Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 41439-41440 [05-14146]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 137 / Tuesday, July 19, 2005 / Notices
Volume IV
IL20030053 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IL20030055 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IL20030065 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IN20030001 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IN20030002 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IN20030003 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IN20030004 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IN20030005 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IN20030006 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IN20030008 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IN20030010 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IN20030011 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IN20030019 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IN20030021 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030001 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030002 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030003 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030004 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030005 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030007 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030008 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030010 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030011 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030012 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030013 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030015 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030016 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030019 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030020 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030065 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030066 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030099 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030100 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030101 (Jun. 13, 2003)
MI20030105 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030001 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030002 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030003 (Jun. 13, 2003)
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OH20030005 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030006 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030008 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030009 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030012 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030013 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030014 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030018 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030020 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030023 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030026 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030027 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030028 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030029 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030032 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030033 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030034 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030035 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030036 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030037 (Jun. 13, 2003)
OH20030038 (Jun. 13, 2003)
WI20030011 (Jun. 13, 2003)
Volume V
IA20030003 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030005 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030006 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030007 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030008 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030009 (Jun. 13, 2003)
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IA20030010 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030013 (Jun. 13, 2003)
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IA20030020 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030028 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030029 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030032 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030038 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030054 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030056 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030059 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030060 (Jun. 13, 2003)
IA20030067 (Jun. 13, 2003)
subscription offers value-added features
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wage decisions directly to the user’s
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decisions issued during the year,
extensive Help desk Support, etc.
Hard-copy subscriptions may be
purchased from: Superintendent of
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When ordering hard-copy
subscription(s), be sure to specify the
State(s) of interest, since sbuscritions
may be ordered for any or all of the six
separate volumes, arranged by State.
Subscriptions include an annual edition
(issued in January or February) which
includes all current general wage
determinations for the States covered by
each volume. Throughout the remainder
of the year, regular weekly updates will
be distributed to subscribers.
Volume VI
North Dakota
ND20030001 (Jun. 13, 2003)
ND20030003 (Jun. 13, 2003)
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ND20030007 (Jun. 13, 2003)
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ND20030009 (Jun. 13, 2003)
ND20030010 (Jun. 13, 2003)
ND20030017 (Jun. 13, 2003)
Signed in Washington, DC, this 14th day of
July, 2005.
Shirley Ebbesen,
Chief, Branch of Construction Wage
[FR Doc. 05–14180 Filed 7–18–05; 8:45 am]
Volume VII
CA20030001 (Jun. 13, 2003)
CA20030002 (Jun. 13, 2003)
CA20030004 (Jun. 13, 2003)
CA20030009 (Jun. 13, 2003)
CA20030013 (Jun. 13, 2003)
CA20030019 (Jun. 13, 2003)
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CA20030033 (Jun. 13, 2003)
CA20030035 (Jun. 13, 2003)
CA20030036 (Jun. 13, 2003)
CA20030037 (Jun. 13, 2003)
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
Frm 00071
Fmt 4703
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National Mediation Board
General Wage Determination
General wage determinations issued
under the Davis-Bacon and related Acts,
including those noted above, may be
found in the Government Printing Office
(GPO) document entitled ‘‘General Wage
Determinations Issued Under the DavisBacon And Related Acts’’. This
publication is available at each of the 50
Regional Government Depository
Libraries and many of the 1,400
Government Depository Libraries across
the country.
General wage determinations issued
under the Davis-Bacon and related Acts
are available electronically at no cost on
the Government Printing Office site at
They are also available electronically by
subscription to the Davis-Bacon Online
Service (https:// of the
National Technical Information Service
(NTIS) of the U.S. Department of
Commerce at 1–800–363–2068. This
PO 00000
SUMMARY: The Director, Office of
Administration, invites comments on
the proposed information collection
requests as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments within 30 days from
the date of this publication.
3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires that
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) provide interested Federal
agencies and the public an early
opportunity to comment on information
collection requests. OMB may amend or
waive the requirement for public
consultation to the extent that public
participation in the approval process
would defeat the purpose of the
information collection, violate State or
Federal law, or substantially interfere
with any agency’s ability to perform its
statutory obligations. The Director,
Office of Administration, publishes that
notice containing proposed information
collection requests prior to submission
of these requests to OMB. Each
proposed information collection
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 137 / Tuesday, July 19, 2005 / Notices
contains the following: (1) Type of
review requested, e.g. new, revision
extension, existing or reinstatement; (2)
Title; (3) Summary of the collection; (4)
Description of the need for, and
proposed use of, the information; (5)
Respondents and frequency of
collection; and (6) Reporting and/or
Record keeping burden. OMB invites
public comment.
Currently, the National Mediation
Board is soliciting comments
concerning the proposed extension of
the Application for Mediation Services
and is interested in public comment
addressing the following issues: (1) Is
this collection necessary to the proper
functions of the agency; (2) will this
information be processed and used in a
timely manner; (3) is the estimate of
burden accurate; (4) how might the
agency enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (5) how might the agency
minimize the burden of this collection
on the respondents, including through
the use of information technology.
Dated: July 14, 2005.
June D. W. King,
Director, Office of Administration, National
Mediation Board.
Application for Mediation Services
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Application for Mediation
Services, OMB Number: 3140–0002.
Frequency: On occasion.
Affected Public: Carrier and Union
Officials, and employees of railroads
and airlines.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour
Responses: 70 annually.
Burden Hours: 17.50.
Abstract: Section 5, First of the
Railway Labor Act, 45 U.S.C., 155, First,
provides that both, or either, of the
parties to the labor-management dispute
may invoke the mediation services of
the National Mediation Board. Congress
has determined that it is in the nation’s
best interest to provide for governmental
mediation as the primary dispute
resolution mechanism to resolve labormanagement disputes in the railroad
and airline industries. The Railway
Labor Act is silent as to how the
invocation of mediation is to be
accomplished and the Board has not
promulgated regulations requiring any
specific vehicle. Nonetheless, 29 CFR
1203.1 provides that applications for
mediation services be made on printed
forms which may be secured from the
National Mediation Board. This section
of the regulations provides that
applications should be submitted in
duplicate, show the exact nature of the
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dispute, the number of employees
involved, name of the carrier and name
of the labor organization, date of
agreement between the parties, date and
copy of notice served by the invoking
party to the other and date of final
conference between the parties. The
application should be signed by the
highest officer of the carrier who has
been designated to handle disputes
under the Railway Labor Act or by the
chief executive of the labor
organization, whichever party files the
The extension of this form is
necessary considering the information
provided by the parties is used by the
Board to structure a mediation process
that will be productive to the parties
and result in a settlement without resort
to strike or lockout. The Board has been
very successful in resolving labor
disputes in the railroad and airline
industries. Historically, some 97 percent
of all NMB mediation cases have been
successfully resolved without
interruptions to public service. Since
1980, only slightly more than 1 percent
of cases have involved a disruption of
service. This success ratio would
possibly be reduced if the Board was
unable to collect the brief information
that it does in the application for
mediation services.
Requests for copies of the proposed
information collection request may be
accessed from or
should be addressed to Denise Murdock,
NMB, 1301 K Street NW., Suite 250 E,
Washington, DC 20005 or addressed to
the e-mail address or
faxed to 202–692–5081. Please specify
the complete title of the information
collection when making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or
the collection activity requirements
should be directed to June D. W. King
at 202–692–5010 or via Internet address Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD/TDY) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
[FR Doc. 05–14146 Filed 7–18–05; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 50–271]
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.,
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power
Station; Environmental Assessment
and Finding of No Significant Impact
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is considering
Frm 00072
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Environmental Assessment
Identification of the Proposed Action
The proposed action would modify
the previously-granted approvals for onsite disposal of slightly contaminated
material to increase the current
approved annual volume limit of 28.3
cubic meters of soil/sand to a new
annual volume limit of 150 cubic meters
of soil/sand. In addition, the licensee
has requested a one-time approval for
on-site disposal of the current backlog
inventory of approximately 528 cubic
meters of soil/sand.
The proposed action is in accordance
with the licensee’s application dated
October 4, 2004, as supplemented on
January 17, 2005.
The Need for the Proposed Action
The proposed action is needed to
dispose of slightly contaminated soil/
sand on-site. Current restrictions on the
annual volume of slightly contaminated
soil/sand that can be disposed on-site,
coupled with several plant facility
projects in recent years, have resulted in
the accumulation of a backlog of slightly
contaminated earthen material that is
awaiting disposal by land spreading on
previously-approved on-site disposal
areas. The current approved annual
volume limit of 28.3 cubic meters of
soil/sand for disposal was based on
licensee estimates of soil and sand
collected from road and walkway
sweepings inside the Protected Area
following each year’s winter cleanup
(i.e., the current annual limit does not
account for future site excavation and
construction activities).
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed
PO 00000
modifying previous approvals, granted
pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (10 CFR 20.2002
(previously 10 CFR 20.302(a)), for onsite disposal of slightly contaminated
material at Vermont Yankee Nuclear
Power Station (Vermont Yankee), as
requested by Entergy Nuclear
Operations, Inc. (the licensee). Vermont
Yankee is located in Windham County,
Vermont. Therefore, as required by 10
CFR 51.21, the NRC is issuing this
environmental assessment and finding
of no significant impact.
The NRC has completed its safety
evaluation of the proposed action and
concludes that the proposed action will
be bounded by the conditions for the
on-site disposals previously reviewed
and approved by the NRC. The staff’s
safety evaluation will be provided as an
enclosure to the letter to the licensee
approving the proposed action.
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 137 (Tuesday, July 19, 2005)]
[Pages 41439-41440]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-14146]
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
AGENCY: National Mediation Board (NMB).
SUMMARY: The Director, Office of Administration, invites comments on
the proposed information collection requests as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments within 30 days
from the date of this publication.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995 (U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires that the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) provide interested Federal agencies and the public an
early opportunity to comment on information collection requests. OMB
may amend or waive the requirement for public consultation to the
extent that public participation in the approval process would defeat
the purpose of the information collection, violate State or Federal
law, or substantially interfere with any agency's ability to perform
its statutory obligations. The Director, Office of Administration,
publishes that notice containing proposed information collection
requests prior to submission of these requests to OMB. Each proposed
information collection
[[Page 41440]]
contains the following: (1) Type of review requested, e.g. new,
revision extension, existing or reinstatement; (2) Title; (3) Summary
of the collection; (4) Description of the need for, and proposed use
of, the information; (5) Respondents and frequency of collection; and
(6) Reporting and/or Record keeping burden. OMB invites public comment.
Currently, the National Mediation Board is soliciting comments
concerning the proposed extension of the Application for Mediation
Services and is interested in public comment addressing the following
issues: (1) Is this collection necessary to the proper functions of the
agency; (2) will this information be processed and used in a timely
manner; (3) is the estimate of burden accurate; (4) how might the
agency enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (5) how might the agency minimize the burden of this
collection on the respondents, including through the use of information
Dated: July 14, 2005.
June D. W. King,
Director, Office of Administration, National Mediation Board.
Application for Mediation Services
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Application for Mediation Services, OMB Number: 3140-0002.
Frequency: On occasion.
Affected Public: Carrier and Union Officials, and employees of
railroads and airlines.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour Burden:
Responses: 70 annually.
Burden Hours: 17.50.
Abstract: Section 5, First of the Railway Labor Act, 45 U.S.C.,
155, First, provides that both, or either, of the parties to the labor-
management dispute may invoke the mediation services of the National
Mediation Board. Congress has determined that it is in the nation's
best interest to provide for governmental mediation as the primary
dispute resolution mechanism to resolve labor-management disputes in
the railroad and airline industries. The Railway Labor Act is silent as
to how the invocation of mediation is to be accomplished and the Board
has not promulgated regulations requiring any specific vehicle.
Nonetheless, 29 CFR 1203.1 provides that applications for mediation
services be made on printed forms which may be secured from the
National Mediation Board. This section of the regulations provides that
applications should be submitted in duplicate, show the exact nature of
the dispute, the number of employees involved, name of the carrier and
name of the labor organization, date of agreement between the parties,
date and copy of notice served by the invoking party to the other and
date of final conference between the parties. The application should be
signed by the highest officer of the carrier who has been designated to
handle disputes under the Railway Labor Act or by the chief executive
of the labor organization, whichever party files the application.
The extension of this form is necessary considering the information
provided by the parties is used by the Board to structure a mediation
process that will be productive to the parties and result in a
settlement without resort to strike or lockout. The Board has been very
successful in resolving labor disputes in the railroad and airline
industries. Historically, some 97 percent of all NMB mediation cases
have been successfully resolved without interruptions to public
service. Since 1980, only slightly more than 1 percent of cases have
involved a disruption of service. This success ratio would possibly be
reduced if the Board was unable to collect the brief information that
it does in the application for mediation services.
Requests for copies of the proposed information collection request
may be accessed from or should be addressed to
Denise Murdock, NMB, 1301 K Street NW., Suite 250 E, Washington, DC
20005 or addressed to the e-mail address or faxed to
202-692-5081. Please specify the complete title of the information
collection when making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or the collection activity
requirements should be directed to June D. W. King at 202-692-5010 or
via Internet address Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD/TDY) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339.
[FR Doc. 05-14146 Filed 7-18-05; 8:45 am]