Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model EMB-135BJ, -135ER, -135KE, -135KL, -135LR, -145, -145ER, -145MR, -145LR, -145XR, -145MP, and -145EP Airplanes, 46788-46790 [05-15880]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 154 / Thursday, August 11, 2005 / Proposed Rules
the glass is controlled to reduce the
danger from flying glass shards or
pieces. This must be demonstrated by
testing to failure.
2. Component Strength. The glass
component must be strong enough to
meet the load requirements for all flight
and landing loads including any of the
applicable emergency landing
conditions in subparts C & D of part 25.
Abuse loading without failure, such as
impact from occupants stumbling into,
leaning against, sitting on, or performing
other intentional or unintentional
forceful contact must also be
demonstrated. This must be
demonstrated by static structural testing
to ultimate load, except that the critical
loading condition must be tested to
failure in the as-installed condition. The
tested glass must have all features that
effect component strength, such as
etched surfaces, cut or engraved
designs, holes, and so forth. Glass pieces
must be non-hazardous.
3. Component Retention. The glass
component, as installed in the airplane,
must not come free of its restraint or
mounting system in the event of an
emergency landing. A test must be
performed to demonstrate that the
occupants would be protected from the
effects of the component failing or
becoming free of restraint under
dynamic loading. The dynamic loading
of § 25.562(b)(2) is considered an
acceptable dynamic event. The
applicant may propose an alternate
pulse, however, the impulse and peak
load may not be less than that of
§ 25.562(b)(2). As an alternative to a
dynamic test, static testing may be used
if the loading is assessed as equivalent
or more critical than a dynamic test,
based upon validated dynamic analysis.
Both the primary directional loading
and rebound conditions need to be
4. Instruction for Continued
Airworthiness. The instruction for
continued airworthiness will reflect the
fastening method used and will ensure
the reliability of the methods used (e.g.,
life limit of adhesives, or clamp
connection). Inspection methods and
intervals will be defined based upon
adhesion data from the manufacturer of
the adhesive or actual adhesion test data
if necessary.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on August
3, 2005.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 05–15856 Filed 8–10–05; 8:45 am]
VerDate jul<14>2003
14:00 Aug 10, 2005
Jkt 205001
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2005–20223; Directorate
Identifier 2004–NM–193–AD]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Empresa
Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.
(EMBRAER) Model EMB–135BJ,
–135ER, –135KE, –135KL, –135LR,
–145, –145ER, –145MR, –145LR,
–145XR, –145MP, and –145EP
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Supplemental notice of
proposed rulemaking (NPRM);
reopening of comment period.
SUMMARY: The FAA is revising an earlier
NPRM for an airworthiness directive
(AD) that applies to certain EMBRAER
Model EMB–135 and –145 series
airplanes. The original NPRM would
have required repetitive detailed
inspections for surface bruising of the
main landing gear (MLG) trailing arms
and integrity of the MLG pivot axle
sealant, and corrective actions if
necessary; and would also have
provided for optional terminating action
for the repetitive inspections. The
original NPRM was prompted by a
report of a fractured axle of the trailing
arm of the MLG due to corrosion of the
axle. This action revises the original
NPRM by expanding the applicability
and by providing final terminating
action for the repetitive detailed
inspections. We are proposing this
supplemental NPRM to prevent a
broken trailing arm and consequent
failure of the MLG, which could lead to
loss of control and damage to the
airplane during takeoff or landing.
DATES: We must receive comments on
this supplemental NPRM by September
6, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Use one of the following
addresses to submit comments on this
supplemental NPRM.
• DOT Docket Web site: Go to and follow the
instructions for sending your comments
• Government-wide rulemaking Web
site: Go to
and follow the instructions for sending
your comments electronically.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility;
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building,
room PL–401, Washington, DC 20590.
PO 00000
Frm 00010
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
• Fax: (202) 493–2251.
• Hand Delivery: Room PL–401 on
the plaza level of the Nassif Building,
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
For service information identified in
this proposed AD, contact Empresa
Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.
(EMBRAER), PO Box 343—CEP 12.225,
Sao Jose dos Campos—SP, Brazil.
You can examine the contents of this
AD docket on the Internet at https://, or in person at the Docket
Management Facility, U.S. Department
of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street,
SW., room PL–401, on the plaza level of
the Nassif Building, Washington, DC.
This docket number is FAA–2005–
20223; the directorate identifier for this
docket is 2004–NM–193–AD.
Todd Thompson, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM–116, FAA,
Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601
Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington
98055–4056; telephone (425) 227–1175;
fax (425) 227–1149.
Comments Invited
We invite you to submit any relevant
written data, views, or arguments
regarding this supplemental NPRM.
Send your comments to an address
listed under ADDRESSES. Include
‘‘Docket No. FAA–2005–20223;
Directorate Identifier 2004–NM–193–
AD’’ at the beginning of your comments.
We specifically invite comments on the
overall regulatory, economic,
environmental, and energy aspects of
this supplemental NPRM. We will
consider all comments received by the
closing date and may amend this
supplemental NPRM in light of those
We will post all comments submitted,
without change, to,
including any personal information you
provide. We will also post a report
summarizing each substantive verbal
contact with FAA personnel concerning
this supplemental NPRM. Using the
search function of our docket Web site,
anyone can find and read the comments
in any of our dockets, including the
name of the individual who sent the
comment (or signed the comment on
behalf of an association, business, labor
union, etc.). You can review the DOT’s
complete Privacy Act Statement in the
Federal Register published on April 11,
2000 (65 FR 19477–78), or you can visit
Examining the Docket
You can examine the AD docket on
the Internet at, or in
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 154 / Thursday, August 11, 2005 / Proposed Rules
person at the Docket Management
Facility office between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays. The Docket
Management Facility office (telephone
(800) 647–5227) is located on the plaza
level in the Nassif Building at the DOT
street address stated in ADDRESSES.
Comments will be available in the AD
docket shortly after the DMS receives
We proposed to amend 14 CFR part
39 with a notice of proposed rulemaking
(NPRM) for an airworthiness directive
(AD) (the ‘‘original NPRM’’). The
original NPRM applies to certain
EMBRAER Model EMB–135 and –145
series airplanes. The original NPRM was
published in the Federal Register on
February 1, 2005 (70 FR 5076). The
original NPRM proposed to require
repetitive detailed inspections for
surface bruising of the main landing
gear (MLG) trailing arms and integrity of
the MLG pivot axle sealant, and
corrective actions if necessary; and
would also have provided for optional
terminating action for the repetitive
We have considered the following
comments on the original NPRM.
Request To Revise Applicability
One commenter, the manufacturer,
notified us that the applicability as
written would not ensure that the
unsafe condition would be corrected on
all airplanes. The commenter states that
the airplanes listed by serial number in
the service bulletin have a factorydelivered configuration; therefore, it
could be possible to transfer an unsafe
MLG from one of those airplanes to
another airplane and propagate the
unsafe condition. The commenter
asserts that the unsafe condition will be
corrected on all airplanes if the
applicability refers to the MLG, not the
actual airplane.
We agree that it is possible to transfer
an unsafe MLG from an airplane not
listed in the service bulletin. However,
in such cases, it is our practice to
identify the affected airplane model(s)
in the applicability and require an
inspection for affected part numbers.
Accordingly, we have expanded the
applicability of this supplemental
NPRM to specify all Model EMB–135
and –145 airplanes and added an
inspection of the MLGs of those
airplanes to determine if a cardan
having a certain part number is installed
on the MLGs. In addition, we have
added a new paragraph (j) to this
VerDate jul<14>2003
14:00 Aug 10, 2005
Jkt 205001
supplemental NPRM to prohibit
installation of the affected MLGs, unless
certain actions required by this AD have
been accomplished, which will
preclude the transfer of unsafe MLGs
from one airplane to another.
FAA’s Determination and Proposed
Requirements of the Supplemental
The changes discussed above expand
the scope of the original NPRM;
therefore, we have determined that it is
necessary to reopen the comment period
to provide additional opportunity for
public comment on this supplemental
Costs of Compliance
This supplemental NPRM would
affect about 488 airplanes of U.S.
The proposed part number
verification would take about 1 work
hour per airplane, at an average labor
rate of $65 per work hour. Based on
these figures, the estimated cost of the
proposed inspection for U.S. operators
is $31,720, or $65 per airplane.
The proposed inspection of the MLG
trailing arm surface and pivot axle
sealant would take about 1 work hour
per airplane, at an average labor rate of
$65 per work hour. Based on these
figures, the estimated cost of the
proposed inspection for U.S. operators
is $31,720, or $65 per airplane, per
inspection cycle.
The proposed replacement of the
MLG cardan and inspection of the
internal surface of the MLG trailing arm
pivot axle would take about 1 work hour
per MLG (two MLGs per airplane), at an
average labor rate of $65 per work hour.
Required parts would cost about $3,500
per cardan. Based on these figures, the
estimated cost of the proposed actions
for U.S. operators is $3,479,440, or
$7,130 per airplane.
Authority for This Rulemaking
Title 49 of the United States Code
specifies the FAA’s authority to issue
rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I,
Section 106, describes the authority of
the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII,
Aviation Programs, describes in more
detail the scope of the Agency’s
We are issuing this rulemaking under
the authority described in Subtitle VII,
Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701,
‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that
section, Congress charges the FAA with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in
air commerce by prescribing regulations
for practices, methods, and procedures
the Administrator finds necessary for
safety in air commerce. This regulation
PO 00000
Frm 00011
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
is within the scope of that authority
because it addresses an unsafe condition
that is likely to exist or develop on
products identified in this rulemaking
Regulatory Findings
We have determined that this
proposed AD would not have federalism
implications under Executive Order
13132. This proposed AD would not
have a substantial direct effect on the
States, on the relationship between the
national Government and the States, or
on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
For the reasons discussed above, I
certify that the proposed regulation:
1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ under Executive Order 12866;
2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the
DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
(44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
3. Will not have a significant
economic impact, positive or negative,
on a substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
We prepared a regulatory evaluation
of the estimated costs to comply with
this supplemental NPRM. See the
ADDRESSES section for a location to
examine the regulatory evaluation.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
safety, Safety.
The Proposed Amendment
Accordingly, under the authority
delegated to me by the Administrator,
the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part
39 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
§ 39.13
2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by adding
the following new airworthiness
directive (AD):
Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.
(EMBRAER): Docket No. FAA–2005–
20223; Directorate Identifier 2004–NM–
Comments Due Date
(a) The Federal Aviation Administration
must receive comments on this AD action by
September 6, 2005.
Affected ADs
(b) None.
(c) This AD applies to all EMBRAER Model
EMB–135BJ, –135ER, –135KE, –135KL,
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 154 / Thursday, August 11, 2005 / Proposed Rules
–135LR, –145, –145ER, –145MR, –145LR,
–145XR, –145MP, and –145EP airplanes,
certificated in any category.
Unsafe Condition
(d) This AD was prompted by a report of
a fractured axle of the trailing arm of the
main landing gear (MLG) due to corrosion of
the axle. We are issuing this AD to prevent
a broken trailing arm and consequent failure
of the MLG, which could lead to loss of
control and damage to the airplane during
takeoff or landing.
(e) You are responsible for having the
actions required by this AD performed within
the compliance times specified, unless the
actions have already been done.
Part Number Verification
(f) Within 600 flight hours or 180 days after
the effective date of this AD, whichever
occurs first, inspect the left and right MLG
to determine whether cardan assembly part
number (P/N) 2309–2041–003 is installed. A
review of airplane maintenance records is
acceptable in lieu of this inspection if the
P/N of the cardan assembly can be
conclusively determined from that review. If
cardan P/N 2309–2041–003 is not installed in
the MLG, no further action is required for
that MLG, except as provided by paragraph
(i) of this AD. If cardan P/N 2309–2041–003
is installed in the MLG, continue with
paragraph (g) of this AD.
(g) Within 600 flight hours or 180 days
after the effective date of this AD, whichever
occurs first, perform a detailed inspection for
surface bruising of the MLG trailing arms and
integrity of the MLG pivot axle sealant; in
accordance with the Accomplishment
Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–32–0091, Change 01, dated July 1, 2004.
If no sign of sealant failure or bruising of the
trailing arm is found, repeat the inspection
thereafter at intervals not to exceed 5,500
flight hours or 24 months, whichever occurs
first, until paragraph (h) of this AD has been
Note 1: For the purposes of this AD, a
detailed inspection is: ‘‘An intensive
examination of a specific item, installation,
or assembly to detect damage, failure, or
irregularity. Available lighting is normally
supplemented with a direct source of good
lighting at an intensity deemed appropriate.
Inspection aids such as mirror, magnifying
lenses, etc., may be necessary. Surface
cleaning and elaborate procedures may be
Corrective/Terminating Actions
(h) If any sign of sealant failure or bruising
of either trailing arm surface is found, prior
to further flight, do paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2),
and (h)(3) of this AD. Do the actions in
accordance with the Accomplishment
Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin
145–32–0091, Change 01, dated July 1, 2004.
Accomplishment of paragraph (h) of this AD
for any MLG ends the repetitive inspections
required by paragraph (g) of this AD for that
VerDate jul<14>2003
14:00 Aug 10, 2005
Jkt 205001
(1) Repair any bruising of the trailing arm
(2) Replace the MLG cardan with a new,
improved cardan having P/N 2309–2041–
(3) Perform a detailed inspection for
corrosion of the internal surface of the
trailing arm pivot axle.
(i) If no corrosion is found, prior to further
flight, apply protective paint and corrosion
(ii) If corrosion is found, prior to further
flight, replace the pivot axle with a new pivot
axle and apply corrosion inhibitors.
Note 2: EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–
32–0091, Change 01, dated July 1, 2004,
refers to Embraer Liebherr Equipamentos do
Brasil S.A. (ELEB) Service Bulletin 2309–
2002–32–04, Revision 01, dated May 24,
2004, as an additional source of service
information for the inspection and repair of
the MLG components. The ELEB service
bulletin is included within the EMBRAER
service bulletin.
Actions Accomplished According to
Previous Issue of Service Bulletin
(i) Actions accomplished before the
effective date of this AD according to
EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145–32–0091,
dated February 19, 2004, are considered
acceptable for compliance with the
corresponding actions specified in this AD.
Parts Installation
(j) As of the effective date of this AD, no
person may install an MLG having a cardan
assembly, part number 2309–2041–003, on
any affected airplane, unless the
requirements of paragraphs (f), (g), and (h) of
this AD, as applicable, have been
Alternative Methods of Compliance
(k) The Manager, International Branch,
ANM–116, Transport Airplane Directorate,
FAA, has the authority to approve AMOCs
for this AD, if requested in accordance with
the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19.
Related Information
(l) Brazilian airworthiness directive 2004–
08–02, dated September 3, 2004, also
addresses the subject of this AD.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on August
3, 2005.
Kevin M. Mullin,
Acting Manager, Transport Airplane
Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 05–15880 Filed 8–10–05; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00012
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2005–22062; Directorate
Identifier 2003–NM–219–AD]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; McDonnell
Douglas Model DC–9–81 (MD–81), DC–
9–82 (MD–82), DC–9–83 (MD–83), DC–
9–87 (MD–87), MD–88, and MD–90–30
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to adopt a
new airworthiness directive (AD) for all
McDonnell Douglas airplanes identified
above. This proposed AD would require
a one-time inspection of the aft attach
fitting assembly of the spoiler link to
determine the part number, and further
investigative action and replacement of
the assembly with a new or serviceable
assembly, if necessary. This proposed
AD results from a determination that the
holes of certain aft attach fitting
assemblies of the spoiler link were not
cold-worked during production. We are
proposing this AD to prevent fatigue
cracking of the aft attach fitting of the
spoiler link and consequent failure of
the fitting. Failure of the fitting could
result in an asymmetrical lift condition
and consequent reduced controllability
of the airplane.
DATES: We must receive comments on
this proposed AD by September 26,
Use one of the following
addresses to submit comments on this
proposed AD.
• DOT Docket Web site: Go to and follow the
instructions for sending your comments
• Government-wide rulemaking Web
site: Go to
and follow the instructions for sending
your comments electronically.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building,
room PL–401, Washington, DC 20590.
• By fax: (202) 493–2251.
• Hand Delivery: Room PL–401 on
the plaza level of the Nassif Building,
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Contact Boeing Commercial
Airplanes, Long Beach Division, 3855
Lakewood Boulevard, Long Beach,
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 154 (Thursday, August 11, 2005)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 46788-46790]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-15880]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA-2005-20223; Directorate Identifier 2004-NM-193-AD]
RIN 2120-AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.
(EMBRAER) Model EMB-135BJ, -135ER, -135KE, -135KL, -135LR, -145, -
145ER, -145MR, -145LR, -145XR, -145MP, and -145EP Airplanes
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM); reopening of
comment period.
SUMMARY: The FAA is revising an earlier NPRM for an airworthiness
directive (AD) that applies to certain EMBRAER Model EMB-135 and -145
series airplanes. The original NPRM would have required repetitive
detailed inspections for surface bruising of the main landing gear
(MLG) trailing arms and integrity of the MLG pivot axle sealant, and
corrective actions if necessary; and would also have provided for
optional terminating action for the repetitive inspections. The
original NPRM was prompted by a report of a fractured axle of the
trailing arm of the MLG due to corrosion of the axle. This action
revises the original NPRM by expanding the applicability and by
providing final terminating action for the repetitive detailed
inspections. We are proposing this supplemental NPRM to prevent a
broken trailing arm and consequent failure of the MLG, which could lead
to loss of control and damage to the airplane during takeoff or
DATES: We must receive comments on this supplemental NPRM by September
6, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Use one of the following addresses to submit comments on
this supplemental NPRM.
DOT Docket Web site: Go to and follow
the instructions for sending your comments electronically.
Government-wide rulemaking Web site: Go to https:// and follow the instructions for sending your
comments electronically.
Mail: Docket Management Facility; U.S. Department of
Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, room PL-401,
Washington, DC 20590.
Fax: (202) 493-2251.
Hand Delivery: Room PL-401 on the plaza level of the
Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
For service information identified in this proposed AD, contact
Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER), PO Box 343--CEP
12.225, Sao Jose dos Campos--SP, Brazil.
You can examine the contents of this AD docket on the Internet at, or in person at the Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., room PL-
401, on the plaza level of the Nassif Building, Washington, DC. This
docket number is FAA-2005-20223; the directorate identifier for this
docket is 2004-NM-193-AD.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Todd Thompson, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM-116, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate,
1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington 98055-4056; telephone (425)
227-1175; fax (425) 227-1149.
Comments Invited
We invite you to submit any relevant written data, views, or
arguments regarding this supplemental NPRM. Send your comments to an
address listed under ADDRESSES. Include ``Docket No. FAA-2005-20223;
Directorate Identifier 2004-NM-193-AD'' at the beginning of your
comments. We specifically invite comments on the overall regulatory,
economic, environmental, and energy aspects of this supplemental NPRM.
We will consider all comments received by the closing date and may
amend this supplemental NPRM in light of those comments.
We will post all comments submitted, without change, to https://, including any personal information you provide. We will
also post a report summarizing each substantive verbal contact with FAA
personnel concerning this supplemental NPRM. Using the search function
of our docket Web site, anyone can find and read the comments in any of
our dockets, including the name of the individual who sent the comment
(or signed the comment on behalf of an association, business, labor
union, etc.). You can review the DOT's complete Privacy Act Statement
in the Federal Register published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477-78),
or you can visit
Examining the Docket
You can examine the AD docket on the Internet at https://, or in
[[Page 46789]]
person at the Docket Management Facility office between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The Docket
Management Facility office (telephone (800) 647-5227) is located on the
plaza level in the Nassif Building at the DOT street address stated in
ADDRESSES. Comments will be available in the AD docket shortly after
the DMS receives them.
We proposed to amend 14 CFR part 39 with a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) for an airworthiness directive (AD) (the ``original
NPRM''). The original NPRM applies to certain EMBRAER Model EMB-135 and
-145 series airplanes. The original NPRM was published in the Federal
Register on February 1, 2005 (70 FR 5076). The original NPRM proposed
to require repetitive detailed inspections for surface bruising of the
main landing gear (MLG) trailing arms and integrity of the MLG pivot
axle sealant, and corrective actions if necessary; and would also have
provided for optional terminating action for the repetitive
We have considered the following comments on the original NPRM.
Request To Revise Applicability
One commenter, the manufacturer, notified us that the applicability
as written would not ensure that the unsafe condition would be
corrected on all airplanes. The commenter states that the airplanes
listed by serial number in the service bulletin have a factory-
delivered configuration; therefore, it could be possible to transfer an
unsafe MLG from one of those airplanes to another airplane and
propagate the unsafe condition. The commenter asserts that the unsafe
condition will be corrected on all airplanes if the applicability
refers to the MLG, not the actual airplane.
We agree that it is possible to transfer an unsafe MLG from an
airplane not listed in the service bulletin. However, in such cases, it
is our practice to identify the affected airplane model(s) in the
applicability and require an inspection for affected part numbers.
Accordingly, we have expanded the applicability of this supplemental
NPRM to specify all Model EMB-135 and -145 airplanes and added an
inspection of the MLGs of those airplanes to determine if a cardan
having a certain part number is installed on the MLGs. In addition, we
have added a new paragraph (j) to this supplemental NPRM to prohibit
installation of the affected MLGs, unless certain actions required by
this AD have been accomplished, which will preclude the transfer of
unsafe MLGs from one airplane to another.
FAA's Determination and Proposed Requirements of the Supplemental NPRM
The changes discussed above expand the scope of the original NPRM;
therefore, we have determined that it is necessary to reopen the
comment period to provide additional opportunity for public comment on
this supplemental NPRM.
Costs of Compliance
This supplemental NPRM would affect about 488 airplanes of U.S.
The proposed part number verification would take about 1 work hour
per airplane, at an average labor rate of $65 per work hour. Based on
these figures, the estimated cost of the proposed inspection for U.S.
operators is $31,720, or $65 per airplane.
The proposed inspection of the MLG trailing arm surface and pivot
axle sealant would take about 1 work hour per airplane, at an average
labor rate of $65 per work hour. Based on these figures, the estimated
cost of the proposed inspection for U.S. operators is $31,720, or $65
per airplane, per inspection cycle.
The proposed replacement of the MLG cardan and inspection of the
internal surface of the MLG trailing arm pivot axle would take about 1
work hour per MLG (two MLGs per airplane), at an average labor rate of
$65 per work hour. Required parts would cost about $3,500 per cardan.
Based on these figures, the estimated cost of the proposed actions for
U.S. operators is $3,479,440, or $7,130 per airplane.
Authority for This Rulemaking
Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106, describes the
authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,
describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's authority.
We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ``General
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this
rulemaking action.
Regulatory Findings
We have determined that this proposed AD would not have federalism
implications under Executive Order 13132. This proposed AD would not
have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship
between the national Government and the States, or on the distribution
of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
For the reasons discussed above, I certify that the proposed
1. Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order
2. Is not a ``significant rule'' under the DOT Regulatory Policies
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
3. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
We prepared a regulatory evaluation of the estimated costs to
comply with this supplemental NPRM. See the ADDRESSES section for a
location to examine the regulatory evaluation.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety.
The Proposed Amendment
Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the
Administrator, the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part 39 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
Sec. 39.13 [Amended]
2. The FAA amends Sec. 39.13 by adding the following new
airworthiness directive (AD):
Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER): Docket No. FAA-
2005-20223; Directorate Identifier 2004-NM-193-AD.
Comments Due Date
(a) The Federal Aviation Administration must receive comments on
this AD action by September 6, 2005.
Affected ADs
(b) None.
(c) This AD applies to all EMBRAER Model EMB-135BJ, -135ER, -
135KE, -135KL,
[[Page 46790]]
-135LR, -145, -145ER, -145MR, -145LR, -145XR, -145MP, and -145EP
airplanes, certificated in any category.
Unsafe Condition
(d) This AD was prompted by a report of a fractured axle of the
trailing arm of the main landing gear (MLG) due to corrosion of the
axle. We are issuing this AD to prevent a broken trailing arm and
consequent failure of the MLG, which could lead to loss of control
and damage to the airplane during takeoff or landing.
(e) You are responsible for having the actions required by this
AD performed within the compliance times specified, unless the
actions have already been done.
Part Number Verification
(f) Within 600 flight hours or 180 days after the effective date
of this AD, whichever occurs first, inspect the left and right MLG
to determine whether cardan assembly part number (P/N) 2309-2041-003
is installed. A review of airplane maintenance records is acceptable
in lieu of this inspection if the P/N of the cardan assembly can be
conclusively determined from that review. If cardan P/N 2309-2041-
003 is not installed in the MLG, no further action is required for
that MLG, except as provided by paragraph (i) of this AD. If cardan
P/N 2309-2041-003 is installed in the MLG, continue with paragraph
(g) of this AD.
(g) Within 600 flight hours or 180 days after the effective date
of this AD, whichever occurs first, perform a detailed inspection
for surface bruising of the MLG trailing arms and integrity of the
MLG pivot axle sealant; in accordance with the Accomplishment
Instructions of EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-32-0091, Change 01,
dated July 1, 2004. If no sign of sealant failure or bruising of the
trailing arm is found, repeat the inspection thereafter at intervals
not to exceed 5,500 flight hours or 24 months, whichever occurs
first, until paragraph (h) of this AD has been accomplished.
Note 1: For the purposes of this AD, a detailed inspection is:
``An intensive examination of a specific item, installation, or
assembly to detect damage, failure, or irregularity. Available
lighting is normally supplemented with a direct source of good
lighting at an intensity deemed appropriate. Inspection aids such as
mirror, magnifying lenses, etc., may be necessary. Surface cleaning
and elaborate procedures may be required.''
Corrective/Terminating Actions
(h) If any sign of sealant failure or bruising of either
trailing arm surface is found, prior to further flight, do
paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2), and (h)(3) of this AD. Do the actions in
accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of EMBRAER Service
Bulletin 145-32-0091, Change 01, dated July 1, 2004. Accomplishment
of paragraph (h) of this AD for any MLG ends the repetitive
inspections required by paragraph (g) of this AD for that MLG.
(1) Repair any bruising of the trailing arm surface.
(2) Replace the MLG cardan with a new, improved cardan having P/
N 2309-2041-401.
(3) Perform a detailed inspection for corrosion of the internal
surface of the trailing arm pivot axle.
(i) If no corrosion is found, prior to further flight, apply
protective paint and corrosion inhibitors.
(ii) If corrosion is found, prior to further flight, replace the
pivot axle with a new pivot axle and apply corrosion inhibitors.
Note 2: EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-32-0091, Change 01, dated
July 1, 2004, refers to Embraer Liebherr Equipamentos do Brasil S.A.
(ELEB) Service Bulletin 2309-2002-32-04, Revision 01, dated May 24,
2004, as an additional source of service information for the
inspection and repair of the MLG components. The ELEB service
bulletin is included within the EMBRAER service bulletin.
Actions Accomplished According to Previous Issue of Service Bulletin
(i) Actions accomplished before the effective date of this AD
according to EMBRAER Service Bulletin 145-32-0091, dated February
19, 2004, are considered acceptable for compliance with the
corresponding actions specified in this AD.
Parts Installation
(j) As of the effective date of this AD, no person may install
an MLG having a cardan assembly, part number 2309-2041-003, on any
affected airplane, unless the requirements of paragraphs (f), (g),
and (h) of this AD, as applicable, have been accomplished.
Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)
(k) The Manager, International Branch, ANM-116, Transport
Airplane Directorate, FAA, has the authority to approve AMOCs for
this AD, if requested in accordance with the procedures found in 14
CFR 39.19.
Related Information
(l) Brazilian airworthiness directive 2004-08-02, dated
September 3, 2004, also addresses the subject of this AD.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on August 3, 2005.
Kevin M. Mullin,
Acting Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification
[FR Doc. 05-15880 Filed 8-10-05; 8:45 am]