Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan/Environmental Impact Statement for the Sweetwater Marsh and South San Diego Bay Units of the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge, 42359-42361 [05-14217]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 140 / Friday, July 22, 2005 / Notices
[Docket No. FR–4980–N–29]
Federal Property Suitable as Facilities
To Assist the Homeless
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Community Planning and
Development, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice identifies
unutilized, underutilized, excess, and
surplus Federal property reviewed by
HUD for suitability for possible use to
assist the homeless.
DATES: Effective July 22, 2005.
Kathy Ezzell, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, Room 7262,
451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,
DC 20410; telephone (202) 708–1234;
TTY number for the hearing- and
speech-impaired (202) 708–2565, (these
telephone numbers are not toll-free), or
call the toll-free Title V information line
at 1–800–927–7588.
accordance with the December 12, 1988
court order in National Coalition for the
Homeless v. Veterans Administration,
No. 88–2503–OG (D.D.C.), HUD
publishes a notice, on a weekly basis,
identifying unutilized, underutilized,
excess and surplus Federal buildings
and real property that HUD has
reviewed for suitability for use to assist
the homeless. Today’s notice is for the
purpose of announcing that no
additional properties have been
determined suitable or unsuitable this
Dated: July 14, 2005.
Mark R. Johnston,
Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance
[FR Doc. 05–14198 Filed 7–21–05; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Draft Comprehensive Conservation
Plan/Environmental Impact Statement
for the Sweetwater Marsh and South
San Diego Bay Units of the San Diego
Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Fish and Wildlife Service,
Department of the Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (Service) announces that a Draft
Comprehensive Conservation Plan/
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Environmental Impact Statement (Draft
CCP/EIS) for the Sweetwater Marsh and
South San Diego Bay Units of the San
Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge is
available for review and comment. This
Draft CCP/EIS has been prepared
pursuant to the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 and is designed to
address the Service’s obligation under
the National Wildlife Refuge System
Administration Act of 1966, as amended
by the National Wildlife Refuge System
Improvement Act of 1997. The Draft
CCP/EIS describes the Service’s
proposal for managing these Refuge
Units over the next 15 years. Also
available for review and public
comment in the Draft CCP/EIS are draft
compatibility determinations for several
public uses and a draft Predator
Management Plan.
DATES: Written comments must be
received at the address below on or
before Monday, September 19, 2005.
ADDRESSES: A copy of the Draft CCP/EIS
is available on compact disk or in hard
copy, and you may obtain a copy by
writing to: Victoria Touchstone, Refuge
Planner, San Diego National Wildlife
Refuge Complex, 6010 Hidden Valley
Road, Carlsbad, CA 92011. You may
also access or download copies of the
Draft CCP/EIS at the following Web site
address: https://pacific.fws.gov/planning.
Hard copies of the Draft CCP/EIS are
also available for viewing at the
following locations:
• San Diego National Wildlife Refuge
Complex, 6010 Hidden Valley Road,
Carlsbad, CA;
• Tijuana Estuary Visitor Center, 301
Caspian Way, Imperial Beach, CA;
• Chula Vista Public Library, Civic
Center Branch, 365 F Street, Chula
Vista, CA and South Chula Vista
Branch, 389 Orange Avenue, Chula
Vista, CA;
• Coronado Public Library, 640
Orange Avenue, Coronado, CA;
• Imperial Beach Library, 810
Imperial Beach Boulevard, Imperial
Beach, CA;
• National City Library, 200 East 12th
Street, National City, CA; and
• City of San Diego, Central Library,
Government Publications, 820 E Street,
Logan Heights Branch Library, 811
South 28th Street, Otay Mesa Branch
Library, 3003 Coronado Avenue, and
Paradise Hills Branch Library, 5922
Rancho Hills Drive, San Diego, CA.
A public meeting to present the
details of the Draft CCP/EIS is
scheduled for Wednesday, August 31,
2005, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the
Chula Vista City Council Chambers
located at 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula
Vista, California 91910.
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Comments on the Draft CCP/EIS
should be addressed to: Victoria
Touchstone, Refuge Planner, San Diego
National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 6010
Hidden Valley Road, Carlsbad, CA
92011. Comments may also be
submitted via electronic mail to
Victoria_Touchstone@fws.gov or via fax
to (760) 930–0256. Please type ‘‘San
Diego Bay CCP’’ in the subject line.
Victoria Touchstone, Refuge Planner, at
(760) 431–9440 extension 349.
National Wildlife Refuge System
Administration Act of 1966, as amended
by the National Wildlife Refuge System
Improvement Act of 1997 (16 U.S.C.
668dd–668ee et seq) requires the
Service to develop a Comprehensive
Conservation Plan (CCP) for each
National Wildlife Refuge. The purpose
for developing a CCP is to provide
refuge managers with a 15-year strategy
for achieving refuge purposes and
contributing toward the mission of the
National Wildlife Refuge System
(Refuge System), consistent with sound
principles of fish and wildlife science,
conservation, legal mandates, and
Service policies. In addition to outlining
broad management direction for
conserving wildlife and their habitats,
the CCPs identify wildlife-dependent
recreational opportunities available to
the public, including opportunities for
hunting, fishing, wildlife observation
and photography, and environmental
education and interpretation. The
National Wildlife Refuge System
Administration Act of 1966, as amended
by the National Wildlife Refuge System
Improvement Act of 1997, requires the
Service to review and update these
CCPs at least every 15 years. Revisions
to the CCP will be prepared in
accordance with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42
U.S.C. 4321–4370d).
The CCP for the Refuge Units in San
Diego Bay was initiated in June 2000. At
that time and throughout the process,
public comments were requested,
considered, and incorporated in
numerous ways. Public outreach has
included scoping meetings, public
workshops, planning updates, a CCP
webpage, and two Federal Register
notices. When the CCP was initiated,
these refuge lands were referred to as
the Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife
Refuge and the South San Diego Bay
Unit of the San Diego National Wildlife
Refuge. However, in June 2004, these
lands were reorganized into the San
Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 140 / Friday, July 22, 2005 / Notices
This action was taken to streamline
management and facilitate public
understanding and recognition of the
two refuge areas within San Diego Bay.
This change had no affect on the
approved refuge boundaries or the
current management practices. All that
changed were the names. We now refer
to these areas as the Sweetwater Marsh
and South San Diego Bay Units of the
San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
The San Diego Bay National Wildlife
Refuge is located approximately 10
miles north of the United States-Mexico
border in southwestern San Diego
County, California. Collectively, the two
Refuge Units encompass approximately
2,620 acres of land and water in and
around the south end of San Diego Bay.
The native coastal salt marsh and
intertidal mudflats preserved within
this Refuge annually provide essential
foraging and resting habitat for tens of
thousands of migratory shorebirds and
wintering waterfowl traveling along the
Pacific Flyway.
The Sweetwater Marsh Unit was
established as a National Wildlife
Refuge in 1988. Encompassing
approximately 316 acres, this Refuge
was established to protect federally
listed endangered and threatened
species. The coastal salt marsh and
upland areas within the Sweetwater
Marsh Unit support 6 federally listed
species, including 3 listed birds that
nest within the Unit, one State-listed
endangered species, and 26 species of
birds identified by the Service as Birds
of Conservation Concern.
The South San Diego Bay Unit was
established in 1999 as a unit of the San
Diego National Wildlife Refuge for the
purpose of protecting, managing, and
restoring habitats for federally listed
endangered and threatened species and
migratory birds. The Service currently
manages approximately 2,300 acres of
the 3,940 acres included within the
Unit’s approved acquisition boundary.
The majority of this management area is
leased to the Service by the California
State Lands Commission. Included
within this Unit is the largest remaining
expanse of intertidal mudflats in San
Diego Bay. This and other habitats
within the Unit support 5 federally
listed endangered and threatened
species, 1 State-listed endangered
species, and 19 species of birds
identified by the Service as Birds of
Conservation Concern. Open water is
the dominant habitat, followed by
intertidal mudflats, disturbed uplands,
salt marsh, and freshwater wetlands.
The Unit includes an active commercial
solar salt operation that is managed
under a Special Use Permit. The salt
pond levees provide important nesting
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habitat for a variety of colonial nesting
Purpose and Need for Action
The CCP is intended to provide a
coherent, integrated set of management
actions consistent with the purposes for
which the two Refuge Units were
established; the mandates of the Refuge
System; and the vision, goals, and
objectives defined in the CCP. The CCP
identifies the Refuge Units’ roles in
support of the mission of the Refuge
System, describes the Service’s
management actions, and provides a
basis for budget needs. This CCP is also
intended to satisfy a condition of the
Public Agency Lease between the
California State Lands Commission and
the Service, requiring management and
public access plans for the South San
Diego Bay Unit and to fulfill the
Service’s obligation described in a
Cooperative Agreement between the
Service and the Unified Port of San
Diego to prepare ‘‘a holistic habitat
restoration plan’’ for a 1,035-acre
portion of the existing salt ponds within
the South San Diego Bay Unit.
The Draft CCP/EIS identifies and
evaluates three alternatives for
managing the Sweetwater Marsh Unit
and four alternatives for managing the
South San Diego Bay Unit for the next
15 years. One alternative for each
Refuge Unit that appears to best meet
the Refuge purposes is identified as the
preferred alternative. The preferred
alternatives were identified based on the
analysis presented in the Draft CCP/EIS,
which may be modified following the
completion of the public comment
period based on comments received
from other agencies, Tribal
governments, non-governmental
organizations, or individuals.
Alternatives for the Sweetwater Marsh
Under Alternative A—No Action, the
Sweetwater Marsh Unit would continue
to be managed as it has in the past. No
major changes in habitat management
would occur. The existing wildlife
observation, photography,
environmental education, and
interpretation programs would remain
Under Alternative B, current
management activities would be
expanded to emphasize enhancement of
existing salt marsh habitat. Tidal and
freshwater circulation within the salt
marsh would be improved to enhance
habitat quality for the endangered lightfooted clapper rail and other trust
species. Existing public uses would
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continue with added opportunities for
environmental interpretation provided
adjacent to Paradise Marsh and the F&G
Street Marsh.
Under Alternative C (the preferred
alternative), management activities
would be expanded to include
restoration of intertidal and upland
habitat. The existing trail system on
Gunpowder Point would be redesigned
and new interpretive elements would be
provided to better complement the
existing environmental education
programs supported by the Refuge.
Alternatives for the South San Diego
Bay Unit
Under Alternative A—No Action, the
South San Diego Bay Unit would
continue to be managed as it has in the
past. No major changes in habitat
management would occur. The existing
opportunities for fishing, wildlife
observation, photography,
environmental education, and boating
would remain unchanged and
commercial solar salt production would
continue. The Service would continue
to pursue land management
opportunities within the approved
acquisition boundary for the Unit. This
activity would occur under any of the
alternatives evaluated for this Unit.
Under Alternative B, current
management activities would be
expanded to emphasize enhancement of
nesting opportunities in and around the
salt ponds for the California least tern,
western snowy plover, and various
other colonial seabirds. New nesting
habitat would be created and levee tops
would be capped with clean, light sand
to improve the quality of available
nesting substrate. The current public
use programs would remain unchanged.
Under Alternative C, portions of the
salt ponds and all of the Otay River
floodplain would be restored to native
coastal habitats, and the nesting
enhancements described in Alternative
B would be implemented. Two
restoration options are presented for
both the salt ponds and the Otay River
floodplain that could result in the
restoration of up to 410 acres of
intertidal habitat in the salt works and
140 acres of habitat, including intertidal
salt marsh, freshwater wetlands, and
native uplands, within the Otay River
floodplain. Opportunities for fishing
and wildlife observation would be
expanded, the Otay Valley Regional
Trail would be facilitated, and the
construction of a boardwalk along the
south side of the salt ponds is proposed.
The commercial solar salt operation
would continue within a reduced
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 140 / Friday, July 22, 2005 / Notices
Under Alternative D (the preferred
alternative), the habitat potential within
the salt ponds would be maximized.
Approximately 600 acres of salt ponds
would be restored to tidal influence to
support intertidal mudflat and coastal
salt marsh habitats. Additionally, some
30 acres of new nesting habitat would
be created, 230 acres of pond area
would be managed to benefit waterfowl
and shorebird foraging and nesting, and
44 acres of salt ponds and associated
levees would be managed to sustain a
viable population of brine invertebrates
to support the foraging needs of specific
species of migratory birds. The Otay
River floodplain would be restored as
described in Alternative C and the
nesting enhancements described under
Alternative B would be implemented.
Opportunities for wildlife observation,
photography, and environmental
interpretation would be expanded, the
regional trail and boardwalk described
in Alternative C would be provided, and
the other public uses that are currently
provided, including fishing,
environmental education, and boating,
would be maintained. Restoration under
this alternative would be phased and
would ultimately result in the closure of
the existing commercial solar salt
Predator Management Plan
A draft predator management plan has
also been prepared to accompany the
CCP. Implementation of this plan is
proposed pursuant to the Service’s
endangered species management
responsibilities and would occur on the
Refuge in conjunction with other
wildlife and habitat management
activities. Species to benefit from the
implementation of predator
management include the federally listed
endangered California least tern and
light-footed clapper rail and the
threatened western snowy plover. The
predator management plan has been
developed as a comprehensive wildlife
damage control program that addresses
a range of management actions from
vegetation control and nesting habitat
enhancement to non-lethal and lethal
control of both mammalian and avian
predators. Under this plan, the most
effective, selective, and humane
techniques available to deter or remove
individual predators or species that
threaten nesting, breeding, or foraging
California least terns, western snowy
plovers, or light-footed clapper rails
would be implemented.
Public Comments
After the review and comment period
ends for this Draft CCP/EIS, comments
will be analyzed by the Service and
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addressed in the Final CCP/EIS. All
comments received from individuals,
including names and addresses, become
part of the official public record and
may be released. Requests for such
comments will be handled in
accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act, the Council on
Environmental Quality’s NEPA
regulations, and Service and
Departmental policies and procedures.
Dated: July 14, 2005.
Ken McDermond,
Manager, California/Nevada Operations,
Sacramento, California.
[FR Doc. 05–14217 Filed 7–21–05; 8:45 am]
Additional information on this permit
action may be requested by contacting
the Colorado Field Office, 755 Parfet
Street, Suite 361, Lakewood, Colorado
80215, telephone (303) 275–2370,
between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4:30
p.m. weekdays.
Dated: July 8, 2005.
Mike Stempel,
Acting Regional Director, Denver, Colorado.
[FR Doc. 05–14503 Filed 7–21–05; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
[OR–931–6320 HAG5–0121]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Issuance of Permit for Incidental Take
of Threatened Species for the
Monument Creek Interceptor Tie-In
Project Along Jackson Creek, El Paso
County, CO
Notice of Availability of a Final
Integrated Pest Management Program
Environmental Impact Statement for
the Horning Seed Orchard; Clackamas
County, OR
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of issuance of permit for
incidental take of endangered species.
SUMMARY: On February 15, 2005, a
notice was published in the Federal
Register (Vol. 70, No. 30, FR 7754), that
an application had been filed with the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service)
by the Triview Metropolitan District and
Forest Lakes Metropolitan District for a
permit to incidentally take, pursuant to
section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered
Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1539) as
amended, Preble’s meadow jumping
mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei),
pursuant to the terms of the ‘‘Low-Effect
Habitat Conservation Plan for Issuance
of an Endangered Species Act Section
10(a)(1)(B) Permit for the Incidental
Take of the Preble’s Meadow Jumping
Mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei) for
the Monument Creek Interceptor Tie-In
Along Jackson Creek, El Paso County,
Notice is hereby given that on June
30, 2005, as authorized by the
provisions of the Endangered Species
Act, the Service issued a permit (TE–
097228–0) to the above named party
subject to certain conditions set forth
therein. The permit was granted only
after the Service determined that it was
applied for in good faith, that granting
the permit will not be to the
disadvantage of the threatened species,
and that it will be consistent with the
purposes and policy set forth in the
Endangered Species Act, as amended.
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Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: In accordance with Section
102 of the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) announces the
availability of a Final Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) that evaluates,
analyzes, and discloses to the public
direct, indirect, and cumulative
environmental impacts of a proposed
integrated pest management program at
the Horning Seed Orchard in Clackamas
County, Oregon, in BLM’s Salem
District. The integrated pest
management program is proposed to
control the insect, weed, animal, and
disease problems at the orchard, and to
maintain healthy, vigorous crop trees for
the production of seed and other
vegetative materials used for
reforestation and a variety of land
management actions.
DATES: Written comments on the Final
EIS will be accepted for 30 days
following the date that the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
publishes its Notice of Availability in
the Federal Register. BLM asks that
those submitting comments on the Final
EIS make them as specific as possible
with reference to page numbers and
chapters of the document. Comments
will not receive a formal response;
however, they will be considered and
included as part of the BLM decisionmaking process.
Freedom of Information Act
Considerations: Public comments
submitted for this planning action,
including names and street addresses of
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 140 (Friday, July 22, 2005)]
[Pages 42359-42361]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-14217]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan/Environmental Impact
Statement for the Sweetwater Marsh and South San Diego Bay Units of the
San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announces that a
Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan/Environmental Impact Statement
(Draft CCP/EIS) for the Sweetwater Marsh and South San Diego Bay Units
of the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge is available for review
and comment. This Draft CCP/EIS has been prepared pursuant to the
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and is designed to address
the Service's obligation under the National Wildlife Refuge System
Administration Act of 1966, as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge
System Improvement Act of 1997. The Draft CCP/EIS describes the
Service's proposal for managing these Refuge Units over the next 15
years. Also available for review and public comment in the Draft CCP/
EIS are draft compatibility determinations for several public uses and
a draft Predator Management Plan.
DATES: Written comments must be received at the address below on or
before Monday, September 19, 2005.
ADDRESSES: A copy of the Draft CCP/EIS is available on compact disk or
in hard copy, and you may obtain a copy by writing to: Victoria
Touchstone, Refuge Planner, San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex,
6010 Hidden Valley Road, Carlsbad, CA 92011. You may also access or
download copies of the Draft CCP/EIS at the following Web site address:
Hard copies of the Draft CCP/EIS are also available for viewing at
the following locations:
San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 6010 Hidden
Valley Road, Carlsbad, CA;
Tijuana Estuary Visitor Center, 301 Caspian Way, Imperial
Beach, CA;
Chula Vista Public Library, Civic Center Branch, 365 F
Street, Chula Vista, CA and South Chula Vista Branch, 389 Orange
Avenue, Chula Vista, CA;
Coronado Public Library, 640 Orange Avenue, Coronado, CA;
Imperial Beach Library, 810 Imperial Beach Boulevard,
Imperial Beach, CA;
National City Library, 200 East 12th Street, National
City, CA; and
City of San Diego, Central Library, Government
Publications, 820 E Street, Logan Heights Branch Library, 811 South
28th Street, Otay Mesa Branch Library, 3003 Coronado Avenue, and
Paradise Hills Branch Library, 5922 Rancho Hills Drive, San Diego, CA.
A public meeting to present the details of the Draft CCP/EIS is
scheduled for Wednesday, August 31, 2005, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at
the Chula Vista City Council Chambers located at 276 Fourth Avenue,
Chula Vista, California 91910.
Comments on the Draft CCP/EIS should be addressed to: Victoria
Touchstone, Refuge Planner, San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex,
6010 Hidden Valley Road, Carlsbad, CA 92011. Comments may also be
submitted via electronic mail to Victoria--Touchstone@fws.gov or via
fax to (760) 930-0256. Please type ``San Diego Bay CCP'' in the subject
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Victoria Touchstone, Refuge Planner, at
(760) 431-9440 extension 349.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The National Wildlife Refuge System
Administration Act of 1966, as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge
System Improvement Act of 1997 (16 U.S.C. 668dd-668ee et seq) requires
the Service to develop a Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) for each
National Wildlife Refuge. The purpose for developing a CCP is to
provide refuge managers with a 15-year strategy for achieving refuge
purposes and contributing toward the mission of the National Wildlife
Refuge System (Refuge System), consistent with sound principles of fish
and wildlife science, conservation, legal mandates, and Service
policies. In addition to outlining broad management direction for
conserving wildlife and their habitats, the CCPs identify wildlife-
dependent recreational opportunities available to the public, including
opportunities for hunting, fishing, wildlife observation and
photography, and environmental education and interpretation. The
National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, as amended
by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997,
requires the Service to review and update these CCPs at least every 15
years. Revisions to the CCP will be prepared in accordance with the
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321-4370d).
The CCP for the Refuge Units in San Diego Bay was initiated in June
2000. At that time and throughout the process, public comments were
requested, considered, and incorporated in numerous ways. Public
outreach has included scoping meetings, public workshops, planning
updates, a CCP webpage, and two Federal Register notices. When the CCP
was initiated, these refuge lands were referred to as the Sweetwater
Marsh National Wildlife Refuge and the South San Diego Bay Unit of the
San Diego National Wildlife Refuge. However, in June 2004, these lands
were reorganized into the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
[[Page 42360]]
This action was taken to streamline management and facilitate public
understanding and recognition of the two refuge areas within San Diego
Bay. This change had no affect on the approved refuge boundaries or the
current management practices. All that changed were the names. We now
refer to these areas as the Sweetwater Marsh and South San Diego Bay
Units of the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
The San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge is located approximately
10 miles north of the United States-Mexico border in southwestern San
Diego County, California. Collectively, the two Refuge Units encompass
approximately 2,620 acres of land and water in and around the south end
of San Diego Bay. The native coastal salt marsh and intertidal mudflats
preserved within this Refuge annually provide essential foraging and
resting habitat for tens of thousands of migratory shorebirds and
wintering waterfowl traveling along the Pacific Flyway.
The Sweetwater Marsh Unit was established as a National Wildlife
Refuge in 1988. Encompassing approximately 316 acres, this Refuge was
established to protect federally listed endangered and threatened
species. The coastal salt marsh and upland areas within the Sweetwater
Marsh Unit support 6 federally listed species, including 3 listed birds
that nest within the Unit, one State-listed endangered species, and 26
species of birds identified by the Service as Birds of Conservation
The South San Diego Bay Unit was established in 1999 as a unit of
the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge for the purpose of protecting,
managing, and restoring habitats for federally listed endangered and
threatened species and migratory birds. The Service currently manages
approximately 2,300 acres of the 3,940 acres included within the Unit's
approved acquisition boundary. The majority of this management area is
leased to the Service by the California State Lands Commission.
Included within this Unit is the largest remaining expanse of
intertidal mudflats in San Diego Bay. This and other habitats within
the Unit support 5 federally listed endangered and threatened species,
1 State-listed endangered species, and 19 species of birds identified
by the Service as Birds of Conservation Concern. Open water is the
dominant habitat, followed by intertidal mudflats, disturbed uplands,
salt marsh, and freshwater wetlands. The Unit includes an active
commercial solar salt operation that is managed under a Special Use
Permit. The salt pond levees provide important nesting habitat for a
variety of colonial nesting seabirds.
Purpose and Need for Action
The CCP is intended to provide a coherent, integrated set of
management actions consistent with the purposes for which the two
Refuge Units were established; the mandates of the Refuge System; and
the vision, goals, and objectives defined in the CCP. The CCP
identifies the Refuge Units' roles in support of the mission of the
Refuge System, describes the Service's management actions, and provides
a basis for budget needs. This CCP is also intended to satisfy a
condition of the Public Agency Lease between the California State Lands
Commission and the Service, requiring management and public access
plans for the South San Diego Bay Unit and to fulfill the Service's
obligation described in a Cooperative Agreement between the Service and
the Unified Port of San Diego to prepare ``a holistic habitat
restoration plan'' for a 1,035-acre portion of the existing salt ponds
within the South San Diego Bay Unit.
The Draft CCP/EIS identifies and evaluates three alternatives for
managing the Sweetwater Marsh Unit and four alternatives for managing
the South San Diego Bay Unit for the next 15 years. One alternative for
each Refuge Unit that appears to best meet the Refuge purposes is
identified as the preferred alternative. The preferred alternatives
were identified based on the analysis presented in the Draft CCP/EIS,
which may be modified following the completion of the public comment
period based on comments received from other agencies, Tribal
governments, non-governmental organizations, or individuals.
Alternatives for the Sweetwater Marsh Unit
Under Alternative A--No Action, the Sweetwater Marsh Unit would
continue to be managed as it has in the past. No major changes in
habitat management would occur. The existing wildlife observation,
photography, environmental education, and interpretation programs would
remain unchanged.
Under Alternative B, current management activities would be
expanded to emphasize enhancement of existing salt marsh habitat. Tidal
and freshwater circulation within the salt marsh would be improved to
enhance habitat quality for the endangered light-footed clapper rail
and other trust species. Existing public uses would continue with added
opportunities for environmental interpretation provided adjacent to
Paradise Marsh and the F&G Street Marsh.
Under Alternative C (the preferred alternative), management
activities would be expanded to include restoration of intertidal and
upland habitat. The existing trail system on Gunpowder Point would be
redesigned and new interpretive elements would be provided to better
complement the existing environmental education programs supported by
the Refuge.
Alternatives for the South San Diego Bay Unit
Under Alternative A--No Action, the South San Diego Bay Unit would
continue to be managed as it has in the past. No major changes in
habitat management would occur. The existing opportunities for fishing,
wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and boating
would remain unchanged and commercial solar salt production would
continue. The Service would continue to pursue land management
opportunities within the approved acquisition boundary for the Unit.
This activity would occur under any of the alternatives evaluated for
this Unit.
Under Alternative B, current management activities would be
expanded to emphasize enhancement of nesting opportunities in and
around the salt ponds for the California least tern, western snowy
plover, and various other colonial seabirds. New nesting habitat would
be created and levee tops would be capped with clean, light sand to
improve the quality of available nesting substrate. The current public
use programs would remain unchanged.
Under Alternative C, portions of the salt ponds and all of the Otay
River floodplain would be restored to native coastal habitats, and the
nesting enhancements described in Alternative B would be implemented.
Two restoration options are presented for both the salt ponds and the
Otay River floodplain that could result in the restoration of up to 410
acres of intertidal habitat in the salt works and 140 acres of habitat,
including intertidal salt marsh, freshwater wetlands, and native
uplands, within the Otay River floodplain. Opportunities for fishing
and wildlife observation would be expanded, the Otay Valley Regional
Trail would be facilitated, and the construction of a boardwalk along
the south side of the salt ponds is proposed. The commercial solar salt
operation would continue within a reduced footprint.
[[Page 42361]]
Under Alternative D (the preferred alternative), the habitat
potential within the salt ponds would be maximized. Approximately 600
acres of salt ponds would be restored to tidal influence to support
intertidal mudflat and coastal salt marsh habitats. Additionally, some
30 acres of new nesting habitat would be created, 230 acres of pond
area would be managed to benefit waterfowl and shorebird foraging and
nesting, and 44 acres of salt ponds and associated levees would be
managed to sustain a viable population of brine invertebrates to
support the foraging needs of specific species of migratory birds. The
Otay River floodplain would be restored as described in Alternative C
and the nesting enhancements described under Alternative B would be
implemented. Opportunities for wildlife observation, photography, and
environmental interpretation would be expanded, the regional trail and
boardwalk described in Alternative C would be provided, and the other
public uses that are currently provided, including fishing,
environmental education, and boating, would be maintained. Restoration
under this alternative would be phased and would ultimately result in
the closure of the existing commercial solar salt operation.
Predator Management Plan
A draft predator management plan has also been prepared to
accompany the CCP. Implementation of this plan is proposed pursuant to
the Service's endangered species management responsibilities and would
occur on the Refuge in conjunction with other wildlife and habitat
management activities. Species to benefit from the implementation of
predator management include the federally listed endangered California
least tern and light-footed clapper rail and the threatened western
snowy plover. The predator management plan has been developed as a
comprehensive wildlife damage control program that addresses a range of
management actions from vegetation control and nesting habitat
enhancement to non-lethal and lethal control of both mammalian and
avian predators. Under this plan, the most effective, selective, and
humane techniques available to deter or remove individual predators or
species that threaten nesting, breeding, or foraging California least
terns, western snowy plovers, or light-footed clapper rails would be
Public Comments
After the review and comment period ends for this Draft CCP/EIS,
comments will be analyzed by the Service and addressed in the Final
CCP/EIS. All comments received from individuals, including names and
addresses, become part of the official public record and may be
released. Requests for such comments will be handled in accordance with
the Freedom of Information Act, the Council on Environmental Quality's
NEPA regulations, and Service and Departmental policies and procedures.
Dated: July 14, 2005.
Ken McDermond,
Manager, California/Nevada Operations, Sacramento, California.
[FR Doc. 05-14217 Filed 7-21-05; 8:45 am]