Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee; Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office; Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Lead Review Panel; Request for Nominations, 53001-53003 [05-17615]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 6, 2005 / Notices
appropriate link in the above list. They
are also available for review in the
Commission’s Public Reference Room in
Washington, DC. There is an
eSubscription link on the Web site that
enables subscribers to receive e-mail
notification when a document is added
to a subscribed dockets(s). For
assistance with any FERC Online
service, please e-mail or call
(866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call
(202) 502–8659.
Comment Date: 5 p.m. eastern time on
September 7, 2005.
(866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call
(202) 502–8659.
3. Larswind, LLC
Linda Mitry,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E5–4837 Filed 9–2–05; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. EG05–99–000]
Take notice that on August 24, 2005,
Larswind, LLC (Larswind) filed with the
Commission an application for
determination of exempt wholesale
generator status pursuant to part 365 of
the Commission regulations.
Comment Date: 5 p.m. eastern time on
September 14, 2005.
Linda Mitry,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E5–4836 Filed 9–2–05; 8:45 am]
4. Wisconsin Public Service
Corporation v. Midwest Independent
transmission System Operator, Inc.
[Docket Nos. EL03–40–004 and EL05–51–
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket Nos. EC05–21–000, et al.]
Reliant Energy Wholesale Generation,
LLC, et al. Electric Rate and Corporate
August 29, 2005.
The following filings have been made
with the Commission. The filings are
listed in ascending order within each
docket classification.
1. Reliant Energy Wholesale
Generation, LLC
[Docket No. EC05–21–000]
Take notice that on August 25, 2005,
Reliant Energy Wholesale Generation,
LLC tendered for filing a withdrawal of
the application filed November 23, 2004
in Docket No. EC05–21–000.
Comment Date: 5 p.m. eastern time on
September 15, 2005.
2. United States Department of Energy
and Western Area Power
[Docket No. EF05–5161–000]
Take notice that on August 17, 2005,
the Deputy Secretary of the Department
of Energy, confirmed and approved Rate
Order No. WAPA–119 and Rate
Schedule SNF–6, placing a non-firm
power formula rate from the Stampede
Powerplant of the Washoe Project of the
Western Area Power Administration
into effect on an interim basis. Rate
Schedule SNF–6 will be placed into
effect on an interim basis on the first
day of the first full billing period
beginning on or after October 1, 2005,
and will be in effect until the
Commission confirms, approves, and
places the rate schedule in effect on a
final basis through September 30, 2010,
or until the rate schedule is superseded.
VerDate Aug<18>2005
13:21 Sep 02, 2005
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Take notice that on August 22, 2005,
the Midwest Independent Transmission
System Operator, Inc. (Midwest ISO)
submitted a compliance filing pursuant
to the Commission’s Order issued July
22, 2005, 112 FERC ¶ 61,093 (2005).
Comment Date: 5 p.m. eastern time on
September 12, 2005.
Standard Paragraph
Any person desiring to intervene or to
protest this filing must file in
accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of
the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (18 CFR 385.211, 385.214).
Protests will be considered by the
Commission in determining the
appropriate action to be taken, but will
not serve to make protestants parties to
the proceeding. Any person wishing to
become a party must file a notice of
intervention or motion to intervene, as
appropriate. Such notices, motions, or
protests must be filed on or before the
comment date. Anyone filing a motion
to intervene or protest must serve a copy
of that document on the Applicant and
all the parties in this proceeding.
The Commission encourages
electronic submission of protests and
interventions in lieu of paper using the
‘‘eFiling’’ link at
Persons unable to file electronically
should submit an original and 14 copies
of the protest or intervention to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC
This filing is accessible on-line at, using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link and is available for
review in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room in Washington, DC.
There is an ‘‘eSubscription’’ link on the
Web site that enables subscribers to
receive e-mail notification when a
document is added to a subscribed
docket(s). For assistance with any FERC
Online service, please e-mail, or call
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Clean Air Scientific Advisory
Committee; Science Advisory Board
(SAB) Staff Office; Clean Air Scientific
Advisory Committee (CASAC) Lead
Review Panel; Request for
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA or Agency)
Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff
Office is announcing the formation of
the Clean Air Scientific Advisory
Committee (CASAC) Lead Review Panel
(Panel) and is soliciting nominations for
this Panel. Nominees in response to this
request for nominations will be
considered for membership on the
CASAC Lead Review Panel. This
process supplements other efforts to
identify qualified candidates for this
New nominations should be
submitted by September 27, 2005.
member of the public wishing further
information regarding this Request for
Nominations may contact Mr. Fred
Butterfield, Designated Federal Officer
(DFO), EPA Science Advisory Board
Staff: by telephone at (202) 343–9994;
by e-mail at; or
by mail at the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, EPA Science
Advisory Board Staff Office (Mail Code
1400F), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC, 20640. General
information concerning the CASAC or
the SAB can be found on the EPA Web
site at:
The Clean Air Scientific Advisory
Committee (CASAC) was established
under section 109(d)(2) of the Clean Air
Act (CAA or Act) (42 U.S.C. 7409) as an
independent scientific advisory
committee. CASAC provides advice,
information and recommendations on
the scientific and technical aspects of
air quality criteria and national ambient
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 6, 2005 / Notices
air quality standards (NAAQS) under
sections 108 and 109 of the Act. The
CASAC Lead Review Panel will consist
of the seven members of the chartered
CASAC, supplemented by additional
subject matter experts. This solicitation
is seeking nominations for the
additional experts. The CASAC is a
Federal advisory committee chartered
under the Federal Advisory Committee
Act (FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C., App.
The CASAC Lead Review Panel will
comply with the provisions of FACA
and all appropriate SAB Staff Office
procedural policies.
The CAA Act requires periodic review
and, if appropriate, revision of the
criteria and NAAQS for lead. EPA’s Air
Quality Criteria Document (AQCD) for
Lead was first published in 1978, and
revised in 1986. An addendum was
published in 1986, and a Supplement to
the Lead AQCD was published in 1990.
The latter document evaluated lead
effects on cardiovascular endpoints,
pregnancy, and early postnatal
exposures. The 1990 supplement did
not lead to revision of the primary and
secondary lead standards issued in
1978. The National Center for
Environmental Assessment, Research
Triangle Park, NC (NCEA-RTP), in
EPA’s Office of Research and
Development, released a draft Project
Work Plan for Revised Air Quality
Criteria for Lead in January 2005. The
chartered CASAC conducted a
consultation on this draft work plan on
March 28, 2005. The Agency is
scheduled to release the First External
Review Draft AQCD for Lead (First Draft
Lead AQCD) in January 2006. At that
time, the Agency will also invite public
comments on the First Draft Lead
AQCD. The Agency has asked CASAC to
peer-review the First Draft Lead AQCD
at a public meeting in May 2006.
The SAB Staff Office is announcing
the formation of the CASAC Lead
Review Panel to review the criteria and
the Agency’s Staff Paper for Lead. The
Staff Paper for Lead evaluates policy
implications of the key scientific and
technical information contained in the
AQCD for Lead. As such, the staff paper
bridges the gap between the science in
the Lead AQCD, and the public health
and welfare policy judgments that the
EPA Administrator must also consider
when reviewing the Lead National
Ambient Air Quality Standard
The SAB Staff Office is soliciting
nominations for qualified scientists to
serve on the CASAC Lead Review Panel.
The CASAC Lead Review Panel will
operate for two to four years, and will
be provided with a separate charge for
each review or project.
VerDate Aug<18>2005
13:21 Sep 02, 2005
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Technical Contact
Any questions concerning the AQCD
for Lead should be directed to Dr.
Robert Elias, NCEA–RTP, at phone:
(919) 541–4167; or e-mail: NCEA–RTP
expects to release and post the First
Draft Lead AQCD on the NCEA Web site
at: for
external review in January 2006.
Nominator’s Assessment of Expertise
The SAB Staff Office requests
nominees who are nationally-recognized
experts in one or more of the following
(a) Chemistry, environmental sources,
transport and deposition of lead.
Includes expertise in: (1) Inorganic and
organometallic chemistry of lead; (2)
methods of measuring environmental
sources and source strengths from
smelters, coal combustion plants,
vehicles (historic and modern) and
natural sources; (3) atmospheric
transport, including methods of
detecting transported lead (e.g., isotope
analysis) in the gas phase, liquid phase,
particle phase (both primary and
resuspended); and (4) deposition of
lead, including measurement of
deposition rate as a function of surface
(b) Multimedia routes of human
exposure to lead. Includes knowledge of
measurement methods (e.g., air
sampling methodology) and observed
environmental concentrations for
multimedia human exposure pathways
via inhalation and ingestion (relevant
concentrations for various sources: soil,
dust, drinking water, food, as well as
others such as lead-based paint, pica for
paint or soil, etc.).
(c) Modeling of multimedia human
exposure uptake/absorption of lead to
predict internal biokinetic distribution
(blood/bone lead burdens):
(1) Lead exposure pathway
assessment. Expertise in the physical
and chemical properties of lead and the
biogeochemical processes involved in
the pathways involved in human
exposure to lead. These pathways
(i) Air (both direct inhalation and
deposition to surfaces likely to be
contacted by humans);
(ii) drinking water (from typical
sources including municipal systems,
bottled water, public drinking fountains,
and private wells);
(iii) food (including market sources,
home gardens and recreational and
subsistence fishing/hunting); and
(iv) soil/dust ingestion.
(2) Lead uptake/absorption. Expertise
in the processes of uptake or absorption
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of lead in the digestive tract and lungs,
including knowledge of digestive
processes that affect the form of lead
thus making it more (or less) available
for absorption. Experience on the fate of
inhaled particles is also desirable,
including olfactory uptake.
(3) Internal biokinetic distribution
and physiological effects of lead.
Expertise on the physiological processes
that determine the distribution of
absorbed lead among the various organs
and tissues of the human body. This
would include expertise on the
mechanisms of transport within the
human body, the organs and tissues that
accumulate significant amounts of lead,
the concentrations at the organ/tissue
level that might impair physiological
processes, and the residence times (or
other measures of potential impact) of
lead in these tissues and organs.
Expertise on the various mechanisms
and routes of elimination and the
mechanisms of this elimination is
(4) Tissue concentrations of lead.
Includes expertise on measurement
methods and observed concentrations
for various biological tissues, including
blood, teeth, and bone lead
concentrations and lead levels in soft
tissues such as brain, kidney, etc.
(5) Human growth and activity
patterns. Expertise on growth patterns
and typical human activity patterns
from prenatal to elderly, including
recreational, occupational, leisurely,
and household activities. This would
include knowledge of published data
and of modeling applications.
(6) Exposure assessment modeling.
Expertise and experience in measuring
human population exposure to lead
and/or in modeling human exposure to
ambient and indoor pollutants.
Expertise in relating indicators of
human exposure to potential health
outcomes and quantification of risk
related to adverse health outcomes.
(d) Lead-induced health effects.
Experience in epidemiologic/clinical
evaluation and/or evaluation in
laboratory animals or in in vitro test
systems of lead-induced effects on:
(1) Neurological development and
other neurological endpoints;
(2) Cardiovascular function;
(3) Immune system function;
(4) Heme synthesis;
(5) Genotoxic effects; and
(6) Carcinogenicity.
(e) Risk assessment and uncertainty
characterization. Expertise in human
health risk assessment for lead or other
pollutants causing non-cancer and
cancer health effects, including
Bayesian statistical approaches and
biostatistics. Expertise in designing
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 6, 2005 / Notices
uncertainty characterization frameworks
for complex multi-media health
assessments involving use of PBPK
models, empirical data,
microenvironmental exposure modeling
and concentration-response functions
drawing on both toxicological and
epidemiological data. Specific areas of
expertise should include probabilistic
methods and Bayesian techniques.
(f) Evaluation of environmental effects
of lead on terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems. Includes expertise and/or
knowledge of most current methods and
state-of-the-science for assessing: modes
of action of lead in plants, animals, and
microorganisms; exposure of aquatic
and terrestrial organisms to lead in
various forms and from various sources;
bioavailability of lead and factors which
modify the lead uptake by aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystems; ecosystem
responses at a range of spatial and
temporal scales; lead sources, fate,
transport, and mobility using stable
isotopes; and critical loads for lead in
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
(g) Evaluation of economic effects of
lead. Experience in evaluating economic
effects of lead on consumptive-use
ecological entities such as agriculture,
commercial forests, aquaculture, shell
fisheries, and commercial fisheries; and
ability to monetize non-consumptiveuse ecological entities such as
recreation, aesthetics, biodiversity, and
other ecological goods and services that
are not typically assigned a monetary
Process and Deadline for Submitting
Any interested person or organization
may nominate qualified individuals to
add expertise to the CASAC Lead
Review Panel in the areas of expertise
described above. Nominations should be
submitted in electronic format through
the SAB Web site at the following URL:; or directly via
the Form for Nominating Individuals to
Panels of the EPA Science Advisory
Board link found at URL: https://
paneltopics.html. Please follow the
instructions for submitting nominations
carefully. To be considered,
nominations should include all of the
information required on the associated
forms. Anyone unable to submit
nominations using the electronic form
and who has any questions concerning
the nomination process may contact Mr.
Fred Butterfield, DFO, as indicated
above in this notice. Nominations
should be submitted in time to arrive no
later than September 27, 2005.
To be considered, all nominations
should include: a current curriculum
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vitae (C.V.) which provides the
nominee’s background, qualifications,
relevant research expertise and
publications for service on the Panel;
and a brief biographical sketch
(‘‘biosketch’’). The biosketch should be
no longer than one page and should
contain the following information for
the nominee:
(a) Current professional affiliations
and positions held;
(b) Area(s) of expertise, and research
activities and publications relevant to
the Panel;
(c) Leadership positions in national
associations or professional publications
or other significant distinctions;
(d) Educational background,
especially advanced degrees, including
when and from which institutions these
were granted;
(e) Service on other advisory
committees or professional societies,
especially those associated with issues
under discussion in this review; and
(f) Sources of recent (i.e., within the
preceding two years) grant and/or other
contract support, from government,
industry, academia, etc., including the
topic area of the funded activity.
Please note that even negative
responsive information (e.g., no recent
grant or contract funding) should be
indicated on the biosketch (by ‘‘N/A’’ or
‘‘None’’). Incomplete biosketches will
not be considered. The EPA SAB Staff
Office will acknowledge receipt of
The credentials of nominees received
in reply to this notice will be compared
to the specific expertise sought for the
CASAC Lead Review Panel. Qualified
nominees will be included in a smaller
subset (known as the ‘‘Short List’’). The
Short List will be posted on the SAB
Web site at:,
and will include, for each candidate, the
nominee’s name and their biosketch.
Public comments will be accepted for 21
calendar days on the Short List. During
this comment period, the public will be
requested to provide relevant
information or other documentation on
nominees that the SAB Staff Office
should consider in evaluating
candidates. Panelists will be selected
from the Short List.
For the EPA SAB Staff Office, a
balanced subcommittee or review panel
includes candidates who possess the
necessary domains of knowledge, the
relevant scientific perspectives (which,
among other factors, can be influenced
by work history and affiliation), and the
collective breadth of experience to
adequately address the charge. In
establishing the final Panel, the SAB
Staff Office will consider public
responses to the Short List, information
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provided by candidates, and
background information independentlygathered by the SAB Staff Office on each
candidate (e.g., financial disclosure
information and computer searches to
evaluate a nominee’s prior involvement
with the topic under review). Specific
criteria to be used in evaluating Short
List candidates for Panel membership
include: (a) Scientific and/or technical
expertise, knowledge, and experience
(primary factors); (b) availability and
willingness to serve; (c) absence of
financial conflicts of interest; (d)
absence of an appearance of a lack of
impartiality; and (e) skills working in
committees, subcommittees and
advisory panels; and, for the Panel as a
whole, (f) diversity of, and balance
among, scientific expertise, viewpoints,
Prospective candidates will also be
required to fill-out the ‘‘Confidential
Financial Disclosure Form for Special
Government Employees Serving on
Federal Advisory Committees at the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’’
(EPA Form 3110–48). This confidential
form allows Government officials to
determine whether there is a statutory
conflict between that person’s public
responsibilities (which includes
membership on an EPA Federal
advisory committee) and private
interests and activities, or the
appearance of a lack of impartiality, as
defined by Federal regulation. The form
may be viewed and downloaded from
the following URL address: https://
The approved policy under which the
EPA SAB Office selects subcommittees
and review panels is described in the
following document: Overview of the
Panel Formation Process at the
Environmental Protection Agency
Science Advisory Board (EPA–SAB–EC–
02–010), which is posted on the SAB
Web site at:
Dated: August 30, 2005.
Anthony Maciorowski,
Acting Director, EPA Science Advisory Board
Staff Office.
[FR Doc. 05–17615 Filed 9–2–05; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 171 (Tuesday, September 6, 2005)]
[Pages 53001-53003]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-17615]
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee; Science Advisory Board
(SAB) Staff Office; Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC)
Lead Review Panel; Request for Nominations
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or Agency)
Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office is announcing the formation
of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Lead Review
Panel (Panel) and is soliciting nominations for this Panel. Nominees in
response to this request for nominations will be considered for
membership on the CASAC Lead Review Panel. This process supplements
other efforts to identify qualified candidates for this Panel.
DATES: New nominations should be submitted by September 27, 2005.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Any member of the public wishing
further information regarding this Request for Nominations may contact
Mr. Fred Butterfield, Designated Federal Officer (DFO), EPA Science
Advisory Board Staff: by telephone at (202) 343-9994; by e-mail at; or by mail at the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office (Mail Code
1400F), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC, 20640. General
information concerning the CASAC or the SAB can be found on the EPA Web
site at:
The Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) was established
under section 109(d)(2) of the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act) (42 U.S.C.
7409) as an independent scientific advisory committee. CASAC provides
advice, information and recommendations on the scientific and technical
aspects of air quality criteria and national ambient
[[Page 53002]]
air quality standards (NAAQS) under sections 108 and 109 of the Act.
The CASAC Lead Review Panel will consist of the seven members of the
chartered CASAC, supplemented by additional subject matter experts.
This solicitation is seeking nominations for the additional experts.
The CASAC is a Federal advisory committee chartered under the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C., App. The CASAC
Lead Review Panel will comply with the provisions of FACA and all
appropriate SAB Staff Office procedural policies.
The CAA Act requires periodic review and, if appropriate, revision
of the criteria and NAAQS for lead. EPA's Air Quality Criteria Document
(AQCD) for Lead was first published in 1978, and revised in 1986. An
addendum was published in 1986, and a Supplement to the Lead AQCD was
published in 1990. The latter document evaluated lead effects on
cardiovascular endpoints, pregnancy, and early postnatal exposures. The
1990 supplement did not lead to revision of the primary and secondary
lead standards issued in 1978. The National Center for Environmental
Assessment, Research Triangle Park, NC (NCEA-RTP), in EPA's Office of
Research and Development, released a draft Project Work Plan for
Revised Air Quality Criteria for Lead in January 2005. The chartered
CASAC conducted a consultation on this draft work plan on March 28,
2005. The Agency is scheduled to release the First External Review
Draft AQCD for Lead (First Draft Lead AQCD) in January 2006. At that
time, the Agency will also invite public comments on the First Draft
Lead AQCD. The Agency has asked CASAC to peer-review the First Draft
Lead AQCD at a public meeting in May 2006.
The SAB Staff Office is announcing the formation of the CASAC Lead
Review Panel to review the criteria and the Agency's Staff Paper for
Lead. The Staff Paper for Lead evaluates policy implications of the key
scientific and technical information contained in the AQCD for Lead. As
such, the staff paper bridges the gap between the science in the Lead
AQCD, and the public health and welfare policy judgments that the EPA
Administrator must also consider when reviewing the Lead National
Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS).
The SAB Staff Office is soliciting nominations for qualified
scientists to serve on the CASAC Lead Review Panel. The CASAC Lead
Review Panel will operate for two to four years, and will be provided
with a separate charge for each review or project.
Technical Contact
Any questions concerning the AQCD for Lead should be directed to
Dr. Robert Elias, NCEA-RTP, at phone: (919) 541-4167; or e-mail: NCEA-RTP expects to release and post the First
Draft Lead AQCD on the NCEA Web site at: for
external review in January 2006.
Nominator's Assessment of Expertise
The SAB Staff Office requests nominees who are nationally-
recognized experts in one or more of the following disciplines:
(a) Chemistry, environmental sources, transport and deposition of
lead. Includes expertise in: (1) Inorganic and organometallic chemistry
of lead; (2) methods of measuring environmental sources and source
strengths from smelters, coal combustion plants, vehicles (historic and
modern) and natural sources; (3) atmospheric transport, including
methods of detecting transported lead (e.g., isotope analysis) in the
gas phase, liquid phase, particle phase (both primary and resuspended);
and (4) deposition of lead, including measurement of deposition rate as
a function of surface properties.
(b) Multimedia routes of human exposure to lead. Includes knowledge
of measurement methods (e.g., air sampling methodology) and observed
environmental concentrations for multimedia human exposure pathways via
inhalation and ingestion (relevant concentrations for various sources:
soil, dust, drinking water, food, as well as others such as lead-based
paint, pica for paint or soil, etc.).
(c) Modeling of multimedia human exposure uptake/absorption of lead
to predict internal biokinetic distribution (blood/bone lead burdens):
(1) Lead exposure pathway assessment. Expertise in the physical and
chemical properties of lead and the biogeochemical processes involved
in the pathways involved in human exposure to lead. These pathways
(i) Air (both direct inhalation and deposition to surfaces likely
to be contacted by humans);
(ii) drinking water (from typical sources including municipal
systems, bottled water, public drinking fountains, and private wells);
(iii) food (including market sources, home gardens and recreational
and subsistence fishing/hunting); and
(iv) soil/dust ingestion.
(2) Lead uptake/absorption. Expertise in the processes of uptake or
absorption of lead in the digestive tract and lungs, including
knowledge of digestive processes that affect the form of lead thus
making it more (or less) available for absorption. Experience on the
fate of inhaled particles is also desirable, including olfactory
(3) Internal biokinetic distribution and physiological effects of
lead. Expertise on the physiological processes that determine the
distribution of absorbed lead among the various organs and tissues of
the human body. This would include expertise on the mechanisms of
transport within the human body, the organs and tissues that accumulate
significant amounts of lead, the concentrations at the organ/tissue
level that might impair physiological processes, and the residence
times (or other measures of potential impact) of lead in these tissues
and organs. Expertise on the various mechanisms and routes of
elimination and the mechanisms of this elimination is desirable.
(4) Tissue concentrations of lead. Includes expertise on
measurement methods and observed concentrations for various biological
tissues, including blood, teeth, and bone lead concentrations and lead
levels in soft tissues such as brain, kidney, etc.
(5) Human growth and activity patterns. Expertise on growth
patterns and typical human activity patterns from prenatal to elderly,
including recreational, occupational, leisurely, and household
activities. This would include knowledge of published data and of
modeling applications.
(6) Exposure assessment modeling. Expertise and experience in
measuring human population exposure to lead and/or in modeling human
exposure to ambient and indoor pollutants. Expertise in relating
indicators of human exposure to potential health outcomes and
quantification of risk related to adverse health outcomes.
(d) Lead-induced health effects. Experience in epidemiologic/
clinical evaluation and/or evaluation in laboratory animals or in in
vitro test systems of lead-induced effects on:
(1) Neurological development and other neurological endpoints;
(2) Cardiovascular function;
(3) Immune system function;
(4) Heme synthesis;
(5) Genotoxic effects; and
(6) Carcinogenicity.
(e) Risk assessment and uncertainty characterization. Expertise in
human health risk assessment for lead or other pollutants causing non-
cancer and cancer health effects, including Bayesian statistical
approaches and biostatistics. Expertise in designing
[[Page 53003]]
uncertainty characterization frameworks for complex multi-media health
assessments involving use of PBPK models, empirical data,
microenvironmental exposure modeling and concentration-response
functions drawing on both toxicological and epidemiological data.
Specific areas of expertise should include probabilistic methods and
Bayesian techniques.
(f) Evaluation of environmental effects of lead on terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems. Includes expertise and/or knowledge of most current
methods and state-of-the-science for assessing: modes of action of lead
in plants, animals, and microorganisms; exposure of aquatic and
terrestrial organisms to lead in various forms and from various
sources; bioavailability of lead and factors which modify the lead
uptake by aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems; ecosystem responses at a
range of spatial and temporal scales; lead sources, fate, transport,
and mobility using stable isotopes; and critical loads for lead in
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
(g) Evaluation of economic effects of lead. Experience in
evaluating economic effects of lead on consumptive-use ecological
entities such as agriculture, commercial forests, aquaculture, shell
fisheries, and commercial fisheries; and ability to monetize non-
consumptive-use ecological entities such as recreation, aesthetics,
biodiversity, and other ecological goods and services that are not
typically assigned a monetary value.
Process and Deadline for Submitting Nominations
Any interested person or organization may nominate qualified
individuals to add expertise to the CASAC Lead Review Panel in the
areas of expertise described above. Nominations should be submitted in
electronic format through the SAB Web site at the following URL: http:/
/; or directly via the Form for Nominating Individuals
to Panels of the EPA Science Advisory Board link found at URL: https:// Please follow the instructions
for submitting nominations carefully. To be considered, nominations
should include all of the information required on the associated forms.
Anyone unable to submit nominations using the electronic form and who
has any questions concerning the nomination process may contact Mr.
Fred Butterfield, DFO, as indicated above in this notice. Nominations
should be submitted in time to arrive no later than September 27, 2005.
To be considered, all nominations should include: a current
curriculum vitae (C.V.) which provides the nominee's background,
qualifications, relevant research expertise and publications for
service on the Panel; and a brief biographical sketch (``biosketch'').
The biosketch should be no longer than one page and should contain the
following information for the nominee:
(a) Current professional affiliations and positions held;
(b) Area(s) of expertise, and research activities and publications
relevant to the Panel;
(c) Leadership positions in national associations or professional
publications or other significant distinctions;
(d) Educational background, especially advanced degrees, including
when and from which institutions these were granted;
(e) Service on other advisory committees or professional societies,
especially those associated with issues under discussion in this
review; and
(f) Sources of recent (i.e., within the preceding two years) grant
and/or other contract support, from government, industry, academia,
etc., including the topic area of the funded activity.
Please note that even negative responsive information (e.g., no
recent grant or contract funding) should be indicated on the biosketch
(by ``N/A'' or ``None''). Incomplete biosketches will not be
considered. The EPA SAB Staff Office will acknowledge receipt of
The credentials of nominees received in reply to this notice will
be compared to the specific expertise sought for the CASAC Lead Review
Panel. Qualified nominees will be included in a smaller subset (known
as the ``Short List''). The Short List will be posted on the SAB Web
site at:, and will include, for each candidate,
the nominee's name and their biosketch. Public comments will be
accepted for 21 calendar days on the Short List. During this comment
period, the public will be requested to provide relevant information or
other documentation on nominees that the SAB Staff Office should
consider in evaluating candidates. Panelists will be selected from the
Short List.
For the EPA SAB Staff Office, a balanced subcommittee or review
panel includes candidates who possess the necessary domains of
knowledge, the relevant scientific perspectives (which, among other
factors, can be influenced by work history and affiliation), and the
collective breadth of experience to adequately address the charge. In
establishing the final Panel, the SAB Staff Office will consider public
responses to the Short List, information provided by candidates, and
background information independently-gathered by the SAB Staff Office
on each candidate (e.g., financial disclosure information and computer
searches to evaluate a nominee's prior involvement with the topic under
review). Specific criteria to be used in evaluating Short List
candidates for Panel membership include: (a) Scientific and/or
technical expertise, knowledge, and experience (primary factors); (b)
availability and willingness to serve; (c) absence of financial
conflicts of interest; (d) absence of an appearance of a lack of
impartiality; and (e) skills working in committees, subcommittees and
advisory panels; and, for the Panel as a whole, (f) diversity of, and
balance among, scientific expertise, viewpoints, etc.
Prospective candidates will also be required to fill-out the
``Confidential Financial Disclosure Form for Special Government
Employees Serving on Federal Advisory Committees at the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency'' (EPA Form 3110-48). This confidential
form allows Government officials to determine whether there is a
statutory conflict between that person's public responsibilities (which
includes membership on an EPA Federal advisory committee) and private
interests and activities, or the appearance of a lack of impartiality,
as defined by Federal regulation. The form may be viewed and downloaded
from the following URL address:
The approved policy under which the EPA SAB Office selects
subcommittees and review panels is described in the following document:
Overview of the Panel Formation Process at the Environmental Protection
Agency Science Advisory Board (EPA-SAB-EC-02-010), which is posted on
the SAB Web site at:
Dated: August 30, 2005.
Anthony Maciorowski,
Acting Director, EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office.
[FR Doc. 05-17615 Filed 9-2-05; 8:45 am]