evidence-based
health care. In this endeavor, AHRQ serves as a science partner with
private-sector and public organizations in their efforts to improve the
quality, effectiveness, and appropriateness of health care delivery in
the United States, and to expedite the translation of evidence-based
research findings into improved health care services. To undertake
scientific analyses and evidence syntheses on topics of high-priority
to its public and private healthcare partners and the health care
community generally, AHRQ awards task order contracts to its Evidence-
based Practice Centers (EPCs).
The EPCs produce science syntheses--evidence reports and technology
assessments--that provide to public and private organizations the
foundation for developing and implementing their own practice
guidelines, performance measures, educational programs, and other
strategies to improve the quality of health care and decision-making
related to the effectiveness and appropriateness of specific health
care technologies and services. The evidence reports and technology
assessments also may be used to inform coverage and reimbursement
polices. As the body of scientific studies related to organization and
financing of health care grows, systematic review and analysis of these
studies, in addition to clinical and behavioral research, can provide
health system organizations with a scientific foundation for developing
or improving system-wide policies and practices.
Currently, AHRQ supports approximately nine evidence reports per
year, in collaboration with non-Federal partners, including national
associations medical societies, health plans, and others. Nominations
of topics from non-federal partners are solicited annually through a
notice in the Federal Register. However, topic nominations are accepted
on an ongoing basis. All nominations received in the previous year as
well as topics that were previously submitted but not selected are
considered for the upcoming year.
Reports and assessments usually require about 12 months for
completion. AHRQ widely disseminates the EPC evidence reports and
technology assessments, both electronically and in print. The EPC
evidence reports and technology assessments do not make clinical
recommendations or recommendations regarding reimbursement and coverage
3. Role/Responsibilities of Partners
Nominators of topics selected for development of an EPC evidence
report or technology assessment assume the role of Partners of AHRQ and
the EPCs. Partners have defined roles and responsibilities. AHRQ places
high value on these cooperative relationships, and takes into
consideration a Partner organization's past performance of these
responsibilities when considering whether to accept additional topics
nominated by that organization in subsequent years. Specifically,
Partners are expected to serve as resources to EPCs as they develop the
evidence reports and technology assessments related to the nominated
topic; serve as external peer reviewers of relevant draft evidence
reports and assessments; and commit to timely translation of the EPC
reports and assessments into their own quality improvement tools (e.g.,
clinical practice guidelines, performance measures), educational
programs, or reimbursement policies; and dissemination of these
derivative products to their membership as appropriate. AHRQ also is
interested in members' use of these derivative products and the
products' impact on enhanced health care. AHRQ looks to its Partners to
provide use and impact data on products that are based on EPC evidence
reports and technology assessment.
4. Topics for Reports
The EPCs prepare evidence reports and technology assessments on
topics for which there is significant demand for information by health
care providers, insurers, purchasers, health-related societies, and
patient advocacy organizations. Such topics may include the prevention,
diagnosis and/or treatment of particular clinical and behavioral
conditions, use of alternative or complementary therapies, and
appropriate use of commonly provided services, procedures, or
technologies. Topics also may include issues related to the
organization and financing of care such as risk adjustment
methodologies, market performance measures, provider payment
mechanisms, and insurance purchasing tools, as well as measurement or
evaluation of provider integration of new scientific findings regarding
health care and delivery innovations. Previous evidence reports can be
found at
AHRQ is very interested in receiving topic nominations from
professional societies and organizations composed of members of
minority populations, as well as topic nominations that have
significant impact on AHRQ priority populations including low income
groups, minority groups, women, children, the elderly, and individuals
with special health care needs, such as those with disabilities, those
who need chronic care or end-of-life healthcare, or those who live in
inner-city and rural areas.
5. Topic Nomination
Nominations of topics for AHRQ evidence reports and technology
assessments should focus on specific aspects of prevention, diagnosis,
treatment and/or management of a particular condition; an individual
procedure, treatment, or technology; or a specific healthcare
organizational or financial strategy. The EPC Coordinating Center can
be contacted at to assist with topic nominations
(e.g., methods, processes, other guidance). The processes that AHRQ
employs to select clinical and behavioral topics as well as
organization and financing topics nominated by the EPCs are described
below. For each topic, the nominating organization must provide the
following information:
A. Rationale and supporting evidence on the relevance and
importance of the topic;
B. Three to five focused questions on the topic to be addressed;
C. Plans for rapid translation of the evidence reports and
technology assessments into clinical guidelines, performance measures,
educational programs, or other strategies for strengthening the quality
of health care services, or plans to inform development of
reimbursement or coverage policies;
D. Plans for use and/or dissemination of these derivative products,
e.g. to membership if appropriate; and
[[Page 55399]]
E. Process by which the nominating organization will measure the
use of these products and impact of such use.
6. Topic Selection
Factors that will be considered in the selection of topics for AHRQ
evidence report and technology assessment topics include:
A. Burden of disease including severity, incidence and/or
prevalence or relevance of the organization/financial topic to the
general population and/or AHRQ's priority;
B. Controversy or uncertainty about the topic and availability of
scientific data to support the systematic review and analysis of the
C. Total costs associated with a condition, procedure, treatment,
technology, or organization/financial topic taking into account the
number of people needing such care, the unit cost of care, and related
or indirect costs;
D. Potential for reducing clinically significant variations in the
prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or management of a disease or
condition; or in changing the use of a procedure or technology;
informing and improving patient and/or provider decision making;
improving health outcomes; and/or reducing costs;
E. Relevance to the needs of the Medicare, Medicaid and other
Federal healthcare programs; and
F. Nominating organization's plan to disseminate derivative
products, measure use and impact of these products on outcomes, or
otherwise incorporate the report into its managerial or policy decision
7. Submission of Nominations
Topics nominations should be submitted to Kenneth Fink, MD, MGA,
MPH, Director Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) Program, Center for
Outcomes and Evidence, AHRQ, 540 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850.
Electronic submissions to are preferred.
Dated: September 12, 2005.
Carolyn M. Clancy,
[FR Doc. 05-18870 Filed 9-20-05; 8:45 am]