United States v. Waste Industries USA, Inc.; Proposed Final Judgment and Competitive Impact Statement, 48590-48603 [05-16232]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
(tonia.fleetwood@usdoj.gov), fax no.
(202) 514–0097, phone confirmation
number (202) 514–1547. In requesting a
copy from the Consent Decree Library,
please enclose a check in the amount of
$7.00 (25 cents per page reproduction
cost), payable to the U.S. Treasury.
W. Benjamin Fisherow,
Deputy Section Chief, Environmental
Enforcement Section, Environment and
Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. 05–16346 Filed 8–17–05; 8:45 am]
Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree
Pursuant to the Comprehensive
Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act
Pursuant to Section 122(d)(2) of the
Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act (‘‘CERCLA’’), 42 U.S.C. 9622(d)(2),
and 28 CFR 50.7, notice is hereby given
that a proposed Consent Decree
embodying a settlement in United States
v. Del Monte Fresh Produce (Hawaii),
Inc., Civil Action No. 05–0049 5, was
lodged on August 4, 2005, with the
United States District Court for the
District of Hawaii.
In a Complaint filed concurrently
with the lodging of the Consent Decree,
the United States seeks reimbursement
of costs incurred by the United States
and injunctive relief relating to the Del
Monte Fresh Produce (Hawaii), Inc., site
located in Oahu, Hawaii (‘‘Site’’). The
United States alleges in the Complaint
that the defendant, Del Monte Fresh
Produce (Hawaii), Inc. (‘‘DMFP’’),
operated the Site and disposed or
arranged to dispose of hazardous
substances at the Site within the
meaning of Sections 107(a)(1), (2), and
(3) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9607(a)(1), (2),
and (3).
Under the proposed Consent Decree,
DMFP has agreed to fund and perform
response actions at the Site. The
Consent Decree requires DMFP to,
among other things, install monitoring
wells to characterize the extent of
contaminated groundwater; pump and
treat contaminated groundwater;
implement phytoremediation; place a
vegetated soil covering or cap over the
contaminated soil area; install a soil
vapor extraction system; and restrict
land use. The Consent Decree also
requires DMFP to reimburse the Untied
States for its costs.
The United States Department of
Justice will receive, for a period of 30
days from the date of this publication,
comments relating to the proposed
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Consent Decree. Comments should be
addressed to the U.S. Department of
Justice, Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources
Division, P.O. Box 7611, Ben Franklin
Station, Washington, DC 20044–7611,
and should refer to United States v. Del
Monte Fresh Produce (Hawaii), Inc., DOJ
Ref. 90–11–3–08277.
The proposed Consent Decree may be
examined during the public comment
period on the following United States
Department of Justice Web site: https://
www.usdoj.gov/enrd/open.html. A copy
of the Consent Decree may also be
obtained by mail from the Consent
Decree Library, U.S. Department of
Justice, P.O. Box 7611, Ben Franklin
Station, Washington, DC 20044–7611, or
by faxing or E-mailing a request to Tonia
Fleetwood (tonia.fleetwood@usdoj.gov),
fax number (202) 514–0097, phone
confirmation number (202) 514–1547.
When requesting a copy from the
Consent Decree Library, please enclose
a check, payable to the U.S. Treasury, in
the amount of $24.25 ($.25 per page
reproduction cost).
Ellen Mahan,
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental
Enforcement Section, Environment and
Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. 05–16345 Filed 8–17–05; 8:45 am]
Notice of Lodging of a Consent Decree
Pursuant to the Comprehensive
Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act
Notice is hereby given that a proposed
consent Decree in United States of
America v. Wellsford, Civ. Action No.
05–4158 was lodged on August 4, 2005,
with the United States District Court for
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
In the Complaint filed in this matter,
the United States alleges that Wellsford,
Inc. (‘‘Wellsford’’) is liable for response
costs pursuant to Section 107 of the
Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation and Liability
Act (‘‘CERCLA’’), 42 U.S.C. 9607 for its
involvement with the Recticon/Allied
Steel (‘‘Site’’) in Parkerford,
Pennsylvania. The proposed Consent
Decree would resolve the United States’
claims set forth in the Complaint
through the payment of $20,000, an
agreement by Wellsford to exercise due
care and not exacerbate existing
contamination, and the filing of deed
restrictions that provide EPA and its
representative access to property and
protect the remedy.
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The Department of Justice will receive
comments relating to the proposed
Consent Decree for a period of thirty
(30) days from the date of this
publication. Comments should be
addressed to the Acting Assistant
Attorney General, Environment and
Natural Resources Division, P.O. Box
7611, U.S. Department of Justice,
Washington, DC 20044 and should refer
to United States et al. v. Wellsford, Inc.,
DJ No. 90–11–2–902/2.
The proposed Consent Decree may be
examined at the office of the United
States Attorney for the District of
Pennsylvania, 615 Chestnut Street, Suite
1250, Philadelphia, PA 19106–4476,
and at the Region 3 Office of the
Environmental Protection Agency, 1650
Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.
During the public comment period, the
decree may also be examined on the
following Department of Justice Web
site, https://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/
open.html. A copy of the decree may
also be obtained by mail from the
Consent Decree Library, P.O. Box 7611,
U.S. Department of Justice, Washington,
DC 20044–7611, or by faxing or emailing a request to Tonia Fleetwood
(tonia.fleetwood@usdoj.gov), fax no.
(202) 514–0097, phone confirmation
number (202) 514–1547. In requesting a
copy from the Consent Decree Library,
please enclose a check in the amount of
$11.00 (25 cents per page reproduction
cost) payable to the U.S. Treasury. The
check should refer to United States et al.
v. Wellsford, Inc., DJ No. 90–11–2–902/
Robert D. Brook,
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental
Enforcement Section, Environment and
Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. 05–16347 Filed 8–17–05; 8:45 am]
Antitrust Division
United States v. Waste Industries USA,
Inc.; Proposed Final Judgment and
Competitive Impact Statement
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties
Act, 15 U.S.C. 16(b)–(h), that a
Complaint, proposed Final Judgment,
Stipulation, and Competitive Impact
Statement were filed with the United
States District Court for the Eastern
District of Virginia in United States v.
Waste Industries USA, Inc., Civ. Action
No. 2:05CV468. On August 8, 2005, the
United States filed a Complaint, which
sought to compel Waste Industries USA,
Inc., to divest certain small container
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
commercial hauling assets in the
Norfolk, Virginia area acquired from
Allied Waste Industries, Inc., and to
enjoin Waste Industries from continuing
certain anticompetitive contracting
practices. The Complaint alleges that
Waste Industries’ acquisition of these
assets from Allied has substantially
lessened competition in the market for
small container commercial hauling
services in the Norfolk, Virginia area, in
violation of Section 7 of the Clayton
Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 18. The
proposed Final Judgment, also filed on
August 8, 2005, requires the defendant
to divest contracts and accounts on
selected Waste Industries small
container commercial hauling routes in
the Norfolk, Virginia area, and to alter
its existing or future small container
commercial waste hauling contracts in
that area. A Competitive Impact
Statement filed by the United States
describes the Complaint, the proposed
Final Judgment, and the remedies
available to private litigants who may
have been injured by the alleged
Copies of the Complaint, proposed
Final Judgment, Stipulation, and
Competitive Impact Statement are
available for inspection at the U.S.
Department of Justice, Antitrust
Division, 325 Seventh Street, NW., Suite
215, Washington, DC 20530 (telephone:
202–514–2481), on the Internet at
https://www.usdoj.gov/atr, and at the
Clerk’s Office of the United States
District Court for the Eastern District of
Virginia (Norfolk Division). Copies of
these materials may be obtained upon
request and payment of a copying fee.
Public comment is invited within the
statutory 60-day comment period. Such
comments and responses thereto will be
published in the Federal Register and
filed with the Court. Comments should
be directed to Maribeth Petrizzi, Chief,
Litigation II Section, Antitrust Division,
U.S. Department of Justice, 1401 H
Street, NW., Suite 3000, Washington,
DC 20530 (telephone: 202–307–0924).
Dorothy B. Fountain,
Deputy Director of Operations, Antitrust
United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Virginia—Norfolk
United States of America, Department
of Justice, Antitrust Division, 1401 H
Street, NW., Suite 3000, Washington, DC
20530, v. Waste Industries USA, Inc.,
3301 Benson Drive, Suite 601, Raleigh,
NC 27609, Defendant,
Civil No. 2:05cv468 Filed:
Plaintiff United States of America,
acting under the direction of the
Attorney General of the United States,
brings this civil antitrust action to
obtain equitable and other appropriate
relief against defendant Waste
Industries USA, Inc., (‘‘Waste
Industries’’), including compelling
Waste Industries to divest certain waste
hauling assets and enjoining Waste
Industries from continuing certain
anticompetititve contracting practices.
The United States complains and alleges
as follows:
I. Nature of Action
1. On August 1, 2003, Waste
Industries purchased from Allied Waste
Industries, Inc., (‘‘Allied’’) certain
waste-hauling assets. Waste Industries
and Allied were two of only a few
providers of waste collection services in
the independent cities of Norfolk,
Chesapeake, Virginia Beach,
Portsmouth, Suffolk, and Franklin,
Virginia and the country of
Southampton, Virginia (hereinafter the
‘‘Southside’’). The transaction has
lessened substantially competition in
Southside small container commercial
waste collection services.
2. This action seeks to undo the
anticompetitive effects of the
acquisition of Allied’s waste hauling
assets by Waste Industries. The
divestitures and contracting practice
relief sought herein will restore the
benefits of the competition that was lost
as a result of the transaction.
II. Jurisdiction and Venue
3. This action is filed by the United
States of America under Section 15 of
the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. 25, to prevent
and restrain the violation by Waste
Industries of Section 7 of the Clayton
Act, 15 U.S.C. 18.
4. Waste Industries is located in and
transacts business in the Eastern District
of Virginia, and Waste Industries
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submits to the personal jurisdiction of
the Eastern District of Virginia in this
proceeding. Venue is therefore proper in
this district under Section 12 of the
Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. 22 and 28 U.S.C.
5. Waste Industries collects municipal
solid waste from residential,
commercial, and industrial customers,
and owns and operates landfills, which
process and dispose of municipal solid
waste. In its waste collection and waste
disposal businesses, Waste Industries
makes sales and purchases in interstate
commerce, ships waste in the flow of
interstate commerce, and engages in
activities substantially affecting
interstate commerce. The Court has
jurisdiction over this action and over
Waste Industries pursuant to 15 U.S.C.
22 and 28 U.S.C. 1331 and 1337.
III. Waste Industries and the
6. Waste Industries is a North
Carolina corporation with its principal
office in Raleigh, North Carolina. It is
engaged in providing waste collection
and disposal services throughout the
Southeastern United States. In 2004,
Waste Industries reported total revenues
of approximately $291 million.
7. Effective August 1, 2003, Waste
Industries and Allied completed a
purchase and sale of assets in Charlotte,
North Carolina; Sumter, South Carolina;
Mobile, Alabama; Biloxi, Mississippi;
Clarksville, Tennessee; and the
Southside. No premerger notification
was required under Section 7A of the
Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. 18a(c).
IV. Trade and Commerce
A. The Relevant Service Market: Small
Container Commercial Waste Collection
8. Municipal solid waste (‘‘MSW’’) is
solid putrescible waste generated by
households and commercial
establishments such as retail stores,
offices, restaurants, warehouses, and
nonmanufacturing activities in
industrial facilities. MSW does not
include special handling waste (e.g.,
waste from manufacturing processes,
regulated medical waste, sewage, and
sludge), hazardous waste, or waste
generated by construction or demolition
9. Waste collection firms, or
‘‘haulers,’’ collect MSW from
residential, commercial and industrial
establishments and transport the waste
to a disposal site, such as a transfer
station, sanitary landfill, or incinerator,
for processing and disposal. Private
waste haulers typically contract directly
with individual customers for the
collection of waste generated by
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
commercial accounts. MSW generated
by residential customers, on the other
hand, is often collected by either local
governments or by private haulers
pursuant to contracts bid by, or
franchises granted by, municipal
10. Small container commercial waste
collection service is the business of
collecting MSW from commercial and
industrial accounts, usually in
‘‘dumpsters’’ (i.e., a small container
with one to ten cubic yards of storage
capacity), and transporting or ‘‘hauling’’
such waste to a disposal site by use of
a front- or rear-end loader truck. Typical
commercial waste collection customers
include office and apartment buildings
and retail establishments (e.g., stores
and restaurants).
11. Small container commercial waste
collection differs in many important
respects from the collection of
residential or other types of waste. An
individual commercial customer
typically generates substantially more
MSW than a residential customer. To
handle this high volume of MSW
efficiently, haulers provide commercial
customers with small dumpsters for
storing the waste. Haulers organize their
commercial accounts into routes and
collect and transport the MSW
generated by these accounts in vehicles
uniquely well suited for small container
waste collection, primarily front-end
loader (‘‘FEL’’) trucks. Less frequently,
haulers may use more maneuverable,
but less efficient, rear-end loader
(‘‘REL’’) trucks, especially in those areas
in which a collection route includes
narrow alleyways or streets. FEL trucks
are unable to navigate narrow
passageways easily and cannot
efficiently collect waste located in them.
12. On a typical small container
commercial waste collection route, an
operator drives a FEL vehicle to the
customer’s container, engages a
mechanism that grasps and lifts the
container over the front of the truck, and
empties the container into the vehicle’s
storage section, where the waste is
compacted and stored. The operator
continues along the route, collecting
MSW from each of the commercial
accounts, until the vehicle is full. The
operator then drives the FEL truck to a
disposal facility, such as a transfer
station, landfill, or incinerator, and
empties the contents of the vehicle.
Often, the operator returns to the route
and repeats the process.
13. In contrast to a commercial
collection route, a residential waste
collection route is significantly more
labor intensive. The customer’s MSW is
stored in much smaller containers (e.g.,
garbage bags or trash cans) and instead
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of FEL trucks, waste collection firms
routinely use REL or side-load trucks,
manned by larger crews (usually, twoor three-person teams). On residential
routes, the crews generally hand-load
the customer’s MSW, typically by
tossing garbage bags and emptying trash
cans into the vehicle’s storage section.
Because of the differences in collection
processes, residential customers and
commercial customers usually are
organized into separate routes. For a
variety of reason, other types of
collection activities, such as roll-off
containers (typically used for
construction debris) and collection of
liquid or hazardous waste, are rarely
combined with commercial waste
collection activities. This separation of
routes is due to differences in the
hauling equipment required, the volume
of waste collected, health and safety
concerns, and the ultimate disposal
option used.
14. The differences in the types and
volume of MSW collected and in the
equipment used in collection
distinguish small container commercial
waste collection from all other types of
waste collection activities. These
differences mean that small container
commercial waste collection firms can
profitably increase their charges for
small container commercial waste
collection services without losing
significant sales or revenues to firms
engaged in the provision of other types
of waste collection services. Thus, small
container commercial waste collection
service is a line of commerce, or
relevant service, for purpose of
analyzing the effects of the acquisition
under Section 7 of the Clayton Act.
B. The Relevant Geographic Market: The
15. Small container commercial waste
collection service is generally provided
in highly localized areas because, to
operate efficiently and profitably, a
hauler must have sufficient density in
its commercial waste collection
operations (i.e., a large number of
commercial accounts that are reasonably
close together). In addition, a FEL or
REL vehicle cannot be efficiently driven
long distances without collecting
significant amounts of MSW, which
makes it economically impractical for a
small container commercial waste
collection firm to serve metropolitan
areas from a distant base. Haulers,
therefore, generally establish garages
and related facilities within each major
local area served.
16. Local small container commercial
waste collection firms on the Southside
can profitably increase charges to local
customers without losing significant
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sales to more distant competitors. The
Southside is the relevant geographic
market, for purposes of analyzing the
effects of the acquisition under Section
7 of the Clayton Act.
C. Reduction in Competition As a
Consequence of the Acquisition
17. Allied and Waste Industries
directly competed in small container
commercial waste collection service on
the Southside. In this market, Allied
and Waste Industries each accounted for
a substantial share of total revenues
from commercial waste collection
18. On the Southside, the acquisition
reduced from four to three the number
of significant firms competing in the
collection of small container
commercial waste. Because of the
acquisition, Waste Industries now
controls about 43%—and the two largest
firms about 82%—of the small container
commercial waste hauling market. The
total Southside market generates annual
revenues of about $25 million.
D. Entry into Small Container
Commercial Waste Collection of MSW
19. Significant new entry into small
container commercial waste collection
service is difficult and time consuming
on the Southside. A new entrant into
small container commercial waste
collection service cannot provide a
significant competitive constraint on the
prices charged by market incumbents
until it achieves minimum efficient
scale and operating efficiencies
comparable to existing firms. In order to
obtain comparable operating efficiency,
a new firm must achieve route density
comparable to existing firms. However,
the incumbents’ use of price
discrimination and long-term contracts
prevents new entrants from winning a
large enough base of customers to
achieve efficient routes in sufficient
time to constrain the post-acquisition
firm from significantly raising prices
after the transaction. Differences in the
service provided by an incumbent
hauler to customers permit the
incumbent to meet competition easily
from new entrants by pricing its services
lower to any customer that wants to
switch to the new entrant. An
incumbent’s use of long-term contracts,
which contain large liquidated damage
provisions for contract termination and
automatically renew, make it more
difficult for the customer to switch to a
new hauler and obtain lower prices.
Long-term contracts increase the cost
and time required by an entrant to form
an efficient route, reducing the
likelihood that the entrant will be
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
E. Harm to Competition
20. The acquisition by Waste
Industries of Allied’s Southside assets
has removed a significant competitor in
an already highly concentrated and
difficult-to-enter Southside small
container commercial waste collection
market. In the Southside market, the
resulting substantial increase in
concentration, loss of competition, and
absence of reasonable prospect of
significant new entry, has denied small
container commercial waste customers
the benefits of competition—lower
prices and better service.
V. Violation Alleged
21. On or about August 1, 2003, Waste
Industries acquired Allied’s Southside
small container commercial waste
collection assets. The effect of this
acquisition has been to substantially
lessen competition in interstate trade
and commerce in violation of Section 7
of the Clayton Act.
22. The transaction has had the
following effects, among others:
a. Competition generally in small
container commercial waste collection
service in the Southside market has
been lessened substantially;
b. Actual and potential competition
between Allied and Waste Industries in
small container commercial waste
collection service was eliminated on the
Southside; and
c. Small container commercial waste
customers in the Southside market have
been denied the benefits of competition,
including competition based on price
and service.
Thomas O. Barnett,
Acting Attorney General.
Dorothy B. Fountain,
Deputy Director of Operations.
Maribeth Petrizzi,
Chief, Litigation II Section,
James J. Tierney,
Assistant Chief, Litigation II Section.
Leslie D. Peritz.
Lowell Stern,
VA Bar No. 33460.
Michael K. Hammaker,
Janet A. Nash,
Kerrie Freeborn,
U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust
Division, Litigation II Section, 1401 H
Street, NW., Suite 3000, Washington, DC
20530. leslie.peritz@usdoj.gov. (202) 307–
United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Virginia—Norfolk
United States of America, Plaintiff, v.
Waste Industries USA, Inc., Defendant
Final Judgment
Whereas, the plaintiff United States of
America, having filed its Complaint in
this action on August 8, 2005 and the
plaintiff and the defendant Waste
Industries USA, Inc., by their respective
attorneys, have consented to the entry of
this Final Judgment without trial or
adjudication of any issue of fact or law,
and without this Final Judgment
constituting any evidence against or an
admission by any party with respect to
any issue of law or fact;
VI. Requested Relief
And Whereas, the defendant agrees to
The United States requests that this
be bound by the provisions of this Final
Judgment pending its approval by the
1. Adjudge and decree the acquisition Court;
of Allied’s Southside small container
And Whereas, the essence of this
commercial waste assets by defendant
Final Judgment is the prompt and
Waste Industries to violate Section 7 of
certain divestiture of the Relevant
the Clayton Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C.
Hauling Assets by the defendant to
ensure that competition is substantially
2. Compel Waste Industries to divest
waste hauling assets sufficient to restore
And Whereas, the United States
the competition that was lost as a result requires the defendant to amend certain
of the transaction;
provisions of its waste hauling contracts
3. Enjoin Waste Industries from
and to make certain divestitures in order
continuing certain anticompetitive
to remedy the loss of competition
contracting practices;
alleged in the Complaint;
4. Award the United States the cost of
And Whereas, the defendant has
this action; and
represented to the United States that the
5. Award the United States such other divestiture required below can and will
and further relief as the case requires
be made and that the defendant will late
and the Court deems proper.
raise no claims of hardship or difficulty
as grounds for asking the Court to
Respectfully submitted,
modify any of the divestiture or other
August 8, 2005.
injunctive provisions contained below;
For Plaintiff United States
Now, Therefore, before the taking of
lllllllllllllllllllll any testimony, and without trial or
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adjudication of any issue of fact or law,
and upon consent of the parties, it is
hereby ordered, adjudged, and decreed:
I. Jurisdiction
This Court has jurisdiction over each
of the parties and over the subject
matter of this action. The Complaint
states a claim upon which relief may be
granted against the defendant under
Section 7 of the Clayton Act, as
amended, 15 U.S.C. § 18.
II. Definitions
As used in this Final Judgment:
A. ‘‘Acquirer’’means the entity to
whom the defendant divests the
Relevant Hauling Assets.
B. ‘‘Hauling’’ means the collection of
waste from customers and the shipment
of the collected waste to disposal sites.
Hauling does not include collection of
roll-off containers.
C. ‘‘MSW’’means municipal solid
waste, a term of art used to describe
solid putrescible waste generated by
household and commercial
establishment such as retail stores,
offices, restaurants, warehouses, and
nonmanufacturing activities in
industrial facilities. MSW does not
include special handling waste (e.g.,
waste from manufacturing processes,
regulated medical waste, sewage, and
sludge), hazardous waste, or waste
generated by construction or demolition
D. ‘‘Relevant Hauling Assets’’ means
$780,000 in annual Southside small
container commercial waste collection
revenue comprised of customers from
Waste Industries’ waste collection
routes 22 and 914 that operate in
Norfolk and Virginia Beach,
respectively, and all intangible assets
and records related to such customers,
including contracts, hauling-related
customer lists, account files, and credit
records. (The divested customers from
Routes 22 and 914 are identified in
Exhibit A to this Final Judgment.) If the
defendant Acquirer mutually agree,
Acquirer may: (1) Purchase any other
hauling-related assets used in
connection with providing service to the
customers identified in Exhibit A,
including trucks and other vehicles,
containers, materials, and supplies; and
(2) negotiate with, and make offers of
employment to, personnel involved in
the operation and management of the
Relevant Hauling Assets.
E. ‘‘Small container commercial waste
collection services’’ means the business
of collecting MSW from commercial and
industrial accounts, usually in
‘‘dumpsters’’ (i.e., a small container
with one to ten cubic yards of storage
capacity), and transporting or hauling
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
such waste to a disposal site by use of
a front-or rear-end loader truck. Typical
commercial waste collection customers
include office and apartment buildings
and retail establishments (e.g., stores
and restaurants).
F. ‘‘Southside’’ means the
independent cities of Norfolk,
Chesapeake, Virginia Beach,
Portsmouth, Suffolk and Franklin,
Virginia, and the county of
Southampton, Virginia.
G. ‘‘Waste Industries’’ means the
defendant Waste Industries USA, Inc., a
North Carolina corporation with its
headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina,
and includes its successors and assigns,
and its subsidiaries, division, groups,
affiliates, partnerships, joint ventures,
and their directors, officers, managers,
agents, and employees.
III. Applicability
A. This Final Judgment applies to
Waste Industries, as defined above, and
all other persons in active concert or
participation with Waste Industries who
receive actual notice of this Final
Judgment by personal service or
B. The defendant shall require, as a
condition of the sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of
its assets, that the purchaser agree to be
bound by the provisions of this Final
IV. Divestiture
A. The defendant is hereby ordered
and directed, within ninety (90)
calendar days after the filing of the
Complaint in this matter, or five (5) days
after notice of the entry of this Final
Judgment by the Court, whichever is
later, to divest the Relevant Hauling
Assets in a manner consistent with this
Final Judgment to an Acquirer
acceptable to the United States in its
sole discretion. The United States, in its
sole discretion, may agree to an
extension of this time period of up to
thirty (30) calendar days, and shall
notify the Court in such circumstances.
The defendant agrees to use its best
efforts to divest the Relevant Hauling
Assets as expeditiously as possible.
B. In accomplishing the divestiture
ordered by this Final Judgment, the
defendant promptly shall make known,
by usual and customary means, the
availability of the Relevant Hauling
Assets. The defendant shall inform any
person making inquiry regarding a
possible purchase of the Relevant
Hauling Assets that they are being
divested pursuant to this Final
Judgment and provide that person a
copy of this Final Judgment. The
defendant shall offer to furnish to each
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prospective Acquirer, subject to
customary confidentiality assurances,
all information and documents relating
to the Relevant Hauling Assets
customarily provided in a due diligence
process except such information or
documents subject to the attorney-client
or work-product privileges. The
defendant shall make available such
information to the United States at the
same time that such information is
made available to any other person.
C. The defendant shall permit each
prospective Acquirer of the Relevant
Hauling Assets to have reasonable
access to personnel and access to any
and all financial, operational, or other
documents and information customarily
provided as part of a due diligence
process. If agreed to by the defendant
and the prospective Acquirer, the
defendant shall provide information
relating to the personnel involved in the
operation and management of the
Relevant Hauling Assets to enable the
Acquirer to make offers of employment.
The defendant will not interfere with
any negotiations by the Acquirer to
employ any defendant employee.
D. The defendant shall warrant to the
Acquirer of the Relevant Hauling Assets
that each asset will be operational on
the date of sale.
E. Unless the United States otherwise
consents in writing, the divestiture
pursuant to Section IV, or by trustee
appointed pursuant to Section V of this
Final Judgment, shall include the entire
Relevant Hauling Assets, and shall be
accomplished in such a way as to satisfy
the United States, in its sole discretion,
that the Relevant Hauling Assets can
and will be used by the Acquirer as part
of a viable, ongoing MSW hauling
business. Divestiture of the Relevant
Hauling Assets may be made to an
Acquirer, provided that it is
demonstrated to the sole satisfaction of
the United States that the Relevant
Hauling Assets will remain viable and
the divestiture of such assets will
remedy the competitive harm alleged in
the Complaint. The divestiture, whether
pursuant to Section IV or Section V of
this Final Judgment:
1. Shall be made to an Acquirer that,
in the United States’ sole judgment, has
the intent and capability, including
managerial, operational, and financial
capability, to compete effectively in the
waste hauling business; and
2. Shall be accomplished so as to
satisfy the United States, in its sole
discretion, that none of the terms of any
agreement between an Acquirer and
Waste Industries gives Waste Industries
the ability unreasonably to raise the
Acquirer’s costs, to lower the Acquirer’s
efficiency, or otherwise to interfere in
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the ability of the Acquirer to compete
V. Appointment of Trustee
A. If the defendant has not divested
the Relevant Hauling Assets within the
time period specified in Section IV.A,
the defendant shall notify the United
States of that fact in writing. Upon
application of the United States, in its
sole discretion, the Court shall appoint
a trustee selected by the United States
and approved by the Court to effect the
divestiture of the Relevant Hauling
B. After the appointment of the
trustee becomes effective, only the
trustee shall have the right to sell the
Relevant Hauling Assets. the trustee
shall have the power and authority to
accomplish the divestiture to an
Acquirer acceptable to the United
States, in its sole discretion, at such
price, and on such terms as are then
obtainable upon reasonable effort by the
trustee, subject to the provisions of
Sections IV, V, and VI of this Final
Judgment, and shall have other powers
as this Court deems appropriate. Subject
to Section V.D of this Final Judgment,
the trustee may have at the cost and
expense of the defendant any
investment bankers, attorneys, or other
agents, who shall be solely accountable
to the trustee, reasonably necessary in
the trustee’s judgment to assist in the
C. The defendant shall not object to a
sale by the trustee on any ground other
than the trustee’s malfeasance. Any
such objections by the defendant must
be conveyed in writing in the United
States and the trustee within ten (10)
calendar days after the trustee has
provided the notice required under
Section VI.
D. The trustee shall serve at the cost
and expense of the defendant, on such
terms and conditions as the United
States approves, and shall account for
all monies derived from the sale of the
Relevant Hauling Assets sold by the
trustee and all costs and expenses so
incurred. After approval by the Court of
the trustee’s accounting, including fees
for its services and those of any
professionals and agents retained by the
trustee, all remaining money shall be
paid to the defendant and the trust shall
then be terminated. The compensation
of the trustee and any professionals and
agents retained by the trustee shall be
reasonable in light of the value of the
Relevant Hauling Assets and based on a
fee arrangement providing the trustee
with an incentive based on the price
and terms of the divestiture and the
speed with which it is accomplished,
but timeliness is paramount.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
E. The defendant shall use its best
efforts to assist the trustee in
accomplishing the required divestiture.
The trustee and any consultants,
accountants, attorneys, and other
persons retained by the trustee shall
have full and complete access to the
personnel, books, records, and facilities
of the business to be divested, and the
defendant shall develop financial and
other information relevant to such
business as the trustee may reasonably
request, subject to customary
confidentiality protection for trade
secret or other confidential research,
development, or commercial
information. The defendant shall take
no action to interfere with or to impede
the trustee’s accomplishment of the
F. After its appointment, the trustee
shall file monthly reports with the
United States and the Court settling
forth the trustee’s efforts to accomplish
the divestiture ordered under this Final
Judgment. To the extent that such
reports contain information that the
trustee deems confidential, such reports
shall not be filed in the public docket
of the Court. Such reports shall include
the name, address, and telephone
number of each person who, during the
proceeding month, made an offer to
acquire, expressed an interest in
acquiring, entered into negotiations to
acquire, or was contacted or made an
inquiry about acquiring, any interest in
the Relevant Hauling Assets, and shall
describe in detail each contact with any
such person. The trustee shall maintain
full records of all efforts made to divest
the Relevant Hauling Assets.
G. If the trustee has not accomplished
such divestiture within six (6) months
after its appointment, the trustee shall
promptly file with the Court a report
setting forth (1) the trustee’s efforts to
accomplish the required divestiture, (2)
the reasons, in the trustee’s judgment,
why the required divestiture has not
been accomplished, and (3) the trustee’s
recommendations. To the extent that
such reports contain information that
the trustee deems confidential, such
reports shall not be filed in the public
docket of the Court. The trustee shall at
the same time furnish such report to the
United States who shall have the right
to make additional recommendations
consistent with the purpose of the trust.
The Court thereafter shall enter such
orders as it shall deem appropriate to
carry out the purpose of the Final
Judgment, which may, if necessary,
including extending the trust and the
term of the trustee’s appointment by a
period requested by the United States.
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VI. Notice of Proposed Divestiture
A. Within two (2) business days
following execution of a definitive
divestiture agreement, the defendant or
the trustee, whichever is then
responsible for effecting the divestiture
required herein, shall notify the United
States of any proposed divestiture
required by Section IV or V of this Final
Judgment. If the trustee is responsible,
it shall similarly notify the defendant.
The notice shall set forth the details of
the proposed divestiture and list the
name, address, and telephone number of
each person not previously identified
who offered or expressed an interest in
or desire to acquire any ownership
interest in the Relevant Hauling Assets,
together with full details of the same.
B. Within fifteen (15) calendar days of
receipt by the United States of such
notice, the United States, in its sole
discretion, may request from the
defendant, the proposed Acquirer, any
other third part, or the trustee, if
applicable, additional information
concerning the proposed divestiture, the
proposed Acquirer, and any other
potential Acquirer. The defendant and
the trustee shall furnish any additional
information requested within fifteen
(15) calendar days of the receipt of the
request, unless the parties shall
otherwise agree.
C. Within thirty (30) calendar days
after receipt of the notice or within
twenty (20) calendar days after the
Unites States has been provided the
additional information requested from
the defendant, the proposed Acquirer,
any third party, or the trustee,
whichever is later, the United States, in
its sole discretion, shall provide written
notice to the defendant and the trustee,
if there is one, stating whether or not it
objects to the proposed divestiture. If
the United States provides written
notice that it does not object, the
divestiture may be consummated,
subject only to the defendant’s limited
right to object to the sale under Section
V.C of this Final Judgment. Absent
written notice that the United states
does not object to the proposed Acquirer
or upon objection by the United States,
a divestiture proposed under Section IV
or Section V shall not be consummated.
Upon objection by the defendant under
Section V.C, a divestiture proposed
under Section V shall not be
consummated unless approved by the
VII. Financing
The defendant shall not finance all or
any part of any purchase made pursuant
to Section IV or V of this Judgment.
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VIII. Preservation of Relevant Hauling
A. Until the divestiture required by
this Final Judgment has been
accomplished, the defendant shall: (1)
Preserve and maintain the value and
goodwill of the Relevant Hauling Assets;
(2) operate the Relevant Hauling Assets
in the ordinary course of business,
including reasonable efforts to maintain
and increase sales and revenues; and (3)
take no action that would jeopardize,
delay, or impede the sale of the Relevant
Hauling Assets.
B. The divested customers on Routes
22 and 914 identified in Exhibit A
collectively generate approximately
$65,000 in monthly small container
commercial waste collection revenue
($780,000 annual revenue), as of May
2005. If, prior to divestiture, any
customer identified in Exhibit A let
their contracts expire, terminate their
contracts, or reduce small container
commercial waste collection services
such that small container commercial
waste collection revenue to be divested
declines by five (5) percent or more, the
defendant shall divest additional small
container commercial waste collection
customers to replace these revenues up
to $780,000. The defendant shall
provide monthly customer reports that
update Exhibit A and identify any lost
customers, customer price increases or
service changes, and overall revenue
changes. Any change in the Relevant
Hauling Assets must be reviewed by and
approved by the United States. All
revenue calculations under Section
VIII.B of this Final Judgment shall be
based on monthly revenues for May
IX. Affidavits
A. Within twenty (20) calendar days
of the filing of the Complaint in this
matter, and every thirty (30) calendar
days thereafter until the divestiture has
been completed under Section IV or V,
the defendant shall deliver to the United
States an affidavit as to the fact and
manner of its compliance with Section
IV or V of this Final Judgment. Each
such affidavit shall include the name,
address, and telephone number of each
person who, during the preceding thirty
(30) days, made an offer to acquire,
expressed an interest in acquiring,
entered into negotiations to acquire, or
was contacted or made an inquiry about
acquiring, any interest in the Relevant
Hauling Assets, and shall describe in
detail each contact with any such
person during that period. Each such
affidavit shall also include a description
of the efforts the defendant has taken to
solicit buyers for the Relevant Hauling
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
Assets, and to provide required
information to each prospective
Acquirer, including the limitations, if
any, on such information. Assuming the
information set forth in the affidavit is
true and complete, any objection by the
United States to information provide by
the defendant, including limitations on
information, shall be made within
fourteen (14) days of receipt of such
B. Within twenty (20) calendar days
of the filing of the Complaint in this
matter, the defendant shall deliver to
the United States an affidavit that
describes in reasonable detail all actions
the defendant has taken and all steps
the defendant has implemented on an
ongoing basis to comply with Section
VIII of this Final Judgment. The
defendant shall deliver to the United
States an affidavit describing any
changes to the efforts and actions
outlined in the defendant’s earlier
affidavits filed pursuant to this section
within fifteen (15) calendar days after
the change is implemented.
C. The defendant shall keep all
records of all efforts made to preserve
the Relevant Hauling Assets and to
divest the Relevant Hauling Assets until
one year after such divestiture has been
X. Compliance Inspection
A. For the purposes of determining or
securing compliance with this Final
Judgment, or of determining whether
the Final Judgment should be modified
or vacated, and subject to any legally
recognized privilege, from time to time
duly authorized representatives of the
United States Department of Justice,
including consultants and other persons
retained by the United States, shall,
upon written request of a duly
authorized representative of the
Assistant Attorney General in charge of
the Antitrust Division, and on
reasonable notice to the defendant and
counsel of record, be permitted:
1. access during the defendant’s office
hours to inspect and copy, or at the
United States’ option, to require the
defendant to provide copies of all books,
ledgers, accounts, records, and
documents in the possession or control
of the defendant, relating to any matters
contained in this Final Judgment; and
2. to interview, either informally or on
the record, the defendant’s officers,
employees, or agents, who may have
their individual counsel present,
regarding such matters. The interviews
shall be subject to the reasonable
convenience of the interviewee and
without restraint or interference by the
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B. Upon the written request of a duly
authorized representative of the
Assistant Attorney General in charge of
the Antitrust Division, the defendant
shall submit such written reports or
responses to written interrogatories,
under oath if requested, relating to any
of the matters contained in this Final
Judgment as may be requested.
C. No information or documents
obtained by the means provided in this
section shall be divulged by the United
States to any person other than an
authorized representative of the
executive branch of the United States,
except in the course of legal proceedings
to which the United States is a party
(including grand jury proceedings), or
for the purpose of securing compliance
with this Final Judgment, or as
otherwise required by law.
D. If at the time information or
documents are furnished by the
defendant to the United States, the
defendant represents and identifies in
writing the material in any such
information or documents to which a
claim of protection may be asserted
under Rule 26(c)(7) of the Federal Rules
of Civil Procedure, and the defendant
marks each pertinent page of such
material, ‘‘Subject to claim of protection
under Rule 26(c)(7) of the Federal Rules
of Civil Procedure,’’ then the United
States shall give the defendant ten (10)
calendar days notice prior to divulging
such material in any legal proceeding
(other than a grand jury proceeding).
XI. No Reacquisition
The defendant may not reacquire all
or substantially all of the Relevant
Hauling Assets listed in Exhibit A
during the term of this Final Judgment.
Nothing herein shall preclude the
defendant from competing for the
hauling business of any individual
customer listed in Exhibit A, so long as
the defendant’s conduct is consistent
with a commercially reasonable sales
agreement negotiated with the Acquirer
of the Relevant Hauling Assets.
XII. Southside Contract Relief
A. The defendant shall alter the
standard contract form (‘‘the Standard
Contract’’) it uses with small container
commercial waste collection customers
in the Southside and the Standard
Contract shall contain the following
1. an initial term no longer than two
(2) years;
2. a renewal term no longer than one
(1) year;
3. a notice of termination no9 more
than thirty (30) days prior to the end of
any initial term or renewal term;
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4. liquidated damages of no more than
three (3) times the contract’s average
monthly charge during the first year the
customer has had service with the
defendant; and
5. liquidated damages of no more than
two (2) times the contract’s average
monthly charge after the first year the
customer has had service with the
B. Within thirty (30) calendar days of
the filing of the Complaint in this
matter, the defendant, by means of a
letter approved by the United States,
shall inform its existing Southside small
container commercial waste collection
customers about the terms, conditions
and rights set forth in Sections XII.A
and XII.B of this Final Judgment and
shall offer in writing to the customers
the option to enter into the Standard
Contract. Should an existing customer
request the Standard Contract, the
defendant shall execute the Standard
Contract with that customer. The
defendant shall not initiate negotiations
with existing customers to modify the
Standard Contract; however, upon the
request of the customer, the defendant
may modify the Standard Contract
subject to the procedures set forth in
Section XII.C of this Final Judgment.
Should an existing customer continue
with its current contract, the defendant
shall not enforce any term or condition
that is inconsistent with Section XII.A
of this Final Judgment. For example, if
an existing customer contract has a fiveyear initial term, the defendant may
only enforce this provision for a twoyear period from the date the contract
was executed.
C. From the date of filing the
Compliant in this action, the defendant
shall use the Standard Contract with all
new customers and any existing
customer that may request the Standard
Contract. The defendant may negotiate
terms and conditions different from
those set forth in Section XII.A of this
Final Judgment, provided that the
Standard Contract form is utilized, the
customer is notified in writing that it
can accept the Standard Contract
without modification, the
modification(s) are made in the physical
presence of the customer, the
modification(s) are made in writing on
the Standard Contract, and the customer
initials each modification. If the
defendant complies with the
requirements set forth in this subsection
C, this Final Judgment shall not prevent
the enforcement by either the defendant
or customer of any such negotiated
modifications that are different from
those set forth in Section XII.A.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
D. The provisions of Section XII of
this Final Judgment will expire on
August 8, 2010.
any of its provisions, to enforce
compliance, and to punish violations of
its provisions.
XIII. Retention of Jurisdiction
This Court retains jurisdiction to
enable any party to this Final Judgment
to apply to this Court at any time for
further orders and directions as may be
necessary or appropriate to carry out or
construe this Final Judgment, to modify
XIV. Expiration of Final Judgment
Unless this Court grants an extension
or as otherwise noted in Section XII.D,
this Final Judgment shall expire ten (10)
years from the date of its entry.
XV. Public Interest Determination
Entry of this Final Judgment is in the
public interest.
Date: llllllllllllllllll
Court approval subject to procedures of
Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act, 15
U.S.C. 16
United States District Judge
Route Code
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EXHIBIT A—Continued
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
EXHIBIT A—Continued
Route Code
Customers .................................................................
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EXHIBIT A—Continued
Route Code
Route Code
914 .....................................................................................
914 .....................................................................................
914 .....................................................................................
914 .....................................................................................
914 .....................................................................................
914 .....................................................................................
914 .....................................................................................
914 .....................................................................................
Total Customers .................................................................
United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Virginia—Norfolk
United States of America, Plaintiff, v.
Waste Industries USA, Inc., Defendant
Civil No.
Competitive Impact Statement
Plaintiff United States of America
(‘‘United States’’), pursuant to Section
2(b) of the Antitrust Procedures and
Penalties Act (‘‘APPA’’), 15 U.S.C.
16(b)–(h), files this Competitive Impact
Statement relating to the proposed Final
Judgment submitted for entry in this
civil antitrust proceeding.
I. Nature and Purpose of the Proceeding
Defendant Waste Industries USA, Inc.
(‘‘Waste Industries’’) purchased from
Allied Waste Industries, Inc. (‘‘Allied’’),
effective August 1, 2003, certain wastehauling assets located in the
independent cities of Norfolk,
Chesapeake, Virginia Beach,
Portsmouth, Suffolk, and Franklin,
Virginia and the county of
Southampton, Virginia (hereinafter the
‘‘Southside’’). The United States filed a
civil antitrust Complaint on August 8,
2005, seeking a declaration that Waste
Industries’ purchase from Allied
violated Section 7 of the Clayton Act
and requesting equitable relief. The
Complaint alleges that the transaction
substantially lessened competition for
small container commercial waste
collection services in the Southside.
This loss of competition has denied
Southside customers the benefits of
competition—lower prices and better
At the same time the Complaint was
filed, the United States also filed a
proposed Final Judgment, which is
designed to eliminate the
anticompetitive effects of the
acquisition. Under the proposed Final
Judgment, which is explained more
fully below, Waste Industries is required
within ninety (90) days after the filing
of the Complaint, or five (5) days after
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notice of the entry of the Final Judgment
by the Court, whichever is later, to
divest, as a viable business operation,
specified waste-hauling assets. In
addition to the divestiture, the proposed
Final Judgment also requires Waste
Industries to comply with certain
conditions regarding its customer
contracts in the Southside.
The United States and Waste
Industries have stipulated that the
proposed Final Judgment may be
entered after compliance with the
APPA. Entry of the proposed Final
Judgment would terminate this action,
except that the Court would retain
jurisdiction to construe, modify, or
enforce the provisions of the proposed
Final Judgment and to punish violations
II. Description of the Events Giving Rise
to the Alleged Violation
A. The Acquisition
On August 1, 2003, Waste Industries
acquired Allied’s hauling assets in the
Southside. The transaction has lessened
competition in the Southside small
container commercial waste collection
services market. Waste Industries, with
revenues in 2004 of approximately $291
million, is engaged in providing waste
collection and disposal services
throughout the southeastern United
States. Allied, with revenues in 2004 of
approximately $5.4 billion, is the
nation’s second-largest waste collection
and disposal company.
B. Southside Small Container
Commercial Waste Collection Services
Municipal solid waste (‘‘MSW’’) is
solid, putrescible waste generated by
households and commercial
establishments. Waste collection firms,
or haulers, contract to collect MSW from
residential and commercial customers
and transport the waste to private and
public disposal facilities (e.g., transfer
stations, incinerators and landfills),
which, for a fee, process and legally
dispose of the waste. Small container
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commercial waste collection is one
component of MSW collection, which
also includes residential and other
waste collection.
Small container commercial waste
collection service is the collection of
MSW from commercial businesses such
as office and apartment buildings and
retail establishments (e.g., stores and
restaurants) for shipment to, and
disposal at, an approved disposal
facility. Because of the type and volume
of waste generated by commercial
accounts and the frequency of service
required, haulers organize commercial
accounts into special routes, and
generally use specialized equipment to
store, collect, and transport waste from
these accounts to approved disposal
sites. This equipment (i.e., one- to tencubic-yard containers for waste storage,
and front-end load vehicles commonly
used for collection and transportation)
is uniquely well suited for providing
small container commercial waste
collection service.
Providers of other types of waste
collection services (e.g., residential and
roll-off services) are not good substitutes
for small container commercial waste
collection firms. In their waste
collection efforts, these firms use
different waste storage equipment (e.g.,
garbage cans or semi-stationary roll-off
containers) and different vehicles (e.g.,
rear-load, side-load, or roll-off trucks),
which, for a variety of reasons, cannot
be conveniently or efficiently used to
store, collect, or transport waste
generated by commercial accounts, and
hence, are generally not used on small
container commercial waste collection
routes. The Complaint alleges that, in
the event of a small but significant
increase in price for small container
commercial waste collection services,
customers would not switch to any
other alternative and that, therefore, the
provision of small container commercial
waste collection services constitutes a
line of commerce, or relevant service,
for purposes of analyzing the effects of
the transaction.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
The Complaint alleges that the
provision of small container commercial
waste collection service takes place in
compact, highly localized geographic
markets. It is expensive to ship waste
long distances in waste collection
operations. To minimize transportation
costs and maximize the scale, density,
and efficiently of their waste collection
operations, small container commercial
waste collection firms concentrate their
customers and collection routes in small
areas. Firms with operations
concentrated in a distant area cannot
easily compete against firms whose
routes and customers are locally based.
Distance may significantly limit a
remote firm’s ability to provide
commercial waste collection service as
frequently or conveniently as that
offered by local firms with nearby
routes. Also, local commercial waste
collection firms have significant cost
advantages over other firms and can
profitably increase their charges to local
commercial customers without losing
significant sales to firms outside the
area. Based on these circumstances, the
Complaint alleges that the Southside
constitutes a section of the country, or
relevant geographic market, for the
purpose of assessing the competitive
effects of Waste Industries’ purchase of
Allied’s Southside hauling assets in the
provision of small container commercial
waste collection services.
There are significant entry barriers in
small container commercial waste
collection services. A new entrant in
small container commercial waste
collection services must achieve a
minimum efficient scale and operating
efficiencies comparable to those of
existing firms to provide a significant
competitive constraint on the prices
charged by market incumbents. In order
to obtain comparable operating
efficiencies, a new firm must achieve
route density similar to existing firms.
Because most customers have their
waste collected once or twice a week, a
new entrant generally requires several
hundred customers in close proximity
to construct an efficient route. However,
the common use of price discrimination
and long-term contracts by existing
commercial waste collection firms can
leave too few customers available to the
entrant in a sufficiently confined
geographic area to create an efficient
route. The incumbent firm can
selectively and temporarily charge an
extraordinarily low price to specified
customers targeted by new entrants.
Long-term contracts often run for three
to five years and may automatically
renew or contain large liquidated
damage provisions for contract
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termination. Such terms make it more
costly or difficult for a customer to
switch to a new hauler and obtain lower
prices for its collection service. Because
of these factors, a new entrant may find
it difficult to compete by offering its
services at price levels comparable to
the incumbents’ pre-entry prices. Such
difficulties may cause an increase in the
cost and time required to form an
efficient route, thereby limiting a new
entrant’s ability to build an efficient
route and reducing the likelihood that
the entrant will ultimately be
The need for route density, the use of
long-term contracts with restrictive
terms, and the ability of existing firms
to price discriminate raise significant
barriers to entry by new firms, which
will likely be forced to complete at
lower than pre-entry price levels.
C. Anticompetitive Effects of the
Waste Industries’ acquisition of
Allied’s hauling assets reduced from
four to three the number of significant
firms that compete in the collection of
small container commercial waste in the
Southside. Waste Industries now
controls about 43% of the Southside
small container commercial waste
hauling market. The total Southside
market generates annual revenues of
approximately $25 million. Two firms,
Waste Industries and Waste
Management, Inc., control about 82% of
the market.
The Complaint alleges that Waste
Industries’ acquisition of Allied’s
hauling assets in the Southside has
removed a significant competitor in
small container commercial waste
collection services. The resulting
increase in concentration, loss of
competition, and absence of any
reasonable prospect of significant new
entry or expansion by market
incumbents has denied Southside
customers the benefits of competition—
lower prices and better service.
III. Explanation of the Proposed Final
The proposed Final Judgment is
designed to return the Southside small
container commercial waste collection
services market to its pre-acquisition
competitive state while recognizing
changes to other haulers since the
acquisition. At the time of the
acquisition, there were four significant
competitors in the Southside market.
Allied and Waste Management, Inc.
dominated the market with substantial
market shares. Waste Industries and
another local hauler were small but
significant players. Thus, post-
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acquisition, there is one less competitor
in a market with two dominant
participants and one small participant
whose operations have expanded
slightly since the acquisition.
The divestiture and contract relief
provisions of the proposed Final
Judgment will eliminate the
anticompetitive effects of the
acquisition by establishing a new,
independent, and economically viable
competitor or by strengthening an
existing, in-market hauler, and by also
reducing the barriers to entry created by
the contracts currently used by Waste
A. Divestiture
The proposed Final Judgment requires
Waste Industries, within ninety (90)
days after the filing of the Complaint, or
five (5) days after notice of the entry of
the Final Judgment by the Court,
whichever is later, to divest as a viable
ongoing business specified small
container commercial waste collection
assets in the Southside. Under the
proposed Final Judgment, Waste
Industries is required to divest the
specified assets to a new, independent,
and economically viable competitor or
to an existing, independent, and
economically viable small hauler. The
proposed Final Judgment requires
divestiture of certain small container
commercial waste collection customers
that produce annual revenues of
$780,000. A divestiture of this size will
reduce Waste Industries’ market share to
approximately Allied’ July 2003
premerger market share. The divested
customers come from two existing
Waste Industries routes, one in Virginia
Beach and the other in Norfolk. These
two areas account for the majority of
Waste Industries’ Southside small
container commercial waste revenues.
Waste Industries will retain certain
customers on the designated routes,
including customers that would be
difficult to divest because, for example,
the customer is serviced as part of a
national account or the customer has
multiple locations that are serviced on
Waste Industries routes not subject to
The assets must be divested in such
a way as to satisfy the United States that
the operations can and will be operated
by the purchaser as a viable, ongoing
business that can compete effectively in
the Southside. Waste Industries must
take all reasonable steps necessary to
accomplish the divestiture quickly and
shall cooperate with prospective
Under the proposed Final Judgment,
Waste Industries will be required to
preserve and maintain the divested
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
assets and to operate the assets in the
ordinary course of business, including
reasonable efforts to maintain and
increase sales and revenues. To ensure
that Waste Industries takes no action to
jeopardize the divested assets, in the
event revenues generated by the
divested customers decline by 5% or
more, the proposed Final Judgment will
require that Waste Industries divest
additional customers to replace the lost
In the event that Waste Industries
does not accomplish the divestiture
within the period prescribed by the
proposed Final Judgment, the Final
Judgment provides that the Court will
appoint a trustee selected by the United
States to effect the divestiture. If a
trustee is appointed, the proposed Final
Judgment provides that Waste Industries
will pay all costs and expenses of the
trustee. The trustee’s compensation will
be structured so as to provide an
incentive for the trustee based on the
price obtained and the speed with
which the divestiture is accomplished.
After his or her appointment becomes
effective, the trustee will file monthly
reports with the Court and the United
States as appropriate, setting forth his or
her efforts to accomplish the divestiture.
At the end of six months, if the
divestiture has not been accomplished,
the trustee and the United States as
appropriate, will make
recommendations to the Court, which
shall enter such orders as appropriate to
carry out the purpose of the trust,
including extending the trust or the
term of the trustee’s appointment.
While the proposed Final Judgment
prohibits Waste Industries from
reacquiring all or substantially all of the
small container commercial waste
customers to be divested, it encourages
ongoing Southside competition by
permitting Waste Industries to continue
to compete for the hauling business of
any individual customer to be divested.
Waste Industries’ conduct in this regard
must be consistent with a commercially
reasonable sales agreement negotiated
with the acquirer of the divested assets.
B. Contract Relief
Because the divestiture alone will not
fully eliminate the anticompetitive
effects of the acquisition, the proposed
Final Judgment also requires contract
relief. The Final Judgment obligates
Waste Industries, for a period of five (5)
years from August 8, 2005, to offer all
new customers and all existing
customers who initiate negotiations, a
contract with at least the following
conditions (‘‘the Standard Contract’’):
(1) No initial term longer than two
years; (2) no renewal term longer than
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one year; (3) no requirement that the
customer give Waste Industries notice of
termination more than thirty days prior
to the end of any initial term or renewal
term; (4) no requirement that the
customer pay liquidated damages more
than three times its average monthly
charge during the first year the customer
has had service with Waste Industries;
and (5) no requirement that the
customer pay liquidated damages more
than two times it average monthly
charge after the first year the customer
has had service with Waste Industries.
Waste Industries will be required to
send a letter to its current customers
advising them of the new contract terms
and that Waste Industries may not
enforce more restrictive terms even if
the customer does not enter into a new
contract. The proposed Final Judgment
provides that as to Waste Industries’
current customers, only the customer
can initiate negotiations to replace its
existing contract. Waste Industries shall
offer in writing the Standard Contract to
all new customers and any existing
customers who choose to initiate
contract negotiations. Waste Industries
and these customers are then free to
negotiate modifications to the Standard
Contract terms, provided that the
modifications are made in the presence
of the customer, in writing, and initiated
by the customer. The proposed Final
Judgment shall not prevent the
enforcement by either the defendant or
customer of any such negotiated
This contract relief is significant
because it lowers barriers to entry by
giving new and existing customers
greater leverage in contract negotiations
with Waste Industries and allowing
existing customers to consider
competitive alternatives by providing
for the termination of existing contracts
through the payment of reasonable
liquidated damages. Implementation of
the proposed contract relief will make it
easier for customers to switch haulers
and should enable the purchaser of the
divested assets and other competitors to
gain customers if Waste Industries raises
prices. The combined divestiture and
contract relief sought in the Southside
will ensure that consumers of small
container commercial waste collection
services will continue to receive the
benefits of competition.
Remedies Available to Potential Private
Section 4 of the Clayton Act, 15
U.S.C. 15, provides that any person who
has been injured as a result of conduct
prohibited by the antitrust laws may
bring suit in federal court to recover
three times the damages the person has
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suffered, as well as costs and reasonable
attorneys’ fees. Entry of the proposed
Final Judgement will neither impair nor
assist the bring of any private antitrust
damage action. Under the provisions of
Section 5(a) of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C
16(a), the proposed Final Judgment has
no prima facie effect in any subsequent
private lawsuit that may be brought
against Waste Industries.
V. Procedures Available for
Modification of the Proposed Final
The United States and Waste
Industries have stipulated that the
proposed Final Judgment may be
entered by the Court after compliance
with the provisions of the APPA,
provided that the United States has not
withdrawn its consent. The APPA
conditions entry upon the Court’s
determination that the proposed Final
Judgment is in the public interest.
The APPA provides a period of at
least sixty (60) days preceding the
effective date of the proposed Final
Judgment within which any person may
submit to the United States written
comments regarding the proposed Final
Judgment. Any person who wishes to
comment should do so within sixty (60)
days of the date of publication of this
Competitive Impact Statement in the
Federal Register. The United States will
evaluate and respond to the comments.
All comments will be given due
consideration by the United States,
which remains free to withdraw its
consent to the proposed Final Judgment
at any time prior to entry. The
comments and the response of the
United States will be filed with the
Court and published in the Federal
Written comments should be
submitted to: Maribeth Petrizzi, Chief,
Litigation II Section, Antitrust Divsion,
U.S. Department of Justice, 1401 H
Street, NW., Suite 3000, Washington,
DC 20530.
The proposed Final Judgment
provides that the Court retains
jurisdiction over this action, and the
parties may apply to the Court for any
order necessary or appropriate for the
modification, interpretation, or
enforcement of the Final Judgment.
VI. Alternatives to the Proposed Final
The United States considered, as an
alternative to the proposed Final
Judgment, a full trial on the merits
against Waste Industries. The United
States could have continued the
litigation and requested that the
Southside transaction be adjudged and
decreed to be unlawful and in violation
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 159 / Thursday, August 18, 2005 / Notices
of Section 7 of the Clayton Act. The
United States is satisfied, however, that
the divestiture of assets and the contract
relief described in the proposed Final
Judgment will preserve competition for
small container commercial waste
collection services in the Southside.
VII. Standard of Review Under the
APPA for the Proposed Final Judgment
The APPA requires that proposed
consent judgments in antitrust cases
brought by the United States be subject
ot a sixty-day comment period, after
which the Court shall determine
whether entry of the proposed Final
Judgment ‘‘is in the public interest.’’ 15
U.S.C. 16(e)(1). In making that
determination, the Court shall consider:
(1) The competitive impact of such
judgment, including termination of alleged
violations, provisions for enforcement and
modification, duration or relief sought,
anticipated effects of alternative remedies
actually considered, whether its terms are
ambiguous, and any other competitive
considerations bearing upon the adequacy of
such judgment that the court deems
necessary to a determination of whether the
consent judgment is in the public interest;
(2) The impact of entry of such judgment
upon competition in the relevant market or
markets, upon the public generally and
individuals alleging specific injury from the
violations set forth in the complaint
including consideration of the public benefit,
if any, to be derived from a determination of
the issues at trial.
15 U.S.C. 16(e)(1). As the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit has held, the APPA
permits a court to consider, among other
things, the relationship between the
remedy secured and the specific
allegations set forth in the government’s
complaint, whether the decree is
sufficiently clear, whether enforcement
mechanisms are sufficient, and whether
the decree may positively harm third
parties. See United States v. Microsoft
Corp., 56 F.3d 1448, 1458–62 (D.C. Cir.
‘‘Nothing in this section shall be
construed to require the court to
conduct an evidentiary hearing or to
require the court to permit anyone to
intervene.’’ 15 U.S.C. 16(e)(2). Thus, in
conducting this inquiry, ‘‘[t]he court is
nowhere compelled to go to trial or to
engage in extended proceedings which
might have the effect of vitiating the
benefits of prompt and less costly
settlement through the consent decree
process.’’ 119 Cong. Rec. 24,598 (1973)
(statement of Senator Tunney).1 Rather:
1 See United States v. Gillette Co., 406 F. Supp.
713, 716 (D. Mass. 1975) (recognizing it was not the
court’s duty to settle; rather, the court must only
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[a]bsent a showing of corrupt failure of the
government to discharge its duty, the Court,
in making its public interest finding, should
* * * carefully consider the explanations of
the government in the competitive impact
statement and its responses to comments in
order to determine whether those
explanations are reasonable under the
United States v. Mid-Am. Dairymen,
Inc., 1977–1 Trade Cas. (CCH) ¶ 61,508,
at 71,980 (W.D. Mo. 1977).
Accordingly, with respect to the
adequacy of the relief secured by the
decree, a court may not ‘‘engage in
unrestricted evaluation of what relief
would best serve the public.’’ United
States v. BNS, Inc., 858 F.2d 456, 462
(9th Cir. 1988) (citing United States v.
Bechtel Corp., 648 R.2d 660, 666 (9th
Cir. 1981)); see also Microsoft, 56 F.3d
at 1460–62. Courts have held that
[t]he balancing of competing social and
political interests affected by a proposed
antitrust consent decree must be left, in the
first instance, to the discretion of the
Attorney General. The court’s role in
protecting the public interest is one of
insuring that the government has not
breached its duty to the public in consenting
to the decree. The court is required to
determine not whether a particular decree is
the one that will best serve society, but
whether the settlement is ‘‘within the reaches
of the public interest.’’ More elaborate
requirements might undermine the
effectiveness of antitrust enforcement by
consent decree.
Bechtel, 648 F.2d at 666 (emphasis
added) (citations omitted).2
The proposed Final Judgment,
therefore, should not be reviewed under
a standard of whether it is certain to
eliminate every anticompetitive effect of
a particular practice or whether it
mandates certainty of free competition
in the future. Court approval of a final
judgment requires a standard more
answer ‘‘whether the settlement achieved [was]
within the reaches of the public interest’’). A
‘‘public interest’’ determination can be made
properly on the basis of the Competitive Impact
Statement and Response to Comments filed by the
Department of Justice pursuant to the APPA.
Although the APPA authorizes the use of additional
procedures, 15 U.S.C. 16(f), those procedures are
discretionary. A court need not invoke any of them
unless it believes that the comments have raised
significant issues and that further proceedings
would aid the court in resolving those issues. See
H.R. Rep. No. 93–1463, 93rd Cong., 2d Sess. 8–9
(1974), reprinted in 1974 U.S.C.C.A.N. 6535, 6538.
2 Cf. BNS, 858 F.2d at 463 (holding that the
court’s ‘‘ultimate authority under the [APPA] is
limited to approving or disapproving the consent
decree’’); Gillette, 406 F. Supp. at 716 (noting that,
in this way, the court is constrained to ‘‘look at the
overall picture not hypercritically, nor with a
microscope, but with an artist’s reducing glass’’).
See generally Microsoft, 56 F.3d at 1461 (discussing
whether ‘‘the remedies [obtained in the decree are]
so inconsonant with the allegations charged as to
fall outside of the ‘reaches of the public interest’ ’’.
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flexible and less strict than the standard
required for a finding of liability. ‘‘[A]
proposed decree must be approved even
if it falls short of the remedy the court
would impose on its own, as long as it
falls within the range of acceptability or
is ‘within the reaches of public
interest.’ ’’ United States v. Am. Tel. &
Tel. Co., 552 F. Supp. 131, 151 (D.D.C.
1982) (citations omitted) (quoting
Gillette, 406 F. Supp. at 716), aff’d sub
nom. Maryland v. United States, 460
U.S. 1001 (1983); see also United States
v. Alcan Aluminum Ltd., 605 F. Supp.
619, 622 (W.D. Ky. 1985) (approving the
consent decree even though the court
would have imposed a greater remedy).
Moreover, the Court’s role under the
APPA is limited to reviewing the
remedy in relationship to the violations
that the United States has alleged in its
Complaint, and does not authorize the
Court to ‘‘construct [its] own
hypothetical case and then evaluate the
decree against that case.’’ Microsoft, 56
F.3d at 1459. Because the ‘‘court’s
authority to review the decree depends
entirely on the government’s exercising
its prosecutorial discretion by bringing
a case in the first place,’’ it follows that
‘‘the court is only authorized to review
the decree itself,’’ and not to ‘‘effectively
redraft the complaint’’ to inquire into
other matters that the United States
might have but did not pursue. Id. at
VIII. Determinative Documents
There are no determinative materials
or documents within the meaning of the
APPA that were considered by the
United States in formulating the
proposed Final Judgment.
Dated: August 8, 2005.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Peritz,
PA Bar No. 87539.
Lowell Stern,
VA Bar No. 33460,
U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust
Division, Litigation II Section, 1401 H
Street, NW., Suite 3000, Washington, DC
20530. leslie.peritz@usdoj.gov. (202) 307–
[FR Doc. 05–16232 Filed 8–17–05; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 159 (Thursday, August 18, 2005)]
[Pages 48590-48603]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-16232]
Antitrust Division
United States v. Waste Industries USA, Inc.; Proposed Final
Judgment and Competitive Impact Statement
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Antitrust Procedures and
Penalties Act, 15 U.S.C. 16(b)-(h), that a Complaint, proposed Final
Judgment, Stipulation, and Competitive Impact Statement were filed with
the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
in United States v. Waste Industries USA, Inc., Civ. Action No.
2:05CV468. On August 8, 2005, the United States filed a Complaint,
which sought to compel Waste Industries USA, Inc., to divest certain
small container
[[Page 48591]]
commercial hauling assets in the Norfolk, Virginia area acquired from
Allied Waste Industries, Inc., and to enjoin Waste Industries from
continuing certain anticompetitive contracting practices. The Complaint
alleges that Waste Industries' acquisition of these assets from Allied
has substantially lessened competition in the market for small
container commercial hauling services in the Norfolk, Virginia area, in
violation of Section 7 of the Clayton Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 18.
The proposed Final Judgment, also filed on August 8, 2005, requires the
defendant to divest contracts and accounts on selected Waste Industries
small container commercial hauling routes in the Norfolk, Virginia
area, and to alter its existing or future small container commercial
waste hauling contracts in that area. A Competitive Impact Statement
filed by the United States describes the Complaint, the proposed Final
Judgment, and the remedies available to private litigants who may have
been injured by the alleged violation.
Copies of the Complaint, proposed Final Judgment, Stipulation, and
Competitive Impact Statement are available for inspection at the U.S.
Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, 325 Seventh Street, NW.,
Suite 215, Washington, DC 20530 (telephone: 202-514-2481), on the
Internet at https://www.usdoj.gov/atr, and at the Clerk's Office of the
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
(Norfolk Division). Copies of these materials may be obtained upon
request and payment of a copying fee.
Public comment is invited within the statutory 60-day comment
period. Such comments and responses thereto will be published in the
Federal Register and filed with the Court. Comments should be directed
to Maribeth Petrizzi, Chief, Litigation II Section, Antitrust Division,
U.S. Department of Justice, 1401 H Street, NW., Suite 3000, Washington,
DC 20530 (telephone: 202-307-0924).
Dorothy B. Fountain,
Deputy Director of Operations, Antitrust Division.
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia--
Norfolk Division
United States of America, Department of Justice, Antitrust Division,
1401 H Street, NW., Suite 3000, Washington, DC 20530, v. Waste
Industries USA, Inc., 3301 Benson Drive, Suite 601, Raleigh, NC 27609,
Civil No. 2:05cv468 Filed:
Plaintiff United States of America, acting under the direction of
the Attorney General of the United States, brings this civil antitrust
action to obtain equitable and other appropriate relief against
defendant Waste Industries USA, Inc., (``Waste Industries''), including
compelling Waste Industries to divest certain waste hauling assets and
enjoining Waste Industries from continuing certain anticompetititve
contracting practices. The United States complains and alleges as
I. Nature of Action
1. On August 1, 2003, Waste Industries purchased from Allied Waste
Industries, Inc., (``Allied'') certain waste-hauling assets. Waste
Industries and Allied were two of only a few providers of waste
collection services in the independent cities of Norfolk, Chesapeake,
Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Suffolk, and Franklin, Virginia and the
country of Southampton, Virginia (hereinafter the ``Southside''). The
transaction has lessened substantially competition in Southside small
container commercial waste collection services.
2. This action seeks to undo the anticompetitive effects of the
acquisition of Allied's waste hauling assets by Waste Industries. The
divestitures and contracting practice relief sought herein will restore
the benefits of the competition that was lost as a result of the
II. Jurisdiction and Venue
3. This action is filed by the United States of America under
Section 15 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. 25, to prevent and restrain
the violation by Waste Industries of Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 15
U.S.C. 18.
4. Waste Industries is located in and transacts business in the
Eastern District of Virginia, and Waste Industries submits to the
personal jurisdiction of the Eastern District of Virginia in this
proceeding. Venue is therefore proper in this district under Section 12
of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. 22 and 28 U.S.C. 1391(c).
5. Waste Industries collects municipal solid waste from
residential, commercial, and industrial customers, and owns and
operates landfills, which process and dispose of municipal solid waste.
In its waste collection and waste disposal businesses, Waste Industries
makes sales and purchases in interstate commerce, ships waste in the
flow of interstate commerce, and engages in activities substantially
affecting interstate commerce. The Court has jurisdiction over this
action and over Waste Industries pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 22 and 28 U.S.C.
1331 and 1337.
III. Waste Industries and the Transaction
6. Waste Industries is a North Carolina corporation with its
principal office in Raleigh, North Carolina. It is engaged in providing
waste collection and disposal services throughout the Southeastern
United States. In 2004, Waste Industries reported total revenues of
approximately $291 million.
7. Effective August 1, 2003, Waste Industries and Allied completed
a purchase and sale of assets in Charlotte, North Carolina; Sumter,
South Carolina; Mobile, Alabama; Biloxi, Mississippi; Clarksville,
Tennessee; and the Southside. No premerger notification was required
under Section 7A of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. 18a(c).
IV. Trade and Commerce
A. The Relevant Service Market: Small Container Commercial Waste
8. Municipal solid waste (``MSW'') is solid putrescible waste
generated by households and commercial establishments such as retail
stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses, and nonmanufacturing
activities in industrial facilities. MSW does not include special
handling waste (e.g., waste from manufacturing processes, regulated
medical waste, sewage, and sludge), hazardous waste, or waste generated
by construction or demolition sites.
9. Waste collection firms, or ``haulers,'' collect MSW from
residential, commercial and industrial establishments and transport the
waste to a disposal site, such as a transfer station, sanitary
landfill, or incinerator, for processing and disposal. Private waste
haulers typically contract directly with individual customers for the
collection of waste generated by
[[Page 48592]]
commercial accounts. MSW generated by residential customers, on the
other hand, is often collected by either local governments or by
private haulers pursuant to contracts bid by, or franchises granted by,
municipal authorities.
10. Small container commercial waste collection service is the
business of collecting MSW from commercial and industrial accounts,
usually in ``dumpsters'' (i.e., a small container with one to ten cubic
yards of storage capacity), and transporting or ``hauling'' such waste
to a disposal site by use of a front- or rear-end loader truck. Typical
commercial waste collection customers include office and apartment
buildings and retail establishments (e.g., stores and restaurants).
11. Small container commercial waste collection differs in many
important respects from the collection of residential or other types of
waste. An individual commercial customer typically generates
substantially more MSW than a residential customer. To handle this high
volume of MSW efficiently, haulers provide commercial customers with
small dumpsters for storing the waste. Haulers organize their
commercial accounts into routes and collect and transport the MSW
generated by these accounts in vehicles uniquely well suited for small
container waste collection, primarily front-end loader (``FEL'')
trucks. Less frequently, haulers may use more maneuverable, but less
efficient, rear-end loader (``REL'') trucks, especially in those areas
in which a collection route includes narrow alleyways or streets. FEL
trucks are unable to navigate narrow passageways easily and cannot
efficiently collect waste located in them.
12. On a typical small container commercial waste collection route,
an operator drives a FEL vehicle to the customer's container, engages a
mechanism that grasps and lifts the container over the front of the
truck, and empties the container into the vehicle's storage section,
where the waste is compacted and stored. The operator continues along
the route, collecting MSW from each of the commercial accounts, until
the vehicle is full. The operator then drives the FEL truck to a
disposal facility, such as a transfer station, landfill, or
incinerator, and empties the contents of the vehicle. Often, the
operator returns to the route and repeats the process.
13. In contrast to a commercial collection route, a residential
waste collection route is significantly more labor intensive. The
customer's MSW is stored in much smaller containers (e.g., garbage bags
or trash cans) and instead of FEL trucks, waste collection firms
routinely use REL or side-load trucks, manned by larger crews (usually,
two- or three-person teams). On residential routes, the crews generally
hand-load the customer's MSW, typically by tossing garbage bags and
emptying trash cans into the vehicle's storage section. Because of the
differences in collection processes, residential customers and
commercial customers usually are organized into separate routes. For a
variety of reason, other types of collection activities, such as roll-
off containers (typically used for construction debris) and collection
of liquid or hazardous waste, are rarely combined with commercial waste
collection activities. This separation of routes is due to differences
in the hauling equipment required, the volume of waste collected,
health and safety concerns, and the ultimate disposal option used.
14. The differences in the types and volume of MSW collected and in
the equipment used in collection distinguish small container commercial
waste collection from all other types of waste collection activities.
These differences mean that small container commercial waste collection
firms can profitably increase their charges for small container
commercial waste collection services without losing significant sales
or revenues to firms engaged in the provision of other types of waste
collection services. Thus, small container commercial waste collection
service is a line of commerce, or relevant service, for purpose of
analyzing the effects of the acquisition under Section 7 of the Clayton
B. The Relevant Geographic Market: The Southside
15. Small container commercial waste collection service is
generally provided in highly localized areas because, to operate
efficiently and profitably, a hauler must have sufficient density in
its commercial waste collection operations (i.e., a large number of
commercial accounts that are reasonably close together). In addition, a
FEL or REL vehicle cannot be efficiently driven long distances without
collecting significant amounts of MSW, which makes it economically
impractical for a small container commercial waste collection firm to
serve metropolitan areas from a distant base. Haulers, therefore,
generally establish garages and related facilities within each major
local area served.
16. Local small container commercial waste collection firms on the
Southside can profitably increase charges to local customers without
losing significant sales to more distant competitors. The Southside is
the relevant geographic market, for purposes of analyzing the effects
of the acquisition under Section 7 of the Clayton Act.
C. Reduction in Competition As a Consequence of the Acquisition
17. Allied and Waste Industries directly competed in small
container commercial waste collection service on the Southside. In this
market, Allied and Waste Industries each accounted for a substantial
share of total revenues from commercial waste collection services.
18. On the Southside, the acquisition reduced from four to three
the number of significant firms competing in the collection of small
container commercial waste. Because of the acquisition, Waste
Industries now controls about 43%--and the two largest firms about
82%--of the small container commercial waste hauling market. The total
Southside market generates annual revenues of about $25 million.
D. Entry into Small Container Commercial Waste Collection of MSW
19. Significant new entry into small container commercial waste
collection service is difficult and time consuming on the Southside. A
new entrant into small container commercial waste collection service
cannot provide a significant competitive constraint on the prices
charged by market incumbents until it achieves minimum efficient scale
and operating efficiencies comparable to existing firms. In order to
obtain comparable operating efficiency, a new firm must achieve route
density comparable to existing firms. However, the incumbents' use of
price discrimination and long-term contracts prevents new entrants from
winning a large enough base of customers to achieve efficient routes in
sufficient time to constrain the post-acquisition firm from
significantly raising prices after the transaction. Differences in the
service provided by an incumbent hauler to customers permit the
incumbent to meet competition easily from new entrants by pricing its
services lower to any customer that wants to switch to the new entrant.
An incumbent's use of long-term contracts, which contain large
liquidated damage provisions for contract termination and automatically
renew, make it more difficult for the customer to switch to a new
hauler and obtain lower prices. Long-term contracts increase the cost
and time required by an entrant to form an efficient route, reducing
the likelihood that the entrant will be successful.
[[Page 48593]]
E. Harm to Competition
20. The acquisition by Waste Industries of Allied's Southside
assets has removed a significant competitor in an already highly
concentrated and difficult-to-enter Southside small container
commercial waste collection market. In the Southside market, the
resulting substantial increase in concentration, loss of competition,
and absence of reasonable prospect of significant new entry, has denied
small container commercial waste customers the benefits of
competition--lower prices and better service.
V. Violation Alleged
21. On or about August 1, 2003, Waste Industries acquired Allied's
Southside small container commercial waste collection assets. The
effect of this acquisition has been to substantially lessen competition
in interstate trade and commerce in violation of Section 7 of the
Clayton Act.
22. The transaction has had the following effects, among others:
a. Competition generally in small container commercial waste
collection service in the Southside market has been lessened
b. Actual and potential competition between Allied and Waste
Industries in small container commercial waste collection service was
eliminated on the Southside; and
c. Small container commercial waste customers in the Southside
market have been denied the benefits of competition, including
competition based on price and service.
VI. Requested Relief
The United States requests that this Court:
1. Adjudge and decree the acquisition of Allied's Southside small
container commercial waste assets by defendant Waste Industries to
violate Section 7 of the Clayton Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 18;
2. Compel Waste Industries to divest waste hauling assets
sufficient to restore the competition that was lost as a result of the
3. Enjoin Waste Industries from continuing certain anticompetitive
contracting practices;
4. Award the United States the cost of this action; and
5. Award the United States such other and further relief as the
case requires and the Court deems proper.
Respectfully submitted,
August 8, 2005.
For Plaintiff United States
Thomas O. Barnett,
Acting Attorney General.
Dorothy B. Fountain,
Deputy Director of Operations.
Maribeth Petrizzi,
Chief, Litigation II Section,
James J. Tierney,
Assistant Chief, Litigation II Section.
Leslie D. Peritz.
Lowell Stern,
VA Bar No. 33460.
Michael K. Hammaker,
Janet A. Nash,
Kerrie Freeborn,
U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Litigation II
Section, 1401 H Street, NW., Suite 3000, Washington, DC 20530.
leslie.peritz@usdoj.gov. (202) 307-0924.
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia--
Norfolk Division
United States of America, Plaintiff, v. Waste Industries USA, Inc.,
Final Judgment
Whereas, the plaintiff United States of America, having filed its
Complaint in this action on August 8, 2005 and the plaintiff and the
defendant Waste Industries USA, Inc., by their respective attorneys,
have consented to the entry of this Final Judgment without trial or
adjudication of any issue of fact or law, and without this Final
Judgment constituting any evidence against or an admission by any party
with respect to any issue of law or fact;
And Whereas, the defendant agrees to be bound by the provisions of
this Final Judgment pending its approval by the Court;
And Whereas, the essence of this Final Judgment is the prompt and
certain divestiture of the Relevant Hauling Assets by the defendant to
ensure that competition is substantially restored;
And Whereas, the United States requires the defendant to amend
certain provisions of its waste hauling contracts and to make certain
divestitures in order to remedy the loss of competition alleged in the
And Whereas, the defendant has represented to the United States
that the divestiture required below can and will be made and that the
defendant will late raise no claims of hardship or difficulty as
grounds for asking the Court to modify any of the divestiture or other
injunctive provisions contained below;
Now, Therefore, before the taking of any testimony, and without
trial or adjudication of any issue of fact or law, and upon consent of
the parties, it is hereby ordered, adjudged, and decreed:
I. Jurisdiction
This Court has jurisdiction over each of the parties and over the
subject matter of this action. The Complaint states a claim upon which
relief may be granted against the defendant under Section 7 of the
Clayton Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 18.
II. Definitions
As used in this Final Judgment:
A. ``Acquirer''means the entity to whom the defendant divests the
Relevant Hauling Assets.
B. ``Hauling'' means the collection of waste from customers and the
shipment of the collected waste to disposal sites. Hauling does not
include collection of roll-off containers.
C. ``MSW''means municipal solid waste, a term of art used to
describe solid putrescible waste generated by household and commercial
establishment such as retail stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses,
and nonmanufacturing activities in industrial facilities. MSW does not
include special handling waste (e.g., waste from manufacturing
processes, regulated medical waste, sewage, and sludge), hazardous
waste, or waste generated by construction or demolition sites.
D. ``Relevant Hauling Assets'' means $780,000 in annual Southside
small container commercial waste collection revenue comprised of
customers from Waste Industries' waste collection routes 22 and 914
that operate in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, respectively, and all
intangible assets and records related to such customers, including
contracts, hauling-related customer lists, account files, and credit
records. (The divested customers from Routes 22 and 914 are identified
in Exhibit A to this Final Judgment.) If the defendant Acquirer
mutually agree, Acquirer may: (1) Purchase any other hauling-related
assets used in connection with providing service to the customers
identified in Exhibit A, including trucks and other vehicles,
containers, materials, and supplies; and (2) negotiate with, and make
offers of employment to, personnel involved in the operation and
management of the Relevant Hauling Assets.
E. ``Small container commercial waste collection services'' means
the business of collecting MSW from commercial and industrial accounts,
usually in ``dumpsters'' (i.e., a small container with one to ten cubic
yards of storage capacity), and transporting or hauling
[[Page 48594]]
such waste to a disposal site by use of a front-or rear-end loader
truck. Typical commercial waste collection customers include office and
apartment buildings and retail establishments (e.g., stores and
F. ``Southside'' means the independent cities of Norfolk,
Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Franklin, Virginia,
and the county of Southampton, Virginia.
G. ``Waste Industries'' means the defendant Waste Industries USA,
Inc., a North Carolina corporation with its headquarters in Raleigh,
North Carolina, and includes its successors and assigns, and its
subsidiaries, division, groups, affiliates, partnerships, joint
ventures, and their directors, officers, managers, agents, and
III. Applicability
A. This Final Judgment applies to Waste Industries, as defined
above, and all other persons in active concert or participation with
Waste Industries who receive actual notice of this Final Judgment by
personal service or otherwise.
B. The defendant shall require, as a condition of the sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of its assets, that the
purchaser agree to be bound by the provisions of this Final Judgment.
IV. Divestiture
A. The defendant is hereby ordered and directed, within ninety (90)
calendar days after the filing of the Complaint in this matter, or five
(5) days after notice of the entry of this Final Judgment by the Court,
whichever is later, to divest the Relevant Hauling Assets in a manner
consistent with this Final Judgment to an Acquirer acceptable to the
United States in its sole discretion. The United States, in its sole
discretion, may agree to an extension of this time period of up to
thirty (30) calendar days, and shall notify the Court in such
circumstances. The defendant agrees to use its best efforts to divest
the Relevant Hauling Assets as expeditiously as possible.
B. In accomplishing the divestiture ordered by this Final Judgment,
the defendant promptly shall make known, by usual and customary means,
the availability of the Relevant Hauling Assets. The defendant shall
inform any person making inquiry regarding a possible purchase of the
Relevant Hauling Assets that they are being divested pursuant to this
Final Judgment and provide that person a copy of this Final Judgment.
The defendant shall offer to furnish to each prospective Acquirer,
subject to customary confidentiality assurances, all information and
documents relating to the Relevant Hauling Assets customarily provided
in a due diligence process except such information or documents subject
to the attorney-client or work-product privileges. The defendant shall
make available such information to the United States at the same time
that such information is made available to any other person.
C. The defendant shall permit each prospective Acquirer of the
Relevant Hauling Assets to have reasonable access to personnel and
access to any and all financial, operational, or other documents and
information customarily provided as part of a due diligence process. If
agreed to by the defendant and the prospective Acquirer, the defendant
shall provide information relating to the personnel involved in the
operation and management of the Relevant Hauling Assets to enable the
Acquirer to make offers of employment. The defendant will not interfere
with any negotiations by the Acquirer to employ any defendant employee.
D. The defendant shall warrant to the Acquirer of the Relevant
Hauling Assets that each asset will be operational on the date of sale.
E. Unless the United States otherwise consents in writing, the
divestiture pursuant to Section IV, or by trustee appointed pursuant to
Section V of this Final Judgment, shall include the entire Relevant
Hauling Assets, and shall be accomplished in such a way as to satisfy
the United States, in its sole discretion, that the Relevant Hauling
Assets can and will be used by the Acquirer as part of a viable,
ongoing MSW hauling business. Divestiture of the Relevant Hauling
Assets may be made to an Acquirer, provided that it is demonstrated to
the sole satisfaction of the United States that the Relevant Hauling
Assets will remain viable and the divestiture of such assets will
remedy the competitive harm alleged in the Complaint. The divestiture,
whether pursuant to Section IV or Section V of this Final Judgment:
1. Shall be made to an Acquirer that, in the United States' sole
judgment, has the intent and capability, including managerial,
operational, and financial capability, to compete effectively in the
waste hauling business; and
2. Shall be accomplished so as to satisfy the United States, in its
sole discretion, that none of the terms of any agreement between an
Acquirer and Waste Industries gives Waste Industries the ability
unreasonably to raise the Acquirer's costs, to lower the Acquirer's
efficiency, or otherwise to interfere in the ability of the Acquirer to
compete effectively.
V. Appointment of Trustee
A. If the defendant has not divested the Relevant Hauling Assets
within the time period specified in Section IV.A, the defendant shall
notify the United States of that fact in writing. Upon application of
the United States, in its sole discretion, the Court shall appoint a
trustee selected by the United States and approved by the Court to
effect the divestiture of the Relevant Hauling Assets.
B. After the appointment of the trustee becomes effective, only the
trustee shall have the right to sell the Relevant Hauling Assets. the
trustee shall have the power and authority to accomplish the
divestiture to an Acquirer acceptable to the United States, in its sole
discretion, at such price, and on such terms as are then obtainable
upon reasonable effort by the trustee, subject to the provisions of
Sections IV, V, and VI of this Final Judgment, and shall have other
powers as this Court deems appropriate. Subject to Section V.D of this
Final Judgment, the trustee may have at the cost and expense of the
defendant any investment bankers, attorneys, or other agents, who shall
be solely accountable to the trustee, reasonably necessary in the
trustee's judgment to assist in the divestiture.
C. The defendant shall not object to a sale by the trustee on any
ground other than the trustee's malfeasance. Any such objections by the
defendant must be conveyed in writing in the United States and the
trustee within ten (10) calendar days after the trustee has provided
the notice required under Section VI.
D. The trustee shall serve at the cost and expense of the
defendant, on such terms and conditions as the United States approves,
and shall account for all monies derived from the sale of the Relevant
Hauling Assets sold by the trustee and all costs and expenses so
incurred. After approval by the Court of the trustee's accounting,
including fees for its services and those of any professionals and
agents retained by the trustee, all remaining money shall be paid to
the defendant and the trust shall then be terminated. The compensation
of the trustee and any professionals and agents retained by the trustee
shall be reasonable in light of the value of the Relevant Hauling
Assets and based on a fee arrangement providing the trustee with an
incentive based on the price and terms of the divestiture and the speed
with which it is accomplished, but timeliness is paramount.
[[Page 48595]]
E. The defendant shall use its best efforts to assist the trustee
in accomplishing the required divestiture. The trustee and any
consultants, accountants, attorneys, and other persons retained by the
trustee shall have full and complete access to the personnel, books,
records, and facilities of the business to be divested, and the
defendant shall develop financial and other information relevant to
such business as the trustee may reasonably request, subject to
customary confidentiality protection for trade secret or other
confidential research, development, or commercial information. The
defendant shall take no action to interfere with or to impede the
trustee's accomplishment of the divestiture.
F. After its appointment, the trustee shall file monthly reports
with the United States and the Court settling forth the trustee's
efforts to accomplish the divestiture ordered under this Final
Judgment. To the extent that such reports contain information that the
trustee deems confidential, such reports shall not be filed in the
public docket of the Court. Such reports shall include the name,
address, and telephone number of each person who, during the proceeding
month, made an offer to acquire, expressed an interest in acquiring,
entered into negotiations to acquire, or was contacted or made an
inquiry about acquiring, any interest in the Relevant Hauling Assets,
and shall describe in detail each contact with any such person. The
trustee shall maintain full records of all efforts made to divest the
Relevant Hauling Assets.
G. If the trustee has not accomplished such divestiture within six
(6) months after its appointment, the trustee shall promptly file with
the Court a report setting forth (1) the trustee's efforts to
accomplish the required divestiture, (2) the reasons, in the trustee's
judgment, why the required divestiture has not been accomplished, and
(3) the trustee's recommendations. To the extent that such reports
contain information that the trustee deems confidential, such reports
shall not be filed in the public docket of the Court. The trustee shall
at the same time furnish such report to the United States who shall
have the right to make additional recommendations consistent with the
purpose of the trust. The Court thereafter shall enter such orders as
it shall deem appropriate to carry out the purpose of the Final
Judgment, which may, if necessary, including extending the trust and
the term of the trustee's appointment by a period requested by the
United States.
VI. Notice of Proposed Divestiture
A. Within two (2) business days following execution of a definitive
divestiture agreement, the defendant or the trustee, whichever is then
responsible for effecting the divestiture required herein, shall notify
the United States of any proposed divestiture required by Section IV or
V of this Final Judgment. If the trustee is responsible, it shall
similarly notify the defendant. The notice shall set forth the details
of the proposed divestiture and list the name, address, and telephone
number of each person not previously identified who offered or
expressed an interest in or desire to acquire any ownership interest in
the Relevant Hauling Assets, together with full details of the same.
B. Within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt by the United
States of such notice, the United States, in its sole discretion, may
request from the defendant, the proposed Acquirer, any other third
part, or the trustee, if applicable, additional information concerning
the proposed divestiture, the proposed Acquirer, and any other
potential Acquirer. The defendant and the trustee shall furnish any
additional information requested within fifteen (15) calendar days of
the receipt of the request, unless the parties shall otherwise agree.
C. Within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the notice or
within twenty (20) calendar days after the Unites States has been
provided the additional information requested from the defendant, the
proposed Acquirer, any third party, or the trustee, whichever is later,
the United States, in its sole discretion, shall provide written notice
to the defendant and the trustee, if there is one, stating whether or
not it objects to the proposed divestiture. If the United States
provides written notice that it does not object, the divestiture may be
consummated, subject only to the defendant's limited right to object to
the sale under Section V.C of this Final Judgment. Absent written
notice that the United states does not object to the proposed Acquirer
or upon objection by the United States, a divestiture proposed under
Section IV or Section V shall not be consummated. Upon objection by the
defendant under Section V.C, a divestiture proposed under Section V
shall not be consummated unless approved by the Court.
VII. Financing
The defendant shall not finance all or any part of any purchase
made pursuant to Section IV or V of this Judgment.
VIII. Preservation of Relevant Hauling Assets
A. Until the divestiture required by this Final Judgment has been
accomplished, the defendant shall: (1) Preserve and maintain the value
and goodwill of the Relevant Hauling Assets; (2) operate the Relevant
Hauling Assets in the ordinary course of business, including reasonable
efforts to maintain and increase sales and revenues; and (3) take no
action that would jeopardize, delay, or impede the sale of the Relevant
Hauling Assets.
B. The divested customers on Routes 22 and 914 identified in
Exhibit A collectively generate approximately $65,000 in monthly small
container commercial waste collection revenue ($780,000 annual
revenue), as of May 2005. If, prior to divestiture, any customer
identified in Exhibit A let their contracts expire, terminate their
contracts, or reduce small container commercial waste collection
services such that small container commercial waste collection revenue
to be divested declines by five (5) percent or more, the defendant
shall divest additional small container commercial waste collection
customers to replace these revenues up to $780,000. The defendant shall
provide monthly customer reports that update Exhibit A and identify any
lost customers, customer price increases or service changes, and
overall revenue changes. Any change in the Relevant Hauling Assets must
be reviewed by and approved by the United States. All revenue
calculations under Section VIII.B of this Final Judgment shall be based
on monthly revenues for May 2005.
IX. Affidavits
A. Within twenty (20) calendar days of the filing of the Complaint
in this matter, and every thirty (30) calendar days thereafter until
the divestiture has been completed under Section IV or V, the defendant
shall deliver to the United States an affidavit as to the fact and
manner of its compliance with Section IV or V of this Final Judgment.
Each such affidavit shall include the name, address, and telephone
number of each person who, during the preceding thirty (30) days, made
an offer to acquire, expressed an interest in acquiring, entered into
negotiations to acquire, or was contacted or made an inquiry about
acquiring, any interest in the Relevant Hauling Assets, and shall
describe in detail each contact with any such person during that
period. Each such affidavit shall also include a description of the
efforts the defendant has taken to solicit buyers for the Relevant
[[Page 48596]]
Assets, and to provide required information to each prospective
Acquirer, including the limitations, if any, on such information.
Assuming the information set forth in the affidavit is true and
complete, any objection by the United States to information provide by
the defendant, including limitations on information, shall be made
within fourteen (14) days of receipt of such affidavit.
B. Within twenty (20) calendar days of the filing of the Complaint
in this matter, the defendant shall deliver to the United States an
affidavit that describes in reasonable detail all actions the defendant
has taken and all steps the defendant has implemented on an ongoing
basis to comply with Section VIII of this Final Judgment. The defendant
shall deliver to the United States an affidavit describing any changes
to the efforts and actions outlined in the defendant's earlier
affidavits filed pursuant to this section within fifteen (15) calendar
days after the change is implemented.
C. The defendant shall keep all records of all efforts made to
preserve the Relevant Hauling Assets and to divest the Relevant Hauling
Assets until one year after such divestiture has been completed.
X. Compliance Inspection
A. For the purposes of determining or securing compliance with this
Final Judgment, or of determining whether the Final Judgment should be
modified or vacated, and subject to any legally recognized privilege,
from time to time duly authorized representatives of the United States
Department of Justice, including consultants and other persons retained
by the United States, shall, upon written request of a duly authorized
representative of the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the
Antitrust Division, and on reasonable notice to the defendant and
counsel of record, be permitted:
1. access during the defendant's office hours to inspect and copy,
or at the United States' option, to require the defendant to provide
copies of all books, ledgers, accounts, records, and documents in the
possession or control of the defendant, relating to any matters
contained in this Final Judgment; and
2. to interview, either informally or on the record, the
defendant's officers, employees, or agents, who may have their
individual counsel present, regarding such matters. The interviews
shall be subject to the reasonable convenience of the interviewee and
without restraint or interference by the defendant.
B. Upon the written request of a duly authorized representative of
the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division, the
defendant shall submit such written reports or responses to written
interrogatories, under oath if requested, relating to any of the
matters contained in this Final Judgment as may be requested.
C. No information or documents obtained by the means provided in
this section shall be divulged by the United States to any person other
than an authorized representative of the executive branch of the United
States, except in the course of legal proceedings to which the United
States is a party (including grand jury proceedings), or for the
purpose of securing compliance with this Final Judgment, or as
otherwise required by law.
D. If at the time information or documents are furnished by the
defendant to the United States, the defendant represents and identifies
in writing the material in any such information or documents to which a
claim of protection may be asserted under Rule 26(c)(7) of the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure, and the defendant marks each pertinent page
of such material, ``Subject to claim of protection under Rule 26(c)(7)
of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,'' then the United States shall
give the defendant ten (10) calendar days notice prior to divulging
such material in any legal proceeding (other than a grand jury
XI. No Reacquisition
The defendant may not reacquire all or substantially all of the
Relevant Hauling Assets listed in Exhibit A during the term of this
Final Judgment. Nothing herein shall preclude the defendant from
competing for the hauling business of any individual customer listed in
Exhibit A, so long as the defendant's conduct is consistent with a
commercially reasonable sales agreement negotiated with the Acquirer of
the Relevant Hauling Assets.
XII. Southside Contract Relief
A. The defendant shall alter the standard contract form (``the
Standard Contract'') it uses with small container commercial waste
collection customers in the Southside and the Standard Contract shall
contain the following terms:
1. an initial term no longer than two (2) years;
2. a renewal term no longer than one (1) year;
3. a notice of termination no9 more than thirty (30) days prior to
the end of any initial term or renewal term;
4. liquidated damages of no more than three (3) times the
contract's average monthly charge during the first year the customer
has had service with the defendant; and
5. liquidated damages of no more than two (2) times the contract's
average monthly charge after the first year the customer has had
service with the defendant.
B. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the filing of the Complaint
in this matter, the defendant, by means of a letter approved by the
United States, shall inform its existing Southside small container
commercial waste collection customers about the terms, conditions and
rights set forth in Sections XII.A and XII.B of this Final Judgment and
shall offer in writing to the customers the option to enter into the
Standard Contract. Should an existing customer request the Standard
Contract, the defendant shall execute the Standard Contract with that
customer. The defendant shall not initiate negotiations with existing
customers to modify the Standard Contract; however, upon the request of
the customer, the defendant may modify the Standard Contract subject to
the procedures set forth in Section XII.C of this Final Judgment.
Should an existing customer continue with its current contract, the
defendant shall not enforce any term or condition that is inconsistent
with Section XII.A of this Final Judgment. For example, if an existing
customer contract has a five-year initial term, the defendant may only
enforce this provision for a two-year period from the date the contract
was executed.
C. From the date of filing the Compliant in this action, the
defendant shall use the Standard Contract with all new customers and
any existing customer that may request the Standard Contract. The
defendant may negotiate terms and conditions different from those set
forth in Section XII.A of this Final Judgment, provided that the
Standard Contract form is utilized, the customer is notified in writing
that it can accept the Standard Contract without modification, the
modification(s) are made in the physical presence of the customer, the
modification(s) are made in writing on the Standard Contract, and the
customer initials each modification. If the defendant complies with the
requirements set forth in this subsection C, this Final Judgment shall
not prevent the enforcement by either the defendant or customer of any
such negotiated modifications that are different from those set forth
in Section XII.A.
[[Page 48597]]
D. The provisions of Section XII of this Final Judgment will expire
on August 8, 2010.
XIII. Retention of Jurisdiction
This Court retains jurisdiction to enable any party to this Final
Judgment to apply to this Court at any time for further orders and
directions as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out or construe
this Final Judgment, to modify any of its provisions, to enforce
compliance, and to punish violations of its provisions.
XIV. Expiration of Final Judgment
Unless this Court grants an extension or as otherwise noted in
Section XII.D, this Final Judgment shall expire ten (10) years from the
date of its entry.
XV. Public Interest Determination
Entry of this Final Judgment is in the public interest.
Court approval subject to procedures of Antitrust Procedures and
Penalties Act, 15 U.S.C. 16
United States District Judge
Exhibit A
Customer Customer
Route Code No. Route Code No.
0022........................................... 136 914................................... 237
0022........................................... 367 914................................... 244
0022........................................... 604 914................................... 375
0022........................................... 763 914................................... 572
0022........................................... 781 914................................... 979
0022........................................... 921 914................................... 1176
0022........................................... 3143 914................................... 1560
0022........................................... 1154 914................................... 1791
0022........................................... 5014 914................................... 2770
0022........................................... 5456 914................................... 5041
0022........................................... 28287 914................................... 6167
0022........................................... 100079 914................................... 6692
0022........................................... 100097 914................................... 9679
0022........................................... 100541 914................................... 100034
0022........................................... 100684 914................................... 100172
0022........................................... 100699 914................................... 100178
0022........................................... 103169 914................................... 100497
0022........................................... 103228 914................................... 101187
0022........................................... 103940 914................................... 101375
0022........................................... 103941 914................................... 101531
0022........................................... 104024 914................................... 102162
0022........................................... 104089 914................................... 102374
0022........................................... 608 914................................... 102458
0022........................................... 545 914................................... 103088
0022........................................... 546 914................................... 103939
0022........................................... 547 914................................... 104579
0022........................................... 550 914................................... 104834
0022........................................... 626 914................................... 100017
0022........................................... 3486 914................................... 104455
0022........................................... 101015 914................................... 104601
0022........................................... 1334 914................................... 104649
0022........................................... 3513 914................................... 4564
0022........................................... 100957 914................................... 5020
0022........................................... 103536 914................................... 199
0022........................................... 104867 914................................... 261
0022........................................... 100045 914................................... 285
0022........................................... 101295 914................................... 316
0022........................................... 101486 914................................... 422
0022........................................... 103102 914................................... 476
0022........................................... 103978 914................................... 693
0022........................................... 103040 914................................... 710
0022........................................... 3102 914................................... 725
0022........................................... 100681 914................................... 774
0022........................................... 102270 914................................... 775
0022........................................... 104583 914................................... 788
0022........................................... 104868 914................................... 811
0022........................................... 246 914................................... 856
0022........................................... 257 914................................... 924
0022........................................... 305 914................................... 1065
0022........................................... 354 914................................... 1070
0022........................................... 368 914................................... 1122
0022........................................... 495 914................................... 1835
0022........................................... 500 914................................... 2995
0022........................................... 515 914................................... 3880
0022........................................... 625 914................................... 3902
0022........................................... 630 914................................... 3952
0022........................................... 638 914................................... 4518
0022........................................... 639 914................................... 4836
[[Page 48598]]
0022........................................... 653 914................................... 5236
0022........................................... 654 914................................... 6010
0022........................................... 667 914................................... 6486
0022........................................... 668 914................................... 6605
0022........................................... 687 914................................... 6956
0022........................................... 691 914................................... 6969
0022........................................... 728 914................................... 7110
0022........................................... 852 914................................... 7924
0022........................................... 863 914................................... 8374
0022........................................... 897 914................................... 9515
0022........................................... 922 914................................... 9551
0022........................................... 966 914................................... 9578
0022........................................... 991 914................................... 9638
0022........................................... 1022 914................................... 9778
0022........................................... 1146 914................................... 9802
0022........................................... 1151 914................................... 9831
0022........................................... 1165 914................................... 14897
0022........................................... 1167 914................................... 26813
0022........................................... 1169 914................................... 27632
0022........................................... 1876 914................................... 27794
0022........................................... 2311 914................................... 28203
0022........................................... 2371 914................................... 28206
0022........................................... 2404 914................................... 28285
0022........................................... 2570 914................................... 28296
0022........................................... 2845 914................................... 28556
0022........................................... 3371 914................................... 28670
0022........................................... 3439 914................................... 28909
0022........................................... 4022 914................................... 28970
0022........................................... 4086 914................................... 100003
0022........................................... 4096 914................................... 100016
0022........................................... 4220 914................................... 100028
0022........................................... 4638 914................................... 100029
0022........................................... 4952 914................................... 100032
0022........................................... 4987 914................................... 100039
0022........................................... 5030 914................................... 100041
0022........................................... 5197 914................................... 100059
0022........................................... 5725 914................................... 100065
0022........................................... 6908 914................................... 100066
0022........................................... 7103 914................................... 100080
0022........................................... 7437 914................................... 100091
0022........................................... 7438 914................................... 100095
0022........................................... 7971 914................................... 100107
0022........................................... 8171 914................................... 100111
0022........................................... 28239 914................................... 100119
0022........................................... 28250 914................................... 100147
0022........................................... 28288 914................................... 100170
0022........................................... 28694 914................................... 100272
0022........................................... 100013 914................................... 100322
0022........................................... 100098 914................................... 100358
0022........................................... 100133 914................................... 100373
0022........................................... 100169 914................................... 100417
0022........................................... 100276 914................................... 100421
0022........................................... 100295 914................................... 100476
0022........................................... 100300 914................................... 100485
0022........................................... 100310 914................................... 100508
0022........................................... 100315 914................................... 100544
0022........................................... 100316 914................................... 100575
0022........................................... 100337 914................................... 100582
0022........................................... 100478 914................................... 100593
0022........................................... 100521 914................................... 100634
0022........................................... 100620 914................................... 100647
0022........................................... 100663 914................................... 100702
0022........................................... 100676 914................................... 100713
0022........................................... 100709 914................................... 100722
0022........................................... 100764 914................................... 100742
0022........................................... 100816 914................................... 100782
0022........................................... 100893 914................................... 100796
0022........................................... 100995 914................................... 100930
0022........................................... 101030 914................................... 100931
0022........................................... 101044 914................................... 100953
0022........................................... 101112 914................................... 100967
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0022........................................... 101148 914................................... 100990
0022........................................... 101247 914................................... 100991
0022........................................... 101335 914................................... 101011
0022........................................... 101541 914................................... 101097
0022........................................... 101657 914................................... 101166
0022........................................... 101788 914................................... 101283
0022........................................... 101812 914................................... 101293
0022........................................... 102431 914................................... 101323
0022........................................... 102643 914................................... 101341
0022........................................... 102645 914................................... 101359
0022........................................... 102814 914................................... 101421
0022........................................... 102823 914................................... 101433
0022........................................... 102931 914................................... 101451
0022........................................... 102943 914................................... 101453
0022........................................... 103070 914................................... 101464
0022........................................... 103157 914................................... 101474
0022........................................... 103250 914................................... 101524
0022........................................... 103278 914................................... 101568
0022........................................... 103279 914................................... 101603
0022........................................... 103485 914................................... 101604
0022........................................... 103627 914................................... 101610
0022........................................... 103640 914................................... 101612
0022........................................... 103777 914................................... 102140
0022........................................... 103834 914................................... 102338
0022........................................... 103835 914................................... 102355
0022........................................... 103879 914................................... 102366
0022........................................... 103949 914................................... 102604
0022........................................... 103979 914................................... 102698
0022........................................... 104005 914................................... 102707
0022........................................... 104038 914................................... 102708
0022........................................... 104062 914................................... 102926
0022........................................... 104334 914................................... 102959
0022........................................... 104460 914................................... 102965
0022........................................... 104475 914................................... 102981
0022........................................... 104491 914................................... 103014
0022........................................... 104518 914................................... 103015
0022........................................... 104536 914................................... 103087
0022........................................... 104542 914................................... 103099
0022........................................... 104560 914................................... 103119
0022........................................... 104600 914................................... 103120
0022........................................... 104700 914.....