Canon City C-4 Dam Repair Project; Fremont County, CO, 46811-46812 [05-15928]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 154 / Thursday, August 11, 2005 / Notices
Purpose and Need for Action
The draft supplemental
environmental impact statement will
not change the purpose and need for the
Sheep Flats Diversity Unit Timber Sales
as described on pages 1–1 through 1–3
of the final environmental impact
statement. The scope of the draft
supplemental environmental impact
statement is only to provide additional
analysis regarding wildlife resources.
Proposed Action
The draft supplemental
environmental impact statement will
not change the proposed action for the
Sheep Flats Diversity Unit Timber Sales
as described on pages 1–1 through 1–3
of the final environmental impact
statement. The scope of the draft
supplemental environmental impact
statement is only to provide additional
analysis regarding wildlife resources.
Responsible Official
The Responsible Official is Connie
Clementson, District Ranger, Grand
Valley Ranger District, 2777 Crossroads
Blvd. Unit 1, Grand Junction, CO 81506.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The Responsible Official will review
the supplemental information and
determine if the 2001 Record of
Decision should be modified or if the
original decision is to remain in effect
and unchanged.
Scoping Process
Extensive public involvement has
occurred on this project over the last 13
years in the form of news releases, field
tours and public meetings. No
additional scoping is planned for this
Comment Requested
A legal notice will be published in the
newspaper of record and a Notice of
Availability will be published in the
Federal Register to inform the public
that supplemental information is
available for review and comment. The
draft supplemental environmental
impact statement will be distributed to
all parties that received the 2001 final
supplemental environmental impact
statement and record of decision and to
those parties that filed an appeal of the
2001 decision.
Early Notice of Importance of Public
Participation in Subsequent
Environmental Review
A draft supplemental environmental
impact statement will be prepared for
comment. The comment period on the
draft supplemental environmental
impact statement will be 45 days from
VerDate jul<14>2003
16:14 Aug 10, 2005
Jkt 205001
the date the Environmental Protection
Agency publishes the notice of
availability in the Federal Register.
The Forest Service believes, at this
early stage, it is important to give
reviewers notice of several court rulings
related to public participation in the
environmental review process. First,
reviewers of draft environmental impact
statements must structure their
participation in the environmental
review of the proposal so that it is
meaningful and alerts an agency to the
reviewer’s position and contentions.
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. v.
NRDC, 435 U.S. 519, 553 (1978). Also,
environmental objections that could be
raised at the draft environmental impact
statement stage but that are not raised
until after completion of the final
environmental impact statement may be
waived or dismissed by the courts. City
of Angoon v. Hodel, 803 F.2d 1016,
1022 (9th Cir. 1986) and Wisconsin
Heritages, Inc. v. Harris, 490 F. Supp.
1334, 1338 (E.D. Wis. 1980). Because of
these court rulings, it is very important
that those interested in this proposed
action participate by the close of the 45
day comment period so that substantive
comments and objections are made
available to the Forest Service at a time
when it can meaningfully consider them
and respond to them in the final
environmental impact statement.
To assist the Forest Service in
identifying and considering issues and
concerns on the proposed action,
comments on the draft environmental
impact statement should be as specific
as possible. It is also helpful if
comments refer to specific pages or
chapters of the draft statement.
Comments may also address the
adequacy of the draft environmental
impact statement or the merits of the
alternatives formulated and discussed in
the statement. Reviewers may wish to
refer to the Council on Environmental
Quality Regulations for implementing
the procedural provisions of the
National Environmental Policy Act at 40
CFR 1503.3 in addressing these points.
Comments received, including the
names and addresses of those who
comment, will be considered part of the
public record on this proposal and will
be available for public inspection.
(Authority: 40 CFR 1501.7 and 1508.22;
Forest Service Handbook 1909.15, Section
Dated: August 5, 2005.
Connie Clementson,
District Ranger.
[FR Doc. 05–15886 Filed 8–10–05; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00003
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Natural Resource Conservation
Canon City C–4 Dam Repair Project;
Fremont County, CO
Natural Resource Conservation
Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of a Finding of No
Significant Impact.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to Section 102(2)(c)
of the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969; the Council on
environmental Quality Regulations (40
CFR Part 1500); and the Natural
Resource Conservation Service
Regulations (7 CFR Part 650); the
Natural Resource Conservation Service,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, gives
notice that an environmental impact
statement is not being prepared for the
Canon City C–4 Dam Repair Project,
Fremont County, Colorado.
Allen Green, Colorado State
Conservationist, Natural Resource
Conservation Service, 655 Parfet St.,
Lakewood, Colorado, 80215–5517,
telephone (720) 544–2810.
environmental assessment of this
federally assisted action documents that
the project will not cause significant
local, regional, or national impacts on
the human environment. The findings of
Allen Green, State Conservationist,
indicate that the preparation and review
of an environmental impact statement is
not needed for this project.
The project purpose is to restore the
integrity of the C–4 Canon City
watershed protection dam to the safety
provided by the originally installed
condition. The planned work consists of
removing a portion of the upstream
embankment slope to permit installation
of a sloping filter consisting of imported
aggregates and geotextile. Existing
cracks and voids will be filled with fine
aggregate to the extent feasible, and the
embankment will be restored to its
original line and grade using the soil
removed from the upstream slope.
These repairs meet current standards &
specifications for dam safety and design.
This Notice of a Finding of No
Significant Impact (FONSI) has been
forwarded to the Environmental
Protection Agency and to various
Federal, State and Local agencies and
interested parties. Copies of the FONSI
and Plan/Environmental Assessment are
available by request from Allen Green,
Colorado State Conservationist. Basic
data developed during the
environmental evaluation are on file
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 154 / Thursday, August 11, 2005 / Notices
and may be reviewed by contacting
Allen Green, State Conservationist.
No administrative action on
implementation of this project will be
taken until 30 days after the date this
Notice is published in the Federal
(This activity is listed in the Catalog of
Federal Domestic Assistance under No.
10904 Watershed Protection and Flood
Leroy Hall,
Acting State Conservationist.
[FR Doc. 05–15928 Filed 8–10–05; 8:45 am]
Natural Resources Conservation
Chiwapa Creek Watershed, Pontotoc,
Lee and Monroe Counties, MS
Natural Resources
Conservation Service.
ACTION: Notice of a Finding of No
Significant Impact.
VerDate jul<14>2003
16:14 Aug 10, 2005
Jkt 205001
(This activity is listed in the Catalog of
Federal Domestic Assistance under No.
10.904—Watershed Protection and Flood
Prevention and is subject to the provisions of
Executive Order 12372 which requires
intergovernmental consultation with State
and local officials.)
Dated: August 1, 2005.
Al Garner,
Asst. State Conservationist (PROG).
[FR Doc. 05–15929 Filed 8–10–05; 8:45 am]
Pursuant to Section 102(2) (C)
of the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969; the Council on
Environmental Quality Regulations (40
CFR Part 1500); and the Natural
Resources Conservation Service
Regulations (7 CFR part 650); the
Natural Resources Conservation Service,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, gives
notice that an environmental impact
statement is not being prepared for
Chiwapa Creek Watershed, Pontotoc,
Lee, and Monroe Counties, Mississippi.
Homer L. Wilkes, State Conservationist,
Natural Resources Conservation Service,
Suite 1321, A.H. McCoy Federal
Building, 100 West Capitol Street,
Jackson, Mississippi 39269, Telephone:
environmental assessment of this
Federal assisted action indicates that the
project will not cause significant local,
regional, or national impacts on the
environment. As a result of these
findings, Homer L. Wilkes, State
Conservationist, has determined that the
preparation and review of an
environmental impact statement are not
needed for this project.
The project concerns a watershed
plan to provide supplemental flood
protection and reduce threat to loss of
life from sudden dam failure to the
residents of the Chiwapa Creek
Watershed and others. The planned
works of improvement consists of
rehabilitating Floodwater Retarding
Structure (FWRS) Nos. 3, 29, and 65.
The Notice of a Finding of No
Significant Impact (FONSI) has been
forwarded to the Environmental
Protection Agency and to various
Federal, State, and local agencies and
interested parties. A limited number of
copies of the FONSI are available to fill
single copy requests at the above
address. Basic data developed during
the environmental assessment are on
file and may be reviewed by contacting
Homer L. Wilkes. No administrative
action on implementation of the
proposal will be taken until 30 days
after the date of this publication in the
Federal Register.
Rural Housing Service
Notice of Request for Extension of a
Currently Approved Information
The Rural Housing Service,
ACTION: Proposed collection; comments
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice announces the Rural Housing
Service’s (RHS) intention to request an
extension for a currently approved
information collection in support of the
program for Rural Housing Site Loans
Policies, Procedures and
Comments on this notice must be
received by October 11, 2005, to be
assured of consideration.
Mathes, Senior Loan Specialist, Single
Family Housing Direct Loan Division,
RHS, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Stop 0783, 1400 Independence Ave.,
SW., Washington, DC 20250–0783,
telephone (202) 205–3656.
CFR part 1822–G, Rural Housing Site
Loans, Polices, Procedures and
OMB Number: 0575–0071.
PO 00000
Frm 00004
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Expiration Date of Approval: March
31, 2006.
Type of Request: Extension of
currently approved information
Abstract: Section 523 of the Housing
Act of 1949 as amended (Pub. L. 90–
448) authorizes the Secretary of
Agriculture to establish the Self-Help
Land Development Fund to be used by
the Secretary as a revolving fund for
making loans on such terms and
conditions and in such amounts as
deemed necessary to public or private
nonprofit organizations for the
acquisition and development of the land
as building sites to be subdivided and
sold to families, nonprofit organizations
and cooperatives eligible for assistance.
Section 524 authorizes the Secretary
to make loans on such terms and
conditions and in such amounts as
deemed necessary to public or private
nonprofit organizations for the
acquisition and development of land as
building sites to be subdivided and sold
to families, nonprofit organizations,
public agencies and cooperatives
eligible for assistance under any section
of this title, or under any other law
which provides financial assistance for
housing low and moderate income
RHS will be collecting information
from participating organizations to
insure they are program eligible entities.
This information will be collected at the
RHS field office. If not collected, RHS
would be unable to determine if the
organization would qualify for loan
Estimate of Burden: Public reporting
burden for this collection of information
is estimated to average 6 hours per
Respondents: Public or private
nonprofit organizations, State, local or
tribal governments.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 6.
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 1.
Estimated Number of Responses: 6.
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: 36.
Copies of this information collection
can be obtained from Brigitte Sumter,
Regulations and Paperwork
Management Branch, Support Services
Division at (202) 692–0042.
Comments: Comments are invited on:
(a) Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of RHS,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of
RHS’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 154 (Thursday, August 11, 2005)]
[Pages 46811-46812]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-15928]
Natural Resource Conservation Service
Canon City C-4 Dam Repair Project; Fremont County, CO
AGENCY: Natural Resource Conservation Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of a Finding of No Significant Impact.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969; the Council on environmental Quality Regulations
(40 CFR Part 1500); and the Natural Resource Conservation Service
Regulations (7 CFR Part 650); the Natural Resource Conservation
Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, gives notice that an
environmental impact statement is not being prepared for the Canon City
C-4 Dam Repair Project, Fremont County, Colorado.
Conservationist, Natural Resource Conservation Service, 655 Parfet St.,
Lakewood, Colorado, 80215-5517, telephone (720) 544-2810.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The environmental assessment of this
federally assisted action documents that the project will not cause
significant local, regional, or national impacts on the human
environment. The findings of Allen Green, State Conservationist,
indicate that the preparation and review of an environmental impact
statement is not needed for this project.
The project purpose is to restore the integrity of the C-4 Canon
City watershed protection dam to the safety provided by the originally
installed condition. The planned work consists of removing a portion of
the upstream embankment slope to permit installation of a sloping
filter consisting of imported aggregates and geotextile. Existing
cracks and voids will be filled with fine aggregate to the extent
feasible, and the embankment will be restored to its original line and
grade using the soil removed from the upstream slope. These repairs
meet current standards & specifications for dam safety and design.
This Notice of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been
forwarded to the Environmental Protection Agency and to various
Federal, State and Local agencies and interested parties. Copies of the
FONSI and Plan/Environmental Assessment are available by request from
Allen Green, Colorado State Conservationist. Basic data developed
during the environmental evaluation are on file
[[Page 46812]]
and may be reviewed by contacting Allen Green, State Conservationist.
No administrative action on implementation of this project will be
taken until 30 days after the date this Notice is published in the
Federal Register.
(This activity is listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance under No. 10904 Watershed Protection and Flood
Leroy Hall,
Acting State Conservationist.
[FR Doc. 05-15928 Filed 8-10-05; 8:45 am]