Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Orlando Gasification Project, Orlando, FL, 46825-46828 [05-15906]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 154 / Thursday, August 11, 2005 / Notices
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–
Dated: August 8, 2005.
Angela C. Arrington,
Leader Information Management Case
Services Team, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
Federal Student Aid
Notice of Proposed Information
Collection Requests
Department of Education, ED.
The Leader, Information
Management Case Services Team,
Regulatory Information Management
Services, Office of the Chief Information
Officer, invites comments on the
proposed information collection
requests as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before October
11, 2005.
3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires
that the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) provide interested
Federal agencies and the public an early
opportunity to comment on information
collection requests. OMB may amend or
waive the requirement for public
consultation to the extent that public
participation in the approval process
would defeat the purpose of the
information collection, violate State or
Federal law, or substantially interfere
with any agency’s ability to perform its
statutory obligations. The Leader,
Information Management Case Services
Team, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of the
Chief Information Officer, publishes that
notice containing proposed information
collection requests prior to submission
of these requests to OMB. Each
proposed information collection,
grouped by office, contains the
following: (1) Type of review requested,
e.g., new, revision, extension, existing
or reinstatement; (2) Title; (3) Summary
of the collection; (4) Description of the
need for, and proposed use of, the
information; (5) Respondents and
frequency of collection; and (6)
Reporting and/or recordkeeping burden.
OMB invites public comment.
The Department of Education is
especially interested in public comment
addressing the following issues: (1) Is
this collection necessary to the proper
functions of the Department; (2) will
this information be processed and used
in a timely manner; (3) is the estimate
of burden accurate; (4) how might the
Department enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (5) how might the
Department minimize the burden of this
collection on the respondents, including
through the use of information
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Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Application for Approval To
Participate in Federal Student Financial
Aid Programs.
Frequency: On occasion; prior to
expiration of eligibility.
Affected Public: Businesses or other
for-profit; not-for-profit institutions.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour
Responses: 2,970
Burden Hours: 20,830
Abstract: The Higher Education Act of
1965, as amended requires
postsecondary institutions to complete
and submit this application as a
condition of eligibility for any of the
Title IV student financial assistance
programs and for the other
postsecondary programs authorize by
the HEA. The institution must submit
the form (1) initially when it first seeks
to become eligible for the Title IV
programs; (2) when its program
participation agreement expires
(recertification); (3) when it changes
ownership, merges, or changes from
structure, (4) to be reinstated to
participate in the Title IV programs, (5)
to notify the Department when it makes
certain changes, e.g., name or address;
and (6) if it wishes to have a new
program (outside its current scope) or
new location approved for Title IV
Requests for copies of the proposed
information collection request may be
accessed from,
by selecting the ‘‘Browse Pending
Collections’’ link and by clicking on
link number 2839. When you access the
information collection, click on
‘‘Download Attachments’’ to view.
Written requests for information should
be addressed to U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
Potomac Center, 9th Floor, Washington,
DC 20202–4700. Requests may also be
electronically mailed to the Internet
address or faxed to
(202) 245–6621. Please specify the
complete title of the information
collection when making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or
the collection activity requirements
should be directed to Joseph Schubart at
his e-mail address
Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
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[FR Doc. 05–15912 Filed 8–10–05; 8:45 am]
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement for
the Orlando Gasification Project,
Orlando, FL
Department of Energy.
Notice of intent.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) announces its intent to
prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
1969, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq.), the Council on Environmental
Quality NEPA regulations (40 Code of
Federal Regulations [CFR] Parts 1500–
1508), and the DOE NEPA regulations
(10 CFR Part 1021), to assess the
potential environmental impacts
associated with the construction and
operation of a project proposed by
Southern Company in partnership with
Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC),
which has been selected by DOE under
the Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI)
program. The proposed project would
demonstrate advanced power generation
systems using Integrated Gasification
Combined Cycle (IGCC) technology at
OUC’s Stanton Energy Center near
Orlando, Florida. The facilities would
convert coal into synthesis gas for
generating between 285 and 330 MW
(megawatts) of electricity while
substantially reducing emissions of
sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, and
mercury, as compared to conventional
coal-fired power plants.
The EIS will help DOE decide
whether to provide approximately $235
million in cost-shared funding (about
42% of the total cost of approximately
$557 million) for the proposed project.
Accordingly, the EIS will evaluate the
potential impacts of the proposed
project and reasonable alternatives. The
purpose of this Notice of Intent is to
inform the public about the proposed
project; invite public participation in
the EIS process; announce the plans for
a public scoping meeting; and solicit
public comments for consideration in
establishing the scope and content of
the EIS.
DATES: To ensure that all of the issues
related to this proposal are addressed,
DOE invites comments on the proposed
scope and content of the EIS from all
interested parties. Comments must be
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 154 / Thursday, August 11, 2005 / Notices
received by September 16, 2005, to
ensure consideration. Late comments
will be considered to the extent
practicable. In addition to receiving
comments in writing and by telephone,
DOE will conduct a public scoping
meeting in which agencies,
organizations, and the general public are
invited to present oral comments or
suggestions with regard to the range of
alternatives and environmental impacts
to be considered in the EIS. The scoping
meeting will be held at Timber Creek
High School, 1001 Avalon Park
Boulevard, Orlando, Florida, on
Tuesday, August 30, 2005, at 7 p.m. The
public is also invited to an informal
session at this location beginning at 5
p.m. to learn more about the proposed
project. Displays and other forms of
information about the proposed agency
action and the demonstration plant will
be available, and DOE personnel will be
present at the informal session to
discuss the proposed project and the EIS
ADDRESSES: Written comments on the
proposed EIS scope and requests to
participate in the public scoping
meeting should be addressed to: Mr.
Richard A. Hargis, U.S. Department of
Energy, National Energy Technology
Laboratory, 626 Cochrans Mill Road,
P.O. Box 10940, Pittsburgh, PA 15236–
0940. Individuals who want to provide
comments orally or electronically
should contact Mr. Hargis directly by
telephone: 412–386–6065; toll-free
number: 1–888–322–7436; fax: 412–
386–4775; or electronic mail:
information about this project or to
receive a copy of the draft EIS when it
is issued, contact Mr. Richard A. Hargis
as described in ADDRESSES above. For
general information on the DOE NEPA
process, contact Ms. Carol M.
Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA
Policy and Compliance (EH–42), U.S.
Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0119; telephone:
202–586–4600; fax: 202–586–7031; or
leave a toll-free message at: 1–800–472–
Background and Need for Agency
Since the early 1970s, DOE and its
predecessor agencies have pursued
research and development programs
that include long-term, technically
complex activities that support the
development of innovative concepts for
a wide variety of coal technologies
through the proof-of-concept stage.
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However, the availability of a
technology at the proof-of-concept stage
is not sufficient to ensure its continued
development and subsequent
commercialization. Before any
technology can be considered seriously
for commercialization, it must be
demonstrated at a sufficient scale to
prove its reliability and to show
economically competitive performance.
The financial risk associated with such
large-scale demonstration is, in general,
too high for the private sector to assume
in the absence of strong incentives.
The CCPI program was established in
2002 as a government/industry
partnership to implement the
President’s National Energy Policy
recommendation to increase investment
in clean coal technology. The goal of the
CCPI program is to accelerate
commercial deployment of advanced
coal technologies that provide the
United States with clean, reliable, and
affordable energy. Through cooperative
agreements established with industry,
including an agreement with Southern
Company for the proposed project, the
CCPI program plans to advance selected
coal technologies to commercialization.
Proposed Action
The proposed action is for DOE to
provide, through a cooperative
agreement with Southern Company,
cost-shared financial assistance for the
proposed Orlando Gasification Project.
Southern Company is leading a project
team that includes OUC and Kellogg,
Brown, and Root (KBR), the company
responsible for engineering and
procurement of the gasification
equipment. The Orlando Gasification
Project would be designed for long-term
commercial operation following
completion of a 4.5-year demonstration
period under a 9.5-year cooperative
agreement with DOE, and would cost a
total of approximately $557 million;
DOE’s share would be approximately
$235 million (42%). The proposed
project would be located at OUC’s
existing Stanton Energy Center near
Orlando, Florida, which currently
generates electricity using two coal-fired
units, each rated at approximately 465
MW, burning low-sulfur bituminous
coal, and a natural gas-fired combinedcycle unit rated at approximately 633
The Stanton Energy Center is located
approximately 3 miles east of the
eastern city limits of Orlando and about
13 miles east-southeast of the
downtown area. The overall site
encompasses 3,280 acres, of which
approximately 1,100 acres have been
licensed by the state of Florida and have
been developed for power generation
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and supporting facilities. Most of the
remaining 2,180 acres are undisturbed,
providing a natural buffer between the
facilities and the surrounding offsite
area. The topography of the area is
relatively flat. The Orlando Gasification
Project would be constructed on
approximately 35 of the 1,100 acres of
land that were previously cleared,
leveled, and licensed for power plant
use. The project equipment would be
located between the existing coal-fired
units and the existing natural gas-fired
combined-cycle unit. An existing
temporary warehouse may be
dismantled to accommodate the
ancillary facilities required by the
proposed project.
The proposed facilities would
demonstrate IGCC technology, which
uses synthesis gas derived from coal to
drive a gas combustion turbine and hot
exhaust gas from the gas turbine to
generate steam from water to drive a
steam turbine; both turbines generate
electricity. At full capacity, the new coal
gasifier would use up to 3,700 tons of
coal per day to produce synthesis gas.
Up to three trains per week would
deliver subbituminous coal from the
Powder River Basin in Wyoming.
Combined, the two turbines would
generate between 285 and 330 MW (net)
of electricity. This combined-cycle
approach of using a gas turbine and
steam turbine in tandem increases the
amount of electricity that can be
generated from a given amount of coal.
The overall objective of the project is
to demonstrate the feasibility of this
selected IGCC technology at a size that
would be attractive to utilities for
commercial operation. The coal gasifier
is based on a KBR technology that
Southern Company and DOE have been
developing since 1996 at a research
facility near Wilsonville, Alabama. The
technology is unique among coal
gasification technologies in that it is
cost-effective when using low-quality
coal, as well as coals with high moisture
or high ash content. These coals
comprise half the proven U.S. and
worldwide reserves. The project is
expected to provide OUC customers
with a generating resource that is
reliable, low-cost, environmentallysound, and efficient (approximately
40% net efficiency compared to about
33% for a conventional coal-fired power
Construction and installation of the
combined-cycle facilities would be
completed approximately 6 months
prior to gasifier completion and
integration of the facilities. The gas
turbine would be capable of operating
on either natural gas or synthesis gas.
While the proposed project consists of
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 154 / Thursday, August 11, 2005 / Notices
the gasifier, synthesis gas cleanup
systems, and supporting infrastructure
only, the EIS will address the
construction and operation of the gas
turbine and steam turbine as a related
action and include the combined
facilities in the analyses of
environmental impacts because the
facilities are so intertwined.
The proposed project would minimize
sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen,
mercury, and particulate emissions. The
project is expected to remove up to 95%
of the sulfur dioxide produced in the
IGCC process using coal that contains
up to 0.4% sulfur. The removal of
nearly all of the fuel-bound nitrogen
from the synthesis gas prior to
combustion in the gas turbine would
result in appreciably lower oxides of
nitrogen emissions compared to
conventional coal-fired power plants.
Over 90% of the mercury would be
removed. Over 99.9% of particulate
emissions would be removed using
high-temperature, high-pressure
filtration (rigid filters housed in metal
cylinders). Approximately 25% less
carbon dioxide would be produced
compared to typical emission rates at
conventional coal-fired power plants.
The proposed project would discharge
no liquid effluent from the site. Ash
generated by the gasifier would be
combusted in the existing coal-fired
units, marketed for use as activated
carbon, or trucked to the existing onsite
landfill for permitted disposal. A key
performance target for the proposed
technology would be achieving an
availability of 80% without the use of a
spare gasifier.
In addition to the gasifier and
turbines, new equipment for the project
would include a stack, mechanical-draft
cooling towers, synthesis gas cleanup
facilities, and particulate filtration
systems. The height of the proposed
stack is expected to be approximately
200 feet. The project would also require
modifications to existing systems such
as the coal conveyance and storage
system. Wherever possible, existing
facilities and infrastructure located at
the Stanton Energy Center would be
used for the proposed project. These
include plant roads, administration
buildings, coal delivery and handling
facilities, water and wastewater
treatment systems, and electric
transmission lines and towers. However,
a short, new transmission line
(approximately 3,500 feet in length),
including several new structures, would
be required from the new turbines to the
existing onsite substation to serve as an
electrical interconnection.
Project activities would include
engineering and design, permitting,
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equipment procurement, construction,
startup, and demonstration of the
commercial feasibility of the
technology. Upon completing the EIS
and issuing a Record of Decision, if DOE
decides to implement the proposed
action, the 2.5-year construction period
would commence in early 2008 and
demonstration of the technology would
begin in early 2011. If the 4.5-year
demonstration is successful, the facility
would continue in commercial
operation immediately afterward.
NEPA requires that agencies evaluate
the range of reasonable alternatives to
the proposed action in an EIS. The
purpose for agency action determines
the range of reasonable alternatives. The
CCPI program was established to help
implement the President’s National
Energy Policy recommendation to
increase investment in clean coal
technology, thus ensuring the reliability
and affordability of domestic energy
supplies while simultaneously
protecting the environment. The CCPI
program was structured to achieve
National Energy Policy goals by
promoting private sector initiatives to
invest in demonstrations of advanced
coal technologies that could be widely
deployed commercially. Private sector
investments and deployment of
demonstration facilities places DOE in a
much more limited role than if the
Federal Government were the owner
and operator of the facilities. In the
latter situation, DOE would be
responsible for a comprehensive review
of reasonable alternatives. However, in
dealing with applicants under the CCPI
program, the scope of alternatives is
necessarily more restricted. In such
cases, DOE must give substantial
consideration to the applicant’s needs in
establishing a project’s reasonable
The range of reasonable options to be
considered in the EIS for the proposed
Orlando Gasification Project is
determined in accordance with overall
NEPA strategy. Because of DOE’s
limited role of providing cost-shared
funding for the project, DOE currently
plans to give primary emphasis to the
proposed action and the no-action
alternative. Under no action, DOE
would not provide partial funding for
the design, construction, and operation
of the project.
In the absence of DOE funding,
Southern Company and/or OUC could
reasonably pursue at least one option.
This option will be analyzed under the
no-action alternative. The combinedcycle facilities could be built at the
Stanton Energy Center without the
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gasifier, synthesis gas cleanup systems,
and supporting infrastructure. The
combined-cycle facilities would operate
using natural gas as fuel without the
availability of synthesis gas. This
scenario would not provide a low-cost
fuel source for the combined-cycle
facilities and would not contribute to
the goal of the CCPI program, which is
to accelerate commercial deployment of
advanced coal technologies that provide
the United States with clean, reliable,
and affordable energy.
Alternatives considered by Southern
Company in developing the proposal for
the Orlando Gasification Project,
including alternative sites and
technologies for the proposed project,
also will be presented in the EIS. DOE
will consider other reasonable
alternatives that may be suggested
during the public scoping period.
Preliminary Identification of
Environmental Issues
The following environmental issues
have been tentatively identified for
analysis in the EIS. This list, which was
developed from preliminary scoping of
the proposed technology, the proposed
project at Stanton Energy Center, and
similar projects, is neither intended to
be all-inclusive nor a predetermined set
of potential impacts, but is presented to
facilitate public comment on the
planned scope of the EIS. Additions to
or deletions from this list may occur as
a result of the public scoping process.
The environmental issues include:
(1) Atmospheric Resources: Potential
air quality impacts resulting from air
emissions during construction and
operation of the proposed Orlando
Gasification Project (e.g., effects of
ground-level concentrations of criteria
pollutants, and trace metals including
mercury, on surrounding residential
areas and resource areas of special
concern, such as Prevention of
Significant Deterioration Class I areas);
potential effects of greenhouse gas
(2) Water Resources: Potential effects
from withdrawal of groundwater (the
proposed project would discharge no
liquid effluent from the site).
(3) Infrastructure and Land Use:
Potential effects on infrastructure and
land (including wetlands) resulting from
the proposed facilities; potential traffic
effects resulting from trains required to
transport coal for the proposed project;
potential impacts from a new electrical
interconnection consisting of a short,
onsite transmission line and several
associated structures.
(4) Solid Waste: Pollution prevention
and waste management, including
potential solid waste impacts caused by
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 154 / Thursday, August 11, 2005 / Notices
the generation, treatment, transport,
storage, and disposal of ash and other
solid wastes.
(5) Visual: Potential aesthetic impacts
associated with a new stack,
mechanical-draft cooling tower, and
other plant structures.
(6) Floodplain: Potential impacts (e.g.,
impeding floodwaters, re-directing
floodwaters, onsite property damage) of
siting new structures and infrastructure
within a floodplain (e.g., onsite
transmission line for electrical
interconnection from the combinedcycle facilities to the existing onsite
(7) Wetlands: Potential reduction of
wetlands due to new construction (e.g.,
onsite transmission line for electrical
(8) Ecological: Potential onsite and
offsite impacts to vegetation, terrestrial
wildlife, aquatic wildlife, threatened
and endangered species, and
ecologically sensitive habitats.
(9) Safety and Health: Constructionrelated safety, process safety, and
management of chemicals and catalysts.
(10) Construction: Potential impacts
associated with noise, traffic patterns,
and construction-related emissions.
(11) Community Impacts: Potential
congestion and other impacts to local
traffic patterns; socioeconomic impacts;
noise associated with project operation;
and environmental justice with respect
to the surrounding community.
(12) Cumulative effects that result
from the incremental impacts of the
proposed project (e.g., incremental air
emissions affecting ambient air quality)
when added to other past, present, and
reasonably foreseeable future actions,
including the existing Stanton Energy
Center and the related action of the
combined-cycle turbines.
Issues will be analyzed in the EIS in
accordance with their level of
importance. The most detailed analyses
are tentatively expected to focus on
issues associated with air quality,
traffic, aesthetics, and ecological
Public Scoping Process
To ensure that all issues related to
this proposal are addressed, DOE will
conduct an open process to define the
scope of the EIS. The public scoping
period will end on September 16, 2005.
Interested agencies, organizations, and
the general public are encouraged to
submit comments or suggestions
concerning the content of the EIS, issues
and impacts to be addressed in the EIS,
and alternatives that should be
Scoping comments should clearly
describe specific issues or topics that
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the EIS should address in order to assist
DOE in identifying significant issues.
Written, e-mailed, faxed, or telephoned
comments should be communicated by
September 16, 2005 (see ADDRESSES).
In addition, DOE will conduct a
public scoping meeting at Timber Creek
High School, 1001 Avalon Park
Boulevard, Orlando, Florida, on
Tuesday, August 30, 2005, at 7 p.m. The
public is also invited to an informal
session at this location beginning at 5
p.m. to learn more about the proposed
project. DOE requests that anyone who
wishes to speak at this public scoping
meeting contact Mr. Richard A. Hargis,
either by phone, fax, computer, or in
writing (see ADDRESSES).
Individuals who do not make advance
arrangements to speak may register at
the meeting and will be given the
opportunity to speak following
previously scheduled speakers.
Speakers who need more than five
minutes should indicate the length of
time desired in their request. Depending
on the number of speakers, DOE may
need to limit speakers to five-minute
presentations initially, but will provide
additional opportunities as time
permits. Speakers can also provide
written material to supplement their
presentations. Oral and written
comments will be given equal weight.
DOE will begin the meeting with an
overview of the proposed Orlando
Gasification Project. DOE will designate
a presiding officer to chair the meeting.
The meeting will not be conducted as an
evidentiary hearing, and speakers will
not be cross-examined. However,
speakers may be asked questions to
ensure that DOE fully understands their
comments or suggestions.
The presiding officer will establish
the order of speakers and provide any
additional procedures necessary to
conduct the meeting.
Issued in Washington, DC, this 5th day of
August, 2005.
John Spitaleri Shaw,
Assistant Secretary, Environment, Safety and
[FR Doc. 05–15906 Filed 8–10–05; 8:45 am]
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Federal Energy Regulatory
[IC05–600–001, FERC–600]
Commission Information Collection
Activities, Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; Extension
August 4, 2005.
Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the
requirements of section 3507 of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44
U.S.C. 3507, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
has submitted the information
collection described below to the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and extension of this
information collection requirement. Any
interested person may file comments
directly with OMB and should address
a copy of those comments to the
Commission as explained below. The
Commission received no comments in
response to an earlier Federal Register
notice of May 25, 2005 (70 FR 30092–
94), and has made this notation in its
submission to OMB.
DATES: Comments on the collection of
information are due by September 6,
Address comments on the
collection of information to the Office of
Management and Budget, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Attention: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission Desk Officer. Comments to
OMB should be filed electronically, c/o and
include the OMB Control No. as a point
of reference. The Desk Officer may be
reached by telephone at 202–395–4650.
A copy of the comments should also be
sent to the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Office of the Executive
Director, ED–33, Attention: Michael
Miller, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426. Comments may
be filed either in paper format or
electronically. Those persons filing
electronically do not need to make a
paper filing. For paper filings, such
comments should be submitted to the
Office of the Secretary, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426 and
should refer to Docket No. IC05–600–
Documents filed electronically via the
Internet must be prepared in
WordPerfect, MS Word, Portable
Document Format, or ASCII format. To
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 154 (Thursday, August 11, 2005)]
[Pages 46825-46828]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-15906]
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for
the Orlando Gasification Project, Orlando, FL
AGENCY: Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of intent.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announces its intent to
prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended (42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq.), the Council on Environmental Quality NEPA regulations
(40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Parts 1500-1508), and the DOE
NEPA regulations (10 CFR Part 1021), to assess the potential
environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of
a project proposed by Southern Company in partnership with Orlando
Utilities Commission (OUC), which has been selected by DOE under the
Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI) program. The proposed project would
demonstrate advanced power generation systems using Integrated
Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) technology at OUC's Stanton Energy
Center near Orlando, Florida. The facilities would convert coal into
synthesis gas for generating between 285 and 330 MW (megawatts) of
electricity while substantially reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide,
oxides of nitrogen, and mercury, as compared to conventional coal-fired
power plants.
The EIS will help DOE decide whether to provide approximately $235
million in cost-shared funding (about 42% of the total cost of
approximately $557 million) for the proposed project. Accordingly, the
EIS will evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed project and
reasonable alternatives. The purpose of this Notice of Intent is to
inform the public about the proposed project; invite public
participation in the EIS process; announce the plans for a public
scoping meeting; and solicit public comments for consideration in
establishing the scope and content of the EIS.
DATES: To ensure that all of the issues related to this proposal are
addressed, DOE invites comments on the proposed scope and content of
the EIS from all interested parties. Comments must be
[[Page 46826]]
received by September 16, 2005, to ensure consideration. Late comments
will be considered to the extent practicable. In addition to receiving
comments in writing and by telephone, DOE will conduct a public scoping
meeting in which agencies, organizations, and the general public are
invited to present oral comments or suggestions with regard to the
range of alternatives and environmental impacts to be considered in the
EIS. The scoping meeting will be held at Timber Creek High School, 1001
Avalon Park Boulevard, Orlando, Florida, on Tuesday, August 30, 2005,
at 7 p.m. The public is also invited to an informal session at this
location beginning at 5 p.m. to learn more about the proposed project.
Displays and other forms of information about the proposed agency
action and the demonstration plant will be available, and DOE personnel
will be present at the informal session to discuss the proposed project
and the EIS process.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on the proposed EIS scope and requests to
participate in the public scoping meeting should be addressed to: Mr.
Richard A. Hargis, U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy
Technology Laboratory, 626 Cochrans Mill Road, P.O. Box 10940,
Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0940. Individuals who want to provide comments
orally or electronically should contact Mr. Hargis directly by
telephone: 412-386-6065; toll-free number: 1-888-322-7436; fax: 412-
386-4775; or electronic mail: Richard.Hargis@NETL.DOE.GOV.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: For information about this project or
to receive a copy of the draft EIS when it is issued, contact Mr.
Richard A. Hargis as described in ADDRESSES above. For general
information on the DOE NEPA process, contact Ms. Carol M. Borgstrom,
Director, Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance (EH-42), U.S. Department
of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0119;
telephone: 202-586-4600; fax: 202-586-7031; or leave a toll-free
message at: 1-800-472-2756.
Background and Need for Agency Action
Since the early 1970s, DOE and its predecessor agencies have
pursued research and development programs that include long-term,
technically complex activities that support the development of
innovative concepts for a wide variety of coal technologies through the
proof-of-concept stage. However, the availability of a technology at
the proof-of-concept stage is not sufficient to ensure its continued
development and subsequent commercialization. Before any technology can
be considered seriously for commercialization, it must be demonstrated
at a sufficient scale to prove its reliability and to show economically
competitive performance. The financial risk associated with such large-
scale demonstration is, in general, too high for the private sector to
assume in the absence of strong incentives.
The CCPI program was established in 2002 as a government/industry
partnership to implement the President's National Energy Policy
recommendation to increase investment in clean coal technology. The
goal of the CCPI program is to accelerate commercial deployment of
advanced coal technologies that provide the United States with clean,
reliable, and affordable energy. Through cooperative agreements
established with industry, including an agreement with Southern Company
for the proposed project, the CCPI program plans to advance selected
coal technologies to commercialization.
Proposed Action
The proposed action is for DOE to provide, through a cooperative
agreement with Southern Company, cost-shared financial assistance for
the proposed Orlando Gasification Project. Southern Company is leading
a project team that includes OUC and Kellogg, Brown, and Root (KBR),
the company responsible for engineering and procurement of the
gasification equipment. The Orlando Gasification Project would be
designed for long-term commercial operation following completion of a
4.5-year demonstration period under a 9.5-year cooperative agreement
with DOE, and would cost a total of approximately $557 million; DOE's
share would be approximately $235 million (42%). The proposed project
would be located at OUC's existing Stanton Energy Center near Orlando,
Florida, which currently generates electricity using two coal-fired
units, each rated at approximately 465 MW, burning low-sulfur
bituminous coal, and a natural gas-fired combined-cycle unit rated at
approximately 633 MW.
The Stanton Energy Center is located approximately 3 miles east of
the eastern city limits of Orlando and about 13 miles east-southeast of
the downtown area. The overall site encompasses 3,280 acres, of which
approximately 1,100 acres have been licensed by the state of Florida
and have been developed for power generation and supporting facilities.
Most of the remaining 2,180 acres are undisturbed, providing a natural
buffer between the facilities and the surrounding offsite area. The
topography of the area is relatively flat. The Orlando Gasification
Project would be constructed on approximately 35 of the 1,100 acres of
land that were previously cleared, leveled, and licensed for power
plant use. The project equipment would be located between the existing
coal-fired units and the existing natural gas-fired combined-cycle
unit. An existing temporary warehouse may be dismantled to accommodate
the ancillary facilities required by the proposed project.
The proposed facilities would demonstrate IGCC technology, which
uses synthesis gas derived from coal to drive a gas combustion turbine
and hot exhaust gas from the gas turbine to generate steam from water
to drive a steam turbine; both turbines generate electricity. At full
capacity, the new coal gasifier would use up to 3,700 tons of coal per
day to produce synthesis gas. Up to three trains per week would deliver
subbituminous coal from the Powder River Basin in Wyoming. Combined,
the two turbines would generate between 285 and 330 MW (net) of
electricity. This combined-cycle approach of using a gas turbine and
steam turbine in tandem increases the amount of electricity that can be
generated from a given amount of coal.
The overall objective of the project is to demonstrate the
feasibility of this selected IGCC technology at a size that would be
attractive to utilities for commercial operation. The coal gasifier is
based on a KBR technology that Southern Company and DOE have been
developing since 1996 at a research facility near Wilsonville, Alabama.
The technology is unique among coal gasification technologies in that
it is cost-effective when using low-quality coal, as well as coals with
high moisture or high ash content. These coals comprise half the proven
U.S. and worldwide reserves. The project is expected to provide OUC
customers with a generating resource that is reliable, low-cost,
environmentally-sound, and efficient (approximately 40% net efficiency
compared to about 33% for a conventional coal-fired power plant).
Construction and installation of the combined-cycle facilities
would be completed approximately 6 months prior to gasifier completion
and integration of the facilities. The gas turbine would be capable of
operating on either natural gas or synthesis gas. While the proposed
project consists of
[[Page 46827]]
the gasifier, synthesis gas cleanup systems, and supporting
infrastructure only, the EIS will address the construction and
operation of the gas turbine and steam turbine as a related action and
include the combined facilities in the analyses of environmental
impacts because the facilities are so intertwined.
The proposed project would minimize sulfur dioxide, oxides of
nitrogen, mercury, and particulate emissions. The project is expected
to remove up to 95% of the sulfur dioxide produced in the IGCC process
using coal that contains up to 0.4% sulfur. The removal of nearly all
of the fuel-bound nitrogen from the synthesis gas prior to combustion
in the gas turbine would result in appreciably lower oxides of nitrogen
emissions compared to conventional coal-fired power plants. Over 90% of
the mercury would be removed. Over 99.9% of particulate emissions would
be removed using high-temperature, high-pressure filtration (rigid
filters housed in metal cylinders). Approximately 25% less carbon
dioxide would be produced compared to typical emission rates at
conventional coal-fired power plants. The proposed project would
discharge no liquid effluent from the site. Ash generated by the
gasifier would be combusted in the existing coal-fired units, marketed
for use as activated carbon, or trucked to the existing onsite landfill
for permitted disposal. A key performance target for the proposed
technology would be achieving an availability of 80% without the use of
a spare gasifier.
In addition to the gasifier and turbines, new equipment for the
project would include a stack, mechanical-draft cooling towers,
synthesis gas cleanup facilities, and particulate filtration systems.
The height of the proposed stack is expected to be approximately 200
feet. The project would also require modifications to existing systems
such as the coal conveyance and storage system. Wherever possible,
existing facilities and infrastructure located at the Stanton Energy
Center would be used for the proposed project. These include plant
roads, administration buildings, coal delivery and handling facilities,
water and wastewater treatment systems, and electric transmission lines
and towers. However, a short, new transmission line (approximately
3,500 feet in length), including several new structures, would be
required from the new turbines to the existing onsite substation to
serve as an electrical interconnection.
Project activities would include engineering and design,
permitting, equipment procurement, construction, startup, and
demonstration of the commercial feasibility of the technology. Upon
completing the EIS and issuing a Record of Decision, if DOE decides to
implement the proposed action, the 2.5-year construction period would
commence in early 2008 and demonstration of the technology would begin
in early 2011. If the 4.5-year demonstration is successful, the
facility would continue in commercial operation immediately afterward.
NEPA requires that agencies evaluate the range of reasonable
alternatives to the proposed action in an EIS. The purpose for agency
action determines the range of reasonable alternatives. The CCPI
program was established to help implement the President's National
Energy Policy recommendation to increase investment in clean coal
technology, thus ensuring the reliability and affordability of domestic
energy supplies while simultaneously protecting the environment. The
CCPI program was structured to achieve National Energy Policy goals by
promoting private sector initiatives to invest in demonstrations of
advanced coal technologies that could be widely deployed commercially.
Private sector investments and deployment of demonstration facilities
places DOE in a much more limited role than if the Federal Government
were the owner and operator of the facilities. In the latter situation,
DOE would be responsible for a comprehensive review of reasonable
alternatives. However, in dealing with applicants under the CCPI
program, the scope of alternatives is necessarily more restricted. In
such cases, DOE must give substantial consideration to the applicant's
needs in establishing a project's reasonable alternatives.
The range of reasonable options to be considered in the EIS for the
proposed Orlando Gasification Project is determined in accordance with
overall NEPA strategy. Because of DOE's limited role of providing cost-
shared funding for the project, DOE currently plans to give primary
emphasis to the proposed action and the no-action alternative. Under no
action, DOE would not provide partial funding for the design,
construction, and operation of the project.
In the absence of DOE funding, Southern Company and/or OUC could
reasonably pursue at least one option. This option will be analyzed
under the no-action alternative. The combined-cycle facilities could be
built at the Stanton Energy Center without the gasifier, synthesis gas
cleanup systems, and supporting infrastructure. The combined-cycle
facilities would operate using natural gas as fuel without the
availability of synthesis gas. This scenario would not provide a low-
cost fuel source for the combined-cycle facilities and would not
contribute to the goal of the CCPI program, which is to accelerate
commercial deployment of advanced coal technologies that provide the
United States with clean, reliable, and affordable energy.
Alternatives considered by Southern Company in developing the
proposal for the Orlando Gasification Project, including alternative
sites and technologies for the proposed project, also will be presented
in the EIS. DOE will consider other reasonable alternatives that may be
suggested during the public scoping period.
Preliminary Identification of Environmental Issues
The following environmental issues have been tentatively identified
for analysis in the EIS. This list, which was developed from
preliminary scoping of the proposed technology, the proposed project at
Stanton Energy Center, and similar projects, is neither intended to be
all-inclusive nor a predetermined set of potential impacts, but is
presented to facilitate public comment on the planned scope of the EIS.
Additions to or deletions from this list may occur as a result of the
public scoping process. The environmental issues include:
(1) Atmospheric Resources: Potential air quality impacts resulting
from air emissions during construction and operation of the proposed
Orlando Gasification Project (e.g., effects of ground-level
concentrations of criteria pollutants, and trace metals including
mercury, on surrounding residential areas and resource areas of special
concern, such as Prevention of Significant Deterioration Class I
areas); potential effects of greenhouse gas emissions.
(2) Water Resources: Potential effects from withdrawal of
groundwater (the proposed project would discharge no liquid effluent
from the site).
(3) Infrastructure and Land Use: Potential effects on
infrastructure and land (including wetlands) resulting from the
proposed facilities; potential traffic effects resulting from trains
required to transport coal for the proposed project; potential impacts
from a new electrical interconnection consisting of a short, onsite
transmission line and several associated structures.
(4) Solid Waste: Pollution prevention and waste management,
including potential solid waste impacts caused by
[[Page 46828]]
the generation, treatment, transport, storage, and disposal of ash and
other solid wastes.
(5) Visual: Potential aesthetic impacts associated with a new
stack, mechanical-draft cooling tower, and other plant structures.
(6) Floodplain: Potential impacts (e.g., impeding floodwaters, re-
directing floodwaters, onsite property damage) of siting new structures
and infrastructure within a floodplain (e.g., onsite transmission line
for electrical interconnection from the combined-cycle facilities to
the existing onsite substation).
(7) Wetlands: Potential reduction of wetlands due to new
construction (e.g., onsite transmission line for electrical
(8) Ecological: Potential onsite and offsite impacts to vegetation,
terrestrial wildlife, aquatic wildlife, threatened and endangered
species, and ecologically sensitive habitats.
(9) Safety and Health: Construction-related safety, process safety,
and management of chemicals and catalysts.
(10) Construction: Potential impacts associated with noise, traffic
patterns, and construction-related emissions.
(11) Community Impacts: Potential congestion and other impacts to
local traffic patterns; socioeconomic impacts; noise associated with
project operation; and environmental justice with respect to the
surrounding community.
(12) Cumulative effects that result from the incremental impacts of
the proposed project (e.g., incremental air emissions affecting ambient
air quality) when added to other past, present, and reasonably
foreseeable future actions, including the existing Stanton Energy
Center and the related action of the combined-cycle turbines.
Issues will be analyzed in the EIS in accordance with their level
of importance. The most detailed analyses are tentatively expected to
focus on issues associated with air quality, traffic, aesthetics, and
ecological resources.
Public Scoping Process
To ensure that all issues related to this proposal are addressed,
DOE will conduct an open process to define the scope of the EIS. The
public scoping period will end on September 16, 2005. Interested
agencies, organizations, and the general public are encouraged to
submit comments or suggestions concerning the content of the EIS,
issues and impacts to be addressed in the EIS, and alternatives that
should be considered.
Scoping comments should clearly describe specific issues or topics
that the EIS should address in order to assist DOE in identifying
significant issues. Written, e-mailed, faxed, or telephoned comments
should be communicated by September 16, 2005 (see ADDRESSES).
In addition, DOE will conduct a public scoping meeting at Timber
Creek High School, 1001 Avalon Park Boulevard, Orlando, Florida, on
Tuesday, August 30, 2005, at 7 p.m. The public is also invited to an
informal session at this location beginning at 5 p.m. to learn more
about the proposed project. DOE requests that anyone who wishes to
speak at this public scoping meeting contact Mr. Richard A. Hargis,
either by phone, fax, computer, or in writing (see ADDRESSES).
Individuals who do not make advance arrangements to speak may
register at the meeting and will be given the opportunity to speak
following previously scheduled speakers. Speakers who need more than
five minutes should indicate the length of time desired in their
request. Depending on the number of speakers, DOE may need to limit
speakers to five-minute presentations initially, but will provide
additional opportunities as time permits. Speakers can also provide
written material to supplement their presentations. Oral and written
comments will be given equal weight.
DOE will begin the meeting with an overview of the proposed Orlando
Gasification Project. DOE will designate a presiding officer to chair
the meeting. The meeting will not be conducted as an evidentiary
hearing, and speakers will not be cross-examined. However, speakers may
be asked questions to ensure that DOE fully understands their comments
or suggestions.
The presiding officer will establish the order of speakers and
provide any additional procedures necessary to conduct the meeting.
Issued in Washington, DC, this 5th day of August, 2005.
John Spitaleri Shaw,
Assistant Secretary, Environment, Safety and Health.
[FR Doc. 05-15906 Filed 8-10-05; 8:45 am]