Revision of VOR Federal Airways V-9, V-50, V-67, V-69, V-129, V-173 and V-233; and Jet Routes J-35, J-80, J-101 and J-137; Springfield, IL, 45527-45528 [05-15557]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 151 / Monday, August 8, 2005 / Rules and Regulations (a) Within 300 hours time-in-service (TIS) or 60 days, whichever occurs first, and after that at intervals not to exceed 300 hours TIS or 12 months, whichever occurs first, remove each crosstube and inspect it for cracks. Replace any cracked crosstube with an airworthy crosstube before further flight. Note: Aeronautical Accessories, Inc. Alert Service Bulletin No. AA–03121, dated October 25, 2004, pertains to the subject of this AD. (b) To request a different method of compliance or a different compliance time for this AD, follow the procedures in 14 CFR 39.19. Contact the Rotorcraft Certification Office, Rotorcraft Directorate, FAA, for information about previously approved alternative methods of compliance. (c) This amendment becomes effective on September 12, 2005. Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on July 29, 2005. S. Frances Cox, Acting Manager, Rotorcraft Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. 05–15581 Filed 8–5–05; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 71 [Docket No. FAA–2005–21908; Airspace Docket No. 05–AGL–6] RIN 2120–AA66 Revision of VOR Federal Airways V–9, V–50, V–67, V–69, V–129, V–173 and V– 233; and Jet Routes J–35, J–80, J–101 and J–137; Springfield, IL Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule. AGENCY: SUMMARY: This action revises Very High Frequency Omni-directional Range (VOR) Federal Airways V–9, V–50, V– 67, V–69, V–129, V–173 and V–233; and Jet Routes J–35, J–80, J–101 and J–137 over the Springfield, IL area. The FAA is taking this action due to the relocation of the Capital VOR/Tactical Air Navigation (VORTAC) and the renaming of the ‘‘Capital VORTAC’’ to the ‘‘Spinner VORTAC’’ to enhance the management of aircraft operations over the Springfield, IL area. DATES: Effective 0901 UTC, October 27, 2005. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Rohring, Airspace and Rules, Office of System Operations and Safety, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267–8783. VerDate jul<14>2003 18:56 Aug 05, 2005 Jkt 205001 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: History On September 2, 2003, the FAA published in the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) proposing to realign V–233 northeast of the Capital VORTAC (68 FR 52150). This change was needed due to the pending relocation of the Capital VORTAC. This relocation will result in a change of the VORTAC radials used in the legal description of V–233; but would not have changed the legal description of any other airways or jet routes because, at the time that the NPRM was issued, the FAA did not plan to change the name of the VORTAC. Interested parties were invited to participate in this rulemaking effort by submitting written comments on the proposal. No comments were received in response to the proposal. Subsequent to the issuance of the NPRM and in the interest of safety, a decision was made to change the name of the ‘‘Capital VORTAC’’ to the ‘‘Spinner VORTAC’’. Because the name of the VORTAC is contained in the legal description of Federal Airways V–9, V– 50, V–67, V–69, V–129, V–173 and V– 233; and Jet Routes J–35, J–80, J–101 and J–137, the legal descriptions must be changed. Federal airways are published in paragraph 6010(a) of FAA Order 7400.9M dated August 30, 2004, and effective September 16, 2004, which is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR 71.1. The Federal airways listed in this document will be published subsequently in the order. The Rule This action amends Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 71 by revising the legal descriptions for Federal Airways V–9, V–50, V–67, V– 69, V–129, V–173 and V–233; and Jet Routes J–35, J–80, J–101 and J–137 over the Springfield, IL, area. The FAA is taking this action due to the relocation and renaming of the Capitol VORTAC and to enhance the management of aircraft operations over the Springfield, IL area. The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an established body of technical regulations for which frequent and routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current. Therefore, this regulation: (1) Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant preparation of a regulatory PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 45527 evaluation as the anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that will only affect air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is certified that this rule, when promulgated, will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71 Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air). Adoption of the Amendment In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation Administration amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows: I PART 71—DESIGNATION OF CLASS A, B, C, D, AND E AIRSPACE AREAS; AIR TRAFFIC SERVICE ROUTES; AND REPORTING POINTS 1. The authority citation for part 71 continues to read as follows: I Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959– 1963 Comp., p. 389. § 71.1 [Amended] 2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.9M, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated August 30, 2004, and effective September 16, 2004, is amended as follows: I Paragraph 6010(a) Airways * * * Domestic VOR Federal * * V–9 (Revised) From Leeville, LA; McComb, MS; Jackson, MS; Sidon, MS; Marvell, AR; Gilmore, AR; Malden, MO; Farmington, MO; St. Louis, MO; Spinner, IL; Pontiac, IL; INT Pontiac, IL 343° and Rockford, IL, 169° radials; Rockford; Janesville, WI; Madison, WI; Oshkosh, WI; Green Bay, WI; Iron Mountain, MI; to Houghton, MI. * * * * * V–50 (Revised) From Hastings, NE; Pawnee City, NE; St. Joseph, MO; Kirksville, MO; Quincy, IL; Spinner, IL; Decatur, IL; Terre Haute, IN; Brickyard, IN; Dayton, OH. * * * * * V–67 (Revised) From Choo Choo, GA; Shelbyville, TN; Graham, TN; Cunningham, KY; Marion, IL; Centralia, IL; INT Centralia 010° and Vandalia, IL, 162° radials; Vandalia; Spinner, IL; Burlington, IA; Iowa City, IA; Cedar Rapids, IA; Waterloo, IA; Rochester, MN. * * * * * V–69 (Revised) From El Dorado, AR; Pine Bluff, AR; INT Pine Bluff 038° and Walnut Ridge, AR, 187° E:\FR\FM\08AUR1.SGM 08AUR1 45528 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 151 / Monday, August 8, 2005 / Rules and Regulations radials; Walnut Ridge; Farmington, MO; Troy, IL; Spinner, IL; Pontiac, IL; to Joliet, IL. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION * Federal Aviation Administration * * * * V–129 (Revised) 14 CFR Part 73 From Spinner, IL; Peoria, IL; Davenport, IA; Dubuque, IA; INT Dubuque 348° and Nodine, MN, 150° radials; Nodine; Eau Claire, WI; Duluth, MN; Hibbing, MN; International Falls, MN; INT International Falls 335° radial and the United States/ Canadian border. [Docket No. FAA–2005–21958; Airspace Docket No. 05–ASO–5] * * * * RIN 2120–AA66 Revocation of Restricted Area R–7104; Vieques Island, PR Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule. AGENCY: * V–173 (Revised) From Spinner, IL; to Peotone, IL. From Leeville, LA; McComb, MS; Sidon, MS; Memphis, TN; Farmington, MO; St. Louis, MO; Spinner, IL; Pontiac, IL; Joliet, IL; to Northbrook, IL. SUMMARY: This action revokes Restricted Area R–7104, Vieques Island, PR. The U.S. Navy weapons range on Vieques Island has been permanently closed; therefore, restricted airspace is no longer required at that location. The FAA is taking this action to return restricted airspace to the National Airspace System. DATES: Effective 0901 UTC, October 27, 2005. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul Gallant, Airspace and Rules, Office of System Operations and Safety, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone (202) 267–8783. * SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION * * * * * V–233 (Revised) From Spinner, IL; INT Spinner 062° and Roberts, IL, 233° radials; Roberts; Knox, IN; Goshen, IN; Litchfield, MI; Lansing, MI; Mount Pleasant, MI; INT Mount Pleasant 351° and Gaylord, MI, 207° radials; Gaylord; to Pellston, MI. * * * * * Paragraph 2004 Jet Routes * * * * * J–35 (Revised) * * * * J–80 (Revised) From Oakland, CA; Manteca, CA; Coaldale, NV; Wilson Creek, NV; Milford, UT; Grand Junction, CO; Red Table, CO; Falcon, CO; Goodland, KS; Hill City, KS; Kansas City, MO; Spinner, IL; Brickyard, IN; Bellaire, OH; INT Bellaire 090° and East Texas, PA, 240° radials; East Texas; Sparta, NJ; Barnes, MA; to Bangor, ME. Restricted Area R–7104, Vieques Island, PR, supports a weapons range assigned to the Atlantic Fleet Weapons Training Facility, and is used for a variety of hazardous activities including surface-to-surface and air-to-surface weapons delivery training. In May 2003, the Vieques Island range was permanently closed. Consequently, the U.S. Navy no longer has a need to maintain restricted airspace at that location. * * * * J–101 (Revised) From Humble, TX, Lufkin, TX; Elm Grove, LA; Little Rock, AR; St. Louis, MO; Spinner, IL; Pontiac, IL; Joliet, IL; Northbrook, IL; Badger, WI; Green bay, WI; to Sault Ste Marie, MI. * * * * * J–137 (Revised) From Spinner, IL; Farmington, MO; Walnut Ridge, AR; to Little Rock, AR. * * * * * Issued in Washington, DC, on July 29, 2005. Edith V. Parish, Acting Manager, Airspace and Rules. [FR Doc. 05–15557 Filed 8–5–05; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P VerDate jul<14>2003 18:56 Aug 05, 2005 Jkt 205001 The Rule This action amends Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 73 by revoking R–7104, Vieques Island, PR. The FAA is taking this action at the request of the U.S. Navy, which no longer has a requirement for the airspace. Since this action revokes restricted airspace, the solicitation of comments would only delay the return of airspace to public use without offering any meaningful right or benefit to any segment of the public; therefore, notice and public procedure under 5 U.S.C. 553(b) are unnecessary. This regulation is limited to an established body of technical PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Environmental Review The FAA has determined that this action qualifies for a categorical exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act in accordance with 311c., FAA Order 1050.1E, ‘‘Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures.’’ There are no extraordinary circumstances that would require additional environmental analysis. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 73 Airspace, Prohibited Areas, Restricted Areas. Background * regulations for which frequent and routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current. Therefore, this regulation: (1) Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant preparation of a regulatory evaluation as the anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that will only affect air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is certified that this rule, when promulgated, will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. Adoption of the Amendment In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation Administration amends 14 CFR part 73, as follows: I PART 73—SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE 1. The authority citation for part 73 continues to read as follows: I Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959– 1963 Comp., p. 389. § 73.71 [Amended] 2. § 73.71 is amended as follows: * * * * * I R–7104 * * Vieques Island, PR [Revoked] * * * Issued in Washington, DC, on July 27, 2005. Edith V. Parish, Acting Manager, Airspace and Rules. [FR Doc. 05–15556 Filed 8–5–05; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P E:\FR\FM\08AUR1.SGM 08AUR1


[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 151 (Monday, August 8, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 45527-45528]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-15557]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 71

[Docket No. FAA-2005-21908; Airspace Docket No. 05-AGL-6]
RIN 2120-AA66

Revision of VOR Federal Airways V-9, V-50, V-67, V-69, V-129, V-
173 and V-233; and Jet Routes J-35, J-80, J-101 and J-137; Springfield, 

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This action revises Very High Frequency Omni-directional Range 
(VOR) Federal Airways V-9, V-50, V-67, V-69, V-129, V-173 and V-233; 
and Jet Routes J-35, J-80, J-101 and J-137 over the Springfield, IL 
area. The FAA is taking this action due to the relocation of the 
Capital VOR/Tactical Air Navigation (VORTAC) and the renaming of the 
``Capital VORTAC'' to the ``Spinner VORTAC'' to enhance the management 
of aircraft operations over the Springfield, IL area.

DATES: Effective 0901 UTC, October 27, 2005.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Rohring, Airspace and Rules, 
Office of System Operations and Safety, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; 
telephone: (202) 267-8783.



    On September 2, 2003, the FAA published in the Federal Register a 
notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) proposing to realign V-233 
northeast of the Capital VORTAC (68 FR 52150). This change was needed 
due to the pending relocation of the Capital VORTAC. This relocation 
will result in a change of the VORTAC radials used in the legal 
description of V-233; but would not have changed the legal description 
of any other airways or jet routes because, at the time that the NPRM 
was issued, the FAA did not plan to change the name of the VORTAC. 
Interested parties were invited to participate in this rulemaking 
effort by submitting written comments on the proposal. No comments were 
received in response to the proposal.
    Subsequent to the issuance of the NPRM and in the interest of 
safety, a decision was made to change the name of the ``Capital 
VORTAC'' to the ``Spinner VORTAC''. Because the name of the VORTAC is 
contained in the legal description of Federal Airways V-9, V-50, V-67, 
V-69, V-129, V-173 and V-233; and Jet Routes J-35, J-80, J-101 and J-
137, the legal descriptions must be changed.
    Federal airways are published in paragraph 6010(a) of FAA Order 
7400.9M dated August 30, 2004, and effective September 16, 2004, which 
is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR 71.1. The Federal airways listed 
in this document will be published subsequently in the order.

The Rule

    This action amends Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 
part 71 by revising the legal descriptions for Federal Airways V-9, V-
50, V-67, V-69, V-129, V-173 and V-233; and Jet Routes J-35, J-80, J-
101 and J-137 over the Springfield, IL, area. The FAA is taking this 
action due to the relocation and renaming of the Capitol VORTAC and to 
enhance the management of aircraft operations over the Springfield, IL 
    The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an 
established body of technical regulations for which frequent and 
routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current. 
Therefore, this regulation: (1) Is not a ``significant regulatory 
action'' under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ``significant rule'' 
under Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulatory Policies and 
Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant 
preparation of a regulatory evaluation as the anticipated impact is so 
minimal. Since this is a routine matter that will only affect air 
traffic procedures and air navigation, it is certified that this rule, 
when promulgated, will not have a significant economic impact on a 
substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the 
Regulatory Flexibility Act.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71

    Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air).

Adoption of the Amendment

In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation Administration 
amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 71 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 
FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389.

Sec.  71.1  [Amended]

2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.9M, 
Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated August 30, 2004, and 
effective September 16, 2004, is amended as follows:

Paragraph 6010(a) Domestic VOR Federal Airways

* * * * *

V-9 (Revised)

    From Leeville, LA; McComb, MS; Jackson, MS; Sidon, MS; Marvell, 
AR; Gilmore, AR; Malden, MO; Farmington, MO; St. Louis, MO; Spinner, 
IL; Pontiac, IL; INT Pontiac, IL 343[deg] and Rockford, IL, 169[deg] 
radials; Rockford; Janesville, WI; Madison, WI; Oshkosh, WI; Green 
Bay, WI; Iron Mountain, MI; to Houghton, MI.
* * * * *

V-50 (Revised)

    From Hastings, NE; Pawnee City, NE; St. Joseph, MO; Kirksville, 
MO; Quincy, IL; Spinner, IL; Decatur, IL; Terre Haute, IN; 
Brickyard, IN; Dayton, OH.
* * * * *

V-67 (Revised)

    From Choo Choo, GA; Shelbyville, TN; Graham, TN; Cunningham, KY; 
Marion, IL; Centralia, IL; INT Centralia 010[deg] and Vandalia, IL, 
162[deg] radials; Vandalia; Spinner, IL; Burlington, IA; Iowa City, 
IA; Cedar Rapids, IA; Waterloo, IA; Rochester, MN.
* * * * *

V-69 (Revised)

    From El Dorado, AR; Pine Bluff, AR; INT Pine Bluff 038[deg] and 
Walnut Ridge, AR, 187[deg]

[[Page 45528]]

radials; Walnut Ridge; Farmington, MO; Troy, IL; Spinner, IL; 
Pontiac, IL; to Joliet, IL.
* * * * *

V-129 (Revised)

    From Spinner, IL; Peoria, IL; Davenport, IA; Dubuque, IA; INT 
Dubuque 348[deg] and Nodine, MN, 150[deg] radials; Nodine; Eau 
Claire, WI; Duluth, MN; Hibbing, MN; International Falls, MN; INT 
International Falls 335[deg] radial and the United States/Canadian 
* * * * *

V-173 (Revised)

    From Spinner, IL; to Peotone, IL.
* * * * *

V-233 (Revised)

    From Spinner, IL; INT Spinner 062[deg] and Roberts, IL, 233[deg] 
radials; Roberts; Knox, IN; Goshen, IN; Litchfield, MI; Lansing, MI; 
Mount Pleasant, MI; INT Mount Pleasant 351[deg] and Gaylord, MI, 
207[deg] radials; Gaylord; to Pellston, MI.
* * * * *

Paragraph 2004 Jet Routes

* * * * *

J-35 (Revised)

    From Leeville, LA; McComb, MS; Sidon, MS; Memphis, TN; 
Farmington, MO; St. Louis, MO; Spinner, IL; Pontiac, IL; Joliet, IL; 
to Northbrook, IL.
* * * * *

J-80 (Revised)

    From Oakland, CA; Manteca, CA; Coaldale, NV; Wilson Creek, NV; 
Milford, UT; Grand Junction, CO; Red Table, CO; Falcon, CO; 
Goodland, KS; Hill City, KS; Kansas City, MO; Spinner, IL; 
Brickyard, IN; Bellaire, OH; INT Bellaire 090[deg] and East Texas, 
PA, 240[deg] radials; East Texas; Sparta, NJ; Barnes, MA; to Bangor, 
* * * * *

J-101 (Revised)

    From Humble, TX, Lufkin, TX; Elm Grove, LA; Little Rock, AR; St. 
Louis, MO; Spinner, IL; Pontiac, IL; Joliet, IL; Northbrook, IL; 
Badger, WI; Green bay, WI; to Sault Ste Marie, MI.
* * * * *

J-137 (Revised)

    From Spinner, IL; Farmington, MO; Walnut Ridge, AR; to Little 
Rock, AR.
* * * * *

    Issued in Washington, DC, on July 29, 2005.
Edith V. Parish,
Acting Manager, Airspace and Rules.
[FR Doc. 05-15557 Filed 8-5-05; 8:45 am]
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